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Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?

In its last six months, the United States government has put 13 prisoners to death. Do you think capital punishment should end?

capital punishment essay attention getter

By Nicole Daniels

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In July, the United States carried out its first federal execution in 17 years. Since then, the Trump administration has executed 13 inmates, more than three times as many as the federal government had in the previous six decades.

The death penalty has been abolished in 22 states and 106 countries, yet it is still legal at the federal level in the United States. Does your state or country allow the death penalty?

Do you believe governments should be allowed to execute people who have been convicted of crimes? Is it ever justified, such as for the most heinous crimes? Or are you universally opposed to capital punishment?

In “ ‘Expedited Spree of Executions’ Faced Little Supreme Court Scrutiny ,” Adam Liptak writes about the recent federal executions:

In 2015, a few months before he died, Justice Antonin Scalia said he w o uld not be surprised if the Supreme Court did away with the death penalty. These days, after President Trump’s appointment of three justices, liberal members of the court have lost all hope of abolishing capital punishment. In the face of an extraordinary run of federal executions over the past six months, they have been left to wonder whether the court is prepared to play any role in capital cases beyond hastening executions. Until July, there had been no federal executions in 17 years . Since then, the Trump administration has executed 13 inmates, more than three times as many as the federal government had put to death in the previous six decades.

The article goes on to explain that Justice Stephen G. Breyer issued a dissent on Friday as the Supreme Court cleared the way for the last execution of the Trump era, complaining that it had not sufficiently resolved legal questions that inmates had asked. The article continues:

If Justice Breyer sounded rueful, it was because he had just a few years ago held out hope that the court would reconsider the constitutionality of capital punishment. He had set out his arguments in a major dissent in 2015 , one that must have been on Justice Scalia’s mind when he made his comments a few months later. Justice Breyer wrote in that 46-page dissent that he considered it “highly likely that the death penalty violates the Eighth Amendment,” which bars cruel and unusual punishments. He said that death row exonerations were frequent, that death sentences were imposed arbitrarily and that the capital justice system was marred by racial discrimination. Justice Breyer added that there was little reason to think that the death penalty deterred crime and that long delays between sentences and executions might themselves violate the Eighth Amendment. Most of the country did not use the death penalty, he said, and the United States was an international outlier in embracing it. Justice Ginsburg, who died in September, had joined the dissent. The two other liberals — Justices Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — were undoubtedly sympathetic. And Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who held the decisive vote in many closely divided cases until his retirement in 2018, had written the majority opinions in several 5-to-4 decisions that imposed limits on the death penalty, including ones barring the execution of juvenile offenders and people convicted of crimes other than murder .

In the July Opinion essay “ The Death Penalty Can Ensure ‘Justice Is Being Done,’ ” Jeffrey A. Rosen, then acting deputy attorney general, makes a legal case for capital punishment:

The death penalty is a difficult issue for many Americans on moral, religious and policy grounds. But as a legal issue, it is straightforward. The United States Constitution expressly contemplates “capital” crimes, and Congress has authorized the death penalty for serious federal offenses since President George Washington signed the Crimes Act of 1790. The American people have repeatedly ratified that decision, including through the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 signed by President Bill Clinton, the federal execution of Timothy McVeigh under President George W. Bush and the decision by President Barack Obama’s Justice Department to seek the death penalty against the Boston Marathon bomber and Dylann Roof.

Students, read the entire article , then tell us:

Do you support the use of capital punishment? Or do you think it should be abolished? Why?

Do you think the death penalty serves a necessary purpose, like deterring crime, providing relief for victims’ families or imparting justice? Or is capital punishment “cruel and unusual” and therefore prohibited by the Constitution? Is it morally wrong?

Are there alternatives to the death penalty that you think would be more appropriate? For example, is life in prison without the possibility of parole a sufficient sentence? Or is that still too harsh? What about restorative justice , an approach that “considers harm done and strives for agreement from all concerned — the victims, the offender and the community — on making amends”? What other ideas do you have?

Vast racial disparities in the administration of the death penalty have been found. For example, Black people are overrepresented on death row, and a recent study found that “defendants convicted of killing white victims were executed at a rate 17 times greater than those convicted of killing Black victims.” Does this information change or reinforce your opinion of capital punishment? How so?

The Federal Death Penalty Act prohibits the government from executing an inmate who is mentally disabled; however, in the recent executions of Corey Johnson , Alfred Bourgeois and Lisa Montgomery , their defense teams, families and others argued that they had intellectual disabilities. What role do you think disability or trauma history should play in how someone is punished, or rehabilitated, after committing a crime?

How concerned should we be about wrongfully convicted people being executed? The Innocence Project has proved the innocence of 18 people on death row who were exonerated by DNA testing. Do you have worries about the fair application of the death penalty, or about the possibility of the criminal justice system executing an innocent person?

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Students 13 and older in the United States and the United Kingdom, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public.

Nicole Daniels joined The Learning Network as a staff editor in 2019 after working in museum education, curriculum writing and bilingual education. More about Nicole Daniels

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Death Penalty Essay Introduction — a Quick Guide

Table of Contents

The death penalty is a state-sanctioned practice where an individual is executed for an offense punishable through such means. Death penalty essay is a common topic given to students where the essay writer argues this controversial issue and takes a stand. The death penalty essay intro consists of the opening sentence, the background information, and the thesis statement.

Writing a compelling introduction isn’t easy. But with the tips and examples in this guide, you’ll be able to write a captivating introduction.

What Is a Death Penalty Essay?

The death penalty is the practice of executing a person guilty of capital murder, a crime in which the loss of life is intentional. This method of punishment has been around for as long as human civilization.

The death penalty has been controversial for a long time, with people on both sides of the fence. Supporters claim it works to deter crime, but there is no evidence to prove it. Opposers claim it is cruel and is not the best way to serve justice. 

A death penalty essay argues for or against the death penalty. This essay topic is a typical assignment given to college students. Common death penalty essay topics are as follows:

  • About the Death Penalty
  • Does the Death Penalty effectively deter crime?
  • The Death Penalty should not be legal
  • The Death Penalty should be abolished.
  • Death Penalty and Justice
  • Pro-Death Penalty
  • Is the Death Penalty Morally Right?
  • Death Penalty is Immoral
  • Religious Values and Death Penalty
  • Ineffectiveness of Death Penalty
  • Punishment and the Nature of the Crime
  • The Death Penalty and Juveniles.
  • Is the Death Penalty Effective?
  • The Death Penalty is Politically Just
  • The Death Penalty: Right or Wrong?
  • Abolishment of the Death Penalty
  • The Death Penalty and People’s Opinions
  • Is Death Penalty Humane?

How to Write an Interesting Death Penalty Essay Intro

Like other essays, the death penalty essay intro comprises three parts. The hook, a strong opening sentence, grips the reader, sparks their curiosity, and compels them to read the rest of the piece.

Subsequent sentences provide background information on the topic and define the argument’s terms. The last part is the thesis statement, which summarizes the central focus of the essay.

1. the Opening Sentence/Hook

The hook is a statement that grips the reader’s attention and makes them want to read on . The hook should be an exciting statement that sparks the readers’ curiosity, and sets the tone for the essay. It should give an overview of the topic. You could begin with a thought-provoking question, an interesting quote, an exciting anecdote, or a shocking statistic or fact. 

2. Background Information

Provide more information about the subject you are discussing. Create context and give background information on the topic. It could be a social or historical context. Define key terms that the reader might find confusing and clearly but concisely state why the issue is important.

3. Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the overarching idea – the central focus of the essay. It summarizes the idea that you’ll be explaining throughout the entirety of the piece. Once this statement has been established, you’ll smoothly transition into the main body of your essay. Make the thesis clear and concise. 

Death Penalty Essay Introduction Example

Does the death penalty deter crime, especially murder? The death penalty has been controversial for years. Over the years, public opinion about the death penalty seems to have changed. But there are still people who think it is a proper punishment. I have heard the phrase “An eye for an eye” most of my life. Most people firmly believe that if a criminal took someone’s life, their lives should be taken away too. But I don’t think that will discourage anyone from committing crimes. I believe that the criminal should be given a lighter punishment. 

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

The death penalty or capital punishment is the execution of a criminal by a government as punishment for a crime. In the United States, the death penalty is the most common form of sentence in murder cases.

A death penalty essay argues for or against the death penalty. The essay introduction begins with an attention-grabber , followed by background information on the topic and then the thesis statement.

Death Penalty Essay Introduction — a Quick Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Guide on Writing a Death Penalty Research Paper

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

The death penalty is one of the most controversial topics. This topic raises a lot of questions in society and this fact makes it perfect for research. But, it can be a challenging task for students to create a good research paper on such a difficult topic. 

You may be confused about where to look for the information, what is the correct structure for the paper, and many other aspects. But don’t worry, we are ready to help you! In this guide, we will cover all aspects of writing a death penalty research paper . So, keep reading to learn how to craft a strong paper.

How to Start Working on a Research Paper on the Death Penalty

The work on the research paper always starts with an in-depth investigation of a chosen topic. Speaking of the death penalty research, you may have to go through tons of information before figuring out what you want to write about. It is an essential part of writing a strong death penalty research paper , so take enough time for it.

But you might be wondering where to look for credible information. And to ease your search, we compiled a list of the best sources to gather data about the death penalty.

  • Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC). On the site of this organization, you will find a lot of information regarding capital punishment.
  • The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights). This UN entity publishes various articles and reports concerning the question of the death penalty on its site.
  • Articles and journals. There are a lot of death penalty research papers and other scholarly literature, that can be helpful. Just search a little in research databases and you will find a lot of credible information.

Choosing Topics for Research Papers Death Penalty

The death penalty is a wide topic, and to create a good research it is better to narrow down the topic to one specific aspect. Many students get stuck in this step, as choosing a narrow topic from the variety of available options can be difficult. But, the good news is this task will be much easier for you if you have conducted prior research.

The data you gathered during the prior research can help you to find a direction for your further investigation. All you need is to follow a few simple steps: 

  • Look through the information you found and highlight several aspects that can be researched.
  • Search a little for information on each of the chosen aspects to understand which one is most interesting for you.
  • Write down a few questions related to the chosen aspect.
  • Select a question that is current and engaging — it will be the final topic for your research.

For example, you can conduct research on the death penalty in a specific country. Or, investigate the death penalty in the context of race and religion. There are a lot of options, all you need to do is brainstorm your ideas and find the best one.

Outline for the Death Penalty Research Paper

After you choose your topic and gather enough data, you will have a better idea of what you need to present in your research paper. But, how to structure your paper correctly? It is an important question, as a good structure increases the readability of your work and guarantees a logical development of your points. 

And that’s why you need to create an outline before writing a research paper. An outline will map out the way you will present information, and help you to understand how to connect all parts and create a paragraph flow.

A death penalty research paper should have the same structure as any other research paper. Usually, there are several parts in the following order:


  • Main paragraphs
  • References or Bibliography.

You can use these sections to create an outline. But, you should also take into account the guidelines provided by your professor, if any.

Take a look at each section and think about how you want to organize the information in them. Take some notes about what each section should include and in what order. A few words will be enough to get a better understanding of how to develop all your points throughout the paper.

How to Write a Death Penalty Research Paper

So, you researched your topic, created an outline, and now it’s time to write your paper. In this step, all you need to do is follow your outline and present your argumentation or evaluation of the chosen death penalty question. Sounds easy, but to create a great death penalty research paper , you need to know about some common requirements. Let’s learn more about them.

The introduction section helps you to catch the attention of the readers, provide them with some essential information, and give them a better idea of what issue you will discuss in your paper. This section usually includes 1-3 paragraphs, depending on the length of your paper. 

Here are the components of the death penalty research paper introduction:

  • Attention grabber — a short and precise sentence to engage the audience.
  • Background information — a few sentences to give your readers basic knowledge of the death penalty.
  • The significance of research on capital punishment — explain why this topic needs to be addressed.
  • Short literature review — a few sentences about previous research on the topic and existing points of view.
  • Thesis statement — a sentence that conveys your position on the death penalty or a central idea of your research.
  • An outline — a short explanation of what you want to cover in your paper.

The main body is the longest part of a death penalty research paper and the most important one. In this section, you need to describe your research and provide arguments and evidence that support your thesis statement. It is usually divided into several paragraphs to improve readability. To keep the logical flow, present the information in the next order:

  • Methodology. Explain how you conducted research on the death penalty.
  • Ideas, arguments, and evidence. Present each idea in a different paragraph.
  • Final results. The logical solution from your research.

A good conclusion should wrap up everything you write in the main body paragraphs and reinforce your central message. To achieve this goal, you need to include the following components in your concluding paragraph:

  • Reiterate your thesis statement.
  • Summarize your argumentation, evaluation, or solutions (basically, the main points presented in the main body).
  • Remind of the importance of researching the death penalty.

Useful Tips on Writing a Research Paper About Death Penalty

Crafting powerful academic papers requires good critical thinking, evaluation, and writing skills. All of these come with practice. But, you can greatly improve your paper just by following some simple yet effective tips.

There are some tricks and tips that professionals use when writing research papers. And they will definitely be helpful for you, especially for creating a paper on such a controversial topic as the death penalty. So, here are some recommendations from expert writers:

  • Review some death penalty research papers before writing your own to find inspiration and understand how a good paper should be structured.
  • Provide arguments based on official data and credible sources only to avoid bias.
  • Use numerical statistics as evidence of your argumentation.
  • When you cite other sources, make sure you use the correct citation style.
  • Always proofread your work at least two times after you finish it.

Final Thoughts

We hope that our tips will help you to write a powerful death penalty research paper . Remember, that all you need is to choose a question that is interesting to you, conduct in-depth research, and follow our writing recommendations. And don’t be afraid to ask for professional writing help , if you need it!

How do you start a paper on the death penalty?

At the beginning of a death penalty research paper , you need to give the audience a better understanding of what capital punishment is, why it is important to research this topic, and what aspects you will cover in your paper. Provide some background information, a thesis statement, and an outline of your research.

How do you write a thesis statement for the death penalty?

To write a good thesis statement, you need to conduct in-depth research first and then decide what side you choose. State your personal position in a precise sentence to give the audience a clear idea of your point of view.

Is the death penalty a good research paper topic?

If you want to conduct research on a controversial and engaging topic, the death penalty is a good choice for you. There are a lot of aspects and questions you can choose as the main focus of your research. So, find a question regarding the death penalty that is interesting for you, and start your research.

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A Factful Perspective on Capital Punishment

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David T Johnson, A Factful Perspective on Capital Punishment, Journal of Human Rights Practice , Volume 11, Issue 2, July 2019, Pages 334–345, https://doi.org/10.1093/jhuman/huz018

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Substantial progress has been made towards worldwide abolition of capital punishment, and there are good reasons to believe that more progress is possible. Since 2000, the pace of abolition has slowed, but by several measures the number of executions in the world has continued to decline. Several causes help explain the decline, including political leadership from the front and an increased tendency to regard capital punishment as a human rights issue rather than as a matter of domestic criminal justice policy. There are significant obstacles in the movement to eliminate state killing in the world, but some strategies could contribute to additional decline in the years to come.

People tend to notice the bad more than the good, and this ‘negativity instinct’ is apparent when it comes to capital punishment ( Rosling et al. 2018 : 48). For example, two decades ago, Leon Radzinowicz (1999 : 293), the founder of Cambridge University’s Institute of Criminology, declared that he ‘did not expect any substantial further decrease’ in the use of capital punishment because ‘most of the countries likely to embrace the abolitionist cause’ had already done so. In more recent years, other analysts have claimed that the human rights movement is in crisis, and that ‘nearly every country seems to be backsliding’ ( Moyn 2018 ). If this assessment is accurate, it should be cause for concern for opponents of capital punishment because a heightened regard for human rights is widely regarded as the key cause of abolition since the 1980s ( Hood and Hoyle 2009 ).

To be sure, everything is not fine with respect to capital punishment. Most notably, the pace of abolition has slowed in recent years, and executions have increased in several countries, including Iran and Taiwan (in the 2010s), Pakistan (2014–15), and Japan (2018). But too much negativity will not do. I adopt a factful perspective about the future of capital punishment: I see substantial progress toward worldwide abolition, and this gives me hope that further progress is possible ( Rosling et al. 2018 ).

This article builds on Roger Hood’s seminal study of the movement to abolish capital punishment, which found ‘a remarkable increase in the number of abolitionist countries’ in the 1980s and 1990s ( Hood 2001 : 331). It proceeds in four parts. Section 1 shows that in the two decades or so since 2000 the pace of abolition has slowed but not ceased, and the total number of executions in the world has continued to decline. Section 2 explains how death penalty declines have been achieved in recent years. Section 3 identifies obstacles in the movement toward elimination of state killing in the modern world. And Section 4 suggests some priorities and strategies that could contribute to additional decline in the death penalty in the third decade of the third millennium.

These examples exclude estimates for the People’s Republic of China, which does not disclose reliable death penalty figures, but which probably executes more people each year than the rest of the world combined.

Table 1 displays the number of countries with each of these four death penalty statuses in five years: 1988, 1995, 2000, 2007, and 2017. Overall, the percentage of countries to retain capital punishment has declined by half over that period, from 56 per cent in 1988 to 28 per cent in 2017. But Table 2 shows that the pace of abolition has slowed since the 1990s, when 37 countries abolished. By comparison, only 23 countries abolished in the 2000s, with 11 more countries abolishing in the first eight years of the 2010s. The pace of abolition has declined partly because much of the lowest hanging fruit has already been picked.

Number of abolitionist and retentionist countries, 1988–2017

Note : Figures in parentheses show the percentage of the total number of countries in the world in that year.

Sources : Hood 2001 : 334 (for 1988, 1995, and 2000); Amnesty International annual reports (for 2007 and 2017).

Number of Countries That Abolished the Death Penalty by Decade, 1980s – 2010s

Sources : Death Penalty Information Center; Amnesty International annual reports.

Table 3 uses Hood’s figures for 1980 to 1999 ( Hood 2001 : 335) and figures from Hands Off Cain and Amnesty International to report the estimated number of executions and death sentences worldwide from 1980 to 2017. Because several countries (including China, the world’s leading user of capital punishment) do not disclose reliable death penalty statistics, the figures in Table 3 cannot be considered precise measures of death sentencing and execution trends over time, but the numbers do suggest recent declines. For instance, the average number of death sentences per year in the 2010s (2,220) was less than half the annual average for the 2000s (4,576). Similarly, the average number of executions per year in the 2010s (867) was less than half the annual average for the 2000s (1,762). Moreover, while the average number of countries per year to impose a death sentence remained fairly flat in the four decades covered in Table 3 (58 countries in the 1980s, 68 in the 1990s, 56 in the 2000s, and 58 in the 2010s), the average number of countries per year which carried out an execution declined by about one-third, from averages of 37 countries in the 1980s and 35 countries in the 1990s, to 25 countries in the 2000s and 23 countries in the 2010s. In short, fewer countries are using capital punishment, and fewer people are being condemned to death and executed.

Number of death sentences and executions worldwide, 1980–2017

Notes : (a) The numbers of reported and recorded death sentences and executions are minimum figures, and the true totals are substantially higher. (b) In 2009, Amnesty International stopped publishing estimates of the minimum number of executions per year in China.

Sources : Hood 2001 : 335 (1980–1999); Hands Off Cain (2001); Amnesty International annual reports (2002–2017).

In 2001, Hood (2001 : 336) reported that 26 countries had executed at least 20 persons in the five-year period 1994–1998. Table 4 compares those figures with figures for the same 26 countries in 2013–2017, and it also presents the annual rate of execution per million population for each country (in parentheses). The main pattern is striking decline. In 2009, Amnesty International stopped publishing estimates of the minimum number of executions per year in the People’s Republic of China, so trend evidence from that source is unavailable, but other sources indicate that executions in China have declined dramatically in the past two decades, from 15,000 or more per year in the late 1990s and early 2000s ( Johnson and Zimring 2009 : 237), to approximately 2,400 in 2013 ( Grant 2014 ) and 2,000 or so in 2016. Of the other 25 countries in Hood’s list of heavy users of capital punishment in the 1990s, 11 saw executions disappear (Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Congo, Sierra Leone, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Libya, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe), eight had the execution rate decline by half or more (USA, Nigeria, Singapore, Belarus, Taiwan, Yemen, Jordan, Afghanistan), and two experienced more modest declines (Saudi Arabia and Egypt). Altogether, 22 of the 26 heavy users of capital punishment in the latter half of the 1990s have experienced major declines in executions. Of the remaining four countries, one (Japan) saw its execution rate remain stable until executions surged when 13 former members of Aum Shinrikyo were hanged in July 2018 (for murders and terrorist attacks committed in the mid-1990s), while three (Iran, Pakistan, and Viet Nam) experienced sizeable increases in both executions and execution rates.

Executions and execution rates by country, 1994–1998 and 2013–2017

a The figure of 429 executions for Viet Nam is for the three years from August 2013 to July 2016.

Notes: Countries reported to have executed at least 20 persons in 1994–1998, and execution figures for the same countries in 2013–2017 (with annual rates of execution per million population for both periods in parentheses).

As explained in the text, in addition to the 26 countries that appeared in Table 3 of Hood (2001 : 336), India had at least 24 judicial executions in 1994–1998, Indonesia had four, and Iraq had an unknown number. The comparable figures for these countries in 2013–2017 (with the execution rate per million population in parentheses) are India = 2 (0.0003), Indonesia = 23 (0.09), and Iraq = 469 (2.78).

Sources : Hood 2001 : 336 (1994–1998); Amnesty International (2013–2017); the Death Penalty Database of the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide (for India, Indonesia, and Iraq); Johnson and Zimring 2009 : 430 (for India 1994–1998).

The execution rate increases in Table 4 are striking but exceptional. In Iran, the fourfold increase in the execution rate gives it the highest per capita execution rate in the world for 2013–2017, with 6.68 executions per million population per year. This is approximately four times higher than the estimated execution rate for China (1.5) in the same period. The increase in Viet Nam is also fourfold, from 0.38 executions per million population per year to 1.5, while the increase in Pakistan is tenfold, from 0.05 to 0.49. Nonetheless, Viet Nam’s substantially increased execution rate in the 2010s would not have ranked it among the top ten executing nations in the 1990s, while Pakistan’s increased rate in the 2010s would not have ranked it among the top 15 nations in the 1990s. Even among the heaviest users of capital punishment, times have changed.

At least two countries that did not appear on Hood’s heavy user list for the 1990s executed more than 20 people in 2013–2017. The most notable newcomer is Iraq, which executed at least 469 persons in this five-year period, with an execution rate of 2.78 per million population per year. And then there is Indonesia. In the five years from 1994 to 1998, this country (with the world’s largest Muslim population) executed a total of four people, while in 2013–2017 the number increased to 23, giving it an execution rate of 0.09 per year per million population—about the same as the (low) execution rates in Japan and Taiwan.

When Iraq and Indonesia are added to the heavy user list for 2013–2017, only five countries out of 28 have execution rates that exceed one execution per year per million population, giving them death penalty systems that can be deemed ‘operational’ in the sense that ‘judicial executions are a recurrent and important part’ of their criminal justice systems ( Johnson and Zimring 2009 : 22). By contrast, in 1994–1998, 14 of these 28 countries had death penalty systems that were ‘operational’.

India is a country with a large population that does not appear on the frequent executing list for either the 1990s or the 2010s. In 2013–2017, this country of 1.3 billion people executed only two people, giving it what is probably the lowest execution rate (0.0003) among the 56 countries that currently retain capital punishment. India has long used judicial execution infrequently, but its police and security forces continue to kill in large numbers. In the 22 years from 1996 through 2017, India’s legal system hanged only four people, giving it an annual rate of execution that is around 1/25,000th the rate of executions in China. But over the same period, India’s police and security forces have killed thousands illegally and extrajudicially, many in ‘encounters’ that officials try to justify with the lie that the bad guy fired first.

Two fundamental forces have been driving the death penalty down in recent decades ( Johnson and Zimring 2009 : 290–304). First, while prosperity is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for abolition, economic development does tend to encourage declines in judicial execution and steps toward the cessation of capital punishment. Second, the general political orientation of government often has a strong influence on death penalty policy, at both ends of the execution spectrum. High-execution rate nations tend to be authoritarian, as in China, Viet Nam, North Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq. Conversely, low-execution rate nations tend to be democracies with institutionalized limits on governmental power, as in most of the countries of Europe and in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Korea, and India. Of course, these are tendencies, not natural laws. Exceptions exist, including the USA at the high end of the execution spectrum, and Myanmar and Nepal at the low end.

In addition to economic development and democratization, concerns about wrongful convictions and the execution of innocents have made some governments more cautious about capital punishment. In the USA, for example, the discovery of innocence has led to historic shifts in public opinion and to sharp declines in the use of capital punishment by prosecutors and juries across the country ( Baumgartner et al. 2008 ; Garrett 2017 ). In China, too, wrongful convictions and executions help explain both declines in the use of capital punishment and legal reforms of the institution ( He 2016 ).

The question of capital punishment is fundamentally a matter of human rights, not an isolated issue of criminal justice policy.

Death penalty policy should not be governed by national priorities but by adherence to international human rights standards.

Since capital punishment is never justified, a national government may demand that other nations’ governments end executions. ( Zimring 2003 : 27)

As the third premise of this orthodoxy suggests, political pressure has contributed to the decline of capital punishment. This influence has been especially striking in Europe, where abolition of capital punishment is an explicit and absolute condition for becoming a member of the European Union. In other countries, too, from Singapore and South Korea to Rwanda and Sierra Leone, the missionary zeal of European governments committed to abolition has led to the elimination of capital punishment or to major declines in its usage.

Political leadership has also fostered the death penalty’s decline. There are few iron rules of abolition, but one seems to be that when the death penalty is eliminated, it invariably happens despite the fact of majority public support for the institution at the time of abolition. This—‘leadership from the front’—is such a common pattern, and public resistance to abolition is so stubborn, that some analysts believe ‘the straightest road to abolition involves bypassing public opinion entirely’ ( Hammel 2010 : 236). There appear to be at least two political circumstances in which the likelihood of leadership from the front rises and the use of capital punishment falls ( Zimring 2003 : 22): after the collapse of an authoritarian government, when new leaders aim to distance themselves from the repressive practices of the previous regime (as in West Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Cambodia, and Timor Leste); and after a left-liberal party gains control of government (as in Austria, Great Britain, France, South Korea, and Taiwan).

Although use of the death penalty continues to decline, there are countervailing forces that continue to present obstacles to abolition, as they have for decades. First and foremost, there is an argument about national sovereignty made by many states, that death penalty policy and practice are not human rights issues but rather matters of criminal justice policy that should be decided domestically, according to the values and traditions of each individual country. There is the role of religion—especially Islamic beliefs, where in some countries and cultures it is held that capital punishment must not be opposed because it has been divinely ordained. There are claims that capital punishment deters criminal behaviour and drug trafficking, though there is little evidence to support this view ( National Research Council 2012 ; Muramatsu et al. 2018 ). And there is the continued use of capital punishment in the USA, which helps to legitimate capital punishment in other countries ( Hood 2001 : 339–44).

The death penalty also survives in some places because it performs welcome functions for some interests. For instance, following the Arab Spring movements of 2010–2012, Egypt and other Middle Eastern governments employed capital punishment against many anti-government demonstrators and dissenters. In other retentionist countries, capital punishment has little to do with its instrumental value for government and crime control and much to do with the fact that it is ‘productive, performative, and generative—that it makes things happen—even if much of what happens is in the cultural realm of death penalty discourse rather than the biological realm of life and death’ or the penological realms of retribution and deterrence ( Garland 2010 : 285). For elected officials, the death penalty is a political token to be used in electoral contests. For prosecutors and judges, it is a practical instrument that enables them to harness the rhetorical power of death in the pursuit of professional objectives. For the mass media, it is an arena in which dramas can be narrated about the human condition. And for the onlooking public, it is a vehicle for moral outrage and an opportunity for prurient entertainment.

In addition to these long-standing obstacles to abolition, several other impediments have emerged in recent years. Most notably, as populism spreads ( Luce 2017 ) and democracy declines in many parts of the world ( Levitsky and Ziblatt 2018 ), an ‘anti-human rights agenda’ is forcing human rights proponents to rethink their assumptions and re-evaluate their strategies ( Alston 2017 ). Much of the new populist threat to democracy is linked to post-9/11 concerns about terrorism, which have been exploited to justify trade-offs between democracy and security. Of course, we are not actually living in a new age of terrorism. If anything, we have experienced a decline in terrorism from the decades in which it was less of a big deal in our collective consciousness ( Pinker 2011 : 353). But emotionally and rhetorically, terrorism is very much a big deal in the present moment, and the cockeyed ratio of fear to harm that is fostered by its mediated representations has been used to buttress support for capital punishment in many countries, including the USA (the Oklahoma City bombings in 1995), Japan (the sarin gas attacks of 1994 and 1995), China (in Xinjiang and Tibet), India (the Mumbai attacks of 1993 and 2008 and the 2001 attack on the Parliament in New Delhi), and Iraq (where executions surged after the post-9/11 invasion by the USA, and where most persons executed have been convicted of terrorism). More broadly, the present political resonance of terrorism has resulted in some abolitionist states assisting with the use of capital punishment in retentionist nations ( Malkani 2013 ).

Some analysts believe that the ‘abolition of capital punishment in all countries of the world will ensure that the killing of citizens by the state will no longer have any legitimacy and so even more marginalize and stigmatize extra-judicial executions’ ( Hood and Hoyle 2008 : 6). Others claim that the abolition of capital punishment is ‘one of the great, albeit unfinished, triumphs of the post-Second World War human rights movement’ ( Hodgkinson 2004 : 1). But states kill extrajudicially too, and sometimes the scale so far exceeds the number of judicial executions that death penalty reductions and abolitions seem like small potatoes. The most striking example is occurring under President Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines: thousands of extrajudicial executions in a country that abolished capital punishment (for the second time!) in 2006.The case of the Philippines illustrates a pattern that has been seen before and will be seen again in polities with weak law, strong executives, and fearful and frustrated citizens ( Johnson and Fernquest 2018 ). State killing often survives and sometimes thrives after capital punishment is abolished (as in Mexico, Brazil, Nepal, and Cambodia, among other countries). And in countries where capital punishment has not been abolished, extrajudicial executions are frequently carried out even after the number of judicial executions has fallen to near zero (as in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Thailand).

Despite these obstacles to abolition, the decline of capital punishment seems likely to continue in the years to come. The trajectory of this institution is shaped by political and cultural processes over which human rights practices have little influence ( Garland 2010 : Chapter 5), but priorities and strategies do matter. In this section I suggest five imperatives for the future.

First, opponents of capital punishment should recognize the limited importance of public opinion and the generally disappointing results of public education campaigns. There is in fact ‘no real evidence of a public relations campaign ever having had a significant, sustained effect on mass public opinion on capital punishment’ ( Hammel 2010 : 39). Such campaigns are not useless ( Singer 2016 ), but when they make a difference they usually do so by influencing the views of elites. To put the point a little differently, cultural change can stimulate death penalty reform, but the cultural shifts that matter most are those that operate ‘on and through state actors’ ( Garland 2010 : 143). This is where abolitionists should focus their efforts at persuasion.

Second, legal challenges to capital punishment should continue, for they have been effective in Africa, the former British colonies of the Caribbean, the USA, and many other countries (see the Death Penalty Project, https://www.deathpenaltyproject.org ). Moreover, legal challenges tend to be most effective when they come not from individual attorneys but from teams of attorneys and their non-attorney allies—social workers, scholars, mitigation investigators, and the like ( Garrett 2017 : Chapters 5–6). The basic strategy of successful teams is to ‘Make the law do what it promises. Make it be perfect’ ( Von Drehle 2006 : 196). One result is the growing recognition that state killing is incompatible with legal values. Another is a shift in focus from what the death penalty does for people to what it does to them. The evidence of the death penalty’s decline summarized in the first section of this article suggests that country after country has realized that retaining capital punishment breeds disrespect for law by exposing many of its shortcomings ( Sarat 2001 ). In some contexts, this recognition is best cultivated not by invoking ‘human rights’ as a ‘rhetorical ornament’ for anti-death penalty claims ( Dudai 2017 : 18), but simply by concentrating on what domestic law promises—and what it fails to deliver.

Third, research has contributed to the decline of capital punishment, both by undermining claims about its purported deterrent effects and by documenting flaws in its administration. In these ways, a growing empirical literature highlights ‘the lack of benefits associated with capital punishment and the burgeoning list of problems with its use’ ( Donohue 2016 : 53). Unfortunately, much of the available research concentrates on capital punishment in one country—the USA—which provides ‘a rather distorted and partial view of the death penalty’ worldwide ( Hood and Hoyle 2015 : 3). Going forward, scholars should explore questions about capital punishment in the many under-researched retentionist nations of Asia and the Middle East, and they should focus their dissemination efforts on the legal teams and governmental elites that have the capacity to challenge and change death penalty policy and practice, as described above in the first and second imperatives.

Fourth, abolition alone is not enough, in two senses. For one, it is not acceptable to replace capital punishment with a sentence of life without parole which is itself a cruel punishment that represents ‘life without hope’ and disrespect for human rights and human dignity ( Hood 2001 : 346). Moreover, when life without parole sentences are established, far more offenders tend to receive them than the number of offenders actually condemned to death. Overall, the advent of life without parole sometimes results in small to modest reductions in execution, but its main effect on the criminal process is ‘penal inflation’ ( Zimring and Johnson 2012 ). For most human rights practitioners, this is hardly a desirable set of outcomes. In addition, abolition is a hollow victory when extrajudicial executions continue or increase afterwards, yet this occurs often. The nexus between judicial and extrajudicial executions is poorly understood and much in need of further study, but the available evidence from countries such as Mexico and the Philippines suggests that ending judicial executions may do little to diminish state killing. In the light of this legal realism, a single-issue stress on abolishing capital punishment because it is inconsistent with human rights might well be considered more spectacle than substance ( Nagaraj 2017 : 23).

Finally, while the present moment is in some ways an ‘extraordinarily dangerous time’ for human rights advocates ( Alston 2017 : 14), there is room for optimism that the death penalty may be nearing the ‘end of its rope’ ( Garrett 2017 ). Overall, a factful consideration of contemporary capital punishment suggests that the situation in the world today is both bad and better ( Rothman 2018 ). A factful perspective on capital punishment also makes it reasonable to be a ‘possibilist’ about the future of this form of state killing ( Rosling et al. 2018 : 69). Substantial progress has been made toward worldwide abolition, and there are good reasons to believe that more progress is possible.

Special thanks to Professor Roger Hood for his foundational studies of the death penalty worldwide.

Alston P. 2017 . The Populist Challenge to Human Rights . Journal of Human Rights Practice 9 ( 1 ): 1 – 15 .

Google Scholar

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Baumgartner F. R. , De Boef S. L. , Boydstun A. E. . 2008 . The Decline of the Death Penalty and the Discovery of Innocence . New York : Cambridge University Press .

Google Preview

Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide. Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY. http://www.deathpenaltyworldwide.org (referenced 28 May 2019).

Death Penalty Information Center. The Death Penalty: An International Perspective. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/death-penalty-international-perspective (referenced 15 July 2018).

Donohue J. J. 2016 . Empirical Analysis and the Fate of Capital Punishment . Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy 11 ( 1&2 ): 51 – 106 .

Dudai R. 2017 . Human Rights in the Populist Era: Mourn then (Re)Organize . Journal of Human Rights Practice 9 ( 1 ): 16 – 21 .

Garland D. 2010 . Peculiar Institution: America’s Death Penalty in an Age of Abolition . Cambridge, MA : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press .

Garrett B. L. 2017 . End of Its Rope: How Killing the Death Penalty Can Revive Criminal Justice . Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press .

Grant M. 2014 . China Executed 2,400 Prisoners Last Year Says Human Rights Group. Newsweek . 21 October. https://www.newsweek.com/china-executed-2400-prisoners-2013-says-human-rights-group-278733 (referenced 29 May 2019).

Hammel A. 2010 . Ending the Death Penalty: The European Experience in Global Perspective . Palgrave Macmillan .

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Hodgkinson P. 2004 . Capital Punishment: Improve It or Remove It? In Hodgkinson P. , A. Schabas W. (eds), Capital Punishment: Strategies for Abolition , pp. 1 – 35 . New York : Cambridge University Press .

Hood R. 2001 . Capital Punishment: A Global Perspective . Punishment & Society 3 ( 3 ): 331 – 54 .

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Hood R. , Hoyle C. . 2009 . Abolishing the Death Penalty Worldwide: The Impact of a ‘New Dynamic’ . Crime and Justice 38 ( 1 ): 1 – 63 .

Hood R. , Hoyle C. . 2015 . The Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective (5th ed.). New York : Oxford University Press .

Johnson D. T. , Fernquest J. . 2018 . Governing through Killing: The War on Drugs in the Philippines . Asian Journal of Law & Society 5 ( 2 ): 359 – 90 .

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Singer P. 2016 . Is There Moral Progress? In Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things that Matter , pp. 9 – 11 . Princeton University Press .

Von Drehle D. 2006 . Among the Lowest of the Dead: The Culture of Capital Punishment . University of Michigan Press .

Zimring F. E. 2003 . The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment . New York : Oxford University Press .

Zimring F. E. , Johnson D. T. . 2012 . The Dark at the Top of the Stairs: Four Destructive Influences of Capital Punishment on American Criminal Justice. In Peterselia J. , R. Reitz K. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections , pp. 737 – 52 . New York : Oxford University Press .

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Table of contents, writing a death penalty research paper, death penalty research paper sources, death penalty research paper tips, death penalty research paper assistance.

When students are asked to write research papers, they frequently seek out topics that are current, newsworthy, and a bit controversial. It’s no wonder that the death penalty is such a popular subject . After all, you can write about this topic as part of the coursework in a variety of classes ranging from sociology to political science to criminal justice . Even better, you can present your own views on this topic to generate healthy in-class discussion, and to practice your writing skills . If you are searching for a write my paper help, you are on the right spot - this guide will provide you with the information you need to complete your paper successfully.

It is very important that you find reliable sources for any death penalty research paper. The good news is that if you access academic articles through your school’s academic database, Google Scholar, or other resources you should be okay . Just be very wary of resources from bloggers, political opinion pieces , and other biased sources. If you find a study on the death penalty, make sure it is valid. If the research wasn’t done properly, you cannot rely on any results from that study.

Sample Death Penalty Paper


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Here are some tips to help you write a winning death penalty research paper or essay.

  • Write a death penalty research paper outline to provide the right structure to your paper, and organize your arguments.
  • Be sure that your death penalty research paper introduction contains a hook, specifies the topic of your paper, and contains a compelling thesis statement.
  • Double-check that every body paragraph contains a clear, main idea sentence and supporting points.
  • Check your sources, and be certain you have used proper citations and quotes.
  • Avoid emotionally charged language.
  • Edit and proofread carefully. Stronger opinions hold more weight when they don’t contain errors.

Whether you write a pro or against death penalty research paper, paying close attention to detail and accuracy is imperative.

Best death penalty research paper topics

  • Is the death penalty appropriate for juvenile offenders?
  • Does the death penalty work as a deterrent?
  • Why have most developed nations stopped using the death penalty?
  • Is the death penalty cruel and unusual?
  • The history of execution.
  • The role of religion in capital punishment.
  • Racism and the death penalty.
  • Poverty and the death penalty.
  • Is the death penalty justice?
  • What happens when victims oppose the death penalty?
  • Should the burden of proof be higher in death penalty cases?
  • The history of anti-death penalty activism.
  • The financial costs of the death penalty.

More help with your death penalty research paper is just a click away. We have professional writers and editors to help you with any part of the writing process. Contact us 24/7 to get the help you need.

External links

  • Wozniak, K. (n.d.).  Analyzing Legislative Abolition of the Death Penalty: A Preliminary Case Study of New Jersey . Retrieved February 19, 2020, from https://www.american.edu/spa/publicpurpose/upload/analyzing-legislative-abolition-of-the-death-penalty.pdf
  • Dieter, R. (n.d.).  The Death Penalty and Human Rights: U.S. Death Penalty and International Law . https://files.deathpenaltyinfo.org/legacy/files/pdf/Oxfordpaper.pdf

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While studying in college, you will inevitably need to pen a bunch of Argumentative Essays on Capital Punishment. Lucky you if linking words together and turning them into meaningful text comes naturally to you; if it's not the case, you can save the day by finding an already written Capital Punishment Argumentative Essay example and using it as a model to follow.

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Thesis statement: Capital punishment is a good thing as it exists to eliminate these people and to make society safer for everyone.

Against human rights.

For the continued development of civilization. Deterrent Capital punishment as reducing murders. The human element – 1995 bombing. Capital punishment as a modern controversy Ethical and moral implications 1990 – increased checks on potential innocence

Apportioning blame to the individual

People unable to manage themselves The state as managing behaviour

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Argumentative essay on capital punishment, historical background.

Capital punishment is the newer term for death penalty which has existed since 18th century AD and originated in Babylon. “The death penalty was also part of the Fourteenth Century B.C.’s Hittite Code; in the Seventh Century B.C.’s Draconian Code of Athens, which made death the only punishment for all crimes; and in the Fifth Century B.C.’s Roman Law of the Twelve Tablets.”(Death Penalty 2011) Over the centuries many civilizations followed this example. Until the 5th century the most common methods used were hanging, crucifixion, drowning, burning alive and beating to death.

Argumentative Essay on The Death Penalty in America

Ethical arguments against capital punishment.

Morality can be defined as “The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.” (thefreedictionary).

The morality of capital punishment is an heavily contested issue and one that often polarises people’s views. However, in 2011 and in a leading civilised nation such as the U.S. it is arguable that there can be no circumstances in which sentencing a person to death is acceptable. America is known around the world as being a well-respected, leading democracy. The act of punishing people by death is an ancient one; it is also one that no longer has place in society.

Inspiring Argumentative Essay About Argumentation In Support Capital Punishment

Argumentative essay: capital punishment.

Introduction Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics pertaining to criminal punishment. For many years, this issue has been debated, yet until today, no conclusive position has been reached especially in the United States. Discussing the issue of capital punishment is important primarily because people are divided on whether capital punishment should be imposed or abolished. Furthermore, capital punishment raises an ethical dilemma that needs to be resolved since it is crucial in achieving a just justice system. This paper would like to argue that capital punishment is a just form of punishment.

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Good Example Of Argumentative Essay On Death Penalty

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Death penalty law provides for a legal Process for the killing of a person by a state, as a punishment for the crime committed. Death sentence refers to the judicial ruling against a person receiving this kind of punishment. Death penalty is a subject matter that creates a great controversy worldwide with varying opinions from one country to another (Muhlhausen, “Death Penalty Deters Crime, and Saves Lives”)

Those Who Cannot Be Rehabilitated Should Receive The Death Penalty Argumentative Essay Examples

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Attention getter for death penalty speech

Attention getter for death penalty speech

There are many crimes happen in the world every second, every hour and every day. The causes, effects and solutions to the problems of violent crimes Is complicated and the rate of these crimes Is the most prominent Issue that people are most concerned. Similarity, the justice of some crimes always get much attention from victims and other citizens. In this essay, death penalty becomes a very controversial issue to discuss, many people support it and many people don’t.

Personally, I think death penalty is the most ferocious way of punishing a criminal. There are many methods of execution, like electrocution, gas chamber, hanging, firing squad and lethal injection. For me, I just watched once on TV, but it’s enough to bring me nightmares. We only live once and we will lose anything we once had without life. Life is precious and can’t Just be taken away that easily. In my opinion, I think Canada shouldn’t adopt the death penalty as its most severe form of criminal punishment.

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To support my stand, I have some reasons to explain. In the first place, most of people think death penalty Is the ultimate warning for Iranians and let criminals know they will be putting to death if they commit crimes. However, does death penalty really works as well as we expected? What is the purpose of death penalty? During our whole lifetime, we grew from a little kid to a young adult, we all made stupid mistakes. In particular, if a kid grows up and murders a person Just to get some money from the victim.

He doesn’t even realize he has made a huge mistake but he had to face death penalty. He not only lost his freedom but also have to wait for his death. After reading a lot of news, I understand here are many people commit crimes because of their aggressive disposition or ignorance, but It doesn’t mean they can’t be saved and have a chance to be a good person. If they are no longer alive, how can they learn something precious through their mistakes? Violent can’t solve everything, so we can’t punish crimes by simply killing him or her.

In the second place, it is true that death penal is a closure for victims. Many people think as long as the criminals are executed from the world, they can get relief and comfort. I believe the comfort Just temporarily stay in people’s minds, because killing soonest dissuade crimes. We need to clarify it is basically wrong to kill and death penalty equals to killing, and killing will send wrong messages to people and little kids that killing is ” permissible”. In Canada, the number of violent crimes dropped from 93. 7 to 81. 4 during 2009-2012. Internet data) Depending on this information, we can sort of connect the rate to the death penalty, because this can support death penalty can’t change everyone’s mind about killing people from an opposite aspect. Another point Is the revenge of criminals, If some criminals feel harmed by the mean f punishment, can the revenge of criminals be a potential threat for the security of adopt it as the most severe punishment? In the third place, some people think death penalty is not always cruel, like lethal injection is not a severe way to execute criminals.

Maybe it seems like the criminals will tolerate less pain than execution of electric chair. In fact, if we consider this process by a criminal’s perspective, then every second, minute will be extremely long and terrible. The lack of freedom and the fear of death are enough to destroy their mental defense. Some severe methods look even worse, most of people may ever watched some movie scenes of old executive methods, like hanging, burning alive. And now we have firing squad and electric chair.

I can’t understand why people will come up with those cruel and inhuman methods to punish people. I believe only persuade people by changing laws and educating them can promote the development of the society and bring people security. Now, let’s down to the earth. Indeed,death penalty cases are much more expensive than other criminal cases and cost more than imprisonment for life. Pre-trial motions, expert witness investigations, Jury selection, and the necessity for two trials one on guilt and one on sentencing make capital cases extremely costly, even before the appeals process begins.

Moreover, if a defendant is convicted but not given the death sentence, the state will still incur the costs of life imprisonment, in addition to the increased trial expenses. (Internet info) No doubt, this huge amount of money definitely will put a lot of pressure to the government, and citizens have to pay more taxes to support the punishment, so why should government adopt the worthless death penalty as a punishment?

These reasons are my strongest arguments for death penalty, death penalty can’t teach criminals anything and also it can’t stop the increasing crime rate. In addition, for our citizens, it is a very cruel and inhuman way of punishment. For government, it is also a cumbrous outcome. Now, I think it’s pretty reasonable for me to support Canada shouldn’t adopt death penalty as its most severe form of criminal punishment. Death penalty can destroy everything of anyone, and I hope our human society can expel this punishment out of our world.

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In 2011 43 people received capital penalty and in 2010 46 people were besides killed because of capital penalty. Now in the twelvemonth 2012 there are 3. 146 decease row inmates waiting to be executed. A Gallic philosopher. Albert Camus one time said “Capital penalty is the most premeditated of murders” . Do you believe

The Death of the Death Penalty

Is The Death Penalty Effective

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.” (Tolkien, 1954) Majority of America have their own strong beliefs as to whether capital punishment should remain in todays society. Those who oppose the death penalty

Death to the Death Penalty

The death penalty has been around as far back as the Bible times. Perhaps even later. It hasn’t been until the last century or so that its ethicality has been questioned. As of now, every single country in Europe except Belarus has abolished the death penalty and this is actually a prerequisite to enter the

A Comparison of Free Speech and Hate Speech in France, Citing Charlie Hebdo Shootings as the Biggest Threat to Free Speech This Year

Hate Speech

The line between free speech and hate speech, is constantly debated. When does one cross the line of expressing an opinion to openly to encouraging hatred of a group? Ridiculing a belief system is protected under free speech, as long as one is not inciting hate or violence against the followers of that belief system.

The Inhumanity of Death Penalty

Eye for an eye

Indonesia has been increasing. All kinds of criminality either serious crime or not have a law to punish those criminal. A very serious crime is considered to get the death penalty. This punishment is a symbol of violation and across the line of humanity in Indonesia, a country that follows the Financial, one of whose

Penalty of Death: Barbaric or Justifiable Homicide

The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment, is the harshest form of punishment carried out by law enforcement officials. While some countries have abolished it, the United States has reinstated this penalty for severe crimes such as murder.The concept of "Lex talionis," mentioned in the Bible, advocates for the idea of "An eye

Influence of Voting on Death Penalty

There are several congressional roles of legislators and the Texas legislature is considered to be a representational body. Members of congress, including house of representatives, state legislatures, or the senate may act in a different manner on behalf of the people they are representing. There are three distinct roles in how members of congress vote

The Case for the Death Penalty

On July 23, 2007, in Cheshire, Connecticut, two men invaded the home of Dr. William Petit. They beat Dr. Petit with a baseball bat, raped Dr. Petit’s wife and two daughters, chained them to a bed, poured gasoline on them and set the house on fire. Dr. Petit was the only survivor. The two men

capital punishment essay attention getter

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Hook Generator

AI Hook Generator: Write a Perfect Attention-Grabber

What is a hook generator.

In writing, a hook is a sentence or group of sentences that serves as an attention-grabbing opening to a piece of writing. It is a powerful tool to engage readers or listeners and encourage them to continue reading or listening. However, crafting a good hook can be challenging, and that's where a hook generator comes in.

A hook generator, also known as a hook creator or hook sentence generator, is an online tool that provides users with various ideas for hooks that they can use in their writing. These tools help writers save time and effort by providing them with different options for a hook that they can choose from.

Why Should You Use a Hook Statement Generator?

Using a hook generator has several advantages for writers, including:

  • Time-saving:  Writing a hook can be a time-consuming process. A hook generator can save writers time by providing them with various options to choose from.
  • Increased creativity:  A hook generator can stimulate creativity by providing writers with unique and interesting ideas that they might not have thought of on their own.
  • Improved engagement:  A well-crafted hook can improve reader engagement, and a hook generator can help writers create attention-grabbing hooks that keep their readers interested.
  • Consistency:  A hook generator can help writers ensure that the tone and style of their hooks are consistent throughout their writing. This can help create a more cohesive and polished piece of writing, which can improve the reader's overall experience.
  • Flexibility:  A hook generator can provide writers with different types of hooks that can be tailored to their specific writing needs. For example, a writer may need a hook for an essay, a speech, or a marketing campaign. A hook generator can provide a variety of hook types, such as anecdotes, questions, or quotations, that can be customized to suit the specific type of writing.

How to Use Our Hook Generator?

Our hook generator is easy to use and can help writers generate hooks quickly and efficiently. Here's how to use it:

Step 1: Describe the Topic

Enter the topic you want to write about in the text box. This will help the generator provide relevant and specific ideas for hooks.

Step 2: Generate Hook Ideas

Click on the "Generate Hooks" button, and our hook generator will provide you with different ideas for hooks. You can select the ones that you like and save them for later use.

Step 3: Save Hooks with Potential

After generating hook ideas, you can save the ones that you think have the potential to engage your audience. You can copy and paste them into a separate document for future reference.

Step 4: Refine Your Hooks

You can refine the hooks you've saved by making changes to them or combining different ideas to create a more unique hook.

Tips for writing effective hooks

Here are some tips for writing effective hooks:

Know your audience

Before writing a hook, it's essential to know your target audience. Consider what type of reader or listener you are trying to attract and what their interests and values are. This will help you create a hook that is relevant and appealing to your audience.

Hook examples:

  • Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list?
  • Are you passionate about saving the environment?
  • Do you love trying new recipes and experimenting in the kitchen?

Start with an interesting fact or statistic

Sharing a surprising or little-known fact can pique readers' curiosity and make them want to learn more. Starting with a fact or statistic can also establish the importance of the topic you're writing about.

Pose a thought-provoking question

Asking a question can make readers or listeners think and engage with the topic on a deeper level. Make sure the question is relevant to your topic and encourages readers to keep reading or listening.

Thought-provoking hook exa

  • What would you do if you had only 24 hours left to live?
  • Is it ever acceptable to lie to protect someone's feelings?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?

Use a quotation

Using a quotation from a famous person or a book related to your topic can add credibility and interest to your writing. Make sure the quotation is relevant and memorable.

Quotation hook examples:

  • "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
  • "The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln
  • "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin

Tell a story or anecdote

Sharing a personal story or anecdote can help readers connect with your writing on an emotional level. Make sure the story is relevant to your topic and highlights the importance of the issue you're discussing.

Story hook examples:

  • When I was six years old, I fell off my bike and broke my arm. Little did I know that this event would shape my entire life.
  • My grandfather used to tell me stories about his experiences during the war. His stories always reminded me of the sacrifices he made for our country.
  • I remember the first time I tasted sushi. It was love at first bite, and I've been a fan ever since.

Humour can be an effective way to engage readers and make them remember your writing. However, make sure the humor is appropriate and relevant to your topic.

  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands instead.
  • I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

Keep it concise

A hook should be brief and to the point. Avoid using long, complicated sentences that may confuse or bore readers.

Concise hooks examples:

  • Time is money.
  • Life is short.
  • Knowledge is power.

Make it unique

A hook should be unique and stand out from other hooks. Avoid using cliches or overused phrases that readers may have seen before.

Your hook should accurately reflect the content of your writing. Avoid using clickbait or misleading hooks that may disappoint or frustrate readers.

How to Write a Good Hook for an Essay

A good hook for an essay should be attention-grabbing and relevant to the topic. It should also be unique and creative. Here are some types of hooks in writing that you can use for your essay:

  • Anecdote: Start with a short and interesting story related to your topic.
  • Question: Pose a question to your audience that makes them think and want to learn more.
  • Quotation: Use a quotation from a famous person or a book related to your topic.
  • Surprising fact: Share a surprising or shocking fact that will make your readers curious.
  • Definition: Start with a clear and concise definition of a term related to your topic.

Choose Your Type of Hook

After selecting the type of hook you want to use, you can start writing your hook sentence. A good hook should be concise and to the point, but it should also grab your readers' attention.

How to Start a Hook for an Essay

To start a hook for an essay, you need to think about what will capture your readers' attention. You can start by asking a question, sharing a story, or providing an interesting fact. The goal is to create a hook that will make your readers want to keep reading.

Essay Hook Examples

Here are some examples of good hooks for essays:

  • Anecdote: "When I was six years old, I broke my leg in a car accident. Little did I know that this event would shape my entire life."
  • Question: "Did you know that the human brain can process information faster than the speed of light?"
  • Quotation: "As Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'"
  • Surprising fact: "Did you know that the world's largest living organism is a fungus that covers over 2,200 acres in Oregon?"
  • Definition: "According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, 'procrastination' is defined as the act of delaying or postponing something."

Hook Generators

Aside from our hook generator, there are several other hook generators available online that can help writers create attention-grabbing hooks for their writing. Here are some examples:

Instagram Hooks Generator

Instagram is a popular social media platform that is used by millions of people around the world. If you're looking to create reels on Instagram, you can use an Instagram hooks generator to come up with creative and engaging hook ideas.

An Instagram hooks generator is a tool that generates creative ideas and concepts for reels on the Instagram platform. It is designed to help users create attention-grabbing and visually stunning content to capture the attention of their audience. 

Instagram hook tips: 

  • Use a visually stunning image or video that captures the essence of your brand or product
  • Use an interesting caption that encourages viewers to engage with your post
  • Use a unique hashtag that makes your post easily discoverable

Check out our  AI instagram bio generator

Email Hooks Generator

Email marketing is an effective way to reach potential customers and promote your business. To make sure your emails get noticed, you can use an email hooks generator to come up with attention-grabbing subject lines that entice your subscribers to open your emails.

An email hooks generator is a tool that generates attention-grabbing subject lines for email marketing campaigns. It is designed to help users create subject lines that entice their subscribers to open their emails. Here are some benefits and examples of an email hooks generator:

Email hook tips:

  • Ask a question in the subject line that piques the subscriber's curiosity
  • Use numbers to make the subject line more specific and compelling
  • Use a sense of urgency to create a feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out)

Check out our  cover letter generator and  how to write letter of recommendation with AI . 

Speech Hook Generator

Public speaking can be daunting, but a well-crafted hook can help you capture your audience's attention and keep them engaged throughout your speech. A speech hook generator can provide you with different ideas for hooks that you can use to make your speech more memorable.

A speech hook generator is a tool that generates creative and engaging ideas for speeches. It is designed to help users create attention-grabbing hooks that capture the audience's attention and keep them engaged throughout the speech. 

Speech hook tips: 

  • Use a personal story or anecdote that relates to the topic of the speech
  • Use a shocking statistic or fact that highlights the importance of the issue being discussed
  • Use humor to make the audience laugh and create a relaxed atmosphere

Essay Hook Generator

An essay hook generator can help you come up with creative ideas for hooks that you can use to make your essay stand out. By using a hook generator, you can save time and effort while creating a hook that will make your essay more engaging.

An essay hook generator is a tool that generates creative ideas for hooks for essays. It is designed to help users create attention-grabbing hooks that make their essays stand out. 

Essay hook tips:

  • Use a quote from a famous person or a book related to the topic of the essay
  • Use a surprising or little-known fact that highlights the importance of the issue being discussed
  • Use a personal story or anecdote that relates to the topic of the essay

Song Hook Generator

Writing a catchy hook is essential for creating a successful song. A song hook generator can provide you with different ideas for hooks that you can use in your songwriting.

A song hook generator is a tool that generates creative and memorable ideas for hooks for songs. It is designed to help users create catchy and memorable hooks that stick in the listener's mind. 

Song hook tips:

  • Use a catchy melody or rhythm that makes the hook memorable
  • Use a simple and repetitive phrase that is easy for listeners to remember
  • Use a metaphor or analogy that makes the hook more interesting and memorable

Check out also our  country song generator and  song title generator .

Marketing Hook Generator

Marketing hooks are used to grab the attention of potential customers and persuade them to buy your products or services. A marketing hook generator can provide you with different ideas for hooks that you can use in your marketing campaigns to make them more effective.

In conclusion, using a hook generator can be a valuable tool for writers who want to create attention-grabbing hooks quickly and efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this article and using a hook generator, you can create hooks that engage your audience and make your writing more memorable.


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  3. Capital Punishment Essay

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  6. Capital Punishment Essay for Students and Children in English

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  1. Your Punishment For Dying


  3. Is Capital Punishment a solution? #crime #justice #capitalpunishment #boardexam #tranding #shorts

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  6. Plea Bargaining: Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice


  1. Death Penalty Persuasive Essay

    Common Ground + Credibility: According to Merriam Webster's online dictionary, the death penalty also known as capital punishment is death as a punishment given by a court of law for a very serious crime (s). Statista shows that 17,284 loved ones were taken from their families through murder and non-negligent manslaughter in the U.S. in 2017.

  2. Persuasive Speech On Capital Punishment

    Persuasive Speech Outline. 07/18/17. Capital Punishment is a Crime Introduction. I. Attention Getter: With the United states in debt up to nineteen trillion and states facing budget cuts, a million dollars is a lot of money to spend to give one person the death penalty. While some people may agree with the death penalty, others may not.

  3. Attention Getter For Capital Punishment Essay

    Attention Getter: "Capital state punishment turns the state into murders." A quote that was said by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson which shows his disapproval for capital punishments. SP: I am going to convince you why the death penalty should not be used to punish violent criminals. Thesis: The death penalty should not be used to punish violent ...

  4. Immorality of the Death Penalty, A Speech

    Immorality of the Death Penalty, A Speech. Satisfactory Essays. 605 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. 1. Introduction. A. Attention Getter: Thou shall not kill, only one of the ten commandments that some individuals unfortunately can not seem to uphold. What would the world look like if we did not have an "eye for an eye" mentality?

  5. Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?

    In the July Opinion essay "The Death Penalty Can Ensure 'Justice Is Being Done,'" Jeffrey A. Rosen, then acting deputy attorney general, makes a legal case for capital punishment:

  6. Death Penalty Essay Introduction

    The death penalty or capital punishment is the execution of a criminal by a government as punishment for a crime. In the United States, the death penalty is the most common form of sentence in murder cases. A death penalty essay argues for or against the death penalty. The essay introduction begins with an attention-grabber, followed by ...

  7. Capital Punishment Outline

    Capital Punishment Attention Getter: Capital punishment has been around for centuries. Most societies have some form of the death penalty or capital punishment. Throughout history, societies have used some form of capital punishment; consequently, there has always been a debate over if the death penalty is necessary in society.

  8. Capital punishment

    Capital punishment - Arguments, Pros/Cons: Capital punishment has long engendered considerable debate about both its morality and its effect on criminal behaviour. Contemporary arguments for and against capital punishment fall under three general headings: moral, utilitarian, and practical. Supporters of the death penalty believe that those who commit murder, because they have taken the life ...

  9. Death Penalty Research Paper

    Attention grabber — a short and precise sentence to engage the audience. Background information — a few sentences to give your readers basic knowledge of the death penalty. The significance of research on capital punishment — explain why this topic needs to be addressed.

  10. A Factful Perspective on Capital Punishment

    Abstract. Substantial progress has been made towards worldwide abolition of capital punishment, and there are good reasons to believe that more progress is possible. Since 2000, the pace of abolition has slowed, but by several measures the number of executions in the world has continued to decline. Several causes help explain the decline ...

  11. Good Attention Getters for Essays With Examples

    3. Tell a Joke. Funny attention getters can be very effective when used correctly. There are 2 types of jokes you can use to begin your essay: A very general joke that an average person would understand. Jokes can lighten the mood and allow the reader to enjoy the rest of the essay.


    Here are some tips to help you write a winning death penalty research paper or essay. Write a death penalty research paper outline to provide the right structure to your paper, and organize your arguments.; Be sure that your death penalty research paper introduction contains a hook, specifies the topic of your paper, and contains a compelling thesis statement.

  13. Capital Punishment Essay Thesis And Outline

    Capital Punishment The purpose of this speech is to inform the audience of the cruelty of death and that imprisonment alone should be a great enough punishment. 1. The main attention getter is an imagination that I am going to create for the audience so they can imagine the living quarters of …. Capital punishment is a legal death penalty ...

  14. Capital Punishment Wrong

    Attention Getter For Capital Punishment Essay 434 Words | 2 Pages. The death penalty should not be used to punish violent criminals for, the death penalty is a violation of constitutional rights. Not to mention, the same government that opposes and goes against murder, embraces it by committing the same act. Ultimately, the cost of executing a ...

  15. Essay: We Need To Kill The Death Penalty

    Attention Getter For Capital Punishment Essay 434 Words | 2 Pages. Should the death penalty be used to punish violent criminals? Attention Getter: "Capital state punishment turns the state into murders. " A quote that was said by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson which shows his disapproval for capital punishments.

  16. Attention Getter For Capital Punishment Essay

    Attention Getter: "Capital state punishment turns the state into murders." A quote that was said by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson which shows his disapproval for capital punishments. SP: I am going to convince you why the death penalty should not be used to punish violent criminals. Thesis: The death penalty should not be used to punish violent ...

  17. Capital Punishment Argumentative Essay Examples That Really Inspire

    Proper Argumentative Essay Example About California Death Penalty. Capital punishment or the death penalty is one of the most contentious types of punishments in the United States of America. It is the type of punishment that puts to death an individual who is found guilty of a crime as a result of a legal trial.

  18. ⇉Attention getter for death penalty speech Essay Example

    Similarity, the justice of some crimes always get much attention from victims and other citizens. In this essay, death penalty becomes a very controversial issue to discuss, many people support it and many people don't. Personally, I think death penalty is the most ferocious way of punishing a criminal. There are many methods of execution ...

  19. Persuasive Speech Outline- abolish death penalty

    Persuasive Speech Outline Briana Holguin HCOM 100- December 1, 2021 Professor Wahl. Persuasive Speech Outline Speech Topic: The topic of my speech is why the death penalty should be abolished.Specific Purpose: To persuade.Central Idea: My central idea is to show why execution should be illegal.Attention Getter: Imagine yourself, sitting in a courtroom and a judge tells you that you've been ...

  20. AI Hook Generator: Write a Perfect Attention-Grabber

    An essay hook generator is a tool that generates creative ideas for hooks for essays. It is designed to help users create attention-grabbing hooks that make their essays stand out. Essay hook tips: Use a quote from a famous person or a book related to the topic of the essay.

  21. Attention Getter For Capital Punishment

    Good Essays. 1696 Words; 7 Pages; Open Document Analyze This Draft. Open Document Analyze This Draft. Attention Getter For Capital Punishment. View Writing Issues. File. Edit. Tools. Settings. Filter Results. ... Attention Getter For Capital Punishment. Topic: Capital Punishment General Purpose: To argue

  22. Free Essay: Outline of capital punishment.

    Capital Punishment. The purpose of this speech is to inform the audience of the cruelty of death and that imprisonment alone should be a great enough punishment. 1. The main attention getter is an imagination that I am going to create for the audience so they can imagine the living quarters of an actual prisoner. 2.

  23. Attention Grabbers For Persuasive Essays

    A. Society has come to census that anything not severely hurting child is acceptable. Many adults not able to recognize power compared to young child a. what parent believes to be light spank has potential to leave bruises on child b. loses effectiveness if too light of force- gradually increases force. 2.