Quillbot Review

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| Candace Osmond

| Writing Tools

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

Do you want to write a better version of your online content? Quillbot is a paraphrasing tool that switches your text to make it unique and better—almost like a thesaurus for complete sentences!

As a bestselling author and content creator, I love programs like this. I tested Quillbot to check it out, and here’s my honest review.

My Quillbot review will discuss the program’s features, who it’s for, and the best alternatives. Keep reading to know whether you should stick to the free version or subscribe to a premium plan.

What is Quillbot?

Quillbot is an online writing assistant that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to paraphrase sentences. It boasts several tools used by millions of people worldwide who want to improve their writing.

Its name comes from the idea that Quillbot has a requilling or rephrasing functionality. It’s designed to include up to seven modes, so you have many options for rewriting and enhancing your sentences. I thought that was pretty cool!

Quillbot also guarantees you find the ideal tone, language, and style while paraphrasing your work. You have to enter your text on the text box, and the AI will build the best alternative paragraph for you. The program also features the following:

  • Vocabulary enhancements. 
  • AI-powered thesaurus. 
  • Integrations.
  • Plagiarism checker. 
  • Grammar checker .
  • Summarizing tool. 

What are Some Ideal Uses for Quillbot?

Quillbot is ideal for anyone in the following fields.

Search Engine Optimization

If you’re a digital marketer, blogger, or SEO writer, this web-based tool will help you optimize your online content. Quillbot is one of the few powerful content generation tools that paraphrase your text to be more original, engaging, and concise.

Avoiding duplicate content is central to SEO writing. Google automatically lowers your SEO rankings if they find plagiarized works. The Citation Generator and Rephraser will stop you from getting in trouble.

Academic Writing

Another ideal use for Quillbot is academic writing. This isn’t me, but I can see how it’d be great for those who are into that. You can quickly turn around online content from different source materials through the rephraser tool. The academic writing tool offers a vast extent of synonyms that will prevent your work from being flagged as plagiarism.

Quillbot offers in-text and complete citations for these references to ensure your work stays ethical. There’s no more need to consult your style guide when citing sources because the app automatically produces your bibliography.

You also can correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors with Quillbot. It’s not as elaborate as Grammarly, in my opinion, but it does the job. 

Media and Journalism

Whether you work in print or digital media, Quillbot will save you lots of time polishing hot topics you’re writing. Depending on the audience preference, it’s a quick and easy way to make your journalistic pieces more conversational, formal, or shorter.

The variety of writing modes allows you to avoid style errors. Whether formal or friendly, Quillbot gives you several choices on how to rephrase your pieces. 

Aside from news articles, you can use Quillbot for press-related materials. You can summarize long bodies of the text so that readers will focus on the essential elements.  

Quillbot Features

Here are the primary tools you’ll discover upon using Quillbot. Some are available on free and premium versions, while others are only for premium subscribers.

Quillbot Paraphraser

Quillbot Paraphraser

Quillbot’s paraphrasing tool is the software’s unique selling point as it rephrases your sentences to guarantee originality. This unique feature lets you adjust or restructure your whole output through its artificial intelligence technology.

The paraphrase is available in seven editing modes. There’s also a default option that appears when you launch the program. Just paste your text on the search bar or upload a document, and Quillbot will modify your content. 

You can also take advantage of Quillbot’s synonym bar, which lets you choose the number of synonyms you want in your document. The more synonyms you allow, the more unique it becomes. However, this may also mean more inaccurately paraphrased text.

I like that you can choose from four points, which start from low to high. The default option sets it on the second dot, except when you’re on Fluency mode. However, the free version only has three levels of synonyms options and two writing modes.

The free version of Quillbot also has a 700-character limit per check compared to the premium plan’s 10,000-character limit. 

Both free and premium versions of the paraphrase are available on Google Docs and Chrome extensions.

Quillbot Summarizer

Quillbot Summarizer

As an all-in-one writing tool, Quillbot also has a summarizer apart from its rewriter tools. This nifty feature shortens entire articles into a summary. Its usage range from essay abstracts of different topics to SEO summaries or meta description. 

essay writer quillbot

You can also use the summarizer to produce email newsletter summaries and shorten some parts of a book. It’s perfect for almost any writing context. 

Two functions operate under Quillbot’s summarizer. First, you can try the Key Sentences mode, which extracts the essential parts of a text into bullet points. The other is a Paragraph mode which shortens the whole text, removes the fluff, and makes it cohesive.

As always, just type your text, upload a document, or copy and paste it. Then select “Summarize.” Quillbot will do the rest for you as you adjust the depth and length of the summary.

If your text exceeds the 10,000 limit, you need to pay for a subscription. The premium plan allows you to summarize an entire document with a 25,000-character limit. 

Quillbot Citation Generator

Quillbot Citation Generator

Quillbot lets you generate a complete citation of any reference for your academic writing. Paraphrasing content is still plagiarism if you don’t give credit to the original author. It’s a great thing that this app also offers citation generation for your convenience.

This service helps university students produce original content as it makes in-text citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago. This feature has additional benefits for those who want to save time from manually creating a reference list.

Quillbot Free will ask you to input the type of reference, author’s name, the title of the work, and year. It will generate the appropriate bibliography, whether you’re citing a book, website, or journal article. 

Grammar Checker

Grammar Checker

Quillbot has a built-in grammar checker that corrects your grammatical errors no matter how many times you commit them. The versatile tool also spots some punctuation and spelling mistakes, helping you save time editing your content. 

It doesn’t have advanced features like Grammarly, but Quillbot is enough to make your writing error-free. Both causal users and professional writers will benefit from the one-click grammar checker.

Use Quillbot’s grammar checker to correct the inaccuracies from the article spinner. It will also help make your final document more natural sounding. If you trust the application enough, you can click on “Fix All Errors” to correct all grammatical mistakes at once.  

Quillbot’s styling options save more writing time, which is an excellent and much-needed feature. Feel free to adjust your text’s alignment, headings, and bullet points.

Quillbot Modes

The online writing assistant is available in seven writing modes or settings when using the paraphrasing tool.

Standard Mode

The first mode you will experience is the Standard mode, the default option when you open Quillbot from the user dashboard. The primary goal of this writing mode is to help you rephrase your statements neutrally.

It will help you change the wording of your text without tweaking the meaning. In most situations, it merely switches the order of your clauses and modifiers. For example, if you write “Because of him, I’m early,” Quillbot’s Standard Mode will suggest, “I’m early because of him.”

It also changes some words into their synonyms. You can adjust the paraphrased sentence to remove errors by increasing or decreasing the synonym bar.  The Standard Mode is available in both Quillbot Premium and Free.

Fluency Mode

The Fluency Mode of Quillbot makes minimal changes to your sentences while still showing accuracy. The AI also smooths your English text by correcting any grammatical errors. However, it doesn’t fix the passive voice and lengthy statements. 

Creative Mode

The Creative Mode is a fantastic assistant tool for writers who want more options for their word choices and sentence structures. Use this premium feature to express your idea in a completely different way. 

However, the Creative Mode makes your writing more vulnerable to grammatical mistakes. Make sure to perform a manual intervention on your piece to correct any errors. 

Formal Mode

The fourth mode that Quillbot offers is the Formal mode, which rephrases your text for the formal setting. It’s ideal for academics, business owners, and government employees who want to make their documents sound professional.

Simple Mode

You can use the Simple Mode if you’re a blogger or social media manager who wants to sound friendly or conversational. Quillbot will rewrite your text to become as readable as possible. It’s perfect for blog articles, landing pages, advertisements, and emails. 

For example, Quillbot may change “ensure” to “make sure” to make your message more understandable. 

Shorten Mode

The Shorten Mode is different from the Simple Mode in that it makes your sentence length smaller. It’s not necessarily concerned with using simple words as it is with conciseness.

This writing mode is similar to the Summarizer. However, the Shorten Mode still keeps all your sentences. Use this feature if your field requires a character or word limit.

Expand Mode

The last Quillbot mode to try is the Expand Mode, the opposite of the Shorten Mode. Instead of shortening your statements, it tries to make them lengthier. 

You might be tempted to use the Expand Mode if you can’t reach the minimum word count required by your professor. Or if you have a specific number of pages for your document. 

Students who write academic papers and employees in corporate settings will love using the built-in thesaurus setting of this article rewriter tool. Quillbot is an excellent tool that offers a wide range of casual synonyms.

The powerful tool also provides the closest synonym of your word, depending on the original context of your work. This thesaurus makes sure there are clear connections between your input and output through cohesion. 

Compare Mode

I made a separate section for Quillbot’s Compare Mode because it’s an exciting feature of the paraphrasing tool that benefits everyone. Thie premium feature allows you to see various phrases and check how they stack up against each other.

Only premium users can enjoy this feature, so they get an overview of different sentence structures to try. They’ll save more time choosing which one sounds better and more natural.  

Can Turnitin Detect Quillbot?

Turnitin cannot detect statements produced by Quillbot because the plagiarism tool’s algorithm cannot spot paraphrasing. They only compare your work against online and offline publications, finding parallel grammatical phrases and patterns.

The plagiarism detector also finds similar sentence structures between the original and duplicate content. What makes Quillbot amazing is its ability to paraphrase pieces of writing very uniquely. 

Some consider Turnitin as a text-matching software rather than a plagiarism checker. The scores only reveal the percentage of writings that match. 

Does Quillbot Have a Plagiarism Checker?

Quillbot finally performs plagiarism checks on your work. 

Plagiarism checkers should be one of the core features of writing tools that aim to make your work original. Thankfully, the program now has one alongside its citation generator and rephraser to help you avoid duplicate content.

The affordable AI-powered paraphrasing tool looks for accidental and intentional plagiarism in your work. Grammarly, QueText, and Turnitin usually highlight copied content and provide links to the primary sources. The same is true for Quillbot.

It even has a feature that lets you know how much your text has changed from the original text.

The Premium version offers 20 pages or about 5000 words per check. If your document exceeds the page number, you need to buy additional pages. This can be expensive for anyone who checks around 20,000 words every week. 

I only recommend Quillbot’s plagiarism tool for academics and essayists. Content publishers can stick to QueText, Scribbr, or Grammarly to scan for duplicate content. 

How to Install Quillbot

Quillbot is available as a web editor on Google Chrome and other web browsers, so there’s no need to install it. But you can install the add-ons or extensions if you do your writing tasks on Google Docs or MS Word. 

Microsoft Word

Quillbot AI is compatible with Word Online and MS Word version 16.0.11629 or newer. Sign in on Word and click the “Insert” tab on the menu bar. Then, choose “Add-ins.”

Once you’ve selected “Add-Ins,” click on the “Office Store” button, and a window will appear. Try searching for Quillbot, and “Add.” 

After Quillbot has finished downloading, return to the “Insert” menu and choose “Quillbot” under “My Add-ins.” Open the application and log in. Then, you are ready to produce your most creative output.

Google Chrome

Installing Quillbot as a browser extension is easy. Search for the app name on the Chrome Web Store and click “Add to Chrome.” This Chrome extension is compatible with other Chromium-based browsers like Vivaldi and Brave. 

How Much Does Quillbot Cost?

Signing up for a premium subscription will increase your word and character limit. You’ll 

enjoy the complete writing modes for your text. The premium version of Qullbot is available in different plans.

The annual plan costs $79.95 a year. I recommend this plan for users who have tried and tested the application.

You can also try the 6-month subscription, which costs $59.99 every six months or $119.98 a year. The total amount is more expensive than the annual plan but is practical for writers on a budget.

The third plan you can try is the monthly subscription for $14.95 or $179.40 a year.

Quillbot Premium offers 100% money-back for users who are not satisfied with their subscription. Note that it’s a 3-day money-back guarantee, so make up your mind as early as possible. 

Quillbot Affiliate Program

Quillbot offers an affiliate program that is open to everyone. Anyone can be an affiliate partner with just a sign-up and confirmation. The company will message you a referral link that you can share on your blog or social media right away. Here are its features:

  • 30-day cookie window.
  • Dashboard to help you track earnings and sales.
  • Cross-device tracking. 

Every purchase of Quillbot using your link will allow you to earn. It even provides training and support to ongoing marketers who want to drive more sales. Below are the commission details:

  • 10% commission for monthly plans.
  • 15% commission for semi-annual plans.
  • 20% commission for annual plans. 

Quillbot uses cookies to track your referrals, lasting for 30 days. If the user clicks on your link again, the 30-day tracking starts over. 

Are There Any Good Quillbot Alternatives?

If Quillbot isn’t the right online editor for you, here are three alternatives worth considering.

Grammarly doesn’t have a paraphrasing feature. But there’s a built-in thesaurus, personal dictionary, and plagiarism checker. You can also enjoy the grammar-checking functionality of this AI-powered tool.

It offers more than spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections. Grammarly gives suggestions on correcting your sentence structure, correcting redundancies, passive voice, and lengthy sentences. Correct the tone, formality, and engagement of your text.

Add unique and personal words to your personal dictionary. This feature will stop the application from flagging the word as misspellings.

These suggestions are so elaborate that it’s almost like a paraphrasing tool. If you want to change a word, highlight it, and Grammarly will offer synonyms. Sometimes, it provides context-specific word alternatives if you’ve already used the term several times. 

Once you’re done editing, you can scan it for duplicate content against billions of other works. The built-in plagiarism checker links plagiarized content to the source so you can cite them properly.

Grammarly also has integrations with Google Chrome, MS Word, and Googe Docs so that you can work across different platforms. Or you can use it as a web editor on your browser.

Jasper isn’t a direct competitor of Quillbot like Grammarly . However, it’s a famous software that uses GPT-3 technology to manipulate your text. Jasper can also summarize, rephrase, and expand your content to become unique. 

Previously known as Conversion AI or Jarvis, Jasper is one of the best and most similar Quilbot alternatives to try. Paste or type your text, and then the tool will rewrite everything for you. 

The best feature of Jasper is its ability to generate content from scratch. All you need to do is enter hot topics or keywords and let the software do its magic. The result is a human-sounding article that’s either short or long-form. 

The program is perfect for content publishers looking for post ideas or experiencing writer’s block. It’s also for business owners who want to generate sales copy for their services. Use Jasper AI to produce content for titles, introductions, and descriptions.

Jasper is compatible with Surfer SEO, which helps you optimize your content for keyword frequency. Your text automatically gets high rankings while sounding natural. 

Rewriter Tools

If you want a quick and free way to spin your articles, Rewriter Tools can help. It doesn’t have state-of-the-art features like Quillbot, but it’s enough to paraphrase and grammar-check your work. You also don’t need to sign up to use Rewriter Tools.

The web editor has an Article Spinner, which automatically spins your text. Try the Article Rewriter feature if you want more control over the document. There’s also a Paraphrasing Tool that rephrases phrases and sentences.

Rewriter Tools has a grammar checker for your grammatical mistakes and a Word Counter. This feature tells you how many words your text has.

Is Quillbot Worth It?

Quillbot is more than just an article spinner that changes a piece of writing to be unique. It also has a Summarizer, Citation Generator, and Grammar Checker to enhance every aspect of your text. Plus, you can control the number of terms replaced with synonyms.

Use Quillbot Premium if you want to unlock all the seven writing modes. Also, subscribe to the premium version if you want to increase the character limit of the paraphraser.

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essay writer quillbot

essay writer quillbot

QuillBot AI: Everything You Need to Know (With Examples)

by Sam McKay, CFA | AI , ChatGPT

QuillBot AI: Everything You Need to Know (With Examples)

Have you ever written a paper and wished it sounded a bit more professional? Do you struggle writing in English as a second language and wish there was a tool to help your writing sound more fluent? Do you want to summarize an article without losing any context? If you’re any of the above, or just someone looking for a powerful AI writing tool, QuillBot AI is definitely a platform you should look into.

QuillBot AI is an innovative writing tool that uses artificial intelligence to assist its users in creating, editing, and improving their text. This powerful paraphrasing tool has been designed to enhance writing by offering various modes and features to ensure the right words are used in every situation.

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In this article, we’ll explore QuillBot AI’s capabilities and give you all the information and guidance you need to get started on the platform today. So, let’s start at the beginning and unpack what QuillBot AI is and how it works.

Table of Contents

What is QuillBot AI?

QuillBot AI is a tool that makes use of natural language processing ( NLP ) to intelligently analyze important information within a given text while preserving its intended meaning.

It can help users rewrite sentences, paragraphs, or articles while maintaining the original meaning. QuillBot offers several modes, such as Standard, Fluency, Creative, and Formal, to cater to different writing needs and styles.

The tool is often used for a variety of purposes, including academic writing, content creation, and improving English language skills.

Let’s go over the numerous tools QuillBot AI offers in the next section!

Top 8 QuillBot AI Tools

Quillbot tools and interface

QuillBot AI has a growing offering of writing-related tools to enhance any text. Below are the platform’s main unique features and functions.

1. AI-Powered Paraphrasing Tool

The most popular of QuillBot’s tools is the paraphrasing tool which can help you rephrase any text in a variety of ways. The technology aims at enhancing the quality of one’s writing by selecting the most appropriate words.

There are seven different modes — two free modes and five premium modes — that you can operate in QuillBot’s paraphraser, including:

  • Standard mode : This free mode balances readability with preserving the original meaning.

Quillbot paraphrasing - Standard mode

  • Fluency mode: This free mode ensures that the AI carefully maintains or improves the fluency and readability of the text, and will detect errors in the text.
  • Simple mode : This premium mode presents text in an easy-to-understand way.
  • Creative mode : This premium mode encourages a more unique tone and style, resulting in more varied paraphrasing.

Quillbot paraphrasing - Fluency mode

  • Formal mode : This premium mode tailors the output for a more formal tone, making it an ideal choice for business and academic writing assignments.
  • Expand mode : This premium mode aims to make your content more comprehensive, adding relevant details and explanations.
  • Shorten mode : This premium mode is a useful summarizer tool, working on condensing lengthy content without losing essential information.

2. Co-Writer

Quillbot Cowriter

The QuillBot AI system also aims to make writing painless by giving you tools to polish sentences, paragraphs, articles, and academic papers.

Here are some of the writing tools QuillBot AI offers to upgrade your writing:

  • Synonym Suggestions: When writing, QuillBot can suggest alternative words or synonyms to enhance vocabulary and add variety to the text.
  • Sentence Expansion: QuillBot can take a short sentence and expand it into a more detailed and comprehensive version, providing additional information or examples.
  • Word Flip: This feature allows users to change the structure of a sentence by flipping the order of words or phrases, which can be useful for creating different sentence structures.

3. Grammar Checker

Quillbot Grammar Checker

You can paste your text into QuillBot’s grammar checker and get suggestions and corrections to improve your overall writing quality. QuillBot will correct grammatical errors, spelling, and punctuation, and can do so in four English dialects (US, UK, CA, and AU).

4. Plagiarism Checker

QuillBot’s plagiarism checker is a premium service that analyzes your text for any instances of plagiarism or lack of proper attribution.

Quillbot Plagiarism Checker

You can scan text in over 100 languages for plagiarism analysis, but there is a limit to the number of pages you can scan for analysis each month. For premium subscriptions, you can scan up to 20 pages per month.

5. Summarizer

QuillBot offers a summarization feature that allows you to condense longer pieces of text into shorter summaries.

The summarizer uses advanced algorithms to identify the key points and main ideas of a given text and generate a concise summary while preserving the essence of the original content.

Quillbot Summarization example.

This tool is particularly useful for tasks such as quickly understanding the key concepts of an article, condensing lengthy passages, or extracting the main ideas from a text.

6. Citation Generator

If you are not sure how to cite a source for your academic or professional paper, you can use QuillBot’s citation generator to give you a proper citation in your preferred style.

Quillbot Citation Generator

Just paste your source’s relevant information and the citation generator will generate a citation for you. You can use this tool to get a citation for a website, journal, book, image, video, and more.

7. Translator

QuillBot also offers a translating tool. You can now translate text into over 30 languages instantly without downloading any app .

Quillbot Translator

This tool is particularly useful for those learning a new language or those vacationing in a foreign country.

Who Should Use QuillBot AI?

QuillBot is a writing tool that focuses on improving the writing process across various spectrums, including students, bloggers, professionals, and language learners.

Here’s how this platform is specifically helpful to each group.

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How Does QuillBot AI Help Students?

Woman writing on laptop using quillbot

Students often find themselves juggling multiple assignments, research papers, and essays. QuillBot helps students enhance their writing by:

  • Improving sentence structure and vocabulary : The paraphrasing tool helps rephrase sentences, fix grammar mistakes, and expand vocabulary.
  • Citation styles : QuillBot supports different citation styles like APA, MLA, and Chicago, making it easier for students to adhere to the required format.
  • Avoiding plagiarism : The built-in plagiarism checker ensures that the content is original and avoids accidental plagiarism.
  • Time-saving : This AI-powered tool speeds up the writing process allowing students to save time, and making it more efficient and manageable for students with tight deadlines.

How Does QuillBot Help Bloggers and Professionals?

Woman working on laptop outside

Bloggers and professionals worldwide benefit from QuillBot in many ways, including:

  • Quality content : The AI writer helps create well-structured, concise, and informative content, garnering attention from readers.
  • Enhancing creativity : The creative mode generates innovative rephrasings and encourages diverse vocabulary use.
  • Efficient editing : The grammar and fluency modes help refine articles , ensuring they are free from grammatical mistakes and read smoothly.
  • Adherence to word count : QuillBot assists in maintaining a specific word count, allowing for effective editing and content management.

How Does QuillBot AI Help Language Learners?

Woman on laptop with different languages tping in quillbot

QuillBot also supports language learners in their writing journey by:

  • Improving grammar and fluency : The AI-powered paraphraser focuses on enhancing grammar, fluency, and overall language quality in 4 English dialects and over 30 other languages.
  • Expanding vocabulary : The tool encourages the use of diverse vocabulary, allowing learners to explore new words and phrases.
  • Efficient translations : QuillBot’s translation tool helps language learners quickly translate text when needed.
  • Building confidence : By improving writing quality, language learners gain confidence in their ability to communicate effectively in the language of their choice.

With all these features and uses, you may be wondering how much this all costs. Fortunate;y, it may cost nothing at all.

How Much Does QuillBot AI Cost?

If you want to get started with QuillBot AI , you’ll be happy to hear that there is a free version. This version will give you access to most of the features we have outlined. And even better, it is very easily accessible.

How to Sign Up for QuillBot AI (Free Plan)

Quillbot login and signup page

Here are the steps you need to follow to get started on the free plan QuillBot AI platform.

  • Go to the QuillBot AI website.
  • Click the ‘Get Started’ button at the top right of the screen.
  • A pop-up will appear, allowing you to sign up using your Google or Facebook account. Click either option to complete your registration.
  • If you do not have a Google and Facebook account, there is an option to log in or sign up with an email address at the bottom of the pop-up.

QuillBot Premium

Quillbot premium page

Apart from the free version, QuillBot also offers a premium plan which comes with an array of benefits including:

  • Access to all seven modes
  • Faster processing speeds
  • Access to QuillBot’s plagiarism checker
  • Ability to use different modes simultaneously
  • Ability to paraphrase more text at once
  • Advanced grammar rewrites

If you would like to subscribe to this premium service, you can choose one of 3 payment plans.

Quillbot Plans and pricing

  • Annual Plan – You will pay $49.95 ($4.17 per month) which will be billed every 12 months.
  • Semi-Annual Plan – You will pay $39.95 ($6.66 per month) which will be billed every 6 months.
  • Monthly Plan – You will pay $9.95 which will be billed monthly.

How to Subscribe to QuillBot Premium

To subscribe to QuillBot Premium:

  • Log into your QuillBot account with your Google or Facebook account or with your email address.
  • Click the ‘Upgrade to Premium’ button at the top right of your screen.
  • Click the ‘Upgrade to Premium’ button on the QuillBot Premium page.
  • Select the plan of your choice.

Quillbot payment plan, how to subscribe.

  • Fill out your credit or debit card information and click the ‘Check Out’ button. Alternatively, you can pay via PayPal.
  • Enjoy QuillBot Premium’s service.

Final Thoughts

QuillBot AI is on the way to revolutionizing content generation. With its paraphrasing capabilities, plagiarism checker, sentence expansion, summarization, and more, QuillBot empowers users to refine their writing, generate fresh ideas, and enhance their overall productivity.

By leveraging advanced algorithms and language models, QuillBot offers an engaging and intuitive interface for users to improve their writing skills and create high-quality content.

In this way, it is a powerful tool when used in conjunction with other AI content-generation tools like ChatGPT .

Person on laptop typing.

While it’s important to note that QuillBot is a tool and not a substitute for human creativity and critical thinking, its ability to assist with various writing tasks opens up new possibilities and accelerates the content creation process.

So whether you’re a student, writer, or professional, QuillBot AI is undoubtedly reshaping the way we approach writing and content generation, making it easier, more efficient, and ultimately more enjoyable!

To learn more about how AI is revolutionizing the future of our digital lives, check out the video below:

Frequently Asked Questions

How does quillbot paraphrase.

QuillBot’s AI-powered paraphrasing tool analyzes the input text, identifies synonyms, and possible rephrasing, and then rebuilds the sentences to provide a coherent and concise output, maintaining the context and essence of the original content

Is QuillBot a good summarizer?

Yes. QuillBot’s Summarize is a useful tool for those wanting to condense long texts like articles and papers. The summarizer will pick out the key points and critical information and present a summary that maintains the original context.

Can QuillBot detect AI text?

While it excels at rewriting and rephrasing content, its capabilities do not extend to identifying whether text has been generated by artificial intelligence . Users are advised to use specialized text analysis tools to detect AI-generated content if needed.

Is using QuillBot considered cheating?

Using QuillBot as a tool to improve language skills, editing, and rewriting content is not considered cheating. However, relying solely on QuillBot to complete assignments or generate original content may lead to academic dishonesty or plagiarism issues, depending on the specific requirements of an educational institution or professional organization.

Can QuillBot AI be integrated with other platforms?

Yes. QuillBot integrates directly with popular platforms like Microsoft Word , Chrome, and MacOS. This means that you can use QuillBot’s services directly within platforms like Google Docs or other preferred writing environments.

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essay writer quillbot

Get science-backed answers as you write with Paperpal's Research feature

QuillBot Review: Features, Pricing, and Free Alternatives

quillbot review

Initially conceived as a paraphrasing tool, QuillBot has evolved significantly. With the continuous incorporation of features such as grammar and plagiarism checks, a word processor, translation capabilities, and citation support, QuillBot has become one of the most widely utilized tools by students for academic writing today with over 50 million users worldwide. 

In this comprehensive QuillBot review, we delve into its features, pricing, and QuillBot alternatives tailored for academic writing. Additionally, we discuss the reasons why QuillBot might not be the optimal choice for academic writing.

Table of Contents

  • What is QuillBot?  
  • QuillBot Review: Key Features 
  • Pros of QuillBot 
  • Cons of QuillBot 
  • QuillBot’s Pricing Plans 
  • Why is Paperpal a better alternative to QuillBot?  
  • Top Features of Paperpal  
  • Paperpal’s Pricing Plans 
  • Paperpal vs QuillBot – Which is better for academic writing?  
  • Is QuillBot worth it?  
  • Who should use QuillBot?  
  • Who should use Paperpal? 
  • Frequently Asked Questions   

What is QuillBot?

QuillBot is an AI writing assistant with features like paraphrasing, grammar checking, summarizing, and citation generation that enhance the clarity and quality of written content. Its efficient rephrasing of text using natural language processing (NLP) techniques makes it a valuable tool for writers, students, and professionals seeking to simplify complex sentences and improve readability. Let’s jump into our QuillBot review starting with its features. 

QuillBot Review : Key Features

In our QuillBot review, we examine the features the AI tool offers to help creative writers, bloggers, and students enhance their writing.    

  • Paraphraser – QuillBot offers 8 pre-defined paraphrasing modes with in-built customization to change more (or less) of your writing.    
  • Standard – Changes the word order and vocabulary of the text   
  • Fluency – Improves readability and text clarity  
  • Formal – Rephrases text to be suitable for formal communication  
  • Simple – Presents text in lay terms  
  • Creative – Rephrases text from a creative point of view 
  • Academic – Rewrites text to sound academically correct 
  • Expand and Shorten – Increases/Decreases text length without changing context  
  • Custom – Rewrites text to match the unique description provided  
  • Grammar Checker – Instantly corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in US, UK, CA and AU English and other languages like German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese (Brazilian).  
  • Plagiarism Checker – Provides a plagiarism score and real-time analysis of improper attribution of authorship and citations for text scanned in 100+ languages.  
  • QuillBot Flow – An all-in-one word processor that helps you research, take notes, and auto-complete sentences to write research papers faster.  
  • Summarizer – Quickly extracts key points and summarizes essays, papers, and documents in bullet points and paragraphs.  
  • Free Essay Checker – QuillBot’s AI-driven essay checker roots our lack of fluency, tricky plurals, repetitions, and other issues to help you write an A-grade essay.   
  • Free AI Content Detector – Flags AI-generated content with indications like repeated words, awkward phrases, and unnatural flow.   
  • Citation Generator – Offers free citation generation capabilities for APA, MLA, and Chicago style as full and in-text citations.  
  • Translator – QuillBot provides real-time text translation in 40+ languages. 

QuillBot, at its core, is an article rewriter, but it can also double up as a grammar checker, plagiarism checker, and citation generator. Let’s review QuillBot from the perspective of academic writing and see how it performs against several QuillBot alternatives. 

Get all of QuillBot’s features and more with a free account. Start writing with Paperpal.

Pros of QuillBot

  • Easy-to-use – QuillBot reviews show it has a minimal learning curve and is quite user-friendly with feature navigation and texting out all the features.   
  • Free Extensions – It provides extensions for Chrome, Word, and MacOS without tab switching or desktop app downloads.  
  • Free AI Detector – QuillBot offers an AI detector so you can test the generated content to see if it sounds robotic.  
  • QuillBot Flow – QuillBot Flow allows you to paraphrase, summarize, research, and more with built-in grammar checking and citations.  
  • Freeze Words – The AI tool allows you to freeze words like nouns that you don’t want to paraphrase. However, the free version only provides one frozen word.  
  • Lucrative Plans – QuillBot’s premium plans are affordable. Plus, they offer a 100% money-back guarantee within 72 hours. 

Like QuillBot, but want more? Try Paperpal’s comprehensive toolkit for academics

Cons of QuillBot

  • Paraphrasing Limitations — QuillBot’s paraphrased text output doesn’t sound like human-written text and lacks flow and context. Getting the desired output often requires a lot of manual editing.   
  • Limitations of the free version – The free version allows paraphrasing up to 125 words at a time and restricts users to two writing modes: Standard and Fluency.  
  • Limited use of plagiarism checker – QuillBot’s plagiarism checker only allows you to scan 20 pages of text for plagiarism (approx.. 5,000 words) even with a premium account. Additional charges apply in case of lengthy texts.   
  • Lack of a comprehensive grammar checker – Unlike other free QuillBot alternatives, the tool does not provide detailed insights into the grammar corrections it makes.  

Looking for a QuillBot alternative for academic writing? Start writing with Paperpal for free

QuillBot’s Pricing Plans

As part of our QuillBot review, we also cover the pricing plans. Quillbot has both free and premium plans with the following features:  

Free Plan:   

  • Paraphrasing tool with a 125-word limit  
  • Two writing modes  
  • Summarizer tool for up to 1,200 words  
  • Ability to process two words at once  
  • Access to Google Docs and Chrome extensions  
  • Up to three synonyms  
  • Freeze one word or phrase  
  • Citation generator tool  
  • Grammar checker  
  • Access to all extensions, including Microsoft Word 

Premium Plan:  

QuillBot Premium offers advanced features, backed by a 3-day money-back guarantee. These are available at US$4.17 for Annual, US$6.66 for Semi-Annual, and US$9.95 for Monthly plans. 

  • Seven paraphraser writing modes  
  • Four synonym options  
  • Phrases compare modes  
  • Unlimited words and phrases  
  • Faster processing speed  
  • Summarize up to 6,000 words  
  • Advanced grammar rewrites  
  • QuillBot Flow  
  • Unlimited words for paraphrasing tool  

QuillBot is a great paraphrasing tool with additional features for academic writing. However, even with QuillBot Premium, the content output doesn’t live up to the standards of other more academia-focused QuillBot alternatives. Let’s understand how Paperpal, a tool like QuillBot, delivers more than Quillbot, Grammarly, Jenni and other AI academic writing assistants in the market today.   

Need access to advanced AI academic writing features for free? Try Paperpal

Why is Paperpal a better alternative to QuillBot ?

Paperpal, an AI writing assistant trained on millions of scholarly articles and over 21 years of STM expertise, is specially for academic and scientific writing. Unlike QuillBot, Paperpal understands academic context and enhances clarity, sentence structure, and academic tone accurately all while retaining the author’s voice and meaning. 

When trying out Paperpal as a QuillBot alternative, you’ll find that it offers more comprehensive language and grammar suggestions to help you achieve academic writing excellence, rather than merely providing one-time corrections. 

Let’s dive deeper into this AI academic writing assistant and understand why Paperpal the perfect QuillBot alternative for academics.  

Top Features of Paperpal

  • Language Suggestions: Paperpal comprehends the structure and conventions of academic writing, offering precise language suggestions tailored to scientific contexts. It retains references, equations, technical terms, and non-English words. 
  • Paperpal Copilot: Leveraging secure generative AI technology tailored to academic writing conventions, Paperpal Copilot assists users in overcoming writer’s block and confidently creating clear, concise, compelling academic text. 
  • Plagiarism Checker: Paperpal scans your paper against 100 billion online web pages, furnishing a detailed report with a similarity score. This score helps you address actionable items, cite overlooked sources, and prevent accidental plagiarism. 
  • Contextual Synonyms: Struggling with vocabulary? Highlight a word, and Paperpal accesses a vast database of impactful research to analyze how similar words have been used in published papers. It then presents a list of relevant academic vocabulary alternatives, ranked by usage and context, ensuring you always choose the right words. 
  • Academic Translation: Paperpal supports 28 languages, allowing you to write in your preferred language and obtain precise English translations with a single click. This avoids unnecessary context-switching and potential miscommunication associated with other translation tools. 
  • Academic Consistency Checks: Paperpal ensures style uniformity in numbers, tables, figures, equation labels, word forms, spelling, and statistics. By automating tedious manual checks and providing a simple click-and-fix solution, Paperpal saves researchers time and effort. 
  • Check and Refine: Once you’re done writing, Paperpal aids in editing and refining your text. Students and academics can use its suite of checks to correct and enhance language, grammar, word choice, phrasing, consistency, and more. 
  • Be Submission Ready: Paperpal offers 30+ language and technical compliance pre-submission checks to ensure your manuscript is submission-ready, increasing its chances of acceptance. 

Ready to explore the most trusted alternative to QuillBot? Start writing with Paperpal

Paperpal’s Pricing Plans

Paperpal, like QuillBot comes with free and paid plans for users. However, Paperpal does a lot better when considering QuillBot alternatives as its free plan offers users more support. When you sign up for free, you get access to 

Paperpal does a lot better as a QuillBot alternative in terms of pricing because it offers limited usage to academic writing benefits like language suggestions, generative AI, language translations, contextual synonyms, etc. Sign up with Paperpal for free , and you get the following:   

  • Language Correction: Get 200 language correction suggestions per month 
  • Generative AI Features: Generate outlines, titles, abstracts, summaries and more with Paperpal Copilot, available to use up to 5 times a day.  
  • Academic Synonyms and Translations: Instantly translate your text into English and ensure the right word choice with 25 uses per month.  
  • Submission Readiness Checks: Get a free summary report of 30+ language and technical checks and evaluate if your manuscript is ready to submit.   
  • Monthly and Daily Resets: Get a fresh quota of assistance for your ongoing or new projects with limits being reset daily or monthly based on your chosen feature. 

With a free account, you can choose your editing mode (Extensive or Essential) and language styles. You also get a free account on Researcher.Life, a subscription-based platform that hosts the best AI tools and services to help you speed up, simplify, and streamline your research journey.   

Paperpal’s Prime plan unlocks unlimited access to all the free features, plus consistency, plagiarism, and submission readiness checks at just US$19 per month, US$39 per quarter or US$119 per year.  

Paperpal vs QuillBot – Which is better for academic writing?

QuillBot is handy for fixing essays and grammar quickly when you’re in a rush. But Paperpal gives you all of QuillBot’s features and more, for free. Let’s see how Paperpal is the best QuillBot alternative.  

Is QuillBot worth it?

In a 2022 whitepaper by the University of Cambridge titled ‘Comparison of Automated English Editing Tools,’ Paperpal emerged as the preferred writing and editing tool among researchers. Following this, a blinded benchmarking analysis was conducted in October 2023. Senior editors from the Editage training department evaluated Paperpal against QuillBot and three other AI tools for academic writing . In terms of language editing coverage, Paperpal provided the highest number of suggested edits (392) with an average of 3.88 edits per sentence. This was higher than that by QuillBot, which suggested 259 edits or 2.42 edits per sentence on average. 

With a focus on paraphrasing, QuillBot often simplifies academic text into more generalized language. In a detailed QuillBot review, experts have stated that QuillBot tends to offer heavier suggestions compared to Paperpal but most of these involved unnecessary rephrasing of original text. These heavy revisions not only deviate from the author’s original voice and tone but also alter the intended meaning. For instance, the term “external fluctuation” has a specific meaning, and it needs to be retained, but QuillBot suggested revising it to “even when things change outside” which alters its significance. For authors with English as a second language, who may not catch these edits, such changes could mean the difference between acceptance and rejection. Here, Paperpal is the best QuillBot alternative to enhance the clarity, sentence structure, and maintain an academic tone while preserving the author’s voice and intended meaning. 

Who should use QuillBot?

If you’re a student hurrying to submit your essay and need basic checks before handing it in, QuillBot is a suitable choice. The tool provides sufficient capabilities for a one-time check and ensures your work is free of errors. 

Who should use Paperpal?

If you’re a student, educator, researcher, or an academic aiming to refine your academic writing, overcome writer’s block, and initiate your research projects, dissertations, theses, and more, Paperpal is your best option. This trusted AI writing tool supports you from first draft to submission readiness, boosting your productivity and helping you achieve 2x the writing in half the time. 

While there are various free alternatives to QuillBot such as Grammarly, Jasper, and Frase, if you require a comprehensive AI toolkit designed specifically for academic writing, Paperpal should be your first choice. Try Paperpal for free and see the difference for yourself.  

Frequently Asked Questions

QuillBot uses natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to rewrite text while preserving its original meaning. QuillBot’s AI datasets are trained on grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, sentence structure, and clarity. Users input text, QuillBot analyzes it using NLP techniques, deconstructs it, captures context, and replaces words/phrases. 

QuillBot facilitates academic writing through efficient paraphrasing, summarization, citation building, and checks for grammar and plagiarism. It serves as a convenient solution when you need quick corrections for your essay before submission. However, unlike Paperpal and other QuillBot alternatives, the tool lacks in-depth explanations for the corrections it makes. 

While QuillBot’s free version imposes limitations on accessing premium features, opting for a premium plan doesn’t necessarily streamline the workload. Rather than simplifying tasks, it often generates paraphrases or rewrites using complex sentences that can be challenging to grasp within the intended context. Choosing a free Quillbot alternative like Paperpal may be better choice. 

QuillBot alternatives like Paperpal offers similar functionalities. That being said, Paperpal allows you access to its entire AI academic writing toolkit, without the need for a premium subscription. With a free Paperpal account, you get the following benefits –   Language Suggestions – 200/month    Paperpal Copilot (Generative AI) – 5 uses/day    Academic Language Translation and Contextual Synonyms – 25 uses/month     Submission Readiness Checks – Receive a free summary report  Receive renewed assistance for your projects, with limits resetting daily or monthly based on your chosen feature.  Start writing now! 

Paperpal is a comprehensive AI writing toolkit that helps students and researchers achieve 2x the writing in half the time. It leverages 21+ years of STM experience and insights from millions of research articles to provide in-depth academic writing, language editing, and submission readiness support to help you write better, faster.   

Get accurate academic translations, rewriting support, grammar checks, vocabulary suggestions, and generative AI assistance that delivers human precision at machine speed.  Try for free or  upgrade to Paperpal Prime   starting at US$19 a month  to access premium features, including consistency, plagiarism, and 30+ submission readiness checks to help you succeed.   Experience the future of academic writing –  Sign up to Paperpal and start writing for free!    

Related Reads:

  • An Analysis of How Paperpal Outperforms Other AI Writing Tools
  • Choosing the Right AI-Based Academic Writing Assistant: A Handy Checklist
  • Paperpal Copilot is Live: Experience The Generative AI Tool Academics Can Trust
  • How Paperpal’s Built-In Academic Writing Prompts Make It a Better Alternative to ChatGPT

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Item logo image for QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool

QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool

645 ratings

Elevate your writing with QuillBot's AI-powered productivity tools: Grammar Checker, Paraphraser, AI writer, Summarizer, and more!

Need help on the go? QuillBot’s new generative AI writing feature allows you to compose and reply to emails instantly, utilizing the paraphrasing tool and Grammar Checker to tailor each email to your voice. QuillBot writes with you, ensuring effective communication in a way that is true to you. With a number of AI writing tools and generative capabilities, including a world-class paraphrasing tool, QuillBot is a one-stop shop for all your writing needs, whether that’s writing polished emails, well-outlined documents, or posts for LinkedIn or X (previously Twitter). How to write emails with QuillBot Once you begin typing an email, QuillBot will generate a body of text based on the subject of your message. You can then use the Paraphraser and Grammar Checker to refine and edit the email, creating a polished piece of writing. Why QuillBot? QuillBot is perfect for students, writers, and English language learners who need help perfecting their writing abilities. You can proofread your work in just one click, saving time and energy on essays, emails, notes, presentations, and messages. QuillBot’s generative AI feature also helps to create layered, nuanced emails. You can find the perfect tone for your message, add helpful quotes, and rewrite complex sentences. QuillBot writing tools and features AI writing tools: ✒️ Grammar Checker - Checks your writing for grammar and punctuation errors - Includes a powerful spell checker to help you double-check your spelling and avoid misusing words - Gives your written work a final polish—even when you don’t feel like doing it ✒️ Paraphrasing Tool - Helps to overcome writer’s block and other common writing challenges - Offers different ways of writing your text - Helps non-native English writers articulate their ideas faster and more fluently - Provides statistics about the tone and style of your writing AI writing features: Paraphraser modes Writing statistics* Compare modes* Freeze words Advanced grammar rewrites* * Premium features The right time to write With over 20 million monthly active users, QuillBot has never been more influential on the way people write. From students to bloggers to lawyers to academics, QuillBot is helping everyone write smarter, faster, and more effectively. We’d love to see what you create with QuillBot. Share your writing with us online: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/quillbot/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thequillbot/ Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/thequillbot Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thequillbot/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@QuillBot Discord: https://discord.gg/4nAm4ZDmEG

4.4 out of 5 645 ratings Google doesn't verify reviews. Learn more about results and reviews.

Review's profile picture

Flo Sam May 20, 2024

Not bad, but after using it a few times, it starts charging. So I switched to TinaMind, which has always been free.

Review's profile picture

Jose Torres May 16, 2024

Quill has been great, but recently it wants me to verify every 2 minutes. I am a premium member. This is not an exaggeration.

Replier's profile picture

Simrin Wahal Developer May 17, 2024

Hey Jose 👋, We apologize that QuillBot did not meet your expectations :( An updated extension build with a fix for this issue, should be available in the next few days. Thanks for your input!

Review's profile picture

CARLOS TOVAR May 15, 2024

Overall, it's pretty good. I use it for routine proofreading and a little paraphrasing here and there. What I do find truly annoying, though, is the fact that it never seems to understand I've taken the tick off the box that makes the Premium suggestions. I'm not interested in a Premium membership, that's it. I don't need the extension blue-underlining my sentences when I've already established in the settings I do not want to see those suggestions. Please fix that--it's very annoying.

Hey Carlos, Sincere apologies that your writing experience with QuillBot was suboptimal 😔 We are looking into this issue and should have an update on this, in the next few weeks. Feel free to drop us a message here or on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/4nAm4ZDmEG, if you continue to face issues while using QuillBot. Thanks for your input!

  • Version 3.53.0
  • Updated May 20, 2024
  • Report a concern
  • Size 19.11MiB
  • Languages 4 languages Deutsch , English , Français , español
  • Developer Course Hero, Inc. 2000 Seaport Blvd Floor 3 Redwood City, CA 94063-5584 US Website Email [email protected]
  • Trader This developer has identified itself as a trader per the definition from the European Union.

QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. More detailed information can be found in the developer's privacy policy .

QuillBot: AI Writing and Grammar Checker Tool handles the following:

This developer declares that your data is.

  • Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes

For help with questions, suggestions, or problems, visit the developer's support site

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7 Best AI Essay Writers 2024 (50 Essay Generators Ranked)

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by Chris Von Wilpert, BBusMan • Last updated November 23, 2023

Expert Verified by Leandro Langeani, BBA

Today there are 138 different AI essay writer software . We spent 73 hours comparing the top 50 to find the seven best you can use to generate high-quality essays.

What is the Best AI Essay Writer?

  • QuillBot Co-Writer — best of the best
  • Jasper — best for style matching
  • Writesonic — best for up-to-date essays 
  • Rytr — best for short essays
  • Copy.ai — best for brainstorming essays
  • WordAi — best for unique AI writing
  • ClosersCopy — best for persuasive essays

1. QuillBot Co-Writer

Our verdict — best of the best.

essay writer quillbot

QuillBot Co-Writer is a smart AI-powered assistant that can write your essays from scratch. We think it’s the best because of its ability to cover any topic, built-in plagiarism checker, and varied writing templates.

The Best Part:

Kickstart your writing with templates. QuillBot Co-Writer offers pre-made templates for essays, research papers, and blog posts, making it easier to get started and avoid the blank page syndrome.

The Worst Part:

English-only support. QuillBot Co-Writer currently only supports English, which is a bit of a letdown for those needing to write essays in other languages.

Get it if you want an efficient tool that can help you create well-written essays without breaking a sweat.

I recommend you kick it off with the free plan, then get the Monthly plan for $9.95/month.

(free plan)

QuillBot Co-Writer is best for students and professionals who want a quick and reliable AI to write essays.

Top Features

Outline or full content, your choice. QuillBot Co-Writer can produce an essay outline for you to follow, or go the whole nine yards and generate the complete content.

Keep it original. Use QuillBot Co-Writer's built-in plagiarism checker to ensure every piece of writing is unique and authentic. You'll never be caught on the wrong foot for plagiarized content.

Keep it all in one place. With QuillBot Co-Writer, you can search the internet for academic or non-academic content right within the tool — no more juggling between tabs.

Nail your references. Just pop in a URL and QuillBot Co-Writer's built-in citation creator will generate accurate citations for you, in any style — be it APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Seamless integration with Microsoft Word. QuillBot Co-Writer's Microsoft Word add-on lets you write and edit your essays right within your familiar workspace.

essay writer quillbot

QuillBot Co-Writer offers four pricing plans:

  • Free: Free forever, for beginners who want to dip their toes into the world of AI-powered writing and get a taste of QuillBot’s features.
  • Monthly: $9.95/month for students and professionals who want to produce unlimited essays, access to all seven writing modes, and use advanced features like tone detection and Plagiarism Checker.
  • Semi-Annual: $39.95/semester for users who want all the benefits of the Monthly plan for six months, with a 33% discount.
  • Annual: $49.95/year for frequent users who want the best value deal, with a 58% discount for those who get access for 12 months.

Annual plans provide a 58% discount.

Try QuillBot today with the free plan.

Our Verdict — Best For Style Matching

essay writer quillbot

Jasper is an innovative AI tool that can write just like you. We think it’s the best for style matching because of its state-of-the-art text generation, advanced editing tools, and unique voice customization features.

Intuitive content editor. Jasper's interface is as easy as 1-2-3. Just let it write your essay, then swiftly tweak and add the finishing touches.

Steep learning curve. While Jasper's interface is user-friendly, mastering the various commands can initially feel like herding cats. But don't worry, their training materials will have you up to speed in no time.

Get it if you're in the market for an AI writer that can mirror your unique writing style so seamlessly, you'll hardly believe it's not you!

I recommend you start off with the 7-day free trial, then get the Creator plan for $49/month.

(7-day free trial)

Jasper is best for students who need help crafting well-structured essays under tight deadlines.

Make it sound like you. Train Jasper's AI to mimic your writing style and watch as it churns out essays that sound just like you wrote them.

Cutting-edge. Let Jasper's state-of-the-art algorithm do the heavy lifting, generating top-notch essay outputs every time.

Keep it tidy. Jasper's document management features handle multiple essays with no bog down. It's like having your own personal librarian!

No more writer's block. With Jasper's pre-built templates, coming up with engaging essay topics is a breeze. You’ll never run out of inspiration or stare at a blank page again.

Check twice, write once. Avoid stepping on any plagiarism landmines with Jasper’s built-in plagiarism checker.

essay writer quillbot

Jasper offers three pricing plans:

  • Creator: $49/month for individual writers and students who want an AI tool that can produce authentic essays, mirroring their writing style to a T.
  • Teams: $125/month for groups of students and teams who want to generate a variety of content, with each piece reflecting the writing style of different people.
  • Business: Custom pricing, for larger organizations that need an AI solution capable of mimicking various writing styles at scale.

Annual plans provide a 20% discount.

Try Jasper today with a free 7-day trial.

3. Writesonic

Our verdict — best for up-to-date essays.

essay writer quillbot

Writesonic is an advanced AI-powered writing assistant that pulls real-time data from the internet to write your essays. We think it’s the best for up-to-date essays because of its Google-sourced research, user-friendly interface, and quickness.

It searches the internet for you. Writesonic can dig deep into the web to pull out accurate information for any essay topic, no matter how complex or niched it may be.

Restrictive word limits. With Writesonic, you might find yourself hitting the word limit ceiling more often than not, especially if you're working on extensive projects or lengthy essays.

Get it if you want quick, well-researched essay content at your fingertips.

I recommend you start with their free trial, then get the Superior Pro plan for $19/month.

(free trial)

Writesonic is best for students and professionals who want to effortlessly churn out well-researched essays.

Kick writer's block to the curb. Let Writesonic's AI-powered prompts generate unique ideas or outlines for your essays effortlessly.

Turn thoughts into paragraphs. Quickly convert your thoughts into well-structured sentences using Writesonic's easy-to-use text expansion feature. Just jot down your thoughts and let Writesonic do the rest!

It’s incredibly fast. Writesonic's speed in generating high-quality essays is nothing short of incredible. You’ll get a complete, well-researched essay in under 5 minutes!

Powered by the best. Writesonic uses the state-of-the-art GPT-4-32k algorithm. Your essays are not only generated quickly but also maintain a high standard of quality and coherence.

Long projects on a whim. With just a single click, Writesonic can churn out comprehensive essays of 2000 words or more, on the spot.

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Writesonic offers six pricing plans:

  • Premium — Free Trial: Free forever, for beginners who want to test the waters with AI-generated essays using GPT-3.5, for up to 10,000 words.
  • Premium — Pro: $19/month for students and professionals who want speed in their essay writing tasks without compromising on quality, for up to 100,000 words per month.
  • Premium — Enterprise: $1,000/month for businesses or teams who require large volumes of top-tier AI-written content to generate well-researched essays using the GPT-3.5 algorithm.
  • Superior — Free Trial: Free forever, for students and professionals keen on exploring the capabilities of AI in essay writing using GPT-3.5, for up to 10,000 words.
  • Superior — Pro: $19/month for students who aim for top grades and professionals who want high-quality, unique AI-written essays and articles using GPT-4, for up to 33,334 words per month.
  • Superior — Enterprise: $1,000/month for teams and businesses who require a large volume of superior-standard AI-generated essays or professional content.

Annual plans provide a 33% discount.

Try Writesonic today with the free trial.

Our Top Three Picks

Here’s a quick summary of our top three picks:

  • Writesonic — best for up-to-date essays

Here’s a quick comparison of our top seven picks:

Here are the top 50 AI essay writers we considered in this review:

  • QuillBot Co-Writer
  • Writesonic 
  • WordAi 
  • ClosersCopy 
  • PerfectEssayWriter
  • Zyro AI Content Generator
  • Spin Rewriter
  • Zoho Writer
  • Ref-N-Write
  • ProWritingAid
  • Hemingway Editor
  • Dr Assignment Auto Writer
  • Ginger Software
  • Ludwig Guru
  • Slick Write
  • Write Better
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • SEOMagnifier
  • Dupli Checker
  • Sentence Rephraser
  • Cite This For Me
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Copywritely

What is the best AI essay writer website?

The best AI essay writer website is QuillBot Co-Writer. It’s an intelligent AI-powered assistant that can write essays from scratch. The tool stands out for its high-quality content, a wide range of features including a built-in plagiarism checker and different writing templates. It employs artificial intelligence and machine learning, specifically natural language processing, to generate relevant and original content in a user-friendly interface. While the tool only supports English currently, it is nonetheless a powerful tool for content creators. It provides a range of pricing options, including a yearly plan. For a reasonable price, students and professionals can get access to unlimited essays, all seven writing modes, and advanced features like tone detection and plagiarism checker.

Is there an AI that can write an essay for you?

Yes, there are several AI-powered essay writer tools that can write essays for you. One of the most efficient ones is QuillBot Co-Writer. It is a reliable tool that is designed to produce high-quality written content across a wide range of topics. It can write an essay from scratch or provide a template for you to follow, ensuring you meet your essay requirements. Additionally, it also offers a plagiarism checker to guarantee the originality of your content. It is an excellent option for students and professionals looking for help in academic writing and long-form content creation.

What is the best AI long-form writer?

For long-form writing, QuillBot Co-Writer is among the best AI-powered tools. It has the capability to write entire essays, offering options to either create an outline or generate complete content. It uses advanced AI technology, including natural language processing and deep learning, to create coherent essays that meet the high content quality standards of academic essays. It's also an excellent tool for creating other types of long-form content such as research papers, and blog posts.

What is the AI tool that writes essays for free?

Several AI tools provide free options for essay writing, but their features may be limited compared to premium plans. One such tool is QuillBot Co-Writer, which offers a free plan for users who are starting and want to try out AI-powered writing. However, the full range of features like the plagiarism checker, tone detection, and unlimited essays access are available in their paid plans, which start at $9.95 per month.

Can Turnitin detect AI writing?

Turnitin primarily identifies instances of matching text in academic work, comparing it against a vast essay database, to detect potential plagiarism. The software doesn't necessarily distinguish whether the text is written by a human or generated by an AI. However, the sophistication of AI-written essays varies and simpler AI tools might create content that appears unusual or lacks the nuanced understanding typical of human writers. High-quality AI tools like QuillBot Co-Writer aim to produce content that closely mimics human writing, making detection more difficult. Yet, students should still use these tools responsibly, ensuring their submitted work accurately reflects their understanding and abilities.

The Bottom Line

To recap, here are the best AI essay writers to try this year:


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  • SwifDoo PDF

Handling of PDFs Smarter

  • Instant answers for all PDF queries;
  • Efficient comprehension with AI PDF summarizer;
  • Rewrite and proofread PDFs for better accuracy

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Table of content

Share this article, the 6 best quillbot alternatives to improve your writing with ai.


Fortunately, there is a wide range of QuillBot similar tools available online. This article walks you through the detailed information on choosing the best free AI tools for paraphrasing, translating, summarizing, editing, changing the text's tone and more tasks.

Why Do You Need a QuillBot Alternative

QuillBot is a professional platform that paraphrases the text you enter. It can also spin old content so that it passes plagiarism checks. Before we learn more about QuillBot alternatives, let's quickly find out what QuillBot can do to compare and pick an appropriate alternative that meets our needs.

Key Features of QuillBot

  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Multiple Paraphraser Modes
  • Grammar Checker feature
  • Plagiarism Checker feature
  • Summarizer tool
  • Translator feature
  • AI Detector
  • offers two plans: Free and Premium.
  • Free version available
  • Extensions available as a Chrome extension and also available for macOS, MS Word, and Edge
  • Not available for ChatGPT
  • Manual paraphrasing needed

Let's check the following six QuillBot alternatives that are free or paid.

1. SwifDoo AI

SwifDoo PDF is a user-friendly PDF editor and paragraph rewriter tool. It is compatible with the Windows system. With its AI feature, SwifDoo AI is the best alternative to QuillBot for free. It helps you summarize, translate, rewrite, and proofread critical information from lengthy PDF documents and explain complex concepts in straightforward words. The powerful QuillBot alternative is powered by the latest GPT-4 and offers free services for new users.

QuillBot alternative SwifDoo AI

  • Allows users to process a PDF up to 10 MB and ten pages for free of cost
  • Enables rewriting PDF files to optimize the content
  • Helps explain complex concepts from PDF files in simple words
  • Translates PDF documents in multiple languages
  • Quickly and accurately translate, rewrite, summarize, proofread, explain, and analyze PDF documents
  • Compatible with the Windows system only

SpinBot is an automatic and best free QuillBot alternative that can rewrite human-readable text into additional, intelligent, readable text. SpinBot is similar to QuillBot as it uses an algorithm that replaces the words and phrases in your text with similar ones. In this way, your content will look unique and original. Spinbot is also available in a paid version with advanced features and functions. Let us see the pros and cons of SpinBot to know which is better, Spinbot or QuillBot.

QuillBot alternative Spinbot

  • Lightning fast as well as free
  • There is no need to register an account to sign up and log in
  • Instantly spin, rewrite, or paraphrase a large part of textual content up to 10,000 characters or about 1000 words
  • Poor quality of content
  • Readers may be disgusted by poorly spun content
  • Many of the sentences SpinBot created can be unreadable

3. Prepostseo

Prepostseo plagiarism checker is the best QuillBot alternative. It allows 30 search queries for visitors and 500 search queries/month. However, It only allows downloading PDFs and is expensive with a link.

QuillBot alternative Prepostseo

  • Free alternative to QuillBot with several features
  • No registration is required for free use
  • Substantial query limits per month, even for free users
  • The free version comes with too many ads
  • Some tools are not very useful until you upgrade to a premium
  • Limited searches for signed-up users

4. Wordtune

Wordtune is an innovative tool like QuillBot. It enhances your writing in real-time and offers free and premium versions. Using advanced artificial intelligence, Wordtune analyzes your text and suggests alternative phrasings, word choices, and sentence structures. Let us check the pros and cons related to this alternative to QuillBot.

QuillBot alternative Wordtune

  • Enhanced writing
  • Vocabulary expansion
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Dependency on AI
  • Lack of human touch
  • Limited language support (Currently, supports English users only)

5. TextCortex

TextCortex is an excellent AI writing tool that can help you create high-quality content for websites and apps like QuillBot. It generates distinctive and engaging texts quickly. This QuillBot alternative tool is available for free and allows ten creations per day.

QuillBot alternative TextCortex

  • Reduce creative blocks and get from 0% to 70% in less than three clicks
  • Offers a free plan with ten creations per day
  • Browser extension feature that integrates with 2000+ platforms and supports 25+ languages.
  • Can't generate original and plagiarism-free content
  • Can't handle complex or technical topics
  • There is no guarantee for the accuracy, reliability, or validity of the content

Copy.ai is a QuillBot ai alternative writing tool for free by requesting a demo. You can start with a free plan to generate up to 100 words daily and access some essential writing tools. Let us examine the pros and cons of this alternative to the QuillBot paraphrasing tool.

QuillBot alternative Copy.ai

  • Generate creative content quickly and easily.
  • Inspire with new ideas and suggestions for your projects
  • Save time and effort by writing for you
  • May not always produce original or accurate content
  • One may not understand the context or tone of your message
  • Sometimes, it may not respect the intellectual property rights of others

Final Wrap Up

Content creation involves context-switching. Artificial intelligence has solved everyday challenges like writer's block and time constraints while upgrading creativity and productivity. Many tools are available to help you create content.

This article provides detailed information on the six best software. However, you are still confused about which one to pick based on your needs and affordability. In that case, SwifDoo AI is one of the best paraphrasing tools and QuillBot alternative apps among the six above-listed ones.

Q:Can Turnitin detect QuillBot?

Q:what is better than quillbot.

essay writer quillbot

Charlotte has been in the software industry for 8+ years. She works for AWZWARE now as a passionate writer. She is good at providing simple guides to use various video, office and entertainment software. Charlotte also recommends many other useful tools to make your work and life easier. A food lover too.

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Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

0 Characters

0 Sentences

AI Essay Writer

AI Essay Writer by Editpad is a free essay generator that helps you write narrative, persuasive, argumentative and descriptive essays online in seconds.

How to use AI Essay Writer by Editpad?

To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below:

  • Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided.
  • Select the required essay length and writing tone.
  • You can also select the " Add References " option if required.
  • Click on " Write My Essay " button.
  • After that, our essay generator will automatically generate your essay and provide results in the output box.

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Active to Passive Voice Converter
  • Passive to Active Voice Converter

Supported Languages


  • Refund Policy

Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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6 καλύτερα ισπανικά εργαλεία παράφρασης

6 καλύτερα ισπανικά εργαλεία παράφρασης

  • Συντακτική ομάδα Smodin
  • Δημοσιεύθηκε: 21 Μαΐου 2024

Εάν δεν είστε ομιλητής της Ισπανίας, πιθανότατα δυσκολεύεστε να βρείτε τον τέλειο τρόπο για να μεταφέρετε το μήνυμά σας στην Español. Ή, παρακολουθείτε ένα μάθημα Ισπανικών στο σχολείο και παλεύετε με μια αδέξια δομή προτάσεων.

Γιατί, αν ναι, ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης μπορεί να είναι πολύ βολικό! Μη φοβάσαι άλλο φίλους !

Τα εργαλεία παράφρασης μπορούν να είναι το μυστικό σας όπλο για να δημιουργήσετε σαφές, κατανοητό, πρωτότυπο ισπανικό κείμενο που ακόμη και οι ντόπιοι θα θεωρούσαν νόμιμο!

Αυτός ο οδηγός θα ρίξει φως στα καλύτερα ισπανικά εργαλεία παράφρασης που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε, εξερευνώντας έξι από τις καλύτερες επιλογές για να βελτιώσετε τη γραφή σας στα ισπανικά και να βελτιώσετε τους βαθμούς σας. Θα συζητήσουμε τι κάνουν και πόσο κοστίζουν, ώστε να τελειοποιήσετε τις ισπανικές σας δεξιότητες!

1. Smodin AI Rewriter & Spinner

smodin ai rewriter

Μπορεί επίσης να βελτιώσει το γράψιμό σας για να το κάνει πιο συνοπτικό και ευανάγνωστο χωρίς να χάσει το αρχικό νόημα. Το Smodin είναι ιδανικό για την επανεγγραφή ερευνητικών άρθρων, δοκιμίων, άρθρων, ιστολογίων και περιεχομένου που εστιάζεται στο SEO υψηλής ποιότητας.


  • Πάνω από 100+ γλώσσες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των Ισπανικών, Γίντις, Ιταλικών, Γερμανικών, Αραβικών και Κινέζων
  • Ανιχνευτής AI
  • Συγγραφέας/συγγραφέας AI
  • Ελέγξτε τη λογοκλοπή
  • Βελτιστοποιημένη ανάγνωση
  • Βελτιωμένη ροή εργασιών
  • Άψογη διατύπωση
  • Αναδιατύπωση του υπάρχοντος κειμένου
  • Εξανθρωπίστε το περιεχόμενό σας
  • Εξαιρετικά ευπροσάρμοστο

Παρακάμψτε τους μηχανισμούς ανίχνευσης AI και ελέγξτε ξανά τις ισπανικές μεταφράσεις σας με το εργαλείο AI Rewriter της Smodin!

2. Ακαδημαϊκή Βοήθεια

ακαδημαϊκή βοήθεια

Η φιλική προς τον χρήστη διεπαφή και το εργαλείο παράφρασης βοηθούν τους συγγραφείς να διατυπώσουν τη δομή των προτάσεών τους σε κατανοητά ισπανικά – οι αναγνώστες δεν θα γνώριζαν τη διαφορά!

Ας ρίξουμε μια πιο προσεκτική ματιά στο τι προσφέρει η Ακαδημαϊκή Βοήθεια.

  • Επιλέξτε από επτά τρόπους γραφής που είναι προσαρμοσμένες στις ανάγκες σας
  • Ο ενσωματωμένος έλεγχος λογοκλοπής διασφαλίζει ότι το περιεχόμενό σας είναι μοναδικό
  • Έξυπνοι αλγόριθμοι αναδιατύπωσης
  • Ο γραμματικός έλεγχος
  • Εργαλείο περίληψης
  • Υπηρεσία διόρθωσης (γνωστός και ως επεξεργασία)
  • Δημιουργία παραπομπών πηγής
  • Πλήθος χρήσιμων οδηγών

Μετατρέψτε τα πρόχειρα προσχέδια σε δικές σας (ισπανικές) λέξεις σε χρόνο μηδέν, διατηρώντας παράλληλα το αρχικό νόημα του περιεχομένου σας.

Το δωρεάν εργαλείο παράφρασης της Academic Help έχει όριο 200 λέξεων όπου μπορείτε να μετατρέψετε και να παραφράσετε οποιαδήποτε γλώσσα σε Español. Η ενσωμάτωση ενός τέτοιου εργαλείου στη διαδικασία γραφής μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να δημιουργήσετε τέλεια δοκίμια, εργασίες και ερευνητικές εργασίες, ειδικά όταν μαθαίνετε μια νέα γλώσσα.

3. Quillbot


Όταν αναβαθμίζετε το Quillbot στην premium έκδοση για 4.17 $ το μήνα, ξεκλειδώνετε μια πληθώρα πρόσθετων πρόσθετων. Ενώ η τυπική έκδοση του Quillbot είναι καλή, το Quillbot Premium είναι υπέροχο! Χρησιμοποιήστε τη δυνατότητα «στατιστικά» στη δεξιά πλευρά της γραμμής εργαλείων για να δείτε μια ανάλυση των προτάσεών σας. συμπεριλαμβανομένου του αριθμού των συλλαβών και της βαθμολογίας αναγνωσιμότητας.

  • Απεριόριστες λέξεις παράφρασης
  • Οκτώ λειτουργίες γλώσσας
  • Μεταφράστε τα γραπτά σας σε 45+ γλώσσες
  • Ελέγξτε τη γραμματική, τα σημεία στίξης και την ορθογραφία
  • Ενσωματωμένος ελεγκτής λογοκλοπής
  • Απεριόριστες προτροπές
  • Ανίχνευση AI
  • Σύνοψη 6,000 λέξεων
  • Γεννήτρια παραπομπών
  • Πολλαπλές επεκτάσεις ενοποίησης

Είτε είστε μαθητής είτε δημιουργός περιεχομένου (ή και τα δύο!), επικοινωνήστε στα ισπανικά με το Quillbot Premium με σιγουριά!

4. Neural Writer

νευρωνικός συγγραφέας

Χρησιμοποιήστε το Neural Writer για να απλοποιήσετε τη διαδικασία μετάφρασης και να έχετε το κεφάλι σας ήσυχο γνωρίζοντας ότι το ίδιο κείμενο που έχετε γράψει διατηρεί το νόημά του. Δεν χρειάζεται να ξεφυλλίζετε πολύγλωσσα λεξικά όταν χρειάζεται να ξαναγράψετε αγγλικά (ή οποιεσδήποτε άλλες γλώσσες) στο Español – απλώς εισάγετε το περιεχόμενό σας και Είναι εύκολο !

Ας δούμε τι προσφέρει αυτό το εργαλείο παράφρασης AI.

  • Αναδιατυπώστε έως και 10,000 χαρακτήρες
  • 3 συγκεκριμένες λειτουργίες παράφρασης AI
  • Πρόσβαση σε 27+ γλώσσες
  • Ενσωματωμένος ανθρωπιστής (για να ακούγεται το κείμενό σας γραμμένο από άνθρωπο)
  • Γεννήτρια μηνυμάτων GPT συνομιλίας
  • Εργαλεία περίληψης
  • Μετρητής λέξεων
  • Γεννήτρια επικεφαλίδων
  • Προηγμένη τεχνολογία παράφρασης και επανεγγραφής

5. Εργαλείο παράφρασης

εργαλείο παράφρασης

Είτε θέλετε να επαναδιατυπώσετε μερικές λέξεις είτε ένα ολόκληρο έγγραφο, μπορείτε να τα κάνετε όλα με το πρόγραμμα Paraphrase Tool!

Αποκτήστε πρόσβαση σε 10,000 πιστώσεις χαρακτήρων κατά τη δημιουργία λογαριασμού με τη δωρεάν έκδοση.

Ενώ η δωρεάν έκδοση του Εργαλείου Παράφρασης είναι εξαιρετική ως γρήγορη αλλαγή λέξεων, οι περιορισμοί της μπορεί να μην είναι κατάλληλοι όταν χρειάζεται να μετατρέψετε και να παραφράσετε πολλά έγγραφα ή εκτενές κείμενο στα Ισπανικά.

Εδώ έρχεται η premium έκδοση – ανεβάζοντας την ισπανική παράφρασή σας σε ένα εντελώς νέο επίπεδο! Η premium έκδοση κοστίζει 12.99 $ το μήνα και έχει μια σοβαρή γροθιά!

  • Απεριόριστη παράφραση σε 20 στυλ
  • Πρόσβαση σε 100+ γλώσσες
  • Έως 500 παράγραφοι το μήνα
  • Έως 100 έλεγχοι λογοκλοπής το μήνα
  • Πιο ισχυρή παράφραση για όλες τις λειτουργίες και τις γλώσσες

6. Reescribir textos

reescribir textos

Αλλά μην ανησυχείτε, προσφέρει επίσης παράφραση για οκτώ ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των αγγλικών, ολλανδικών, γαλλικών, ιταλικών και ρουμανικών. Η ιδέα του Rewrite Texts είναι απλή: πληκτρολογήστε το αντίγραφό σας στο πλαίσιο κειμένου στην αριστερή πλευρά, πατήστε "παράφραση κειμένου" και περιμένετε το πρόγραμμα να αναγεννήσει το αρχικό σας κείμενο σε διαφορετικές λέξεις!

Το πακέτο premium (7.50 $ το μήνα) διαθέτει μια ολοκληρωμένη σουίτα εργαλείων και υποστηρίζει πολλές γλώσσες.

  • " Καταργήστε τη λογοκλοπή ” σαρώνει το κείμενό σας για αντιγραμμένο περιεχόμενο και το ξαναγράφει ώστε να είναι πρωτότυπο, διατηρώντας παράλληλα ανέπαφο το βασικό νόημα. Χρησιμοποιείται για την αποφυγή λογοκλοπής, εξ ου και το όνομα.
  • " Ουσιώδης "Και" ήμισυ Οι λειτουργίες ” επιτρέπουν μικρές παραλλαγές στο αρχικό σας κείμενο διατηρώντας το ίδιο νόημα, αλλά προτείνουν βελτιώσεις αναγνωσιμότητας.
  • " Λειτουργία επανεγγραφής ” είναι ένα χαρακτηριστικό premium και θα αναδιατυπώσει/αναδιατυπώσει πλήρως το περιεχόμενό σας με νέο και μοναδικό τρόπο, διατηρώντας παράλληλα την ουσία του αρχικού νοήματος.
  • " Δημιουργική λειτουργία » βοηθά τους συγγραφείς να αναδιαρθρώσουν το περιεχόμενό τους ώστε να είναι πιο ευφάνταστο και ελκυστικό.
  • " Ακαδημαϊκή λειτουργία εστιάζει στην ενίσχυση της ακαδημαϊκής γραφής, ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμη για τους μαθητές του σχολείου και του πανεπιστημίου.

Τι είναι ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης;

Ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης ή αναδιατύπωσης είναι ουσιαστικά ένας φανταχτερός αναδιατυπωτής. Χρησιμοποιεί τεχνολογία AI για να σας βοηθήσει να ξαναγράψετε κείμενο με δικές σας λέξεις, διατηρώντας παράλληλα το αρχικό του νόημα.

Διάφορα εργαλεία παράφρασης διαθέτουν μεταφραστές πολλαπλών γλωσσών, ώστε να μπορείτε εύκολα να μετατρέψετε αγγλικό κείμενο σε ισπανικά. Οι διαφορετικοί τρόποι παράφρασης, όπως οι επιλογές τόνου φωνής, μπορούν να προσαρμοστούν ώστε να ταιριάζουν στο συγγραφικό σας πλαίσιο.

Για παράδειγμα, εάν γράφετε μια ακαδημαϊκή ερευνητική εργασία, θα χρειαστεί να χρησιμοποιήσετε έναν πιο κατατοπιστικό τόνο φωνής για να ταιριάζει με το ύφος του θέματός σας και το κοινό που προορίζεται.

Γιατί θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης;

Υπάρχουν πολλοί λόγοι για τους οποίους θα θέλατε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης:

  • Αποφύγετε τη λογοκλοπή – δεν μπορείτε να αντιγράψετε το έργο κάποιου άλλου και να το διεκδικήσετε ως δικό σας. Εδώ είναι που ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης γίνεται ανεκτίμητο για την επανεγγραφή και την αναδιάρθρωση των κύριων σημείων ενός συγκεκριμένου θέματος σε λέξεις που είναι μοναδικές για εσάς.
  • Βελτιώστε την αναγνωσιμότητα και τη σαφήνεια— Μερικές φορές, το κείμενο που είναι γραμμένο με τεχνητή νοημοσύνη μπορεί να είναι υπερβολικά περίπλοκο ή λεκτικό και ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης μπορεί να το κάνει πιο κατανοητό.
  • Μετάφραση σε άλλες γλώσσες – κάθε γλώσσα έχει το δικό της σύνολο γραμματικών κανόνων και φράσεων και όταν μεταφράζουμε απευθείας από τη μια γλώσσα στην άλλη, συχνά χάνουμε το σημάδι. Τα εργαλεία παράφρασης βοηθούν να διατηρείται το νόημα του αρχικού κειμένου ακόμα και κατά τη μετάφραση.

Πώς λειτουργεί ένα εργαλείο παράφρασης;

  • Τροφοδοτείτε το εργαλείο με ένα κομμάτι κειμένου, όπως προτάσεις, παραγράφους ή ακόμα και ολόκληρα άρθρα.
  • Το εργαλείο αναλύει το κείμενο – χρησιμοποιώντας επεξεργασία φυσικής γλώσσας (NLP) και τεχνολογία AI – για να κατανοήσει το νόημα, τη δομή και το πλαίσιό του. Αυτό μπορεί να περιλαμβάνει τη διάσπαση του κειμένου σε μεμονωμένες προτάσεις ή φράσεις και τον εντοπισμό βασικών σημείων και εννοιών.
  • Το εργαλείο παράφρασης χρησιμοποιεί τις γνώσεις του για συνώνυμα και διαφορετικές δομές προτάσεων για να ξαναγράψει/αναδιατυπώσει το κείμενο.

Οπότε το έχουμε. μια πλήρης σύνοψη ισπανικών εργαλείων παράφρασης, που κυμαίνονται από βασικές έως premium εκδόσεις. Οπλισμένοι με αυτή τη γνώση, μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε καθαρά, κατανοητά και γραμματικά σωστά άρθρα στην Español με ευκολία.

Επιλέξουν Smodin's Paraphrasing Tool για να δημιουργήσετε εκλεπτυσμένο ισπανικό περιεχόμενο χωρίς λογοκλοπή, είτε γράφετε δοκίμιο, διατριβή βιολογίας ή εκμάθηση ψυχαγωγίας.

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  3. QuillBot Introduces a Citation Generator to Complement Its

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  4. QuillBot's Guide to Academic Writing, Part 1

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  5. ✴ Quillbot Premium & Basic: SMART AI Tool for Paraphrasing, Writing, Summarizing, Grammar Checking ✴

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  2. Quillbot Essay checker is a Life saver

  3. Quillbot Co-Writer Explained #WriteWithQuillBot #QuillBotPartner #BackToSchool

  4. How to use Quillbot Co-writer

  5. Improve your Writing with QuillBot AI

  6. How to Use Quillbot Paraphrasing Tool


  1. QuillBot Flow: Your co-writer AI assistant

    Made withat UIUC. QuillBot Flow: an AI co-writer assistant that integrates academic research, note-taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, translation, AI review, and plagiarism checking within a versatile workspace.

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  3. QuillBot Review

    QuillBot Customer Reviews. QuillBot has mixed reviews on independent review sites. It has a Trustpilot rating of 3.7/5, which is lower than rivals Jasper AI (4.4/5) and Writesonic (4.8/5) but higher than ClosersCopy (2.7/5) and Copy.ai. (3.4/5). Quillbot's positive reviews praised the time-saving qualities when writing.

  4. 7 Essay Writing Hacks to Make Essay Writing Painless

    Paige teaches QuillBot writers about grammar rules and writing conventions. She has a BA in English, which she received by reading and writing a lot of fiction. That is all she knows how to do. Boost your grades and save time with these easy-to-follow 7 essay writing hacks. From brainstorming to editing, you'll be a pro in no time with these ...

  5. Quillbot Review

    Quillbot Summarizer. As an all-in-one writing tool, Quillbot also has a summarizer apart from its rewriter tools. This nifty feature shortens entire articles into a summary. Its usage range from essay abstracts of different topics to SEO summaries or meta description.

  6. QuillBot AI: Everything You Need to Know (With Examples)

    Top 8 QuillBot AI Tools. QuillBot AI has a growing offering of writing-related tools to enhance any text. Below are the platform's main unique features and functions. 1. AI-Powered Paraphrasing Tool. The most popular of QuillBot's tools is the paraphrasing tool which can help you rephrase any text in a variety of ways.

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  8. 10 Best AI for Essay Writing

    Here are a few of them —. 1. Saves time. Using best AI for essay writing has its own benefits. Students can take care of the research process while these AI tools write the essays for them. Be it an essay topic or a full-length essay generation, it saves a bunch of students' time. 2. Boosts productivity.

  9. QuillBot Review: Features, Pricing, and Free Alternatives

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  11. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing Tool in partnership with QuillBot. Paraphrase everywhere with the free Chrome Extension. Try our other writing services. ... This AI-powered paraphrasing tool lets you rewrite text in your own words. Use it to paraphrase articles, essays, and other pieces of text. ... Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand ...

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    3-) Quillbot. Another AI tool that will boost your essay writing efficiency is Quillbot. Quillbot aims to fully support your essay writing process, apart from research, with 7 different AI features. The first feature that Quillbot offers to its users is its paraphraser tool.

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  15. MyEssayWriter's Paraphrasing Tool vs Quillbot

    MyEssayWriter's tool offers precise paraphrasing, while Quillbot is versatile and efficient. The choice depends on individual preferences and needs. As AI-powered paraphrasing tools evolve ...

  16. 7 Best AI Essay Writers 2024 (50 Essay Generators Ranked)

    QuillBot Co-Writer offers four pricing plans: Free: Free forever, for beginners who want to dip their toes into the world of AI-powered writing and get a taste of QuillBot's features. Monthly: $9.95/month for students and professionals who want to produce unlimited essays, access to all seven writing modes, and use advanced features like tone detection and Plagiarism Checker.

  17. Free AI Paraphrasing Tool

    Academic writing and research Ahrefs' Paraphrasing Tool can be valuable for students, researchers, and academics who need to paraphrase existing texts while maintaining the original meaning. It can help avoid plagiarism by generating alternative versions of sentences or paragraphs, ensuring academic integrity.

  18. The 6 Best QuillBot Alternatives to Improve Your Writing with AI

    Lack of human touch. Limited language support (Currently, supports English users only) Get QuillBot Alternative - SwifDoo AI. 5. TextCortex. TextCortex is an excellent AI writing tool that can help you create high-quality content for websites and apps like QuillBot. It generates distinctive and engaging texts quickly.

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    To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below: Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided. Select the required essay length and writing tone. You can also select the " Add References " option if required. Click on " Write My Essay " button. After that, our essay generator will ...

  20. 6 Best Spanish Paraphrasing Tools

    Quillbot. Quillbot's 100% free AI paraphrasing tool cuts your writing time by at least 50%! Whether it's recreational or academic writing, you'll be amazed at how Spanish you actually sound with its rewording tool! ... no matter if you're writing essays or emails. When you upgrade Quillbot to the premium version for $4.17 per month, you ...