1. PDF Contributions to Graph Theory

    This thesis is the result of research between January 2002 and February 2005 in three topics of graph theory, namely: spanning 2-connected subgraphs of some classes of grid graphs, Ramsey numbers for paths versus other graphs, and λ-backbone colorings. The papers that together underlay this thesis are listed below. Publications in refereed ...

  2. PDF Research Topics in Graph Theory and Its Applications

    in exploring new areas of graph theory and its applications. Ad-vanced students in graph theory may use the topics presented in this book to develop their nal-year projects, master's theses or doctoral dissertations. It is the author's hope that this publication of original re-search ideas, problems and conjectures will instigate further re-xi

  3. PDF Some Applications of Graph Theory

    L(2,1)-labelling on a planar graph was proposed during a stay at INRIA in Nice. The work on the clustering coefficient was mainly carried out at Brunel University. Two chapters of this thesis are dedicated to the investigation of properties of scale-free graphs. These are graphs which have a degree distribution obey-

  4. PDF A Study of Graph Theory With Matrix Representation

    I declare that the master thesis entitled "A Study of Graph Theory With Matrix Representation" is my own work, and hereby certify that unless stated, all work contained within this thesis is my own independent research and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree at any institution, ex-cept where due acknowledgment is made in ...

  5. PDF Two Problems in Graph Theory

    In the thesis we study two topics in graph theory. The first one is concerned with the famous conjecture of Hadwiger that every graph G without a minor of a complete graph on t +1 vertices can be coloured with t colours. We investigate how large an induced subgraph of G can be, so that the subgraph can be coloured with t colours.

  6. 'Distance measures for graph theory'

    Distance measures for graph theory : Comparisons and analyzes of different methods Dissertation presented by Maxime DUYCK for obtaining the Master's degree in Mathematical Engineering Supervisor(s) ... his advice and his precious help throughout the realization of this thesis. Second, I would also like to thank Bertrand Lebichot and Guillaume ...

  7. PDF Graph Structure and Coloring

    The major part of the thesis will be about with structural graph theory. Structural graph theory tries to understand families of graphs. When someone studies a particular problem, it is generally possible to characterize some properties of the underlying family of graphs. One of our main goals is to understand what are the basic graphs in a

  8. PDF The Graph Reconstruction Conjecture: Some New Results and Observations

    A vertex-deleted subgraph (or simply a card) of graph G is an induced sub-graph of G containing all but one of its vertices. The deck of G is the multiset of its cards. One of the best-known unanswered questions of graph theory asks whether G can be reconstructed in a unique way (up to isomorphism) from its deck.

  9. On the Reconstruction Problem in Graph Theory

    The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter introduces the basic notions of graph theory and defines vertex-reconstruction and edge-reconstruction problem. The second chapter and third chapter are devoted to the edge-reconstruction of bi-degreed graphs and bipartite graphs respectively. A bi-degreed graph G is a graph with two degrees d > δ.

  10. PDF Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER Graph-based approach to

    The thesis is outline as follows: Chapter 2 - Background: we provide the background information related to the study which includes model-driven engineering, model management, and graph databases. graph data model. Chapter 3 - Graph data model: we present the design of the and discuss. graph data model. its purpose.

  11. PDF Graph Theory for Analyzing Pair-wise Data: Application to ...

    A thesis submitted in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Geophysics) ... Graph theory is useful for estimating time-dependent model parameters via weighted ... the single-master approach refers all the pairs to a single epoch in a graph that resembles a star (Figure 1.1 (e))(e.g., Hooper et al., 2004 ...


    interest. In Chapter 3, we discuss road networks, which is the result of applying graph theory to roads, and existing non-graph-theoretical tools and data used in power systems analysis. In Chapter 4, we establish a graph-theoretical model for power systems and prove some properties about it. In Chapter 5, we examine properties of graphs we ...

  13. PDF Algebraic Aspects of Graph Theory

    ALGEBRAIC ASPECTS OF GRAPH THEORY This thesis contains number of di erent topics in algebraic graph theory, touching and resolving some open problems that have been a center of research interest over the last decade or so. More precisely, the following open problems are considered in this thesis: (i)Which graphs are (strongly) quasi m-Cayley ...

  14. PDF Establishing a Connection Between Graph Structure, Logic, and Language

    thesis requirement for the degree of Master of Mathematics in Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2015 c Alexis Hunt 2015. ... The intersection of these elds and graph theory is a growing area of study. Engelfriet and Courcelle recently published a book [2] outlining many major results from their work in the area, and ...

  15. Domination in Graphs

    1.3 Domination in Graphs. We now introduce the concept of dominating sets in graphs. A set S ⊆ V of vertices in a graph. G = (V, E) is a dominating set if every vertex v ∈ V is an element of S or adjacent to an element of S. Alternatively, we can say that S ⊆ V is a dominating set of G if N[S] = V (G).

  16. PDF Structural Theory of Graph Immersions

    of this thesis is to describe the structure of the graphs that do not contain an immersion of K 3,3. Such graphs can be separated by small edge cuts into small graphs or planar 3-regular graphs. Keywords: structural graph theory, graph immersions, decomposition theorems iii


    The objective of this thesis is to establish whether or not online, objective questions in elementary graph theory can be written in a way that exploits the medium of computer-aided assessment. This required the identification and resolution of question design and programming issues. The resulting questions

  18. Dissertations / Theses: 'Graph theory'

    Using concepts of Graph Theory this masters project examines the underlying structures of two specific families of compounds, fullerenes and zeolites, from a chemical and mathematical perspective. ... Schuerger, Houston S. "Contributions to Geometry and Graph Theory." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2020. ...

  19. PDF An Introduction to List Colorings of Graphs

    an example. A complete graph, denoted Kn, is a simple graph with n vertices such that any two distinct vertices are adjacent. A complete bipartite graph is a bipartite graph, G[X,Y], in which each x in X is adjacent to every y in Y. As noted in [6], since the usual graph colorings are special cases of list colorings, we have

  20. "Graph Theory Based Routing Algorithms" by Bo Wu

    Wu, Bo, "Graph Theory Based Routing Algorithms" (1992). Masters Theses. 957. In this thesis, we study two VLSI layout problems. We investigate the Minimum-Bend Single Row Routing Problem in which the objective function is to minimize the number of doglegs (or blends) per net. Our approach uses a graph theoretic representation in which an ...

  21. Master Thesis

    Master Thesis Jul 2015 On-line graph coloring with random adversary ... Nov 2011 Some applications of linear algebra in Spectral Graph Theory Aida Abiad Advisor: Fiol Mora, Miquel Angel Jun 2011 The Thompson group and the 4-colour theorem Eric López Advisor: Burillo Puig, Josep and Serra Albó, Oriol

  22. algorithms

    I would like some ideas on topics in algorithmic graph theory which would be suitable for a masters' thesis. What sort of problems would be suitable for this level? Because it is at masters' level, no original work is necessarily needed but it can instead be an original comprehensive survey of some area.


    Abstract : Random graph theory is an important tool to study different problems arising from real world.In this thesis we study how to model connections between neurons (nodes) and synaptic connections (edges) in the brain using inhomogeneous random distance graph models. READ MORE.

  24. Roman domination and independent Roman domination on graphs with

    Graph Theory 42 (3) (2022) 861-891. Google Scholar [10] Cho E.-K., Choi I., Park B., On independent domination of regular ... de Araújo S.N., Número de Dominação Romana em Grafos, (Master's thesis) Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, 2016. Google Scholar [13] Dreyer P.A., Applications and Variations of Domination ...

  25. Presentation Master's thesis

    Considering this, the Ising network model was selected as an ideal candidate to computationally encode the main components of our verbal theory. With a behavioural preference to align, the Ising network model can capture alignment behaviour and output an informative Hamiltonian value which states the degree of (mis)alignment in a system.