A comprehensive survey of data mining

  • Original Research
  • Published: 06 February 2020
  • Volume 12 , pages 1243–1257, ( 2020 )

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data mining thesis pdf

  • Manoj Kumar Gupta   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4481-8432 1 &
  • Pravin Chandra 1  

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Data mining plays an important role in various human activities because it extracts the unknown useful patterns (or knowledge). Due to its capabilities, data mining become an essential task in large number of application domains such as banking, retail, medical, insurance, bioinformatics, etc. To take a holistic view of the research trends in the area of data mining, a comprehensive survey is presented in this paper. This paper presents a systematic and comprehensive survey of various data mining tasks and techniques. Further, various real-life applications of data mining are presented in this paper. The challenges and issues in area of data mining research are also presented in this paper.

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University School of Information, Communication and Technology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector-16C, Dwarka, Delhi, 110078, India

Manoj Kumar Gupta & Pravin Chandra

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Gupta, M.K., Chandra, P. A comprehensive survey of data mining. Int. j. inf. tecnol. 12 , 1243–1257 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41870-020-00427-7

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Received : 29 June 2019

Accepted : 20 January 2020

Published : 06 February 2020

Issue Date : December 2020

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s41870-020-00427-7

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  • Published: 16 May 2024

It’s time to tackle space debris

  • Mark Buchanan 1  

Nature Physics ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Yet this exciting growth also has astronomers worried. If, from ancient times through to the current era of modern radio astronomy, the sky has been humanity’s window to the Universe, it is progressively being closed — or at least significantly occluded. At any moment, and from anywhere on Earth, an observer will now have a direct line of sight to several thousand operational satellites, each of which produces considerable electromagnetic noise.

As a team of astronomers persuasively argued in a recent commentary ( A. Williams et al. Nat. Sustain. 7 , 228–231; 2024 ), our ability to keep learning about the Universe may soon be severely impaired unless we take steps to make near-Earth space itself a sustainable environment.

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Buchanan, M. It’s time to tackle space debris. Nat. Phys. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-024-02501-4

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Published : 16 May 2024

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  1. PDF The application of data mining methods

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    office hours: Monday 9-11am @ BH 3551) Yewen Wang ([email protected]) office hours: Wednesday 9-10am @ Boelter Hall 3551 Conference Room, 10-11am @ zoom. Shichang Zhang ([email protected]) office hours: Friday 10am-12pm @ BH 3551 Conference Room (May change to the TA office BH 3256 once it is open)

  3. (PDF) Implementation of Data Mining Techniques for ...

    Part-II of the thesis is about Implementing Data Mining Techniques in finding the trends of celebrities death causes over the past decade. The database for training is created from the public and ...


    ery (data mining) from this data has b ecome v ery imp ortan t for the business and scien ti c-researc h comm unities alik e. This do ctoral thesis in tro duces Query Flo c ks, a general framew ork o v er relational data that enables the declarativ e form ulation, systematic optimization, and e cien t pro cessing of a large class of mining ...


    objective in this thesis is to get a deeper knowledge of the data mining area and evalu-ate methods to automatically classify the data in structured personal registries. In this report I'll describe di erent methods and algorithms used in data mining, apply a few selected popular algorithms on two data sets and then discuss the result. i

  6. PDF A Methodology for Reliable Data Mining on Health Administrative Data

    A Methodology for Reliable Data Mining on Health Administrative Data: Case Studies on Pediatric Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases in Ontario, Canada by Mohammad Hossein Tekieh Thesis submitted to the University of Ottawa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Digital Transformation and Innovation

  7. PDF Machine Learning for Mining Big Data: A Review

    Abstract. Development of Big Data is virtually transforming our lifestyle. It is also ac-celerating industrial growth through process optimization, insight discovery and improved decision making. The massive scale of big data exceeds the processing and analytic capacity of conventional database systems within an acceptable time frame.

  8. PDF A comprehensive survey of data mining

    To take a holistic view of the research trends in the area of data mining, a comprehensive survey is presented in this paper. This paper presents a systematic and comprehensive survey of various data mining tasks and techniques. Further, various real-life applications of data mining are presented in this paper.

  9. PDF Data Mining

    This is probably the most widely discussed case of data mining in the field of economics. One of the reasons it is widely discussed is not only that data mining was conducted on a large scale, but also that it was done so openly, almost proudly. The concept of data mining had always been a term for bad practice.

  10. PDF University of Oklahoma Graduate College Data Mining ...

    The diagram of k-means clustering is shown in Figure 9. In Figure 9, first we have. several random points (shown in step 1), and arbitrarily select centers of each group (step. 2), next we assign each points to the closets group (step 3), then we re-calculate the new. center for each group (step 4).

  11. PDF Data Mining: Concepts, Background and Methods of Integrating

    Briefly speaking, data mining refers to extracting useful information from vast amounts of data. Many other terms are being used to interpret data mining, such as knowledge mining from databases, knowledge extraction, data analysis, and data archaeology. Nowadays, it is commonly agreed that data mining is an essential step in the process of ...

  12. PDF Time Series Data Mining Methods: A Review

    Time series data mining methods need to be robust against these transformations and combinations of them. Furthermore, we up front clarify what \large" means in the context of large time series. The manageable dimensions can reach up to 1 trillion = 1:000; 000; 000; 000 time series ob-jects.

  13. (PDF) Trends in data mining research: A two-decade review using topic

    Address: 20, Myasnitskaya Street, Moscow 101000, Russia. Abstract. This work analyzes the intellectual structure of data mining as a scientific discipline. T o do this, we use. topic analysis ...

  14. PDF Data Mining in social media: An Analysis of Techniques and Applications

    data mining on social media and the various challenges that it poses. It then explores the strengths and weaknesses of the different machine learning algorithms that are used in this field. Through a comparative analysis, the paper will attempt to identify the best algorithm for this type of analysis.[3], [4] ...

  15. PDF Applications of Data Mining T echniques to Electric Load Profiling

    No portion of the work referred to in the thesis has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university, or other ... Applications of Data Mining Techniques to Electric Load Profiling 3 Abstract Data Mining is a broad term for a variety of data analysis techniques applied to the ...

  16. PDF A Survey of Data Mining Techniques for Social Media Analysis

    Data mining techniques are capable of handling the three dominant research issues with SM data which are size, noise and dynamism. This paper reviews data mining techniques currently in use on analysing SM and looked at other data mining techniques that can be considered in the field. Keywords: Social Media, Social Media Analysis, Data Mining.

  17. PDF Data mining techniques applied in educational environments:

    This conference1 presents full papers (7-8 pages), short papers (4-6 pages) posters (2 pages) and demos related to the use of educational data mining (2 pages). In the figure below the increase in the number of jobs is evident: Table 1. Accepted works in the International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Papers.


    Data mining is concerned with knowledge discovery and finding patterns in. datasets through a process of applying the model to the data [13]. The model, the heart of. the data mining proce ss, is ...

  19. [PDF] Data Mining: An AI Perspective

    This book presents dozens of algorithms and implementation examples, all in pseudo-code and suitable for use in real-world, large-scale data mining projects, and provides a comprehensive, practical look at the concepts and techniques you need to get the most out of real business data. Expand. 13,954. PDF. 1 Excerpt.

  20. data mining Latest Research Papers

    The accurate average value is 74.05% of the existing COID algorithm, and our proposed algorithm has 77.21%. The average recall value is 81.19% and 89.51% of the existing and proposed algorithm, which shows that the proposed work efficiency is better than the existing COID algorithm. Download Full-text.


    Mining industry requires innovation to increase their bottom line, to be more effective in the exploitation. In this thesis I try to find ways, how can big data and machine data boost their businesses, what are the possibilities and frontiers. Therefore, I propose the following research question as the main focus of my thesis:

  22. PDF Machine learning and data mining for yeast functional genomics

    This thesis presents an investigation into machine learning and data mining meth-ods that can be used on data from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. The aim is to predict functional class for ORFs (Open Reading Frames) whose function is currently unknown. Analysis of the yeast genome provides many challenges to existing computa-tional ...

  23. It's time to tackle space debris

    The industry has established guidelines to improve space safety and to reduce space debris generation. The US Federal Communications Commission — paradoxically, this is the US body with ...