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What’s the latest in development economics research? Microsummaries of 150+ papers from NEUDC 2018

David evans, almedina music.

  • The saturation rate of communities with planting material for highly nutritious crop technologies (vitamin-A-rich orange sweet potato and high-iron biofortified beans) substantially increases the average probability of adopting the crops and increased spillovers to neighboring households by 16-19 percent. A treatment in which opinion leaders were invited to promote the technologies did not lead to no more diffusion of either technology. ( Baird, Gilligan, and McNiven ) #RCT
  • How much are women willing to sacrifice to avoid sexual harassment? In India (Delhi), “women  are  willing  to  choose  a  college  in  the  bottom  half  of  the  quality  distribution over  a  college  in  the  top  quintile  in  order  to  travel  by  a  route  that  is  perceived  to  be  one  standard deviation safer.” ( Borker )
  • Getting married one year later in India results in “a significant decline in physical violence, although it has no impact on sexual or emotional violence.” ( Dhamija & Roychowdhury )
  • The opening of all women police stations in India “increased reported crime against women by 22 percent. This is due to increases in reports of female kidnappings and domestic violence.” ( Amaral, Bhalotra, & Prakash )
  • A multi-year intervention that “engaged adolescents in classroom discussions about gender equality” improved gender attitudes and reported gender-equitable behavior (e.g., “boys report helping out more with household chores”). ( Dhar, Jain, & Jayachandran ) #RCT
  • Does your daughter think she’s bad at math? It’s probably because of her classmates’ parents. Evidence from China. ( Eble & Hu )
  • In recent years in Bangladesh, researchers find “a pro-female bias in enrollment decision but a pro-male bias in the decisions on the conditional expenditure and core share in education expenditure.” A program providing stipends to females helped with enrollment but didn’t overcome gender bias overall. ( Xu, Shonchoy, & Fujii )
  • Cash transfers in Kenya reduced physical violence against wives regardless of whether the husband or wife received them, but they reduced sexual violence against wives only when the wives received them. ( Haushofer et al. )
  • Participants in a lab experiment in Ethiopia “are ten percent less likely to follow the same advice from a female leader than an otherwise identical male leader, and female-led subjects perform .33 standard deviations worse as a result.” ( Ayalew, Manian, & Sheth )
  • Across 42 countries, what are the differences in infant feeding patterns by wealth, parental education, and community infrastructure? ( Choudhury, Headey, & Masters )
  • Teaching mothers how to improve children’s diets improved children’s diets in Ethiopia, but providing vouchers for them to afford more food did not. Combining the two was the most effective. ( Park, Han, & Kim ) #RCT
  • Give a multi-layered child nutrition program or its equivalent in cash? Mixed bag in Rwanda. But giving a lot more cash makes a real difference. ( McIntosh & Zeitlin ) #RCT
  • “Mothers who received free meals during primary school are less likely to have stunted children compared to mothers who did not receive free meals” in India. ( Chakrabarti et al. )
  • “Women exposed to cow slaughter bans” in India “in their year of birth have lower levels of hemoglobin (Hb) and are up to 10% more likely to be anemic in their prime reproductive ages between 15 and 35, particularly those who have not completed primary schooling or who come from poorer families.” ( Dasgupta, Majid, & Orman )
  • What’s the optimal level of health insurance subsidy? In Ghana, a one-time partial subsidy affects long-term health care service use more than a one-time full subsidy. This seems to be due to selection – sicker people opted into the partial subsidy program. ( Asuming, Kim, & Sim ) #RCT
  • Public anti-malaria investments in Senegal did not crowd out household investments in health. ( Rossi & Villar )
  • “Peers are… more effective than health workers in bringing in new suspects for testing” for tuberculosis in India. “Low-cost incentives of about $3.00 per referral considerably increase the probability that current patients make referrals.” ( Goldberg, Macis, & Chintagunta ) #RCT
  • The cost of low effort among clinicians in Nigeria is about US$350 million annually. Peer monitoring increases effort. ( Okeke )
  • A soda tax in Mexico increased gastrointestinal disease because of low-quality drinking water. ( Gutierrez & Rubli )
  • “Piped water at home reduces childhood” obesity in Morocco and the Philippines. ( Ritter )
  • Providing double-fortified salt to primary school children in India reduced anemia but didn’t affect test scores on average. However, for the kids who complied best with treatment, test scores did rise. ( Krämer, Kumar, & Vollmer )
  • In China, regulating salt to make sure it contained iodine resulted in higher test scores for girls but not for boys, reducing the math ability gap. ( Deng & Lindeboom )
  • Games in Kenya show that spouses don’t totally trust each other. Letting them communicate increase trust a bit. ( Castilla, Masuda, & Zhang ) #LabInField
  • When a carpet manufacturer offered jobs to women in India, their likelihood of taking the job was unchanged whether they received the offer directly or their husbands got the information to share with their wives. When couples discussed the opportunity together, women were less likely to take the job. ( Lowe & McKelway ) #RCT
  • Households differ in who makes decisions but also in why that person makes the decisions. Among farmers in Senegal, “households achieve greater milk production, higher hemoglobin levels among children, and more satisfaction with decisions when the most informed member or members of the household make the relevant decision.” ( Bernard et al. )
  • In Bangladesh, “women, children, and the elderly face significant probabilities of living in poverty even in households with per-capita expenditure above the poverty threshold.” ( Brown, Calvi, & Penglase )
  • “A drop of 1 percentage point in the earnings gap” between husbands and wives in Mexico led to “an increase in the divorce rate of 2 percent.” ( Davila )
  • Christian missionaries settled in healthier, safer and more developed locations in 43 sub-Saharan African countries (early 20 th century) and in Ghana (18 th -20 th century) – this endogeneity led to an overly optimistic account of the importance of colonial missions for long-term development. ( Jedwab, Meier zu Selhausen, and Moradi ) #RDD
  • Greater suitability for opium cultivation in India under British Rule is associated with lower present-day literacy outcomes and a lower rate of public good provision. In opium-growing districts, the Colonial administration spent less on education and health, while spending more on police forces. ( Lehne ) #RDD
  • The United Fruit Company (UFCo), active in Costa Rica from 1889 to 1984, had positive, large and persistent effects even after it stopped production: households in former UFCo areas have better housing, sanitation, education, and consumption capacity. UFCo invested in physical and human capital, such as sanitary and health programs, housing for its employees, and vocational training. ( Méndez-Chacón and Van Patten ) #RDD
  • In locations where plantation estates were ruled by private, foreign enterprises during the Dutch colonial period in Java (Indonesia) weaker economic outcomes and institutions persist to this day. ( Fetzer and Mukherjee )
  • A novel index of ethnic segregation – taking into account both ethnic and spatial distances between individuals and computed for 159 countries - reveals that countries where ethnically diverse individuals lived far apart, have higher-quality government, higher incomes and higher levels of trust. ( Hodler, Valsecchi, and Vesperoni )
  • Information can break the political resource curse: Giving information - related to a recent discovery of natural gas in Mozambique - only to community leaders increases elite capture and rent-seeking, while information targeted at the general population increases mobilization, trust, demand for political accountability and decreases conflict.  ( Armand et al.)  
  • Group size of minorities has no relation with its representation in national government under proportional electoral systems, while it shows an inverted-U shaped relationship in majoritarian electoral systems (i.e., if “too small” or “too large” they suffer a disadvantage against the majority group) based on 421 ethno-country minority groups across 92 democracies spanning the period 1946–2013. ( Chaturvedi and Das )
  • The majority of citizens in Bangladesh prefer taking common decisions via democratic and inclusive institutions, and these positive evaluations of participatory governance are reinforced by the exposure to a Community-Driven Development program. ( Cocciolo ) #LabInField
  • Rewarding politicians by making their political effort more visible to citizens - either through public recognition or by increasing their access to public funds - improves citizens’ wellbeing in south Indian state Tamil Nadu.  ( Mansuri et al. )
  • Caste quotas lead to political candidates with lower wealth, lower criminal records, but similar education levels. Quotas also increase women’s representation in politics. There is no difference in the level of public goods between quota-bound and non-quota-bound areas. ( Jogani ) #RDD
  • Presence of political opposition in the city council improves mayors’ performance in Brazil: it increases legislative oversight, reduces corruption, increases the probability that a physician will be present at the local health clinic, and decreases the infant mortality rate by 3.4 per 1000 births for uneducated mothers. ( Poulsen and Varjão ) #RDD
  • Registered citizens in Tanzania are more likely to work in the formal economic sector, have higher education, bank accounts, and pay taxes. ( Bowles ) #IV
  • A land certification program in Zambia improved perceptions of tenure security, but it had no impact on investment. ( Huntington and Shenoy ) #RCT
  • Improved schools increased satisfaction with government’s education policy, voter registration and vote share for incumbent representatives in Liberia. Electoral gains were concentrated in places where test score gains were largest, suggesting that voters perceive and reward school quality. ( Romero, Sandefur, and Sandholtz )
  • An alcohol ban led to an increase in crime in the Indian State of Bihar. Since state capacity and supply of police is fixed, diverting law enforcement resources towards implementing the alcohol ban effectively reduces capacity to prevent crimes. ( Dar and Sahay )
  • But wait! Alcohol regulation policies in the Indian State of Bihar led to a 0.21 standard deviation reduction in the incidence of violent crimes but had no significant impact on non-violent crimes. ( Chaudhuri et al. )
  • Brazil’s 2007 voter re-registration reform, intended to curb voter-buying, increased political competition and healthcare expenditures, which in turn led to better health outcomes: a 6.6 percent increase in prenatal visits, a 15 percent decrease in the incidence of low birthweight, and 5.3 percent reduction in the infant mortality rate.  ( Karim ) #RDD
  • Electing “parachuters” (those who have hereditary/dynastic background) leads to 0.2 percentage point lower GDP growth per year compared to constituencies where “climbers” are elected (those who have made their way up on their own). Impact is likely driven by misallocation of bureaucratic resources. ( Dar ) #RDD
  • Workers will privately accept jobs at a wage below the prevailing norm in India, but not when other workers can observe them making the choice. “Workers give up 38% of average weekly earnings in order to avoid being seen as breaking the social norm.” ( Breza, Kaur, & Krishnaswamy )
  • A youth training intervention subsidizing skills training and employment placement services in Nepal showed increased non-farm employment, hours worked and earnings one year after the program. The effects are mainly driven by women, who engage in non-farm self-employment activities carried out inside (but not outside) the house.  ( Chakravarty et al .) #RDD
  • The decline in Mexican net migration from 2006 to 2012 reduced employment for lower educated men and increased wages for higher education men and women. Informality does not change, and women switch from unpaid to salaried jobs (likely because of reduced remittances). ( Conover, Khamis, and Pearlman ) #IV
  • Fear of sexual assault reduces women’s labor market participation in India: a one standard deviation increase in sexual assault reports within one’s own district reduced women’s employment probability by 0.36 percentage points, especially among highly educated married urban women. There is no effect of lagged physical assault reports on employment outside home. ( Siddique )
  • Tax rate changes do not increase formal employment in Ghana, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. ( McKay, Pirttilä, and Schimanski )
  • Risk averse children in Kenya are more likely to make an independent decision to work, as opposed to being sent by or negotiating with parents over the decision. This suggests a strategic decision by risk averse children who face a risky outside option in semi-nomadic pastoralism. ( Walker and Bartlett ) #LabInField
  • Effects of local labor demand shocks can differ significantly by gender. In 1991-2010 Brazil, male labor demand shocks, relative to equivalent female shocks, lead to larger increases in population (migration), own-gender wages, and the gender economic gap, particularly for those without high school education. ( Chauvin )
  • In the short run, job application workshops and transport subsidies increase the probability of finding employment for young job seekers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The workshop also helped young people access stable jobs with an open-ended contract. Four years later, the workshop has a large and significant impact on earnings, while the effects of the subsidy have dissipated. ( Abebe et al. ) #RCT
  • Decision-making responsibilities shift towards women during the seasonal migration period in Bangladesh. Seasonal migration brings clear changes in some beliefs with respect to gender and income inequality, but no accompanying behavioral change. ( Mobarak, Reimão, and Shenoy ) #RCT
  • Migration generates bilateral cultural convergence even if migrants are excluded from the pool of respondents (hence eliminating social mixing). International migration appears as a stronger and more robust driver of cultural convergence than trade. ( Rapoport, Sardoschau, and Silve )
  • In the agrarian sector in the Philippines, self-selection effects accounts for 60% of the productivity difference between fixed wage and individual piece rate contracts. Social norms significantly alter the decision-making by workers: Guilt aversion and kinship taxation discourage workers to choose the remunerative option, whereas enviousness facilitates them to opt for it. ( Goto et al. )
  • Employment Protection Laws decreased employment of the disabled by 9 percentage points, particularly for women and employees. Employers reduce their demand for disabled labor to avoid the cost of workplace accommodations for disabled workers. ( Palmer and Williams )
  • What happens when a single sector is hit with a negative shock? The EU ban on black tiger shrimp pushed some workers out of the industry in Thailand, increasing incomes of those who stayed. But those who were pushed out also received a benefit in their children’s education. ( Banternghansa & Giannone )
  • “Countries’ dollar-denominated net external debt (dollar debt) helps explain the large differences in risk premia across currencies and how U.S. monetary policy affects the global economy.” ( Wiriadinata )
  • With novel data from Mexico, “larger firms (in terms of sales and employees) tend to use more interfirm trade credit relative to bank credit… These firms use interfirm trade credit as a mechanism to smooth variations in their prices. All else equal, firms with a higher trade-to-bank credit ratio tend to lower prices.” ( Shapiro et al. )
  • In China, the road network veers towards the birthplaces of top officials who were in power when it was built. ( Alder & Kondo )
  • When the poorest households in a cash transfer program in Kenya experience monetary penalties failing to comply with conditions, consumption drops significantly. Less poor households are better able to avoid getting fined in the future. ( Heinrich & Knowles )
  • A new model suggests the existence of a network-level poverty trap. “Transfer programs can be made more cost-effective by targeting communities at the threshold of the aggregate poverty trap.” Based on data in Bangladesh. ( Advani )
  • Not all marginalized groups in India are catching up! Mobility in India has remained the same overall since before the early 1990s, but in fact it has risen among some groups (the traditionally lowest castes) and fallen among others (Muslims). ( Asher, Novosad, & Rafkin )
  • Cash transfers in Indonesia decreased suicides by 18%. ( Christian, Hensel, & Roth )
  • How to incorporate ordinal measures (e.g., ranked positions rather than levels of income) into multidimensional poverty measurement. ( Seth & Yalonetsky )
  • Introducing formal insurance can crowd-out private redistributive transfers in Ethiopia’s rural communities. To donors, new information based on insurance decisions allows them to place recipients of private funds in a different light, and reduce their support. ( Anderberg and Morsink )
  • Increases in the generosity of in-kind food subsidies led to lower labor supply and higher wages, mostly in the low-skilled casual labor market in India. ( Shrinivas, Baylis, and Crost )
  • Insurance is an important factor in explaining effort supply and fertilizer use. Going from no sharing to full insurance, effort supply decreases by more than six times and fertilizer use drops by almost 50 percent in rural India. ( Pietrobon )
  • A large-scale HIV prevention program in public secondary schools in Malawi provided free circumcision and transport subsidies to clinics. Demand for circumcision increased in addition to positive peer effects among untreated students. In the long run, the preventive effect of circumcision is mitigated through risk compensation behavior in the group that got circumcised due to the intervention, but not for those induced by peer effects. ( Kim et al. ) #RCT
  • Access to a new financial product, offering guaranteed credit access after a shock, improves household welfare in Bangladesh through two channels: an ex-ante insurance effect where households increase investment in risky production and an ex-post effect where households are better able to maintain consumption and asset levels after a shock.  ( Lane ) #RCT
  • Without financial incentives such as discounts or rebates, farmers in Bangladesh do not use insurance to manage production risk during the monsoon season, even at actuarially-favorable prices. Purchasing insurance yields both ex ante risk management effects as well as ex post income effects on production practices ( Hill et al. ) #RCT
  • In India, the association between yield losses and rainfall index losses are stronger for large deviations. Therefore, demand for commercially priced rainfall insurance is more likely to be positive when coverage is restricted to extreme losses. ( Negi and Rawasmani )
  • A large-scale environmental disaster in 2016, when toxic industrial waste contaminated the marine ecosystem of Vietnam’s central coast, reduced fishing activities by 23 percent and fishermen’s income by 45 percent. ( Hoang et al. )
  • Do you want practical advice for your farm? Go to your local church or mosque! In Kenya, “shared attendance of two peers at” a religious institution “increases the likelihood of seeking out and receiving advice from their peer by 33 percentage points.” ( Murphy, Lee, & Nourani )
  • Based on a field experiment in Ethiopia, “conventional job referrals through social networks can reinforce labour market inequalities and prevent less socially connected individuals from getting access to jobs. However, when given referral opportunities, individuals can manage to escape exclusion.” ( Witte ) #RCT
  • Matching employers and employees using social networks can lead to bad matches, particularly among “less productive, poorer workers and firms” in Ethiopia. ( Matsuda & Nomura )
  • Business training for micro-entrepreneurs in Uganda rewires social networks, as entrepreneurs who don’t receive the training seek to network with trained peers. ( Stein )
  • When the social network is not completely informative, any self-report which is not supported by a third party must be discarded. ( Bloch and Olckers )
  • In Filipino villages with high social fragmentation, workers earn higher wages and occupations are disproportionately less likely to be dominated by a single social group. ( Caria and Labonne )
  • Households which experience climate shocks tend to invest more in family-caste (formal and informal) and vertical network relationships. Those networks bring benefits which are key to mitigating the impact of negative climate shocks. ( Ramsawak )
  • Income shocks facilitate altruistic giving that better targets the least well off within one’s network in Ghana. ( Barrett et al. )
  • What does major bridge construction do for economic activity (in Bangladesh)? In the formerly disconnected area, workers move from agriculture to services, population grows, and agricultural productivity rises. ( Blankespoor et al. )
  • Big, surprising oil and gas discoveries lead to lots of additional foreign direct investment (FDI). In Mozambique, each FDI job leads to between 4.4 and 6.5 additional other jobs. ( Toews & Vézina )
  • India’s Freight Equalization Scheme “contributed to the decline of industry in eastern India” but it took time. But repealing it reversed the decline, at least in some states. ( Firth & Liu )
  • In Brazil, trade with China reduced unemployment for areas exporting stuff and increased unemployment for areas importing stuff. ( Brummond & Connolly )
  • In Indonesia, “each percentage point of additional agriculture-driven poverty reduction also corresponds to around three percent of district area in forest loss since 2000.” ( Edwards )
  • New state-built formal housing on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is popular among slum dwellers, despite longer, and slightly more expensive commutes. Moving to formal housing on the outskirts of the city has no effects on labor supply and earnings. ( Franklin )
  • Public housing projects in South Africa decrease close-by formal residential home prices by 16 percent. While there is greater access to services and improved home quality within project areas, surrounding neighborhoods experience substantial growth in informal housing which exacerbates congestions and generate declines in formal home prices.  ( Bradlow, Polloni, and Violette ) #DiD
  • Air pollution substantially lowers productivity among industries with labor intensive technology while industries that rely less on labor inputs are less affected. ( Hansen-Lewis ) #IV
  • The TransJakarta Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, a public transport initiative designed to improve mobility for the greater Jakarta metropolitan area, did not increase transit ridership and exacerbated congestion on the routes it served, leading to increased travel times for other modes. Motorcycle vehicle ownership increased substantially. ( Gaduh, Gračner, and Rothenberg )
  • Two light-touch psychological interventions – one that helped women improve planning and another that helped reduce impatience – both had impacts on sanitation behavior and health outcomes after ten weeks in Kenya. ( Haushofer, John, & Orkin ) #RCT
  • After training street food vendors in India on food safety, vendors knew a lot more but didn’t change what they actually did. ( Daniele, Mookerjee, & Tommasi ) #RCT
  • Providing subsidies lead more households to purchase latrines in India. “A household becomes more likely to invest if a larger fraction of its community are also offered a subsidy.” ( Guiteras, Levinsohn, & Mobarak ) #RCT
  • Agriculture and Food
  • Climate Change
  • Fragility Conflict and Violence
  • David Evans's picture

    Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

    Almedina Music

    Senior Economist, Education Global Practice

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    dissertation topics on development economics

    39 Development economics Dissertation Topics Ideas

    Development Economics Dissertation Topics: Ph.D. research topics in development economics focus on how developed and developing economies of the world differ from each other. This also aims at making the developing economies more efficient in their overall approaches. This area has gained widespread fame and popularity in recent times of economic developments. Also, check related […]

    Development economics Dissertation Topics

    Development Economics Dissertation Topics: Ph.D. research topics in development economics focus on how developed and developing economies of the world differ from each other. This also aims at making the developing economies more efficient in their overall approaches. This area has gained widespread fame and popularity in recent times of economic developments. Also, check related posts for economics dissertation topics and political economy dissertation topics.

    The study of development economics allows one to gain the opportunity to apply economic analysis theories and practices to develop and implement policies aimed at putting a less-developed economy on the path of development. It focuses on economic variables such as GDP, supply and demand, and market rivalry.  The four different types of economic development are:

    • A traditional economy
    • A command economy
    • A market economy
    • A mixed economy.

    Best Development economics Research Topics for students

    Dissertation Topics in Development Economics have been enlisted below:

    • Studying the impacts of Marxian contributions in the domain of development economics: a critical approach.
    • Developing countries and development economics: focus on the teaching approaches being utilized.
    • Critical analysis of China’s economic development: a development economics perspective.
    • Ethics in the field of development economics: a review of empirical evidence.
    • Investigating the transition from colonial economics to development economics: a critical thinking analysis.
    • History of development economics: focus on the role played by Eastern Europe.
    • Studying the relationship between development economics and a new growth theory: a systematic approach.
    • Investigation of the correlational analysis of new institutional economics, development economics, and NGOs.
    • Correlational analysis of development economics, rational choice, and methodological individualism.
    • Studying the role played by human behavior in the field of development economics.
    • Relationship between development economics and congenital utilitarianism.
    • Research in the field of development economics: focus on randomized field experiments.
    • South African development economics: focus on the current trends, issues, and opportunities.
    • development economics: introduction to new trends, applications, perspectives, and models in the field.
    • Comparative analysis of development economics in UK versus USA: a qualitative approach.
    • Studying the relationship between development economics and quality management: a descriptive approach.
    • Education and development: focus on educationalists’ perspectives on development economics.
    • Behavioral development economics: a review of empirical evidence.
    • Focusing on a political economy of development economics: a descriptive approach.
    • Studying the role played by development economics in sustainable development: a focus on X country.
    • Analytical development economics: a review of empirical evidence.
    • Relationship between development economics and gender equality in the developing countries of the world.
    • Experiments in development economics: focus on the pitfalls and strengths of the field: a descriptive analysis.
    • Sustainable development economics: a review of empirical evidence.
    • Applying development economics to the domain of household economics: a descriptive approach.
    • Correlational analysis of development, social science, and economics: a qualitative approach.
    • Studying the dilemmas of development: a development economics perspective.
    • Data and economics tools for analyzing development: a review of the literature.
    • Studying development and planning from a development economics perspective: a descriptive approach.
    • Correlational analysis of sustainable development, resilience, and development economics.
    • Critical analysis of development economics in the USA: a qualitative approach.
    • Understanding the place of factor-price equalization theorem in the domain of development economics.
    • Case study analysis of the world bank from the perspective of development economics: a descriptive analysis.
    • How does development economics touch upon the aspects of poverty and development? A critical analysis.
    • Service-learning pedagogy and development economics: a correlational analysis.

    Above is the list of best Development economics Dissertation Topics, if you are still looking for some unique topics please fill out the form below and get mini topics proposal service from our experts for Development economics Dissertation Titles to get approved.

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    Economics Dissertation Topics

    Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 11th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024

    The field of economics has changed entirely in recent times. Today, the field holds an extremely important place in every economy, with individual choices, spending, borrowing, production, occupations, markets, trading, employment, and a lot more being predicted and planned by economists.

    Today, economists view economics from a modern and slightly different perspective than traditional economics. Different approaches in economics include perspectives like anthropology, sociology, geography, and various institutions.

    Studying economics involving these perspectives provides a clearer view of the issues and problems related to the modern economic world. In contrast, focusing on the traditional economic approaches while selecting a topic will result in vague outcomes according to modern economics.

    The most difficult task with respect to economics dissertations involves the  collection of data . Mostly the data required by the researcher must be in quantitative form. However, once data is collected, the researcher can focus on performing the analysis.

    There are a number of economic perspectives that can be studied in detail. As your final project, you will want to select the most recent and relevant economics topic for your dissertation.

    To help you get started with brainstorming for economics topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your economics dissertation.

    These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

    You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the problem,  research question , aim and objectives,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

    Check our  example dissertations to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

    You can review step by step guide on how to write your dissertation.

    Check our  example dissertation to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

    2024 Economics Dissertation Topics

    Topic 1: the influence of price and brand on consumer preference during an economic recession: a case of the clothing market in greece.

    Research Aim: The research will aim to examine the impact of prices and brands on consumer buying behaviour during an economic recession in Greece’s clothing market. During an economic crisis, not all types of products suffer the same consequences. During a recession, people are more sensible in their buying decisions, and they frequently continue to choose known product brands that meet their demands. The study will look at the impact of the recession on consumer purchasing preferences, taking into account variations in spending on various apparel brands based on price.

    Topic 2: The financial and non-financial support of the family members in the growth of a successful entrepreneurship

    Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate the importance of financial and non-financial support of family members in the growth of successful entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a driving force in economic growth, social transformation, and organizational change. Private businesses (entrepreneurship) not only support a state’s social and economic growth but it also develops intellectual competition and innovation. Family members who are involved in business ventures can influence individuals’ goals to start new businesses, and they can also be considered as a means of economic and motivational strength.

    Topic 3: The impact of transaction cost on economic development

    Research Aim: The research will aim to explore the impact of transaction cost on the economic development of a country. The study will try to find the impact by using different methods and analyses. This article will investigate the difficulties of economic growth as they relate to transaction costs and how the latter produce various sorts of market failures. The study also explores several major contributions to the field of economic development, including market failure and growth barriers. Alternative perspectives on the failure of government and the market-government duality will also be examined.

    Topic 4: What effect does oil price fluctuation have on business activity in oil-importing and exporting states?

    Research Aim: The research will aim to find the influence of oil rate fluctuation on businesses of oil-importing and exporting countries. Change has a significant influence on the production costs of oil-importing countries and changes in pricing levels changes. At the same time, oil price variations have a significant impact on energy export profits and government budget revenues in energy-exporting economies.

    Topic 5: The impact of gender inequality on work productivity and economic growth: A case study on developing countries

    Research Aim: The research will aim to find the impact of gender inequality on work productivity and economic growth in developing countries. Gender inequality is not solely a concern in developing countries. Males earn more than women in practically every society. Differences in health, education, and negotiating power within marriage, on the other hand, tend to be bigger in countries with low Per capita income. Gender inequality in the office contributes to females’ lower socio-economic standing. Furthermore, such gender inequality may be associated with human resource rules and human resource related decision-making.

    Topic 6: Research to identify the impacts of Coronavirus on the economy

    Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the impacts of coronavirus on the global economy.

    Topic 7: Research to study the impacts of Coronavirus on the real estate sector

    Research Aim: This research aims at identifying the impacts of coronavirus on the real estate sector. Is real estate a better option for investment during COVID-19?

    Topic 8: Research to study the impacts of Coronavirus on the stock market

    Research Aim: This research aims at identifying the impacts of coronavirus on the stock market.

    Topic 9: Research to identify the impacts of Coronavirus on banking and the future of banking after the pandemic

    Research Aim: This research aims at identifying the impacts of coronavirus on banking and the future of banking after the pandemic. What are the predictions? What challenges may come across? How to overcome those challenges?

    Dissertation Topics on Economics 2023

    Topic 1: economic expansion in bioenergy: a case study.

    Research Aim: This research aims to conduct a case study on the economic expansion in bioenergy

    Topic 2: Factors responsible for job creation and job destruction in the UK

    Research Aim: This research aims to identify the factors responsible for job creation and job destruction in the UK.

    Topic 3: Impacts of wars on the economy of both nations

    Research Aim: This research aims to address how do wars impact the economy of both nations?

    Topic 4: The role of banks in the economy of a country

    Research Aim:  This research aims to highlight the role of Banks in the economy of a country. Students can choose any country to conduct the study.

    Topic 5: Is an unhealthy country considered an emerging country?

    Research Aim:  This research will answer the question: Is an unhealthy country considered a poor country?

    Dissertation Topics Related to Economic Geography

    Economic geography studies human economic activities with respect to various conditions such as location, distribution, production, consumption, exchange of resources, etc. Thus, studying the availability of all these resources, their development, and utilization is the main subject matter of economic geography.

    In addition to studying these resources and their relationship with human economic activities, economic geography also helps study the interaction of these resources and variables with respect to nature and economic activities.

    Economic geography is studied within different regions and localities in order to assess various human economic activities. Here are some economic geography dissertation topics to help you explore this field.

    Topic 1: Role of local ethics and culture in shaping entrepreneurial economic development in various businesses.

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the role of culture and ethics in shaping economic entrepreneurial attitudes in different fields of business.

    Topic 2: Diversity in entrepreneurial approaches brought up by emigrants in the economics of a place: A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This research will discuss whether entrepreneurial approaches be exported when emigrants move to a new place.

    Topic 3: Assessing factors involved in facilitating knowledge transfer in a specific locality or place

    Research Aim: This research will understand the various factors that play a role in transferring knowledge from one place or locality to another.

    Topic 4: Economic opportunities provided within local boundaries. A case study of any specific area

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the economic opportunities provided by local boundaries. This dissertation can be customised according to an area/region of your choice.

    Topic 5: To discuss the role of the “European regional policy” in shaping or modifying places in the UK

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the role of European regional policy in shaping and modifying UK places.

    Topic 6: Location of top IT firms in the UK, the role of location on economics linked to a particular firm

    Research Aim: This study will assess the economic geography of top IT firms in the UK that are linked to different firms.

    Topic 7: Causes of regional diversity. Analysis and comparison between the richest and poorest places of the UK

    Research Aim: This will be a comparative study between the richest and poorest places in the UK based on regional diversity.

    Topic 8: Economics and expansion in bioenergy: A Case Study

    Research Aim: This study will talk about economics and expansion in bioenergy, and a specific case will be under analysis.

    Topic 9: Economic modifications faced by emigrants, causes and impacts

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the various economic modifications that emigrants have to face and will also assess its causes and impacts.

    Topic 16: A critical analysis of diversity in entrepreneurial attitudes in rural and urban areas

    Research Aim: This will be a critical study that will assess diversity in entrepreneurial attitudes in both rural and urban areas.

    How Can ResearchProspect Help?

    ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

    Dissertation Topics on Microeconomics

    This branch of economics deals with economic perspectives on an individual level. It takes into account the allocation of various resources that are limited in nature. Different theories of microeconomics can be applied to markets where different products are bought and sold out.

    In order to complete your graduation program, you will have to select the right economics topic that not only interests you but is relevant in today’s world. The suggested topics for you to choose from are listed below:

    Topic 1: Difference in consumer attitudes in the UK over the past 15 years – Critical analysis of customer behaviour trends.

    Research Aim: This research will compare the consumer attitude in the UK over the past 15 years and will study the trends.

    Topic 2: Understanding to what extent does the concept of oligopoly exists in markets of the UK – A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This study will first talk about oligopoly, and will then build and critically discuss how this concept exists in the UK market.

    Topic 3: Laws and their impact on British firms.

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the various laws in the UK that have an impact on various industries as a whole.

    Topic 4: “European regional policy” and its effects on British small and medium enterprises

    Research Aim: This research will study the European regional policy and the impacts this has on SMEs in the UK.

    Topic 5: To discuss specific traits of the UK innovation organisation

    Research Aim:  This research will understand the various traits of UK organisations that innovate.

    Topic 6: Study of the characteristics of the energy market in the UK – A microeconomic approach

    Research Aim: This study will undertake a microeconomic approach in order to understand the characteristics of the energy market in the UK.

    Topic 7: Common traits of the top internet technology firms in the US – Analysis of the approaches adopted by different successful technology firms

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the various traits of leading internet firms in the US and will analyse their different approaches

    Topic 8: How is the concept of “economic convergence” linked to salary levels in the United States? – A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This study will critically discuss economic convergence and how it is linked to salary levels in the US.

    Topic 9: A Discussion on the use and role of various “pricing models” in making investment decisions.

    Research Aim: This research will analyze the various pricing models that companies use to make decisions with respect to their investment.

    Topic 10: Analysing salary inequalities in the United States and the forces behind such inequalities? – A Critical analysis

    Research Aim: This study will talk about an important issue, i.e., salary inequalities in the US, and will also discuss the various forces that drive such inequalities.

    Dissertation Topics on Employment Economics

    Employment is a very important aspect that is studied in economics. Employment is interconnected with other academic subjects as well and affects people’s finances, which further determines their type of relationship with their environment or society.

    Moreover, with the passage of time, technological advancements in various fields have impacted the labor market, which directly influenced the employment rate.  Dissertation topics  related to the field of employment economics are listed as under:

    Topic 1: Factors responsible for the job creation and job destruction in the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the different factors that are responsible for job creation and destruction in the United Kingdom.

    Topic 2: Analysing to what extent the concept of self-employment prevails in the United Kingdom – Discuss the factors that determine it

    Research Aim: This research will determine the extent to which the concept of self-employment prevails in the UK. Furthermore, the factors determining self-employment will also be explored.

    Topic 3: Link between minimum wages and British employment. A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This study will critically analyze the link between wages minimum wages and employment in Britain.

    Topic 4: Understanding In what ways technological advancements have paved the way for a rise in British employment levels

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the various ways through which technological advancements have helped increase employment in the British economy.

    Topic 5: Exploring the value of labour in the United Kingdom– Skilled or unskilled labour? A Critical Analysis

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the value of both types of labour, skilled and unskilled, in the UK. A critical analysis will be conducted as to which type of labour is more in demand in the economic system.

    Topic 6: Analysing the levels and prevalence of self-employment in various parts of Europe. An Analysis of the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This research will discuss and analyse the levels and prevalence of self-employment in various parts across Europe. Special attention will be given to the UK in the study to understand the self-employment system.

    Topic 7: In what ways does immigration affects British employment levels and productivity? Discuss

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the various ways through which immigration affects British employment levels and productivity.

    Topic 8: How can professional training impact British employment? Discuss

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the impact of professional training on employment in the UK. The research will discuss if the impact was negative or positive.

    Topic 9: Analysing the impact of gender inequality in employment on economic growth in the UK

    Research Aim: This research will analyse the impact of gender inequality in employment on economic growth in the UK.

    Topic 10: Economic productivity and Innovation – Are they both related? A study of the UK services industry

    Research Aim: This research will help understand the relationship (if any) between economic productivity and innovation. The UK Services industry will be analyzed.

    Dissertation Topics on Economic Sociology

    This field refers to the study of sociological aspects from an economic perspective. Social networks are also one of the more important features in the economic world because they can contribute greatly to promoting a particular brand.

    Different social gatherings are a source to highlight a particular industry, firm, and even a private setup. They can contribute greatly to building successful businesses. Following are some economic sociology dissertation topics for you to choose from:

    Topic 1: Exploring Innovation Activities for the promotion of a particular firm/industry/brand

    Research Aim: This research will talk about all the innovative activities that take place while promoting a brand or a company in an industry. This topic can be customised according to a brand/company of your choosing.

    Topic 2: Understanding the role of families in funding a particular firm

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the family funding of businesses, the whole process and how it takes place. You can choose an industry of your choice to base your dissertation on.

    Topic 3: Can a blend of different cultures contribute to increasing the level of productivity? Evidence from a UK firm

    Research Aim : This research will discuss how various cultures contribute to increasing productivity levels. A UK firm will be chosen for this research.

    Topic 4: Social capital plays its role in the rural areas in the UK – A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This research will talk about social capital and its role in the rural areas of the UK.

    Topic 5: Youth as one of the biggest supports in the promotion of economic agents

    Research Aim: This research will help understand the relationship (if any) between economic productivity and innovation. The UK services industry will be analysed.

    Topic 6: Exploring the role of university networks in shaping entrepreneurial behaviours and actions

    Research Aim: This study will help explore the role of university networks in shaping entrepreneurial actions and behaviours.

    Topic 43: Role of social entrepreneurship in the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the role of social entrepreneurship in the UK and how it has emerged.

    Topic 8: Diverse culture and productivity enhancement – How are the two related?

    Research Aim: This study will talk about whether diverse culture has an impact on productivity enhancement in the UK or not.

    Topic 9: Exploring the Impact of social networks on the success of Brands

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the impact of social networks on the success of brands and how they impact businesses. You can choose a brand for this dissertation.

    Topic 10: Understanding the ‘peer’ factor in setting up businesses

    Research Aim: Setting up a business involves various factors, and an essential one is a support from peers. This research will explore this aspect of support when starting a business and the impact it has.

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    Dissertation Topics on Institutional Economics

    Institutional economics helps in understanding the role of institutions in shaping economic behaviour. Certain institutions promote certain values, beliefs and norms, and they impact the public in a certain way.

    These institutions can affect the economics of a certain region and help shape economic life and behaviour. Institutional economics is still an emerging field. Following are some institutional economics dissertation topics that you can base your dissertation on.

    Topic 1: Assessing the factors behind the power of a successful firm. How is it built?

    Research Aim: This research will discuss the various factors that help companies build power in the industry and impact the economy.

    Topic 2: Analysing the impact of cultural mix on the organisation of firms in the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This study will analyse the impact of diverse cultures on organisations in the UK.

    Topic 3: Evaluating the role of bureaucracy in the productivity levels of the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This research will help in evaluating the role of bureaucracy on productivity levels in the UK.

    Topic 4: Understanding various methods to ensure economic efficiency in the property markets of the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This study will understand the different ways through which economic efficiency is ensured in the UK property markets.

    Topic 5: Impacts of transaction costs on economic development?

    Research Aim: This research will evaluate how economic development is impacted by transaction costs.

    Topic 6: Analysing the major forces operating behind the concept of control and ownership in the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This study will help analyse the major forces that control and own institutions in the UK and how they impact the economy.

    Topic 7: Traits of British managers and investors. A Comparative analysis

    Research Aim: This will be an interesting study as it will talk about the various traits of British managers and investors.

    Topic 8: Role of educational aspects in entrepreneurship

    Research Aim: This research will explore the role of education concerning entrepreneurship, i.e. how does education help build entrepreneurs, which in turn benefits the economy.

    Topic 9: The concept of latent entrepreneurship – A comparison between the United Kingdom and Europe

    Research Aim: This study will understand the concept of latent entrepreneurship by comparing the UK environment with that of Europe.

    Topic 10: Is the profit of a firm dependent on its size? Evidence from the manufacturing firms in the UK

    Research Aim: This research will help in understanding whether the profit of a company is dependent on the business’ size or not. The UK Manufacturing industry will be explored.

    Dissertation Topics on Environmental Economics

    Environment and economics share a unique and close relationship. The environment can affect economics in a good or bad way. There are various environmental economic issues that should be addressed. Following are some of the pressing issues pertaining to environmental economics that you can choose as your dissertation topic.

    Topic 1: To what extent is the environment responsible for shaping business behaviours? A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the extent to which the environment is responsible for building business behaviours.

    Topic 2: Economics in relation to biodiversity and nature conservation. An evidence-based study

    Research Aim: This research will discuss economics in relation to biodiversity and nature conservation.

    Topic 3: Assessing the role of NGO’s and organizations to promote a healthy environment through fundraising programs

    Research Aim: This research will help in assessing the role of NGOs and organisations in promoting healthy environments through various fundraising programs.

    Topic 4: Willingness to pay for various recycling programs – A case study of the United Kingdom.

    Research Aim : This research will help understand the different recycling programs by evaluating a UK-based case study.

    Topic 5: Incentives regarding land and water management – A case study of the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This research will talk about various incentives relating to land and water management. A UK-based case study will be chosen.

    Topic 6: Economic value of historical places: A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the economic value of historical places and will present a critical analysis.

    Topic 7: In which field is it cheapest to reduce or cut carbon emissions? Discuss.

    Research Aim: This research will talk about the impacts of carbon emissions and will discuss in which field it will be cheapest to reduce or eliminate such emissions.

    Topic 8: Ethanol production from an economic perspective. Discuss.

    Research Aim: This research will help in exploring ethanol production with respect to economics.

    Topic 9: Environmental improvements in regards to locational differences in communities Discuss in an economic approach

    Research Aim: This research will present various environmental improvements with respect to locational differences in communities.

    Topic 10: Climate change in relation to economics. Discuss

    Research Aim: This research will talk about an important issue, i.e. climate change and the impact it has on economics.

    Dissertation Topics on Regional Development

    Economic growth can also be studied at a regional level. This field considers economic perspectives on a smaller level with a focus on trade between regions. Suggestions for dissertation topics in this field are listed as follows:

    Topic 1: Evaluating the link between profit and regional development?

    Research Aim: This research will evaluate the link between profit and regional development with respect to economics.

    Topic 2: Assessing the “regional development policy” in the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the regional development policy in the UK.

    Topic 3: Discussing the role of learning or knowledge gaining involved in regional development?

    Research Aim: This research will explore the role of knowledge and learning that helps promote regional development.

    Topic 4: Assessing the existence of location theories that contribute towards the development and understanding of regional development

    Research Aim: This research will assess the existence of locational theories that help contribute towards the development and understanding of regional development.

    Topic 5: Evaluating the role that technology plays in regional development? A UK case study

    Research Aim: This research will evaluate the role that technology plays in promoting regional development.

    Topic 6: Exploring entrepreneurship and its regional aspects in the United Kingdom

    Research Aim: This research will help explore entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship network with respect to regional development in the UK.

    Topic 7: Role of Institutional setups in regional development

    Research Aim: This study will talk about the role of institutional setups in regional development.

    Topic 8: Assessing the relationship between unemployment and entrepreneurship in the light of evidence from British relationship

    Research Aim: This research will assess the relationship between unemployment and entrepreneurship in the UK.

    Find 100s of dissertation topics for other research areas.

    Topic 9: In what ways the UK and the European firms are different in terms of innovation – A critical analysis

    Research Aim: This research will help in understanding the various ways in which the UK and European firms are different with respect to innovation.

    Topic 10: Assessing the role of regional co-operation in developing sustainable advantage

    Research Aim: This research will help in assessing the role of regional cooperation in developing sustainable advantage amongst regions

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    Important Notes

    As a student of economics looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing economics theories – i.e., to add value and interest in your research topic.

    The field of economics is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like civil engineering ,  construction ,  law , engineering management , healthcare , mental health , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , marketing and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

    We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

    This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation  as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

    Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best economics dissertation topics that not only fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper but also adds to the body of knowledge.

    Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

    Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and can also be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample economics dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

    How to Structure your Economics Dissertation

    A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

    • A Title Page
    • Acknowledgments
    • Declaration
    • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
    • Table of Contents
    • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation  can also be added to this chapter.
    • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of  research questions  to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area while identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
    • Methodology:  The  data collection  and  analysis  methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
    • Findings and Analysis:  Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts, and  tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
    • Discussion  and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is to establish the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
    • References:  Make sure to complete this in accordance with your University’s requirements
    • Bibliography
    • Appendices:  Any additional information, diagrams, graphs that were used to  complete the dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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    ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  Ph.D. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

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    How to find economics dissertation topics.

    For economics dissertation topics:

    • Follow economic news and debates.
    • Study emerging areas like behavioral economics.
    • Analyze policy gaps or challenges.
    • Review economic theories and their applications.
    • Explore data-driven research opportunities.
    • Seek topics aligning with your passion and career aspirations.

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    Economics Dissertation Topics

    Economics is about making choices in the face of scarcity and uncertainty and ensuring that resource allocation is effectively and efficiently done. What was popularised by writers, researchers and philosophers such as Adam Smith in the 1770s, has become a field with significant relevance and importance in today’s society that is highly financialised and globalised. Dating back to medieval scholastics as well as literature published back in the 15th and 18th century, through the 19th century, the concerns of economics have largely focused on aspects such as choices of individuals, borrowing, money, consumption and production, occupations and employment, markets, trade, pricing of assets, taxes, and most recently human behaviour in relation to economic decisions.

    There are multitudes of research studies, within the existing literature, that have been conducted in relation to the above concerns and many of these have resulted in a number of models that attempt to provide possible explanations to real world problems. As the world continues to evolve with the advent of technological advancements that have increased the pace of transformation and globalisation, new areas in economics have emerged as worthwhile research targets. The following are possible economics dissertation topics to choose from for your academic research project in economics:

    Economic Geography Dissertation Topics

    Economic sociology dissertation topics, institutional economics dissertation topics, microeconomics dissertation topics, macroeconomics dissertation topics, regional development dissertation topics.

    • Employment Economics Dissertation Topics

    Financial Economics Dissertation Topics

    This is the area in economics academic literature that is concerned with the role of geographic location and place with the economical outcomes. It focuses on describing and analyzing patterns and trends in human behavior and activity to gain understanding of the processes and drivers that shape and affect the economic and cultural landscapes. Within regions and localities, there are great dynamics that shape the nature and extent of economic activity. Below are some suggestions for economics dissertation topics on economic geography:

    • The impact of local and regional cultures on shaping entrepreneurial economic development.
    • Can entrepreneurial attitude be exported? The role of emigrants in introducing new entrepreneurial attitudes.
    • Differences of entrepreneurial behaviour in rural and urban areas.
    • Is there any relationship between mature industries dominating small towns and their local cultural factors?
    • The role of local culture in promoting regional innovation networks.
    • National, regional and local policies to support local clusters: opportunities.
    • How can policy support the creation of a local cluster?
    • Are networks affected by local proximity? Differences between co-localised and dispersed networks.
    • The likelihood impact of Brexit on policy outcomes that shape the local economy in UK cities.
    • A model for the development of information and communication technology incubators in the UK. Analysis of the concentration of Top 50 IT companies.
    • What is causing regional divergence? An analysis of the richest and poorest regions in the UK.
    • The economic geography of recession. Difference between regional and city economics in the UK.
    • Why are housing built in flood-prone coastal areas?
    • Understanding educational progression at the local level: A comparison of the North and South cities in the UK.
    • How COVID has contributed to house price volatility in various cities in the UK.
    • How the COVID lockdown has affected social life of big cities.
    • Will coronavirus cause a big city exodus?

    Economic sociology refers to sociological aspects influencing the economic indicators and their relationship with social outcomes. It is the study of how the material conditions of life are produced and reproduced through social processes and broadly covers the sociology of markets and the sociology of consumptions. Possible economics dissertation topics in this area include:

    • The role of social networks in supporting innovation activities in mature industries.
    • The financial and non-financial support of family in the development of successful entrepreneurship.
    • The private network as the facilitator of the firm start-up.
    • Exploring the differences between trust and power in local productive systems.
    • Social contracts and peer-pressure as the source of traditional industry development in the UK.
    • Can cultural mix increase productivity in creative industries? Evidence from the UK.
    • The role of social and intellectual capital in rural places in the UK.
    • Is social capital a critical factor in the British creative industries?
    • How can universities take advantage of social networks to induce entrepreneurial action among their students?
    • The role and contribution of social entrepreneurship in the UK.
    • The economic impact of migration from different regions of the world to the UK. Comparative analysis between the EU and the non-EU migration.
    • Is the relationship between economic and social development linear?
    • The convergence of economic systems in the wake of globalisation and their implications on the social development across developed, emerging and developing national economies.

    Institutional Economics relates to a variety of economics traditions that are concerned with social institutions which are linked to consumption, distribution and production of goods and services as well as the underlying corresponding social relations. In essence, Institutional Economics has a relatively broad inquiry scope and is considered to have relatively close ties with other disciplines such as anthropology, economic sociology, psychology, economic history, behavioural economics, behavioural finance, physical science, management and business studies, and nowadays neuro, cognitive and brain science. This implies that there are various dissertation topics that can fall under the Institutional Economics bracket; some of these include the following.

    • An assessment of the implications of Institutional Economics methodologies for the analysis of the property market.
    • A study of how the theoretical assumptions of the New Institutional Economics’ (NIE) micro analytical level influence a firm’s choice of governance structures.
    • How do habits and routines affect productivity? The case of (an industry).
    • How does the culture mix impact on the organisation of firms in the UK?
    • Resilience to economic shrinking in an emerging economy: the role of social capabilities.
    • Financial constraint, trust, and export performances: The case of UK SMEs.
    • Efficiency in the property market in the UK: An institutional perspective.
    • Transaction costs and economic development.
    • A resource-based theory analysis to firm co-operation.
    • How can transaction costs economics account for inter-firm collaboration?
    • Ownership and control in the UK: An institutional analysis.
    • Institutions and policies of economic freedom: different effects on income and growth.
    • How does job experience relate to entrepreneurship? Evidence from the UK.
    • Educational aspects of entrepreneurship. The role of formal school in promoting entrepreneurial capacities in the UK.
    • Latent entrepreneurship: the UK vs Europe.

    Microeconomics has to do with supply and demand, and with the way they interact in various markets. It is andconcerned with how economic agents, that is, individual decision-makers (both consumers and producers) behave in different economic settings. The overarching goal of microeconomic research is to identify the incentives of various agents and trade-offs that they may face. To understand behaviour of individuals in terms of their economic decision-making, researchers build various models, use data and conduct experiments.

    The following are the examples of dissertation topics on ‘Microeconomics’:

    • The evolution of household consumption in the UK over the last 10 years: Trends in consumer behaviour.
    • Are mergers and acquisitions related to productivity in UK firms?
    • Is the minimum wage still relevant in the UK economy?
    • Is the British retail sector becoming less oligopolistic? An analysis of the impact of new supermarkets.
    • Are British oligopolistic markets really oligopolistic?
    • Conditions for the existence of a knowledge firm.
    • Characteristics of the innovative organisation in the UK.
    • Are UK firms more innovative than their European counterparts?
    • The impact of the European regional policy on British small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
    • The energy market in the UK: A microeconomic approach.
    • The impact of regulation on British industries: The case study of Uk energy sector.
    • Does firm size affect firm profits? Evidence from telecommunication firms in the UK.
    • Game theory and decision theory.

    Macroeconomics is concerned with how the overall economy works and how all markets interact to generate big phenomena that economists call aggregate variables. It studies such things as employment, gross domestic product, inflation, national income, employment and the interaction between the global economy and financial markets.

    The following are the examples of dissertation topics on ‘Macroeconomics’:

    • How do interest rates affect consumption in the UK?
    • What is the role of the dollar evolution in UK spending?
    • The magnitude of the impact of oil price changes on UK consumption.
    • The impact of Brexit on consumer spending in the UK.
    • The impact of Brexit on employment and labour in the UK.
    • What factors influence the salary inequality across the UK?
    • The evolution of the exchange rates in the UK: Causes and consequences.
    • Negative interest household savings in the UK.
    • The impact of the common agriculture policy (CAP) on British agriculture.
    • Economic growth and productivity. The UK in the century transition.
    • Interest rates and foreign direct investment in the UK.
    • Brexit and foreign direct investment in the UK.
    • Monetary policy pass-through for the UK after Brexit.
    • Development of UK monetary policy overtime.
    • Does inflation affect firms’ profits in the UK?
    • Macroeconomic determinant of house prices in the UK.
    • Unemployment and regional mobility of labour in the UK.
    • The impact of finance on growth: The case of UK.
    • Economic growth and unemployment: Is there a relationship in the UK?
    • The macroeconomics of SMEs entrepreneurship in the UK.
    • Global economic recession and factors that contribute to it.
    • Is the UK insurance system economically viable?
    • How does the Greek financial crisis impact the EU economy overtime?
    • The impact of COVID income inequality in the UK.
    • Coronavirus and wage inequality: The case of UK manufacturing sector.
    • COVID and economic recession: Will the impact be more pronounced than the 2007 financial recession?
    • Role of information technology in economic development.
    • Social inequality: the difference between wealth and income.
    • Why is insurance necessary for the economic development of a country?
    • How is the tax burden shared between buyers and sellers in the UK?
    • Asymmetric information and adverse market selection: A case study of UK insurance market.
    • Economic rent and transfer earnings in the UK.

    This discipline is focused on understanding the dynamics of regions as smaller economies with their own circumstances and outcomes. The focus is on the internal working of the regional economies as well as on their interaction with other regions. There is a component of economic growth and development at a regional level. The suggestions below will give you further ideas for your economics dissertation topics:

    • Regional development and profitability of the businesses. What are the factors underpinning this relationship?
    • The contribution of entrepreneurial networks for regional development.
    • Implications and development of regional development policy in the UK.
    • Infrastructures and regional development. How can the rail and road network explain the differences in the development of regions in the UK.
    • Regional comparative advantage in natural resources and regional development.
    • Effect of regional policy surrounding start-ups on regional development: more new firms or better old ones?
    • The role of broadband internet technology in regional development: co-relation between internet speeds and regional development?
    • Public investment and regional output: Evidence from the UK regions.
    • Robustness of regional institutions and development: How to search for a link?
    • Regional aspects of entrepreneurship in the UK.
    • Differences between types and extent of entrepreneurship and unemployment across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
    • Convergence and endogenous growth differences between South East England and the rest of the UK.

    Employment/Labour Economics Dissertation Topics

    Employment is considered to be a key concept in economics and its significance is reflected in the perception that people at work are seen as individuals/groups of individuals involved in the production of services and goods. Such production requires human capital and time; thus, organisations of different types pay people that are involved in the production process providing them with income that is later used to boost economic activity. In macroeconomics, low rates of national employment may signal underdevelopment or long-lasting depression while high rates of national employment may signal economic growth and development. Below is a list of dissertation topics that cover the area of employment economics.

    • Work from home or office and employee wellbeing: The case of the COVID pandemic.
    • A study of how flexible employment affects political support for social policy protection.
    • The impact of gender inequality in employment on economic growth and workforce productivity.
    • The influence of economic cycles on employment, workforce productivity and innovation: a study of manufacturing industries.
    • Local pools on unemployment in the UK: Looking for similarities.
    • Factors determining self-employment in the UK.
    • The effects of minimum wages on British employment.
    • How does technological innovation affect British unemployment? Evidence from the manufacturing industries.
    • A comparison of self-employment across Europe: Where does the UK stand?
    • Government policies in support of self-employment: Evidence from the UK.
    • The effects of immigration on British employment and productivity.

    Financial economics concentrates on exchanges in which money of one type or another is likely to appear on both sides of a trade. Financial markets are crucial in facilitating these exchanges at a relatively reduced transaction cost. In many such cases, the amount of money to be transferred in the future is uncertain. Financial economists thus deal with both time and uncertainty. Often the latter is called risk. Financial economics is thus a branch of economics that examines the utilisation and distribution of economic resources in financial markets in which decisions must be made under uncertainty.

    The following are examples of dissertation topics on ‘Financial Economics’:

    • How has the coronavirus pandemic affected the UK stock market?
    • How is the FTSE affected by interest rates?
    • Does CAPM measure the risk of stocks listed on the FTSE 100?
    • How does the behaviour of the FSTE 100 affect economic growth?
    • Behavioural finance: A study on the motivation of British investors.
    • The determinants of corporate debt in the UK.
    • The role of private equity and debt market in the finances of SMEs in the UK.
    • Do SMEs achieve higher profitability rates than large corporations in the UK?
    • The financial structure of British firms: A comparison with the European Union.
    • Financial markets and financial intermediation in the UK.
    • Temporary and permanent components of asset prices in the UK.
    • Capital and financial structure of UK companies.
    • Investor protection and corporate governance: Comparison between EU and US financial market.
    • Political uncertainty on asset prices.

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    This thesis contains three chapters that fall under the broad banner of development economics, with a particular focus on the study of mechanisms and strategies that improve public goods delivery. The first chapter studies the role of financial incentives as signals of job attributes when these are unknown to potential applicants. I create experimental variation in expected earnings and use it to estimate the effect of financial incentives on candidates’ perception of a newly created health worker position in Uganda and, through this, on the size and composition of the applicant pool. I find that more lucrative positions are perceived as entailing a lower positive externality for the community, and discourage agents with strong prosocial preferences from applying. While higher financial incentives attract more applicants and increase the probability of filling a vacancy, they hamper retention and performance. This is because the signal they convey reduces the ability to recruit the most socially motivated agents, who are found to stay longer on the job and to perform better. The second chapter analyzes the role of social connections on the targeting choices of delivery agents. During the expansion of an agriculture extension program in Uganda, we randomly selected one delivery agent out of two eligible candidates per community. We find that social connections matter: relative to farmers connected only to the non-selected candidate, those connected only to the selected delivery agent benefit more from the program. They are indeed more likely to receive advice, training and more likely to adopt improved seeds, a new beneficial technology. We show that these results are consistent with delivery agents (a) putting positive weight on the utility of farmers connected to them (altruism) and (b) putting a negative weight on the utility of farmers connected to the rival candidate (spite). This sheds light on the importance of both positive and negative social preferences in shaping program delivery. The third chapter studies the effect of movement restrictions on education. The evidence is based on the construction of the West Bank Separation Barrier in 2003. The exposure of an individual to the Barrier is determined both by her locality of residence and by whether she was in school or about to start school when the Barrier was built. Using a difference-indifferences approach, I find that movement restrictions increase the probability of dropping out from elementary and preparatory school by 3.7 and 6 percentage points respectively, i.e. a 50% increase relative to localities with no movement restrictions, while the proportion of children who have never attended school increased by 3.6 percentage points. Among all households, the poorest ones are the most affected, indicating that movement restrictions not only deteriorate the average education level but also increase income inequality.

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    134 Economics Thesis Topics: Ideas for Outstanding Writing

    dissertation topics on development economics

    Writing a thesis is not an easy task. For most of the students, it can be even intimidating, especially when you do not know where to start your research.

    Here, we have provided an economics thesis topics list. After all, everyone knows that choosing the right idea is crucial when writing an academic paper. In economics, it can combine history, math, social studies, politics, and numerous other subjects. You should also have solid foundations and a sound factual basis for a thesis. Without these elements, you won’t be able to master your research paper.

    The issue is:

    It is not always clear what could be seen as an excellent economics thesis topic. Our experts can assist you with this challenge. This list contains some outstanding examples to get you started.

    • ⭐ Thesis in Economics
    • 🔥 Supreme Thesis Topics
    • 👍 Bachelor’s Thesis
    • 😲 Master’s Thesis

    📊 Microeconomics

    📈 macroeconomics.

    • 🤔 Developmental
    • 👨‍💼 Behavioral
    • 💼 Financial
    • 🌱 Agricultural
    • 🤝‍ Sociology
    • 📚 Ph.D. Topics
    • 📝 How to Pick a Topic

    ⭐ What Does a Thesis in Economics Look Like?

    A good thesis in economics is a blend between an empirical paper and a theoretical one. One of the essential steps in choosing a topic in economics is to decide which one you will write.

    You may write, research, analyze statistical data and other information. Or build and study a specific economic model.

    Or why not both!

    Here are some questions you can ask when deciding what topic to choose:

    • What has already been written on this topic?
    • What economic variables will my paper study?
    • Where should I look for the data?
    • What econometrics techniques should I use?
    • What type of model will I study?

    The best way to understand what type of research you have to do is to write a thesis proposal. You will most probably be required to submit it anyway. Your thesis supervisor will examine your ideas, methods, list of secondary and primary sources. At some universities, the proposal will be graded.

    Master’s thesis and Bachelor’s thesis have three main differences.

    After you get the initial feedback, you will have a clear idea of what to adjust before writing your thesis. Only then, you’ll be able to start.

    🔥 Supreme Economics Thesis Topics List

    • Fast fashion in India.
    • The UK housing prices.
    • Brexit and European trade.
    • Behavioral economics.
    • Healthcare macroeconomics.
    • COVID-19’s economic impact.
    • Global gender wage gap.
    • Commodity dependence in Africa.
    • International trade – developing countries.
    • Climate change and business development.

    👍 Economics Bachelor’s Thesis Topics

    At the U.S. Universities, an undergraduate thesis is very uncommon. However, it depends on the Department Policy.

    The biggest challenge with the Bachelor’s Thesis in economics concerns its originality. Even though you are not required to conduct entirely unique research, you have to lack redundant ideas.

    You can easily avoid making this mistake by simply choosing one of these topics. Also, consider visiting IvyPanda essays database. It’s a perfect palce to conduct a brainstorming session and come up with fresh ideas for a paper, as well as get tons of inspiration.

    • The impact of the oil industry on the economic development of Nigeria. The oil industry is vital for the economic development of Nigeria. In this thesis, students can discuss the notion of the resource curse. Analyze the reasons why general people are not benefiting from the oil industry. Why did it produce very little change in the social and economic growth of the country?
    • Sports Marketing and Advertising: the impact it has on the consumers.
    • Economic opportunities and challenges of investing in Kenya .
    • Economic Development in the Tourism Industry in Africa. Since the early 1990s, tourism significantly contributed to the economic growth of African countries. In this thesis, students can talk about the characteristics of the tourist sector in Africa. Or elaborate on specific countries and how their national development plans look like.
    • Globalization and its significance to business worldwide .
    • Economic risks connected to investing in Turkey .
    • The decline in employment rates as the biggest American economy challenge .
    • The economics of alcohol abuse problems. In this thesis, students can develop several essential issues. First, they can examine how poverty is connected to alcohol abuse. Second, they can see the link between alcohol consumption and productivity. To sum up, students can elaborate on the economic costs of alcohol abuse.
    • Causes and solutions for unemployment in Great Britain.
    • Parallel perspective on Global Economic Order: China and America. This thesis can bring a comparative analysis of the economies to a new level. China and The US are the world’s two largest economies. These two countries have a significant impact on the global economic order. So, looking at the set of institutions, policies, rules can be constructive.
    • The new international economic order after COVID-19
    • Financial stability of the banking sector in China.
    • New Electronic Payment Services in Russia.
    • The influence of culture on different entrepreneurial behaviors.
    • The impact of natural cultural practices on entrepreneurial activity.
    • The relationships between national culture and individual behavior.
    • The main reasons for salary inequalities in different parts of the U.S.

    😲 Economics Master’s Thesis Topics

    Student life can be fascinating, but it comes with its challenges. One of which is selecting your Master’s thesis topic.

    Here is a list of topics for a Master’s thesis in economics. Are you pursuing MPhil in Economics and writing a thesis? Use the following ideas as an inspiration for that. They can also be helpful if you are working on a Master’s thesis in financial economics.

    • The impact of visual aid in teaching home economics.
    • The effect of income changes in consumer behaviors in America.
    • Forces behind socio-economic inequalities in the United States. This thesis can explore three critical factors for socio-economic differences in the United States. In the past 30 years, social disparities increased in the United States. Some of the main reasons are technology, trade, and institutions.
    • The relationships between economic growth and international development.
    • Technological innovations and their influence on green and environmental products.
    • The economics of non-solar renewable energy .

    Renewable energy is beneficial for various economic reasons.

    • The economic consequences of terrorism . Terrorism not only takes away lives and destroys property but also widely affects the economy. It creates uncertainty in the market, increases insurance claims, slows down investment projects, and tourism. This thesis can address all of the ways in which terrorism can affect economies.
    • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation in the Oil and Gas Industry in Africa.
    • Use of incentives in behavioral economics.
    • Economic opportunities and challenges of sustainable communities .
    • Economics of nuclear power plants.
    • Aid and financial help for emerging markets. This topic is very versatile. Students can look at both the positive and the adverse effects that funding has on the development. There are plenty of excellent examples. Besides, some theories call international help a form of neocolonialism.
    • Multinational firms impact on economic growth in America .
    • The effect of natural disasters on economic development in Asia.
    • The influence of globalization on emerging markets and economic development.

    📑 More Economics Thesis Topics: Theme

    For some students, it makes more sense to center their search around a certain subject. Sometimes you have an econ area that interests you. You may have an idea about what you want to write, but you did not decide what it will be.

    If that’s the case with you, then these economics thesis topics ideas are for you.

    • An analysis of the energy market in Russia.
    • The impact of game theory on economic development.
    • The connection between minimum wage and market equilibrium.
    • Gender differences in the labor market in the United States. This topic can shed light on gender differences in the labor market in the United States. In the past years, the overall inequality in labor in the markets decreased. However, there is still a lot of work that can be done.
    • Economic reasons that influence the prices of oil .
    • Relationship between the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient.
    • Challenges of small businesses in the market economy.
    • The changes in oil prices: causes and solutions . Universal economic principles do not always apply to the sale and purchase of the oil. The same happens with its cost. In the thesis, talk about what affects the prices. What are the solutions that can be implemented?
    • The economic analysis of the impact of immigration on the American economy.

    Immigration has a little long-run effect on Americans’ wages.

    • Economic inequality as a result of globalization . Economic inequality becomes even more apparent on the global level. There is a common belief that globalization is the cause of that. Discuss what can be the solutions to these problems. This topic is vital to minimize the gap between the rich and the poor.
    • The economic explanation of political dishonesty .
    • Effect of Increasing Interest rates costs in Africa .
    • The connection between game theory and microeconomics.
    • Marketing uses in microeconomics.
    • Financial liability in human-made environmental disasters.
    • Banks and their role in the economy. Banks are crucial elements of any economy, and this topic covers why. You can explain how banks allow the goods and services to be exchanged. Talk about why banks are so essential for economic growth and stability.
    • Inflation in the US and ways to reduce its impact.
    • The connection between politics and economics.
    • Income Dynamics and demographic economics.
    • US Market Liquidity and macroeconomics.
    • Macroeconomics and self-correction of the economy .
    • The American economy, monetary policy, and monopolies .
    • The importance of control in macroeconomics. One of the central topics in macroeconomics is grouped around the issue of control. It is quite reasonable that control over money and resources should become a topic of discussion.
    • Analysis of Africa’s macroeconomics and its performance.
    • Economics of education in developing markets.
    • Problems and possible solutions for Japan macroeconomics .
    • Comparative analysis of British macroeconomics concerning the US .
    • Public policies and socio-economic disparities.
    • The world problems through macroeconomic analysis. Indeed, macroeconomics is very complicated. There are many influences, details, and intricacies in it. However, it allows economists to use this complex set of tools to examine the world’s leading problems today.

    There are four main problems in macroeconomics.

    • The connection between employment interest and money.

    🤔 Development Economics

    • Economics of development . This topic is very rich in content. First, explain what it is. Then pay particular attention to domestic and international policies that affect development, income distribution, and economic growth.
    • The relation between development and incentive for migration.
    • The impact of natural disasters on the economy and political stability of emerging markets.
    • The economic consequences of population growth in developing countries.
    • The role of industrialization in developing countries . The industrialization has been connected with the development. It promotes capital formation and catalyzes economic growth in emerging markets. In this thesis, you can talk about this correlation.
    • Latin American economic development.
    • Gender inequality and socio-economic development .
    • Problems of tax and taxation in connection with economic growth.
    • The economic impact of terrorism on developing markets.
    • Religious decline as a key to economic development. Not everyone knows, but a lot of research has been done in the past years on the topic. It argues that decreased religious activity is connected with increased economic growth. This topic is quite controversial. Students who decide to write about it should be extra careful and polite.

    👨‍💼 Behavioral Economics

    • Risk Preferences in Rural South Africa.
    • Behavioral Economics and Finance .
    • Applied behavioral economics in marketing strategies. If you want to focus your attention on marketing, this topic is for you. Behavioral economics provides a peculiar lens to look at marketing strategies. It allows marketers to identify common behaviors and adapt their marketing strategies.
    • The impact of behavioral finance on investment decisions.
    • Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs in North Texas.
    • Guidelines for Behavioral Economics in Healthcare Sector.
    • Cognitive and behavioral theories in economics .
    • Cross-cultural consumer behavior and marketing communication. Consumers are not only affected by personal characteristics, but also by the culture they are living in. This topic focuses on the extent it should determine marketing strategy and communication.
    • Behavior implications of wealth and inequality.

    The richest population holds a huge portion of the national income.

    • Optimism and pessimism for future behavior.

    💼 Financial Economics

    • Financial Economics for Infrastructure and Fiscal Policy .
    • The use of the economic concept of human capital. Students can focus on the dichotomy between human and nonhuman capital. Many economists believe that human capital is the most crucial of all. Some approach this issue differently. Therefore, students should do their research and find where they stand on this issue.
    • The analysis of the global financial crisis of 2020s. Share your thoughts, predictions, ideas. Analyze the economic situation that affects almost everyone in the world. This thesis topic will be fresh and original. It can help to start a good and fruitful conversation.
    • The big data economic challenges for Volvo car.
    • The connection between finance, economics, and accounting.
    • Financial economics: Banks competition in the UK .
    • Risk-Taking by mutual funds as a response to incentives.
    • Managerial economics and financial accounting as a basis for business decisions.
    • Stock market overreaction.

    🌱 Agricultural Economics

    • Agricultural economics and agribusiness.
    • The vulnerability of agricultural business in African countries.
    • Agricultural economics and environmental considerations of biofuels .
    • Farmer’s contribution to agricultural social capital.
    • Agricultural and resource economics. Agricultural and resource economics plays a huge role in development. They are subdivided into four main characteristics which in this topic, students can talk about: – mineral and energy resources; – soil resources, water resources; – biological resources. One or even all of them can be a focus of the thesis.
    • Water as an economic good in irrigated agriculture.
    • Agriculture in the economic development of Iran.
    • The US Agricultural Food Policy and Production .
    • Pesticides usage on agricultural products in California.

    The region of greatest pesticide use was San Joaquin Valley.

    • An analysis of economic efficiency in agriculture. A lot of research has been done on the question of economic efficiency in agriculture. However, it does not mean there is no place for your study. You have to read a lot of secondary sources to see where your arguments can fit.

    🤝‍Economic Sociology

    • Theory, approach, and method in economics sociology.
    • Economic sociology of capitalism. While economists believe in the positive effect capitalism has on the economy, the social effect is quite different. The “economic” part of the issue has been studied a lot. However, the sociology of it has been not. This thesis can be very intriguing to read.
    • Political Economy and Economic Sociology.
    • Gender and economic sociology .
    • Progress, sociology, and economics.
    • Data analysis in economics, sociology, environment .
    • Economic sociology as a way to understand the human mind.
    • Economic sociology of money.
    • Economics, sociology, and psychology of security.
    • Major principles of economic sociology. In the past decade, economic sociology became an increasingly popular field. Mainly due to it giving a new view on economics, human mind, and behavior. Besides, it explores relationships between politics, law, culture, and gender.

    📚 The List of Ph.D. Topics in Economics

    If you decide to go to grad school to do your Masters, you will likely end up getting a Ph.D. as well. So, with this plan in mind, think about a field that interests you enough during your Masters. Working with the same topic for both graduate degrees is easier and more effective.

    This list of Ph.D. Topics in Economics can help you identify the areas you can work on.

    • Occupational injuries in Pakistan and its effect on the economy. Injuries are the leading cause of the global burden of disability. Globally, Pakistan was ranked 9th populated country with a large number of unskilled workers. In this dissertation, consider the link between occupational injuries and their effects on the economy.
    • The study of the Philippines’ economic development.

    The Philippine economy is projected to continue on its expansionary path.

    • Financial derivatives and climate change .
    • Econometric Analysis of Financial Markets.
    • Islamic Banking and Financial Markets .
    • Health economics and policy in the UK.
    • Health insurance: rationale and economic justification. In this dissertation, students can find different ways to explain and justify health insurance. Starting to philosophical to purely economic grounds. In the past years, there was a lot of discussion regarding the healthcare system for all. What are some of the economic benefits of that?
    • Colombian economy, economic growth, and inequality.
    • Benefits of mergers and acquisitions in agribusiness.
    • Methods to measure financial risks when investing in Africa.
    • The significance of financial economics in understanding the relationship between a country’s GDP and NDP.
    • Network effects in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are not new anymore. However, it is still an original subject for a dissertation. Students can decide to choose several crypto coins and evaluate the importance of the network effect. This effect is particularly significant for Bitcoin. Explain why.
    • The comparison of the Chinese growth model with the American growth model.
    • An economic justification versus political expediency.
    • Pollution Externalities Role in Management Economics .

    📝 How to Select an Economics Thesis Topic

    As your academic journey is coming to an end, it’s time to pick the right topic for your thesis. The whole academic life you were preparing to undertake this challenge.

    Here is the list of six points that will help you to select an economics thesis topic:

    • Make sure it is something you are genuinely interested in. It is incredibly challenging to write something engaging if you are not interested in the topic. So, choose wisely and chose what excites you.
    • Draw inspiration from the previous student’s projects. A great place to start is by looking at what the previous students wrote. You can find some fresh ideas and a general direction.
    • Ask your thesis advisor for his feedback. Most probably, your thesis advisor supervised many students before. They can be a great help too because they know how to assess papers. Before meeting with your professor, do some basic research, and understand what topic is about.
    • Be original, but not too much. You do not want to spend your time writing about a project that many people wrote about. Your readers will not be interested in reading it, but your professors as well. However, make sure you do not pick anything too obscure. It will leave you with no secondary sources.
    • Choose a narrow and specific topic. Not only will it allow you to be more original, but also to master a topic. When the issue is too broad, there is just too much information to cover in one thesis.
    • Go interdisciplinary. If you find yourself interested in history, philosophy, or any other related topic, it can help you write an exceptional thesis in economics. Most of your peers may work on pure economics. Then, the interdisciplinary approach can help you to stand out among them.

    Some universities ask their students to focus on topics from one discipline.

    Thank you for reading the article to the end! We hope this list of economics thesis topics ideas could help you to gather your thoughts and get inspired. Share it with those who may find it useful. Let us know what you think about it in the comment section below.

    🔗 References

    • Economics Thesis Topics List: Seminars Only
    • How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Research Project Or Master’s Thesis: INOMICS, The Site for Economists
    • What Do Theses and Dissertations Look Like: KU Writing Center, the University of Kansas
    • Writing Economics: Robert Neugeboren with Mireille Jacobson, University of Harvard
    • Economics Ph.D. Theses: Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School, IDEAS_RePEc
    • World Economic Situation and Prospects 2018: United Nations
    • Undergraduate Honors Theses: Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
    • Economics Department Dissertations Collection: Economics Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    • Topics for Master Theses: Department of Economics, NHH, Norwegian School of Economics
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    Economics Department Dissertations Collection

    Current students, please follow this link to submit your dissertation.

    Dissertations from 2023 2023

    Essays on International Trade and Economic Growth , Mateo Hoyos, Economics



    Dissertations from 2022 2022



    Employer Power: Consequences for Wages, Inequality and Spillovers , Ihsaan Bassier, Economics



    Essays on Unpaid Care and Gender Inequality in India , Leila Gautham, Economics



    Essays on Anti-Discrimination Legislation Enforcement and Sex-Based Discrimination in U.S. Labor Markets , Carly McCann, Economics




    The Political Economy of Consumer Credit Expansion and Real Exchange Rate Policy in Dual Economies , Esra Nur Ugurlu, Economics

    Dissertations from 2021 2021

    Three Essays on Learning and Conflict Applied to Developing Countries , Amal Ahmad, Economics

    The Political Economy of the Cost of Foreign Exchange Intervention , Devika Dutt, Economics




    Three Essays on Socio-Institutional Ecosystems & Labor Structures , Jonathan Donald Jenner, Economics


    Three Essays on Structural Change and Labor Market Adjustment in Developing Countries , Karmen Naidoo, Economics



    Dissertations from 2020 2020


    A New Economic History of Deindustrialization: Class Conflict and Race in the Motor City , Jackson Allison, Economics


    Essays on Food Security, Gender and Agriculture , Berna Dogan, Economics





    Neoliberal Capitalism and the Evolution of the U.S. Healthcare System , Samantha Sterba, Economics



    Endogenous Money, Corporate Liquidity Preferences and the Transformation of the U.S. Financial System , Yeo Hyub Yoon, Economics

    Dissertations from 2019 2019

    The Historical and Legal Creation of a Fissured Workplace: The Case of Franchising , Brian Callaci, Economics

    Essays on the Minimum Wage, Immigration, and Privatization , Doruk Cengiz, Economics

    Bangladesh's Energy Policy: Economic, Environmental, and Climate Change Impacts , Rohini Kamal, Economics



    Dimensions of US Global Financial Power: Essays on Financial Sanctions, Global Imbalances, and Sovereign Default , Mariam Majd, Economics

    THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ACCUMULATION IN SOUTH AFRICA: Resource Extraction, Financialization, and Capital Flight as Barriers to Investment and Employment Growth , Seeraj Mohamed, Economics


    Essays on Monetary Policy in Developing Countries: Income Distribution, Housing and Unemployment , Zhandos Ybrayev, Economics

    Resource Rents, Public Investment and Economic Development: The Case of Bolivia , Raul Zelada Aprili, Economics

    Dissertations from 2018 2018

    Three Essays on Governments and Financial Crises in Developing Economies, 1870-1913 , Peter H. Bent, Economics

    Constraining Labor's “Double Freedom”: Revisiting the Impact of Wrongful Discharge Laws on Labor Markets, 1979-2014 , Eric Hoyt, Economics

    SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF ACCUMULATION IN TURKEY (1963 – 2015) , Osman C. Icoz, Economics

    Stumbling Toward the Up Escalator: How Trends in International Trade, Investment, and Finance Have Complicated Latin America’s Quest for Sustainable, Diversified Economic Development , Mary Eliza Rebecca Ray, Economics

    Forms of Naturalism in Seminal Neoclassical Texts: An Analysis and Comparison of Léon Walras, John Bates Clark, and William Stanley Jevons , Mark Silverman, Economics


    Dissertations from 2017 2017

    Currency Mismatch and Balance Sheet Effects of Exchange Rate in Turkish Non-Financial Corporations , Serkan Demirkilic, Economics

    The Impacts of Foreign Labor Migration of Men on Women's Empowerment in Nepal , Pratistha Joshi Rajkarnikar, Economics

    Real and Nominal Effects of Exchange Rate Regimes , Emiliano Libman, Economics

    Three Essays on International Economics and Finance , Juan Antonio Montecino, Economics


    Dissertations from 2016 2016

    Colonial and Post-Colonial Origins of Agrarian Development: The Case of Two Punjabs , Shahram Azhar, Economics

    Three Essays on the Social Determinants of Early Childhood Health and Development , Andrew Barenberg, Economics


    Three Essays on Sustainable Development in China: Social, Economic and Environmental Aspects , Ying Chen, Economics

    Three Essays on Women's Land Rights in Rural Peru , Rosa L. Duran, Economics

    Three Essays on Economic Stages and Transition , Ricardo R. Fuentes-Ramírez, Economics

    Three Essays on U.S. Household Debt and the Sources of Systemic Financial Fragility , Thomas Herndon, Economics

    Essays on Household Health Expenditures, National Health Insurance and Universal Access to Health Care in Ghana , EVELYN KWAKYE, Economics

    Microfinance, Household Indebtedness and Gender Inequality , Theresa Mannah-Blankson, Economics

    Three Essays on Labor Market Friction and the Business Cycle , Jong-seok Oh, Economics

    Three Essays on Sustainability , Mark V. Paul, Economics

    The Political Economy of Smallholder Incorporation and Land Acquisition , Alfredo R. Rosete, Economics

    Employment and Family Leave Mandates: Three Essays on Labor Supply and Demand, Nontraditional Families, and Family Policy , Samantha Schenck, Economics

    Endogenous Capacity, Multiple Equilibria and Thirlwall's Law: Theory and an Empirical Application to Mexico: 1950 - 2012. , Juan Alberto Vázquez Muñoz, Economics

    Three Essays on the Macroeconomic Impacts of Rent Seeking , Kurt von Seekamm, Economics

    Dissertations from 2015 2015

    Essays on Growth Complementarity Between Agriculture and Industry in Developing Countries , Joao Paulo de Souza, Economics

    Structural Transformation, Culture, and Women’s Labor Force Participation in Turkey , yasemin dildar, Economics

    Essays on Information, Income, and the Sharing Economy , Anders F. Fremstad, Economics

    Essays on Inequality, Credit Constraints, and Growth in Contemporary Mexico , Leopoldo Gómez-Ramírez, Economics

    Three Essays on Macroeconomic Implications of Contemporary Financial Intermediation , Hyun Woong Park, Economics

    The Labor Share Question in China , Hao Qi, Economics

    Three essays on economic inequality and environmental degradation , Klara Zwickl, Economics

    Dissertations from 2014 2014

    Common Pool Resources and Rural Livelihoods in Stung Treng Province of Cambodia , Pitchaya Boonsrirat, Economics

    The financialization of the nonfinancial corporation in the post-1970 U.S. economy , Leila Emami Davis, Economics

    The Financial Underpinnings of the EU Crisis: Financial Deregulation, Privatization, and Asymmetric State Power , Nina Q. Eichacker, Economics




    Three Essays in Macroeconomic History , Joshua W. Mason, Economics

    Essays on the Evolution of Inequality , Cem Oyvat, Economics


    Productive Stagnation and Unproductive Accumulation in the United States, 1947-2011. , Tomas N. Rotta, Economics

    Advertising and the Creation of Exchange Value , Zoe Sherman, Economics

    Understanding Income Inequality in the United States , Mark J. Stelzner, Economics


    Essays on the minimum wage , Ben Zipperer, Economics

    Dissertations from 2013 2013

    Credit Chains, Credit Bubles, and Financial Fragility: Explaining The U.S. Financial Crisis of 2007-09 , Thomas L Bernardin, Economics

    A Knife Hidden in Roses: Development and Gender Violence in the Dominican Republic , Cruz Caridad Bueno, Economics

    Sustaining Rural Livelihoods in Upper Svaneti, Republic of Georgia , Robin J Kemkes, Economics

    Contract as Contested Terrain: An Economic History of Law and the Rise of American Capitalism , Daniel P MacDonald, Economics

    Essays on the Rising Demand for Convenience in Meal Provisioning in the United States , Tamara Ohler, Economics

    Social Emulation, the Evolution of Gender Norms, and Intergenerational Transfers: Three Essays on the Economics of Social Interactions , Seung-Yun Oh, Economics

    Decollectivization and Rural Poverty in Post-Mao China: A Critique of the Conventional Wisdom , Zhaochang Peng, Economics

    Capitalist Crisis and Capitalist Reaction: The Profit Squeeze, the Business Roundtable, and the Capitalist Class Mobilization of the 1970s , Alejandro Reuss, Economics

    The Economics of Same-Sex Couple Households: Essays on Work, Wages, and Poverty , Alyssa Schneebaum, Economics

    The Political Economy of Cultural Production: Essays on Music and Class , Ian J. Seda Irizarry, Economics

    Essays Of Human Capital Formation , Owen Thompson, Economics

    Dissertations from 2012 2012

    Knowledge, Gender, and Production Relations in India's Informal Economy , Amit Basole, Economics

    Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Determinants of Informal Employment: The Case of Clothing Traders in Johannesburg, South Africa , Jennifer E Cohen, Economics

    The Relationship Between Mass Incarceration and Crime in the Neoliberal Period in the United States , Geert Leo Dhondt, Economics

    Fair Trade, Agrarian Cooperatives, and Rural Livelihoods in Peru , Noah Enelow, Economics

    Organic Farming and Rural Transformations in the European Union: A Political Economy approach , Charalampos Konstantinidis, Economics

    The Sources of Financial Profit: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Transformation of Banking in the US , Iren G. Levina, Economics

    A Minskian Approach to Financial Crises with a Behavioural Twist: A Reappraisal of the 2000-2001 Financial Crisis in Turkey , Mathieu Perron-Dufour, Economics

    Essays on Urban Sprawl, Race, and Ethnicity , Jared M. Ragusett, Economics

    Agriculture and Class: Contradictions of Midwestern Family Farms Across the Twentieth Century , Elizabeth Ann Ramey, Economics

    Women In Conflict, Peacebuilding And Reconstruction: Insights From The Aftermath Of Nepal's Maoist Insurgency , Smita Ramnarain, Economics

    Money, Reality, and Value: Non-Commodity Money in Marxian Political Economy , Joseph Thomas Rebello, Economics

    Three essays on oil scarcity, global warming and energy prices , Matthew Riddle, Economics

    The Political Economy of Agrarian Change in the People's Republic of China , Zhun Xu, Economics

    Dissertations from 2011 2011

    State Hegemony and Sustainable Development: A Political Economy Analysis of Two Local Experiences in Turkey , Bengi Akbulut, Economics

    Financial evolution and the declining effectiveness of US monetary policy since the 1980s , Hasan Comert

    Why China Grew: Understanding the Financial Structure of Late Development , Adam S. Hersh, Economics

    Solving the "Coffee Paradox": Understanding Ethiopia's Coffee Cooperatives Through Elinor Ostrom's Theory of the Commons , Susan Ruth Holmberg, Economics

    Migration, Remittances And Intra-Household Allocation In Northern Ghana: Does Gender Matter? , Lynda Joyce Pickbourn, Economics

    Youth and Economic Development: A Case Study of Out-of-School Time Programs for Low-Income Youth in New York State , Kristen Maeve Powlick, Economics

    The Real Exchange Rate And Economic Development , Martin Rapetti, Economics

    Essays on International Reserve Accumulation and Cooperation in Latin America , Luis Daniel Rosero, Economics

    Three Essays on Racial Disparities in Infant Health and Air Pollution Exposure , Helen Scharber, Economics

    Dissertations from 2010 2010

    Capitalism in Post-Colonial India: Primative Accumulation Under Dirigiste and Laissez Faire Regimes , Rajesh Bhattacharya, Economics

    Uneven Development and the Terms of Trade: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis , Bilge Erten, Economics

    Gendered Vulnerabilities After Genocide: Three Essays on Post-Conflict Rwanda , Catherine Ruth Finnoff, Economics

    The Employment Impacts of Economy-wide Investments in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency , Heidi Garrett-Peltier, Economics

    Household Employer Payroll Tax Evasion: An Exploration Based on IRS Data and on Interviews with Employers and Domestic Workers , Catherine B. Haskins, Economics

    Racial Inequality and Affirmative Action in Malaysia and South Africa , Hwok-Aun Lee, Economics

    Essays on Behavioral Labor Economics , Philip Pablo Mellizo, Economics

    Three Essays on the Political Economy of Live Stock Sector in Turkey , Hasan Tekguc, Economics

    The Impact Of Public Employment On Health , Wei Zhang, Economics

    Dissertations from 2009 2009

    Effort, work hours, and income inequality: Three essays on the behavioral effects of wage inequality , Michael Carr

    Essays on investment, real exchange rate, and central bank in a financially liberalized Turkey , Deger Eryar

    Essays On Investment, Real Exchange Rate, And Central Bank In A Financially Liberalized Turkey , Deger Eryar, Economics

    Labor Turnover in the Child-Care Industry: Voice and Exit , Lynn A. Hatch, Economics

    Three Essays on Conflict and Cooperation , Sungha Hwang, Economics

    Economic Reforms in East African Countries: The Impact on Government Revenue and Public Investment , Adam Beni Swebe Mwakalobo, Economics

    Post-Marxism After Althusser: A Critique Of The Alternatives , Ceren Ozselcuk, Economics

    Essays on Financial Behavior and its Macroeconomic Causes and Implications , Soon Ryoo, Economics

    Skill Mismatch and Wage Inequality in the U.S. , Fabian Slonimczyk, Economics

    Linkages Between Inequality And Environmental Degradation: An Interregional Perspective , Marina S Vornovytskyy, Economics

    Dissertations from 2008 2008

    Migrant women and economic justice: A *class analysis of Anatolian -German women in homemaking and cleaning services , Esra Erdem

    Emigrant or sojourner? The determinants of Mexican labor migration strategies to the United States , Florian K Kaufmann

    Macrofinancial risk management in the U.S. economy: Regulation, derivatives, and liquidity preference , Marcelo Milan

    Essays on behavioral economics , Wesley Jose Pech

    The impact of land ownership inequality on rural factor markets , Fatma Gul Unal

    Three essays on family care, time allocation, and economic well -being , Jayoung Yoon

    Dissertations from 2007 2007

    Capital flight and foreign direct investment in the Middle East and North Africa: Comparative development and institutional analysis , Abdullah Almounsor

    Investment under financial liberalization: Channels of liquidity and uncertainty , Armagan Gezici

    Three essays on social dilemmas with heterogeneous agents , Mark Howard

    Between the market and the milpa: Market engagements, peasant livelihood strategies, and the on -farm conservation of crop genetic diversity in the Guatemalan highlands , S. Ryan Isakson

    Late neoclassical economics: Restoration of theoretical humanism in contemporary mainstream economics , Yahya Mete Madra

    Inequality and the Human Development Index , Elizabeth Anne Stanton

    Dissertations from 2006 2006

    Institutional settings and organizational forms: Three essays , Alper Duman

    Labor market characteristics and the determinants of political support for social insurance , Anil Duman

    State power, world trade, and the class structure of a nation: An overdeterminist class theory of national tariff policy , Erik E Guzik

    Unions and the strategy of class transformation: The case of the Broadway musicians , Catherine P Mulder

    Children's work and opportunities for education: Consequences of gender and household wealth , Sevinc Rende

    The economics of immigration: Household and employment dynamics , Maliha Safri

    Dissertations from 2005 2005

    Capital flight from Southeast Asia: Case studies on Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand , Edsel L. Beja

    Rethinking municipal privatization: A Marxian class analysis of the privatization of New York City's Central Park , Oliver David Cooke

    Financial liberalization and its distributional consequences: An empirical exploration , Arjun Jayadev

    Three essays on gender, land rights, and collective action in Brazil's rural political economy , Merrilee Mardon

    Land markets, female land rights and agricultural productivity in Paraguayan agriculture , Thomas Masterson

    Workers' struggles and transformations of capitalism at industrial enterprises in Russia, 1985–2000 , Maxim V Maximov

    Economy and society: Class relations and the process of economic growth , Erik K Olsen

    Gender, liberalization and agrarian change in Telangana , Smriti Rao

    The contradictory imperatives of New Deal banking reforms. , Ellen D. Russell, Economics

    Equity in community -based sustainable development: A case study in western India , Priya Parvathy Sangameswaran

    Mandated wage floors and the wage structure: Analyzing the ripple effects of minimum and prevailing wage laws , Jeannette Wicks-Lim

    Public enterprises in mixed economies: Their impact on economic growth and social equity , Andong Zhu

    Dissertations from 2004 2004

    An economic analysis of prison labor in the United States , Asatar P Bair

    Three essays on income, inequality and environmental degradation , Rachel A Bouvier

    The implementation and enforcement of environmental regulations in a less developed market economy: Evidence from Uruguay , Marcelo F Caffera

    Race, altruism and trust: Experimental evidence from South Africa , Justine Claire Keswell

    Exchanging entailments: The contested meaning of commodity exchange , Philip M Kozel

    Three essays on capital account liberalization and economic growth: New measures, new estimates and the experience of South Korea , Kang-Kook Lee

    Enterprise hybrids and alternative growth dynamics , Kenneth M Levin

    Social interaction and economic institution , Yongjin Park

    Research and policy considerations in the valuation and the allocation of environmental and health commodities , Mihail Samnaliev

    Immiserizing growth: Globalization and agrarian change in Telangana, South India between 1985 and 2000 , Vamsicharan Vakulabharanam

    Social networks and labor market outcomes: Theoretical expansions and econometric analysis , Russell E Williams

    Dissertations from 2003 2003

    Three essays on the evolution of cooperation , Jung-Kyoo Choi

    Economic size and long -term growth: An empirical analysis of the consequences of small economic size on investment, productivity and income growth , Pavel E Isa

    Essays on categorical inequality, non-linear income dynamics and social mobility in South Africa , Malcolm M Keswell

    The effectiveness of tax incentives in attracting investment: The case of Puerto Rico , Carlos F Liard-Muriente

    A theoretical and statistical exploration into the effects of morals, personality and uncertainty on hypothetical bias in contingent valuation , Joseph D Ogrodowczyk

    The role of the stock market in influencing firm investment in China , Feng Xiao

    Dissertations from 2002 2002

    Essays on the threat effects of foreign direct investment on labor markets , Minsik Choi

    An international analysis of child welfare , Nasrin Dalirazar

    Fiscal faux pas? An empirical analysis of the revenue and expenditure implications of trade liberalization , Barsha Khattry

    Property from the sky: The creation of property rights in the radio spectrum in the United States , Elizabeth M Kruse

    Three essays on China's state owned enterprises: Towards an alternative to privatization , Minqi Li

    From welfare rights to welfare fights: Neo -liberalism and the retrenchment of social provision , John Arthur O'Connor

    Political community and individual gain: Aristotle, Adam Smith and the problem of exchange , Kimberly Kaethe Sims

    Rethinking prostitution: Analyzing an informal sector industry , Marjolein Katrien van der Veen

    Dissertations from 2001 2001

    Land and labor markets among paddy producers in the Nepalese Tarai , Ravi Bhandari

    What drives equity values: fundamentals or net flows? An empircal analysis of the 1982--1999 United States stock market boom , Lawrence Lee Evans

    Investment, labor demand, and political conflict in South Africa , James S Heintz

    Education, Inequality and Economic Mobility in South Africa , Thomas Nathaniel Hertz

    Employer work -family programs: Essays on policy implementation, employee preferences, and parental childcare choices , Sally Jane Kiser

    Valuing environmental health risks: A comparison of stated preference techniques applied to groundwater contamination , Tammy Barlow McDonald

    Endogenous quality and intra-industry trade , Edward Allan McPhail

    Perceptions of Massachusetts family and consumer sciences education professionals regarding the importance and use of the National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education in Massachusetts , Jo Ann Pullen

    From feudal serfs to independent contractors: Class and African American women's paid domestic labor, 1863–1980 , Cecilia M Rio

    A home of one's own: Overcoming gender and familial status barriers to homeownership , Judith K Robinson

    Springfield Armory as industrial policy: Interchangeable parts and the precision corridor , Bruce K Tull

    Dissertations from 2000 2000

    Intergroup inequality, social identity and economic outcomes , Katherine E Baird

    Engendering Globalization: Household Structures, Female Labor Supply and Economic Growth , Elissa Braunstein

    Capital, conditionality, and free markets: The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the effects of the neoliberal transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean , Andres Carbacho-Burgos

    Rural institutions, poverty and cooperation: Learning from experiments and conjoint analysis in the field , Juan-Camilo Cardenas

    Understanding the equal split as a bargaining convention and the role of residual claimancy in team production: Three essays in behavioral and experimental economics , Jeffrey Paul Carpenter

    Enforcing market -based environmental policies , Carlos A Chavez Rebolledo

    A comparative analysis of three economic theories focusing upon the international trade of hazardous waste (the case of electric arc furnace dust) , Amy Silverstein Cramer

    The political economy of transformation in Hungary , Anita Dancs

    Cross -media transfers of pollution and risk , Janine Marie Dombrowski

    Essays on endogenous preferences and public generosity , Christina Margareta Fong

    Con nuestro trabajo y sudor: Indigenous women and the construction of colonial society in 16th and 17th century Peru , Karen B Graubart

    Banks, insider lending and industries of the Connecticut River Valley of Massachusetts, 1813–1860 , Paul Andre Lockard

    Existence value: A reappraisal and cross -cultural comparison , Billy Manoka

    Quality management systems and the estimation of market power exertion , Corinna Michaela Noelke

    The power of personality: Labor market rewards and the transmission of earnings , Melissa Anne Osborne

    Accumulation and European unemployment , Engelbert Richard Stockhammer

    Modeling Superfund: A hazardous waste bargaining model with rational threats , Mary Anderson Taft

    Welfare, inequality, and resource depletion: A reassessment of Brazilian economic growth, 1965–1993 , Mariano Torras

    Dissertations from 1999 1999

    Steadying the husband, uplifting the race: The Pittsburgh Urban League's promotion of black female domesticity during the Great Black Migration , Nina Elizabeth Banks

    The origins of parallel segmented labor and product markets: A reciprocity-based agency model with an application to motor freight , Stephen V Burks

    R&D, advertising, and profits: Economic theory, empirical evidence, and consequences for transfer pricing policy , David W DeRamus

    Rethinking demand: A critique and reformulation of Marxian theories of price , David Leo Kristjanson

    Wealth, the power to set terms, and the financing and control of firms , Paul N Malherbe

    Intra -family transfers and the household division of labor: A case study of migration and remittance behavior in South Africa , Dorrit Ruth Posel

    Transportation network policy modeling for congestion and pollution control: A variational inequality approach , Padma Ramanujam

    The political economy of organized baseball: Analysis of a unique industry , Ross David Weiner

    Dissertations from 1998 1998

    The internationalization of production and its effects on the domestic behavior of United States manufacturing multinational firms , James Michael Burke

    Neoliberal and neostructuralist theories of competitiveness and flexible labor: The case of Chile's manufactured exports, 1973-1996 , Fernando Ignacio Leiva

    An econometric study of the export sector of Somalia , Mohamed A Osman

    Financial liberalization, multinational banks and investment: Three essays on the cases of Hungary and Poland , Christian Erik Weller

    Dissertations from 1997 1997

    Structuralism and individualism in economic analysis: The "contractionary devaluation debate" in development economics , S Charusheela

    Financial liberalization in Mexico, 1989-1993 , Colin Danby

    CEO pay, agency, and the theory of the firm , Frederick Dexter Guy

    Food quality regulation under trade agreements: Effects on the supply of food safety and competitiveness , Neal Hilton Hooker

    Agency problems in the capital markets and the employment relationship: The possibility of efficiency-enhancing institutional innovation: An empirical case-study , Pierre Laliberte

    New directions in the political economy of consumption , Allan Henry MacNeill

    Capabilities and processes of industrial growth: The case of Argentina and the Argentine auto industry , Marcela Monica Miozzo

    Manufacturers' responses to new nutrition labeling regulations , Eliza Maria Mojduszka

    Rethinking rural development: Making peasant organizations work. The case of Paraguay , Jose R Molinas Vega

    Property regimes, technology, and environmental degradation in Cuban agriculture , Hector R Saez

    International multi-sector, multi-instrument financial modeling and computation: Statics and dynamics , Stavros Siokos

    Three essays on government decision-making to implement and enforce environmental policies , Kristin Ellen Skrabis

    Dissertations from 1996 1996

    An economic critique of urban planning and the 'postmodern' city: Los Angeles , Enid Arvidson

    Dissertations from 1995 1995

    Trade liberalization and income distribution: Three essays with reference to the case of Mexico and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) , Mehrene E Larudee

    Dissertations from 1994 1994

    Subjectivism and the limits of F. A. Hayek's political economy , Theodore A Burczak

    International currencies and endogenous enforcement , Roohi Prem

    Three essays on key currencies and currency blocs , Ellen Tierney

    Dissertations from 1993 1993

    Capitalist regulation and unequal integration: The case of Puerto Rico , Jaime Eduardo Benson

    Production and reproduction: Family policy and gender inequality in East and West Germany , Lynn Susan Duggan

    Dissertations from 1992 1992

    Capital controls and long-term economic growth , Jessica G Nembhard

    Dissertations from 1990 1990

    Concentration and product diversity in culture-based industries: A case study of the music recording industry , Peter James Alexander

    Dissertations from 1987 1987


    Dissertations from 1986 1986

    The Political-Economy of Nuclear Power 1946-1982 , Steven Mark Cohn, Economics

    Dissertations from 1985 1985



    Dissertations from 1983 1983


    Dissertations from 1982 1982

    Evolution of a Hospital Labor System: Technology, Coercion, and Conflict , Jean E. Fisher, Economics

    Dissertations from 1981 1981


    Dissertations from 1980 1980

    Justice and economic theory. , Barry Stewart Clark, Economics

    Dissertations from 1976 1976


    Dissertations from 1970 1970


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    The Economics Network

    Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

    Undergraduate Dissertations in Economics

    A practical guide

    1. Introduction

    2. the uk experience, 3. the dissertation life-cycle, 4. an alternative to the dissertation.

    Emeritus Professor Peter Smith , University of Southampton  First published 2009  Revised version July 2016

    For many students, the dissertation is the culmination of their undergraduate careers, and a rewarding and satisfying experience that gives them the opportunity to undertake an in-depth study of a topic that interests them. However, it can also become a traumatic and disillusioning venture for students who do not engage with the research, or who have a bad experience with some aspect of the dissertation process.

    This chapter sets out to share good practice and provide guidance for co-ordinators, curriculum planners and supervisors, highlighting danger areas and providing discussion of some of the more contentious aspects of the dissertation process.

    A key aim of any honours degree programme in the UK is to encourage students to become independent learners. This is no easy task in an environment in which many students arrive from school or college with preconceived notions of what is meant by study, and an array of expectations about the support they will receive from academic staff, not to mention the feedback and interaction with staff that they can expect.

    The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) in August 2008 set out the Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland , which contains the following descriptor for a Bachelor’s degree with honours:

    ‘Bachelor's degrees with honours are awarded to students who have demonstrated:

    • a systematic understanding of key aspects of their field of study, including acquisition of coherent and detailed knowledge, at least some of which is at or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of a discipline
    • an ability to deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within a discipline
    • to devise and sustain arguments, and/or to solve problems, using ideas and techniques, some of which are at the forefront of a discipline
    • to describe and comment upon particular aspects of current research, or equivalent advanced scholarship, in the discipline
    • an appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge
    • the ability to manage their own learning, and to make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources (e.g. refereed research articles and/or original materials appropriate to the discipline).’

    (Source:  )

    In the context of an economics programme, where in many cases students can arrive at university with no prior knowledge of the discipline, it is ambitious to think that students will be able to use ideas and techniques ‘at the forefront’ of the discipline after only three years of study, especially if this is really to be the aim for all honours students. On many programmes, the dissertation has become the prime vehicle by which students find an opportunity to become independent learners and to confront current research. For many students, the dissertation is the culmination of their undergraduate careers, and a rewarding and satisfying experience that gives them the opportunity to undertake an in-depth study of a topic that interests them. However, it can also become a traumatic and disillusioning venture for students who do not engage with the research, or who have a bad experience with some aspect of the dissertation process.

    After a brief investigation of the current experience in the UK, this chapter is organised around the typical life-cycle of a dissertation, divided into a series of stages:

    • laying the foundations
    • topic selection
    • early practicalities
    • supervision
    • progress monitoring
    • data issues
    • dissertation structure
    • academic integrity.

    As background to this chapter, a brief email survey was undertaken to gather information about the role of the undergraduate dissertation in economics departments across the UK. A report on this survey may be found in Appendix 1 .

    From the survey it seems that dissertations are a part of the majority of Economics programmes in the UK. However, there are significant differences in the way in which the dissertation module is organised, and the way that students experience the dissertation.

    A particular issue is whether all students should be required to complete a dissertation as part of their undergraduate programme. In some institutions, the dissertation is indeed compulsory for everyone, but elsewhere it is restricted to single honours students, or to those students who obtain an average of 60% or more in their second year. The QAA’s descriptor quoted above suggests that all students should receive some exposure to research, but clearly joint honours students are likely to find this more challenging than the specialists, having acquired less in-depth familiarity with either of their chosen disciplines.

    Where joint honours students are required to take the dissertation, it may be necessary to adjust the expectations in terms of content. For example, whilst a single honours student with some exposure to econometrics may be expected to undertake some empirical work, it would be unreasonable to expect a joint honours (e.g. Politics and Economics) student to have the same familiarity with econometric methods. It has been known for students to try to teach themselves econometrics, which can prove disastrous.

    Whether the dissertation should be limited to the better students is a moot point. On the one hand, it could be argued that weaker students should have equal access to the dissertation option; it may even be that there are some students who may achieve a better result on the dissertation where they can immerse themselves in a topic and produce a polished piece of work, than they could produce under examination conditions or in a problem-set-oriented assessment. On the other hand, experience suggests that weaker students require more supervision, and are more likely to resort to practices that breach academic integrity guidelines.

    For these reasons, it may be necessary (or desirable) to provide alternative ways of exposing joint honours and weaker students to research methods. This will be discussed later in section 4 .

    Where the dissertation is compulsory for all students, the organisation of the module causes concern. When there are large numbers of students requiring supervision, the load on individual staff members becomes heavy – especially given that some topic areas (and some staff members) tend to be more popular with students than others. It may then be necessary to find some way of spreading the supervision load across available staff or accommodating differences through a workload management system. Spreading the load evenly may result in inconsistency in the supervision provided, which can be very difficult to monitor effectively.

    Another major impact on the dissertation has been the rise of the internet, and the ease with which students are able to find material. This can lead to excessive reliance on sites such as Wikipedia, and makes it imperative to be able to monitor standards of academic integrity. Almost all of the survey respondents reported using TurnitinUK, whether as routine for all dissertations submitted, for a random sample or for suspect cases. The traditional remedy of holding vivas for all student dissertations becomes extremely costly when large numbers of students are involved (one institution reported that more than 500 dissertations are submitted in a typical year). Nonetheless, this practice appears to have survived in some economics departments.

    3.1 Laying the foundations

    3.2 topic selection, 3.3 some early practicalities, 3.4 supervision, 3.5 early progress monitoring and the dangers of the last minute rush, 3.6 data issues, 3.7 dissertation content and structure, 3.8 submission, 3.9 assessment, 3.10 academic integrity.

    There is a sense in which the whole of learning and teaching in a programme can be seen as preparation for the dissertation, as it provides the opportunity for students to draw holistically upon the range of material that they have studied during their programme. However, the dissertation is a very different exercise from anything else that they will have been required to undertake and specific preparation is needed.

    First, some training in research skills will need to be provided. This may or may not take place as part of a specific module within the programme that is devoted to preparation for the dissertation, perhaps in the penultimate year of study. This needs to include general discussion of research in economics, and the ways in which economists undertake research and scholarship. It is important to remember that this is likely to be a wholly new experience for most students, who may be well drilled in problem solving and mathematical exercises, but who may not have had much exposure to the practicalities of economic research.

    The booklets by Greenlaw (2006) and Neugeboren (2005) may be useful references for students at this stage of the process, or they may wish to visit the "Doing a dissertation" tab of the Studying Economics website run by the Economics Network.

    Included in this research training it is important to provide some guidance in library skills and the use of evidence in economics research. Being able to evaluate evidence, to weigh up the importance of a set of results and to be aware of the limitations of the evidence produced are challenging skills for students to develop.

    There are different approaches to providing such research methods training. It may be that library staff will be able to provide sessions in library skills. It may be wise to incentivise students by awarding a small percentage of the dissertation marks for a library skills exercise. For example, students could be required to undertake an online literature search related to their chosen topic and produce a preliminary reading list. This has the added benefit for forcing them to start their research at an early stage of proceedings.

    Depending on programme structure, some students may have had extensive exposure to statistical and econometric methods, so may be accustomed to handling data and interpreting results. However, there may still be a difference between running some regressions in response to a specific exercise during an econometrics module and devising a model to allow testing of a specific hypothesis.

    Where students have not been exposed to econometrics, this will clearly affect the scope and nature of research that they can undertake. It may be that they are restricted to a theoretical approach or a literature review style of project, or that they need to find alternative ways of presenting evidence. Where there is a mixture of single and joint honours students it may well be that there are students working on similar topic areas, some of whom know some econometrics and others not. This can create particular pressures on the joint honours students, who may feel obliged to try to use techniques with which they are unfamiliar. This is almost always disastrous. It also becomes important that the skills base of students is taken into account during the assessment process, so that students without training in econometrics are not unduly penalised by markers.

    It is increasingly crucial to provide clear guidance on academic integrity at an early juncture. Section 3.10 explores this issue in more depth.

    Where there are large numbers of international students, support may need to be provided in academic writing. Indeed, such support may be necessary more generally, given that so many economics assessments are based on problem sets and exercises, rather than on extended continuous prose. There is some evidence that the writing skills of UK students may also need to be further developed in this context.

    From a student perspective, finding a topic for the dissertation is a critical step. One of the key strengths of the dissertation is its capacity to engage the student by arousing interest and motivating through a sense of discovery. However, it can also be a stressful part of the process, especially for some weaker students who may not have strong ideas about topics that might inspire interest, and who may be daunted by the prospect of undertaking the task. Failure to find the right topic can be a recipe for a weak dissertation that does not fulfil the intended outcomes.

    When the numbers of students looking for dissertation topics are relatively small, then it may be that students can be left to choose their own topics – probably subject to the availability of an appropriate supervisor or the submission of a coherent research proposal. With large numbers of students, this laissez-faire approach may not be feasible.

    An alternative approach is to provide students with a list of topics from which they can choose. These topics may be closely circumscribed, or may simply offer a general topic area, leaving the student to focus on a specific research question within that topic area.

    The advantage of providing very general topics is that that it leaves the responsibility of formulating a specific research question with the student. This is a key part of research in economics, of course, so it is good (albeit challenging) for the student to have to think about how to go about it. It also has the benefit of giving the student ownership of the question to be investigated, which helps to provide motivation.

    Where there are large numbers of students, topic choice can be handled online.

    Students can submit their preferences through a webpage, and asked to specify their top four choices and rank them. Students can then be allocated to topics and supervisors, with no guarantee that they will get their first choice – depending on whether certain topics are over-subscribed.

    It is helpful for students if a selection of past dissertations is made available to current students to provide some guidance on what is expected of them. However, if the same topics appear for too many successive years, there may be the obvious danger of plagiarism. Even where this does not extend to actual copying, there is the danger that students will simply adopt the same dissertation structure as used by previous students rather than working through this part of the process on their own.

    Top tips: dissertation topics

    There are several ways in which students can find (or be allocated) the topic for their research.

    Students find their own topic, and then look for a supervisor

    This may work where the number of students is limited, but may be more difficult to manage when numbers increase. Some staff members are likely to be overwhelmed with requests, especially if they happen to have taught popular second year modules.

    Students may also congregate around topics of recent interest – the financial crisis, the impact of migration, or the economics of Brexit…

    Others may delay thinking about their topic until it is too late, or may choose topics that prove to be impracticable.

    Staff declare topic areas in which they are prepared to supervise projects

    This seems to work for a number of institutions. Topics here may be defined broadly – labour economics, development economics, or monetary economics. This may also produce bunching around some staff members.

    A list of topic areas is provided

    This entails listing key areas of economics – public economics, behavioural economics etc. Students are then allocated a supervisor, where possible a supervisor with a specific interest in that area. Bunching can be ameliorated by not guaranteeing that the allocated supervisor will be an expert in that field. After all, at undergraduate level, detailed knowledge of the topic area may not be crucial.

    A list of topics is provided

    More specific titles could be provided, rather than general areas. Some staff may prefer this, but others may not. Too specific a topic may attract no students at all (there are only so many undergraduates burning to undertake research into theoretical issues in econometrics).

    For example, a topic such as ‘Child labour in less developed countries’ offers wide scope for tackling the issue in different ways and different contexts. A more specific topic such as “Are household members altruistically linked? an examination based on the Mexican anti-poverty programme Progresa’ is much more prescriptive, and may deter students.

    There will always be students with fixed ideas about what they wish to research, and these should be accommodated where possible and plausible.

    Legislation impinges on the dissertation process, and students may all be required to complete risk assessments before they start their research. The impetus from this comes from Health and Safety legislation in place since 1992, and many universities require such assessments for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking research. The need for this is perhaps more obvious where students are carrying out experiments in the physical sciences, but may also be important in the social sciences. There may also be a need to seek ethics approval, especially where research involves the use of human subjects, for example, where students intend to undertake surveys or to conduct experiments using human participants.

    Given that most economics dissertations tend to be desk studies that do not involve the use of human subjects, the bureaucracy may be viewed as superfluous. Nonetheless, compliance with the law is essential. This may be especially important where economics as a discipline is part of a wider School of Social Sciences. Sociologists who decide to interview local drug dealers as part of their dissertation research clearly face rather different risks and ethical issues than an economist who decides to estimate a consumption function from macro data.

    Sample forms can be viewed in Appendix 2 . The ethics form is designed for a School of Social Sciences. The expectation is that the vast majority of economics projects will qualify to skip from question 1 to question 15, thus minimising the paperwork whilst still complying with the demands of the legislation.

    Given the requirements of the Data Protection Act, it is also advisable to ask students to give permission for their completed dissertations to be made available within the university for succeeding generations of students. This then allows a database of previous dissertations to be mounted on an internal website or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) such as Blackboard or Moodle.

    It is also important at the outset to be absolutely clear about some aspects of the dissertation. In particular, students seem to get very exercised about word length. In many UK undergraduate economics programmes, the dissertation counts as a double module in the final year – for example, 15 ECTS, or a quarter of the assessment for the year. Given the importance of this piece of work (especially where the final year carries a heavy weight), it is probably appropriate for the dissertation to carry a word length of 7,500 to 10,000 words. Notice that this may depend on institutional demands set by your School, Faculty or at University level.

    Top Tips on the word limit

    • Be explicit from the start about what is included and not included in the word count. When students get near to submission time, the chances are that they will be hitting the limit, and will want to exclude as much as possible from the count. To remove ambiguity, it is wise to be clear.
    • Acknowledgements
    • Table of contents
    • Bibliography
    • Figures (i.e. diagrams, maps)
    • Tables of data
    • Prohibit the widespread use of appendices – otherwise, students will simply carve chunks of material out of the main text and stash it away at the back in the hope that it will not count. Make it clear that appendices will be part of the word count (perhaps allowing some appendices to be exempt, e.g. raw data, with the express permission of the supervisor).
    • Then state that everything else counts. Students will still find questions to ask (what about footnotes?), but if you have been explicit you will be on reasonably firm ground – and you can point out that the rules are the same for everyone.
    • In order to enforce the word limit, you will probably need to impose penalties for exceeding it. A sliding scale is probably best – say, 1 percentage point per 100 words (or part thereof) by which the dissertation exceeds the limit. This provides students with the incentive to learn to be selective and to avoid waffle in presenting their report. And it seems to work!

    The provision of good supervision is crucial to the success of the dissertation. In many institutions facing increasing student numbers, the amount of contact between staff and students on a one-to-one basis is in decline. Indeed, it may be that the supervision of the dissertation provides the single most important opportunity for students to interact on a personal basis with a member of the academic staff. Some students may be intimidated by this, but if the relationship works, it can be mutually rewarding as an educational experience.

    As in many other areas of learning and teaching, it is important to manage student expectations of the supervision process. It is helpful for students to be told clearly what they can expect from their supervisor. This may be expressed in terms of an entitlement, rather than being left open-ended. Such an entitlement could be expressed in terms of a number of meetings that each student is entitled to have with their supervisor or it could be expressed in hours. Experience with operating such a system is that although some students may request assistance above their entitlement – and this need not be prohibited within the scheme – others may choose not to avail themselves of their full entitlement. In the context of encouraging students to become independent learners, it may not be desirable to insist that all students attend for a given number of sessions. It is this that makes the entitlement system an attractive way of specifying what is the normal expectation for supervisory contact.

    Such an approach has the added benefit of helping to manage the supervisors’ expectations of the process. Supervisors need to know what is expected of them in terms of reading drafts, marking, length and frequency of meetings, and so on. It is also crucial that both supervisors and students have the same expectations of what is involved. Being explicit about this is thus crucial for both groups.

    Achieving consistency of supervision provision is one of the challenges, especially when large numbers of students are in need of supervision. Just as some students may need more help than others, it is also important to be aware that some supervisors may be more comfortable in the role than others, or more prepared (or able) to make themselves available.

    It is also common for certain topic areas to be more popular than others – and for some supervisors to be more popular than others. If unregulated, this can lead to a situation in which some members of staff find that they have much heavier loads than their colleagues.

    Some fair way of allocating supervisory responsibilities may thus be needed. One possibility is to ensure that supervisory loads are recognised as part of a workload management system, in which there is a trade-off between supervisory responsibilities and other forms of teaching contact. An alternative is to allocate loads evenly across available staff. This may require allocating students to topics that are not their first choice, or requiring supervisors to oversee topics of which they have little specialist knowledge. This needs to be monitored carefully to safeguard the student experience. However, at the undergraduate level, specialist knowledge of topic areas may be less crucial than at masters’ or doctoral level.

    There may be benefits from group supervision of students following similar topics, not only in terms of economies of scale, but also because the students may be able to learn from each other. Economies of scale may arise because much of the advice given to students will be common – the central importance of economic analysis, the need for a literature review, the interpretation of evidence, how to avoid plagiarism and so on.

    At my university, each supervisor is responsible for between six and ten students. It may be highly time-consuming to meet each supervisee separately on a one-to-one basis, but there are some issues that can be readily communicated in group sessions, perhaps even in combination with a colleague supervising in similar topic areas.

    A first meeting could take place early in the year, or at the end of the penultimate year, when students have been allocated their topics and supervisors. This would be a preliminary briefing meeting, to answer questions and concerns, highlight some key relevant readings and data sources, and explain how the supervision will be conducted. Some preliminary explanation of how to structure a good dissertation is also provided, together with some discussion of what is meant by academic integrity.

    At a second meeting each student could be asked to talk about their topic, outline their progress to date, identify their research question (if they have formulated it) and comment on any problem areas that they have encountered.

    A third meeting could be held towards the end of the first term. By this time, students will have been required to submit an interim report, in which they sketch out their proposed research, including an explanation of their research question, and the methodology that they propose to use in order to investigate their question. This is an opportunity to provide feedback and progress to date, to suggest future directions and to identify potential problems.

    A fourth meeting could be held towards the end of the second term. Before this meeting, you could invite each student to submit an extract from the first chapter, including their explanation of their research question. In the meeting, you could comment on writing styles and referencing, and provide an opportunity for questions. The importance of maintaining standards of academic integrity also needs to be stressed.

    Students should also be encouraged to meet up on a one-to-one basis if they have questions that are specific to their own research.

    In some institutions, this is taken one step further, through the provision of a whole module (normally in the second year) that deals with research methods. The economies of scale in doing this are even greater, of course, as one individual (or a relatively small number of staff) can provide the generic advice that all students need in approaching the dissertation. Such dedicated modules are not always popular with students, who may see the material as being fragmented and of little relevance to them at the time. In other words, they may need to be convinced that they really will need this material at a later stage. Such modules are not always popular with the staff either. They may not be appealing to teach, and also put pressure on the curriculum. When so much other material has to be covered in the second year, there may be a reluctance to use up a whole module on research methods that could have been used to provide more micro theory or econometrics.

    A frequent complaint about students undertaking undergraduate dissertations is that they leave everything until the last minute. The pressures of other coursework items and mid-term or mid-year examinations may encourage students to devote their time to these, as the dissertation seems less urgent.

    There are various ways of trying to encourage students to start work on their research early, and not to rely on a late rush. It may be worth drawing an analogy in early discussions with them. Few students would think of arriving at an exam with only a few minutes to go, and thus finding they have no time to answer the questions. So, why should they think they can fritter away their dissertation time and start work on it when it is too late to do it justice?

    However, as economists, we understand about incentives, and thus realise that exhortation alone will not suffice. We need to provide good incentives if we expect students to start work early.

    One possibility is to require students to give a presentation of their intended research at an early stage of proceedings. This could be a presentation to their peers with a member of academic staff present. It would even be possible to designate a discussant for each presentation or for a small percentage of the overall mark to be attached to it. However, as soon as numbers begin to grow, this option begins to become very costly in time and effort. Ensuring consistency in the assessment becomes problematic – although if it is a very small percentage of the overall mark, this may be less crucial. If the presentation becomes more than a small percentage, then the logistics of enabling appropriate external examining becomes a potential issue.

    An alternative is to introduce an interim report or research proposal that has to be submitted at an early stage. Again, attaching a modest percentage of the overall marks to this report has good incentive effects, and provides an early check to identify students that are not engaging with the process, or who have unrealistic grandiose plans for solving the world’s problems in 10,000 words. It is also a good opportunity to provide formal feedback – an important consideration when the paucity of feedback is a common criticism emerging from questionnaire surveys.

    It may be helpful to ask students to submit draft material (or even chapters) to provide a framework for discussion in supervisory meetings – and to do so before the meeting takes place. There is nothing worse than having a student arrive to discuss their work clutching their precious draft, only to find that the time is mainly spent in the supervisor reading it, rather than being able to discuss it. It should be made clear that this is not for the purpose of proof-reading, which is not the supervisor’s responsibility. It may be worth setting a timetable for such discussions at the beginning of the year – which then forces the student into a regular schedule of work. Of course, your institution’s rules may prohibit the reading of draft material. You may also think that it is possible to go too far in helping the student, as this may militate against encouraging independent work and time management. However, it can make for more productive supervisory meetings – and anything that highlights that you are providing feedback may pay dividends in national student surveys.

    The other task that must be tackled at an early stage is data hunting. Students embarking on empirical work – probably for the first time – almost always have over-optimistic views of the data that are likely to be available. Perhaps a student has been to a course in development economics that has stressed the importance of human capital formation in stimulating improvements in agricultural productivity. An interesting project might be to examine the effect of primary schooling on agricultural productivity in rural Zanzibar. Or to examine the effect of overseas assistance on the provision of health care in Papua New Guinea. Panic then sets in when it transpires that, with only a few weeks remaining, there are no data to be found.

    Again, this is partly a question of managing student expectations – and of getting students to hunt for their data as early as possible.

    Of course, there is a time inconsistency problem here. We tell the students that they must look for data as soon as possible… but we also tell them that they should think about the underlying economics of their topic first, in order that they know what data they will require. Without this proviso, the danger of data-mining is high. Students told to look for data early may well see what they can find, run a few regressions and then see if they can find a theory that will match their results.

    There is a lot of data readily available on the internet. This brings good and bad news. The good news is that there are more data accessible on a wide range of economic topics that students can readily obtain. This expands the range of topics on which they can undertake empirical work – and they are aided and abetted in this by the software at their disposal to enable them to produce lots of results. The bad news is that the scope for doing foolish things and getting nonsense results is also much expanded. The ease of use of today’s software makes it very easy to produce results that go way beyond the competence and understanding of the students. Indeed, a key part of the supervisor’s role may be to rein in the over-enthusiastic student to ensure that the work undertaken is appropriate for the topic being investigated, and the reasonable ambition of the student given knowledge and understanding of statistical and/or econometric methodology. This reining in has to done in a sensitive way, so as not to discourage or dishearten. A fine line to tread.

    Provide web links to the most relevant data sources.

    Providing web links to key recommended data sources is wise. This can be accomplished through a dedicated dissertation webpage or VLE. The links can then be tailored to the needs of a particular cohort of students. There is also a helpful section on the Economics Network website that provides links to freely available data .

    One obvious situation in which this can be an issue is where a student has received no training in econometrics, but has heard of ‘regression’ and perceives that no dissertation is complete without it. There may be some bright students out there who can teach themselves regression along the way and produce sensible results. But for every one such student, there are likely to be countless others who will be unable to produce coherent results. For the econometrically untrained, more modest objectives need to be set for the analysis of empirical data. However, the collection of data, and the marshalling of evidence in support (or not) of an hypothesis, is a central part of research in economics. In some cases, students may sign up for an optional course in econometrics for which they are ill-prepared. This has a doubly damaging impact, as they may fail the module as well as finding themselves no better off for the research.

    Another pitfall is where a student with some econometric training collects data and runs some regressions, but is unable to produce results that are consistent with any known economic theory. Panic then sets in. Can economic theory really be so wrong? It takes confidence for a novice researcher to look at a set of seemingly meaningless results with equanimity. It may then be for the supervisor to reassure, and to point out how many possible explanations there are for seemingly contradictory results. Perhaps the data do not measure what the model demands. Perhaps a more sophisticated econometric methodology is required. Perhaps there are omitted variables. And so on. The student researcher may then need to be persuaded that it is perfectly OK to present weak results, so long as some awareness is shown that the analysis has limitations, and that there are many possible reasons for the seeming contradictions.

    It is important to remind students of the key objective of the dissertation – namely, to showcase what they have assimilated during their degree programme. If they can show competence in applying economic analysis and (perhaps) econometric techniques in a topic area of their choice, then they are on their way to a reasonable mark. They will not be submitting their dissertation to Econometrica .

    ‘The secret of happiness lay in limiting the aspirations.’ Thomas Hardy in The Woodlanders .

    Students who have spent most of their undergraduate careers solving problems and tackling exercises are likely to need specific help in constructing a coherent argument through continuous prose and appropriate structuring of material. Furthermore, the dissertation will require them to move beyond the descriptive to analysis and evaluation. These are also key skills that may only be developed through the dissertation in many economics undergraduate programmes.

    There are several guides available providing advice to students on how to structure a report on a piece of economic research (e.g. Neugeboren (2005); Greenlaw (2006) ).

    A typical structure

    From Neugeboren (2005)

    Students need further guidance to keep an appropriate balance between the key components. The temptation is to use up too many words in the early sections in introducing the topic and describing the background. This is especially tempting in relation to some projects. For example, a student investigating a question in the context of a particular country may begin by describing the economic conditions of that country, so that the report comes to resemble something more appropriate for economic history or geography than economics. On the other hand, there may be a temptation to take some of the economic analysis for granted, thus missing the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of economic analysis and thereby showcasing their skills to the examiner. This question of knowing what to include and what to omit is a tricky one, and an area in which supervisors will need to be ready to offer guidance. Another challenge is for students to be evaluative and analytic, going beyond description.

    At the outset, students often find it intimidating to launch themselves on writing an 8,000 or 10,000 word report. It is important to find a way of overcoming this. One way is to encourage students to draw up a chapter plan at an early stage. This could be based on the general pattern set out above, with the students being asked to draft a few sentences describing the intended content of each chapter, and a target word count. This has the advantage of breaking the overall task into a sequence of shorter pieces of work, which may be less intimidating. Making some examples of previous dissertations available for students to consult may also be helpful, as they are able to see what can be achieved, as well as getting a feel for how to structure a long report.

    Make sure there is no ambiguity about the deadline for submission and the penalties for missing it.

    Another danger point comes at submission time. Be clear about the conditions under which an extension might be granted and how and whether this might be authorised. In addition, be clear about the conditions in which an extension will not be granted. For example, you might want to be explicit that extensions will not be granted for frivolous reasons or because ‘my computer crashed’. There are good reasons for being strict about this. One of the skills that students derive from producing a dissertation is project management. Meeting deadlines will give students the opportunity to practise time management. A student who does not understand the need to keep back-up copies of files will have a rude awakening in the world of work. Furthermore, a student granted an extension is likely to find that there are knock-on effects in terms of exam preparation.

    Assessment is a crucial part of the dissertation process and entails a number of problematic issues.

    It is important that students have a clear idea of what is expected of them in producing a dissertation. Unlike the problem sets and exercises that characterise much of assessment in economics, there cannot be a specific mark scheme for the dissertation. However, it is possible to provide a set of grade descriptors designed for the dissertation, showing the characteristics that markers will be looking for in allocating marks to the final product. This helps in forming student expectations and provides transparency. A sample set of descriptors is available in Appendix 3 . These descriptors can be tailored to local requirements. Asking markers to highlight a copy of the descriptors for each student being assessed indicating how well they have performed on each aspect is a good way of reaching comparability of standards across markers, and providing feedback to students afterwards.

    There is no universal agreement that this approach is desirable. It has been argued that marking to descriptors enforces too much conformity and inhibits markers from examining with their own personal and professional judgement. However, this may be an argument for framing the descriptors in such a way that they are not overly prescriptive, but yet identify the intended outcomes on which the assessment of the dissertation should be based. When large numbers of students are involved, it may be that personal and professional judgement has to be harnessed in order to ensure equity in treatment.

    Another way of trying to manage student expectations is through some element of peer- or self-assessment – not necessarily as part of the summative assessment. For example, students could be encouraged to evaluate a fellow student’s research proposal or presentation. Alternatively, a self-assessment checklist could be required as part of the dissertation submission, itemising key aspects of the dissertation. A sample self-assessment form is available through the Appendices .

    Students may also gain confidence in their work if some portion of the summative assessment is derived from interim pieces of work, such as the research proposal, a presentation or library skills project. This can also incentivise students to manage their time and receive feedback on how they are progressing.

    Achieving consistency in assessment is challenging, especially where the number of dissertations to be marked is large so that marking has to be spread between a relatively large number of staff members. Consistency is also difficult because of the wide range of dissertation topics that is possible. The use of descriptors can help here, as they are cast in general terms that do not vary across topics. The danger is that some markers will be more diligent than others in giving marks based on the descriptors. At department level, this could be monitored by constructing a spreadsheet to compare mean marks (and the standard deviation) for each pair of markers. This may help to reassure external examiners that marking has been carefully undertaken — as well as ensuring equality of treatment for students.

    The nature of the dissertation is such that it is difficult to maintain anonymity in the marking, so this is one type of assessment where double-blind marking must be retained, rather than some form of sample moderation process.

    Where the economics dissertation can be taken by both single honours students and those following joint honours, it is important for markers to be aware of what is reasonable for particular students to produce. A politics and economics student should not be penalised for avoiding econometric work, nor should a single honours economics student be penalised for lacking background in political science.

    One of the issues on which practice varies between universities is the question of whether the supervisor should or should not be one of the markers of the dissertation. Some argue that the supervisor should be excluded from the assessment process in order to ensure independence of the marking, whereas others argue that the supervisor is able to identify the extent to which the student had received assistance as part of the supervisory process. Consistency may be more likely where marking is organised to mix up the pairings of first and second markers.

    Given the ubiquity of the internet, it has become impossible to discuss undergraduate dissertations without also discussing the greater opportunities for student plagiarism. The internet provides students with access to a vast range of material, and anecdotal evidence suggests that many students arrive at university with at best a sketchy understanding of methods of scholarship and standards of academic integrity.

    Inculcating a sense of what constitutes academic integrity at an early stage in the degree programme is critical. This approach – stressing that there are expected standards for student work – is to be preferred to instructing students simply to ‘avoid plagiarism’. The notion of avoiding plagiarism is almost tantamount to telling students not to get caught, whereas setting expected standards is a more positive tack to take.

    The importance of academic integrity is reflected in the fact that there is a whole chapter in this Handbook by Jeremy Williams devoted to the topic. The detail of this discussion will not be repeated here, where the focus will be on academic integrity in the dissertation.

    Jeremy Williams identifies three types of plagiarist. The ‘lazy plagiarist’ takes the work of another author and puts his or her own name to it, and may use a ‘cheat’ site in order to purchase a dissertation or part thereof. The ‘cunning plagiarist’ uses the work of another author or authors, but changes things sufficiently to avoid detection. ‘Cut-and-paste’ characterises this approach. The ‘accidental plagiarist’ does not even realise that they are plagiarising – for example, they may have taken notes on a journal article in the early stages of their research without realising that they were simply noting down the original author’s words. They then construct their dissertation from those notes. In some cases, students from a Confucian tradition may believe that in reproducing the words of the experts they are paying them a compliment, and may find it culturally difficult to criticise or even amend what has been printed in a textbook. The use of anti-plagiarism software will throw up examples of all three types.

    In the email survey of UK economics departments, most made use of TurnitinUK as a way of identifying whether plagiarism has taken place. The convenience of this is that a dissertation submitted via a VLE can be automatically screened for overlap with TurnitinUK’s growing database. The disadvantage is that the output produced by the software requires very careful interpretation. The software produces a Similarity Index (SI), which quantifies the degree of overlap with material in the database. A high SI does not necessarily indicate plagiarism, but it does help to highlight which dissertation submissions are suspicious.

    An important practical point to remember is that when students submit their dissertation they should not only be asked to sign a declaration stating that the work is their own, but also that they understand what is meant by academic integrity and that their dissertation will be checked by TurnitinUK.

    Sample declaration for students to sign on submission:

    I understand that by signing the declaration below, I have read and accepted the following statements:

    • I have read and understood the University’s Academic Integrity Statement for Students, including the information on practice to avoid given the Statement and that in the attached submission I have worked within the expectations of this Statement.
    • I am aware that failure to act in accordance with the Academic Integrity Statement for Students may lead to the imposition of penalties which, for the most serious cases, may include termination of the programme.

    I consent to the University copying and distributing any or all of my work in any form and using third parties (who may be based outside the EU/EEA). This may include the use of anti-plagiarism software (e.g. TurnitinUK) to verify whether my work contains plagiarised material, and for quality assurance purposes.

    Perhaps more valuable than its diagnostic properties is the deterrent value of TurnitinUK. The very fact that all dissertations are to be screened may encourage students to take care in their work. If this does not suffice, then a practical demonstration may be effective.

    Encouraging good academic practice

    Find a brief paper written by a member of staff in the department and submit it to TurnitinUK. Then hack the article about. Include some quotations (some with, some without quotation marks), paraphrase some passages, introduce some new material. Submit the revised version to TurnitinUK.

    Arrange a session for all students writing a dissertation, and show them the TurnitinUK output on the amended version. Let them see what we see as examiners. Point out the key examples of bad practice that we can readily recognise.

    This exercise can have a dramatic effect. In one academic year, I (as the School’s Academic Integrity Officer) had to investigate 10 breaches of academic integrity in economics dissertations. Penalties were imposed in all cases. The following year, having demonstrated the examiner’s eye view of the TurnitinUK output, not one single case emerged.

    More difficult to detect is where students commission a third party to produced their dissertation for them – either to order, or off the peg from subscription websites. TurnitinUK may or may not identify these cases, although I have known one case where the dissertation that had been purchased was picked up because some paragraphs from it were used as an advert on the website, and were thus caught by TurnitinUK. The risks of being caught may be lower for this form of cheating – but the penalties are likely to be more severe.

    An important part of the fight for academic integrity is to make sure that all supervisors are familiar with your university’s procedures for dealing with breaches of academic integrity, and with how to interpret the TurnitinUK output. This is a key part of ensuring consistency in supervision and equity of treatment across students. It is wise to make sure that the general principles of academic integrity are covered in joint sessions to all students, rather than this being left as part of the responsibility of the individual supervisor. Student handbooks also need to carry clear guidance on your institution’s policies and procedures.

    More discussion on academic integrity may be found in the Handbook chapter by Jeremy Williams and the more recent chapter by Carlos Cortinhas .

    If it is accepted that all honours students should be exposed to ‘current research, or equivalent advanced scholarship, in the discipline…’ (QAA), then can the dissertation be avoided?

    It could be argued that if we provide research-led teaching , then this in itself ensures that students will fit the bill in terms of exposure to research. But what do we mean by ‘research-led teaching’? Does it mean that academic staff are given the opportunity to teach in their specialist research areas? Is that enough? How do we ensure that students engage with this process? If we cannot be sure about the answer to these questions, then is the dissertation the only solution?

    To some extent, a research-led approach can be embedded within the normal curriculum. Modules can be designed in such a way as to enhance the students’ ability to develop critical and evaluative thinking skills and thereby support and promote independent learning. This approach can be reinforced by a research-led approach to assessment and may be most straightforward in econometric or other quantitative methods modules, where students can be required to find, analyse and interpret their own data. A similar approach can be adopted for other modules. A development economics module can require students to prepare a report on a particular country; students could be required to evaluate a recent report from the CMA . Such exercises can encourage and engender a sense of discovery and engage students in a reflective and self-critical process. There is much more discussion or undergraduate research in economics in KimMarie Goldrick’s chapter in this Handbook .

    An alternative approach would be to run a seminar or tutorial-based module, in which students are required to provide critical evaluation of recent research, probably through the vehicle of appropriate journal articles. This sort of exercise can also provide students with the opportunity to develop their presentation skills, and could be part of a module that also includes sessions on aspects of research in economics. Such presentations could be given in a quasi-conference setting, if the number of students permits.

    A well-organised dissertation can be the most rewarding part of the student experience. However, this may require careful thought and planning if it is not to turn into a nightmare. Here are some key points to remember as the dissertation life-cycle unfolds:

    • Think about how research training will be provided
    • Ensure that students are guided towards a feasible topic
    • Be aware of the legislative context
    • Give early rules on word length
    • Manage student and supervisor expectations of the supervisory process
    • Look for a coherent way of allocating students to supervisors
    • Set intermediate targets to prevent students leaving too much to the last minute
    • Be aware of data issues
    • Provide guidance in terms of how to structure a dissertation
    • Offer clear guidelines for the assessment process, so that students know what is expected of them
    • Be unambiguous in setting deadlines and the rules for extensions
    • Explain academic integrity and monitor adherence

    Students can benefit greatly from undertaking a dissertation. The process can capture their interest and give them confidence to engage in independent work. The finished product can be used to sell their abilities to potential employers, by showcasing their skills. Supervisors can add to the experience by making sure that students are aware of these benefits. Furthermore, students often enjoy their dissertation work.

    Greenlaw, S. A. (2006) Doing Economics: A guide to carrying out economic research. Boston: Houghton Miffin. ISBN 9780618379835

    Neugeboren, R. (2005) The Student’s Guide to Writing Economics. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415701235

    "Doing a dissertation" in the 'Studying economics' section of the Economics Network website.

    If you Google 'dissertations in economics' you will find many websites that claim to provide help and guidance. Some of these will be helpful to students e.g. the guide by Paul Dudenhefer ; other links take you to guides provided by various Universities for their students. However, care is needed here, as students may also find offers from tutors prepared to write their dissertations at a price...

    Other chapters in the Handbook for Economics Lecturers augment this guide. In particular:

    KimMarie McGoldrick, Undergraduate Research in Economics

    Jeremy B. Williams, Plagiarism: Deterrence, Detection and Prevention

    • The undergraduate dissertation in UG economics in the UK: A brief survey
    • Risk assessment form
    • Ethics checklist
    • Grade descriptors
    • Self-assessment form
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    Economics Dissertation Topics: 25+ Examples You Can Explore

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    by  Antony W

    July 11, 2022

    Economics dissertation topics

    If you’re looking for some economics dissertation topics to help you brainstorm your topic idea, this guide is for you.

    Popularized by the likes of Adam Smith as far back as 1770, Economics is a subject that deals with making the right decisions in the face of uncertainty and scarcity.

    As much as it dates back to the medieval scholastics, economics still focuses largely on human choices, borrowing habits, markets and trade, assets’ pricing, human behavior in relation to economic decisions, taxes, and consumption.

    Existing literature on economics attempt to give the best possible explanations to problems human beings face. Still, there’s need for more research in this field because new areas continue to emerge in economics, especially since technology continues to advance enhance transformation and increase the rate of globalization.

    Given how wide this field is, there are dozens of economic dissertation topics that you can choose to explore in your research project. This guide is a list of some of the topic ideas that you might want to consider for the project.

    25+ List of Economic Dissertation Topics

    Economics is a wide field with different areas of exploration. This guide looks at some of the areas economics, each with a few examples of dissertation topics that you can investigate.

    Dissertation Topics on Regional Development

    Your focus on regional development is to study regions as small economies with the aim of understanding their circumstances and outcomes. You’ll examine how internal regional economies operate and evaluate how they relate to other regions.

    Some interesting topics that you can investigate in your dissertation in this area are as follows:

    • Business development and profitability in the region What are the underlying variables in this relationship?
    • Natural resource comparative advantage and regional development
    • There are differences in the forms and levels of entrepreneurship and unemployment across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
    • The impact of regional policy on start-ups on regional development: more new enterprises or better existing ones?
    • Entrepreneurial networks’ contribution to regional development.

    Also Check: Custom Economics Dissertation Writing Help

    Dissertation Topic Ideas on Economic Sociology

    Examine the sociological aspects that affect economic indicators and explain how they relate with the social outcome.

    Some great topics that you might want to consider for your dissertation project if you choose to focus on this area include:

    • The function of social networks in facilitating innovation in mature sectors.
    • How can universities take advantage of social networks to induce entrepreneurial action among their students?
    • Exploring the disparities between trust and power in local productive systems.
    • Is there a straight line between economic and social development?
    • In the United Kingdom, traditional industry development is fueled by social contracts and peer pressure.
    • Family support, both financial and non-financial, in the development of successful entrepreneurship.
    • The convergence of economic systems as a result of globalization and its implications for social development in developed, emerging, and developing economies.

    Related: Technology Dissertation Topics

    Economic Geography Topics for Dissertation Project

    This area focuses on economical outcome in relation to geographical location. You’ll evaluate patterns and trends in activities and human behavior to explain what shapes the cultural and economic landscapes.

    Here are some topic ideas to consider if you want to write a dissertation project in this area:

    • The influence of local and regional cultures on entrepreneurship and economic growth.
    • Is there a link between established enterprises that dominate small towns and local cultural factors?
    • The likelihood impact of Brexit on policy outcomes that shape the local economy in UK cities.
    • The economic geography of recession. Difference between regional and city economics in the UK.
    • Understanding educational progression at the local level: A comparison of cities in the UK’s north and south.
    • How COVID has influenced house price volatility in various UK cities.

    Institutional Economics Dissertation Topics

    This area deals with social entities linked to production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Given that this is a broad area, you might have to study related disciplines such as psychology, economic history, management and business studies cognitive and brain science, and behavioral economics and finance. 

    • Here are some dissertation topic ideas that you should consider:
    • How can transaction costs economics account for inter-firm collaboration?
    • Economic freedom institutions and policies have different effects on income and growth.
    • How does the cultural mix affect the organization of enterprises in the United Kingdom?

    Also Check: Social Work Dissertation Topics

    Dissertation Topics That Deals With Employment Economics

    Given that employment is a key concept in the production of goods and services, it’s important to study the rate at which organizations hire talents and the compensations offered.

    Below are some topic ideas that you can explore in this area of economics: 

    • The influence of gender disparity in employment on economic growth and labor productivity.
    • What effect does technological innovation have on British unemployment? Evidence from the industrial industry.
    • The impact of economic cycles on employment, workforce productivity, and innovation: a case study of the manufacturing sector

    Macroeconomics Dissertation Topics

    Macroeconomics is an interesting field that examines an economy as a whole. In this division, the focus is on how markets interact with each other to generate aggregate variables. You’ll study national income, gross domestic product, employment, inflation, global economy, and financial markets.

    Here are some interesting topics that you can explore in your dissertation if you’re studying macroeconomics:

    • COVID and the economic downturn: Will the impact be as severe as the 2007 financial downturn?
    • The global economic downturn and the causes that lead to it.
    • How will the Greek financial crisis affect the EU economy in the long run?

    Microeconomic Dissertation Topics

    In microeconomics, the focus is on the interaction between demand and supply in different markets. You’ll study and interpret how economic agents behave in different settings and identify the incentives they’re more than likely to face by building modes and using data to conduct your research and experiments.

    Here are some interesting topics to cover in this area:

    • Does the size of a company impact its profits? Evidence from UK telecommunications companies.
    • Are UK corporations more inventive than their European counterparts?
    • Is the retail industry in the United Kingdom becoming less oligopolistic? An examination of the effects of new supermarkets.
    • The development of household consumption in the United Kingdom during the previous decade: Consumer behavior trends.

    About the author 

    Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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    The dv410 dissertation is a major component of the msc programme and an important part of the learning and development process involved in postgraduate education., research design and dissertation in international development.

    The DV410 dissertation is a major component of the MSc programme and an important part of the learning and development process involved in postgraduate education. The objective of DV410  is to provide students with an overview of the resources available to them to research and write a 10,000 dissertation that is topical, original, scholarly, and substantial. DV410 will provide curated dissertation pathways through LSE LIFE and Methods courses, information sessions, ID-specific disciplinary teaching, topical seminars and dissertation worksops in ST. With this in mind, students will be able to design their own training pathway and set their own learning objectives in relation to their specific needs for their dissertation. From the Autumn Term (AT) through to Summer Term (ST), students will discuss and develop their ideas in consultation with their mentor or other members of the ID department staff and have access to a range of learning resources (via DV410 Moodle page) to support and develop their individual projects from within the department and across the LSE. 

    Prizewinning dissertations

    The archive of prizewinning dissertations showcases the best MSc dissertations from previous years. These offer a useful guide to current students on how to prepare and write a high calibre dissertation.

    2022-OW (PDF) The Politics of Political Conditionality: How theEU Is Failing the Western Balkans Pim W.R.Oudejans Joint winner of Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc Development Management 

    2022-GN (PDF) An Empirical Study of the Impact of Kenya’sFree Secondary Education Policy on Women’sEducation Nora Geiszl Winner of Prize for Best Dissertation MSc Development Management 

    2022-JC  (PDF) Giving with one hand, taking with the other:the contradictory political economy of socialgrants in South Africa Jack Calland Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc Development Studies

    2022-GL (PDF) State Versus Market: The Case of Tobacco Consumption in Eastern European and Former Soviet Transition Economies Letizia Gazzaniga Joint winner of Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc Health and International Development

    2022-ER (PDF) Reproductive injustice across forced migration trajectories: Evidence from female asylum-seekers fleeing Central America’s Northern Triangle Emily Rice Joint winner of Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc Health and International Development

    2022-LICB  (PDF) The effects of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) on child nutrition following an adverseweather shock: the case of Indonesia Liliana Itamar Carillo Barba Winner Prize for Best Dissertation MSc Health and International Development 2022-SC (PDF) Fiscal Responses to Conditional Debt Relief:the impact of multilateral debt cancellation on taxation patterns Sara Cucaro  Joint winner of Prize for Best Dissertation MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

    2022-RM  (PDF) Navigating humanitarian space(s) to provideprotection and assistance to internally displacedpersons: applying the concept of ahumanitarian ‘micro-space’ to the caseof Rukban in Syria Miranda Russell  Joint winner of Prize for Best Dissertation MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

    2021-CC  (PDF) International Remittances and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Investigating Resilient Remittance Flows from Italy during 2020 Carla Curreli Joint winner of Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance and Winner of Prize for Best Dissertation MSc Development Management 

    2021-NB  (PDF) Reluctant respondents: Early settlement by developing countries during WTO disputes Nicholas Baxtar Joint winner of Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc Development Management (Specialism: Applied Development)

    2021-CD  (PDF) One Belt, Many Roads? A Comparison of Power Dynamics in Chinese Infrastructure Financing of Kenya and Angola Conor Dunwoody  Winner of Prize for Best Dissertation MSc Development Studies

    2021-NN  (PDF) Tool for peace or tool for power? Interrogating Turkish ‘water diplomacy’ in the case of Northern Cyprus Nina Newhouse Winner of Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc Development Studies

    2021-CW  (PDF) Exploring Legal Aid Provision for LGBTIQ+Asylum Seekers in the American Southwest from 2012-2021 Claire Wever Winner of Prize for Best Dissertation MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

    2021-BP  (PDF) Instrumentalising Threat; An Expansion of Biopolitical Control Over Exiles in Calais During the COVID-19 Pandemic Bethany Plant Joint winner of Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

    2021-HS  (PDF) A New “Green Grab”? A Multi-Scalar Analysis of Exclusion in the Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) Project, Kenya Helen Sticklet Joint winner of Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

    2021-GM  (PDF) Fuelling policy: The Role of Public Health Policy-Support Tools in Reducing Household Air Pollution as a Risk-Factor for Non-Communicable Diseases in LMICs Georgina Morris Winner of Prize for Best Dissertation MSc Health and International Development 

    2021-LC  (PDF) How do women garment workers employ practices of everyday resistance to challenge the patriarchal gender order of Sri Lankan society? Lois Cooper Joint winner of Prize for Best Overall Performance MSc Health and International Development 

    2020-LK  (PDF) Can international remittances mitigate negative effects of economic shocks on education? – The case of Nigeria Lara Kasperkovitz Best Overall Performance Best Dissertation Prize International Development and Humanitarian Emergengies 

    “Fallen through the Cracks” The Network for Childhood Pneumonia and Challenges in Global Health Governance  Eva Sigel Best Overall Performance Health and International Development 

    2020-AB  (PDF) Fighting the ‘Forgotten’ Disease: LiST-Based Analysis of Pneumonia Prevention Interventions to Reduce Under-Five Mortality in High-Burden Countries Alexandra Bland Best Dissertation Prize  Health and International Development   

    2020-TP  (PDF) Techno-optimism and misalignment: Investigating national policy discourses on the impact of ICT in educational settings in Sub-Saharan Africa Tao Platt Best Overall Performance Development Studies 

    2020-HS  (PDF)  “We want land, all the rest is humbug”: land inheritance reform and intrahousehold dynamics in India Holly Scott Best Dissertation Prize Development Studies   

    2020-PE  (PDF)  Decent Work for All? Waste Pickers’ Collective Action Frames after Formalisation in Bogotá, Colombia  Philip Edge Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance Development Management

    2020-LC  (PDF)  Variation in Bilateral Investment Treaties: What Leads to More ‘Flexibility for Development’? Lindsey Cox Best Dissertation Prize Development Management

    2019-GR (PDF) Political Economy of Industrial Policy: Analysinglongitudinal and crossnationalvariations in industrial policy in Brazil andArgentina Grace Reeve Best Overall Performance Development Studies 

    2019-MM (PDF) The Securitisation of Development Projects: The Indian State’s Response to the Maoist Insurgency Monica Moses Best Dissertation Prize Development Studies 

    2019-KM (PDF) At the End of Emergency: An Exploration of Factors Influencing Decision-making Surrounding Medical Humanitarian Exit Kaitlyn Macneil Best Overall Performance Prize Health and International Development

    2019-KA (PDF) The Haitian Nutritional Paradox: Driving factors of the Double Burden of Malnutrition Khandys Agnant Best Dissertation Prize Health and International Development   

    2019-NL (PDF) Women in the Rwandan Parliament: Exploring Descriptive and Substantive Representation Nicole London Best Dissertation Prize Development Management 

    2019-CB (PDF) Post-conflict reintegration: the long-termeffects of abduction and displacement on theAcholi population of northern Uganda Charlotte Brown Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance Development Management 

    2019-NLeo (PDF) Making Fashion Sense: Can InternationalLabour Standards Improve Accountabilityin Globalised Fast Fashion? Nicole Leo Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance Development Management 

    2019-AS (PDF) Who Controls Whom? Evaluating theinvolvement of Development FinanceInstitutions (DFIs) in Build Own-Operate (BOO)Energy Projects in relation to Market Structures& Accountability Chains: The case of theBujagali Hydropower Project (BHPP) in Uganda Aya Salah Mostafa Ali Best Dissertation Prize African Development 

    2019-NG (PDF) Addressing barriers to treatment-seekingbehaviour during the Ebola outbreak in SierraLeone: An International Response Perspective Natasha Glendening India Best Overall Performance Prize African Development 

    2019-SYJ (PDF) The Traditional Global Care Chain and the Global Refugee Care Chain: A Comparative Analysis Sana Yasmine Johnson Best Dissertation Prize Best Overall Performance Prize International Development and Humanitarian Emergengies 

    2018-JR (PDF) Nudging, Teaching, or Coercing?: A Review of Conditionality Compliance Mechanisms on School Attendance Under Conditional Cash Transfer Programs Jonathan Rothwell Best Dissertation Prize African Development 

    2018-LD (PDF) A Feminist Perspective On Burundi's Land Reform Ladd Serwat Best Overall Performance African Development 

    2018-KL (PDF) Decentralisation: Road to Development or Bridge to Nowhere? Estimating the Effect of Devolution on Infrastructure Spending in Kenya Kurtis Lockhart  Best Dissertation Prize and Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance Development Management 

    2018-OS (PDF) From Accountability to Quality: Evaluating the Role of the State in Monitoring Low-Cost Private Schools in Uganda and Kenya Oceane Suquet Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance Development Management 

    2018-LN (PDF) Water to War: An Analysis of Drought, Water Scarcity and Social Mobilization in Syria Lian Najjar Best Dissertation Prize International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

    2018-IS  (PDF) “As devastating as any war”?: Discursive trends and policy-making in aid to Central America’s Northern Triangle Isabella Shraiman  Best Overall Performance  International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

    2017-AR (PDF) Humanitarian Reform and the Localisation Agenda:Insights from Social Movement and Organisational Theory Alice Robinson Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies (IDHE)

    2017-ACY (PDF) The Hidden Costs of a SuccessfulDevelopmental State:Prosperity and Paucity in Singapore Agnes Chew Yunquian Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Development Managament 

    2017-HK  (PDF) Premature Deindustrialization and Stalled Development, the Fate of Countries Failing Structural Transformation? Helen Kirsch Winner of the Best Dissertation in Programme Development Studies

    2017-HZ  (PDF) ‘Bare Sexuality’ and its Effects onUnderstanding and Responding to IntimatePartner Sexual Violence in Goma, DemocraticRepublic of the Congo (DRC) Heather Zimmerman Winner of the Best Dissertation in Programme International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies (IDHE)

    2017-KT  (PDF) Is Good Governance a Magic Bullet?Examining Good Governance Programmes in Myanmar Khine Thu Winner of the Best Dissertation in Programme Development Managament 

    2017-NL  (PDF) Persistent Patronage? The DownstreamElectoral Effects of Administrative Unit Creationin Uganda Nicholas Lyon  Winner of the Best Dissertation in Programme African Development 

    2016-MV  (PDF) Contract farming under competition: exploring the drivers of side selling among sugarcane farmers in Mumias             Milou Vanmulken  Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation                                                      Dev elopment Management                

    2016-JS  (PDF) Resource Wealth and Democracy: Challenging the  Assumptions of the Redistributive Model              Janosz Schäfer  Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Development Studies                

    2016-LK   (PDF) Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction             Lajos Kossuth Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance                                     Development Studies  

    2015-MP (PDF) "Corruption by design" and the management of infrastructure in Brazil: Reflections on the Programa de Aceleração ao Crescimento - PAC.             Maria da Graça Ferraz de Almeida Prado                                                          Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation                                          Development Managment                                                                                  

    2015-IE (PDF) Breaking Out Of the Middle-Income Trap: Assessing the Role of Structural Transformation.                                                                               Ipek Ergin                                                                                                   Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation Development Studies

    2015-AML (PDF) Labour Migration, Social Movements and Regional Integration: A Comparative Study of the Role of Labour Movements in the Social Transformation of the Economic Community of West African States and the Southern African Development Community.             Anne Marie Engtoft Larsen                                                                                Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation                                   Development Management

    2015-MM (PDF) Who Bears the Burden of Bribery? Evidence from Public Service Delivery in Kenya                     Michael Mbate                                                                                                   Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation and Best Overall Performance Development Management

    2015-KK (PDF) Export Processing Zones as Productive Policy: Enclave Promotion or Developmental Asset? The Case of Ghana. Kilian Koffi Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation African Development

    2015-GM (PDF) Forgive and Forget? Reconciliation and Memory in Post-Biafra Nigeria. Gemma Mehmed Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies (IDHE)

    2015-AS (PDF) From Sinners to Saviours: How Non-State Armed Groups use service delivery to achieve domestic legitimacy. Anthony Sequeira Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation and Best Overall Performance International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies (IDHE)

    2014-NS (PDF) Anti-Corruption Agencies: Why Do Some Succeed and Most Fail? A Quantitative Political Settlement Analysis. Nicolai Schulz Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Studies

    2014-MP (PDF) International Capital Flows and Sudden Stops: a global or a domestic issue? Momchil Petkov Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Studies

    2014-TC (PDF) Democracy to Decline: do democratic changes jeopardize economic growth? Thomas Coleman Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Management

    2014-AK (PDF) Intercultural Bilingual Education: the role of participation in improving the quality of education among indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Anni Kasari Excellent Dissertation and Best Overall Performance Development Management

    2014-EL (PDF) Treaty Shopping in International Investment Arbitration: how often has it occurred and how has it been perceived by tribunals? Eunjung Lee Joint Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation Development Management

    2013-SB (PDF) Refining Oil - A Way Out of the Resource Curse? Simon Baur Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Management

    2013-NI (PDF) The Rise of ‘Murky Protectionism’: Changing Patterns of Trade-Related Industrial Policies in Developing Countries: A case study of Indonesia. Nicholas Intscher Joint Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation and Best Overall Performance Development Studies

    2013-JF (PDF) Why Settle for Less? An Analysis of Settlement in WTO Disputes. Jillian Feirson Joint Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation Development Studies

    2013-LH (PDF) Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining: The effects of external pressures and corporate leadership. Leah Henderson Joint Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation Development Studies

    2013-BM (PDF) Estimating incumbency advantages in African politics: Regression discontinuity evidence from Zambian parliamentary and local government elections. Bobbie Macdonald Excellent Dissertation and Best Overall Performance Development Studies

    WP145 (PDF) Is History Repeating Itself? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of Women in Climate Change Campaigns. Catherine Flanagan Joint Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Studies

    WP144 (PDF) Disentangling the fall of a 'Dominant-Hegemonic Party Rule'. The case of Paraguay and its transition to a competitive electoral democracy. Dominica Zavala Zubizarreta Joint Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Management

    WP143 (PDF) Enabling Productive Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Critical issues in policy design. Noor Iqbal Joint Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Studies

    WP142 (PDF) Beyond 'fear of death': Strategies of coping with violence and insecurity - A case study of villages in Afghanistan. Angela Jorns Joint Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation Development Studies

    WP141 (PDF) What accounts for opposition party strength? Exploring party-society linkages in Zambia and Ghana. Anna Katharina Wolkenhauer Joint Winner, Best Overall Performance Development Studies

    WP140 (PDF) Between Fear and Compassion: How Refugee Concerns Shape Responses to Humanitarian Emergencies - The case of Germany and Kosovo. Sebastian Sahla Joint Winner, Best Overall Performance Development Management

    WP139 (PDF) Worlds Apart? Health-seeking behaviour and strategic healthcare planning in Sierra Leone. Thea Tomison Joint Winner of the Prize for Excellent Dissertation Development Studies

    WP138 (PDF) War by Other Means? An Analysis of the Contested Terrain of Transitional Justice Under the 'Victor's Peace' in Sri Lanka. Richard Gowing Best Overall Performance and Best Dissertation International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies (IDHE)

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    WP134 (PDF) Evaluating the Impact of Decentralisation on Educational Outcomes: The Peruvian Case. Siegrid Holler-Neyra Winner of the Prize for Best Dissertation Development Management

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    50+ Economics research Topics and Topic Ideas for dissertation

    The ultimate goal of economic science is to improve the living conditions of people in everyday lives. Economists study how to utilize the available scarce resources to maximize value and thus profits. The concerns of economics today are largely focused on issues such as opportunity cost, consumption and production, borrowing, saving, investments, occupations and employment, trades markets, pricing and human behavior concerning making economic decisions.

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    Given that economics covers a lot of issues in society today coupled with the multitude of research studies within the existing literature, many economics students find it difficult to find the most suitable economic research topic for their undergraduate project, master’s thesis, and dissertations. Technological advancement has also increased the pace of transformation and globalization creating new areas in economics that are worth research. Our economics experts have curated a list of research paper topics in economics that you can use to get the perfect research paper topic.

    dissertation topics on development economics

    Micro-Economics Research Topics

    Microeconomics deals with the economic behavior of individual isolated units of the economy like an individual, a household, a company, and industry. Micro-economists study factors that influence economic choices, markets and their key elements such as demand and supply and analyze markets and determine the prices for goods and services that best allocate the available limited resources. Some of the best research topics in microeconomics that you can use for your thesis or dissertation include:

    1. The effect of income changes on consumer choices

    2. The effect of labor force participation on the economy and budget – A comparison

    3. The impact of marital status on the labor force composition: A case of [your country] economy

    4. The difference in the consumption attitude in [your country] over the last decade – Critical analysis of consumer behavior trends

    5. The relationship between salary levels and ‘economic convergence’ in [your country]?

    6. Analyzing salary inequalities in [your country] and the forces behind such inequalities.

    7. The evolution of consumption in [your country] over the last 10 years: Trends and consumer behavior.

    8. Dynamics of the Gini index as a reflection of the problem of inequality in income 

    9. Cashless economy: The impact of demonetization on small and medium businesses

    10 Privatization of Public Enterprises and its implications on economic policy and development

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    dissertation topics on development economics

    Macroeconomics Research Topics

    1. The relationship between economic growth and unemployment in [your country]

    2. Global recession and factors that contribute to it.

    3. Impact of government expenditure on economic growth in [country]

    4. The impact of company income tax revenue on the developing economies- A comparative analysis of Kenya, India, and Nigeria

    5. The relationship between common stock prices and inflation in [your country]

    6. The relationship between inflation and government spending in [your country] economy.

    7. The effect of currency devaluation on small and medium firms- A case study of selected multinationals in [your country]

    8. The relationship between internet connectivity and productivity in the workplace 

    9. The evolution of the stock market in [your country]: Causes and consequences

    10 Unemployment and regional mobility of labor in [your country]

    11 A comparison of the United States unemployment to the rest of the world

    Research Topics on International Trade

    1. The relationship between economic growth and international trade

    2. To what extent does a currency union affect trade: A case of the United States

    3. What are the gains and losses of international trade for developing countries?

    4. Foreign direct investment in the United States: Determinants and impact

    5. The effects of the banana crisis on the Jamaican and British economies

    6. The impact of Brexit on small and middle businesses in the UK

    7. The relationship between foreign direct investment and wages- A comparative analysis of USA and China

    8. The roles of exchange rate and exchange rate regime in the US export

    9. The importance of international trade in developing countries

    10 To what extent are the gains of less developed countries from tradeliberalization exaggerated?

    Environmental economics research paper topics

    Economic activities such as production have a significant impact on the environment such as pollution and depletion of natural resources. Environmental economics studies these impacts and other environmental issues. Below are some of the best research paper topics in environmental economics.

    1. An economic examination of waste disposal programs in the United States

    2. Man-made environmental disasters: who bears the economic liability?

    3. The economics of land- a comparative analysis of land sharing and land sparing in the United States

    4. The impact of waste disposal programs to America’s Environmental Policy: An economic evaluation

    5. Water management and conservation policies in the United States and the UK- a comparative analysis

    6. The economic implications of climate policy changes because of different climate change assessment mechanisms

    7. Investigating the cost of organizational environmental analysis in the United States

    8. What are the determinants of climate policy formulation in the United States? An economic scrutiny

    9. The economic perspectives of distribution of natural resources across boundaries

    10 The impact of technological innovation for clean and green products on the environment

    11 The impact of work-life balance on social eco-systems: perspectives from the United States

    12 The relationship between financial subsidies and generation of eco-friendly products

    Research Paper Topics on Behavioral Economics

    Behavioral economics examines the psychology behind economic activities and economic decision making. It examines the limitation of the assumption that individuals are perfectly normal. Good behavioral economics topics cover subjects such as bounded rationality, irrational exuberance, and choice architecture. 

    1. Inducing choice paralysis: how retailers bury customers in an avalanche of options

    2. The behavioral economics of discounting- A case study of amazon

    3. Pricing and the decoy effect; how corporations ‘nudge’ consumers to spend more

    4. Big data and implications for behavioral economics

    5. A study of how the United States market benefitted from behavioral economics theory

    6. How has behavioral economics influenced the real-world context? A case of online purchase behavior

    7. Weight management through behavioral economics: use of incentives

    8. What motivates consumers? A behavioral economics perspective

    9. Using behavioral economics to help in reducing substance abuse

    10 Addressing lifestyle management for diabetes through behavioral analysis- insights from the US healthcare sector

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    Development Economics research paper topics

    1. The impact of multinational commodity trading through the development economic perspective

    2. The impact of globalization on income distribution in emerging economies

    3. Investigating the relationship between migration and development economics

    4. Budgeting and decision making by low-income earners in emerging economics

    5. Investigating the relationship between family planning, labor force, and income fluctuations

    6. The impact of natural disasters on development in emerging economies

    7. The impact of population growth on development economics- review of India

    8. The determinants of high performing institutions in emerging economies

    9. Comparative economic patterns of villages across Virginia

    10 Aid and economic growth of developing economies- a review

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    50+ Economics Dissertation Topics in 2024

    Manali Ganguly Image

    Manali Ganguly ,

    Mar 4, 2024

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    The most popular economics dissertation topics in 2024 are economic development, economic policy and planning, impact of globalisation on economy, money and rates of interest, and international finance among others.

    50+ Economics Dissertation Topics in 2024

    The economics dissertation topics include impact of globalisation on economy, international finance, economic development, the macroeconomic features of international trade, and many more. A student who has enrolled in a BA Economics course or who is pursuing a PhD in Economics must be aware of the topics that are popularly selected to prepare economics dissertation.

    Economics can be said to be a social science associated with the production, distribution, and the consumption of services. The subject analyses the efforts made by the country, organisation, or individual for the allocation of resources.

    Economics covers a vast number of topics. These are macroeconomics, microeconomics, international economics, managerial economics, labour economics, behavioural economics and many more.

    Top 50+ Economics Dissertation Topics

    The list of economics dissertation topics that have been listed below are the most popular ones picked up by the students. These topics cover varied theories, laws, and principles of economics. The list has been categorised under various heads, which are as follows:

    • Macroeconomics Dissertation Topics
    • Microeconomics Dissertation Topics
    • Economic Geography Dissertation Topics
    • Labour Economics Dissertation Topics
    • Environmental Economics Dissertation Topics

    1. Macroeconomics Dissertation Topics

    This branch of Economics studies the performance, behaviour, structure, and decision-making of an aggregate or the whole economy. Long term growth in the economy and short termed cycles in business are the two major areas of macroeconomics.

    The economics dissertation topics for macroeconomics are:

    • Is the system of economics practicable for all sections of a society?
    • How do interest rates affect consumption in a country?
    • Effect of Covid-19 on industrial production?
    • Using big data in behavioural economics at macro level
    • Has Brexit influenced the rate and quality of consumer spending?
    • Division of tax between a buyer and seller
    • How to mitigate the space between theory and practise of behavioural macroeconomics?
    • FDI and interest rates in India
    • Is it necessary to revise neoclassical growth according to the modern world conditions?
    • Housing prices and the macroeconomics determinants

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    2. Microeconomics Dissertation Topics

    Microeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the study of households, firms, and individual’s ' behaviour in allocating resources. It applies to goods and services and deals with economic and individual issues.

    The dissertation topics on macroeconomics are:

    • A macroeconomic study of the energy sector
    • The relationship between merger and acquisition and productivity
    • Inequality of income in the Indian workforce
    • The antitrust regulations and horizontal mergers
    • Impact of the new supermarket stores on local economy
    • The impact of cryptocurrency on economy
    • The concept of minimum wage for the daily wage wage earners
    • Relationship between the game theory and decision theory
    • Impact of eCommerce on small and medium enterprises
    • Is the profit percentage made by a firm directly proportional to the size of the firm? Shed light on the telecommunication sector

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    3. Economic Geography Dissertation Topics

    Economic geography can be said to be a part of human geography and the economic activities that affect it. This is a subfield of economics.

    The economics dissertation topics related to economic geography are:

    • How is local proximity being affected by the networks? Difference between co-localized and dispersed networks
    • The effect of Covid-19 on the economic life in the cities
    • The role of local and regional cultures in the shaping of economic development of the entrepreneurs
    • Indian economy in the post pandemic era
    • National, regional, and local policies for an environment conducive to local cluster
    • How does local culture help promote regional innovation networks?
    • What is regional divergence? Poorest and richest areas in India in terms of wealth distribution.
    • The difference in entrepreneurial behaviour between the rural and urban areas
    • How can natural calamities affect the economy and resources of a localised region or state or country?
    • How has recession affected the economic geography of India in the past?

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    4. Labour Economics Dissertation Topics

    The Labour Economics studies the role of the labour force in the production process. The labour force refers to the whole gamut of the industry, i.e., the employers and the employed.

    The distinctive labour economics dissertation topics are:

    • A critical and analytical assessment of a collective bargaining practice
    • The role of gender inequality in the staggered growth of economy and productivity within the context of work-culture
    • The impact of digitization on the labour market
    • How practical are the economic labour laws in India?
    • Government policies in favour of self-employment
    • The impact of ‘Vocal for local’ on local and regional economies in India
    • Immigration policies in India and its impact on the local labour market
    • Labour exploitation in China and its impact on the labour laws of the country
    • How Brexit has impacted the policy outcomes shaping the local economy of the cities in the United Kingdom.
    • Cheap labour: An exploitation of the labour laws in India

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    5. Environmental Economics Dissertation Topics

    Environmental economics is a branch of economics that deals with the cost-effective use, allocation, and protection of the natural resources of the world.

    The most popular environmental economics dissertation topics are:

    • The impact of a company running on an eco-friendly model on its competitiveness in the market
    • The economic and cultural impact of the of the maintenance of heritage cities on a country’s economy
    • A qualitative study of the paying for recycled products
    • Biological invasion and its impact on a country’s economy
    • Analysing the impact of risk aversions in the context of goods and services
    • Climate change and its impact on natural production and thereby on the national economy
    • Does drinking clean water really impact the GDP of a country?
    • The impact of greenhouse effect on the global and local economy
    • Waste management procedure: implication on the environmental economy
    • Economic environmental policies in the lights of natural disasters: An impact on the national economy
    • Is the growth of new industries impacting the environment economy of India?
    • Preservation of natural resources and its impact on the economy

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    Essays on environmental economics.

    John Alexander Gomez Mahecha Follow

    Author ORCID Identifier

    Date of Award

    Spring 5-1-2024

    Degree Type


    Degree Name

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    First Advisor

    Dr. Spencer Banzhaf

    Second Advisor

    Dr. Jorge A. Bonilla Londoño

    Third Advisor

    Dr. Andrew Feltenstein

    Fourth Advisor

    Dr. Garth Heutel

    This dissertation discusses the results of new empirical evidence in two topics of significant importance in the environmental economics field, both of them also an essential part of my research agenda. First, carbon pricing is one of the most significant contributions of Economics to the ongoing climate crisis. Based on the Pigouvian tax, carbon pricing is expected to be a major tool for achieving the required reductions in carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and other greenhouse gases efficiently. On the other hand, the effect of air quality on health outcomes, and therefore human welfare, has been one of the major issues of research in the field. Understanding the associated costs is needed to properly assess the alternatives to address air pollution in our cities and countries. The long tradition in the literature has accumulated years of research in the topics, with results continuously showing significant costs on health outcomes. This document presents three research papers on these two topics, addressing particular gaps in the current literature and providing additional empirical evidence.

    Chapters I and II touch base on climate policy in developing countries by exploring the consequences and challenges of carbon pricing in Colombia. Previous studies have been centered on the experience of developed countries or groups of them. Colombia is an opportunity to evaluate a carbon pricing strategy under a design that is similar to what we can expect from future implementations in other developing countries. First, from a causal inference framework, Chapter I estimates the effects of the carbon tax on the country’s emissions. In Chapter II, I use a general equilibrium model to evaluate the environmental and economic costs of a major exemption on the Colombian carbon tax design.

    Chapter III deeps into the literature on air pollution and its health outcomes. This chapter, written in collaboration with Dr. Wes Austin, Dr. Stefano Carattini, and Dr. Michael Pesko, explores the relationship between contemporaneous air pollution exposure and COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.

    Recommended Citation

    Gomez Mahecha, John Alexander, "Essays on Environmental Economics." Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2024. doi:

    Since May 15, 2024

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    World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024

    World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024

    Global economic growth is projected to slow from an estimated 2.7 per cent in 2023 to 2.4 per cent in 2024, trending below the pre-pandemic growth rate of 3.0 per cent, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) 2024. This latest forecast comes on the heels of global economic performance exceeding expectations in 2023. However, last year’s stronger-than-expected GDP growth masked short-term risks and structural vulnerabilities. 

    The UN’s flagship economic report presents a sombre economic outlook for the near term. Persistently high interest rates, further escalation of conflicts, sluggish international trade, and increasing climate disasters, pose significant challenges to global growth.

    The prospects of a prolonged period of tighter credit conditions and higher borrowing costs present strong headwinds for a world economy saddled with debt, while in need of more investments to resuscitate growth, fight climate change and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    “2024 must be the year when we break out of this quagmire. By unlocking big, bold investments we can drive sustainable development and climate action, and put the global economy on a stronger growth path for all,” said António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General. “We must build on the progress made in the past year towards an SDG Stimulus of at least $500 billion per year in affordable long-term financing for investments in sustainable development and climate action.”

    Subdued growth in developed and developing economies Growth in several large, developed economies, especially the United States, is projected to decelerate in 2024 given high interest rates, slowing consumer spending and weaker labour markets. The short-term growth prospects for many developing countries – particularly in East Asia, Western Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean – are also deteriorating because of tighter financial conditions, shrinking fiscal space and sluggish external demand. Low-income and vulnerable economies are facing increasing balance-of-payments pressures and debt sustainability risks. Economic prospects for small island developing States, in particular, will be constrained by heavy debt burdens, high interest rates and increasing climate-related vulnerabilities, which threaten to undermine, and in some cases, even reverse gains made on the SDGs.

    Inflation trending down but recovery in labour markets still uneven Global inflation is projected to decline further, from an estimated 5.7 per cent in 2023 to 3.9 per cent in 2024. Price pressures are, however, still elevated in many countries and any further escalation of geopolitical conflicts risks renewed increases in inflation. 

    In about a quarter of all developing countries, annual inflation is projected to exceed 10 per cent in 2024, the report highlights. Since January 2021, consumer prices in developing economies have increased by a cumulative 21.1 per cent, significantly eroding the economic gains made following the COVID-19 recovery. Amid supply-side disruptions, conflicts and extreme weather events, local food price inflation remained high in many developing economies, disproportionately affecting the poorest households. 

    “Persistently high inflation has further set back progress in poverty eradication, with especially severe impacts in the least developed countries,” said Li Junhua, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs. “It is absolutely imperative that we strengthen global cooperation and the multilateral trading system, reform development finance, address debt challenges and scale up climate financing to help vulnerable countries accelerate towards a path of sustainable and inclusive growth.”

    According to the report, the global labour markets have seen an uneven recovery from the pandemic crisis. In developed economies, labour markets have remained resilient despite a slowdown in growth. However, in many developing countries, particularly in Western Asia and Africa, key employment indicators, including unemployment rates, are yet to return to pre-pandemic levels. The global gender employment gap remains high, and gender pay gaps not only persist but have even widened in some occupations.   

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    Why and how multilateral development banks support improved outcomes for economic migrants and refugees, recommended.

    Refugee girls in rocky terrain look at camera and smile

    Economic migrants and refugees can bring both benefits and costs to their hosting countries. If well-integrated, they can support themselves, their families, and their hosting countries as producers and consumers. Both economic migration and forced displacement are therefore integrally linked with development outcomes. Recognizing this, multilateral development banks (MDBs) are supporting their beneficiary member countries to improve outcomes for economic migrants and refugees, in the form of billions of dollars in grants and loans, as well as technical assistance, policy dialogues, and knowledge exchanges. This paper provides an introductory snapshot of some of the financing instruments, projects, and strategies used; particularly innovative approaches; and challenges MDBs face in expanding their engagement. It is hoped this paper will be useful to anyone who engages with MDBs and wants to understand how they engage on economic migration and forced displacement, particularly as these issues continue to grow in importance.

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    Research and Development Satellite Account

    BEA is developing a new satellite account that measures research and development activity in a framework consistent with the measurement of gross domestic product (GDP) and other BEA statistics. The new statistics will provide a more comprehensive picture of the contribution of the R&D sector to the U.S. and state economies. In the first milestone of this ongoing project, BEA issued experimental statistics in May 2024. These statistics include R&D’s contribution to GDP (known as R&D value added) and associated R&D employment and compensation for the nation and all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These statistics can answer questions such as: Which states have the largest R&D value added? How many jobs in each state are supported by R&D activities? What are the leading R&D-producing industries across the nation? This work is conducted with data and support from the National Science Foundation’s National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics.

    Map value added percent of state GDP

    Data & Documentation

    • R&D Value Added Data
    • R&D Compensation Data
    • R&D Employment Data
    • Full Data Set
    • Technical Document This document details BEA’s methodology for the experimental national and state-level R&D production statistics.
    • Experimental R&D Value Added Statistics for the U.S. and States Now Available May 9, 2024
    • Coming Soon: New R&D Value Added (and More) Statistics for the U.S. and States May 3, 2024

    Background Material

    • Presentation: Developing a Regional R&D Satellite Account BEA Advisory Committee Meeting, May 2023
    • Background Materials: Concepts, Data, and Methods BEA Advisory Committee Meeting, May 2023
    • National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics BEA’s statistics for the new R&D satellite account are being developed in collaboration with the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics of the National Science Foundation

    Archive: Previous R&D Satellite Account

    • Measuring R&D in the National Economic Accounting System Survey of Current Business, November 2014
    • Research and Development Satellite Account Update: New Estimates for Industry, Regional, and International Accounts Survey of Current Business, October 2007
    • 2007 R&D Satellite Account Methodologies: Current-dollar GDP Estimates By Lisa Mataloni and Carol E. Moylan, December 2007
    • Methodology for the Industry Estimates in the 2007 R&D Satellite Account By Carol A. Robbins, Felicia V. Candela, Mahnaz Fahim-Nader, and Gabriel W. Medeiros, December 2007
    • Linking Frascati-based R&D Spending to the System of National Accounts By Carol A. Robbins, March 2006
    • Full Archive of Previous R&D Satellite Account Materials 2006-2016

    What is the R&D Satellite Account?

    Measures the contribution of research and development to the U.S. and state economies through the value generated in production, the number of jobs the sector supports, and the compensation paid. R&D activity is attributed to the state where it is performed.

    What’s a Satellite Account?

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    1. PDF Essays in Environmental and Development Economics Allan Hsiao

      Essays in Environmental and Development Economics Allan Hsiao

    2. PDF Essays in Development Economics

      Essays in Development Economics. A dissertation presented by. Siddharth Eapen George. to. The Department of Economics. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Political Economy and Government Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts May 2019.

    3. What's the latest in development economics research? Microsummaries of

      English. Last weekend, the North East Universities Development Consortium held its annual conference, with more than 160 papers on a wide range of development topics and from a broad array of low- and middle-income countries. We've provided bite-sized, accessible (we hope!) summaries of every one of those papers that we could find on-line.

    4. PDF Essays in Development Economics

      of my dissertation is co-authored. Phanindra Wunnava and John Maluccio were the first to teach me econometrics and economic development, and arguably had the highest marginal impact on my learning in these areas. They also inspired me to pursue further education in economics. Jishnu

    5. Essays in Development Economics

      Abstract. This dissertation explores three topics in development economics. Chapter 1 provides evidence on the relationship between the design of cash transfer programs and educational investments in children. I re-analyze the results of Haushofer and Shaprio (2016) to show that forced saving through transfer programs reduces pupil absence from ...

    6. 39 Best Development economics Dissertation Topics Ideas

      Dissertation Topics in Development Economics have been enlisted below: Studying the impacts of Marxian contributions in the domain of development economics: a critical approach. Developing countries and development economics: focus on the teaching approaches being utilized. Critical analysis of China's economic development: a development ...

    7. Essays in Development Economics

      Abstract. Economic development, more often than not, is tightly connected to good governance and adequate provision of public goods and services. My dissertation examines characteristics of developing countries that are relevant to the quality of government, as they affect the interaction between citizens and government. In chapter 1, I focus ...

    8. PDF Development Policy and Development Economics: An Introduction

      1. The policies that impact development are wide-ranging, all the way from broad macroeconomic policies such as monetary and exchange-rate policies to interventions in microfinance. This is perhaps one of the differences between the economics of development and other fields within economics. Poverty reduction, economic growth, and development

    9. Development Economics: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on

      The analysis assumes that countries can accumulate reserves and borrow internationally using their own currency. Results suggest that the optimal level of international reserves is fairly large because their cost is mitigated by valuation-smoothing gains. The model matches some features of Brazil's economic fluctuations.

    10. Economics Dissertation Topics and Titles

      Here are some economic geography dissertation topics to help you explore this field. Topic 1: Role of local ethics and culture in shaping entrepreneurial economic development in various businesses. Topic 2: Diversity in entrepreneurial approaches brought up by emigrants in the economics of a place: A critical analysis.

    11. Economics Dissertation Topics

      Possible economics dissertation topics in this area include: The role of social networks in supporting innovation activities in mature industries. The financial and non-financial support of family in the development of successful entrepreneurship. The private network as the facilitator of the firm start-up.

    12. Essays in development economics

      This thesis contains three chapters that fall under the broad banner of development economics, with a particular focus on the study of mechanisms and strategies that improve public goods delivery. The first chapter studies the role of financial incentives as signals of job attributes when these are unknown to potential applicants. I create experimental variation in expected earnings and use it ...

    13. 134 Economics Thesis Topics: Ideas for Outstanding Writing

      The effect of natural disasters on economic development in Asia. The influence of globalization on emerging markets and economic development. 📑 More Economics Thesis Topics: Theme. For some students, it makes more sense to center their search around a certain subject. Sometimes you have an econ area that interests you.

    14. Topics in Growth and Development

      Topics vary, but may include population, human capital and labor market development, R&D and innovation, finance and growth, modernization and industrial transformation, world income disparities and poverty problems, institutions and political economy issues, environmental and social factors, and international trade and economic integration ...

    15. Economics Department Dissertations Collection

      Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Essays on International Trade and Economic Growth, Mateo Hoyos, Economics. PDF. THREE ESSAYS ON MACROECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT, Guilherme Klein Martins, Economics. PDF. THREE ESSAYS ON ALLOCATION OF COSTS AND BENEFITS, CREDIT, AND TIME, Anamika Sen, Economics.

    16. Undergraduate Dissertations in Economics

      Topics here may be defined broadly - labour economics, development economics, or monetary economics. This may also produce bunching around some staff members. ... Consistency is also difficult because of the wide range of dissertation topics that is possible. The use of descriptors can help here, as they are cast in general terms that do not ...

    17. Economics Dissertation Topics: 25+ Examples You Can Explore

      25+ List of Economic Dissertation Topics. Economics is a wide field with different areas of exploration. This guide looks at some of the areas economics, each with a few examples of dissertation topics that you can investigate. Dissertation Topics on Regional Development

    18. Dissertations

      Research Design and Dissertation in International Development. The DV410 dissertation is a major component of the MSc programme and an important part of the learning and development process involved in postgraduate education. The objective of DV410 is to provide students with an overview of the resources available to them to research and write a 10,000 dissertation that is topical, original ...

    19. 50+ Economics research Topics and Topic Ideas for dissertation

      Some of the best research topics in microeconomics that you can use for your thesis or dissertation include: 1. The effect of income changes on consumer choices. 2. The effect of labor force participation on the economy and budget - A comparison. 3. The impact of marital status on the labor force composition: A case of [your country] economy.

    20. PDF Essays in Development and Behavioral Economics

      Dissertation Advisor: Professor Gautam Rao Author: Kevin Carney Essays in Development and Behavioral Economics Abstract This dissertation comprises three chapters in the fields of development and behavioral economics. Chapter 1 uses a field experiment to study the effect of social media on voters in a large election in Tamil Nadu, India.

    21. 50+ Economics Dissertation Topics in 2024

      Manali Ganguly, Mar 4, 2024. Share it on: The most popular economics dissertation topics in 2024 are economic development, economic policy and planning, impact of globalisation on economy, money and rates of interest, and international finance among others. The economics dissertation topics include impact of globalisation on economy ...

    22. Economics thesis and dissertation collection

      Essays on behavioral and experimental economics . Xu, Yaoyao (The University of Edinburgh, 2023-07-25) In this dissertation of three chapters, I study individuals' strategic sophistication in decision-making, specifically level-k reasoning and forward-looking behavior. The first chapter studies subjects' iterative reasoning ...

    23. "ESSAYS ON ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS" by John Alexander Gomez Mahecha

      This dissertation discusses the results of new empirical evidence in two topics of significant importance in the environmental economics field, both of them also an essential part of my research agenda. First, carbon pricing is one of the most significant contributions of Economics to the ongoing climate crisis. Based on the Pigouvian tax, carbon pricing is expected to be a major tool for ...

    24. World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024

      Global economic growth is projected to slow from an estimated 2.7 per cent in 2023 to 2.4 per cent in 2024, trending below the pre-pandemic growth rate of 3.0 per cent, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) 2024. This latest forecast comes on the heels of global economic performance exceeding expectations in 2023. However, last year's stronger-than ...

    25. Why and How Multilateral Development Banks Support Improved Outcomes

      Economic migrants and refugees can bring both benefits and costs to their hosting countries. If well-integrated, they can support themselves, their families, and their hosting countries as producers and consumers. Both economic migration and forced displacement are therefore integrally linked with development outcomes. Recognizing this, MDBs)are supporting their beneficiary member countries to ...

    26. Economics for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Europe

      Europe is facing overwhelming losses and destruction from climate-related disasters. From 1980 to 2022, weather and climate-related events across the EU caused total losses of about €650 billion, or around €15.5 billion per year. Recent disasters, such as floods in 2022 and wildfires in 2023, have highlighted the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure, including emergency response ...

    27. Economics for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Europe

      Is Europe prepared for the impact losses caused by climate-related disasters? Learn about Europe's urgent need to bolster its disaster and climate resilience based on new World Bank and European Commission research that offers innovative tools and strategies for smart investments, costing of climate adaptation, and efficient public finance management in the face of escalating climate threats.

    28. Essays in Energy and Development Economics

      This dissertation studies topics in environmental and energy economics with a focus on developing countries. Combining detailed billing and outages records with original survey data, the first two chapters shed light on how residential, informal settlement, commercial and industrial customers in urban India respond to retail electricity prices ...

    29. Research and Development Satellite Account

      BEA is developing a new satellite account that measures research and development activity in a framework consistent with the measurement of gross domestic product (GDP) and other BEA statistics. The new statistics will provide a more comprehensive picture of the contribution of the R&D sector to the U.S. and state economies.

    30. Charting Economic Progress: African Development Bank's initiatives spur

      2023 was an exciting year for Togo, with the African Development Bank setting the stage for transformative initiatives across various sectors. The year kicked off 2023 with the final round of the Forum of Agricultural Producers in Togo in the northern city of Kara, heralding the inauguration of the new Kara market, a project financed by the Bank and site visits to future agricultural ...