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Finding UNSW theses

UNSW PhD or Masters by Research theses can be located via  UNSWorks . For honours theses, contact the UNSW faculty, school or the author directly.

For more information on rights of use and removing material in UNSWorks see  Copyright - UNSWorks .

Finding Australian and international theses

Australian theses.

To find Australian theses, search via:

Library collection To find UNSW Library’s collection of Australian and international theses in print, search  Library collection  for a title or keywords. Refine your results by selecting  Refine my results > Resource types > Dissertations  in the column on the left.

Trove - Australian print and digital theses Trove includes theses at all levels, including PhD, masters and honours. To limit your search to Australian theses only, use  Trove - Research & Reports  search. Tick the  Australian content  box. Next to  Format - select  Thesis  from the drop-down list.

International theses

To find international theses, search via:

BASE BASE academic search engine provides access to the repositories of 8,000 institutions. 60% of the full-text documents are open access.

CORE CORE aggregates open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide.

DART-Europe e-theses portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia working to improve global access to European research theses.

EBSCO open dissertations Includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations in addition to theses and dissertations from around the world. Coverage from 1955.

Open access theses and dissertations OATD provides access to open access graduate theses from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions.

Theses Canada Theses and dissertations in the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) collection.

Web of Science The Web of Science ProQuest Dissertations & Theses collection provides access to the citation information of theses form around the world. To search for thesis citations, change the search from Web of Science Core Collection to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index .

Non-UNSW theses

To obtain a thesis that is not available via the resources listed above, contact the library of the holding/publishing institution directly. Conditions of access to a thesis are determined by the author and holding library, and is outside the control of UNSW Library.

Depositing your thesis

How to  deposit  your UNSW thesis.

The University of New South Wales

Handbook 2018

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Use this search only if you have an exact code for a Program , Stream , or Course , e.g. 3403, ACCTA13502, ACCT1501 or ACCT*.

Engineering (Hons)/Commerce - 3764

Program summary.

Faculty:   Faculty of Engineering

Contact:   Faculty

Campus:  Sydney

Career:  Undergraduate

Typical UOC Per Semester:  24

Min UOC Per Semester:  6

Max UOC Per Semester:  24

Min UOC For Award:  264

UAC Code:  425900

Domestic Entry Requirements:   See Domestic Entry Requirements

International Entry Requirements:   See International Entry Requirements

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major)

View program information for previous years

  • Program Description
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Bioinformatics Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geospatial Engineering
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronic Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Naval Architecture
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Photovoltaics and Solar Energy
  • Renewable Energy Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Telecommunications
  • Undeclared (for students who have not yet decided which discipline of Engineering they wish to pursue)

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

  • demonstrate business knowledge and apply that knowledge in business problems
  • demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • present complex issues in coherent written statements and oral presentations
  • demonstrate understanding of disciplinary issues in a local or global context
  • demonstrate understanding of the principles of working collaboratively in teams
  • understand the social and ethical dimensions in their chosen disciplinary areas
  • Program Structure
  • MATH1131 Mathematics 1A  (6 UOC)
  • MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A  (6 UOC)
  • MATH1231 Mathematics 1B  (6 UOC)
  • MATH1241 Higher Mathematics 1B  (6 UOC)
  • PHYS1121 Physics 1A  (6 UOC)
  • PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A  (6 UOC)
  • COMP1911 Computing 1A  (6 UOC)
  • ENGG1811 Computing for Engineers  (6 UOC)
  • ENGG1000 Engineering Design  (6 UOC)
  • Science & Engineering courses 24 units of credit
  • ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A  (6 UOC)
  • ECON1101 Microeconomics 1  (6 UOC)
  • MGMT1001 Managing Organisations&People  (6 UOC)
  • Flexible Core Course (6UOC) Please see Program 3502 for more information.
  • Flexible core course Please see Program 3502 for more information
  • Flexible core course
  • 6 UOC of credit of Commerce major requirements/or UNSW Business School elective*
  • Science & Engineering courses 12 units of credit
  • 12 units of credit of Commerce major requirements*
  • 24 units of credit of Commerce major requirements and/or UNSW Business School electives*
  • Academic Rules
  • Industrial Training
  • Further Information
  • Award of the degrees
  • Professional Recognition
  • Bioinformatics
  • Business Economics
  • Business Law
  • Business Strategy and Economic Management
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Financial Economics
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Systems and Information Technology
  • International Business
  • Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Real Estate Studies
  • Renewable Energy
  • Surveying and Spatial Information Systems
  • Telecommunications Engineering


  • Program Objectives

Study Levels

Undergraduate Study

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Masters Thesis (Organisational Behaviour) Full-Time

12 units of credit.

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Credit Transfer

unsw commerce thesis

You can apply to have previous study from another institution or another UNSW degree program recognised, and the credit transferred to your current degree program at UNSW. Credit transfer is also known as 'advanced standing' or recognition for prior learning (RPL).

  • It is essential that you submit your application for credit transfer as early into your degree program, as possible.  Please be aware that delays in applying for credit transfer could result in you undertaking courses which ultimately are not required for the completion of your degree.
  • If you are approved for transfer credit for course(s) completed at another institution, the marks you achieved for those courses will not be included on your academic statement, official UNSW academic transcript or in the calculation of your Weighted Average Mark (WAM).  This reflects the different grading schemes at other institutions.
  • If you are approved for transfer credit for course(s) completed at UNSW in a different program, then the marks you achieved for the specific course(s) will be included on your academic statement, will be included in the calculation of your WAM for your new Program but will not appear on your official UNSW academic transcript under your new program. The courses will remain on your academic transcript under your old program. If you were approved for transfer credit prior to Semester 1 2016, all courses and marks  achieved will appear on your transcript under the program you were enrolled in when you attempted the course(s).  However, the marks achieved in courses for which you have been granted credit transfer, cannot be included in the calculation of your WAM for your new program.

At undergraduate level credit transfer is generally recognition of prior study at a university or TAFE. See the rules below.

At postgraduate level it is generally recognition of prior postgraduate study at a university. See the Postgraduate Coursework Credit Transfer and Articulation Guidelines below.

Note that credit transfer does not include

  • Exemption, where a student is exempted from a specified compulsory course and instead is required to complete an unspecified course to the same unit of credit value, or
  • Substitution, where a student completes a specified equivalent course in place of a specified compulsory course.

Undergraduate credit transfer rules

Students may be admitted to undergraduate degrees or awards with credit for previous study and/or attainments. All credit granted in undergraduate degrees or awards must comply with the following rules. Note that the home Faculty may also have their own credit transfer procedures.

  • All credit assessments will be based on the completion date for the course to be used as credit and not the program.
  • Courses with a successful completion date of up to 10 years can be used for credit within a program.
  • Any credit granted must be consistent with the program progression rules applicable at the time the application is assessed
  • Students who are admitted to the University after completing, or partly completing, the requirements of another degree or award of another tertiary institution must complete a program of study deemed to be no less than that required of students in full-time attendance in the final year of the program concerned.
  • Where faculty rules permit, students who have been awarded the degree of Bachelor at Pass level may be permitted to enrol for the award of the degree at Honours level with credit for all courses completed if, during their studies for the Pass degree, they have satisfied the prerequisites for entry to the Honours level laid down by the schools concerned or the equivalent of those prerequisites.
  • Enrolled students have the right of appeal against credit transfer decisions under the Student Complaint Procedure.

Postgraduate coursework credit transfer and articulation guidelines

The following guidelines apply to credit granted in postgraduate coursework degrees, diplomas or certificates . Note that the home Faculty may also have their own credit transfer procedures.

  • A postgraduate coursework student may be granted credit by the program authority. The credit granted must be consistent with the guidelines detailed below. Any credit granted must also be consistent with the rules governing progression within the program as determined by the relevant faculty.
  • (a) At least 50% of program requirements must be completed at UNSW for the award of a UNSW postgraduate coursework degree or diploma. Credit Transfer to a maximum of 50% of UNSW program requirements may be granted for completed or partially completed postgraduate awards from UNSW or from another institution. When considering the granting of credit transfer on the basis of previous postgraduate study at another institution, the program authority must take into account the quality of the institution and the quality, level and content of postgraduate courses previously undertaken. A Faculty Standing Committee may, for a particular program, determine the maximum credit transfer at less than 50% of program requirements. (b) A postgraduate coursework certificate student enrolling in a program that requires a total of 24 or more units of credit may be granted credit to a maximum of 50% of program requirements. No credit will be granted where program requirements are less than 24 units of credit.
  • Some postgraduate programs include preliminary courses similar in content to undergraduate courses, and provide exemption from these courses for students with the appropriate undergraduate background. In such programs, a postgraduate coursework student may be granted credit on the basis of a completed undergraduate degree but must complete a program of study equivalent to one year of full-time study or 48 units of credit.
  • All credit transfer assessments will be based on the completion date for the course to be used for credit and not the program.
  • Courses with a successful completion date of up to 10 years can be used for credit transfer within a program as provided within the program rules and the University rules on credit.

The following guidelines apply to credit granted in postgraduate articulated programs .

  • A postgraduate coursework student admitted to a UNSW articulated program is eligible for credit based on Guidelines 1 to 5 above at the time of initial enrolment in the articulated sequence.
  • (a) A postgraduate coursework student enrolled in an articulated program may apply to progress from Graduate Certificate to Graduate Diploma to Masters level with full credit for courses completed in earlier programs in the sequence, whether or not those awards have been conferred. (b) For progression of students who did not qualify for direct entry into a higher level program at initial enrolment in the sequence, a Faculty Standing Committee may stipulate a particular performance level (e.g. credit average) in early programs in the articulated sequence. Students not meeting this performance level would be awarded the Graduate Certificate or Diploma for which they have completed requirements, and would apply for entry into the higher program under Guideline 2(a) above. (c) A Faculty Standing Committee may determine that applications for progression through a particular articulated program sequence will be refused if a substantial time period (normally greater than 6 years) has elapsed since completion of requirements for the earlier award.
  • A postgraduate coursework student who chooses to have the Graduate Certificate or Diploma formally conferred and then wishes to undertake further study in the articulated program sequence, either immediately or after a period of absence, is subject to the Guidelines outlined above in 2(a).

Register of formal articulation and credit arrangements at UNSW Sydney

See information on articulation pathways into UNSW programs from other institutions.

Go8 Credit Transfer Agreement

The Go8 universities (Adelaide, Melbourne, Monash, ANU, Queensland, Sydney, NSW and WA) have developed a Credit Transfer Agreement to enhance the mobility of students between Go8 institutions by facilitating the transfer of credit from one Go8 university to another. This Agreement is based on an acceptance that the assessment regimes at all Go8 universities are comparable and transferable.

How to apply for credit transfer

Use this form if you:.

  • Are a new student and missed the deadline for Admissions processing
  • Are returning to UNSW after exchange studies, or
  • Didn't apply for credit transfer when you first applied to study at UNSW, and wish to now

Include with your form:

  • An official transcript and
  • Course descriptions of studies undertaken at another institution. (See  more information on course description requirements )

Failure to provide all information and documentation will delay the assessment of your application.

Please be aware that if you provide falsified documents in support of your application , then this will result in one of a range of penalties, from failure in the course to suspension or exclusion.  In some cases, the matter could also be reported to ICAC. As a student, you must be aware of your obligations and responsibilities under the Student Code .

Form for all students (except UNSW Canberra)

  • Please submit your request online here

Form for UNSW Canberra students

  • Credit/Advanced Standing form (PDF 1.12mb, 2 pages)  
Need an explanation of terms used on this page? See our Glossary , for an explanation of university terminology.


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Bachelor of Commerce / Arts

UNSW Business School on campus

Entry requirements

  • What will I study?

Future careers

How to apply, fees & scholarships.

UNSW’s Bachelor of Commerce/Arts is a double degree that will equip you with business experience and expertise, combined with the creativity, analytical and critical thinking skills that come with an arts degree. Both degrees offer flexibility, allowing you to shape your degree to match your ambitions and interests.

The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) has been designed with consultation from industry to set you up for lifelong employability. By combining your BCom with a Bachelor of Arts , you can choose from a diverse range of majors and subjects in the arts, humanities and social sciences. You'll develop an in-depth knowledge and breadth of understanding, gaining the tools to think critically, communicate effectively and conduct independent research.

You’ll graduate with a unique combination of skills and knowledge that will prepare you to adapt and thrive in the careers of the future.

Key features

Design your degree Both the BCom and the Bachelor of Arts have a broad range of specialisations giving you the choice  to explore what interests you and develop distinct areas of expertise.

MyBCom portfolio MyBCom portfolio is an award winning interactive platform and assessment tool. You'll use MyBCom throughout your degree to guide your studies, develop a tailored career plan, and collate a portfolio of professional experiences to showcase future employers. 

Guaranteed work experience Work experience is built into the BCom, meaning you can undertake internships in Australia or internationally as part of your degree. Many of these experiences are offered through UNSW Business School's industry partners, including  Accenture ,  Suncorp ,  Grant Thornton ,  Flight Centre Travel Group ,  Tata Group ,  Synpulse , and more. You can also undertake versatile for-credit internships and placements through the Bachelor of Arts.

Why study this degree at UNSW?

UNSW Business School has been ranked the #1 business school in Australia by AFR BOSS for the last two years in a row*. That means our business education leads the way in career impact, quality and reputation.

UNSW’s strong industry connections across the Arts and Business ensure the knowledge, skills, and experience you gain will set you up for success in the future. Alongside a rigorous education, you'll grow professionally and socially. You’ll diversify your opportunities through our open and inclusive Arts, Design & Architecture community, and benefit from UNSW Business School’s  Career Accelerator  networking, mentoring and internship opportunities and diverse student-led societies.  

*AFR BOSS 2023 Best Business School Rankings

Want to see more from UNSW Business School?

Entry to this degree is based on your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or an equivalent rank derived from the following:

  • Australian interstate Year 12 qualifications (e.g., OP rank)
  • New Zealand NCEA Level 3
  • Equivalent overseas qualifications e.g., International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, GCE A-Levels
  • Post-secondary or tertiary qualifications
  • An alternative entry qualification
  • The 2023 Lowest Selection Rank (LSR) is the adjusted rank (ATAR plus adjustment factors) you would have needed to gain entry to this degree in 2023.
  • The 2023 A levels score is based on four Advanced Level (A2) subject. Entry scores are calculated from the best three or four A2 subjects (excluding repeated subjects) using the following values: A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1. At most one Applied A Level subject may be included in the best four subjects used to calculate the aggregate.
  • The 2023 IB Diploma is an indication of the IB you would have needed to gain entry to this degree in 2023. It is to be used as a guide only.
  • The 2023 Lowest ATAR is the lowest ATAR (before adjustment factors were applied) to which an offer was made. Where <5 is listed, this indicates that less than 5 ATAR-based offers were made and so the score has not been published. N/A indicates no offers were made on the basis of ATAR.

At UNSW, we are committed to ensuring prospective students have all the information they need in order to make informed decisions about their study options.

To assist you in gaining a better understanding of how Admissions works at UNSW, we have provided you with a summary of ATAR offers and the student profile.

We hope this information will help you identify the degree that is right for you.

Adjustment Factors

We offer a range of adjustment factor schemes that reward students for academic performance and extra-curricular achievements. These schemes also take into account a range of personal and educational disadvantages that may have affected your studies. 

HSC Plus   This scheme rewards students who perform well in Year 12 subjects that are relevant to their preferred UNSW degree. You may be awarded up to five points. 

Elite Athletes, Performers and Leaders (EAPL)   This program recognises achievements in the areas of sport, academia, leadership and music at an elite level. You may be eligible for up to five points.

Educational Access Scheme (EAS) Factors such as illness, financial hardship, language difficulties or attending a particular school can mean you don't always get the best possible marks in Years 11 and 12. If one of these situations applies to you, submit an application for the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) via UAC. Eligible students can receive between 1 and 10 points towards their chosen UNSW degree.

Admission pathways

Your ATAR is not the only measure of your potential to succeed, which is why we offer a range of pathways into university. Explore your options below and  get in touch  with our future student advisors to discuss your path to UNSW. 

Gateway Admission Pathway This scheme is open to students in Years 11 and 12 who attend Gateway schools. It significantly adjusts the ATAR requirements for your preferred UNSW degree and provides you with an early conditional offer to UNSW. 

Entry programs for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people We offer entry programs for Indigenous Australians, including the Indigenous Preparatory Programs and the Indigenous Admission Scheme (IAS). The entry pathway program you apply for will depend on the degree you want to study. 

English language requirements

You may be asked to provide evidence of your English proficiency to study at UNSW depending on your educational background and citizenship. English language skills are vitally important for coping with lectures, tutorials, assignments and examinations - this is why UNSW requires a minimum English language competency for enrolment.

If you’re completing an Australian Year 12 qualification (e.g. NSW HSC or equivalent), you do not need to provide anything extra to prove your proficiency. Your qualification will be used as evidence of your English proficiency.

If you do need to provide evidence of your English proficiency, this will be indicated in your application. You can prove this by providing evidence that you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • English language tests and university English courses
  • Prior study in the medium of English
  • Other qualifications

If you need to improve your English skills before you start your degree, UNSW College’s Academic English Programs are for you. The programs are suitable for various English levels and help you prepare for university studies and life in Australia.

We do not accept secondary qualifications from this country. We may accept tertiary study results, please contact us for more information.

Please contact us for direct entry requirements.

If you do not meet the requirements for direct entry into your chosen degree, you may be eligible for a pathway program with UNSW College . UNSW College provides alternative entry options using university-approved content so that you can start your UNSW journey with confidence. 

You may be asked to provide evidence of your English proficiency to study at UNSW depending on whether you are from an English-speaking background or non-English speaking background. English language skills are vitally important for coping with lectures, tutorials, assignments and examinations - this is why UNSW requires a minimum English language competency for enrolment.

If English is not your first language, you’ll need to provide proof of your English proficiency before you can be given an offer to study at UNSW. You can do this by providing evidence that you meet one or more of the following criteria:

Check the specific English language requirements for this program

Program structure.

The Bachelor of Commerce/Arts is a flexible four-year degree usually consisting of 32 courses. It allows you to learn the fundamentals of business and study a business major, while you explore and choose a major and minor from a broad range of arts subject areas. This degree includes career preparation and planning courses, such as internships and  a digital portfolio. 

The program includes:

  • Commerce Integrated First Year courses
  • One Commerce major
  •  One Arts major
  • An Arts minor, or electives.

Professional development courses and experiences:

  • Mandatory Work Integrated Learning – You must complete at least one course credit with a work integrated learning focus such as an internship or business practicum. 
  • Final Year Synthesis – Synthesise your learning by applying and integrating the knowledge and skills gained throughout your Bachelor of Commerce (BCom). 
  • COMM3999 myBCom Graduate Portfolio. 

Study areas

  • Behavioural Economics
  • Business Analytics
  • Business Economics
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Systems
  • Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
  • International Business
  • Asian Studies
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Chinese Studies
  • Advanced Chinese Studies
  • Global Development
  • Criminology
  • Creative Writing
  • Environmental Humanities
  • European Studies
  • Film Studies
  • French Studies
  • Advanced French Studies
  • Geographical Studies
  • German Studies
  • Japanese Studies
  • Advanced Japanese Studies
  • Korean Studies
  • Advanced Korean Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Media, Culture and Technology
  • Music Studies
  • Music Studies (Intensive)
  • Politics and International Relations
  • Sociology and Anthropology
  • Spanish Studies
  • Theatre and Performance Studies
  • Art History and Theory
  • Studies in Psychology
  • Modern Greek Studies
  • Australian Studies
  • Security Studies
  • International Political Economy
  • Italian Studies
  • Indonesian Studies
  • Policy, Power and Government
  • Financial Technology
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Business Law
  • Cybersecurity Management
  • Gender Studies

Full program structure

In this degree you’ll complete a Commerce and an Arts major. A major is usually eight to ten courses within one discipline. With the remaining credit points you are free to choose interesting electives or take an additional minor.

Some courses need to be studied in your first and second year, so you’re prepared for courses that can only be studied in later years. You can study full-time or part-time. Each university year has three terms and an optional summer study period. Depending on how you plan your study load, you can fit two or three courses into a term and one course in a summer term.

Below is an example of what you could study in four years full-time.

  • MyBCom First Year Portfolio* 
  • MyBCom Blueprint*
  • Integrated First-Year Commerce courses 
  • Arts courses - explore which subject areas interest you

Second year

  • Integrated First Year Commerce courses
  • Arts courses – continue to explore and choose a major
  • Work Integrated Learning internship or practicum**
  • Commerce courses in your chosen major
  • Arts courses in your chosen major
  • Electives or courses from a minor

Fourth year

  • MyBCom Graduation Portfolio*
  • BCom Final Year Synthesis

*Bachelor of Commerce credit-free courses dedicated to career planning and employability.

**Mandatory work experience for course credit.

Develop skills that are critical for a career that moves with and responds to the challenges of our fast-paced global world. You’ll graduate with business knowledge, experience and connections, combined with critical and creative thinking, communications skills, curiosity and a depth of understanding that will equip you to succeed in a diverse range of exciting careers and industries.

You’ll be able to build industry connections through UNSW Business School's  Career Accelerator,  with work experiences and professional development opportunities; and connect with a supportive and passionate community of changemakers through UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture .

Potential careers

  • Arts administrator/manager
  • Political advisor
  • International affairs specialist
  • Marketing/brand manager
  • Accountant/Auditor
  • Business Analyst
  • Customer Experience Officer
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Digital Innovation Officer
  • Financial Adviser
  • Human Resource Consultant
  • Investment Banker
  • Tax Adviser

Take your Commerce studies to the next level with an additional one-year Honours degree, where you'll gain advanced knowledge and research skills in your chosen area of business. You'll have the opportunity to be mentored by top-tier researchers and work on industry relevant projects while undertaking a significant research thesis. Graduate with advanced knowledge, analytical, problem-solving and research skills that are highly sought after in business and government. Learn more about  BCom Honours . 


Depending on course selection you may meet the education requirement of various professional bodies including Australian Computer Society (Information Systems), Australian Human Resources Institute (Human Resource Management), Australian Securities and Investment Commission (RG-146) (Finance), CPA Australia (Accounting), Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (Accounting), ACCA (Accounting) and Institute of Public Accountants (Accounting).

To apply for this double degree combined with the Bachelor of Commerce, you will need to apply for Double Commerce (424100) through the UAC application portal. Upon receiving an offer to for this degree, you will choose the second degree to pair with Commerce during the acceptance process.

Applications for undergraduate study from domestic students (Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, Australian permanent humanitarian visa holders and New Zealand citizens) are processed by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).

Visit the Apply section of the UAC website  and you can nominate up to five degrees in order of preference, with the first being your most desired degree and university.

On-time applications for admission usually close at the end of September each year for Term 1 admission. Late applications can be submitted, but a late fee will apply. For study starting in Term 1, the majority of offers are made in December and January. Visit the UAC website for key dates for admission outside of Term 1.

Ready to apply?

For most international students, applications are submitted via our  Apply Online  service. We encourage you to submit your completed application as early as possible to ensure it will be processed in time for your preferred term.

Some high-demand programs with limited places, may have an earlier application deadline or may have an earlier commencement date. For more information visit our  international applicant information page .

*If you are an international student studying an Australian qualification, go to the  Universities Admission Centre (UAC)  for application and UAC key dates. Note: If you are under 18 years of age, you need to make special arrangements.  Read more .

Commonwealth Supported Place multiple Student Contribution Bands may apply for this double degree. See single degrees for the applicable fee bands.*The student contribution for a Commonwealth Supported Place is an indication only of the amount payable in Year 1 based on a standard full-time load of 48 credit points (1.0 EFTSL). The actual student contribution you will be liable for depends on your individual program of study and the calendar year in which you enrol. Actual fees are calculated upon enrolment. Student contribution amounts are subject to annual review by the University and may increase each year during your studies (subject to caps determined by the Australian Government), effective at the start of each calendar year. The indicative fees listed here are based on an estimated average and are for tuition only other fees and charges are not included.

*Fees are subject to annual review by the University and may increase annually, with the new fees effective from the start of each calendar year. The indicative fees listed here are based on an estimated average and are for tuition only other fees and charges are not included. The amount you pay will vary depending on the calendar year to enrol, the courses you select and whether your study load is more or less than 1 Equivalent Full Time Student Load (8 courses per year).

Indicative fees are a guide for comparison only based on current conditions and available data. You should not rely on indicative fees. More information on fees can be found at the  UNSW fees website .

Indicative fees to complete the program have been calculated based on a percentage increase for every year of the program. Fee increases are assessed annually and may exceed the indicative figures listed here.

Indicative fees to complete the program include tuition plus an estimate of study-related costs of approximately $1,000 per year. To find out more about other costs, visit  UNSW International .


At UNSW, we award over $83 million in scholarships each year. We pride ourselves on rewarding excellence and making university accessible to students from all walks of life. Whether you’re a domestic or international student, our range of scholarships, prizes and awards can support your journey.

QS World University Rankings, 2024.

AFR Top 100 Future leaders Award.

#1 Australian uni attended by start-up founders.

A headshot of Sohyun Lee with a white shirt on, sitting in front of large window.

8 Things You Should Know About UNSW Business School

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Where Can a Business Degree Take You?

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Your Business School Student Experience

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Explore our Career Accelerator Opportunities

The Dow is set to surge 50% by 2030 as the 'roaring 20s' are alive and well for stocks, market vet says

  • With the stock market trading at record highs, the "Roaring 20s" thesis is alive and well.
  • That's according to Ed Yardeni, who expects the Dow and S&P 500 to soar 50% by 2030.
  • "That target could be achieved with a forward P/E of 20 and forward earnings at $400 per share," Yardeni said.

Insider Today

With stocks trading at record highs, the "Roaring 20's" bull thesis remains intact, according to market veteran Ed Yardeni.

Yardeni said in a recent note that his roaring 20s thesis, which is based on the idea that AI will help unleash a productivity boom in the economy, will help drive the stock market 50% higher by 2030, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 rising to 60,000 and 8,000, respectively. 

Yardeni said his 2030 targets are based on continued earnings growth and a simple 6% compounded annual growth rate, which is slightly lower than the stock market's historical average annual return of 7% net of inflation.

"That target could be achieved with a forward P/E of 20 and forward earnings at $400 per share, up 60% from an estimated $250 per share this year. We think that's possible in our Roaring 2020s scenario," Yardeni said. 

Forward S&P 500 earnings per share hit $257.20 last week, and analysts currently estimate that S&P 500 EPS will rise to $278 in 2025 and $313 in 2026. 

"These estimates suggest that $400 by 2030 is quite possible," Yardeni said.

Helping fuel those earnings, according to Yardeni, is continued consumer resilience, which will be driven by tens of millions of baby boomers that are set to spend their nest egg on all kinds of goods and services over the next few decades.

In an interview with CNBC on Tuesday, Yardeni Research chief market strategist Eric Wallerstein outlined the firm's broad outlook for stocks over the next few years.

"This whole roaring 2020s scenario right now is our highest probability outcome. We attribute a 60% likelihood of that. We have a 20% scenario of a meltup in the stock market, and if the Fed preliminary cuts, we can see that. Meltups are fine you just have to know when to get out," Wallerstein said.

"And then there's that 20% scenario where there's another revival in inflation. But for now we see productivity growth really being a strong driver of real incomes and for the next several years driving the market higher."

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Mental health insurance platform ifeel raises a $20 million Series B

3D illustration of pink color human brain lifting heavy barbell. Training mind and mental health concept. Train your brain.

Mental health issues like stress, depression and anxiety can lead to work-related illnesses, absences and long-term sick leave. But many companies think offering a gym membership is enough. ifeel — a European startup that decided mental health should be tackled differently and which raised $6.6 million in 2021 — has now raised a $20 million Series B investment co-led by FinTLV Ventures and Korelya Capital. In total, ifeel has raised $40 million since its inception.

Initially founded in 2017 as a consumer-focused therapy platform, ifeel pivoted to allow businesses to offer staff support during the pandemic and segued into being offered as part of an employer’s or insurance provider’s healthcare cover. It competes with companies like Modern Health . 

“When you enter into our platform, the first part is a digital assessment that is a co-pilot of an AI system that we built,” CEO Amir Kaplan told me. “So we actually can evaluate the risk of the person when they come into the platform and predict what is the best level of care.”

“After this assessment, we will give a recommendation of the best treatment that starts from mild up to high-risk cases and our goal is to identify the high risk cases to prevent them from having a dramatic impact on the person and then on the company. But we also prevent cases that are starting and companies are able to help them in a scalable way.”

Poor mental health is an enormous business and societal issue, costing England alone £300 billion a year, according to research by the U.K.-based Centre for Mental Health think tank.

Gil Arazi, founder and managing partner of FinTLV Ventures, said in a statement: “This investment … supports our thesis that the insurance industry should prioritize prevention and preventative solutions.”

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  7. Thesis Structure

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    2. Each student must include the following in their degree program: 3. Candidates for Honours must complete one year of study (48 units of credit) additional to the minimum required for Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Economics at Pass level.The award of a degree of Bachelor of Economics with Honours requires:

  11. Guide for Writing Research Proposals

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  12. UNSW Handbook Program

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    Duncan, the UNSW Canberra representative on the Governance Board, was heavily involved in various aspects, including funding, administration, and drafting parts of the manual. His Master of Laws thesis in 2013 was the genesis of the Woomera Manual.

  19. Chinese EV makers, and their connected vehicles, targeted ...

    Chinese EV manufacturers face a new challenge in their pursuit of U.S. customers: a new House bill that would limit or ban the introduction of their connected vehicles. The bill, introduced by U.S ...

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    Commerce Pinterest expands its Creator Fund to allow founders ... "I have this big thesis that meme tech is going to… Apps Kino is a new iPhone app for videographers from the makers of Halide ...

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    The supply-demand imbalance is the same thesis for why commodities expert Jeff Currie expects higher prices, though his projection is nowhere near Andurand's — Currie expects copper to hit ...

  23. Microsoft's Copilot is now on Telegram

    Microsoft's Copilot, a generative AI-powered tool that can generate text as well as answer specific questions, is now available as an in-app chatbot on Microsoft's Copilot is now available as ...

  24. Fisker cuts hundreds of workers in bid to keep EV startup alive

    Commerce Pinterest expands its Creator Fund to allow founders ... "I have this big thesis that meme tech is going to… Apps Kino is a new iPhone app for videographers from the makers of Halide ...

  25. Is Apple planning to 'sherlock' Arc?

    Commerce Pinterest expands its Creator Fund to allow founders ... "I have this big thesis that meme tech is going to… Apps Kino is a new iPhone app for videographers from the makers of Halide ...

  26. Relay raises $32.2 million to help smaller businesses ...

    To help lay the groundwork for expansion into new spaces, including spend management, crediting and financial APIs, Relay this week closed a $32.2 million Series B round led by Bain Capital ...

  27. Bachelor of Commerce / Arts

    UNSW's Bachelor of Commerce/Arts is a double degree that will equip you with business experience and expertise, combined with the creativity, analytical and critical thinking skills that come with an arts degree. ... to be mentored by top-tier researchers and work on industry relevant projects while undertaking a significant research thesis ...

  28. The Stock Market Will Rise 50% by 2030 As Roaring 20s' Thesis Is Intact

    With the stock market trading at record highs, the "Roaring 20s" thesis is alive and well. That's according to Ed Yardeni, who expects the Dow and S&P 500 to soar 50% by 2030.

  29. Mental health insurance platform ifeel raises a $20 million Series B

    Mental health issues like stress, depression and anxiety can lead to work-related illnesses, absences and long-term sick leave. But many companies think offering a gym membership is enough.

  30. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal. Elektrostal ( Russian: Электроста́ль) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010, 155,196 people lived there.