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213 Criminology Dissertation Ideas And Thesis Titles

criminology dissertation ideas

Finding criminology topics is not as easy as pulling out an essay idea from any website. It requires students to go the extra mile to investigate a particular problem and derive a professional topic. Does this give you chills already? Well, our expert UK writers have prepared a list that will earn you high grades. Make sure to pick one that will impress your stingy criminology professor to the core!

Criminology Topics: What Do They Entail?

Criminology focuses on examining crime from a social perspective with a close lens at the perpetrator of the crime, their motive, effects, and prevention. As you will note in the list of writing ideas below, criminology also studies human behaviour about crime.

Since criminologists go to the extent of looking at the social roots and impacts of a crime, they also s-encompass other fields of study such as philosophy and anthropology. The combination of all these methods leads to a precise determination of the root cause of criminal behaviour. They will therefore be able to determine effective and practical ways of preventing its occurrence in the future.

For you to have a top-rated criminology paper, ensure that you:

  • First, understand the task at hand
  • Collect relevant details to furnish your paper with
  • Outline your criminology paper
  • Structure your ideas into sections
  • Abide by the formatting requirements of your college or university
  • Maintain originality throughout your paper
  • Reference and cite your sources well

The result of this is a brilliant criminology paper that will earn you a spot on the top of your class leaderboard. Do you want to try out our sample criminology dissertation titles? Here is your unique opportunity now!

Top-Notch Criminology Dissertation Ideas

  • Why are the majority of crimes committed by the youths?
  • Reasons why men are more prone to commit crime than women
  • What to improve in the British criminology curriculum
  • Is it possible to develop a society without crime?
  • How does the environment motivate one towards criminal behaviour?
  • Evaluate the role of music in enhancing crime
  • Are the current laws on criminology effective enough?
  • Why do college and university students engage in cases of arson?
  • Predisposing factors behind the activities of serial killers
  • The role of guardians and societal leaders in preventing crime
  • Possible causes of rape and other indecent sexual behaviour
  • Discuss the relationship between crime and punishment in the past decade
  • Are criminology related laws implemented to the latter?
  • The role of specialized police units in preventing crime
  • Why the internet is a harbour for vigorous criminal activity
  • How to detect domestic violence before it occurs
  • Innovative ways of dealing with social disorders in a community
  • Why serial crimes always present a complex puzzle to solve for investigators

Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health

  • The role of trauma in forcing one to commit a crime
  • Evaluate the association between mental illness and crime
  • Possible mental disorders that make teenagers commit crimes
  • Using community-based treatment centres to help people with mental cases
  • A global perspective on the mental health of sexual offenders
  • How anxiety and depression may cause one to premeditate committing murder
  • Impact of detrimental mental health problems on a person’s conduct
  • The relationship between aggressive behaviour and mental disorders
  • Traumatic experiences that may trigger criminal activities
  • How the media impacts the mental health of a person in committing a crime
  • Ways of promoting a healthy mental state in a society
  • How phobias prevent or trigger people about crime
  • The role of a mental check-up in a criminal investigation
  • Can an illegal fake a mental disorder to evade punishment?
  • Importance of mental therapies for criminals charged with murder

Criminology And Psychology Dissertation Ideas

  • How attitudes and emotions compel people to criminal behaviour
  • Impact of domestic violence on a child’s aggressive behaviour
  • A psychological examination of people who start trouble every time
  • How race is a critical factor in the police’s judgment of criminal activity
  • The role of forensic psychology in criminal investigations
  • A psychological view of the gender-based violence against women
  • Psychological disorders as a result of divorce may lead to crime
  • How parenting styles affect a child’s behaviour: A case of poor parenting
  • Discuss criminal intent based on a psychological disorder
  • How drug abuse contributes to crime as a result of psychological dysfunction
  • How attitudes towards criminal justice shape people’s behaviours
  • Why most employers are reluctant to employ people with past criminal records
  • Discuss criminal psychology with communist states
  • Current trends and practices in crime related to psychology
  • Compare and contrast situation and premeditated child abuse

Custom Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • Do criminals get justice after being sentenced?
  • How to investigate a serial crime in a society
  • Techniques used in monitoring people with suspecting criminal behaviour
  • Evaluate the role of private detectives in solving societal crimes
  • How the neighbourhood topography relates to illegal activities
  • Best approaches to combating crimes committed by gangs
  • The part of the police in keeping society safe and peaceful
  • How the mental health of women relates to aggressive behaviour at a times
  • Predisposing factors behind human traffickers and children abductors
  • Should the government enact more laws to curb domestic violence?
  • The role of modern technologies in complicating criminal investigations
  • How schools can enhance good morals among students at a tender age
  • Do suspensions act as a cause for violence in the future among students?
  • How to deal with protests and violence in a school setting
  • How the use of force only serves to stir up crime

First-Class Dissertation Ideas For Criminology

  • Policing strategies that wage war against smuggling of goods
  • The role of the US-Mexican border in combating criminal activities
  • How marginalization leads to the discrimination of various people
  • An analysis of the genocides in the past decade: What caused them?
  • What motivates young men to join gangs and other criminal groups?
  • How does alcohol catalyze sexual assaults?
  • The relationship between crime and LGBT groups
  • The implication of racial profiling in causing criminal activities
  • A critical review of how the US government responds to mass shootings
  • Gun ownership policies that will make America safe
  • The role of corruption in facilitating illegal underground activity
  • How the economic state of a country can lead to crime
  • Discuss the relationship between oil and civic disorder
  • Historical factors that have necessitated crime in the 21 st century
  • The contribution of propaganda and Yellow Journalism to crime

Criminology Dissertation Ideas On Terrorism

  • Evaluate the response of the US forces towards terrorist activities
  • Implications of the 9/11 attack on the safety of airlines
  • Discuss the relationship between radicalization and terrorism
  • Ways in which ISIS lures young men into joining them
  • How technology has helped advance terrorist activities in the country
  • Assess the impact of terrorism on religious profiling of people
  • Why terrorist activities are most prevalent in urban centres
  • How terrorists instil fear on their victims
  • Has the coronavirus slowed down terrorist activities?
  • Exploring the role of attitude in fueling terrorist activities towards certain countries
  • Reasons why the media can serve as a super-spreader of fear during terrorist attacks
  • Ways of detecting terrorist plans before they come of age
  • Significant strides made in the war against terrorism in Africa
  • The role of intelligence services in combating terrorism
  • A critical analysis of the bombings on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania

Criminology Dissertation Ideas About Drugs

  • The role of drug rehabilitation centres in reducing criminal activities
  • A critical evaluation of heroin and cocaine users
  • The impact of legalizing marijuana on criminal behaviour
  • Is there a thin line between drug abuse and violence?
  • How to curb drug and substance abuse among college students
  • The role of the media in sensitizing society against the adverse effects of drugs
  • How the doping technology can help curb drug and substance abuse
  • How drug abuse is a stepping stone to high crime rates in developing nations
  • Explore the different types of crimes resulting from drug abuse
  • What are the possible ways of eradicating corruption caused by criminal behaviour?
  • Why it is difficult for drug addicts to go for guiding and counselling
  • Impacts of excessive drug abuse on one’s mental state
  • Why most gangs are associated with drug and substance abuse
  • Post-traumatic drug disorders that lead to criminal activities
  • Most commonly abused drugs by teens in the United Kingdom

The Best Criminology Dissertation Ideas UK

  • Government policies that are curtailing the spread of criminal behaviour
  • How the UK government is dealing with criminals of any kind
  • Are the court systems in the UK doing enough to curb crime?
  • Describe the application of the social learning theory in reducing crime
  • How a criminal investigator develops a perspective on a particular crime
  • How developed economies are handling corruption-related cases
  • The standards of correctional facilities in the United Kingdom and their effectiveness
  • An investigation of the legal policies against crime in Britain
  • Compare and contrast criminal activity in UK suburbs and those of America
  • A critical review of past illegal activity in Britain over the last five years
  • Perceptions and attitudes towards UK criminal investigators
  • How antisocial behaviour relates to illegal activities
  • Are introverts more prone to crime than extroverts?
  • A study of the UK media and its implication on crime
  • How criminal investigative exposes have led to the arrest of various criminals

Criminology Dissertation Ideas On Domestic Violence

  • Multiple forms of domestic violence in the 21 st century: A case of sexual and verbal abuse
  • Acts that lead to psychological intimidation in domestic violence
  • Economic impacts of domestic violence
  • Does the word ‘abuse’ downplay the severity of domestic violence acts?
  • Are domestic violence acts ‘terroristic’ in nature?
  • Social structures that reinforce the suppression of women
  • The growing cases of male abuse in the recent days
  • An analysis of the various aspects of domestic violence
  • The role of writers in speaking out against domestic violence
  • How to look out for warning signs in the case of domestic violence
  • Do victims of domestic violence find a safe place to talk without judgment?
  • Discuss the implications of the Domestic Abuse Bill in the UK
  • How to address the needs of survivors and their families
  • The role of society in holding perpetrators of domestic violence accountable
  • The role of grants and government funding in supporting anti-domestic violence movements

Criminology Dissertation Ideas About Prisons

  • Do prisons deny inmates their human rights?
  • Investigate reports of sexual abuse in prisons
  • Why murderers should not be in one prison facility with other offenders
  • Are prisons breeding grounds for criminal activity?
  • Compare and contrast crime in female and male prisons
  • The role of prison wardens in shaping the conduct of prisoners
  • Should all offenders be kept in one prison irrespective of their crimes?
  • Is denying prisoners visitations a catalyst for their aggressive behaviour?
  • The role of society in helping criminals change
  • How prison wardens contribute to crime in prisons
  • Should all correctional facilities be outside significant cities?
  • Should convicts of life sentences stay with those of shorter sentences?
  • An analysis of cases of convicts killed in prisons
  • What should determine the suitability of an officer as a prison warden?
  • How should inmates relate with the prison wardens?

Forensic Psychology Dissertation Ideas

  • Technological advances in forensic psychology and its impacts
  • The procedure of investigating a crime using forensic psychology
  • Compare and contrast the use of forensic psychology on men versus women
  • Different approaches to forensic psychology in criminology
  • Do we have enough forensic psychologists?
  • How does genetics affect forensic psychology?
  • Factors affecting eyewitness identification performance
  • A study on male victims of partner violence
  • Investigate the jury decision-making process based on forensic psychology
  • A study of knowledge and attitudes towards conduct disorder
  • How race affects psychotherapeutic performance
  • Examine the association between psychosis and being a migrant
  • Using a measurement scale to assess psychopathic personality traits
  • How personality functioning may predict a person’s engagement in cyberstalking
  • The collateral consequences of money bail

Latest Knife Crime Dissertation Titles

  • What happens when the police become criminals?
  • The impact of cybercrime on international peace and security
  • Unearthing the underworld of hardcore teenage crimes
  • How some police office rob banks and participate in serious crimes
  • Dealing with drug trafficking in the technological era
  • A comparative analysis of European law enforcement agencies
  • Using children as witnesses in a criminal case: Is it ethical?
  • Discuss the role of psychological intervention for criminals
  • Analyze the rise of militia uprisings
  • Impact of political tensions on criminal activities
  • How the media stereotypes young people as criminals
  • Social insecurity and brutality
  • Impact of forced labour on correcting detainees: Does it help?
  • Does the media exaggerate terrorism activities?
  • Cultural values that can shape the morals of a society

Additional Terrorism Dissertation Ideas

  • Is white supremacy terrorism?
  • How domestic terrorism has risen in the US over the past few months
  • The role of the UN Mission in keeping terrorists at bay
  • How to cut off funding for terrorist activities
  • How terrorism has become a threat to human existence
  • How to prevent young men from joining terrorist groups
  • Why terrorists take hostages and threaten to detonate bombs
  • Psychological implications of terrorism activities
  • Can someone who has been a terrorist fit into society again?
  • Discuss the breeding of local terrorism in countries
  • Counter-terrorism measures that work
  • The role of surveillance in countering terrorism activities
  • How terrorism creeps into conflict zones
  • How the rule of law can help eliminate terrorism
  • How to empower minors against terrorism
  • The role of community anti-terrorism awareness programs
  • How terrorists cause insubordination and waywardness

Criminal Law EPQ Questions

  • Proactive policing
  • Pretext stops and charter remedies
  • Working with virtual legal assistants
  • The part of the sedition law
  • Analyze the right to protest
  • Is life imprisonment a myth?
  • State’s role in regulating crimes against women
  • Appeal to the death sentence
  • Laws about custody and maintenance of minors
  • Are Promissory notes and Bills of Exchange the same?
  • What is the difference between fatal and non-fatal offences?
  • Are ideas protected under copyright?
  • What is a crime of passion?

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PhD Thesis 'Armed Policing in England' - Volume 1 (Main Text)

Profile image of Oliver Clark-Darby

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We have a range of online resources to help plan, write and finish your dissertation. Although this is aimed primarily at 3rd Year Undergraduates and Postgraduate Taught students, it contains information that can be useful to Postgraduate Research Students.

  • Sage Research Methods (Library Database) Provides a range of useful tools including a Project Planner, which breaks down each stage of your research from defining your topic, reviewing the literature to summarising and writing up.
  • Literature Reviews Checklist - Handout
  • Components of a Dissertation (document) A useful guide to the central components of a dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Understand the core elements that should be in your dissertation --Understand the structure and progression of a strong dissertation
  • Dissertation Workshop - Handouts Includes a planning template and outline
  • Dissertation Workshop Slides
  • Writing Your Dissertation Guide - Handout

Other Resources

  • Reading Strategies (PDF document) An interactive document on reading at university.
  • How To Write A Literature Review Video - Queen's University Belfast 10 minute video
  • Start to Finish Dissertations Online Webinar from Manchester
  • A to Z of Literature Reviews - University of Manchester 20 minute tutorial
  • Appendices A short example of how to use and cite appendices in your dissertations, essays or projects

Check out these recordings to help you through your Dissertation writing process, from start to finish. 

Dissertation Planning and Writing Series

  • Starting Your Dissertation (Video) 46 minutes This webinar recording will help you with the early stages of planning, researching and writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Understand the challenges and opportunities of writing a dissertation --Move towards refining your subject and title --Know what steps to take to progress with your dissertation
  • Writing Your Dissertation (Video) 52 minutes This webinar recording will help guide you through the middle stages of writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Identify the key parts of a high quality dissertation --Understand how to structure your dissertation effectively --Know how to increase the fluency and strength of your argument across an extended piece of writing 
  • Finishing Your Dissertation (Video) 59 minutes This webinar recording aims to guide you through the final stages of writing your dissertation. By the end you should be able to: --Identify key features that should be included in your dissertation --Know how to ensure your dissertation has a strong and cohesive structure --Proofread your work.
  • Using Word to Format Long Documents (Video) 1 hour and 22 minutes A video tutorial on how to format long documents such as Essays and Dissertations using Word. By the end you should be able to: --Create a Table of Contents --Know how to insert page numbers --Be familiar with how to use the various auto-formatting and styles functions to manage longer documents

A selection of external sources that would be of particular use to 3rd Year Undergraduate students and Postgraduate students. 

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2004-2013, Print Theses & Masters Dissertations

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To search for print theses and masters dissertations use UR Library Search to search for a title or topic and filter by Format > Book > Theses, Dissertation.

1985-2004, Roehampton Institute of Higher Education (RIHE)

Dissertations and theses published between 1985-2004 were awarded by the University of Surrey. The holdings are not complete as the criteria for inclusion was set by academic departments, and threshold varied between department. Not all student work would be made available to view. The selected works were intended to provide examples of work for students.

To search for digitised copies of RHIE theses go to the University of Surrey’s Open Research repository .

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  • Last Updated: Mar 25, 2024 10:37 AM
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20 Fresh Criminology Dissertation Ideas 2019

dissertation ideas

Table of Contents

The criminology dissertation or police dissertation requires a unique topic or research question that is interesting and appealing.

Criminology is an essential branch of sociology and it is studied thousands of years ago. The discipline of criminology is known as a scientific discipline. In this essential branch of sociology, we study the enforcement of law and the criminal justice system. If you are studying criminology at the university level, you will be asked to write a dissertation. The first step to writing a criminology dissertation is to select an interesting and intriguing topic idea. There are some students who are not able to find an interesting criminology dissertation topic idea and they get help from expert writers of the dissertation writing services .

A list of twenty unique criminology dissertation topic ideas is given below;

  • What are the problems and benefits of giving the right to the prisoners to cast vote?
  • What is the impact of the study of victimology on domestic violence?
  • How can we improve the efficiency of the community policemen in preventing and solving crimes?
  • What are the impacts of domestic violence on the mental health of women?
  • How the frequency of suicide is increasing with the advancements in the field of technology?
  • What are common policing means in developed countries?
  • What are the possible approaches and ways to detect cyber crimes?
  • What are the possible methods to deal with social disorders?
  • What is the importance of government, police and community collaboration in order to provide an assurance of safety to the public?
  • What should be the possible strategies of the police to stop and minimize the possible crimes?
  • What is the role of a better family relationship in forming a peaceful and progressive society?
  • What is the role of good governance in preserving peace and order in society?
  • Is it helpful for a society to stop drug addiction by imposing death penalties on the people who are involved in the business of drugs?
  • What is the role of the protection of children and women in a society in order to establish respect and dignity in a society?
  • What are zero or low-level crimes and what is the importance of zero or low-level crimes for the purpose of establishing the component cities in a country?
  • What is the importance of awarding attractive salaries to the policemen for the purpose of improving their performance?
  • What is the importance of community policing and point of view cameras in order to decrease repeated killings and police brutality?
  • What are the possible research methods in the field of criminology?
  • What is the impact of forensic psychology in studying criminology?
  • Who is responsible for street crimes?

These are some essential topic ideas for a criminology dissertation. Anyhow, you should select such a topic idea for your dissertation which is interesting and intriguing to you. After selecting such an interesting and intriguing topic idea, it will be easy for you to create a monument of a dissertation.

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Top Criminology Dissertation Topics – Select The Best One

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On February 2, 2024

Criminology students can research any of the several subfields of criminology when writing a dissertation or thesis paper. An excellent criminology dissertation topic will play a crucial role in helping you achieve the desired grades.

If you are a student of criminology pursuing a graduate or postgraduate qualification but have no idea what should be the topic of your dissertation, there is no need to panic because you are not alone on this boat.

To help you start the dissertation writing process , we have compiled a list of focused and clear criminology dissertation topics . See all the lists of topics available on this page and choose a title with which you can work best.

Also, find out how our dissertation planning service and the full dissertation service can assist you in your time of need.

Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • Relationship between a child’s abuse and their involvement in criminal activity.
  • Does prejudice against members of the LGBTQA+ community encourage criminal activity?
  • Compare youth crime rates in Pakistan and India.
  • Examine how crime reflects social responses by analysing the social construction of crime.
  • A review of 10 incidents involving the growing crime of sexual assault of children in schools.
  • Do you think everyone needs a gun license? If so, would this increase the crime rate?
  • What are the penalties for animal cruelty? A comparison between emerging countries and industrialised nations.
  • Examine the increase in corruption cases in Asian marketplaces.
  • Examining the cases of bullying at school and how it increases the likelihood of young people committing crimes in the future.
  • What is the punishment for retaliatory pornography under international law? A study of contrasts.
  • How is the prison lifestyle portrayed in the media? – A study of the US media.
  • The consequences of police abuse and torture in emerging nations, both now and in the future.
  • Effective methods for detecting and combating cybercrimes in the modern world.
  • Is increasing police capacity the only method to lower crime rates in underdeveloped countries? Discuss
  • What steps may be made to guarantee the safety of the minority community in a nation? Make a judgement based on the criminology literature.
  • How did illegal immigration affect crime levels in a state? Talk about it using one of your preferred countries as an example.
  • What effects does political support have on how smoothly criminal activity operates?
  • Talk about how residential building architecture and community structures contribute to crime prevention.
  • Discuss the correlation between unemployment and crime using statistical evidence. Conduct the study based on the academic background, personal interests, and length of employment.
  • Who stands to gain from crime prevention? Make a study of the beneficiaries, both direct and indirect.
  • Would eradicating poverty result in a drop in crime? Review the qualitative aspects.
  • What social and economic effects does crime deterrence have? Give a thorough analysis of the literature on any American state.
  • Is there a connection between childhood events and adolescent criminal activity? Review the qualitative aspects.
  • The use of biotechnology and digital environments for the prevention and control of crime in the nation of your choice.
  • Does crime prediction have any chance of success? Discuss the creation of a logical defence.

Top-Notch Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • What are the determinants that lead to the development of a serial killer? Do either genetics or the effects of civilisation have an impact or both?
  • Is our educational system falling short of its intended objectives of developing pupils’ solid moral qualities? Discuss
  • How does political unrest in a country or region relate to internal militia uprisings?
  • explain the subtle distinction between criminology and law enforcement?
  • How significant a role does parental supervision play in reducing the number of teenage crimes?
  • What are the underlying causes of the emergence and growth of youth gangs in a society that is worried in a less developed country?
  • What part can the community and schools play in successfully reducing child abuse cases?
  • The development of counterfeiting, along with technological advancement
  • How can racial abuse of international students damage a nation’s standing in the eyes of the world’s educational community?
  • How forced labour serve as a deterrent for prisoners and provide a more effective punishment for them?
  • Discuss instances of honour killings in South Asian countries.
  • Was the purpose of maintaining justice tainted by violence during Black Lives Matter (BLM) campaigns?
  • How are police changes necessary to enable law enforcement to combat criminal activity?
  • How may the regulation of prostitution assist in lessening sex-related crimes?
  • Describe the evolution of organised crime and how the Russian mafia practised it. Compare it to the actions of the Italian mafia.

Mental Health Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • Analysing the relationship between mental illness and criminal behaviour.
  • An international look at the mental health of sex offenders.
  • Why can mental illnesses such as anxiety and sadness lead someone to consider killing someone?
  • The negative impact of mental illness on a person’s behaviour.
  • The link between violent behaviour and mental illness.
  • How does the media affect a person’s mental health before committing a crime?
  • Amnesia and what impact can it have on people as they get older?
  • What impact can trauma and psychological trauma have on people’s long-term health?
  • What are the benefits of the insanity defence system for the population?
  • What are some ways to prevent unnecessary depression in childhood?
  • What effects does religion have on a person’s mental health?
  • What exactly are post-traumatic stress disorders, and what treatment options are available?
  • What causes mental trauma, and what remedies are available for it?
  • What role do mental health nurses have in supporting women who have miscarried?
  • What potential difficulties might nurses in the UK face?

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Psychology and Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • Is the strategy used in the fight against terrorism causing a surge in domestic terrorism?
  • Maximising the advantages of imprisonment as a tool for rehabilitation to reduce the likelihood of repeat offences.
  • How does drug misuse result in psychological dysfunction, which increases criminality?
  • Understanding the causes of special needs of individuals becoming criminals
  • Is the increased focus on mass murder to blame for a rise in the number of incidents?
  • Why are most employers hesitant to hire applicants with criminal histories?
  • Could domestic violence against men factor in the increase in social crimes?
  • The internet and other media resources have played a role in the rise of copycat crimes.
  • Can social media effectively be used to prevent and detect crime?
  • Does parenting have any impact on the likelihood of committing crimes?
  • Are religious scandals to blame for the lowering of morality and the rise in crime?
  • How do people’s attitudes and emotions drive them to commit crimes?
  • Domestic abuse’s effects on a child’s violent behaviour.
  • A psychological analysis of those who always instigate trouble.
  • How important race in the way that the police evaluate criminal activity?

Also read: Psychology Dissertation Topics

Drugs and Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • The contribution of drug treatment facilities to the reduction of crime.
  • An assessment of users of cocaine and heroin.
  • The relationship between drug offending, low-income households and poverty?
  • The impact of marijuana legalisation on criminal behaviour.
  • Is there a thin line between violent behaviour and drug abuse?
  • How can drug and alcohol abuse among students be reduced?
  • The role of the media in raising public awareness of the adverse effects of drug abuse.
  • How can doping technology be used to prevent drug and alcohol abuse?
  • How can drug use contribute to high crime rates in poor countries?
  • Examine the different forms of crime caused by drug abuse.
  • What are the ways to counter corruption caused by illegal activities?
  • What are the adverse effects of heavy drug usage on mental health?
  • Why is drug and alcohol misuse so common among gangs?
  • Explore the PTSD-related drug problems that result in criminal behaviour.
  • Study the most popular drugs teenagers use in the UK and their effect on their life.

Domestic Violence and Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • Domestic abuse in the 21st century takes many different forms, including verbal and sexual abuse. Discuss the phenomena.
  • Analyse the effects of domestic violence that result in psychological intimidation.
  • Discuss the effects of domestic violence on the economy.
  • Does the word “abuse” minimise how severe domestic violence actions are?
  • Do acts of domestic abuse qualify as “terrorism”?
  • Social systems that support the sexism of women
  • Why are there reports of an increase in male abuse?
  • The impact of domestic abuse on women’s mental health Makes a comparison of the circumstances in Western and Asian nations.
  • Take a look at several domestic abuse incidents and compare victimology.
  • What to look for in the case of domestic abuse as warning indications?
  • Do domestic violence victims have a place to go where they can communicate without being judged?
  • Examine the effects of the UK’s Domestic Abuse Bill.
  • How can the requirements of survivors and their families be met?
  • Discuss the role of society in prosecuting domestic violence offenders.
  • Grants and government funding support movements against domestic violence.

Criminology Victimisation Dissertation Topics

  • How do biological elements relate to breaking the law?
  • The prevailing view on crime, economics, deterrence, and the logic of choice.
  • What do former prisoners have to say about the matter?
  • How can social interactions spread criminal norms?
  • How can fear of punishment prevent people from committing crimes?
  • How can committing crimes fit into the criminal’s personal goals?
  • Illegal behaviour is seen through the prism of the personality of the offender.
  • How does good socialisation relate to a decline in criminal activity?
  • How environmental factors in a neighbourhood affect crime rates.
  • How is the crime committed in line with the offender’s personal goals?

Terrorism and Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • Analyse the US military’s response to terrorist activity.
  • Consequences of the 9/11 attack for airline safety.
  • Describe the connection between terrorism and radicalisation.
  • How the country’s terrorist actions have advanced thanks to technology.?
  • Analysethe effect of terrorism on the use of religion to identify people.
  • Why are metropolitan areas the scene of the majority of terrorist attacks?
  • Investigating the effect that perceptions play in encouraging terrorist activity in various countries.
  • Reasons why during terrorist strikes, the media can be a super-spreader of dread.
  • An examination of the US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
  • Significant progress has been made in the fight against terrorism in Africa. Discuss

Dissertation Links

  • Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics
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How Can you Find a Top-Rated Criminology Dissertation Topic?

Students generally find criminology dissertation topics online, but one should only select from reliable sources. So, if you are looking for motivational criminology dissertation topics, you should look at the circumstances below.

  • If you want to write an excellent criminology dissertation, you are advised to choose topics that solely focus on contemporary issues.
  • Remember that you are going to have a direct impact on people’s lives. Make sure you understand the close relationship between criminology and law enforcement.
  • You should choose a contentious issue or problem. You might want to build relationships with people. Otherwise, your research might become tedious.

The Importance of Studying Criminology

Study criminology, and you could take on a precious job for society. You could study crime, research the causes of criminal behaviour and improve education, rehabilitation and crime prevention programs. This degree could be right for you if you want to contribute to maintaining public safety.

Criminology students have a wide range of career options available to them. Immigration, education, policing, law enforcement, personal security, community planning, advocacy, counselling, public administration and international development are all exciting fields of work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tips to write an excellent criminology dissertation.

To write an excellent Criminology Dissertation:

1. Choose a compelling topic. 2. Conduct thorough research. 3. Develop a clear and coherent structure. 4. Analyze data critically. 5. Use appropriate referencing. 6. Edit and proofread meticulously.

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Centre for Policing Research and Learning

You are here, phd research.

A PhD (proffering the title 'Doctor of Philosophy') is the highest degree that a student can achieve, and is highly advantageous to a policing career. The Centre for Policing Research and Learning operates a 50% funded part-time PhD studentship programme for employees of our policing partners. This programme supports academically rigorous and timely doctoral research of relevance to policing. We also support affiliated PhD students conducting policing research across The Open University.

Part-time PhDs take between 3 and 8 years, and result in a thesis typically between 80,000 to 100,000 words in length. Students are supported by a specialist supervisory team, and learn techniques which enable a significant contribution to knowledge within their selected subject.

PhDs can be taken in any of the Centre's themed research areas, and opportunities are notified via Centre correspondence. A full list of PhD projects is below.  

We have opportunities for part funded MPhil research.  For more information look here.

CPRL studentship PhDs in progress


Charlotte Gaskell - The effect of using an interpreter on the accuracy of witness accounts gathered from police interviews

Phil davies - the predictive potential of police operating models: how complex systems theory can support a data-driven simulation of police policy to improve efficiency, ashleigh bennett - what works to increase female representation within specialist tactical roles, davin parrott - the probabilistic assessment of intelligence and decision making, kimberley kuhnert - online dating initiated sexual offending, james senior - serial stalking interventions, russ hinton - identifying digital investigations opportunities through the application of data science/data analytics, nicole woodhall - indecent images of children in the uk: has the current threat gone beyond policing’s capability to respond to it, completed cprl studentship phds, reuben moreton - developing and evaluating a training and competency framework for forensic facial identification, cprl affiliated phd research, dionysia lali - perceptions and expectations of the police when interacting with vulnerable people, kitty chisholm - how can a short, cost effective, growth mindset intervention result in sustained improvements in behaviour management, lara kazeem - information systems and bias within police forces, completed cprl affiliated phd research, angela sutton-vane - history of police archiving practices, jane roberts - political leadership and the need to belong: an extension of theory and practice of political and place leadership through the lens of attachment theory, heather barrett - in the context of multi-agency adoption and diffusion of a technology to enhance policing, can systems thinking techniques enhance or even replace, exisiting frameworks and models.

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2023 Annual Report

This annual report features a selection of the work undertaken across 2023 which we consider to be highly relevant for the current policing environment.

  • Launch of Openlearn Policing Practice and Leadership Hub 14th May 2024
  • Ten-years of Policing at the OU 5th April 2024
  • Launch of CPRL Small Grants Pilot Scheme: Testing Policing Innovations 26th March 2024

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Online seminar: trust and confidence in policing.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:30

The understanding of domestic abuse in the criminal justice system- current issues, challenges and developments

Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 09:30 to 16:30

The Open University, Milton Keynes

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Dissertation examples

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379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about

Looking for police essay topics to write about? The field of criminal justice and law enforcement is really exciting, controversial, and worth studying!

🔝 Top 10 Law Enforcement Topics

🏆 best police essay examples & ideas, 👍 exciting police essay topics, 💡 law enforcement topics for a research paper, 📌 great police research topics, 🎓 law enforcement essay topics, ✅ most interesting police topics to write about, ❓ research questions about police.

In your police essay, you might want to focus on the historical perspective, elaborate on police brutality, touch upon the psychology of a criminal, or discuss the importance of the police as an institution. In this article, we collected a list of excellent law enforcement topics for a research paper, essay, presentation, or other assignment. There are also A+ police essay examples to inspire you even more.

  • The role of technology in crime prevention.
  • Eyewitness testimony: is it reliable?
  • Preventing police brutality: the key methods.
  • Race discrimination in law enforcement.
  • Gender discrimination in the criminal justice system: does it still exist?
  • International drug trafficking: how to prevent it?
  • The approach to death penalty in different countries.
  • The prison systems around the world.
  • Kidnapping: the top motives.
  • Body cameras: do they help?
  • Police Arrest and Incident Record: O.J. Simpson’s Case J Simpson’s car had blood stain on his driveway and the stain was similar to those that were found at the site of the violent crime.
  • Police Deviance For the sake of this paper, the scope of this paper will only examine the code of conduct in reference to the relationship between the police force and the society.
  • Discipline as an Integral Part of Effective Police Supervision Supervisors as disciplinarians The ability to maintain discipline among the subordinates is one way of measuring the suitability of a supervisor for the role.
  • Police Professionalism: Examples and Issues In order to ensure that the much anticipated policing is achieved, the relationship between the police and the community needs to be streamlined.
  • Police Brutality: Internal and External Stakeholders To begin with, internal stakeholders such as police officers and judges have been observed to enforce the law discriminatively. Policymakers can be encouraged to propose and support powerful laws that have the potential to deal […]
  • A Ride With a Police Officer By signing the waiver, I assumed all the risks that I could have been exposed to at the time of the ride and throughout the program.
  • Police Brutality: Dissoi Logoi Argumentation Under the influence of societal views, the majority of the representatives of the general public tend to perceive police officers as a safeguarding force that gathers individuals who perform their duties to ensure that the […]
  • School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention It is for this reason that there has been need for the intervention of the community and the government to address the issue of bullying schools lest the school environment becomes the worst place to […]
  • Dubai Police Force: Human Resource Department The mission for the Dubai police is to strengthen the security systems of the city to facilitate the protection of the citizens’ rights.
  • Internal Control Factors Used by Police Departments There has been influencing by the government on police operations and this has weakened the independence of the department in its attempts at internal controls.
  • Police Misconduct Actually, prosecutors are always reluctant to try these victims in the court of law for the following reasons; police officers, in most cases, are protected by the prosecutors.
  • Police-Youth Relations and Community Policing This is because of the long history of the strained relationship between the Canadian youth and the police which has created a very negative perception of the police to the youth.
  • Implementing Budget Restrictions in a Police Department The trust between the public and the police is the essential element of the police forces’ success in protecting the citizens and communities.
  • Police-Youth Relations/Community Policing and Young Offenders Aims of the Study The study is aimed at determining the fairness and acceptability of the youth justice system and its effects on the youth-police relations in Canada.
  • Importance of Police Training Majority of people have always aspired to become police officers for the reason that the job holders are seen to be the public vigor.
  • Excessive Force and Deviance, Police Brutality The events highlighting racial injustice could positively influence our society, maintaining an appropriate level of awareness regarding the issues encountered by African-Americans and prompting a change in police behaviors.
  • Excessive Force by the Police On the other hand, the media reported on the severity of misconduct by police officers and cited the Blue code of silence as the key setback against the fight against police torture.
  • Gratuities for Police and Professional Ethics As a Chief of Police, I would not allow police officers to accept gratuities because tokens of gratitude can be used to compromise their integrity, judgment, and impartiality in the administration of justice and law […]
  • Police Violence Against People of Color The article’s main argument for why racial stereotypes and their behavioural effects are to blame for police violence is that these effects extend beyond the direct victims to communities of colour.”The racialization of crime and […]
  • Asian Community and Police Plan to Curtail Future Attacks The police should encourage citizens of the Asian community to report incidences and crime, which allows the law enforcement to fully understand the scope of the problem in the community and put resources to fight […]
  • Decision Making in Police Office Management 83, it is essential to say that far from the fact that criminals deserve to serve their sentences in prisons after the trial plays a role and the degree of punishment.
  • Media Impact on the Police Public Image Even though the studies indicate mixed results about police use and the application of its powers, how the public perceives the police is primarily influenced by the media.
  • Problems Facing Police Departments in Recruiting and Retention People think that as the time goes along, no or little increase in the salary does not satisfy the employees of police departments and compel them to leave the job.
  • Police Actions in “44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out” I believe that this crime thriller was shot to restore the reputation of the Los Angeles Police Department. The filmmakers achieved this goal; that is why the film encourages the audience to feel proud of […]
  • High-Speed Police Car Chases: A Deadly Pursuit In the year 2010, specifically in Milwaukee, the policy chief introduced a new policy indicating that the police force was not to engage in these violent and high-speed chases if the crime of the suspect […]
  • Change Management Steps in Police Organizations In the constantly changing world, every organization needs to adjust to the current environment and alter according to the dictates of the time, and police departments are also subject to this phenomenon.
  • Police Brutality in the USA This paper aims to discuss the types of police brutality, the particularities of psychological harm inflicted by the police, and its consequences for the population affected by these forms of violence.
  • Police Officers and Cultural Differences This is because the police force holds specific power in this section of society, a factor that necessitates a proper understanding of a multicultural and pluralistic society among the officers.
  • Criminal Justice Ethics of Traffic Police Officers The police officer had the choice to take the children to a juvenile center home and arrange for a person to take care of the baby and then take the woman to jail as she […]
  • Police Officers, Killed in the Line of Duty In particular, it is necessary to focus on their experience in the field, line of work, the structure and jurisdiction of their departments.
  • Organization of Abu Dhabi Police This led to a change in the organization structure of the police force, an increase in the number of police officers, introduction of rigorous training and development exercises, and the acquisition of sophisticated technology to […]
  • Ambivalence on Part of the Police in Response to Domestic Violence The police have been accused of ambivalence by their dismissive attitudes and through sexism and empathy towards perpetrators of violence against women.
  • Is Tipping a Police Officer a Bribe? In the context of law enforcement, a gratuity is a gift to operating officers based on their occupation. However, there is a blurry line between tips, gratuity, and bribes, and it is the main argument […]
  • Pros and Cons of Being a Police Officer: Police Oficers’ Interviews To investigate the Pros and Cons of this profession aims, and attitudes of police officers I conducted the interview with two police officers from different departments and of different ages.
  • Human Rights Violations by Police: Accountable in Discharging Their Duties Corey in his study and reflection on two mass exonerations, that is, the Rampart and Tulia exonerations, identified police misconduct, and in particular perjury as the primary cause for wrongful convictions.
  • Concept of Police Detective Job In order to qualify for recruitment as a police detective, the candidate must have a minimum academic qualification of high school diploma or an equivalent of the same.
  • Corruption and Accountability of Police Work In this regard, lack of strong and proper policies on misconduct and unethical behavior in the line of duty has helped to perpetrate the corruption of law enforcement officers in various sectors of their work.
  • The Police Agency’ Conflict Management In the police agency, parties may use the collaboration strategy involving information sharing, openness, and elucidation of the various conflicting issues not only to reach a common ground that is satisfactory to the conflicting parties […]
  • San Diego Police Department The department also addresses the issues affecting the surrounding community. The applicant should be a citizen or inhabitant of the United States.
  • Bangladesh Police Institution This paper will concentrate on the police institution reform in order to make the police institution free of corruption, compromise, and injustices to the citizens.
  • Police Brutality: Graham vs. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 In this essay, a summary of the Graham and Connor case and the decision of the court will be introduced. In case this suggestion is correct, Connor appears as a police officer who failed to […]
  • Domestic Violence Factors Among Police Officers The objective of this research is to establish the level of domestic violence among police officers and relative the behavior to stress, divorce, police subculture, and child mistreatment.
  • The Dubai City’s Governance and Economy In conclusion, the Dubai Emirate is a symbol of the unique governance and Law enforcement mechanisms compared to all other major global cities.
  • Mental Illness Emergencies and Police Response According to Dempsey et al, the roles of law enforcement agencies and the police when dealing with individuals with mental illness are to assess the situation, intervene, provide support, and connect individuals with mental illness […]
  • The Atlanta Police Department’s Code of Ethics An interesting regulation issued by the Atlanta Agency is related to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic and has been implemented at this stage.
  • The Drawbacks of Police Wearing Body Cameras Thesis: Despite the claimed benefits of police wearing body cameras, such as increased transparency and accountability, the drawbacks of invasion of privacy, breach of trust, and cost implications make the use of body cameras a […]
  • Police Culture: Criminal Justice Ethics The set of values and standards in police culture shapes the perceptions of law enforcement officers about policing and the delivery of services. Therefore, police culture is similar to other customs and habits that guides […]
  • The Wakefield Police Department (WPD) in Memphis Solutions A designated task force is created from the pool of officers to routinely monitor repeat offenders and supervise young individuals who are more likely to engage in carjacking again.
  • Relation Between Leadership and Police Ethics To prevent such situations in the future, it is essential to put effort into addressing the moral beliefs of the team and ensuring the organizational values are being shared among all officers.
  • Mental Health Interventions for Police Officers The expected outcome of this study is a generalized classification of existing mental health interventions available for the police workforce and their assessment in terms of efficiency.
  • Police Academy Training: Comparing Across Curricula All in all, the investigation proves that the COPS is a more efficient curriculum that leads to better performance in recruits due to it being well-designed and adjusted to the modern model of policing. Overall, […]
  • A Train Hits Police Vehicle With a Suspect Inside On the one hand, there is the suspicion that the train was used recklessly and endangered the life of the suspect, while on the other hand, train officials argued that they did so to apprehend […]
  • Killing Fields: Explaining Police Violence Against Persons of Color In particular, this topic concerns the biased attitude towards people of color among representatives of the protection of law and order.
  • Police Agencies: Functions and Responsibilities After the rise of terrorism, the management of the Police agency or organization has evolved in several ways. This suggests that a line supervisor makes explicit requests to their representatives and prioritizes maintaining the “solidity […]
  • Mental Health and Well-Being of Canadian Police Officers As found in the study by Tehrani, most police officers that worked during the pandemic have been emotionally affected by it, with the lowest indicators of mental health being strongly related to anxiety and depression […]
  • Police Accountability and Community Relations Contrary to expectations, the working of overtime police officers and regular police officers seems to differ, as the former is more hostile to the community.
  • Police Departments’ Diversity Hiring Practices The first article by Donohue is titled Shades of Blue: A review of the hiring, recruitment, and selection of female and minority police officers.
  • Terrorism and Changes in Police Management Firstly, the police and organizations related to the population’s safety prioritized the prevention of terrorism to minimize the damage. Organizing in the police station involves the creation of organizational structure, points of authority, and responsibilities.
  • The Usefulness of Using Offender Profiling to a Police Force Determining the value and effectiveness of this practice can be performed by analyzing the approach in the context of interaction with the police forces involved in the investigation of criminal offenses.
  • The Media and the Police: Interactions Analysis The idea of a trust hierarchy is crucial in determining how the media and the police interact. The idea of a trust hierarchy is crucial in determining how the media and the police interact.
  • Whether a College Degree Should Be Mandatory for Police Recruits In this regard, technical training and college education are crucial for the police force to effectively perform their work in the community.
  • The Police Functions in the Modern World The primary functions of the modern police are crime control, order maintenance, and social work. Moreover, the second point is the changing nature of the crime that the police are fighting.
  • The Police Culture and Corruption Goal misalignment between the community and police occurred as a result of militarized police starting to view themselves as armies battling on the front lines of war instead as public servants.
  • Professional Police Force: Environmental Research and Public Health In this context, the objective of police advertising is to attract precisely those who are both seriously interested in the position and are well-qualified for it from the potential applicants’ total pool.
  • Social Issue Analysis: The Trauma Lens of Police Violence It is the most visible manifestation of the struggle for justice, and the police are usually expected to support the victims of injustice.
  • Police Administration Issue: Crime Victim Rights Moreover, the police administration has not acknowledged that the decision of the hospital does, in fact, protect the victims’ rights, a duty that is to be implemented by law enforcement.
  • Effects of Body-Worn Cameras on the Relationships Between the Police and Citizens The reasons for carrying out this research are to learn the impact of BWCs on the relationships between the police and ordinary citizens and to clarify if some improvements can be offered at the moment.
  • Effective Police Supervision: Encouraging Collaboration With the combination of the two methods in question, a rise in collaboration between the community and the police is to be expected.
  • Being Killed by Police Use of Force in the US The topic of the chosen article is the risk of being killed by police in the United States. In connection to the topic, they find that Latino men are at a higher risk than white […]
  • Police Brutality: Causes and Solutions If the criminal is armed and firing at the police, the use of force is acceptable. However, when the actions of the police are disproportionate to the committed crimes, the necessity of such measures is […]
  • Police Corruption: A Crime With Severe Consequences Police corruption is a severe crime that can lead to adverse consequences for the officer-criminals and society. The documentary “Seven Five” shows the story of one of the most criminal police officers Michael Dowd.
  • Black Lives Matter and Trump’s Use of Secret Police He has tried to hide the truth and the police brutality that took Floyd’s life, just as it endangered the lives of other black Americans.
  • Police-Minority Relations: Criminal Justice Occasionally, charges of police misbehavior, such as the tragic killings of Black individuals at the hands of police in Baltimore, Maryland, and Ferguson, Missouri, spark public unrest.
  • Impact of Police Brutality on the Society in the United States The issue of racism is one that has led to police brutality that has been witnessed in the American society for a long time.
  • The Ethical Issue of Police Informants The inconsistency of Chambers’s figure lies in the fact that the agent pretended to be a person without a criminal past to get the job.
  • Analysis of Mapping Police Violence After analyzing the content on the web page related to police violence, I realized that there are more murders committed by police than I expected.
  • Police-Involved Shootings and Use of Force Analysis Adler and Adler expressed this scenario in the form of “The Gloried Self” a socially- and media-reflected blinding self-image of glory. Police officers should not be hesitant and incapable of maintaining order in the streets.
  • March for Our Lives: Campaign to Defund Police in Schools The fundamental goal of the March for Our Lives movement is to inspire Americans to avoid unnecessary risks and prevent gun violence by any means.
  • Howard Liebengood’s Life as a Police Officer For example, he took part in an event that celebrated the meaning of justice, where he demonstrated to children the various practices of the everyday life of an officer.
  • Firing Police Officer for Violation of Code of Ethics Therefore, the officer’s actions could not be judged in any other way, and the fact of being off-duty does not justify the violation of the Code of Ethics of his department.
  • Defunding the Police: What Does It Mean? Those supporting the action of defunding want to see true reforms in the police force and cut down the ‘rotten trees’ that have been tarnishing the reputation of the institutions.
  • Impacts of the Overlaps Between Communication and Criminal Justice for Police-Suspect Interactions The underlying concern raised by the interaction between Floyd and Chauvin as well as the other three police officers is that a breakdown of communication before and during the arrest led to the escalation.
  • How to Become a Police Officer: Steps, Duties, Requirements, and Challenges Police officers are responsible for ensuring the safety of all the citizens and capturing the criminal in order to maintain a process. It is sufficient for those who are confident about the job and wants […]
  • George Floyd’s Speech on Police Abuse I could do nothing but shout everything that was coming into my head, and the main thing that I was trying to deliver is that I was hurt, that I am not a bad man, […]
  • COMPSTAT Police Management System Still, the original objective of this management system was to eliminate the numbers game in police departments. To summarize, COMPSTAT is a management system that can elevate the effectiveness of police departments.
  • Police Departments in Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta The Knapp Commission was a major investigation of corruption within the New York Police Department in the 1970s. It was influential as it uncovered a massive and deliberate system of chain corruption that pulled in […]
  • Police Use of Force: An Examination of the Minority Threat Perspective The authors are intended to explore whether gender and sex are influential in the context of criminal justice. It is essential to adjust to the modern changes of self-identification and respect people in their self-representation.
  • The UN as a Global Police Force and Negotiation Facilitator The purpose of the paper is to address the failures and successes of the organization’s peace initiatives in an effort to evaluate its ability to ensure greater global security.
  • The Problem of Racism in the Police Force Atiba argues that the problem of racism, especially in the police force, is solvable. In most of the cases, it is often interpreted as lack of love and compassion towards people of the other race.
  • Police Encounters With Suspects and Evidence Officer Taylor also had reasonable suspicion to make the driver stop the care as it had similar characteristics to the vehicle involved in a road-side killing of a police officer.
  • Police Relations With African American Citizens The problem of police brutality and unfair treatment of people is often raised in the media and provokes protests among citizens.
  • The Sexual Harassment Suit: Pennsylvania State Police vs. Suders The purpose of this paper is to present the cause of the suit, analyze the results of the case, and propose possible actions and procedures to prevent the problem.
  • Illegal Police Actions. Fourth Amendments. There are many loopholes used to evade the jurisdiction of the fourth amendment thus it can be argued that it does not provide sufficient protection to U.S.citizens. It is a big problem when police officers […]
  • Stress Patterns in Police Work: A Longitudinal Study The research problem identified by the investigator relates to the prevalence of distress in the police occupation. The primary variable of the study was the mean stress measure, which was derived from the Langner-22 list […]
  • Training Police Officers. Obtaining Data From Digital Devices In the context of present-day developments, figures saved and produced via modern gadgets and devices, may contribute to the clarification of the happening in the process of investigation.
  • Instruction for a Police Officer in Curaçao Hence, the first crucial aspect of the instruction is to convey to Curacao citizens the idea that the police protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, especially human life, preventing and solving crimes, […]
  • History of Police Brutality: The Murder of George Floyd Police officers strive to maintain order and ensure adherence to the laws of the state. The standards observed the right to democracy and addressed the need for representation.
  • Researching of Police Shift Work The video by The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy offers the study results regarding the influence of 8-, 10-, and 12-hour shifts on police officers.
  • Police Technology Risks Regarding Personal Privacy Nevertheless, some of the technologies used by police and other agencies have raised concerns of the public over the threat to citizens’ rights and freedoms.
  • Agency Interaction and Police Corruption One of the officers told me that I do not need to pay for my food at this restaurant because the owners give it free to the police officers.
  • Public Concern on Police Service’s Poor Morale To show the City Council that this is a problem, the study set up should defeat the null hypothesis that the negative job satisfaction of police in the city council has no effect on job […]
  • High-Speed Police Pursuits & Restrictions in the US The research methodology proposed in the paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the restrictive policies applied to police pursuits. How did the numbers of police pursuits change in correlation with the implemented policies?
  • In-House Communications Training for Police Officers Following the onset of the demonstrations related to George Floyd’s incident, the Dallas Police Department released a report that its officers struggled to communicate with the public and act as a unified force.
  • Data-Based Analysis Approach in Preventing Crime at Dallas Police Department The main objective of the proposed approach, in contrast, is to enhance the effectiveness of the analysis and research functions within the Intelligence Led Policing Division. It would allow to change the existing system of […]
  • Replacing the Police Chief: Spanning’s Recruitment Plan Thirdly, due to the political and non-reforming nature of some of the council members, Spanning had another advantage of performing proper background vetting and presentation of the appointee to the council.
  • The Police in the 2005 Urban Uprising in Toledo The 2005 Toledo Riot is an event that fulfilled the seven attributes of modern city rebellions while at the same time painting a true image of race relations, inequality, and crime in the United States. […]
  • Friendship Police Department Organizational Change The one that is going to challenge the efforts, which will be aimed at rectifying the situation, is the lack of trust that the employees have for the new leader who they expect to become […]
  • Body-Worn Cameras Against Police Brutality in New York There is often a legal foundation to such a privileged position; the laws control the oppressed class and mitigate threats to the power of the ruling class.
  • Criticism of the Police Recruitment Method This paper will criticise the police recruitment process and the criteria used in the selection of police officers, particularly the use of background investigation to determine a participant’s integrity and personality testing using psychological tests, […]
  • Police Activities and Lessons Learned From the Attacks Thus, the research aims to discuss and analyze the police reaction to the accident and the effectiveness of the realized operations as well as the importance of the lessons learnt for the further development of […]
  • Police Pursuits Overview and Analysis Whenever a police tries to stop a motorist and the motorist decides to disobey the order of the police officer and evades, the police can initiate a pursuit.
  • Professional Development of Police Officers: Grant Proposal and Presentation Therefore, the department needs to train its officers to help them analyze what causes of violence in the area. Therefore, the department will train some of its officers to help them rehabilitate juvenile offenders in […]
  • Police Corruption, Misconduct and Brutality: When a Good-Cop-Bad-Cop Routine Goes Wrong The given cases show that, sadly enough, power abuse among the members of the police department is still an issue, and it is probably going to be as long as the means to coordinate the […]
  • Conflicts of Police Officers With the Members of the Minority Groups This question is discussed by a lot of researchers according to a variety of social aspects such as the relations of majority and minority groups, the rate of crimes according to the racial characteristic, the […]
  • Impacts of Terrorism on Police Mission in the U.S. The incidence of September 11 2001 has remarkably transformed the police force in the U.S. There is an increase in the level of monitoring of international travels and boundaries by the police force.
  • Law Enforcement: Police Misconduct and Police Violence The article further points out the need to have better guidelines to govern the police on the use of Tasers. This has led to the loosening of the bond between the police and society.
  • Burglary Under Greenfield Police Department Investigation The principal in particular can provide the record of the students who are usually absent from the school at the time the burglaries occur.
  • Police Action in Times of Public Crisis At other times, the police will tend to go against the law and do things, which are not acceptable, not only by the law of the country but also to the social ethics of citizens.
  • “Understanding Police Use of Force” by Klahm, C & Tillyer, R. To effectively bring out the correlates of police use of force and the varied reaction this is likely to amass from the general public, the writers of this article have borrowed from a number of […]
  • The Police Mission, Operational Strategies, Styles of Policing Today Besides enforcing the order, the mission of policing is to investigate activities suspected as criminal and refer the outcome to the court of law.
  • Police Performance and Measurement The diverse array of citizens requires police to be constantly trained on how to handle the individuals in the society. Lastly, the unclear mandate of the police has been an impediment to the work done […]
  • Cops Count, Police Matter: Of Tactics and Strategy In ensuring the police play an active role in crime control, the authors take note of the flawed argument suggesting that acts of crime are caused by poverty, the economy, demographics, racism and social injustice, […]
  • Intimate Partner Violence Against Police Officers The main goal is to make it known that the problem is extreme in the rural areas and urge the law enforcement agencies to utilize the existing law to solve the problem.
  • Racial Profiling by Police: Effects and Possible Remedies When the police engage in racial profiling mistrust between the public and the police arises. The causes of such mistrust may be due to poor communication between law enforcement individuals and community members due to […]
  • Discretion of Police in Traffic Stops The police should then have called the parents to inform them of the incident and charge the boy for disobeying the law.
  • Ethical Decision-Making Among Police Officers It is the success of the institution in protecting the law that must be the highest motivation for a police officer to regulate his actions.
  • Behavior of a Police Officer Within an Ethical Dilemma First and foremost, one should note that one of the most typical ethical concerns in the relevant field is the cases of discrimination on the ground of the national origin.
  • Ethical Observations: Sexual Misconduct of Police The first issue to pay attention to is the sexual misconduct involving the police officer and the crime victim. Two internal investigations were initiated to determine whether the sexual misconduct was observed in relation to […]
  • Police Recruiting and Hiring in Jurkanin’s Article He likens police work to sports because it requires officers to be highly dedicated to their duties. Police officers need to acquire advanced skills to help them deal with different crimes that happen in areas […]
  • Key Issues That Influence Police Behavior The role of the police in the society is central when it comes to ensuring law and order. The policing task is the most prominent manifestation of the government and is easily recognizable by members […]
  • Evaluating Productivity Metrics: Police Effectiveness Overall, the use of multiple criteria is partly based on the premise that police officers should be empowered by the administrators of law-enforcement agencies. This is one of the details that should be singled out.
  • Police Effectiveness Analysis At that, effectiveness is the ability to achieve the goal set whereas efficiency is the ability to accomplish certain tasks in the shortest time and with the use of minimum effort, funds, and so on.
  • Discipline of Police Force Affects Trust in Public All the police personnel have the right of legitimate use of force when carrying out their duty of enforcing the law.
  • Academy Program for Police Recruits Learning academies provide the foundation and therefore they cannot be eliminated in training force for the sake of police officers to be.
  • The 1919 Boston Police Strike In August 1919, the Boston police strike started when the police service attempted to seek unionization in the American Federation of Labor. Administratively, the structure of the police force also contributed to the grievances of […]
  • Instances That May Result to Police Liability One common thing, however, is that in all the countries of the world, the body that concerns itself with the responsibility of enforcing the governing laws is the police.
  • Police, Justice and Law: Knights in Shining Armor Therefore, the legitimacy of the comparison of police to warriors depends on the concept that the person making the comparison has of a warrior.
  • Dallas Police Department: Training Techniques Changes The author of this paper identifies the problem to be a lack of proper training and the use of outdated modes of instruction.
  • Police Suicide: Causes, Prevention, Impacts As much as the media and the general population assume police officers are less susceptible to stress and depression due to long exposure to the life stressors, research indicates otherwise.
  • The Police Operation and Entrapment: A Case Stude After Bob took the bomb to Carl’s house and placed it on Carl’s automobile, the police had all the evidence they needed that Bob was attempting to murder Carl. Here, the police observed Bob strapping […]
  • Excessive Force and Brutality in Police There are several policies and precedence cases that guide the concept of the use of force in the police force. To avoid such cases in the future, there should be new policies that guide the […]
  • Los Angeles Police Department’s Organizational Climate Bureaucracies and red tapes, the nature of leadership and generally the organization culture are among the key elements that determine the organizational climate.
  • Motivation in Police Department This is because most of the time those in supervisory levels in the various workplaces do not know how to effectively communicate with their employees, intending to encourage them to work to reach the goals […]
  • Police Approach of Security Depends on Skin Color and the Accent of the Tongue The consequences of this trend by the police are highlighted by the paper just as much as statistics that indicate the presence of discrimination by the police.
  • Job Description of a Police Officer Police officers are members of the police force and go by different names according to their ranking within the police force.
  • Police Personality Position Overview On the other hand, work-related personality, also referred to as socialization and experience point of view, suggest that most of their individuality traits are acquired in the course of their police work.
  • Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations A police officer is expected to monitor violations of the law and regulations in the respective area of jurisdiction. In cases of casualties for example in an accident scene a police officer is expected to […]
  • Police Accountability Analysis The policing strategies are supposed to agree with the expectations of the society in order to make both the police work effective as well as to enhance the relationship between the police and the community.
  • Criminal Violations Committed By Police/Correction Any show of disrespect for police authority is a matter of great concern, and as such, the person responsible is likely to be punished by arrest or use of force.
  • The Los Angeles Police Department Los Angeles Police Department is the police department for the city of Los Angeles. It is the mission of the Los Angeles Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, […]
  • The Use of Discretion in Police Work This is a reasonable discretion and the police officer is free to make any decision. In such a situation, a police officer is free to make any of the two decisions.
  • Police Role Description in the Media Secondly, the police’s role as crime fighters is depicted by the arrest of the teenagers as well as the collection of the evidence.
  • Concepts of Police Ethics and Deviance Corruption is one of the most common police deviant behaviors, a fact that has tainted the image of the police in society.
  • Police and Racial and Ethnic Minorities The view is that profiling is not only limited to what the police are engaged in towards the blacks but that the whole prosecutorial system is compromised.
  • Police Search and Law Procedure Although they fled from the place, the police could reach them with the help of the evidence. According to the Fourth Amendment, the authority should have a warrant if they have to arrest a person […]
  • Desdemona and Vince: Legal Issues in Police Conduct The legal issues that can be mentioned in the case of Desdemona and Vince include the aspects of the whole procedure of arrest as well as the process of questioning.
  • Police and Policing – Change in Police Role The new implementation of the act was encountered by public fears as the members of the public were not comfortable with the militaries that were deployed in mater to do with domestic affairs, as they […]
  • The Issues of Police Violence Analysis Social skills and the norms of society are learned in this process, allowing children to better develop in the future. Because of their inability to concentrate or catch up with others in terms of basic […]
  • Trends in Police Recorded Crime in Northern Ireland Michael O’Sullivan notes, “according to the PSNI, the number of violent crimes has doubled in the past year, and the number of cases of violence without injuries has increased by 80%”.
  • The Legality of the Use of Force by the Police Often, the protection of the rights of the majority is carried out through the use of physical force against a perpetrator.
  • Ethical Police Problems
  • The Role of Fusion Centers in Affecting the Work of Police
  • San Diego Police Officers Asscociation
  • Police Brutality: Social Issue
  • Victims’ Assistance: Maryland Police Departments Websites Analysis
  • Risk Management in Police Force Institutions
  • Gender and Perception of Police Work
  • LAPD and Cultural Awareness Courses to Police Officers
  • Handling the Case of Police Officer Tom Delany
  • Police Corruption in “The Detonator” by Wesley Snipes
  • Police Officers Working With Diverse Population. Challenges and Solutions
  • Cross-Cultural Contact by Police and Civilians
  • Police Department Administration in Abilene
  • Abu Dhabi Police Department’s Total Quality Management
  • Abu Dhabi Police Department Innovations
  • The Use of Force by the Police: A Perspective
  • Police Officer Job Analysis
  • Police Psychologist Interpretation
  • Arming Police Assault Rifles
  • Top Court Rules Against Police in Search Case
  • Shortfalls in Recruiting and Retention: New York Police
  • Police Officer Pushed a Cyclist: Media Coverage
  • Organizational Structure in American Police Analysis
  • Police Dogs Usage Analysis
  • Stress of Police Officers and How They Cope With It
  • Police Functions: Forensic Science and Fingerprinting
  • Police Administration Structures in America
  • Police Interrogation: Legal Issues and Limitations
  • Police Investigative Questioning and Techniques
  • The Job of Police Detective
  • Training Theories for New Police Recruits Review
  • Waterloo Regional Police’s Centralised Information System
  • Setting Up of a Behavioral Science Unit in a Police Department
  • Police Liability Issues and High Speed Pursuits
  • The Police Tapes by Alan and Susan Raymonds Review
  • Policing: CompStat and San Diego Police Department
  • The New York Police Department’s Policing Style
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police vs. Software Piracy
  • Strategies of Police Organization
  • Police Reform in Russia: Evaluation of Police Corruption
  • Police Corruption in Russia: Determinants and Future Policy Implications
  • Walker’s New Framework for Police Accountability
  • Police Decision Making Analysis
  • Professional Police Officers Nowadays
  • Police Support for Community Problem-Solving and Broken Windows Policing
  • The New York City Police Department and Society
  • Police Departments and Accreditation
  • Small Police Departments’ Organizational Analysis
  • The Case of Terryl Smith, the Oakland Police Officer
  • The Los Angeles Police Department Program Initiative
  • Police Brutality as a Law Enforcement Challenge
  • Social Psychology: Police Brutality
  • Technology Influences on Police Brutality
  • Anti-Terrorist New York City Police Department Shield
  • The Job of Police Officers
  • Police Misconduct and Addressing Recommendations
  • False Confessions and Unethical Police Behavior
  • Individual Liberties: Police Searches Without a Warrant
  • Dubai Police and Cooperation With Media
  • Police Stereotyping in a Multicultural Society
  • Manners of Death in Police
  • Los Angeles Police Department’s Use of Force Policy
  • Designing a Recruitment Program for the WA Police
  • Noble Cause Corruption in Police Officers
  • Criminal Law: Racial Profiling by Police
  • Hiring Police Officers in Five Steps
  • Police Officers’ Bias Against Black Men
  • Police Officers’ Excuses for Unethical Behavior
  • Police Officer’s Career Research
  • The New World of Police Accountability
  • How Can Police Develop Trust Among the People?
  • Student Police Officer’s Decision-Making in Campus
  • Decision-Making and Problem-Solving in the Police
  • Police Attitudes Toward Drugs and Drug Enforcement
  • Criminal Justice Administration and Police Functions
  • Police Psychologist’s Role in Homicide Investigation
  • Police Officer Situational Analysis
  • Police Corruption and Citizen’s Ethical Dilemma
  • Police Force in Interactions With Mentally Ill
  • Abu Dhabi Police Self-Assessment
  • Police Accountability and Public Information Access
  • Police Accountability and Vollmer’s Reform
  • Police Managing the Ambiguities of Gifts
  • Dubai Police Applying Total Quality Management
  • Police Misconduct and Forces of Deviance
  • Police Accountability and Community Policing
  • Police Workplace Discipline and Misconduct
  • The Abu Dhabi Police Corporate Sustainability
  • Police Officer’s Must-Have Characteristics
  • American Police Corruption and Its Classification
  • Police Departments: Defective Areas and Solutions
  • Interrogation Techniques Used by the Police
  • Police Communication Skills Importance
  • Police Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Interrogating Minors
  • Decision-Making Information System for Police Department
  • Police Officers’ Attitudes to Mentally Ill Women
  • Predictors of Job Satisfaction Among Police Officers
  • Baltimore Maryland Police Department
  • Ending Police Misconduct: Cleveland Police Department
  • The Organizational Reasons Police Departments Don’t Change
  • Justice Department Ends Era of Pushing Police Reform
  • Police Misconduct and Civil Forfeiture Law
  • Quarantine, Its Legal Process and Police Power
  • Police Officer’s Power Abuse and Plain View Doctrine
  • Police Shooting Behaviour, Memory, and Emotions
  • Local Police Role in Homeland Security
  • Police Patrol Presence in Crime “Hot Spots”
  • Police Culture in “The Critical Criminology Companion”
  • The Management of Police and Development of Law
  • White Police’s Discrimination Against Black People
  • Homeland Security: Police and Profiling
  • Corrupt Practices of the Police and Correctional Systems
  • Police Stress Within Law Enforcement
  • South African Police Service vs. Solidarity obo Barnard
  • Organizational Culture in Police Department
  • Black Panthers’ Violence Against Police Officers
  • Police Officers’ White Lie in Criminal Investigation
  • Power Abuse in Police Officer’s Actions
  • American Police Officers’ Ethics and Professionalism
  • Dubai Police and Expo 2020 Security Strategies
  • Blue Wall of Silence in Police Subculture
  • Police Issues and Practices Discussion
  • Police Officers’ Morale and Resources Availability
  • Police ‘Shooter Bias’ Against African-Americans
  • Police Ethics and Misconduct
  • Police’ Discretion: Definition, Examples and Rationality
  • The English Influence on Modern Police
  • Police Technology: Development and Progress
  • Management and Philosophy for Police Departments
  • Dubai Police Force Organizational Culture
  • Police Violence as a Mutual Problem
  • Abu Dhabi Police GHQ Management and Leadership
  • Knowledge Sharing in the Dubai Police Force
  • Is Dubai Police Force a World Class Organization?
  • Police Officer Job Requirements and Hiring Process
  • Employees Management in the Police Department
  • Police Supervisors’ Influence on Law Enforcement Changes
  • Police Development Foundations and Functions
  • Police and Corrections Officers’ Stress – Psychology
  • American Police Community Relations
  • Communication and Ethical Issues in Police
  • Police, Courts and Corrections Management
  • Police Poor Adherence to Established Codes of Conduct
  • Abu Dhabi Police Organizational Change
  • Police Authority or Brutality?
  • Social Issues: Police Protection of the Ku Klux Klan
  • Police Work in Community
  • Police Abuse and Laws Against It
  • The Abu Dhabi Police
  • Police Suicide and Preventive Programs
  • Public Administration Issue: Police Brutality
  • Final Program Evaluation: Increasing Police Numbers to Reduce Juvenile Crime in the UAE
  • Increase Police Numbers to Reduce UAE’s Juvenile Crime Rate
  • Police Service Transformation: A Critical Evaluation of Implementing Transformational Leadership in the Homicide Division
  • The Royal Oman Police’ Traffic Safety
  • Use of Social Media in The Police Force in Queensland
  • Proposed Budget for an Additional Five Police Officers for the City Council
  • Police Trauma: Paying the Ultimate Price to Protect and Serve
  • New Technological Advances Within the Police Department
  • The Decision-Making Process of the Police Service
  • National Security Policies That Intersect/Conflict With Local Police Power
  • Community Policing and Police Psychology
  • The Role of Public Police in United States
  • History of Police Psychology
  • Police Misconduct: What Can Be Done?
  • Organization Behavior: Steelhead Police Department
  • Management of Police Department
  • Virtual Police Department
  • Contrast the Different Levels of Police Operations and Their Unique Operations
  • Water Regional Police Services Project Implementation
  • Police Response to the Ningbo Protest: Justified or Inappropriate?
  • Police Minority Killings
  • Corruption in Law Enforcement
  • Police in Law Enforcement Misconduct
  • Police Subculture: Culture’s Factors and Performance
  • Greenfield Police Department’s Hiring Process
  • DNA Definition and Its Use by the US Police
  • How Police Conduct Towards Women of Color?
  • Why Did the Police in 1888 Never Catch Jack the Ripper?
  • How Police Access Data Obtain Criminal Information?
  • How Female Police Officers Help Decease Police Violence?
  • How Local Police Departments Handling Terrorism?
  • How Can Police On-Body Cameras Be Useful?
  • How Can the Police Secure Public Legitimacy?
  • How Have the Police Departments Evolved Over the Last Thirty Years?
  • Why Racism Among the Police Not Punished?
  • How Can Technology Help Police and Government Officials Solve Crime?
  • Why Police Prejudice Against Minorities?
  • Why Do the Police Don’t Care About Computer Crime?
  • How Could the Ethical Management of Health Data in the Medical Field Inform Police Use of DNA?
  • How Police Effectively Cope With Stress Stemming From Work?
  • Why Should All Police Officers Carry Tasers?
  • How Are Computer Forensics Used in Police Investigations?
  • Why Police Officers Engage in Corruption?
  • Who Invented the Police Force?
  • How Police Agencies Handle the Process of Interrogation?
  • What Is Police Doing About Domestic Violence?
  • How Does Media Affect the Public’s Perception of Police?
  • How Might Police Officers Be Held Criminally Liable for Their Misconduct?
  • What Are the Staff Positions in a Typical Police Department
  • Are Offender Profiles Useful in Police Investigations?
  • Why Do Police Officers Perceive Themselves as True Outsiders?
  • What Are the Major Functions of the Police?
  • How the Police Overstep Their Mandate When Searching People?
  • How Police Have Used Crime Linkage?
  • When Does Police Discretion Cross Boundaries?
  • Why Are Police Called Bobbies?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-essay-topics/

"379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-essay-topics/.

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police dissertation ideas uk

  • Crime, justice and law
  • Policing front line review
  • Home Office

Key themes in qualitative research projects with police forces in England and Wales: Appendix 1 (accessible version)

Updated 9 January 2023

police dissertation ideas uk

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This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/front-line-policing-review/key-themes-in-qualitative-research-projects-with-police-forces-in-england-and-wales-appendix-1

1. Introduction

This paper provides a high-level overview of the methodologies used in the qualitative research undertaken with police forces that informed the paper.

The key themes outlined in the paper are drawn from the findings of qualitative data collection and analysis across 11 projects completed between June 2016 and January 2019. 10 of the 11 projects underwent ethical review and clearance with the University of Northampton Research Ethics Committee and 1 project was reviewed and cleared by the University of Leicester Research Ethics Committee. Each of the projects adheres to the same data protection legislation and protocol; in particular, all participants were given information about their involvement in the research and gave their informed consent. Data is held securely in encrypted files in the systems administered by the University of Northampton, only accessible by the researchers named in each project.

The project reports are confidential; however, forces have agreed to the findings being used to inform academic, policy and practice improvement, with assurances of anonymity in publicly available documents. A brief description of each project methodology is provided below.

For the purpose of informing the Front Line Review with qualitative insights, the findings from qualitative data and analysis was used, and the quantitative results were not.

This paper draws upon qualitative research projects, which predominantly use semi-structured interviews for data collection, but also draw upon focus groups and online surveys where appropriate. All participation was voluntary and was not incentivised through payment or rewards. Sampling was designed based on the research aims and questions for each project and employed a ‘self-selection’ model, where invitations to participate in the research project were sent to, shared with and/or verbally communicated with those individuals and roles appropriate to the area of study.

In terms of analysis of data, apart from one project which used grounded theory (Glaser, 1992), thematic analysis was used. This means interview transcripts and focus group transcripts were thematically analysed involving six steps: ‘familiarisation’ through reading and re-reading transcripts, ‘code generation’, ‘theme identification’, ‘review’ of themes and codes, ‘labelling themes’ and ‘report writing’ (Braun and Clarke, 2006). For open-text responses within online surveys, each response was given a descriptive code, codes were themed and categorised into labelled themes. Thematic analysis undertaken in this way enables the language to remain relevant and reflective of participants perceptions and experience and to fairly reflect the breadth and depth of data collected.

3. Brief Project Descriptions

1) A qualitative study of frontline experiences in one medium-size police force in England, exploring workload, wellbeing, support and partnership working. This project was undertaken in 2016 and involved 37 semi-structured interviews with serving police officers. Participants included representatives from the following roles: Police Constable, Detective Constable, Police Community Support Officer, Control Room Staff, Detention Officer and Community Safety Officer.

2) A study in one police-force in England in 2017, exploring provision of support services, perceptions and experiences of issues affecting wellbeing and the organisational response. 103 officers and staff participated in focus group discussions. 1,269 participants took part in an online survey, which included a small number of open questions, enabling collation of descriptive responses in the participants own words.

3) A project undertaken in 2016 to explore the confidence of police officers and staff in their specialist roles. An online survey was conducted, providing open-text response opportunities for participants to describe their perceptions and experiences, addressing the processes, systems and cultural blockers to greater efficacy in role. In particular, the survey provided participants the opportunity to describe their skills, training experience and needs, and relationships between teams and departments which may enable improvements. 524 police officers and staff completed the survey across the five forces.

4) National surveys of Special Constables and Police Support Volunteers were undertaken in 2016, engaging 3,084 participants across all forces in England and Wales and again in 2018, completed by 1,829 Special Constables and 1,205 Police Support Volunteers. Both surveys provided open text response opportunities to expand on perceptions and experiences in policing. Three reports have been made publicly available sharing these results, and two academic papers have been published, exploring the data in greater depth. Contact [email protected] for copies.

5) Research undertaken to explore perceptions and cultures amongst the regular, paid police service towards the Special Constabulary and wider volunteering in policing was undertaken during 2017 and 2018. The study utilised semi-structured interviews and an online survey. Data collection was conducted across five police forces in England and Wales, including large and smaller forces. 1,493 regular, paid police officers across a wide range of roles participated in the survey. 47 interviews were conducted with regular police officers across three of those five forces. The survey provided open-text response opportunities. The research paper is under review for publication. Please contact [email protected] for further information regarding access to the paper.

6) A study of workforce culture was undertaken with a police force in England in 2018, engaging 1,820 police officers and staff in an online survey and 56 police officers and staff in focus group discussions.

7) A research project was undertaken with five police forces, exploring perceptions and experiences working in specialist roles in policing. 601 police officers and staff participated in an online survey and 40 police officers and staff participated in focus groups.

8) A study was conducted with one police force evaluating the impact of an initiative to address workforce performance, effectiveness, resilience and wellbeing. 102 police officers and staff participated in pre- and post-intervention questionnaires over an 18-month period. The questionnaires captured wellbeing measures, and open-text descriptions of key factors affecting performance, wellbeing and the impact of the initiative.

9) A qualitative evaluation of the implementation of mental health triage was undertaken with three police forces in England and Wales, exploring issues, barriers and opportunities to improving outputs and outcomes. 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted with police officers and staff from relevant partner agencies. A paper drawing upon this data is currently being reviewed for a Special Edition for the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, please contact [email protected] for information about the release of this paper.

10) Qualitative research was undertaken with Special Constables and Police Support Volunteers across three police forces in England and Wales, exploring perceptions and experiences in policing culture, relationships with regular, paid police officers and staff, skills, activities and impact on police service provision. 74 semi-structured interviews were conducted with Special Constables and Police Support Volunteers. Two peer-review publications are available, please contact [email protected] for copies.

11) A PhD case study of one police force in England sought to explore police cultures, community policing, legitimacy and procedural justice, completed in 2017. Data were collected through semi structured interviews and focus groups. 78 people participated in the study, comprising 31 interviews with police officers, 32 interviews with community members and three focus groups with 15 individuals. The grounded theory method (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Glaser, 1992) was used in analysis of the data, which involves the rigorous use of tools to ensure a reliable connection between the data collected and theory developed (Bryman, 2004:273).

4. Papers published related to the above projects:

Britton, I. and Callender, M. (2018). Strategic direction and leadership in the Special Constabulary. In: K. Bullock and A. Millie, eds. The Special Constabulary: historical context, international comparisons and contemporary themes. Abingdon: Routledge, 149–168.

Britton, I, Wolf, R. and Callender, M. (2018) A comparative case study of Reserve Deputies in a Florida sheriff’s office and Special Constables in an English police force. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 20, (4), 259-271.

Callender, M., Cahalin, K., Cole, S., Hubbard, L. and Britton, I. (2018). ‘Understanding the Motivations, Morale, and Retention of Special Constables: Findings from a National Survey.’ Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.

Callender, M., Pepper, M., Cahalin, K. and Britton, I. (2018). ‘Exploring the police support volunteer experience: findings from a national survey.’ Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2018.1432613

5. References

Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). ‘Using thematic analysis in psychology’. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3, (2), 77-101.

Bryman, A. (2004). Social Research Methods. (2nd Ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Glaser, B. G. (1992). Basics of Grounded Theory Analysis. Mill Valley, California: Sociology Press.

Glaser, B. G. and Strauss, A. L. (1967). The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Chicago: Aldine.

Tracy, S.J. (2013). Qualitative research methods: collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Please contact Dr Laura Knight for further information: Dr Laura Knight, Director, Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice [email protected] 07850 260 029

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