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APA Citation Style 7th Edition

  • APA Style Overview
  • Sample Documents & Guides
  • Multiple Sources With the Same Author and Year
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  • Interviews, E-mail, Intranet, Religious Works, & Secondary Sources (7th edition)
  • Footnotes This link opens in a new window

What goes into an Appendix?

Where is an appendix placed, labeling the appendix, formatting the appendix.

  • Evaluating Sources This link opens in a new window
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • RefWorks This link opens in a new window

"Material that supplements the content of the paper, but would be distracting or inappropriate to include in the body of the paper is to be placed in an appendix." This includes "materials that are relatively brief and that are easily presented in print format" ( Publication Manual of the APA: 6th edition , section 2.13; Publication Manual of the APA: 7th edition , section 2.14). Examples include "mathematical proofs, lists of words, a questionnaire used in the research, a detailed description of an apparatus used in the research, etc" ( Purdue OWL .)

An appendix (or appendices) follow the reference list. Use the following order for your paper:

  • Abstract ( if required, start on a new page, numbered page 2)
  • Text (start on a new page, numbered 3)
  • References (start on a new page)
  • Tables (start each on a new page)
  • Figures (start each on a new page; include caption on page with figure)
  • Appendices (start each on a new page)
  • If only one appendix, label it Appendix
  • If more than one appendix: label each one with a capital letter (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.) in the order in which it is mentioned in the text
  • Each appendix must have a title
  • In the text, refer to appendices by their labels:

"produced the same results for both studies (see Appendices A and B for complete proofs)."

  • Begin each appendix on a separate page
  • At the top of the page, center the word Appendix and the identifying capital letters (A, B, etc.) in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.
  • Center the title of the appendix using uppercase and lowercase letter on the next line
  • Begin the text of the appendix flush left, followed by indented paragraphs.

A sample appendix is below:

appendix essay apa

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How to Write an APA Appendix

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

appendix essay apa

Amanda Tust is a fact-checker, researcher, and writer with a Master of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.

appendix essay apa

 damircudric / Getty Images

  • When to Use an Appendix
  • What to Include
  • Basic Rules

If you are writing a psychology paper for a class or for publication, you may be required to include an appendix in APA format. An APA appendix is found at the end of a paper and contains information that supplements the text but that is too unwieldy or distracting to include in the main body of the paper. 

APA format is the official writing style used by the American Psychological Association . This format dictates how academic and professional papers should be structured and formatted. 

Does Your Paper Need an APA Appendix?

Some questions to ask about whether you should put information in the body of the paper or in an appendix:

  • Is the material necessary for the reader to understand the research? If the answer is yes, it should be in your paper and not in an appendix.
  • Would including the information interrupt the flow of the paper? If the answer is yes, then it should likely appear in the appendix.
  • Would the information supplement what already appears in your paper? If yes, then it is a good candidate for including in an appendix.

Your appendix is not meant to become an information dump. While the information in your appendices is supplementary to your paper and research, it should still be useful and relevant. Only include what will help readers gain insight and understanding, not clutter or unnecessary confusion.

What to Include in an APA Appendix

The APA official stylebook suggests that the appendix should include information that would be distracting or inappropriate in the text of the paper.

Some examples of information you might include in an appendix include:

  • Correspondence (if it pertains directly to your research)
  • Demographic details about participants or groups
  • Examples of participant responses
  • Extended or detailed descriptions
  • Lists that are too lengthy to include in the main text
  • Large amounts of raw data
  • Lists of supporting research and articles that are not directly referenced in-text
  • Materials and instruments (if your research relied on special materials or instruments, you might want to include images and further information about how these items work or were used)
  • Questionnaires that were used as part of your research
  • Raw data (presented in an organized, readable format)
  • Research surveys

While the content found in the appendix is too cumbersome to include in the main text of your paper, it should still be easily presented in print format.

The appendices should always act as a supplement to your paper. The body of your paper should be able to stand alone and fully describe your research or your arguments.

The body of your paper should not be dependent upon what is in the appendices. Instead, each appendix should act to supplement what is in the primary text, adding additional (but not essential) information that provides extra insight or information for the reader. 

Basic Rules for an APA Appendix

Here are some basic APA appendix rules to keep in mind when working on your paper:

  • Your paper may have more than one appendix.
  • Each item usually gets its own appendix section.
  • Begin each appendix on a separate page.
  • Each appendix must have a title.
  • Use title case for your title and labels (the first letter of each word should be capitalized, while remaining letters should be lowercase).
  • If your paper only has one appendix, simply title it Appendix. 
  • If you have more than one appendix, each one should be labeled Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, and so on.
  • Put the appendix label centered at the top of the page.
  • On the next line under the appendix label, place the centered title of the appendix. 
  • If you refer to a source in your appendix, include an in-text citation just as you would in the main body of your paper and then include the source in your main reference section.
  • Each appendix may contain headings, subheadings, figures, and tables. 
  • Each figure or table in your appendix should include a brief but explanatory title, which should be italicized. 
  • If you want to reference your appendix within the text of your paper, include a parenthetical note in the text. For example, you would write (See Appendix A).

Formatting an APA Appendix

How do you format an appendix in APA? An APA appendix should follow the overall rules on how to format text. Such rules specify what font and font size you should use, the size of your margins, and the spacing of the text.

Some of the APA format guidelines you need to observe:

  • Use a consistent font, such as 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Calibri
  • Double-space your text
  • All paragraphs should be indented on the first line
  • Page numbering should be continuous with the rest of your paper

The appendix label should appear centered and bolded at the top of the page. A descriptive title should follow and should also be bolded and centered. As with other pages in your paper, your APA format appendix should be left-aligned and double-spaced. Each page should include a page number in the top right corner. You can also have more than one appendix, but each one should begin on a new page.

Data Displays in an APA Appendix

When presenting information in an appendix, use a logical layout for any data displays such as tables or figures. All tables and figures should be labeled with the words “Table” or “Figure” (sans quotation marks) and the letter of the appendix and then numbered.

For example, Table A1 would be the first table in an Appendix A. Data displays should be presented in the appendix following the same order that they first appear in the text of your paper.

In addition to following basic APA formatting rules, you should also check to see if there are additional guidelines you need to follow. Individual instructors or publications may have their own specific requirements.

Where to Include an APA Appendix

If your paper does require an appendix, it should be the very last pages of your finished paper. An APA format paper is usually structured in the following way:

Your paper may not necessarily include all of these sections. At a minimum, however, your paper may consist of a title page, abstract, main text, and reference section. Also, if your paper does not contain tables, figures, or footnotes, then the appendix would follow the references.

Never include an appendix containing information that is not referred to in your text. 

A Word From Verywell

Writing a paper for class or publication requires a great deal of research, but you should pay special attention to your APA formatting. Each section of your paper, including the appendix section, needs to follow the rules and guidelines provided in the American Psychological Association’s stylebook.

American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington DC: The American Psychological Association; 2020.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."


APA 7th edition - Paper Format: Appendices

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  • Overall Paper
  • Sample Papers
  • Reference List
  • Tables and Figures
  • APA Citations This link opens in a new window
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How to Format An Appendix - Tutorial

  • APA Appendices - JIBC Tip Sheet All you need to know about appendices in APA Style.

Information in this section is as outlined in the APA Publication Manual (2020), sections 2.14, 2.17, 2.24, and 7.6.

Appendices are used to include information that supplement the paper’s content but are considered distracting or inappropriate for the overall topic. It is recommended to only include an appendix if it helps the reader comprehend the study or theoretical argument being made. It is best if the material included is brief and easily presented. The material can be text, tables, figures, or a combination of these three.

Placement :

Appendices should be placed on a separate page at the end of your paper after the references, footnotes, tables, and figure. The label and title should be centre aligned. The contents of the appendix and the note should be left-aligned.

  • If you are choosing to include tables and figures in your appendix, then you can list each one on a separate page or you may include multiple tables/figures in one appendix, if there is no text and each table and/or figure has its own clear number and title within the appendix.
  • Tables and figures in an appendix receive a number preceded by the letter of the appendix in which it appears, e.g. Table A1 is the first table in Appendix A or of a sole appendix that is not labeled with a letter.

The follow elements are required for appendices in APA Style:

Appendix Labels:

Each appendix that you place in your paper is labelled “Appendix.” If a paper has more than one appendix, then label each with a capital letter in the order the appendices are referred to in your paper (“Appendix A” is referred to first, “Appendix B” is referred to second, etc).

  • The label of the appendix should be in bold font, centre-aligned, follow Title Casing, and is located at the top of the page.
  • If your appendix only contains one table or figure (and no text), then the appendix label takes the place of the table/figure number, e.g. the table may be referred to as “Appendix B” rather than “Table B1.”

Appendix Titles:

Each appendix should have a title, that describes its contents. Titles should be brief, clear, and explanatory.

  • The title of the appendix should be in bold font, centre-aligned, follow Title Casing, and is one double-spaced line down from the appendix label.
  • If your appendix only contains one table or figure (and no text), then the appendix title takes the place of the table/figure title. 

Appendix Contents:

  • Left aligned and indented; written the same as paragraphs within the body of the paper
  • Double-spaced and with the same font as the rest of the paper
  • If the appendix contains a table and/or figure, then the table/figure number must contain a letter to correlate the table and/or figure to the appendix and not the body of the paper, e.g. “Table A1” rather than “Table 1” to clarify that the table appears in the appendix and not in the body of the paper.
  • All tables and figures in an appendix must be mentioned in the appendix and numbered in order of mention. 
  • All tables and figures must be aligned to the left margin, (not center aligned), and positioned after a paragraph break, preferably the paragraph in which they are referred to, with a double-spaced blank line between the table and the text. 
  • Each table and figure should include a note afterwards to further explain the supplement or clarify information in the table or figure to your paper/appendix and can be general, specific, and probability. See “Table Notes” in the section “Table and Figures” above for more details.

Referring to Appendices in the Text:

In your paper, refer to every appendix that you have inserted. Do not include an appendix in your work that you do not clearly explain in relation to the ideas in your paper.

  • In general, only refer to the appendix by the label (“Appendix” or “Appendix A” etc.) and not the appendix title.

Reprinting or Adapting:

If you did not create the content in the appendix yourself, for instance if you found a figure on the internet, you must include a copyright attribution in a note below the figure. 

  • A copyright attribution is used instead of an in-text citation. 
  • Each work should also be listed in the reference list. 

Please see pages 390-391 in the Manual for example copyright attributions.

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  • Last Updated: May 1, 2024 11:05 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.jibc.ca/apa/formatyourpaper


APA Style Guide: 7th Edition

  • How To Use This Guide
  • Ethical Use of Sources & Plagiarism This link opens in a new window
  • Introduction to DOI
  • Formatting: Title Page, Body, References
  • Formatting: Annotated Bibliographies

Formatting: Appendices

  • Formatting: Quotations
  • Formatting: Business Reports
  • How to Format In-text Citations
  • Citing Multiple Works
  • Number and Type of Author
  • Publication Date
  • Page, Paragraph Number, Heading, and Time Stamp
  • Citing Text Content Created by AI
  • Citing Image Content Created by AI
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  • Brightspace, No Author
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  • Book with Editor(s), No Author
  • Book with Organization as Author
  • Book with the Same Organization as Author & Publisher
  • Textbook Chapter with Book Editor(s) and Chapter Author(s)
  • Translation, Print Book
  • Work in an Anthology
  • Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
  • Dictionary with Editor(s)
  • Entry in Online Dictionary, No Author
  • Report with Author(s)
  • Report, No Author
  • Report with Report Number
  • Report with Multiple Levels of Government
  • eBook from Website or Library Database, with DOI
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  • Referencing: Indigenous Elders & Knowledge Keepers
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  • What is an Appendix? (Plural: Appendices)
  • Format Guidelines

An appendix consists of supplemental material that would be distracting or inappropriate in the text of the paper. Only include an appendix if it helps the reader understand, evaluate, or replicate the study or argument.

Some examples of items typically included in appendices are:

  • Text, tables, figures or a combination of these
  • Lists of stimulus materials
  • Instructions to participants
  • Tests, scales, or inventories developed for a study
  • Descriptions of complex equipment
  • Detailed or complex descriptions of items used to conduct a study
  • Appendices should be positioned at the end of the paper, after the references list
  • Each appendix should begin on a separate page 
  • Each appendix should have a label AND a title
  • If a paper has one appendix, label it Appendix
  • If a paper has more than one appendix (or appendices), label them in order using the letters of the alphabet: Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C , etc.
  • The appendix title should describe the contents of the appendix
  • Refer to the appendix using its label at least once within the paper
  • Format the contents of the appendices as per APA formatting guidelines

appendix essay apa

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  • Next: Formatting: Quotations >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 5, 2024 1:07 PM
  • URL: https://library.nic.bc.ca/apa7th

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How do I do an APPENDIX in APA style?

How do I create an APPENDIX in APA style?

What is an appendix?

  • A section at the end of a paper that includes information that is too detailed for the text of the paper itself and would "burden the reader" or be "distracting," or "inappropriate" (APA, 2019, p. 41-42).
  • lengthy lists (short lists belong in the paper itself)
  • detailed descriptions (essential details should be in the paper itself)
  • instructions to participants; tests, scales, inventories
  • demographic details for subpopulations studied by the paper

Where does the Appendix appear in the paper?

  • text of paper
  • references list
  • tables 

How to format an appendix:

  • You may have more than one appendix (aka appendices)
  • Each appendix should deal with a separate topic
  • In addition to the limitations of email, Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed studies that focused on international bank employees and college students (see Appendix B for demographic information).
  • The first appendix referred to in the paper would be named Appendix A
  • The second appendix referred to in the paper would be named Appendix B
  • If you have more than 26 appendices, start the alphabet over with AA, BB, CC, and so on.
  • If there is only one appendix, it is just called Appendix
  • Each appendix must also have a title
  • Begin each appendix on a separate page with page number
  • Place the label and title of each appendix at the top of the page, centered, bold, using normal capitalization. Label first, title second.
  • The first paragraph is flush left and not indented.
  • The second and following paragraphs are indented as "normal" paragraphs are.
  • All paragraphs are double spaced.
  • Exception to the tables/figures numbering rule: add the letter of the appendix (A, B, C, etc.) to the figure or table number (e.g., Table B3 would be the third table in Appendix B).
  • If your appendices use information from an outside source, cite it parenthetically within the text of the appendix and include the reference in the main references list for the paper (do not create a separate references list).

A sample appendix is below.

  • Abstracts & Appendices
  • Last Updated Jul 06, 2020
  • Views 3073379
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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Comments (40)

  • Not only did this answer my question, it answered several questions I hadn't even considered yet. Excellent resource! by Magnus on Nov 23, 2016
  • Great resource to use, very helpful info. Thank you for the visual example. by Anonymous on Dec 15, 2016
  • Extraordinarily helpful by Ashna on Feb 27, 2017
  • This information was very helpful! The instructions and example provided clarity. by Student on Mar 06, 2017
  • What about page numbering? Is it continuous or does it restart at the beginning of the appendix section or does each appendix have its own page numbering (e.g. A1, A2, B1, B2...)? Sara, Librarian Answer: Page numbering is continuous, it does not restart at the appendix section. by Brent on Apr 21, 2017
  • Does APA style require a whole section page for appendices? As in, a page with APPENDIX (or APPENDICES) written in the middle of the page before the actual appendices themselves? Sara, Librarian Answer: No. A page like that is unnecessary. by Sara on Apr 28, 2017
  • When I have an assignment limiting to a particular number of pages (lets say 6 pages), do the appendix pages count as one of those six pages? Sara, Librarian Answer: Typically the appendix pages do not count as part of the paper. However, we suggest that you check with your instructor to make sure that's their expectation. by Katie on May 03, 2017
  • Hello If I add tables or/and figures to my appendix. Do I have to make a new page for every new table/figure or am I allowed to just leave a line and then begin with the new table/figure? Sara, Librarian Answer: You can have as many figures and/or tables in one single appendix as makes sense. Each figure/table should still be formatted in APA and include a caption. by Kerstin on May 09, 2017
  • If I have multiple pages to a report that I'd like to include in one appendix (they are all part of the same report), do I continue to title each page Appendix A? Sara, Librarian Reply: No. You only need to title the first page of each different appendix. by Allison on Jun 06, 2017
  • Thank you for this exceedingly abundantly helpful resource. Janie Richter by Jane Richter on Jun 23, 2017
  • How are appendices displayed in the ToC? Since the title is on a separate line my template is only showing "Appendix" but I'm wondering if it should show "Appendix - Title." Sara, Librarian Reply: Hi Brad, different colleges and universities, departments and individual instructors have their own preferences for the format of the title page, table of contents, and other items that are particular to academic papers, so the APA manual doesn’t cover these formats. Since your instructor is responsible for the curriculum and grading rubrics, check with them to find out how they would like your appendix titles to appear in the table of contents. by Brad on Jul 29, 2017
  • I'm required to transcript an interview and add it to my paper. My first question is, do I add this interview as an appendix? If so, how do I do this considering the parameters of the APA style? Thank you in advance! Sara, Librarian Reply: You can add an interview transcript as an appendix. We highly recommend you talk to your instructor about how they want the transcript formatted and added to your paper. If your instructor doesn't have any specific parameters for formatting in the appendix, we recommend sticking to standard APA formatting style: 12pt, Times New Roman font, double spaced, and 1 inch margins. by dcrada on Aug 01, 2017
  • Hi, I was just wondering what you name your appendix if you have more than 26 and have run out of alphabet letters? Sara, Librarian Reply: If you run through the alphabet and still have additionally appendices, then we recommend you start over again with Appendix AA, BB, CC, and so on. by F on Aug 31, 2017
  • This is great! Much easier and quicker to read and grasp than the APA style guide. by Lily on Sep 03, 2017
  • How do I provide in text reference to a table which appears in my appendix? I know I have to refer to the table by table number but how do I say which page it is on in the appendices? Sara, Librarian Reply: Hi Robin, you would do an in-text reference like you would for any other source: (Appendix B, Figure 1). See the APA Style Blog for more information about citing parts of a work: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/11/how-to-cite-part-of-a-work.html by Robin on Oct 30, 2017
  • How would you reference a figure from an appendix in-text? (see Fig. 4) or (see Appendix B, Fig.4 for more information). Sara, Librarian Reply: Hi TJ, we recommend that you include which appendix you are referencing in-text. So the example you would use is (Appendix B, Figure 4). Please see the APA Style Blog if you need any additional clarification http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/11/how-to-cite-part-of-a-work.html by Me on Oct 31, 2017
  • Do I need to reference an appendix each time it comes up in the document or just the first time it is referenced? Sara, Librarian Reply: Just as you would with an in-text citation, every time you mention an appendix make sure you reference it. by Linda G on Nov 05, 2017
  • If the appendix is a survey or other pre-formatted document, what are the requirements for spacing of the body? Does it still need to be double spaced? Sara, Librarian Reply: Different colleges and universities, departments and individual instructors have their own preferences for the formatting of documents added as appendices. We highly recommend that you talk with your instructor/advisor about if they want your document reformatted to be double spaced. by Deborah on Dec 21, 2017
  • Nice work helped me alot by Leo Rice on Mar 04, 2018
  • How would I go about citing information that I used to create a figure within my appendix? Do I need to cite in the appendix where I obtained the information that I used in the graphs/tables? Sara, Librarian Reply: Do an in-text citation in your appendix (just like you would in the body of your paper) for the information you are quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing. Then add the full reference/citation information to the main references list for your paper. by Nikki on Mar 13, 2018
  • Hi, can you clarify how I refer to tables in an appendix in APA 6th? Do I need to write (see Table 1 in Appendix A) or is it (see Table A1) or is there another way? thank you. Sara, Librarian Reply: Hi Bill, to refer to the Appendix within your text, write (see Appendix A) at the end of the sentence in parentheses. If you are referring to a table, you would then write (see Appendix A, Table 1). I hope that helps clarify things for you! by Bill on Mar 14, 2018
  • I adapted a figure from an image I found in the 2nd page of a paper Appendix. In the caption of figure, should I write ,Appendices, instead of the page number which is not available? Thank you in advance. Sara, Librarian Reply: Yes, in the caption you should write which appendix you got the figure from. by Souha on Mar 14, 2018
  • Excellent and detailed explanation. Very helpful... by Murox Tobby on Mar 20, 2018
  • Thank you this was so helpful by angie on Mar 25, 2018
  • My paper includes a long part with a lot of different events and dates. Therefore, I want to summarize each event and attach it as a table in the Appendix. Do I have to add citations in this table, although I already included all citations in the text and the table does solely contain information from my main text? Sara, Librarian Reply: Hi Jake. Yes, if your appendix includes tables or figures, treat them as they would be treated in the main text and add the citations. by Jake on Apr 26, 2018
  • If a text in my paper refers to the Appendix more than once in my text, should I reference the Appendix each time? Sara, Librarian Reply: Yes. As with citing, so with referencing your appendices: always cite/reference your source. by Adrian on Apr 30, 2018
  • Hello :) If I have a few pages from a manual I used for my dissertation, and I want to place them in the appendix, how do I do so? Because if I insert them normally, the plagiarism detection software will detect them as copied, I presume. Thanks! Sara, Librarian Reply: Hi Martina, is there a reason you want to put them in an appendix instead of just citing the section of the source in your dissertation? Do the pages themselves add something to your paper that justifies the duplication? If you still want to add those pages to your appendix, then add them normally. You should also ask your faculty advisor for their opinion or reference your institution's formatting guide. by Martina on May 01, 2018
  • Thank you so much for this! The visual representation was very helpful, particularly because the APA Guide was very hard to interpret in respect to the Appendices. I would've put the label and name down incorrectly in my thesis if it wasn't for this! by Maddy on Oct 27, 2018
  • Great work! Your presentation helps me a lot, including the questions and answers portion! by Belen,php on Nov 23, 2018
  • Does the appendix include a page number and a header? Sara, Librarian reply: Yes. The appendix should include a page number and a header. by Alyssa on Feb 03, 2019
  • I am trying to cite the appendix of my e-book for my paper. How do I do that? by Shashi on Mar 21, 2019
  • Very helpful. Well detailed and on point. Thank you so much by Peter Wanyangi on Apr 02, 2019
  • Thank you for this reference. The example helped solidify my questions about how to effectively use and appendix. Great! by A on May 07, 2019
  • A very useful and highly relevant information. Thank you all. by Dr Sam V Daniel on Sep 23, 2019
  • Excellent, nicely presented and comprehensive. Loved going through it. by Anoop Tiwari on Oct 28, 2019
  • Excellent explanation, love it, fully helped and thanks a lot. by Godwine Okoth on Jan 22, 2020
  • This was exceedingly helpful,thanks a lot by Favour Anne on Mar 18, 2020
  • This resource is so incredibly helpful - thank you by Jennifer on Jun 06, 2021
  • This is a very useful explanation. It has answered more than one question.Highly relevant information. by Carol Nelson on Nov 14, 2022
  • This is a great reference. thank you! by Carlos on Apr 28, 2023

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More apa style guidelines: appendices.

APA 7 addresses appendices and supplemental materials in Section 2.14 and on page 41. As a general guide, appendices are appropriate for any material that, if presented in the main body of the document, would unnecessarily interrupt the flow of the writing. In Walden doctoral capstone studies, you may include some appendices with supplementary information. If so, remember that

  • The appendices follow the reference list.
  • They are lettered A, B, C, and so forth. If you have only one appendix, however, simply label it Appendix.
  • Appendices are paginated continuously in the upper-right corner of all pages.
  • The materials in the appendix must not extend beyond the margins of the rest of the document: Reduce the size of the appendix materials as needed.
  • Appendices are labeled following the ordering of appendices in the text (APA 7, Section 2.14). Appendix A should be the first appendix referred to the text and the first appendix in the appendices.
  • Tables and figures are placed in separate appendices. The appendix title serves as the title for a table if it is the only table in the appendix. These tables and figures are not included in the Table of Contents.
  • If you decide that certain tables and figures should appear in the same appendix, number them A1, A2, A3, and so forth, according to the appendix in which they appear. Add these tables and figures to the List of Tables or List of Figures, following the last table or figure from the narrative chapters.
  • Personal contact information or other sorts of identifying information from any materials in an appendix should be deleted. This will protect your privacy and that of any other researchers, mentors, or participants.
  • Any consent form(s) you may have included at the proposal or IRB review stages should be deleted.
  • Letters of permission should be included in an appendix. Any published material not in the public domain requires permission from the copyright holder. Note that permission to use a published survey instrument or other test instrument is a separate permission and must be included in your manuscript. See the ProQuest information on copyright and permissions in graduate research.
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The appendix (plural appendices) is placed at the end of the a piece of academic work after the reference list and contains additional material which supports the body of the work but which would be distracting or inappropriate to include within the text itself. The appendix can include text, tables, figures, or a combination of these.

Begin each appendix on a new page. Each appendix requires a label which is followed on the next line by a title which describes the subject of the appendix. The label should be Appendix or, if there is more than one, label each appendix with a capital letter, e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. 

The label and the title should be in bold and centered and written in title case (i.e. capitalise all major words).

Each appendix should be mentioned at least once in the text and should be referred to in text by the specific label - e.g. (see Appendix A).

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Citations - APA: Formatting - Essay, Reference List, Appendix, & Sample Paper

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Sample Papers

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If you are adding an appendix to your paper there are a few rules to follow that comply with APA guidelines:

  • The Appendix appears  after  the References list
  • If you have more than one appendix you would name the first appendix Appendix A, the second Appendix B, etc.
  • The appendices should appear in the order that the information is mentioned in your essay
  • Each appendix begins on a new page
  • APA Sample Paper - with Appendix (Purdue OWL example)

Quick Rules for an APA Reference List

Your research paper ends with a list of all the sources cited in the text of the paper. Here are nine quick rules for this Reference list.

  • Start a new page for your Reference list. Centre the title, References, at the top of the page.
  • Double-space the list.
  • Start the first line of each reference at the left margin; indent each subsequent line five spaces (a hanging indent).
  • Put your list in alphabetical order. Alphabetize the list by the first word in the reference. In most cases, the first word will be the author’s last name. Where the author is unknown, alphabetize by the first word in the title, ignoring the words a, an, the.
  • For each author, give the last name followed by a comma and the first (and middle, if listed) initials followed by periods.
  • Italicize the titles of works: books, audiovisual material, internet documents and newspapers, and the title and volume number of journals and magazines.
  • Do not italicize titles of parts of works, such as: articles from newspapers, magazines, or journals / essays, poems, short stories or chapter titles from a book / chapters or sections of an Internet document.
  • In titles of non-periodicals (books, videotapes, websites, reports, poems, essays, chapters, etc), capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, and all proper nouns (names of people, places, organizations, nationalities).
  • If more than one place of publication is listed give the publisher's home office. If the home office is not given or known then choose the first location listed.
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Mechanics of Style

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Refer to Ch. 6 Mechanics of style in the APA Publication Manual 7th ed. regarding specific guidelines regarding the mechanics of style for writing.

  • Use 1" margins for the entire document.
  • Use a 1/2" indent for every paragraph and footnote.
  • Indent set-off quotations 1/2" from the left margin.

Text Formatting

  • Should be accessible to all users
  • The same font should be used throughout paper
  • San serif fonts preferred for online works (Recommend 11pt Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 10pt Lucida Sans Unicode)
  • Serif fonts preferred for print works (Recommend 12pt Times New Roman or 11pt Georgia)
  • Figure images- use a sans serif font with a type size between 8 and 14
  • Computer code- use a monospace font (ex. 10pt Lucida Console or 10pt Courier New)
  • Footnotes- default footnote settings of word-processing program acceptable
  • Do not justify the text or use hyphenation.
  • One space after a period

Page Header

  • Doesn't have to be same as title, but limited to 50 characters and conveys the idea of the title
  • If title is less than 50 characters, can be used as running head
  • Avoid using abbreviations in the running head
  • Appears flush left in all-capital letters
  • Page number should be flush right.
  • If title is longer than one line, separate the title and subtitle on double-spaced lines if desired
  • Center the author's/authors' name directly under the title.
  • Format the name omitting titles (Dr, Prof, etc.) and degrees: First name, middle initial, last name.
  • Center the institutional affiliation directly under the author's/authors' name.
  • Author's note (not applicable to student papers)
  • Course number and name of course
  • Instructor name
  • Assignment due date
  • Running head in page header, flush left (not applicable to student papers)
  • Page number in page header, flush right


  • Begin introduction on a new page.
  • Type the title in title case, bold, centered and positioned at the top of the first page of text
  • Do not type the heading "Introduction," title will act as de facto Level 1 heading
  • Use Level 2 heading for any subsections within introduction, Level 3 for subsections of Level 2, and so on
  • Use Level 1 heading for next main section of paper

References (Reference Page)

  • Starts on new page
  • The word " References " should appear (without quotation marks) centered at the top of the page, bold
  • Double-space all reference entries
  • Use a hanging indent for reference- first line of each reference is flush with the left margin while subsequent lines are indented.
  • Use footnotes to provide additional content or acknowledge copyright permission
  • Content footnotes convey just one idea and only include simple, relevant or essential information
  • Use a footnote to acknowledge the source of lengthy quotes, scale and test items, and figures or tables that have been reproduced or adapted
  • Number all footnotes consecutively in the order they appear, use superscript Arabic numerals within the text
  • For separate page- Label section "Footnotes" in bold, centered at the top of the page.  Write footnotes as double-spaced indented paragraphs which begin with superscript footnote number.
  • Begin each appendix on a new page following references and footnotes (if applicable).
  • If single appendix, label page "Appendix."
  • If there is more than one appendix, label each with with a capital letter (ex. "Appendix A," "Appendix B" and so forth) in the order they're mentioned in the text
  • If text appendix contains tables, figures, footnotes and/or display equations, give each one a number preceded by the letter of the appendix in which it appears (ex. Figure A2 for the second figure in Appendix A).
  • If appendix "consists of only a table or figure, then the appendix label takes the place of the table or figure number and the appendix title takes the place of the table or figure title."

Adapted from American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed).  https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

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The correct form of abbreviation must be used in reference lists:

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APA Appendix – Construction, Rules & Examples

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While an appendix is fairly self-explanatory, academic writing styles have their own conventions on how to create and use this section of a paper. The APA appendix comes at the end of your paper and provides supplementary material not present within the main body with the purpose of complementing the primary text. It typically offers deeper insight into the research and results. Master the task of creating and formatting an APA appendix below.


  • 1 APA Appendix – In a Nutshell
  • 2 Definition: APA appendix
  • 3 When is it relevant to create an APA appendix?
  • 4 APA appendix format
  • 5 Naming and structuring an APA appendix

APA Appendix – In a Nutshell

  • An APA appendix isn’t mandatory.
  • An APA appendix contains supplementary material that is too detailed or distracting if included in your main text.
  • Do not use an APA appendix as an info dump – appendix information should be included for value and research transparency, and only if it is referenced within your research.
  • An APA appendix appears as the last section of your paper, clearly labelled with APA style conventions.
  • Refer to tables and figures within your main text just as they appear in your appendix.

Definition: APA appendix

An appendix is derived from the Latin “appendere” (“to add”).

In academic terminology, an appendix is the end section of a paper where extra information is provided for the reader. The plural of appendix is appendices. Appendices often consist of research materials in the form of tables and figures, but textual appendices are also permitted. The APA style advocates for the APA appendix to be placed very last, after references, in a paper’s order.

When is it relevant to create an APA appendix?

Appendices aren’t mandatory and should only be included if they help the reader understand, interpret or evaluate your main argument. As all essential information is included within the text, including figures and tables, only supplementary material appears in appendices. However, appendices can be useful for listing the following:

  • Interview transcripts that are partially quoted within your main argument. This is for transparency.
  • Complete and detailed statistical data. You can provide supplementary tables for figures, like charts, used in your main body.
  • Detailed descriptions of items or complex equipment used in your research.
  • Full documents or forms used in your research, whether test group questionnaires or scales.

An APA appendix doesn’t just appear without any reference. Each APA appendix must be mentioned at least once within your paper’s main body. If you don’t actually refer to an appendix, do not include it.

When you reference or discuss information found in an appendix, you don’t need to repeat the appendix name each time you discuss the general topic.

“Interviewee C described her experiences growing up in Holmes County, Ohio as “formative” (see Appendix C for full interview transcripts) .”

APA appendix format

An APA appendix section follows similar formatting conventions to other sections in the APA style:

  • The title appears bold and centered at the top of the page.
  • Underneath the main appendix title you’ll provide a descriptive title for the content. (similarly formatted)
  • The rest of the appendix follows the APA style with a left-aligned and double-spaced text layout .
  • Page numbers should be listed in the top right header .

Note: Always start a new appendix on a separate page , not underneath another.


Naming and structuring an APA appendix

You should present your appendices in alphabetical order that relates to their reference position within your text. Appendix A will be the first appendix mentioned, and so on.

An APA appendix must be titled and referenced correctly. If you have just one appendix, this is simply titled “Appendix” and appears as “see Appendix” in the text. However, if you’re using multiple appendices, follow the titling convention of “Appendix A”, “Appendix B” and so on.

You can include additional tables and figures within your APA appendix. However, unlike their use within your main text, appendix-based tables and figures follow different labeling conventions.

Each appendix has its own alphabetical label followed by a numerical reference for each table/figure included.

Refer to individual tables and figures within your main text with the above conventions, e.g., (see Fig C1). However, if an appendix consists of just one figure or table, you can refer to it by the appendix name, like “Appendix C”.

What is an appendix?

An appendix is a section of your paper that includes additional information to supplement your research. Examples of content include interview transcripts and raw data.

Can I cite external sources in my APA appendix?

Yes. Follow APA in-text citation guidelines by treating your appendix like the main text. Any sources must be included in the Reference List section.

Do I need to include an APA appendix?

An appendix is not mandatory but should be used where appropriate. If in doubt, consult your professor or subject guidelines.

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Tables, Images, & Appendices in APA Style

In some of the assignments, you may find it practical to add a table or an image. In addition, you may need to include an appendix at the end of your writing. Both figures and appendices help to convey data to the reader in a more detailed or visual form. Use this guide to understand how to create and properly integrate tables, images, and appendices in your paper.

How to Create a Table in Microsoft Word

A table puts numerical or textual information into rows and columns. You may use tables if you need to give precise values for complex structured data. It is possible to create a table using Microsoft Word, where you may either insert table and enter the desired number of rows and columns, or draw table by dragging the pencil to make horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines. In addition, a table may be copied from the original source. Each table should have:

  • a number according to the order in which it is presented in the text
  • a descriptive title so that a reader can immediately understand what information the table contains
  • a complete citation, if you are presenting data produced by someone else.

How to Format a Table in APA Style

  • Number the table. Example: Table 1
  • Give a meaningful and understandable title in italics.

Factors contributing to nurses’ involvement in setting health policy

  • Include a “ Note ” to give any additional information regarding the table or give a full citation.

Note : Reprinted from Shariff, N. (2014). Factors that act as facilitators and barriers to nurse leaders’ participation in health policy development. BMC Nursing, 13(20) . doi:10.1186/1472-6955-13-20

  • Refer to the table by its label (for example, Table 1) rather than by its name.

“The factors contributing to greater involvement of nurses in the development of health policy and agenda setting can be seen in Table 1.”

Table 1 The factors contributing to nurses’ involvement in setting health policy

Note : Reprinted from Shariff, N. (2014). The factors that act as facilitators and barriers to nurse leaders’ participation in health policy development. BMC Nursing, 13(20) . doi:10.1186/1472-6955-13-20

When to Use and How to Incorporate Images

Use a graph or an image to present a specific object or a drawing within the body of your work. Figures should add to the reader’s understanding of the content of a paper. An image or a graph may be copied from the original source. All figures must be of good quality, informative, and fit on one page. An image should have a number, a title, and a full reference citation.

How to Format an Image in APA Style

  • Label an image as Figure and give it a corresponding number. Example: Figure 1
  • Give your image a meaningful title. Example: Figure 1: Current vehicle license plate in Georgia
  • After writing a title, include a full reference citation to indicate the original source of the image
  • Refer to an image by its label. Example: “Refer to Figure 1 to learn about the standard format for license plates in Georgia.”

Vehicle license plate in Georgia

What Is an Appendix in a Paper?

An appendix includes supplemental materials that are inappropriate for the body of the paper as they may distract a reader. For example, these may be questionnaires or surveys, raw statistical data, or interview transcripts. The information presented in an appendix is not required to understand the main argument of your work. Therefore, an appendix or appendices should be presented at the end of your work after a Works Cited or References page.

How to Create and Integrate an Appendix

  • The appendix heading should begin on a separate page and be in upper case.
  • If the work has one appendix, it should be labeled “APPENDIX.” If a paper has two or more appendices, they should be labeled “APPENDIX A,” “APPENDIX B,” and so on.
  • Label appendices in the order in which they are presented in the text.
  • Each appendix should be referred to by its name in the body of the paper.

“For additional information about the statistical data, see Appendix A.”

  • An appendix may include citations, which should be included in the reference list.
  • An appendix label should be centered at the top of a page.

To sum up, tables, images, and appendices may help you to provide a comprehensive representation of the data, as well as give readers additional information about the topic. This guide has discussed how to create and integrate each one of these features into your paper. In addition, it has explained how to properly format tables, figures, and appendices according to the rules of APA style.

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APA appendix

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APA appendix is a separate section that provides supplementary information that doesn't fit the main body of a paper. It can include information such as research, formulas, data sets, images, and diagrams. APA style has special requirements to labeling and formatting appendices.

If you are reading this article, then you obviously want to know what an APA appendix is. But how do you deal with it? What does it include? How can you create and format it in the first place? Learn how to properly label your sources from different texts and media in one APA format paper . In this article you will find all the information you need, without reaching out to other online sources. Let's get started!

When Should I Do an Appendix

Prior to creating an appendix, you should ask yourself if you should do it at all. If your data fits in your paper's body, then appendices are not needed. But if an additional information is too large, we suggest that you resort to making an addition to your work. Same goes if it will interrupt the flow of your text, or if it has any useful supplement. For example, if you created a survey, then you can include the results in an appropriate part of your work. This will allow you to leave the rest of information to your addition. Mention it in main paper's body, and you're golden. Make sure that information you put is relevant, though. Don't turn it into a useless dump: it shouldn't confuse a reader, but help them in getting an additional insight. Need an APA paper writer ? Resort to StudyCrumb! Our writing service offers a huge team of academic professionals who can tackle papers in any format, including APA.

Appendix APA: Overview

APA appendix is not just a section of a work that includes all the information that didn't fit in a work itself, but a section that must follow strict formatting rules. Keep them in mind when you create your own!

  • You can have several appendices.
  • Grant your appendices their own separate page for each.
  • And a title, for which you should use a title case.
  • One appendix can be labeled just so; if they are several, name them Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
  • Center the label at the top of a page, and a title - on a page under it.
  • You can use citations. Make in text citation APA and include all sources in your main reference section.
  • You can include figures, subfigures and tables with their own short italicized explanatory title.
  • Use parenthetical citations if you want to refer to it in text.
  • Don't forget to include all appendices in the table of contents.

APA Appendix Format

The time has come to learn an appropriate appendix APA format. It is not as scary as it seems, though: just follow the basic rules of formatting. They usually specify font and font size, spacings and size of margins. Observe:

  • Choose your font and stick to it. Preferably it is 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Calibri.
  • Double-space your text.
  • Indent all your paragraphs on the first line.
  • Don't forget to number your pages. They should continue the numbering of your paper.

APA Appendix Example

All this talk is good and informative, but what is it without an appendix example in APA? We know that sometimes it is easier to comprehend presented information with a nice visual. Remember, that you can easily put letters, tables, questionnaires, interview transcripts and a lot more. Make it great! And check out our example.

APA Appendix Format

An Appendices: Organizing and Labeling

When dealing with appendices, there are truly just a handful of rules you should remember. As we mentioned before, you should label your appendix as Appendix, if it is the only one you have. If there are multiple, name them Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on according to the English alphabet . Whether you have tables, figures or subfigures, you should always give them a brief description. It must be italicized, as to avoid confusion with the rest of the (possible) text. Make it brief - no one wants to read a huge explanation, when it can be easily summarized in a few words. Lastly, remember to present and label your appendices in the order they are referred to in the main text. Maybe you are looking for APA results section , we have the whole blog dedicated to this topic.

APA Appendix: Bottom Line

Formatting your appendix in APA style is a pretty easy ordeal, once you get a hang of it. General guidelines, provided by the 7th edition, are simple, as not to confuse you, dear reader. We hope that our article was of a good aid to you and wish you good luck on your future writing!


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Frequently Asked Questions About Appendix APA

1. where do appendices go in an apa style paper.

As a rule, APA appendices are put at the very last pages of your paper. It doesn't really matter how many sections in your main text you have - an appendix will always be at the end of it. Usually it goes right after the reference list.

2. Do I need to number my appendices in APA Style?

Yes, you absolutely need to number your appendices in APA style! If there are multiple of them, you must label them as "Appendix A", "Appendix B", and so on. But if you only have one, leave it as is and don't add any lettered numbering to it.

3. Does appendix go before or after references in APA?

Knowing whether the appendix goes before the references APA can greatly help at the end of your writing, when all that's left is placing everything in the correct order. Short answer is yes, it does. Especially so, if your paper does not contain tables, figures, or footnotes.

4. How do you reference an appendix in APA 7?

Referencing an appendix in APA 7 is no different than doing so in other editions of this formatting style. Use parenthetical citations in your paper's body and reference an appendix with a capital letter. Add lettered numbering if there are multiple appendices.


Emma Flores knows all about formatting standards. She shares with StudyCrumb readers tips on creating academic papers that will meet high-quality standards.

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APA Title Page

Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Tables, Appendices, Footnotes and Endnotes

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Appendices: When appendices might be necessary

Appendices allow you to include detailed information in your paper that would be distracting in the main body of the paper. Examples of items you might have in an appendix include mathematical proofs, lists of words, the questionnaire used in the research, a detailed description of an apparatus used in the research, etc.

Format of appendices

Your paper may have more than one appendix. Usually, each distinct item has its own appendix. If your paper only has one appendix, label it "Appendix" (without quotes.) If there is more than one appendix, label them "Appendix A," "Appendix B," etc. (without quotes) in the order that each item appears in the paper. In the main text, you should refer to the Appendices by their labels.

The actual format of the appendix will vary depending on the content; therefore, there is no single format. In general, the content of an appendix should conform to the appropriate APA style rules for formatting text.

Footnotes and Endnotes: When footnotes/endnotes might be necessary

Because APA style uses parenthetical citations, you do not need to use footnotes or endnotes to cite your sources. The only reasons you need to use footnotes are for explanatory (content) notes or copyright permission. Content footnotes contain information that supplements the text, but would be distracting or inappropriate to include in the body of the paper. In other words, content footnotes provide important information that is a tangent to what you are discussing in your paper.

The footnote should only express one idea. If it is longer than a few sentences, then you should consider putting this information in an appendix. Most authors do not use footnotes because they tend to be distracting to the readers. If the information is important, authors find a way to incorporate it into the text itself or put it in an appendix.

If you are including a quote that is longer than 500 words or a table or figure in your paper that was originally published elsewhere, then you need to include a footnote that acknowledges that you have permission from the owner of the copyright to use the material.

See our APA guidelines on Footnotes and Endnotes for more information.

When to use tables

Tables enable you to show your data in an easy to read format. However, you do not need to present all of your data in tabular form. Tables are only necessary for large amounts of data that would be too complicated in the text. If you only need to present a few numbers, you should do so directly in the text, not in a table.

How to use tables

Each table should be identified by a number, in the order that they appear in the text (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.). When using a table, you need to refer to the table in the text (e.g., "As shown in Table 1,…") and point out to the reader what they should be looking for in the table. Do not discuss every piece of data that is in the table or else there is no point in having the table. Only mention the most important pieces of information from the table.

The table should also make sense on its own. Be sure to explain all abbreviations except standard abbreviations such as M, SD, and df. Don’t forget to identify the unit of measurement.

APA style has a specific format for tables. Tables should appear at the end of your paper, after the reference list and before any appendixes. Every table needs a unique title after its label. The title should be brief but clearly explain what is in the table.

What Is an Appendix In Research and How You Create the One?

Table of contents

  • 1 What Is Appendix in Research Papers, Reports, and Proposals?
  • 2 What Detailed Information Should Refer to in the Appendix Section?
  • 3 How to Write an Appendix?
  • 4 Format an Appendix: Detailed Explanation
  • 5.1 Citing Sources in Your Appendix
  • 5.2 Common Mistakes You Better Avoid When Writing an Appendix
  • 5.3 Conclusion

The appendix is an important part of the academic writing research process since it provides additional material for research papers, reports, and proposals. Thus, this critical component enhances understanding of your work without cluttering the essential material.

Today, the writing service PapersOwl wants to explore the nuances of appendix writing so that your reader enjoys some detailed information at the end of your paper. We will cover:

  • Why should you include an appendix to your research paper?
  • What and How: The Essential Structure;
  • How to format and where to place it:
  • The significance of properly citing your sources (appendix in APA or MLA) and keeping your text consistent throughout.

Let’s not wait and get into the details of how to make an appendix effective right away.

What Is Appendix in Research Papers, Reports, and Proposals?

The first question you may ask is: What is an appendix in writing, and why might your reader need it?

Shortly, it serves as supplementary material in any type of academic writing, including an appendix in research, a report, or a proposal . Accordingly, it provides in-depth details to support the main content, enhancing understanding without cluttering the main text.

Basically, appendices provide a complete picture for the audience interested in further in-depth investigation while keeping the main text’s flow and readability.

What Detailed Information Should Refer to in the Appendix Section?

Looking at the appendix in paper definition, one can swiftly understand its importance. Therefore, you should think about the data you would like to include in your appendix for research paper or appendix in report to make it 10/10.

Appropriate appendix in literature content include:

  • Raw data sets used for analysis;
  • Detailed descriptions of research methodologies and data collection methods;
  • Supplementary figures or charts that provide further context;
  • Lengthy quotations or excerpts;
  • Additional analyses or calculations that support the conclusions.

Moreover, resources such as questionnaires, transcripts of interviews, survey findings, or any other supplementary materials mentioned but not thoroughly covered in the main body of the work can be included in successful appendices example in research paper.

How to Write an Appendix?

Now, we understand what to include in your future work, but how does one write an appendix in a research paper to achieve the best outcome?

Follow a structured approach to ensure clarity and coherence. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to create an appendix you should refer to:

  • Determine Supplementary Material. The first step is to decide which materials need to be added, as we did before. This might be any comprehensive material supporting your work’s primary points:
  • Long tables.
  • Extensive methodology.
  • Supplemental figures.
  • Interview transcripts.
  • Other research explanations.
  • Organize Your Content. Organize the contents into a logical appendix section. Create separate appendices if you have many elements, such as distinct data sets or analyses. It prevents overloading any of your readers. It is also vital to consider the type of paper you are writing. Dissertation parts may be considerably longer than research appendices, and the word count may change.
  • Label and Title Each Appendix. Clearly label and title each appendix sample to make navigating your appendix section easy for the reader.
  • Reference Appendices in the Main Part. Throughout the main body of your appendix section of research paper, reference relevant appendices to direct your reader to supplementary information.

This step-by-step plan will help you produce an appendix in scientific paper that will both give readers access to material supporting your conclusions and improve the overall clarity of your research paper , report, or proposal.

Format an Appendix: Detailed Explanation

There is also one more vital step in the research process ─ formatting .

Indeed, you ensure crucial consistency and readability when you structure an appendix. Guidelines for formatting often depend on the style manual format you follow, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Generally, appendices in research paper should follow the same formatting rules as the rest of your document. It includes font style and size, margins, and spacing.

Additionally, remember to use precise phrasing. It points readers to the appropriate appendices in research paper. Specific types of appended materials must include:

  • Tables, Graphs, and Figures.
  • Questionnaires or Surveys.

Any other material included in the appendix in article should be clearly labeled and organized for easy reference.

PapersOwl team promises that adhering to these formatting recommendations will ensure that your research paper appendix:

  • Is neatly structured and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Improves the overall quality of your work.

Where to Add an Appendix to a Research Paper?

“ Okay, but where should I set up an appendix in my research? ”. PapersOwls hears this question almost every day, but no worries, we found an answer long ago!

The appendix at the end of a paper is the most typical placement on a separate page after your research paper’s reference list or bibliography. Accordingly, this placement ensures that readers can easily access additional material without interrupting the flow of the main text. If you have more than one appendix, you should distinguish them. Use:

→ a multiple pages numbering system (e.g., Appendix 1, Appendix 2);

→ a lettering system (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B).

Citing Sources in Your Appendix

Citing is one of the most important aspects of research and any academic work. Apparently, you should include citations in your research paper appendix!

Therefore, cite credible sources using the same citation style used in the main body of the paper (e.g., APA style, MLA). What is the easiest way to help readers easily locate and verify the sources used in the text citations? Maintain the same citation style as in the main text, whether it is a research proposal appendix or an appendix in a report!

Common Mistakes You Better Avoid When Writing an Appendix

Obviously, we understand that nothing can be perfect, and you are allowed to make mistakes while studying. Nevertheless, we recommend analyzing common errors in writing appendix pieces to avoid doing them! Don’t worry; we did it for you so you could correct everything before submitting your work!

  • Overloading With Irrelevant Information. Unneeded material that does not complement the document’s core substance might overwhelm readers.
  • Poor Organization. Failing to organize the appendix in a paper can confuse readers. Ensure that materials are grouped and labeled clearly.
  • Inconsistent Formatting. Deviating from the formatting guidelines used in the main text can create inconsistency. To avoid this, organize an appendix uniformly in font style, size, margins, and citations.
  • Lack of Clarity. Presenting supplementary information in a confusing or unclear manner can hinder understanding. For this reason, be concise and ensure that each item in the appendix of research paper serves a clear purpose.

In a nutshell, the art of an appendix in writing is necessary for creating detailed and organized papers. PapersOwl gave you this small guide so you could:

  • Quickly identify relevant extra information.
  • Organize content logically.
  • Maintain formatting and consistent in-text citations.

In fact, a well-written appendix page improves the primary text’s clarity and adds to the research’s overall credibility. Thus, the appendix for a paper is an important tool for scholars who want to give clear, comprehensive documentation of their work. It may also be proof of your hard work.

With the PapersOwl’s guide, your research paper appendix example will promote deeper comprehension of the study issue!

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appendix essay apa


  1. How to Make an Appendix in APA Style

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  2. How to Make an Appendix in APA Style

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  4. APA Appendix: Guide on How to Format Appendices & Examples

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  6. How to Create an APA Style Appendix

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  1. How to Create an APA Style Appendix

    This article reflects the 7th edition guidelines of the APA Publication Manual. An appendix is a section at the end of an academic text where you include extra information that doesn't fit into the main text. The plural of appendix is "appendices." In an APA Style paper, appendices are placed at the very end, after the reference list.

  2. Footnotes & Appendices

    Text Appendices. Appendices should be formatted in traditional paragraph style and may incorporate text, figures, tables, equations, or footnotes. In an appendix, all figures, tables, and other visuals should be labelled with the letter of the corresponding appendix followed by a number indicating the order in which each appears.

  3. Formatting an Appendix

    Begin each appendix on a separate page. At the top of the page, center the word Appendix and the identifying capital letters (A, B, etc.) in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Center the title of the appendix using uppercase and lowercase letter on the next line. Begin the text of the appendix flush left, followed by indented ...

  4. APA Appendix: How to Write an Appendix in APA Format

    An APA appendix is found at the end of a paper and contains information that supplements the text but that is too unwieldy or distracting to include in the main body of the paper. APA format is the official writing style used by the American Psychological Association. This format dictates how academic and professional papers should be ...

  5. LibGuides: APA 7th edition

    Information in this section is as outlined in the APA Publication Manual (2020), sections 2.14, 2.17, 2.24, and 7.6. Appendices are used to include information that supplement the paper's content but are considered distracting or inappropriate for the overall topic. It is recommended to only include an appendix if it helps the reader ...

  6. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5 in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. Page numbers: Put a page number in the top right corner of every page, including the title page or cover page, which is page 1. Student papers do not require a running head on any page.

  7. APA Style Guide: 7th Edition

    An appendix consists of supplemental material that would be distracting or inappropriate in the text of the paper. Only include an appendix if it helps the reader understand, evaluate, or replicate the study or argument. Some examples of items typically included in appendices are: Text, tables, figures or a combination of these.

  8. How do I do an APPENDIX in APA style?

    Each appendix must be labeled with a letter (A, B, C, etc.) according to where it appears in the paper. The first appendix referred to in the paper would be named Appendix A. The second appendix referred to in the paper would be named Appendix B. If you have more than 26 appendices, start the alphabet over with AA, BB, CC, and so on.

  9. Academic Guides: More APA Style Guidelines: Appendices

    The materials in the appendix must not extend beyond the margins of the rest of the document: Reduce the size of the appendix materials as needed. Appendices are labeled following the ordering of appendices in the text (APA 7, Section 2.14). Appendix A should be the first appendix referred to the text and the first appendix in the appendices.

  10. Appendix/Appendices

    Appendix/Appendices. The appendix (plural appendices) is placed at the end of the a piece of academic work after the reference list and contains additional material which supports the body of the work but which would be distracting or inappropriate to include within the text itself. The appendix can include text, tables, figures, or a ...

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  13. APA Appendix ~ Construction, Rules & Examples

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  14. APA Style

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  15. Tables, Images, & Appendices in APA Style [2020 Updated]

    The appendix heading should begin on a separate page and be in upper case. If the work has one appendix, it should be labeled "APPENDIX.". If a paper has two or more appendices, they should be labeled "APPENDIX A," "APPENDIX B," and so on. Label appendices in the order in which they are presented in the text.

  16. APA Appendix: Guide on How to Format Appendices & Examples

    APA appendix is a separate section that provides supplementary information that doesn't fit the main body of a paper. It can include information such as research, formulas, data sets, images, and diagrams. APA style has special requirements to labeling and formatting appendices.

  17. APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition)

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    Throughout your paper, you need to apply the following APA format guidelines: Set page margins to 1 inch on all sides. Double-space all text, including headings. Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches. Use an accessible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt., or Georgia 11pt.).

  19. APA Sample Paper

    Media Files: APA Sample Student Paper , APA Sample Professional Paper This resource is enhanced by Acrobat PDF files. Download the free Acrobat Reader. Note: The APA Publication Manual, 7 th Edition specifies different formatting conventions for student and professional papers (i.e., papers written for credit in a course and papers intended for scholarly publication).

  20. PDF Hi, APA Styler! your paper or assignment

    Thank you for using the APA Style annotated sample professional paper for guidance when wri ng your paper or assignment. This sample paper PDF contains annota ons that draw aten on to key APA Style content and forma ng such as the tle page, headings, in-text cita ons, references, and more. Relevant sec ons of the seventh edi on of the ...

  21. Tables, Appendices, Footnotes and Endnotes

    Tables should appear at the end of your paper, after the reference list and before any appendixes. Every table needs a unique title after its label. The title should be brief but clearly explain what is in the table. Written for undergraduate students and new graduate students in psychology (experimental), this handout provides information on ...

  22. What Is an Appendix In Research and How You Create the One?

    5.3 Conclusion. The appendix is an important part of the academic writing research process since it provides additional material for research papers, reports, and proposals. Thus, this critical component enhances understanding of your work without cluttering the essential material. Today, the writing service PapersOwl wants to explore the ...

  23. Sample papers

    These sample papers demonstrate APA Style formatting standards for different student paper types. Students may write the same types of papers as professional authors (e.g., quantitative studies, literature reviews) or other types of papers for course assignments (e.g., reaction or response papers, discussion posts), dissertations, and theses.

  24. Paragraph alignment and indentation

    Paragraph indentation. Indent the first line of each paragraph of text 0.5 in. from the left margin. Use the tab key or the automatic paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program to achieve the indentation (the default setting is likely already 0.5 in.). Do not use the space bar to create indentation.