Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Master thesis in collaboration with companies or organisations.

A master thesis is the final work of an academic education and the result is presented in report form. A two-year master thesis consists of 30 credits and equals 20 weeks of full-time work. A one-year master thesis consists of 15 credits and equals 10 weeks of full-time work. The thesis work can be written in cooperation with, or on behalf of, a company or an external organisation.

When the thesis is written in collaboration with an external party, it often deals with an area or a problem that a company/organisation wishes to investigate. In addition to proposing a solution to a concrete problem, the student can contribute new ideas and perspectives that can be used further. This often gives students a good insight into how theoretical knowledge is applied in practice as well as opportunities for new contacts in the working life.

If the thesis is done on behalf of an external party, the same requirements are set for academic content as for all other degree projects at the department. This may be useful to keep in mind when the task is formulated so that no uncertainties arise later on.

We are not able to handpick students. All eventual offers or interests of collaboration from companies/organisations will reach all students. For further discussion, please contact [email protected] .

Important things to think about and discuss before the thesis work begins:

  • The student owns the copyright for the thesis.
  • If an agreement is written, it should regulate who owns the project results. This applies for patents for example. If no agreement has been signed, the student owns the results. This is especially important when the student is being financially compensated.
  • The thesis forms a part of the student’s examination at Stockholm University and must be reported in written form as well as an oral presentation. The university is an authority subjected to the principle of public access to official documents. This means that the thesis is an official document after the examination.
  • Usually the external company/organisation is responsible for costs, such as prints, postage and travel.
  • Salary/remuneration is a matter between the student and the company/organisation and regulated without interference from the university.

Regarding the thesis work

  • Identify what the company/organisation wants to investigate. What problem needs to be solved? Formulate a problem or an issue that also meet the requirements for ideas for a master thesis at the department.
  • The student, together with the company/organisation, defines in writing what is included and how process development. 
  • Make a schedule for the work that fits within the framework of the thesis. Remember to allocate enough time for writing and reading of literature.
  • Who acts as company/organisation contact person?
  • Who will own the result?
  • How is sensitive data handled?
  • How will the completed result and the thesis be presented to the company/organisation?

Students will find ads from companies and organisations in iLearn Please note that not all ads are available in English.

Last updated: August 13, 2021

Source: Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, DSV

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5 tips if you want to write your thesis with a company / organisation.

As you may already know, the last semester of all master’s programmes at Karolinska Institutet have something in common: thesis! Finding a topic for your master’s thesis project is neither an easy nor a stress-free task, and most of the time it requires a lot of thinking and planning. Although KI has the responsibility to provide you with a topic and supervisor, it is possible for all students to write their thesis with the support of a company or external organisation, but not all programmes offer personalised support in the process of finding a suitable partner . Therefore, it is up to the student to create by her/himself the project proposal and secure support from a third party, if that’s what the student wants. Otherwise, you can can conduct your thesis with any research group at KI. Don’t get me wrong, in both cases you will need a KI researcher as your main supervisor. External supervisors, which are required in case of conducting your thesis with an external organisation, will act as co-supervisors.

I present you with some tips for those of you who are interested in conducting your thesis with an external company, organization, institute, research group (basically anything outside of KI):

1. Contact and expand your network

Taking into consideration that the success or failure on finding an external partner depends on you, then networking is by far the most important and effective strategy you could possibly take. You can start my posting on your social media, professional profiles and/or emailing contacts to let everyone know that you are looking for an opportunity.

It is also very likely that your network is quite limited if your ideal thesis topic is very specific (which tends to be the case). If so, you should consider concentrating on expanding your network by targeting individuals with specific profiles. The best advice I can give you is to send as many emails/invitations/chats as possible since it will increase your chances of receiving an answer.

2. Profit from previous experiences

People you already have worked with can be your best allies in a situation like this. They are already familiar with your skills, interests and work dynamics. Even if these people are not familiar with the topic you want to address in your thesis, the fact that they already know about your background and skills is already an advantage that you can profit from.

Whether you have done an internship in the past or are planning to do so in the future, these are usually great scenarios for capitalizing thesis opportunities. My best advice would be to think ahead when doing an internship and explore topics for thesis with your supervisor/manager. It is very likely that your energy and drive will be well received.

3. Look for explicit opportunities

Although it might sound somewhat obvious, it wasn’t until I already secured a thesis partnership when I realized that there are companies that are explicitly looking for students seeking a thesis project. These advertisements tend to be posted on company’s websites and social media.

On one hand, the issue with these offerings is that it is usually a fixed topic and project that the company has and its just looking for a student to execute it. Although I personally prioritised selecting the topic by myself, there are many students that prefer to be handed in a project. On the other hand, it is usually big multinational organisations that offer this kind of opportunities, and many would argue they are a possible bridge towards a permanent job position within those organisations.

4. Ask teachers

 It is very common for KI teachers to have a side job or connections with companies, government institutions or other external organisations. Therefore, they are an ideal target population for emails and networking. If there was one specific course or subject in your programmme that you particulary liked, then reaching out to the course director is a great starting point. Nonetheless, if your topic of interest is not strictly related to only one course or you just didn’t vibe with the course director, KI’s webpage provides a clear picture of all research groups and their contacts. I would highly recommend you to read carefully each research group’s description and scope, so you have a better understanding of their work and decide better who to reach out to.

If you are interested in writing your thesis with another university, my recommendation would be to target ad approach friendly with an email to teachers and/or researchers in the same way you’d do for KI. In my experience, KI’s name is very well respected and consequently attractive.

5. Go to events (even online)

I saved this one for the end for a reason. I must admit that I was very skeptic when senior students advised me to show up to events and career fairs. It just seemed pointless and non-personal to me. Nonetheless, during the first months of the pandemic I had so much free time that I decided to start attending webinars offered by a very prestigious institute I was interested in. Turns out that I really enjoyed the content, so I began to actively participate in the chat and ask questions to the speakers. This is how I got noticed by senior executives from the institute, who then invited me to an interview and offered me an opportunity to work with them. In conclusion, I would recommend you to join events that you feel interested in. Just showing up does not do the trick, you need to actively participate in order to get noticed!

master thesis company collaboration

That’s a wrap! Hope these tips are useful in your future endeavours.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions!

Julio Sosa.

email: [email protected]

Linkedin:  https:/

Instagram: @julio.sosam

Julio Sosa - Health Economics, Policy and Management

Julio Sosa - Health Economics, Policy and Management

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Master’s Thesis collaboration is a unique way for companies to benefit from the expertise of our international students

To solve the world’s biggest problems, we need to bring the best international minds together. At the University of Helsinki, we work in close collaboration with business and society to help solve real world problems with innovative, practical solutions.  

Currently we have over 1 200 international students studying one of our 36 International Master’s Degree Programmes, who will go on to have a significant impact across the world after graduation. However what is less well known, is the opportunity for external partners to utilise our international students’ expertise during their studies by commissioning a master’s thesis.  

As Liaison Manager for Corporate Partnerships Suvipäivikki Mikola from the university explains, the opportunity to commission a master’s thesis is part of a growing desire for collaboration opportunities between students and external organisations.

– For many years, the university has worked successfully in partnership with a variety of organisations to conduct research and solve problems facing society and business. We are now strategically focused on external collaboration and as part of this mission, we know both our students and companies are keen to collaborate together in different ways and have an impact on society.

Present a challenge- our students will attempt to solve it  

Therefore, at the university we have been exploring different ways to facilitate this form of mutually-beneficial collaboration between our students and external partners. Commissioning a Master’s thesis is one such opportunity.  

As an organisation, you can propose a topic or present a challenge that you’d like our Master’s students to investigate. Once agreed and approved by their thesis supervisor(s), our students can then investigate the topic or challenge with you and present solutions as part of their Master’s Thesis. 

Whilst the opportunity is open to all students at the university, as Suvipäivikki explained, our international students represent a particularly unique opportunity for companies.  

– We believe our international students are a special part of our problem solving community, as they bring new perspectives and expertise to Finland.

– This can often lead to new solutions or help organisations to think differently about the challenges they present. By working in collaboration with a company as part of their thesis, it also serves as a useful introduction for international students to learn about Finnish organisations and helps them to develop their professional networks, which can help them to find work in Finland long term.

We currently have two modes for this form of master’s thesis collaboration: Direct collaboration between a student and degree programme or collaboration through our HELSUS Co-Creation Lab. 

Commission a Thesis directly with a student and Degree Programme  

Firstly, organisations can commission a Master’s Thesis about a specific topic or problem of their choice and work directly with a student. Almost all of our 36 International Master’s Degree Programmes allow for this form of collaboration between students and companies, however some programmes have specific rules to manage this form of collaboration.  

As a university, we can put you in contact with relevant degree programmes to discuss the possibility of collaboration. The opportunity can then be officially advertised by the organisation on the JobTeaser website and students will contact you directly if they are interested in working on your chosen topic. The specifics of the collaboration can then be agreed between the student, thesis supervisor and the organisation commissioning the thesis.   

Collaboration between a student and company is usually arranged in the form of an employment contract, one off fee or contract as a self-employed person/private entrepreneur. It is the responsibility of the student to work with their supervisor/degree programme and the organisation commissioning the thesis, to agree the details.  

As Master’s theses are public, it is important to understand that if material used for the thesis includes data that is considered confidential according to legislation, such as trade secrets, the thesis submitted for assessment must not include any confidential information. Any such information must instead be included in the background material, which is not attached to the thesis submitted for assessment. However to support the protection of intellectual property and confidential information, the university has confidentiality agreement templates which can be agreed between the company and student/supervisor.  

Once completed, the organisation commissioning the thesis typically has up to 30 days to review the thesis and to ensure any confidentiality needs have been met. The thesis is then submitted for assessment. 

Join our HELSUS Co-Creation Lab for Sustainability  

In addition to Master’s thesis cooperation directly with a student, our HELSUS Co-Creation Lab offers a unique form of supervised thesis cooperation between students and companies or public-sector actors.  

The HELSUS Co-Creation Lab is a cooperative, scheduled and facilitated process for master’s thesis collaboration related to sustainability topics. Participating organisations pay a fixed fee to join the Lab, then they present their sustainability challenge that they would like students to investigate. During the Co-Creation Lab, students work with both the participating organisations and their thesis supervisors to develop their specific research question, investigate the challenge and then write their thesis.  

At the end of the Lab, students present their results to the participating organisations and each student who completes their thesis on time receives a scholarship grant of 1500 euros.  

With previous participating organisations including HELEN, Kemira, UPM, the City of Helsinki and the Ministry of the Environment, the HELSUS Co-Creation Lab has proved to be a successful programme for bringing current and future sustainability experts together.  

Benefit from the expertise of our International Students  

By commissioning a master’s thesis or taking part in our HELSUS Co-Creation Lab, you can unlock the full power of our global problem solvers and benefit from our international students’ expertise. 

Through mutually-beneficial master’s thesis collaboration, you can gain valuable new insights for your business and help international students to succeed in Finland.  

If you would like to learn more about master’s thesis collaboration, our team is here to help.    For more information, please contact:  [email protected]  

To solve the world’s biggest challenges, we need to bring the best international minds together. However many international students face additional barriers that limit their chances of success. With your support, we can break down the barriers international students face and help them to thrive during and after their time at university.

This is how you can help:

  • Donate to the Global Scholarship Fund.
  • Mentor our students.
  • Recruit a student trainee.
  • Commission a Master's Thesis.
  • Hire our students.

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Thesis collaboration.

Doing your Master’s thesis in a collaboration with a company or a public sector organisations gives you the opportunity to put theory into practice, and puts you in contact with the job market even before you finish your Master's degree programme.

A Master’s thesis written in collaboration with a company or a public sector organisation is subject to the same conditions as any other Master’s thesis at Department of Economics and Business Economics and will be assessed according to the academic objectives in your academic regulations. It means that you must comply with your academic regulations and the rules which apply to Master’s theses.

Getting Started

Students wishing to do their Master’s thesis in collaboration with a company or a public sector organisation are responsible for contacting a partner of their choices.

Explore your options

  • Consider what you would like to work with in a company or an organisation.
  • Which companies or public sector organisations work in the field in which you want to write your Master’s thesis? Use, for example, LinkedIn,  ORBIS , and your network to find potential partners.

Talk to your supervisor

  • Discuss the topic and the framework for your Master’s thesis with your supervisor.
  • Discuss your expectations with your supervisor.

Contact a potential partner

Contact the company or public sector organisation well in advance of the Master’s thesis period.

When you contact a potential partner to propose a collaboration you should explain how you could add value to their business. So be specific and focus on how the company will benefit from the collaboration. Also, remember the Master’s thesis must create value for both you and the company.

You can start with the flowing questions:

  • Which subject area do you find interesting in the company?
  • Why is this particular subject relevant for the company?
  • Why a collaboration with you will be beneficial for the company.

Agreement on Collaboration

Master’s theses written in collaboration with business and industry and the public sector are defined as follows: You were in contact with the company and agreed on a research question for the Master’s thesis, and you made an agreement with the company to write the Master's thesis as a collaboration. 

A written agreement is to ensure that you and the company or public sector organization matches your expectations.

Register Your Master’s Thesis Collaboration

To strengthen your job opportunities, we need to collect information about the companies and public sector institutions collaborating with students about their Master's thesis.  

After registration for your Master’s thesis, you will receive a registration form on your AU e-mail. The registration form contains a few questions about your Master’s thesis collaboration with a company or public sector institution. 

Please, fill in the registration form regardless of whether you collaborate with a company or not.             

Do you need help filling in the registration form, you can read more on Aarhus University’s website. Here, you can also send your questions via an online contact form.  

Munich Business School Insights

Writing Your Master’s Thesis Whith a Company – MBS Alumnus Philip Dorpema Shares His Experiences

September 16, 2022

Close up of man typing his thesis on laptop

When students reach the home stretch of their degree, they not only need to find a suitable topic for their final thesis, they also need to decide whether to write their thesis at the university or while working at a company. MBS alumnus Philip Dorpema chose the second option and, in this interview, shares some key insights and tips for writing your master’s thesis from within a company.

MBS Insights: Philip, you wrote your master’s thesis in partnership with Generali Versicherung  rather than working on it solely at university. How exactly did that come about? Did you always plan to write your master’s thesis while working at a company? If so, how did you find the right company for your project?

Philip Dorpema: On the  Sports Business and Communications  program, we were told from the outset that we were welcome to write our master’s thesis while working at a company. I soon decided that I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, because it allows you to get so much input and support for your project that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to access. When the time came to look for a position at a company, I looked for internships at a number of firms who are active in the field of sponsorships, which I had chosen as the focus topic for my master’s thesis. That’s when I came across Generali.

MBS Insights: What differences do you think there are between writing a master’s thesis at a company and writing it at university?

Philip Dorpema: There are certain differences between writing a master’s thesis in a company and writing one at uni. The first difference is that you have at least two mentors you can turn to for advice: one at the university and another contact in the company. There’s also a stronger practical connection when working in a company. My bachelor’s thesis, which I wrote exclusively at university, was far more theoretical than the master’s thesis I wrote while working. For example, in my master’s thesis I was able to use data from active sponsorship projects Generali was running, which meant I was more closely connected to the topic. And, of course, it’s always nice to be paid for your work. I was employed as an intern for six months and was paid accordingly.

MBS Insights: What exactly was the topic of your master’s thesis? How did you come up with it?

Philip Dorpema: My master’s thesis focused on finding alternatives to conventional sponsorship in the digital space, as most events had been canceled due to the pandemic. As a result, companies and events increasingly resorted to digital platforms in order to reach their target audiences. Unfortunately, I can’t share the results because I signed a non-disclosure agreement. I’ve been interested in sponsorship for a long time, which is why I wanted to write my master’s thesis on the topic. At the onset of the pandemic, and many events were canceled and sponsorship contracts were terminated, so the topic soon crystallized in my mind. The staff at Generali were enthusiastic right away because it’s obviously a very important topic for them as a company. That’s another way that writing your master’s thesis in a company creates value: you work on a topic relevant to the company, which allows you to generate genuine added value.

MBS Insights: What insights from your master’s studies at MBS were you able to apply in your internship and in writing your master’s thesis?

Philip Dorpema: There were certain insights from my studies that I was able to apply in my internship and in writing my master’s thesis in the company. Among other things, I spent a lot of time working with social media and digital marketing during my internship, which we had discussed at length at uni. However, sponsorship was also a major part of my responsibilities during my internship. For example, I helped to develop sponsorship concepts for digital platforms and get them ready to present to sponsorship partners. It also involved platforms that were uncharted territory for Generali, like Twitch. In addition, I was responsible for identifying new KPIs for social media, which would then be integrated into new sponsorship contracts. All in all, I had a range of responsibilities in the fields of online marketing and sponsorship, which fed into my master’s thesis – and for which my time at MBS proved excellent preparation.

MBS Insights: How exactly does writing your master’s thesis in a company work? How do you structure your time working as an intern and writing your thesis?

Philip Dorpema: It was all very tightly scheduled. In the six months of my internship, I actually never quite started writing my master’s thesis. At the end of my internship, I conducted my interviews and collected the data I needed to write my thesis. I organized it this way so that I was able to gain as much practical work experience as possible and familiarize myself with the company and the topic as well as I could. After my internship, I started writing my master’s thesis, which enabled me to make optimal use of everything I had learned and the data I had collected.

MBS Insights: Who would you recommend to write their master’s thesis in a company and what tips would you give for writing it?

Philip Dorpema: Honestly, I would recommend that every student (at MBS) writes their master’s thesis in a company. Not only does it give you a better frame of reference for your master’s thesis and allow you to gather tips from your mentor in the company, it also makes it considerably easier to collect very usable data, because large companies collect data anyway for market research analyses. In addition, there are plenty of people in a company you can interview on certain topics, which means that you can write a quantitative, qualitative or mixed thesis in the company. My tip would be to think about your topic from an early stage and start looking for a suitable company early on. I started looking at a relatively late stage and was very lucky to find a good fit with Generali, which meant I was able to start my internship soon after.

"Study Business in Germany" Banner; Business Master's at Munich Business School

After completing your bachelor’s degree, you would like to delve even deeper into the processes of international business administration and specialize in a particular area, such as finance, marketing, or sports business? Then you will find a broad selection of business master’s programs with different focuses at Munich Business School. In all programs, you’ll benefit from small classes, lecturers from the business world, and outcome-focussed learning that makes it easy to start your career. See for yourself: Master’s in International Business Master’s in International Business I Finance Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Master’s in International Marketing and Brand Management M aster’s in Sports Business and Communication

  • Company Cooperation
  • Cooperation
  • Final Thesis
  • Master's Thesis
  • Practical Experience
  • Sports Business
  • Sports Business and Communication
  • Sports Marketing
  • Sports Sponsoring

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Master thesis in Germany Writing your master thesis at a company: joining the team as a specialist

Companies have long since recognised the potential of Master's graduates. A growing number of companies are offering students the opportunity to put their specialist knowledge to practical use already before completing their studies - by writing their Master thesis at a company.

Teamwork - Metaphor: Master thesis in Germany

Take an application-oriented approach to work

The supervision and topic for the master thesis must be right, feedback loops and deadline extensions, kick-start your career with a master thesis.

For many, the greatest motivation for pursuing a Master's degree is personal development and enhancement of the future career opportunities. The opportunity to develop one's own specialist interests and become an expert also plays a major role. The specialist knowledge students acquire during the Master's degree course is attractive to many companies. According to the "JobTrends 2013" survey conducted by the Staufenbiel Institute, a Master's degree is the most popular qualification for 90 per cent of German companies. This is the reason why many companies advertise topics for Master's theses. 

This option for the final thesis is also advantageous to students: "If you want to do something with a practical application, writing your Master thesis at a company is ideal," says Arno Zimmermann, who is studying industrial engineering at the Technische Universität Berlin. While completing a practical at Bayer in China during his Master's course, he learned of an interesting company project that would make an excellent topic for the Master thesis. "It involves the further development of company technology to convert CO2 into plastic," the 26-year-old explains. "An extremely fascinating and innovative topic." Having written a very theory-based Bachelor thesis at university, the challenge of a Master thesis with a strong practical orientation appealed. "Something always emerges at the end that has an impact on the company, and this is extremely satisfying." The high practical orientation and results-oriented cooperation within a team are a major incentive for many students to spend the six-month Master thesis phase at a company. 

"I spent a solid three months in the library when I wrote my Bachelor thesis, and I definitely didn't want to repeat this experience," Ralf Knudsen explains. The 27-year-old resolved to go abroad after completing his Bachelor's degree in business administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. He signed up for a Master's degree course at the Copenhagen Business School specialising in accounting, and gained practical experience as a working student and during practical work at a company. He decided also to write his Master thesis at a company. For Knudsen, an important advantage of completing the Master thesis phase at a company was that "later on, there is rarely the opportunity to consider a problem affecting everyday work from a theoretical perspective". He decided on the precious metals and technology company Heraeus that he came upon in a list of so-called "Hidden Champions". These particularly successful companies are often still unknown despite their success. 

Despite being offered the opportunity to cover easier topics at two other companies, Knudsen decided for what he believed to be the most challenging option. "I felt that I would receive the most support at Heraeus." Besides the good expert supervision, Knudsen also receives commensurate remuneration from the company during the Master thesis phase. Zimmermann, who is also able to cover his living costs with his company pay, knows to appreciate the financing. The going is tough for those without any financial support wishing to work on their thesis full-time. However, the most important factors should be an enthusiasm for the topic and a desire to enhance one's appeal to the work market as an expert. Zimmermann also firmly believes that students should not make any major compromises when it comes to the topic for their Master thesis. "If the topic does not knock your socks off, then it won't be any fun to write about - regardless of whether you do so at a company or at university." The industrial engineer also highlights the importance of a structured, concentrated approach for not dissipating one's energies. Even those who make very high demands of themselves should remember that they do not need to re-invent the wheel. 

A whole semester is scheduled for the Master thesis. To ensure students do not lose sight of their goal during these six months, they should ensure they always keep the rules of play in mind. "There are three parties involved: the professor, the student and the supervisor at the company. The overlap between their mutual interests must be reviewed," Zimmermann describes the special challenge of writing a Master thesis at a company. "Feedback loops are therefore unbelievably important. While regular contact can be demanding, it is essential to make good progress." This is particularly the case if problems should arise with the topic chosen. "The topic should be defined narrowly as quickly as possible," Knudsen advises students who still have their Master thesis before them. The breadth of his chosen topic, the cooperation within the company and the need to complete a final few university courses meant he took a total of seven and a half months to complete his Master thesis. Luckily, this was not a problem for his professors in Copenhagen; in Germany, the deadlines are a lot stricter though. Structuring the topic well and starting to write early on is essential to meeting deadlines. 

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Knudsen joined the two-year trainee programme "Finance & Controlling" at Heraeus in February 2013. "We have a great deal of freedom and are able to decide on the individual stations," praises the 27-year-old, who was able to spend several months with the company in the USA. What's more, when the two years are completed, the prospects of a permanent position are good. Zimmermann, who has just submitted his Master thesis, is already planning his next big step: he wants to write a doctoral thesis within the same project. The framework for his collaboration within the EU-funded project has already been defined. Although the Master thesis phase left Zimmermann's and Knudsen's heads spinning, the writing process stalled and the despair was great, both would definitely choose to write their Master thesis at a company again. For the exciting opportunities this opened up to them were so very great. 

W2-Professur "Technische Dokumentation mit dem Schwerpunktaudiovisuelle und digitale Medien"

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Junior Professor (W1, Tenure Track W2) in Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences

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master thesis company collaboration

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Digital Design and Information Studies

Internships and master thesis collaboration, get involved in the students' 5th year of study..

There are two components in our students' 5th and final year of study; one is an internship, and the other is a thesis. As a company or organization, you can collaborate with students on either or both of these elements.

During the internship, students work with a company or organization on professionally relevant projects or tasks. These projects or tasks should allow the student to combine their knowledge from their studies with the company's daily practices. During the thesis period, students delve into an academically relevant problem area. In both forms of collaboration, there is mutual benefit between the parties involved.

Collaborating with the student involves not only the student and your company or organization but also an academic supervisor from the university. The student takes the lead in ensuring that the project is academically relevant and engages in close dialogue with both your company or organization and the academic supervisor.

Through an internship collaboration, you can have a student join your team. This can provide you with new knowledge, fresh perspectives on daily challenges, and assistance in solving specific tasks. The internship allows the student to apply their academic skills in a company, institution, or organization and gain experience in how these skills, acquired during their education, create results and value in the workplace.

For the sake of understanding, it is referred to as an internship, but formally, it is called a project-oriented program. The student remains enrolled in their educational program during the collaboration and therefore needs to work on tasks that are relevant to their studies and fulfill examination obligations. Throughout the internship, the student is required to develop portfolio assignments, which aim to support the student's academic reflection on the program.

Therefore, it is an important part of the student's internship, and one of the company's or organization's obligations is to ensure that time is allocated for this purpose.

Questions and answers

When can we have a student for an internship.

An internship program typically starts around August and ends in early December, as it should last a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 months. You should discuss the exact period with the student. The regulations may change at times, and the student is aware of the specific requirements.

When should we apply?

Students begin applying for internships early in the new calendar year. By early May, students formally decide whether they will pursue an internship, but it is still possible to find a student for an internship after that. For more information, please read here.

What about compensation?

The student is not allowed to receive a salary for the internship, as they receive financial support (SU) throughout the program. However, a token of appreciation may be given as a gesture for their stay and efforts (up to a maximum of 3000 DKK per month as of 2018).

Create an internship posting that describes your company or organization, the desired profile, and the specific tasks involved in the internship. Once you have made a verbal agreement, it is the student's responsibility to create a written agreement with your company or organization.

Master thesis collaboration

In a master's thesis, the student delves into a academically relevant topic that can also generate value and new knowledge for your company or organization.

A master's thesis can be analytical, methodological, or theoretical in nature, and it may involve the student creating a tangible product.

As a rule, the thesis serves as the final component of the master's program, which provides a solid basis for recruitment.

When can we engage in a thesis collaboration with a student?

The thesis process typically begins in early January and concludes in early June, after which the thesis is evaluated.

The students start narrowing down their thesis topics in the fall, which may coincide with their internship period for some students. The specific requirements may vary, but the student is aware of them.

How can we ensure academic relevance?

It is the student's responsibility, in collaboration with their supervisor and your company or organization, to ensure that the thesis is academically relevant and falls within the student's field of study.

When entering into an agreement with the student, you can collectively decide whether the student's designated workspace will be at your company or organization, at the university, or a combination of both.

Create a thesis posting that outlines your company or organization and, if applicable, a specific issue you wish to collaborate on.

Job posting

  • Create a post on AU Job and Project Bank. Here, the students can find student jobs, internships and thesis collaborations, as well as job opportunities after graduation.
  • Feel free to share the post on LinkedIn or Facebook as well.

Contact the department

Head of department, Morten Breinbjerg,   [email protected]  

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Thesis and project collaboration

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Hear what a student and a organisation say about a master's thesis collaboration

Find students for master's thesis collaboration or other projects.

Students from CBS complete their master's degree with a master's thesis in which they often write about and for an organisation – big or small, global or local. Here, they get to utilize and test their theoretical skills and knowledge – also to the benefit of the organisation.

Your organisation can free of charge advertise proposals for specific challenges for one or more students to solve through e.g. a master's thesis collaboration. The collaboration with one or more students is also a good opportunity to establish contact with and uncover talents among the students during their studies, to set up projects and other consultancy assignments of all sizes targeted students.

Post a project on CBS CareerGate


A project-oriented thesis collaboration in connection to a specific challenge creates great value for both the student and the organisation.

In a project-oriented thesis collaboration, the student must test and develop his or her academic competences by using them to solve concrete tasks and challenge. The student must have a supervisor from the organisation involved as well as a supervisor (lecturer) from the university, who is responsible for the supervision of the exam assignment. The student completes the thesis collaboration with a test (exam report) which is assessed by the university.

Read a booklet about project-oriented internships by Danish universities

Advertise a project at CBS CareerGate

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Excelerate ApS Strandlodsvej 44, 3. sal 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark

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Thesis collaborations DTU students

Looking for a thesis collaboration company to write your DTU Bachelor or Master with?

Excelerate matches your thesis project with relevant companies in your research area and industry.

master thesis company collaboration

Find a DTU thesis collaboration with a company

Land your first job through a dtu thesis project collaboration.

Want to increase your chances of landing your first job after you graduate on DTU? Excelerate gives you the opportunity to kickstart your career through a thesis collaboration in your industry. Collaborating with a relevant and interesting company is a great way to land your first job.

Did you know that most companies end up hiring graduates in entry-level jobs if the company have worked with the student before? The best way to do so is through a thesis collaboration, a student job or a project-oriented internship.

Use Excelerate to take a leap into the professional world and kickstart your career in a company that is actually relevant to your interests and personality. A great way to avoid being hired for positions that you do not like or fit into or maybe even are overqualified for.

What are you waiting for? Join Excelerate for FREE today and let it be your first step on your career path.

Want to learn more about landing your first job through a company collaboration? Read our tips to land a job through a thesis collaboration .

DTU students discussing a thesis collaboration

Find topics for your DTU thesis on Excelerate

DTU students writing their thesis with a company

It can be difficult to find the right topic for your thesis whether it is for your DTU master’s or bachelor’s project. You are probably trying to find the perfect balance. Meaning your topic is not too general and imprecise but still not too narrow and specific which can limit your project.

Use Excelerate to find inspiration and good examples of bachelor and master thesis topics created by DTU students. We have topics in DTU research areas such as:

  • Software Engineering
  • Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • IT engineering
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Design and Innovation
  • Business Analytics
  • Earth and Space Physics
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Technology Entrepreneurship
  • And much more…

Find engineering and technlogy thesis topics , sustainability and environment thesis topics , information technology and computer science thesis topics , or click below to find all thesis topics relevant to DTU students on Excelerate.

Advantages of writing your DTU bachelor or master project with a company

There are many advantages to a thesis collaboration through Excelerate.

When using Excelerate to find a collaboration, you will be introduced to relevant companies in the research area and industries that interests you. A great way to get to know the industry landscape and understand your career opportunities.

On Excelerate, it is you who decides what the focus of your thesis should be. Not the thesis company. Company on Excelerate contact you based on your topic, interests, and unique student profile.

Make sure to adjust and align your thesis project collaboration so it suits both your and the company interests and needs.

By writing your DTU thesis in collaboration with a company, you can get access to data that would otherwise be inaccessible. A great opportunity to get deeper insights in the company and get to know the company better.

As part of the collaboration, many companies also gives you access to a on-site office spot. Meaning that you can write your thesis a few days a week at the company while getting professional sparring and guidance.

A great opportunity and way you get useful insight about the company for you project, but also a way to decide if you could imagine yourself working at the company.

DTU students during a thesis collaboration

FREE for DTU students

Faq – dtu thesis collaborations through excelerate.

Find frequently asked questions and answers below about DTU thesis collaborations through Excelerate. Didn’t find your answer? Reach out to us at: [email protected] .

Excelerate is open and free to use for all DTU students and DTU study programmes. Whether you study a Bachelor’s degree in Geophysics and Space Technology or a Master’s degree in Biotechnology, Excelerate is for you.

You can sign up as a DTU student here . Excelerate is 100% free to use for all DTU students.

Upload your DTU thesis topic / thesis project proposal to Excelerate. We match you with relevant companies in your research area and industry. Companies will contact you directly through Excelerate if they find your thesis project interesting and want to collaborate with you.

master thesis company collaboration

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City in moscow oblast, russia / from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, dear wikiwand ai, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions:.

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


Find all the information of Elektrostal or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal weather.

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Russia Flag

  • Information /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#info
  • Demography /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#demo
  • Geography /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#geo
  • Distance /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist1
  • Map /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#map
  • Nearby cities and villages /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist2
  • Weather /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#weather
  • Sunrise and sunset /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#sun
  • Hotel /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#hotel
  • Nearby /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#around
  • Page /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#page
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For example, Hong Kong

For example, Delhi

For example, Sydney

Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

City coordinates

Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


  1. Master thesis in collaboration with companies or organisations

    A master thesis is the final work of an academic education and the result is presented in report form. A two-year master thesis consists of 30 credits and equals 20 weeks of full-time work. A one-year master thesis consists of 15 credits and equals 10 weeks of full-time work. The thesis work can be written in cooperation with, or on behalf of, a company or an external organisation.

  2. 5 tips if you want to write your thesis with a company / organisation

    2. Profit from previous experiences. People you already have worked with can be your best allies in a situation like this. They are already familiar with your skills, interests and work dynamics. Even if these people are not familiar with the topic you want to address in your thesis, the fact that they already know about your background and ...

  3. PDF Inter-organizational Collaboration

    company request greater considerations to how firms collaborate and how the reciprocal process is managed. The purpose of this study is to investigate what inter-organizational collaboration means and analyze the collaborative environment within the Swedish automotive industry. ... This master thesis work has been conducted during January 2016 ...

  4. Master's Thesis collaboration is a unique way for companies to benefit

    By working in collaboration with a company as part of their thesis, it also serves as a useful introduction for international students to learn about Finnish organisations and helps them to develop their professional networks, which can help them to find work in Finland long term. ... Through mutually-beneficial master's thesis collaboration ...

  5. How to write Master Thesis in Collaboration with a Company

    Choose a paper befitting the stature of a Master's thesis. A topic for a Master's thesis must be relevant. A relevant topic addresses issues of concern for society or industry at the moment. You will be using the paper to provide a solution. Relevance captures the attention of companies or organizations that would be willing to collaborate.

  6. Thesis Collaboration

    Thesis Collaboration. Doing your Master's thesis in a collaboration with a company or a public sector organisations gives you the opportunity to put theory into practice, and puts you in contact with the job market even before you finish your Master's degree programme. A Master's thesis written in collaboration with a company or a public ...

  7. Writing Your Master's Thesis While Working at a Company

    Philip Dorpema: There are certain differences between writing a master's thesis in a company and writing one at uni. The first difference is that you have at least two mentors you can turn to for advice: one at the university and another contact in the company. There's also a stronger practical connection when working in a company.

  8. Collaboration within the master's thesis

    Collaboration within the master's thesis. The master's thesis is an individual research assignment and is evaluated as a paper that you as a student write, submit and defend in your own name. You are always responsible for the content of your paper and for meeting deadlines. You will therefore always receive an individual final grade for your ...

  9. Find Bachelor & Master Thesis Collaborations

    Find a thesis collaboration. with a company. Let a Bachelor or Master thesis collaboration be the first step on your career path. Excelerate matches your thesis project proposal with relevant thesis companies in Denmark. It is FREE for all students. Sign up for free. … and many more.

  10. Write your thesis in collaboration with a company

    We vistied Danske Bank to talk about why and how you can write your master thesis in collaboration with a company

  11. Thesis collaborations benefit students and companies

    On average, 32 per cent of the projects that the students complete in the last part of their engineering programme are done in collaboration with a company, and as many as 42 per cent of DTU's students write their MSc thesis in partnership with a company. In the Autonomous Systems degree programme, the number is even higher. A large majority ...

  12. Writing a master thesis at a company: joining the team as a specialist

    The framework for his collaboration within the EU-funded project has already been defined. Although the Master thesis phase left Zimmermann's and Knudsen's heads spinning, the writing process stalled and the despair was great, both would definitely choose to write their Master thesis at a company again.

  13. PDF University Industry Collaboration Concept for Master Thesis Projects

    1 MASTER THESIS DESIGN AND HOW TO PUT THIS INTO PRACTICE 1.1. Industrial problem is the foundation for the master thesis 1.2. Project Platform - Project Planning - Project Team - Long term Cooperation - Minimum two parallel master thesis running 1.3. Define Science Context Theory - "State of the art" survey in industry and science,

  14. Master's Thesis collaboration is unique way for companies to benefit

    In addition to Master's thesis cooperation directly with a student, our HELSUS Co-Creation Lab offers a unique form of supervised thesis cooperation between students and companies or public-sector actors. The HELSUS Co-Creation Lab is a cooperative, scheduled and facilitated process for master's thesis collaboration related to sustainability ...

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    Proposing a Masters Thesis Collaboration with a Company. Hello fellow engineers! Young engineer with an acceptance to a Masters program looking for some advice. I can start full time this fall, or part time this summer, in my Masters of Biomedical Engineering program. To provide some other context, I was also recently laid off as a result of my ...

  16. Internships and Master thesis collaboration

    Master thesis collaboration In a master's thesis, the student delves into a academically relevant topic that can also generate value and new knowledge for your company or organization. A master's thesis can be analytical, methodological, or theoretical in nature, and it may involve the student creating a tangible product. ...

  17. Thesis and project collaboration

    A project-oriented thesis collaboration in connection to a specific challenge creates great value for both the student and the organisation. In a project-oriented thesis collaboration, the student must test and develop his or her academic competences by using them to solve concrete tasks and challenge. The student must have a supervisor from ...

  18. KU thesis collaborations

    Find a thesis collaboration with a company as a KU student. On Excelerate KU students can find a thesis collaboration with a relevant company for your Bachelor or Master completely free of charge. All you have to do is register and upload your KU thesis or bachelor topic on the Excelerate platform. Then companies that are interested in your ...

  19. Find a DTU thesis collaboration

    Find a DTU thesis collaboration with a company. Use Excelerate to find interesting thesis companies to write your DTU Bachelor's or Master's thesis project in collaboration with - 100% for free! Sign up, upload your DTU thesis topic / project proposal and we match you with relevant companies. Companies will contact you to explore thesis ...

  20. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  22. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  23. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

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