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Mission 22 provides support to Veterans and their families when they need it most: right now. Through a comprehensive approach of outreach, events, and programs, we’re promoting long-term wellness and sustainable growth.

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Our proven programs help Veterans living with post traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, or military sexual trauma. We provide free, long-term programs for Veterans that focus on growth and healing.

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Recovery + Resiliency Program Testimonial

Life has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs with significant challenges. R+R has allowed me to weather the storm of life and my current transitions. I wake up every morning with a calm demeanor, with gratitude and wonder how I can be my best self each and every day and also within my relationships with others.

— Chris Jachimiec, MSgt (Retired), First Sergeant (8F000)

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Wellness Program Testimonial

I was given this organization’s information by a fellow veteran. I had no idea that there was so many natural supplements that Veterans can take outside of the normal pharmaceutical medicines that really doesn’t have much affect on overall health. After taking them I have felt better and also have a better outlook and energy throughout the day.

— Quintell S.

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R+R has definitely helped my PTS and TBI symptoms. Objectively speaking, I’ve lost 10 lbs., my blood pressure is down from 145/90 to 117/77, and my ability to handle life’s normal day-to-day stressors is improving. Subjectively, I no longer believe that I’ll be dealing with intense PTS symptoms for the rest of my life, and that’s an outlook I didn’t have four months ago.

— MSG(R), 18Z

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It was like hitting a restart button. I felt really refreshed. I wake up early to go to work and take it right away and soon it just makes me feel like I’m starting out a great day already.

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PTSD was coming back with vengeance. I was convinced I was broken and developed many unhealthy habits. Facing my fears with using my strengths with optimal nutrition and wholesome supplements, meditation, exercise, coaching, reading, sharing and learning that I’m not alone offered me the opportunity to finally face the demons of the negative effects of PTSD to steadily use these tools to improve my well-being.

— Jackie Bowman, Sergeant, USMC, 3531

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A commentary on revelation.



In this final chapter, verses 1-5 continue the description of the eternal kingdom that began in chapter 21. With these verses, the vision of the future presented by Revelation comes to an end. Arguably, these verses may have been better placed at the end of chapter 21 than at the start of chapter 22.

Verse 6 begins the epilogue which then continues through to the end of the book of Revelation. This epilogue gives the sense that perhaps John has returned to Patmos — the same setting in which he was given the introductory information seen in chapter 1. Thus, the introductions given in chapter 1 and in this chapter 22 epilogue are like bookends to the primary content of Revelation.

Concluding the Vision of the New Earth

1 Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, 2 in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

v1 a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb – This “ water of life ” flowing from the throne of God carries the same meaning as the “ living water ” that Jesus spoke about to the woman at the well (John 4:10-14) .  That is, eternal life .

v2 On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations – This alludes to similar imagery in Ezekiel 47. The point is that by understanding the context in Ezekiel, we will understand the parallel context here. If you read Ezek 47:7-12, you will see the following:

  • A river that is life-giving.
  • Trees on both sides of the river.
  • The trees bear fruit every month.
  • It’s leaves bring healing.

What does it mean? This passage from Ezekiel is part of a broader vision of a new and idealized temple that the prophet received, which started back in Ezekiel 40. At the time Ezekiel wrote this, the earthly temple had been abandoned by God (Ezek 10:18), and then it was destroyed by the Babylonians. While Ezekiel’s vision of the new temple promised restoration to Israel, it also went beyond the earthly temple to symbolically give us a glimpse of the eternal kingdom of God — the same eternal kingdom that is being described here in Revelation 21 and 22.

The previous chapter of Ezekiel (chapter 46) discusses a “ prince ” who represents Christ. This prince is offering his sacrifices in the temple (Ezek 46:4-7). Flowing out of the temple is this “ river of life ” that we see in Ezekiel 47. This water is flowing from the altar of sacrifice, and out of the temple through the eastern gate (Ezek 47:1). Normally, one would expect blood to be flowing from the altar of sacrifice, but here we instead see the “ water of life ”. This points to the uniqueness of Christ’s sacrifice. All sacrifices involved the shedding of blood, but only Christ’s sacrifice actually accomplished its purpose, which was to once and for all become the source of  eternal life (symbolized by the water of life ), and thus entry into the kingdom of God.

The eastern gate is significant because Ezekiel had earlier identified it as the gate through which God and his Prince who offers the sacrifice would enter (Ezek 44:1, 2, 3). Indeed, this is the gate that Christ entered on Palm Sunday as he approached from the Mount of Olives to the east (Luke 19:37). Of course, we recognize that Christ’s sacrifice is the source of the river of life .

The references to the tree of life also point to permanent renewal as we are returned to an Eden-like state (Gen 2:9, Gen 3:24) where, once again, people have access to eternal life (Rev 22:14).

3 There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; 4 they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. 5 And there will no longer be any night; and they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign forever and ever.

v3 There will no longer be any curse – Unlike the first creation in Eden which was cursed due to sin (Gen 3:17), there shall no longer be a need for any curse in the sinless new creation.

v4 they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads – Each person will see the Lamb and His name will be on their forehead. This reminds us of the 144,000 Jews of chapter 7 who had the name of God and the Lamb on their foreheads. Interestingly, those 144,000 were referred to as “ firstfruits ” for God and the Lamb in Rev 14:4. Perhaps this verse illuminates the meaning of “firstfruits” in that the 144,000 were the first on earth to receive this mark identifying them as God’s servants. In the new earth, everyone else will also receive this mark.

v5 no longer be any night … not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun – Symbolizing the holiness of this new world, in contrast to the dark (unholy) world with which we are familiar.

With that description of God’s kingdom of eternal life and holiness and peace in the new creation, the vision of the future that God revealed to John is finished .

What remains are some final comments and instructions from the angel, and some from Jesus himself:

6 And he said to me, “These words are faithful and true”; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show to His bond-servants the things which must soon take place. 7 “And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.”

v6 These words are faithful and true – He is speaking about all the things that have been shown to John by the angel of the Lord; essentially, this means the entire prophecy revealed in Revelation .

The words in verses 6-7 echo the things said in Rev 1:1-3; specifically that:

  • John is the messenger of a message communicated to him by an angel of God,
  • The message is to show God’s servants the things that are going to happen,
  • That these things must quickly  take place (see What Does Soon Mean? ),
  • That the one who reads and heeds the words of this prophecy is blessed for doing so.
8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things.  9 But he said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.”

v8 I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel … v9 Do not do that – Again (as in Rev 19:10), John reacts to the things he had been shown by falling down and worshiping the angel who showed him those things, and again, John is corrected by the angel. It is hard to fault John for being overcome by his emotions. After all, he is a sinful man in the presence of holy beings and being told astounding and glorious things. But the angel is right: Only God is worthy of worship, and all of these astounding and glorious things are His work.

10 And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.

As discussed in the article What Does Soon Mean? , this verse near the end of Revelation mirrors a similar verse at the end of the book of Daniel (Dan 12:4), although the differences are significant. Of course, the book of Daniel is in many ways the Old Testament equivalent to Revelation.

11 “Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.”

v11 Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; … filthy, still be filthy; … righteous, still practice righteousness; … holy, still keep himself holy – This is a somewhat curious statement and the first two clauses are particularly difficult. At first glance, it appears that it’s God’s desire that the wicked keep acting wickedly. But the actual meaning is clarified by recognizing that Revelation is still alluding to things that were written at the end of Daniel’s prophecy:

Dan 12:9-10 – 9 He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. 10 “Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly ; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand .

That is, it is not a statement of what God desires , but rather a statement of what will take place . Regarding those who do evil, it is like Rom 1:24-32, where it says that “ God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts ”. God let them go to do what they wanted to do. So in verse 11, the word “ let ” refers not to God’s desires, but to the desires of those who love wickedness. Likewise, the latter clauses (e.g. “ let the righteous … practice righteousness “) refer to the desires of those who love righteousness (Matt 5:6).

12 “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. 13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

This continues to echo things said in the introduction of chapter 1 (e.g. Rev 1:7-8). However, in this case, it is clearly Jesus speaking. Jesus is identifying himself as the Alpha and the Omega , which is a title reserved for God (Rev 1:8), and thus Christ asserts His deity.

14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.

v14 Blessed are those who wash their robes – The Vulgate adds “ in the blood of the Lamb ”, which agrees with Rev 7:14 and is the meaning here. This removes any notion that this washing (attaining righteousness) is accomplished by the works of the redeemed. Rather, it is accomplished by the sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God. This righteousness given by Christ grants access to the “ tree of life ” and entrance through the “ gates of the city “, which symbolize eternal life and access into the kingdom of God.

v15 Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons… – This is the final reference to the unredeemed. They did not wash their robes in the blood of Christ, and they shall forever be shut out of the kingdom of God. To them belongs eternal death.

16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

v16 I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches – Up to now, John has been communicating with the angel of God (per v8), but now Jesus Himself interjects this message.

v16 the root and descendant of David – As the “ root of David ”, Jesus precedes David and is even the one who gave David life. And yet, as the “ descendant of David ”, Jesus fulfills the prophecy (e.g. Isa 9:7) that an heir to David’s throne would reign forever upon the earth (Rev 5:5). These titles confirm that Christ both establishes and executes His kingdom upon the earth.

v16 the bright morning star – This speaks of Christ’s divine glory as he appears to earth as a man. The idea is that the earth is a spiritually dark place, but Christ appeared to us as a light shining in darkness (John 1:5, Isa 9:2). Like a bright morning star , just before dawn, He signaled the beginning of a glorious new day. This day begins with Christ healing our hearts, and it reaches its fullness as the kingdom of God comes to earth. It is the same idea as in 2 Pet 1:19 , which says, “ we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts ”.

17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.

v17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” – This is said in response to Christ saying “ I am coming soon/quickly ” (in verse 7 and again in verse 12). Here, we see that this is the desire of the Holy Spirit and the desire of His Church (represented by the bride).

v17 And let the one who hears say, “Come.” – It is Christ’s desire that those who hear and heed the words of this prophecy (verse 7) should desire the coming of Christ and His kingdom upon the earth.

v17 And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost . – Referring back to the water of life back in verse 1. This water is the righteous eternal life that Christ offers without cost (Matt 5:6, John 4:13-14, John 6:35, Eph 2:8). It is fitting for the final words of the Bible to include one more invitation to salvation.

I think that many Christians, to be honest, might not feel so anxious for Christ to come, simply because it has been revealed that there is great tribulation that must come before Christ’s return. This is understandable of course. Even Jesus did not desire to face the suffering that He ultimately endured. We know this because His prayer in Gethsemane was, “ My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will ” (Matt 26:39).

The church is called the “Body of Christ” (1 Cor 12:27). That means that in addition to being Christ’s representatives on earth, we should expect to be treated the way Christ’s body was treated. John 15:20 says, “ A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you ”. But don’t forget that besides sharing in Christ’s temporal persecution, we also share in Christ’s glorious and eternal resurrection. May God grant us the faith to see all of this from an eternal perspective (e.g. Phil 3:8). If so, we can genuinely say “ Amen Come Lord Jesus ”.

Warnings and Benediction

18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.

In verses 18-19, we see a severe warning to not tamper with this prophecy. Revelation, more than any other book, refers frequently to itself. Just in this chapter, we’ve seen:

  • Verse 6 says these words are faithful and true (referring to the prophecy of Revelation).
  • Verse 7 says we are told that those who keep the words of this book are blessed.
  • Verse 10 is a command for John to not seal up the words of this book .
  • Verse 18 says not to add to the words of this book (or suffer the plagues described).
  • Verse 19 says not to take away from the words of this book (or lose the eternal promises described).

I believe that all this self-referencing emphasizes the importance of the words of this book . God seems to think that it’s important for us to read, understand, heed, and carefully guard these words. For this reason, I find it distressing that the book of Revelation is so neglected in churches today.

Side note : The severe warnings given in verses 18-19 should neither be misunderstood nor abused. They pertain to people who purposely desire to distort or conceal this prophecy. They are not threats against people who sincerely seek the truth, yet fail to understand Revelation exactly right. I have known Christians who use these verses as a “club” to threaten others who disagree with their own interpretation! That, however, is an example of abuse .

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Jesus is the one who testifies to these things , as He is the one who says “ Yes, I am coming quickly ”. John shows that this is his desire as well, by adding his “ Amen “.

21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.

The last words of the Bible, “ The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen ” is a simple benediction expressing that God’s grace, which includes access to this glorious eternal kingdom and is offered to all through Jesus Christ. Indeed, these final words summarize the main point of the Bible.

In the context of Revelation, it is a reminder that whatever persecution we may face from this world, it’s infinitely less than what we would deservedly suffer apart from the grace of God .

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'Soul' Ending Explained: This Is What Happened to 22 in the Pixar Movie

Leila Kozma - Author

Dec. 27 2020, Published 3:44 p.m. ET

Just in time for the holidays, Pixar's newest animated film Soul dropped on Disney+ on Dec. 25, 2020 — and viewers have lingering questions about what happens to 22 , one of the story's main characters.

Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for Pixar's latest animated film, Soul .

What happens to 22 in 'Soul'?

Although she's received extensive counseling from people like psychoanalyst Carl Jung and Abraham Lincoln, a soul residing in the Great Before named 22 continues to grapple with the purpose of life. It's only when she gets to experience the world through ambitious jazz pianist Joe Gardner's perspective that she develops a lust for life. So, what happens to 22 at the end of Soul ?

As a recent article by USA Today reveals, the creators spent a considerable chunk of time weighing up different options and alternative endings — until they found the one that fit. 

Soul captures Joe's (Jamie Foxx) friendship with 22 (Tina Fey), a blip struggling to find her spark and work out what she wants to achieve. That is, until the second half of the movie. 

Soul kicks off with a scene that sees Joe finally achieve his big breakthrough as a jazz musician, landing an opportunity to play for Dorothea Williams’ (Angela Bassett) quartet. 

Drunk on adrenaline, he accidentally falls into an open manhole right after the successful audition. He ends up in a coma, and his soul lines up to the Great Beyond.

Too eager to perform the gig, Joe starts running in the opposite direction only to end up in the Great Before, the incubator where would-be souls can develop peacefully.

Once he reaches the Great Before, he stumbles on 22, a young one who broke the spirits of some of the greatest thinkers and religious icons, including Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Joe and 22 make a pact: If Joe manages to set her on the right path, she will give him her Earth pass. 

Following an encounter with the character named Moonwind (Graham Norton), Joe and 22 end up back on Earth. But instead of their own bodies, Joe transforms into a cat, while 22 gets to roam the streets as Joe. It is during this time that she discovers the joys of life and becomes mature enough to be granted her own Earth pass. 

Upon their return to the Great Before, 22 wants to annul their previous pact, leaving Joe profoundly devastated. Too stubborn, he snags the Earth pass and returns home. Meanwhile, 22 succumbs to another bout of hopelessness. 

During his time on Earth, Joe gets to play with Dorothea Williams's jazz quartet, the gig he was pining for. But one day, while he is working on his music, he realizes that he made a terrible mistake and sets out to remedy it. 

Joe returns to the Great Before and convinces 22 to start her life, thereby sacrificing his own. Inspired by the unexpected course of action, the Jerrys, the soul counselors in charge of the Great Before, give Joe another chance. The movie ends with Joe being given the opportunity to return to his life on Earth — and 22, presumably, is able to begin her life on Earth.

An alternative ending saw Joe return to Earth as a jazz musician, with 22 as one of his students.

As Pete Docter, the writer and director of the movie told USA Today, they wanted to emphasize the idea that the unusual adventures allowed Joe to learn the importance of appreciating the opportunities he received.

"There was one [ending] where Joe was touring with Dorothea and teaching students privately on the side, and 22 was a new student and he recognized that it was her," Pete told USA Today . 

It's unclear, exactly, what happens to 22 at the end of Soul — who she becomes, if she and Joe ever meet up again, etc . But that was entirely by design. Because whenever the writers thought about showing where 22 ended up or what Joe did next, "there was something innately not satisfying about it," co-writer and co-director Kemp Powers told USA Today .

“We know that audiences often want to be told exactly what happened to the character. They want to know that the character made the 'right' decision," Pete added. "But in the case of Joe, we didn't want to put a choice on him. We wanted to say that regardless of what he ended up doing, whether it was going back to teaching, playing in a band or some hybrid of both, he just appreciated life better.”

Soul is available on Disney+ now. 

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What Was 22’s Spark in ‘Soul’? The Disney Movie’s Powerful Ending Explained

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Warning: This article contains Soul spoilers. You probably guessed that from the headline, but just in case.

Soul , the new Pixar movie streaming on Disney+, is an ambitious film that requires a lot of world-building to pull off. But if you’re willing to play along with the complicated exposition (including a literal instruction video), you’ll be rewarded with a moving metaphor for living life to the fullest.

The basic set-up is that Joe Gardner (voiced by Jamie Foxx ) is a middle school jazz teacher who dies just after he lands the piano-playing gig of a lifetime. Joe refuses to die before his big break, so he manages to weasel his way into a purgatory called The Great Before, where he poses as a mentor for a soul called 22 ( Tina Fey ). 22 isn’t like the other souls in The Great Before, who are being formed to be sent down to earth to become a person. She doesn’t want to go down to earth, because she can’t find her “spark,” aka something she is passionate about that will complete her Earth Pass. She’s tried soccer, painting, pizza, chemistry, and nothing interests her enough to be her “spark.”

Are you with me so far? Good. Let’s get into the Soul ending explained.

What was 22’s spark in Soul ?

I don’t blame you for being confused, because the lesson of Soul is presented in a slightly muddled, convoluted way. However, if you’re Googling, “What was 22’s spark in Soul ?” then I regret to inform you that you missed the entire point of the movie. If you’d like a more eloquent account of how the moral of Soul hit me right in the feels, I’d direct you to this personal essay I wrote last week. But read on for the basic gist.

When 22 lives on earth in Joe’s body, she starts to appreciate the little things in life—the breeze gently blowing the leaves as she walks down the sidewalk on an autumn day in New York City, or the guitar played by a busker in the subway station. She falls in love with the idea of simply living , and that, my friends, is her spark.

“Maybe sky-watching can be my spark,” she suggests to Joe hopefully. “Or walking! I’m really good at walking!”

“Those really aren’t purposes, 22,” Joe responds. “That’s just regular old living.”

Joe thinks that everyone on earth is born to do one thing. He thinks that his “spark” is playing piano. He thinks the fact that he wasn’t living his dream job of playing the piano professionally meant that his life was meaningless. But Joe is wrong. When 22 finally gets her Earth Pass, Joe asks Jerry—one of the soul counselors in the Great Before, voiced by Richard Ayoade—what 22’s purpose was. The ethereal entity simply laughs at him.

“A spark isn’t a soul’s purpose!” Jerry says. “Oh, you mentors and your passions. Your purposes, your meanings-of-life. So basic.”

Here’s the deal: In the world of Soul , there is no one single purpose that makes up someone’s “spark.” Joe assumed that was the case when he first arrived in the Great Before, but his assumption was incorrect. Because when Joe finally does get his dream job of playing piano, life is exactly the same as it was before he had that job. Finally, Joe realizes that a “spark” is not about having a single purpose—it’s about enjoying regular old living. Joe realizes that 22 was right all along.

What is the Soul ending, explained?

Having come to this realization, Joe sets off to return 22’s Earth Pass. He finds her in the land of the lost souls. She is convinced that she is not good enough because she can’t find her purpose. She thinks she never found her spark.

“Yes, you did,” Joe tells her gently. “Your spark isn’t your purpose. That last box fills in when you’re ready to come live.”

Joe gives 22 her Earth Pass, and accepts the fact that this means he will have to die. He’s OK with that, because he’s realized he was living all along, even without his dream job. However, because this is a Pixar movie, the fact that Joe is willing to accept this lesson means he is rewarded with a second chance at life. He isn’t yet sure what he will “do” with his life, but he does know he will live every minute of it.

With that, the movie ends. We don’t find out who 22 becomes at the end of Soul —that’s a story for a different time. What we do know is the ultimate meaning of the Soul ending: You shouldn’t wait for your life to begin; you should live life to the fullest right now. Classic Pixar.

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There may be no better handgun for teaching and recreational target shooting than a .22 pistol.

The Best .22 Pistols of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

Every shooting enthusiast and outdoorsman should own a .22 pistol. Here are the best you can buy

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For the general outdoorsman, there may be no better gun than a .22 pistol. It is easy to pack and perfect for plinking, training, competition shooting, small game hunting, and even survival. It’s almost unfathomable how a true outdoorsman can exist without a .22 pistol. Need to whack a skunk prowling around camp? Get your .22 pistol. Need to pop a grouse for camp meat? Get your .22 pistol. And if you need to teach your youngsters how to shoot? You most certainly need your .22 pistol. It is truly the total outdoorsman handgun. And here are six of the best .22 pistols currently on the market.

  • Best Overall: Sig Sauer P322
  • Best Value: Kel Tec P17
  • Most Accurate: S&W Model 41
  • Ruger Mark IV Standard
  • Browning Buckmark Plus Vision American Suppressor Ready
  • Browning 1911-22 Black Label Compact Suppressor Ready with Rail

How We Picked the Best .22 Pistols

It’s hard to declare a single .22 pistol as the best because they come in various configurations and are designed for different purposes. The primary appeal of .22 pistols is general purpose application, and those criteria—tempered with price—are what I used to select the best. Choosing the most accurate .22 pistol or the one that offers the best value is a bit easier. They’re the pistols that either shot the best or that performed well for the least amount of money. Of course, other things were considered too:

  • Quality of Construction: What is the quality of the fit and finish, and how well does the pistol stand up to repeated use?
  • Precision: Often thought of as accuracy, the shooting precision of a firearm is the measure of the dispersion of shots fired at the same point of aim. In other words, how well did the pistol shoot?
  • Reliability: Out of a pistol, .22 LR ammunition muzzle velocities can range from as slow as 700 fps to as much as twice that. Because of this, .22 pistol reliability is often dependent on ammunition and sometimes impacted by how clean the pistol is kept. This was considered when evaluating reliability.
  • Application: There are many accepted uses for a .22 pistol, and you cannot compare one designed for plinking with one designed for competition shooting. That’s why this list is so diverse.
  • Cost: For most of us, money matters too. The cost of the pistol as it related to everything else was considered too. In other words, given its performance, was the pistol worth the money?

.22 pistol

Best 22 Pistols: Reviews & Recommendations

Sig Sauer P322

  • Length: 7 inches
  • Weight: 17.1 ounces
  • Barrel: 4 inches with an optional threaded adapter
  • Capacity: 20+1
  • High capacity magazine
  • Optics ready
  • Suppressor ready
  • Lightweight
  • Magazines are a bit tedious to load

We tested the Sig Sauer P322 extensively during our 2022 handgun test , where we ranked it second best and as the most fun to shoot. But I liked the pistol so much I kept it, and since then, I’ve used it a lot and think it should have been ranked number one. It comes with fiber optic front and rear sights, but the rear sight is removable, and a mini-reflex sight can be installed. It also comes with a curved and straight trigger that you can easily interchange. There’s an accessory rail for the attachment of a light or a laser, and the manual safety and slide lock are both ambidextrous.

Plus, it ships with two 20-round magazines, which also makes this the highest capacity .22 pistol currently manufactured. While this pistol looks like a striker-fired handgun, it’s actually a single action—the hammer is hidden inside the slide.

Keltec P-17

  • Length: 6.7 inches
  • Weight: 11.5 ounces
  • Barrel: 3.8 inches
  • Capacity: 16+1
  • Very affordable
  • Extremely lightweight
  • Comes with three magazines
  • Requires high-velocity ammunition (1200 to 1300 fps)

A .22 pistol for less than 200 bucks is a steal, but only if the pistol works and if you can use it to hit what you’re aiming at. The Kel Tec P17 is not the most reliable .22 pistol I’ve tested. However, if you use high velocity 22 LR ammo, and if you keep it clean—field strip it, wipe it down, and oil about every 200 rounds—it will make you happy because you can use it to reliably ventilate pop cans or whack small game out to around 15 yards. The pistol is equipped with an ambidextrous magazine release and manual safety. Surprisingly, it comes with three 16-round magazines and a threaded barrel extension. You’ll probably not win a shooting match with this pistol, but you can still have a hell of a lot of fun without spending a hell of a lot of money.

S&W Model 41

  • Length: 10.5 inches
  • Weight: 42 ounces
  • Barrel: 5.5 inches
  • Capacity: 10+1
  • Extremely accurate
  • Fully adjustable rear sight
  • Comfortable, checkered walnut grips
  • Can be converted to a 7-inch barrel version

Introduced in 1957, Smith & Wesson’s Model 41 is a very simple pistol, but it is also exquisitely assembled and well respected for the precision it can deliver. The trigger on the Model 41, which features a user-adjustable trigger stop, is exceptional. The micrometer click adjustable rear sight is fantastic too. The pistol is also easy to field strip, and the switch-barrel configuration allows you to use either a 5.5- or 7-inch barrel on the same frame. Often regarded as one of the premier .22 target pistols ever made, Model 41 production halted briefly in the 90s, but Smith & Wesson is still making them today. A tuned Smith & Wesson Performance Center version is also available for an additional $263.00.

Ruger Mark IV

  • Length: 9.0 inches
  • Weight: 28.2 ounces
  • Barrel: 4.75 inches
  • Reasonably compact
  • Drilled and tapped for optics mounting base
  • Nonadjustable sights

This was the gun that began the now nearly 75-year legacy of Sturm, Ruger & Co. (now Ruger). Inspired by the Japanese Nambu pistol and similar in profile to the German Luger, the Ruger Standard was an immediate success. Thousands were sold, and it was the ancestor of the current Mark IV Standard pistol. Over the years, countless versions of this pistol have been offered, and today there are even 40 variations to choose from. Well configured as a general-purpose .22 pistol, the Mark IV version offers the much easier one-button field stripping, an ambidextrous manual thumb safety, a drop-free detachable magazine, a magazine disconnect safety, and it ships with two magazines. A six-inch barreled version is available for the same price.

Browning Buckmark Plus Vision American Suppressor Ready

  • Length: 9.90 inches
  • Weight: 27 ounces
  • Barrel: 5.875 inches (Threaded w/ muzzle brake)
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Threaded barrel and muzzle brake

Since 1985 there has been a plethora of Buckmark pistol variations offered, and there are still more than 40 to choose from. Often considered the modern replacement for the John Browning designed Colt Woodsman, the Browning Buckmark has long been a staple with outdoorsmen as a camp gun for plinking, small game hunting, and for target shooting. During the 2022 Field & Stream handgun test , we extensively evaluated the Plus Vision American Suppressor Ready version. It comes standard with a manual thumb safety and magazine disconnect, and in terms of quality of construction, it deserves high marks.

Browning 1911 Black Label

  • Length: 7.25 inches
  • Weight: 13 ounces
  • Trigger: Single action
  • Classic 1911 look
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Loaded with custom 1911-like features

This might be the coolest of all .22 pistols because it’s a shrunken version of one of America’s most iconic and popular handguns—the Colt 1911. Introduced in 2011, the Browning 1911-22 was meant to be a 100-year celebration of the classic 1911. It is 85 percent smaller and only 36 percent lighter than a 1911 chambered for the 45 Auto.

Currently, there are 20 variations offered, but this version exemplifies the design and the current trend of modern 1911 centerfire pistols. It has suppressor height sights, an ambidextrous thumb safety, an extended slide lock, a threaded barrel, and an accessory rail. Its compactness and light weight make this pistol feel almost toy-like, but it will impress you with its reliability and precision on target. It’s a great modern example of a general purpose .22 pistol.

The author gets ready to point and shoot the Sig Sauer P322.

Things To Consider Before Buying a .22 Pistol

The key to finding the best .22 pistol for you is to start your search with your intended use/s of the pistol in mind. Though not always indicative of quality or performance, price matters too. A fantastically accurate and precision shooting .22 pistol, like the S&W Model 41, might be dime-splitting accurate, but after you lay down the money for it, will you have enough left over for ammunition? Think about what you will use the .22 for and spend accordingly.

Most outdoorsmen would probably prefer a .22 pistol they could use for a variety of tasks, and general purpose application is the main appeal of a .22s. This is where a pistol like the Sig Sauer P322 shines. It’s accurate enough for small game hunting, compact and light enough for trail carry, and ideal for teaching young shooters. Plus, it’s available at a price that will not come with heartburn.

Q: Who makes a .22 pistol with a threaded barrel?

Lots of manufacturers do, including Browning, Ruger, Sig Sauer, and others.

Q: Is a longer barrel better for a pistol?

It depends. A longer barrel can increase velocity by as much as or even more than 30 fps per inch. And if you’re shooting with open sights, the longer sight radius that comes with a longer barrel can make getting hits easier. When it comes to carrying a pistol in a holster, the longer the barrel, the more difficult it will be. For general purpose use, a barrel length of between four and six inches is most common.

Q: What is the most powerful .22 pistol bullet?

Velocities and reliability will vary from pistol to pistol, but the Aguila Supermaximum 30-grain load has the fastest advertised muzzle velocity, and the 32-grain CCI Stinger load is not far behind it.

Best 22 Pistols: Final Thoughts

I can’t imagine calling yourself an outdoorsman or even a gun guy if you do not own a .22 pistol. This is partly because .22 pistols are some of the most fun guns to shoot, but mostly because when the totality of the circumstances is considered, a .22 pistol might be the most useful firearm ever made. They’re also the most affordable guns to shoot, and the probability is high that after you purchase your first one, you’ll buy another. Fortunately, there are a lot of them to choose from, with prices starting at about $200 and extending to almost 10 times that much. All of the guns recommended above are great options, but the Sig Sauer P322 is king of the .22 pistol family.

Why Trust Us

For more than 125 years, Field & Stream has been providing readers with honest and authentic coverage of outdoor gear. Our writers and editors eat, sleep, and breathe the outdoors, and that passion comes through in our product reviews. You can count on F&S to keep you up to date on the best new gear. And when we write about a product—whether it’s a bass lure or a backpack—we cover the good and the bad, so you know exactly what to expect before you decide to make a purchase.

Richard Mann

Richard Mann was born and raised in West Virginia and has hunted from the Montana mountains to the green hills of Africa. In 2015, Mann began contributing to Field & Stream to cover guns, ammunition, ballistics, and hunting. In 2022, he was named as the brand’s Shooting Editor.

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F1 News: Valtteri Bottas Teases Mercedes Return As Lewis Hamilton Replacement

Lydia mee | 1 hour ago.

May 2, 2024; Miami Gardens, Florida, USA;  Kick Sauber driver Valtteri Bottas (77) addresses the

Valtteri Bottas has not ruled out a potential return to Mercedes for the 2025 Formula 1 season. As his contract with Sauber concludes at the end of the current 2024 season, the Finnish driver is exploring all available avenues.

With the recent announcement that Sauber, which will become Audi in 2026, has signed current Haas driver Nico Hulkenberg on a multi-year contract in 2025, the future has become more uncertain for Sauber drivers Bottas and Zhou Guanyu. Both Bottas and Guanyu's contract expire at the end of the year and with Audi's interest in Carlos Sainz added to this, the two drivers are looking to secure 2025 seats imminently.

Speaking during the Drivers Press Conference ahead of the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix weekend, Bottas addressed the possibility of a return to Mercedes, who he drove for between 2017 and 2021. He commented, as quoted by :

“I think at the moment everything is an option. But still, my preference is a long-term deal.”

The Finn's past experience at Mercedes, where he secured multiple wins and helped secure constructors' championships, makes him an attractive candidate for a potential callback, especially as the team is looking for a replacement for Lewis Hamilton who is moving to Ferrari next year. Bottas continued:

“I'm sure that would be the right compromise [Going back to a corporate environment]. You know, I've been in the in the corporate world and I know that stuff. I can deal with it. But the main thing is, like I mentioned earlier, my team needs to respect who I am, what I can deliver. But I'm sure always compromise can be found.”

Discussions about his future are ongoing and not limited to Mercedes. Bottas acknowledges the importance of keeping his options open.

"That seems the rational response, when you're in a situation that you are on the free market, let's say, you're always looking around. So, for a while now it's been different direction, not just one direction because you can't rely on one option only. That's how it goes. So. that doesn't really change.

“Discussions have been going on for some time to different directions. Some progress is being made. I'm not just relying on one option for what factors are most important when considering long term because I wouldn't get one year or several words just to just to be in F1 just to hang on that's I need a long term project. with clear goals, and with respect for what I can do and deliver.

“That's really the main thing. Obviously, the faster the car the better. But the main thing is to have that security for years ahead, but we can work together for the goals that we set.”

Lydia Mee

Lydia is the lead editor of F1 editorial. After following the sport for several years, she was finally able to attend the British Grand Prix in person in 2017. Since then, she's been addicted to not only the racing, but the atmosphere the fans bring to each event. She's a strong advocate for women in motorsport and a more diverse industry. 

Follow LydiameeF1

Revelation 21

Revelation 22 New International Version

Eden restored.

22  Then the angel showed me the river ( A ) of the water of life, ( B ) as clear as crystal, ( C ) flowing ( D ) from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2  down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, ( E ) bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. ( F ) 3  No longer will there be any curse. ( G ) The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. ( H ) 4  They will see his face, ( I ) and his name will be on their foreheads. ( J ) 5  There will be no more night. ( K ) They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. ( L ) And they will reign for ever and ever. ( M )

John and the Angel

6  The angel said to me, ( N ) “These words are trustworthy and true. ( O ) The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, ( P ) sent his angel ( Q ) to show his servants the things that must soon take place.”

7  “Look, I am coming soon! ( R ) Blessed ( S ) is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” ( T )

8  I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. ( U ) And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet ( V ) of the angel who had been showing them to me. 9  But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. ( W ) Worship God!” ( X )

10  Then he told me, “Do not seal up ( Y ) the words of the prophecy of this scroll, ( Z ) because the time is near. ( AA ) 11  Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” ( AB )

Epilogue: Invitation and Warning

12  “Look, I am coming soon! ( AC ) My reward is with me, ( AD ) and I will give to each person according to what they have done. ( AE ) 13  I am the Alpha and the Omega, ( AF ) the First and the Last, ( AG ) the Beginning and the End. ( AH )

14  “Blessed are those who wash their robes, ( AI ) that they may have the right to the tree of life ( AJ ) and may go through the gates ( AK ) into the city. ( AL ) 15  Outside ( AM ) are the dogs, ( AN ) those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

16  “I, Jesus, ( AO ) have sent my angel ( AP ) to give you [ a ] this testimony for the churches. ( AQ ) I am the Root ( AR ) and the Offspring of David, ( AS ) and the bright Morning Star.” ( AT )

17  The Spirit ( AU ) and the bride ( AV ) say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. ( AW )

18  I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: ( AX ) If anyone adds anything to them, ( AY ) God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. ( AZ ) 19  And if anyone takes words away ( BA ) from this scroll of prophecy, ( BB ) God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life ( BC ) and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20  He who testifies to these things ( BD ) says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” ( BE )

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. ( BF )

21  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. ( BG ) Amen.

  • Revelation 22:16 The Greek is plural.

Cross references

  • Revelation 22:1 : Ps 36:8; 46:4
  • Revelation 22:1 : ver 17; S Jn 4:10
  • Revelation 22:1 : Rev 4:6
  • Revelation 22:1 : Eze 47:1; Zec 14:8
  • Revelation 22:2 : S Rev 2:7
  • Revelation 22:2 : Eze 47:12
  • Revelation 22:3 : Zec 14:11
  • Revelation 22:3 : Rev 7:15
  • Revelation 22:4 : S Mt 5:8
  • Revelation 22:4 : S Rev 7:3
  • Revelation 22:5 : Rev 21:25; Zec 14:7
  • Revelation 22:5 : Isa 60:19, 20; Rev 21:23
  • Revelation 22:5 : Da 7:27; Rev 20:4
  • Revelation 22:6 : Rev 1:1
  • Revelation 22:6 : Rev 21:5
  • Revelation 22:6 : 1Co 14:32; Heb 12:9
  • Revelation 22:6 : ver 16; Rev 1:1
  • Revelation 22:7 : ver 12, 20; S Mt 16:27
  • Revelation 22:7 : Rev 1:3; 16:15
  • Revelation 22:7 : ver 10, 18, 19
  • Revelation 22:8 : S Rev 1:1
  • Revelation 22:8 : Rev 19:10
  • Revelation 22:9 : ver 10, 18, 19
  • Revelation 22:9 : Rev 19:10
  • Revelation 22:10 : Da 8:26; Rev 10:4
  • Revelation 22:10 : ver 7, 18, 19
  • Revelation 22:10 : S Ro 13:11
  • Revelation 22:11 : Eze 3:27; Da 12:10
  • Revelation 22:12 : ver 7, 20; S Mt 16:27
  • Revelation 22:12 : Isa 40:10; 62:11
  • Revelation 22:12 : S Mt 16:27
  • Revelation 22:13 : Rev 1:8
  • Revelation 22:13 : S Rev 1:17
  • Revelation 22:13 : Rev 21:6
  • Revelation 22:14 : Rev 7:14
  • Revelation 22:14 : S Rev 2:7
  • Revelation 22:14 : S Rev 21:12
  • Revelation 22:14 : S Rev 21:27
  • Revelation 22:15 : Dt 23:18; 1Co 6:9, 10; Gal 5:19-21; Col 3:5, 6; Rev 21:8
  • Revelation 22:15 : Php 3:2
  • Revelation 22:16 : Rev 1:1
  • Revelation 22:16 : ver 6
  • Revelation 22:16 : Rev 1:4
  • Revelation 22:16 : S Rev 5:5
  • Revelation 22:16 : S Mt 1:1
  • Revelation 22:16 : 2Pe 1:19; Rev 2:28
  • Revelation 22:17 : Rev 2:7; 14:13
  • Revelation 22:17 : S Rev 19:7
  • Revelation 22:17 : S Jn 4:10
  • Revelation 22:18 : ver 7, 10, 19
  • Revelation 22:18 : Dt 4:2; 12:32; Pr 30:6
  • Revelation 22:18 : Rev 15:6-16:21
  • Revelation 22:19 : Dt 4:2; 12:32; Pr 30:6
  • Revelation 22:19 : ver 7, 10, 18
  • Revelation 22:19 : S Rev 2:7
  • Revelation 22:20 : Rev 1:2
  • Revelation 22:20 : ver 7, 12; S Mt 16:27
  • Revelation 22:20 : 1Co 16:22
  • Revelation 22:21 : S Ro 16:20

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

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How-To Geek

What is end-to-end encryption, and why does it matter.

The best way to keep your sensitive data safe from prying eyes.

Quick Links

Encryption basics, encryption "in transit" and "at rest": who holds the keys, why it matters who holds the keys, how end-to-end encryption works, why it matters, end-to-end encryption isn't just about communications, one downside: don't forget your password, examples of services that are end-to-end encrypted, key takeaways.

  • Encryption is a way of scrambling data to ensure that only those with the decryption key can access it, providing security for your online activities.
  • End-to-end encryption ensures that only the sender and recipient of messages can see the contents, providing increased privacy and security for sensitive conversations and data storage.

What is end-to-end encryption (E2EE), and why is it so controversial? Should you use it? Here's everything you need to know about it.

This Cybersecurity Awareness Week article is brought to you in association with Incogni .

First, let's start with the basics of encryption. Encryption is a way of scrambling (encrypting) data so that it can't be read by everyone. Only the people who can unscramble (decrypt) the information can see its contents. If someone doesn't have the decryption key, they won't be able to unscramble the data and view the information.

(This is how it's supposed to work, of course. Some encryption systems have security flaws and other weaknesses.)

Your devices are using various forms of encryption all the time. For example, when you access your online banking website — or any website using HTTPS , which is most websites these days — the communications between you and that website are encrypted so that your network operator, internet service provider, and anyone else snooping on your traffic can't see your banking password and financial details.

Wi-Fi uses encryption , too. That's why your neighbors can't see everything you're doing on your Wi-Fi network — assuming that you use a modern Wi-Fi security standard that hasn't been cracked , anyway.

Encryption is also used to secure your data. Modern devices like iPhones, Android phones, iPads, Macs, Chromebooks, and Linux systems (but not all Windows PCs ) store their data on your local devices in encrypted form. It's decrypted after you sign in with your PIN or password.

So encryption is everywhere, and that's great. But when you're talking about communicating privately or storing data securely, the question is: Who holds the keys?

For example, let's think about your Google account. Is your Google data — your Gmail emails, Google Calendar events, Google Drive files, search history, and other data — secured with encryption?

Well, yes. In some ways.

Google uses encryption to secure data "in transit." When you access your Gmail account, for example, Google connects via secure HTTPS. This ensures that no one else can snoop on the communication going on between your device and Google's servers. Your internet service provider, network operator, people within range of your Wi-Fi network, and any other devices between you and Google's servers can't see the contents of your emails or intercept your Google account password.

Google also uses encryption to secure data "at rest." Before the data is saved to disk on Google's servers, it is encrypted. Even if someone pulls off a heist, sneaking into Google's data center and stealing some hard drives, they wouldn't be able to read the data on those drives.

Both encryption in transit and at rest are important, of course. They're good for security and privacy. It's much better than sending and storing the data unencrypted!

But here's the question: Who holds the key that can decrypt this data? The answer is Google. Google holds the keys.

Since Google holds the keys, this means that Google is capable of seeing your data — emails, documents, files, calendar events, and everything else.

If a rogue Google employee wanted to snoop on your data — and yes, it's happened — encryption wouldn't stop them.

If a hacker somehow compromised Google's systems and private keys (admittedly a tall order), they would be able to read everyone's data.

If Google was required to turn over data to a government, Google would be able to access your data and hand it over.

Other systems may protect your data, of course. Google says that it has implemented better protections against rogue engineers accessing data. Google is clearly very serious about keeping its systems secure from hackers. Google has even been pushing back on data requests in Hong Kong , for example.

So yes, those systems may protect your data. But that's not encryption protecting your data from Google. It's just Google's policies protecting your data.

Don't get the impression that this is all about Google. Most of the companies you're familiar with probably have the same practices. Even Apple, a company usually lauded for its privacy practices, only added end-to-end encryption for iCloud at the end of 2022.

Now, let's talk chat apps. For example: Facebook Messenger. When you contact someone on Facebook Messenger, the messages are encrypted in transit between you and Facebook, and between Facebook and the other person. The stored message log is encrypted at rest by Facebook before it's stored on Facebook's servers.

But Facebook has a key. Facebook itself can see the contents of your messages.

The solution is end-to-end encryption. With end-to-end encryption, the provider in the middle — whoever you replace Google or Facebook with, in these examples — will not be able to see the contents of your messages. They do not hold a key that unlocks your private data. Only you and the person you're communicating with hold the key to access that data.

Your messages are truly private, and only you and the people you're talking to can see them — not the company in the middle.

End-to-end encryption offers much more privacy. For example, when you have a conversation over an end-to-end encrypted chat service like Signal , you know that only you and the person you're talking to can view the contents of your communications.

However, when you have a conversation over a messaging app that isn't end-to-end encrypted — like Facebook Messenger — you know that the company sitting in the middle of the conversation can see the contents of your communications.

It's not just about chat apps. For example, email can be end-to-end encrypted, but it requires configuring PGP encryption or using a service with that built in, like ProtonMail. Very few people use end-to-end encrypted email.

End-to-end encryption gives you confidence when communicating about and storing sensitive information, whether it's financial details, medical conditions, business documents, legal proceedings, or just intimate personal conversations you don't want anyone else having access to.

End-to-end encryption was traditionally a term used to describe secure communications between different people. However, the term is also commonly applied to other services where only you hold the key that can decrypt your data.

For example, password managers like 1Password , BitWarden , LastPass , and Dashlane are end-to-end encrypted. The company can't rummage through your password vault — your passwords are secured with a secret only you know.

In a sense, this is arguably "end-to-end" encryption — except that you're on both ends. No one else — not even the company that makes the password manager — holds a key that lets them decrypt your private data. You can use the password manager without giving the password manager company's employees access to all your online banking passwords.

Another good example: If a file storage service is end-to-end encrypted, that means that the file storage provider can't see the contents of your files. If you want to store or sync sensitive files with a cloud service — for example, tax returns that have your social security number and other sensitive details — encrypted file storage services are a more secure way to do that than just dumping them in a traditional cloud storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive.

There's one big downside with end-to-end encryption for the average person: If you lose your decryption key, you lose access to your data. Some services may offer recovery keys that you can store, but if you forget your password and lose those recovery keys, you can no longer decrypt your data.

That's one big reason that companies like Apple, for example, might not want to end-to-end encrypt iCloud backups. Since Apple holds the encryption key, it can let you reset your password and give you access to your data again. This is a consequence of the fact that Apple holds the encryption key and can, from a technical perspective, do whatever it likes with your data. If Apple didn't hold the encryption key for you, you wouldn't be able to recover your data.

Imagine if, every time someone forgets a password to one of their accounts, their data in that account would be wiped out and become inaccessible. Forget your Gmail password? Google would have to erase all your Gmails to give you your account back. That's what would happen if end-to-end encryption was used everywhere.

Here are some basic communication services that offer end-to-end encryption. This isn't an exhaustive list — it's just a short introduction.

For chat apps, Signal offers end-to-end encryption for everyone by default . Apple iMessage offers end-to-end encryption, but Apple gets a copy of your messages with the default iCloud backup settings. WhatsApp says that every conversation is end-to-end encrypted, but it does share a lot of data with Facebook . Some other apps offer end-to-end encryption as an optional feature that you have to enable manually, including Telegram and Facebook Messenger .

For end-to-end encrypted email, you can use PGP — however, it's complicated to set up . Thunderbird now has integrated PGP support . There are encrypted email services like ProtonMail and Tutanota that store your emails on their servers with encryption and make it possible to more easily send encrypted emails. For example, if one ProtonMail user emails another ProtonMail user, the message is automatically sent encrypted so that no one else can see its contents. However, if a ProtonMail user emails someone using a different service, they'll need to set up PGP to use encryption. (Note that encrypted email doesn't encrypt everything: While the message body is encrypted, for example, subject lines aren't.)

End-to-end encryption is important. If you're going to have a private conversation or send sensitive information, don't you want to make sure that only you and the person you're talking to can see your messages?

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What is End-to-End Testing and When Should You Use It?

Stan Georgian

Any serious application should be accompanied by a few test suites to validate its stability and performance.

There are many types of tests, each with their own purpose that cover specific aspects of the application. And so when you're testing your app, you should make sure that you have a good balance of various tests.

But one type of test is often favored by developers over all others, and therefore tends to be overused. This type of testing is end-to-end testing (E2E).

What Is End-To-End Testing?

For those who are still exploring the world of Software Testing, E2E testing is when you validate your entire application from start to finish, along with any of its dependencies.

In E2E testing, you create an environment identical to the one that will be used by real users. Then you test all actions that your users might perform on your application.

With End-To-End testing, you test entire flows – like logging onto a website or buying a product from an online store.


But if you overuse E2E testing, you're Inverting the Testing Pyramid . I was in a situation like this. In one of my projects, I was planning to cover most cases with E2E tests – or even worse, use only the E2E test. Fortunately, I changed my mind. So now I want to share with you what I learned.

Why You Should Respect the Test Pyramid

Chaotically written tests look and feel normal at first, but they will always be painful in the end.

We write tests to gain more time, and we do that with test automation. Of course, we could open our applications ourselves and test them manually. If we only had to do this once, then there would be no problem. But that's rarely the case.

Software is always getting updated. So you need to perform continuous testing to stay on top of things. You can’t run all the tests manually each time the application gets updated. If you can write a test suite once and then run it every time you want to test an aspect of your application, you'll save a lot of time.

Each test has its own purpose. If you go beyond the boundaries of each type of test, your tests will start to harm rather than help you. This is because you will end up spending more time writing tests and maintaining them than developing the application itself. In other words, you'll lose one of the biggest benefits of automated testing.

A good starting point is to follow the Testing Pyramid. It helps you figure out the right balance of tests. It represents an industry-standard guideline, and it has endured since the mid-2000s because it continues to be practical.

So does that mean developers always follow its guidelines? Not really. A few times the pyramid will look like an inverted one, where most of the tests are E2E. Or it will look like an hourglass, where there are a lot of unit tests and E2E tests, but not many integration tests.


The Three Layers of the Testing Pyramid

A testing pyramid typically has three layers: Unit Tests, Integration Tests, and End-to-End Tests. Let's learn more about them now.

1. Unit Tests

Unit Tests focus on the smallest unit of code, like functions or classes.

They are short and don’t have any external dependencies. If they have an external dependency, you use mocks instead.

If a unit test fails, finding the issue is typically a simple process. They also have a reduced testing scope which makes them simple to write, fast to run, and easy to maintain.

2. Integration Tests

Integration Tests focus on the interaction between two distinct entities. They are typically slower to run because more things need to be set up.

If integration tests fail, finding the issue is a bit more challenging because the failure range is bigger.

They are also harder to write and maintain, mostly because they need more advanced mocking and increased testing scope.

3. End-To-End tests

Lastly, E2E tests focus on flows, from the simplest up to the most complex. They can be viewed as a multi-step integration test.

These tests are the slowest to run because they involve building, deploying, firing up a browser, and performing actions around the application.

If E2E tests fail, finding the issue is often difficult because now the failure range is expanded to the entire application. Basically, along the path, anything could have broken.

They are by far the hardest type of tests to write and maintain (from the three types considered here) because of the huge test scope and because they involve the entire application.

Hopefully you can now see why the testing pyramid has been designed in this way. From the bottom to the top, each layer of testing represents a decrease in speed and an increase in scope, complexity and maintenance.

That’s why one important thing to remember is that E2E testing cannot replace other methods – it is meant to extend them. The purpose of E2E testing is well-defined, and the tests should not extend beyond that boundary.

Ideally, tests should catch bugs as close to the root of the pyramid as possible. E2E is here to validate buttons, forms, changes, links, external processes, and generally and entire workflow's function without problems.

Testing with Code vs Codeless Testing

In general, there are two types of testing: manual testing and automated testing. This means that we do the testing either by hand or by using scripts.

The second method is the most commonly used. But automated testing can be further separated into two parts: testing with code and codeless testing.

Testing with Code

When you're testing with code, you use frameworks that can automate browsers. One of the most popular tools is Selenium , but I prefer and often use Cypress in my projects (only for JavaScript). Still, they mostly work in the same way.

Basically, with tools like this, you mock up web browsers and instruct them to perform different actions on your target application. After that, you test to see if your application has responded to the corresponding actions.

This is a simple mock example taken from the Cypress documentation to help you better understand how this tool works:


Let's look at what's going on:

  • Given a user visits
  • When they click the link labeled type, then the URL should include /commands/actions
  • If they type “ [email protected] “ into the .action-email input then the .action-email input has “ [email protected] “ as its value

Codeless Testing

In a codeless testing situation, you use frameworks powered by Artificial Intelligence that record your actions. Based on some additional information, they test if the target application responds as expected.

These tools often look like low code platforms, where you drag and drop different panels. One of these tools is TestCraft which is a codeless solution built upon Selenium.

Because of the features they offer (like creating, maintaining, and running tests with simple drag-and-drop options and no coding knowledge), this kind of tool usually comes at a higher price. But I wanted to mention TestCraft because they have a free plan which basically includes everything.

Now, of course, a codeless solution can be an advantage if you want speed and money, but these solutions are still new. Therefore, they can’t yet reach the complexity of test suites that you can develop by writing the code yourself.

If the target application has some very complex flows that include multiple moving parts, then a classic testing situation is the way to go. But if you have simple flows, then a codeless solution is what you need.

Wrapping up

Writing tests is a must for any application. If you follow solid principles and write your test suites according to their type, then your tests will only improve your application and will also be fairly easy to write and maintain.

You should only use end-to-end tests, like any other test, in the ways their meant to be used. They're created to test the application's workflow from beginning to end by replicating real user scenarios. But in the end, remember that most bugs should be caught as close to the root as possible.

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Maryland’s 2024 primary elections: A guide on voting and key races to watch

Voting is underway ahead of a May 14 primary, with several competitive contests on the ballot.

On May 14, Maryland voters will decide a slate of congressional races that include a closely watched U.S. Senate contest with national implications, setting the field for one of a handful of elections expected to determine control of the chamber.

Already the most expensive political race in state history, the once-overlooked Democratic contest between Rep. David Trone and Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks catapulted to national prominence with the surprise entrance of a formidable Republican opponent , popular former governor Larry Hogan .

The pair top a crowded field and have few policy disagreements, offering Democratic voters a choice largely between identity and style — and the likelihood of beating Republicans who are seeking a generational opportunity to flip a Democratic seat in deep-blue Maryland red in November.

Trone’s departure from the 6th Congressional District and the retirements of Reps. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger and John Sarbanes in Districts 2 and 3 have opened up three seats, enlivening contests in a state where the left’s advantage means many races are essentially decided in Democratic primary elections. Among the open races, the 6th District is expected to be the most competitive in November. A new district map adopted in 2022 made the district far more politically diverse, with 1.2 Democrats for every Republican and more than 141,000 unaffiliated voters, raising the chances that a Republican candidate could walk away victorious in the general election.

The contests have all been shaped by national themes in a year when President Biden and former president Donald Trump will be appearing on the ticket. Democrats are focusing on reproductive rights , defending health-care access and pressing for better conditions for working Americans, and Republicans are emphasizing pocketbook issues and border security as they seek to galvanize voters.

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Tax revenue jumps 22% in April, but U.S. deficit still looms large

Scott Horsley 2010

Scott Horsley

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The U.S. Treasury ran a surplus in April, as tax payments jumped by 22% from a year ago. The federal government is still on track to run a deficit of more than $1.5 trillion this year. Al Drago/Getty Images hide caption

The U.S. Treasury ran a surplus in April, as tax payments jumped by 22% from a year ago. The federal government is still on track to run a deficit of more than $1.5 trillion this year.

The U.S. Treasury ran a surplus last month, thanks to the April 15th tax deadline. But the federal government is still on track to end the fiscal year more than $1.5 trillion in the red.

April tax receipts totaled $776 billion — a 22% increase from the previous year. Treasury officials credited part of the jump to the growing number of people working and rising wages.

Government spending for the month rose 23% from a year ago, with the biggest increase — $26 billion — coming from higher interest payments on the federal debt. Interest payments have gone up as a result of both rising debt and today's high interest rates.

Steve Bannon loses his appeal of his contempt of Congress conviction

Steve Bannon loses his appeal of his contempt of Congress conviction

Government spending outpacing revenue.

Seven months into the government's fiscal year, federal spending has outpaced tax receipts by $855 billion. The deficit so far is 8% smaller than at this point last year, but still remarkably large for a country with a strong economy and an unemployment rate below 4%.

Speaking at the Brookings Institution Friday, White House economic adviser Lael Brainard blamed much of the deficit on the 2017 tax cut.

"The Trump tax cuts and the Bush tax cuts and their extensions have added $10 trillion to the national debt, accounting for 90% of the non-emergency increases in the debt-to-GDP ratio since 2001," said Brainard, who directs the National Economic Council.

Large parts of the 2017 tax cut are set to expire next year, setting up a likely battle in Congress. Republicans want to extend the tax cuts while providing further tax relief to corporations and wealthy heirs. President Biden wants to extend the cuts only for those earning less than $400,000, while raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%.

Extending the 2017 cuts would add more than $5 trillion to the deficit over the next decade, according to estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation .

  • federal budget
  • federal deficit
  • tax receipts


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