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Essay Checker: Free Online Paper Corrector

Your Best Chance for an A+ Essay. Try Our Free Essay Checker Below.

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Why Should You Use a Free Essay Checker?

The simple answer? Good grammar is necessary, but it’s not easy. You've already done countless hours of research to write the essay. You don’t want to spend countless hours correcting it, too.

You'll get a better grade

Good grammar or its absence can determine if you get a good grade or a failing one. Impress your lecturer not just with how grammatically sound your writing is, but how clear it is and how it flows.

You'll save time

Essay writing can be a long and tedious process. ProWritingAid's essay checker saves you the hassle by acting as the first line of defense against pesky grammar issues.

You'll become a better writer

Essay writing is a particular skill and one that becomes better with practice. Every time you run your essay through ProWritingAid’s essay corrector, you get to see what your common mistakes are and how to fix them.

Good Writing = Good Grades

It’s already hard to know what to write in an essay. Don’t let grammar mistakes hinder your writing and prevent you from getting a good grade. ProWritingAid’s essay checker will help you write your best essay yet. Since the checker is powered by AI, using it means that grammar errors don’t stand a chance. Give your professors something to look forward to reading with clear, concise, and professional writing.

How Does ProWritingAid’s Essay Checker Work?

Your goal in essay writing is to convey your message as best as possible. ProWritingAid's essay checker is the first step towards doing this.

Get Rid of Spelling Errors

ProWritingAid’s essay checker will show you what it thinks are spelling errors and present you with possible corrections. If a word is flagged and it’s actually spelt correctly you can always choose to ignore the suggestion.

ProWritingAid product image - spelling mistake student

Fix Grammar Errors

Professors aren’t fans of poor grammar because it interrupts your message and makes your essay hard to understand. ProWritingAid will run a grammar check on your paper to ensure that your message is precise and is being communicated the way you intended.

Get Rid of Punctuation Mistakes

A missing period or comma here and there may not seem that serious, but you’ll lose marks for punctuation errors. Run ProWritingAid’s paper checker to use the correct punctuation marks every time and elevate your writing.

ProWritingAid product image - punctuation student

Improve Readability

Make sure that in the grand scheme your language is not too complicated. The essay checker's built in readability report will show if your essay is easy or hard to read. It specifically zones in on paragraphs that might be difficult to read so you can review them.

What Else Can the Essay Checker Do?

The editing tool analyzes your text and highlights a variety of key writing issues, such as overused words, incohesive sentence structures, punctuation issues, repeated phrases, and inconsistencies.

ProWritingAid illustration- unnecessary word student

You don’t need to drown your essay in words just to meet the word count. ProWritingAid’s essay checker will help to make your words more effective. You'll get to construct your arguments and make sure that every word you use builds towards a meaningful conclusion.

Use more transition words in your essay

Transition words help to organize your ideas by showing the relationship between them. The essay checker has a built in Transition report that highlights and shows the percentage of transitions used in your essay. Use the results to add transitions where necessary.

ProWritingAid product image - student sentence variety

An engaging essay has sentences of varying lengths. Don’t bore your professor with long, rambling sentences. The essay checker will show you where you need to break long sentences into shorter sentences, or add more sentence length variation.

ProWritingAid product image - student passive voice

Generally, in scholarly writing, with its emphasis on precision and clarity, the active voice is preferred. However, the passive voice is acceptable in some instances. When you run your essay through ProWritingAid’s essay checker, you get feedback on whether you 'r e using the passive or active voice to convey your idea.

ProWritingAid illustration - power verb

There are academic specific power verbs like appraise , investigate , debunk , support , etc., that can add more impact to your argument by giving a more positive and confident tone. The essay checker will check your writing for power verbs and notify you if you have less than three throughout your essay.

ProWritingAid product image - repeats

It's easy to get attached to certain phrases and use them as crutches in your essays but this gives the impression of boring and repetitive writing. The essay checker will highlight your repeats and suggest contextually relevant alternatives.

ProWritingAid illustration - learn as you edit

Gain access to in-house blog reports on citations, how to write a thesis statement, how to write a conclusion, and more. Venture into a world of resources specific to your academic needs.

What Kinds of Papers Does ProWritingAid Correct?

No matter what you’re writing, ProWritingAid will adapt and show you where your edits are needed most.

  • Argumentative
  • Descriptive
  • Textual Analysis
  • Lab reports
  • Case studies
  • Literature reviews
  • Presentations
  • Dissertations
  • Research papers

Professors and students love using ProWritingAid

If you're an English teacher, you need to take a look at this tool - it reinforces what you're teaching, highlights strengths and weaknesses, and makes it easier to personalize instruction.

prowritingaid customer

Jennifer Gonzales

Only reason I managed to get an A in all my freshmen composition classes.

ProWritingAid customer

Chris Layton

Great tool for academic work. Easy to use and the reports and summary evaluation of your documents in several categories is very useful. So much more than spelling and grammar!

prowritingaid customer

Debra Callender

Questions & Answers

1. how do i use the essay checker online tool.

You can either copy and paste your essay in the essay checker field or upload your essay from your computer. Your suggestions will show once you enter text. You’ll see a number of possible grammar and spelling issues. Sign up for free to get unlimited suggestions to improve your writing style, grammar, and sentence structure. Avoid unintentional plagiarism with a premium account.

2. Does the essay checker work with British English and American English?

The essay checker works with both British English and American English. Just choose the one you would like to use and your corrections will reflect this.

3. Is using an essay checker cheating?

No. The essay checker won’t ever write the essay for you. It will point out possible edits and advise you on changes you need to make. You have full autonomy and get to decide which changes to accept.

4. Will the essay checker auto-correct my work?

The essay writing power remains in your hands. You choose which suggestions you want to accept and you can ignore those that you don’t think apply.

5. Is there a student discount?

Students who have an eligible student email address can get 20% off ProWritingAid Premium. Email [email protected] from your student email address to access your discount.

6. Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes! ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion web-pages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

A good grade is closer than you think

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Grade essays quickly and efficiently using our AI enabled grading tools

In addition to grading, get access to magic ai tools to help you with your school activities, useful features for all teachers.

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Essay Feedback

Error identification.

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Customize your rubrics

Summarizer and ai detector.

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Bulk Upload and Class Organizer

Magic school ai tools for your daily school tasks.

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Why Teachers Choose Essay-Grader.ai?

Time-saving, reliability, convenience, cost-effective, our pricing, frequently asked questions.

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The world’s leading AI platform for teachers to grade essays

EssayGrader is an AI powered grading assistant that gives high quality, specific and accurate writing feedback for essays. On average it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, with EssayGrader that time is cut down to 30 seconds That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results.

How we've done

Happy users

Essays graded

EssayGrader analyzes essays with the power of AI. Our software is trained on massive amounts of diverse text data, inlcuding books, articles and websites. This gives us the ability to provide accurate and detailed writing feedback to students and save teachers loads of time. We are the perfect AI powered grading assitant.

EssayGrader analyzes essays for grammar, punctuation, spelling, coherence, clarity and writing style errors. We provide detailed reports of the errors found and suggestions on how to fix those errors. Our error reports help speed up grading times by quickly highlighting mistakes made in the essay.

Bulk uploading

Uploading a single essay at a time, then waiting for it to complete is a pain. Bulk uploading allows you to upload an entire class worth of essays at a single time. You can work on other important tasks, come back in a few minutes to see all the essays perfectly graded.

Custom rubrics

We don't assume how you want to grade your essays. Instead, we provide you with the ability to create the same rubrics you already use. Those rubrics are then used to grade essays with the same grading criteria you are already accustomed to.

Sometimes you don't want to read a 5000 word essay and you'd just like a quick summary. Or maybe you're a student that needs to provide a summary of your essay to your teacher. We can help with our summarizer feature. We can provide a concise summary including the most important information and unique phrases.

AI detector

Our AI detector feature allows teachers to identify if an essay was written by AI or if only parts of it were written by AI. AI is becoming very popular and teachers need to be able to detect if essays are being written by students or AI.

Create classes to neatly organize your students essays. This is an essential feature when you have multiple classes and need to be able to track down students essays quickly.

Our mission

At EssayGrader, our mission is crystal clear: we're transforming the grading experience for teachers and students alike. Picture a space where teachers can efficiently and accurately grade essays, lightening their workload, while empowering students to enhance their writing skills. Our software is a dynamic work in progress, a testament to our commitment to constant improvement. We're dedicated to refining and enhancing our platform continually. With each update, we strive to simplify the lives of both educators and learners, making the process of grading and writing essays smoother and more efficient.We recognize the immense challenges teachers face – the heavy burdens, the long hours, and the often underappreciated efforts. EssayGrader is our way of shouldering some of that load. We are here to support you, to make your tasks more manageable, and to give you the tools you need to excel in your teaching journey.

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AI-Powered Free Paper Grader by PaperGraders.net

Try out the power of machine learning algorithms trained to check your writing online and make your essay better for free.

What Makes Our Free Online Essay Editor Stand Out?

  • Unlike other websites that check essays, our tool is 100% free. You don't have to sign up and then receive dozens of spammy and annoying emails every week.
  • This essay checker app uses special encryption techniques that don't store your paper anywhere on the server.
  • You get instant essay grammar check and online proofreading for free.

How to Use The Paper Grader

  • Activate the Paper Checker window by clicking on it with the pointer.
  • Once the window is activated, copy and paste your essay and hit "Grade My Paper" button.
  • It takes some time for our essay rater to get going and provide the feedback on your essay.
  • Read the feedback carefully and apply it to your paper.

What Can Any Essay Reviser Tool Really Do and Why We Created It?

Many of you may be lulled into believing that AI can work wonders. Well, it can, but not always. Let me, as a professional with a degree in Computing Science, debunk some common myths about the AI. Everyone of you, to some extension, used or heard about such free online writing editor as Grammarly. Now, how many of you consider it to be a really powerful tool? I don't think that many. Highlighting some spelling/grammar mistakes and misplaced commas, this writing checker isn't capable of doing more and sophisticated job humans can.

When it comes to human language, not only all these essay fixers and essay chekers prove little help. Actually, the human language is so complex and tricky that few AI-powered tools find their way around it. Think of Google Translate or Amazon virtual assistant - Alexa. Though, they can perform some basic tasks, when it comes down to some serious task, they just fail.

Getting back to the questions why we created this free paper rater, I was doing some research on writer graders and free online proofreading apps, and was stunned by how many students write in Google such queries like "rate my essay" or "grade my paper for free". I tried, if not all of the paper raters, but quite many to fairly state they don't do what they promise.

Another common problem of students looking for "proofread my essay free" or "edit my essay for free online" is they fall victims of scammers who collect their essays and then resell them. I know numerous cases of students who used free online revision essay tools to find themselves accused of plagiarising. It happened because frauds collected and resold their papers to the third party and when the student turned their work in a week later, the plagiarism checker marked it as plagiarized.

The main reason why I created this free online essay checker was to sober you up and show you the bitter reality of all these fancy paper editors, and for you not to fall prey to a scammer, longing for stealing your paper.

Is There A Way Out of The Arisen Situation?

While the AI technologies are still in the butt, and you need somebody to fix your essay urgently. You can always turn to the help of professional essay editing and proofreading services. Such services provide editing/proofreading assistance for students in need. You may wonder how they work?

Coming to the US to study from Germany, I always struggled with getting an A for my papers, no matter how good my content was, grammar mistakes were constantly spoiling all the fun. Having used a dozen of online essay raters and writing checkers, and having no significant result. That's why a friend of mine suggested I should use online editing services.

Top Trusted Services

essay grade generator

Why Online Paper Grader Services Can Be A Real Panacea For Good Grades?

  • It's perfectly legal because you don't have anybody written a paper for you.
  • You submit your paper for revision where a seasoned professional checks its compliance with the professor's instructions, writing mechanics, and style. After that you're provided with the feedback as to what to do to improve your paper.
  • If you're short of time, you can actually request the service to apply all changes for you. You can look at your paper and see what a professional writer has done to your paper to make it better.
  • We learn from our mistakes but if you don't have anybody to rate your paper, you can see your weak points and correct them until the professor gives you the disappointing C.
  • You have more time and hassle-free life for other important things in your life like friends, family, and your crush.
  • You progress every time your paper is graded and feedback provided.
  • You don't have to worry that somebody steals your paper and hours or even days of hard work go down the drain.

Revolutionize Your Writing Process with Smodin AI Grader: A Smarter Way to get feedback and achieve academic excellence!


For Students

Stay ahead of the curve, with objective feedback and tools to improve your writing.

Your Virtual Tutor

Harness the expertise of a real-time virtual teacher who will guide every paragraph in your writing process, ensuring you produce an A+ masterpiece in a fraction of the time.

Unbiased Evaluation

Ensure an impartial and objective assessment, removing any potential bias or subjectivity that may be an influence in traditional grading methods.

Perfect your assignments

With the “Write with AI” tool, transform your ideas into words with a few simple clicks. Excel at all your essays, assignments, reports etc. and witness your writing skills soar to new heights

For teachers

Revolutionize your Teaching Methods

Spend less on grading

Embrace the power of efficiency and instant feedback with our cutting-edge tool, designed to save you time while providing a fair and unbiased evaluation, delivering consistent and objective feedback.

Reach out to more students

Upload documents in bulk and establish your custom assessment criteria, ensuring a tailored evaluation process. Expand your reach and impact by engaging with more students.

Focus on what you love

Let AI Grading handle the heavy lifting of assessments for you. With its data-driven algorithms and standardized criteria, it takes care of all your grading tasks, freeing up your valuable time to do what you're passionate about: teaching.

Grader Rubrics

Pick the systematic frameworks that work as guidelines for assessing and evaluating the quality, proficiency, and alignment of your work, allowing for consistent and objective grading without any bias.

Analytical Thinking



Focus Point

Write with AI

Set your tone and keywords, and generate brilliance through your words

essay grade generator

AI Grader Average Deviation from Real Grade

Our AI grader matches human scores 82% of the time* AI Scores are 100% consistent**

Deviation from real grade (10 point scale)

Graph: A dataset of essays were graded by professional graders on a range of 1-10 and cross-referenced against the detailed criteria within the rubric to determine their real scores. Deviation was defined by the variation of scores from the real score. The graph contains an overall score (the average of all criterias) as well as each individual criteria. The criteria are the premade criteria available on Smodin's AI Grader, listed in the graph as column headings. The custom rubrics were made using Smodin's AI Grader custom criteria generator to produce each criteria listed in Smodin's premade criterias (the same criteria as the column headings). The overall score for Smodin Premade Rubrics matched human scores 73% of the time with our advanced AI, while custom rubrics generated by Smodin's custom rubric generator matched human grades 82% of the time with our advanced AI. The average deviation from the real scores for all criteria is shown above.

* Rubrics created using Smodin's AI custom criteria matched human scores 82% of the time on the advanced AI setting. Smodin's premade criteria matched human scores 73% of the time. When the AI score differed from the human scores, 86% of the time the score only differed by 1 point on a 10 point scale.

** The AI grader provides 100% consistency, meaning that the same essay will produce the same score every time it's graded. All grades used in the data were repeated 3 times and produced 100% consistency across all 3 grading attempts.

essay grade generator

AI Feedback

Unleash the Power of Personalized Feedback: Elevate Your Writing with the Ultimate Web-based Feedback Tool

Elevate your essay writing skills with Smodin AI Grader, and achieve the success you deserve with Smodin. the ultimate AI-powered essay grader tool. Whether you are a student looking to improve your grades or a teacher looking to provide valuable feedback to your students, Smodin has got you covered. Get objective feedback to improve your essays and excel at writing like never before! Don't miss this opportunity to transform your essay-writing journey and unlock your full potential.

Smodin AI Grader: The Best AI Essay Grader for Writing Improvement

As a teacher or as a student, writing essays can be a daunting task. It takes time, effort, and a lot of attention to detail. But what if there was a tool that could make the process easier? Meet Smodin Ai Grader, the best AI essay grader on the market that provides objective feedback and helps you to improve your writing skills.

Objective Feedback with Smodin - The Best AI Essay Grader

Traditional grading methods can often be subjective, with different teachers providing vastly different grades for the same piece of writing. Smodin eliminates this problem by providing consistent and unbiased feedback, ensuring that all students are evaluated fairly. With advanced algorithms, Smodin can analyze and grade essays in real-time, providing instant feedback on strengths and weaknesses.

Improve Your Writing Skills with Smodin - The Best AI Essay Grader

Smodin can analyze essays quickly and accurately, providing detailed feedback on different aspects of your writing, including structure, grammar, vocabulary, and coherence. By identifying areas that need improvement and providing suggestions on how to make your writing more effective, if Smodin detects that your essay has a weak thesis statement, it will provide suggestions on how to improve it. If it detects that your essay has poor grammar, it will provide suggestions on how to correct the errors. This makes it easier for you to make improvements to your essay and get better grades and become a better writer.

Smodin Ai Grader for Teachers - The Best Essay Analysis Tool

For teachers, Smodin can be a valuable tool for grading essays quickly and efficiently, providing detailed feedback to students, and helping them improve their writing skills. With Smodin Ai Grader, teachers can grade essays in real-time, identify common errors, and provide suggestions on how to correct them.

Smodin Ai Grader for Students - The Best Essay Analysis Tool

For students, Smodin can be a valuable tool for improving your writing skills and getting better grades. By analyzing your essay's strengths and weaknesses, Smodin can help you identify areas that need improvement and provide suggestions on how to make your writing more effective. This can be especially useful for students who are struggling with essay writing and need extra help and guidance.

Increase your productivity - The Best AI Essay Grader

Using Smodin can save you a lot of time and effort. Instead of spending hours grading essays manually or struggling to improve your writing without feedback, you can use Smodin to get instant and objective feedback, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

Smodin is the best AI essay grader on the market that uses advanced algorithms to provide objective feedback and help improve writing skills. With its ability to analyze essays quickly and accurately, Smodin can help students and teachers alike to achieve better results in essay writing.

© 2024 Smodin LLC

AI Essay Grader

CoGrader is an AI Essay Grader that helps teachers save 80% of the time grading essays with instant first-pass feedback & grades, based on your rubrics.

Cograder platform

Pick your own Rubrics to Grade Essays with AI

We have +30 Rubrics in our Library - but you can also build your own rubrics.

Argumentive Essays

Rubrics from 6th to 12th Grade and Higher Education. Grades Claim/Focus, Support/Evidence, Organization and Language/Style.

Informative Essays

Rubrics from 6th to 12th Grade and Higher Education. Grades Clarity/Focus, Development, Organization and Language/Style.

Narrative Essays

Rubrics from 6th to 12th Grade and Higher Education. Grades Plot/Ideas, Development/Elaboration, Organization and Language/Style.

Analytical Essays

Rubrics from 6th to 12th Grade and Higher Education. Grades Claim/Focus, Analysis/Evidence, Organization and Language/Style.

AP Essays, DBQs & LEQs

Grade Essays from AP Classes, including DBQs & LEQs. Grades according to the AP rubrics.

+30 Rubrics Available

You can also build your own rubric/criteria.

Your AI Essay Grading Tool

It's a never-ending task that consumes valuable time and energy, often leaving teachers frustrated and overwhelmed

With CoGrader, grading becomes a breeze. You will have more time for what really matters: teaching, supporting students and providing them with meaningful feedback.

First Screen of Cograder application

Meet your AI Grader

Leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to get First-Pass Feedback on your students' assignments instantaneously, detect ChatGPT usage and see class data analytics.

Save time and Effort

Streamline your grading process and save hours or days.

Ensure fairness and consistency

Remove human biases from the equation with CoGrader's objective and fair grading system.

Provide better feedback

Provide lightning-fast comprehensive feedback to your students, helping them understand their performance better.

Class Analytics

Get an x-ray of your class's performance to spot challenges and strengths, and inform planning.

Google Classroom Integration

Import assignments from Google Classroom to CoGrader, and export reviewed feedback and grades back to it.

Canvas and Schoology compatibility

Export your assignments in bulk and upload them to CoGrader with one click.

Used at 1000+ schools

Backed by UC Berkeley

Berkeley logo

Teachers love CoGrader

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How does CoGrader work?

It's easy to supercharge your grading process

Import Assignments from Google Classroom

CoGrader will automatically import the prompt given to the students and all files they have turned in.

essay grade generator

Define Grading Criteria

Use our rubric template, based on your State's standards, or set up your own grading criteria to align with your evaluation standards, specific requirements and teaching objectives. Built in Rubrics include Argument, Narrative and Informative pieces.

essay grade generator

Get Grades, Feedback and Reports

CoGrader generates detailed feedback and justification reports for each student, highlighting areas of improvement together with the grade.

essay grade generator

Review and Adjust

The teacher has the final say! Adjust the grades and the feedback so you can make sure every student gets the attention they deserve.

essay grade generator

Want to see what Education looks like in 2023?

Get started right away, not sure yet, frequently asked questions.

CoGrader: the AI copilot for teachers.

You can think of CoGrader as your teaching assistant, who streamlines grading by drafting initial feedback and grade suggestions, saving you time and hassle, and providing top notch feedback for the kids. You can use standardized rubrics and customize criteria, ensuring that your grading process is fair and consistent. Plus, you can detect if your student used ChatGPT to answer the assignment.

CoGrader considers the rubric and your grading instructions to automatically grade and suggest feedback, using AI. Currently CoGrader integrates with Google Classroom and will soon integrate with other LMS. If you don't use Google Classroom, let your LMS provider know that you are interested, so they speed up the process.

Try it out! We have designed CoGrader to be user-friendly and intuitive. We offer training and support to help you get started. Let us know if you need any help.

Privacy matters to us and we're committed to protecting student privacy. We are FERPA-compliant. We use student names to match assignments with the right students, but we quickly change them into a code that keeps the information private, and we get rid of the original names. We don't keep any other personal information about the students. The only thing we do keep is the text of the students' answers to assignments, because we need it for our grading service. This information is kept safe using Google’s secure system, known as OAuth2, which follows all the rules to make sure the information stays private. For a complete understanding of our commitment to privacy and the measures we take to ensure it, we encourage you to read our detailed privacy policy.

CoGrader finally allows educators to provide specific and timely feedback. In addition, it saves time and hassle, ensures consistency and accuracy in grading, reduces biases, and promotes academic integrity.

Soon, we'll indicate whether students have used ChatGPT or other AI systems for assignments, but achieving 100% accurate detection is not possible due to the complexity of human and AI-generated writing. Claims to the contrary are misinformation, as they overlook the nuanced nature of modern technology.

CoGrader uses cutting-edge generative AI algorithms that have undergone rigorous testing and human validation to ensure accuracy and consistency. In comparisons to manual grading, CoGrader typically shows only a small difference of up to ~5% in grades, often less than the variance between human graders. Some teachers have noted that this variance can be influenced by personal bias or the workload of grading. While CoGrader works hard to minimize errors and offer reliable results, it is always a good practice to review and validate the grades (and feedback) before submitting them.

CoGrader is designed to assist educators by streamlining the grading process with AI-driven suggestions. However, the final feedback and grades remain the responsibility of the educator. While CoGrader aims for accuracy and fairness, it should be used as an aid, not a replacement, for professional judgment. Educators should review and validate the grades and feedback before finalizing results. The use of CoGrader constitutes acceptance of these terms, and we expressly disclaim any liability for errors or inconsistencies. The final grading decision always rests with the educator.

Just try it out! We'll guide you along the way. If you have any questions, we're here to help. Once you're in, you'll experience saving countless hours and procrastination, and make grading efficient, fair, and helpful.


Free Essay Grader Tool



Today all the students can save their time and effort using the proofreading and plagiarism checker online. They can use an AI essay grader available on iTunes or in the web for free. The customers, using it, affirm: “It is so easy and fast to rate my paper now!” It really helps students to save their time and effort to do something very important.

When you use paper rate tool and plagiarism checker, you learn how to write essays with no mistakes. Each time you get the paper rate, you can take your time to think over all your mistakes (if y they exist) or enjoy your success (if no mistakes are found).

We recommend all the students using the paper grader or an essay rater by StudySaurus.

“Grade My Essay”: How it Works

Just paste your text or upload the file containing the text of your essay and the smart paper rater will analyze it. In the report, you will get the mark for your level of spelling, grammar, “bad phrases” (inappropriate words and clichés) and style.

The results will be given in The average sentence length will be measured the level of academic vocabulary usage and the tips and prompts as well.

At the end of the rating your essay, it will be graded. For instance: “Grade 81 B” or “Grade 97 A”. It is proved: students, regularly using the smart checker of paper rater or an essay grader, show the better results in their education.

University students ought to possess certain skills to get grades they need in their classes. One skill that is vital for getting excellent grades is the ability to produce a good piece of writing. Some people have an inborn ability to write essays well and need little to no aid. If you are one of those students who do a great job when it comes to the research aspect, but the writing process is rather challenging for you, you may want to tap into our online paper grader.

Who Is Going to Rate My Paper?

Our Essay Grader is an intelligent tool that leverages the most advanced proofreading algorithms to produce accurate examination eliminating plagiarism and grammar mistakes. Our website that grades essays is available 24/7, we do our job in the most proficient way so that you could save your personal time and money. If you have created an assignment but doubt whether it is good enough thinking “I need to grade my paper” – we are the ones who can do it perfectly.

How Do We Grade Your Paper?

Our essay rater service combines automatic algorithms, as well as manual evaluation by professional editors possessing higher education in English language and/or literature. After having checked language aspects, your text will be transferred to the specialists in the field related to the topic of your assignment to check the content. We have a staff consisting of linguists from different parts of the world so that we can provide assistance to all rate my paper related inquiries on short notice if needed. It does not matter whether you live in Europe, USA, Canada or New Zealand, our smart algorithms will start analyzing your writing immediately after you have submitted your request. We can satisfy the needs of our consumers most efficiently.

What Is The Best Essay Grader?

Before you discover the advantages of the tool, you might be curious about how specifically our rator functions. The thing is that you do not simply ask it to “grade my essay” and then expect it to come back with a grade on it. Let us explain to you how the service works.

The process of using a paper rator is quite straightforward. The initial thing that you need to do is write your assignment. You will need to follow the instructions to submit the document into our rating tool.

While proofreading, there will take place an assessment of your spelling and grammar. An additional parameter that is typically subject of analysis is the use of your language in the essay as well as transitions. It is also worth mentioning plagiarism, which is another item our paper rator tool checks. The reason being that copying someone else’s work without giving them due credit is not acceptable in higher institutions or the real world for that matter. After your assignment is given back to you, you may want to take the necessary time required for making revisions of your creative papers. Having made all the essay corrections, you may now submit it to your teacher and get an excellent mark.

If you have difficulty getting excellent marks for your essays, you now have the option to get professional assistance in the matter. We can not only write papers for you, but we can also grade them so that you find out your areas for improvement. After using our paper rater service with your essays, you will be aware of the changes you need to make to get a desirable grade from your teacher. Do not leave your grades to chance. Double-check to walk an extra mile to improve your marks by using our paper rater tool.

Our Benefits:

  • Quality Assurance. All the papers undergo smart algorithms, which prior to sending you the final version, check it for plagiarism, spelling mistakes, punctuation and much more.
  • Confidentiality Policies. Our tool does not disclose any personal data to third parties. We guarantee that no one will ever know that you have had your paper rated using our tool.
  • Free. Since students do not have substantial financial resources.
  • Support. Our technical support team works around the clock and is ready to answer any questions by phone, mail or chat. We provide help to students as quickly as possible.

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Essay Grader

Get comprehensive evaluations for your essays, including feedback on structure, clarity, and grammar.

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Essay Grader - Best Essay Checker for Teachers and Students

Welcome to our revolutionary essay grading tool powered by advanced AI. It's not just a checker – it's your partner in achieving writing excellence.

Designed for both educators and students, this free AI essay grader offers comprehensive evaluations beyond grammar and style. Seamlessly blending advanced technology with insightful analysis, it's your compass for effective assessment.

Try our AI essay grader for teachers and students free today and experience its insightful reviews.


What is an Essay Grader?

An AI-powered essay checker or grader is an advanced tool that goes far beyond the confines of spell checks and grammar fixes. It harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to evaluate your writing, providing feedback on elements like coherence, structure, vocabulary richness, and even the emotional tone conveyed in your words.

It's like having a teacher, editor, and writing coach rolled into one, available whenever you need it.

Whether you're a student striving to enhance your academic papers or a teacher dedicated to delivering thorough assessments, our essay grading tool stands as your steadfast companion on the journey toward achieving writing excellence.

How Can an Essay Checker Help Students?

When aiming for a graded performance, your writing must undoubtedly be of high caliber. At the very least, this entails employing correct grammar, accurate spelling, and proper punctuation.

Our tool is here to assist you in accomplishing all of these aspects, and did we emphasize that it's available for free?

Here’s all you get:

⏱️ Speedy Evaluation

Our AI swiftly assesses your writing by comparing it against a vast array of existing texts, offering nearly instant feedback.

✍️Unwavering Consistency

When personally proofreading, certain errors or style choices might slip through the cracks. Our tool ensures uniformity throughout. Say goodbye to capitalizing a term in one paragraph and neglecting it in another.

🎯 Pinpoint Accuracy

Often, seeking help from a friend or family member leads to overlooking common errors. With our essay checker, rest assured that every mistake is spotted and resolved.

📚Learning Opportunity

Are recurrent mistakes hindering your progress? Our free paper checker identifies patterns, assisting you in recognizing and rectifying them. Even errors that escaped your notice are brought to light, allowing you to refine your writing skills.

👍Academic Integrity

Unlike unethical essay writing services, our free online essay checker empowers you to produce your own work and earn the rightful grade.

🍰Piece of Cake

Simplifying the process, our essay checker eliminates the overwhelming stress that often accompanies paper writing.

How Can Teachers Benefit From Our Essay Grader?

Simplify your workload while maximizing impact – it's time to revolutionize the way you guide and inspire your students.

💯Spend Less Time Grading

Embrace efficiency and instant feedback through our advanced tool, meticulously designed to save you time while delivering impartial and fair assessments, maintaining a uniform and objective feedback approach.

🧑‍🎓Connect with a Larger Student Base

Effortlessly upload documents in bulk and establish personalized assessment parameters, ensuring a tailored evaluation process. Amplify your influence and connect with a wider range of students.

🧑‍🏫Pursue Your Passions

Let AI Grading shoulder the assessment load for you. With its data-driven algorithms and standardized benchmarks, it manages all grading duties, liberating your precious time to focus on what truly drives you: teaching.

How to Use Our Essay Grading Tool?

Prepare to be amazed by its user-friendly nature!

Simply copy and paste the text you wish to have reviewed. Additionally, you can input a rubric for the desired evaluation – though this is entirely optional.

Don't fret if a specific rubric isn't available. Our AI-powered tool will autonomously assess it based on renowned grading standards employed across institutions, guaranteeing a comprehensive evaluation of the text.

What Can Be Checked Through PerfectEssayWriter.ai’s Essay Grader?

Our essay checker makes it simple to catch usual writing blunders – like misplaced commas, mixing up "their" and "there," or leaving sentences unfinished.

But there's more to great writing, and many free tools fall short. Here are a few examples of higher-level mistakes that our tool can help you find:

Fluency Issues

For those who speak English as a second language, you might wonder if your wording sounds natural to native speakers. Use our AI essay grading tool to address this concern. It even accommodates various English variations, like converting US English to UK English.

Tricky Plurals

Did you know "thesis" becomes "theses" in plural? "Analysis" turns into "analyses" (also the UK English spelling of "analyzes"). "Genus" becomes "genera." PerfectEssayWriter.ai knows them all!

Grammatical Errors

Leave no room for mistakes. We catch grammar slip-ups, from verb tense inconsistencies to subject-verb agreement issues.

Sentence Structure Issues

Achieve smooth readability. Our Essay Grader highlights problems like awkward sentence structures, enabling you to perfect your flow.

Extra Spaces

Still adding double spaces after periods? Let our paper checker identify and remove excess spaces. It highlights instances within sentences or at paragraph endings.

Repetitive Content

Our tool scans for repetition, ensuring your writing stays fresh and engaging without echoing the same ideas.

Unnecessary or Missing Capitalization

Accurate capitalization enhances clarity. Our tool pinpoints instances of improper or missing capitalization, refining your text's professional appearance.

Wordy Content

Trim the excess from your writing. This paper-checking tool identifies wordiness, helping you express ideas concisely and maintain reader engagement.

Provided Rubric Evaluation

If you have specific grading criteria, we've got you covered. Our tool follows your rubric closely, ensuring a customized and comprehensive assessment.

Types of Papers PerfecEssayWriter’s AI Essay Checker Assess

No matter what type of writing you're working on, PerfectEssayWriter.ai adapts to provide the necessary edits and feedback for improvement. Such as:

  • Argumentative papers
  • Expository essays
  • Narrative compositions
  • Descriptive essays
  • Textual analysis
  • Coursework assignments
  • Lab reports
  • Case studies
  • Literature reviews
  • Presentations
  • Dissertations
  • Research papers

Comparing Our AI Grader With Real Grades

In 86% of cases*, our AI grader aligns with human scores!

essay grader

Graph: A set of essays received scores from professional graders on a 1-10 scale, cross-referenced with rubric criteria for accuracy. The deviation was calculated as score variations. The graph displays overall and individual criteria scores using Smodin's AI Grader's premade criteria. PerfectEssayWriter.ai’s tool matched human scores 82% of the time.

Exciting Range of AI Writing Tools by PerfectEssayWriter.ai

In addition to helping you check essays, we can also offer customized writing and research help through the following tools.

Homework Helpline

Ai essay writer.


Your 24/7 Homework Ally for All Subjects!

Instant tutoring, interactive problem-solving, subject diversity, and personalized learning combine to create a versatile homework-helping tool that enhances understanding and fosters academic success. With 24/7 availability and a user-friendly interface, you can access real-time assistance and resources at your convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should it take to grade my essay.

The time it takes to grade your essay with PerfectEssayWriter.ai typically lasts less than 60 seconds, regardless of the length or complexity of your essay. Our grading tool works efficiently to provide timely feedback, ensuring that you receive accurate and insightful evaluations promptly.

Can you guarantee the safety of my personal information?

Yes, we prioritize the safety and confidentiality of your personal information. PerfectEssayWriter.ai adheres to strict privacy protocols and utilizes advanced security measures to safeguard your data. We do not share your information with third parties without your consent, ensuring your privacy is protected at all times.

How does the grader evaluate my essay?

PerfectEssayWriter.ai uses advanced AI algorithms to evaluate your essay comprehensively, covering grammar, punctuation, coherence, organization, clarity, and more. Additionally, you can provide the rubric for assessment based on your specific needs.

Create any essay

In seconds..

Unlock your full writing potential with our cutting-edge AI essay generation tool. Say goodbye to late nights and writer's block, and hello to effortless writing.

Charley is powered by Artificial Intelligence, and he's here to help.

It takes less than a minute, and it’s free

Let AI transform the way you write. Our 200,000+ users already have!

Charley AI will take you all the way from deciding on a topic, to submitting your essay in a matter of seconds.

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Charley identifies the ideal topics for your essay and provides insightful example essays to inspire and guide you.

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Our AI adapts to your desired grade level, and will tailor it's writing style and word choice to suit the grade you want your essay be marked.

Intuitive Essay Generator

Experience seamless essay generation with our user-friendly text editor. Craft compelling essays effortlessly and unlock your full writing potential.

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Customizable Essay Creation

Personalize your writing journey with our versatile essay creation page. Select the tone, essay type, word count, and desired grade to start writing the perfect essay tailored to your needs.

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Do You Have Any Questions? We have the answers.

Embrace effortless writing try our ai essay generator now.


Essay-maker is an AI tool that can generate an essay on any topic within a couple of minutes. Just follow these simple steps to get your paper:

  • State the topic of your future paper
  • Press “Continue”
  • Revise and edit the essay to fit it to your needs

Generating an essay is only half of the work. We cannot guarantee that this text will be 100% original. Get expert editing help to get a unique, plagiarism-free paper written according to your instructions

You’ve reached your daily limit of 1 automatically generated essay. Please come back tomorrow or you can order the original paper from our professional writers right now.

Sorry, the essay generator can't proceed with your request now. Please, try again later or use our writing service.

Generating Essay ...

How to use the essay maker tool:

Essay generator is an automated AI tool that can create an essay on any topic within a couple of minutes. Just follow these simple steps to get your paper:

  • Paste the topic for the essay you need
  • Click "Continue" button to activate tool
  • Revise and edit the essay to fit your needs

(Votes: 29 )

How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

PapersOwl Expert can rewrite up to 75% of your content, and edit and proofread your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Writing Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite your paper from scratch according to instructions and guidelines and make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Suits your similarity index. Consider using it!

How to Use Free Essay Generator

To use the essay generator online, all you have to do is to provide the title or the keywords. Click generate, and the tool will generate the essay. It is that simple. You can generate again and again, until you are happy with the outcome. It features rearranges sentences, so plagiarism is less likely to happen. Just in case, we recommend you to polish your essay and use our plagiarism tool to check its originality.

As you know, plagiarism checks are mandatory these days for all papers of all types. The tool can help you with any type of academic writing in seconds, and you are left with a great paper that will need your editing only. It ensures that writing is professional, accurate, and to the point. 

What Subjects You Can Get Help With

For the lack of a better word, you can use the tool for all subjects, period. The essay generator AI is modern, advanced software that can complete any task in no time and there is no need to worry about it. It automatically replaces weak words and generate essays of great quality. As we have mentioned, you can provide the keywords and the tool will complete the task in no time. This makes essay writing easier than ever before and finally gives you the time you need to invest in your other tasks or to have fun. You can replace words using synonyms later on to make this even better or to look more professional. 

The tool can check the keywords and compare them with our database. It will learn about the topic you need done and also what subject is in question. This is how it is capable to work on any subject and on any topic. 

College Essay Generator Advantages

The essay generator is an amazing tool and the one we are happy to share with you. The first advantage is the fact you will get a generated essay within seconds, so you don’t need to invest a lot of time into writing it. You can work on other tasks, and let’s face it, you have too many of them already.

The second advantage is the fact you will get a professionally written essay. All you have to do then is to download essay in high quality, and you are done. As you can see, this works well and has a ton of advantages as well. There is no need to worry about the quality or anything similar.

After the topic entered process, you will click generate, and you are done. As you can see, this is an extremely simple tool to use, and there are no complicated and hour-long guides you need to read first. For students who are in the rush and who don’t have enough time to work on the papers, the tool is essential. 

We can also see that the tool can work on any essay topic and can help you boost your skills and make them much better. You can use these essays as inspiration, to learn how to write, or to get an idea for your own paper. The possibilities here are endless, and there are countless, the ones we really like.


  • All you need to do is enter your essay's topic. The tool will browse our essay collection and generate a paper based on the theme of your assignment.
  • As you push the button, the tool starts creating an essay. The solution scans our essay sample base, analyzes vocabulary info, and generates a paper based on the chosen subject criteria.
  • It takes no more than 2 minutes for the tool to generate an essay. The paper you get is error-free, contains zero plagiarism and comprehensively covers the topic.
  • The final stage is entirely optional. If you are having trouble with the editing or don't like the final version, you may get professional writing help from specialists.

Polish your paper and get rid of plagiarism!

  • Reliable Editors
  • Any Field of Study
  • Fair Prices

Essay Generator is rated 4.9 /5 based on 435 user reviews.

Want your voice to count in? Send us your review with all the details.


Our essay rewriter is a revolutionary tool designed to help you refine your essay. It can process any content type. Developed by professionals, it delivers results in a matter of seconds providing a 100% original essay. Check out the further benefits:

You don’t have to pay a cent to get your improved paper. Simply upload your essay and enjoy the outcome in just a few seconds!

Click on the Rewrite button and wait… well, you don’t have to wait. Your essay will be processed super fast demonstrating to you all the growth points. You will proceed fast to obtaining a refined essay.

We know the value of authentic texts and did our best to present an instrument that would generate original papers. Whatever the type of your content, our rewriter analyzes the text and optimizes it so that you end up with a unique paper.

A tool that inspires the writer… Sounds like magic, and it actually is to an extent. Whenever you feel burned out, lacking desire, or just spent, try using our rewriter. It surely will highlight ideas making your essay play out in fresh colours.

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What’s the word limit for essays?

Can i generate an essay if i have no specific title, does the tool provide original papers.

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What are you writing about today?

Write better essays, in less time, with your ai writing assistant.

Free Online Conclusion Generator

It enhances your essay and makes final words memorable

Here is Your Summary:

Summary may not be 100% accurate. Get professional help for better results.

Want To Know How It Works?

1 Copy the text you need to summarize.

2 Insert your text into the conclusion summarizer box.

3 Click “Summarize” and create final words for your essay!

Why Should You Try The Conclusion Generator?

Free of charge.

Unlimited checks are available at any time. The summary typer service works for you 24/7 with no registration needed.

Total Safety

The texts you check are not saved in the system or used anywhere for the purposes of third parties.

Easy to Use

No emails required and the comparable view is available. You can use all types of papers in the conclusion sentence generator and get results in 5 seconds.

Free Conclusion Generator For Your Essay

Struggling to find the perfect ending for your essay? Our innovative Conclusion Generator is here to help. Designed for students, academics, and writers, this tool simplifies the process of concluding your essays with just a few clicks.

Powered by Advanced AI: How Our Conclusion Generator Works

Our Conclusion Generator is more than just a simple tool. It's a sophisticated AI that understands your text's context, tone, and style, ensuring your conclusion aligns perfectly with your essay. Here's how it transforms your writing experience:

  • 📊 Deep Learning Algorithms : At its core, our tool uses advanced deep learning algorithms. These algorithms have been trained on a vast corpus of academic and creative writing, enabling the AI to understand various writing styles, tones, essay types and structures.
  • 📝 Contextual Understanding : Unlike simpler tools, our generator grasps the context of your essay. It analyzes the main arguments, key points, and the overall message to create a conclusion that aligns seamlessly with your content.
  • ✍️ Tone Matching : Whether your essay is formal, informal, or creative, our tool adapts its output to match. This ensures that the tone of the conclusion is consistent with the rest of your writing.
  • ☝️ Synthesis of Key Points : By synthesizing the key points of your essay, the AI crafts a summary that not only encapsulates your main arguments but also adds a compelling final touch to your narrative.
  • ✨ Plagiarism-Free and Unique : Every conclusion generated is unique and plagiarism-free, providing you with original content that pass any plagiarism checker , and enhances your original writing.
  • ⏳ Continuous Learning and Improvement : Our AI is designed to learn continuously. With every use, it becomes more adept at generating high-quality conclusions, ensuring that you always get the best results.

Maximize Your Essay's Impact with More GradeFixer’s Tools

Facing challenges in essay writing? GradeFixer is here to assist beyond just concluding your essays. Our platform offers an extensive database of free essay samples , serving as a valuable resource for research and inspiration. Whether you're drafting an essay or seeking topic ideas , these samples can provide the guidance you need.

You’re worried because your conclusion is still not perfect?

Order custom writing service to make your essay stronger!

For personalized support, our 24/7 assistance team is ready to answer any academic queries. With a diverse team of expert writers, we pair you with professionals who align with your educational needs, ensuring a helpful and collaborative experience. Covering a broad spectrum of disciplines, our services are designed to aid you in all aspects of academic writing.

If you're looking for that extra edge in your university journey, GradeFixer's free conclusion paragraph generator, essay title generator , and our other resources are just a click away. Embrace a smoother academic path and achieve success with GradeFixer's comprehensive suite of tools and support.

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  • Instructions Followed To The Letter
  • Deadlines Met At Every Stage
  • Unique And Plagiarism Free

essay grade generator

  • Our Mission

How AI Can Enhance the Grading Process

Artificial intelligence tools, combined with human expertise, can help teachers save time when they’re reviewing student work.

Photo of teaching writing on clipboard

After tucking my son into bed, I’m hit with the realization that since waking up at 6:00 a.m., I’ve not had a moment’s rest, nor have I managed more than brief exchanges with my wife. She’s deeply engrossed in grading sixth-grade math quizzes, a world away in her concentration. Shifting my focus, I dive into assessing a substantial stack of high school history essays, with a firm deadline to return them by tomorrow.

The punctuality I expect from my students is the same standard I set for myself in returning their assignments. Missing a deadline isn’t an option, unless unexpected events or an illness intervenes. In such cases, I may offer bonus points or postpone future deadlines. More than just a pledge, this is my commitment to their success, requiring their best effort and guaranteeing mine in return.

Enhancing Efficiency, Precision, and Fairness

Late that night, CoGrader —a new artificial intelligence (AI)–enhanced platform—piques my interest. A notification on social media directs me to their website, boasting a compelling promise: “Reduce grading time by 80% and provide instant feedback on student drafts.” The allure is heightened by the offer of a 30-day trial, free and without requiring a credit card.

Intrigued by this “AI copilot for teachers,” I sign up to see how its feedback stacks up against my own. I upload a student’s essay on Reconstruction, which I’ve already evaluated and annotated. The results astonish me with their accuracy and detail and are neatly presented in a customizable rubric.

“Your essay employs an organizational structure that shows the relationships between ideas, providing a cohesive analysis of the topic,” reads a portion of the written feedback. “You use transitions effectively to guide the reader through your argument.” This feedback mirrors my own observations, validating my assessment, and increasing my confidence in CoGrader.

CoGrader also deeply impresses me with its “Glow” section, which offers specific praise, and the guidance provided in its “Grow” counterpart, which provides similarly focused areas for improvement.

The inclusion of action items also fosters student inquiry, exemplified by one of the questions provided in my test upload: “How might you further enhance the connections between different sections of your essay to strengthen your argument?” This reflects my priority of encouraging critical thinking.

Even fatigued, I recognize that CoGrader’s value extends beyond saving time. By promising an “objective and fair grading system,” the platform provides a check against the unconscious biases that inadvertently influence grading, try as we might to curb them.

I dip into my caffeine stash and devote the rest of my waking hours to grading solo, yet I’m captivated by what CoGrader could offer me, my students, and the future of impactful feedback.

Annotated Feedback and Mitigating Teacher Guilt

The potential of CoGrader motivated me to contact its cofounder, Gabriel Adamante, to express my admiration and to get his thoughts about the rapidly advancing field of AI. I mentioned that I had expected something like CoGrader to emerge around the time of my son’s 10th or 11th birthday, not his fifth or sixth.

“I ask myself a lot of questions on what’s the responsible use of AI,” Adamante offered. “What is the line? I think we are living in the Wild West of AI right now. Everything is happening so fast, much faster than anyone would have expected. Like you said, you thought this would be five or six years away.”

I asked Adamante whether CoGrader, in this fast-paced environment, has plans to add annotated feedback on a student’s work.

“Honestly, I think we’re talking anywhere from three to five months until we do that,” Adamante said.

“That’s it?” I said in astonishment. “Really? I thought you were going to say three to five years.”

“No, no, no,” he replied. “It’s coming. It should come this year, in 2024. I won’t be happy if it comes in 2025.” 

Adamante acknowledged the dizzying effect of AI development, understanding the potential discomfort among educators.

“Of course teachers are mad when students use AI to do their work,” Adamante said. “That makes sense to me because the purpose of a kid doing the work is that they do the work. That’s the purpose. They should write to get practice. The purpose of a teacher grading is not that they grade. The purpose of a teacher grading is that they provide feedback to the student so that the student learns faster. The purpose of grading is not grading itself, whereas the purpose of writing an essay is writing an essay, because you’re practicing.”

Teachers who use CoGrader without reviewing the feedback contradict its intended purpose, which is to scaffold, but not replace, the human element, Adamante explained. He regularly communicates with educators, urging them to carefully read the comments instead of quickly clicking “approve” and moving on to the next submission. Taking time to read the results not only ensures that the teacher agrees, but also keeps the teacher informed about their students’ strengths and weaknesses.

Lessons Learned with ChatGPT 4 and Transparency

Following our conversation, I’ve remained mindful of applying Adamante’s insights to my current use of ChatGPT 4 to aid in providing written feedback . While I avoid asking it to generate feedback on my behalf, I do seek its assistance in clarifying my overarching comments and ensuring their coherence. With the paid subscription, I can even upload a Microsoft Word or PDF document for more precise and detailed assistance. I always meticulously review any output before sharing it with my students.

Adamante’s reminder highlights the importance of transparency in my use of AI to enhance feedback for my students. While I’m not particularly unsettled by my use of ChatGPT 4 as an assistance tool, I realize that I haven’t been as forthcoming about it as I should be regarding when and how I utilize it. I must delve into this matter within my stated classroom policies and through class discussions.

I want students to understand that I always thoroughly review their work and that employing AI to aid in providing feedback doesn’t diminish my dedication. Rather, it’s about finding the most effective way to leverage technology to support their growth as writers and learners. 

Reflecting on my discussion with Adamante, I’ve concluded that CoGrader’s precise feedback surpasses that of ChatGPT 4. Moreover, I foresee CoGrader further outshining it with the introduction of annotated feedback.

Now, if only I can get my wife on board with researching how AI can expedite and enhance her feedback on math work. We’d both get more rest and time together, before putting our son to sleep.


Free Essay Maker Generator

Are you struggling with academic papers? Get support from professional software and improve your grades with our essay maker.

Free Essay Maker Generator

How to Use Our Essay Maker?

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All you need to do in order to make our free essay maker work is to enter a topic of your assignment. The tool will browse our vast collection and generate a paper based on the theme of your academic project.

As you push the button, the tool starts creating an essay free of charge. The solution scans our content library, analyzes vocabulary info, and generates a paper based on the chosen subject criteria.

It takes no more than 2 minutes for our essay maker to generate a paper. The text you get is error free, contains zero plagiarism and comprehensively covers the topic. So you can safely submit the assignment.


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No matter how close the deadline is, with our instant essay maker, you will be able to deliver any assignment in a few minutes. Just enter the theme of the paper and give our essay generator two minutes to come up with a piece.


An online essay maker ensures 100% of the content's uniqueness. It is integrated with the most significant databases and will check your text before completing it. Receive an authentic text and submit it without worries.


Even if you do not trust online tools, you can still benefit from using our free essay generator. Get multiple suggestions and ideas on what content to cover in your piece and how to organize it. Use the auto-generated draft as the backbone of your paper.


You do not have to pay a dime to make use of our free essay maker online. The tool is free of charge and can be used as many times as you need. Get the maximum out of using free essay creator from StudyCrumb! With us, it is easy to achieve excellence!

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How Can Our Essay Maker Help

At this point, you have already decided to use the best essay maker free offer to improve your study. Let's go next and discuss all benefits of using our tool in detail.


Utilize our essay creator free online to generate your article promptly. You will have assignments ready very fast. You need to enter keywords and wait for a moment. That is all, in 1-2 minutes, your paper will be prepared.


Our essay creator online has access to different academic databases and source libraries, so it can generate a quality paper regardless of its type, topic, and content requirements. Improve your academic performance and optimize your workload with the solution we offer.

You can still not trust entirely essay makers, but you can use them for ideas and inspiration. Get your text first, and then decide on how to use it. Our tool will be handy and allow you to save your precious time.

Our generator is integrated with databases in different fields of study. It means that there are no limits on content our instant essay creator can finalize. Diversified language, rich vocabulary, variability are granted for sure.

Online Essay Maker Free by StudyCrumb

When learners juggle tons of reading and composition assignments, an essay maker becomes irreplaceable. We hear a million times that students reach educational centers for help. We obtain thousands of such requests every day. StudyCrumb provides a solution that can handle similar inquiries. Our content generator is easy to use and can assist you with your text in a few seconds. Moreover, it works with different assignment types and boosts your study productivity. With an online essay maker, you can generate paper paragraphs for finalizing your work. It is an excellent fundamental work start. In most cases, users will only need to systemize the text to get a ready solution. It is much faster and more effective for students.

Free Essay Maker for Immediate Help

Free essay creator is a powerful resolution for improving your grades. One of its most enormous benefits is immediately getting all the results you need. Students often find support with tasks and use paid centers for help. But you should know that our essay maker website can guarantee the same quality. 

You don't need to spend hours completing a text, as you can rely on our generator. Type keywords, click the "generate" button, and you will have a ready-made sample in a few seconds. After that, you can work with it, use it as the basis or copy all paragraphs to your draft. It is easy for all students, and it can definitely save time. Be productive in studying and get the best texts with our essay typer.

Essay Maker for Students Free

A quick essay maker tool can be helpful for anyone struggling with their assignments. We used to think that such instruments were valuable only for academic texts. But it is not valid. You can use essay generators for any purpose or any type of paper. As a result, you will get a unique and plagiarism free text. You can use it fully or make some paragraphs only for completing your study task. We rely on college essay maker generator free options to create texts of any academic complexity. It can be helpful for sophomores, seniors, or even Master's students. 

We know how challenging studying at college or university is, especially if you also need to work. That is why we provide these free solutions to support students in their education journey. Try to use it for the next assignment. You will see how easy it is to get a better grade with our website that writes essays .

Types of Tasks Online Essay Maker Can Handle

Another thing students may wonder is how to use the essay maker for various types of assignments. Everyone knows that college students can work with argumentative, persuasive, narrative, compare and contrast essays. Does it mean that our instrument can handle all those types of assignments? Yes, it can help you with any paper you are struggling with.

  • Argumentative essay maker Our argument essay maker will help establish a position on an issue using evidence, facts, and other research statements.
  • Persuasive essay maker This magic essay builder tool analyzes the keywords you provide to create a text that will lead readers to your position. As if you buy a persuasive essay from a professional.
  • Narrative essay maker Construct an intriguing narrative story with an absorbing plot using our auto essay maker free. You can also rely on a narrative essay writer if you don't trust a machine.

All you need to do is define keywords and generate various types of text to choose the best one for your specific tasks.

Essay Builder: A Quick Solution

Looking for an instant essay builder online? We have a ready solution. StudyCrumb can handle all your assignments in a few minutes. You will get a text with a defined structure, proper style, and plagiarism-free content. All you need to do is define the most comparable keywords and be aware of the paper type you need for your assignment. It can not be easier to become a better student. Even if you are one of the top students in the class, you still can benefit from using essay builder. It will provide creative ideas, making your piece clear and authentic.

How Our Free Essay Maker Works

You do not have to spend days and nights to develop a quality and all-covering essay. Instead of drafting a paper yourself, make use of an online essay maker, which will scan academic databases and automatically generate a text. As a result, you get a composition that you can immediately submit to a teacher or at least a draft which you can then perfect yourself. Anyway, by using this expert tool, you save a lot of time and can cope with the most urgent writing assignments.

There is nothing difficult about using our essay generating tool. All you need to do is to enter a topic, a keyword, or some notes (if any). No detailed specs are necessary. This information will be enough for the essay builder free to pick the relevant sources from academic databases and generate a quality piece. Be sure to specify the word count to get a piece that meets the criteria. Use a words to pages converter if you feel unsure about the number of words you need. 

There are no restrictions on using the tool. So you can generate as many paragraphs as you need. If you do not have time to do topic research and drafting a paper yourself, you can always use our essay maker online free for this purpose or order an essay at StudyCrumb. By generating multiple essays targeted towards different key words and aspects of the same topic, you will get a perfect content backbone for your comprehensive essay.


Order a custom paper right now!

Let professionals deal with your assignments quickly and efficiently.

FAQ About Essay Maker

Here is the list of common questions about using the StudyCrumb essay maker tool you may want to ask our team.

1. Is your essay maker free?

Online essay maker is free and can be used by anyone from any location. It works with the English language. Just visit our website and try the tool in practice. Be sure that you will get the best text quality and improve your grades.

2. I have an urgent deadline, can your essay maker help?

We are 100% sure that our essay builder online platform is the best solution for your tasks. You can find an expert who will handle your assignments, but it is not free. The only option is to use an automated generator. It is easy to use and navigate. Try it!

3. Do I need to register to use your essay builder?

A free essay builder does not require any registration on the platform. All you need to do is open our website, type keywords and generate content. We also do not collect any personal data. After downloading your text, all the information will be deleted from the system.

4. Will my teacher know that I used your essay maker?

Be sure that your teacher will not notice using the free essay maker. It is a simple way to get the best study results! You will get a competitive and high-quality text. We have a plagiarism checker integrated to ensure the uniqueness of content. You also can use the instrument for creative ideas or use only some paragraphs.


Other Tools You May Like

StudyCrumb offers you more than just an essay maker. We’ve designed a whole bundle of free tools that can improve your academic experience. Check them out below!


  • Free Tools for Students
  • Harvard Referencing Generator

Free Harvard Referencing Generator

Generate accurate Harvard reference lists quickly and for FREE, with MyBib!

🤔 What is a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator is a tool that automatically generates formatted academic references in the Harvard style.

It takes in relevant details about a source -- usually critical information like author names, article titles, publish dates, and URLs -- and adds the correct punctuation and formatting required by the Harvard referencing style.

The generated references can be copied into a reference list or bibliography, and then collectively appended to the end of an academic assignment. This is the standard way to give credit to sources used in the main body of an assignment.

👩‍🎓 Who uses a Harvard Referencing Generator?

Harvard is the main referencing style at colleges and universities in the United Kingdom and Australia. It is also very popular in other English-speaking countries such as South Africa, Hong Kong, and New Zealand. University-level students in these countries are most likely to use a Harvard generator to aid them with their undergraduate assignments (and often post-graduate too).

🙌 Why should I use a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator solves two problems:

  • It provides a way to organise and keep track of the sources referenced in the content of an academic paper.
  • It ensures that references are formatted correctly -- inline with the Harvard referencing style -- and it does so considerably faster than writing them out manually.

A well-formatted and broad bibliography can account for up to 20% of the total grade for an undergraduate-level project, and using a generator tool can contribute significantly towards earning them.

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's Harvard Referencing Generator?

Here's how to use our reference generator:

  • If citing a book, website, journal, or video: enter the URL or title into the search bar at the top of the page and press the search button.
  • Choose the most relevant results from the list of search results.
  • Our generator will automatically locate the source details and format them in the correct Harvard format. You can make further changes if required.
  • Then either copy the formatted reference directly into your reference list by clicking the 'copy' button, or save it to your MyBib account for later.

MyBib supports the following for Harvard style:

🍏 What other versions of Harvard referencing exist?

There isn't "one true way" to do Harvard referencing, and many universities have their own slightly different guidelines for the style. Our generator can adapt to handle the following list of different Harvard styles:

  • Cite Them Right
  • Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
  • University of the West of England (UWE)

Image of daniel-elias

Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

0 Characters

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AI Essay Writer

AI Essay Writer by Editpad is a free essay generator that helps you write narrative, persuasive, argumentative and descriptive essays online in seconds.

How to use AI Essay Writer by Editpad?

To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below:

  • Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided.
  • Select the required essay length and writing tone.
  • You can also select the " Add References " option if required.
  • Click on " Write My Essay " button.
  • After that, our essay generator will automatically generate your essay and provide results in the output box.

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Active to Passive Voice Converter
  • Passive to Active Voice Converter

Supported Languages


  • Refund Policy

Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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