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Department of Computer Science

Bachelor's and master's theses.


Below is a list of the research groups of the department with hyperlinks to their available theses.

Institute for Computing Platforms

  • Prof. G. Alonso, Information and Communication Systems Research Group
  • Prof. A. Klimovic,  Efficient Architectures and Systems Lab
  • Prof. T. Roscoe, Network and Operating Systems
  • Prof. Ce Zhang, Data Sciences, Data Systems and Data Services

Institute for High Performance Computing Systems

  • Prof. T. Hoefler, Scalable Parallel Computing Lab

Institute of Information Security

  • Prof. D. Basin, Information Security Group
  • Prof. S. Capkun, System Security Group
  • Prof. K. Paterson, Applied Cryptography Group
  • Prof. A. Perrig, Network Security Group
  • Prof. S. Shinde,  Secure & Trustworthy Systems Group
  • Prof. F. Tramèr,  external page The Secure and Private AI Lab call_made external page call_made

Institute for Intelligent Interactive Systems

  • Prof. S. Coros, Computational Robotics Lab
  • Prof. O. Hilliges, Advanced Interactive Technologies Lab
  • Prof. C. Holz, external page Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab call_made
  • Prof. A. Wang,  external page Programming, Education, and Computer-Human Interaction Lab call_made

Institute for Machine Learning

  • Prof. V. Boeva, Computational Genetics and Epigenetics of Cancer
  • Prof. J. Buhmann, Information Science & Engineering
  • Prof. N. He,  Optimization and Decision Intelligence Group
  • Prof. T. Hofmann, Data Analytics Lab
  • Prof. A. Krause, Learning & Adaptive Systems Group
  • Prof. G. Rätsch, Biomedical Informatics Group
  • Prof. M. Sachan, external page Mrinmaya's Lab call_made
  • Prof. J. Vogt, Medical Data Science
  • Prof. F. Yang,  Statistical Machine Learning Group

Institute for Programming Languages and Systems

  • Prof. R. Jung,  Programming Language Foundations Lab
  • Prof. P. Müller, Programming Methodology Group
  • Prof. M. Püschel, Advanced Computing Lab
  • Prof. Z. Su, Advanced Software Technologies Lab
  • Prof. M. Vechev, Secure, Reliable and Intelligent Systems Lab

Institute of Theoretical Computer Science

  • Prof. B. Gärtner, Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms
  • Prof. D. Hofheinz, Foundations of Cryptography
  • Prof. D. Komm,  Algorithms and Didactics Group
  • Prof. R. Kyng,  Algorithms and Optimization Group
  • Prof. U. Maurer, Information Security and Cryptography
  • Prof. A. Steger, Combinatorial Structures and Algorithms
  • Prof. D. Steurer, external page Computational Complexity, Optimisation and Estimation call_made
  • Prof E. Welzl, Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Institute of Visual Computing

  • Prof. M. Gross, Computer Graphics Laboratory
  • Prof. M. Pollefeys, Computer Vision and Geometry Group
  • Prof. O. Sorkine-Hornung, Interactive Geometry Lab
  • Prof. R. Sumner, Game Technology Center
  • Prof. S. Tang, Computer Vision and Learning Group
  • Prof. M.  El-​Assady,  external page Interactive,Visualization & Intelligence Augmentation Lab call_made

Chair of Information Technology and Education

  • Prof. J. Hromkovic, Information Technology and Education

Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory

  • Prof. R. Wattenhofer,  Distributed Computing Group

Research Centers

  • Dr. Fabio Zünd, Game Technology Center
  • Dr. Fabio Zünd, Media Technology Center
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Department of Earth Sciences

Master's thesis in earth sciences.

The Master's programme in Earth Sciences is concluded with the Master's thesis. The subject of the thesis is in the major study area and represents either an applied or fundamental research project.

Master's students on fieldwork

In most cases, the project will be integrated into one of the research groups at the Department of Earth Sciences. Students may contact the lecturers directly for a project or choose from the list of Master's thesis projects at the department .

If geological mapping or sampling are required, early planning of the project is essential to provide flexibility in scheduling time in the field.

Guidelines Master's thesis in Earth Sciences

Before starting the Master's thesis, students must:

  • Have obtained their Bachelor's degree .
  • Have fulfilled all additional requirements (if any).
  • Have successful completed the MSc Project Proposal (651-4060-00).

The project is supervised by:

  • Main supervisor (mandatory)
  • Additional supervisor (optional)
  • Examiner (if necessary )

Supervisors are involved in the Master's thesis. If the supervisor(s) belong to the same group an examiner belonging to another research group is necessary . The examiner will evaluate but not necessarily supervise the thesis.

At least one supervisor or examiner must be a professor/PD of the Department of Earth Sciences, the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science or one of the department's authorised senior researchers . Exceptions must be approved by the Director of Studies.

Registration for “651-4062-00 Master’s Thesis”  in myStudies   "projects/papers/theses"

  • Students starting their Master’s thesis between August and January register for Autumn Semester. Students starting between February and July register for Spring Semester.
  • Please do not register twice if the start and the end of the Master’s thesis are not in the same semester, but choose the option “leave of absence” (Urlaubsemester) on myStudies for the subsequent semester.
  • myStudies calculates the individual deadline automatically a t the time of registration  (plus six months).

The students present their Master’s thesis in a group seminar. At least one member of the supervising committee must be present. The time of the presentation can be selected individually in consultation with the supervisors/examiner.

The presentation counts towards the final grade.

Besides the individual deadline  (calculated automatically at the time of registration) there is an annual deadline  for each cohort, which is defined each year by the department depending on the date of the graduation ceremony.

Individual deadline

The individual deadline is calculated automatically in myStudies based on the start date (plus six months) of the Master's Thesis. This deadline is binding and the student must submit the Master's thesis no later than this date (by midnight). Students whose individual deadline is set before the annual deadline will be officially invited to the graduation ceremony.

Annual deadline

The annual deadline  or cohort deadline depends on the date of the graduation ceremony and is defined each year by the department. Only students whose individual deadline is set before the annual deadline will officially be invited to the graduation ceremony.

  • Submission of Master's thesis: 26 August 2024
  • Grading in eDoz: 13 September 2024
  • Request for diploma: 16 September 2024
  • Submission of Master's thesis The student hands in the Master’s thesis (physical copy or PDF) to the main supervisor (incl. the Download signed declaration of originality (PDF, 183 KB) vertical_align_bottom ) no later than midnight of the individual deadline. The main supervisor confirms the submission in eDoz.
  • Grading in eDoz The main supervisor enters the final grade in eDoz based on the protected page Master’s Thesis - Assessment and Grading Form lock . A missed deadline results in a fail.
  • Request for diploma The student must submit the request for diploma (Diplomantrag). He/she can only do so after the grade for his/her Master’s thesis is validated (verfügt) by the study administration.

If the Master's thesis is handed in after the annual deadline, the grades cannot be validated in time for the graduation ceremony. Thus the students will only be invited the following year.

The grades from all supervisors and examiner have equal weight for the final mark.

The main supervisor calculates the final grade ( protected page see assessment and grading form lock ) and enters the final grade in eDoz no later than four weeks after submission of the Master's thesis. A shorter submission of the grade applies to theses submitted by the annual deadline (see annual deadlines above) .

An excellent Master’s thesis (grade 6.0) can be suggested for the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich . The main supervisor must state reasons for the outstanding and excellent thesis by submitting a report.

The department encourages the publication of excellent Master's theses in the ETH Research Collection . Publcation of the Master's theses requires a letter of recommendation from the respective supervisor and a declaration of consent f rom the student.

The graduation ceremony takes place in late autumn (end of November). Only students who submit their work before the annual deadline are officially invited to the graduation ceremony.

Please contact the D-ERDW study administration in case of questions.

  • Location location_on NO D 55
  • Phone phone +41 44 632 64 83

Dep. Erdwissenschaften Sonneggstrasse 5 8092 Zürich Switzerland

Master in Space Systems

The Specialised Master in Space Systems starts in Autumn Semester 2024 and information about the Master's thesis in Space Systems is currently being prepared.

Master in Atmospheric and Climate Science

For information about the Master's thesis in Atmospheric and Climate Science visit the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Science website.

Master in Applied Geophysics

For information about the Master's thesis in Applied Geophysics visit the external page Joint Master Programme page on the IDEA League website call_made .

Study grants

Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science

CADMO - Center for Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics and Optimization

  • Honors and Awards
  • Best Paper Awards
  • Scholarships
  • Publications
  • Current Lectures and Seminars
  • Guidelines for Theses
  • Typesetting and Style
  • Thesis Template
  • Thesis Archive
  • BSc in Computer Science
  • BSc in Mathematics
  • MSc in Computer Science
  • MSc in Mathematics
  • PhD program
  • Syllabi of our Courses
  • Lecture Guidelines
  • Graduate School

Computer Science students who want to write their Master thesis with us: please consult also the general regulations for master theses of the Department of Computer Science (in German only).

In any case, please make sure you have read and understood the ETH regulations on plagiarism .

The CADMO groups offer a wide range of possible topics for a Bachelor, Diploma, or Master Thesis. There is a list of topics on the web, but these are not exclusive. If you have other ideas or interests, you are welcome to contact a advisor of your choice and talk about possibilities for a tailor-made topic. This makes sense, for example, if you have attended an advanced course, and there was a topic that you really liked and want to study in more detail.

Subject to availability (usually, this is no problem), we can offer you an office space in the CAB building (equipped with desk and computer) to work on your thesis. You don't have to accept this offer, but if you do, this has the advantage that you are close to your advisor, other members of CADMO, and other students that are writing their thesis. Obviously, discussing things, asking questions, and getting answers to them quickly is much easier then.

You can expect a weekly meeting with your advisor, of one up to two hours, depending on the state of your work. Usually, short meetings in between are always possible, and if you work in CAB, they can usually be arranged spontaneously.

In general, we offer a lively and research-oriented environment. The two major platforms for communicating the research performed by members or guests of our workgroups are the Mittagsseminar and the SOS , which usually take place once or twice a week, all year round. You are welcome to join: to listen, or even to give a talk about the work of your thesis (this is mandatory for obtaining a grade of 5.75 or 6 for a Master thesis).


The role of your advisor is to guide you through your thesis: give possible directions, suggest ways out of dead ends etc. But the actual work has to be done by you. This should be self- evident, but let us make the point clear explicitly: we expect you to work independently in the sense that you tackle upcoming questions and problems yourself, before contacting your advisor about them. This is not because we're too lazy, but because the process of doing independent work is an indispensible part of any thesis. Also, you are expected to do independent literature search and reading. If all the papers you read in the course of the thesis work and all the references in your thesis were pointed out by your advisor, this is a bad sign. (On-line search is a great tool, but note: There is also a library which offers many older articles and in particular books that are not available on- line.)

You may get stuck, of course, after exhausting your possibilities, and then you are welcome to solicit help.

You are not required to find new theoretical results during your thesis, although this is always a goal that one should strive for. It is even possible to obtain the best grade without having new results, but in that case, other aspects of the thesis must be excellent (for example, the style of presentation, or software that you produced during the thesis).

There are research-oriented topics with the clear goal of finding new results, and there are topics that are more about implementing or summarizing known methods in a novel way. By choosing the topic, you can determine the research level of your thesis yourself.

Although it may seem picky to talk about page numbers (after all, some great research in history only took very few pages to write down), we still have to do it. If you produce a great new result, we're in fact satisfied with whatever number of pages it takes you to write it down properly. But in other cases, we also want to convince ourselves that you are a good craftsperson. And this means to carefully and understandably write down the problem covered by the thesis, the history, and your contribution. In our experience, this requires a certain minimum number of pages; here the following table can serve as a guideline.

Master thesis D-INFK
6 months
30 credit points
50 pages
Master thesis D-MATH
5 months
30 credit points
50 pages
Bachelor thesis D-INFK
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months
10 credit points
30 pages
Bachelor thesis D-MATH
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months
8 credit points
30 pages
Research in Computer Science I/II D-INFK
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months
3/5 credit points
20/30 pages
Semester paper D-MATH
no strict time limit; only in exceptional cases more than 4 months 8 credit points
30 pages

Let us also emphasize that writing a lot per se is not a virtue either. So unless you have good reasons, to be discussed with your advisor, do not exceed the lower page limit by more than 50%, i.e., be selective in what you include in your thesis. After all, not everything that can be written down is worth being read. To quote Blaise Pascal: "Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte" ("I have made this letter so long only because I did not have the leisure to make it shorter", also attributed to Mark Twain and others).

Please also note: it is not your advisor's job to repeatedly proofread your thesis. As a rule of thumb, you should expect that he or she will read each chapter of your thesis only twice: once to give feedback, and once after you submitted the final version. You should therefore make sure that the parts you ask your advisor to read are not rough first drafts, but in as good a shape as you can manage on your own. Also, it is usually a good idea to produce solid write-ups of your findings as you go along; dont postpone "writing things down" to the end of your thesis. In this way you can also incorporate feedback on how to improve your write-up that you got from your advisor for one chapter already in preparing the next chapter.


There are not many: you should supply the final result of your work (the thesis) in electronic form (PDF). Every thesis or semester paper must include with it a completed and signed declaration of originality . This declaration is a component of the written work and must be included in every copy of it. In order to obtain a grade of 5.75 or 6 for a Master thesis, you have to present your work in the Mittagsseminar or the SOS ; your advisor will arrange this. Note: if you present your thesis in the Mittagsseminar, your talk should last 30 minutes (like almost everybody else's), not 45 minutes (which is the time for regular student talks).

ETH E-Collection is a publication platform provided by ETH-Bibliothek outside traditional publishing. Master theses can be published there if they are considered worthy of publication. To fulfill this condition, a grade of 6.0 is usually necessary but not sufficient.

The grade of your thesis is based on the written document you hand in at the end and the performance you demonstrate throughout the thesis work. The grading scheme for all accepted theses is as follows:

  • 6.0 : work and results are truly excellent (in case of Master theses the rule of thumb is that the quality of the thesis should be equivalent to work publishable at international workshops/conferences)
  • 5.5 : thesis quality significantly exceeds expectations
  • 5.0 : thesis meets expectations
  • 4.5 : thesis partially meets expectations, minor deficits
  • 4.0 : thesis meets minimal quality requirements; it has major deficits and it is significantly below expectations

Quarter grades (5.25 etc.) are also possible; the above rules extend in the natural way.

Helpful documents

  • We recommend that you write your thesis with LaTeX. There is an introduction to latex and typesetting on a separate page. We also have a thesis template that you can/should use.
  • We have compiled a few simple but important rules for writing scientific texts in English. They are mandatory reading if you want to write a thesis with us.
  • There is also a helpful guide on scientific writing by Don Knuth (the author of TeX), Tracy Larrabee and Paul Roberts. It is quite extensive and not everything in it is relevant to our purposes, but you should read at least the first 13 pages (§1 - §5). The full text can be downloaded in plainTeX-Format from Knuth's homepage ; here s a precompiled version for your convenience.
  • Also, there is a handy guide on writing mathematical papers in English by Jerzy Trzeciak, providing countless examples and sample phrases you can use in your work. It is available from the EMS for the modest amount of 8 Euro. Your advisor also might have a copy that he/she is willing to lend you.

Cybo The Global Business Directory

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  • Elektrostal

State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

Phone 8 (496) 575-02-20 8 (496) 575-02-20

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Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

eth thesis library

Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.

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ETH Library

Get ready for your bachelor’s or master’s thesis.

  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • Writing, managing references
  • Books and Library

Now, learn as part of self-study why research question, outline and proposal are crucial.

  • mode_comment Number of comments

Abstrakte Illustration von einem Bleistift als Rakete dargestellt

How to approach your Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis? The brand-new course  “Ready for take-off: How to start your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis”   teaches you the most important prerequisites for a research or writing task, i.e. writing the research question and the proposal and creating the initial outline. The course offers tips for communicating with your supervisor, as well as information about the relevant services of the ETH Library, such as research and management of literature.

You will also listen to an interview with a former Master’s student and her professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET): enthusiasm for your topic, independence, good collaboration with your supervisor, constructive feedback and good planning are crucial elements on the path to a successful Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

The course can be accessed on the Moodle teaching and learning platform and can be completed in about 75 minutes of self-study.

Moodle requires user authentication from ETH Zurich.

Good to know: The course on Moodle is also conducted as a webinar , for which you have to register online. 

eth thesis library

More information can be found at: library.ethz.ch/writing

# KnowMore – The prepared content issued by the ETH Library is at your free disposal and gives you a head start.

#ETHLibrary4Students – Practical support in your studies.

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Microcontroller based particulate matter monitors utilising the alphasense opc-n3 , wie vergeben gemeinnützige wohnbaugenossenschaften ihre wohnungen , gnss displacement time series modeling and snow detection with machine learning , beitrag des planungsrechtlichen vorkaufsrechts zur förderung des preisgünstigen wohnraums in schweizer städten , prediction of daily grace and grace-fo solutions , time series analysis in alpine environments: applications in glacier length and snow height in the canton of valais , on the finiteness of simple eta-quotients of fixed weight or fixed level , bayesian optimization for vagus nerve stimulation & development of a high performance computing simulation pipeline , designing a communication library for xilinx versal devices using the window-based api , computing the poisson-binomial distribution for soccer match outcomes , experimental optimization of a peristaltic pump prototype for pit-emptying , large language model's ability to reason about router configurations , statistical analysis of orbit prediction quality for aris sage cubesat satellite , exploring the use of webassembly for isolating functions in dandelion , evaluation of the waste management system at the züri fäscht , designing a manual press for blackwater dewatering , metapopulation dynamics and the influence of the killer system in a natural s. cerevisiae population , fpga-based phase stabilization of an optical lattice , communication collectives for the cerebras wafer-scale engine , on higher cardinal characteristics .


  1. Research Collection crash course

    eth thesis library

  2. Ready for take-off

    eth thesis library

  3. Doctoral theses, reports

    eth thesis library

  4. ETH Library

    eth thesis library

  5. Scientific writing

    eth thesis library

  6. ETH Zürich

    eth thesis library



  2. e thesis submission to central library

  3. Py23-24 Central Committee Meeting #1

  4. Exhibition video of the ETH Library

  5. ETH long thesis

  6. ETH Global Lecture Series: From Coffee to Mathematics


  1. Doctoral Thesis

    Mood disorders are a group of psychiatric illnesses that impact mood and cognition and are leading causes of disability and mortality. This category encompasses primarily Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Bipolar Disorder (BD). MDD involves prolonged depressive episodes, while BD is characterized by fluctuating mood states, ranging from ...

  2. Doctoral theses, reports

    Doctoral theses of ETH Zurich can be searched for on ETH Library @ swisscovery call_made. There you will find a link to the electronic version. You can also use the ETH Zurich Research Collection document server to search for doctoral theses of ETH Zurich. This platform offers the following functions: Full text search.

  3. Homepage

    The Earth Sciences Library is permanently closed from 01 May 2024. InfoCenter Mon-Fri 08.00-22.00, Sat and Sun 09.00-17.00 Green Library Mon-Fri 09.00-20.00

  4. Master Thesis

    Zhang, Yu (2023) Artificial muscles are key for creating soft and bio-mimetic robots. Despite substantial advances, current actuator technologies are still limited in their form factor and struggle to achieve high power and energy density while being efficient. This thesis focuses on a new actuator design that could potentially improve on those ...

  5. Research Collection

    Monetary markets serve as established resource allocation mechanisms, typically achieving efficient solutions with limited information. However, they are susceptible to market failures, particularly under the presence of public goods, externalities, or inequality of economic power. Moreover, in many resource allocating contexts, money faces ...

  6. Doctoral Theses

    Such theses must be indicated in the Research Collection in the field: "ETH publication" with "No". External doctoral theses published by a publisher are recorded as monographs. | ETH-Bibliothek, E-Publishing / Research Collection, Tel. +41 44 632 72 22, [email protected], www.research-collection.ethz.ch.

  7. Doctoral thesis

    The ETH library also provides its own list of publishers' policies regarding the integration of articles in dissertations. It is advisable to check as a matter of priority whether other rights or contractual agreements (e.g. with the SNSF or other funding bodies) are affected.

  8. ETH Library

    At the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), we provide you with freely accessible specialist literature, collections, data and specimens in a clearly structured manner, and also show you the available contents of the physical collections. We also have quiet reading, study and workspaces. Locations and media. Publishing ...

  9. Publishing doctoral theses

    Publishing doctoral theses. All doc­toral stu­dents at ETH Zurich must pub­lish their doc­toral theses in the Re­search Col­lec­tion. We show you what to look out for. Book a Lib­rar­ian: get in­di­vidual ad­vice tailored to your ques­tion from an ex­pert at the ETH Lib­rary. Pub­lish­ing doc­toral theses. (Il­lus­tra­tion ...

  10. Bachelor's and Master's Theses

    Photo: Ruth Erdt / ETH Zurich. Below is a list of the research groups of the department with hyperlinks to their available theses. Institute for Computing Platforms. Prof. G. Alonso, Information and Communication Systems Research Group; Prof. A. Klimovic, Efficient Architectures and Systems Lab;

  11. Master's thesis in Earth Sciences

    A shorter submission of the grade applies to theses submitted by the annual deadline (see annual deadlines above). An excellent Master's thesis (grade 6.0) can be suggested for the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich. The main supervisor must state reasons for the outstanding and excellent thesis by submitting a report.

  12. Guidelines for Theses

    The grading scheme for all accepted theses is as follows: 6.0: work and results are truly excellent (in case of Master theses the rule of thumb is that the quality of the thesis should be equivalent to work publishable at international workshops/conferences) 5.5: thesis quality significantly exceeds expectations; 5.0: thesis meets expectations

  13. Theses

    Theresia, Vania (2023) This master's thesis explores the benefits and influencing factors of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus (REDD+) projects in local communities. The study analyzes empirical data to gain insights into the benefits provided by REDD+ projects and their influencing factors (i.e., certification ...

  14. Master, Bachelor and Semester Theses, Student Papers

    Publishing of theses and papers written at ETH Zurich. The publication of a Master, Bachelor or Semester Thesis in the Research Collection requires a declaration of consent from the author and the professor or lead researcher to guarantee a.o. that the student's project is worthy of publication and that no third-party claims or any potential obligations of secrecy are violated.

  15. Scientific writing

    We will be happy to assist you: Scientific writing (Book a Librarian) Avoid plagiarism by knowing how to cite correctly (Book a Librarian) Or book a consultation with a writing expert of the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich call_made to obtain feedback on a selection of a few pages of your English text.

  16. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines

    Master's Thesis Guidelines . 1. Preamble and learning goals. The Master's thesis concludes the Master's degree programme in Science, Technology and Pol-icy. With the Master's thesis, students demonstrate their ability to conduct scientific research based on the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired during the MSc programme.

  17. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  18. Research Collection

    Search ETH Zurich's Research Collection for scientific publications and research data or submit your own research output. Read more. News . Coffee Lectures - check out our new programme. In just 15 minutes: Get useful tools and topics to support you in your daily research work - at the Coffee Lectures by the ETH Library. Read more.

  19. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

  20. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  21. Get ready for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis

    The brand- new course "Ready for take- off: How to start your Bach­elor's or Mas­ter's thesis" teaches you the most im­port­ant pre­requis­ites for a re­search or writ­ing task, i.e. writ­ing the re­search ques­tion and the pro­posal and cre­at­ing the ini­tial out­line. The course of­fers tips for com­mu­nic­at­ing ...

  22. Bachelor Thesis

    This Bachelor's thesis is concerned with the (holomorphic) modular forms one can obtain from rescaling Dedekind's η η -function and taking quotients of these rescalings, so-called η η -quotients. Eta-quotients are of interest because they are explicit examples of holomorphic modular forms to some congruence subgroup with some multiplier system.

  23. Fail:Location of Orehovo Zuevo Region (Moscow Oblast).svg

    Algfail ‎ (SVG-fail, algsuurus 631 × 595 pikslit, faili suurus: 1,14 MB). See fail ja sellest kastist allapoole jääv kirjeldus pärinevad kesksest failivaramust Wikimedia Commons.: Faili lehekülg Commonsis