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Formatting in MS Word

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Thesis style template for MS Word is available on the School of Graduate Studies website . You are not required to use the template but using it will make some of the formatting requirements easier to meet.

►► Thesis template for  Microsoft Word​  (.docx)

For formatting instructions and requirements see the Formatting section of the SGS website .

MS Word formatting tips

Section breaks and page numbers.

One of the most common formatting items that causes difficulty is the page numbering, since the front section and the rest of the thesis use different characters and placement. The way to properly format these sections is to add Section Breaks in between the front matter and the Introduction or Chapter One and between each of the following chapters, including the Bibliography and Appendices sections.

Adding Section Breaks and Page Numbers in Word 2016

You will need to insert “Section Break – next page” in between all chapters and between the front matter and the first chapter as well as between the last chapter and the appendices and the references.

  • Click on the place where the break should be inserted and then go to the Layout tab.
  • Click on the arrow beside Breaks and choose Section Break Next Page from the list. This allows you to format sections individually of each other.
  • Go to the first chapter after the front matter, click in the header and footer area and in the Header & Footer tools, ensure that “Different First Page” is selected and then ensure that the “Link to Previous” option is not selected. This way, when you format the front matter with Roman numerals in the bottom centre, it won’t carry the formatting into the next section.
  • Use the Insert Page Numbers and Format Page numbers to insert the page numbers in the appropriate place with the appropriate formatting.

Using Document Styles

The template has Styles that can be used to format your entire thesis. To use a style, select the text to apply the style to, then choose the appropriate style from the Styles window.

If you don’t want to use the template (for example, if you don’t want to use the numbered headings, you can create your own styles. To do this, format the heading (or other element) the way you want, then click New Style in the style window. Insert a unique name for the style and click OK . You can then use that style for those elements going forward.

Table of Contents (TOC)

To automatically generate a TOC, apply the appropriate Styles to all headings. The template has styles created for this purpose. If you are not using the template, you can create your own heading styles to apply.

Auto-generate the TOC in Word 2016 on both Mac and Windows

  • Go to the References tab, choose Table of Contents and select Custom Table of Contents . Click OK .

       Using your own styles

  • If you have created your own styles with custom names, go to the References tab, choose Table of Contents and select Custom Table of Contents , then click Options .
  • Put numbers beside the styles you created that correspond with the level of heading they represent. Click OK , then OK again.

Manual formatting of TOC

To add right-aligned tabs with leaders:

  • From the Home tab, open the Paragraph settings and click on the Tabs button.
  • Enter the tab stop position, choose Right Tab and for Leader , choose the … option. Click Set (or the + sign on Mac), then click OK .
  • Type the TOC entry, press tab, then insert the page number.

Miscellaneous tips

  • Use page breaks instead of pressing Enter or Return
  • Use paragraph first-line indent or tab consistently throughout doc (best to use Styles)
  • Use consistent spacing around headers
  • Use Shift + Return/Enter to keep headings that run over 2 lines in the same paragraph
  • Ensure there are no Widow/Orphan headings or paragraphs
  • When inserting longer quotes, use margins to indent rather than tabbing in and inserting a hard return after each line
  • Always use tabs rather than spaces. Set tab stops so you aren’t using multiple tabs

Formatting issues and examples

When creating your own table of contents , be sure to format the space between the text and the numbers properly. Do not use multiple tabs or periods to separate them. This will result in a jagged right margin. You want to set a right-aligned tab with leaders in order to have the numbers properly aligned to the right margin. The auto-generate TOC feature does this automatically.

Table of contents incorrect and correct formatting examples. Discussion above.

When starting content on a new page, do not use the return key until you get to the next page. If you add content to that section later on, it will move everything down the page, even on the following page. Instead, use the Insert Page Break feature.

Page break formatting incorrect and correct example. Discussion above.

When formatting indented quotes, do not use tabs to indent the lines , or put a return at the end of each line. The test in the paragraph won’t flow properly if you need to add more text or change the margins. Instead use the margin controls in the Ruler to indent the paragraph on each side.

Indented quotes incorrect and correct formatting examples. Discussion above.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 3:23 PM
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Formatting your dissertation in Word

About this guide.

Learn how to use Word features effectively and efficiently:

  • basic templates
  • images, captions, and page numbers
  • front matter
  • work with styles and much more!

Before you start:

  • Participants should have basic experience using Microsoft Word. This workshop specifically uses Word 2016.

Note: See dissertation/thesis formatting and submission guidelines (PDF) from University of Minnesota Graduate Student Services and Progress (also see Thesis/dissertation submission and formatting  page).

Tutorials for formatting your dissertation in Word

Setting margins, formatting page numbers, changing fonts and spacing with styles, defining headings and heading styles, automatic page numbers, creating and applying word templates, inserting images, inserting captions and cross-references, keeping captions with their figures, copying charts from excel, adding a landscape page, adding front matter, adding a table of contents, adding a list of figures, sample documents.

The following documents and materials are used in the tutorials. You are welcome to use your own documents, or download ours.

  • Sample Chapter 1 Sample document to be used throughout the tutorials. It's currently unformatted text - you will be applying tutorials to the content.
  • Sample Chapter 2 Sample document to be used throughout the tutorials. It's currently unformatted text - you will be applying tutorials to the content.
  • Image 1 Sample image to be used in some of the tutorials.
  • Image 2 Sample image to be used in some of the tutorials.
  • Sample Chart Excel chart to be used in the tutorial Copying Charts from Excel.
  • Sample Front Matter Sample front matter layout with proper breaks and page numbering. Includes the following: - Title page - Copyright page - Acknowledgements (not required) - Dedication (not required) - Abstract (not required) - Table of contents - List of tables - List of figures - Other items - Placeholder for Chapter 1 content

Supplementary handouts and slides

The following materials can help supplement the tutorials, though they are not required.

Preview the document

Helpful tools and services from the Libraries

The Libraries offer many tools and services that you may find useful as you write your thesis or dissertation.

  • Citation Managers
  • Dissertation Calculator
  • Study Carrels
  • Thesis/Dissertation Submission and Formatting Guidelines
  • Full List of Researcher Support Services

Library Subject Guides

4. writing up your research: thesis formatting (ms word).

  • Books on Thesis Writing
  • Thesis Formatting (MS Word)
  • Referencing

Haere mai, tauti mai—welcome! These instructions are designed to be used with recent versions of MS Word. Please note there is no template or specific formatting guidelines for a thesis at UC. Please talk to your supervisor and take a look at theses in the UC Research Repository to see how they are usually formatted.

  • Where to start
  • Show/Hide Formatting
  • Heading Styles
  • Navigation Pane
  • Table of Contents
  • Numbered Headings
  • List of Figures/Tables
  • Page/Section Breaks, Page Numbering & Orientation

Word Thesis Formatting workshops run throughout the year.

Some useful documents.

  • Word Formatting Instructions PDF This PDF contains the same instructions that are available on this page.
  • Sample Thesis Document with No Formatting This sample thesis file can be used to practise formatting. It is not a template for how to format a thesis. UC does not provide any guidelines on formatting a thesis.
  • APA 7th Edition Formatting Example This document is formatted according to APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines. It could be used as a template or as an example to follow. It contains some additional instructions for certain APA formatting in Word.

For more APA formatting advice see the APA Style Blog's excellent Style and Grammar Guidelines .

Finding Examples

Look at examples and ask your supervisor.

The best guide on how to format your thesis is a combination of:

  • Looking at previous theses in your discipline. Search the UC Research Repository  for your subject or department, and browse by issue date to get the most recent.
  • Asking your supervisor for recommendations on specific formatting and details. 

General Recommendations

The following is an example only of preliminaries to the thesis that could be included.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Abbreviations
  • Toggle show Home ->Show/Hide formatting

how to format dissertation in word

Using styles for headings allows you to create an automatic table of contents.

  • Select major headings one at a time and choose Home ->Styles ‘Heading 1’

how to format dissertation in word

  • Select subheadings and apply Home ->Styles ‘heading 2’ and ‘heading 3’
  • Modify a style by right clicking on it and choosing Modify in the styles pane at the top of the screen.

how to format dissertation in word

The Navigation Pain is useful for seeing the outline of your document as well as providing links to quickly go to any section of the document.

  • View->check Navigation Pane

how to format dissertation in word

In order to create an automatic table of contents heading styles must be used.

  • References -> Table of Contents -> Custom Table of Contents (no heading in table)

how to format dissertation in word

  • Right click table of contents to ‘update field’ and choose ‘update entire table’

how to format dissertation in word

  • Home->Multilevel list-> choose style with a number level for each heading level

how to format dissertation in word

  • To change the heading level 1 number to say ‘Chapter 1’ right click on heading level 1 in the styles area Heading 1->Modify .

how to format dissertation in word

  • In the modify screen click Format->Numbering.

how to format dissertation in word

  • Then click ‘ Define New Number Format’.

how to format dissertation in word

  • Then add the word ‘Chapter’ and a space before the ‘1’.

how to format dissertation in word

To create automatic lists of figures or tables you first have to give a caption to all your figures and tables.

  • Right click figure or table and select Insert Caption

how to format dissertation in word

  • Choose Label type eg. Figure, Table etc
  • Choose position above or below
  • Give the table or figure a title in the top box
  • Go to the headings for List of Figures and List of tables and then click References->Insert Table of Figures -> select caption label type (Figure or Table)

how to format dissertation in word

  • On the following menu select caption label type (Figure or Table) and click OK

how to format dissertation in word

This can be used to have different page numbering styles of different sections of your document or to have certain pages landscape to display a large table or graph.

  • Insert a section break (next page) at the end of the title page ( Layout -> Breaks -> Next Page )

how to format dissertation in word

  • Insert a section break at chapter 1 ( Layout -> Breaks -> Next Page )
  • Insert page breaks for all other ‘heading 1’ headings ( Layout -> Breaks -> Page )

Adding Page Numbers

  • Insert -> Page Number and choose a position on the page

how to format dissertation in word

  • Double click on title page header or footer (top or bottom of the page) and tick ‘ Different First Page’ in the Design ribbon that appears

how to format dissertation in word

  • Click in second page header or footer, right click on the page number and select ‘ format page numbers ’

how to format dissertation in word

  • Select Roman numerals eg. ‘i, ii, iii, iv’ etc
  • Select start at ‘i’ (start at ‘1’)

how to format dissertation in word

  • Scroll to chapter 1 and change number style for this section back to ordinary numbers and start at 1

Change Page Orientation

  • Insert a section break before and after the pages you want to change to landscape orientation (See instructions above for inserting a section break)
  • Layout -> Orientation -> Landscape

NOTE:  A section break is usually only needed if page orientation or separate page numbers are required.

  • << Previous: Books on Thesis Writing
  • Next: Referencing >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 8, 2024 12:29 PM
  • URL: https://canterbury.libguides.com/writingup


How To Format A PhD Thesis In Microsoft Word (An Illustrative Guide)

How to format a PhD thesis in MS Word

The format of a PhD thesis is as important as the content of the thesis. Different institutions have different formatting guidelines so PhD students should always refer to their handbook.

However, there are some standard requirements of PhD theses which do not change with institutions thus making the theses look similar in many aspects. This article highlights the common formatting standards expected of PhD theses and provides step-by-step instructions on how to format some sections in Microsoft Word.

A PhD thesis or dissertation is divided into three distinct components – front matter, main text and back matter – each of which has its own sub-components, as discussed below:

Front matter

Declaration by the candidate and approval of thesis, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of abbreviations, acknowledgements, inserting figures into main text, inserting tables into main text, back matter, numbering the thesis, related article.

The front matter refers to the preliminary pages that come before the main chapters of the theses. These include:

The title page is the first page of the thesis. It includes: the title of the PhD thesis, the name of the PhD student, the school or department and university in which the study took place, the city and country in which the university is located, and lastly the month and year in which the degree was conferred.

A sample title page is shown below:

Originality is very crucial for PhD-level theses and dissertations. In this section, the PhD candidate declares that his work has not been published elsewhere to the best of his knowledge. The declaration is followed by approval of thesis and includes the names of all those people who reviewed and approved the thesis. These could be the supervisors, the Head of Department/School and/or the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. The wordings on this page may vary from one institution to another, it is therefore important for the candidates to refer to their handbooks.

The abstract is a short summary of the thesis, normally a paragraph in length. Abstracts can be structured or unstructured. A structured abstract is one that has headings and text below each heading, while an unstructured abstract does not have headings, it is written in paragraph form.

A sample of a structured and unstructured abstract is provided below:

The table of contents provides the outline of the thesis and shows all the headings and sub-headings of the thesis and their page numbers.

To insert a table of contents in Microsoft Word:

  • Make sure all the headings and sub-headings of the front matter pages, the main text and the back matter pages have been properly specified in the Word document.
  • Click the references tab, then select table of contents option.
  • The table of contents has a drop-down arrow which when clicked shows the different style of TOC.
  • Select the preferred style of TOC and click OK.
  • The TOC will be inserted automatically.

How to insert table of contents

The list of figures shows the titles of all the figures in the thesis and their page numbers.

To insert the list of figures in Microsoft Word:

  • Click on the references tab, then click on “insert table of figures” option.

How to insert list of figures

  • The following dialogue box will open. In the caption label window, select “figure”. It will show different formats for the list of figures. Choose the style you prefer and click OK.

List of figures styles

Like the list of figures, the list of tables shows the titles of all the tables in the thesis and their page numbers.

To insert the list of tables in Microsoft Word:

How to insert list of tables

  • The following dialogue box will open. In the caption label window, select “table”. It will show different formats for the list of tables. Choose the style you prefer and click OK.

Styles of list of tables

The list of figures and the list of tables should be on different pages.

All acronyms and their abbreviations used throughout the thesis should be highlighted in their own separate page titled ‘list of abbreviations.”

In a PhD thesis, it is mandatory to acknowledge all those who helped you in your PhD journey. These include: your supervisors, other faculty who either reviewed your work or gave advice, people who proofread your work, institutions that helped you gain access to your data, your research respondents, fellow colleagues etc.

Some PhD candidates dedicate their thesis to people who are dear to them, for instance, parents, siblings, spouse/partner, children etc. This section is however not mandatory.

Page numbering for front matter

For front matter, Roman numerals should be used excluding the title page which should not be numbered. The page numbers should be placed at the bottom and centre-aligned.

The main text of thesis is the meat of the thesis and starts from chapter all the way to the last chapter of the thesis. The chapters of theses vary from one institution to another but generally have the following structure:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Literature review

Chapter 3: Research methodology

Chapter 4: Research findings/results

Chapter 5: Discussions

Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations

Each chapter should be organised into headings. There are different levels of headings: level 1, level 2, level 3 etc. The use of these different levels depends on a student’s work.

Other formatting requirements for the main text include:

Font: the most recommended font styles are Times New Roman, Arial, Book Antiqua etc. Students should refer to their handbook for guidance on the font required by their institution.

Spacing: the most recommended spacing for theses is 1.5 for the main text except for things like tables.

Referencing style: the recommended referencing style (such as APA, MLA, Havard etc) should be used throughout the text.

Page numbering: for main text, Arabic numerals are used. The page numbers should be placed at the bottom and centre-aligned.

It is advisable to include figures into theses. Figures help to present some information in a more appealing way than plain text. For each figure inserted, make sure to number it and include a caption explaining what the figure is about.

To insert figures’ captions and numbers into Microsoft Word:

Click on the references tab, then click on insert caption.

A dialogue box will open. Under options, choose “figure” as the label.

Type the caption for the figure, choose the numbering format preferred and click OK. The caption and number of the figure will be inserted.

How to insert captions and numbers for figures.

The procedure for tables is the same as for figures.

To insert tables’ captions and numbers into Microsoft Word:

A dialogue box will open. Under options, choose “table” as the label.

Type the caption for the table, choose the numbering format preferred and click OK. The caption and number of the table will be inserted.

How to insert captions and numbers for tables.

The same procedure is used when you have equations, maps and other illustrations.

Important points to remembers:

When inserting captions and numbers for figures and tables, the cursor should be placed at the right position, that is, above the figures and tables.

If the table or figure has been lifted from somewhere else, the source should be acknowledged at the bottom of the table or figure.

The numbering of the figures and tables should be done by chapter. For instance, all figures in chapter 1 should be numbered: figure 1.1, figure 1.2, figure 1.3 etc. while all figures in chapter 2 should be numbered: figure 2.1, figure 2.2, figure 2.3 etc. Same for the tables, equations and all other illustrations.

The back matter has two main content: the references and the appendices.

The references should be done in accordance with the referencing style recommended by the institution.

The appendices section lists all other materials pertaining to the study that were not included in the front matter. Depending on the study, these may include: the research protocol, a letter of introduction for the research, the questionnaire used for the study, the list of respondents etc.

The page numbers for the references and appendices should be Arabic numerals and a continuation of the pages from main text.

The title of the appendices should be done using either Roman numerals (Appendix I, Appendix II, Appendix III etc) or the alphabet letters in caps, that is, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C… etc.

Each appendix should start on its own page.

As discussed earlier, different numbering styles are used for the different sections of the thesis:

The title page should not be numbered.

The other front matter pages should be numbered using Roman numerals.

The main text and back matter pages should be numbered using Arabic numerals.

Many students struggle with doing the numbering correctly.

The best way to do this in Microsoft Word is to use the “section break” function which divides the thesis into different sections. Each section is then numbered separately from the other sections. To do this:

Go to the end of the page where you want to insert the section break. This should be: at the end of the title page, and after the last front matter page (dedication). Because the main text and back matter pages are numbered using the same style, there is no need to create a section break after the main text.

From insert menu, go to break then section break and select the one written (next page).

how to format dissertation in word

Word will create different sections for the title page, the other front matter pages and the main text and back matter pages.

Use the insert tab and page number function to insert different formats for the different sections: not to be numbered (title page), numbered using Roman numerals (for front matter pages) and numbered using Arabic numerals (main text and back matter pages).

How to insert different page number formats into a Microsoft Word document.

In conclusion, formatting a PhD thesis requires careful consideration of the requirements given by an institution for the different parts of a thesis. PhD students should always consult their handbooks to ensure that their theses meet the high academic standards required of them. This article discussed some key formatting issues and provided step-by-step instructions on some formatting options.

Comprehensive Guidelines for Writing a PhD Thesis Proposal (+ free checklist for PhD Students)

Grace Njeri-Otieno

Grace Njeri-Otieno is a Kenyan, a wife, a mom, and currently a PhD student, among many other balls she juggles. She holds a Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Economics and has more than 7 years' experience with an INGO. She was inspired to start this site so as to share the lessons learned throughout her PhD journey with other PhD students. Her vision for this site is "to become a go-to resource center for PhD students in all their spheres of learning."

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What’s Included: The Dissertation Template

If you’re preparing to write your dissertation, thesis or research project, our free dissertation template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples .

The template’s structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects such as dissertations and theses. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your dissertation or thesis will have a smooth, logical flow from chapter to chapter.

The dissertation template covers the following core sections:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction  (also available: in-depth introduction template )
  • Chapter 2: Literature review  (also available: in-depth LR template )
  • Chapter 3: Methodology (also available: in-depth methodology template )
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results (also available: results template )
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings (also available: discussion template )
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (also available: in-depth conclusion template )
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

FAQs: Dissertation Template

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

Free Webinar: Literature Review 101

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Thesis / dissertation formatting manual (2024).

  • Filing Fees and Student Status
  • Submission Process Overview
  • Electronic Thesis Submission
  • Paper Thesis Submission
  • Formatting Overview
  • Fonts/Typeface
  • Pagination, Margins, Spacing
  • Paper Thesis Formatting
  • Preliminary Pages Overview
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication Page
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures (etc.)
  • Acknowledgements
  • Text and References Overview
  • Figures and Illustrations
  • Using Your Own Previously Published Materials
  • Using Copyrighted Materials by Another Author
  • Open Access and Embargoes
  • Copyright and Creative Commons
  • Ordering Print (Bound) Copies
  • Tutorials and Assistance
  • FAQ This link opens in a new window

UCI Libraries maintains the following  templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. If you are formatting your manuscript using LaTex, UCI maintains a template on OverLeaf.

  • Annotated Template (Dissertation) 2024 PDF of a template with annotations of what to look out for
  • Word: Thesis Template 2024 Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting.
  • PDF Thesis Template 2024
  • Word: Dissertation Template 2024 Editable template of the PhD Dissertation formatting.
  • PDF: Dissertation Template 2024
  • Overleaf (LaTex) Template
  • << Previous: Tutorials and Assistance
  • Next: FAQ >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 20, 2024 2:09 PM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/gradmanual

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Microsoft Word for Dissertations

  • Page Numbers
  • Introduction, Template, & Resources
  • Formatting for All Readers
  • Applying a Style
  • Modifying a Style
  • Setting up a Heading 1 Example
  • Images, Charts, Other Objects
  • Footnotes, Endnotes, & Citations
  • Cross-References
  • Appendix Figures & Tables
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures/Tables
  • Chapter and Section Numbering
  • Landscape Pages
  • Combining Chapter Files
  • Commenting and Reviewing
  • The Two-inch Top Margin
  • Troubleshooting
  • Finalizing Without Styles
  • Preparing Your Final Document

Page Contents

If you're having problems with page numbers restarting at 1 for some chapters, see our Troubleshooting section .

This page will inform you about page numbers, including:

  • Adding page numbers general information
  • Using sections to control page numbering
  • Breaking the connection between sections
  • Adding the page numbers

Adding Page Numbers

Again, please remember that our template (available on the Main Page of this Guide ) has all of this already built in.

Page Numbers are placed in the footer of your document, which is a shared space among all your pages. Anything you put in the footer will appear on all pages of your document, though you can also use Breaks to divide your document into different sections. This is how we get small Roman numerals in the front matter section, and Arabic numerals in the rest of the document, for example.

You edit the headers and footers by double clicking in the space in which they appear on the document. When you are finished editing, you can get back to the rest of your document by clicking the  Close Header and Footer button in the  Header Design  Ribbon.

Microsoft Word provides you with the option of selecting a numbering style (e.g. “Roman Numeral”, “Arabic”) and gives you the option of selecting the “starting at” number.  You can set the page numbers for your entire document, or if you need more control, you can do it section-by-section as well.

If you want continuous pagination that is all in the same format, go to the Insert Ribbon, and in the Header & Footer Group , click on the Page Number icon. Choose the appropriate placement of the number and a style.

If you are writing a Rackham dissertation, you have somewhat more complicated pagination. For example, Rackham’s guidelines require that the page numbers begin on the third or fourth page of your document (depending on if you include a graphical frontispiece) and the page number on that page should be Roman numeral “ii”. Page numbering should continue on in Roman numerals until the first page of Chapter 1 is reached.  At that point, the numbering should restart in Arabic (“1, 2, 3…”). Rackham requires that all of your page numbers be placed at the bottom center of your pages.

View this video  (despite the Word 2010 references, it's still accurate), or read below on how to achieve this.

Step 1: Using Sections to Control Page Numbering

Using Sections to Control Page Numbering

The following instructions demonstrate numbering a dissertation document according to Rackham’s guidelines.  These steps assume you are including a title page, a copyright page, dedication and acknowledgements and other front matter, and then the body of your dissertation.

  • Put your cursor before the first letter of “Dedication” or whatever is the first thing that comes after your copyright page.
  • On the Page Layout Ribbon, in the Page Setup Group , click on the arrow next to the Breaks icon () and select Next Page under the Section Breaks section.
  • If you turn on the paragraph markers, you should now see a section break on the previous page.
  • Put your cursor before the first letter of your first chapter and repeat steps 2 and 3.

You have just separated your dissertation into sections. If you want to see what section you are working in, on the left end of Status Bar (at the bottom of your Word document), Word tells you what page you are on, how many words are in your document, which section you are in, and so on.

If you don’t see the section information, right-click on the Status Bar, and select Section in the menu that appears.

Step 2: Breaking the Connection Between Sections

Breaking the Connection Between Sections

By default, the headers and footers of each section are connected to those of the sections before and after it.  Therefore, if you want different page number styles to vary from one section to the next (such as Roman or Arabic), you’ll need to break the connection between the sections. Particularly with landscaped pages, it is often helpful to break the connection in the header as well as in the footer.

  • Put your cursor on the first page that needs the Roman numeral.
  • On the Insert Ribbon, in the Header & Footer Group , click on the arrow under the Footer icon and select Edit Footer .
  • You should now be in the footer of that page; in the Header & Footer Tools Design Ribbon , in the Navigation Group , unlink this section’s footer from previous sections’ footer by clicking the highlighted Link to Previous icon.
  • Put your cursor in the header area, and again click the highlighted Link to Previous icon.
  • Scroll down to the first page of the body of your dissertation (the chapters), make sure your cursor is in the footer, and click the highlighted Link to Previous icon again.

You have now successfully unlinked footers of these sections. Any page numbers you put in the body of your document will not affect the page numbering of your front matter, and vice versa.

Step 3: Adding the Page Numbers

Adding the Page Numbers

  • Scroll up to the section that contains your front matter and click in the footer of any page (don’t do anything for your title page and other pages that don’t require a page number).
  • On the Insert Ribbon, in the Header & Footer Group , click on the arrow next to the Page Number icon and select the positioning you’d like.  Generally, Bottom of the Page is the choice, and either Plain Number 2 (centered) or Plain Number 3 (right aligned).
  • To change to Roman Numerals, on the Insert Ribbon, in the Header & Footer Group , click on the arrow next to the Page Number icon and select Format Page Numbers… to set the “start at” number and the style of numbering.
  • Scroll down to the first page of the next section (where your chapters start) and click in the footer.

Florida State University

FSU | The Graduate School

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Templates & Formatting Assistance

Formatting templates.

Manuscript Clearance provides templates for both Word and LaTeX into which students can type their text directly and that are formatted according to FSU requirements. The main elements in the three templates are the same, but the layout of the Table of Contents is different. You can select a Table of Contents that lists only the main section headings (which is all The Graduate School requires) or one that also lists subheadings, either numbered or unnumbered. 

Please note that these templates are created with general formatting requirements. Specific items such as chapter titles, the number of chapters you include and the content of those chapters is not dictated by The Graduate School.

Word Templates for FSU's ETDs

Latex template for fsu's etds.

This template is for use by students who prefer to use LaTeX for their manuscript. Manuscript Clearance staff are unable to assist with issues arising in LaTeX, but students are encouraged to review the User Guide and other materials in the Help section of the following website. 

Click here to visit the LaTeX ETD template website.

Formatting assistance.

Manuscript Clearance also provides a number of step-by-step instructions to assist students with common formatting issues. Please review the topics in the list below for assistance.

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A Message From the Assistant Director of Content Development 

The Purdue OWL® is committed to supporting  students, instructors, and writers by offering a wide range of resources that are developed and revised with them in mind. To do this, the OWL team is always exploring possibilties for a better design, allowing accessibility and user experience to guide our process. As the OWL undergoes some changes, we welcome your feedback and suggestions by email at any time.

Please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact page  if you have any questions or comments.

All the best,

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May 15, 2024

Tips and Resources for a Successful Summer of Dissertation Writing

By Yana Zlochistaya

Summer can be a strange time for graduate students. Gone are the seminars and workshops, the student clubs, and the working group, that structured the semester and provided us with a sense of community. Instead, we’re faced with a three-month expanse of time that can feel equal parts liberating and intimidating. This double-edged freedom is only exacerbated for those of us in the writing stage of our dissertation, when isolation and a lack of discipline can have a particularly big impact. For those hoping not to enter another summer with lofty plans, only to blink and find ourselves in August disappointed with our progress, we’ve compiled some tips and resources that can help.

According to Graduate Writing Center Director Sabrina Soracco, the most important thing you can do to set yourself up for writing success is to clarify your goals. She recommends starting this process by looking at departmental requirements for a completed dissertation. Consider when you would like to file and work backwards from that point, determining what you have to get done in order to hit that target. Next, check in with your dissertation committee members to set up an accountability structure. Would they prefer an end-of-summer update to the whole committee? A monthly check-in with your chair or one of your readers? Setting up explicit expectations that work for you and your committee can cut through the aimlessness that comes with a major writing project.

For those early on in their dissertation-writing process, a committee meeting is also a valuable opportunity to set parameters. “One of the problems with the excitement for the discipline that happens post-quals is that it results in too many ideas,” says Director. Soracco. Your committee members should give you input on productive research directions so that you can begin to hone in on your project. It is also important to remember that your dissertation does not have to be the end-all-and-be-all of your academic research. Ideas that do not fit into its scope can end up becoming conference papers or even book chapters.

Once you have a clear goal that you have discussed with your committee, the hard part begins: you have to actually write. The Graduate Writing Center offers several resources to make that process easier:

  • The Graduate Writing Community. This is a totally remote, two-month program that is based on a model of “gentle accountability.” When you sign up, you are added to a bCourses site moderated by a Graduate Writing Consultant. At the beginning of the week, everyone sets their goals in a discussion post, and by the end of the week, everyone checks in with progress updates. During the week, the writing consultants offer nine hours of remote synchronous writing sessions. As a writing community member, you can attend whichever sessions work best for your schedule. All that’s required is that you show up, set a goal for that hour, and work towards that goal for the length of two 25-minute Pomodoro sessions . This year’s summer writing community will begin in June. Keep your eye on your email for the registration link!
  • Writing Consultations : As a graduate student, you can sign up for an individual meeting with a Graduate Writing Consultant. They can give you feedback on your work, help you figure out the structure of a chapter, or just talk through how to get started on a writing project. 
  • Independent Writing Groups: If you would prefer to write with specific friends or colleagues, you can contact Graduate Writing Center Director Sabrina Soracco at [email protected] so that she can help you set up your own writing group. The structure and length of these groups can differ; often, members will send each other one to five pages of writing weekly and meet the next day for two hours to provide feedback and get advice. Sometimes, groups will meet up not only to share writing, but to work in a common space before coming together to debrief. Regardless of what the groups look like, the important thing is to create a guilt-free space. Some weeks, you might submit an outline; other weeks, it might be the roughest of rough drafts; sometimes, you might come to a session without having submitted anything. As long as we continue to make progress (and show up even when we don’t), we’re doing what we need to. As Director Soracco puts it, “it often takes slogging through a lot of stuff to get to that great epiphany.”

Yana Zlochistaya is a fifth-year graduate student in the Department of Comparative Literature and a Professional Development Liaison with the Graduate Division. She previously served as a co-director for Beyond Academia.

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How to Add Page Numbers in Word for Your Papers? [For Students]

As a student, adding page numbers while writing your research papers, dissertations, and theses etc., can be tricky; especially if your document uses a specific formatting style. But, it's not impossible. How can you add page numbers in Word without any complications? After using Word for multiple papers of my own, I have identified the quickest and easiest way of adding page numbers in Word. In this article, I will show you exactly how.

Typical Issues with Adding Page Numbers in Word

It is common for students to encounter a number of different problems while inserting page numbers in Word. Let’s walk through each of these problems and solve them. Here are a few typical issues you might have come across while adding page numbers in your document:

1.Locating the “Insert Page Number” Option

You can normally find the “Page Number” option in the Insert tab on your Toolbar to add page numbers like below:

2.Errors While Adding Page Numbers

Some students have also encountered an error while adding page numbers by clicking the button “More page numbers from Office.com”. This further gives the resulting error, “no online content available”. To prevent this error you should follow the below steps to diagnose the problem:

Update your Office to ensure that everything is up to date or;

Disable add-ins;

Check for permissions.

In case the above options don’t work, you can try troubleshooting via the system, and proceed with using the built-in templates of page numbers without accessing online content.

3.Formatting Page Numbers

As per the format you will be using for your paper or thesis, you will need to format your page numbers accordingly. There are a variety of ways you can display your page numbers and edit them.

For this, we will explore all the ways you can do this in the guide below:

How to Add Page Numbers to Your Paper in Word [Basic]

In my experience, it was quite simple to add page numbers in my documents, and only got a little tricky when I wanted to format them. I can understand that for some students with a nearer deadline, this can be a frustrating experience. This is why I’ve compiled all the different ways you can add a page number to your paper in Word. To demonstrate, I’ll be using WPS Office, which is easy to follow along and compatible with all Word document versions and devices (Mobile, Windows, or Mac).

Step 1 : First, open the document where you want to add in your page numbers.

If you haven’t started on your document yet, that is okay. You can add in your page numbers and continue your writing later.

Step 2 : Head over to your Toolbar and go to your Insert tab to add in your page numbers

Step 3 : In your Insert tab, you will see the option of “Page Number” and click on it.

Step 4 : After clicking on “Page Number”, you will see a number of different ways you can display your page numbers.

These are built-in templates. Choose the one that best fits your needs.

Note : It might be helpful for you to note that certain academic writing styles require you to use only specific number formats.

For instance, if you are writing your thesis or research paper in APA, MLA, or Chicago format, your page number should be on the top right corner.

How to Add Page Numbers Starting from a Specific Page in Word

For certain academic documents you don’t need page numbers on specific pages, and sometimes you do. It can get a little annoying when you delete a page number from the first page but the next page is still numbered at 2.

It can be helpful to note that if your document is in APA or MLA format, your title page should be page numbered at 1. However, if you’re following the Chicago format, your title page should not have page number at all.

Here’s a simple number of steps you can follow to add page numbers starting from a specific page in Word:

Step 1 : Go to the specific page you want your page numbers to begin.

Step 2 : Insert a section break - “Next Page”  in your previous page.

If you have already written your paper, there are pretty good chances you have already inserted your section breaks. Well done on that!

Step 3 : Double click on either the Header or Footer of the page (where you want to add the page number)

Step 4 : Uncheck the box that says “Link to Previous”

Step 5 : Go to the Insert Tab

Step 6 : Click on “Page Numbers” and choose the format you want

If you want your page number to start from 1, follow these steps after the above:

Step 7 : Click on “Page Numbers” once more and scroll down the menu to “Insert Page Number…”. This will open a pop-up box.

Step 8. In the pop-up menu, go to the option “Start at” and enter 1.

Your page numbers will be in line after this. While this process may seem a little lengthy, it is always helpful in my experience to make sure that you insert your section breaks while you are writing your paper. This helps in giving your paper a finished look, makes creating your table of contents easier, and will make many formatting tasks simpler in the long-run.

Using this, you can even use different number formatting styles for different sections of your page, as per your writing format (APA, MLA or Chicago). For instance if you want to use Roman numbers in the initial sections:

Repeat Steps 1-7.

In the pop-up menu, go to the option “Number Format” and select the formatting you want.

Advanced Format of Page Numbers in Word

If you’ve been tasked with formatting page numbers as “Page X of Y'' in Word, there is no need to worry. This method adds clarity, enhances professionalism, and makes your paper easier to navigate for your reader.

You don’t need to manually add this in, as I’ve noticed some students attempt to do so.

While adding these page numbers manually is possible, I would not recommend it. Why? Here are a few downsides to it. If your document is long and consists of 200+ pages, you might be up all night adding these page numbers.

Secondly, even if your document is short, as soon as you add in an extra page in your paper, all your previous total page numbers will automatically be incorrect and you will have to go back in to edit them out.

Word, especially WPS, makes this a lot easier and makes this process a lot more dynamic. Let’s dive into this process:

Step 1 : When inserting page numbers, go to the Insert tab and the “Page Numbers” Option

Step 2 : When the menu opens up, go to Format Page Numbers

Step 3 : In the Format Option, select “Page 1 of X” and click Ok.

Now it will be easier for you and others to navigate through your paper. I have also noticed that it is also easier to refer to or bookmark pages in this particular case.

Use WPS AI to Refine Your Papers

With AI monopolizing the industry, I have found WPS Office readily equipped with everything I need for my writing. When writing research papers, theses, dissertations, WPS AI offers me invaluable assistance in refining my papers and adds finesse to them.

Using WPS has set aside any difficulty that I normally encountered in my writing. With all my writing easily proofread, I can also use simple word replacements and grammar checks to present my arguments in the best way possible.

Here is how students can make use of WPS AI during academic writing, whether it's a thesis or a class assignment:

Step 1 : One of the uses of WPS AI would be to utilize the WPS AI spell check feature to ensure your work is error-free. To do this, visit the Review tab in WPS Writer.

Step 2 : Next, click on the "AI Spell Check" button to open WPS AI Spell Check.

Step 3 : With WPS AI spell check open on the right side of the screen, where all the grammatical errors will be displayed, click on "Accept All" to avoid going through all the corrections.

Step 4 : Furthermore, WPS AI spell check can be tailored according to the academic style being followed. To do this, click on the "Set Goals" button.

Step 5 : Now, set the Domain as "Academic", and then click on the Academic Format of your choice.

WPS AI can also be used to improve writing, or we can also use it to shorten or elongate the content that we have.

Step 1 : Open your academic document on WPS Writer and use your cursor to select the text that you want to improve.

Step 2 : Now, right-click to open the context menu, and then click on the "WPS AI" button.

Step 3 : This will enable the WPS AI assistant, which provides a couple of options for students such as "Improve Writing", "Change Layout", "Make Longer", and others.

Step 4 : Once you have chosen any option, WPS AI will process your request, and the results will be displayed. If you're not content with the results, click on the "Rewrite" option.

Step 5 : Students can also decide to "Replace" or "Discard" the results accordingly.

WPS AI is not just a simple addition to office suites anymore. With the introduction of AI, it acts as an assistant for students, capable of helping them at every step, from brainstorming ideas to refining their work. So why wait? Download WPS Office now and see how it is making life easier for thousands of students!

Use Word, Excel, and PPT for FREE, No Ads.

Edit PDF files with the powerful PDF toolkit.

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Converting Your Papers to PDF While Preserving the Format

As a student, most of your submissions require your papers and documents to be in a PDF format. There are a number of ways you can convert your papers to PDF, however there is no guarantee that your format will remain the same.

Sometimes, converting from Word to PDF will either change your font, or add something on a different page or mess up your alignment.

WPS makes your life easier by having a built-in option to convert your Word documents to PDF while preserving your format.

To make it simpler for you, follow the below steps to do the same.

Step 1 : Go to the Menu.

Step 2 : Click “Export to PDF”.

Step 3 : Select “Common PDF” and then “Export to PDF”.

You can go through your document as well and you will find all your formatting intact.

FAQs about Adding Page Numbers in Word

Q1. how do i stop page numbering from a specific page in word.

There are different ways you can remove page numbers from a specific page or stop page numbering in Word. You can follow the below steps and you will successfully remove your page number.

Click on the page number that you want to remove

Press Delete

If, however, you only want to remove the page number from the first page of the document, then you can simply go to the Header/Footer tab, and select “Different First Page”.

Q2. How do I exclude a page from page numbering?

If you want to exclude certain pages from page numbering, you can follow the below steps to make it simple:

Step 1 : Go to the specific page you want your page number to be excluded

Step 3 : Double click on either the Header or Footer of the page (where you want to delete the page number)

Step 6 : Click on “Page Numbers” and click “Remove Page Number”.

Q3. How to create different headers or footers for odd and even pages

Here is a straightforward guide on how to create custom headers and footers in Microsoft Word:

Step 1 : Open the Word document you wish to customize. Double-click on the header section of the document.

Step 2 : In the Header and Footer ribbon, locate and select the option for "Different Odd & Even Pages."

Step 3 : On an odd page, click on the header or footer area you want to edit. Enter your document title, then press Tab twice.

Step 4 : Go to "Page Number", select "Current Position", and pick a style.

Step 5 : Move to an even page. Repeat the process for page numbering on the even page.

Step 6 : Press Tab twice and type in your document title.

Step 7 : Finally, click on "Close Header and Footer" or press Esc to conclude.

Q4. Can we customize the appearance of page numbers in Word?

Word provides robust customization options for page numbers. You can adjust the font, size, color, style, and positioning of page numbers to align perfectly with your document's layout and design requirements.

Simplify Your Thesis with WPS Writer: Effortless Page Numbering

At the end of your thesis, adding page numbers will be one less problem for you now. With all the tricks up your sleeve on how to add page numbers in Word as per your need, you can format your file exactly the way you want to. WPS, a student-friendly Office-Suite, makes your life easier in more than one way. Download WPS Writer now, to get the full experience.

  • 1. How to Delete a Page in Word for Your Thesis/Dissertation? [For Students]
  • 2. How to add page numbers on certain pages in word
  • 3. How to add page numbers in word document excluding cover page
  • 4. How to start page numbers on page 2 in WPS Writer
  • 5. How to do page numbers in word on page 3 (Step-by Step)
  • 6. How to Add Page Numbers In Word Starting on Page 2 (Step by Step)

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Literary Analysis Essay

Literary analysis essay generator.

how to format dissertation in word

Literary analysis essays offer a deeper understanding and interpretation of literary works, allowing readers to delve into the intricacies of a story, poem, or novel. Whether you’re a student or a literature enthusiast, analyzing literature can be a rewarding experience. In this article, we will explore a collection of 30+ literary analysis essay examples available in Word, Google Docs, and PDF formats. We will also discuss essential elements such as analysis paper outlines , literary devices, short story analysis, literature reviews, theses, analogies, book reviews, context, and conclusions.

1. Literary Analysis Essay Outline Example

Literary Analysis Essay Outline Template

  • Google Docs

2. Quotation Literary Analysis Essay Example

Quotation Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 33 KB

3. Printable Literary Analysis Essay Example

Printable Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 252 KB

4. Building a Literary Analysis Essay Example

Building a Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 195 KB

5. Literary Analysis Essay Score Sheet Example

Literary Analysis Essay Score Sheet

Size: 81 KB

6. Sample Literary Analysis Essay Example

Sample Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 63 KB

7. Literary Analysis Essay Checklist Example

Literary Analysis Essay Checklist

Size: 180 KB

8. Literary Analysis Essay Outline Example

Literary Analysis Essay Outlines

Size: 51 KB

9. Editable Literary Analysis Essay Example

Editable Literary Analysis Essays

Size: 336 KB

10. Peer Editing Literary Analysis Essay Example

Peer Editing Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 226 KB

11. Professional Literary Analysis Essay Example

Professional Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 41 KB

12. Literary Analysis Assessment Outline Essay Example

Literary Analysis Assessment Outline Essay

Size: 61 KB

13. High School Literary Analysis Essay Example

High School Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 95 KB

14. Evaluation of a Literary Analysis Essay Example

Evaluation of a Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 22 KB

15. Graphic Organizer Literary Analysis Essay Example

Graphic Organizer Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 306 KB

16. Literary Analysis Essay Structure Example

Literary Analysis Essay Structure

Size: 178 KB

17. Literary Analysis Essay Writing Example

Literary Analysis Essay Writing

18. College Literary Analysis Essay Example

College Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 468 KB

19. Literary Analysis Essay Rubic Example

Literary Analysis Essay Rubic

Size: 644 KB

20. Simple Literary Analysis Essay Example

Simple Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 88 KB

21. Writing a Literary Analysis Essay Example

Writing a Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 500 KB

22. Introduction to Literary Analysis Essay Example

Introductory to Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 368 KB

23. Short Story Literary Analysis Essay Example

Short Story Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 103 KB

24. 8th Grade Literary Analysis Essay Example

8th Grade Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 278 KB

25. Literary Analysis Essay Assignment Example

Literary Analysis Essay Assignment

Size: 47 KB

26. Literary Analysis Video Essay Example

Literary Analysis Video Essay

Size: 208 KB

27. Student Guide for Literary Analysis Essay Example

Student Guide for Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 956 KB

28. MLA Literary Analysis Essay Example

MLA Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 116 KB

29. Draft Literary Analysis Essay Example

Draft Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 112 KB

30. 9th Grade Literary Analysis Essay Example

9th Grade Literary Analysis Essay

Size: 93 KB

31. Literary Analysis Essay Guide Example

Literary Analysis Essay Guide

Size: 36 KB

What is a Literary Analysis Essay?

A literary analysis essay is a critical examination and interpretation of a literary work. It involves analyzing various elements such as plot, characters, themes, and literary devices to uncover deeper meanings and insights. By dissecting the text and exploring its nuances, readers can gain a deeper appreciation for the author’s intentions and the work’s impact. A well-written literary analysis essay provides a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond surface-level observations.

How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay

Before we dive into the examples, let’s outline the steps involved in writing a literary analysis essay:

Step 1: Choose a literary work:

Select a literary work that you want to analyze. It could be a novel, short story, poem, or play. Ensure that the chosen work is rich in literary elements and offers ample material for analysis.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the work:

Read the literary work carefully, taking note of important plot points, characters, themes, and literary devices. Pay attention to the author’s writing style and the overall tone of the work.

Step 3: Develop a thesis statement:

Craft a strong thesis statement that encapsulates your main argument or interpretation of the literary work. Your thesis should be clear, concise, and debatable, providing a roadmap for your analysis.

Step 4: Gather evidence:

Collect evidence from the literary work to support your thesis statement. Look for specific examples, quotes, and literary devices that reinforce your analysis. Take note of the context in which these elements appear.

Step 5: Organize your essay:

Create an analysis paper outline to structure your essay effectively. Divide your essay into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion . Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of your analysis, supported by evidence.

Step 6: Write your essay:

Start with an engaging introduction that provides background information and introduces your thesis statement. In the body paragraphs, analyze different aspects of the literary work, providing evidence and explanations. Ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs. Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and reinforcing your thesis .

What are some examples of literary devices?

Literary devices are techniques used by authors to enhance their writing and convey meaning. Examples include metaphors, similes, personification, alliteration, and symbolism. For a comprehensive list and explanations, refer to Literary Devices .

Are there any specific examples of short story analysis essays?

You can find examples of short story analysis essays in PDF format here . These examples provide insights into analyzing the elements of a short story effectively.

How does context impact literary analysis?

Context plays a crucial role in literary analysis as it helps readers understand the historical, social, and cultural background in which the literary work was written. It provides insights into the author’s intentions and influences the interpretation of the text.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
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Analyze the theme of courage in a novel for your Literary Analysis Essay.

Write about the use of symbolism in a short story for your Literary Analysis Essay.

  • Delete a Page in Word
  • Convert PDF to Word
  • Page Numbers in Word
  • Double Space in Word
  • Table of Contents in Word

Microsoft finally fixed copy and paste in Word

An example Word document with the new Pasting options.

Microsoft is about to make copying and pasting much easier in Word, thanks to a new Merge Formatting option. In a Microsoft 365 Insiders blog post , the company announced the change, which was “implemented based on [user] feedback.”

The change means that pasting text with formatting that doesn’t match your file will no longer ruin it, so you don’t have to spend more time fixing the formatting so it can match your formatting style. Unlike with “Keep Source Formatting,” the text you paste to your document will match your file’s formatting, font, color, and size, making the recently added text as visually appealing as what you already have on your file.

The Merge Formatting option will keep the original underlined text, bold, table structure, and list. When you right-click to paste your text, you can choose from different options such as Keep Source Formatting, Merge Formatting, and Text Only. However, if you work better with keyboard combinations, the pasting method using Ctrl+V will bring unwelcome formatting.

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You can make Merge Formatting your default by opening the Microsoft Word document you are working on, going to File > Options > Advanced > Cut, Copy, and Paste , the choosing the Pasting from other program option > Merge formatting from the drop-down menu. From that point on, whenever you use the keyboard combination to paste text, all the text and formatting will match perfectly. If you ever change your mind, you can follow the steps mentioned and make the necessary changes.

Based on user feedback, Microsoft finally took the necessary steps to fix the default paste option. Only users with versions 2405 (Build 17624.20000) or later on their PCs will see the much-needed changes. The option is currently unavailable for Mac or web users, but that will hopefully change soon.

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Judy Sanhz

Microsoft Edge is already jam-packed with features that other web browsers don't have, but a new one might well help your PC run faster while gaming. The default Windows web browser now has the option to limit the amount of RAM it uses, helping you prioritize RAM access to other applications or games. The feature is currently being tested in the Canary version of Microsoft Edge and could roll out to everyone if Microsoft deems it useful enough and gets quality feedback.

Spotted by X (formerly Twitter) user Leopeva64, the setting for this new feature is buried in the System and Performance section of the latest Canary version of Microsoft Edge. It is being rolled out gradually, so not everyone has it yet, but it gives two options for controlling your PC resources.

Windows 11 is the newest version of Windows, and it's one of the best Windows versions released. At launch, the operating system was very similar to Windows 10, but it has morphed a lot over the past several years. Now, Windows 11 has several key differences compared to Windows 10.

If you've been holding out on upgrading, we have everything you need to know about Windows 11 and how it's different than Windows 10 in this article. We'll detail the differences, as well as show you the areas where Windows 11 is growing faster than Windows 10. Windows 11 vs. Windows 10: what's new

Microsoft is working on a new patent that aims to bring unprecedented levels of control to displays. The new tech, dubbed Pixel Luminesce for Digital Display, allows you to micromanage every single pixel of your display, adjusting the brightness as needed. If and when this makes it out of the development stage, it could end up being huge for all sorts of use cases, and could bring major improvements to some of the best gaming monitors.

The patent application describing the tech, first shared by Windows Report, describes the new technology as something that would enable selective dimming. With Microsoft's new tech, you could decide that one part of the display stays brighter while the rest of it remains unaffected, and this would happen dynamically.

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Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

  • Introduction
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  • Dedication, Acknowledgements, & Preface
  • Headings and Subheadings
  • Citations and Bibliography
  • Page Numbers
  • Tables and Figures
  • Rotated (Landscape) Pages
  • Table of Contents
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Some Things to Watch For
  • PDF with Embedded Fonts

UM-Deaborn has specific requirements for a thesis title page. An example of what this page should look like can be found on the last page of the Master's Thesis Format Guidelines . There are many ways to use Microsoft Word to create this page; one way to do this is demonstrated in the video below.

Note for dissertations: The order in which you list your committee members differs from the order on the title page of the thesis. All committee members (other than the chair or co-chairs) are listed in alphabetical order based on last name.

  • << Previous: Introduction
  • Next: Front Matter >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024 2:35 PM
  • URL: https://guides.umd.umich.edu/Word_for_Theses

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  1. PDF Formatting your dissertation in Word

    2. Position the cursor in the section in which you want the formatting to be applied. 3. On the Insert tab, or the Design tab within Header & Footer Tools, click Page Number, and click Format Page Numbers, at the bottom of the menu. 4. If you want to change the look or system of the numbers, choose a setting in Number format. 5.

  2. Dissertation layout and formatting

    Next go to "Page layout" and then "Breaks". Next, choose the submenu "Next page". Switch to the side, where the numbering should begin (in this case, page 2). In the edit mode of the header or footer, choose "link to previous", after that click on "Move to footer" and click on the "Link to previous" again. Now, to add a ...

  3. Microsoft Word for Dissertations

    Formatting your dissertation (or thesis) will likely take more time than you expect. But using the special features described in this Guide will save you a great deal of work, particularly if you use our template (available in the box below).The earlier you begin to use these tools, the more time you'll save and the less stress you'll have as your submission deadline approaches.

  4. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Example 4: Mix-and-match. To truly make the most of these options, consider mixing and matching the passive voice, IS-AV construction, and "I" construction .This can help the flow of your argument and improve the readability of your text. Example: Mix of different constructions.

  5. Dissertation Structure & Layout 101 (+ Examples)

    Time to recap…. And there you have it - the traditional dissertation structure and layout, from A-Z. To recap, the core structure for a dissertation or thesis is (typically) as follows: Title page. Acknowledgments page. Abstract (or executive summary) Table of contents, list of figures and tables.

  6. Formatting in MS Word

    Manual formatting of TOC. To add right-aligned tabs with leaders: From the Home tab, open the Paragraph settings and click on the Tabs button. Enter the tab stop position, choose Right Tab and for Leader, choose the … option. Click Set (or the + sign on Mac), then click OK. Type the TOC entry, press tab, then insert the page number.

  7. PDF Formatting your Thesis or Dissertation in Microsoft Word: A Resource

    Formatting your Thesis or Dissertation in Microsoft Word: A Resource Reference Sheet Many big research projects (such as a dissertation, MA thesis, or undergraduate Honors Thesis) require very specific formatting. While the Writing Center at UNC-Chapel Hill cannot dedicate resources to formatting questions at this time, the Writing Center has ...

  8. Formatting your dissertation in Word

    Participants should have basic experience using Microsoft Word. This workshop specifically uses Word 2016. Note: See dissertation/thesis formatting and submission guidelines (PDF) from University of Minnesota Graduate Student Services and Progress (also see Thesis/dissertation submission and formatting page).

  9. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word This guide includes video tutorials designed to help you get most of the formatting of your thesis correct the first time. Using these videos to format your thesis will save a lot of time when it comes to having your format checked.

  10. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    Using Microsoft Word to format your thesis or dissertation [If you want to use LaTeX instead of Microsoft Word, see the Formatting in LaTeX section, below.] UM-Dearborn Microsoft Word thesis template. Most students use Microsoft Word to write their thesis or dissertation. For previous assignments, you likely did not use some of Word's advanced ...

  11. 4. Writing up your Research: Thesis Formatting (MS Word)

    For more APA formatting advice see the APA Style Blog's excellent Style and Grammar Guidelines. Finding Examples. Look at examples and ask your supervisor. The best guide on how to format your thesis is a combination of: Looking at previous theses in your discipline.

  12. PDF APA Style Dissertation Guidelines: Formatting Your Dissertation

    help with writing/formatting your dissertation, please email . [email protected] . or call (973)- 655-7442 for more information on how to schedule a writing consultation at the CWE. For doctoral students, the Center for Writing Excellence offers the following writing resources: • Writing Your Thesis, Prospectus, or Dissertation • APA 7 th

  13. Thesis Formatting with MS Word

    Learn how to format your thesis in Microsoft Word. This video covers making sections, inserting tables, figures, and more.

  14. Dissertation Table of Contents in Word

    Right-click the style that says "Heading 1.". Select "Update Heading 1 to Match Selection.". Allocate the formatting for each heading throughout your document by highlighting the heading in question and clicking the style you wish to apply. Once that's all set, follow these steps: Add a title to your table of contents.

  15. How To Format A PhD Thesis In Microsoft Word (An Illustrative Guide)

    To insert figures' captions and numbers into Microsoft Word: Click on the references tab, then click on insert caption. A dialogue box will open. Under options, choose "figure" as the label. Type the caption for the figure, choose the numbering format preferred and click OK. The caption and number of the figure will be inserted.

  16. PDF Formatting your dissertation/thesis

    Make the formatting changes in the Formatting area [1]: Click on the Format button [2], and select the Paragraph option from the list. 2. Apply paragraph 'Spacing' [3] to your headings using the arrow buttons to increase/decrease, or type directly into the 'Before' and/or 'After' boxes. 3.

  17. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX. Download The Dissertation Template. Download Grad Coach's comprehensive dissertation and thesis template for free. Fully editable - includes detailed instructions and examples.

  18. Templates

    If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided. ... Editable template of the Master's thesis formatting. PDF Thesis Template 2024. Word: Dissertation Template 2024. Editable template of the PhD ...

  19. An Introduction to Dissertation Formatting in Word 2013

    Learn how to format your paper in Word so that you can concentrate on writing, rather than wrangling your word processor to meet the formatting guidelines.

  20. A comprehensive thesis / dissertation template in Word

    Formatting your thesis, dissertation or research report can take ages and can cause a lot of frustration. The thesis/dissertation template in Microsoft Word ...

  21. Page Numbers

    Step 3: Adding the Page Numbers. Adding the Page Numbers. Scroll up to the section that contains your front matter and click in the footer of any page (don't do anything for your title page and other pages that don't require a page number). On the Insert Ribbon, in the Header & Footer Group, click on the arrow next to the Page Number icon ...

  22. Templates & Formatting Assistance

    Formatting Templates Manuscript Clearance provides templates for both Word and LaTeX into which students can type their text directly and that are formatted according to FSU requirements. The main elements in the three templates are the same, but the layout of the Table of Contents is different. You can select a Table of Contents that lists only the main section headings (which is all The ...

  23. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    This guide includes video tutorials designed to help you get most of the formatting of your thesis correct the first time. Using these videos to format your thesis will save a lot of time when it comes to having your format checked. Video tutorial demonstrating how to format the front matter of the thesis

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  25. Tips and Resources for a Successful Summer of Dissertation Writing

    Once you have a clear goal that you have discussed with your committee, the hard part begins: you have to actually write. The Graduate Writing Center offers several resources to make that process easier: The Graduate Writing Community. This is a totally remote, two-month program that is based on a model of "gentle accountability.".

  26. How to Add Page Numbers in Word for Your Papers? [For Students]

    Well done on that! Step 3: Double click on either the Header or Footer of the page (where you want to add the page number) Step 4: Uncheck the box that says "Link to Previous". Link to Previous option in Header/Footer tab. Step 5: Go to the Insert Tab. Step 6: Click on "Page Numbers" and choose the format you want.

  27. Literary Analysis Essay

    Explore a collection of 30+ literary analysis essay examples in Word, Google Docs, and PDF formats. Learn how to analyze literature effectively, understand literary devices, create a strong thesis, and provide a comprehensive conclusion. Discover the importance of context, analogies, and literature reviews in crafting a well-rounded analysis.

  28. Microsoft finally fixed copy and paste in Word

    Microsoft. Microsoft is about to make copying and pasting much easier in Word, thanks to a new Merge Formatting option. In a Microsoft 365 Insiders blog post, the company announced the change ...

  29. Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation with Microsoft Word

    UM-Deaborn has specific requirements for a thesis title page. An example of what this page should look like can be found on the last page of the Master's Thesis Format Guidelines.There are many ways to use Microsoft Word to create this page; one way to do this is demonstrated in the video below.