AACSB International. Salary Survey Reports: Executive Summaries . AACSB.*

Summary by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida Advice for Ph.D. Students and New Faculty | Education Issues Main Page

Note : Part I of this summary includes mean faculty salaries from the 2012-2013, 2015-2016, 2017-2018, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 reports for accounting faculty. Part II includes 2019-2020 median and mean faculty salaries for 18 business disciplines.

Part I: Mean Accounting faculty salaries for various years.

Part II: The following tables include 2019-2020 median and mean faculty salaries for 18 Business Disciplines. If covers 33,440 full time faculty from 455 schools: 21 from Asia Pacific, 38 from Europe and the Middle East, 30 from Canada, 8 from Latin America and the Caribean, and 417 from the United States.

* The 2020-2021 salaries are from the AACSB Business School Data Guide . Prior years are from the Executive Summaries . See AACSB International for the full reports. global-salary-survey-report


Salary Related Summaries :

Martin, J. R. 2021. IMA Salary Calculators 2010-2020. Management And Accounting Web .

Schiffel, L., K. A. Smith and D. L. Schroeder. 2011. IMA 2010 salary survey: How's that recovery workin' for you? Strategic Finance (June): 26-46. ( Summary ).

Articles related to the Accounting Doctoral Shortage and Opportunities to Teach Accounting

AACSB International. 2003. Sustaining Scholarship in Business Schools . AACSB.

Albrecht, W. S. and R. J. Sack. 2000. Accounting Education: Charting the Course through a Perilous Future . Accounting education Series (16): American Accounting Association.

Behn, B. K., G. A. Carnes, G. W. Krull Jr., K. D. Stocks and P. M. J. Reckers. 2008. Accounting Doctoral Education - 2007 A Report of the Joint AAA/APLG/FSA Doctoral Education Committee. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 357-367.

Bergner, J. 2009. Pursuing a Ph.D. in accounting: Walking in with your eyes open: Here's how the doctoral track looks through the eyes of one student. Journal of Accountancy web-exclusive article. (Mentioned in the March issue as an AICPA resource on page 40). ( JOA Link ).

Beyer, B., D. Herrmann, G. K. Meek and E. T. Rapley. 2010. What it means to be an accounting professor: A concise career guide for doctoral students in accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 227-244. ( Summary ).

Bishop, C. C., D. M. Boyle, B. W. Carpenter and D. R. Hermanson. 2016. Transitioning into academia: A new pathway for practitioners. Journal of Accountancy (March): 48-53. ( JOA Link ).

Bishop, C. C., D. M. Boyle, R. R. Clune and D. R. Hermanson. 2012. A different model for doctoral education in accounting and auditing: Student and faculty reflections. Current Issues in Auditing 6(1): A1-A16. ( Note ).

Bonner, P. 2010. New pathways to accounting excellence. Journal of Accountancy (October): 56-60. (Interview with Pathways Commission Chair Bruce Behn related to charting a national higher education strategy for the next generation of accountants).

Bonner, P. 2012. Bolstering the future of accounting education. Journal of Accountancy (October): 38-39.

Boyle, D., D. Hermanson and M. Mensah. 2011. Addressing the accounting and auditing faculty shortage: Practitioners' perceptions of academia. Current Issues in Auditing 5(1): A70-A85.

Boyle, D. M., B. W. Carpenter, D. R. Hermanson and M. O. Mensah. 2013. The accounting doctorate shortage: Opportunities for practitioners. Strategic Finance (May): 30-36. ( Note ).

Campbell, T. L., J. R. Hasselback, R. H. Hermanson and D. H. Turner. 1990. Retirement demand and the market for accounting doctorates. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 209-221.

Gary, R. F., C. A. Denison and M. L. Bouillon. 2011. Can obtaining an accounting Ph.D. provide a positive financial return? Issues in Accounting Education (February): 23-38. ( Summary ).

Grasso, L. 2008. The accounting Ph.D. shortage: Crisis or opportunity? Cost Management (March/April): 15-25. ( Note ).

Hunt, S. C., T. V. Eaton and A. Reinstein. 2009. Accounting faculty job search in a seller's market. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 157-185.

Kachelmeier, S. J., S. Madeo, D. Plumlee, J. H. Pratt, G. Krull and G. Thornton. 2005. Report of the AAA/AAPLG Ad Hoc Committee to assess the Supply and Demand for Accounting Ph.D.s . A joint project of the American Accounting Association and the Accounting Programs Leadership Group. ( Note ).

Leslie, D. W. 2008. Accounting Faculty in U.S. Colleges and Universities: Status and Trends, 1993-2004. A Report of the American Accounting Association. American Accounting Association. ( Note ).

Martin, J. R. Not dated. The accounting doctoral shortage and opportunities to teach accounting. Management And Accounting Web . Accounting Doctoral Shortage

McNair, C. J. and B. Richards. 2008. Unintended consequences: Death of the teacher-scholar. Cost Management (January/February): 21-28. ( Summary ).

Meyer, M. J. and P. L. Titard. 2000. Those who can ... teach. Want to exchange your Palm Pilot for a blackboard, get a PhD and go back to college as a teacher? The time to do it is now. Journal of Accountancy . (July): 49-58. ( Note ).

Meyers, R. 2006. Teaching for the love of it. Journal of Accountancy (June): 30-38.

Plumlee, R. D., S. J. Kachelmeier, S. A. Madeo, J. H. Pratt and G. Krull. 2006. Assessing the shortage of accounting faculty. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 113-125.

Prather-Kinsey, J., A. Savage, S. Boyar and J. Exline. 2018. A call to practitioners: You can play a bigger role in academia and share your experience with accounting students who are hungry for real-world knowledge. Strategic Finance (August): 54-59. ( Summary ).

Reigle, D. 2008. Trends in the Supply of Accounting Graduates and the Demand for Public Accounting Recruits . AICPA.

Ruff, M., J. C. Thibodeau and J. C. Bedard. 2009. A profession's response to a looming shortage: Closing the gap in the supply of accounting faculty. Journal of Accountancy (March): 36-41. ( JOA Link ).

The Pathways Commission. 2012. The Pathways Commission on Higher Education: Charting a National Strategy for the Next Generation of Accountants . American Accounting Association and American Institute of CPAs. ( Note ).

Trapnell, J. E., N. Mero, J. R. Williams and G. W. Krull, Jr. 2009. The accounting doctoral shortage: Time for a new model. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 427-432. ( Note ).

Accounting Professor salary

Average accounting professor salary, how much does an accounting professor make.

The average accounting professor salary in the United States is $84,237. Accounting professor salaries typically range between $48,000 and $145,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for accounting professors is $40.5 per hour. Accounting professor salary is impacted by location, education, and experience. Accounting professors earn the highest average salary in California.

Where can an Accounting Professor earn more?

Accounting professor salary estimates from across the web, average accounting professor salary by state.

The highest-paying states for accounting professors are California, Maryland, and Alaska. The lowest average accounting professor salary states are Nebraska, Idaho, and Arizona.

  • County View

Highest paying states for accounting professors

Highest paying cities for accounting professors.

The highest-paying cities for accounting professors are Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, and Dallas, TX.

Accounting Professor salary details

An accounting professor's salary ranges from $48,000 a year at the 10th percentile to $145,000 at the 90th percentile.

Average Accounting Professor Salary Graph

What is an accounting professor's salary?

Highest paying accounting professor jobs.

The highest paying types of accounting professors are professor, associate professor, and adjunct professor.

Top companies hiring accounting professors now:

  • Murray State University Jobs (2)
  • Loyola Marymount University Jobs (2)
  • Kean University Jobs (3)
  • Grant Thornton Jobs (2)
  • PHD Jobs (3)

Which companies pay accounting professors the most?

Accounting professor salaries at Pace University and Murray State University are the highest-paying according to our most recent salary estimates. In addition, the average accounting professor salary at companies like Loyola Marymount University and La Sierra University are highly competitive.

Wage gap by gender, race and education

Accounting professor salary trends.

The average accounting professor salary has risen by $12,673 over the last ten years. In 2014, the average accounting professor earned $71,564 annually, but today, they earn $84,237 a year. That works out to a 14% change in pay for accounting professors over the last decade.

Compare accounting professor salaries for cities or states with the national average over time.

Average accounting professor salary over time

Compare accounting professor salaries for individual cities or states with the national average.

Accounting Professor salary by year

Recently added accounting professor salaries, accounting professor salary faqs, what state pays accounting professors the most, how do i know if i'm being paid fairly as an accounting professor.

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  • Adjunct Business Professor
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  • Associate Faculty
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A Ph.D. for me? Really?

If you are a CPA with recent practical experience and a love for the profession, the academic accounting community is ready to embrace your talents.


Still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up? Based on the number of emails and phone calls I receive, you are not alone. Sure, you landed your first accounting job (or maybe your second or third), and your career opportunities look limitless, but the little voice in the back of your mind is telling you that there is something more out there. You may even be contemplating returning to school to pursue a career as an accounting faculty member. That idea isn’t crazy—in fact, it’s an excellent career move.

There’s a serious shortage of accounting faculty right now. Faculty retirements are on the uptick (the average age of a tenured accounting faculty member in the United States is 60), enrollment in accounting programs is increasing, and demand for accounting graduates is at an all-time high. Initiatives such as the Accounting Doctoral Scholars Program have been created to address the shortage, but the problem persists.

The reality is that if you are a CPA with recent practical experience and a love for the profession, the academic accounting community is eager to embrace your talents. These qualifications are the beginnings of a solid application to a doctoral program. With a few more additions (e.g., a strong GMAT score, meaningful recommendations, etc.), you could be golden. Now may be as good a time as ever to take a step back, rethink your future, and seize this opportunity.

Here are some things to consider in assessing whether to go back to school to earn a doctorate:

  • A Ph.D. is a research degree. If teaching is the only side of the faculty equation that interests you, you may want to pursue a different avenue to the classroom. For instance, many universities seek lecturers and adjunct faculty to meet classroom demand. Seek an opportunity to meet with college and university accounting program administrators to investigate potential teaching opportunities.
  • What disciplinary area of accounting interests you? Tax? Audit? Managerial accounting? Accounting information systems? Financial accounting? Since different programs have different areas of expertise, making this decision early will help you determine which programs to apply to.
  • Doctoral programs usually take four to five years to complete. Can you commit this time?
  • You won’t necessarily have to live on ramen noodles again. Many universities offer fellowships and assistantships to help offset the costs of a doctoral education.

Now is a great time to consider pursuing a Ph.D. in accounting. A career in academia may be right around the corner for you. Before you commit, take the time to explore this option to ensure it is the right path for you.

Still unsure? The toe almost in the water? Why not explore? Attend Steve Matzke’s session on all things Ph.D., including how to apply and what kinds of salaries accounting professors receive, on Aug. 7 at the  AICPA E.D.G.E. Conference  in San Antonio.

Steve Matzke  is the director–Faculty & University Initiatives at the AICPA. The Edge e-newsletter, is dedicated to providing tips and tools of interest to young professionals, including articles on building career resiliency, networking for success, and de-prioritizing the immediate to focus on the important. Watch for it in your inbox.  Subscribe now .


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Hourly Wage for Accounting Professor Salary in the United States

Hourly wage for accounting professor salary.

How much does a Accounting Professor make hourly in the United States? The average hourly wage for a Accounting Professor in the United States is $66 as of April 24, 2024, but the range typically falls between $50 and $107 . Hourly rate can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target.

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Air & Gas Solutions LLC - Maryville, TN

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Job Description

The Accounting Professor develops and designs curriculum plans to foster student learning, stimulate class discussions, and ensures student engagement. Teaches courses in the discipline area of accounting. Being an Accounting Professor collaborates and supports colleagues regarding research interests and co-curricular activities. Provides tutoring and academic counseling to students, maintains classes related records, and assesses student coursework. In addition, Accounting Professor typically reports to a department head. Requires a PhD or terminal degree appropriate to the field. Has considerable experience and is qualified to teach at undergraduate and graduate levels and initiates research and case studies in field of interest and may publish findings in trade journals or textbooks. Provides intellectual leadership and has made significant contributions to the field. May offer independent study opportunities and mentoring to students. Typically this individual is a leader in the field and has been published. (Copyright 2024 Salary.com)

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  • Accounting Manager Air & Gas Solutions LLC - Maryville, TN Accounting Manager. Functional area: Finance. Country: United States. City: Maryville. Company name: Air & Gas Solutions LLC. Date of posting: Apr 19, 2024... - 3 Months Ago
  • Assistant Director of Accounting Great West Casualty Company - Sioux City, IA Great West Casualty Company has an opportunity for an Assistant Director on our Financial Reporting team within the Accounting department. For over 65 year... - 6 Months Ago
  • Accounting Manager Real Equity Management - Columbia, MO SALARY RANGE: $80,000 - $100,000 based on applicable experience. THE COMPANY: Real Equity Management (REM) is a privately owned design-build and property m... - 2 Months Ago
  • Accounting Manager Copeland - Cudahy, WI If you are an ACCOUNTING & FINANCE professional and have a desire to contribute to the bottom line, Copeland has an exciting opportunity for you. Based in ... - 1 Month Ago

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  1. Accounting Professor Salary

    The average Accounting Professor salary in the United States is $138,201 as of April 24, 2024, but the range typically falls between $104,201 and $222,801. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

  2. AACSB Salary Survey Reports

    Salary Survey Reports: Executive Summaries. AACSB.*. Note: Part I of this summary includes mean faculty salaries from the 2012-2013, 2015-2016, 2017-2018, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 reports for accounting faculty. Part II includes 2019-2020 median and mean faculty salaries for 18 business disciplines. Part I: Mean Accounting faculty salaries for ...

  3. FAQ: How Much Can an Accounting Professor Make?

    Many accounting professors have backgrounds as accountants or Certified Public Accountants (CPA). Here are a few salaries that professionals can earn in other accounting careers: Accountant: $53,695 per year. Staff accountant: $56,278 per year. Financial accountant: $65,199 per year. Tax accountant: $66,123 per year.

  4. Salary: Professor Accounting in United States 2024

    Most Likely Range. The estimated total pay for a Accounting Professor is $128,789 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $102,207 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

  5. Accounting Professor Salary (May 2024)

    The average accounting professor salary in the United States is $84,237. Accounting professor salaries typically range between $48,000 and $145,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for accounting professors is $40.5 per hour. Accounting professor salary is impacted by location, education, and experience. Accounting professors earn the highest ...


    Salaries are generally high for accounting professors. According to the 2018-2019 Salary Survey Reports of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International), the average nine-month salary for assistant professors of accounting is $148,800. For assistant professors in the top 25 percent of the salary

  7. Doctorate (PhD), Accounting Salary

    Avg. Salary $64k — $162k. Post Graduate Certificate, Accounting & Finance. Avg. Salary $61k — $158k. Bachelor's Degree, Project Management. Avg. Salary $62k — $125k. Master of Science (MS ...

  8. Doctorate in Accounting

    Tuition fees for accounting Ph.D. programs typically cost between $35,000-$66,000 in total tuition. Factors such as online or on-campus format, school prestige, public vs. private status, and residency (in-state vs. out-of-state) can influence the price.

  9. College Professor

    The average College Professor - Accounting salary in the United States is $137,100 as of December 27, 2023, but the range typically falls between $103,400 and $221,000. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession ...

  10. Professor

    The average Professor - Accounting salary in the United States is $138,114 as of April 24, 2024, but the range typically falls between $104,188 and $222,733. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

  11. FAQ: What Is an Accounting PhD? (Plus Salary and Benefits)

    Professionals with a Ph.D. in accounting can hold a variety of jobs. On average, accountants earn $53,555 per year. Finance managers earn $91,229 per year. For the most up-to-date salaries from Indeed, click on the links. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities for accountants and the related role of ...

  12. Has anyone considered becoming an accounting professor?

    There is a paid PhD program with all the Big4 b/c the projections of professors is low and the number of accounting students needed by the firms is higher than schools can accept. I had a co-worker that was accepted. You have to work at one of the list of schools for x years for your debt to be forgiven.

  13. From Practitioner to Professor

    The AACSB's "2019/2020 Staff Compensation & Demographics Survey Executive Summary" reports that the mean nine-month salary for an accounting assistant professor was $147,440, and $156,290 for tax professors ( https://bit.ly/3DO65dg ).

  14. Life as a Professor

    The AACSB conducts an annual faculty salary survey and reports the results. Numbers below are based on the 2019/2020 survey. The average salary of an accounting assistant professor (the starting position for academia) in 2019/20207 was $147,440. The average associate professor earned $151,170, and the average full professor earned $183,220.

  15. A Ph.D. for me? Really?

    A Ph.D. is a research degree. If teaching is the only side of the faculty equation that interests you, you may want to pursue a different avenue to the classroom. For instance, many universities seek lecturers and adjunct faculty to meet classroom demand. Seek an opportunity to meet with college and university accounting program administrators ...

  16. Accounting Professor Salary in 2024

    The average salary for an Accounting Professor is $77,419 in 2024. Base Salary. $55k - $98k. Total Pay. $52k - $97k. Based on 9 salary profiles (last updated Mar 05 2024)

  17. 20 of the Highest Paying PhD Degrees (Plus Salaries)

    20. Immunology. National average salary: $182,342 per year Immunologists with a Ph.D. study infectious diseases and create public health policies related to disease transmission and prevention. A background in a relevant degree program related to immunology is typically a prerequisite for this area of study.

  18. Salary: Accounting Professor in United States 2024

    Most Likely Range. The estimated total pay for a Accounting Professor is $111,047 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $91,198 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

  19. PhD in Accounting Professor Jobs, Employment

    Tenure Track Open Rank Faculty Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Accounting. University of Washington. 4.1. 1400 NE Campus Parkway, Seattle, WA 98195. $26,000 - $38,000 a month - Full-time, Tenured, Tenure track. You must create an Indeed account before continuing to the company website to apply. Apply now.

  20. Hourly wage for Accounting Professor

    The average hourly wage for an Accounting Professor in the United States is $66 as of February 26, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $50 and $107.

  21. Doctorate (PhD), Accounting & Finance Salary

    Salaries. Related Degrees. $120k. / year. Avg. Base Salary (USD) N/A. Overall Job Satisfaction. Find out what you should be paid. Use our tool to get a personalized report on your market worth.