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222 Criminal Justice Thesis Topics To Make You Shine

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

What is criminal justice? Criminal justice deals with delivering justice to people who have committed crimes. The field entails a series of institutions and government agencies that co-work to bring illegal activities to book. Some of the purposes of a criminal justice thesis paper include:

  • Facilitating the rehabilitation of offenders
  • Ensuring that similar crimes do not occur again
  • Providing moral support for victims

Such papers are critical, and this one has to take a professional approach, especially when writing criminal justice paper topics.

How To Write Criminal Justice Thesis Papers

Students in college and university taking criminal justice as a major are supposed to equip themselves with various writing techniques. For instance, there are times when one has to employ the methods used by a lawyer in presenting a case.

Since this is a cross-disciplinary field, you will have to formulate your arguments in a defensible thesis with evidence to support them. The criminal justice thesis statement should be:

Concise, Easy to understand, and Backed up by evidence and research.

You can choose to present the evidence either in qualitative or quantitative data. The former is expressed in texts, observations, and interviews, while the latter is in the form of numbers drawn from statistics.

For a quality criminal justice paper, use these expert writing tips:

  • Use the APA style guide in formatting your paper
  • Present your arguments in a clear language
  • Do not stuff up too many pieces of evidence in one paragraph
  • Avoid using personal opinions when defending a particular argument

With that, let us now look at some of the most brilliant thesis topics for criminal justice:

Criminal Justice Senior Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the history and development of the criminal justice system
  • How the rate of crime varies with different age brackets
  • The impact of aggression in compelling one to commit a crime
  • Why illegal immigrants are primarily associated with crime
  • The role of education level in contributing to crime
  • How does unemployment cause crime in society?
  • Why are teenagers the majority of victims violating the law?
  • The relationship between gender and criminal activity
  • The role of firearms in advancing illegal activities
  • How policies and government laws can lead to crime
  • The role of the media in promoting crime
  • Why is it challenging to manage crime in a society where the rule of law is obscure?
  • The role of political campaigns and elections in contributing to crime
  • Factors that led to the attack at the US Capitol
  • Why drug and substance abuse is a leading cause of crime
  • Programs that can help alleviate crime in any given society

General Criminal Justice Thesis Ideas

  • Contribution of the study of criminology to the society
  • How the study of criminology leads to the formulation of public policies
  • The role of parents in preventing crimes
  • How the education system has helped prevent crime
  • The role of social media in planning and funding criminal behaviour
  • How criminal gangs recruit members
  • The implication of coronavirus on increased criminal behaviour
  • How corrupt leaders can stir up criminal behaviour among citizens
  • Why you should know your neighbours and what they do
  • The role of biometric and facial recognition systems in curbing crime
  • The effectiveness of the police in reducing crime
  • Are penalties related to crimeless punitive?
  • What is the implication of representing a serial killer in a criminal case?
  • How to sensitize society on what constitutes criminal behaviour
  • The impact of racism on criminal behaviour
  • How bullying can be a cause of criminal behaviour in the future

Hot Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • The role of forgeries and fake documents in advancing crime
  • How corrupt police officers are creeping crime
  • Ways of dealing with criminal behaviour at the grassroots level
  • The role of the International Criminal Court in curbing crime
  • Why social media is a significant fuel for crime
  • The role of hate speech in advancing criminal activities
  • How the family background of a person can lead him/her to crime
  • Why students in college are at risk of joining gangs
  • Latest ways in which criminals are smuggling goods into the country
  • The impact of being labelled as a criminal on one’s reputation
  • Is it possible for a criminal to genuinely transform while in prison?
  • Religious ways of preventing crime in communities
  • Why it is necessary to be careful when walking at night
  • The role of the FBI in dismantling criminal groups
  • How school dropouts get into illegal activity
  • The part of peer pressure in leading one to commit a crime

Tip-Top Criminological Research Topics

  • The role of mental health in any criminal behaviour
  • How protests and demonstrations amount to illegal activities
  • The implication of religious beliefs on committing a crime
  • How social class is a critical player in the crime
  • Does weather facilitate criminal behaviour in any way?
  • Does cheating in exams amount to criminal behaviour?
  • Ways of detecting and curtailing criminal activity before it happens
  • How terrorism is facilitating crime in developing nations
  • What amounts to an environmental crime?
  • The implication of prejudice in violence
  • Methods of deception used by human traffickers
  • Forms of identity theft in America
  • Causes and effects of juvenile delinquency
  • How to curb criminal activities related to gambling
  • Is prostitution contributing to crime in societies?
  • Effective ways of prosecuting and punishing rape criminals

Criminology Research Paper Topics On Discrimination

  • How racial profiling leads to crime
  • Are our court systems becoming discriminatory based on race and social class?
  • The impact of systematic bias on criminal justice
  • How targeting minority groups leads to crime
  • The impact of ethnic backgrounds on criminal activities
  • Why the government should implement policies against gender discrimination
  • The role of social movements in preventing discrimination
  • How to deal with people who incite racial discrimination
  • Ways of managing stereotypes as portrayed by the media
  • The role of the clergy in breaking class-based social violence
  • How discriminatory crime affects families
  • The impact of discrimination on the performance of students
  • The effects of corporate crime on the minor businesses
  • How influential people in government contribute to crime
  • Ways of dealing with hate crime and its implication on justice
  • Effective crime preventions programs against marginalized communities

Criminal Law Research Topics

  • The role of corrupt judges in enhancing crime
  • Why tampering with evidence is facilitating the advancement of more criminal activities.
  • How to manage cases of premeditated murder
  • Should court systems use more punitive measures for punishing murderers?
  • How does society view lawyers who defend murderers?
  • Are there loopholes in criminal law that are advancing criminal behaviour?
  • In what ways is the justice system perverted?
  • Discuss the essence of studying criminal law
  • The role of the jury in delivering just sentences to guilty criminals
  • What is the implication of the presidential pardon on criminals?
  • How to protect the privacy of inmates
  • Do convicts on death have rights as any other human being?
  • How technology is advancing the practice of criminal law
  • Compare and contrast the number of men and women pursuing criminal law in the United States
  • What are some of the cultural impediments to the rule of criminal law?
  • The implication of fines and bonds on criminals with money

Criminal Justice Research Questions

  • How does street lighting helps reduce the crime rate?
  • Can security agencies use technology to prevent terrorism?
  • Discuss illegal research techniques in genetics and their dangers
  • What is the impact of smartphones on crime rates?
  • How does the National Guard help in reducing crime?
  • What is the role of psychometric examinations in criminology?
  • Does the court system take too long to administer justice?
  • Is arbitration applicable in the case of a murder charge?
  • What are the fundamental principles of crime prevention?
  • The role of mass media during chaotic elections
  • Is it to keep a registry of sexual offenders?
  • What can institutions do to prevent cases of sexual assault?
  • What is the motive of a ransom in a kidnapping case?
  • When do felony disenfranchisement laws apply?
  • What is the role of forensic science in modern criminology?
  • Discuss the association between substance abuse and crime?

Expert Criminal Law Topics For Research Paper

  • Effects of forging contracts in a work setting
  • Should presidents face criminal proceedings during their tenure?
  • The implication of the president’s immunity to international crimes
  • How can the courts ensure a fair trial for all accused persons?
  • How long should attorneys take to prepare a defence?
  • Implications for substantial injustice for any criminal case
  • Effects of giving self-incriminating evidence
  • How to deal with a crime under the international law
  • Should prosecutors obtain evidence in a manner that violates a person’s rights?
  • The place of torture in obtaining information from a suspect
  • What is the effectiveness of a petition in a murder case?
  • The role of the press in criminal proceedings
  • Discuss the rights and welfare of victims of criminal offences
  • How ballistic experts differentiate between an accidental and intentional shooting
  • The role of the state in upholding law and order
  • How lawyers defend their clients: Is it unethical at times?

Law Enforcement Research Paper Topics

  • Is how police handle suspects justified?
  • Weigh in on the ongoing police brutality claims on a racial basis
  • The role of law enforcers in sensitizing people on peace
  • Why it is necessary to have police stations in every community
  • Causes of corruption and crime among some law enforcers
  • Evaluate the response of law enforcers during the attack at the US Capitol
  • Assess how male and female police officers handle crime
  • What is the effect of police patrols on crime rates?
  • How police involvement with criminal groups fuels up crime
  • Police technologies used to detect and counter crime
  • What improvements should the police have to handle crime effectively?
  • Compare and contrast law enforcement strategies used in the UK and US
  • Comment on the use of biometric data in tracing criminals
  • How effective are informers in assisting the police to curb crime?
  • Evaluate how different law enforcement agencies handle crime
  • How digital footprints have helped law enforcers to arrest criminals

Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics

  • The role of community policing in preventing crime
  • Does the length of criminal trials affect their outcome?
  • Should courts punish crimes committed on a religious basis?
  • What are some of the challenges to implementing stringent prosecution laws?
  • Does infringement of copyright laws amount to criminal behaviour?
  • Should journalists take photos of suspects on trial and publish them?
  • Assess the different classes of crime systems
  • How to deal with cyber-stalking in the case of couples
  • Discuss the effectiveness of courts dealing with drug-related cases
  • Analyzing the implication of mandatory sentencing
  • What happens in the case of a wrongful conviction in a criminal case?
  • What motivates people to commit crimes?
  • Discuss the psychology behind aggressive criminal behaviour
  • Compare and contrast between murder and homicide
  • Evaluate the different classes of criminal offenders

Criminal Investigation Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the process of beginning a criminal investigation
  • Interrogation methods that are involved in criminal investigations
  • How does investigative journalism complement criminal investigations?
  • How crime-related movies have created a perception in people’s minds
  • The role of criminal investigations in delivering sentences
  • How technology has made criminal investigations more effective
  • The difference in investigating between civil and criminal cases
  • Discuss the unethical sides of criminal investigations
  • The role of information sharing technologies in criminal investigations
  • Why murder cases take too long to be solved
  • Secretive methods of conducting criminal investigations
  • Discuss the relationship between criminal investigations and the evidence presented in court
  • Why most detectives do not have a specific regalia
  • The implication of conducting criminal investigations in the face of the coronavirus
  • How to handle inquiries for cases beyond a country’s border

Criminal Justice Research Topics For College Students

  • The impact of TV series on crime rates
  • How different countries handle criminal cases
  • Discuss the impact of witness interference in a criminal case
  • How court systems contribute to crime
  • Are the witness protection policies effective enough?
  • The role of CCTVs in promoting justice in criminal cases
  • The impact of criminal courts on advancing good morals in a society
  • Discuss the truth in the statement ‘justice delayed is not justice denied.’
  • Importance of studying criminal justice in the 21 st century
  • Discuss the role of fingerprints in a criminal investigation
  • Should criminal cases be completed in less than a week?
  • What happens when a president commits a national crime during his tenure?
  • How the Director of Public Prosecutions can help in combating corruption
  • The responsibility of court officers in protecting the suspects
  • Do criminal cases caught on camera need any further investigations?
  • How should a state deal with foreigners who are guilty of criminal offences in their country?

Other Criminal Justice Dissertation Topics

  • Areas of the prevalence of wildlife crimes
  • How to deal with cases of shoplifting
  • Evaluate methods used by online predators to lure children
  • Why exposing your location details on social media may be dangerous for you
  • Should parents answer to suicide cases involving their children?
  • Discuss why parents should not leave their children alone at home
  • The role of police hotline numbers in combating crime
  • The impact of living in neighbourhoods known for criminal activity
  • How we can use religion to prevent crime
  • How one can anonymously report a criminal activity
  • Impact of hacking technologies on people’s privacy
  • Latest innovations in tracking criminal behaviour
  • Why investigations concerning a prominent person take too long to complete
  • Who is liable to pay damages in case of a mishap in a criminal case?
  • How to follow the rule of law in any criminal proceeding
  • How to know if you are being trailed at night by criminals

Research Methods In Criminal Justice Topics

  • Use of questionnaires
  • Real-time survey systems in criminal justice
  • Effectiveness of one on one interviews
  • Field research in criminology
  • Observation as a criminology research method
  • How participant observation works
  • Impact of ethnography
  • Use of case study in investigating crime
  • Experiments in criminology
  • Second data analysis methods
  • Deliberate manipulation of social customs
  • Analysis of government data
  • Research of historical documents
  • Studies using the Delphi method
  • Conclusive research methods for criminal justice
  • Descriptive research methods

Your top-rated criminal justice is just a step away from A+ grades with our expert thesis titles. Use our high-tech thesis writing services to improve your paper today!

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Top 110 Criminal Justice Research Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What is a research paper in criminal justice?
  • 2 Basic Criminal Justice Research Topics
  • 3 Controversial Criminal Justice Research Topics
  • 4 Criminal Justice Research Topics to Provoke Debate
  • 5 Criminology Research Topics
  • 6 Criminal Justice System Research Topics
  • 7 International Crimes Research Topics
  • 8 Racism and Discrimination Criminal Justice Research Topics
  • 9 Court Cases Research Topics
  • 10 Crime and victimization Research Topics
  • 11 Criminology Theories Research Topics
  • 12.1 Conclusion

What is a research paper in criminal justice?

The best way to gain more data or information is via research. Research is an important tool that can be used in the subject one is studying and criminal justice research paper topics. A paper in criminal justice is comprehensive writing by scholars to argue for a situation, usually criminal. This paper is different from other types of research papers It requires an investigation of case studies and real-life situations. Many research paper topics on criminal justice can help students write their essays.

Research on criminal justice helps students and professionals alike to gain an in-depth understanding of the field. It also helps government officials who work in law enforcement, discipline, and crime prevention to do their job well.

In-depth study or research on criminal justice helps bridge the rift between the existing practice within the profession. The progression in recent knowledge.

Criminal justice research enables students to become critical thinkers. This makes them evaluate policies based on evidence and facts.

Criminal justice research topic ideas also inspire scholars to challenge intrinsic prejudice. Also, assumptions by cross-checking data objectively. Students may not always have the time to write their research papers by themselves. This can be due to loads of other assignments and impending deadlines. They can easily buy a research paper for their coursework in such situations. This article looks at many paper topics in criminal justice.

Here is a list of captivating and provoking criminal justice research proposal topics that students can work on. PapersOwl experts can help with choosing the best topic and writing a stunning paper.

Basic Criminal Justice Research Topics

When it comes to choosing research topics , students can easily run out of ideas. These are easy criminal justice research topics for college students.

  • How reliable is eyewitness testimony? Should eyewitness statements be allowed in court? Who should be considered an eyewitness?
  • The relationship between police and people of different races. Does the media present police violence against people of colour appropriately?
  • Methods for preventing international drug trafficking. How should law enforcement agencies handle trafficking cases? What should be the punishment for drug trafficking?
  • Crime during emergencies. Do public emergencies give room for criminal activities?
  • Gender disparity in the criminal justice system. How can both genders be treated fairly? To what extent can gender equality be exercised?
  • Solitary confinement. What is the impact of solitary confinement on prisoners?
  • The efficiency of drug courts. Do drug courts help or hurt addicts?
  • Domestic violence. Why are women more likely to be victims? What should happen to minors of abusive parents?
  • Capital punishment. Is capital punishment a violation of human rights? What crimes deserve capital punishment?
  • Bail. What criminal offenses should be granted bail? What is the maximum that can be charged as bail?

Controversial Criminal Justice Research Topics

Certain topics lead to controversies in the field. Controversial topics should be able to lead to extensive discussions on the situation. Students who have a tough time choosing a topic can find research papers for sale online. Some controversial criminal justice topics include:

  • Cyberbullying. Where should the line be drawn between freedom of speech and cyberbullying?
  • Jail structures. Why and how should female jails differ from male ones? What are the dangers of mixed prisons?
  • Hate crime. What is the history of hate crime in the United States of America? How severe should the punishment for hate crimes be?
  • Serial killers. Should serial killers be tried as mentally unstable? Should serial killers be charged with capital punishment?
  • Juvenile crimes. Should minors be sent to jail? Should minors be charged with the death penalty? Is an 18-year-old an adult?
  • Pornography. Can pornography be considered sexual abuse? Can porn sites be sued for pop-up pornographic images and ads?
  • Police shootings. In what situations are the police allowed to shoot? What is the punishment for shooting an innocent person?
  • Carrying concealed weapons. Should there be punishment for carrying weapons? What is considered self-defence?
  • Murder and homicide. What is the difference between murder and homicide? Should the punishment for murder and homicide be equal?
  • Reform vs. punishment: which one has more benefits?

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Criminal Justice Research Topics to Provoke Debate

There are research topics for criminal justice topic ideas that lead to debate and analysis. Such topics make sense from different angles, depending on your perspective. Examples of topics that spring debates are:

  • Self-defense. Where to draw the line between self-defense and premeditated crime. Should there be a punishment for self-defense?
  • Prostitution. Should prostitution be considered a crime? Should there be a minimum wage for prostitutes?
  • Stalking. Should stalking be considered a violation of human rights? Should stalking punishable by the law?
  • Child abuse. What is the line between discipline and child abuse? Should the state take minors away from abusive parents?
  • Sexual abuse. Should BDSM be considered sexual abuse? Can sexual abuse occur between a married couple?
  • The impact of prison on children of incarcerated individuals. Who cares for the children of incarcerated people? How does foster and kinship care affect these children?
  • Media. To what extent should the media show domestic violence?
  • Drunk driving is a serious offense. What should be the penalty for driving when inebriated? Should an intoxicated driver be charged with first-degree murder in the event of a tragic accident?
  • Body camera. Is the use of body cams by the police an intrusion of privacy?
  • Homicide and murder. Is homicide murder?

Criminology Research Topics

Criminology topic ideas will help students understand crime theories better. Below are topics are drawn from different areas of criminology.

  • What have ex-convicts to say about criminology for convicts? Is the state prepared to assist ex-convicts who have completed their sentences?
  • Is punishment a deterrence to crime in criminal justice theory?
  • False conceptions about crime and criminal justice are debunked through media criminology. Fake news and how to handle it.
  • Criminality is a result of culture, according to cultural criminology. What kinds of cultural traditions are compatible with criminal behaviour?
  • According to cultural transmission theory, how are criminal norms conveyed in social contact?
  • Does fear of penalty deter individuals from committing crimes? Is that anything that should be taken into account in a court of law?
  • The rational choice theory explains how the perpetrator’s personal goals are connected with their criminal behaviour.
  • How prevalent criminal theories marginalize women, according to feminist criminology.
  • Minorities and people who deviate from social norms are negatively branded.
  • Life-course criminology is the study of how events in one’s life influence criminal behaviour.

Criminal Justice System Research Topics

This criminal justice research topic enables students to investigate the judicial system and evaluate the current policies. Some of these criminal justice research questions include:

  • Firing gun: how to determine whether it was deliberate or happened by accident? On what grounds should the police fire a gun.
  • Cybercrime: what is the legal perspective of cybercrime? Is cyberbullying a cybercrime?
  • Internet vigilantism: can revenge leaks be considered a criminal offence.
  • Hate crime on the Internet: what are the policies against revenge leaks, trolling, and defamation?
  • Crime and justice in mass media. How does the media influence the system?
  • Kidnapping and ransom: what are common features and behaviour patterns?
  • Sex offender registry: what are the pros and cons?
  • The theories of deterrence rational choice: are they relevant in the modern justice system?
  • Sexual assault. What is the punishment for sexual assault in schools and workplaces?
  • Jury selection: how is it performed? What is the requirement for selecting members?

If you’re struggling to find the time or resources to complete a research paper in criminal justice, paying someone to write your research paper may seem like a viable option. However, it’s important to ensure that the service you use is reputable and trustworthy, as it’s essential to know the research paper will be written in a professional and reliable way. Doing research on the service provider to make sure they have experience in the field is highly recommended before making a decision.

International Crimes Research Topics

This criminal justice research topic has to do with domestic criminal laws and international crimes. Here are examples of international crimes topics for criminal justice research.

  • International Criminal Court (ICC): The role of the ICC in the fight against crimes against humanity.
  • International intervention. Define and analyze the effectiveness of intervention with examples.
  • War crimes. How are other states tried for committing a crime against humanity in another state?
  • Plea bargaining in international criminal law.
  • International justice and peace. How can countries and international organizations make the world more just and peaceful? How should international organizations intervene in countries’ situations?
  • International justice and human rights violations. What is a just society in the global context?
  • International criminal law. What are the history, source, and objectives of international criminal laws?
  • Feminism. A feminist’s point of view of international criminal laws.
  • Child soldiers in Africa. Discuss the facts, history, and why they become soldiers at that age.
  • International criminal laws treaties. Research various international criminal laws treaties and tell your reader what they entail.

Racism and Discrimination Criminal Justice Research Topics

The issues of racism and discrimination are still prevalent in society. The following topics can be researched to investigate the situation appropriately.

  • Systemic bias. How does it affect criminal justice as well as the system?
  • Minority groups. How is criminal justice affected by the discriminatory depiction of minorities in the media?
  • Racial profiling: how minority groups are targeted based on ethnicity and race.
  • African-Americans: how are racism and discrimination more towards them?
  • Racial profiling: The disadvantages.
  • The UK Court System. Is the UK court system discriminatory?
  • The US Court System. Is the US court system discriminatory?
  • Class Discrimination. What is societal class discrimination?
  • Does the crime rate depend on the neighbourhood?
  • Corporate crime: who constitutes the ruling class? What are corporate crimes?


Court Cases Research Topics

There are common criminal cases that are tried in court. Some topics about include:

  • What is the difference between civil and criminal cases?
  • Felony: when do disenfranchisement laws apply?
  • Are organized crime and corruption the same thing?
  • Victim services: can crime victims get any help?
  • Prison rape and violence: how can sexual and domestic violence be prevented in prison?
  • Forensics: how effective is forensics science in modern criminal justice.
  • Shoplifting: how serious are shoplifting cases?
  • Protection Program: who is eligible, and what type of protection is offered?
  • Date rape: what type of legal assistance is available to victims?
  • Substance use, abuse, and crime: does one cause a trigger for the other?

Crime and victimization Research Topics

Crime And victimization are captivating aspects of criminology. Several research and surveys have been done better to understand this field over the last few years. Below are some intriguing crime and victimization research topics for college students to consider.

  • Crime and victimization among ethnic minorities: this paper will take an interesting look into how minor ethnicities experience crime and victimization in society.
  • The victimization of females in the workplace: researchers explore the treatment of females in an especially male-dominated workspace and how it affects them.
  • Political opposition: how the oppositions are victimized. Political oppositions in many countries are seen as threats by the ruling powers.
  • Criminal victimization of the elderly – the elderly are mostly defenseless and, as a result, the targets of criminals.
  • Victimization on campus – how college students are victimized on campus.
  • Victimization in prisons and correctional facilities – are inmates subject to harassment and various form of physical abuse?
  • Racial profiling and victimization – is racial profiling a thing? How does it affect the individuals of the race?
  • Domestic violence: the victimization of romantic partners physically or emotionally.
  • Sexual harassment and stalking.
  • Cyberbullying, cybercrime, and victimization.

Criminology Theories Research Topics

Several criminology theories exist. This research covers how these theories are interpreted, used, and discovered. Some topics that cover this include:

  • Theoretical integration of criminology theories – two criminology theories are better than one and how they can be integrated.
  • Biological theory; how biological factors affect crime – Are some individuals more predisposed to cringe than others, and do biological factors play an important role.
  • Deterrence theory: crime and the fear of punishment – are crimes with severe punishments less rampant than those with less punishment; how the freezer of punishment deters crime.
  • Theory of rational choice – people restore to criminal behaviour because it is the best option.
  • Advancement of criminology theories – how knowledge of criminal theories could be furthered.
  • Social theory: how good socialization affects crime – are people around criminals predisposed to crime?
  • How criminal behaviours are learned through observation: social learning theory: are criminal behaviours learned through observation of criminals or not?
  • Self-control theory: how effective self-control affects crime rate – are individuals with better self-control less likely to be involved in crime? Is crime a resume of a lack of self-control?
  • Theory of Routine activities- do daily routines affect criminal behaviours.
  • Ownership of arms. Is this regarded as a law violation?

Reasonable Criminology Research Topics

Other reasonable criminology topics for students to explore are:

  • Criminology as a social science – how criminology Is a social science because it deals with social science issues.
  • Implications of hate crime: hate crime and how it affects the victims and society. Are the punishments effective in deterring hate crimes?
  • Tracing the roots of criminology from ancient times – a history of criminology.
  • Of crimes among age groups: how criminal behaviours vary among ages.
  • Effects of childhood upbringing on the crime rate in society – does a child’s upbringing affect the crime rate in society? Are criminals a result of a bad childhood upbringing?
  • The Portrayal of Serial killers in media – how serial killers are portrayed in the media and how it affects serial killers.
  • Crime vs punishment – how punishment relates to crime and its deterrence.
  • How does society affect drug abuse – is society to be blamed for drug abuse?
  • Literacy vs Illiteracy and its effect on criminal behaviour: does literacy or Illiteracy affect criminals? Are literates less likely to commit crimes than illiterates?
  • Gender bias in investigations. Does one gender receive better judgment than the other?

There are quite a number of areas you can conduct research in criminal justice. You may choose to focus on one particular area, or even multiple areas, depending on your research paper’s requirements. You will, however, need to ensure you do sufficient research for your work to be relevant. To make the research process easier, you can enlist the help of a professional writing service to write a research paper for you . They can provide you with the necessary resources and expertise to ensure that your paper is well-researched and accurate.

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500+ Criminal Justice Research Topics

Criminal Justice Research Topics

Criminal justice is a complex and critical field that encompasses various aspects of crime prevention, law enforcement, legal proceedings, and punishment. Research plays a crucial role in understanding and addressing the challenges and opportunities in this field. From studying the causes and consequences of crime to exploring the effectiveness of policies and interventions, there is a wide range of fascinating and important criminal justice research topics to explore. Whether you are a student, a scholar, a practitioner, or a curious citizen, delving into the world of criminal justice research can deepen your knowledge, sharpen your critical thinking skills, and contribute to creating a safer and fairer society. In this post, we will introduce some of the most compelling and relevant criminal justice research topics that you may find intriguing and informative.

Criminal Justice Research Topics

Criminal Justice Research Topics are as follows:

  • The effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime rates
  • The impact of body-worn cameras on police accountability and public trust
  • The causes and consequences of police use of excessive force
  • The role of race and ethnicity in police-citizen interactions and perceptions
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs in reducing recidivism among juvenile offenders
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentencing on crime rates and prison populations
  • The challenges and opportunities of restorative justice as an alternative to punitive justice
  • The role of mental health and substance abuse treatment in reducing criminal behavior
  • The ethics and implications of using predictive policing algorithms
  • The impact of private prisons on the criminal justice system and society
  • The effectiveness of victim-offender mediation in reducing the harm of crime
  • The prevalence and causes of wrongful convictions and the implications for justice
  • The role of media in shaping public perceptions of crime and justice
  • The effectiveness and fairness of the death penalty as a form of punishment
  • The role of international law in addressing transnational crimes such as terrorism and human trafficking
  • The impact of the War on Drugs on drug use, drug-related crime, and public health
  • The effectiveness of gun control laws in reducing gun violence and crime rates
  • The role of technology in enhancing or challenging the criminal justice system, such as DNA analysis or facial recognition software
  • The prevalence and causes of domestic violence and the effectiveness of intervention programs
  • The impact of sentencing disparities based on race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
  • The role of plea bargaining in the criminal justice system and the implications for justice
  • The effectiveness of sex offender registries and notification laws in reducing sex crimes
  • The impact of pretrial detention on defendants’ rights and outcomes
  • The role of community-based corrections in reducing recidivism and promoting reentry
  • The ethics and implications of using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for surveillance and law enforcement
  • The effectiveness and implications of using risk assessment tools in pretrial decision-making
  • The prevalence and impact of hate crimes and the challenges of prosecuting them
  • The role of eyewitness testimony in criminal trials and the reliability of memory
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in reducing drug-related crime and improving outcomes for offenders
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on the administration of the death penalty
  • The role of juries in the criminal justice system and the factors that affect their decisions
  • The effectiveness and ethics of using informants in criminal investigations and prosecutions
  • The prevalence and impact of cybercrime and the challenges of investigating and prosecuting it
  • The effectiveness of juvenile justice reforms in promoting rehabilitation and reducing recidivism
  • The impact of community-based policing on police-citizen relations and trust
  • The role of social media in shaping perceptions of crime and justice
  • The effectiveness of prison education and vocational training programs in promoting rehabilitation and reducing recidivism
  • The prevalence and impact of human rights abuses in the criminal justice system, such as torture or discrimination
  • The effectiveness of gang prevention and intervention programs in reducing gang-related crime
  • The role of implicit bias in the criminal justice system and its impact on outcomes
  • The impact of solitary confinement on mental health, behavior, and reentry outcomes
  • The impact of police body cameras on public trust and police accountability.
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for juvenile offenders.
  • The impact of community policing on crime reduction
  • The use of predictive policing in law enforcement
  • The impact of decriminalizing marijuana on crime rates
  • The role of mental health professionals in the criminal justice system
  • The effectiveness of de-escalation training for police officers
  • The impact of technology on police surveillance practices
  • The relationship between gender and sentencing disparities in the criminal justice system
  • The relationship between poverty and crime
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of the War on Drugs on mass incarceration
  • The use of cognitive-behavioral therapy in offender rehabilitation
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for people with substance use disorders
  • The role of implicit bias in jury selection
  • The impact of police officer stress on use of force incidents
  • The use of big data in criminal investigations and decision-making
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice practices in school disciplinary policies
  • The relationship between mental illness and homelessness in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentences on juvenile offenders
  • The role of drug courts in the criminal justice system
  • The effectiveness of offender reentry programs for people with disabilities
  • The impact of restorative justice programs on victims of crime
  • The use of therapeutic jurisprudence in the criminal justice system
  • The relationship between race and ethnicity and the use of force by private security personnel
  • The effectiveness of educational programs in correctional facilities
  • The impact of eyewitness identification procedures on wrongful convictions
  • The role of community-based policing in reducing crime rates
  • The use of predictive analytics in bail decisions
  • The effectiveness of correctional education programs on recidivism
  • The impact of immigration enforcement policies on immigrant communities’ trust in law enforcement
  • The relationship between mental health and juvenile detention
  • The use of biometrics in criminal investigations and identification
  • The effectiveness of mental health courts in reducing recidivism among people with co-occurring disorders
  • The impact of gender and sexuality on hate crime victimization and reporting
  • The role of cultural competence in police training
  • The use of risk assessment tools in pretrial detention decisions
  • The effectiveness of community supervision programs for people with substance use disorders
  • The impact of social and economic policies on criminal justice outcomes
  • The relationship between race and ethnicity and criminal case outcomes
  • The use of therapeutic communities in correctional facilities
  • The effectiveness of specialized courts for domestic violence cases
  • The impact of gun violence on public safety and crime rates
  • The role of eyewitness memory and recall in criminal investigations and trials
  • The use of DNA evidence in criminal investigations and exoneration
  • The effectiveness of probation and parole programs for people with disabilities
  • The impact of victim impact statements on sentencing decisions
  • The relationship between criminal justice policies and racial and ethnic disparities in incarceration rates
  • The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in law enforcement
  • The effectiveness of community-based restorative justice programs for juvenile offenders
  • The impact of public defender workload on criminal case outcomes
  • The role of community activism and advocacy in criminal justice reform
  • The use of risk assessment tools in school disciplinary policies
  • The effectiveness of family-focused interventions in reducing juvenile recidivism
  • The impact of police officer race and ethnicity on use of force incidents
  • The relationship between race and ethnicity and prosecutorial decision-making
  • The use of virtual reality simulations in police training
  • The effectiveness of mental health diversion programs for people with traumatic brain injuries
  • The impact of juvenile life without parole sentences on individuals and society.
  • The use of drones in criminal investigations
  • The effectiveness of community-based alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent offenders
  • The impact of wrongful convictions on the criminal justice system
  • The role of implicit bias in criminal justice decision-making
  • The use of risk assessment tools in child welfare investigations
  • The effectiveness of offender reentry programs in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of hate crimes on marginalized communities
  • The relationship between mental health and the use of force by police officers
  • The use of body language analysis in criminal interrogations
  • The effectiveness of community policing strategies in building trust between police and communities
  • The impact of race on police use of force and police brutality
  • The role of prosecutorial discretion in the criminal justice system
  • The use of algorithms in pretrial detention decisions
  • The effectiveness of victim-centered approaches to sexual assault investigations
  • The impact of domestic violence on child custody decisions
  • The relationship between social media and cybercrime
  • The use of facial recognition technology in law enforcement
  • The effectiveness of police officer training programs on cultural sensitivity and bias reduction
  • The impact of the school-to-prison pipeline on youth
  • The role of mental health courts in diversion programs
  • The use of virtual reality technology in criminal justice education and training
  • The effectiveness of crisis intervention teams in responding to mental health crises
  • The impact of immigration policies on crime reporting and victimization rates in immigrant communities
  • The relationship between police department size and use of force incidents
  • The use of predictive analytics in parole and probation supervision
  • The effectiveness of juvenile justice system diversion programs for LGBTQ+ youth
  • The impact of bail reform on pretrial detention rates and recidivism
  • The role of trauma-informed care in the criminal justice system
  • The use of artificial intelligence in forensic investigations
  • The effectiveness of prison entrepreneurship programs in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the criminal justice system
  • The relationship between mental health and incarceration rates
  • The use of social network analysis in criminal investigations
  • The effectiveness of drug testing and monitoring programs for probationers and parolees
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentences on drug offenses
  • The role of the media in shaping public perceptions of crime and the criminal justice system
  • The use of body-worn cameras in courtroom proceedings
  • The effectiveness of mental health diversion programs for veterans involved in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on the plea bargaining process
  • The relationship between police department diversity and community trust
  • The use of crime mapping in law enforcement strategies
  • The effectiveness of animal therapy programs in correctional facilities
  • The impact of the death penalty on families of victims and offenders
  • The role of prosecutorial misconduct in wrongful convictions.
  • Racial disparities in the use of capital punishment
  • The effectiveness of electronic monitoring as an alternative to incarceration
  • The role of restorative justice in reducing recidivism
  • The relationship between mental illness and criminal behavior
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in reducing drug-related offenses
  • The impact of body-worn cameras on police behavior and citizen complaints
  • The use of risk assessment tools in sentencing and release decisions
  • The effectiveness of boot camp programs for juvenile offenders
  • The use of eyewitness testimony in criminal trials
  • The impact of victim-offender mediation on the criminal justice system
  • The relationship between education level and criminal behavior
  • The effectiveness of parole and probation in reducing recidivism
  • The use of artificial intelligence in criminal justice decision-making
  • The role of public defenders in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentences on the prison population
  • The effectiveness of therapeutic courts for individuals with substance abuse disorders
  • The impact of social media on the reporting of crimes and public perception of crime
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of mental health courts on the criminal justice system
  • The role of community service in reducing recidivism
  • The relationship between domestic violence and gun ownership
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for individuals with mental illnesses
  • The impact of sentencing guidelines on judicial discretion
  • The use of police body language in detecting deception during interviews
  • The relationship between incarceration and employment opportunities post-release
  • The effectiveness of community-based supervision programs for released offenders
  • The impact of the war on drugs on the criminal justice system
  • The role of race and ethnicity in plea bargaining decisions
  • The use of risk assessment tools in juvenile justice
  • The effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy in correctional facilities
  • The impact of restorative justice on the victims of crime
  • The relationship between gun laws and gun violence rates
  • The effectiveness of pretrial diversion programs for individuals with mental illnesses
  • The role of reentry programs in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of mandatory arrest policies in domestic violence cases
  • The use of polygraph tests in criminal investigations
  • The relationship between gang membership and criminal behavior
  • The effectiveness of drug treatment courts in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of solitary confinement on mental health and behavior
  • The role of gun buyback programs in reducing gun violence
  • The relationship between substance abuse and child abuse
  • The effectiveness of victim impact panels in reducing drunk driving
  • The impact of juvenile detention on mental health and behavior
  • The use of forensic science in criminal investigations
  • The relationship between race and wrongful convictions
  • The effectiveness of prison education programs in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of police militarization on community trust and safety
  • The relationship between race, ethnicity, and police use of force.
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentencing laws on incarceration rates.
  • The effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime rates.
  • The relationship between mental illness and criminal behavior.
  • The role of gender in criminal justice sentencing and outcomes.
  • The impact of the war on drugs on incarceration rates and drug use.
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism.
  • The impact of solitary confinement on mental health and rehabilitation.
  • The relationship between poverty and crime rates.
  • The role of technology in modern policing and criminal justice.
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in reducing drug-related crime.
  • The relationship between immigration and crime rates.
  • The impact of mandatory arrest policies in cases of domestic violence.
  • The effectiveness of victim-offender mediation in reducing recidivism.
  • The role of social media in modern crime and policing.
  • The impact of police militarization on community trust and safety.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for incarcerated individuals.
  • The relationship between gun ownership and violent crime.
  • The impact of wrongful convictions on individuals and the criminal justice system.
  • The role of race and ethnicity in jury selection and decision-making.
  • The effectiveness of mental health courts in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between education and crime rates.
  • The impact of body-worn cameras on police officer behavior and decision-making.
  • The effectiveness of drug treatment programs in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between domestic violence and gun ownership.
  • The impact of the death penalty on deterrence and sentencing outcomes.
  • The role of implicit bias in policing and criminal justice decision-making.
  • The effectiveness of community-based reentry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals.
  • The relationship between crime rates and social inequality.
  • The impact of predictive policing on crime rates and community trust.
  • The effectiveness of probation and parole programs in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between mental health and policing.
  • The impact of police unions on police accountability and reform efforts.
  • The role of the media in shaping public perceptions of crime and justice.
  • The effectiveness of pretrial diversion programs in reducing incarceration rates.
  • The relationship between police use of force and police training.
  • The impact of mandatory minimum drug sentences on racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
  • The effectiveness of juvenile detention alternatives in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between mass incarceration and economic inequality.
  • The impact of police body language on civilian compliance.
  • The role of community organizations in crime prevention and intervention.
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for people with disabilities.
  • The relationship between mental health and criminal justice reform.
  • The impact of immigration policies on community safety and trust.
  • The role of prosecutorial discretion in the criminal justice system.
  • The effectiveness of job training programs for formerly incarcerated individuals.
  • The relationship between race and drug policy.
  • The impact of pretrial detention on case outcomes and incarceration rates.
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for offenders with mental health issues
  • The prevalence and impact of police corruption and the challenges of rooting it out
  • The role of victim impact statements in the criminal justice system and their impact on sentencing
  • The impact of social inequality on crime rates and the criminal justice system
  • The role of political ideology in shaping criminal justice policy and practice
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation and reentry programs for adult offenders
  • The prevalence and impact of sexual harassment and assault within the criminal justice system
  • The role of the Fourth Amendment in regulating police searches and seizures
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice practices in addressing campus sexual assault
  • The impact of mass incarceration on families and communities
  • The ethics and implications of using artificial intelligence in criminal justice decision-making
  • The role of bail reform in promoting justice and reducing pretrial detention
  • The prevalence and impact of police misconduct and accountability mechanisms
  • The effectiveness of drug policy reform in reducing drug-related harm and promoting public health
  • The impact of globalization on transnational crimes and the challenges of international cooperation
  • The role of prosecutorial discretion in shaping criminal justice outcomes
  • The prevalence and impact of white-collar crime and the challenges of prosecution
  • The role of public defenders in ensuring access to justice for indigent defendants
  • The effectiveness of mental health courts in diverting mentally ill offenders from the criminal justice system
  • The impact of the criminal justice system on immigrant communities and the challenges of immigrant detention and deportation
  • The role of forgiveness in restorative justice and its implications for healing and reconciliation
  • The effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution in reducing court congestion and promoting justice
  • The prevalence and impact of hate speech and the challenges of regulating it
  • The role of public opinion in shaping criminal justice policy and practice
  • The effectiveness of community supervision in reducing recidivism and promoting reentry
  • The impact of the criminalization of homelessness on vulnerable populations
  • The role of community activism and advocacy in promoting criminal justice reform
  • The effectiveness of therapeutic jurisprudence in promoting rehabilitation and well-being
  • The prevalence and impact of police militarization and its implications for public safety and civil liberties
  • The role of eyewitness identification procedures in criminal investigations and the reliability of identification evidence
  • The effectiveness of harm reduction strategies in reducing drug-related harm and promoting public health
  • The impact of the criminal justice system on Indigenous communities and the challenges of decolonizing justice
  • The role of hate crime legislation in promoting justice and reducing hate-motivated violence
  • The effectiveness of police training programs in reducing racial and ethnic bias and promoting cultural competence
  • The prevalence and impact of gun violence and the challenges of gun control policy
  • The role of the Eighth Amendment in regulating cruel and unusual punishment
  • The effectiveness of problem-solving courts in addressing complex social issues and promoting justice
  • The impact of the criminal justice system on LGBTQ+ communities and the challenges of achieving equality and inclusivity
  • The role of victim services in promoting healing and well-being for crime victims
  • The effectiveness of drug testing and monitoring programs in promoting rehabilitation and reducing recidivism
  • The prevalence and impact of prison gangs and the challenges of managing them
  • The role of implicit bias in eyewitness identification and the implications for justice
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for offenders with substance abuse issues
  • The impact of social media on crime reporting and law enforcement
  • The role of mental health diversion programs in reducing mass incarceration and promoting treatment
  • The prevalence and impact of wrongful convictions of innocent people and the challenges of exoneration
  • The relationship between immigration and crime rates
  • The impact of drug courts on drug-related offenses and recidivism rates
  • The use of restorative justice practices in the criminal justice system
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for people released from prison
  • The use of polygraph tests in criminal investigations and court proceedings
  • The impact of bail amounts on pretrial detention and case outcomes
  • The relationship between gun ownership and crime rates
  • The effectiveness of mental health screening and assessment for individuals involved in the criminal justice system
  • The use of virtual courtrooms in criminal proceedings
  • The impact of juvenile detention on mental health and future criminal behavior
  • The relationship between poverty and crime rates
  • The use of eyewitness identification procedures in criminal investigations and court proceedings
  • The effectiveness of community service programs as a sentencing alternative
  • The role of racial profiling in law enforcement practices
  • The use of risk assessment tools in sentencing and parole decisions
  • The impact of mandatory reporting laws on child abuse and neglect cases
  • The relationship between parental incarceration and children’s wellbeing
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for drug-related offenses
  • The use of cognitive-behavioral therapy in offender rehabilitation programs
  • The impact of solitary confinement on mental health and recidivism rates
  • The relationship between social capital and crime rates
  • The use of DNA evidence in criminal investigations and court proceedings
  • The effectiveness of crisis response teams in reducing police use of force incidents
  • The role of race and ethnicity in jury selection and decision-making
  • The impact of court fines and fees on individuals involved in the criminal justice system
  • The relationship between education and crime rates
  • The use of risk assessment tools in domestic violence cases
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for individuals with substance use disorders
  • The impact of court-appointed attorneys on case outcomes and access to justice
  • The role of victim impact statements in sentencing decisions
  • The use of mental health courts for individuals with co-occurring disorders
  • The effectiveness of court-mandated treatment programs for drug offenders
  • The impact of gender on the sentencing and treatment of offenders
  • The relationship between drug policy and crime rates
  • The use of forensic psychology in criminal investigations and court proceedings
  • The effectiveness of cognitive interviewing techniques in witness testimony
  • The impact of the media on public perceptions of the criminal justice system
  • The relationship between neighborhood characteristics and crime rates
  • The use of body-worn cameras in police-community interactions
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentences on sentencing disparities
  • The role of mental health providers in prisons and jails
  • The use of civil asset forfeiture in law enforcement practices
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for individuals with mental illness involved in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of police militarization on community trust and police accountability
  • The relationship between unemployment and crime rates
  • The use of artificial intelligence in identifying and preventing human trafficking
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for individuals with traumatic brain injuries
  • The impact of community-based alternatives to policing on public safety and crime rates.
  • The impact of the militarization of police on community relations
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice practices in reducing recidivism
  • The relationship between socioeconomic status and juvenile delinquency
  • The impact of police department culture on officer behavior
  • The role of community courts in addressing low-level offenses
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for people who were formerly incarcerated
  • The impact of body-worn cameras on police officer behavior and community perceptions
  • The relationship between mental illness and police use of force
  • The use of neuroscience in criminal sentencing
  • The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing gun violence
  • The role of alternative dispute resolution in the criminal justice system
  • The use of biometrics in criminal investigations
  • The effectiveness of gang prevention and intervention programs
  • The impact of domestic violence on employment and economic stability
  • The use of artificial intelligence in criminal investigations and sentencing
  • The role of implicit bias in eyewitness identification
  • The use of drug courts in addressing drug addiction and drug-related crimes
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for juvenile offenders
  • The impact of social media on crime and victimization
  • The relationship between mental health and incarceration of women
  • The use of surveillance technologies in correctional facilities
  • The effectiveness of victim-offender mediation programs
  • The impact of prosecutorial discretion on plea bargaining outcomes
  • The role of mental health assessments in competency to stand trial determinations
  • The use of biographical information in criminal investigations
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for people with mental illness
  • The impact of police body language on community perceptions
  • The relationship between criminal justice policies and racial disparities in healthcare
  • The use of geospatial analysis in predicting crime patterns
  • The effectiveness of community service programs in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of court fines and fees on people with low incomes
  • The role of neuroscience in detecting deception
  • The use of technology in victim advocacy and support services
  • The effectiveness of juvenile justice diversion programs for LGBTQ+ youth
  • The impact of parental incarceration on children and families
  • The relationship between race and juvenile justice system involvement
  • The use of facial recognition technology in correctional facilities
  • The effectiveness of community-based mental health services in reducing incarceration rates
  • The impact of prison labor on employment opportunities for formerly incarcerated people
  • The role of community-based restorative justice in addressing hate crimes
  • The use of predictive analytics in child welfare investigations
  • The effectiveness of alternative sentencing programs for drug-related offenses
  • The impact of immigration enforcement policies on crime reporting in immigrant communities
  • The relationship between implicit bias and jury decision-making
  • The use of technology in improving language access in the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of police body language on citizen perceptions and trust
  • The effectiveness of police academy training on officer decision-making in high-pressure situations
  • The role of technology in the spread of human trafficking
  • The relationship between mental health and probation and parole revocation rates
  • The use of community courts in addressing quality of life offenses
  • The effectiveness of prisoner reentry programs on family reunification and support systems
  • The impact of public defender caseloads on the quality of legal representation
  • The role of implicit bias in jury selection and decision-making
  • The use of diversion programs for juveniles involved in prostitution
  • The effectiveness of community supervision programs for offenders with serious mental illness
  • The impact of immigration enforcement policies on the criminal justice system
  • The relationship between recidivism rates and prison education and vocational programs
  • The use of body-worn cameras in prison settings
  • The effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution in reducing court congestion
  • The impact of prison labor on reentry and recidivism rates
  • The role of risk assessment tools in parole and probation decision-making
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in addressing substance abuse and recidivism
  • The impact of solitary confinement on mental health and behavior in prison
  • The relationship between domestic violence and firearm possession
  • The use of mental health diversion programs for veterans involved in the criminal justice system
  • The effectiveness of juvenile drug court programs on reducing recidivism
  • The impact of private prisons on inmate rehabilitation and public safety
  • The role of implicit bias in pretrial detention decisions
  • The use of GPS monitoring in pretrial release and probation supervision
  • The effectiveness of offender education and job training programs in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of collateral consequences on reentry and recidivism rates
  • The use of crisis intervention teams in responding to mental health emergencies
  • The effectiveness of community-based alternatives to detention for juveniles
  • The role of public opinion in shaping criminal justice policy
  • The effectiveness of police body-worn cameras in reducing police misconduct and excessive use of force
  • The impact of incarceration on family dynamics and relationships
  • The relationship between access to legal representation and case outcomes
  • The use of community supervision and support programs for individuals with substance use disorders
  • The impact of pretrial detention on case outcomes and recidivism rates
  • The role of prosecutorial discretion in plea bargaining and sentencing
  • The use of facial recognition technology in criminal investigations and surveillance
  • The effectiveness of problem-solving courts in addressing specialized criminal cases
  • The impact of prison privatization on inmate rights and access to services
  • The relationship between race, gender, and criminal justice outcomes
  • The use of mental health courts in diversion programs
  • The effectiveness of community policing strategies in building trust and reducing crime rates
  • The impact of police militarization on community perceptions and police-citizen interactions
  • The role of forensic evidence in criminal investigations and court proceedings
  • The use of artificial intelligence in predicting criminal behavior and recidivism.
  • The use of restorative justice in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of police militarization on community policing efforts
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for individuals with substance use disorders
  • The relationship between economic inequality and crime rates
  • The use of artificial intelligence in pretrial risk assessment
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentences on non-violent drug offenses
  • The impact of the War on Drugs on communities of color
  • The relationship between mental health and probation violations
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in reducing recidivism rates
  • The role of eyewitness testimony in wrongful convictions
  • The use of facial recognition technology in criminal investigations and prosecutions
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for juvenile offenders
  • The impact of probation and parole supervision on recidivism rates
  • The relationship between police use of force and mental health disorders
  • The use of predictive analytics in criminal sentencing
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for individuals with mental illness
  • The impact of bail systems on low-income individuals and communities
  • The role of implicit bias in sentencing decisions
  • The use of social media in criminal investigations
  • The impact of mandatory sentencing on judicial discretion
  • The relationship between drug addiction and property crime
  • The use of predictive analytics in risk assessment for pretrial release
  • The effectiveness of substance abuse treatment programs in correctional facilities
  • The impact of police body-worn cameras on police-citizen interactions
  • The role of forensic evidence in wrongful convictions
  • The use of drones in border patrol and immigration enforcement
  • The effectiveness of community supervision programs for individuals with mental illness
  • The impact of mandatory sentencing on the prison population and corrections costs
  • The relationship between gang activity and violent crime
  • The use of artificial intelligence in criminal investigations and evidence collection
  • The effectiveness of juvenile diversion programs for first-time offenders
  • The impact of prosecutorial misconduct on wrongful convictions
  • The role of implicit bias in police use of force incidents
  • The use of risk assessment tools in pretrial detention decisions for juvenile defendants
  • The effectiveness of prison education programs in reducing recidivism rates
  • The impact of racial profiling on policing practices and community trust
  • The relationship between homelessness and criminal behavior
  • The use of predictive analytics in identifying and preventing cybercrime
  • The effectiveness of mental health treatment programs for incarcerated individuals
  • The impact of the school-to-prison pipeline on students of color
  • The role of community-based programs in reducing crime rates and recidivism
  • The use of neuroscience in criminal investigations and sentencing decisions
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for individuals with co-occurring disorders
  • The impact of solitary confinement on mental health and recidivism rates.
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for offenders with substance use disorders
  • The impact of judicial discretion on sentencing outcomes
  • The relationship between access to legal representation and sentencing disparities
  • The use of body-worn cameras in reducing police misconduct and brutality
  • The impact of bail practices on pretrial detention and racial disparities
  • The relationship between police unions and police accountability
  • The effectiveness of community supervision in reducing recidivism
  • The impact of solitary confinement on mental health outcomes for inmates
  • The relationship between criminal justice policies and racial wealth inequality
  • The use of risk assessment tools in sentencing decisions
  • The effectiveness of mandatory minimum sentences in reducing crime rates
  • The impact of victim impact statements on sentencing outcomes
  • The relationship between criminal justice policies and environmental justice
  • The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in law enforcement
  • The effectiveness of juvenile justice diversion programs for at-risk youth
  • The impact of police militarization on community relations
  • The relationship between immigration enforcement and public safety
  • The use of artificial intelligence in predicting recidivism risk
  • The effectiveness of police training on de-escalation tactics
  • The relationship between the criminal justice system and income inequality
  • The use of geographic profiling in criminal investigations
  • The effectiveness of mental health courts in reducing incarceration rates
  • The impact of mandatory arrest policies on domestic violence victims
  • The relationship between criminal justice policies and public health outcomes
  • The use of body-worn cameras in reducing false accusations against police officers
  • The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in reducing domestic violence recidivism
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on police use of force during traffic stops
  • The use of predictive analytics in parole and probation revocation decisions
  • The effectiveness of offender treatment programs for intimate partner violence offenders
  • The impact of prison education programs on post-release employment and recidivism
  • The relationship between prison labor and modern-day slavery
  • The use of predictive modeling to prevent child abuse and neglect
  • The effectiveness of community courts in reducing recidivism rates
  • The impact of community-based organizations on crime prevention
  • The relationship between mental health and substance use disorders in the criminal justice system
  • The use of mobile forensic technology in criminal investigations
  • The effectiveness of gender-responsive programming in reducing female recidivism rates
  • The impact of anti-immigrant sentiment on policing in immigrant communities
  • The relationship between police legitimacy and public trust
  • The use of data analytics in law enforcement resource allocation
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for people with disabilities
  • The impact of police misconduct on wrongful convictions
  • The relationship between restorative justice and school discipline
  • The use of location tracking technology in the criminal justice system
  • The effectiveness of anti-bias training for law enforcement officers
  • The impact of drug decriminalization on public safety and health.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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135+ Amazing Criminal Justice Research Topics In 2023

criminal justice research topics

Are you a law student or enrolled in law college? Are you looking for criminal justice research topics? Here, in this blog, you can find your criminal justice research topics. Statanalytca.com explains the 135 amazing criminal research paper topic ideas for 2023 in this blog.

When we listen to the word criminal justice, many words come into our mind like “victim,” “enforcement,” “crimes,” “courts,” “prison,” and law sanctions. Criminal justice is a term that governments make to justice for people, reduce and make decisions to prevent crimes. Governments make law sanctions to reduce crimes. Every country has a different criminal justice system.

The criminal justice system in the United States is a complex system of federal, state, and local laws, with state and federal constitutions, international treaties, and customary law. Each layer of government shares responsibility for a different aspect of the process. Federal law enforcement agencies enforce laws that may be broken by people who are not in their jurisdiction.

For example : When an individual from New York City travels to Florida to commit a crime such as a robbery or murder they will be arrested by the Florida police and handed over to federal authorities.

A criminal justice research paper necessarily requires accuracy, attention, and patience. Sometimes students are confused about writing criminal research paper topics, or they have a shortage of time to complete research papers.

Most college students ask for assignments to write criminal justice research papers. If you want criminal justice research paper help, you can take our trusted  research paper assignment help .

How To Choose A Good Research Topics

Table of Contents

Choosing a research topic is a very challenging task. You should pick a topic that is both interesting and relevant to your audience. You should analyze the crime report before choosing the criminal justice research topics. Research the types of crimes in your country and where your country ranks in the global crime index.

Some research topics include the following:

  • The role of law enforcement, prosecutors, and public defenders.
  • Challenges with eyewitness identifications.
  • Different types of evidence are used in criminal cases.
  • The effect of jury selection on trials.
  • How criminal justice impacts mental health.

What Is a Research Paper in Criminal Justice?

A research paper in criminal justice is an academic paper presenting findings from research on a specific criminal justice topic. These papers typically require extensive research and analysis of primary and secondary sources, such as case studies, official reports, statistics, and academic literature. The research paper aims to contribute new knowledge to the criminal justice field, identify trends or patterns, or assess the effectiveness of interventions or policies.

Research papers in criminal justice typically follow a standard academic format, including an introduction that sets the context and research questions, a literature review that summarizes existing research, a methodology section that outlines the research design and data collection methods, a results section that presents findings, and a conclusion that summarizes the research’s significance and implications.

Criminal justice research papers may focus on various topics, including the legal system’s operations, law enforcement practices, corrections, crime prevention, and victimization. These papers may be used to inform policymakers, practitioners, and academics about the state of the criminal justice system and suggest evidence-based solutions to improve its effectiveness and fairness.

Let’s Discuss The Criminal Justice Research Topics-

Here in this section, we will tell you some of the best criminal justice research topics for 2023:-

Basic Criminology and Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • Basic criminal Research Topics.
  • History of Criminal Ethics.
  • Criminology as Social Science.
  • Criminology and Public Policy.
  • Advantages of Private Prisons.
  • Civil Crimes vs War Crimes.
  • Offenses Against Religion & Cultural Traits.
  • Causes of victimization.

Court Cases Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • Can victims of crime receive help?
  • How serious are shoplifting incidents?
  • When do felony disenfranchisement laws apply?
  • Is organized crime and corruption synonymous?
  • What is legal help available to victims of date rape?
  • What is the difference between civil and criminal cases?
  • Forensic science: how effective is it in modern criminal justice?
  • Is there a link between substance abuse, crime, and substance use?
  • Who is eligible for the protection program, and what protection is provided?
  • Prison rape and violence: What can be done to prevent sexual and domestic violence in prison?

Controversial Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • Gun control causes.
  • Struggle with mental health issues.
  • Police officers’ legal rights are limited.
  • College Violence Causes.
  • Gun violence and prevention policies.
  • Crimes Propaganda and Modern Music Culture.
  • Race and politics of criminal justice.
  • An investigation into victim services.
  • Eyewitness Evidence Importance.
  • Legal codes used in America.
  • Zero tolerance policy and crime rates.
  • Sexual assault.
  • culture, and gender equality.
  • What is the best way to reduce recidivism?
  • pros and cons of prisons in America.
  • Criminalization of poverty.
  • Gender and Punishment.
  • The effects of drugs on children’s development.
  • Effects of drug addiction on mental health.
  • Youth offenders and Bootcamps.

Debate Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • Failures in criminal justice.
  • Criminal justice system expectations.
  • Statistical analysis in criminal justice.
  • Debate on criminal justice act.
  • criminal justice trend evaluation.
  • Trends in the criminal justice system.
  • Criminal justice system corrections in the USA.
  • Find the solution to prevent crimes.

Criminology Research Topics On Theories

  • Is employment related to law violations?
  • What is the relationship between family status and legal violations?
  • Is gender related to the type of law violation?
  • What is the relationship between citizenship and law enforcement?
  • How does education relate to crime levels?
  • How does gun ownership relate to breaking the law?
  • Is there a link between immigration status and law violations?
  • What types of crimes are common at what ages?
  • How does the type of crime relate to the level of aggression?

Top 10 Hot Criminology Research Topics

  • Crime is explained culturally.
  • The media’s role in criminology.
  • The advantages of convict criminology.
  • The major issues in postmodern criminology.
  • Is politics influencing criminal behavior?
  • How does DAWN collect information?
  • The shortcomings of crime mapping.
  • Crime rates and community deterioration.
  • Certain personality traits trigger criminal behavior.
  • Does experimental criminology have an impact on social policy?

Criminal Justice Research Topics Based On Crime and Communities

  • The impact of community policing on crime prevention in urban areas.
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism rates.
  • The relationship between poverty and crime in urban communities.
  • The role of race and ethnicity in criminal justice outcomes and disparities.
  • The effectiveness of community-based interventions in reducing juvenile delinquency.
  • The impact of gun laws on violent crime in urban communities.
  • Social media’s role in spreading crime and its effects on communities.
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in reducing drug-related crimes and improving public safety.
  • The relationship between mental illness and criminal behavior in urban communities.
  • The impact of immigration policies on crime and public safety in urban areas.
  • The effectiveness of re-entry programs for ex-offenders in reducing recidivism and promoting successful reintegration into society.
  • The impact of community-based victim services on the criminal justice system and crime prevention.
  • The relationship between neighborhood social disorganization and crime rates.
  • The role of technology in improving crime prevention and solving crimes in urban communities.
  • The effectiveness of community-based diversion programs for non-violent offenders.
  • The impact of neighborhood watch programs on crime prevention and community safety.
  • The role of community involvement in addressing hate crimes and bias incidents.
  • The impact of domestic violence on communities and the criminal justice response.
  • The effectiveness of drug treatment programs in reducing drug-related crime and improving public health.
  • The criminal justice system’s impact on marginalized communities and efforts to promote equity and justice.

Criminal Justice Research Topics On Racism and Discrimination

  • Eliminating discrimination in the criminal justice system.
  • Gender Bias in Eyewitnesses.
  • African American Legislative Apartheid.
  • Racial Discrimination in College Campuses.
  • How criminal justice law is enacted on Migrants.
  • Inequality in the criminal justice system Research.

General Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • Police brutality and excessive force
  • Criminal profiling and investigation techniques
  • Restorative justice programs
  • Cybercrime and cyberterrorism
  • Gun control policies and their effectiveness
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on sentencing
  • Juvenile delinquency prevention and intervention
  • Wrongful convictions and the death penalty
  • Gender and crime
  • Drug policy and its impact on crime.
  • Community policing and trust-building strategies
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation and reentry programs for offenders
  • Domestic violence and its impact on victims
  • Crime prevention through environmental design
  • Forensic science and the reliability of evidence in criminal investigations
  • Corruption in law enforcement and the criminal justice system
  • Mental health treatment for inmates and offenders
  • Human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  • The use of technology in criminal investigations and surveillance
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the criminal justice system.

Types of Criminal Justice Research Topics  

  • Homicide, serial murders, and serial murder are the most popular topics in murder studies.
  • A case study of robbery crime, unusual daylight robbery in a news article.
  • Identity Theft and Ways to Protect, the prevalence of identity theft in the community, causes, and effects of cell phone theft.
  • Analysis and critique of Current fraud cases, Fraud and business ethics, fraud schemes, and investigation.

International Criminal Law Topics

  • Criminal ethics, criminal law research assignment paper.
  • Criminal courtroom observation reaction.
  • Childhood obesity.
  • Crime Prevention.
  • International crimes and their laws.
  • International criminal court.
  • Human Rights and Inequality.
  • Rape Cases.

Criminal Justice Research Topics For College Students

  • The Impact of Police Body Cameras on Law Enforcement Accountability
  • Violent Crime Reduction Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Programs
  • Racial Disparities in Sentencing and Their Implications for Justice
  • The Role of Mental Health Services in Diverting Offenders from the Criminal Justice System
  • Media Effects on Perceptions of Crime and Criminal Conduct
  • Examining the Use of Technology in Solving Crimes and Enhancing Investigations
  • Juvenile Justice Policies: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
  • The Intersection of Immigration Policies and Criminal Justice Outcomes
  • Criminal Profiling and its Reliability in Solving Crimes
  • The Effect of Minimum Sentence Laws on Incarceration Rates and Public Safety.

Criminology Research Topics

  • Armed Crime Groups History Motives.
  • Cyber Criminology Correction Methods.
  • Art Fraud Cooperation.
  • Drunk Driving Prevention Ads.
  • Identity Theft & Social Media.
  • Topic on Child Abuse & TV Violence.
  • Aggression Against Homeless People.
  • Unemployment & Street Situation Analysis.
  • Forensic Research Identification Methods.
  • Crime Witnesses PTSD Rehabilitation.

Career With The Criminology Major

There are a variety of jobs you can get with a criminology degree. We sort listed the top 8 trending jobs that you can get with a criminology degree:

  • Criminologist.
  • Private investigator 
  • Forensic scientist .
  • Correction officer.
  • Jury consultant.
  • Loss prevention specialist 
  • Clinical social worker.

Tips On How To Write Criminal Justice Research Topics

A step-by-step guide on how to write criminal justice research topics:

thesis topics criminal justice

  • Choose a particular topic.
  • Read the given materials and take some notes.
  • Come up with a thesis.
  • Create an outline for your project.
  • Write down all the information that you have collected.
  • Start with a cover page, and an intro.
  • List the technique you used and the results you got.
  • Include a discussion.
  • Always write a conclusion.
  • Don’t forget to correct your grammar mistakes.
  • Revise, proofread, and if it is incorrect then edit.

Importance of Criminal Justice Research Papers In 2023

Here are some important of criminal justice research papers in 2023: 

1. Informed Policy-Making

Criminal justice research papers provide valuable data and insights that policymakers use to develop effective laws and policies, enhancing the fairness and efficiency of the justice system.

2. Evidence-Based Practices

Research papers help identify evidence-based strategies for law enforcement, corrections, and crime prevention, leading to better outcomes and reduced rates of reoffending.

3. Transparency and Accountability

By revealing systemic issues and gaps, research papers push for greater transparency and accountability within the criminal justice system, fostering public trust.

4. Improved Decision-Making

Policymakers, law enforcement, and other stakeholders use research findings to make informed decisions on resource allocation and allocation of efforts.

5. Advancing Knowledge

Criminal justice research papers contribute to the body of knowledge in the field, allowing researchers and academics to build on existing findings and develop innovative approaches to understanding crime and justice.

6. Addressing Disparities

Research papers shed light on disparities in the justice system, such as racial or socioeconomic disparities, prompting efforts to address and rectify these inequalities.

7. Enhancing Public Awareness

Research papers raise public awareness about issues like wrongful convictions, mental health challenges, and the impact of crime on communities, spurring advocacy and societal change.

Get More Criminal Justice Research Topics At Statanalytica.com

Hope you choose criminal justice research topics for this blog. If you have any difficulty choosing criminal justice research topics, you can contact us at any time. Our professional writers are available to suggest criminal justice research topics ideas and research paper help.

Here are some of the benefits of taking criminal justice research topics that you can hire us.

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So, you can contact us for any type of paper writing service and impress your teacher or professor by choosing a good criminal justice research topic.

This is the end of this post about criminal justice research topics. However, diverse criminal justice research topics offer unique insights into various aspects of the criminal justice system. These research areas are crucial for policymakers, practitioners, and academics to comprehensively understand the system’s challenges and develop effective interventions that improve its fairness and effectiveness. 

On the other hand, we mentioned more than 135 criminal justice research topics based on different categories. So that it is easier for you to choose the best criminal justice research topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.what are some criminal justice research topics.

Research Topics in Criminal Justice System: 1. Capital Punishment. 2. Community Corrections. 3. Crime Prevention. 4. Criminal Courts. 5. Criminal Justice Ethics. 6. Criminal Law. 7. Criminal Specialisation. 8. Drug Courts.

Q2. How do I choose a research topic?

Two main ways to find a research topic: through your academic interests or by self-initiation. You can find a topic through your academic focus, talk to your professors and classmates about what they’re working on, and they can point you in the right direction and introduce you to the process of conducting research. The other option is to start with The idea that interests you.

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Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of criminal justice research paper topics categorized into different areas such as criminology, types of crime, correlates of crime, theories of crime, criminal justice system, criminal justice process, criminal justice ethics, criminal justice administration, criminal law, criminal procedure, criminal investigation, criminal behavior, criminal psychology, juvenile justice, juvenile delinquency, death penalty, and gender and crime. Each category includes 10 unique topics, offering students an ample selection of research paper ideas. Additionally, this page provides expert advice on choosing a research topic and writing a criminal justice research paper, as well as an overview of iResearchNet’s writing services for students seeking custom research paper assistance.

Criminal Justice Reseach Field

Criminal justice is an interdisciplinary field that involves the study of crime, law, and justice. It encompasses a range of topics such as criminology, criminal law, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system. As a student studying criminal justice, you may be required to write a research paper on a specific topic within this field. However, choosing a topic can be challenging, as the field is vast and encompasses various subfields. In this guide, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of criminal justice research paper topics, expert advice on how to choose a topic, and tips on how to write an effective research paper.

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Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

In this guide, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive list of criminal justice research paper topics, divided into several categories, to help you select a topic that interests you and aligns with your research interests. We also offer expert advice on how to choose a topic, conduct research, and write an effective research paper. Our goal is to help you succeed in your academic pursuits and make a meaningful contribution to the field of criminal justice.

100+ Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

Criminal justice is a multifaceted field that encompasses various aspects of crime and punishment. As a student of criminal justice, it is crucial to choose a research paper topic that not only interests you but also provides ample room for exploration and analysis. In this section, we have compiled a comprehensive list of criminal justice research paper topics categorized into various themes. These categories are designed to help you navigate the vast field of criminal justice research and narrow down your options to a more manageable and focused list of topics. Whether you are interested in criminology, types of crime, theories of crime, criminal justice system, or other related topics, you are sure to find a suitable topic that will spark your curiosity and enhance your knowledge of the criminal justice field.


  • Theoretical Perspectives on Crime: An Analysis of Social Disorganization Theory
  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Criminal Behavior
  • The Relationship between Substance Abuse and Crime
  • The Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Reducing Recidivism
  • The Role of Genetics in Criminal Behavior: A Critical Analysis
  • The Relationship between Education and Crime: An Empirical Investigation
  • The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity and Crime: A Critical Review
  • The Use of Restorative Justice in Reducing Crime: An International Comparison
  • The Impact of Mass Media on Perceptions of Crime and Criminal Behavior
  • The Relationship between Poverty and Crime: An Empirical Analysis

Types of Crime

  • Hate Crimes
  • Drug-Related Crimes
  • Human Trafficking
  • Organized Crime
  • White-Collar Crime
  • Sexual Crimes
  • Domestic Violence
  • Murder and Homicide
  • Property Crimes

Correlates of Crime

  • Poverty and Crime
  • Mental Illness and Criminal Behavior
  • The Impact of Substance Abuse on Crime
  • Demographic Factors and Criminal Behavior: Race, Gender, and Age
  • Educational Attainment and Criminal Behavior
  • Religion and Crime
  • Family Background and Crime
  • Employment and Crime
  • Neighborhood Characteristics and Crime
  • Immigration and Crime

Theories of Crime

  • Social Disorganization Theory: An Analysis of Neighborhood Crime Rates
  • Rational Choice Theory and Criminal Behavior
  • An Examination of the Classical School of Criminology
  • Social Learning Theory and Juvenile Delinquency
  • An Analysis of Strain Theory and Its Implications for Criminal Justice Policy
  • The Role of Genetics in Criminal Behavior
  • A Comparison of Conflict Theory and Consensus Theory in Criminology
  • Psychological Theories of Criminal Behavior: An Overview
  • A Critical Analysis of the Labeling Theory and Its Contributions to Criminology
  • Marxist Criminology and Its Implications for Criminal Justice Policy

Measurement and Research in Criminology

  • The use of survey research in criminology
  • Experimental designs in criminology research
  • The role of case studies in criminology research
  • Analyzing archival data in criminology research
  • Qualitative research methods in criminology
  • Quantitative research methods in criminology
  • Use of randomized control trials in criminology research
  • Measuring crime and victimization rates
  • Analyzing crime patterns and trends
  • The use of GIS (geographic information system) in criminology research

Criminal Justice System

  • The impact of privatization on the criminal justice system
  • Police misconduct and accountability in the criminal justice system
  • The role of prosecutors in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of technology on the criminal justice system
  • The effectiveness of community policing in the criminal justice system
  • The role of plea bargaining in the criminal justice system
  • The role of judges in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of mass incarceration on the criminal justice system
  • The role of the media in shaping public perception of the criminal justice system
  • The role of restorative justice in the criminal justice system

Criminal Justice Process

  • Bail and Pretrial Release: A Study of its Effects on the Criminal Justice Process
  • Plea Bargaining: Advantages and Disadvantages for Defendants and the Criminal Justice System
  • Sentencing Disparities among Minority Groups in the Criminal Justice System
  • The Role of Prosecutors in the Criminal Justice Process
  • Jury Selection: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Impact of Victim Impact Statements on the Criminal Justice Process
  • The Use of Forensic Evidence in the Criminal Justice System
  • The Role of Defense Attorneys in the Criminal Justice Process
  • The Criminal Appeals Process: Procedures and Outcomes
  • The Role of Probation and Parole Officers in the Criminal Justice Process

Criminal Justice Ethics

  • Ethical Considerations in Criminal Investigations
  • The Use of Force By Law Enforcement Officers: Ethical Dilemmas and Solutions
  • The Ethics of Plea Bargaining in Criminal Justice
  • The Role of Ethics In The Criminal Justice System: A Comparative Analysis of Different Legal Systems
  • The Morality of Capital Punishment: Arguments for and Against
  • Ethical Issues in Criminal Defense: Conflicts of Interest and the Right to a Fair Trial
  • Ethical Issues in Correctional Facilities: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
  • Police Brutality and Accountability: Ethical Implications for Law Enforcement Agencies
  • The Ethics of Criminal Profiling: Balancing Effectiveness and Discrimination Concerns
  • The Ethics of Surveillance in Criminal Investigations: Privacy, Security, and Civil Liberties Concerns

Criminal Justice Administration

  • The Role of Leadership in Law Enforcement Agencies
  • The Use of Technology in Criminal Justice Administration
  • Private Prisons and Their Impact on Criminal Justice Administration
  • The Role of Community Policing in Criminal Justice Administration
  • Police Training and Its Effect on Criminal Justice Administration
  • Ethics and Leadership in Criminal Justice Administration
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Criminal Justice Administration
  • The Effect of Budget Cuts on Criminal Justice Administration
  • Collaboration and Coordination between Criminal Justice Agencies
  • The Role of Public Opinion in Criminal Justice Administration

Criminal Law

  • The History and Evolution of Criminal Law
  • Comparative Analysis of Criminal Law Systems in Different Countries
  • The Role of the Judiciary in Criminal Law Interpretation and Application
  • Legal Principles of Criminal Liability and Their Application in Practice
  • The Concept of Mens Rea in Criminal Law
  • The Limits of Criminal Law in the Regulation Of Conduct
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Societal Problems
  • The Relationship Between Criminal Law and Civil Law
  • The Impact of Technology on Criminal Law and Law Enforcement
  • Critiques of The Criminal Law System and Proposals for Reform

Criminal Procedure

  • The Fourth Amendment and Search and Seizure Law
  • The Role of the Grand Jury in Criminal Proceedings
  • The Right to a Fair Trial and Due Process Protections
  • The Use of Plea Bargaining in Criminal Cases
  • The Exclusionary Rule and its Impact on Criminal Cases
  • The Role of the Defense Attorney in Criminal Proceedings
  • The Admissibility of Evidence in Criminal Trials
  • The Impact of the Media on Criminal Trials
  • The Use of Expert Witnesses in Criminal Cases
  • The Challenges of Prosecuting and Defending Cases Involving DNA Evidence

Criminal Investigation

  • The use of DNA evidence in criminal investigations
  • The reliability and limitations of eyewitness testimony in criminal investigations
  • The role of forensic psychology in criminal investigations
  • The use of surveillance technology in criminal investigations
  • Investigating cybercrime: challenges and strategies
  • The importance of crime scene investigation in solving cases
  • The impact of digital evidence on criminal investigations
  • The role of informants in criminal investigations
  • The use of lie detection technology in criminal investigations
  • The effectiveness of polygraph testing in criminal investigations

Criminal Behavior

  • The role of genetics in criminal behavior
  • The impact of childhood trauma on criminal behavior
  • The relationship between substance abuse and criminal behavior
  • The influence of peer pressure on criminal behavior
  • The impact of poverty and inequality on criminal behavior
  • The role of mental illness in criminal behavior
  • The relationship between personality disorders and criminal behavior
  • The impact of cultural factors on criminal behavior
  • The role of social media in criminal behavior
  • The impact of the media’s portrayal of crime on public perception and criminal behavior

Criminal Psychology

  • The psychology of violent offenders: understanding motivations and triggers
  • The relationship between childhood abuse and criminal behavior
  • Criminal profiling: its validity and effectiveness in solving crimes
  • The psychology of white-collar crime: motives and rationalizations
  • The impact of social media on criminal behavior and investigations
  • The psychology of false confessions: why innocent people confess to crimes they didn’t commit
  • The role of substance abuse in criminal behavior and addiction treatment in the criminal justice system
  • The psychology of serial killers: identifying patterns and predicting behavior
  • The effects of incarceration on mental health and the rehabilitation of offenders

Juvenile Justice

  • The effectiveness of diversion programs in reducing juvenile delinquency
  • The use of restorative justice practices in juvenile court cases
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on juvenile justice outcomes
  • The role of mental health services in juvenile justice systems
  • The use of solitary confinement in juvenile detention facilities
  • The effectiveness of community-based alternatives to juvenile detention
  • The impact of parental involvement on juvenile justice outcomes
  • The effects of trauma on juvenile offenders and the role of trauma-informed care
  • The relationship between juvenile delinquency and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of juvenile sex offender treatment programs

Juvenile Delinquency

  • The impact of poverty and socioeconomic status on juvenile delinquency
  • The role of mental health issues in juvenile delinquency
  • The relationship between juvenile delinquency and drug abuse
  • The impact of family dynamics and structure on juvenile delinquency
  • The role of schools and education in preventing juvenile delinquency
  • The effectiveness of community-based programs in reducing juvenile delinquency
  • The impact of media and technology on juvenile delinquency
  • The role of race and ethnicity in the juvenile justice system and delinquency rates
  • The impact of neighborhood characteristics on juvenile delinquency
  • The effectiveness of early intervention programs for at-risk youth in preventing juvenile delinquency

Death Penalty

  • The history of the death penalty and its evolution over time
  • Comparative analysis of the use of the death penalty in different countries
  • The moral and ethical considerations of the death penalty
  • The role of race and socioeconomic status in the administration of the death penalty
  • The effectiveness of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime
  • The psychological effects of death row and the death penalty on inmates and victims’ families
  • The impact of wrongful convictions and exonerations on public trust in the death penalty
  • The controversy surrounding lethal injection and other methods of execution
  • The role of clemency and commutation in death penalty cases
  • Critiques of the death penalty system and proposals for reform

Gender and Crime

  • The Gender Gap in Crime Rates: Exploring the Trends and Explanations
  • Women in Prison: Gender-Specific Issues and Challenges
  • Masculinity and Crime: Exploring the Relationship between Masculinity and Criminal Behavior
  • Gendered Violence: Examining the Intersection of Gender and Violence in Criminal Justice
  • Female Offenders: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Women’s Criminal Behavior
  • Gender and the Law: Analyzing the Role of Gender in Criminal Justice Policy and Practice
  • The Gendered Nature of Victimhood: Examining the Impact of Gender on Victimization and Justice
  • Intersectionality and Crime: Understanding How Race, Gender, and Class Interact in Criminal Justice
  • Women in Law Enforcement: Challenges and Opportunities for Female Police Officers
  • The Gendered Impacts of Criminal Justice Policies: Analyzing the Differential Effects on Men and Women

Browse More Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics:

Choosing criminal justice research paper topics.

Choosing a research paper topic in criminal justice can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies you can use to make the process easier and more effective. The following tips will help you choose a topic that is both interesting and appropriate for your assignment.

  • Understand the assignment requirements and guidelines : Before you begin researching and selecting a topic, it is important to understand the assignment requirements and guidelines. Make sure you know the scope, length, and format of the paper, as well as any specific topic restrictions or expectations.
  • Consider your personal interests and passions: Selecting a topic that you are interested in or passionate about can make the research and writing process more enjoyable and engaging. Consider your personal experiences, values, and beliefs when choosing a topic.
  • Look for current and relevant topics in the field: Choose a topic that is relevant and current in the field of criminal justice. Look for recent research, policy changes, or high-profile cases that have generated public interest and media attention.
  • Focus on a specific aspect or issue within a broader topic: Instead of choosing a broad topic, focus on a specific aspect or issue within that topic. This will allow you to explore the topic in depth and provide a more focused and compelling argument.
  • Conduct preliminary research to ensure there is enough information available: Before finalizing your topic, conduct preliminary research to ensure there is enough information available to support your argument. Use academic journals, databases, and reliable websites to research your topic and identify potential sources.
  • Consult with your instructor or a librarian for topic suggestions and resources: Your instructor or a librarian can provide valuable guidance and resources for selecting a topic. They may be able to suggest specific topics or provide access to relevant databases and sources.
  • Stay organized and keep track of sources and notes: As you research and write your paper, make sure to stay organized and keep track of your sources and notes. This will make the writing process easier and ensure you have accurate and reliable information to support your argument.
  • Narrow down your topic and develop a thesis statement: Once you have selected a topic, narrow it down to a specific aspect or issue and develop a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be clear, concise, and specific, and provide a roadmap for the rest of your paper.
  • Brainstorm and outline your paper before writing: Before you start writing, brainstorm and outline your paper to ensure your argument is organized and cohesive. This will also help you identify any gaps in your research or arguments.
  • Revise and edit your paper multiple times before submitting: After you have completed your paper, revise and edit it multiple times before submitting. This will ensure that your argument is clear, your writing is concise and effective, and your paper is free of errors and typos.

By following these expert tips, you can choose a criminal justice research paper topic that is engaging, relevant, and well-supported. Remember to always keep the assignment guidelines in mind and seek guidance from your instructor or librarian when needed.

How to Write a Criminal Justice Research Paper

Writing a criminal justice research paper requires careful planning and execution to ensure that you produce a high-quality and informative work. Here are some tips on how to write a criminal justice research paper:

  • Select a topic and develop a thesis statement : Choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to the criminal justice field. Narrow down your topic and develop a clear thesis statement that outlines your main argument or perspective.
  • Conduct thorough research and gather reliable sources : Use academic databases, library catalogs, and credible websites to find sources that support your thesis statement. Ensure that your sources are reliable and relevant to your topic.
  • Organize your notes and create an outline : Organize your notes and sources into a logical order that supports your thesis statement. Create an outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Write an introduction that provides background information and introduces the thesis : Begin your paper with an introduction that provides context for your topic and introduces your thesis statement.
  • Use clear and concise language throughout the paper : Write in a clear and concise manner that is easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon and technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your readers.
  • Support your arguments with evidence and examples from your research : Use evidence from your research to support your arguments and provide examples that illustrate your points.
  • Write a strong conclusion that summarizes your findings and reinforces your thesis : End your paper with a conclusion that summarizes your findings and reinforces your thesis statement.
  • Edit and revise your paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors : Check your paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Use spell-check and grammar-check tools to help you identify and correct errors.
  • Properly cite your sources using the appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) : Use the appropriate citation style to cite your sources in the body of your paper and in your reference list. Follow the guidelines provided by your instructor or institution.
  • Get feedback and revise your paper as needed : Share your paper with a peer or instructor and get feedback on your writing. Revise your paper as needed to ensure that it meets the requirements and guidelines of the assignment.

Writing a criminal justice research paper can be a challenging but rewarding experience for students in this field. By choosing a relevant and interesting topic, conducting thorough research, and following a clear and organized structure, students can produce a high-quality paper that showcases their knowledge and critical thinking skills. Seeking expert advice on topic selection and writing techniques can also be beneficial in producing a successful paper. With the right approach and dedication, students can create a valuable contribution to the field of criminal justice research.

iResearchNet Writing Services for Criminal Justice Research Papers

At iResearchNet, we understand the pressure that comes with completing a criminal justice research paper. That’s why we offer expert writing services to help students like you excel in their academic pursuits. Our services are designed to provide you with high-quality, custom written research papers on any topic related to criminal justice.

Our writing services offer the following features:

Expert degree-holding writers with experience in the criminal justice field:  We have a team of writers who hold advanced degrees in criminal justice and related fields. They have years of experience in academic writing and are dedicated to producing high-quality work that meets your requirements.

Custom written works tailored to your specific needs and requirements:  We work closely with you to ensure that your research paper meets your specific needs and requirements. We take into account your instructions, guidelines, and deadlines to deliver a customized solution that is unique to your research paper.

  • In-depth research using credible sources: Our writers conduct extensive research using credible sources to ensure that your research paper is based on accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Custom formatting: Our writers are proficient in all major citation styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. We format your research paper according to your requirements and ensure that all citations and references are properly formatted.
  • Top quality work with customized solutions: Our writers are committed to producing high-quality work that meets your expectations. We provide customized solutions to ensure that your research paper is unique and meets your specific requirements.
  • Flexible pricing : We offer flexible pricing options to fit any budget. Our pricing is based on the complexity of your research paper, the length of the paper, and the deadline. We offer competitive pricing that is affordable for students.
  • Short deadlines : We understand that deadlines can be tight. That’s why we offer short deadlines of up to 3 hours for urgent orders. We work efficiently to ensure that your research paper is delivered on time.
  • Timely delivery : We understand the importance of timely delivery. That’s why we guarantee that your research paper will be delivered on time, every time.
  • 24/7 customer support : Our customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We are dedicated to providing you with excellent customer service.
  • Absolute privacy and confidentiality : We understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality. That’s why we guarantee that your personal and academic information will be kept confidential.
  • Easy order tracking : We provide easy order tracking and updates to keep you informed about the progress of your research paper.
  • Money-back guarantee : We are committed to your satisfaction. That’s why we offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the final product.

With iResearchNet’s writing services, you can be confident in the quality of your criminal justice research paper. Our team of expert writers is dedicated to providing you with a customized solution that meets your specific requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our writing services and how we can help you achieve academic success.

Professional Writing Help for Criminal Justice Research Papers

The field of criminal justice is vast and offers numerous research paper topics that students can explore. Writing a research paper in criminal justice requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, and it requires a lot of time and effort. Many students find it challenging to come up with a suitable topic, conduct research, and write a comprehensive research paper. However, with proper guidance and expert help, students can produce high-quality criminal justice research papers.

iResearchNet offers expert writing services to assist students in achieving their academic goals and producing high-quality research papers. With expert degree-holding writers who have experience in the criminal justice field, students can be assured of the quality of work they will receive. The works are custom written to meet the specific needs and requirements of each student, and in-depth research using credible sources is conducted. The company also offers custom formatting to match different citation styles. With flexible pricing options, short deadlines of up to 3 hours, and timely delivery, students can trust iResearchNet to deliver quality work. Additionally, the company offers 24/7 customer support for any questions or concerns, absolute privacy and confidentiality of personal and academic information, easy order tracking and updates, and a money-back guarantee if the student is not satisfied with the final product.

In conclusion, writing a criminal justice research paper requires careful consideration of personal interests and the assignment guidelines, thorough research, proper organization, and excellent writing skills. With expert guidance and help from iResearchNet, students can produce high-quality research papers that meet the expectations of their instructors and help them achieve their academic goals.


thesis topics criminal justice

thesis topics criminal justice

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The Top 10 Most Interesting Criminal Justice Research Topics

Are you writing a research paper and having a hard time finding good criminal justice research topics? Thankfully, we have compiled a list of 10 of the best criminal justice research paper topic ideas. We’ve also included several criminal justice research questions and examples of criminal justice research topics to help you write your best paper.

Criminal justice is a great field for both those wanting a greater understanding of the US justice system and those who want to know what it is like to be a lawyer . If you want to write the best criminal justice paper you can, this article is for you.

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What makes a strong criminal justice research topic.

Strong criminal justice research papers consist of a focused question to answer and a specific area of criminal justice like forensic science, serial killers, substance abuse, sexual offenders, cyber criminology, corporate crime, juvenile justice, or criminal behavior. Most educational institutions have guidelines that must be followed for picking criminal justice topics for your criminology research paper, and this list will give you a great place to start researching.

Tips for Choosing a Criminal Justice Research Topic

  • Follow the guidelines of your institution. If you are studying criminal justice at any university like Loyola University, Cornell University, Walden University, or even Harvard University, your professor has probably given you guidelines to stick to.
  • Keep it focused. When you’re writing a criminal justice research paper it is best to keep a tight focus on your topic. Keep your research focused and remember to stay on task by using study tips, taking breaks, and improving on and practicing your writing skills daily.
  • Choose a narrow topic. When choosing your topic the scope of your criminal justice research paper mustn’t be too broad. Ask and answer one question or use one thesis statement that is clear and well-defined.
  • Choose a topic that is well-researched. When writing a paper on criminal justice, many topics are too new to have solid research. Pick a topic that has many cases related to it, or is focused on a common issue.
  • Choose a topic you are passionate about. There is nothing worse than being stuck writing about a topic you have no interest in. That’s why you should make sure your topic is something that you want to write about. If it ignites your passion, write about it.

What’s the Difference Between a Research Topic and a Research Question?

The difference between a research topic and a research question is that research topics are the broad area of study and research that is used to answer the research question. Research questions are what you are attempting to answer by researching your criminal justice topic.

Criminology topics can encompass areas of study like crime mapping, crime rates, crime prevention, female crimes, experimental criminology, homegrown crimes, or even criminal psychology. Research questions should be very narrow and like do certain criminal justice laws reduce crime? Do criminal justice practitioners engage in critical criminology? Does education in prison reduce reincarnation?

How to Create Strong Criminal Justice Research Questions

When writing a strong criminal justice research question you should ask three questions. Does this question have sufficient research to reference? Is the question narrow and focused? Am I passionate about this topic? If you ask these questions and use our guide to help you get started, you’ll be well on your way to writing a great criminal justice research paper.

Top 10 Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

1. bad living conditions and access to justice.

In the criminal justice system, sometimes where you live may have an impact on your access to justice. In 2011, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the City of Chicago alleging that the Chicago police department had slower response times in areas of the city with poor living conditions. The case was settled in 2021 with a plan to improve.

2. White-Collar Crimes Compared to Working-Class Criminals Punishments

White-collar crimes are generally finance-related crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, or money laundering. According to Cornell University School of Law, white-collar crime costs over $300 billion annually in the US. However, white-collar criminals are prosecuted less severely than their working-class counterparts.

3. False Accusation, False Confessions, and Plea Bargaining

This area of criminal behavior is interesting, as our justice system actually allows for admissions of guilt even if the party did not commit the crime. Sometimes sentences can be reduced if a guilty plea is entered even if the party did not commit the crime.

4. Restorative Justice Efforts on Youthful Offenders

Juvenile and youth offenders have many different rules and avenues for justice. One of these unique approaches to keeping young people from their delinquent behavior employed by problem-solving courts is the concept of restorative justice. Restorative justice is a process that helps offenders make amends with the person or community they hurt with their deviant behaviors.

5. Criminal Justice Reform in Hate Crimes

Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by hatred of someone or a group of people’s immutable characteristics. In recent years, many states have adopted the federal bias categories as outlined by the Department of Justice. These categories are not adopted by every state, which creates several directions for research questions.

6. Organized Crime and the Social Class Criminal Behavior of Members

Organized crime has been around for centuries, but can be prevalent in communities that see crime as a way of life and family. It can be a robust topic to try and understand the influences that family and community have on organized crime.

7. Criminal Justice Agencies and International Crime Investigation Efforts

One thing that is not often talked about is the relationship between criminal justice agencies that work together across countries. Many agencies work together, and many are made jointly. The most notable agency that does this is Interpol which, in 2021, arrested 1,003 alleged criminals and closed 1,660 cases in just one investigation .

8. Impacts of Wildlife Crime and Environmental Crime

Two little written about criminal justice topics in this scientific field are the topics of environmental and wildlife crime. Pollution, littering, dumping, poaching, and wildfire started by humans are all areas that could be a great place to use your analytical skills and nab a decent grade.

9. Relationship Between Crime and Eyewitness Testimony

Eyewitness testimonies are a staple of modern justice. Many violent crime convictions hinge on the ability of eyewitness testimony to convince a jury of what occurred. Sometimes eyewitness testimony can be unreliable, or the multiple witnesses can testify something different from one another resulting in a wrongful conviction. Many crimes like drunk driving or theft can rest on this method of testimony.

10. Relationship Between Law Enforcement and Racial Profiling

Racial profiling is a topic that has received a lot of coverage and is one of the major criminal justice issues of today. Human rights careers deal with the impact of racial and social issues in the US. There are many areas in which law enforcement has to improve in the area of social science. This is a broad topic with many implications for criminal justice ethics and the area of distributive justice.

Other Examples of Criminal Justice Research Topics & Questions

Criminal justice research topics.

  • Jury nullification
  • Online predators
  • Drunk drivers
  • Gun control
  • Campus crime

Criminal Justice Research Questions

  • Does restorative justice reduce incarceration rates in juveniles?
  • Do drug courts engage with racial profiling in the criminal justice system?
  • Are environmental crimes underreported in the criminal justice field?
  • Can organized criminal behavior be reduced by new crime control measures?
  • Does mental illness cause more false confessions?

Choosing the Right Criminal Justice Research Topic

If you take these criminal justice research topic ideas and start researching, you’ll find a topic that strikes your creativity and deals with current justice issues. If college courses seem like they may not be for you, you can always use your knowledge to get a job in criminal justice without a degree .

As we stated earlier, two important parts to finding a great topic for criminology studies or criminal justice is to follow your institution’s guidelines and find a topic that you’re passionate about. Difficult topics like child abuse, victim services, jury selection, sexual violence, or any other of the wide range of topics are important and you can do them real justice and care in your paper.

Criminal Justice Research Topics FAQ

A good criminal research topic should be a broad area with lots of research and case studies behind it. It follows your institutional guidelines and that you are passionate about.

Controversial topics in criminal justice include issues that the court is not settled on or ones that disrupt long-standing positions in the courts. Issues like private prisons, gun control, reproductive rights, and criminal court reform could all be considered controversial.

Feminist criminology started in the late 60s and early 70s to bring attention to both female criminals and victims. The movement started because of the male-focused approach to criminal psychology with little to no regard for how a woman may be psychologically different.

Current issues in the criminal justice system include topics like racial justice, social justice, police reform, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ+ discrimination. Many of these topics are being discussed in both state and federal courts.

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Criminal Justice


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Criminal justice research topics.

This collection provides overviews of   nearly 100 key criminal justice research topics comprising traditional criminology and its more modern interdisciplinary outgrowths. These topics are divided into six thematic parts:

  • Criminology
  • Correlates of Crime
  • Criminology Theories
  • Crime Research
  • Types of Crime
  • Criminal Justice System

Criminology and Criminal Justice Research Topics

Research topics in criminology:.

  • Criminology as Social Science .
  • Criminology and Public Policy .
  • History of Criminology .

Research Topics in Crime and Victimization:

  • Age and Crime .
  • Aggression and Crime .
  • Citizenship and Crime .
  • Education and Crime .
  • Employment and Crime .
  • Families and Crime .
  • Gender and Crime .
  • Guns and Crime .
  • Immigration and Crime .
  • Intelligence and Crime .
  • Mental Illness and Crime .
  • Neighborhoods and Crime .
  • Peers and Crime .
  • Race and Crime .
  • Religion and Crime .
  • Social Class and Crime .
  • Victimization .
  • Weather and Crime .

Research Topics in Criminology Theories:

  • Biological Theori es.
  • Classical Criminology .
  • Convict Criminology .
  • Criminal Justice Theories .
  • Critical Criminology .
  • Cultural Criminology .
  • Cultural Transmission Theory .
  • Deterrence and Rational Choice Theory .
  • Feminist Criminology .
  • Labeling and Symbolic Interaction Theories .
  • Life Course Criminology .
  • Psychological Theories of Crime .
  • Routine Activities Theory .
  • Self-Control Theory .
  • Social Construction of Crime .
  • Social Control Theory .
  • Social Disorganization Theory .
  • Social Learning Theory .
  • Strain Theories .
  • Theoretical Integration.

Research Topics in Criminology Research and Measurement:

  • Citation and Content Analysis .
  • Crime Classification Systems .
  • Crime Mapping .
  • Crime Reports and Statistics .
  • Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) and Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) .
  • Edge Ethnography .
  • Experimental Criminology .
  • Fieldwork in Criminology .
  • Program Evaluation .
  • Quantitative Criminology .

Research Topics in Types of Crime:

  • Campus Crime .
  • Child Abuse .
  • Cybercrime .
  • Domestic Violence .
  • Elder Abuse .
  • Environmental Crime .
  • Hate Crime .
  • Human Trafficking .
  • Identity Theft .
  • Juvenile Delinquency .
  • Organizational Crime .
  • Prostitution .
  • Sex Offenses .
  • Terrorism .
  • Theft and Shoplifting .
  • White-Collar Crime .
  • Wildlife Crime .

Research Topics in Criminal Justice System:

  • Capital Punishment .
  • Community Corrections .
  • Crime Prevention .
  • Criminal Courts .
  • Criminal Justice Ethics .
  • Criminal Law .
  • Criminal Specialization .
  • Drug Courts .
  • Drugs and the Criminal Justice System .
  • Felon Disenfranchisement .
  • Forensic Science .
  • Juvenile Court .
  • Juvenile Justice .
  • Mass Media, Crime, and Justice .
  • Offender Classification .
  • Offender Reentry .
  • Police–Community Relations .
  • Prison System .
  • Problem-Solving Courts .
  • Public Health and Criminal Justice .
  • Racial Profiling .
  • Restorative Justice .
  • Sentencing .
  • The Police .
  • Victim Services .
  • Wrongful Convictions .
  • Youth Gangs .

Because just listing suggestions for criminal justice research topics will be of limited value we have included short topical overviews and suggestions for narrowing those topics and divided them into 6 parts as in the list above. If you’re interested in some topic in the list follow the links below for more information.

Example   criminal justice research papers   on these topics have been designed to serve as sources of model papers for most criminological topics. These research papers were written by several well-known discipline figures and emerging younger scholars who provide authoritative overviews coupled with insightful discussion that will quickly familiarize researchers and students alike with fundamental and detailed information for each criminal justice topic.

This collection begins by defining the discipline of criminology and observing its historical development (Part I: Criminology ). The various social (e.g., poverty, neighborhood, and peer/family influences), personal (e.g., intelligence, mental illness), and demographic (e.g., age, race, gender, and immigration) realities that cause, confound, and mitigate crime and crime control are featured in   Part II: Correlates of Crime . The research papers in this section consider each correlate’s impact, both independently and in a broader social ecological context. The sociological origins of theoretical criminology are observed across several research papers that stress classical, environmental, and cultural influences on crime and highlight peer group, social support, and learning processes. Examination of these criminological theory research papers quickly confirms the aforementioned interdisciplinary nature of the field, with research papers presenting biological, psychological, and biosocial explanations and solutions for crime (Part III: Criminology Theories ).

Part IV: Criminology Research provides example research papers on various quantitative and qualitative designs and techniques employed in criminology research. Comparison of the purposes and application of these research methods across various criminal justice topics illustrates the role of criminologists as social scientists engaged in research enterprises wherein single studies fluctuate in focus along a pure–applied research continuum. This section also addresses the measurement of crimes with attention to major crime reporting and recording systems.

Having established a theoretical–methodological symmetry as the scientific foundation of criminology, and increasingly the field of criminal justice,   Part V: Types of Crime   considers a wide range of criminal offenses. Each research paper in this section thoroughly defines its focal offense and considers the related theories that frame practices and policies used to address various leading violent, property, and morality crimes. These research papers also present and critically evaluate the varying level of empirical evidence, that is, research confirmation, for competing theoretical explanations and criminal justice system response alternatives that are conventionally identified as best practices.

Ostensibly, an accurate and thorough social science knowledge base stands to render social betterment in terms of reduced crime and victimization through the development of research–based practices. This science–practitioner relationship is featured, advocated, and critiqued in the research papers of the final section,   Part VI: Criminal Justice System . Here, the central components of criminal justice research paper topics (law enforcement, courts, and corrections) are presented from a criminology–criminal justice outlook that increasingly purports to leverage theory and research (in particular, program evaluation results) toward realizing criminal justice and related social policy objectives. Beyond the main system, several research papers consider the role and effectiveness of several popular justice system and wrap-around component initiatives (e.g., specialty courts, restorative justice, and victim services).

See also: Domestic Violence Research Topics and School Violence Research Topics .

  • Northeastern University
  • College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice Dissertations

Criminology and Criminal Justice Dissertations Collection


Affording a meaningful opportunity of release: legal representation of juvenile lifers.

Assessing deterrence in the FBI's Safe Streets gang initiative: a social network approach.

Autistic and at-risk: the public and personal safety of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Background justice: the political context of adolescent legal socialization.

Bureaucracy and law: a study of Chinese criminal courts and social media.

Clearances, cameras, and community violence: police outcomes in an organizational and community context.

College students and the illicit use of prescription drugs: a test of general strain theory.

A comparison of the individual-, county-, and state-level correlates of homicide and mass murder

Contextualizing the political economy of juvenile court decision-making

Crime, place, and networks in the age of the internet: the case of online-promoted illicit massage businesses.

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Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

The Risk of Protection: Examining the Contextual Effects of Child Protective Services on Child Maltreatment Fatalities in the U.S. , Cosette Morgan McCullough

Family Mass Murder: An Exploratory Study Of The Role Of Arson , Rachel Rori Rodriguez Spradley

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Too Feminine for Execution?: Gender Stereotypes and the Media’s Portrayal of Women Sentenced to Death , Kelsey M. Collins

Juveniles, Transferred Juveniles, and the Impact of a Criminal Record on Employment Prospects in Adulthood: An Experimental Study , Joanna Daou

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Why So Long? Examining the Nexus Between Case Complexity and Delay in Florida’s Death Penalty System , Corey Daniel Burton

The Criminalization of HIV and HIV Stigma , Deanna Cann

Views of Substance Use During Pregnancy: Social Responses to the Issue , Taylor Ruddy

The Spatial Variability of Crime: A Review of Methodological Choice, Proposed Models, and Methods for Illustrating the Phenomenon , Matthew D. Spencer

Community Corrections Officer Decision-Making: An Intersectional Analysis , Amber Leigh Williams Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Utility of Using Virtue Locales to Explain Criminogenic Environments , Hunter Max Boehme

Fostering Resilience in Correctional Officers , Jon Thomas Arthur Gist

The Impact of Race/Ethnicity on Sentencing: A Matching Approach , Travis Jones

Unraveling the Temporal Aspects of Victimization: The Reciprocal, Additive, and Cumulative Effects of Direct/Vicarious Victimization on Crime , Yeoju Park

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Media Influence on College Students' Perceptions of the Police , Matilda Foster

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Ohio's Certificate of Relief , Peter Leasure

Trends in the Prevalence of Arrest for Intimate Partner Violence Using the National Crime Victimization Survey , Tara E. Martin

Reading Between the Lines: An Intersectional Media Analysis of Female Sex Offenders in Florida Newspapers , Toniqua C. Mikell

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Short-Term Self-Control Stability of College Students , Nicholas James Blasco

Developmental Patterns of Religiosity in Relation to Criminal Trajectories among Serious Offenders across Adolescence and Young Adulthood , Siying Guo

Local Incarceration As Social Control: A National Analysis Of Social, Economic, And Political Determinants Of Jail Use In The United States , Heather M. Ouellette

Association Between Perception Of Police Prejudice Against Minorities And Juvenile Delinquency , Kwang Hyun Ra

A Quasi-Experimental Analysis Of School-Based Situational Crime Prevention Measures , Gary Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Sex Offender Policies that Spin the Revolving Door: An Exploration of the Relationships Between Residence Restrictions, Homelessness, and Recidivism , Deanna Cann

Untangling the Interconnected Relationships between Alcohol Use, Employment, and Offending , Margaret M. Chrusciel

Inmate Time Utilization And Well-Being , Mateja Vuk

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Socio-Legal Construction Of Adolescent Criminality: Examining Race, Community, And Contextual Factors Through The Lens Of Focal Concerns , Patrick Glen Lowery

The Impact Of Deinstitutionalization On Murders Of Law Enforcement Officers , Xueyi Xing

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Relationships Between Law Enforcement Officer-Involved Vehicle Collisions And Other Police Behaviors , John Andrew Hansen

In the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring the Dialogic Approach to Police Legitimacy , Justin Nix

Criminology on Crimes Against Humanity: A North Korean Case Study , Megan Alyssa Novak

General Strain Theory and Bullying Victimization: Do Parental Support and Control Alleviate the Negative Effects of Bullying , Jonathon Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Adultification in Juvenile Corrections: A Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Officers , Riane Miller Bolin

Perception of Police in Public Housing Communities , Taylor Brickley

Neighborhood Disorganization and Police Decision-Making in the New York City Police Department , Allison Carter

The Impact of Race on Strickland Claims in Federal Courts in the South , Wyatt Gibson

Lead Exposure and Crime , Tara Elaine Martin


Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Policing Alcohol and Related Crimes On Campus , Andrea Nicole Allen

Gender and Programming: A Comparison of Program Availability and Participation in U.S. Prisons for Men and Women , Courtney A. Crittenden

Assessing the Impact of the Court Response to Domestic Violence in Two Neighboring Counties , Gillian Mira Pinchevsky

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Criminal Sentencing In the Court Communities of South Carolina: An Examination of offender, Judge, and County Characteristics , Rhys Hester

Examining the Effects of Religiosity and Religious Environments On Inmate Misconduct , Benjamin Dane Meade

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Criminologists' Opinions On Correctional Rehabilitation , Heather M. Ouellette

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

A Qualitative Analysis of the Etiology, Manifestation, and Institutional Responses to Self-Injurious Behaviors in Prison , Steven Doty

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

The Effects of Administrative Factors on Police Officer Job Performance , Irick Anthony Geary Jr.

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List of 100 Criminal Justice Research Topics For Your Paper

criminal justice research topics

Most students know that one of the fundamentals of writing a great assignment is coming up with a good idea for a topic. We understand that this can be difficult at times, especially when one needs to come up with a research topic for criminal justice. This list of basic criminal justice topics covers a variety of legal areas and helps you get started with writing :

Criminal Justice Reform Topics for College

  • How do different first-world countries deal with misdemeanors committed by people under the age of eighteen?
  • What are the major differences in capital punishment in different parts of the world?
  • How effective are crime prevention tactics at universities and colleges?
  • How is capital punishment essential to social cohesion in a country where violent crimes are excessively high?
  • What is the biggest difference between civil trials and criminal trials?

Good Criminal Justice Paper Topics for Law School

  • Does punishing habitual drug users by putting them in jail further prevent them from breaking away from their addiction?
  • What is the difference between legal codes in rural American cities and urban American cities?
  • Are white-collar criminals treated differently from blue-collar criminals when it comes to the current legal system in the U.S.?
  • To what effect do fingerprint technology and science prevent people from false accusations?
  • How do experts utilize forensic science to identify and pursue a suspect that otherwise may have gone unnoticed?

Criminal Justice Topics for High School

  • What role does the Supreme Court in the United States have in deciding whether or not reparations to descendants of slaves should be awarded reparations?
  • In what ways is the international community preventing cybercrimes from widespread occurrence?
  • Do you think the current legal system in your state does enough to protect its citizens from fraudulent organizations or entities?
  • Should hate crimes committed against races or ethnic groups be treated differently from similar crimes committed against religious groups?
  • How should the legal system handle sexual offense cases when they occur in schools in the workplace?

Controversial Topics in Criminal Justice

  • Should the international community make a stronger effort at punishing the United States for war crimes it has committed in the last 50 years?
  • Are crime statistics an effective way of determining what laws should be put into place?
  • Do you think it is ethical for the state congress to punish doctors who treat transgender youth?
  • What role should modern philosophy and ethics play in determining what laws are overturned or put into effect?
  • Are there any contradictions between capitalism and civil liberties?

Criminal Justice Paper Topics for Undergraduates

  • Does poverty play a role in the severity of crimes and the way society punishes them?
  • Should the state legal system treat minors that have committed violent crimes like adults?
  • What are the origins of the capital punishment system in the United States and England?
  • How does precedent affect the way sentences are handed out in modern times?
  • What are the biggest arguments against ending capital punishment at the federal level?

Criminal Justice Research Ideas for Graduate Students

  • Does law enforcement in the United States need to be revamped?
  • What role do young people play in reducing the levels of violent crimes being committed?
  • How successful are programs meant to rehabilitate criminals that have committed violent crimes?
  • What laws are in place to protect parents from facing criminal charges when they hit their children?
  • How have jails and extended sentences worked to deter criminals from committing violent acts?

Great Criminal Justice Research Paper Ideas

  • How much should the media influence how violent criminals are sentenced?
  • In what ways is the “eye for an eye” principle a guiding concept for the way punishments are handed out in today’s legal system?
  • What laws are in place to deter cybercriminals from committing identity theft?
  • Should people that use firearms to protect themselves face steeper or lesser penalties?
  • In what ways should forensic science be used and considered in criminal cases?

Easy Criminal Justice Controversial Topics

  • How can criminal justice be used to break the cycle of sexual assault?
  • In what ways does a person’s age influence the way he or she is prosecuted?
  • How is domestic violence linked to the socio-economic area victims call their home?
  • Do you think that making criminal laws more punitive is a form of deterring criminals from committing violent acts?
  • Which police procedures in existence make it difficult for prosecutors of violent suspects?

Excellent Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

  • Can strict gun laws actually prevent violent street crimes?
  • Should the President of the United States be immune to crimes?
  • What is the most effective way to prosecute people that have been accused of sexual assault?
  • Should drunk drivers face criminal charges contingent on the severity of the victims put at risk?
  • When someone is on trial for a violent crime, what influence does the person’s family have on his or her punishment?

Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics

  • Should DNA evidence be applied to all cases where a convicted felon has claimed innocence?
  • Is date rape being punished too harshly or should there be more done?
  • How has the global weapons trade gone up over the last three decades around the world?
  • Does the current criminal justice system fairly treat criminals convicted of misdemeanor drug possession?
  • How has forensic science changed the way the defense team protects its clients?
  • Do victims of crimes have the right to exact equal penalties to those that committed the crimes in the first place?
  • How has human trafficking increased in the United States in the last two decades?
  • Is jury selection in local government still an adequate and fair method?
  • Is the penalty for the 3 strikes rule in California and other states a fair type of punishment?
  • Should ex-convicts that have served time for non-violent crimes be allowed to have their felonies expunged?
  • How can we tell whether a defensive shooter did not have the intent to harm?
  • What laws are in place to protect children from sexual predators on the internet?
  • What is meant by the term “hidden criminality”? How does it affect the ways laws are written in modern times?
  • Should people who commit sexual assault on minors receive capital punishment?

Criminal Justice Research Topics for Grad Students

  • Is it ethical for federal judges to serve life-long terms in the court system?
  • Should genetics and heredity be considered in violent criminal cases?
  • How much does race play a role in the decisions by courts when it comes to capital punishment?
  • What role do alternate jury members play in the current legal system?
  • What are the most effective programs for reducing the chances of criminals repeating criminal acts?
  • How do criminal justice and the legal system as a whole affect public policy at the local level?
  • Should federal judges be evaluated by their peers to ensure ethical decision-making?
  • How much does a person’s history of drug use affect his or her punishment in unrelated crimes?
  • What types of penalties should be put into place to deter instances of date rape?
  • Does the current legal system in the United States promote or prevent ex-convicts that are re-entering society?
  • What laws are in place to lower the instances of domestic violence?

Creative Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

  • Why do convicted criminals become habitual or repeat offenders?
  • How is the crime rate difference between the upper class and lower class communities?
  • Why are males convicted and sentenced to the death penalty at a higher rate than females?
  • Does one’s level of education affect his or her risk of committing a serious crime?
  • What is the difference between juvenile criminal systems in the United States compared to those in the United Kingdom?
  • How much does a person’s socio-economic circumstance affect his/her criminal risk?
  • What is the relationship between inmates and social workers trying to get the benefits?
  • In what ways does criminology help people from becoming victims of cybercrimes?
  • How has the Ponzi scheme evolved over the last century to still elude victims from discovery?
  • What laws are in place to offer victims of sexual abuse?

Current Criminal Justice Essay Topics

  • Should minors that commit violent crimes face the same penalties as adults that commit similar crimes?
  • Should there be a national registry for sex offenders or does this violate privacy?
  • How effective are anti-drug programs in the prevention of excessive drug use in the United States?
  • What are the different types of cyber and white-collar crimes that are not being prosecuted?
  • What laws protect people from having to submit DNA as evidence when they are accused of a crime?
  • Should law enforcement officials that are convicted of corruption face more serious penalties?
  • Do you think the current U.S. legal system makes it fair for minorities?
  • What role does forensic science play in prosecuting criminals in the U.S. legal system?
  • What methods do criminals use in order to avoid detection by forensic science?
  • How has the underground child labor trade been able to avoid prosecution in places like Cuba?
  • How has business remained lawless despite advances in cyber technology and prevention?
  • What are the biggest threats to cybersecurity in terms of scams and schemes?
  • Should the court system be more lenient for victimless crimes?
  • What are the most effective methods to end cyberbullying beyond the schoolyard?
  • How do the various opinions of cyberbullying vary from one another?
  • Do the methods of deterring crime effectively reduce the number of criminal acts?
  • How effective are educational courses and training for non-violent inmates in jail?
  • Is there a reason why marijuana is still classified as a class 1 drug at the federal level?
  • What are the negative effects on children that are exposed to violence in the household?
  • Should the courts review classical cases and adjust laws for modern society?

The criminal justice research topics listed above are completely free to use and share. If they do not fit your assignment you can always modify them to topics that are far more manageable. You can also have one of our qualified thesis writers come up with a list of fresh criminal justice debate topics. Just contact our support staff and let us know what you need.

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Home > Dissertations, Theses & Capstones Projects by Program > Criminal Justice Dissertations

Criminal Justice Dissertations

Dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Construction of Victimhood in Human Trafficking Intervention Courts , Lauren Moton

Chipping the Blue Wall: The Effect of Dogs on Police Officer Receptivity to an Employee Assistance Program , Kenneth M. Quick

Online Communities and Offline Criminal Justice: The Digital Fallout of Major Criminal Incidents , Jacqueline M. Scott

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Unlocking Potential: The School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students with Disabilities , Navena F. Chaitoo

Quality Management and Oversight of Texas Forensic Science Service Providers , Sarah P. Chu

Investigating Key Risk Factors Across Violent and Non-violent Extremists in the United States , Leevia Dillon

Extremism in America: Explaining Variations in Ideologically Motivated Fatal Violence , Celinet Duran

The Punitive Laboratory of Neoliberalism: A Cross-national Examination , Beth A. Fera

Bearer Negotiable Instruments: Addressing a Financial Intelligence Gap and Identifying Criminogenic Weaknesses , Hollis B. Kegg

Understanding Victim-Offender Overlap Among Youth in Custody in the United States and Taiwan , Tzu-Ying Lo

Police Academy Attrition Rates: A Long-Term Analysis of Female Candidates in California, Texas, Wisconsin, Arizona, and New Jersey , Shamus W. Smith

A Multifaceted, Non-Militarized Approach to Security Dynamics in Protected Areas: From Foot Patrols, to Tourism, and Local Communities , Monique Sosnowski

Evaluating the Effect of CCTV on Crime Occurrence and Case Clearances in Fayetteville, North Carolina: A Microsynthetic Control Quasi-Experiment , Amanda L. Thomas

Typologies of Battering: Uncovering Patterns of Coercive Tactics Used by Abusive Men in a Mixed Methods Study , Abbie L. Tuller

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Mitigating the Harm of Public Mass Shooting Incidents Through Situational Crime Prevention , Emily Greene-Colozzi

A Study of the Punishment of Crimes by US Federal Legislators from 1798 to 2016 , Kenneth J. Grossberger

Where Gunshots Turn Fatal: A Geographic Examination of the Spatial Patterning of Gun Violence , David Hatten

Fatal and Non-Fatal Police Shootings in the United States, 2015: An Examination of Open-Source Data , Yuchen Hou

Blurring the "Bright Line": Examining Age-Related Differences in Jail Incarceration Outcomes Using a Resources-Challenges Model of Emerging Adulthood , Olive F. Lu

Santa Bruta—Home of El Indio Muerto: The Colonial–Carceral City’s Attempt to Eliminate the “Mexican Problem” , Amy A. Martinez

The Application of Electron Backscatter Diffraction to the Forensic Analysis of Minerals , Tiffany J. Millett

Scientific Development of an Integrated Workflow for Latent Print, Questioned Document, and DNA Processing of Paper Evidence , Ashley Morgan

Tablets as a Vehicle for Imprisoned People’s Digital Connection with Loved Ones , Andrea Mufarreh

Aging on Parole: An Empirical Analysis of Reentry, Reintegration, and Life Satisfaction , Angela Silletti Murolo

LGBTQIA+ Individuals’ Encounters with Police: Contextual Factors, Help-Seeking, and Service Needs , Max Osborn

The Microscopical Evidence Traces Analysis of Household Dust and Its Statistical Significance as a Definitive Identification Technique , Stephanie Polifroni

Credible Messengers: An Exploratory Analysis of What Makes Them "Credible" , Jason Szkola

The Economic and Demographic Dynamics of Pretrial Justice , Christopher Thomas

Elements of Social Disorganization and Environmental Criminology: A Spatial Analysis of Homicides in Villa Nueva, Guatemala , David J. Topel

CPTED and the City: The Impact of Privately Owned Public Spaces on Crime in Manhattan , Julia von Ferber

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Exploring the Overlap, Saliency, and Consistency of Environmental Predictors in Crime Hot Spots: A Remote Systematic Social Observation and Case-Control Examination , Nathan T. Connealy

Evaluation of the Potential of Automated SEM-EDS Analysis for the Discrimination of Inorganic Soil Particles , Anna S. Duggar

The Different Components of Active Shooter Incidents: Examining the Co-occurrence of Offender and Incident Characteristics , Jeffery R. Osborne

From Rulay to Rules: Perceptions of Prison Life and Reforms in the Dominican Republic’s Traditional and New Prisons , Jennifer Peirce

Redlining, Neighborhood Decline, and Violence: How Discriminatory Government Policies Created Violent American Inner Cities , Richard Powell

The Victims’ Voices: A Routine Activity Approach to Jail and Prison Victimization , Victor St. John

Examining Probation and Judicial Adherence to the NYC Disposition Matrix , Susruta Sudula

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Living in a World of “Stop, Question and Frisk” and “Trespass Enforcement”: Black and Latinx Youth Engaging in Police Reform in New York City , Jeanene Lee Barrett

Spheres of Identity: Theorizing Social Categorization and the Legitimacy of Criminal Justice Officials , Kwan-Lamar Blount-Hill

Collective Healing: A Restorative Justice-Based Response to Sexual Abuse , Delene Bromirski

Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparity in Prosecutor’s Bail Requests and Downstream Decision Making , Connor Concannon

Thrown off Course: School Suspension and Its Consequences for Students’ Educational Trajectories and Outcomes , Celina Cuevas

Doing Discipline Different: Evaluating the Implementation of Restorative Justice as An Alternative to Punitive Discipline in New York City Public Schools , Virginia Diaz-Mendoza

A Study of Police Officers with Military Service Backgrounds Compared to Police Officers without Military Service: Can Military Veterans Interact and Properly Engage the Public? , John F. Hussey

Investigations of Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Corruption in the Public Sector: A Survey of Organizational and Software-Based Aids and Obstructions , Lawrence Kom

Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Scale for Measuring Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System , Jimin Pyo

Examining the Contextual Effects of Racial Profiling, and the Long-Term Consequences of Punitive Interventions: Testing Labeling Theory with the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health Data , Margrét Valdimarsdóttir

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Employment Duration and Attrition of Federal and State Inspectors General in the United States , Frank Chen

Challenges in Measuring Firearm Prevalence: A Test of Cook's Index Across The Rural–Urban Continuum , Noah R. Cypher

A Study of Factors Influencing Hiring Decisions in the Context of Ban the Box Policies , Ronald F. Day

A Study of the Impact of the Physical Properties of Blood on the Interpretation of Bloodstain Patterns in Forensic Investigations , Ira S. DuBey

Neighborhood Ecology and Recidivism: A Case Study in NYC , Sarah Picard Fritsche

Behavioral Effects of Restrictive Housing on Prisoners , Mijin Kim

The Ferguson Effect in Contemporary Policing: Assessing Police Officer Willingness to Engage the Public , Christopher Mercado

Municipal Police Under Federal Control: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Title 42 U.S.C. Section 14141 Negotiated Settlements , Jason W. Ostrowe

Identity Shifts Among Cis- and Trans- Females Who Sell Sex on the Streets of New York City , Amalia S. Paladino

The Evolution of Mara Salvatrucha 13 and Barrio 18 : Violence, Extortion, and Drug Trafficking in the Northern Triangle of Central America , Pamela Ruiz

A Media Distortion Analysis of Mass Shootings , Jason R. Silva

Police Officers and College Education: The Association of Police Officer College Education and the Level of Force Used by a Police Officer in Gaining Compliance in Arrest Situations , John Vespucci

Exploring the Structural Effects on the Lethal Violence at the U.S. Counties under the Situational Action Theory: An Application of Multivariable Spatial Regression Model , Yunho Yeom

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Contemporary Archaeological Looting: A Criminological Analysis of Italian Tomb Robbers , Marc Balcells Magrans

The Social Construction of Protest: Print Media Coverage of the 2004 Republican National Convention and the 2011 Occupy Wall Street Protests in New York City , Kirsten Christiansen

Forensic Analysis of Fiber Dyes via Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy , Mircea A. Comanescu

Against Criminalization and Pathology: The Making of a Black Achievement Praxis , Charles M. Green Sr.

Moral Mode Switching: From Punishment to Public Health , Stephen Koppel

Assessing the Outcomes of a Jail-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Approach , Laura Lutgen

An Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Terrorist Assassinations: Informing Counterterrorism Through Situational Crime Prevention , Marissa Mandala

Process Evaluation of Terrorism Amnesty and Reintegration Program, and Perceptions of the Program within Kenya Police , Resila Onyango

The Phenomenon of Match-Fixing in Soccer: A Plague Without a Cure? , Nikolaos Petropoulos

Gender and Terrorism: A Homeland Security Perspective , Diana Rosa Rodriguez-Spahia

An Examination of the Relationships Between Stressors, Correctional Burnout, and Job Outcomes , Erin Rogers

Global Pretrial Detention Use: A Cross-National Analysis , Martin Schönteich

Dissertations from 2017 2017

Prescription Opioid Misuse: Initiation, Sources of Supply, and the Role of Medical Providers , Alexandra Harocopos

Investigating the Risk Factors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Among Korean Immigrant Women in America , Chunrye Kim

Seaport Vulnerability to Criminal Networks: A Mixed Method Approach to Measuring Criminological Vulnerability in the Top 30 U.S. Container Ports , Leonid Lantsman

The Advanced Spectroscopic Analysis of Organic Gunshot Residue and Explosives , Jennifer M. Leonard

The Fear Factor: Exploring the Impact of the Vulnerability to Deportation on Immigrants' Lives , Shirley P. Leyro

Hatred Simmering in the Melting Pot: Hate Crime in New York City, 1995-2010 , Colleen E. Mills

Genealogy of the Concept of "Hate Crime": The Cultural Implications of Legal Innovation and Social Change , Roslyn Myers

Masculinity and Disproportionate Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Select Sample of Low-Income Black Males in New York City , Michael G. Pass

Procedural Justice for Youth: Discrepancies in the Provision of Defense Counsel for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System , Emily K. Pelletier

Individual Levels of Bias and Immigration Policies in the United States: A Test and Extension of the Dual Processing Model of Bias , Lorraine Phillips

Patriarchy and Varieties of Violence Against Women: A Contextual Analysis , Margaret Schmuhl

The Financial Crisis and White-Collar Crime: An Examination of Brokerage-Failure and Its Link to Ponzi Schemes , Marie Springer

Local Immigration Enforcement Entrepreneurship in the Punishment Marketplace , Daniel L. Stageman

Understanding Resilience Strategies Among Minor-Attracted Individuals , Allyson Walker

Should We Talk?: Examining Individual and Aggregate Level Predictors of Mediation Selection at the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board , Cynthia-Lee Williams

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Calling Campus Police: A Test of Procedural Justice and Unresponsive Bystander Models , Michael Francis Aiello

Looking Upstream: A Sociological Investigation of Mass Public Shootings , Joel A. Capellan

Examining Victimization in South Korea 1993-2010: A Comparative Application of Ecological Theories of Crime , Jisun Choi

Mandated Anger Management from the Perspective of Violent Offenders , Cory M. Feldman

Gender Roles, Social Control and Digital Piracy: A Longitudinal Analysis of Gender Differences in Software Piracy Among Korean Adolescents , Riccardo Ferraresso

Traumatic Stress, World Assumptions, and Law Enforcement Officers , Douglas William Green

Cops in Court: Assessing the Criminal Prosecutions of Police in Six Major Scandals in the New York City Police Department from 1894 to 1994 , Kevin E. McCarthy

Selling National Security: Journalism, Political Actors, and the Marketing of Counterterrorism Policy , Nicole M. Napolitano

Help-Seeking Latina Victims of Domestic Violence and the Programs That Serve Them in New York City , Yolanda Ortiz-Rodriguez

Bullying Prevention in New York City Public Schools: School Safety Agents' Perceptions of Their Roles , Gabriel R. Paez

Characteristics of Newly-hired Members of the New York City Police Department as Predictors of Subsequent Job Performance , Francis E. Spangenberg

Sex Differences in Stress, Burnout and Coping in Emergency Medical Service Providers , Celia R. Sporer

When Human-Leopard Conflict Turns Deadly: A Cross-Country Situational Analysis , Julie S. Viollaz

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Home > College of Social and Behavioral Sciences > Criminal Justice > Criminal Justice Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Criminal Justice Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Theses/projects/dissertations from 2023 2023.



Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Crisis Intervention Team Training and Use of Force on Persons with Mental Illnesses , Xavier Aguirre



Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2020 2020





Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2018 2018



Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2017 2017


Social Media and the Voice of the Department , Brittany N. Rios

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2016 2016


The Effects of Gender on Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Sentencing Disaprities in Pennsylvania , Dianna Hurst

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2015 2015



Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2014 2014

A Typology of Homegrown Terrorists , Cynthia Estella Quintero

Los Angeles County's Criminal Street Gangs: Does Violence Roll Downhill? , Jasmin B. Randle


Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

International cocaine and heroin trafficking: A network approach , Stephen Richard Anderson

Drone effects: Structural change in Al Qa̕ ida communications , Stacy Michelle Bush

A path analysis on the acquisition of mental health treatment and the effect of that treatment on subsequent offending , Gabriel Jude Saucedo

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Empirical test of the general strain theory on workplace shootings , Joshwan Marcus Cobbs

Identity theft: A problem of complex systems or moral panic? , Matthew Timothy Tracy

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Controlling gang crime: The Santa Nita gang injunction , Bryan William Devor

An examination of the organizational factors that contribute to police officer perceived organizational support , Dustin Cody Gaines

Immigrant Hispanic women and the victimization they encounter in the United States , Alejandra Aranda Redondo

Hate crimes based on gender identity and sexual orientation , Katie Nicole Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

An examination of observed disparities between felony murder and manslaughter rates across California , Michael Christopher Fuhr

Cartoon violence: A comparison of past and present , Elizabeth Cameron Macias

Job stress among public service employees , Carlena Antonette Orosco

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Detection of deception in criminal defendents: Treatment or trial? , Loran Noelle Bounds

Disciplinary patterns and complaint system of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department , Scott Eric Hutter

The effectiveness of using homicide and auto theft rates as indicators of violent and property crime in the United States , Joseph Allan Schwartz

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

The nine reasons why inmates offend: Rational choice and determinism , Anthony Robert Carbo

Juvenile movement between activity nodes , Jill Mary Christie

Examining the effects of abuse on girls in gangs , Champagne Monique Ford

Gang membership, drug sales, violence, and guns , Jose Fabian Gonzalez Dominquez

Measuring crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) in shopping centers , Anchalee Roongsittchichai

The effects of Megan's Law on the reintegration of child sex offenders , Trisha Marie Tenorio

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

The invisible woman: The lesbian - scared straight , Kathleen Louise Dart

Artists and crooks: A correlational examination of creativity and criminal thinking , Luis Daniel Gascón

Crime and the Sorcerer's Stone: Using Harry Potter to teach theories of crime , Julie Elizabeth Humphrey

The effectiveness of anger management counseling on recidivism rates of gang-related adolescents in the Project BRIDGE Program , Candace Kay Johnson

Healthcare fraud and non-fraud healthcare crimes: A comparison , Michael Ponce

Implications of sex offender residency restrictions , Erin Patricia Wolbeck

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Assessing the impact of the mentally ill offender crime reduction aftercare program in San Bernardino, California , Araseli De La Rosa

Insulating effects of early childhood education , William Anthony Kull

Parolee and police officer perceptions of prison gang etiology, power, and control , William Henry Richert

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Treatment of mentally ill juvenile offenders in the criminal justice system , Robin Michelle Atlas

The geo-spatial analysis and environmental factors of narcotics hot spots , Stefanie Wrae Balchak

The effects of family size on the development of delinquency , Tasha DeLeeuw Gilbert

A portable traveler's weblog , Feng-Chun Lung

Trafficking in women: International sex services , Joseph Morgan Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Spirituality: The effects on female inmates and recidivism , Joanne Marie Erbe

The impact of social disorganization and public school characteristics in explaining suspensions and expulsions , Amanda De Vries Liabeuf

The relationship between place management and physical environment in apartment crime , Eric Steven McCord

Domestic violence and the Air Force family: Research into situational dynamics and evaluation of the Air Force Family Advocacy Program , Thomas Peter Sherman

Female property crime offenders: Explanations from economic marginalization perspective , Susan Chih-Wen Su

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Why do they resist? Exploring dynamics of police-citizen violence during arrest encounters , Kimberly Joy Belvedere

Boot camps: An alternative sanction for better or worse , Angela Dawn Macdonald

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Chemical dependency treatment: An examination of following continuing care recommendations , Briar Lee Faulkner

The criminal behavior and motivations behind McVeigh's decision to bomb the Murrah Federal Building , Mark Lawson Fetter

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

A description and assessment of a Youth Accountability Board , Tamara Dawn Sorensen

Privatization of Southern California local detention facilities , Anita Whitehead

High technology cargo theft: A new multibillion dollar criminal industry , John Robert Yakstas

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

Commuters and city crime rates , Colin Leslie Adkins

Banning Correctional Facility: Residential substance abuse treatment program process survey , Melinda DeAnn Hulvey

An evaluation of the drugs crime nexus, legalization of drugs, drug enforcement, and drug treatment rehabilitation , James Richard Keesling

Evaluation of the operation New Hope Alternative School and lifestyle improvement program for at-risk juveniles , Matthew Ashley Robby

The promise of restorative justice: An outcomes evaluation of an Orange County Victim Offender Reconciliation Program, with focus on the victim's perspective , Charlaine Annette Cecilia White

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Is capital punishment a deterrent to crime? , Greg Warren Colyer

Theses/Dissertations from 1998 1998

Cross cultural relations in law enforcement , Mario Martin Cortez

Domestic violence: An evaluation of policy effects on arrests for the Riverside County Sheriff's Department from 1987 to 1997 , James Patrick McElvain

The verdict in retrospect: An anlysis of the sociological and jurisprudential paradigms of jury decision-making , Christopher S. Riley

A comparative study of recidivism rates between graduates of Twin Pines Ranch and juveniles in Riverside County who completed probation , Djuan Maria Smith

Birth and the magistrate: The influence of pregnancy on judicial decisions , Kristi Dawne Waits

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Child abuse and juvenile delinquency: A review of the literature , Charlotte Center Anthony

Resistance and perceptions of punitiveness as a function of voluntary and involuntary participation in domestic violence treatment programs , Aimee Kristine Cassidy

Drug court: Using diversion to supervise and treat an escalating drug offender population , Laura Davis

Sanctioning DUI offenders: The effect of extralegal factors on sentence severity , Beverly K. Rios

Theses/Dissertations from 1996 1996

Survey on the seriousness of crime: A comparison of three police departments , Terry J. Comnick

Quality of services at community correction facilities , Funmi Stella Tofowomo

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

Attitudes toward hiring and working with homosexuals in Southern California law enforcement agencies , James Frederick Doyle

The Marine Corps subculture , David Herman Marshall

The continuing evolution of policing: community oriented policing in the civilian sector and its applicability in the military environment , Ralph George Schindler

Death sentence experience: The impact on family members of condemned inmates , Catherine Anne Vallejo

Self-perceptions of women who kill , Maria Guadalupe Venegas

Theses/Dissertations from 1994 1994

Trust in courtroom participants: A question of bias in prospective jurors , Robin Leslie Adrian

A study of employee theft in hospitals , Elena Castillo-Pekarcik

The comparison of victim-offender mediation programs between China and America , Yang Fang

Mentoring with youthful offenders: An implementation evaluation , R. Steve Lowe

Comparisons of inmate offense severity ratings and attitudes toward rehabilitation , Henry William Provencher

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

Law enforcement officers killed and assaulted, 1960-1987: A descriptive analysis , Thomas Edward Singer

Theses/Dissertations from 1992 1992

An analysis of plea bargaining , Gabriela Aceves

Empirical analysis and evaluation of the California Department of Youth Authority's post parole substance abuse treatment program: El Centro, California , Don Allen Josi

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

The re-emergence of public support for rehabilitative treatment in prisons , Victoria Lynn Penley

Theses/Dissertations from 1990 1990

Claims making in the case study of missing children: A case study , James Leonard Griggs

The ignored victim: An examination of male rape in a general population , Thomas Williams

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Criminal Justice and Criminology Theses

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Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

An Exploratory Study of the Southern Subculture of Honor in East Tennessee , Rachel Cohen

An Examination of Police Response to Individuals Suffering with Mental Illness , Aliss Copsey

Beyond the Screen: Understanding College Students’ Perspectives on Cyberstalking , Gabrielle Jackson

Exploring Knowledge and Perceptions of Nursing Students: A Quantitative Study on Sexual Assault and Sex Trafficking Awareness , Isabella Marino

Patterns of the Use and Perception of Cannabis among College Students in Tennessee , Jayla Ruffus-Milner

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

The Impact of ACEs on College Students and Their Major Choice , Britten Harrison

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Public Perceptions on Domestic Sex Trafficking and Domestic Sex Trafficking Victims: A Quantitative Analysis , Faith Browder

Evaluating the Influences of Domestic Violence Training on the Attitudes and Perceptions of Police Recruits at the East Tennessee Regional Law Enforcement Academy , Jeffrey T. Gazzo Mr.

The American and Swedish Criminal Justice System: A Comparative Study , Josefin Hedstrom

Perceived Stress Among Police and Correctional Officers , Travis D. Hill

Political Competition and Predictors of Hate Crime: A County-level Analysis , Eaven Holder

Examining the Relationship between Offending Behaviors of Adult Male Offenders and the Social Bonds of Attachment and Commitment , Josie Klepper

Police Perceptions on False Accusations of Sexual Assault , Danielle Ostrander

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Do Juvenile Offenders Hold to the Child Saving Mentality? The Results from a Survey of Juvenile Offenders Placed on Court Mandated Juvenile Probation , Katelynn R. Adams

Law Enforcement Officers’ Perceptions in Regard to Sex Offenders, SORN, and Residency Restrictions Laws , Maria Aparcero-Suero

Exploring the Social Trend of Household Computer Ownership in Affecting the United States 1990's Crime Drop , Alison Kimberley Bogar

Environmental Factors and School Disorder: The Role of Urbanicty , Brandon S. Coffey

Is Prison Why I’m sick? Examining Health Conditions Among Minority Males Within Correctional Facilities , Mary Hannah Hughes

The Effects of Employment on Recidivism Among Delinquent Juveniles , Leigh Kassem

A Content Analysis of Media Accounts of Death Penalty and Life Without Parole Cases , Lisa R. Kirk

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Policing Postsecondary Education: University Police Legitimacy and Fear of Crime on Campus , Christina N. Barker

Testing Specific Deterrence In The National Basketball Association: An Application Of Beccaria's Theory Of Deterrence , Michael McCutcheon

The Forgotten Signature: An Observational Study on Policy of Securing Identity in Prevention of Identity Theft and Credit/Debit Card Fraud at Retail Store POS Terminals , Belinda R. Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Social Disorganization, Extra-Curricular Activities, and Delinquency , Robyn G. Dougherty Ms.

The Effects of Gender, Race, and Age on Judicial Sentencing Decisions , April Miller

Assessing Victim Blame: Intersections of Rape Victim Race, Gender, and Ethnicity , Kirsten A. Piatak

Youth Bullying: From Traditional Bullying Perpetration to Cyberbullying Perpetration and the Role of Gender , Erica D. Sizemore

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Police Attitudes about Citizens with Handgun Carry Permits , Bonson F. Cook Jr.

Heavy Drinking Behaviors and Parental Influence Among Greek Affiliated College Students , Melodie Harris

When Women Kill , Giovanna C. Lima

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Race, Social Disorganization and Delinquency , Alina Bazyler

To Conform or Not to Conform: An Examination of the Effects of Mock Jury Deliberation on Individual Jurors , Ashley S. Bowser

Examining Juvenile Delinquency Contributors through Life-Course and Strain Theory , Caitlin E. Burns

Media Influences and Student Attitudes Toward Law Enforcement Figures Within Northeast Tennessee , George T. Ford IV

A Study of Surveillance and Privacy Rights , Jesse T. Kittle Mr.

How Psychology’s Empirical Results Can Benefit the Criminal Justice System: Expert Testimony , Ford C. McCurry

The Effects of Family Structure on Juvenile Delinquency , Alisha B. Parks

Police Militarization: Attitudes Towards the Militarization of the American Police , Phillip T. Wyrick

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Reflex of Avoidance in Spatial Restrictions for Signatures and Handwritten Entries , Linde Christine Rush Burkey

Public Perceptions Regarding Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Management , Jessica Duncan

An Analysis of Restorative Justice in Vermont: Assessing the Relationships Between the Attitudes of Citizens and the Practices of the Department of Corrections , Dustin Robert Melbardis

Childhood Factors Affecting Aggressive Behaviors , Nicole Danielle Waddell

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Race and Anomie: A Comparison of Crime Among Rural Whites and Urban Blacks Based on Social Structural Conditions. , Mical Dominique Carter

Substance Abuse and Mental Disorders Among State and Federal Prison Inmates. , John Richard Haggerty

An Analysis of The Handwriting of Elderly Chinese Subjects. , Dongfang Liu

Identifying Interventions That Work in Juvenile Justice: An Analysis of the Moral Kombat Program. , Thelma Deneen McGowan

Psychopathy and Gender of Serial Killers: A Comparison Using the PCL-R. , Chasity Shalon Norris

The Effects of Domestic Violence: The Male Victims Perspective. , RaMon B. Younger

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Examination of the Death Penalty: Public Opinion of a Northeast Tennessee University Student Sample. , Kyle Aaron Burgason

Wrongful Convictions as a Result of Public Defender Representation. , Annie Elizabeth Ross

An Analysis of Monitoring the Future: A Look at the Relationship between Juvenile Delinquency and Involvement in School. , Thomas Theodore Zawisza

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Examining Orders of Protection: An Analysis of the Court System in a Rural Tennessee County. , Jaclyn Anderson

An Exploratory Analysis of the Psychological Dimensions of Airline Security and Correlates of Perceived Terrorism Threats: A Study of Active American Airlines Pilots. , Paul Martin Borowsky

An Examination of Patterns and Trends of Prescription Drug Abuse Among Adolescents. , Maggie Marie Orender

A Social Control Based Analysis of the Effect of Community Context upon Self Reported Delinquency Rates. , Jacqueline Marie Parlier

The Formation of "Outsider" Through Labeling and Sentence Lengths for Immigrants of Hispanic Descent. , Jeremy Jason Smith

Eyewitness Recall of Noncriminal Events: An Examination of Demographic Characteristics with a Selected Population. , Jessica R. VanEaton

Predicting Views of Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Policies Through Life Experiences. , Vanessa Hatch Woodward

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

College Student Vulnerability to Harmful Religious Groups Based on Perceptions. , Kevin Clark Dreher

Forensic Gunshot Residue Distance Determination Testing Using Identical Make and Model Handguns and Different Ammunitions. , Stanley Keith Hodges

Police Stress: An Examination of the Effects of Stress and Coping Strategies. , Derrick Kenwright

Local Law Enforcement's Counter Terrorism Capabilities. , J. Ryan Presnell

Predicting Behavior from Psychopathic and Antisocial Personality Traits in a Student Sample. , Maryann Stone

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Adolescents and Marijuana Use: The Affects of Peer and Parent Relationships and Substance Abuse Education. , Samuel Joseph Cosimano

Media: Effects on Attitudes toward Police and Fear of Criminal Victimization. , Bradley Edwards

Juveniles Adjudicated in Adult Court: The Effects of Age, Gender, Race, Previous Convictions, and Severity of Crime on Sentencing Decisions. , Ashley Michelle Holbrook

Examining Significant Differences of Gunshot Residue Patterns Using Same Make and Model of Firearms in Forensic Distance Determination Tests. , Heather Lewey

Racial Profiling and Policing in North Carolina: Reality or Rhetoric? , Randal J. Sluss

Analysis of Selected Correlates of Spouse Abuse and the Policy Implications for the Criminal Justice System. , Marlys Kay Tester

Cinema, Race, and Justice: A Qualitative Analysis of Selected Themes. , Katherine Clay Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

An Examination of the Prison Environment: An Analysis of Inmate Concerns across Eight Environmental Dimensions. , Andrew Ryan Bradford

Improving Parent and Teen Conflict Resolution Skills: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the "Family Reunion" Crisis Intervention Program. , Carrie Davis Marchant

Bullying Behavior in Middle School: The Effects of Gender, Grade Level, Family Relationships, and Vicarious Victimization on Self-Esteem and Attitudes of Bullying. , Jennifer Mongold

The Relationship between Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use among Teenagers. , John Donald Rose

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

A Qualitative Study: Gendered Perceptions of Bullying among Adolescents at a Boys and Girls Club. , Beverly Small Chandley

Intimate Violence: The Effects of Family, Threatened Egotism, and Reciprocity. , Jessica Lynne Holt

Satisfaction with Police Services among Residents of Washington County, Tennessee: A Survey of Citizens' Attitudes and Opinions. , Russell Jamerson

The Effect of Early Childhood Attachment on Delinquency and Behavior and the Continuance into Adulthood. , Cyndi Sheree Nichols

Juvenile Commitment Rate: The Effects of Gender, Race, Parents, and School. , Mitchell Andrew Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Justice for All?: Victim Satisfaction with Restorative Justice Conferences. , Sarah Anne Behtz

Juveniles' Attitudes toward the Police as Affected by Prior Victimization. , Joshua A. Hardin

Marijuana Use by Juveniles: The Effects of Peers, Parents Race, & Drug Abuse Resistance Education. , Daniel J. Moeser

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Oleoresin Capsicum: an Analysis of the Implementation of Pepper Spray into the Law Enforcement Use of Force Continuum in a Selected Police Department. , Lydia Denise Adkins

The Combined Effects of Criminal Justice Intervention on Domestic Violence: A Re-Analysis of the Minneapolis Intervention Project. , Nadia A. Bebawy

Using the Survey of Inmates of State and Federal Correctional Facilities to Compare Female and Male Inmate Characteristics. , Jacqueline Anita Black

Police Officers' Perception of the Validity of the General Theory of Crime. , William Jaison Giesler

The Effect of Prior Consensual Sex between the Victim and the Offender on the Prosecutor's Decision to File Charges in Sexual Assault Cases. , Kimberly Brooke Hollifield

Satisfaction with Police Services among Residents of Elizabethton, Tennessee. , Kelly Brooke Mullins

Misguided Instructions: Do Jurors Accurately Understand the Law in Death Penalty Trials? , Chasity Anne Stoots-Fonberg

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Role of Police, Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys in Traffic Accident Investigation and Adjudication in Chattanooga, Tennessee. , Karen L. Beisel

Athletic Participation: A Test of Learning and Neutralization Theories. , Mario Bernard Hankerson

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

An Examination of Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization Using an Integrated Model Approach. , Kimberly Dawn Dodson

Involvement in Sports and Engagement in Delinquency: An Examination of Hirschi's Social Bond Theory. , Randy Hass

Characteristics of Recidivism among Intensive and Regular Probationers. , Jennifer Joseph

The Effects of Higher Education on Police Officers' Attitudes toward Personnel Issues, Public Relations and Crime Fighting. , Steven Matthew O'Quinn

Parents, Peers, and Developmental Trajectories toward Crime. , Kimberly A. Verhegge

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256 Research Topics on Criminal Justice & Criminology

Are you a law school student studying criminal behavior or forensic science? Or maybe just looking for good criminal justice topics, questions, and hypotheses? Look no further! Custom-writing.org experts offer a load of criminology research topics and titles for every occasion. Criminological theories, types of crime, the role of media in criminology, and more. Our topics will help you prepare for a college-level assignment, debate, or essay writing.

  • ⚖️ Criminology vs. Criminal Justice
  • 🔬 120 Criminology Research Topics
  • 💂 116 Criminal Justice Research Topics

🔥 Hot Criminology Research Topics

  • The role of media in criminology.
  • Cultural explanation of crime.
  • Benefits of convict criminology.
  • Main issues of postmodern criminology.
  • Is criminal behavior affected by the politics?
  • How does DAWN collect data?
  • The limitations of crime mapping.
  • Personality traits that trigger criminal behavior.
  • Community deterioration and crime rates.
  • Does experimental criminology affect social policy?

🔬 120 Criminology Research Topics & Ideas

Here are 100 criminology research topics ideas organized by themes.

General Criminology Research Paper Topics

  • Criminology as a social science.
  • Criminology and its public policies.
  • History of criminology.
  • Crime commission: legal and social perspectives .

Criminal Psychology Research Topics

  • What is the nature of criminal behavior?
  • How does the lack of education affect the incarceration rates?
  • Childhood aggression and the impact of divorce
  • The effect of the upbringing on antisocial adult behavior
  • How do gender and cultural background affect one’s attitude towards drug abuse ?
  • Forensic psychology and its impact on the legal system
  • What is the role of criminal psychologists?
  • Different types of forensic psychological evaluations
  • What’s the difference between therapeutic and forensic evaluation?
  • Does socioeconomic status impact one’s criminal behavior?

Criminology Research Topics: Theories

  • What crimes are typical for what ages?
  • How does the type of crime correspond with the level of exerted aggression ?
  • What is the connection between citizenship (or lack thereof) and law violation?
  • How does education (or lack thereof) correspond with crime level?
  • Does employment (or lack thereof) correspond with law violation?
  • What is the connection between family status and law violation?
  • Does gender affect on the type of law violation?
  • How does ownership of firearms correspond with law violation?
  • Does immigrant status correlate with law violation?

Crime and Victimization in Criminology.

  • Is there a connection between mental health and law violation?
  • What are the causes of violence in the society?
  • Does the crime rate depend on the neighborhood?
  • How does race correspond with the type of crime?
  • Do religious beliefs correspond with law violation?
  • How does social class correlate with crime rate?
  • What are the reasons for the homeless’ improsonment?
  • How does weather correspond with law violation?

Criminology Topics on Victimization

  • Biological theories of crime: how do biological factors correspond with law violation?
  • Classical criminology: the contemporary take on crime, economics, deterrence, and the rational choice perspective.
  • Convict criminology: what do ex-convicts have to say on the subject?
  • Criminal justice theories: punishment as a deterrent to crime.
  • Critical criminology : debunking false ideas about crime and criminal justice.
  • Cultural criminology: criminality as the product of culture.
  • Cultural transmission theory: how criminal norms are transmitted in social interaction.
  • Deterrence theory: how people don’t commit crimes out of fear of punishment.
  • Rational choice theory : how crime doing is aligned with personal objectives of the perpetrator.
  • Feminist Criminology: how the dominant crime theories exclude women.
  • Labeling and symbolic interaction theories: how minorities and those deviating from social norms tend to be negatively labeled.
  • Life course criminology : how life events affect the actions that humans perform.
  • Psychological theories of crime: criminal behavior through the lense of an individual’s personality.
  • Routine activities theory : how normal everyday activities affect the tendency to commit a crime.
  • The concept of natural legal crime.
  • Self-control theory: how the lack of individual self-control results in criminal behavior.
  • Social construction of crime: crime doing as social response.
  • Social control theory : how positive socialization corresponds with reduction of criminal violation.
  • Social disorganization theory : how neighborhood ecological characteristics correspond with crime rates.
  • Social learning theory : how (non)criminal behavior can be acquired by observing and imitating others.
  • Strain theories : how social structures within society pressure citizens to commit crime.
  • Theoretical integration: how two theories are better than one.

Criminology Research and Measurement Topics

  • Citation content analysis (CCA): a framework for gaining knowledge from a variety of media.
  • Crime classification systems: classification of crime according to the severity of punishment.
  • Crime mapping as a way to map, visualize, and analyze crime incident patterns.
  • Reports and statistics of crime: the estimated rate of crime over time. Public surveys.
  • Drug abuse warning network (DAWN): predicting trends in drug misuse.
  • Arrestee drug abuse monitoring (ADAM): drug use among arrestees.
  • Edge ethnography: collecting data undercover in typically closed research settings and groups through rapport development or covert undercover strategy.
  • Experimental criminology: experimental and quasi-experimental research in the advancement of criminological theory.
  • Fieldwork in criminology: street ethnographers and their dilemmas in the field concerning process and outcomes.
  • Program evaluation: collecting and analyzing information to assess the efficiency of projects, policies and programs.
  • Quantitative criminology: how exploratory research questions, inductive reasoning, and an orientation to social context help recognize human subjectivity.

Criminology Topics on Types of Crime

  • Campus crime: the most common crimes on college campuses and ways of preventing them.
  • Child abuse : types, prevalence, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Cybercrime : cyber fraud, defamation, hacking, bullying, phishing.
  • Domestic violence: gender, ways of detection and prevention, activism.
  • Domestic violence with disabilities .
  • Elder abuse: types, prevalence, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Environmental crime. Natural resource theft: illegal trade in wildlife and timber, poaching, illegal fishing.
  • Environmental crime. Illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances, hazardous waste; pollution of air, water, and soil.
  • Environmental crime: local, regional, national, and transnational level.
  • Environmental crime: climate change crime and corruption.
  • Environmental crime: wildlife harming and exploitation.
  • Hate crime: how prejudice motivates violence.

Types of crime.

  • Homicide : what motivates one person to kill another.
  • Human trafficking : methods of deception, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Identity theft : methods, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Gambling in America .
  • Juvenile delinquency : risk groups, prevention policies, prosecution and punishment.
  • Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Effects
  • Organizational crime: transnational, national, and local levels. Ways of disrupting the activity of a group.
  • Prostitution: risk groups, different takes on prevention policies, activism.
  • Robbery: risk groups, ways of prevention, prosecution and punishment.
  • Sex offenses: risk groups, types, prevalence, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Terrorism: definition, history, countermeasures.
  • Terrorism : individual and group activity, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Theft and shoplifting : risk groups, ways of detection, prevention policies, prosecution and punishment.
  • Counter-terrorism: constitutional and legislative issues.
  • White-collar crime : types, ways of detection, prevention policies, prosecution and punishment.

Criminology Topics on Racism and Discrimination

  • How systemic bias affects criminal justice?
  • How discriminatory portrayal of minority groups in the media affects criminal justice?
  • Racial profiling : targeting minority groups on the basis of race and ethnicity.
  • Racism and discrimination towards African-Americans .
  • Racial profiling : what are the cons? Are there any pros?
  • How discriminatory is the UK Court System?
  • How discriminatory is the US Court System?

Other Criminology Research Topics

  • Corporate crime : the ruling class criminals.
  • Genetics: illegal research and its dangers.
  • Hate crime : the implications in criminal justice.
  • Serial killers : risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Serial killers: portrayal in media.
  • Organized crime : how does it affect criminal justice?
  • Crime prevention programs.
  • Street lighting: does it reduce crime?
  • Terrorism prevention technology.
  • Identity theft: risk groups, ways of deception, prevention policies.
  • Due process model: procedural and substantive aspects.
  • Crime control in criminal justice administration.
  • Types of drugs: how do they affect the users?
  • Smart handheld devices: their function for security personnel.
  • Social media: its impact on crime rate.
  • Public health: how does criminal justice affect it?
  • Psychometric examinations: what is their role in criminal justice?
  • National defense in the US.
  • National defense in the UK.
  • Sexual harassment: the role of activism, ways of responding, prevention and prosecution.
  • Substance abuse: military.
  • Criminology and criminal justice jobs: a full list.

🌶️ Hot Criminal Justice Topics

  • The history of modern police.
  • Different types of prison systems.
  • Is situational crime prevention effective?
  • How to prevent wrongful convictions.
  • Challenges faced by crime victims.
  • The advantages of community corrections.
  • How do ethics influence criminal justice?
  • Disadvantages of felony disenfranchisement.
  • Does correctional system in the USA really work?
  • Possible problems of prisoner reentry process.

💂 116 Criminal Justice Research Topics & Questions

Here are some of the most typical and interesting criminal justice issues to dazzle your professor.

  • Prison system : the main problems and the hidden pitfalls.
  • The question of gender: why are there more men who receive capital punishment than women?
  • Kidnapping and ransom: common features, motifs, behavior patterns.
  • Crime prevention : key principles.
  • Firing a gun: what helps professionals understand whether it was deliberate or happened by accident?
  • Cybercrime : the legal perspective.
  • Internet vigilantism: revenge leaks.
  • Hate crime on the Internet: revenge leaks, trolling, defamation.
  • Crime and justice in mass media .
  • Parental abduction laws.
  • Sex offender registry: pros and cons.
  • The deterrence theory and the theory of rational choice : are they relevant in the modern world?
  • Sexual assault in schools and workplaces.
  • Jury selection: how is it performed?
  • Experimental criminology: the latest innovations.

Criminal justice system.

  • Wildlife crime: areas of prevalence, ways of prevention.
  • Felony disenfranchisement laws: when do they apply?
  • The relation between organized crime and corruption .
  • Victim services: what help can a victim of a crime get?
  • Prison rape and violence: the psychological aspect, ways of prevention.
  • Juvenile recidivism : what are the risk groups?
  • Forensic science: role and functions in modern criminal justice.
  • Shoplifting: how to prevent theft?
  • Witness Protection Program: who is eligible and how to protect them.
  • Date rape : what are the ways for the victims to seek legal assistance?
  • Substance abuse and crime: correlation or causation?
  • Identity theft: dangers and consequences in the modern world.
  • Online predators: what laws can be introduced to protect kids? Real-life examples.
  • Civil and criminal cases: how to differentiate?
  • Domestic abuse victims: what laws protect them?
  • Elder abuse: what can be done to prevent it?
  • The strain theory : the unachievable American dream.
  • Concepts of law enforcement: pursuing criminal justice .
  • Ethics and criminal justice: the unethical sides of law enforcement.
  • The top problems to be solved by law enforcement today.
  • Information sharing technology: how has it helped in the fight against terrorism?
  • Terrorism in perspective: characteristics, causes, control.
  • Serial killers : types.
  • Drug use and youth arrests.
  • Aggressive behavior: how does it correlate with criminal tendencies?
  • Community corrections : are they effective?
  • Sentencing: how does it take place?
  • Punishment types and the established terms.
  • Unwarranted arrest: when is it acceptable?
  • Human trafficking in the modern world.
  • Human trafficking: current state and counteracts .
  • The role of technology in modern forensics .
  • Similarities and differences between homicide , murder, and manslaughter.
  • Types of offenders: classification.
  • Effects of gun control measures in the United States .
  • The role of crime mapping in modern criminal justice.
  • Male crimes vs female crimes: are they different?
  • Prisons: the problems of bad living conditions.
  • Victimization : causes and ways of prevention.
  • Victimology and traditional justice system alternatives .
  • Rape victims: what are their rights?
  • Problem-solving courts: what underlying problems do they address?
  • Mandatory sentencing and the three-strike rule.
  • Have “three-strikes” laws been effective and should they be continued?
  • Criminal courts: what can be learned from their history?
  • Hate crimes: what motivates people to commit them?
  • Youth gangs: what is their danger?
  • Fieldwork: how is it done in criminology?
  • Distributive justice: its place in criminal justice.
  • Capital punishment : what can be learned from history?
  • Humanities and justice in Britain during 18th century.
  • Abolition of capital punishment .
  • Criminals and prisoners’ rights.
  • Crime prevention programs and criminal rehabilitation .
  • Campus crime: what laws and precautions are there against it?
  • Criminal trial process: how does it go?
  • Crimes committed on a religious basis: how are they punished?
  • The code of ethics in the Texas department of criminal justice .
  • Comparison between Florida and Maryland’s legislative frameworks .
  • Fraud in the scientific field: how can copyright protect the discoveries of researchers?
  • Prosecution laws: how are they applied in practice?
  • The classification of crime systems.
  • Cyberbullying and cyberstalking: what can parents do to protect their children?
  • Forgery cases in educational institutions, offices, and governmental organizations.
  • Drug courts : how do they work?

Controversial Topics in Criminal Justice

Want your work to be unconventional? Consider choosing one of the controversial topics. You will need to present a number of opposite points of view. Of course, it’s acceptable to choose and promote an opinion that you think stands the best. Just make sure to provide a thorough analysis of all of the viewpoints.

You can also stay impartial and let the reader make up their own mind on the subject. If you decide to support one of the viewpoints, your decision should be objective. Back it up with plenty of evidence, too. Here are some examples of controversial topics that you can explore.

  • Reform vs. punishment: which one offers more benefits?
  • Restorative justice model : is it the best criminal justice tool?
  • The war on drugs : does it really solve the drug problem?
  • Criminal insanity: is it a reason enough for exemption from liability?
  • Juvenile justice system: should it be eliminated?
  • Drug testing on the school ground.
  • Police brutality in the United States .
  • How to better gun control ? 
  • Why Gun Control Laws Should be Scrapped.
  • Pornography: is it a type of sexual violence?
  • Whether death penalty can be applied fairly?
  • Jack the Ripper: who was he?
  • The modern justice system: is it racist?
  • A false accusation: how can one protect themselves from it?
  • Concealed weapons: what are the criminal codes of various states?
  • Race and crime: is there a correlation?
  • Registering sex offenders: should this information be in public records?
  • Juvenile delinquency and bad parenting: is there a relation?
  • Assessing juveniles for psychopathy or conduct disorder.
  • Should all new employees be checked for a criminal background ?
  • Are delinquency cases higher among immigrant children?
  • Restrictive housing: can it help decongest prisons?
  • Homegrown crimes: is there an effective program against them?
  • Prostitution: the controversy around legalization .
  • Eyewitness testimony: is it really helpful in an investigation?
  • Youthful offenders in boot camps: is this strategy effective?
  • Predictive policing : is it effective?
  • Selective incapacitation: is it an effective policy for reducing crime?
  • Social class and crime: is there a relation?
  • Death penalty: is it effective in crime deterrence?
  • Extradition law: is it fair?
  • Devious interrogations: is deceit acceptable during investigations?
  • Supermax prisons: are they effective or just cruel?
  • Zero tolerance: is it the best policy for crime reduction?
  • Marijuana decriminalization: pros and cons.
  • Marijuana legalization in the US .

Now that you have looked through the full list of topics, choose wisely. Remember that sometimes it’s best to avoid sensitive topics. Other times, a clever choice of a topic will win you extra points. It doesn’t depend on just the tastes of your professor, of course. You should also take into account how much relevant information there is on the subject. Anyway, the choice of the topic of your research is up to you. Try to find the latest materials and conduct an in-depth analysis of them. Don’t forget to draw a satisfactory conclusion. Writing may take a lot of your time and energy, so plan ahead. Remember to stay hydrated and good luck!

Now, after we looked through the topic collections on criminology and criminal justice, it is time to turn to the specifics in each of the fields. First, let’s talk more extensively about criminology. If you are training to be a criminologist, you will study some things more deeply. They include the behavior patterns of criminals, their backgrounds, and the latest sociological trends in crime.

In the field of criminology, the specialties are numerous. That’s why it’s difficult to pinpoint one career that represents a typical member of the profession. It all depends on the background of a criminologist, their education, and experience.

Careers possible with a criminology major.

A criminologist may have a number of responsibilities at their position. For example, they might be called forth to investigate a crime scene. Participation in autopsies is unpleasant yet necessary. Interrogation of suspects and subsequent criminal profiling is another essential duty.

Some professionals work solely in research. Others consult government agencies or private security companies. Courts and law firms also cooperate with criminologists. Their job is to provide expert opinion in criminal proceedings. Some of them work in the prison systems in order to oversee the rehabilitation of the convicted.

Regardless of the career specialty , most criminologists are working on profiling and data collection. A criminologist is another word for an analyst. They collect, study, and analyze data on crimes. After conducting the analysis, they provide recommendations and actionable information.

A criminologist seeks to find out the identity of the person who committed the crime. The time point of a crime is also important, as well as the reason for it. There are several areas covered by the analysis of a criminologist. The psychological behavior of the criminal or criminals is closely studied. The socio-economic indicators are taken into account. There are also, of course, the environmental factors that may have facilitated the crime.

Some high-profile cases require a criminologist to correspond with media and PR managers extensively. Sometimes criminologists write articles and even books about their findings. However, it should be noted that the daily routine of a professional in the field is not so glamorous. Most criminologists do their work alone, without the attention of the public.

The research a criminologist accumulates during their work is extensive. It doesn’t just sit there in a folder on their desk, of course. The collected statistics are used for developing active criminal profiles that are shared with law enforcement agencies. It helps to understand criminal behavior better and to predict it. That’s why a criminologist’s work must be precise and accurate for it to be practical and useful. Also, criminology professionals must have a good grasp of math and statistics.

Thinking of a career in criminology? You will need to, at the very least, graduate from college. There, you’ll master mathematics, statistics, and, of course, criminology. An associate’s degree may get you an entry-level position. But the minimum entry-level requirement is usually the bachelor’s degree. The best positions, though, are left for the professionals with a master’s degree or a PhD.

Just having a degree is not enough. To succeed as a criminologist, you will require all your intelligence, commitment, and the skill of analyzing intricate situations. An aspiration to better the society will go a long way. You will need to exercise your creative, written, and verbal communication skills, too. An analytical mind will land you at an advantage.

Criminology: Research Areas

Times change and the world of crime never ceases to adapt. The nature of criminal transgression is evolving, and so do the ways of prosecution. Criminal detection, investigation, and prevention are constantly advancing. Criminology studies aim to improve the practices implemented in the field.

There are six unified, coordinated, and interrelated areas of expertise. Within each, the professionals are busy turning their mastery into knowledge and action.

Criminology research areas.

The first research area is the newest worry of criminology – cybercrime. The impact of this type of crime is escalating with every passing day. That’s why it’s crucial for the law enforcement professionals to keep up to date with the evolving technology. Cybercrime research is exploring the growing threat of its subject at all levels of society. Cybercrime may impact people on both personal and governmental levels. Cybercrime research investigates the motivation and methodology behind the offenses and finds new ways to react.

The second research area is counter fraud. Crimes that fall under this category include fraud and corruption. The questions that counter fraud research deals with are many. How widely a crime is spread, what method is best to fight it, and the optimal courses of action to protect people and organizations.

The third research area is that of forensics. The contemporary face of justice has been changed by forensic science beyond recognition. Nowadays, it’s much harder for criminals to conceal their activity due to evolved technologies. The research in forensics is utilizing science in the identification of the crime and in its reconstruction. It employs such techniques as DNA recovery, fingerprinting, and forensic interviewing.

What is forensic interviewing? It helps find new ways to gather quality information from witnesses and crime scenes. It also works on developing protocols that ensure the protection of this human data and its correct interpretation by police.

The fourth research area is policing. Police service is facing a lot of pressing issues nowadays due to budget cuts. At the same time, police officers still need to learn, and there are also individual factors that may influence their work.

The fifth research area is penology. It’s tasked with exploring the role of punishment in the criminal justice system. Does punishment aid the rehabilitation of perpetrators, and to what extent? The answer will help link theory to practice and thus shape how criminal justice practitioners work.

The sixth research area is that of missing persons. Before a person goes missing, they may display a certain pattern of behavior. The study of missing persons helps to identify it. The results will determine the handling of such cases.

Now that we know what criminology is, it’s time to talk about criminal justice.

While criminology focuses on the analysis of crime, criminal justice concentrates on societal systems. Its primary concern is with the criminal behavior of the perpetrators. For example, in the USA, there are three branches of the criminal justice system. They are police (aka law enforcement), courts, and corrections. These branches all work together to punish and prevent unlawful behavior. If you take up a career in criminal justice, expect to work in one of these fields.

The most well-known branch of criminal justice is law enforcement. The police force is at the forefront of defense against crime and misdemeanor. They stand against the criminal element in many ways. For instance, they patrol the streets, investigate crimes, and detain suspects. It’s not just the police officers who take these responsibilities upon themselves. There are also US Marshals, ICE, FBI Agents, DEA, and border patrol. Only after the arrest has been made, the perpetrator enters the court system.

The court system is less visible to the public, but still crucial to the criminal justice system. Its main purpose is to determine the suspect’s innocence or guilt. You can work as an attorney, lawyer, bailiff, judge, or another professional of the field. In the court, if you are a suspect, you are innocent until proven guilty. You are also entitled to a fair trial. However, if they do find you guilty, you will receive a sentence. Your punishment will be the job of the corrections system.

The courts determine the nature of the punishment, and the corrections system enforces it. There are three elements of the corrections system: incarceration, probation, and parole. They either punish or rehabilitate the convicts. Want to uptake a career in corrections? You may work as, including, but not limited to: a parole officer, a prison warden, a probation officer, and a guard.

📈 Criminal Justice: Research Areas

The research areas in criminal justice are similar, if not identical, to those of criminology. After all, those are two very closely related fields. The one difference is that criminal justice research has more practical than theoretical applications. But it’s fair to say that theory is the building blocks that practice bases itself on. One is impossible without the other unless the result you want is complete chaos.

So, the question is – what topic to choose for the research paper? Remember that the world of criminal justice is constantly changing. Choosing a subject for research in criminal justice, consider a relevant topic. There are many pressing issues in the field. Exploring them will undoubtedly win you points from your professor. Just make sure to choose a direction that will give you the opportunity to show off both your knowledge and your analytical skills.

Not sure that your original research direction will be appreciated? Then choose one of the standard topics. Something that is widely discussed in the media. And, of course, make sure that you are truly interested in the subject. Otherwise, your disinterest will translate into your writing, which may negatively affect the overall impression. Also, it’s just more enjoyable to work on something that resonates with you.

What can you do with your research paper? Literally anything. Explore the background of the issue. Make predictions. Compare the different takes on the matter. Maybe there are some fresh new discoveries that have been made recently. What does science say about that?

Also, remember to backup all your arguments with quotes and examples from real life. The Internet is the best library and research ground a student could hope for. The main idea of the paper, aka the thesis, must be proven by enough factual material. Otherwise, it’s best to change your research direction.

And, of course, don’t put it all off till the last minute. Make a plan and stick to it. Consistency and clever distribution of effort will take you a long way. Good luck!

🤔 Criminal Justice Research FAQs

Criminological and criminal justice research are the scientific studies of the causes and consequences, extent and control, nature, management, and prevention of criminal behavior, both on the social and individual levels.

Criminal justice and criminology are sciences that analyze the occurrence and explore the ways of prevention of illegal acts. Any conducted personal research and investigation should be supported by the implemented analytical methods from academic works that describe the given subject.

There are six interrelated areas of criminology research:

  • Cybercrime research makes law enforcement professionals keep up to date with the evolving technology.
  • Counter fraud research investigates cases of fraud and corruption.
  • Forensics research utilizes science: DNA recovery, fingerprinting, and forensic interviewing.
  • Research in policing investigates individual factors that may influence the work of police officers.
  • Penology explores the role of punishment in the criminal justice system.
  • The study of missing persons helps to identify patterns of victims’ behavior.

There are seven research methods in criminology:

  • Quantitative research methods measure criminological and criminal justice reality by assigning numerical values to concepts to find patterns of correlation, cause and effect.
  • Survey research collects information from a number of persons via their responses to questions.
  • Experimental research assesses cause and effect in two comparison groups.
  • Cross-sectional research studies one group at one point in time.
  • Longitudinal research studies the same group over a period of time.
  • Time-series designs study the same group at successive points in time.
  • Meta-analysis employs quantitative analysis of findings from multiple studies.

The basis of criminological theory is criminological research. It influences the development of social policies and defines criminal justice practice.

Criminological research doesn’t just enable law students to develop analytical and presentational skills. The works of criminal justice professionals, scholars, and government policymakers dictate the way law enforcement operates. The newest ideas born out of research identify corrections and crime prevention, too.

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to write a criminal justice research paper:

  • Choose a topic
  • Read the materials and take notes
  • Come up with a thesis
  • Create an outline for your work
  • Draft the body
  • Start with a cover page, an abstract, and an intro
  • List the methods you used, and the results you got
  • Include a discussion
  • Sum it up with a conclusion
  • Don’t forget a literature review and appendices
  • Revise, proofread, and edit

The most common types of methodologies in criminal justice research include:

  • Observation of participants.
  • Surveys and interviews.
  • Observation of focus groups.
  • Conducting experiments.
  • Analysis of secondary data and archival study.
  • Mixed (a combination of the above methods).

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  • A List of Research Topics for Students. Unique and Interesting
  • Good Research Topics, Titles and Ideas for Your Paper
  • The Differences Between Criminal Justice and Criminology: Which Degree Is Right for You? (Concordia St. Paul)
  • Corporate Crime: Britannica
  • The Development of Delinquency: NAP
  • Databases for Research & Education: Gale
  • A CS Research Topic Generator: Purdue University
  • A Introduction To The Federal Court System: US Department of Justice
  • Criminal Justice Research Topics: Broward College
  • Research Topics in Criminology: Cambridge Institute of Criminology
  • CRIMINOLOGY: University of Portsmouth
  • Research: Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Maryland
  • Criminal Justice: RAND
  • Research Methods in Criminal Justice: Penn State University Libraries
  • Research: School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University
  • Criminology – Research Guide: Getting started (Penn Libraries)
  • Criminology Research Papers: Academia
  • The History & Development of the U.S. Criminal Justice System: Study.com
  • Criminal Justice: Temple University
  • Criminal Justice: University of North Georgia
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The schools of criminology seems like such a fascinating field — it’s definitely not for the lighthearted though! Here in the Philippines, criminology as a course is highly underrated; hopefully that’ll change!

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Thesis and Capstone Requirements for Criminal Justice Programs

Enrolling in a bachelor’s or master’s program often includes completing a cumulative writing assignment and presentation. Bachelor’s degrees typically demand a capstone project during the final semester of study, while master’s degree students generally write, present, and defend a thesis over the course of their final year. Capstones and theses give each student the opportunity to prove their deeper understanding of an academic field and their ability to research and draw conclusions. These assignments help determine the likelihood that students will make significant professional contributions to their field after graduation.

In criminal justice programs, theses and capstones assignments often coincide with a final practicum or internship period at a local police department or related field office, allowing for hands-on experience and practical research.

In criminal justice programs, theses and capstones assignments often coincide with a final practicum or internship period at a local police department or related field office, allowing for hands-on experience and practical research. Capstone and thesis students who do not participate in an internship typically complete much of their research in traditional spaces, such as online or in the library. Often collaborative in nature, capstones and theses may involve extensive discussions with faculty advisers, working professionals, and peers.

What’s the Difference Between a Capstone and a Thesis in Criminal Justice Programs?

Capstones and theses involve the composition of a written work and require students to use knowledge and skills developed throughout their entire academic program. Thesis assignments generally appear in master’s programs, while capstone projects often take place during undergraduate work. Additionally, capstones can align with a practicum or internship. The practicum/internship component of a capstone allows for the intensive study of an existing problem, which the student attempts to answer or solve. Thesis assignments, on the other hand, attempt to develop new knowledge through broad research.

What Is a Capstone Like in Criminal Justice Programs?

Criminal justice capstone format.

A capstone project typically fulfills the requirements of a single course and is typically scheduled in the final semester of an academic program. Capstone completion generally takes several months of work outside the classroom setting, but students can begin planning and preparing ahead of time if they choose. Depending on your particular program, the capstone may result in a written paper or a classroom presentation. The structure can vary, assigned as individual projects or as group assignments. Some programs assign capstones in conjunction with a criminal justice internship.

Choosing Your Criminal Justice Capstone Topic

Many students find it helpful to work with an adviser during the completion of their capstone project. This adviser can be a faculty member or a professional working in the field, and they may assist you in brainstorming topics for your capstone project. Criminal justice thesis topics should include a field current issue and a specific approach or solution to the given problem. This can range from broader societal issues to specific problems commonly faced by individual offices and police departments.

Completing Your Criminal Justice Capstone

Completed capstones may take form as extensive research papers, multimedia presentations, speeches with visual aids, or even short films.

Your professor may provide a set of guidelines or suggestions for you to follow during the completion of your capstone project, but you will retain responsibility for much of the final design and presentation. Make sure to obtain any necessary faculty approval for your chosen topic or format before you begin working. If completing an internship or practicum alongside your capstone course, consider aligning your topic and research accordingly to allow yourself extensive in-person study rather than limiting yourself to traditional methods in the library or on the web. As you progress, maintain a log of your research, a portfolio or list of your findings, and keep track of any important conclusions you draw. Once you gather your information, prepare it according to your course requirements. Completed capstones may take form as extensive research papers, multimedia presentations, speeches with visual aids, or even short films.

Presenting Your Criminal Justice Capstone

Completed capstone projects often culminate with student presentations given in front of a small group. Typical presentation audiences might include an academic committee, a classroom of peers, or a board of familiar program faculty. Some schools make capstone presentations open to the public. The exact nature and format of each presentation depends on the assignment’s requirements and the student’s personal choice, but most presentations employ the use of visual aids to support and exemplify research and talking points, such as PowerPoint slides, video footage, or charts and photographs.

How Is a Criminal Justice Capstone Graded?

Students obtain information at the beginning of a capstone course, ranging from general guidelines to a specific rubric. Completed capstones receive letter grades, but professors may offer a detailed numerical grade as well. Students who fail capstone projects typically must retake the course in another semester, delaying their degree. Learners accused of plagiarism will go through an appeals process before earning a second chance.

What Is a Thesis Like in Criminal Justice Programs?

Criminal justice thesis format.

Although some master’s programs offer non-thesis tracks toward graduation, the majority of students earning a master’s degree need to successfully write and defend an individual thesis. Similar to undergraduate capstone courses, theses occur during the program’s final year, but students can begin preparing for them earlier if desired. A long-form research paper, theses develop original thought and present new insight within an academic field. Along with the paper’s composition, students typically defend their thesis to a faculty panel by answering questions about their research and conclusions.

Choosing Your Criminal Justice Thesis Topic

With so much riding on the success of your thesis, selecting a topic can prove a difficult task. Most students completing theses will have access to a faculty adviser. You should also use the professional networking connections you already possess to consider potential topics. Originality makes up the most important component of a successful thesis. Choose a topic that allows you to prove your understanding and ability within your field.

Completing Your Criminal Justice Thesis

Before you begin writing your thesis, obtain any necessary faculty approval for your topic. To get an idea for a solid thesis, take a look at criminal justice thesis examples online. Theses contain all the main components of your past college writing assignments. The main difference lies in length. Theses completed in master’s programs regularly reach 100 pages or more. Understandably, completing this task takes a significant amount of time and organization.

Theses completed in master’s programs regularly reach 100 pages or more.

Make sure to set aside several hours each week to work through research, writing, and revising as needed. Consider keeping a separate physical binder or digital folder for organizing your criminal justice thesis topics online research. Your faculty adviser will work with you throughout the year to keep track of your progress, answer questions, and offer additional advice.

Presenting Your Criminal Justice Thesis

During the presentation — often open to the public and lasting approximately 20-25 minutes — you share information about your research and conclusions. Consider preparing visual aids for use during this talk, such as PowerPoint slides. Afterward, you will field relevant questions from a committee, typically consisting of your faculty adviser and other faculty members. This portion of the presentation, known as the defense, intimidates many students preparing a thesis. Remember that your committee just wants to see you perform well and show a thorough understanding of your material.

How Is a Criminal Justice Thesis Graded?

While you may not get a detailed rubric before starting your thesis, rest assured you will receive clear expectations. Completed theses receive letter grades based on the written paper and presentation/defense. Failures typically occur due to plagiarism, cheating, or not following required guidelines, rather than subpar research, writing, or poor performance at the defense. If you do fail, your ability to try again depends on the cause of your failing grade and the policies of your institution.

Take the next step toward your future in criminal justice.

Explore schools offering programs and courses tailored to your interests, and start your learning journey today.

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Department of criminal justice and criminology, masters theses.

  • Cristina Penate (2023): Rebuilding Risk Assessment Tools and Evaluating their Effect on Recidivism in Illinois
  • Scott McWilliams (2022): A Process Evaluation of Aunt Mary's Storybook: Seeking to Improve the Relationship between Incarcerated Parents and their Children through Literacy
  • Phil Whittington (2020): "Location, Location, Location": How Where a Prisoner is Housed Influences the Prison Disciplinary Process
  • Henry Otto (2018): It's About Time: Time Spent Incarcerated, Recidivism, and Gang Membership
  • Meghan Mahoney (2017): Comparing the Risk Factors of Recidivism for Offenders with and without Mental Illness
  • Erin Sneed (2015): Predictors of Prison-Based Drug Treatment in Illinois
  • Michelle Mioduszewski (2013): The Independent Influences of Relational and Physical Victimization on Subsequent Physical Aggression in Middle School Children 
  • Connor Concannon (2012): Treatment Compliance and Recidivism: Following Up on the 2000 Illinois Juvenile Probation Outcome Study
  • Christina Fiorito (2012): Gender Inequality and Countries' Responsiveness to Enforcing Human Trafficking Laws: A Cross National Comparison
  • Jana Krepel (2012): Self-Control as a Determining Factor in Aftercare Compliance and Recidivism of Sheridan Correctional Center Releasees
  • Sema Taheri (2012): Risky Business: Prior Experience and Substance Users' Perception of Risk
  • Jordan Boulger (2009): Examining the Recidivism of Juveniles Released from Juvenile Prison Facilities in Illinois
  • Rachel Sterk (2009): The Impact of Incarceration and Treatment of Drug Law Offenders: A Study of General Deterrence on Crime Reduction
  • Stephanie Lambert (2006): Serial Murder in the Media
  • Julie Ores (2005): The Relationship between Judicial Selection and Misconduct 
  • Robert Bauer (2005): The Impact of Methamphetamine on Illinois' Multijurisdictional Drug Task Force Activities
  • Alexander Drayer (2005): Presidential Rhetoric and the War on Drugs: A Content Analysis of the State of the Union Address from 1970-2004 
  • Thomas Lemmer (2005): Police Department Reorganization and Effectiveness in Addressing Gang Violence in Chicago
  • Frank Silva (2005): Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescents and their Relationships to Delinquency, Crime, and Victimization
  • Katherine Williams (2004): Does Protocol Compliance Make a Difference? Contrasting Non-compliant Treatment Providers with those in Compliance with the Illinois Battering Protocol 
  • Jennifer Brees (2003): The Impact and Implications of Probationers as Parents 
  • Rebecca Juergens (2003): How Well Does Sex Offender Behavior on Probation Determine their Probation Termination Status?
  • Heather Scott (2003): Role of Mental Illness in Probationer Recidivism
  • Brett Wisnauski (2003): Responding to Mental Health Emergencies: Police Attitudes, Practices and Problems
  • Pamela Loose (2002): The Employability of Ex-offenders
  • Jane Zawadowski (2002): A History of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office: 1970-2000 
  • Stephanie Albertson (2001): Going to the Big House: Aggravating Sentencing Factors among Illinois' Urban, Suburban, and Rural jurisdictions
  • Marimel Lim (2000): How Much Policing is in the Job of a Police Chief? An Evaluation of Whether Leveraging the Skills of a Civilian Administrator can Produce a More Effective Police Chief  
  • Cody Stephens (2000): Attitudes and Practice: Healthcare Practitioners and Mandatory Reporting 
  • Deborah Stein (1999): Differences between DUI probationers and non-DUI probationers in Illinois 

Theses are searchable at  http://ecommons.luc.edu/

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Sociology & Criminal Justice Theses & Dissertations

Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Sociology ad Criminal Justice, College of Arts & Letters, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.

In late Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Dissertation: Invisibly Inked: An Intersectional Analysis of Tattooed Female Arrest Patterns , Jocelyn N. Camacho

Dissertation: A Tale of Two Gentrifications: Reconceptualizing Gentrification Using Third Places, Demolition and Hierarchical Linear Modeling , Kylil R. Martin

Thesis: Blood Lead Levels in Minority Children: A Case of Environmental Racism , Erick Rivera

Dissertation: Exploring the Workplace Climate at Police Agencies During Civil Unrest and the Factors Influencing Officers' Participation in Black Lives Matter Protesting , Joshua R. Ruffin

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Thesis: Indian Media Narratives in Gang Rape , Astha Bhandari

Dissertation: Is It Better to Be Tough, or Is Consistency Key? A Multilevel Analysis Examining the Effects of School Disciplinary Procedures on Perceptions of Climate and Safety Among Students and Teachers , Erica Nicole Bower

Dissertation: Courageous Endurance: The Lived Experiences of Trans Folx and the Criminal Legal System , April Carrillo

Thesis: Wrath and Relationships: Homicide Weapon Choice and Victim Offender Relationships , Joseph Gonnella

Dissertation: Abandoned Allies: A Case Study Analysis of the Special Immigrant Visa Program , Sarah Pedigo Kulzer

Thesis: The Impact of Parent and Peer Socialization on Juvenile Delinquency , Ebony I. Pender

Dissertation: The Ideology of the Carceral State: Examining the Prison Through Film , Ryan Phillips

Thesis: The Role of Religiosity in Drug Use: A Social Integration Perspective , Lindsey Dianna Thomas

Dissertation: “Acts of Pure Evil”: The Portrayal of Mass Shooting Events on Online Media Platforms , Elizabeth Twitty

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Thesis: Effects of Religion on Crime in Hampton Roads , Alaina Yvonne Bierdz

Thesis: Fighting for Power: Class Conflicts in Political Participation , David Foley

Thesis: Cultural Capital, Habitus and Academic Achievement , Tevin Vaughan

Dissertation: Defying the Odds: The Resilience of African American Youth in the Face of Differential Treatment in the Classroom , Frank R. Wood Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Thesis: Acculturation: Friend or Foe of the Career Aspirations and Educational Aspirations and Expectations of Hispanic Youth? , Kyhara Nathalia Aguilera

Thesis: Teacher and Child Interaction: The Effects of Familial Distress, Child Behavior, and Teacher Perceptions , Jessekah R. Ennis

Dissertation: Residential Mobility and the Underclass: Impact of Moving in the 'Hood , Michael A. Hollingsworth

Thesis: Effects of Prison Program Participation on Recidivism Outcomes , Jordan Jakobs

Thesis: How Health Problems Affect Children's Anti-Social Behaviors and Their Attitudes Towards School , Prosper Kwame Mensah

Thesis: Disparities in Sentencing: The Impact of Race, Gender and Mental Health , Briana Paige

Dissertation: "...Make Them Disappear With A Piece of Paper": Understanding the Lived Realities of Federally Unrecognized Indigenous Women in the Southeast , Brian A. Pitman

Dissertation: "They Think We’re the Drama-Makers”: Examining Middle-Class African American Girl Perceptions of School Discipline and Mistreatment , Asha M. Ralph

Thesis: The Weight of Words: A Content Analysis of Rhetoric in Online News Articles Reporting on Sex Crimes , Julie Snell

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Thesis: Exploring the Association Between How Social Media Affects Attitudes Toward Marijuana Legalization , Troy Adam Aubut II

Thesis: Exploring Factors That Enhance Career Advancement for African-Americans Across Various Criminal Justice Occupations: A Qualitative Examination , Antonio Jon Bryer

Thesis: More Than What Meets the Eye: An Examination of Characteristics That Impact Juvenile Justice Detention Decisions , Ashley Maria Buchanan

Thesis: Online Social Capital: Social Networking Sites' Influence on Civic and Political Engagement , Charles L. Bush

Thesis: Predictors of Medical Students’ Attitudes Towards Abortion and Their Changes Overtime , Rebecca Elizabeth Morales

Thesis: When Silence Screams: An Examination of Reporting Behaviors Among Sexual Assault Victims on HBCU Campuses , NaTasha Robinson

Dissertation: Punishment as Pedagogy: An Exploration of the Disciplinary Alternative School , Kaitlyn J. Selman

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Dissertation: School Resource Officers and the School-to-Prison Pipeline: A Mixed Methods Application of the Behavior of Law in Schools , Caitlin Grace Lynch

Dissertation: The United States Benefit Deficit for Veterans , Leslie-Dawn Quick

Dissertation: The Devil Is in the Details: Representations of the Rural Appalachian Deviant , Stephen T. Young

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Thesis: “Just Young Dudes Having Fun”?: Social Media Reactions to the ODU Banner Incident , Ashley Marie Giraldi

Thesis: The Strength of Weak Social Ties: Social Activism and Facebook , Nichole Akai Giraldi

Dissertation: Governing the "Alien Threat": A Multilevel Analysis of Punitiveness Toward Non-Citizen Federal Drug Offenders Across Time and Place , Melanie Marie Holland

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Dissertation: The Influence of Financial Institutions and Residential Lending on Neighborhood Crime , Anne M. Lee

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Thesis: Reefer Madness to Marijuana and Legalization: Media Exposure and American Attitudes Towards Marijuana (1975-2010) , Richard James Stringer

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Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

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Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

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Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

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Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

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Thesis: Sources of Informal Social Control and the Relationship to Victimization in Southeastern Virginia , Jennifer R. Jones

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What Should I Know Before Studying Criminal Justice? 10 Things to Keep in Mind

By Hope Rothenberg on 05/16/2024

criminal justice student studying in front of computer

If you're interested in studying criminal justice, odds are pretty high that you care about making a positive impact on your community. As laws evolve and reform takes hold, there's no question that it's an interesting—and an important—time to learn more about the criminal justice system we all live in.

“All of the justice careers are so interesting,” says Eileen Carlin, Professor of Criminal Justice at Rasmussen University. “No matter what you choose to go into, whether you wind up as a victim advocate or a parole officer, you’re going to love it.”

Whether you’re looking to explore anything from family services to security management, a criminal justice degree could be a perfect way to start. But what can you expect from a criminal justice degree program?

Here are 10 things to know before studying criminal justice.

1. It's a bigger field than you may realize

The justice system spans from crime prevention to legal careers to corrections and rehabilitation. A lawyer, a private investigator, a crime victim advocate , a social work assistant—these can all fall under the realm of criminal justice.

Depending on the role, you may need additional education beyond an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in criminal justice to pursue some of the above career paths. It is important to check the education and work experience requirements for any role you’re interested in.

“There’s so much you can do with it,” Carlin says. “I’m just so proud of our students. A lot of them have gone on to law school—and that’s not easy. They’re just amazing.”

If you’re interested in that path, check the bachelor’s degree major, Law School Admission Test ® (LSAT ® ) score, and GPA required for any law schools you might apply to.

Carlin says many students go on to work as parole and corrections officers, police officers and 911 dispatchers. 1 “It’s the best part of my job,” Carlin says. “Students will stay in touch and ask me for letters of recommendation, and I see them get into these professions so quickly.”

Graduates with an associate's degree may consider roles in investigation and security services, probation and parole and individual and family services. Possible career paths for graduates with a bachelor’s degree include becoming a crime victim advocate, security manager, corporate security supervisor, court clerk or a security officer.

2. Most justice careers involve a ton of writing

This is the main thing Carlin wishes all her students knew before studying criminal justice—pretty much every role is writing-heavy.

“Court clerks are writing constantly; victim advocates need to record everything that happens when they meet with a victim; Judges, defense attorneys and juries all rely on police reports…If there’s even one mistake, one word spelled wrong, you can jeopardize a case,” Carlin says.

Because of this need for precision, justice studies programs really need to include lots of training in writing. Carlin explains that sometimes students come into the program expecting a law enforcement career to be totally hands-on.

“You’re used to watching cop shows where they spend maybe ten minutes responding to a call, then it sort of cuts away,” Carlin laughs. “What they don’t show you is because of that call, those officers will spend the next 3-4 hours writing a report. The secretary doesn’t do that. We do it.”

But for Carlin, the writing is actually pretty soothing. “I don’t mind writing reports, especially if you can get comfortable. But sometimes you’re sitting in the patrol car, sort of sideways, typing on a computer while wearing 25 pounds of gear, which does feel more like a chore.”

3. Some programs are made for working adults

Going to school (or back to school) is a big commitment. But what many prospective students don't realize is that you can work on it without putting your life on hold.

Criminal justice degree programs like the ones offered at Rasmussen University are online, and they're specifically designed to fit into the schedule of a working adult’s life. The format of the courses can enable you to schedule schoolwork around your other responsibilities as you complete your degree.

4. There are multiple criminal justice degree paths

When it comes to choosing a criminal justice degree program, you'll likely come across two main pathways: an associate's degree in criminal justice or a bachelor's degree in criminal justice . These are two separate programs that differ in a few ways. Here's a brief breakdown of each, using the Rasmussen University programs as an example.

Criminal Justice Associate's Degree

Created to help you earn your degree online and prepare to protect and serve your community, the associate's degree program requires about half as many credits as the bachelor's degree program, and it can be completed in a few as 18 months. 1

Designed to help students understand the history and development of the criminal justice system and its effect on society, an associate's degree in criminal justice could lead to roles in investigation and security services, probation and parole and individual and family services. For more on that, check out the Criminal Justice Associate’s Degree program page.

Criminal Justice Bachelor's Degree

A bachelor's degree in criminal justice requires about twice as many credits as an associate's degree, and subsequently takes roughly twice as long to complete. That said, you can still complete the program in as few as 36 months with no previous experience or credits. 2

Since it’s a higher degree level, completing a criminal justice major in a bachelor's degree program could lead to additional roles and opportunities in the field. Get more details at the Criminal Justice Bachelor’s Degree page.

5. You’ll be exposed to diverse coursework

In any comprehensive criminal justice program, you’ll learn through live interactive sessions with faculty and peers, and engage in real-world projects like analyzing real interrogation videos.

From studying human behavior to diving deep into the law, criminal justice coursework covers a wide range of topics and learning formats. Some example courses? Cultural Diversity and Justice, Values-Based Leadership in Criminal Justice, and Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Criminal Justice. For detailed descriptions, take a look at the Rasmussen University 2023 - 2024 course catalog .

6. Your instructors might be intimidating

Once you head down a criminal justice degree pathway, you may be surprised to find you'll be taught by real-life criminal justice professionals. The curriculum for the Rasmussen University criminal justice programs is developed and refreshed with the assistance of industry subject matter experts—which is to say, experts who have lots of experience in different criminal justice careers.

These instructors bring years of experience in law enforcement, narcotics, combating human trafficking and corrections to the classroom—and they'll be equally committed to your success as a criminal justice student. Rather than be intimidated, take it as an opportunity to learn as much as possible from those with experience in the field, and form lasting connections you can carry through your career.

7. You won't just be writing papers and taking tests

In a program like Rasmussen’s, criminal justice students practice career-ready criminal justice skills through realistic scenarios that include police ride-alongs, interrogation analysis videos and drafting search warrants.

Yes, there’s still a lot of writing to do—but Rasmussen’s program was designed to help students understand the day-to-day realities of each career area they are working toward. 

8. You'll gain a variety of skill sets

While it may seem like a rigid or straightforward career path, a criminal justice program can teach you a range of valuable interpersonal and transferable skills that can make you a more effective worker across a variety of roles. By pursuing a criminal justice degree, you can expect to learn and accomplish the following.

  • Strong foundational knowledge. Your coursework is ultimately designed to help you understand the history and development of the criminal justice system and its impact on society. At the end of it all, you'll be able to truly understand what criminal law is and the legal procedures required to enforce it.
  • Serving with integrity. You'll develop an understanding of the relationships—and tensions—between the criminal justice system and the diverse populations it serves. This awareness will help you act ethically, responsibly and with the right amount of personal character.
  • Quick critical thinking. You'll be equipped to apply critical-thinking skills and appropriately react to fast-paced, constantly changing issues in criminal justice—including everything from security to juvenile justice to domestic violence.
  • Compassionate communication. Whether you’re helping a coworker complete paperwork or speaking with crime victims, strong communication skills are key to a successful criminal justice career, and you’ll have every opportunity to improve yours.

As you make your way from the classroom to a career in the field, you'll find yourself relying on the skills listed above and many more—and sometimes the most critical ones will be the ones you least expect.

9. Continuing education is really encouraged, and sometimes reimbursed

“While I was a police officer, I knew I’d retire, and I’d still be fairly young, so I got my master's degree,” says Carlin. “My department paid for it. It’s very common, almost every department gives some form of tuition reimbursement. It helps to have that educational background if you want promotion.”

The level of education encouraged often depends on the specific department and state. In some places, the more formal education you have, the more options you’ll have.

“In New Jersey for example, you get hired, and then the department sends you to the police academy,” continues Carlin. “Education helps there. You’re more likely to get called back. But in Minnesota, you put yourself through the skills academy after graduating a program.”

While the standards are different everywhere, Carlin says a foundational associate's or bachelor’s level criminal justice degree, students can pursue work throughout the justice and corrections systems—leading to a variety of criminal justice career opportunities to explore.

10. The criminal justice system isn't perfect

Of course, you already know this. And it's a big part of why you're motivated to study the current criminal justice system and make a positive difference in your community. Whether you opt for an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree, you're embarking on a meaningful path—and one that can lead you to a whole range of places.

So you might be wondering—how do these programs work? How much does a criminal justice program cost? Get those answers and read more at Rasmussen’s online Criminal Justice Degree program page.

LSAT ® is a registered trademark of LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION COUNCIL, INC. Law School Admission Test ® is a registered trademark of Law School Admission Council, Inc. 1 Rasmussen University’s Criminal Justice Associate’s and Criminal Justice Bachelor degree programs are not designed to meet the educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in any state. In Minnesota, the Criminal Justice Associate’s degree program does not meet the standards established by the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training Board for persons who seek employment as a peace officer. For further information on professional licensing requirements, please contact the appropriate board or agency in your state of residence. Additional education, training, experience, and/or other eligibility criteria may apply. 2 Completion time is dependent on transfer credits accepted and the number of courses completed each term.

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About the author

Hope Rothenberg

Hope Rothenberg is a creative copywriter with agency, in-house, and freelance experience. She's written about everything from area rugs to artificial intelligence, and a ton in between.

Hope Rothenberg smiles at the camera in a black and white photo against a brick wall

Posted in General Justice Studies

  • justice studies education
  • justice studies careers
  • justice studies trends
  • justice studies
  • criminal justice

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