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Building A Sales Dashboard for A Sales De-partment by Using Power BI

Huang, lan (2019).

business intelligence dashboard thesis

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Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET

  • Shodhganga@INFLIBNET
  • University of Mysore
  • B N Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences

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Organizations today are both empowered and overwhelmed by data. This paradox lies at the heart of modern business strategy: while there’s an unprecedented amount of data available, unlocking actionable insights requires more than access to numbers.

The push to enhance productivity, use resources wisely, and boost sustainability through data-driven decision-making is stronger than ever. Yet, the low adoption rates of business intelligence (BI) tools present a significant hurdle.

According to Gartner, although the number of employees that use analytics and business intelligence (ABI) has increased in 87% of surveyed organizations, ABI is still used by only 29% of employees on average. Despite the clear benefits of BI, the percentage of employees actively using ABI tools has seen minimal growth over the past 7 years . So why aren’t more people using BI tools?

Understanding the low adoption rate

The low adoption rate of traditional BI tools, particularly dashboards, is a multifaceted issue rooted in both the inherent limitations of these tools and the evolving needs of modern businesses. Here’s a deeper look into why these challenges might persist and what it means for users across an organization:

1. Complexity and lack of accessibility

While excellent for displaying consolidated data views, dashboards often present a steep learning curve. This complexity makes them less accessible to nontechnical users, who might find these tools intimidating or overly complex for their needs. Moreover, the static nature of traditional dashboards means they are not built to adapt quickly to changes in data or business conditions without manual updates or redesigns.

2. Limited scope for actionable insights

Dashboards typically provide high-level summaries or snapshots of data, which are useful for quick status checks but often insufficient for making business decisions. They tend to offer limited guidance on what actions to take next, lacking the context needed to derive actionable, decision-ready insights. This can leave decision-makers feeling unsupported, as they need more than just data; they need insights that directly inform action.

3. The “unknown unknowns”

A significant barrier to BI adoption is the challenge of not knowing what questions to ask or what data might be relevant. Dashboards are static and require users to come with specific queries or metrics in mind. Without knowing what to look for, business analysts can miss critical insights, making dashboards less effective for exploratory data analysis and real-time decision-making.

Moving beyond one-size-fits-all: The evolution of dashboards

While traditional dashboards have served us well, they are no longer sufficient on their own. The world of BI is shifting toward integrated and personalized tools that understand what each user needs. This isn’t just about being user-friendly; it’s about making these tools vital parts of daily decision-making processes for everyone, not just for those with technical expertise.

Emerging technologies such as generative AI (gen AI) are enhancing BI tools with capabilities that were once only available to data professionals. These new tools are more adaptive, providing personalized BI experiences that deliver contextually relevant insights users can trust and act upon immediately. We’re moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional dashboards to more dynamic, customized analytics experiences. These tools are designed to guide users effortlessly from data discovery to actionable decision-making, enhancing their ability to act on insights with confidence.

The future of BI: Making advanced analytics accessible to all

As we look toward the future, ease of use and personalization are set to redefine the trajectory of BI.

1. Emphasizing ease of use

The new generation of BI tools breaks down the barriers that once made powerful data analytics accessible only to data scientists. With simpler interfaces that include conversational interfaces, these tools make interacting with data as easy as having a chat. This integration into daily workflows means that advanced data analysis can be as straightforward as checking your email. This shift democratizes data access and empowers all team members to derive insights from data, regardless of their technical skills. For example, imagine a sales manager who wants to quickly check the latest performance figures before a meeting. Instead of navigating through complex software, they ask the BI tool, “What were our total sales last month?” or “How are we performing compared to the same period last year?”

The system understands the questions and provides accurate answers in seconds, just like a conversation. This ease of use helps to ensure that every team member, not just data experts, can engage with data effectively and make informed decisions swiftly.

2. Driving personalization

Personalization is transforming how BI platforms present and interact with data. It means that the system learns from how users work with it, adapting to suit individual preferences and meeting the specific needs of their business.

For example, a dashboard might display the most important metrics for a marketing manager differently than for a production supervisor. It’s not just about the user’s role; it’s also about what’s happening in the market and what historical data shows.

Alerts in these systems are also smarter. Rather than notifying users about all changes, the systems focus on the most critical changes based on past importance. These alerts can even adapt when business conditions change, helping to ensure that users get the most relevant information without having to look for it themselves.

By integrating a deep understanding of both the user and their business environment, BI tools can offer insights that are exactly what’s needed at the right time. This makes these tools incredibly effective for making informed decisions quickly and confidently.

Navigating the future: Overcoming adoption challenges

While the advantages of integrating advanced BI technologies are clear, organizations often encounter significant challenges that can hinder their adoption. Understanding these challenges is crucial for businesses looking to use the full potential of these innovative tools.

1. Cultural resistance to change

One of the biggest hurdles is overcoming ingrained habits and resistance within the organization. Employees used to traditional methods of data analysis might be skeptical about moving to new systems, fearing the learning curve or potential disruptions to their routine workflows. Promoting a culture that values continuous learning and technological adaptability is key to overcoming this resistance.

2. Complexity of integration

Integrating new BI technologies with existing IT infrastructure can be complex and costly. Organizations must help ensure that new tools are compatible with their current systems, which often involve significant time and technical expertise. The complexity increases when trying to maintain data consistency and security across multiple platforms.

3. Data governance and security

Gen AI, by its nature, creates new content based on existing data sets. The outputs generated by AI can sometimes introduce biases or inaccuracies if not properly monitored and managed.

With the increased use of AI and machine learning in BI tools, managing data privacy and security becomes more complex. Organizations must help ensure that their data governance policies are robust enough to handle new types of data interactions and comply with regulations such as GDPR. This often requires updating security protocols and continuously monitoring data access and usage.

According to Gartner , by 2025, augmented consumerization functions will drive the adoption of ABI capabilities beyond 50% for the first time, influencing more business processes and decisions.

As we stand on the brink of this new era in BI, we must focus on adopting new technologies and managing them wisely. By fostering a culture that embraces continuous learning and innovation, organizations can fully harness the potential of gen AI and augmented analytics to make smarter, faster and more informed decisions.

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