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Essays About Fashion: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

If you are writing essays about fashion, check out our guide of helpful examples and exciting writing prompts to get started.

Fashion is individuals’ way of expressing their personalities. They do this through clothes and accessories that display their tastes and preferences. There are different fashion styles and trends, and anyone can choose anything they want to follow. Additionally, fashion has various benefits, such as boosting self-confidence, lightening moods, and developing creativity. Our fashion choices also help us send messages and present our beliefs. Thus, fashion can also be political .

Below are five essay examples and nine writing prompts to help you create an eye-catching essay about fashion:

5 Top Essay Examples

1. why fashion is important by george k., 2. fashion: an important part of life by ankita yadav, 3. fashion as communication by eunice summers, 4. fashion 2022 by edudwar, 5. the effect of fashion on teenagers in school by anonymous on, 1. fashion trends and women, 2. fashion evolution, 3. fashion and starting a business, 4. effects of fashion on society, 5. the best fashion styles for men, 6. fashion trends in different countries , 7. careers in the fashion industry, 8. cultural fashion vs. modern fashion, 9. the best and worst of fashion trends.

“The clothes we wear has become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness; instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.”

George K explains that fashion separates individuals from the rest. A person can introduce himself to others for who and what he is through style choices. Further, the author expounds on how fashion is a very competitive industry that depends on one’s search for identity. The author also points out that every person is unique and thus needs a distinct style to fit them. However, because of constant peer pressure and criticism, an individual’s fashion picks can’t be entirely their own. Ultimately, George K reminds the reader that it’s not just the clothes but how individuals wear and feel in them.

“…if we can do something then it is choosing the right stuff like entertainment, adventure, fashion, etc. All these things can make us happy and are also an important part of life. Fashion always attracts and it is available for all,”

Yadav considers how fashion originated from people’s traditions and cultures and became what it is today through individuals adopting each style and making it their own. In the following sections of the essay, she defines fashion and lists its importance, including how it developed new employment options and how styles speak for the wearer. 

In her conclusion, she encourages everyone to choose their styles and not to mind their age. Fashion helps everyone live life to the fullest.

“Fashion is an industry based on creating a need where there is none and nowadays, due to the current recession, I can understand that fashion may not be people’s biggest concern. But we cannot qualify it as ‘trivial’ since we are surrounded by it; each new generation of customers is highly exposed to commercial influences.”

Summers gives her opinion about the book “Fashion as Communication” by Malcolm Barnard . She identifies points in the work and shares her thoughts on them. The first point being those working in the fashion industry aren’t smart. As a Fashion Marketing student, Summers vehemently disagrees with this statement and recounts her experiences to counter it. She continues to analyze Barnard’s other arguments and agrees with some of them. Summers ends her essay by highlighting that fashion is too essential in modern culture and economic organization for it to be considered “trivial.”

“…the youth cares more about what they wear and how they look which could affect their status in their peer group and meddle with their mental health. Following trends and doing what everyone is doing like a sheep is never a good idea. Fashion is there to reflect your personal style, not copying what other people think is trendy.”

User Edudwar reminds people that fashion is not simply following what’s currently trendy. Fashion is there to give people the chance to show off their individualism and personalities and not present a fake version of themselves to be accepted by society. Additionally, he mentions that youth nowadays are more sensitive to what people think of them, so some will always do everything to follow trends, even if they’re not presentable or appropriate.

“Youths of the present times have indulged themselves in so much fashion that they do not receive sufficient time for other work… The time spent on studies is being used in watching TV programmes, reading fashion articles, or even finding the recent trendy outfits on the Internet.”

The essay discusses the real effects of fashion on today’s youth. The author focuses on kids zeroing in on finding the latest style instead of caring for their studies that directly affect their future. The essay also delves into how youths of yesterday had ambitions and goals in life compared to today’s youths, who prefer to have fun rather than study hard.

See our best essay writing tips to help you write an attractive, attention-grabbing essay.

9 Writing Prompts For Essays About Fashion

To assist you with your essay, we’ve compiled nine exciting writing prompts you can use:

Some women follow fashion trends religiously. They are also more conscious of their physical appearance. Some even go to the extreme and do plastic surgeries to look better in clothes. In your essay, discuss what you think these trends do to women’s perception of their worth and beauty. Add which trends you believe are unhealthy and why there’s more societal pressure for women to be fashionable.

Each era had its styles that directly resulted from that time’s circumstances. Make a timeline of how fashion evolved and the factors that influenced them. At the end of your essay, pick what you think is the best fashion era and explain why.

For this prompt, include the relevant things a future fashion clothing boutique owner should bear in mind. For instance, they should always be on top of the fashion trends and know how to balance demand and costs. Then, find a boutique owner and interview them about their experience to make your essay more fun to read.

Tackle what makes people choose the clothes they wear daily. Some prefer their fashion to display their personalities while others merely follow what they think is popular. To make your essay more interesting, you can do a simple experiment: Go out in public on two occasions: while wearing your fashion picks and donning the latest fashionable clothes. Then, add your findings and how people reacted to you.

Essays About Fashion: The best fashion styles for men

Fashion for men is different from women. Although most brands dedicate their line to women, men also deserve to know what makes them look fashionable; this essay lists styles that are excellent for men depending on the setting and event. 

What could be considered fashionable in one country can be seen as disrespectful in another. For this prompt, compile fashion trends many do but are unacceptable in other places. Reasons why may include religion or tradition. Use research data and cite reliable sourcing for a compelling piece.

In this essay, identify the career opportunities available in the fashion industry, including the steps to get there. Next, list the different job roles within fashion, and describe the responsibilities for each. Then, add tips on succeeding in that job and standing out from the rest. For an intriguing essay, conduct interviews with professionals within the industry and include this in your piece.

Our ancestors’ culture greatly influenced today’s fashion. Meanwhile, modern styles are those that the current generation uses. Write an essay about cultural and contemporary fashion’s differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages. 

Fashion trends come and go. However, not all popular fashion is pleasing to the eyes. For this essay, compile a list of what is, in your opinion, the best and worst fashion trends. Then, describe why you have formed these opinions and describe the details of each outfit.

Are you looking for your next essay subject? Check out our list of the best writing topics for students .

fashion essay example

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Essay on Fashion for Students and Children

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion refers to anything that becomes a rage among the masses. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression. Most Noteworthy, it is something that is in vogue. Fashion appears in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, lifestyle, and body proportions. Furthermore, Fashion is an industry-supported expression. In the contemporary world, people take fashion very seriously. Fashion is something that has permeated every aspect of human culture.

Essay on Fashion

History of Fashion

The origin of Fashion is from the year 1826. Probably everyone believes Charles Frederick to be the first fashion designer of the world. He also established the first Fashion house in Paris. Consequently, he began the tradition of Fashion houses. Furthermore, he gave advice to customers on what clothing would suit them. He was prominent form 1826 to 1895.

During this period, many design houses hired artists. Furthermore, the job of these artists was to develop innovative designs for garments. The clients would examine many different patterns. Then they would pick the one they like. Consequently, a tradition began of presenting patterns to customers and then stitching them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, new developments in Fashion took place. These developments certainly began in Paris first. Then they spread in other parts of the world. Consequently, new designs first came into existence in France. From Paris, they went to other parts of the world. Hence, Paris became the Fashion capital of the world. Also, Fashion in this era was ‘haute couture’. This Fashion design was exclusively for individuals.

In the mid-20th century, a change took place. Now Fashion garments underwent mass production. There was a significant increase in the rate of production of Fashion garments. As a result, more and more people became involved with Fashion garments. By the end of the 20th century, a sense of Fashion awareness was very strong. Now people began to choose clothes based on their own style preference. Hence, people began to create their own trends instead of relying on existing trends.

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Fashion Trend

Political influences certainly play a major role in influencing Fashion. Many politicians become fashion symbols. Notable examples are First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. Also, political revolutions make a huge impact on the Fashion trend. For example, in 1960’s America, liberal clothing styles became popular among the younger generation. This was due to the Liberal revolution.

Another significant factor which influences Fashion trend is technology. There certainly has been a rapid growth of technology in the Fashion industry. For example, wearable technology has become a popular Fashion trend. Furthermore, 3D printing technology and the internet have also made an impact on Fashion.

Social influences are probably the strongest influences on the Fashion trend. Many music stars strongly influence Fashion choice. For example, wearing hoodies became famous due to rap musicians. Furthermore, movie and television actors create a big impact on Fashion. Many youngsters love to emulate the Fashion sense of their favourite celebrity.

To sum it up, Fashion certainly has become a part and parcel of human life. It certainly is a force that is here to stay. Most noteworthy, Fashion has immersed every place on Earth.

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Fashion - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Fashion is a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body. Essays could delve into the history of fashion, its impact on society, the fashion industry, and the role of fashion in cultural and individual expression. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Fashion you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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Renaissance Clothes

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The Apparel Industry in the U.S.

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235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About

Are you looking for unique fashion topics to discuss? StudyCorgi has prepared a list of ideas about fashion trends and problems. Feel free to use these engaging and controversial fashion topics for your research, speech, essay, or for article writing.

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Fashion

📚 catchy fashion essay topics, 👍 good fashion research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot fashion titles for essays, 🔥 top fashion topics to write about, 👜 trending essay topics about fashion, 🎓 most interesting fashion topics to research, 💡 unique fashion topics for presentation, 📌 easy fashion essay topics, ❓ fashion research questions, 👟 fast fashion research questions, 📝 fashion argumentative essay topics.

  • Fast Fashion and Its Impact on the Fashion Industry
  • Vinted Fashion Company Building Brand Awareness
  • Business Plan of Personal Fashion Market and Clothing
  • Customer Satisfaction in the Fashion Industry: H&M Case
  • Child Labour in Fashion Industry
  • Zara in the United Kingdom’s Retail Fashion Market
  • Fashion and Technology: Modern Fashion
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  • JD Sports Fashion Plc’s Financial Analysis JD Sports Fashion Plc financial performance has been affected by COVID-19, hence altering its operations, however, the company did not record losses over the last three years.
  • Fashion Media Effects on Society Fashion media are a great way to implement change, giving publicity to major events and movements, which are supported by the fashion industry.
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  • Fashion Industry and Social Media The impact of networking services causes more competition, honesty, and creativity in professional clothes design and marketing.
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  • The True Cost: Fast Fashion, Garment Workers, and Environment The True Cost is a documentary that shows the background of the fast-fashion world, where garment workers live in terrible conditions, facing poverty and a lack of safety.
  • The Impact of Societal Change on Female Fashion and Identity in the 60’s and 70’s The paper argues alterations in how people perceive themselves and the world around them are inherently tied to a greater range of factors lying outside of the culture spectrum.
  • Fashion Sustainability for High-End and Low-Cost Brands The purpose of this paper is to evaluate sustainable fashion in order to compare and contrast the probability of the future for luxury and low-cost brands.
  • Fashion Industry Analysis: Interview With J. Jamshed In future Junaid Jamshed plans to expand its business internationally, and opening more opportunities for young entrepreneurs, providing training through workshops.
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  • The Impact of Fashion Marketing on Middle Eastern Culture Factors contributing to the growth of the fashion industry in Middle Eastern culture combine both the principles of fashion itself and consumerist behavior.
  • Digital Marketing in the Fashion Industry This essay presents how the fashion industry uses digital marketing technologies to attract new customers and increase customer engagement.
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  • A Body Image in a Contemporary Fashion The modern fashion industry has long been criticized for establishing unhealthy standards for women’s bodies by producing clothing that looks well only on underweight individuals.
  • The Interrelationship Between Fashion and Architecture The interrelationship between fashion and architecture plays an important role in advancing new technologies in both fields as well as other fields.
  • The Spanish Fashion Industry: Business Model Innovation The Spanish companies tend to move from the idea of fast fashion models to more sustainable innovative business models.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company’s Operations Management The paper reviews operations management in business with reference to the Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd., which is situated in Hong Kong.
  • Millennials Influence on the Fashion Purchasing Behavior The research study attempts to reveal new details about the generation of Millennials and their effect on the purchasing behavior of the fashion industry in the UK.
  • Fashion Brands Cooperation and Its Attractiveness The author discusses the topic of possible collaborations of fashion brands and concludes that the attractiveness of cooperation stems from the uniqueness of the final result.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Marketing Plan Assignment In this discussion, the topics analyzed are financial sections overview, break-even analysis, sales forecasting, and expense forecasting.
  • Small and Medium-Sized Fashion Retail Enterprises The current dissertation proposal offers to investigate several success factors for small and medium-sized enterprises in fashion retail business in the UK.
  • Inventory Control in Fashion Clothing Production The paper creates a periodic inventory control system for the Fine Garments Company that sells fashion clothing.
  • The United States Fashion Industry’s Overview The American fashion industry’s primary utility involves adorning oneself, making one’s identity, and protecting oneself from external elements.
  • Cinderella Syndrome’s Impact on Sustainable Fashion Cinderella syndrome promotes not only unsustainable fashion but the degradation of the soul as well, encouraging dysfunctional consumption and narcissism.
  • The Dandyism Style in Fashion This paper examines the style of dandyism, which appeared and spread in Europe in the 19th century, and then found its reflection in the fashion and culture of other countries.
  • Overseas Sweatshops in the Fashion Industry This paper covers a brief history of the issue and reasons why fashion giants decided to move their production abroad.
  • Fast Fashion: Segment of the Fashion Industry Fast fashion is a segment of the fashion industry that massively produces clothes from low-quality materials and uses cheap labor.
  • Business Plan and All Aspects That Includes Successful Fashion Industry According to recorded research, the fashion industry keeps on evolving every decade, and it is unlikely that a particular trend will spread past one decade.
  • Headscarf as an Ingredient of Fashion and Cultural Traditions The meaning of the headscarf is described in this paper, the functions and purposes of its wearing, its social impacts in terms of religion and culture are outlined.
  • Fashion in Architecture: Museum of Architectural Fashion The project under consideration will fulfill the function of the combination of fashion and architecture reflecting all stages their development and gradation.
  • Alessandra Rich Fashion House’s Launch of Menswear The paper presents an overview of Alessandra Rich fashion house, including brand identity, a brief competitor analysis, and a target market.
  • Jack Wills in China: Fashion Consultancy Project The promotion of Jack Wills in the Chinese market may be fraught with specific difficulties due to the specifics of the local cultural, economic, and political environment.
  • The Unique Fashion Style: Changing Standards and Ideals Each woman tries to find her unique style in the world of fashion. Still, having completed a difficult journey in order to find the exclusive style, many women choose to follow well-known standards and images.
  • Dog Fashion as an Extension of Personal Style One of the ways in which pet dogs are treated well is by being clothed. This literature review proves that dog fashion is just an extension of a personal style.
  • Fast Fashion Industries: Threats to Society Fast fashion industries pose various threats to society. However, poverty traps, limited opportunities for child development, and pollution are among the prominent ones.
  • The Fast Fashion and Related Ethical Problems This research paper discusses the ethical problems related to fast fashion and the clothing industry in general.
  • Nigerian Luxury Fashion Stores in Dubai Nigerians love designs and fashion, which is seen in their involvement in the Dubai fashion trade market. The Nigerian fashion design industry is on the rise in the 21st century.
  • Fashion Nova’s Labor Standards and Transparency Fashion Nova should recheck its outsourcing contracts to be certified by labor standards. Also, they should increase the company’s transparency in terms of financial activities.
  • Current Fashion Trends’ Analysis 2020-2021 The design of the Fall/Winter 2020-2021 collection can fit any individual character since there is a blend of different patterns.
  • Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and Ethnicity Cosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches is females aged from 20 to 40.
  • Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Fashion? Imitation as a form of fashion is not as sincere as many think. It has filled the market with knock off fashion accessories like handbags, shoes and clothes.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Barriers to Communication This paper discusses barriers to communication in Thai-Lay Fashion, communication barriers at the organization level and complexity in organizational structure, information overload, technology.
  • Supply Chain as a Crucial Component of Sustainability in the Fashion Industry The fashion industry has always been one of the most influential drivers of society. Designers of apparel dictated the rules, and millions of people worldwide obeyed them.
  • Young Female Customers’ Luxury Fashion Purchasing in the UK The research study presents an insight into the motives defining the purchasing and consumption of luxury fashion among young female customers in the UK.
  • Fashion in the USSR: Soviet Clothing Fashion in the USSR became a recognized part of the Soviet way of life. The clothing reflected the social processes of creating a unique fashion tradition.
  • Sustainable Fashion Design Strategies: Product Strategy Concept A company’s product strategy is a plan for how it will create and introduce new products to the market. It encompasses decisions about what types of products to develop.
  • The Fashion Channel Competition Issue and Solution The Fashion Channel faces problems represented by the inability to compete with rivals due to the firm’s unwillingness to accept changes.
  • Shifting Gender Politics in Fashion and Textiles As cultural changes are reflected in cinematography, so does the changing perception of gender influences movies.
  • The Competition of Personnel in the Fashion Industry The paper states that the competition of personnel in the fashion industry is very high. Many factors affect a company’s ability to attract employees.
  • The United States Fashion Industry’s Future Performance The fashion industry’s primary utility involves adorning oneself, making one’s identity, and protecting oneself from external elements.
  • How the Internet Transformed Design Fashion By using the Internet, people can shop online and avoid overcrowded shopping malls. It saves time, and people do not get tired while looking for a specific product.
  • Fashion and Interior Design: From the XX Century to Current Times Currently, the world of fashion and design is in search of new meanings, turning to past eras for inspiration, and eclectic styles, retro and neoclassical, are in fashion.
  • Fashion in the United States: Revision of History Revisions might represent the growth of a particular fashion house or a designer. It might show the formation of the fashion centers throughout time.
  • Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness in Fashion Sustainability, which stands for eco-friendly and rational socio-economic development, has become critical, and hence needs incorporating into everyday life.
  • Digital Blackface: The Popular Fashion The Digital Blackface is a modern example of wearing the mask on the Internet. Imitating the behavior and culture of black people was a thing even in the 20th century.
  • Kaptivate Kulture is Preparing for Delightful Debut at Couture Fashion Week New York Kaptivate Kulture’s mission is to be a luxury brand that strives to empower cultural diversity worldwide by allowing people to express their individuality in our garments.
  • Effectivenes of Fashion Blogs Analysis One of my most favorite fashion blogs is Penny Pincher Fashion. I have started to follow Penny’s style insights because I enjoyed her approach to the industry.
  • Cardigan History. Fashion Industry Issues Cardware Company, a family business that the Cardigans run, has earned the reputation of a reliable sweater designer manufacturing for a wide range of customers.
  • Fashion Merchandising and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education There has been substantial research about the ability level, motivation, self-efficacy at schools specialising in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education.
  • The Council of Fashion Designers of America The Council of Fashion Designers of America played a critical role in the development and the area of American fashion design and art culture along with fashion trading.
  • Child Labor in Fashion Industry Fashion industry and the idea to use child labor in sweatshops continue bothering many people but still, nothing is done to change the situation for the better.
  • Michelle Obama Effect on the Fashion Industry The author analyzes an article by D. Yermack on the impact of Michelle Obama on the fashion industry and argues how she destabilized the balance of the stock and fashion markets.
  • What Ideas About Gender & Sexuality Are Communicated by Contemporary Fashion Images? The paper examines diverse ideas about gender and sexuality that are communicated by contemporary fashion images that are taking dominance in the media.
  • Fashion Trends 2009: International Collections Trend report 2009 showed that this year will see unexpected extravagance in style of clothes and its mixture with accessories.
  • Yumi Company’s Fashion Marketing The aim of this paper is to analyze a consumer’s image of the Yumi fashion company and analyze the presence of the company on the market of women’s clothes.
  • The Contemporary Fashion Collections of Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci deserve their titles for being the best known designers. However, both designers have their own idea of style.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Co. Ltd.: Financial Accounting Analysis The goal of working capital management is to manage the firm’s current assets and liability in such a way that a satisfactory level of working capital is maintained.
  • Thai Lay Fashion Co Ltd.: Managing a Business Enterprise The review of sixth week of learning about managing a business enterprise, dedicated to the financial aspects of running a business.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Co., Ltd Company Strategy Thai-lay fashion Co. Ltd. is a garment manufacturing company in London. It is engaged in production of garments from 100% organically grown cotton.
  • Thai Lay Fashion Company: Business Plan Suitable business plans have to be formulated for managing the business successfully at each stage of the business growth cycle.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.: Managing Resources The Thai-Lay Fashion company Ltd. is a well-managed company with more than twenty-seven years of experience in the garment export and manufacturing business.
  • The Thai Lay Fashion Company: Franchising The initial franchise fee for obtaining a license will help to bring in capital at a later stage which can be used to develop the business. This paper is a marketing plan for the franchise business plan.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.’s Financial Management There are several methods that will help managers make capital investment decisions. These will be discussed here with reference to the Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.
  • Operations Management in Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. Thai-Lay is a textile manufacturing company in Hong Kong with its markets situated mainly in Europe. The company produces a wide range of ready-made garments for adults and children of both sexes.
  • Accounting in Thai-Lay Fashion Company A comprehensive study of Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. has been done here with reference to the accounting and management practices of the organization.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company’s Marketing Plan Thai-Lay Fashion Company needs to develop a modified marketing plan considering the financial and economic conditions in the environment.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Ltd.: Leadership and Motivation A study with regard to how motivation can be improved in the Thai Lay Fashion Company has been conducted here.
  • Dressing Constructs Identity with Fashion Materials The history of fashion is interconnected with the history of humanity. Ever since ancient men and women started wearing furs to cover their bodies, the concept of fashion was born.
  • Bonobos: Digital Economy in the Fashion Retail Sector This paper will discuss the organization’s digital initiatives and their success, and the financial effect of the online strategies the company has adopted.
  • Fashion Solving Irrational Anxieties in People Fashion’s primary function is to help people to solve their class-related anxieties that reflect one’s instinctual preoccupation with trying to win a dominant social status.
  • Company’s Success in Online Fashion Market The success of Company is a result of its online advertising strategy. The internet offers a lot of potentials based on consumer trends.
  • Maintaining Ethical Standards in Fashion This paper explores the degree of responsibility of three major actors, consumers, fashion houses, and retailers, of maintaining ethical standards in the fashion industry.
  • Social Media Applications in the Fashion Sector Social media has resulted in marketing being easier and cheaper than traditional techniques, and fashion houses have gained to a large extent.
  • Carmina Campus Company’s Fashion and Society Carmina Campus was a pioneer in implementing fashion sustainability in their production process. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the company’s policy regarding society.
  • Fashion as Performance – The Ballets Russes Fashion and the performing and visual arts have always been intertwined for those with the financial resources to indulge in one or all three.
  • Body Image, Self-Esteem, and the Fashion Industry
  • Fashion and Business Cycles With Snobs and Bandwagoners in a Multi-Sector Growth Model
  • Industrial Revolution, Gender Distinction, and Fashion
  • Fashion Cultural Historical Studies Gender Masculinity and Femininity
  • “Diesel for Successful Living”: Branding Strategies for an Up-Market Line Extension in the Fashion Industry
  • Challenges Facing the Fashion Industry in Ghana
  • How Fashion and Appearance Are Central to the Construction of Social Identities
  • Does Men’s Fashion Reflect Changes in Male Gender Roles?
  • Fashioning the Future: Entrepreneuring in Africa’s Emerging Fashion Industry
  • Fashion, Gender Distinction, and the Industrial Revolution
  • Comparison of Elizabethan and Jacobin Fashion
  • How Did Women’s Fashion Create Changes in Society in Australia and the World Between 1901-1945
  • How Innovative Fashion Turns Into a Perspective Entrepreneurial Venture
  • General Information About Second World War Fashion and Social Trends
  • What Will Happen if the Fashion Industry Continues to Use Ultra-Thin Models?
  • How Subcultures Use Fashion as a Way of Embracing Their Differences
  • Fashion: Victorian Era and Higher-Class Women
  • How Fashion and the Social Role of Women Has Changed
  • Managing Demand and Supply Networks of the Chinese Fashion Apparel Industry Under the Complexity of the New Economy Transition
  • Consumer Buying and Decision-Making Processes in the Fashion Industry
  • How Did the Fashion Industry Show the Changing Position of Consumerism and Youth Culture in the 1960s
  • The Role of Western Fashion Effects on Islamic Fashion for Women Out-Wear
  • How Fashion Has Impacted Consumers Pursuing Habits
  • Fast Fashion Feedback and Imitation of Fashion Trends
  • Economic and Social Issues in the Fashion Industry
  • The Unrealistic Beauty Standards of the Fashion Industry
  • Fashion Industry, Anorexia and Orthorexia Among Young People, Models and Celebrities
  • How Luxury Fashion Brands Centralize Public Relations
  • Analyze for Zara’s Success in the Fashion Retailing Business
  • Relationship Between Gender Empowerment and Fashion
  • Understanding Agile Supply Chain Management in the Fashion Industry
  • Global Sourcing: Insights From the Global Clothing Industry – The Case of Zara, a Fast Fashion Retailer
  • Case Study Zara the Technology Giant of the Fashion World
  • Fashion Marketing and the Effects of Technology and Economics
  • Fashion: Logo and Online Personal Shopper
  • Status Consciousness and Its Effect on Men’s Fashion Consumption
  • New Fashion Styles and Trends Sets the Standards for the Rising Generation
  • How Are Fashion and Appearance Central to the Construction of Social Identities
  • Conformity-Based Behavior and the Dynamics of Price Competition: A New Rationale for Fashion Shifts
  • How Fashion and Appearance Are Central to the Construction of Social Identities?
  • Brand Competition, Peer Influence, and Purchase Intentions Towards Fashion Apparel in Mexico
  • How Government Can Support Street Art and Fashion in Hong Kong
  • Coco Chanel: Most Influential Women’s Fashion Designer
  • The Clothing Manufacturer and the Consumer Trends in the Fashion Industry
  • Fashion for Middle-Class Women in the Medieval Age
  • Great Britain’s Black Community and the Empowerment of Fashion
  • Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: Case of Fashion Industry Growth in South Africa
  • Comparing the Similarities, Differences, and Qualities Between Native American Clothing and American Fashion
  • The Fashion Trends and Beauty Tips for Teenage Girls
  • The Link Between Eating Disorders and the Fashion Industry
  • Fashion and the Long-Term Prospects of Relationship Marketing
  • The Substantive Approach for Sustainable Demandsupply Chain Management in Fashion Industry
  • Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion
  • Fashion and Its Evolved From a Typical White Model to a Diverse Runway Show
  • Fashion Photography and the Effects of New Image Technology
  • Barbie Doll Fashion Versus Medieval Children’s Fashion
  • Overview of Fashion and Women’s Movements in the Past Century
  • Are Ethical Purchases and Fast Fashion Mutually Exclusive?
  • How Fashion Professionals Are Inspired by History and Culture
  • How Technology Can Affect Fashion in the Marketing of Armani Company
  • Fashion Trends and Evolution of Women’s Clothing Throughout History
  • Communicating Green Fashion Across Different Cultures and Geographical Regions
  • Virtual Organization for Supply Chain Integration: Two Cases in the Textile and Fashion Retailing Industry
  • Traveling Around the Fashion Trends of Women: 20th – 21st Century
  • Applying the Four Theoretical Perspective to the Problem of Fashion Case Studies
  • Fashion for Ideal People and How They Are Defined
  • How Elizabethan Fashion Has Influenced the Modern Day Fashion World
  • Dealing With Your Teenager and the Latest Fashion Trends?
  • Vertical Integration and Rapid Response in Fashion Apparel
  • Consumer Behavior and the Luxury Fashion Industry
  • What Fast Fashion Is and to Know Which Factor Influences Fast Fashion?
  • How Fashion Evolved Throughout the Centuries and Its Influence on Our Looks Today
  • Does Buy-Back Induce More Fashion Sub-Sourcing?
  • Does the Macroeconomy Predict U.K. Asset Returns in a Nonlinear Fashion?
  • When Did Fashion Start in History?
  • What Are Three Interesting History Facts About Fashion?
  • How Does Clothing Fashion Aid in the Social Construction of Gender?
  • How Are Fashion and Appearance Central to the Construction of Social Identities?
  • How Are People Involved in Fashion?
  • How Does Branding Influences Consumers’ Luxury Fashion Choices?
  • Who Is the Father of Fashion?
  • What Is a Theme in Fashion?
  • How Does Celebrity Fashion Affect Teen’s Self-Image?
  • Who Was the First Female Fashion Designer?
  • Where Was the First Fashion Week Held?
  • How Christian Principles Can Be Applied to Ethical Issues That Relate to Cost of Fashion?
  • What Are the Ten Main Sources of Inspiration in Fashion?
  • What Are the Four Main Fashion Weeks?
  • Who Invented Fashion Week?
  • How Does Social Media Affect the Fashion Industry?
  • How Does the Fashion Industry Market to Women as Consumers?
  • How Elizabethan Fashion Has Influenced the Modern-Day Fashion World?
  • What Causes Changes in Fashion?
  • How Many Types of Fashion Shows Are There?
  • What Is the Biggest Fashion Week?
  • How Fashion Professionals Are Inspired by History and Culture?
  • Why Is Paris Known for Fashion?
  • How Fashion Trends Can Make You Stand Out?
  • What Fast Fashion Is, and to Know Which Factor Influences Fast Fashion?
  • When Did Fashion Start in India?
  • What Makes Fashion Offensive?
  • What is the impact of fast fashion on consumer buying behavior?
  • What are the environmental effects of fast fashion?
  • How can 3D printing help make fast fashion more sustainable?
  • How do fast fashion marketing strategies affect consumers’ body image?
  • What are consumer attitudes toward the ethics and sustainability of fast fashion?
  • What are the psychological effects of fast fashion on customers?
  • How does fast fashion affect the local economies of developing countries?
  • How can fast fashion companies balance profitability and sustainability?
  • What is the contribution of fast fashion to the throwaway culture?
  • How do social media drive the demand for fast fashion?
  • The case against animal cruelty in fashion.
  • Fashion marketing should promote body positivity.
  • Fashion companies should respect and protect cultural traditions.
  • Is there a need for gender-neutral fashion?
  • Is it ethical to buy counterfeit luxury fashion goods?
  • Fast fashion vs. Slow fashion: which is more ethical and sustainable?
  • Inclusivity of luxury fashion: is it ever possible?
  • The fashion industry perpetuates consumerist culture.
  • Should fashion be recognized as art?
  • Does the fashion industry have an ageism problem?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 12). 235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About.

"235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About." StudyCorgi , 12 Nov. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) '235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About'. 12 November.

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Lifestyle / Fashion

Fashion Essay Examples

The significance of fashion: exploring its impact on culture and identity.

Fashion, often dismissed as a superficial pursuit, holds a much deeper significance in our lives. This essay delves into the importance of fashion, its role in expressing individuality and cultural identity, and its influence on societal norms and perceptions. Fashion is not merely about following...

Clothing of the 1920s in Book F. Scott Fitzgerald the Great Gatsby

Though clothes are often said to make the man, they are not frequently said to build a character. This paper explores the ways in which clothing was a performative tool for portraying the characters of The Great Gatsby-like You Are What You Wear. This study's...

American Rapper Ll Cool J: Bucket Hat Fashion Innovation

The fashion trends shape by the pop culture and the condition of the society. LL Cool J is an important influencer who bring the trend of bucket hat into the market in the 1980’s, the hip-hop culture let it go to the young generation. This...

The Controversial Issues Regarding Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is a widespread problem that occurs in many different forms every day around the world. Animal cruelty is any infliction of pain or suffering on animals by humans. Although many claim that animals are meant to be used to benefit the human race...

The Relationship Between Fashion and Confidence

Many people claim that confidence stems from being wealthy, whilst others regard it to be about keeping a positive mental attitude and mind-set, but what if confidence is actually about what we wear? 96% of women aged between 21 and 64 years ‘believe that what...

The Most Famous Caribbean Designers

There are numerous designers that have emerged from the Caribbeans. Caribbean designers are usually known for their elegant fashion styles. They are also known for their style and creativity when it comes to fashion designing. The Caribbean Islands have produced some of the most innovative...

Analysis of Marks and Spencer Company: Challenges and Recommendations

Marks and Spencer started more than 125 years ago when the Jewish immigrant Michel Marks came to the north of England. He began as a pedestrian salesperson who sold simple goods such as needles, cottons, pins and sewing accessories door to door. Soon he started...

Fashion Industry Report: Cue Company

Cue was founded in 1968 by Rod Levi’s, he was inspired by the fashion in London, bringing a new take on fashion in Australia. (, 2018) “Cue introduced trend driven and ambitious styles in-store each week.”-(, 2018) Cue has remained being completely owned by the...

The Rise of Slowness in Fashion: Case Studies of Its Growth in South East Asia

In a decade, South East Asia has grown to become a global hub for fast fashion, where garments are mass-produced and standardized. Economic growth has been a fundamental force in the shrew line of over-producing textiles and garments to accommodate millennials into purchasing clothing deemed...

The Impact of Fashion on People’s Life

Beyond the fashion capitals of New York and Paris, a whole other world exists. Contrary to popular media, fashion, beauty, and style standards are not exclusive to these elite fashion cities. Places below the radar of the fashion world are taking on issues that the...

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