best research topics in zoology in pakistan

The Applied Zoological Society Pakistan (AZSP)

Nurturing the young researchers, inventing the future.


Abstract Books

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

Abstract Book 2020

The Applied Zoological Society Pakistan is proud to present our latest book of research abstracts, ICAZ-2020. Our team of experts in zoology and related fields have compiled this collection of groundbreaking research in order to promote and further advance our understanding of animal behavior, ecology, and conservation. Each abstract has been peer-reviewed to ensure its validity and relevance to the field.

Abstract Book 2021

We are proud to present The Applied Zoological Society Pakistan’s Abstract Book of ICAZ-2021. Featuring a collection of groundbreaking research from leading zoological experts, this abstract book is the perfect resource for anyone interested in the latest developments in animal conservation and welfare. We are excited to share our passion for animal welfare with a wide audience, and look forward to continuing our work in support of this important cause.

Abstract Book 2022

For the past decade, The Applied Zoological Society Pakistan has been at the forefront of researching and discussing important topics related to zoology. We are excited to share our latest publication, the Abstract Book for the ICAZ-2022 conference, which features cutting-edge research from the top zoologists in the country. This book covers a broad range of topics in zoology, including conservation, behavior, ecology and more. We are confident that this book will make a valuable contribution to the field and encourage further research and exploration. Download the book today and don't miss out on this fascinating read.

Abstract Book 2023

The Applied Zoological Society Pakistan is proud to announce the  release of our abstract book for ICAZ 2023. Our abstract book features a comprehensive collection of abstracts from esteemed zoologists in Pakistan. These abstracts cover a wide range of topics related to zoology and aim to provide readers with the latest research, discoveries and trends in the field. Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming book release!

100+ Zoology Research Topics in Pakistan

Zoology, the study of animals and their behavior is a fascinating field that opens the door to understanding the diversity of life on Earth.

Pakistan, a country known for its rich cultural heritage, is also blessed with a diverse range of flora and fauna.

In this article, we will delve into some exciting zoology research topics in Pakistan that shed light on the country’s unique biodiversity.

Zoology Research Topics in Pakistan

In conclusion, zoological research in Pakistan presents a vast array of captivating topics, ranging from wildlife conservation to the impact of climate change and the exploration of marine life. By actively engaging in these research areas, scientists, conservationists, and policymakers can work together to protect Pakistan’s rich biodiversity for generations to come.

Through dedicated efforts and innovative approaches, the nation can foster a sustainable environment that coexists harmoniously with its remarkable wildlife.

Remember, every step taken towards understanding and preserving Pakistan’s fauna and flora is a step towards safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity as a whole. Together, let’s embark on this journey of exploration and conservation.

Zoology Research Topics in Pakistan

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Pakistan Journal of Zoology

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

Subject Area and Category

  • Animal Science and Zoology

University of Punjab (new Campus)

Publication type

1975, 1979-1982, 1994-2023


How to publish in this journal

[email protected]

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.

Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.

This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.

Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.

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best research topics in zoology in pakistan

  • Registration

2 nd International Conference on Zoological Emerging Scientific Trends-2023

Visions of Research & Applications


Department of Zoology was established initially at Division of Science and Technology, College Road, Township in 2008. Currently it has been established in all of the campuses of University of Education, Lahore including, Bank Road, Faisalabad, Jauharabad, Attock, Vehari, DG Khan and Multan. It is offering BS, Post ADP, MS and PhD programs in morning and evening shift. Majority of the faculty members are highly qualified i.e. Postdoc and PhD from National and International level Universities. International conference with the name “Zoological Emerging Scientific Trends (ZEST)” was initiated by the Department of Zoology, University of Education, Lahore aims to provide a platform to the young research scholars to learn from the valuable experience of leading scientists of developed world in various aspects of Animal Sciences. ZEST was initiated with the motivation to provide an interdisciplinary insight for young scholars and faculty working in fields of recent and emerging trends of Animal Sciences with use of modern technologies. This international conference will be very helpful for young and new scholars to meet with renowned experts across the world and to share their knowledge and views with them for new collaborations. First online International Conference on Zoological Emerging Scientific Trends (ZEST-2022) was organized on January 18-19th, 2022, by the Department of Zoology, University of Education, Lahore under the patronage of Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Talat Naseer Pasha (H.I., S.I.) and command of Prof. Dr. Shagufta Andleeb (Chairperson Department of Zoology/Principal Bank Roan Campus) with the support of Prof. Dr. M. Aalm Saeed (Director DSnT). 1st two days International Conference on ZEST was organized by department of Zoology, University of Education, Lahore from 18-19th, January 2022. In this conference there were 289 total abstracts that were published. Total number of presenters in this conference were 57 including 26 national and international keynote speakers. Keynote presenters were as Prof. Dr. Shang-Tian Yang (Professor of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University, Columbus), Dr. Azhar Rasul (Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan), Dr. Habib-Ur-Rehman (Dean Faculty of Biosciences, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan), Prof. Dr. Najma Shaheen (IMBB, University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan), Dr. Zahid Iqbal Bhatti (Ex-Director Lahore Zoo, Pakistan), Prof. Dr. Usman Atique (Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University, South Korea), Prof. Dr. S. Stockinger (Head of the Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria), Dr. Muhammad Sohail Afzal (Associate Professor, Department of life Sciences, UMT, Lahore, Pakistan), Prof. Dr. Johannes A. Schmid (Head of the Inst. of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research, Centre for Physiology and Pharmacology Schwarzspanierstraße, Medical University of Vienna, Austria), Prof. Dr. Pierre Comizzoli (Research Biologist, Center for Species Survival Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute National Zoological Park Washington, DC), Dr. Raja Hussain Ali (Harvard University Boston, USA), Dr. Khatereh Khorsandi (Assistant Prof. Biochemistry, Department of Photodynamic, Medical Laser Research Center, Yara Institute, ACECR, University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran), Dr. Kimberly Hamad Schifferli (Associate Professor, Department of Engineering, Department of Engineering, Affiliate Faculty, School for the Environment, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA), Prof. Dr. Shuichi Karita (Graduate School and Faculty of Bioresources, Department of Life Sciences, Fermentation Biology Lab, Mie University, Japan), Prof. Dr. David T. Harris (Professor of Immunology, Executive Director, AHSC Biorepository, Arizona Health Sciences Centre, University of Arizona, USA), Dr. Amer Mahmood (Associate Prof. King Khalid University Hospital, Saudi Arabia), Prof. Dr. Zeliha Selamoglu (Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Nigde Ömer Halisdemir University, Nigde Campus, Turkey), Prof. Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Tahir (Department of Zoology, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan), Prof. Dr. Murat Arslan (Department of Aquaculture, Ataturk University, Turkey), Syed Ghulam Mohayud Din Hashmi (Incharge Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory, Department of Wildlife & Ecology University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan), Dr. Syed Makhdoom Hussain (Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Department of Zoology, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan), Prof. Dr. Shamim Akhter (Department of Zoology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan), Dr. Ilknur Ucak (Associate Professor, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Turkey), Prof. Dr. Hafiz M. N. Iqbal (School of Engineering and Science, Technologico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada, Monterrey, Mexico), Dr. Arshad Javid (Associate Professor, Department of Wildlife and Ecology, Department of Wildlife and Ecology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan) and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar (Department of Zoology, University of Sargodha, Pakistan). There were also 16 posters presenters in the conference. In continuation of the International Conference on Zoological Emerging Scientific Trends (ZEST-2022), Department of Zoology, University of Education, Lahore is organizing the 2nd International Conference on hybrid mode (Virtual and Physical Mode) on March 07-08nd, 2023 under the umbrella of the Zoological society name as “The Zoologist” (established in September, 2019) and it will provide an international platform for the dissemination of advancement in the research and development of new techniques.


50+ Speakers


Department of Zoology, DSnT

University of Education, Lahore

07-08 March

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

Are you ready to attend?

Get your self register last date of abstract submission is 14 th february 2023, conference program.

Schedule will be placed here

March 01, 2023

March 02, 2023

Parallel Sessions

Message from Prof. Dr. Talat Naseer Pasha (H.I.,S.I.)

Vice chancellor university of education, lahore.

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

The 2 nd Annual International Conference on “Zoological Emerging Scientific Trends (ZEST-2023)” will be an excellent platform for developing ties among international and national researchers in field of Animal Sciences. It is my great pleasure to welcome all delegates and participants to this conference. Conferences of such nature provide a great opportunity, not only to update knowledge and keep obsessed with the latest development scenario in the respective field but also an occasion for pupils/delegates/students/young researchers to exchange ideas and interact with each other to give-up new ideas encompassing the intricacies of Animal Sciences. I would like to congratulate the Department of Zoology, University of Education, Lahore for their commitment and superb drive in organizing the 2 nd edition of ZEST conference in hybrid mode. I am very certain that this will provide a platform for sharing knowledge, strengthening our working relationships while at the same time providing the necessary thrust towards joint research collaborations and product commercialization, within the research society. It is my aspiration that ZEST-2023 will be a foundation for the growth of new ideas towards a better tomorrow. I wish you all a fruitful discourse.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad

Pro-vice chancellor university of education, lahore.

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

On behalf of University of Education, Lahore, I would like to give a warm welcome to all participants and invited speakers to the 2nd Two-Day International Conference of Zoology, ZEST 2023. We do hope all the arrangements made for this conference meet your expectation. Serving as a place where a pool of talented researchers, academician and students converge and mingle with one another, this conference will help you gain knowledge, creating and opening new opportunities and territories to be explored. So, let's mingle and create collaborations in harnessing for future mutual benefits.

Message from Prof. Dr. Mohammad Alam Saeed

Director division of science & technology, university of education, lahore.

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

On behalf of the Department of Zoology Department, Zoological Society “The Zoologists” and organizing committees of ZEST-2023, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all the international and national Keynote/Guests/Invited speakers and participants to the University of Education, Lahore for the 2 nd Two-Day International Conference entitled “Zoological Emerging Scientific Trends” (ZEST) 2023. It will be held in hybrid mode (virtual as well as physical). I am confident that ZEST-2023 will play an important role in encouraging activities in the research and development of Zoology in Pakistan, and open an excellent opportunity to forge collaborations between research institutions both within the country and with international partners. I would like to appreciate the society “The Zoologists” to provide such a competitive and healthy platform to the researchers in the field of Zoology and allied sciences. I wish best of luck to the Chair, Organizing Committees of ZEST-2023, faculty members, sponsors, distinguished participants, and all who have scholarly contributed to this conference. I am very enthusiastic about this 2 nd edition of ZEST and hope it will be another successful event.

Prof. Dr. Shagufta Andleeb

Chairperson university of education, lahore.

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

On behalf of the Department of Zoology, zoological society “The Zoologists” and the organizing committee of ZEST-2023, it is an immense pleasure to invite all of the great scientists, academicians, young researchers, business delegates, and students from all over the world to attend the 2nd Two-Day International conference of Zoology entitled “Zoological Emerging Scientific Trends”(ZEST) 2023 going to be held on March 07-08, 2023. ZEST will be held in hybrid mode (Virtual and Physical both). This conference will share an insight into the recent research and cutting-edge technologies, which gains immense interest with the colossal and exuberant presence of adepts, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates, medical practitioners, and talented student communities. It will promote top-level research and to globalize quality research in general, thus making discussions, and presentations more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the recent outstanding achievements in the field of Zoology, and future trends and needs. We're looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Zoology.

The Speakers

We have highly esteemed speakers from more than 15 countries who will share their excellent research at ZEST-2023


Prof. Dr. Richard Catlow

Professor Richard Catlow has worked for over thirty years in the field of computational and experimental studies of complex inorganic materials. His group has pioneered a wide range of applications of computational techniques in solid state chemistry to systems and problems including microporous and oxide catalysts, ionic conductors, electronic ceramics and silicate minerals. This applications program has been supported by technique and code development, including recent work on embedded cluster methodologies for application to the study of catalytic reactions. The computational work has been firmly linked with experimental studies, using both neutron scattering and synchrotron radiation techniques, where the Royal Institute group has also made notable contributions to development as well as application studies. Professor Catlow's research has led to over 1080 publications, and in 2004 he was elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society for 'pioneering the development and application of computer modeling in solid state and materials chemistry. He is currently Professor of Computational and Materials Chemistry and Foreign Secretary and Vice President of the Royal Society.

Title of Talk: will be added

Title of talk: title, about previous zest 2022, previous zest events.

Event is organized by Department of Zoology Division of Science and Technology, University of Education, Lahore For query please contact us at [email protected]

  • Prof. Dr. A.R.Shakoori
  • Zoological Society of Pakistan
  • Executive Council
  • Pakistan Journal of Zoology
  • Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology
  • Pakistan Congress of Zoology
  • Pakistan Journal of Zoology Supplement Series
  • Latest Issue
  • Prof: A.R Shakoori
  • Prof: A.R Shakoori Short CV
  • Prof: A.R Shakoori CV
  • Prof: A.R Shakoori CV IF

The Zoological society of Pakistan, from its beginning has always issuer research journals (6 per year). It is to our great pleasure that we are adding the downloadable journals (.pdf) for our readers, these journals will be one-click away, for both reference study and for downloading.

("in case of any problem please contact mr qadeer ahmad ( assistant editor in chief pjz) on [email protected] or [email protected]".), online first articles.


Current Issue

Download links (by year).


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best research topics in zoology in pakistan

Department of Zoology

  • Introduction

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Farzana Yousuf

The department of Zoology was established in 1951 and now it holds a pivotal position in the faculty and can also be compared with any department of Zoology elsewhere in and outside Pakistan.  The Department right from its inception has been imparting instruction at B.Sc., BS, and M.Sc. levels, besides providing facilities for post-graduate research leading to M.Phil, and Ph.D. degrees. More than two thousand (2000) research papers have been published by the faculty members in National and International research journals. Various monographs and thirty two books have been published by the faculty members. About 300 students are enrolled each year at various levels in the department including various specializations. Several are being enrolled each year in M.Phil and Ph.D programs.

Career Opportunities

The graduates of the department while catering the needs of the education department, where they are readily absorbed as teachers of Zoology in schools, colleges and University also have job opportunities in the department of Agriculture, Plant protection, Fisheries, Zoological Survey, Zoological Gardens Safari parks, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,  National Institute of Oceanography, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Wild life conservation and management of WWF, IUCN, Public and Private sectors pathological laboratories.

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V.C. Office

Inquiry Direct: 99261300-07 Ext: 2219

Fax: 99261340, 99261330 (P.R.O.)

Email: [email protected]

The applicants should have following requirements on their credit: 1. First Division in MA/MSc or BA/BSc or at least 60% marks in BS (Hons) and al other 4-5 years Degrees. 2. Should have no third division in BA/BSc or MA or MSc. 3. In case FA/FSc is 3 rd division, the candidate must have obtained 1 st division in both BA/BSc and MA/MSc; or at least 60% marks in BS (Hons) and all other 4-5 years Degrees. 4. In case of in-service applicants, a “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” from the employer must be attached with the Admission Data Summary Sheet and routed through Proper Channel. 5. The applicants must provide official detailed marks certificate (DMC) showing percentage of marks obtained in MSc/BS Hons/4-5 years program.

Following are not eligible for admission to MPhil/MS program: 1. Those who have been rusticated or expelled from any University or College for misconduct or use of unfair means in the examinations or any offence involving moral turpitude. 2. Those who were admitted earlier to MPhil/MS program but later were declared to have been ceased students of the university.

best research topics in zoology in pakistan


M.Sc. Zoology is designed to meet the challenges presented by the rapidly changing world. Zoology is an interdisciplinary field that involves the scientific learning of all facets of animal life ranging from microscopic single-celled organisms to complex multicellular organisms. Zoology plays an important part in food security, human resource development, environmental conservation, sustainable development and eventually in mitigation of poverty. The aim of the M.Sc. Program is to prepare the students to conduct experiments and projects using scientific methods and instrumentation, and to solve problems in the domain of Zoology so that they may play vital role for the betterment of the country.

Program Objectives

  • To provide theoretical and practical knowledge of Zoological aspects required for professional activities in the field and labs.
  • To develop the spirit to conserve resources and love for nature.
  • To train students with the modern techniques to conduct work related to biodiversity, environment, wild life, water quality and molecular aspects etc. through research based projects.
  • To enhance the skills of the students so that they may be able to disseminate research results through publication and persuasive presentations.
  • To produce qualified researchers, college/school teachers, trainers and consultants in the domain of Zoology.

Admission Eligibility Criteria

  • Only local students are eligible for admission as it is not available in overseas mode.
  • Zero Semester is not applicable for M.Sc. Zoology Program.
  • Limited seats on merit basis.

Merit Calculation Formula for session Spring 2022

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

It is a two-year duration program spread over four semesters. Each semester has at least 18 weeks duration. Degree Completion Duration

Courses of Study

Click here  to View Study Scheme

(Note: If the schedule of courses pursued by a candidate does not provide adequate background for the degree course, which he/she intends to take up, he/she may be required to make up the deficiency by taking one or more additional course (s) of deficiency or as may be prescribed by the University).

Assessment of Study Progress

The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, quizzes, Graded Discussion Boards (GDBs), academic papers, seminars, mid-term and final term examinations.

Courses (s) Practicals:

Participation in practical classes of a course(s) will be compulsory for a student to qualify respective course(s). Each student will participate in practical classes at the VU designated lab cities which were allocated at the time of admission. List of the VU Lab cities is published on VU website link >> Home >> Admission Schedule

Note: The University admits students of Biological sciences programs on merit as per the available seats against each lab city during the admission session. Once a student is admitted against a particular lab preference then he/she will not be allowed to change his/her lab city after admission.

Thesis (Optional):

The students are required to submit a Research Thesis worth 6-credit hours. The choice of the thesis is at the student’s discretion. However, consultation with the student advisor is compulsory. Students have to submit a detailed write-up of the thesis and in some cases may be required to give a presentation.

Alternative to Thesis:

As mentioned in the study scheme, students can enroll two courses (Given below) as an alternative to thesis which is not compulsory to enroll.

Alternate Courses of Thesis

BT201 Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution-II BT401 Genetic Resources & Conservation

Award of Degree:

For the award of M.Sc. Zoology degree, a student is required to complete at least 61-credit hours course work and 06 credit hours thesis research with minimum CGPA of 2.0 out of 4.

Fee Structure

Click here  to View Fee Structure

  • The courses may be revised time to time as a result of continuous review to bring them at par with courses from being taught at top-class foreign universities. While reviewing the courses, needs of local industry and job market are also given full consideration.
  • The University reserves the right to change fee structure from time to time.

Virtual University of Pakistan

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

Sir Syed Memorial Society Building, 19-Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

(c) Virtual University of Pakistan

best research topics in zoology in pakistan

Pakistan Journal of Zoology

( API-Link )

Impact Factor : 0.600 (based on Web of Science 2022)

  • # 130 / 133 (Q4) in Zoology

Partner: • University Press Alert

100 Best universities for Biology in Pakistan

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
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  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Pakistan ranked based on their research performance in Biology. A graph of 3.5M citations received by 256K academic papers made by 104 universities in Pakistan was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

For Biology

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad logo

2. Quaid-i-Azam University

Quaid-i-Azam University logo

3. University of Karachi

University of Karachi logo

4. University of the Punjab

University of the Punjab logo

5. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology logo

6. Aga Khan University

Aga Khan University logo

7. National University of Sciences and Technology

National University of Sciences and Technology logo

8. Government College University, Faisalabad

Government College University, Faisalabad logo

9. Bahauddin Zakariya University

Bahauddin Zakariya University logo

10. University of Peshawar

University of Peshawar logo

11. Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Islamia University of Bahawalpur logo

12. Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University

Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University logo

13. DOW University of Health Sciences

DOW University of Health Sciences logo

14. University of Sargodha

University of Sargodha logo

15. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences logo

16. University of Lahore

University of Lahore logo

17. Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan logo

18. University of Sindh

University of Sindh logo

19. University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore logo

20. Government College University, Lahore

Government College University, Lahore logo

21. International Islamic University, Islamabad

International Islamic University, Islamabad logo

22. University of Agriculture, Peshawar

University of Agriculture, Peshawar logo

23. University of Malakand

University of Malakand logo

24. University of Gujrat

University of Gujrat logo

25. University of Science and Technology, Bannu

University of Science and Technology, Bannu logo

26. Hazara University

Hazara University logo

27. Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences logo

28. University of Management and Technology - Lahore

University of Management and Technology - Lahore logo

29. Riphah International University

Riphah International University logo

30. University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir

University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir logo

31. King Edward Medical University

King Edward Medical University logo

32. Lahore University of Management Sciences

Lahore University of Management Sciences logo

33. Kohat University of Science and Technology

Kohat University of Science and Technology logo

34. University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila logo

35. University of Balochistan

University of Balochistan logo

36. Lahore College for Women University

Lahore College for Women University logo

37. Gomal University

Gomal University logo

38. Bahria University

Bahria University logo

39. Ziauddin University

Ziauddin University logo

40. University of Health Sciences, Lahore

University of Health Sciences, Lahore logo

41. Islamia College Peshawar

Islamia College Peshawar logo

42. Mehran University of Engineering and Technology

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology logo

43. University of Education - Pakistan

University of Education - Pakistan logo

44. Sindh Agriculture University

Sindh Agriculture University logo

45. Information Technology University

Information Technology University logo

46. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences logo

47. Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences

Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences logo

48. Hamdard University

Hamdard University logo

49. Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology logo

50. University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar

University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar logo

51. Institute of Space Technology

Institute of Space Technology logo

52. NED University of Engineering and Technology

NED University of Engineering and Technology logo

53. National Textile University

National Textile University logo

54. Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology

Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology logo

55. Fatima Jinnah Women University

Fatima Jinnah Women University logo

56. University of Central Punjab

University of Central Punjab logo

57. Rawalpindi Medical University

Rawalpindi Medical University logo

58. University of Haripur

University of Haripur logo

59. Forman Christian College

Forman Christian College logo

60. Baqai Medical University

Baqai Medical University logo

61. Bacha Khan University

Bacha Khan University logo

62. Air University

Air University logo

63. Khyber Medical University

Khyber Medical University logo

64. University of Swat

University of Swat logo

65. Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Benazirabad

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Benazirabad logo

66. Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences logo

67. Mirpur University of Science and Technology

Mirpur University of Science and Technology logo

68. Jinnah Sindh Medical University

Jinnah Sindh Medical University logo

69. HITEC University

HITEC University logo

70. Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University logo

71. Foundation University Islamabad

Foundation University Islamabad logo

72. Sukkur Institute of Business Administration

Sukkur Institute of Business Administration logo

73. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology

Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology logo

74. Isra University

Isra University logo

75. University of Wah

University of Wah logo

76. Karakurum International University

Karakurum International University logo

77. Iqra University

Iqra University logo

78. Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology

Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology logo

79. Fatima Jinnah Medical University

Fatima Jinnah Medical University logo

80. Shah Abdul Latif University

Shah Abdul Latif University logo

81. Jinnah University for Women

Jinnah University for Women logo

82. Kinnaird College for Women

Kinnaird College for Women logo

83. Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology

Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology logo

84. Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology

Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology logo

85. Dawood University of Engineering and Technology

Dawood University of Engineering and Technology logo

86. Gandhara University

Gandhara University logo

87. National College of Business Administration and Economics

National College of Business Administration and Economics logo

88. Abasyn University

Abasyn University logo

89. National University of Modern Languages

National University of Modern Languages logo

90. Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

Pakistan Institute of Development Economics logo

91. Government College Women University, Faisalabad

Government College Women University, Faisalabad logo

92. Indus University, Pakistan

Indus University, Pakistan logo

93. Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University logo

94. Lahore School of Economics

Lahore School of Economics logo

95. Institute of Business Administration

Institute of Business Administration logo

96. Preston University

Preston University logo

97. Government Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur

Government Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur logo

98. Lahore Leads University

Lahore Leads University logo

99. Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology

Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology logo

100. Sindh Madresatul Islam University

Sindh Madresatul Islam University logo

The best cities to study Biology in Pakistan based on the number of universities and their ranks are Faisalabad , Islamabad , Karachi , and Lahore .

Biology subfields in Pakistan

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[100+] Zoology Research Topics For College Students With Free [Thesis Pdf] 2023

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Research Topic For Zoology 2023

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Scope of Zoology in Pakistan

Zoology comes from the Greek language, zoos (animal) and logos (treatise, science). That is why zoology can be defined as the science of animals. From this moment on, it will be easier for readers to guess the main field of zoology study. In this article, you will learn about the scope of zoology in Pakistan and the details of what type of study this is.

What is zoology?

It is the study of animals from the points of view of; morphological and anatomical description of the different animal species. That is, how they are externally and internally and how some animal species differ from others. How it works, how an animal works inside, its nervous, respiratory, and circulatory system if they have it, and how its muscles work. The species’ biology studies the animal’s way of life—feeding and reproduction, and how it develops.

Behaviour and Distribution

Biology of the species: how it relates to other species and the surrounding environment. Once each species’ characteristics are known, classification is carried out. That determines what requirements an individual must meet to be considered a specific species.

What is the study of zoology?

As a general rule, and not only in Pakistan, zoology is studied as a speciality within biology. So if you seek to research zoology to become a zoologist, you should first look at which universities offer biology studies with it. The Program or speciality of zoology must be analysed.

If you have already finished your bachelor’s degree, you can look for a master’s degree, doctorate, or specialisation course that will allow you to move towards this speciality. That will enhance your learning about zoology and the scope of zoology in Pakistan.

Duties of Zoologist

The profession and scope of zoology in Pakistan are considerable;  opportunities for zoologists are diverse. The first and most common is the dedication to zoological research, choosing ain an animal group or specific species of great ecological or economic value. One can also become an animal doctor in some cases.  On the other hand, you can also dedicate yourself to work in museums since zoological collections require updating due to novelties. You can work in zoos where you collaborate and in wildlife conservation centres.

In the field of this type of education. They can do it in formal education for high school or university students and outside the formal area of environmental education. They can also work as experts in public or private nature conservation entities that work in this field or require the performance of fauna studies for environmental impact studies or ecological evaluations for developing projects.

The scope of zoology in Pakistan is defined well when we discuss its profession. Another aspect, perhaps less idealistic, is working in companies that distribute and breed animals or animal products for sale, such as pets. That opportunity also defines the scope of zoology in Pakistan. If you like photography, you can specialise in animal photography and seek to work as a photographer for different media. Moreover, you can even, through a specialisation, work as a journalist specialising in zoology.

From all this, books or scientific articles can be written that give relevance to zoologists and allow them to develop an excellent professional careers. As we can see, the career opportunities of zoologists are not as restricted as they may seem. Given the trend towards environmental awareness, it is expected that it will increase.

The Department of Biology and Evolution of the Faculty of Biological Sciences imparts a Master’s Degree in Zoology after bachelor’s degree. It is to complete its current contribution to the postgraduate course in the field of scientific and applied study of the relevant field.

Professional Education in Zoology

The Master’s in Zoology is based on the training that until now has been imparted with remarkable success in the Specialty of Zoology of the 4th and 5th years of the Bachelor of Biology. That has been lost in the current Degree in Biology. This training has a strong base and is complemented by other aspects of the study and management of animal species. It is helpful for the professional insertion of graduates in the environment, health, agrifood, etc. The interest of this approach focused on the study and management of would be justified for three reasons: the need for this knowledge, its scientific validity, and its training demand.

Life is not structured in the form of self-replicating matter but indiscrete units that we group into species. They retain genetic diversity and shape ecosystem diversity. For this reason, multicellular animals constitute a level of integration of living matter that deserves to be scientifically studied from an integrative perspective. That is, the scope of zoology in Pakistan, from an approach based on the combination of environmental and evolutionary processes that have configured its current diversity of forms. Without a basic biological knowledge of animal species, it is impossible to address and solve such significant problems.

Those are related to managing pests, vectors, parasites, and species of commercial interest (fisheries, hunting, etc.). Also, to evaluate the consequences and scope of their disappearance as a result of human action. For this reason, this type of study is aimed at knowing who they are, what they are like (morphological diversity), how they live (variety of habitats and behaviours), and why they have come to manifest as they do (ecological and evolutionary processes) are necessary) the different species.

All these aspects constitute a central theme of biological knowledge in which it is necessary to train specialists. The scientific vitality of this approach to studying life is the need for knowledge of animal species. Its national and international scientific energy supports it.

Scope of zoology in Pakistan

The scientific interest and the widespread nature and media value of certain animals make them attractive to many researchers and fellow citizens. Those fond of nature promotes the creation of scientific societies or non-governmental organisations dedicated to their study and conservation. In Pakistan, BS Zoology earns up to 458k PKR annually.  

The scope of zoology in Pakistan is vast. Many international NGOs are dedicated to protecting the environment and using animals as models. With which to diagnose the state of conservation of nature and develop the conservation debate in public opinion. Animal husbandry, livestock, veterinarian and zoologists are phenomenal growing areas in the country.

best research topics in zoology in pakistan


  1. Pakistan Journal of Zoology

    best research topics in zoology in pakistan

  2. Ultimate Guide To BS Zoology In Pakistan 2023

    best research topics in zoology in pakistan

  3. Definition of Zoology,Scope and Fields of zoology in Pakistan.

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  4. (PDF) 40th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International)

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  5. 100+ Best Zoology Research Project Topics And Materials

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  6. Bsc Zoology Books In Pakistan

    best research topics in zoology in pakistan


  1. BS Zoology

  2. BS Zoology in Pakistan

  3. Applications of Zoology

  4. What is BS Zoology -BS Zoology Scope in Pakistan

  5. Careers Opportunities after Zoology Studies

  6. Zoology


  1. Publications

    Abstract Book 2022. For the past decade, The Applied Zoological Society Pakistan has been at the forefront of researching and discussing important topics related to zoology. We are excited to share our latest publication, the Abstract Book for the ICAZ-2022 conference, which features cutting-edge research from the top zoologists in the country.

  2. 100+ Zoology Research Topics in Pakistan

    100+ Zoology Research Topics in Pakistan March 14, 2024 March 13, 2024 by AbbasMalik Zoology, the study of animals and their behavior is a fascinating field that opens the door to understanding the diversity of life on Earth.

  3. 37 Best Zoology universities in Pakistan [2024 Rankings]

    Nutrition and Food Science 60. Oncology and Cancer research 53. Paleontology 99. Pharmacology 63. Toxicology 22. Virology 59. Wildlife and Fisheries Management & Conservation 35. Below is the list of 37 best universities for Zoology in Pakistan ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 61.8K citations received by 6.4K academic ...

  4. Home Page

    42th Pakistan Congress of Zoology - International) at Department of Zoology University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad From April 23-25, 2024 2. Research Award Ranked among Top 2% Scientists of the world by Stanford University, USA presented to Prof. Dr. Abdul Rauf Shakoori in recognition of his services in doing quality research ...

  5. Pakistan Journal of Zoology (PJZ)

    Pakistan Journal of Zoology (PJZ) Within a year of the establishment of the Zoological Society, arrangements were completed for the publication of Pakistan Journal of Zoology. The first issue of the Journal was published in June, 1969. Since then it was published regularly, twice a year. In 1985 the biennial Journal was upgraded to quarterly ...

  6. Pakistan Journal of Zoology

    Scope. Pakistan Journal of Zoology (Pakistan J. Zool.) publishes original articles in English on all aspects of animal life. Generally these articles will be in, or related to one of the following subject areas: Physiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Toxicology, Forensic Science, Developmental Biology, Entomology ...

  7. Zoological Society of Pakistan

    Headquarters. Lahore. Website. www .zsp .com .pk. Zoological Society of Pakistan ( ZSP) seeks to draw together and serve the interests of all professionals who practice zoology in Pakistan. It was founded in 1968 during the occasion of an annual conference organised by the Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science.

  8. ZEST

    Topics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to ... am confident that ZEST-2023 will play an important role in encouraging activities in the research and development of Zoology in Pakistan, and open an excellent opportunity to forge collaborations between research institutions both within the country and with international partners ...

  9. Virtual University of Pakistan

    The students are required to submit a Research Thesis worth 6-credit hours. Topic of the thesis must be decided after consultation with the supervisor. Award of Degree. For the award of M. Phil in Zoology degree, a student is required to complete at least 24-credit hour course work and 6 credit hours thesis research with minimum CGPA of 2.50 ...


    The Zoological society of Pakistan, from its beginning has always issuer research journals (6 per year). It is to our great pleasure that we are adding the downloadable journals (.pdf) for our readers, these journals will be one-click away, for both reference study and for downloading. ... Pakistan Journal of Zoology . Volume 56,2024 . Current ...

  11. Department of Zoology

    Main page. The department of Zoology was established in 1951 and now it holds a pivotal position in the faculty and can also be compared with any department of Zoology elsewhere in and outside Pakistan. The Department right from its inception has been imparting instruction at B.Sc., BS, and M.Sc. levels, besides providing facilities for post ...

  12. Zoological survey of Pakistan

    Zoological Survey of Pakistan is responsible for advising the Government on all zoological matters including Conservation, Management, Export and Import of Wildlife. Research on ecology, biology, physiology and biochemistry of important marine animal is also conducted by ZSP. Imparting specific training to personnel of relevant governmental and ...

  13. Department of Zoology

    Admission to MPhil/MS program is based on cumulative merit to be determined from previous academic record (50%), Quaid-i-Azam University's written General and Subject test (40%) and interview (10%). 2. Only the applicants scoring 50% in the written test will be called for interview. 3. Sample papers of admission test are available at the QAU ...

  14. Pakistan Journal of Zoology

    Top Research Topics at Pakistan Journal of Zoology? The journal covers a variety of subjects, including Ecology, Zoology, Botany, Animal science and Agronomy. Topics like Aquatic animal, Habitat and Taxonomy (biology) are tackled as part of the discussions on Ecology. Ecology (12.57%) Zoology (11.68%) Botany (8.03%)

  15. Virtual University of Pakistan

    M.Sc. Zoology is designed to meet the challenges presented by the rapidly changing world. Zoology is an interdisciplinary field that involves the scientific learning of all facets of animal life ranging from microscopic single-celled organisms to complex multicellular organisms. Zoology plays an important part in food security, human resource ...

  16. best research topics in zoology in pakistan

    One interesting fact about zoology is that a zoologist can travel to remote locations to do field work. They may travel to deserts, remote mountainous locations or spend months at sea aboard a research ship.... As of 2015, a current physical therapy research topic is the effectiveness of acetaminophen in back pain management compared to physical therapy exercises.

  17. Pakistan Journal of Zoology

    Open data-based citation metrics about Pakistan Journal of Zoology, but also research trends, citation patterns, altmetric scores, similar journals and impact factors. ... Journal Rankings; About; Pakistan Journal of Zoology. Journal Metrics (Based on the publications from the last 4 years) (from 2020-05-01 to roughly 2024-05-01) Number of ...

  18. Biology in Pakistan: 100+ Best universities Ranked 2024

    97. Government Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur. 98. Lahore Leads University. 99. Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology. 100. Sindh Madresatul Islam University. The best cities to study Biology in Pakistan based on the number of universities and their ranks are Faisalabad, Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore.

  19. [100+] Zoology Research Topics For College Students With Free [Thesis

    Research Topic For Zoology 2023. Sr. No. Research Topic. Check Thesis. 1. On the efficacy and mechanisms of action of certain potentized homeopathic drugs An interdisciplinary experimental approach through induced hepatocarcinogenesis and ultrasonication in mice. Click Here. 2.

  20. Welcome to Pakistan Research Repository: MPhil. Thesis of All Public

    Pakistan Research Repository is a digital archive of theses and dissertations produced by scholars from the higher education institutions of Pakistan. It provides free access to the full text of research papers, as well as information about the authors, supervisors, reviewers, and journals. It also facilitates the verification of PhD degrees by the HEC.

  21. PDF Curriculum of Zoology Bs/Ms

    Senior Research Officer, Research and Evaluation Section, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology, Islamabad Member 13. Dr. Waseem Ahmad Gillani, Principal Scientific Officer, Insert Pest Management Programme, National Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad Member 14. Dr. Abdul Mateen, Assistant Professor, Lecturer Department of Zoology and ...

  22. M.Phil Zoology

    Research. 6: Total Credit Hours 8; Semester No 4. Sr # Course Code Course Name Credit Hours; 1: ZOOL-801: Seminar. 3rd. ... Best Labs. Best Teachers. Low Cost Services. Related Programs. BS Zoology; M.Phil Zoology ... The HEC of Pakistan has also recognized MUL, as 'W3' ranking University. Read more. Latest News. Admissions Open Spring 2024 ...

  23. Scope of Zoology in Pakistan

    The profession and scope of zoology in Pakistan are considerable; opportunities for zoologists are diverse. The first and most common is the dedication to zoological research, choosing ain an animal group or specific species of great ecological or economic value. One can also become an animal doctor in some cases.

  24. Biology

    Estimating the population density of vulnerable species, such as the elusive and nocturnal Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus), is essential for wildlife conservation and management. We used camera traps and a Random Encounter Model (REM) to estimate the population density of U. thibetanus during the autumn and winter seasons in the Hindu Raj Mountains. We installed 23 camera traps from ...