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master thesis sweden

Summary of requirements and procedures for a master's thesis project at the department of information technology of Uppsala University.

This information relates to a 30 credits "D or E"-level (master's) thesis project. There are also other kinds of thesis projects with different (lower) requirements.

A master's thesis project is a course - with examination - not an internship or other work practice. For this reason it is important that everyone connected with a thesis project are aware of the requirements so that there will not be problems at the conclusion of the project.

The master's thesis project is the final part of a four to five year long undergraduate study program. During the project, the student should demonstrate that he/she can apply the knowledge acquired during the study program. Problems and solutions should be treated in a scientific manner. The project should involve additional study in some subject area. It is important that the student studies relevant (scientific) literature as well as any related work. The project should conclude with an extensive analysis of the project itself and its results. Again note that in Sweden, a master's degree is an undergraduate degree, so the student is not expected to do original research (although that is certainly allowed). The total effort of the thesis project - including writing the report - should be about 20 weeks of full-time work.

Formally, the goal of the master's thesis project is "to give the student training in planning, carrying out and presenting an independent piece of work and to provide contact with research and development."

This means that not all projects are suitable as master's thesis project. Projects primarily involving implementation (program design/coding/testing/debugging) work are not generally acceptable as master's thesis projects. (Although sometimes an implementation project can be made acceptable by including suitable design issues.) As a rule of thumb, not more than a third of the project should be implementation work. If the implementation presents particular challenges which are connected to the subject of the thesis project, then up to half the effort may be implementation. Also, projects where the student is continually working from instructions is also generally not acceptable as the student should carry out independent work. If the student is studying for an engineering degree, there is the additional requirement that the subject of the project should be relevant from an engineering point of view.

The thesis project is typically carried out in a company or other organization outside the university. Every thesis project has a supervisor and a reviewer, to be appointed before the work begins. The supervisor should be competent within the subject area of the project and should belong to the organization where the project is carried out. He/she is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the student. The reviewer is typically a faculty or other scientific staff member at Uppsala University. The reviewer should follow up on the project at regular intervals and is responsible for the grading (pass/fail) of the thesis.

The thesis project is initiated by the student writing a thesis specification with the assistance of the supervisor. The specification (typically 1½-3 pages in length) should include a description of the proposed work, background, methodology and expected results as well as a time plan.

The project specification should be approved by the reviewer before any work begins. Usually, there will be a few revisions of the specification before the reviewer is satisfied.

The student shall write a report of the project. It is usually best to start writing early and write incrementally as the project proceeds, as the authoring effort is often underestimated! The report should include the following:

  • An abstract
  • Background information so that a person trained in the general subject area (e.g. computer science, numerical analysis...) but without specialist knowledge of the subject of the thesis can understand it (at some level).
  • A description of the problem
  • A description of the methods used to solve the problem
  • A description of the solution itself
  • An analysis of how well the problem was solved
  • If the problem could not be solved completely, a description of the probable reasons.
  • A critical analysis of the work itself
  • A comparison with other work on similar problems.

Your studies

Master thesis/degree project.

Chalmers campus outside

Every programme concludes with a thesis/degree project. This is something that you write at the end of your studies and is for many the way to enter the world of work. You will receive information about what applies to your programme from your Student Guidance Counsellor or Head of programme/Director of Master's programme.

Regulations and learning objectives

Here you can read more about the regulations and learning objectives applicable for your thesis/degree project. Regulations and learning objectives differ depending on what you are studying.


Chalmers regulations for theses/degree projects are based on the goals formulated in Chalmers lokala examensordning (in Swedish) and in the regulations for the theses/degree projects.

Master of Science in Engineering, Master of Architecture, Master of Science

Learning objectives.

In the learning objectives you find valuable information that you can benefit from throughout your thesis/degree project. You can for example read about:

  • Examination
  • Conditions for starting the thesis/degree project
  • Implementation
  • Student responsibility

master thesis sweden

Regulations for the use of AI tools in thesis work

Here you will find Chalmers regulations for the use of AI tools in your thesis work.

Find a thesis/degree project

You most often find a thesis/degree project yourself in consultation with your supervisor. You can get support from your Head of programme/Director of master's programme or the department where you write your thesis/degree project.

Chalmers master thesis portal

In Chalmers master thesis portal you will find available projects announced by both external parties and projects at our departments.

Thesis portal

Application forms – thesis/degree project

The application forms apply to students on both bachelor of science in engineering, shipping, civil engineering and master's programmes. To be able to start the process with your thesis/degree project, you must fill in the web form "Thesis application form" and have it signed by the examiner and Head of programme/Director of master's programme. You must do this well before your estimated start date.

For more information and link to forms

Please note! Fee-paying students must, for Visa reasons, adhere to the dates according to the academic year when doing their Master thesis. You cannot choose individual dates. The academic year

If you need to prolong the dates to be able to complete your Master thesis, then you need to extend your Visa. Residence permit

Digital work card and signature

A digital work card containing e-publishing agreements. Create your digital work card using Adobe and submit it to the department where you completed your thesis.

Find your digital work card

Instructions - handling of the digital work card, instruction - how to make a digital signature, master's thesis at the department of technology management and economics (tme), information regarding master's thesis at tme, students presentation of master thesis during spring 2024.

master thesis sweden

Presentation of master thesis

Schedule per institution of students presentations of master thesis

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master thesis sweden

How to Survive Your Master Thesis?

Student in a university library reaching to a high shelf to remove a book.

Written by Hazal

01 Mar 2020

master thesis sweden

Written by Concillier

02 Apr 2019

master thesis sweden

Written by Lara

31 Mar 2018

master thesis sweden

Written by Dena

31 Mar 2016

Honestly, I don’t know the answer. As a student in the middle of the intensive 6-month period of the master thesis, I might have some tips but not all the answers. In this post, I am going to tell you all about the master thesis process, challenges, my story, and lastly you will find some survival advice based on my own experience.

When we had the first thesis seminar, our teacher asked the class “How is the thesis going? How do you feel?” I remember that almost everyone in the class replied: “I feel stressed.” Then, our teacher said to us “I hope this stress includes a bit of excitement too!” Well, he was right. The thesis is not only about stress. It is an opportunity to do in-depth research, read, write, and discuss a topic that interests you. Don’t forget to enjoy the process as much as you can.

A man looking at a computer, the caption reads '"I really enjoy writing my master thesis" said no one ever.'

First of all, if you have a friend or family member who is writing a thesis treat them nicely! If you are writing a thesis treat yourself well! The thesis is a big task. The pressure is huge. Here is a blog post that I wrote last year  on how to deal with the study stress , which is now more relevant ever. Similarly, in this post, I will focus on the thesis survival tips.

Now, I’ll start by telling you how the thesis process works based on my experience. After that, I’ll tell you how to survive during the process.

I study the two-year master programme. I had 4 different courses (2 of them was elective) during the autumn semester. At the same time, I was thinking about the possible topics for my thesis. Usually, the thesis process starts in January. Hence, students have a few months to find a topic starting from October to January. During the thesis process, there are no classes. You are responsible for your own time. That means you need to plan your schedule. It is important to create your own structure and stick to it.

In some programmes, it is possible to write your thesis in collaboration with a company or organization, which you may end up with a job offer. Who knows? Check out Usisipho’s blog post about finding a master thesis in Sweden. The second option is to have a master thesis partner. This is more applicable for one-year master programmes, which the thesis often has 15 credits that is conducted for 3 months. Read more of Concillier’s blog post on how to choose a Master thesis partner .

Four students sitting at a round table. They're writing in notebooks and drinking coffee.

In my programme, writing a thesis is an individual task. On the one side, this brings isolation and therefore it might be challenging, on the other side, it means I am in charge of my own work and I can decide how and when to do it. However, I am not completely alone. I have a supervisor helping and supporting me. I have regular meetings with my supervisor to discuss my topic and to ask questions. Moreover, there are monthly meetings where students present their work and share their process.

Here are useful tips to survive your master thesis;

Start thinking about your topic early, choose a topic that interests you.

I can’t stress this enough: start thinking about your topic early. Finding a topic is harder than it sounds. You will spend a lot of time and effort on your research. Therefore, it is important to find a topic that will make you curious, motivated and passionate. You don’t have to come up with the most creative ideas. Write down your interests and ideas. Do Google research. Discuss it with your teachers. Try to find a thesis topic that something you like and doable.

 Find a good study spot.

You need to concentrate. Yes, you. First, find an inspiring and relaxed place. It could be a library or a common study space at the university. Coffee shops are also nice places to study with a piece of cake, coffee and maybe a company.  Second, put the phone away. Instagram is always there. You are not missing out on anything. Stay focused. If you have trouble focusing on one thing for a long time like me, you can divide your study time into smaller sessions.  Guess how many tabs do I have open in my browser right now? 10? 20?  Dozens of tabs. Similarly, Andrés wrote that he had difficulty focusing too. Check out his solution to work more productive; Pomodoro Technique. What is it, and why you should use it!

Meet with friends, talk to your classmates.

Human s are social beings. You can be happily introvert, extrovert, both or none. Social connection is necessary for our health and well-being. Working hard is good but it is very essential to have a balanced study-social life to avoid ending up hopeless, burnt, and exhausted. So, meet with friends for fika, a beer or lunch. Another way is to organize study groups. Talking to your classmates is helpful. You may realize that everyone is facing many difficulties and you are not alone. You may even inspire each other. A study buddy is also a good idea to stay motivated together on the thesis!

Two women sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and eating semlor - traditional Swedish pastries eaten on Shrove Tuesday.

Set deadlines, plan your time.

It may seem that you have plenty of time to write a thesis. However, one of the most common mistakes people make is to leave it until the last minute. This is definitely not a good idea for your thesis. During the thesis process, you manage your own time. So, to be productive you can set deadlines for yourself or discuss it with your supervisor to find out what works best for you. One way is to establish a daily routine. Consider weekdays as if you had an actual job from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. If you are a night owl, you can do the opposite. However, be flexible about those hours. Sometimes you just don’t want to do anything. That’s okay too! For instance, when I get tired of sitting in the library for hours I just hit the gym in the evening for an endorphin boost.

Take time off, treat yourself.

YOU GOT THIS! There will be times that you feel you are going nowhere, stuck and lost. That is completely normal. We all have been there. Don’t be so harsh on yourself! Celebrate little things, even small achievements. Reward yourself with a cup of tea, a warm shower, your favorite TV show, a healthy meal or some extra sleep! You can take time off during the weekends to go for a walk, meet with friends or just stay at your cozy home.

Ask feedback and support.

This is a process. This is a long journey. There are lots of hard work behind every master’s thesis. When I say you are on your own I don’t mean that there is no one to help you. Usually, every thesis student has a supervisor to help them with their research. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Ask a friend, ask a colleague, ask your teacher. For instance, my teachers are always helpful, supportive and responsive. I am sure yours are too.

Check out Sanjay and Daniel’s amazing video for more tips

One Last Tip

Be curious. Enjoy the process. Believe in yourself. How about you? Are you writing your thesis? Do you have any tips? Share your suggestions and experiences in the comments.

Good luck to all with your thesis & exams!


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Master thesis.

Master’s programmes at DSV end with a master thesis.

You select and implement relevant scientific methods to write an academic thesis in relation to one of the Department’s research areas. A two-year master thesis consists of 30 credits and a one-year master thesis of 15 credits. You study at a 100 percent study pace for 30 credits work and a 50 percent study pace for a 15 credits work.

  • You need to enrol by submitting a project idea before the deadline.
  • You need to fulfil the requirements.

It is suggested for master students to write in pairs of two but you are also allowed to work on your own.

Master thesis during the spring semester

  • Deadline for your project idea is in the second half of November (submission period starts in the beginning of November and ends in the second half of November).
  • The course starts in the middle of January.

Find all information about writing the master thesis, requirements and deadline under "Thesis" in iLearn.

Information about master thesis in iLearn

Writing a thesis in collaboration with companies or orgainsations

Communication with supervisors, reviewers, opposition and examiners is carried out in the SciPro Projects system.

SciPro Projects system

Thesis support answers questions and helps with everything related to the master thesis and SciPro.

master thesis sweden

Last updated: June 1, 2023

Source: Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, DSV

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Master Thesis

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

This course is dedicated to the completion of a master’s thesis’ research-project. The student will learn how to plan, carry out and present research. Professors with an international reputation in their field or expertise and with solid experience of guiding research-projects are available as advisors.

The course is offered as a compulsory course within the Master's programme in Political Science and as a single subject course.

During this course you will learn to write and defend an independent, in-depth scientific thesis. You will learn how to plan, carry out and present scientific research which incorporates all stages of the scientific process: from problem formulation to theory, scientific questions of relevance, method, presentation and conclusions. You will defend your conclusions, using scientific arguments, at a mandatory oral seminar. You will also critically, constructively and pedagogically examine others theses in the same scientific manner. You should display a critical and scientific approach, in all these elements, as well as use clear, precise and expressive language when making your arguments. Teaching consists principally of tutorials led by experienced researchers.

Prerequisites and selection


Entry requirements for the course are the completion of the courses SK2121 Political Science Analysis (15 credits), an in-depth course in the second cycle (15 credits) and either the course SF2321 Applied Statistical Analysis (15 credits) or SF2322 Applied Quantitative Research Methods (15 credits) or SF2323 Applied Qualitative Research Methods, problems and design (15 credits) or SF2324 Introduction to Applied Research Design and Quantitative Research Methods for Social Scientists (15 credits) as well as a Bachelor's degree. Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent.

Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.

Study at The University of Gothenburg

master thesis sweden

Students & Graduates

We are taking responsibility for shaping the next generation of people at work. We passionately believe in the importance of investing in talented young people and preparing them for their careers by offering job opportunities for students. Being offered one of the many opportunities for students, you get the chance to discover more about yourself and your aspirations for the future.

master thesis sweden

Take the first steps in your career

Volvo employment opportunities are based on trust. We trust you to do your very best, always with the coaching and recognition from teammates and leadership. We want to see your potential, and we believe that is best achieved by enabling you to make an impact. When you grow – we all get better. Volvo Group always needs new ideas and perspectives.

As a truly global company we appreciate your passion and enthusiasm to learn, and greatly value diversity in our teams. Bring everything you are. Together we will shape the world we want to live in.

Join a Volvo Group graduate programme

Graduate programs

With major technological changes ahead, there have never been more exciting times working with transport and infrastructure solutions. 

Join us in driving prosperity 

Whether your heart beats for Operations, IT, Finance or Engineering, our Volvo global graduate programs are tailored to meet your needs and designed to make you excel.

Your ambition to grow – professionally and personally – is what makes our company prosper. And as a truly global organization, through our international graduate programs we offer you a world of career development opportunities to explore! Every year, we welcome 100+ graduates to our graduate trainee programs. Feel free to browse these pages to get to know us and discover which program would suit you best.

Digital & IT Graduate Program

Digital & IT Graduate Programs

At Volvo Group, we are about 5,000 colleagues working with Digital & IT, located across more than 30 countries. Be in the epicenter of IT development and create a great foundation for your future career in the IT field. Apply to Volvo Group's IT graduate program today.

Operations Graduate Program

Operations Graduate Program

 Are you up for shaping the future of production? Join Volvo Group's Operations Graduate program for an immersive 15-month journey into manufacturing and logistics, where you'll work with cutting-edge technology and contribute to the development of tomorrow's products.

Engineering Graduate Program

Engineering Graduate Program

Are you an engineering enthusiast hungry for challenging technology projects? Dive into our international Engineering Graduate Program, where you'll utilize your technical skills to solve real-world business challenges and pioneer innovation.

Finance Graduate Program

Finance Graduate Program

Eager to shape the future of finance? Dive into our Frinance Graduate Program - an immersive international journey designed to revolutionize our business with your expertise. Gain hands-on experience, refine your skills, and make a lasting impact in just 12 months.

Internships at Volvo Group


Each year, we welcome thousands of talented young people to start a Volvo internship or apprenticeship.

Try out your skills in the business world

We believe that the best way to learn a profession in our industry is to closely study and work together with some of the brightest minds within your field. Our internship opportunities range from one month to three years and cover all our professions from engineering all the way to commercial and business administration. No matter where in the Volvo Group organization you choose to do your internship – you will change the future working with our transport and infrastructure solutions.

Top 5 reasons why students choose us

Experience & knowledge.

“It gave me an idea of what I want to do in my professional life.” That is a comment we get all the time when people finish a Volvo Group internship. This shows how an internship can give you perspective and get you started in a variety of potential careers.

Important career step

It is not uncommon that interns stay on once their internship is finished. Just look at the examples in the stories below. Our internship opportunities can be the start of a long-term relationship with Volvo Group. Whatever you choose, a Volvo internship will be a great addition to your resume.

Team integration

Every year we recruit thousands of interns and apprentices. We know how important it is to match every applicant with the right team for the internship to succeed. We also know that diversity strengthens us, and we always try to bring out the best in everyone.

Recognition & trust

A Volvo Group internship is a chance to make your mark and really contribute. It is also a commitment from both sides. We take your internship experience seriously and guide you through it. What we want in return is your commitment and contribution.

Work life balance

At Volvo Group we strongly believe that employees should be in charge of their own work and individual needs. Hence, we offer different programs to make the challenge of combining work and private life easier. Of course, this philosophy extends to the internship opportunities as well.

Learn more about our values

Summer jobs

Summer jobs

Summer work with us could be your perfect step into the labour market. These job opportunities for students are a great way for you to gain a hands-on experience to what it is like to work for a global company with operations in over 100 countries. It is also an opportunity for you to apply your skills across many different professions and to explore your ambitions for the future.


Summer Jobs

Summer job employee at Volvo Group

Explore your potential in a global and diverse company

Are you studying at high school or college? Are you looking for a company where you can start building your career alongside your studies? Applying for one of our Volvo summer jobs could be the perfect first step into the job market. As a student, it is a great way to gain hands-on experience of working at a global company with operations in over 100 countries. It is also an opportunity for you to apply your skills across many professions and start realizing your ambitions. Take the chance to expand your resume. We look forward to receiving your application! 

master thesis sweden

Thesis work

Volvo Group has a long and successful tradition of working with students from various universities. 

Why choose us for your thesis project?

A Volvo thesis project can be a great step forward in your career, and also the start of a long relationship with us.

Tutoring thesis workers comes natural to us. Many of us have done our own thesis projects – some of us even here at Volvo Group. We understand the challenges you face, and take pride in answering your questions.

Doing Volvo thesis work often involves the opportunity to be on site. Not only does that give us a better understanding of your skills; you will get to know us better as well. We believe that a strong relationship leads to better thesis projects for all parties.

Thesis projects are posted on our  job portal . We offer projects on different levels – Master thesis, Bachelor thesis and PhD thesis. If you do not find a project suitable for your area of interest, we are open to define other opportunities together with you.

Thesis student at Volvo Group

Thesis student Andreas Karlsson

“A great chance to put learning into a practical context.”

Thesis students

Johanna Herstedt and Daniel Gustafsson

Thesis students

Benefits of writing a Volvo Master Thesis

At Volvo Group, we are working with sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. We are reshaping the cities of tomorrow working with areas such as Automation, Connectivity and Electromobility. There are around 11,500 employees in our research and development department. By doing your thesis project at Volvo Group, you become a part of our exciting journey towards the future.

Volvo Group has a long experience in joining forces with thesis workers. In Sweden, around 200 theses are written every year together with us. We have many senior hiring managers and tutors. Their knowledge and skills will help you develop your ideas and sharpen your findings.

Regardless if you want to do a Volvo Bachelor thesis, a Volvo Master thesis, or a Volvo PhD thesis – we believe that our aspiration to move forward and constantly working together to improve will appeal to you.

Explore thesis openings 

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Employee portraits

Meet some of your potential colleagues!

2024-03-05 4 mins 4 mins

Noora wants to help get more women into cybersecurity

master thesis sweden

Noora Hammar is the Head of Security Assurance at Enterprise IT Security, an organization under Volvo Group Digital & IT. She loves working with cybersecurity – and with the new initiative Women in Cybersecurity, she wants to help get more women into the field.

Meet Loic Boudarel, Project and Commodity Buyer at Volvo Group Purchasing

master thesis sweden

For Loic Boudarel it was never obvious that he would pursue a career as a purchaser. But now, three years down the line, he is very clear that he doesn’t want to change path any time soon and is thriving in his role as a buyer within Volvo Group.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance

Sarah Townsend, to the left, together with a friend at the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.

Juggling work with a private life and family isn’t always easy. At Volvo Group we believe that good communication and trust, together with supportive employee benefits, provide the basis for a healthy work-life balance. Sarah Townsend, Analyst, Parts & Services Financing, is very happy with the work culture at Volvo Group – a company she’s proud to describe as socially conscious.

Meet Maria Kalimanjira, Competence Sourcing Manager at our Tuve plant

master thesis sweden

“The best thing about working at Volvo Group is the diversity, which I think is beneficial to our business and increases the commitment of employees. Here at Tuve, we have colleagues with different backgrounds and skills - you can be yourself and everyone is equally welcome.”

Diversity, Sustainability and Solidarity experienced in Volvo Brazil factory

master thesis sweden

“I started working at Volvo as an apprentice when I was 14. The work environment, the relationships we establish with people, the opportunities for development that I have are things that make me come to work and want to develop more every day” says Christian De Jesus Camilo, Factory Operator, Volvo Buses, Brazil

Meet Tianita Copple, Business Solutions Manager, Volvo Group IT – Digital Centre of Excellence

Tianita Copple

Meet Jeremy Rosario, Strategic Product and Profitability Analyst – Price Management

Jeremy Rosario

Meet Scott Cowley, Customer Service Supervisor

Scott Cowley

Richard Oncena

master thesis sweden

Born and raised in Manila, Philippines, Richard Oncena moved to the USA in 2002. In 2014, having worked with Architecture and Engineering design firms specializing in high-tech laboratories for many years, he was the perfect candidate for the vacant position of Property Project Manager at Volvo Group in Hagerstown.

“Volvo Group is part of my DNA”

master thesis sweden

After applying for a position in 1995, Ronette Stoner’s long journey with Volvo Group has taken her from the US to China, Belgium and Sweden. Her career in finance has involved taking a wide range of roles and challenges. “I can do anything, go anywhere, just as long as I’m brave and willing to try,” she says.

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  • Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre

Master's thesis

MSc thesis presentation

You can write your master’s thesis at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre in the subject of forest science or biology. The following list outlines some of the fields in which you can do your thesis work, supervised by the staff at our department, with the possibility of co-supervision by external organisations or other universities.

We have expertise and supervisors within the fields of:

  • Forest ecology
  • Forest history

Forest pathology

  • Forest policy
  • Forest policy and planning
  • Nature conservation
  • Silviculture

To begin work on a Master’s thesis (or degree project), students need to have a topic and supervisor(s) who will guide the project. Don't be afraid of your own ideas! If you have a project idea, please discuss it with us. But if you don't yet have a precise idea, there are other ways to get started. We are available to discuss your topic(s) of interest and put you in touch with suitable supervisors to help develop them. You can also look the available projects below.

For inspiration, take a look at the  STUDENT PROJECTS ARCHIVE , of previous master's theses at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.

Where to start

AT SLU, the MSc thesis is a course as any other. Yes, it is a bit confusing that a MSc thesis work is a course but be open-minded and accept it.

Start thinking about a topic and looking for a supervisor well in advance of the start of the course…

Don't be afraid of your own ideas! If you have a project idea, please discuss it with us. But if you don't yet have a precise idea, there are other ways to get started. We are available to discuss your topic(s) of interest and put you in touch with suitable supervisors to help develop them. You can also look the available projects below.

Read the instructions and the information you will find many answers to your questions in these documents.

Which course, which subject? ​

  • It depends on what major you want in your degree ​
  • The major of a degree depends on the subject of the thesis and other prerequisites​


Degree of BSc​

Subject and at least 30 credits in that subject at advanced level​. For example: for MSc thesis course in forest science, you must have 30 ECTS at advanced level in Forest Science​ to be admitted to the MSc thesis course

Courses and codes

Master’s thesis in forest science, course code EX098 4, 30 ECTS

Masterarbete i  skogsvetenskap, course code EX0985 , 30 ECTS                  

Master’s thesis in biology, course code EX0986 , 30 ECTS

Master’s thesis in forest science, course code EX0983 , 60 ECTS

Once you know the subject and the course, apply for the course via www.universityadmissions.se

Application and registration for the MSc thesis course step-by-step instruction

Application and registration are not the same thing: as for all other courses, first you apply and then you register:

  • The first step is to apply for the MSc thesis course via www.universityadmissions.se Codes and course names can be found under “where to start”. The deadline for application is 15 October for the spring term and 15 April for the autumn term. Please note that the admission closes for 2 months after those deadlines.
  • The admission office will check your application and if you fulfil the entry requirements, you will be admitted to the course. Will you be admitted? Prerequisites are: - Degree of BSc​ - Subject and at least 30 credits in that subject at advanced level​. For example: for MSc thesis course in forest science you must have 30 ECTS at advanced level in forest science​ to be admitted to the MSc thesis course Check details on each course page, which you find in the SLU course catalogue by entering the course code
  • Fill out the work plan together with your supervisor and send it to the course coordinator
  • Contact the course coordinator to be registered
  • Once you are registered, you can start working on your thesis

Available degree projects

Can we use remot sensing data to estimate relative ungulate forage availability?

Tree damage after helicopter topping

Limitations and opportunities for increased forest management of Beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Southern Sweden.

Forest ecology - understory plants

Fast growing broadleaves species

Silviculture of temperate forests_various projects

Increased forest management of Beech

Forest and Land-Use Decisions by Sámi Reindeer Herders

Does productivity of hybrid aspen vary so much

How does rewetting of forest land affect biodiversity?

Impact of war on forest shelterbelts in Ukraine

Fire refugia in planted forests of Chornobyl, Ukraine

What happens during conservation burns: evaluating fire effects on an oakpine forest in Southern Sweden

Uncovering reasons for oak regeneration failure: revisiting experimental sites eight years after controlled burns

Modelling of tree mortality rates during fires to fine‐tune conservation burns in Southern Sweden

Decoding sediments records of past fires with the help of dendrochronological data

Developing the first Nordic chronology of pollarding events based on dendrochronological data

Degree project (SLU common)

Application and Admission

Quick guide

Master’s thesis presentation sessions

Grading criteria Master's thesis

Contact and support

Related pages:

  • Forest science
  • Southern Swedish Forest Research centre
  • Application and admission
  • Master's level
  • Degree project
  • Education news

Igor Drobyshev, Researcher Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre [email protected] , +4640415199

Master thesis

The thesis is usually the last thing you do in the programme. The course runs in the spring semester, but it is also possible to write in the autumn semester.

A seminar is usually held in November to provide information about the Master's thesis course. This allows you to start thinking about the topic, supervisors and so on. An invitation to this seminar is sent out to students in semester 3.

If you do not pass your thesis or do not manage to finish it during a semester, you must register for the course again. Please contact [email protected] .

You do not need to repeat the thesis seminar if you have already participated in it. However, you must attend the last seminar even if you have already participated. Also note that you are only guaranteed supervision by your supervisor during the first semester of your thesis work. If you need more than one semester, it is up to your supervisor to decide how much he or she can supervise you.

Short facts about the master thesis course

  • The thesis is the only course mandatory in the programme.
  • You must attend all seminars on the thesis course.
  • The thesis is graded by your supervisor and a co-assessor.

Master's theses

See previously written Master's theses.

master thesis sweden

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Master thesis sweden jobs

Alfa Laval

Master Thesis 2023, Sweden

Every day.About the JobIf you are interested in doing a Master Thesis with us, please apply here.. Your master thesis request or background should match with the areas that Alfa Laval is working with..


Master Thesis Project - Sinch Sweden - AI Center of Excellence

Master Thesis Project. Sinch Sweden. AI Center of Excellence Sinch is a global leader in cloud.. We are looking for Master Thesis students in Computer Science, Machine Learning, Artificial..

SAAB Seaeye

Master Thesis 30 HP: Identifying vulnerabilities in third party software Machine-Learning and Data-Mining techniques

This Master Thesis we want to look at this problem from both a theoretical and practical view. We need.. Saab is headquartered in Sweden. It has major operations all over the world and is part of the domestic..


Business Development Manager IT Security: Sweden

security? We are seeking an experienced Business Development Manager to join our team in Sweden. If you thrive in a dynamic environment, have a proven track record in the IT security..


HSE Advisor Sweden

The successful candidate is comfortable performing a wide range of tasks from administrative to strategic. The position is based in Solna, Sweden. About usA career at Hitachi Rail will help..

Academic Positions

Master Thesis - The Combined Power of AI: Can reasoning overcome ML algorithms limitations for object tracking in a picture sequence?

YOUR FUTURE RESPONSIBILITIESThe successful candidate will work on an innovative project aimed at combining the power of modern data driven Computer Vision algorithms with the expre..


Master Thesis Project - Producing the biobased films of tomorrow

Which, in turn, would be a large step towards bringing nanocellulose films into the market.The thesis will include experimental work with filtration, pressing and characterisation of varying..

Electronic Arts

SEED Master Thesis Intern

What skills does SEED look for? Masters Thesis Computer Science, with a specialization in machine.. so we will only consider candidates already residing in Sweden. We look forward to receiving your..

Amazon Online Sweden AB - M22

Sr Business Development Manager, Sweden

Amazon's Consumer Marketing team is looking for a talented, smart and entrepreneurial leader to help drive Amazon's Sweden Marketplace business focused on the Associates Creators Program..

Procter & Gamble

Master Thesis - Supply Chain Intern

In addition, you will also have the opportunity to write your master thesis with us!P&G is one of the world's largest consumer goods companies and the home to iconic, trusted brands including..

ITL Sweden

Industry Principal Consultant - Sweden, Stockholm

Job description Roles and ResponsibilitiesCollaborate with the sales team to understand customer requirements, challenges, and business objectives.Design and propose comprehensive ..

SE, Fazer Sweden Ab

Join Fazer Sweden Talent Community!

Join Fazer Talent Community and learn more about our tasty career opportunities!. Fazer is an international, modern and responsible employer. We offer various opportunities for pro..

Anora Sweden

Anora Sweden – Business Controller

In this role, you will act as a business partner to the Spirits business in Sweden. Through your.. Acting as a business partner to the MD and the team in Anora Spirits Sweden. Co owning the market's P&L..

11196 Citibank Europe plc Sweden

Commercial Lending Management Analyst - Western Europe Digital - Sweden

Which eventually affects the overall performance and effectiveness of the sub function job family.Education Bachelor's University degree, Master's degree preferredThis job description provides a..

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Master Thesis within Recycled Textile Fibers at Nouryon

Perform your MSc thesis work within the area of Recycled Textile Fibers at Nouryon Join us and take an.. Bohus and Gothenburg, Sweden Preferred time period. autumn 2024 or spring 2025 Great if you have..


Master thesis – "Graph Neural Networks in AGV System Design"

In this master thesis project, you will research how Machine Learning can be used to speed up the design.. Sweden Additional informationWe will provide computers and you will get great support from your..


Master Thesis Worker

Master of Science Thesis Worker at APTIV Gothenburg.Title. Estimate trailers state and parameters using.. It is required that you are on location in Gothenburg full time and period of the thesis is from January..

Infosys Sweden

Digital Workplace transformation Leader - Sweden

Job Description The Digital Workplace Advisory Group is a strategic practice unit established to help orchestrate the breadth of Infosys digital workplace service offerings across ..

Good Solutions Sweden AB

Scrum Master till Good Solutions

Läs mer på www.goodsolutions.se Vi är på en fantastisk tillväxtresa och söker nu en Scrum Master till vårt utvecklarteam! Vi erbjuder Good Solutions är ett tillväxtbolag som utvecklas..


Master thesis: EM design

Gothenburg, SwedenStart date. January 2025Why join Ericsson?At Ericsson, you ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what s..

EMVE Sweden

Export Technical Sales Manager till EMVE Sweden

EMVE Sweden kännetecknas av korta beslutsvägar, en hög ambitionsnivå och professionalism.Externt.. Dessutom har du en helhetssyn och förstår både EMVE Swedens övergripande intressen och kundbehov..


Head of section – HR Direct Sweden

Are you an HR professional committed to enabling employee engagement and fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture? Do you want to be part of a Nordic organization charac..

International IDEA

IT Officer - Sweden

Context The IT team at International IDEA, operating from Stockholm, Sweden under the Executive Division, provides essential technical support that is fundamental to the organization's..

Rituals Cosmetics Sweden AB

Lönespecialist Rituals

Rituals söker nu för ett vikariat, en senior lönespecialist som kommer att ansvara för lönehanteringen i Norge samt vara med och driva globala och lokala HR projekt. Rituals har en..

ICDS Group

Project Manager - Sweden - 80-110K

Project Manager. Sweden. 80 110K Accomm, flight allowance, transport, bonus etc. Reporting to the Project Lead. Contracts Manager. Project Director, your key responsibilities will include, but..

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Scania Thesis projects

Thesis projects

Many of today’s Scania employees started their careers at the company by completing their thesis projects here.

If you are interested in doing your thesis project at Scania in a different country than Sweden please visit the local web sites where Scania’s local distributors and workshops provide details of cooperation with students.

About thesis projects at Scania

The subjects of thesis and term papers undertaken at Scania always reflects the needs of the company. Available thesis projects in Sweden are advertised in our job list and we also accept proposals for thesis subjects via the Career contact form.

Bachelor or Master degree students.

Södertälje, Luleå and Oskarshamn​.

15 or 30 university credits.

master thesis sweden

Life at Scania

master thesis sweden

Available positions

master thesis sweden

Shaking up service from cocktails to trucks

master thesis sweden

“It’s challenging but very rewarding…I would definitely recommend getting a PhD.”

master thesis sweden

Reskilling Programme – Becoming a Data Engineer at Scania

master thesis sweden

Niklas Klingenberg's major career change is for the win

master thesis sweden

From game developer dreams to patent success: Meet Fatima Strand

master thesis sweden

What life is like at Scania - meet David and Christine

master thesis sweden

Empowering innovative minds with breakthrough ideas

master thesis sweden

Sarika Kanade visits Sweden to strengthen cross-cultural collaboration

master thesis sweden

From combustion engines to electricity – David made a smooth transition

master thesis sweden

Accelerating innovative start-up collaboration in China

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We like students

Now you may be studying for one of the year’s most important exams. Soon the reward awaits – the start of an exciting professional life. We value students and want to see you join us in the future.

Make a difference with your thesis project

At RISE, we welcome about 100 thesis students each year, across a wide variety of fields. We’re convinced that degree projects are important contributions to our innovative power and long-term development. With us, you get the opportunity to test and challenge your skills in projects that make a real difference. In return, we offer you good mentoring, market compensation and professional and personal development that equips you for your future career.

Our available thesis projects:

Master's thesis: plant-based spreads of cream cheese, structure vs. texture.

master thesis sweden

Is there no announced thesis project that suits you?

Register your interest for a thesis project at RISE!

Frequently asked questions:

What kind of work can i do at rise.

With us you can work as a researcher, technician, engineer or project manager, to name a few of all the roles. Thanks to the breadth of our operations, our employees come from virtually all engineering programmes. Read more  about our different areas and some of the projects we’re currently working on. 

Can I apply to RISE as a student now?

We’re very interested in students – you’re the ones we believe are creative, curious, and have lots of interesting perspectives to share. The most typical way for us to welcome students is through thesis projects. We advertise our available thesis projects on our website regularly throughout the year, but mainly during the autumn semester.

As a student, you can also apply for doctoral positions with us. We advertise these on our website, too, so keep an eye out!

OK, but right now I have a few years left of studying. Do you have summer jobs or internships in the meantime?

Because our business goes down during the summer, we have a limited need for summer temps. The summer jobs we still offer can be found on our website under open job positions. For internship requests, we recommend that you contact someone who works in your area of interest and at the location where you want to do your internship. You can find our contact information on our website.

Meet our thesis students

Register interest for thesis projects, apply for open job positions, life at rise.


Master Thesis Program

AI Sweden’s master thesis program invites students to sit at AI Sweden’s offices, use our resources and get support from data scientists and other employees. In previous cohorts we have welcomed students writing their theses with partners including Centiro, RISE, Zenseact, SLU, Recorded Future, Volvo Cars, and AstraZeneca, as well as with AI Sweden. It is a great opportunity for organizations to team up with the future workforce.

Please note: The application period is closed, and the program is up and running

Two women sitting in front of a computer

Drawing upon the valuable insights shared by students and the wealth of experience gained from previous program cycles, we aim to provide support to the new cohort of students in some of the tasks that are well-known for being commonly overlooked. We invite the students to a series of workshops (once a month from February to April) to help them develop their soft skills, such as giving a talk and writing a master thesis. They will be welcomed into our offices for the period of their thesis work and we will offer a quiet space, access to our infrastructure and technical support, not to mention a friendly environment.

Is your organization interested in gaining value and new perspectives from masters students at some of the top universities in Sweden?

How to take part (as a supervisor)

Interest was registered by sending an email with a description of your suggested topic for one or more master theses to  [email protected]  and  [email protected]  and post it on  My.AI  under  Resources/Master Thesis Proposals  during fall 2023.

The description had to include:

  • Name of the project
  • Short description of the topic
  • Your organization
  • Your contact person and email address
  • Preferred student background
  • ​Preferred location

The thesis work began in January 2024. We helped spread the word and recruit the best students for your project.

What can partners expect? Student-industry collaborations are mutually beneficial. They create opportunities to share new insights and points of view while building competence and expertise on both sides.

Benefit from the knowledge of master students to solve current problems or dig deeper into existing tasks. Boost attractiveness to possible future employees by joining these collaborations. Opportunity to recruit students directly before they graduate.

How to take part (as a student) Students with an AI-related thesis, could express their interest in the program by sending an application. 

What can candidates expect?

  • Valuable experience from working with real projects and applying theoretical knowledge.
  • A community where you can benefit from each other’s experiences and challenges in different organizations and sectors.
  • Attend exclusive events, lectures, and other activities.
  • Working with the best in the field across Sweden.

About the program Students who enter the program work on the topics that matter most to partners and sit at one of our locations. They benefit from events and seminars from AI Sweden experts during the spring focused on growing their soft skills and providing extra support on common struggles, such as the writing process and defining and sticking to the research question that they want to address in their thesis work. Last but not least, they have access to the  Data Factory , the  Edge Learning Lab  and  DGX A100 , and other resources. 

See examples of previous students' topics on My AI

In spring 2022 the cohort welcomed students from Chalmers and SLU, and partners including Zenseact, SLU, Unibap, Volvo, and AstraZeneca. Some of the dissertations picked up on challenges and created greater awareness within topics such as cyber security, both at partners and AI Sweden.

"This is a great example of a low risk, low effort initiative, where organizations can explore and develop new areas ." - Kim Henriksson, Project Manager at AI Sweden’s Edge Lab

For more information, contact

Sofia Hedén

→  Full contact details

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Sign up for the latest in Swedish AI

AI Sweden is formally hosted by Lindholmen Science Park AB .

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  1. Master Thesis Sweden

    master thesis sweden

  2. 7 tips for finding a master's thesis in Sweden

    master thesis sweden

  3. 6 tips for writing a master’s thesis in Sweden

    master thesis sweden

  4. 7 tips for finding a master's thesis in Sweden

    master thesis sweden

  5. Master Thesis Sweden

    master thesis sweden

  6. Master Thesis Sweden

    master thesis sweden


  1. Unreal Engine 5

  2. Master Thesis |Meromorphic function and its application| #thesis #mathematics #@hbmathematics3540

  3. master thesis on agriculture

  4. Sweden Government Scholarship

  5. Master's thesis Vs A PhD dissertation...what is the difference?

  6. I successfully defended my masters thesis! #master #thesis #engineering #electricalengineering #tech


  1. 24 master thesis Jobs in Sweden, June 2024

    The top companies hiring now for master thesis jobs in Sweden are Plejd AB, ManoMotion, AstraZeneca, NASDAQ, METRIO, Zenseact, Humblebee, Maquet Critical Care AB, Fatshark, Högskolan i Halmstad. Popular Search. Jobs hiring immediately in Sweden; Full-time jobs in Sweden;

  2. 7 tips for finding a master's thesis in Sweden

    7. Use other online portals. There are a few websites that can be helpful, for example: Exjobbsportalen ↗️ - Dedicated entirely to master's thesis topics in Sweden. Indeed ↗️ - Although this is a job listing website, companies often post topics here. Just search for the words "master", "examensarbete" or "ex-jobb".

  3. Thesis in Sweden

    The thesis is the final project in a particular area before entering into the real job market. A unique way to approach your Bachelor's or Master's thesis is in collaboration with an organisation in Sweden within your area of studies on a real life problem. Cooperating with a company or a public institution gives you the opportunity to ...

  4. DISSERTATIONS.SE: Swedish university dissertations

    Dissertations.se lets you search among university dissertations from Sweden, written in English. At the moment there are 86937 finished dissertations in the database - and about half of these are available for download as PDF. Type your search query into the blue box, above. If you are looking for downloadable documents only, check the box ...

  5. 6 tips for writing a master's thesis in Sweden

    Let's not mince words, writing a master's thesis in Sweden can be tough. Here are some tips to help you along! Plan ahead, start early. Start thinking about the direction of your thesis as early as you can. If you have an idea, you can often pick courses that'll benefit you later. For example, some thesis jobs require certain experience ...

  6. Master's Thesis

    The Master's thesis is a written work of between 30 000 to 40 000 words. The thesis is an individual piece of work based on a topic chosen in consultation with a Departmental supervisor. The thesis can be based on archival work or a short period of fieldwork carried out the previous term or, on occasion, during the writing of the thesis itself.

  7. 84 jobb som matchar Master Thesis i Sweden (Nya: 7)

    Greater Gothenburg Metropolitan Area. Bli en av de första att söka jobbet. 1 månad sedan. Dagens topp-71 Master Thesis-jobb i Sweden. Dra nytta av ditt nätverk och ro hem ditt nya jobb. Det läggs upp nya jobb som matchar 'Master Thesis' varje dag.

  8. Theses and publications

    Here we list the 100 most recent publications at Uppsala University - articles, books, theses and reports. Do a full search of the University's publication database Diva. The most recently published data sets from Uppsala University. Upcoming thesis defences can be found in the University event calendar.

  9. Summary of requirements and procedures for a master's thesis project at

    The master's thesis project is the final part of a four to five year long undergraduate study program. During the project, the student should demonstrate that he/she can apply the knowledge acquired during the study program. ... Again note that in Sweden, a master's degree is an undergraduate degree, so the student is not expected to do ...

  10. Master thesis/Degree project

    Application forms - thesis/degree project. The application forms apply to students on both bachelor of science in engineering, shipping, civil engineering and master's programmes. To be able to start the process with your thesis/degree project, you must fill in the web form "Thesis application form" and have it signed by the examiner and Head ...

  11. How to Survive Your Master Thesis?

    This is more applicable for one-year master programmes, which the thesis often has 15 credits that is conducted for 3 months. Read more of Concillier's blog post on how to choose a Master thesis partner. Photo: Simon Paulin/imagebank.sweden.se. In my programme, writing a thesis is an individual task.

  12. Master thesis

    Source: Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, DSV. Master's programmes at DSV end with a master thesis. You select and implement relevant scientific methods to write an academic thesis in relation to one of the Department's research areas. A two-year master thesis consists of 30 credits and a one-year master thesis of 15 credits.

  13. Master Thesis

    Study at The University of Gothenburg. This course is dedicated to the completion of a master's thesis' research-project. The student will learn how to plan, carry out and present research. Professors with an international reputation in their field or expertise and with solid experience of guiding research-projects are available as advisors.

  14. Students and Graduates

    Volvo Group has a long experience in joining forces with thesis workers. In Sweden, around 200 theses are written every year together with us. ... a Volvo Master thesis, or a Volvo PhD thesis - we believe that our aspiration to move forward and constantly working together to improve will appeal to you. Explore thesis openings ...

  15. 24 master thesis student Jobs in Sweden, May 2024

    What are the top cities in Sweden with open master thesis student jobs? There are open master thesis student jobs in several cities in Sweden including Gothenburg, Västra Götaland, Stockholm, Stockholm, Malmö, Skåne, Sandviken, Gävleborg, Halmstad, Halland, Mölndal, Huddinge.

  16. Master's thesis

    Contact. Igor Drobyshev, Researcher. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre. [email protected], +4640415199. Page editor: You can write your master's thesis at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre in the subject of forest science or biology.

  17. 21 engineering master thesis Jobs in Sweden, May 2024

    14 Engineering master thesis jobs in Sweden. NASDAQ. 4.2. Student Worker in Nasdaq Quant Research. Stockholm. Be currently enrolled in a university bachelor or masters program within engineering, data science, finance/economics or other relevant subjects.…. Discover more. 16d. 4.2.

  18. Master thesis

    Master thesis. The thesis is usually the last thing you do in the programme. The course runs in the spring semester, but it is also possible to write in the autumn semester. A seminar is usually held in November to provide information about the Master's thesis course. This allows you to start thinking about the topic, supervisors and so on.

  19. 92 Master Thesis jobs in Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden (8 new)

    Be an early applicant. 1 week ago. Today's top 92 Master Thesis jobs in Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Master Thesis jobs added daily.

  20. Master thesis sweden Job Opportunities

    Master Thesis Project. Sinch Sweden. AI Center of ExcellenceSinch is a global leader in cloud.. We are looking for Master Thesis students in Computer Science, Machine Learning, Artificial..

  21. Thesis projects

    Thesis projects. Many of today's Scania employees started their careers at the company by completing their thesis projects here. If you are interested in doing your thesis project at Scania in a different country than Sweden please visit the local web sites where Scania's local distributors and workshops provide details of cooperation with ...

  22. We like students

    Make a difference with your thesis project. At RISE, we welcome about 100 thesis students each year, across a wide variety of fields. ... Master's thesis: Plant-based spreads of cream cheese, structure vs. texture. Sista ansökningsdag: 2024-06-30. ... RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.

  23. Master Thesis Program

    AI Sweden's master thesis program invites students to sit at AI Sweden's offices, use our resources and get support from data scientists and other employees. In previous cohorts we have welcomed students writing their theses with partners including Centiro, RISE, Zenseact, SLU, Recorded Future, Volvo Cars, and AstraZeneca, as well as with AI Sweden.