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Beginner’s Guide to Abstract Art

Making abstract art in watercolour, acrylics, mixed media and collage.

Laura Reiter

Paperback ISBN: 9781849941525

Paperback price: £ 12.99

Paperback publication date: 19 June 2014

Category: -->Practical Art -->


eBook ISBN: 9781849942003

eBook price: £ 8.99

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eBook publication date: 8 December 2014

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abstract books for beginners

The Beginner’s Guide to Abstract Art i s an inspirational but practical book that will help artists to paint in a less figurative way. Laura Reiter demonstrates different ways to approach an abstract painting from ‘just a little bit abstract’ to ‘completely abstract’. She does this by focussing on ideas and themes as starting points, looking at the creative processes involved and more unusual techniques.

Laura Reiter also covers how to use materials creatively – watercolour, acrylics, mixed media and collage – and how to experiment with colour and composition. There is also details on texture, simple printing, mark making, colour and its meaning, and sources of inspiration. Several projects are included, and, in addition to Laura’s vibrant, colourful paintings, the work of several other contemporary abstract artists is featured.

Previously published in hardback as Painting Accessible Abstracts .


Laura Reiter is well known for her colourful abstract paintings and her accessible approach to teaching. She is the author of Learn to Paint Abstracts and is a frequent contributor to The Artist magazine. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, she regularly runs popular courses and workshops. She lives in northwest London.


abstract books for beginners

For Beginners Books


By richard klin, illustrations by lily prince, foreword by steven zucker, art & music ​, isbn-13: 978-1-939994-62-2 price: us $15.95 6x9, 184 pp ebook isbn: 978-1-939994-63-9 ebook price: us $15.95 august 9, 2016, b/w illustrations.

Abstract Expressionism was the defining movement in American art during the postwar era, making New York City the center of the international art scene. But what did it all mean? The drips, the spills, the splotches of color, the wild spontaneous energy—signifying what?  Abstract Expressionism For Beginners  will help you both understand and appreciate the work of some of the most iconic figures in modern art—Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, Helen Frankenthaler, et al. Here, in easy-to-understand terms and copious original illustrations are their lives and artistic roots, the world of Greenwich Village in the 1940s and 1950s, the influence of jazz, the voices of critics, and the enduring legacy of a uniquely inspired group of artists.


Richard Klin is the author of Something to Say (Leapfrog, 2011), a series of profiles of various creative forces discussing the intersection of art and politics. His work has been featured on NPR’s All Things Considered and has appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, the Forward, Kindling Quarterly, Akashic Books’ “Thursdaze” series, Chronogram, January, and other publications. He lives in New York’s Hudson Valley.


Lily Prince has exhibited widely both nationally and Internationally and has been awarded numerous commissions. She has her B.F.A. from The Rhode Island School of Design and her M.F.A. from Bard College. She was granted a residency at the BAU Institute in Italy, 2013, and at New York’s The New Museum in 2014. Recent solo shows were at Vassar College and The Naples Museum in Florida. Prince’s work has appeared in the New York Times, New York magazine, San Francisco Weekly, and Bloomsbury Review, among many other publications. Her work was published in the book Something to Say: Thoughts on Art and Politics in America (Leapfrog, 2011), by Richard Klin. Prince has lectured widely and is an Associate Professor of Art at William Paterson University.


Abstract Expressionism For Beginners is packed with references and anecdotes, bringing the era into user-friendly focus. An intelligent and well-written combination of fact, gossip, and analysis, Rich Klin’s text forges history, human interest, and ideology into a cohesive index, making it a book that is hard to put down. The drawings by Lily Prince are a welcome addition, as they represent, for the first time in my recollection, heartfelt portraits of all of the AbEx artists as they are ensconced in a matrix of their signature works. The illustrations add a personalizing feature, making the entire book an available and engaging experience for any reader, at any level of experience in this subject.

           —Archie Rand, internationally acclaimed artist and Presidential Professor of Art,  Brooklyn College

Abstract Expressionism remains one of the most complex art phenomena of the twentieth century. What has long been needed is a book that provides an introduction to the bare bones of the subject, devoid of jargon, for those with absolutely no prior knowledge. Rich Klin’s lively account and Lily Prince’s dynamic artwork neatly fill that gap.

—David Anfam, Senior Consulting Curator, Clyfford Still Museum, Denver


Crafted by Robert

How to start abstract painting for beginners.

I love painting abstract art because it frees you from the constraints of realism, inviting one to unleash your creativity through vibrant colors, bold brushstrokes, and unique painting techniques. Embrace the art of spontaneity, where the imperfect becomes perfect, and the unexpected is celebrated.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore the exhilarating world of abstract painting , uncovering the secrets behind how to paint abstract art, finding inspiration, developing your unique style, and mastering the painting techniques that bring your vision to life. Whether you’re a curious beginner or an experienced artist seeking new horizons, unlock the endless possibilities that abstract painting ideas for beginners have to offer.

Understanding Abstract Art

What is Abstract Art?

Abstract art is a revolutionary departure from traditional representational art, where the focus shifts from depicting recognizable subjects to exploring the boundless realms of color, form, and emotion. It is a genre that transcends the constraints of realism, inviting viewers to engage with abstract art for beginners on a deeper, more subjective level.

At its core, abstract art rejects the notion of mimicking the physical world. Instead, it embraces the artist’s inner vision, emotions, and personal interpretations, manifesting them through a unique visual language. This non-representational approach liberates the artist from the confines of literal depiction, allowing them to express their innermost thoughts and feelings through a harmonious interplay of shapes, lines, and hues. Learning how to paint abstract art involves mastering these abstract art techniques.

How to Start Abstract Painting for Beginners

Levels of Abstraction

Abstract art encompasses a wide spectrum of styles and techniques, ranging from subtle abstractions to complete non-objectivity. Here are some levels of abstraction:

  • Semi-abstraction In this level, recognizable elements from the physical world are simplified, distorted, or fragmented, creating a bridge between representation and pure abstraction.
  • Stylized abstraction Artists in this category employ stylized forms and patterns, often drawing inspiration from nature or cultural motifs, while maintaining a degree of abstraction.
  • Gestural abstraction Characterized by spontaneous brushstrokes and expressive marks, gestural abstraction emphasizes the physical act of painting and the artist’s emotional state. This style often incorporates abstract acrylic painting techniques and various brushstroke techniques.
  • Geometric abstraction This style focuses on the use of geometric shapes, lines, and precise compositions, often exploring concepts of balance, harmony, and order.
  • Color field abstraction Artists in this genre concentrate on the emotional and expressive qualities of color, creating vast fields or planes of color that evoke specific moods or sensations, often utilizing a carefully chosen color palette.
  • Non-objective abstraction At the furthest end of the spectrum, non-objective abstraction completely abandons any reference to the physical world, presenting pure forms, colors, and compositions devoid of recognizable subject matter.

Famous Abstract Artists and Their Styles

Abstract art has been shaped by numerous influential artists, each contributing their unique perspectives and techniques.

Abstract ExpressionismConsidered a pioneer of abstract art, Kandinsky’s works were characterized by vibrant colors and organic forms, often inspired by music and spirituality.
De StijlMondrian’s iconic style featured a harmonious combination of horizontal and vertical lines, along with primary colors and neutral tones, creating a sense of balance and order.
Action PaintingPollock’s innovative “drip technique” involved pouring and flicking paint onto canvases, resulting in energetic and gestural compositions that captured the physicality of the painting process.
Color Field PaintingRothko’s large-scale color field paintings featured soft-edged rectangles of color that evoked emotional responses and a sense of contemplation.
Spiritual AbstractionConsidered by some as the first abstract artist, af Klint’s works were heavily influenced by spiritualism and featured biomorphic forms and bold color combinations.

These artists, along with countless others, have pushed the boundaries of abstract art, challenging traditional notions of representation and inviting viewers to experience art through a more personal and introspective lens.

Finding Inspiration for Abstract Painting

Studying Other Artists’ Works

Embarking on the abstract painting journey often begins with seeking inspiration from the masterpieces of renowned artists. While it’s crucial not to mimic their styles, studying their techniques and approaches can ignite your own creative spark. Immerse yourself in the works of abstract pioneers like Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, and Jackson Pollock, and observe how they manipulated colors, shapes, and textures to convey emotions and ideas. This exploration is a fundamental step for beginners wondering how to paint abstract art, offering a treasure trove of abstract painting ideas.

  • Create an inspiration board: Gather images of abstract artworks that resonate with you, whether from books, websites, or galleries. This visual reference will help you identify the elements that captivate you, such as bold brushstrokes, harmonious color palettes, or dynamic compositions.
  • Analyze the techniques: Examine the artworks closely and try to deconstruct the techniques used by the artists. Note the layering of colors, the use of different mediums, and the application of various brushstrokes or tools. Understanding these abstract acrylic painting techniques can inspire you to experiment with your own unique approaches.
  • Explore different styles: Abstract art encompasses a wide range of styles, from gestural abstraction to color field painting. Expose yourself to diverse styles and movements to broaden your artistic horizons and find the ones that resonate most with your creative vision.

Drawing Inspiration from Nature

Nature is a boundless source of inspiration for abstract painters. From the intricate patterns of a butterfly’s wings to the mesmerizing swirls of a stormy sky, the natural world offers an endless array of colors, textures, and forms that can fuel your abstract explorations and provide background painting ideas.

  • Observe natural elements: Take a walk in nature and observe the intricate details of leaves, flowers, rocks, or clouds. Notice the interplay of colors, shapes, and textures, and let these elements spark your imagination.
  • Capture nature’s essence: Instead of attempting to replicate nature’s forms, focus on capturing its essence through abstract interpretations. Experiment with colors, shapes, and brushstrokes that evoke the feelings and emotions you experienced while observing nature. This approach can guide you on how to paint abstract art effectively.
  • Incorporate natural materials: Incorporate natural materials like sand, leaves, or twigs into your abstract paintings. These organic elements can add depth, texture, and a unique tactile quality to your artworks.

Experimenting with Different Mediums

Stepping out of your comfort zone and experimenting with different mediums can unlock new avenues of inspiration for your abstract paintings. Each medium offers unique properties and challenges, encouraging you to explore new techniques and approaches, which is essential for learning how to paint abstract art and discovering abstract painting ideas for beginners.

  • Try mixed media: Combine various mediums like acrylics, oils, pastels, or collage elements to create dynamic and textured abstract compositions. The interplay of different materials can lead to unexpected and captivating results.
  • Explore unconventional tools: Instead of traditional brushes, experiment with unconventional tools like sponges, palette knives, or even household items like forks or combs. These tools can create unique marks and textures, adding depth and interest to your abstract works.
  • Embrace the accidental: Embrace the beauty of accidents and unexpected outcomes. Embrace drips, splatters, or unintended marks, and allow them to guide you towards new creative directions, much like the techniques used in acrylic pouring and pour painting.

Trusting Your Intuition

Ultimately, the most profound source of inspiration for abstract painting lies within your own intuition and emotional experiences. Trusting your instincts and allowing your subconscious to guide your creative process can lead to truly authentic and meaningful abstract artworks. For those wondering how to paint abstract art, embracing intuitive painting is key.

  • Tap into your emotions: Before starting a new abstract piece, take a moment to reflect on your current emotional state or a particular experience that resonates with you. Use these feelings as a starting point for your abstract expression.
  • Let go of preconceived notions: Approach the canvas with an open mind, free from preconceived ideas or expectations. Allow your intuition to guide your brushstrokes, color choices, and compositional decisions. This approach is essential for those learning how to paint abstract art and seeking abstract painting ideas for beginners.
  • Embrace the process: Abstract painting is a journey of self-discovery. Embrace the process itself, rather than focusing solely on the final outcome. Each stroke, each layer, and each experiment contribute to your artistic growth and personal expression. Understanding how to paint abstract art involves appreciating each step of the journey.

Remember, inspiration is all around you, waiting to be discovered and translated into captivating abstract compositions. Embrace the freedom of abstract art, trust your instincts, and let your creativity soar. For beginners, exploring how to paint abstract can open up new avenues of artistic expression.

Developing Your Unique Style

Embracing the Exploration Process

The journey towards developing your unique style in abstract painting is one of continuous exploration and self-discovery. Like a child’s boundless curiosity, embrace the process with a sense of wonder and playfulness. Shed inhibitions and fears, allowing your instincts to guide you through the creative terrain. Each stroke, each color choice, and each composition is an opportunity to unravel the layers of your artistic voice. Learning how to paint abstract art is an evolving journey.

  • Embrace imperfection: Abstract art thrives on the beauty of imperfection. Celebrate the unexpected drips, splatters, and accidental marks, as they can lead you to new and exciting creative directions.
  • Experiment fearlessly: Don’t be afraid to try new techniques, mediums, or tools. Experimentation is the key to unlocking your unique style. Embrace the freedom to play, explore, and even ‘fail’ – for every ‘failure’ is a stepping stone towards growth. This mindset is crucial for those exploring how to paint abstract art.
  • Practice regularly: Consistency is crucial in honing your artistic skills and developing your personal style. Set aside dedicated time for practice, treating each session as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of abstract expression. Regular practice is essential for mastering how to paint abstract art.

Techniques and Exercises for Abstraction

Exploring various abstract painting techniques can help you discover new ways of expressing yourself and push the boundaries of your creativity. Here are some exercises to incorporate into your practice: understanding abstract art techniques and how to paint abstract can significantly enhance your artistic journey.

  • Warm-up exercises Engage in timed warm-up exercises that encourage you to let go of preconceptions and embrace spontaneity. These exercises can help you loosen up, de-stress, and tap into your instincts.
  • Reject painting as a starting point Focus on an abstract painting technique where a rejected or discarded painting is used as a starting point. By working on a canvas that holds no attachment, you can freely experiment with new approaches and techniques, fostering a mindset of fearless exploration.
  • Intuitive mark-making Allow your intuition to guide your brushstrokes, creating abstract compositions without predetermined plans. Observe the shapes, textures, and patterns that emerge, and respond to them intuitively, building layer upon layer. This intuitive painting approach can lead to unexpected and beautiful results.
  • Unconventional tools Experiment with unconventional tools like sponges, palette knives, or household items to create unique marks and textures. This can help you break free from familiar patterns and discover new ways of expressing yourself.

Combining Intuition and Knowledge

Developing your unique style is a delicate balance between intuition and knowledge. While intuition fuels your creative expression, knowledge provides the foundation for refining your techniques and understanding the principles of art. For those wondering how to paint abstract art, blending these elements can lead to innovative abstract painting ideas for beginners.

  • Observe and study Study the works of abstract masters and observe how they manipulated colors, shapes, and textures to convey emotions and ideas. Analyze their techniques, but avoid direct imitation. This approach can offer valuable insights into how to paint abstract art and inspire abstract painting ideas for beginners.
  • Embrace the process Abstract painting is a continuous dialogue between intention and serendipity. Embrace the uncertainties that arise along the way, as they are stepping stones towards the magic of self-expression. Understanding how to paint abstract involves welcoming these moments of chance.
  • Trust your instincts While knowledge is essential, trust your instincts when making creative decisions. Your gut reactions and emotional responses are invaluable guides in shaping your unique artistic voice. This is a key principle in intuitive painting.

Finding Your Artistic Voice

Your artistic voice is the culmination of your personal experiences, technical expertise, and the epiphanies that arise during the creative process. It is a reflection of your soul, a signature that sets your work apart.

  • Listen to your inner voice Give yourself permission to listen to your inner voice and follow its guidance. Your artistic voice emerges from the specific choices you make as an artist, choices that resonate with your authentic self.
  • Embrace vulnerability Shedding inhibitions and embracing vulnerability is essential for finding your artistic voice. Create a safe space for experimentation, free from judgment and criticism.
  • Nurture your creativity Nurture your creative genius by engaging in daily practices that foster creativity. Surround yourself with sources of inspiration, whether it’s music, nature, or the works of other artists.

Remember, developing your unique style is an ongoing journey of self-discovery. Embrace the process, trust your instincts, and allow your authentic voice to emerge through your abstract expressions. If you’re wondering how to paint abstract art, start by exploring various abstract painting ideas for beginners.

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to unlocking creativity and exploring the captivating world of abstract painting. From understanding the essence of abstract art to finding inspiration and developing a unique style, the journey has been a celebration of self-expression and artistic growth. Whether you’re learning how to paint abstract art or seeking abstract painting ideas for beginners, the key is to enjoy the process.

As you embark on your abstract painting adventures, remember to embrace the exploration process wholeheartedly. Approach the canvas with an open mind, allowing your intuition to guide your brushstrokes and color choices. Embrace the beauty of imperfection, for it is in the unexpected moments that true magic unfolds. For those new to this form, there are plenty of abstract painting ideas for beginners to get you started.

Moreover, consider incorporating the technique of using a discarded or rejected painting as a starting point. By working on a canvas that holds no attachment, you can fearlessly experiment with new approaches and techniques, fostering a mindset of boundless exploration. This exercise not only liberates you from preconceived notions but also encourages you to embrace the beauty of transformation, where the discarded becomes a canvas for your creative vision.

How Can Beginners Initiate Abstract Painting?

To begin abstract painting as a novice, consider these strategies:

  • Experiment by drawing lines with your non-dominant hand to encourage spontaneity.
  • Limit your palette to just three colors for a cohesive look.
  • Start with a single tool to make initial marks on your canvas.
  • Reuse leftover paint from previous projects to add unexpected elements.
  • Draw inspiration from a reference photo, such as a natural scene.
  • Create your composition using only a dark color for a dramatic effect.
  • Try fluid painting to explore movement and blending.

What Constitutes the Essence of Abstract Painting?

The essence of abstract painting lies in its use of shapes. These shapes form the core of the artwork, with details enhancing its appeal. In abstract art, the focus is on creating a strong foundation with shapes, often highlighted with distinctive brush strokes or patterns, such as the use of V shapes across the canvas in some artists’ work.

Which Art Style First Introduced Abstraction?

Fauvism and Cubism are credited as the pioneering movements of abstraction in art. Rooted in Paul Cézanne’s principle that nature’s depiction can be simplified into cubes, spheres, and cones, these movements in the early 20th century paved the way for abstract art by challenging traditional representations.

What Are the Fundamental Principles of Abstract Art?

Abstract art deviates from representing reality accurately, instead conveying ideas through lines, shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks. Artists in this genre employ a mix of conventional and innovative techniques to express their visions, focusing on the power of abstraction to evoke emotions and concepts beyond the literal appearance of objects. If you’re interested in learning how to paint abstract art, exploring various abstract art techniques can be incredibly beneficial.

Black Book Art Studio

how to draw abstract art

Mastering the Basics: How to Draw Abstract Art Easily

Have you ever been drawn to the mystery and expressiveness of abstract art? Contrary to popular belief, abstract art is not restricted to professional artists. Even as a beginner, you can unleash your creativity and learn how to draw abstract art easily.

The key is to master the basics first and take a step-by-step approach to your artwork. By learning fundamental techniques and exploring different styles, you can develop your own unique artistic style and gain confidence in your abilities.

In this article, I will guide you through the essentials of drawing abstract art, from understanding the concept of abstract art to exploring different techniques and styles. With practice and dedication, anyone can master the art of drawing abstract art.

Key Takeaways:

  • Abstract art is accessible to beginners with a step-by-step approach.
  • Learning basic techniques is crucial for unleashing your creativity.
  • Abstract art emphasizes expressing emotions and ideas through non-representational forms.
  • Exploring different styles and gathering inspiration is key to developing your own unique style.
  • Essential materials for drawing abstract art include sketchbooks, pencils, erasers, rulers, and various types of paints.

Understanding Abstract Art: A Brief Overview

As a beginner learning abstract art techniques , it’s crucial to understand what abstract art is and why it’s an essential part of the art world. Abstract art is a visual language that relies on colors, shapes, textures, and forms to convey emotions and ideas. Unlike representational art, abstract art doesn’t have a recognizable subject, allowing the artist to unleash their creativity and imagination fully.

Learning abstract art involves breaking free from traditional concepts of art, such as realism and naturalism. It’s about exploring the endless possibilities of colors, shapes, and forms to express the intangible and the emotional. Abstract art techniques are about learning how to manipulate these elements to create a visual language that transcends words.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned artist, learning abstract art is a journey of self-exploration that challenges you to communicate with yourself and others in a new way. As you dive deeper into this expressive art form, you’ll learn to speak a new language with color, shape, and form, creating a new world of artistic possibilities.

Gathering Inspiration: Exploring Abstract Art Styles

One of the most exciting things about abstract art is its limitless potential for creativity. As you begin your journey in learning abstract art techniques , take some time to explore different styles and find inspiration for your own unique pieces.

There are many abstract art styles to discover, each with its own characteristics and expressive qualities. Some popular styles include:

Style Description
Geometric Abstraction Uses geometric shapes and lines to create precise, structured compositions.
Abstract Expressionism Emphasizes spontaneity and the expression of emotions through bold, gestural brushstrokes and drips.
Surrealism Draws on the unconscious mind to create dreamlike, fantastical compositions.

By exploring different styles, you can discover new techniques and ideas to incorporate into your own work. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out different approaches – the beauty of abstract art is that there are no rules.

Remember, learning abstract art is a journey, and each piece you create is an opportunity to grow and explore your own artistic voice. So take some time to gather inspiration and let your creativity run wild.

Essential Materials for Drawing Abstract Art

When it comes to creating abstract art, having the right materials on hand can make all the difference. Here are some essential materials to have in your toolkit:

Material Description
Sketchbook or paper A good quality sketchbook or paper to draw and experiment with different techniques and color schemes.
Pencils and erasers A range of pencils to create various marks and an eraser to remove any mistakes.
Ruler A ruler to create straight lines and measure proportions accurately.
Paints Depending on your preferences, you may want to use acrylics, oils, or watercolors. Experiment with different colors and brands to find what works best for you.

Along with these essentials, don’t be afraid to experiment with different materials to achieve unique effects. For instance, try using different types of brushes, palette knives, or sponges to create interesting textures and marks in your artwork.

Remember, the materials you use are merely tools to help you express your creativity. The true magic lies within your artistic vision and the techniques you use to bring it to life.

Getting Started: Basic Abstract Art Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of abstract art, it’s time to dive into some basic drawing techniques. Don’t worry if you’re new to drawing or abstract art – these steps are designed to be easy to follow for beginners.

Step 1: Mark-making

Mark-making is the process of creating lines, shapes, and patterns on paper using various tools such as pencils, pens, or brushes. To get started, grab a pencil and your sketchbook, and experiment with different shapes and lines. Try drawing simple shapes like circles, squares, and triangles, and then move on to more complex shapes like stars and spirals.

Step 2: Texture Creation

Texture is an element that can add depth and interest to your abstract art. You can create texture by using a variety of techniques such as layering paint, using different brushes, and scraping tools across the paper. Try using different materials like sponges, leaves, or fabrics to create unique textures on your artwork.

Step 3: Color Blending

Color is an essential part of abstract art, and blending colors can help you create vibrant and dynamic pieces. To blend colors, start by choosing two or three colors that you want to use. Then, apply the colors to your paper and use a brush or your fingers to blend them together. You can create different shades and tones by adding more or less of each color.

By practicing these basic techniques, you’ll be on your way to creating your own unique and expressive abstract art pieces. Remember, the key is to experiment and have fun with your art!

Creating Composition: Balancing Elements in Abstract Art

When it comes to abstract art, the composition is crucial for creating an impactful and visually pleasing artwork. A well-composed piece can evoke emotions and ideas, guiding the viewer through the artwork. In this section, I will provide some guidelines on how to create a balanced composition in your abstract art, step by step.

Step 1: Define the Focal Point

The first step in creating a composition is to define the focal point of your artwork. The focal point is the area of the artwork that draws the viewer’s attention and creates a sense of visual hierarchy. It could be a specific shape, color, texture, or pattern that stands out amidst the rest of the elements.

To define the focal point, you can experiment with different sizes, shapes, and colors until you find the one that catches your eye. Once you have your focal point, you can use it as a reference point for building the rest of your composition.

Step 2: Create Movement and Balance

One of the essential elements of abstract art is movement. Movement gives the artwork a sense of energy and flow, making it more visually interesting. To create movement, you can use lines, curves, and shapes that direct the eye around the composition.

Balance is also crucial in creating an effective composition. A well-balanced artwork has elements that are distributed evenly, creating a sense of harmony. You can achieve balance by adjusting the size, color, and placement of the elements in your composition.

Step 3: Experiment with Symmetry and Asymmetry

Symmetry and asymmetry are two different techniques you can use to create different effects in your abstract art. Symmetry is when elements are arranged in a mirrored or repeated pattern, creating a sense of order and stability. Asymmetry, on the other hand, is when elements are arranged in an unbalanced, unpredictable way, creating a sense of movement and spontaneity.

Experiment with both techniques and see which one works best for your composition. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to compose an abstract artwork.

In conclusion, the composition is an essential aspect of abstract art, and understanding its principles can help you create impactful and visually pleasing artworks. With the steps outlined above, you can start experimenting with different compositions and find the one that best reflects your artistic vision.

Embracing Color and Texture: Enhancing Abstract Art

Color and texture are essential components of abstract art, enabling artists to create depth, contrast, and visual interest within their artworks. By understanding color theory and experimenting with texture creation techniques, you can enhance your abstract art creations and unlock new possibilities for creativity.

Exploring Color Theory Basics

Color theory is the study of how colors interact with each other and the ways in which they can be combined to create different emotions and visual effects. By considering factors such as hue, saturation, and brightness, you can make intentional choices regarding color combinations in your abstract art paintings.

One basic technique for using color in abstract art is to choose a dominant hue and then incorporate other shades and variations to create contrast and depth. You can also experiment with complementary colors, which are opposite each other on the color wheel, to create dynamic and impactful compositions. Don’t be afraid to try bold and unexpected color choices, as abstract art is all about breaking free from traditional norms.

Creating Texture in Abstract Art

Another way to enhance your abstract art paintings is to experiment with texture. Texture refers to the physical surface quality of a painting, whether it be smooth, rough, or somewhere in between. Creating texture can add interest and complexity to an artwork, drawing the viewer in and encouraging them to explore the piece more deeply.

There are many ways to create texture in abstract art, from layering paint to using different brushes or tools. One technique is to mix sand or other materials into your paint to create a gritty, tactile surface. Or, you can use a palette knife to create thick, impasto strokes, giving your painting a three-dimensional quality. Whatever texture creation technique you choose, it’s important to consider how it fits into the overall composition of your artwork.

By embracing color and texture in your abstract art paintings, you can unlock new levels of creativity and visual interest. Experiment with different techniques and don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of traditional art-making. With practice and dedication, you can master the basics of abstract art and create expressive and unique artworks that showcase your individuality and creativity.

Experimenting with Mixed Media: Pushing Boundaries

Abstract art is all about creative exploration and experimentation. While traditional drawing techniques are important to learn, don’t be afraid to push boundaries and try new things with mixed media. Mixing materials such as paint, clay, or found objects can add a unique and expressive element to your artwork.

One fun mixed media technique is incorporating collage into your abstract art. Cut out images, patterns, or shapes from magazines or other sources and glue them onto your canvas. Then, paint over them to create a cohesive and interesting composition.

Another way to push boundaries is by using non-traditional materials in your artwork. Incorporating materials such as sand, string, or even coffee grounds can add texture and visual interest to your pieces.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different mediums, such as watercolor, acrylic, or oil paint. Each medium has its unique properties and effects, so try combining different ones to create a truly unique artwork.

Remember, the goal of mixed media is to let your imagination run wild and push your creative boundaries. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try new things until you find the perfect combination of materials and techniques that work for you.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Abstract Art Challenges

Learning abstract art is all about pushing boundaries, experimenting, and stepping out of your comfort zone. If you’re feeling stuck or want to take your skills to the next level, consider trying out these abstract art challenges:

  • Draw with Your Non-Dominant Hand: This technique helps break old habits and encourages a looser, freer style of drawing.
  • Use Unconventional Materials: Take a break from traditional pencils and paints and experiment with materials like sandpaper, foil, or even coffee grounds.
  • Draw Blind: Close your eyes and draw without looking at the paper. This exercise helps train your brain to focus on shapes and forms rather than details.

Remember, the key to these challenges is to have fun and embrace mistakes. Abstract art is all about personal expression, and trying new techniques and materials can help you discover your unique style.

Showcasing Your Art: Sharing and Feedback

Once you have created your abstract art masterpiece, it’s time to share it with the world! Sharing your art can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, allowing you to connect with other artists and receive valuable feedback on your work.

There are many ways to showcase your abstract art, both online and in-person. You can create an online portfolio on websites like Behance or DeviantArt, or share your work on social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest. You can also participate in local art shows or exhibitions to gain exposure and build relationships with other artists and art enthusiasts.

When it comes to receiving feedback on your artwork, remember that everyone has different tastes and opinions. It’s important to seek out constructive criticism that can help you improve your skills and develop your unique style. You can ask for feedback from other artists, art instructors, or even online art communities.

Remember that sharing your art and seeking feedback is a valuable part of the learning process. Embrace the critiques and use them to grow as an artist and refine your artistic vision. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new techniques or styles!

Continuing the Journey: Further Resources and Learning

If you’re eager to learn more about abstract art, there are a variety of resources available online and offline. Here are some suggestions to help you continue your journey:

  • Abstract Art Tutorials: Many artists and art organizations offer online tutorials and classes specifically focused on abstract art. Look for video tutorials on YouTube or sign up for an online course to learn new techniques and get feedback on your work.
  • Abstract Art Tips: Browse through blogs and articles dedicated to abstract art to learn new tips and tricks. Many artists are eager to share their knowledge and experience, and you may discover some helpful insights that can enhance your own artwork.
  • Learning Abstract Art: Participate in local art classes or workshops to learn alongside other artists and receive feedback from instructors. Additionally, consider joining an art community or group to connect with other artists and gain inspiration from their work.

Remember, learning and improving in art is a continuous process. Keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques and materials, and don’t be afraid to try new things. The most important thing is to enjoy the journey and let your creativity flow.

So, there we have it! Drawing abstract art may seem daunting at first, but with the right techniques and a willingness to explore, anyone can master the basics and unleash their creativity. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, there’s always room to learn and grow in the world of abstract art.

Remember, mastering the basics is key. Start by gathering inspiration, exploring different styles, and experimenting with essential materials. From there, you can dive into basic techniques, create composition, enhance your art with color and texture, and even push your boundaries with mixed media. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and step out of your comfort zone!

Once you’ve created your masterpiece, don’t forget to share it with the world. Seek feedback and engage with other artists in online and local communities. And if you’re eager to continue your artistic journey, there are plenty of resources and learning opportunities available to help you develop your skills.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your pencils, paints, and sketchbooks, and get started on your abstract art journey today!

  • Mastering the basics is key to drawing abstract art
  • Start by gathering inspiration, exploring styles, and experimenting with materials
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and step out of your comfort zone
  • Share your artwork and seek feedback from other artists
  • Continue your artistic journey with further resources and learning opportunities

I hope you’ve found this guide on how to draw abstract art helpful. Happy creating!

Q: What is abstract art?

A: Abstract art is a form of artistic expression that focuses on the use of colors, shapes, and forms to convey emotions and ideas without representing recognizable objects or figures.

Q: Can anyone learn how to draw abstract art?

A: Absolutely! Abstract art is accessible to beginners. With a step-by-step approach and some basic techniques, anyone can learn how to create their own abstract artworks.

Q: What are some essential materials for drawing abstract art?

A: Some essential materials for drawing abstract art include sketchbooks, pencils, erasers, rulers, and various types of paints. Experimenting with different materials can also help achieve desired effects.

Q: What are some basic abstract art techniques?

A: Basic abstract art techniques include mark-making, texture creation, and color blending. These techniques can be learned and practiced step by step, and examples can serve as inspiration for beginners.

Q: How can I enhance my abstract art using color and texture?

A: To enhance abstract art, you can explore color theory basics, experiment with different color combinations, and create various textures to add depth and interest to your artwork.

Q: Are there any challenges in learning abstract art?

A: Yes, learning abstract art can come with challenges. However, embracing mistakes, stepping out of your comfort zone, and pushing artistic boundaries can help foster growth and creativity in your artworks.

Q: How can I showcase my abstract art and get feedback?

A: You can showcase your abstract art online, participate in local art communities, and engage with other artists to seek valuable feedback and insights on your artwork.

Q: Are there further resources for learning abstract art?

A: Absolutely! There are various resources such as websites, books, online courses, and workshops that offer tutorials, tips, and expert advice for further learning and development in abstract art.

Feeling Nifty

50+ Abstract Painting Ideas for Beginners: Creative DIY Techniques

By: Author Jasmine Dhillon

Posted on Published: October 6, 2023  - Last updated: May 9, 2024

Categories Acrylic Painting , Crafts & DIY , Painting Ideas

Are you a beginner artist eager to explore the world of abstract painting? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ve gathered 50+ easy abstract painting ideas that are perfect for beginners. From the vibrant palette of acrylics to the mesmerizing flow of fluid painting, we’ve covered a spectrum of mediums , including watercolor, oil, mixed media, gouache, and more.

Whether you’re looking to create captivating large canvases to adorn your living room walls or smaller pieces for intimate spaces, our selection offers a wide range of canvas sizes. Along this artistic journey, you’ll discover not only what colors to use but also how to master captivating color combinations.

Get ready to unleash your creativity! Each idea in this collection introduces you to different painting tips / techniques that paves the way for your unique artistic expression.

abstract books for beginners

50 Abstract Painting Ideas for Beginners

In the mood to paint your next abstract masterpiece? The 50+ abstract painting ideas below will fill you full of abstracted awesomeness and inspiration!

abstract books for beginners

How To Paint Abstract Step-By-Step With 13 Techniques

Learn how to paint an abstract painting with the entire step by step process. From blank canvas t, pciking your color palette, to carving out your focal point and more. Learn easy and aesthetic abstract marks using the free cheatsheet.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Artwork- Intuitional with Various Colors

Release your anxiety on canvas by making a stress-free intuitional styled painting. First layer cool colors, then warm colors with various random brushstrokes and markings (whatever comes to your mind in the moment is key).

Then paint in the negative space with pale pink paint to make a focal point come to life and give the painting more balance.

abstract books for beginners

Acrylic Pouring Art - How to make artwork using acrylic pouring technique

Learn how to make an acrylic pouring artwork in this step by step tutorial. You'll also learn how to make those infamous cells with the simple additive of silicon oii.

abstract books for beginners

Easy Abstract Designs You Can Do!

Learn these 5 easy abstract designs that you can make with watercolor paints. Use them as backgrounds for your abstract pieces with mixed media or as paintings on their own. Kristina will walk you through each design.

abstract books for beginners

Brushstroke Techniques for Abstract Acrylic Painting

Do you want to learn some nifty brushstroke techniques that you can add to your abstract painting? Jessi will show you how simple brushstrokes in different colors can make an entire art piece for your home.

abstract books for beginners

Large Canvas Wall Art For Living Room

Take a stroll over to your local thrift store to create this abstract beauty. Melissa will show you how to used simple lumber and an old white curtain panel to create a large canvas. Then grab different mediums like latex paint, plaster of Paris and inks to create the abstract design.

abstract books for beginners

Original Abstract Painting of Butterflies in Flight

Paint this freeing and serene original painting with simple acrylic paint and a gold leaf pen. Use basic blue paints to create a variety of brushstrokes on half your canvas, then paint in gold flying butterflies.

abstract books for beginners

Intuitive Abstract Painting With Intricate Designs

Intuitive styled abstract painting is a stress-free and enjoyable art form. Essentially you let the piece transform with each layer without an end look in mind. The fantastic tutorial will walk you through each layer: background layer with alcohol inks, followed by tracing in the intricate designs, then bringing it to life with painting in the negative space.

abstract books for beginners

Acrylic Artwork with Bold Texture

Add in some nifty acrylic mediums into your paint to create a wide variety of textures on canvas. Mediums to create a 3D effect, metallic sheen, cracked/aged look, and more. Learn more about what you can do with acrylic mediums in this blog post.

abstract books for beginners

Simple Abstract Painting with Rainbow Brush Strokes

Try this simple technique of brush strokes in a rainbow of colors as your entire

abstract books for beginners

HOW TO POUR RESIN | DIY Resin FLuid art!

Using resin in your abstract artwork can make for some very dramatic and high quality looking pieces. Head on over to this in-depth beginners guide and make your own gorgeous resin painting.

abstract books for beginners

Easy DIY Alcohol Ink Art Tutorial

Alcohol Inks is a new paint medium that has gained lots of popularity recently. It's a simple, low maintenance paint type that can be used to create some mesmerizing abstract art. This tutorial will take you through the basics like brand and colors of alcohol inks, blending solution, paper surface, etc...

abstract books for beginners

Color Mixing with Acrylic Paint: 3 Simple Techniques

Color mixing is an important topic to learn and apply in abstract art. The combination of colors and what colors look aesthitcally good beside each other is a science that can be learned.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Watercolors Techniques For Your Next Painting

Want to learn some cool watercolor techniques that you can use for your next painting? Check out this great tutorial for ideas, tips and strategies.

abstract books for beginners

How To Make A Simple Geometric Canvas Painting

Follow this in depth tutorial to learn how to paint this simple and elegant geometric canvas painting for your home.

abstract books for beginners

Acrylic Art Techniques for Beginners - Using 10 Techniques

Learn how to paint this solid color look, type of abstract art with 10 abstract painting techniques. The end result is an abstraction of a beautiful sunset.

abstract books for beginners

How To Make DIY Gold Leaf Abstract Art

Adding gold leaf to your abstract paintings is a great way to add a different dimension and feel to your art. Gold leaf will add a vibe of glamour and lavishness that's effortless. Learn how to apply gold leaf to your canvas and layer it with creamy and yummy acrylic paints.

abstract books for beginners

Brushstrokes on Glass Abstract Art In A Variety of Colors

Do you have any spare glass picture frames laying around? Then try this ingenious idea of painting bright and vibrant colors on glass! Allison will show you how to prep the glass and everything you need to know to create this fresh abstract idea!

abstract books for beginners

Easy Modern Abstract Painting with Oils & Best Tips

If you want to splash into the world of oil paints, then this modern abstract oil painting tutorial will guide you. There are lots of great tips and things to consider when making your abstract that Ashley shares in her post.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Art: Mixing Colors, Building Layers & Color Pallets

Bring your abstract painting to life with yummy color palette's like in Betty Frank's art. She'll show you all the colors she uses for this painting and tip & tricks on mark making.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Heart Paintings on Canvas- 3 Simple Ideas

An easy abstract painting idea is taking a simple shape (like a heart) then abstracting it using different techniques like texture and using various colors with simple marking tools. Check out this tutorial to learn 3 technqiues to abstract a simple heart shape.

abstract books for beginners

Beautiful Abstract Art- Beginner Tutorial

Looking for a simple color palette for your next abstract painting? This video tutorial will show you how to make ths beautiful canvas art with black and white paints.

abstract books for beginners

Poppies in Bloom Abstract Art For Living Room

This large canvas art would look great in the living room over a couch. Which is where I hang it in my house. The background is painted with different shades of grey in a painterly style. I also used a spray water bottle to create some drip marks.

Then I painted some abstract poppy flowers with bright red acrylic paint mixed with string gel medium (to give that super shiny, reflective look). For the stems and buds I used a 3D acrylic paint liner in a squeeze bottle to paint the fine lines.

abstract books for beginners

DIY Abstract Art : Easy Canvas Painting For Beginners

Follow this easy canvas painting tutorial and make this gorgeous aqua, teal with a splash of gold masterpiece.

abstract books for beginners

White Paint Abstract Oil Painting

Feeling like painting a clean looking, aesthetically eye-catching piece for your beautiful interior space? Use lots of white paint and neutrals tones like Sydne did for her living room.

abstract books for beginners

Colorful Abstract Free Form Painting- Step by Step Tutorial

Watch the Art Sherpa in action as she breaks down each layer of this magnificent, free form, abstract styled painting.

abstract books for beginners

Grafitti String Art on Canvas

These graffiti string abstract paintings would make great abstract art prints because they would look spectacular framed. If you're looking to make a collection of prints this modern abstract painting idea is a sure win!

abstract books for beginners

Acrylic Paint Pouring on Rocks Made Easy

Take your paint pouring skills over to rocks to make this abstract work of art. Follow along with this full tutorial that will show you the art supplies, easiest paint for pouring, and top tips for the best painted rocks.

abstract books for beginners

How to Paint Abstract Art With Different Shapes

This super easy canvas painting tutorial by Thaneeya will show you how to create this beautiful artwork. She will show you how much fun it can be to have fun with abstract, which is one of the most important things.

abstract books for beginners

Geometric Art with Masking Tape

This was one of my first abstract pieces and it was super easy to make. I used masking tape to make the geometrical square and rectangular shapes, then painted them in with a basic color palette of blue, black, grey and yellow.

It's painted with acrylic paint and the highly textured part was a mixture of super heavy gel and yellow paint.

abstract books for beginners

Make DIY Polka Dot Canvas Paintings

Looking for simple ideas for your next abstract? Why not make a dot styled painting with intricate patterns! Check out this in-depth tutorial by Burlap and Blue to learn how.

abstract books for beginners

Fluid Painting: A Tutorial

Learn the basics of fluid painting in this step by step tutorial. From supplies and materials to technique and tips.

abstract books for beginners

Experiments in Masking Paint with Tape

Want to learn different ideas on how to use masking tape in your abstract art? This post will walk you through ideas, techniques, and experiments that use masking tape so that you can infuse them into your own abstract pieces.

abstract books for beginners

New Technique: How to Make an Abstract Painting Using Tissue Paper

Want to learn new techniques you can apply to your abstract paintings? Check out this tutorial to fine out how to use a nifty pattern making tool

abstract books for beginners

Easy and Dramatic Black Paint Abstract Canvas

Do you want to create a easy yet elegant abstract piece with one simple paint color, black ? Then head over to Tanya's tutorial to learn how she created this lovely piece for her living room.

abstract books for beginners

Geometric Abstract Video Tutorial With Acrylic Paint and Masking tape

If you're looking for abstract painting video tutorials, then check out this great demo. This abstract painting technique uses simple masking tape (or painter's tape) to create modern geometric shapes.

abstract books for beginners

Serene Buddha With Non-Representational Art

Take something that calms and centers you and use that as the focus of your abstract painting. This painting was made for my beautiful mother who loves tranquility and buddha. I collaged the buddha and om design on my canvas using matte medium then painted with acrylics overtop.

abstract books for beginners

Soothing Abstract Acrylic Painting Video Tutorial

Do you learn best with video tutorials? Then head on over to this tutorial by Rinske Douna and she'll show you her signature style with abstracts.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Painting With Palette Knife Technique In Acryilcs

Learning to use the palette knife to move paint across your canvas can be seriously satisfying. And you can create some pretty amazing art with this simple yet powerful tool- no paint brushes needed! Head over to Suraj's awesome video to learn his techniques. I was motivated to create my first palette knife painting after watching his vids.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Spray Paint: New Techniques and Ideas for Creating Beautiful Works

If you're looking for new techniques to apply to your abstract works, then why not learn to art of spray painting! Head over to this article to learn techniques, tips and the most important things you need to know about using spray paint in art.

abstract books for beginners

How To Paint an Abstract Watercolor

Using watercolor paint is another great media to work with in abstract painting. You can make an entire painting with watercolors alone or you can mix them with other paints in mixed media style art. Head over to this tutorial to learn the basics on how to create an abstract watercolor piece.

abstract books for beginners

Gouache Floral Abstract Painting

Gouache paint is a great medium to create any abstract with. Gouache paint is essentially a perfect combination between watercolor and acrylic paints. It's thin and flows like watercolors, with the opaqueness of acrylics. It also dries completely matte, which is a unique quality of gouache paints. The end result is creamy, smooth, streak-free paint application that looks almost digital.

abstract books for beginners

Colorful and Cheerful Abstract with Markings

There's no doubt that color can transmit an energy and a mood. There' s science that backs that up too! If you you're aiming to paint a piece that induces good vibrations and a cheerful mood, then pick lots of fun and vibrant, punchy colors. Like this beautiful piece by Carly Wigger.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Background with Spiritual Meaning

First let loose and paint matching abstract backgrounds on small square canvases. Then write some meaningful words overtop, with the art of lettering. If you follow a faith you can even write some religious/spiritual sayings. Faiza Ashraf, the talented artists behind these creations, hand lettered some meaningful words in Arabic. The words from left to right: Iman- Faith, Sabr - Patience, Hubb- Love, Shukr- Gratitude.

abstract books for beginners

Easy Wildflower Abstract Using a Palette Knife

Create this abstract field of wildflowers with a simple palette knife. You'll also learn how to make an aesthetically pleasing abstract painting by learning how to proportion your canvas.

abstract books for beginners

Palette knife acrylic abstract painting with eggshells

Moving luscious thick acrylic paint across a canvas with a palette knife can be a very satisfying experience for the senses. Check the tips in this post to learn how you can create your own palette knife abstract painting.

abstract books for beginners

How To Do Acrylic Pouring

This comprehensive in-depth tutorial will walk you through how to make an acrylic pour painting. Tracie will also show you some tips on choosing complimentary colors that look good together.

abstract books for beginners

Blue Forest: Beautiful Abstract Art

If you have a favorite place or scene that means something to you, why not capture it in your next abstract piece. My favorite places are the forest and the night sky, so I married the two in 1 painting.

abstract books for beginners

Easy Straight Lines With Painters Tape

You don't have to have an ounce of painting experience to create this abstract painting. Check out this tutorial to learn how strategic placement of painters tape and basic acrylic paints can result in professional looking masterpieces.

abstract books for beginners

Jackson Pollock Inspired Watercolor Painting For Kids

If you're looking for a fun and easy abstract painting idea for kids then you'll love this idea. Erin will guide you through her awesome tutorial and show you how to create this Pollock inspired art with simple liquid watercolors, paper and a straw.

abstract books for beginners

How To Abstract Watercolor Background with Horse Head

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create a vibrant abstract "watercolor paint-splotch" background using acrylic paints. Then you'll learn how to paint an abstracted version of a horse with only black and white paints.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Painting Color Schemes: 10 Favourite Palettes & How to Make Them

One big aspect of abstract painting is picking the right color palette. If you want some hand picked fresh color palette ideas, along with the paint mixture recipes, head on over to this great resource.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Art Tutorial

Learn how to paint this stunning square canvas abstract painting that would look perfect in a living room. You will learn how to recreate every splatter, splotch and fluid paint stroke with detailed step by step instruction.

abstract books for beginners

Holiday Season Wreath: Textured Abstract Acrylic Painting

Looking for an easy and festive holiday season painting idea? Then this textured abstracted wreathe on canvas is a joyous idea!

abstract books for beginners

DIY Large Abstract Painting Techniques - CONTEMPORARY ART

This large DIY abstract painting is easy for any beginner to tackle. Watch this detailed video to learn how to use painters tape and other techniques to create this stunner. This vertical large canvas would look great in a living room, bedroom or any wall where a large canvas would fit.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Acrylic Painting Techniques To Elevate Your Art

If you're looking to learn some new acrylic painting techniques to add to your abstract paintings, then you'll want to go through this list of 47 different ones. Learn texture, glazing, etching, palette knife techniques and more.

abstract books for beginners

Abstract Mural With Elements Of Nature

Take abstract painting to your walls for a fresh and bright look. Here are some more wall painting ideas for inspiration.

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Monday 11th of March 2024

Do you have a link that works for painting no. 5? I’d love to try it, but the link in this article is broken.

Jasmine Dhillon

Thursday 21st of March 2024

Thanks Beth! I just updated to a working link :) Hope you enjoy making this beautiful large abstract painting. It's a beaut!

Cheers, Jasmine

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Free Guide to Abstract Painting Techniques

Free guide to abstract art painting techniques!

The greatest exploration an artist makes is one that’s without rules. Learning how to abstract paint is a great starting point for your artistic forays and is a sure way to guarantee that your work has compositional power, visual interest, and always stays exciting for you as the artist.

But learning how to abstract paint doesn’t always come easy, which is where our free eBook comes in. In this free eBook, you’ll learn how to paint abstract art and understand what kind of abstract art ideas can lead to fulfilling and beautiful paintings!

Download Your Free Guide to Abstract Painting Techniques Now!

abstract books for beginners

What’s inside my free eBook?

Learn how to abstract paint with this free tutorial

Inside you’ll first find the essential abstract painting techniques , starting with how to warm up your mind and body to the idea of how to paint abstract. This is a great way to shake your self-consciousness and to focus on gesture, color, visual rhythms, and more.

You’ll also discover how to create automatic drawings, which train you to dwell in the present moment and not so much on the end result. This is one of the most powerful abstract painting techniques because it is all about what you pull out of yourself and your creative psyche, and not so much on what kind of marks you think you should be making.

Learn DIY abstract wall art

Learn DIY abstract wall art with this free tutorial and exercises

This free guide also includes an exercise on erasing and deleting marks—going back in with erasers to shape and attune your work in ways that may seem awkward at first but will enable you to see your work in a new way.

Automatic abstract painting

Try, learn, discover! Learn how to paint an abstract painting today!

You’ll also find a chapter on automatic painting—how exciting and fruitful this kind of work can be, but also how to train your eye and manage your natural inclination toward “more” in order to recognize when a painting is complete.

When you’re ready, we’ll   teach you how to dovetail abstract art with representational art. For many artists, it’s this combination that leads to the most satisfying art-making.

You’ll also come to discover that learning how to abstract paint is a matter of realizing that potential subject matters are all around us. Plus, there are strategies for seeing what is all around us in abstract terms.

Abstract painting techniques that you’ll learn include:

  • Using high contrast photos
  • Looking to nature
  • Taking a broad view
  • Words and descriptions can yield powerful visions

Make the most of your time in the studio

Try, learn, discover! Learn how to paint an abstract art on canvas today!

Finally, you will discover how to disrupt any entrenched ways of working to get the most out of your studio time when you decide to create abstract art.

This includes looking at your work and playing through ideas of what is “good” and “bad.” You can also create an abstract alter ego—an artistic second self to help you realize and truly own who you are as an abstract artist.

Don’t wait! Learn about abstract painting techniques today!

For those artists who want explore how to abstract paint, this is the right resource guide to begin with. It will show you how abstract art ideas are born and how to make them the best they can be no matter the medium you work in.

Abstract acrylic painting, abstract oil painting, watercolor abstraction and drawing abstraction—these are all applicable to the techniques and tips you will discover in this free guide. Enjoy!

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Abstract algebra book recommendations for beginners.

I am taking abstract algebra in this semester. I find that my lecturer didn't provide enough examples for understanding. So I would like to ask what are the recommended books which has lots of solved problems and exercises? The lecturer said in this semester, he will cover group theory, ring theory and a bit of field theory. Which book contains extensive information in these three fields?

  • abstract-algebra
  • group-theory
  • reference-request
  • ring-theory
  • field-theory
  • 2 $\begingroup$ Check these questions for some ideas: , , , . Herstein and Dummit&Foote are frequently recommended. $\endgroup$ –  Ayman Hourieh Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 15:12
  • $\begingroup$ but if you are studying it for the first time, then I must recommend Contemporary Abstract Algebra" by Joseph Gallain, the book is divided into 3 parts: groups, rings, fields. and each part is further broken down into 10 or so chapters, each containing about 50-60 problems, After studying from it though, you can follow whichever book you want. $\endgroup$ –  Shreya Commented Mar 4, 2016 at 12:21
  • $\begingroup$ Does this answer your question? Good abstract algebra books for self study $\endgroup$ –  user1110341 Commented Jul 21, 2023 at 23:14

6 Answers 6

For a one-semester course in abstract algebra: undergraduate/first-course-level, I'd highly recommend Fraleigh's A First Course in Abstract Algebra . It's very well written, very readable, and includes a LOT of examples in the text itself, as well as in the exercises.

Personally, I've found the most success using this text for first-course/semester-length classes.

Another possible aid, in addition to a supplementary text, is Beachy's Abstract Algebra Online Study Guide , where you'll find an extensive study guide and practice problems. It may help to supplement areas where you're feeling weakest. I'll include here, as well, a link for accessing Beachy's ~150 page pdf Abstract Algebra - Study Guide for Beginners available for downloading, freely distributed.

  • $\begingroup$ I didn't know that you already read this book. I read it a lot before. Nice we are in an accord in that. $\endgroup$ –  Mikasa Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 15:38
  • 1 $\begingroup$ @Babak Yes, indeed - great book. + $\endgroup$ –  amWhy Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 15:40
  • $\begingroup$ @Andrew: Take a look at the first few entries here . Many you can preview. The first few entries are all highly rated, but you can't go wrong with the price of the Dover book, listed first, which you could probably read concurrently to Fraleigh. I'll review my bibliography, as well. See also these recommendations from mathoverflow $\endgroup$ –  amWhy Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 18:43
  • $\begingroup$ Are the suggestions helping at all, idonknow? What text are you currently using, if I may ask? $\endgroup$ –  amWhy Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 18:47
  • $\begingroup$ currently i an using robert ash abstract algebra $\endgroup$ –  Idonknow Commented Apr 26, 2013 at 5:47

Dummit & Foote has lots.

But following up on the "Artin" recommendation which is excellent, you can watch these great videos that follow "Artin" and see many examples very nicely articulated. You can probably get a lot more out of these lectures by Benedict Gross at Harvard:

I suggest you Algebra Through Practice collection by T. S. Blyth for first step and then Herstein or Fraleigh are good.

Michael Artin's book Algebra is very nice.

  • $\begingroup$ +1 and comes as a $15 international edition... $\endgroup$ –  gnometorule Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 15:59
  • $\begingroup$ I would suggest you get the 2nd edition - much improved. $\endgroup$ –  user12802 Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 18:31

This is a difficult level to write for. I suggest you pick up two or three books from your library and try to read chapters in each concurrently.

Fraleigh is the book I got my start on in abstract algebra. I didn't like the book at the time- its exposition is very unclear at certain points- but now looking back I think it's not too bad. I'm using Gallian right now in my group theory class, which is also not too bad.

Dummit & Foote is not a book I would recommend as the sole textbook for a beginner, but it is great to have as supplementary reading. In particular, you are looking for examples, and D&F is all about examples. I would say the same thing about Artin .

I dislike Hungeford and Herstein , but this is just personal preference.

  • 1 $\begingroup$ I got a lot of points from Gallian's problems. Especially, when I could find some solutions at the end of the book. $\endgroup$ –  Mikasa Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 15:53

I was happy with Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian when I worked through it (I used the 5th edition, but it's up to at least the 6th). It covers all three areas you mention, and has tons of exercises (at least 30-some in most of the main chapters, if not 50- or 60-some, plus supplementary exercises every few chapters) with solutions or hints for the odd-numbered ones. It also is heavy on applications, and has computer exercises, if you like that sort of thing. He puts real emphasis on the "contemporary" in the title.

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Pure Mathematics for Beginners: A Rigorous Introduction to Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra

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Steve Warner

Pure Mathematics for Beginners: A Rigorous Introduction to Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra

There is a newer edition of this item:.

Pure Mathematics for Beginners - Accelerated and Expanded Edition: A Rigorous Introduction to Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real ... Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra

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  • professors teaching an introductory college course in higher mathematics
  • high school teachers working with advanced math students
  • students wishing to see the type of mathematics they would be exposed to as a math major.
  • 16 lessons in 8 subject areas.
  • A problem set after each lesson arranged by difficulty level.
  • A complete solution guide is included as a downloadable PDF file.
  • ISBN-10 9780999811757
  • ISBN-13 978-0999811757
  • Publication date September 25, 2018
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 0.59 x 11 inches
  • Print length 261 pages
  • See all details

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Pure Mathematics for Beginners: A Rigorous Introduction to Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis,

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From the author, product details.

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ 0999811754
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Get 800 (September 25, 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 261 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780999811757
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0999811757
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.35 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 0.59 x 11 inches
  • #425 in Mathematical Analysis (Books)
  • #1,936 in Mathematics (Books)
  • #31,391 in Unknown

About the author

Steve warner.

Dr. Steve Warner is a mathematician and test prep expert who has been tutoring students in mathematics for standardized tests since 1999. During this time Dr. Warner has used the feedback from thousands of students to develop a unique system that can be used by anyone to drastically improve his or her math score in a very short period of time.

Dr. Warner's philosophy is quite different from most experts in that he focuses on test-specific strategy designed to save time, avoid carelessness, and exploit the weaknesses of standardized tests, as opposed to spending valuable time on the conventional teaching of mathematics. Furthermore, Dr. Warner realizes that students at different score levels must be taught differently and this is reflected very strongly in his materials.

Dr. Warner began tutoring his classmates while he was still in high school, and by the time he started college he had already tutored over 100 students in subjects ranging from algebra to AP calculus. He soon became known as the "math ninja" because of his incredible ability to help students get over a 90 on their tests with just one short tutoring session.

Throughout college Dr. Warner began tutoring more advanced topics such as linear algebra, differential equations and advanced calculus. His ability to get even the weakest math majors to understand deep theoretical concepts became well known throughout the campus. During this time he received several math scholarships and a 4.0 in mathematics, but it wasn't until graduate school that Dr. Warner had an experience which changed his philosophy on teaching forever....

When Dr. Warner began graduate school he actually found himself struggling with the material for the first time. He worked harder than he ever had in the past, but was not able to grasp the concepts as easily as he had as an undergraduate. Dr. Warner finally experienced the feelings that his clients went through. But an interesting thing happened soon after. All of a sudden nothing seemed difficult anymore and he was back at the top of his class. Despite the fact that he was taking even harder classes now, he was once again breezing through them with very little effort.

It was at this time that Dr. Warner had two realizations.

(1) Working harder and long hours does not necessarily lead to more success in mathematics.

(2) It is possible for anyone to increase their skill in mathematics to any level they choose.

You see, during that first year Dr. Warner experimented with many methods to get himself to learn material that was too difficult for him. And eventually he figured it out. It was this final step in his evolution that allowed him to become an even more effective tutor than ever before. What he learned during this process was incorporated into his already successful system of coaching for standardized tests to create a method that not only increased math scores, but simultaneously increased any students' mathematical skill level, whereby increasing their potential score.

Dr. Warner did complete graduate school, earning the TA teaching excellence award in the process, and becoming a successful Professor of Mathematics, first at Penn State and then at Hofstra University where he currently works. During his time at Hofstra he has taught a full range of undergraduate and graduate courses, published several articles in scholarly journals, and participated in a five year, eleven million dollar NSF grant, "The MSTP Project," to improve mathematics and science curriculum in poorly performing middle schools.

In 2012, Dr. Warner founded "GET 800" whose goal it is to provide inexpensive SAT math preparation for students who cannot afford to pay $500 per hour for one on one tutoring from a test prep expert. GET 800 offers SAT, ACT, and AP test prep products.

Dr. Warner works with students individually and in group settings, he tutors both live and by video conferencing, and he offers free materials in the form of his blog, his YouTube channel, and his Facebook page.

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abstract books for beginners


  1. Beginner's Guide to Abstract Art

    Beginner's Guide to Abstract Art. Paperback - May 6, 2014. by Laura Reiter (Author) 4.6 67 ratings. See all formats and editions. Despite the popularity of abstract art, painters dont always know how to connect emotionally with this style. Through inspirational projects and exercises, Laura Reiter explains how to create that expressive ...

  2. Happy Abstracts: Fearless Painting for True Beginners! (Learn to Create

    Everyone has an artist within them and a unique perspective to offer the world! Happy Abstracts is an explorative painting guide by colorful artist EttaVee, (Jessi Raulet) where you'll learn to create bright and uplifting abstract art on canvas. Burn bright and beautiful with bold hues and daring brushwork as you paint along with stroke-by-stroke photo guides.

  3. Abstract Painting Made Simple: 13 Easy Techniques Beginners Can Crush

    If you're looking for an actually relaxing, and easy painting idea then you should definitely give abstract painting a try. Together, we'll explore 13 techniques using household items like bubble wrap, Q-tips, salt, and parchment paper to create stunning textures and patterns with acrylic paint.

  4. Abstract Expressionism For Beginners

    Abstract Expressionism For Beginners will not only help you understand, but also appreciate the art of some of the most iconic figures in modern art--Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, Helen Frankenthaler, and others. Explore their lives and artistic roots, the heady world of Greenwich Village in the 1940s and 1950s, the influence ...

  5. Abstract Art for the Absolute Beginner

    Start by learning to see abstract compositions in your photos and drawings with a viewfinder ; then follow lessons on color mixing for how to translate sketches to exciting color combinations. A final step-by-step painting demonstration in pastel helps you put these lessons together into an energetic abstract painting. FEATURES:

  6. Painting Abstracts: Ideas, Projects and Techniques

    Rolina van Vliet. 3.99. 165 ratings10 reviews. Clear, challenging and inspiring, this book contains instructions for 65 abstract paintings that you can get to work on straightaway, with no previous experience. All the basic information relating to picture elements, composition, theme and design is provided at the start of the book, together ...

  7. Beginner's Guide to Abstract Art by Laura Reiter

    3.78. 45 ratings3 reviews. Despite the popularity of abstract art, painters dont always know how to connect emotionally with this style. Through inspirational projects and exercises, Laura Reiter explains how to create that expressive connection. She examines the creative process, including themes, composition, materials, and mixing media.

  8. A Beginner's Guide to Making Abstract Art

    A practical and inspirational resource for any visual artist who wants to paint in a less figurative way and take their first steps into the realm of abstract art. Through practical projects and easy-to-follow demonstrations, renowned artist Laura Reiter shows you how to create beautiful and unique abstracts in mixed media. Whether you want […]

  9. Beginner's Guide to Abstract Art

    The Beginner's Guide to Abstract Art is an inspirational but practical book that will help artists to paint in a less figurative way. Laura Reiter demonstrates different ways to approach an abstract painting from 'just a little bit abstract' to 'completely abstract'. She does this by focussing on ideas and themes as starting points ...

  10. Abstract Art Ideas, Techniques and Tips for Every Medium

    Abstract Art Ideas for Watercolor, Pastel, and Oil. Endurance by Arlene Richman (20 x 20) If history links acrylics and abstraction, there are also countless fabulous examples of abstract works in other mediums. From the richness of oils to the fluidity of watercolor to the sensual color of pastels, abstract art can play up every medium's ...

  11. Easy Abstract Art—Step by Step

    For blending my paint, I used a coated masonite board from an art supply store and mixed the paint on it with a drywall spatula. I also applied the paint to the canvas using the same spatula. You can mix acrylic paint with water to help it spread with less texture build-up. If you are using oil-based paint, each layer may take longer to dry ...

  12. reference request

    38. Fraleigh's "A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th Edition" is a good book for self study. It is easy and good for the beginners, and it has a complete solution manual written by the author. I'm not a big fan of the 7th and prefer the 8th which has seen considerable revision.

  13. For Beginners Books

    Abstract Expressionism For Beginners is packed with references and anecdotes, bringing the era into user-friendly focus. An intelligent and well-written combination of fact, gossip, and analysis, Rich Klin's text forges history, human interest, and ideology into a cohesive index, making it a book that is hard to put down.

  14. How to Start Abstract Painting for Beginners

    How to Start Abstract Painting for Beginners. May 16, 2024. Robert Joyner. I love painting abstract art because it frees you from the constraints of realism, inviting one to unleash your creativity through vibrant colors, bold brushstrokes, and unique painting techniques. Embrace the art of spontaneity, where the imperfect becomes perfect, and ...

  15. Abstract Art Books

    Creative Abstract Watercolor: The beginner's guide to expressive and imaginative painting. by Kate Rebecca Leach. Paperback. $24.99 $ 24. 99. ... Altered Books, Abstract Collage and Mixed Media Paper Crafts. by TriggMo Magazine. 4.5 out of 5 stars. 12. Paperback. $12.99 $ 12. 99. FREE delivery Thu, Feb 15 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon.

  16. Mastering the Basics: How to Draw Abstract Art Easily

    Step 3: Color Blending. Color is an essential part of abstract art, and blending colors can help you create vibrant and dynamic pieces. To blend colors, start by choosing two or three colors that you want to use. Then, apply the colors to your paper and use a brush or your fingers to blend them together.

  17. 5 Books on Abstract Artists Everyone Should Know

    Her radically abstract painting practice predates modernist abstraction. The book features essays, a roundtable discussion, and explores af Klint's life and art, including her unrealized plans for a spiral-shaped temple. It expands on recent scholarship and offers a unique perspective on the pioneering artist's work.

  18. 50+ Abstract Painting Ideas for Beginners: Creative DIY Techniques

    In this comprehensive guide, we've gathered 50+ easy abstract painting ideas that are perfect for beginners. From the vibrant palette of acrylics to the mesmerizing flow of fluid painting, we've covered a spectrum of mediums, including watercolor, oil, mixed media, gouache, and more. Whether you're looking to create captivating large ...

  19. 20 Best Abstract Algebra Books for Beginners

    The 20 best abstract algebra books for beginners, such as Algebra and Abstract Algebra. The 20 best abstract algebra books for beginners, such as Algebra and Abstract Algebra. Categories Experts Newsletter. BookAuthority; BookAuthority is the world's leading site for book recommendations, helping you discover the most recommended books on any ...

  20. Abstract Painting Techniques Ultimate Free Guide

    You'll also come to discover that learning how to abstract paint is a matter of realizing that potential subject matters are all around us. Plus, there are strategies for seeing what is all around us in abstract terms. Abstract painting techniques that you'll learn include: Using high contrast photos. Looking to nature.

  21. Abstract algebra book recommendations for beginners

    Mar 1, 2013 at 15:12. but if you are studying it for the first time, then I must recommend Contemporary Abstract Algebra" by Joseph Gallain, the book is divided into 3 parts: groups, rings, fields. and each part is further broken down into 10 or so chapters, each containing about 50-60 problems, After studying from it though, you can follow ...

  22. Abstract Algebra for Beginners: A Rigorous Introduction to Groups

    Abstract Algebra for Beginners consists of a series of basic to intermediate lessons in abstract algebra. In addition, all the proofwriting skills that are essential for advanced study in mathematics are covered and reviewed extensively.

  23. Pure Mathematics for Beginners: A Rigorous Introduction to Logic, Set

    Pure Mathematics for Beginners Pure Mathematics for Beginners consists of a series of lessons in Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra. The 16 lessons in this book cover basic through intermediate material from each of these 8 topics. In addition, all the proofwriting skills that are essential for advanced study in ...