About the Chemistry Ph.D. Program

Ph.d. in chemistry faq's.

Trevor Lohrey, Arnold Research Group

The Chemistry PhD program is designed towards developing within each student the ability to do creative scientific research. Accordingly, the single most important facet of the curriculum for an individual is their own research project. In keeping with the goal of fostering an atmosphere of scholarly, independent study, formal course requirements are minimal and vary among disciplines; advisor's tailor course requirements to best prepare the student for the chosen research field.

The Doctoral program includes the following concentrations, each of which has specific degree requirements:

  • Physical Chemistry : In general, the Physical Chemistry Graduate Program encompasses analytical, nuclear, biophysical, and theoretical chemistry.
  • Synthetic Chemistry : The Synthetic Chemistry Graduate Program includes emphases in either organic or inorganic chemistry
  • Chemical Biology : The Chemical Biology Graduate Program covers a range of research areas at the interface of Chemistry and Biology.

Research. A graduate student spends a good deal of time during the first week of the first semester at Berkeley talking to various faculty members about possible research projects, studying pertinent literature references, and choosing an individual project. New graduate students meet shortly after their arrival with a faculty adviser. From the faculty adviser the student obtains a list of faculty members whose research may interest the student. After visiting these and additional faculty, if necessary, the student chooses a research director, with the consent of the faculty member and the graduate adviser. By the end of the first semester most students have made a choice and are full-fledged members of research group. Students in the Chemical Biology Graduate Program will select their thesis advisor after completion of three-ten week rotations. Thereafter, all students become involved in library research on their projects and many begin actual experimental or theoretical work.

Independent Study. A student who chooses to specialize in physical chemistry is normally expected to take two courses per semester during the first year and one or two additional semesters of coursework sometimes during the second year. These may include topics such Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Group Theory, Interactions of Radiation with Matter, and many more. At the other extreme, a student specializing in inorganic chemistry will concentrate more heavily on special topics seminars and take fewer courses. The course offerings in the University are varied so that individual students have the opportunity to take other courses which serve their own needs. Such as, a student working on nuclear chemistry will probably elect additional graduate physics courses, while a student working on biophysical or bio-organic problems may take courses offered by the Biochemistry Department. Students in the Chemical Biology program will take courses from both Chemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology departments.

Seminars. Because of the size and diversity of the Berkeley faculty, there are many seminars on a variety of topics which students may choose to attend. There are regular weekly seminars in several major areas, including biophysical, physical, nuclear, organic, theoretical, solid state, and inorganic chemistry. These seminars are presented by members of the Berkeley faculty, as well as distinguished visitors to the campus. These seminars allow the students to become aware of the most important current research going on in the field. In addition to these regular seminars, there are several regular department seminars devoted to presentations by graduate students. One of the doctoral program requirements is that each student delivers a departmental seminar known as a graduate research conference during the second year. Individual research groups also hold regular research seminars. The format of these small, informal seminars varies. In some cases, graduate students discuss their own current research before the other members of the research group. On other occasions, the group seminars may be devoted to group discussions of recent papers which are of interest to the particular research group. In any event, small group seminars are one of the most important ways in which students learn by organizing and interpreting their own results before their peers.

Qualifying Exam. Sometime during the second year of graduate work at Berkeley, each student takes a qualifying examination. The examining board, a committee of four faculty members, is appointed to examine the student for general competence in the area of interest. The qualifying examination is centered around the defense of the individual research project. Upon satisfactory completion of the oral qualifying examination, the student is advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. After advancement, the student completes an original, scholarly contribution to science and writes a dissertation on the subject. Most students complete their work and received their degree within five years.

Teaching. An integral part of the graduate education at Berkeley is teaching. The department requires that each doctoral candidate assist in the instructional program of the department as a teaching assistant for two semesters during their graduate careers. The faculty regard the teaching experience as highly valuable for all graduate students, especially those who plan to teach as a career.

Financial Aid. All students admitted to our graduate program receive a stipend for the duration of study in the form of teaching and research assistantships as long as they are in residence and demonstrate good progress toward the degree. Students also receive full tution, health, dental and vision insurance. Most funds for this support derive from research contracts and grants.

For more information see the Berkeley Bulletin

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Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry

By Joel Shulman

How does your chemistry Ph.D. program compare to others in terms of department size and student demographics? Requirements for the degree? Graduate student progression and support? Developing skills that go beyond knowledge of chemistry? Answers to these questions and many others can be gleaned from the Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry recently reported by the ACS Committee on Professional Training (CPT) . Highlights of the survey are given here.

View the full report

The primary objective of the CPT is to facilitate the maintenance and improvement of the quality of chemical education at the postsecondary level. Not only does the Committee develop and administer the guidelines that define high-quality undergraduate education, but it also produces resources such as the ACS Directory of Graduate Education and publishes data on undergraduate and graduate education. Approximately every ten years, CPT fields a survey of Ph.D. programs. The latest survey solicited data from all 196 Ph.D. programs in chemistry and received usable information (base year, 2007) from 139 of these programs.

Figure 1. Size Distribution of Ph.D. Programs

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Program size and demographics of students

The 139 reporting Ph.D. programs are divided for purposes of comparison into three groups of approximately equal size according to the total number of graduate students in the program: 44 small (defined as 0 to 40 total graduate students), 46 medium (41 to 105 graduate students), and 49 large programs (106+ graduate students). The number of students in Ph.D. programs ranges from 0 to 394 (see Figure 1) with a total of 13,280 students. Eighteen departments have more than 200 students, accounting for more than one-third (4,460) of the total graduate students in chemistry. The 30 largest programs account for almost 50% of graduate students. The average program size is 96 students (and 23 faculty), while the median program size is 67 students.

Of the doctoral students in responding programs, 27.4% are women, 5.2% are underrepresented minorities, and 42.3% are international students (Table 1). Small programs tend to have a higher percentage of underrepresented minority students (averaging 7.8%), while large programs have a higher percentage of women (28.5%) and a lower percentage of international students (37.3%).

Table 1. Demographics of Graduate Students by Program Size

Requirements for degree (table 2).

Of course, a doctoral dissertation is required by all Ph.D. programs. Most (71%) graduate programs require entering graduate students to take placement exams, although this requirement tends to be less prevalent as program size increases. The average program requires a minimum of 20 credits (semester hours, corrected for programs on the quarter system) of coursework, a number that does not vary significantly by program size. In addition to course work and dissertation, 96% of programs require at least one of the following: cumulative examinations (58%), an oral preliminary exam (54%), a comprehensive oral exam (50%), and/or a comprehensive written exam (31%). All four of these exams are required by 7% of programs; 17% of programs require three; 43% of programs require two; and 28% require only one. Large programs require cumulative exams less often and oral exams more often than small or medium programs. Only four programs (3%) require students to pass a language exam for the Ph.D.

Table 2. Requirement in Ph.D. Program

Graduate student progression and support (table 3).

The mean time to the Ph.D. is 5.1 years, a number that varies neither by program size nor by public vs. private institution (data not shown). Most programs place a limit on the amount of time allowed to achieve a Ph.D. (average of 7.8 years) as well as on the number of years of departmental support allowed a student (average of 5.9 years). More than 80% of students choose a research advisor within six months of entering graduate school. A significant number of programs either require or permit laboratory rotations before a final advisor is selected.

Monetary support for Ph.D. students comes from teaching assistantships more often than from research assistantships at small and medium programs, while the reverse is true in large programs. There is wide variation in TA stipends, depending on both program size and geographic location. Most programs have a range of stipends, which on average run from $18,000 to about $20,000 per year. Teaching assistants at larger programs are more likely to teach discussion (recitation) sections than those in small or medium programs.

Table 3. Student Progression and Support in Ph.D. Programs

Developing student skills.

In addition to chemistry knowledge and laboratory skills, it is important that all Ph.D. chemists develop skills in areas such as critical thinking, oral and written communication, and teamwork. Toward this end, 74% of all programs require students to create and defend an original research proposal (Table 2). All but six programs require students to make presentations (exclusive of the thesis defense) to audiences other than their research group; the average number of required presentations is 2.4, with little variation by program size. When asked whether any graduate students receive student-skills training outside of formal course work, 67% responded that at least some students receive specific training in communications; 59% in ethics/scientific integrity; 43% in grant writing; 37% in mentoring; 37% in intellectual property/patents; and 18% in business/economics. Students in large programs are more likely to receive some training in these skill areas than are students in other programs.

The data from this CPT survey provide a snapshot of graduate student demographics, requirements for the degree, and progression and support in chemistry Ph.D. programs. Survey results highlight similarities and differences among small, medium, and large programs across the country.

Dr. Joel I. Shulman retired as The Procter & Gamble Company's Manager of Doctoral Recruiting and University Relations in 2001 and is now an adjunct professor of chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. He serves the ACS as a consultant for the Office of Graduate Education and the Department of Career Management and Development and as a member of the Committee on Professional Training.

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PhD Program

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Professor Wender discusses chemistry with his graduate students.

Doctoral study in chemistry at Stanford University prepares students for research and teaching careers with diverse emphases in basic, life, medical, physical, energy, materials, and environmental sciences.

The Department of Chemistry offers opportunities for graduate study spanning contemporary subfields, including theoretical, organic, inorganic, physical, biophysical and biomedical chemistry and more. Much of the research defies easy classification along traditional divisions; cross-disciplinary collaborations with Stanford's many vibrant research departments and institutes is among factors distinguishing this world-class graduate program.

The Department of Chemistry is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development.  This advising relationship entails collaborative and sustained engagement with mutual respect by both the adviser and advisee.

  • The adviser is expected to meet at least monthly with the graduate student to discuss on-going research.
  • There should be a yearly independent development plan (IDP) meeting between the graduate student and adviser. Topics include research progress, expectations for completion of PhD, areas for both the student and adviser to improve in their joint research effort.
  • A research adviser should provide timely feedback on manuscripts and thesis chapters.
  • Graduate students are active contributors to the advising relationship, proactively seeking academic and professional guidance and taking responsibility for informing themselves of policies and degree requirements for their graduate program.
  • If there is a significant issue concerning the graduate student’s progress in research, the adviser must communicate this to the student and to the Graduate Studies Committee in writing.  This feedback should include the issues, what needs to be done to overcome these issues and by when.

Academic advising by Stanford faculty is a critical component of all graduate students' education and additional resources can be found in the  Policies and Best Practices for Advising Relationships at Stanford  and the  Guidelines for Faculty-Student Advising at Stanford .

Learn more about the program through the links below, and by exploring the research interests of the  Chemistry Faculty  and  Courtesy Faculty .

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Ph.D. in Chemistry

Graduate students earn a Ph.D. through independent research in collaboration with one or more faculty members . A modest amount of graded coursework ensures a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the chosen field, as well as breadth of knowledge in the chemical sciences. The median time to complete all requirements for the Ph.D. is about five years. Students are required to pass oral examinations in their area of specialization. There are no pre-entrance or qualifying exams.

For complete details about our doctoral program, see the pages below:

  • First Year of Study
  • Ph.D. Degree Requirements
  • Ph.D. Degree Timeline
  • 2nd Year Exam Guidelines (pdf)
  • General Exam Instructions (pdf)
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Department of Chemistry

Program Requirements

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Chemistry, PhD

Zanvyl krieger school of arts and sciences.

Johns Hopkins University was the first American institution to emphasize graduate education and to establish a PhD program in chemistry. Founding Chair Ira Remsen initiated a tradition of excellence in research and education that has continued until this day. The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing scientific knowledge for humankind.

The graduate program provides students with the background and technical expertise required to be leaders in their field and to pursue independent research.

Graduate students’ advancement is marked by entrance exams, coursework, teaching, seminars, oral examinations, and an individual research project that culminates in a thesis dissertation. The thesis research project represents an opportunity for graduate students to make a mark on the world. Working in conjunction with a faculty member or team, individually tailored thesis projects enable students to think independently about cutting-edge research areas that are of critical importance. Thesis research is the most important step toward becoming a PhD scientist, and our program provides an outstanding base with a proven track record of success.

Graduate students make up the heart of the Chemistry Department, and the department strives to support students’ individual needs. Each student is carefully advised and classes are traditionally quite small. Multidisciplinary research and course offerings that increase scientific breadth and innovation are hallmarks of the program.  In addition to academic and technical development, our department also offers several outlets for professional and social development.

Admission Requirements

Application materials include:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose
  • The GRE General Test is required.  However, this requirement can be waived for individuals for whom personal circumstances make it difficult or impossible to access the GRE General Test at this present time.  If so, please let the Academic Affairs Administrator (information below) be aware of these circumstances, and the application will be given full consideration.
  • The GRE Chemistry Subject is Test is recommended, but not required.
  • The application fee is $75. However, fee waivers may be requested for applicants that have documentation showing they are a part of SACNAS, MARCC, oSTEM and many other organizations. To access the full list to see if you qualify, go to the  Krieger Graduate Admission and Enrollment  page.

Assistance with the application process is available. Candidates with questions about the application process, or requests for a GRE General Test waiver (or on other matters related to the application) should contact the Admissions Committee’s Academic Affairs Administrator ( [email protected] ).

There are no fixed requirements for admission. Undergraduate majors in chemistry, biology, earth sciences, mathematics, or physics may apply as well as all well-qualified individuals who will have received a BA degree before matriculation. A select number of applicants will be invited to visit campus to tour our facilities and interact with our faculty members and their lab members over a weekend in March.

For further information about graduate study in chemistry visit the Chemistry Department website . 

Program Requirements

Normally, the minimum course requirement for both the M.A. and the Ph.D. degrees is six one-semester graduate courses in chemistry and related sciences. Exceptionally well-prepared students may ask for a reduction of these requirements.

Requirements for the Ph.D. degree include a research dissertation worthy of publication, and a knowledge of chemistry and related material as demonstrated in an oral examination. Each student must teach for at least one year.

Below is a list of the core Chemistry courses for graduate level students.

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PhD Program Requirements

The Chemistry Department offers a flexible program that allows students to select courses tailored to their individual background and research interests. Students also teach for two semesters.

As part of the requirement for a PhD degree, MIT requires a General Examination, with both an oral and written part. The Oral Examination for the PhD in Chemistry must be passed by the end of the fourth semester of graduate study. No other general written examinations are required. In particular, no qualifying (or entrance) examinations are given.

A final oral presentation of doctoral research is scheduled after the thesis has been submitted and evaluated by a committee of faculty.

Program Requirements

Coursework and teaching.

All chemistry graduate students are required to register for the appropriate chemistry seminar subject (5.913, 5.921, 5.931, or 5.941 depending on research area) each term. This registration carries with it the expectation of seminar attendance whenever possible. These seminars provide an important component to your graduate education and professional development

All students are required to teach for two semesters in their first year. During those semesters, students are required to enroll in a class to support their teaching (5.91 Teaching Experience in the Chemical Sciences).  

2nd Year Oral & Written Exams

MIT requires that all Ph.D. candidates pass general oral and written examinations in their field of study. For chemistry students, these exams occur in the spring of the second year. The faculty committee will (i) assess whether the student has progressed sufficiently to be on-track for obtaining a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry and (ii) provide constructive feedback to help the student reach their full potential during the period of study at MIT. Thus, the overarching purpose of the examination includes fulfilling Institutional requirements for Ph.D. students and evaluating:

1. Progress towards the PhD degree (coursework, research) indicating that the student is on track to receive a doctoral degree in Chemistry 2. General knowledge and understanding in the broad field of study and specific sub-area 3. Critical thinking, including the ability to use core principles to think through unfamiliar topics 4. Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written forms, think logically and independently, and defend a point of view 5. Ability to formulate upcoming research plans and present a feasible timeline for progress towards completion of research goals 6. Overall scholarship

Thesis Committees

As the first step, second-year students meet with their research advisors to discuss which faculty might be appropriate as members of their Thesis Committee.  Thesis Committees must be composed of at least two other MIT faculty besides your advisor. Your Thesis Committee chair must be from the department of chemistry and in your area of chemistry (chemical biology, inorganic, organic, or physical). Please see the notes below if you are working in a research group outside the department and/or are co-advised. You are required to propose at least four faculty members as candidates for your committee in addition to your advisor, though you may propose up to six faculty members.  Students should fill out the online Thesis Committee Nomination Form by Friday, September 15, 2023 . Submitted forms are then reviewed by the Graduate Officer and a faculty advisory group who assign final Thesis Committees.  They will also choose one of these faculty members to be your Thesis Committee Chair.  This process is necessary to avoid the past problem of some faculty being assigned to an inordinately large number of committees. If you are listing any faculty outside the department, please contact them before submitting your form to confirm that they are willing to serve on your Thesis Committee and attend all relevant examinations and meetings. You do not need to reach out to any faculty within the department about serving on your thesis committee.

Students wishing subsequently to change their Thesis Committee, for reasons including significant changes in the direction of their research topic, should email Jennifer Weisman with the reason for requesting a change. Students must receive a positive response from the Chemistry Education Office in order for the change in committee to take effect.  Since changes in Thesis Committee membership can only be granted in unusual circumstances, students should contact the members of their committee to schedule the date for their oral defense well in advance of when they expect to complete their dissertation.

In the second year, each student’s research progress and intellectual development is evaluated through the Oral Examination. If a division requires an examination after the second year, Thesis Committee members also meet then. The thesis committee also meets for the Plan to Finish Meeting described below. Students (and research advisors) may arrange an additional meeting of the Thesis Committee in special circumstances by contacting the chair of the committee. Additionally, beginning in the second year of graduate study, each student meets with the Chair of their Thesis Committee at least once during the fall semester.

*Please note that if you are conducting research outside the department your Thesis Committee must be composed of at least two other MIT faculty besides your advisor and both must be from the Department of Chemistry. As noted above, your Thesis Committee chair must be in your area of chemistry (chemical biology, inorganic, organic, or physical).

Annual Meeting with Research Advisor

Under this system, research advisors are required to meet with each graduate student in their group who is in their second or later year to discuss the student’s intellectual and professional development over the past year and progress toward the degree. Prior to this meeting, students should complete Parts I-II of the required form on their own. Send the file to your Advisor the night before the meeting . At the meeting, students discuss their progress, future plans, and concerns with their advisor. The completed Graduate Student Annual Research Advisor Meeting form must be signed by both the student and their research advisor. Note that this is only a suggested format for the meeting. You and your advisor may choose a different format for the discussion as long as there is some written summary.

Annual Meeting with Thesis Committee Chair

Beginning in the second year of graduate student, each student meets annually with the Chair of their Thesis Committee. At these meetings, students update the Thesis Committee (TC) Chair on their on their research progress and general intellectual development in an informal and relaxed setting. The time, place, and format for this discussion is arranged between the student and Thesis Committee Chair. These meetings aim to encourage productive and stimulating discussions of science and to facilitate the development of further interactions between students and other members of the faculty besides research advisors. Students should keep in mind that these meetings are intended to focus primarily on academic and scientific matters, and that Thesis Committee Chairs are not bound by the same obligations with respect to privacy as are the Chemistry Department Mediators.

Plan to Finish Meeting

Updated October 2022

By June 1 st (and preferably before April 15 th ) of the 4 th year , each PhD student will participate in the Plan to Finish (PTF) meeting with their thesis committee. The purpose of the PTF meeting is for the student to discuss their timeline and plans for finishing a PhD.

In the 5 th year and beyond, if the student is not defending the PhD thesis by August 31 st of the 5 th year, the student will have another PTF meeting before June 1 st (and preferably before April 15 th ) of that calendar year, and the PTF meeting will be repeated annually until the year the student defends their thesis. Thus, a student who graduates in year five will have one PTF meeting, one who graduates in year six will have two, and so forth.

Before the meeting:  The student will prepare and share slides containing a summary of their research progress and their plans for research and completing the PhD thesis.

  • Projects that will be wrapped up and/or relinquished
  • Papers that will be written and/or submitted
  • Opportunities for professional development
  • Plans for after graduation
  • The presentation should be succinct, not more than 8–10 slides total. These slides should include: (1) 1–2 introductory slides, one of which must display a proposed table of contents for the PhD thesis. The TOC includes the title for each proposed chapter and state of each chapter (e.g. “Experiments complete and manuscript published”, “Experiments nearly completed and manuscript writing in progress”, “Experiments ongoing”). (2) 1–3 slides per thesis chapter and associated future work linked to each chapter. (3) 1 slide summarizing future plans with a realistic timeline for completion of all the proposed activities (the PTF timeline).  Be sure to include the status of plans for after graduation. The student should consult with their research advisor in preparing the PTF timeline.
  • The slides must be sent to the committee at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
  • Meetings will be scheduled at the student’s direction and be organized by the research supervisor’s administrative assistant. These meetings are intended to be in-person, but teleconference can be used in special circumstances.

During the meeting: The meeting will follow the format below.

First, the student will provide a short (10-20 minute) presentation of their research progress and future plans based on their slides. Faculty will participate in discussion of the research and plans during this presentation.

Next, the research supervisor will be asked to leave the room so that the thesis committee can confer privately with the student.

Subsequently, the student will be asked to leave the room for a short period so that the committee can confer privately with the research supervisor.

The thesis committee will offer constructive feedback during and after the presentation and following the private discussions. The committee may request changes and/or revisions to the PTF outline as part of the discussion.

The plan to finish meeting will last ~1 hour altogether.

After the meeting:  The student will write-up a brief summary of the meeting, and submit it along with the PTF timeline and a signed PTF Form to the Chemistry Education Office as proof of completion. These items can be submitted as hard copies to the Chemistry Education Office or emailed to Dr. Jennifer Weisman .

  • While the deadline to hold the PTF meeting is June 1 st , students are strongly encouraged to complete their PTF Meeting by April 15 th to avoid scheduling issues later in the spring. As a reminder, the research supervisor’s administrative assistant will schedule the meeting upon the student’s request.
  • There is no possibility of failing the PTF meeting. The purpose of the meeting is fulfilled by the process of having it.
  • Annual meetings with the research advisor are required every year, including the fourth year.

Graduate Student Exit Interviews

  • Graduating students will be sent a list of interview questions by the Chemistry Education Office when the student joins the degree list. Instructions about scheduling a time for the in-person or virtual discussion will be included with other informational correspondence from the Chemistry Education Office regarding degree completion. Graduating students will perform their exit interview after the thesis defense so as to avoid making the interview an additional burden.
  • For students departing the program without a degree, the interview questions and instructions for scheduling an in-person discussion will be sent by the Chemistry Education Office at the point in time that a date for termination of their appointment in Chemistry is determined.
  • For the majority of departing students, this interview coincides with the end of the semester, but a rolling schedule of surveys is anticipated.

Guide for Graduate Students

For md-phd students in the hst program.

Ph.D. in Chemistry

General info.

  • Faculty working with students: 30
  • Students: 130
  • Students receiving Financial Aid: 100%
  • Part time study available: No
  • Application Terms: Fall
  • Application Deadline: December 4

Kevin Welsher Director of Graduate Studies Department of Chemistry Duke University Box 90347 Durham, NC 27708-0347

Phone: (919) 660-1503

Email: [email protected]

Website:  http://www.chem.duke.edu

Program Description

The following areas of specialization are available: analytical, biological, inorganic, physical, theoretical, and organic. A wide range of interdisciplinary research programs (e.g., toxicology, biological chemistry, cell and molecular biology) involve chemistry students with those in medical sciences, engineering, the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, and occasionally with local industry. The French Family Science Center, totaling over 275,000 square feet, is a shared research facility with groups from Biology, Physics, Mathematics and the Medical Center occupying space, with additional research space in the adjacent Levine Science Research Center. This well-equipped chemical laboratory provides conditions conducive to research in many areas of current interest. Major shared instruments, including those for nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry, are housed in the departmental instrumentation facility and a wide array of more specialized instrumentation is available in the various research laboratories.

The doctoral program in chemistry features research programs that span the “traditional” sub-disciplines of chemistry, including analytical, biological, inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry. However, many, if not most of the research programs are interdisciplinary, either overlapping the traditional boundaries of chemistry or the boundaries between chemistry and the other sciences, for example biological, materials, and environmental sciences. Many chemistry faculty and students participate in university-wide interdisciplinary training programs and centers, including those in biological chemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, molecular biophysics, biologically inspired materials, and cellular and biosurface engineering. Research in all fields is supported by state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Competitive stipends are provided through research and teaching assistantships, and fellowships are available for outstanding candidates.

  • Chemistry: PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Time to Degree Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Career Outcomes Statistics

Application Information

Application Terms Available:  Fall

Application Deadline:  December 4

Graduate School Application Requirements See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate School requirement.

  • Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts required with application submission; official transcripts required upon admission
  • Letters of Recommendation: 3 Required
  • Statement of Purpose: Required (see departmental guidance below)
  • Résumé: Required
  • GRE General: Optional
  • GRE Subject - Chemistry: Optional
  • English Language Exam: TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test required* for applicants whose first language is not English *test waiver may apply for some applicants
  • GPA: Undergraduate GPA calculated on 4.0 scale required

Department-Specific Application Requirements (submitted through online application)

Statement of Purpose Guidelines: This is one of the most important components of your application and is the key to helping the admissions committee determine if Duke Chemistry is a good fit for your Ph.D. studies. Your statement should be well-organized and concise. It should provide clear evidence of your maturity, persistence, resilience, and motivation for pursuing a chemistry Ph.D. It should also provide evidence of how you will contribute to a diverse and inclusive community of scholars. Most of all, it should clearly articulate your research interests and explain how they overlap with faculty in the department.

Writing Sample None required

We strongly encourage you to review additional department-specific application guidance from the program to which you are applying: Departmental Application Guidance

List of Graduate School Programs and Degrees

Timeline to Degree

Ph.d. in chemistry timeline.

The time to complete the Ph.D. in Chemistry program is four to six years, with a typical student finishing in five years.

"A great thing about our program is the breadth of our research. You can explore many different areas of Chemistry." - Dean Tantillo, Professor
  • Take and pass four ACS Entrance Exams at the 50th percentile or better  or  any prescribed undergraduate courses with a grade of "B" or better.
  • Meet with faculty and join a research group by the end of the Fall quarter.
  • Take up to six graduate courses (one to three per quarter) based on your chosen research area.
  • Take any remaining required graduate courses.
  • Take your  Qualifying Examination  (QE) either in Winter or Spring quarter, after all coursework is completed.
  • Nominate your dissertation committee and Advance to Candidacy with the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • Present your research project to your dissertation committee and peers in a  seminar , either in Winter or Spring quarter.
  • Continue with research, write your dissertation and file to graduate.

Department of Chemistry

Professor Rebekka Klausen in discussion with grad student at bench in her lab.

  • PhD Requirements
  • Pathways to Your Career
  • Professional Societies
  • Student Groups
  • Chemistry-Biology Interface Program

Johns Hopkins University was the first American institution to emphasize graduate education and to establish a PhD program in chemistry. Founding Chair Ira Remsen initiated a tradition of excellence in research and education that has continued until this day. The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing scientific knowledge for humankind.

The graduate program provides students with the background and technical expertise required to be leaders in their field and to pursue independent research.

Graduate students’ advancement is marked by entrance exams, coursework, teaching, seminars, oral examinations, and an individual research project that culminates in a thesis dissertation. The thesis research project represents an opportunity for graduate students to make a mark on the world. Working in conjunction with a faculty member or team, individually tailored thesis projects enable students to think independently about cutting-edge research areas that are of critical importance. Thesis research is the most important step toward becoming a PhD scientist, and our program provides an outstanding base with a proven track record of success.

Graduate students make up the heart of the Chemistry Department, and the department strives to support students’ individual needs. Each student is carefully advised and classes are traditionally quite small. Multidisciplinary research and course offerings that increase scientific breadth and innovation are hallmarks of the program.  In addition to academic and technical development, our department also offers several outlets for professional and social development.

For more information, contact the Director of Graduate Studies. Dr. Art Bragg Office: Remsen 221 410-516-5616 [email protected]

Graduate Programs

Chemistry phd.

Solana Beach

The goal of the Chemistry PhD is to prepare students for careers in science as researchers and educators by expanding their knowledge of chemistry while developing their ability for critical analysis, creativity, and independent study. A high graduation rate in an average of just over five years can be attributed to the quality of applicants admitted, the flexibility of our program of study, the opportunity for students to begin research in the first year, and the affordability of education made possible by our generous financial support policies.

Program Overview

Programs of study are tailored to the needs of individual students, based on their prior training and research interests. However, progress to a degree is generally similar for all students. During the first year, students take courses, begin their teaching apprenticeships, choose research advisors, and embark on their thesis research; students whose native language is not English must pass an English proficiency examination. Beginning the first summer, the emphasis is on research, although courses of special interest may be taken throughout a student's residency. In the second year, there is a departmental examination which includes a written research proposal and an oral defense of the research proposal. In the third year, students advance to candidacy for the doctorate by defending the topic, preliminary findings, and future research plans for their dissertation. Subsequent years focus on thesis research and writing the dissertation. Most students graduate during their fifth year.

Research Opportunities

Research opportunities for graduate students are comprehensive and interdisciplinary, spanning inorganic, organic, physical, analytical, computational, and theoretical chemistry; surface and materials chemistry; and atmospheric and environmental chemistry. Please refer to the faculty pages for full descriptions of the ongoing research in our department. State-of-the-art facilities and laboratories support these research programs.

At UCSD, chemists and biochemists are part of a thriving community that stretches across campus and out into research institutions throughout the La Jolla and San Diego area, uniting researchers in substantive interactions and collaborations.

Special Training Programs

Interdisciplinary research and collaboration at UCSD is enhanced through a variety of training grants. These programs provide financial support for exceptional graduate and postdoctoral scholars and also unite researchers from across campus and throughout the La Jolla research community in special seminars, retreats, and courses. Doctoral students are usually placed on training grants in their second year or later.

  • Molecular Biophysics Training Grant
  • Contemporary Approaches to Cancer Cell Signaling and CommunicationBiochemistry of Growth Regulation and Oncogenesis
  • Chemistry Biology Interfaces Training Grant
  • Contemporary Approaches to Cancer Cell Signaling and Communication
  • Interfaces Graduate Training Program
  • Molecular Pharmacology Training Program
  • Quantitative Biology (qBio) Specialization

Teaching apprenticeships are a vital and integral part of graduate student training, and four quarters of teaching are required. See the Teaching Assistants page to apply. Students can gain experience teaching both discussion and laboratory sections. Excellence in teaching is stressed, and the department provides a thorough training program covering both fundamentals and special techniques for effective instruction. Further training is provided by the Teaching and Learning Commons on campus. Performance is evaluated every quarter, and awards are bestowed quarterly for outstanding teaching performance.

  • Financial Support

Students in good academic standing receive a 12-month stipend; fees and tuition are also provided. Support packages come from a variety of sources, including teaching and research assistantships, training grants, fellowships, and awards. Special fellowships are awarded to outstanding students based on their admission files. See Ph.D. Program Support Policy for more information.

Health and Dental Plan

A primary health care program, major medical plan, and dental plan are among the benefits provided by the University's registration fee (see Graduate Student Health Insurance Program, GSHIP) . Minor illnesses and injuries can usually be treated at the Student Health Center . Counseling is provided free of charge through Counseling and Psychological Services .

Creative, bright, and motivated students from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. We admit for the Fall quarter entrance only. See UCSD Ph.D. Admissions FAQ page for full information.

PostGraduate Placement

Graduates typically obtain jobs in academia or in the chemical industry. Many take postdoctoral research positions in academic institutions and national laboratories that lead to future academic or industrial careers at other prestigious institutions. Our faculty and Student Affairs staff provide career advising and job placement services. The department's Industrial Relations program assists students with placement in industrial positions. UCSD's Career Services Center provides many resources for students, including the chance to videotape yourself in a mock interview!

  • Biochem & MolBiophysics PhD
  • Degree Requirements
  • Research Tracks
  • Faculty by Track
  • Masters Program
  • Joint Doctoral Program
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Student Spotlight
  • Graduate Events
  • Course Offerings
  • Room Requests
  • Graduate Programs

Chemistry PhD

  • Degree Requirements

Chemistry PhD Degree Requirements

Programs of study are tailored to the needs of individual students, based on their prior training and research interests. Progress to degree is generally similar for all students. During the first year, students take courses, begin their teaching apprenticeships, choose research advisors, and embark on their thesis research. Beginning the first summer, the emphasis is on research, although courses of special interest may be taken throughout a student's tenure. In the second year, there is a Departmental Examination, which includes a written research proposal and an oral defense of the research proposal. In the third year, students advance to candidacy for the doctorate by defending the topic, preliminary findings, and future research plans for their dissertation. Subsequent years focus on thesis research and writing the dissertation.

Definition of Good Academic Standing

Good department and academic standing is a requirement to remain eligible for financial support. Graduate students who are not in good standing for any reason are subject to probation and/or disqualification from further graduate study.

  • GPA of 3.0 or above (and no more than 8 units of “F” or “U” grades)
  • Must have an approved Thesis Advisor, no later than spring quarter of the first year
  • Satisfactory spring evaluation by Thesis Advisor
  • Fulfillment of all program requirements, according to department deadlines (i.e., coursework, research progress, Department Exam, Qualifying Exam)
  • Students may not exceed a maximum of three quarters of "U" grades in Chem 299. 

Time Limits

Campus policy has established maximum time limits for advancement to candidacy, for financial support, and for the total quarters registered.  The UCSD Dean of Graduate Studies enforces these limits.  The Department  of Chemistry and Biochemistry has set earlier time limits for advancement to candidacy and financial support as outlined below.

Advancement to candidacy               3 years

Financial support                               4-5 years

An individualized course program is designed for each student in conjunction with the advisor. Course work may be prescribed by the First-Year or Thesis Advisor based on results of the Placement Examinations and the student's research concentration. All students will be required to enroll in Chem 500 (Teaching Apprenticeship) each quarter assigned to TA, and CHEM 509 (Teaching Methods in Chemistry and Biochemistry) during the first quarter as a TA (Fall).

  • See Coursework Map for PhD students planning to get an MS along the way
  • All students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units each quarter to qualify for financial support and to be in good academic standing. If courses or units are dropped, others must be added to maintain the minimum 12 units required to remain in good academic standing. Graduate courses (200 and 500 series) are usually taken. Upper-division courses (100 series) are often appropriate or necessary to remedy deficiencies noted on Placement Examinations. Lower-division courses (numbered 1-99) do NOT count toward the 12 unit minimum.
  • Students normally enroll for 4 courses of 4 units each in Fall quarter.
  • Chemistry 500 (Teaching Apprenticeship, 4 units) counts toward the unit requirement.
  • Chemistry 509 (Teaching Training Seminar, 2 units) counts towards the unit requirement
  • CHEM 250 / Responsible Conduct of Research training (RCR, 4 units). First year doctoral students are required to complete CHEM 250 in Spring quarter of Year 1. This seminar will cover RCR, and other valuable training on scientific communication and creating your Individual Development Plan.  CHEM 250 will also fulfill the RCR training requirement from NSF and NIH funding agencies. [email protected] ) with your certificate of completion for your academic file. -->
  • Students are encouraged to enroll in the seminar courses (e.g., Chemistry 227, 251, 293, 294, 295, or 296). However, these courses do not count toward the 12-unit per quarter minimum in the first year.
  • All students should enroll in Chemistry 298 (Rotation) during Fall quarter (and Winter quarter for those students still participating in lab rotations). Students should not enroll in Chemistry 299 (Research) until a Thesis Advisor has been approved.
  • First Year Advisors must approve any changes to course enrollment, including adds, drops, unit changes, and grading option changes.
  • Courses from other departments (e.g., Biology, Physics, Mathematics, School of Medicine, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography) may be taken. This may be particularly valuable in making contacts with faculty outside the Department for the Doctoral Committee.

Graduate level courses at UCSD have two grading options: letter (e.g., A, B, C, D, and F) and S/U (satisfactory and unsatisfactory). First year students must take all courses for a letter grade unless the course is offered S/U only. Students who have not advanced to candidacy for the doctorate must take all courses within the Department for a letter grade, with the exceptions of Chemistry 500, Chemistry 299 (or thesis research) and courses that are offered S/U only.

All incoming PhD students are required to complete four (4) quarters as a Teaching Assistant (TA) as part of the academic requirements of the PhD program. Three (3) quarters of teaching are completed in the first year, while the fourth quarter is typically completed in the second year in the program. Students typically must TA at least two (2) labs as part of the 4 quarter teaching requirement. A satisfactory ("S") grade is required in the corresponding Teaching Apprenticeship (Chem 500) course during each TA quarter to fulfill this 4-quarter TA requirement. For more information regarding TA applications and responsibilities, please visit: https://www-chem.ucsd.edu/graduate-program/ta.html .

Master's Degree

The Comprehensive Exam (Coursework) M.S. in Chemistry is optional, and interested students must apply for it. Students who wish to pursue this degree normally take the bulk of the required coursework during their first year and receive the degree after passing the Departmental Examination in the second year. See  Coursework Map  for Plan II MS along the way.  Students will be given the needed paperwork and status report of M.S. units at the time of their Departmental Examination. The latest we recommend a student earn the Master's degree is the quarter in which they advance to candidacy for the Ph.D.

Students who already have a Master's degree from UCSD or who already have a Master's degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or a related field from another institution are not eligible. Transfer units are acceptable as outlined in the UCSD General Catalog and as approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee.

Advancement to Candidacy for M.S.

The deadline to file the paperwork to Advance to Candidacy is the end of the third week of the same quarter of the MS degree conferral. The final units needed to advance may be in-progress while the paperwork is filed. These are the unit and grade requirements for advancing:

  • REQUIRED: Complete a minimum of 36 units.
  • REQUIRED: Achieve a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • REQUIRED: Successfully complete the Departmental Examination.
  • Lower-division courses may not be applied towards the degree.
  • A maximum of 12 units of upper-division coursework may be applied.
  • Complete a minimum of 24 units of graduate-level coursework.
  • A minimum of 14 units of Chemistry graduate level courses required. Courses taken outside of the department must be approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee.
  • A maximum of 4 units of non-thesis research (298) may be applied.
  • A maximum of 4 units of Teaching Apprenticeship (Chem 500) may be applied. Students should enroll in more than 4 units of Chem 500, but a maximum of 4 units may be applied toward their MS degree.
  • A maximum of 2 units of Teaching Training Seminar (Chem 509) may be applied.
  • Chem 250 is the ONLY seminar that may be applied. However, students are strongly encouraged to also enroll in seminars in their field. A maximum of 4 units of Chem 250 may be applied.
  • Chem 251 and Chem 299 may not be applied.
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered S/U only.
  • Complete a minimum of 16 units of letter-graded (A, B, etc.) courses.

Placement Examinations

The purpose of the Placement Examinations is to assist with academic advising and to assure that students have the breadth and level of competence needed for graduate studies in the chemical and biochemical sciences. There will be two required examinations for incoming PhD students: one General Exam and one in the student’s area of research specialization (In-track exam). These examinations cover undergraduate course material—the In-track Exam will focus on your area of research and the General Exam will encompass topics from all of the different Chemistry & Biochemistry tracks: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical/instrumental analysis. To meet the Placement Examination requirement, by the end of Spring quarter of your first year, you must show proficiency at the upper-division level on the topics covered in the General Exam and the In-track exam. You must prove proficiency by passing the two Placement Exams or by passing prescribed coursework with a grade of B or higher if you do not pass the examinations.

Incoming students are mailed information about what materials to review and the best strategies for studying for these tests. Students are required to take both examinations, which are given at the beginning of the Orientation period. If a student does not pass the General Exam the first time, they will be able to self-study and re-take a different version of the General Exam. If a student does not pass the General Re-Exam and/or the In-track Exam, they must pass the coursework prescribed by their First-Year Advisor. The First-Year Advisors review the examination results and develop a prescribed course plan for each student who would benefit from additional training in one or more of the five areas. Students must pass their prescribed course(s) with grades of B or higher. It may take more than one quarter to become proficient in an area, depending on a student's educational background.

  • Enrollment & Registration
  • Thesis Advisors
  • Annual Evaluations
  • Individual Development Plan
  • Second Year Exam
  • Qualifying Exam
  • Thesis Defense
  • Financial Support
  • Research Tracks
  • Faculty by Track
  • Utility Menu

University Logo

gA4 tracking code

Department of chemistry and chemical biology.

  • Donate to CCB

Graduate Program

A collection of headshots in a grid

Science in the 21st century is rich with opportunity and challenge. Our pillars for success in this complex world are all tied to interactions—between people and between disciplines. By building both strong interpersonal connections between our students and faculty, and effective bridges between disciplines, entering graduate students in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology can thrive at the frontiers of research in the chemical and life sciences.

Our graduate programs prioritize research and exploration. With many opportunities to interact with departments, research centers, and institutions across the Boston area, our students benefit from an interdisciplinary environment that encourages curiosity and innovation. Students can choose from one of our following two graduate degree programs:

Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Our program in Chemistry offers research and training opportunities in many subdisciplines of chemistry, including chemical biology, inorganic, organic, physical, and theoretical.

Chemical Physics

Our interdepartmental Chemical Physics program is designed for students who wish to prepare themselves for the study of chemical problems by the methods and theories of modern physics.

Prospective students

Current graduate students, news about our graduate students.

  • Chemistry Internship Reunion Celebrates Success of Local High Schoolers
  • CCB publishes fourth edition of CCB Magazine
  • School of Life

PhD Graduate Education at Northeastern University logo

This PhD program in Chemistry is designed for students who have earned a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in chemistry or a related field who wish to develop as independent researchers by engaging in cutting-edge research while working closely with faculty who are renowned in their fields.

The program of study includes some course work, but the primary emphasis is on the completion of an original research project, its articulation in a well-written thesis, and its subsequent defense before the thesis (oral examination) committee. The PhD program is a full-time degree program that typically takes five years to complete. Financial support (teaching assistantships or research assistantships) is normally provided for students throughout their period of study if they are found to be making satisfactory progress toward their degree in accordance with departmental and university guidelines.

  • Boston location ideally positioned in the heart of the Biotechnology Supercluster and Medical Hub
  • Students eligible for financial support in the form of Teaching Assistantships (TAs) or Research Assistantships (RAs)
  • Use-inspired research projects in materials, energy, and drug discovery are closely linked with industry via partnerships and collaboration
  • Departmental research funding is greater than $16 million, across multiple disciplinary foci
  • Home to the Barnett Institute of Biological and Chemical Analysis, a premier analytical chemistry institute, and the Northeastern University Center for Renewable Energy Technology
  • Bachelor’s and Advanced-degree entry are possible

Our graduates pursue careers within academia and beyond.

  • Paul scherrer Institute
  • Merck Research Laboratories
  • Bristol-Meyers Squibb
  • BioAnalytix
  • Lang Pharmaceutical Nutrition
  • Empiroko Inc.
  • Stanford University
  • Corden Pharmaceuticals
  • Warner-Babcock
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory

Application Materials


  • Application fee – US $100
  • Unofficial transcripts for all institutions attended (Official transcripts required upon acceptance of admission offer)
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • GRE General – recommended, but not required
  • Proof of English Proficiency for all applicants

Deadline for completed applications: December 1

  • Program Website

Request Information for PhD in Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry

The PhD in chemistry is primarily a research degree. It is awarded to students who have displayed competence in planning and conducting original research in the field of chemistry, demonstrated a broad familiarity with the science of chemistry, understanding in the application of the scientific method, and gained a thorough knowledge of their field of specialization.

Students build a solid foundation in all four core areas of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical), and a thorough knowledge of their chosen field of specialization. In the first part of the PhD program, students take at least one formal classroom course in each the core areas of chemistry as outlined in the course requirements below. The courses must be completed successfully (B- or better) by the end of the third semester.

Since original research is the primary requirement for the PhD degree, a student selects a research supervisor and begins research before the end the first year. The student and research supervisor then select two faculty members to serve as the student's Doctoral Research Committee. The Committee, in conjunction with the student's research adviser, take over the advisory function from the graduate committee and guides the student's work to promote development as an independent investigator.

Thus, in addition to research each student must complete the following requirements:

  • Service as a teaching assistant
  • Regular progress updates with a faculty Research Committee
  • A departmental seminar
  • Defense of an original research proposal.
  • Completion of a dissertation reporting significant work of publishable quality

Course Requirements

At least one of the following analytical chemistry courses:

  • Chem 141: Instrumental Analysis
  • Chem 142: Advanced Analytical Methods
  • Chem 144: Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis
  • Chem 145: Separation Science
  • Chem 146: Electroanalytical Chemistry

At least one of the following inorganic chemistry courses: 

  • Chem 161: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chem 162: Chemistry of Transition Elements
  • Chem 164: Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Chem 165: Physical Methods In Inorganic Chemistry

At least one of the following organic chemistry courses:

  • Chem 150: Intermediate Organic Chemistry
  • Chem 151: Physical Organic Chemistry
  • Chem 152: Advanced Organic Synthesis

At least one of the following physical chemistry courses: 

  • Chem 131: Statistical Thermodynamics
  • Chem 132: Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
  • Chem 133: Quantum Mechanics
  • Chem 134: Biophysical Chemistry
  • Chem 136: Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure
  • Chem 138: Atomic Scale Structure and Properties of Surfaces  
  • Two additional classroom courses, exclusive of research, must be completed satisfactorily by the end of the fourth semester

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UMass Boston

chemistry phd duration

  • Chemistry PhD

Pursue the highest level of academic achievement in chemistry and become an accomplished scientist.

UMass Boston's Chemistry Department offers a comprehensive Doctor of Philosophy degree, dedicated to cultivating creative and conscientious scientists. The department offers educational opportunities in six doctoral tracks: Biological Chemistry, Chemistry Education Research, Green Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physical/Analytical Chemistry, with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Students immerse themselves in research labs early in the program and tailor their academic plan in accordance with their research interests.

Students are required to complete 60 credits of coursework, consisting of two core courses, three elective courses, a graduate seminar course and a dissertation research course. The set of core courses is dictated by the student’s track. In addition, the department’s emphasis on Green Chemistry permeates the curricula of all of its doctoral tracks. Our PhD program culminates in a public defense of the student’s research and the publication of the dissertation.

The specialty of the Department is in the field of Green Chemistry, and we are proud to be the first school in the country to offer a doctoral degree via the PhD in Chemistry/Green Chemistry Track. It focuses specifically on preparing chemistry doctoral students to direct, design, and implement chemical research using strategies that reduce or eliminate the impact on human health or the environment. It provides experiences, tools, and skills needed for conducting research in a more environmentally sustainable fashion. The strength of the green chemistry curriculum lies in its overlapping interdisciplinary themes of research. Our faculty is committed to research designed to benefit society, and this emphasis is reflected in our course selections at all levels of education.

Start Your Application

Chemistry PhD (Biological Track)

Students in the Biological Chemistry PhD track are required to take one core course, two core biological chemistry track courses, three elective courses, and at least six credits of Graduate Seminar and twenty credits of dissertation research. Of the three elective courses, one must be in the Chemistry Department, whereas up to two can be from other departments upon approval from the student's dissertation committee.

View the Curriculum

Chemistry PhD (Chemistry Education Research Track)

Students in the Chemistry Education PhD track are required to take one core course, two core chemistry education track courses, three elective courses, and at least six credits of Graduate Seminar and twenty credits of dissertation research. Of the three elective courses, one must be in the Chemistry Department, whereas up to two can be from other departments upon approval from the student's dissertation committee.

Chemistry PhD (Green Track)

The Green Chemistry Track in the Chemistry PhD Program is the first such program in the world. Students obtaining a degree from this program will be prepared for conventional chemistry jobs in industry, government, and academia. In addition to traditional training in the chemical sciences, required and elective courses in the Biology Department and School for the Environment provide graduates with the tools and experience to assess human impact on health and the environment.

Green chemistry involves an ecologically sustainable view of chemical research, development, and manufacture. Toxicological understanding and environmental fate are necessary components to understanding the entire "molecular life cycle" of any commercial endeavor.

Typically, universities and academic departments lack the appropriate personnel and facilities to pursue a program of this kind. The unique complement of Chemistry, the School for the Environment, and Biology Department faculty has allowed the University of Massachusetts Boston to create such a program.

Chemistry PhD (Inorganic Track)

Students in the Inorganic Chemistry PhD track are required to take one core course, two core inorganic chemistry track courses, three elective courses, and at least six credits of Graduate Seminar and twenty credits of dissertation research. Of the three elective courses, one must be in the Chemistry Department, whereas up to two can be from other departments upon approval from the student's dissertation committee.

Chemistry PhD (Organic Track)

Students in the Organic Chemistry PhD track are required to take one core course, two core organic chemistry track courses, three elective courses, and at least six credits of Graduate Seminar and twenty credits of dissertation research. Of the three elective courses, one must be in the Chemistry Department, whereas up to two can be from other departments upon approval from the student's dissertation committee.

Chemistry PhD (Physical/Analytical Track)

Students in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry PhD track are required to take one core course, two core physical/analytical chemistry track courses, three elective courses, and at least six credits of Graduate Seminar and twenty credits of dissertation research. Of the three elective courses, one must be in the Chemistry Department, whereas up to two can be from other departments upon approval from the student's dissertation committee.

Plan Your Education

How to apply.

Applicants must meet general graduate admission requirements in addition to the following program-specific requirements:

  • Test Scores: GRE recommended
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose

Deadlines & Cost

Deadlines: January 15 (priority deadline) or June 1 (final deadline, if space available) for fall, October 1 (priority deadline) or November 1 (final deadline, if space available) for spring

Application Fee: The nonrefundable application fee is $75. UMass Boston alumni and current students that plan to complete degree requirements prior to graduate enrollment can submit the application without paying the application fee.

Program Cost Information: Bursar's website

Curriculum - Biological Track

Coursework  (complete 60 credits.), core course in chemistry phd for all tracks (choose one.).

CHEM 631 – Chemical Toxicology CHEM 671 – Introduction to Green Chemistry


CHEM 658 – Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 680 – Physical Biochemistry CHEM 681 – Medical Biochemistry

ELECTIVE COURSES  (Choose three from list.)

CHEM 601 – Thermodynamics and Kinetics CHEM 602 – Quantum Mechanics CHEM 611 – Organometallic Catalysis CHEM 612 – Physical Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 621 – Synthetic Organic Chemistry CHEM 622 – Physical Organic Chemistry CHEM 631 – Chemical Toxicology CHEM 641 – Chemistry and Biochemistry Education Research CHEM 651 – Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds CHEM 654 – Biological Chemistry CHEM 658 – Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 661 – Analytical Instrumentation CHEM 662 – Applied Chemometrics CHEM 666 – Electrochemistry CHEM 671 – Introduction to Green Chemistry CHEM 680 – Physical Biochemistry CHEM 681 – Medical Biochemistry CHEM 687 – Topics in Chemistry CHEM 688 – Topics in Physical Chemistry CHEM 689 – Topics in Organic Chemistry CHEM 690 – Topics in Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 696 – Independent Study CHEM 697 – Special Topics in Chemistry


Students may choose electives from external departments if they are relevant to their course of study and research. Students choose courses with the permission of the advisor and Graduate Program Director.

Biology Department

BIOL 614 – Advanced Cell Chemistry BIOL 678 – Protein Chemistry and Enzymology BIOL 679 – Protein Chemistry and Enzymology Lecture BIOL 685 – Biomedical Tracers

Physics Department

PHYSIC 601 – Electronic Instrumentation II: Digital PHYSIC 612 – Electromagnetic Theory PHYSIC 632 – Advanced Laser Optics (with lab) PHYSIC 609 – Physics of Medical Imaging PHYSIC 615 – Solid State Physics PHYSIC 621 – Physics of Semiconductor Materials

School for the Environment

EEOS 611 – Applied Statistics EEOS 640 – The Chemistry of Natural Waters EEOS 710 – Environmental Biogeochemistry EEOS 715 – Isotope Geochemistry

SEMINAR COURSES (Minimum of 6 credits)

CHEM 691 – Seminar I (fall) CHEM 692 – Seminar II (spring)

DISSERTATION RESEARCH (Complete 20 credits.)

CHEM 899 – Dissertation Research

Curriculum - Chemistry Education Research Track

Coursework (complete 60 credits.), core course in chemistry phd for all tracks (choose one.), core courses in chemistry education research track (three courses.).

CHEM 641 – Chemistry and Biochemistry Education Research

At least two courses selected from the following three options: * Quantitative Methods: EEOS 611 (Applied Statistics) or BIOL 607 (Computational Data Analysis for Biology) * Qualitative Methods: HIGHED 752 (Research Methods in Higher Education: Qualitative Analysis) or PSYCLN 775 (Qualitative Methods in Clinical Psychology) * Cognition: PSYDBS 762 (Knowledge Acquisition) or PSYDBS 620 (Cognitive Neuroscience)

ELECTIVE COURSES (Choose two from list.)

CHEM 601 – Thermodynamics and Kinetics CHEM 602 – Quantum Mechanics CHEM 611 – Organometallic Catalysis CHEM 612 – Physical Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 621 – Synthetic Organic Chemistry CHEM 622 – Physical Organic Chemistry CHEM 631 – Chemical Toxicology CHEM 641 – Chemistry and Biochemistry Education Research CHEM 651 – Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds CHEM 654 – Biological Chemistry CHEM 658 – Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 661 – Analytical Instrumentation CHEM 662 – Applied Chemometrics CHEM 666 – Electrochemistry CHEM 671 – Introduction to Green Chemistry CHEM 680 – Physical Biochemistry CHEM 681 – Medical Biochemistry CHEM 687 – Topics in Chemistry CHEM 688 – Topics in Physical Chemistry CHEM 689 – Topics in Organic Chemistry CHEM 690 – Topics in Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 696 – Independent Study CHEM 697 – Special Topics in Chemistry

Education Departments

EDCG 606 – Sociocultural Foundations of Education HIGHED 612 – Impact of College on Students HIGHED 620 – Teaching, Learning and Curriculum in Urban Contexts HIGHED 636 – Sociological Perspectives on Higher Education EDCG 663 – Assessment in Teaching EDCG 665 – Secondary Science Teaching Methods

ENVSCI 611 – Applied Statistics ENVSCI 635 – Environmental Toxicology ENVSCI 640 – The Chemistry of Natural Waters ENVSCI 710 – Environmental Biogeochemistry ENVSCI 715 – Isotope Geochemistry

SEMINAR COURSES (Enroll in seminar every semester.)

Curriculum - green track.

Students in the Green Chemistry PhD track are required to take two core courses, four elective courses, and at least six credits of Graduate Seminar and twenty credits of dissertation research. Of the four elective courses, at least two must be in the Chemistry Department, whereas up to the two remaining courses can be from other departments upon approval from the student's dissertation committee.

CORE COURSES (Both core courses are required.)

Elective courses (choose four from list.).

Students may choose electives from external departments if they are relevant to their course of study and research. Students choose courses with the permission of the advisor and graduate program director.

SEMINAR COURSES (Minimum of 6 credits.)

Curriculum - inorganic track.

Students in the Inorganic Chemistry PhD track are required to take one core course, two core inorganic chemistry track courses, three elective courses, and at least six credits of Graduate Seminar and twenty credits of dissertation research. Of the three elective courses, one must be in the Chemistry Department, whereas up to two can be from other departments upon approval from the student's dissertation committee. For all courses see the university's Course Listings .


CHEM 611 – Organometallic Catalysis CHEM 612 – Physical Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 690 – Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

ELECTIVE COURSES (Choose three from list.)

Curriculum - organic track, core courses in organic chemistry track (choose two from list.).

CHEM 621 – Synthetic Organic Chemistry CHEM 622 – Physical Organic Chemistry CHEM 658 – Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 689 – Topics in Organic Chemistry

Curriculum - Physical/Analytical Track

Core courses in physical/analytical track (choose two from list.).

CHEM 601 – Thermodynamics and Kinetics CHEM 602 – Quantum Mechanics CHEM 661 – Analytical Instrumentation CHEM 688 – Topics in Physical Chemistry

Graduation Criteria

Complete a minimum of 60 credits from at least 15 courses including one core course, five track courses, six graduate seminars, and a minimum of 20 credits in dissertation courses.

Students must pass a literature seminar in the first year of study.

Track: Students must select a track from green chemistry, biological chemistry, chemistry education research, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, or physical/analytical chemistry. Doctoral candidacy: Pass four written qualifying exams (at least two of which are in the track), and an oral qualifying exam. Dissertation: Candidates must complete and defend a dissertation based on original research.

Statute of limitations: Seven years.

Plan of Study

Graduate Program Director Wei Zhang (Green Chemistry) wei2.zhang [at] umb.edu (617) 287-6147

Graduate Program Director Neil Reilly (Physical/Analytical Chemistry) neil.reilly [at] umb.edu (617) 287-4065

Graduate Program Assistant Rita Lam graduate.chemistry [at] umb.edu (617) 287-6190

Students hold test tubes.

Learn more about UMass Boston's Chemistry department, our research, and our faculty.

chemistry phd duration

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Chemistry MPhil/PhD

London, Bloomsbury

Studying for an MPhil/PhD at UCL Chemistry means joining one of the top departments in the UK, working with a large cohort of researchers alongside academics and, potentially, industry. The department has wide-ranging links with science and technology industries offering excellent prospects for employability.

UK tuition fees (2024/25)

Overseas tuition fees (2024/25), programme starts, applications accepted.

  • Entry requirements

A UK Master’s degree in Chemistry, or an MSci or MChem with upper second-class Honours, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.

The English language level for this programme is: Level 1

UCL Pre-Master's and Pre-sessional English courses are for international students who are aiming to study for a postgraduate degree at UCL. The courses will develop your academic English and academic skills required to succeed at postgraduate level.

Further information can be found on our English language requirements page.

If you are intending to apply for a time-limited visa to complete your UCL studies (e.g., Student visa, Skilled worker visa, PBS dependant visa etc.) you may be required to obtain ATAS clearance . This will be confirmed to you if you obtain an offer of a place. Please note that ATAS processing times can take up to six months, so we recommend you consider these timelines when submitting your application to UCL.

Equivalent qualifications

Country-specific information, including details of when UCL representatives are visiting your part of the world, can be obtained from the International Students website .

International applicants can find out the equivalent qualification for their country by selecting from the list below. Please note that the equivalency will correspond to the broad UK degree classification stated on this page (e.g. upper second-class). Where a specific overall percentage is required in the UK qualification, the international equivalency will be higher than that stated below. Please contact Graduate Admissions should you require further advice.

About this degree

The department offers a broad range of research themes across physical, organic, inorganic and computational chemistry, specific departmental strengths are listed under research areas below.

Who this course is for

Applicants should have a strong academic record in a relevant technical discipline (for example Chemistry, Materials, Biochemistry, Physics, Computer Science) and a strong interest in Chemistry and its sub-disciplines. Typically applicants should have achieved or expect to obtain the equivalent of a good UK Masters (e.g. MSci, MChem, MEng or MSc) degree by the start of the new academic year. The programme will not accept applications from candidates who are only qualified to Bachelor's level except in truly exceptional circumstances. We particularly encourage applications from female students and students of minority ethnic backgrounds as these are currently under-represented within the field.

What this course will give you

UCL Chemistry has excellent facilities, a large research staff and postgraduate research cohort spanning a broad range of cutting-edge science and the department is situated in the heart of the UCL campus. There are very strong interdisciplinary links with other departments, including the London Centre for Nanotechnology and extensive collaborations with industry.

The foundation of your career

Recent UCL Chemistry PhD graduates have become postdoctoral researchers at a range of institutions in the UK and abroad, including ETH Zurich and Princeton, amongst others. Other PhD graduates have followed a wide range of careers, becoming research chemists, secondary school science teachers, working in finance and publishing and becoming technical consultants.


Recent UCL Chemistry PhD graduates have become postdoctoral researchers at a range of institutions in the UK and abroad, including ETH Zurich and Princeton, amongst others. Other PhD graduates have followed a wide range of careers, becoming university staff, research chemists, secondary school science teachers, working in finance and publishing and becoming technical consultants.

Networking opportunities are available throughout the PhD at departmental seminars and events for interdisciplinary research collaborations with other institutions and departments. Furthermore all of our PhD students have the opportunity to meet with subject-specific visiting academic speakers giving seminars. Networking is also possible at the Chemical & Physics Society (CPS), which holds weekly talks from staff and visiting speakers throughout each term.

Teaching and learning

Students are taught technical skills by supervisors and/or group members. Additionally, students are expected to attend group meetings, departmental seminars and encouraged to attend relevant internal and external training opportunities and conferences.

There are two assessment steps, MPhil to PhD upgrade and once entered onto the PhD programme fully, the candidate is assessed in an oral exam (typically approximately 3 hours) on their PhD thesis by an appointed examiner from UCL (usually from the department) and an approved external examiner from another university in the UK or occasionally from overseas.

Typically a PhD student would work the equivalent to a standard full-time job of around 37 hours per week. Depending on the nature of the research project, a student would expect to spend several hours per week in contact with supervisor(s), face to face meetings, in group meetings, through online meetings or through email.

Research areas and structure

  • Biocatalysis and synthetic biology
  • Bionanotechnology
  • Chemical biology and drug discovery
  • Chemical modification and synthesis of proteins and complex peptides
  • Chemical sensors and gas-phase electrochemistry
  • Chemistry in interstellar space
  • Computational chemistry, from materials simulations to quantum dynamics
  • Computational chemistry - biomolecular simulations and drug design
  • Development of chemical probes for biological systems
  • Development of synthetic methodology for organic synthesis
  • Gas-phase reactions of ions and molecules related to atmospheric chemistry
  • Industrial materials
  • New synthetic methods for inorganic materials
  • Thin film growth and analysis
  • Surface solid-state science
  • Ultrafast molecular dynamics and coherent control.

The department takes a leading role in the following interdisciplinary research centres, which bring together expertise from various departments in UCL, and which maintain strong and coherent links with external institutions:

  • The Centre for Computational Science (CCS)
  • The Centre for Cosmic Chemistry and Physics
  • The Materials Chemistry Centre.
  • The Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
  • UK Catalysis Hub- Research Complex at Harwell
  • The Francis Crick Institute (2015 onwards)

Research environment

UCL Chemistry is a thriving department with a large cohort of researchers working alongside academics and potentially, industry. The department has wide-ranging links with science and technology industries offering excellent prospects for employability. The department has excellent facilities and was ranked 3rd nationally for their 4* research submissions and joint 1st for 4* and 3* submissions according to the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF).

Every PhD is different but typically in year 1, students familiarise themselves with the literature in the area of the research project and formulate their research project as well as receiving training in research skills, as well as technical skills as the project dictates. At around the start of year 2, there is a MPhil to PhD upgrade assessment to establish that students have achieved sufficient progress that they are on track to produce a high quality PhD thesis. Years 2-3 or 2-4 for a 4 year PhD involve intensive research including a period of writing up of the thesis. After the thesis is submitted, the candidate is assessed for the award of a PhD by an oral examination (viva voce).

The part time programme broadly follows the same structure as the full time programme but over a period of up to 6 years.


Details of the accessibility of UCL buildings can be obtained from AccessAble accessable.co.uk . Further information can also be obtained from the UCL Student Support and Wellbeing team .

Fees and funding

Fees for this course.

The tuition fees shown are for the year indicated above. Fees for subsequent years may increase or otherwise vary. Where the programme is offered on a flexible/modular basis, fees are charged pro-rata to the appropriate full-time Master's fee taken in an academic session. Further information on fee status, fee increases and the fee schedule can be viewed on the UCL Students website: ucl.ac.uk/students/fees .

Additional costs

T here are no programme-specific costs.

For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at Accommodation and living costs .

Funding your studies

The department may be able to offer, on a competitive basis, BBSRC, EPSRC, and NERC studentships, teaching assistantships and industrially supported studentships.

For a comprehensive list of the funding opportunities available at UCL, including funding relevant to your nationality, please visit the Scholarships and Funding website .

CSC-UCL Joint Research Scholarship

Value: Fees, maintenance and travel (Duration of programme) Criteria Based on academic merit Eligibility: EU, Overseas

Deadlines and start dates are usually dictated by funding arrangements so check with the department or academic unit to see if you need to consider these in your application preparation. In most cases you should identify and contact potential supervisors before making your application. For more information see our How to apply page.

Please note that you may submit applications for a maximum of two graduate programmes (or one application for the Law LLM) in any application cycle.

Choose your programme

Please read the Application Guidance before proceeding with your application.

Year of entry: 2024-2025

Got questions get in touch.


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  • Taught degrees
  • Taught Degrees
  • Applying for Graduate Taught Study at UCL
  • Research degrees
  • Research Degrees
  • Funded Research Opportunities
  • Doctoral School
  • Funded Doctoral Training Programmes
  • Applying for Graduate Research Study at UCL
  • Teacher training
  • Teacher Training
  • Early Years PGCE programmes
  • Primary PGCE programmes
  • Secondary PGCE programmes
  • Further Education PGCE programme
  • How to apply
  • The IOE approach
  • Teacher training in the heart of London
  • Why choose UCL?
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Inspiring facilities and resources
  • Careers and employability
  • Your global alumni community
  • Your wellbeing
  • Postgraduate Students' Association
  • Your life in London
  • Accommodation
  • Funding your Master's


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  • Current Students
  • PhD Program Guide

To be in good academic standing, a student registered in Chemistry Department must:

  • Complete all courses including research courses with a satisfactory grade of at least B- and maintain a minimum of B+ standing;
  • Adhere to the specific requirements in their field of study;
  • Meet with supervisory committee annually; and
  • Comply with the General and Degree Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS);

The Department may recommend to the School of Graduate Studies the termination of registration and candidacy of a student who fails to make a satisfactory progress toward the completion of the degree.

In addition, make sure to review SGS guidance on Understanding Good Standing and Satisfactory Progress . It lays out expectations regarding coursework completion, supervisory committee meetings and evalutions, candidacy, and program length and time limit.

If there are challenges that may be hindering your progress, there are options:

  • Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision and/or Graduate Wellness Services for strategies.
  • Additional advice from School of Graduate Studies
  • Address the issue(s) with your advisory committee members.  Students may contact the Graduate Office to facilitate a meeting outside of your annual progress meeting with the Associate Chair.
  • Contact the Graduate Office to seek advice.

Doctoral Supervisory Committee and Annual Meetings

Students must establish a supervisory committee  within three months  of entering the doctoral program. The committee will consist of the supervisor (or co-supervisors) and at least two University of Toronto graduate faculty members. One of the two members can be outside of the chemistry graduate department. Student must fill out the  Doctoral Supervisory Committee Enrolment form  and upload to the Chemistry Graduate Office drive .

How Do You Choose Committee Members? Committee members are best selected in consultation with your supervisor.   Here are some key questios when considering prospective members:

  • Can they add value (eg. field-specific advice) to your research program?
  • Will they be around and available for consultation and meetings throughout most of your program?.
  • Will they be approachable and offer constructive advice?
  • Can they be objective enough to help if problems arise?
  • Will they be able and wiling to offer their opinion even if contrary to that of your supervisor or other members?
  • Is there a good balance?  Do their reas of expertise cover a sufficient range?

Membership must remain the same throughout the doctoral program. If a member needs to be replaced, please forward another  Doctoral Supervisory Committee Enrolment form  along with a letter of justification for the change.

Students must also arrange a supervisory committee meeting  within twelve months  of entering the doctoral program. Thereafter, students are required by School of Graduate Studies to meet with the committee at least once a year to assess the student's progress in the program and to provide advice on future work. Students are expected to meet with their committee at least once a year, and more often if the committee so requires. A 20-30-minute meeting is generally sufficient but students or faculty may request for more time if needed. Students must fill out the  Doctoral Supervisory Committee Meeting Report  which needs to be submitted to the Chemistry Graduate Office after the meeting. If a member is unable to make it to the meeting, the student must arrange a separate meeting.  As a best practice and to get as much from this annual meeting, it is utmost important to schedule a it when all members are available. 

The meeting is meant to provide guidance and advice to both the student and to the supervisor from interested colleagues, to ensure that the progress towards graduation is satisfactory and to provide a forum to resolve any issues (eg. research, academic, personal) which may arise. It thus follows that if either the student or the supervisor (or, on occasion, the Associate Chair) feels that a meeting is in order outside the required annual one, it is their right to request such a meeting and the responsibility of all the members of the committee to agree to such a meeting.  

What You Can Expect of your Supervisory Committee Your supervisory committee should:

  • Meet regularly (at least once a year)
  • Provide guidance during your research
  • Add complementary value to your supervision
  • Provide meaningful written feedback
  • Resource towards enhancing your professional development

The School of Graduate Studies have developed guidelines for students to peruse.  It provides information on responsiblities of the student, supervisor and advisory committee. 

A student falls out of good academic standing if the supervisory committee concludes that unsatisfactory progress is being made on two consecutive meetings.

Arranging the annual meeting is generally the student's responsibility. However, if a student experiences difficulty in arranging a meeting with any member(s) of their committee or should require additional meeting(s), they should contact the Graduate Office for assistance.

Failure to meet the above timelines can be grounds for termination in the program.

Time Limit for Completion of Program Requirements in a Ph.D. Program

A student enrolled in a full-time PhD degree program will be denied further registration in that program and will have their candidacy terminated at the end of the third year of registration in the case of a four-year program, or at the end of the fourth year of registration in the case of a five-year program (direct entry from bachelors degree), if, by that time, either:

  • the candidate has not completed all requirements for the degree exclusive of thesis research including course requirements and qualifying departmental examinations; or
  • the candidate does not have an approved thesis topic, supervisor, or supervisory committee.

In exceptional circumstances, such a student may be permitted to register in the program for two further sessions at the Department's discretion. Student must fill out a  Request for Extension to Achieve Candidacy form  and receive approval from the supervisor before submitting to the Chemistry Graduate Office. Continuation beyond two sessions will require the approval of both the department and the SGS Admissions and Programs Committee.

Our Department requires students to register in courses that run continuously throughout the program, e.g., ongoing research and seminar courses. The foregoing time limit does not apply to such courses. Doctoral students in their third year must be ABD (All But Dissertation) in order to continue in the program.

Course Reduction & Transfers

Course Reduction

With the approval of Department of Chemistry and School of Graduate Studies, course reduction may be granted for graduate work completed in another MSc program. This will reduce the number of courses a doctoral student will need to complete to fulfill in the program requirements. Students may request up to two half-courses which must be equivalent to courses offered by our Department. Graduate or cross-listed courses taken while in the undergraduate level do not apply.  Doctoral students who completed their MSc in chemistry at UofT are not required to submit a course reduction request. 

Since the course(s) has been credited towards another degree, the course cannot be transferred towards the doctoral degree.

To request a course reduction, the following documents must be submitted to the Graduate Office for approval within a year  of entering the doctoral program:

  • Request for  Course Reduction Form ;
  • Copy of the course syllabus for each course requested;
  • Unofficial copy of transcript

Course Transfers

With the approval of the department and the School of Graduate Studies, transfer credit may be granted for graduate work completed in another program, provided that the course(s) has not been credited towards another degree. Transfer credit will be limited to two half-courses. Student must submit the  Request for Transfer Credit form  to the Chemistry Graduate Office for departmental approval.

Seminar Series

All students are required to participate and give at least two to four seminars in the doctoral program. Students who fail to meet the  seminar requirement  before their final oral examination will be denied by School of Graduate Studies to proceed with the examination. Students must contact the seminar coordinator in their field of study if they are due to present. The seminar series generally run from September to April.  For more information about the seminar requirement and oral presentation guidelines, review the program requirements for the doctoral program.  View  upcoming seminars.

Here are online resources for oral presentation guidelines and skills:

  • Oral Presentation, Writing University of Toronto
  • Presentation Skills
  • Public Speaking and Graduate School
  • Mastering the Art of Presenting

Comprehensive Oral Examination

The purpose of the examination is to test the knowledge of the student's subject area and to determine if the student is prepared to proceed on to the thesis writing. The examination typically lasts for 2 hours which includes a 20-minute presentation by the examinee.

Students may request to arrange a comprehensive oral examination generally after the completion of the required course work in their field of study. However, students should satisfy this requirement before the end of their third year of registration in the case of a four year program or before the end of their fourth year in the case of a five-year program (PhD direct-entry from Bachelors degree).

To arrange an examination, please contact the  Chemistry Graduate Office  with the proposed dates, and names of the three members of the supervisory committee including your supervisor (4 if co-supervised) and another University of Toronto graduate faculty member. No more than one member outside the Chemistry Department is acceptable. The exam requires four voters and the student needs at least 3 votes to pass (4 if co-supervised).

The examinee should print out the  voting ballot  for the examination. Examinations to be held in the Lash Miller building may contact the departmental  receptionist  to book a projector. If the exam is booked in LM151 there is no need to book a projector through the receptionist. Students also have the option to hold their annual supervisory meeting after the examination. The  Doctoral Supervisory Committee report form  should be forwarded to the Chemistry Graduate Office to ensure a record of the meeting.

If a student fails to pass the examination, a reconvened examination is to be held within one year. No new members shall be added to the committee except for necessary replacements to ensure a quorum. The chair of the examination is required to explain in a written report reasons for an unsuccessful exam and determine, if possible, a timeline to reconvene.

Fees for Final Year PhDs

Academic fees for full-time doctoral students in the final year of their program are pro-rated based on the twelve-month academic year. Incidental fees are charged on a sessional (term) basis.

When a final corrected thesis is submitted to School of Graduate Studies, fees and service charges are adjusted accordingly. For more information please review the monthly academic and incidental fees schedule with  Fees Department .

Doctoral Completion Award

The aim of the Doctoral Completion Award (DCA) is to help ensure that meritorious PhD students who are no longer receiving the normal funding from their graduate unit can complete their degree program within time limit. Students may receive a DCA only once during their program. Criteria and conditions include: academic merit and quality of research, the availability of alternative funding, and, if appropriate, special features of the research program that require more time than usual.  Deadline:  The Chemistry Graduate Office generally sends out a notification in the spring

Thesis and Planning for a PhD Final Oral Examination

Review the  SGS Guide to Program Completion . In addition, the Department follows its own procedures to ensure that the PhD candidate meets the timelines specified by SGS. 

Guidelines on thesis formatting, submission, copyright and deadlines can be found on the SGS website .   There are no specific requirements by the department but consult with your supervisor for their expectations.  Make sure to peruse the Writing at UofT for tips and advice and use the resources offered at Graduate Centre for Academic Communication .

Planning for the final oral examination must begin at least  eight weeks  before the proposed date(s) of the examination. Note that the two-week closure in December does not count.

At Least Eight Weeks or Earlier Prior to the Proposed Exam Date(s)

  • The supervisor and student discuss the potential members of the Examination Committee. Please forward the names of the members to the  Chemistry Graduate Office . The quorum for voting members is four. However, SGS requires five voting members to obtain approval from the SGS Vice-Dean to book the examination. In case of emergency in which one of the members is unable to attend, the candidate can therefore still proceed with the examination since it meets the quorum. A maximum of three of the voting members of the Exam Committee will have served on the candidate's Supervisory Committee. At least two voting members (including the external examiner) will not have been closely involved in the supervision of the thesis. Eligible voters are the external appraiser, members of the graduate faculty of the Chemistry Department and members of the graduate faculty of other departments, centres or institutes of the University of Toronto.  
  • The supervisor must submit a  list of three potential external appraisers  to the Graduate Office. The list should be in order of preference. For each name listed, the reason for the choice is presented with specific regard to the subject of the thesis. The first choice is generally approved unless the Associate Dean at SGS deems the first choice unsuitable. To avoid issues with SGS and delays, the supervisor and the student should ensure that there is an "arms-length" relationship between the external examiner and the rest of the examination committee.  
  • Once the Graduate Office receives the list of the potential members of the Examination Committee, a request is forwarded to the SGS Associate Dean for pre-approval. Once approved, the Graduate Office may contact the members, including the external appraiser for their availability to determine acceptable dates for the examination. It is not required that the external examiner be present at the examination. Teleconference or videoconference is available upon request.  
  • The student completes the thesis and forwards copies to members of the Supervisory Committee for the review. The members must have at least two weeks to review the thesis. Please contact them directly as early as possible to confirm if the allotted time for appraisal is sufficient in case of other commitments and to properly estimate a timeline. Forward a copy of the  Thesis Review Guidelines  to your reviewers along with your thesis. The advance reading by members of the Supervisory Committee allows the student to avoid situations where major changes are needed after the examination and a good quality appraisal can be expected.  
  • The student amends the thesis based on the comments and suggestions from members of the supervisory committee. The members must also deem that the thesis is ready and may be forwarded to the external appraiser. A thesis may  only  proceed to examination without the approval of the Supervisory Committee, if there is a letter of authorization from the Associate Dean (SGS).  
  • The student must certify that he or she has fulfilled all the degree requirements for his or her field of study. These include completion of courses with satisfactory grades, seminars, cumulative examinations (if applicable) and comprehensive examination. For more information about the degree requirements for your field of study, please refer to  PhD Program Requirements .  
  • The student must confirm that the record of Supervisory Committee meetings in the Chemistry Graduate Office is up-to-date. The last committee meeting must have taken place within the last 12 months prior to the proposed examination date and the outcome must be noted as "satisfactory" on the record.

At Least Six Weeks or Earlier Prior to the Exam Date

  • The student submits a copy of the corrected version of the thesis to the Graduate Office along with the signed  PhD Examination Form . The office will forward the thesis to the external examiner via FedEx. The supervisory committee members must have signed the form to confirm that they have read the thesis before a copy can be forwarded to the external examiner. An e-mail from the faculty members to the Graduate Office will suffice.  
  • As well, a thesis abstract (no longer than 350 words) via e-mail must be submitted to the Graduate Office.  
  • A copy of the reviewed thesis is also forwarded to the fourth University of Toronto examination member. The copy can be submitted to the Graduate Office if faculty member(s) is not easily accessible.  
  • The Graduate Office books the examination at the SGS PhD Office and sends out a final confirmation of the examination date and location to the candidate and members of the examination committee.

At Least Two Weeks or Earlier Prior to the Exam Date

  • A copy of the external appraisal is forwarded to the candidate, members of the Examination Committee, Graduate Chair and the Ph.D. Office. The student may discuss the appraisal with members of Examination Committee except with the external appraiser. The candidate may have the option to revise the thesis and postpone the examination date at this point.  
  • An examination program is forwarded to the candidate and members of the Examination Committee as a final confirmation along with the name of the Examination Chair.  
  • Prepare presentation (up to 20 minute for a closed oral exam or 30 minutes for a public seminar).   
  • Review Voting Procedure.  
  • Additional reading:  The Last BIg Hurdle

After a Successful Examination

Theses are submitted electronically to SGS and approved by the PhD Completion Office.  Carefully follow the SGS' instructions.  Theses that do not conform to the formatting guidelines will be rejected and negatively impact eligibility to proceed with graduation.  In addition, final corrections to the thesis must be approved by the supervisor before submitting to SGS. Please refer to  Producing Your Thesis  for more information. Enquiries should be redirected to the PhD Completion Office .

See also:  SGS Academic Calendar

  • Graduate Studies
  • Prospective Students
  • New Students
  • Student Forms
  • MSc Program Requirements
  • MSc Program Guide
  • PhD Program Requirements
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Interlocking OU, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Oklahoma website wordmark.

Why study chemistry at OU? 

The primary goal of a graduate education in chemistry is to master a significant segment of the existing knowledge, including theories and techniques, and to demonstrate the creative capability to discover new understandings and techniques through research. Accordingly, requirements include an established minimum of classroom coursework and studies and completion of original research work presented in a written dissertation.

The Ph.D. program in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Oklahoma is now one of the nation's most innovative and well-structured programs. Building on several years of development and evolution, we offer a unique first-year graduate student experience and modular course offerings. This structure enables students to complete coursework efficiently and commence productive research earlier. The result should be more effective training of students with a targeted average time to degree of 4.5 years.

Our department offers an excellent environment for professional training in the cutting-edge areas of chemistry and biochemistry. Our faculty conducts vibrant  research  ranging from fundamental mechanistic studies to applied biomedical and materials sciences, which takes advantage of several advanced  core facilities  and on-site research centers. Our department offers financial assistantships to our graduate students; additional fellowships are available to incoming graduate students.

Application Materials Required: 

  • Statement of Purpose
  • Official copies of your transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation 
  • GRE scores (no longer required; optional if you have them)

We encourage you to submit any additional documents to help us better evaluate your application. Some examples include writing samples, descriptions of prior research experience, posters, and publications.

If you have taken the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and would like your scores to be included with your application, please use the following codes to ensure your test results are submitted to Chemistry & Biochemistry: 

  • OU School Code: 6879
  • Department Code: 0301

If you would like to have a direct dialogue with the Recruiting & Admissions Committee before submitting the online application, please fill out this  PRELIMINARY INQUIRY FORM .   If you are a potential candidate for our program, the committee will contact you for additional information. Completing the preliminary inquiry form is optional, and applicants contacted by the committee in this manner will still have to submit an online application through the graduate college   to be formally evaluated for admissions.

Ready to apply? 

The fall semester application evaluation window is January 15 - March 31 or until positions are filled. 

Applicants must complete the appropriate general OU Graduate Application using the links below: 

  U.S. Student Application

  International Student Application


Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 101 Stephenson Parkway SLSRC, Rm 1000 Norman, OK 73019

Phone: (405) 325-4811

Email: [email protected]

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Degrees & Courses

The graduate program at OU is a balance between required and elective coursework and research. Divisions within chemistry and biochemistry are used at OU to organize teaching assignments, course requirements, and degree candidacy requirements. OU has six divisions: Analytical, Biochemistry, Chemical Education, Inorganic, Organic, Physical Chemistry, and Structural Biology. Students elect one of these divisions as their major and must fulfill the requirements of that division to earn a degree. Given the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of modern chemistry, students will often fulfill the degree requirements of one division while carrying out research in an overlapping research area. The minimum course requirement is 16 credit hours for graduate-level lecture courses. These must include at least four credit hours in two divisions outside the student's major division. Depending on the division, candidacy exams for the Ph.D. degree are given in the second or at the beginning of the third year of graduate studies.

Areas of Specialization

Students may specialize in one of the following major areas of chemistry (analytical, biological, inorganic, organic, physical, and chemical education) or in any combination.  

Prerequisites for Full Graduate Standing

Students who have satisfied the basic chemistry course requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree at the University of Oklahoma will have met the requirements for full graduate standing. Undergraduate majors from other institutions should meet departmental requirements as follows:

  • Organic Chemistry: CHEM 3053, 3152, 3153 
  • Analytical Chemistry: CHEM 4023, 4033
  • Physical Chemistry: CHEM 3421, 3423, 3521, 3523
  • Inorganic Chemistry: CHEM 4333

Deficiencies in these requirements may necessitate additional coursework and may increase the number of course credit hours required for an advanced degree.

Special Requirements for Graduate Studies

Before the start of courses, instructors of introductory courses will administer Proficiency Examinations (or other instruments) to assess whether first-semester graduate students are prepared for the introductory course they are interested in taking and/or which may have been recommended by the Graduate Committee during advising. The nature of the Proficiency Instruments is described in the syllabi of the introductory courses and, depending on the individual student's background, may require self-instruction in order to demonstrate readiness to take the course. If a student does not exhibit proficiency and he/she still wishes to enroll in the course, the Instructor of Record will advise the student on what can be done to prepare for it before the start of the course

Minimum course requirements for graduate degree candidates include completing a minimum of sixteen credit hours in letter-graded lecture courses at the 5000 or 6000 level. At least four credit hours must be taken in courses at the 5000 or 6000 level offered in two other divisions or departments outside of the student's major division. If more than three credit hours of these general lecture course requirements are to be taken outside the Department of Chemistry, approval must be given by both the Advisory Committee and the Graduate Committee.

The first sixteen credit hours taken, which qualify as general lecture courses, must be achieved with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale), with no more than two grades below B allowed. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the student being terminated from the graduate program in chemistry. Students must also complete the specific courses required by their particular division.

  Graduate Degrees

  Graduate Courses

Financial Assistance

Graduate students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry are offered competitive stipends, including a tuition waiver and student health insurance. In addition, several competitive renewable graduate fellowships and scholarships are available.

Teaching Assistantships

Although serving as a teaching assistant is not a graduate degree requirement, most graduate students in our department will serve as teaching assistants in lab and recitation sections in their first two years in the program. Incoming graduate students are given special TA training upon entering the program to enable them to be effective teachers. International students must pass a series of written and spoken English language tests before they are eligible to teach.

Most incoming graduate students will instruct two laboratory sections of general chemistry (three hours each) and a one-hour recitation for each laboratory section in their first semester. Graduate students specializing in organic or biochemistry will often teach an organic laboratory section, which meets twice a week for a total of six hours.

Research Assistantships

Our department offers Research Assistantships (RAs) through the student's major research advisor(s). The RA stipends are roughly the same as those offered from Teaching Assistantships.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with your major advisor for more information on RAs.

Kenneth M. Nicholas Graduate Fellowship

The   Kenneth M. Nicholas Graduate Fellowship is a $3,000 fellowship stipend awarded to an incoming first-year graduate student.  This award can provide a stipend for the student’s research in a laboratory during the summer preceding the start of the Ph. D. program.

The eligibility requirements of the fellowship recipient are:

  • Must be an incoming first-year graduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Must hold a B.A. or B.S. in chemistry or biochemistry, with a preference for a GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Must show evidence of interest in synthesis and/or catalysis

The Chemistry/Biochemistry Graduate Admissions Committee will select the fellowship recipient from among the graduate program applicants and approved by the Department Chair based on the student's expressed interest in synthesis/catalysis. 

After completing this fellowship, all recipients must give an oral and/or poster presentation at OU or a regional/national scientific meeting.

To apply, please visit the  OU Scholarship website .

Center for Antibiotic Discovery and Resistance (CADR) Fellowship

The Center for Antibiotic Discovery and Resistance is engaged in discovering and developing therapeutic treatments against multidrug-resistant bacteria. The Center offers fellowships to graduate students engaged in research in priority areas. More information about the fellowship is available on the  CADR Training  page.

International Students

The information listed under Apply  applies to international applicants as well.

In addition, all applicants to the graduate program in Chemistry & Biochemistry who did not complete their high school and undergraduate (B.S. or equivalent) work in an English-speaking country (U.S., U.K., Canada, or Australia) must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A score of 550 for written or 79 for internet-based or better is required to be considered for admission. An alternative test is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), with a minimum recommended score of 6.5. Upon arrival, you will be required to take both an oral and a written English Proficiency Exam administered by the University. Failure to pass these exams during the first semester is grounds for withdrawal of financial support.

Required Materials for International Applicants

  • TOEFL (minimum 550 for written or 79 for internet-based, no older than two years) or IELTS (minimum score 6.5)
  • Official transcripts from undergraduate (and graduate, if applicable) institutions 
  • Three letters of recommendation 
  • General GRE scores (no longer required; optional if you have them)
  • Application fee

  International Student Services

Lab Rotations

Incoming students must rotate through two research laboratories in the first year. These rotations provide broad exposure to the area of research, methods, techniques, rules, and regulations of each lab, as well as the general lab organization and personnel. Each rotation will be approximately five weeks long and will occupy a minimum of 10-15 hours/week. 

Explore our

  Research Areas

  Research Support Services

  Research Centers

Degree Information

  • M170 - M.S. Degree Requirements
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Standard: Analytical Emphasis (closed)
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Analytical Concentration
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Standard: Biochemistry Emphasis (closed)
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Biochemistry Concentration
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Standard: Inorganic Emphasis (closed)
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Inorganic Concentration
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Materials Concentration
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Standard: Organic Emphasis (closed)
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Organic Concentration
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Standard: Physical Emphasis (closed)
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Physical Concentration
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Standard: Structural Biology Emphasis (closed)
  • D170 - Ph.D. Degree: Structural Biology Concentration

Graduate Handbooks: 

  • M.S. Programs Handbook (pdf)
  • Ph.D. Program Handbook (pdf) (through Spring 2023)
  • Ph.D. Program Handbook (pdf) (effective Summer 2023)
  • Ph.D. Recommended Elective Course Choices (pdf) (effective Summer 2023) 

OU Campus Resources

  • Admissions and Recruitment
  • OU Libraries
  • Bursar Services
  • International Student Services
  • OU Health Sciences Center
  • Academic Calendar
  • OU Student Financial Center
  • OU Career Center

Other Resources

  • U.S. Department of Education: Financial Aid
  • ACS Career Navigator
  • American Chemical Society
  • Association for Women in Science
  • National Science Foundation

First-year students are typically guaranteed for the first 11 months, so long as they are in good standing. For students beyond the first year, each semester, a request form is distributed for the next semester, and it must be submitted to the graduate program assistant on or before the due date listed on the form. The Assistant Chair determines GTA assignments.

The department has limited laboratory sections offered in the summer, severely limiting the number of GTA positions available.

There is a time between semesters when GTA services are not needed. It can be anywhere between May and August, but it is typically the last two weeks of May and the first two weeks of August. During this time, pay is not administered.

The maximum number of CHEM 5990 Independent Study hours is 9 and the maximum number of CHEM 5960 Directed Reading is 6. 

Many areas and sub-disciplines of chemistry and biochemistry overlap, as do other fields outside of chemistry and biochemistry. Multiple examples of such overlaps can be found in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Oklahoma. Nonetheless, primary sub-discipline labels are still attached to many of the faculty in consideration of their broadly identified "current primary region of interest" and/or their primary area of didactic concentration during their graduate and/or postdoctoral studies.

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Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) Chemistry Course, Eligibility, Colleges, Fees, Syllabus, Scope

PhD Chemistry or Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry is a three to six-year doctoral degree. PhD Chemistry provides candidates with the opportunity for academic research study and it is completed when the candidates submit their thesis in the field of chemistry . PhD Chemistry is a favourable course for students who want to extensively research in the field of chemistry.

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PhD Chemistry Eligibility Criteria

Top phd chemistry entrance exam, phd chemistry subjects/syllabus, phd chemistry fees structure, phd chemistry scope, phd chemistry career options, phd chemistry expected salary, top phd chemistry colleges in india with fees.

Candidates to be eligible for PhD Chemistry should have a two-year master's degree in the related field after they finish a three-year bachelor's degree. Candidates who are interested in extensive research and study can opt for this course. The curriculum of PhD Chemistry includes subjects like Biochemistry , Bioinformatics , Nanoscience, Biotechnology , and Molecular biology.

After doing PhD Chemistry, candidates get to work in the field of research and science . Candidates are open to work as a Research Scientist, Academic Professor, Analytical Chemist, Process Development Engineer, and Government Scientist. Top recruiters for graduates of PhD Chemistry include Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Lupin Limited, Reliance Industries Limited, TATA Chemicals, and DST.

PhD Chemistry Highlights

There is a specific eligibility criteria for candidates to apply for PhD Chemistry. To be eligible, candidates must have a postgraduate degree and a bachelor's degree in a related discipline. Also, candidates have to qualify for a certain entrance examination to be able to sit for counselling.

Candidates must have a master's degree of two years after completion of three years of bachelor's degree in the same discipline.

Candidates must qualify in one of the entrance exams like UGC NET, GATE, and other university-specific entrance exams.

They must also have some work experience in the desired field.

PhD Chemistry Admission Process

Candidates need to follow a simple admission procedure to get admission to PhD Chemistry. The admission process involves several steps like filling out the application form, taking the entrance exam, and sitting for counselling.

Candidates as the initial step should check their eligibility for the admissions in PhD Chemistry.

If eligible, candidates need to apply for the specific entrance exams and appear for them on the designated date and time.

If they qualify in the entrance exams, they get to fill out the forms for desired colleges as per their ranks.

After filling out the application form and submitting the documents, the universities and colleges roll out their merit list based on the ranks and applications received.

The shortlisted candidates have to sit for a personal interview.

After all the process is done, colleges send acceptance emails to the selected students.

There are several entrance exams available for candidates who want to secure a seat in PhD Chemistry. Candidates have to appear and qualify for one of the exams from UGC NET, GATE, and other college-specific entrance exams.

UGC NET : UGC NET or University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test is a national-level entrance exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). UGC NET is taken in a computer-based mode conducted annually.

UGC NET Application

UGC NET Eligibility

UGC NET Syllabus

UGC NET Exam Patterns

UGC NET Preparation Tips

GATE : GATE or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) on a rotational basis. GATE is a national-level examination conducted in a computer-based mode.

GATE Application

GATE Eligibility

GATE Syllabus

GATE Exam Patterns

GATE Preparation Tips

Skills Required for PhD Chemistry

PhD Chemistry is a field of research that provides candidates with various intellectual and interpersonal skills and knowledge in the field of chemistry. PhD Chemistry equips candidates with a combination of technical skills, research aptitude, and personal attributes.

Strong Foundation in Chemistry

Laboratory Skills

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Literature Review and Research Design

Communication Skills

Collaboration and Teamwork

Time Management and Organization

Adaptability and Resilience

PhD Chemistry provides candidates with comprehensive coursework throughout the course. The main aim of the coursework of PhD Chemistry is to help candidates create a thesis of their own. The following curriculum of Rajiv Gandhi University provides candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills to aid candidates in the whole process of thesis writing.

The fee structure for a PhD in Chemistry varies depending on the university, the location of the university, the facilities available, and the faculty. PhD Chemistry fees include charges of tuition fees, laboratory fees, and other miscellaneous expenses. The average fee for PhD Chemistry is around Rs. 98,000.

PhD Chemistry opens the door to diverse career opportunities for the candidates. Graduates after doing a doctorate in chemistry contribute to the fields of academia, industry, government, and research institutions. Graduates can pursue careers as research scientists, professors, consultants, or entrepreneurs. They get to work in fields such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, environmental science, and biotechnology.

PhD Chemistry provides candidates with diverse opportunities to excel in diverse careers. Candidates after completing PhD Chemistry and submitting their thesis can start working as Research Scientists, Academic Professors, Analytical Chemists, Process Development Engineers, and Government Scientists in different fields.

Research Scientist : The Research Scientist is responsible for conducting research, designing, experimenting to analyse and interpret data. He or She is also responsible for collaborating with different teams to solve complex scientific problems and contributing to innovation.

Lecturer : Lecturer works in colleges and universities and provides teaching and mentoring to undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He or She is responsible for serving on academic committees and contributing to the university research.

Analytical Chemist: Analytical Chemist develops and validates analytical methods for chemical analysis. He or She is responsible for performing qualitative and quantitative analysis and creating reports and presentations.

Process Development Engineer : Process Development Engineer is responsible for creating optimised chemical processes and scaling up laboratory processes. He or She also collaborates with engineers and technicians to implement process improvements.

Government Scientist: Government Scientist conducts research to work on scientific challenges relevant to government agencies. He or She also collaborates with industry and academic partners on research projects.

Top Recruiters:

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

Lupin Limited

Reliance Industries Limited

TATA Chemicals

Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)

Benefits of Studying PhD Chemistry

A doctorate in chemistry provides graduates with specialised knowledge, intellectual skills, and career advancement. It enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills and provides cutting-edge research to the candidates. PhD Chemistry enables candidates to make significant contributions to scientific knowledge and society. PhD Chemistry also provides candidates with international opportunities.

PhD Chemistry provides a financially rewarding career to the candidates. The average expected salary for PhD Chemistry ranges from Rs. 3 LPA to Rs. 20 LPA. The salary for PhD Chemistry depends on the recruiter, the location of the recruiter, and the expertise and experience of the candidates.

Source: AmbitionBox

India has some very renowned colleges and universities that offer aspiring candidates with a doctorate in chemistry. These colleges are known for their comprehensive knowledge, facilities, and the coursework provided.

Top Private PhD Chemistry Colleges in India with Fees

India’s private colleges and universities offering PhD Chemistry are well known for their exceptional education facilities and infrastructure. These colleges are well renowned for their faculties, their coursework, and future opportunities.

Top Government PhD Chemistry Colleges in India with Fees

India also has some well-renowned Government colleges and universities like IITs offering doctorate in chemistry. These colleges at a minimal cost provide students with great facilities, good infrastructure, comprehensive curriculum.

PhD Chemistry is a doctoral programme that provides candidates with in-depth research facilities and an opportunity to create a thesis of their own on the selected discipline. PhD Chemistry opens the door to various career opportunities in the fields of research, science, technology, and management.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

 PhD Chemistry is a doctoral programme that provides candidates with specialised research in various areas of chemistry. PhD Chemistry’s main goal involves writing a research thesis through rigorous research, surveys, analysis, and interpretation.

he duration of PhD Chemistry is three to six years.

Candidates after completing PhD Chemistry can become Research Scientists, Academic Professors, Analytical Chemists, Process Development Engineers, and Government Scientists.

Skills like Strong Foundation in Chemistry, Laboratory Skills, Critical Thinking, and Problem-Solving, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Literature Review and Research Design, and Communication Skills are important for success in a PhD programme in Chemistry.

To be eligible for PhD Chemistry, candidates must possess a master's degree of a minimum of two years in the same discipline.

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Questions related to Ph.D

Hello aspirant

Universities offering phD in philosophy are

Jadavpur university

Jawaharlal Nehru university

IIT Gandhinagar

MIT school of Humanities

Aligarh muslim university, Nirf rank 9

Amrita vishwa vidyapeetham Coimbatore , Nirf rank 7

Andhra university , Visakhapatnam

Assa. University , Guwahati

Awadesh pratap singh university, Rewa , Madhya pradesh

BU bhopal , Madhya pradesh.

Binod Bihari Mahto university ,Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Career point university,  Kota

For details you may visit the site given below


Sir what is the cutoff to get seat in cse specialisation course in mit manipal 2024

Hello Anvesha

Yes you can do integrated phD in IISC after bsc in life science .

IISC offers integrated phD to bsc students wh8 wosh to carry out research and pgD soon after their bachelor's course.

This mode is ideal and very competetive.

The admission process required to be qualified with a valid score in entrance exam then the selected candidates are called for personal interview

In the first two years of  integrated phD the students study the basic concepts , core and Elective topics in Biological science .

Students are given short term research projects in the first year

Hello Anurag

You may get single Room if you wish to maintain privacy.

See how much they charge depends upon your life style . Now a days all comfortable facilities are available in hostel rooms too , it is not like before when there were only non AC rooms

AC rooms charges are high , also if you do not want to share room with anyone , you will be charged double.

Tye charges ard separate for hostel and mess .

For AC rooms charges are 5000 to 6000 per month .

For food you have various options depending upon your taste and choice ,basically yoh will have to spendrs 150 to 200 per meal.

The public transport is also provided from hostel to university . Depending upon mode of transport, you will be charged around 2000 per month.

There are miscellaneous expenses depending upon jndividuals requirements.

With your background in zoology and your current Master's in nutrition, you have a strong foundation for a PhD in nutrition.

There are two main types of exams you might consider for PhD programs in India.

  • UGC NET (National Eligibility Test): This exam is conducted by the UGC (University Grants Commission) for eligibility as a college or university Assistant Professor. While not strictly a requirement for PhD programs, qualifying UGC NET demonstrates your research potential and makes you eligible for fellowships.
  • CSIR-UGC NET: Conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), this exam is similar to UGC NET but focuses on science streams. Qualifying can make you eligible for research fellowships from CSIR labs.


I hope it helps!

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Pilani, K K Birla Goa, Hyderabad

One of the oldest & ever-evolving department having a vision to excel in teaching & research. Active research in the frontier areas of both fundamental and applied chemistry has been appreciated nationally & globally over past decades. The department continues to grow and attain new paradigms in chemistry education in the country

  • 29 (893.9 Lacs) Government Sponsored Projects (last 5 years)
  • 2 (54.8 Lacs) Industry Sponsored Project
  • 252 Publications (last 5 years)
  • 2000 Average Citations/year

Research Areas

The department offers a full time Ph.D. programme in the following thrust areas of its research.

  • Green Chemistry and Catalysis
  • Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
  • Synthetic Chemistry & Materials Science
  • Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  • Photochemistry and Gas Phase Spectroscopy
  • 60% marks in M.Sc. (Chemistry) or equivalent
  • Suitable match between academic background and research area
  • Selection test consists of written exam followed by interview
  • UGC – NET qualified candidates are encouraged to apply
  • INR 28,000 or 31,000 per month as per the intake qualification.
  • All full time students have to undertake 8-10 hrs of TA work as assigned by the institute. Two-semester course work for candidates with M.Sc. Qualification

To learn more about the Ph.D admissions process at BITS Pilani, please visit the website https://www.bitsadmission.com

chemistry phd duration

Amrita Chatterjee

chemistry phd duration

Dr. Abhishek Saha

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Chemistry

& Chemical Biology), Biophysical Chemistry, (Organic Chemistry, THE ART OF INTRACELLULAR CHEMICAL DELIVERY

chemistry phd duration

Dr. Ajay Kumar Sah

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Nucleus Member, CPU, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

chemistry phd duration

Dr. Amrita Chakraborty

DST Woman Scientist , Department of Chemistry

chemistry phd duration

Dr. Anil Kumar

Professor, Department of Chemistry, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

chemistry phd duration

Dr. Anjan Chattopadhyay

Professor, Department of Chemistry

Computational Photochemistry

Keep Exploring

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  • Integrated first degree
  • Higher degree
  • Doctorol programmes
  • International Admissions
  • Online Admissions

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  • Sponsored Research Projects
  • Consultancy Based Projects
  • R&D Centers

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  • Achievements
  • Social Responsibility
  • Sustainability
  • BITS Library
  • Student Arena
  • Current Students
  • Invest in Leaders

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Full-Time PhD Student (Research and Teaching Assistant) in the Center for Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology-Ghent University Korea

Academic Positions

Job Information

Offer description.

Job summary:

PhD candidate (Full time Research and Teaching Assistant in the Center for Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology)-Ghent University Global Campus.

Departments : 

  • KR01 – Department of Environmental Technology, Food Technology and Molecular Biotechnology, Ghent University, Korea
  • BW22 – Department of Animal Sciences and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, Belgium

Degree : 

  • Master degree in the field of Ecotoxicology and Biology or Environmental Science.


  • 1 year, followed by 1 year on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation, and followed by 2 years (again on condition that the previous term was given a positive evaluation); for a grand total of 4 years.

Occupancy rate : 100%.

Vacancy type :  

  • Assistant Academic Personnel (AAP) Ghent University in Korea has a vacancy for a position of research assistant (100%). It concerns a temporary full-time position for a maximum period of 4 years.
  • Last application date : 15 June, 2024 (applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled upon finding the right candidate).
  • Starting date: 1st September, 2024 .

Job Position:

  • Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea, has a vacancy for a PhD Student (Research and Teaching Assistant) in Environmental Technology in the Center for Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology (GREAT) at Ghent University Global Campus, starting from September 1, 2024 (open to negotiation). The request(s) and standard(s) for the PhD in GUGC is equivalent to Ghent University home campus (the phd certificate will awared by Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium). 
  • The terms of employment at GUGC are comparable to those at the campus in Ghent, Belgium. However, free student accommodation and a yearly travel budget are foreseen. GUGC is an equal opportunities employer. This position allows promising scientists to carry out research for a period of up to maximal 4 years, under the supervision of Professor Jihae Park at Ghent University Global Campus, Korea. In addition, he/she will also be assigned a co-promoter. PhD degree diploma will be from Ghent University, Belgium.
  • As a teaching assistant, the PhD candidate is supposed to spend his/her time in teaching activities pertaining to undergraduate mathematics courses that include the courses (Chemical Analytical Methods/ Environmental Chemistry and Technology/ Green Chemistry and Biotechnology). These activities include assisting with exercise/tutorial (wet/dry) sessions, preparing and grading tests/exams and providing support for bachelor projects.
  • Apart from the teaching activities, the PhD candidate is supposed to perform research in the area of environmental technology and valorization using the waste and aquatic organisms. In this regard, the candidate is expected to complete a doctoral research proposal containing a extensive literature review, a set of research objectives and research plan within the first six months of joining. This research proposal will need to be approved by the GUGC Campus Council in order to ensure renewal of the first contract with GUGC. 

 Profile of the candidate:

  • Strong interest in environmental engineering and life sciences.
  • Master's degree in a relevant field (ecotoxicology/biology/environmental science).
  • Excellent academic record, fluent in spoken English and highly competent in scientific writing in English.
  • Creative and analytical mind. 
  • Team spirit and an inquisitive, self-motivated attitude, as well as independent learning/research skills are essential, with the ability to take a leadership role among team members.
  • Your academic qualities comply with the requirements set out in the UGent guidelines. For further information please visit: https://www.ugent.be/phd/en

Job description

You will: 

  • function within an international team of researchers and build a professional network
  • perform research activities with the aim of writing a PhD thesis in English
  • publish your research in scientific journals and present your results at the national and international level

Selection Criteria:

  • Scientific background and knowledge
  • Working experiences 

Application Documents:

  • Motivation letter (1-page)
  • Full resume (CV), including at least 2 references’ contacts
  • Copy of the certificates and transcripts for education
  • Transcripts (overview of study results and ranking)
  • Others (subjected to the supervisor’s requirement in the later stage)

*The documents shall be merged into a single PDF file (< 10MB) and sent to  [email protected] (Subject line: GREAT_Application_Surname). Please kindly noted only the selected candidate(s) will be contacted for the next step. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application process and interview

  • Interviews (in-person or online) will take place in stages from the first available time.
  • Applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled upon finding the right candidate.

Selection process

  • CV screening=> Interview=> Internal committee=> Approval by internal committee => Acceptance notice to the selected candidate.

*We reserve the right to hold applications on file for potential future job openings. For submission of your file and any inquiries, please contact us via e-mail:  [email protected]


Additional information, work location(s), where to apply.


  1. About the Chemistry Ph.D. Program

    The Chemistry PhD program is designed towards developing within each student the ability to do creative scientific research. Accordingly, the single most important facet of the curriculum for an individual is their own research project. ... All students admitted to our graduate program receive a stipend for the duration of study in the form of ...

  2. Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry

    The number of students in Ph.D. programs ranges from 0 to 394 (see Figure 1) with a total of 13,280 students. Eighteen departments have more than 200 students, accounting for more than one-third (4,460) of the total graduate students in chemistry. The 30 largest programs account for almost 50% of graduate students.

  3. PhD Program

    PhD Program. Professor Wender discusses chemistry with his graduate students. Doctoral study in chemistry at Stanford University prepares students for research and teaching careers with diverse emphases in basic, life, medical, physical, energy, materials, and environmental sciences. The Department of Chemistry offers opportunities for graduate ...

  4. University of Washington

    Graduate students earn a Ph.D. through independent research in collaboration with one or more faculty members. A modest amount of graded coursework ensures a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the chosen field, as well as breadth of knowledge in the chemical sciences. The median time to complete all requirements for the Ph.D. is about five years.

  5. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry < MIT

    Inorganic chemistry students may take, 5.04 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II, as part of this requirement. 4: ... The seminar and thesis units are based on the average duration of the PhD program (five years) but will vary depending on how long the student remains in the program. After the first year, students typically register for 42 ...

  6. Chemistry, PhD < Johns Hopkins University

    Chemistry, PhD < Johns Hopkins University. Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. 2023-24 Edition. Home ›. Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences ›. Full-time, On-campus Undergraduate and Graduate Programs (Homewood) ›. Departments, Program Requirements, and Courses ›. Chemistry ›.

  7. PhD Program Requirements

    All chemistry graduate students are required to register for the appropriate chemistry seminar subject (5.913, 5.921, 5.931, or 5.941 depending on research area) each term. ... The time, place, and format for this discussion is arranged between the student and Thesis Committee Chair. These meetings aim to encourage productive and stimulating ...

  8. Ph.D. in Chemistry

    Chemistry: PhD Time to Degree Statistics; Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics; Chemistry: PhD Career Outcomes Statistics; Application Information. Application Terms Available: Fall. Application Deadline: December 4. Graduate School Application Requirements See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate ...

  9. Timeline to Degree

    Year 3. Present your research project to your dissertation committee and peers in a seminar, either in Winter or Spring quarter. Year 4+. Continue with research, write your dissertation and file to graduate. Ph.D. in Chemistry Timeline The time to complete the Ph.D. in Chemistry program is four to six years, with a typical student finishing in ...

  10. Graduate

    Johns Hopkins University was the first American institution to emphasize graduate education and to establish a PhD program in chemistry. Founding Chair Ira Remsen initiated a tradition of excellence in research and education that has continued until this day. The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing...

  11. Chemistry PhD

    Chemistry PhD. The goal of the Chemistry PhD is to prepare students for careers in science as researchers and educators by expanding their knowledge of chemistry while developing their ability for critical analysis, creativity, and independent study. A high graduation rate in an average of just over five years can be attributed to the quality ...

  12. Chemistry PhD Degree Requirements

    Chemistry PhD Degree Requirements. Programs of study are tailored to the needs of individual students, based on their prior training and research interests. Progress to degree is generally similar for all students. ... Time Limits. Campus policy has established maximum time limits for advancement to candidacy, for financial support, and for the ...

  13. Graduate Program

    By building both strong interpersonal connections between our students and faculty, and effective bridges between disciplines, entering graduate students in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology can thrive at the frontiers of research in the chemical and life sciences. Our graduate programs prioritize research and exploration. With ...

  14. Chemistry

    This PhD program in Chemistry is designed for students who have earned a bachelor's or a master's degree in chemistry or a related field who wish to develop as independent researchers by engaging in cutting-edge research while working closely with faculty who are renowned in their fields. ... The PhD program is a full-time degree program ...

  15. PhD in Chemistry

    The PhD in chemistry is primarily a research degree. It is awarded to students who have displayed competence in planning and conducting original research in the field of chemistry, demonstrated a broad familiarity with the science of chemistry, understanding in the application of the scientific method, and gained a thorough knowledge of their field of specialization.

  16. Chemistry PhD

    Students admitted full time to the Chemistry PhD program typically receive full financial support in the form of teaching or research assistantships, including a full tuition waiver. The first-year student stipend is $28,000 per academic year for 2020-2021, and the student health insurance is paid. Find out more about the financial support ...

  17. Chemistry PhD

    CORE COURSE IN CHEMISTRY PHD FOR ALL TRACKS (Choose one.) CHEM 631 - Chemical Toxicology CHEM 671 - Introduction to Green Chemistry. CORE COURSES IN BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY TRACK (Choose two from list.) CHEM 658 - Medicinal Chemistry CHEM 680 - Physical Biochemistry CHEM 681 - Medical Biochemistry. ELECTIVE COURSES (Choose three from list.)

  18. Chemistry MPhil/PhD

    Typically a PhD student would work the equivalent to a standard full-time job of around 37 hours per week. Depending on the nature of the research project, a student would expect to spend several hours per week in contact with supervisor(s), face to face meetings, in group meetings, through online meetings or through email.

  19. PhD Program Guide

    A student enrolled in a full-time PhD degree program will be denied further registration in that program and will have their candidacy terminated at the end of the third year of registration in the case of a four-year program, or at the end of the fourth year of registration in the case of a five-year program (direct entry from bachelors degree), if, by that time, either:

  20. Graduate

    The graduate program at OU is a balance between required and elective coursework and research. Divisions within the areas of chemistry and biochemistry are used at OU to organize teaching assignments, course requirements, and degree candidacy requirements. OU has six divisions: Analytical, Biochemistry, Chemical Education, Inorganic, Organic ...

  21. PhD in Chemistry: Course, Eligibility, Admission, Fees, Syllabus

    PhD Chemistry or Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry is a three to six-year doctoral degree. After doing PhD Chemistry, candidates get to work in the field of research and science. ... Degree Duration. 3 to 6 years. Entrance Exams. UGC NET, GATE. Eligibility Criteria. 3 years Master's degree or 4 years Bachelors degree from a recognised ...

  22. Ph.D

    Ph.D - Chemistry. Workshop on "Collaborative Teaching-Learning Pro... 30 April, 2024 | K K Birla Goa. Inauguration of the HSS Media Lab. 20 April, 2024 | K K Birla Goa. BITS Pilani - RMIT PhD Recruitments. 17 April, 2024 | K K Birla Goa. An International Conference on Sustainable Urban W... 6 April, 2024 | Hyderabad.

  23. Full-Time PhD Student (Research and Teaching Assistant) in the Center

    PhD degree diploma will be from Ghent University, Belgium. As a teaching assistant, the PhD candidate is supposed to spend his/her time in teaching activities pertaining to undergraduate mathematics courses that include the courses (Chemical Analytical Methods/ Environmental Chemistry and Technology/ Green Chemistry and Biotechnology).