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‘you’ creator talks plotting the season 4 twist: “we had this in mind for several seasons”.

Creator/showrunner Sera Gamble speaks to The Hollywood Reporter about taking a risk with Joe Goldberg's (Penn Badgley) story in the split season — including comparisons to a very iconic movie — and explains how Taylor Swift's "Anti-Hero" made it into the finale.

By Christy Piña

Christy Piña

Associate Editor

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You Season 4 Episode 10

[The following story includes major spoilers for You season four.]

You showrunner Sera Gamble knew the Netflix drama’s fourth season would be compared to one iconic movie.

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You pulled off its split identity conceit after Joe hit his head on the box he built for Marienne (Tati Gabrielle), whom his alter ego “Rhys” had been holding captive for most of the season. The showrunner says the late-in-the-game reveal had been planned early on in the series, which meant she and the writers have been keeping a close eye on “how crazy” Joe got from season to season, so it didn’t “come completely out of left field.”

Gamble also speaks candidly about how Joe Goldberg getting away unscathed with more murders by the season’s end mirrors a reality in which some people simply aren’t brought to justice. “We keep telling you who he really is and then, somehow, some part of us keeps liking him and forgiving him over and over and over again,” she points out. “He keeps pulling the wool over our eyes. And that’s a symptom of a larger truth, which is that the Joe Goldbergs of the world do get away with it in broad daylight a lot.”

Below, Gamble digs more into her stalker-murderer main character, talks about what comes next for Joe and girlfriend Kate (Charlotte Ritchie), and shares how Taylor Swift’s “Anti-Hero” made it into the finale.

At its core, it’s a story that really scares me and intimidates me as a writer. People will immediately be like, “Oh, they pulled a Fight Club .” Right? That’s what I called it. “Oh, we’re gonna do a Fight Club thing.” That’s, first of all, a really high standard. There have been a lot of shitty versions. You have to have a great reason that you’re doing this, and then also have a lot of ideas up your sleeve about what to do with it when you jump into the deep end. The first thing that was appealing was that this was going to be a real challenge. For better and for worse, I don’t have much interest in working on a season of TV that isn’t continuing to challenge me as a writer and challenge the writers room. I wish I didn’t feel this way.

This was the hardest season by a mile. First, we did an entire whodunnit [with Part 1], and then the whole time we were then going back to the beginning of every single scene and tracking it with what happens when you find out what’s really going on with Rhys. We had this in mind for several seasons. We started talking about it early. We didn’t commit to it for this season until we knew we were doing the whodunnit, but we did keep a close eye on how crazy Joe was from season to season because we didn’t want it to come completely out of left field.

Rhys is a success story that Joe thinks he could be. I don’t remember where I read it, but I heard somewhere that we’re the most jealous of people who are within a couple of levels of where we are. I don’t have any envy when I read Shakespeare. I don’t think that he and I are the same species, really. But there are other people in the TV business where I might have a little moment because we’re in the same field. The same way that he was built to be his friend, Rhys is like an idealized, successful, admired version of Joe. He has earned all of the acclaim and status that Joe feels that he deserves, and he seems to have done it without selling out. Joe, in a less conventionally romantic way, he really falls in love with this public figure.

Finding out that Joe actually did kidnap Marianne ( Tati Gabrielle) and kept her in one of his infamous boxes was devastating. Why do you think he couldn’t let her go?

He just can’t. It’s what she says: He cannot let things go, he cannot let her go. He wants a lot of things that would be better for everyone around him, himself included. But this is the deep flaw of this character. Possessing the object of his desire, essentially, trumps every reasonable behavior that he should have. And it was actually so difficult for him to pull this off, that he was in complete denial about it. He didn’t even remember he did it.

That’s one of my favorite parts of the season. It’s just about 20-25 pages, I think, of descriptions of her pretty much in a cage. We originally thought of it as the episode where we switch POV, which we like to do occasionally and finally could when we revealed she was there. Then, just because of the quirks of the show, the next question we asked ourselves is, “Well, how does the voiceover happen?” She’s not talking to the “you” in her head. What would that be? And it just was an exploration of the character.

She seemed like someone who would tell a fairytale and to her daughter, specifically. The “you” for her is Juliette. And the thing I really loved about making that episode is that anytime you put a character in the cage, it’s a crucible, and you melt them down to their deepest component parts. And getting to figure out how she would survive, and that her art — essentially being an artist and being a mother — is how she survives in the cage. It was such rich territory for the writers.

Nadia (Amy-Leigh Hickman) and Marienne are the girl team to root for here, with Nadia helping Marienne fake her death and escape Joe for good. How did that come together?

Nadia doesn’t die in the end. But Joe frames her for killing her boyfriend, student Edward [Brad Alexander], and she goes to prison. Why that ending for Nadia?

Actually, usually in situations like that in this show, the easiest thing to do, the most straightforward story to tell, is the one where Joe kills them.

The writing challenge is in believably keeping them alive so that they can be threats, or just because we don’t want to kill every single person on the show. I took a while to figure out. The first thing that became clear to us was that she and Edward were going to have to get close enough that she trusted him. We were sort of reverse engineering an ending to the story where Joe won, but Nadia may still be out there to fight another day. And we were like, “Well, we’re gonna have to kill her boyfriend to make that happen.” ( Laughs .)

You mentioned Love and Beck earlier, and we got to see them again in the penultimate episode. What were the conversations like to get actresses Victoria Pedretti and Elizabeth Lail to return?

It was a very powerful scene. They sort of lead him to this decision to kill himself, which he tries but ends up surviving. Why did you take take that path, instead of having someone, like Nadia, bring him to justice?

Well, she can’t bring him to justice, as we see. He kind of cannot be stopped. What Marienne warned Nadia about, Joe understands that at this point. If any part of him wants to change, he has to take matters into his own hands. You really have to kind of project yourself way far into somebody else’s shoes where you’re trying to think, “What is the course of action that has the most resonance and makes the most sense after I’ve killed about 15 people?” So that was a thought exercise with Joe. Would you really face the 15 people that you killed?

He was sort of unstoppable before, and he’s going to be even moreso now that he has Kate (Charlotte Ritchie) backing him and essentially rewriting his story. Why does Kate want to do this for Joe, even after he tells her everything?

I mean, they have a great relationship that may or may not stay great as more is revealed. But there’s a double-edged sword to giving Joe exactly what he’s always felt he deserved — that level of privilege and access — which is that his anonymity is largely gone. And also, he’s pretty much surrounded by Toms [Lockwood] now. It’s one thing to throw me into a nightclub full of third sons of titled aristocrats and tech billionaires, and it’s another thing to be in that really cutthroat world in New York.

You touched on this a little bit, but if you were to get to season five — which I’m not sure how you wouldn’t now! — what comes next for Joe? We see at the end of season four that “Rhys” is still present for him, but now he’s with Kate and has returned to New York.

I will say, I was hoping that Nadia or someone else would be able to take him down . Why does he get away with it, again?

Well, for one thing, we want to keep telling the story. But people like Joe don’t always see justice. This has been the point of the show since the first frame, which is that you look at Joe and you think, “What a nice guy, real boyfriend material.” And then we keep telling you who he really is and then, somehow, some part of us keeps liking him and forgiving him over and over and over again. He keeps pulling the wool over our eyes, and that’s a symptom of a larger truth, which is that the Joe Goldbergs of the world do get away with it in broad daylight a lot. So, we’ve been holding fast to the idea that we definitely have no responsibility to ever redeem him, but it’s an ongoing kind of exploration for us of what kind of justice could Joe see that wouldn’t feel like the avenging writers, finally, just were like, “Enough Joe!” One that we feel is suitable for the guy who’s basically at the very, very top of the food chain of our culture.

What went into the decision to use Taylor Swift’s “Anti-Hero” in the finale?

What was the British song?

I’ll just keep that one in my pocket, and maybe we will use it later.

Interview edited for length and clarity.

Parts 1 and 2 of You season four are now streaming on Netflix.

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A Breakdown of the You Season 4, Part 2 Finale

preview for Penn Badgley | Explain This

Just as we expected, Joe Goldberg's European vacation came crashing down. I mean, what else is a violent stalker to do other than, you know, violently stalk people? In the first episode of the new batch of Netflix episodes , Joe even admitted as much while reflecting on his past mistakes. “I can’t say I have the most impressive track record in the history of romantics,” said Joe, who is played by Penn Badgley . “But my heart is in the right place.” Well, as per usual, his heart and head were not aligned.

Joe’s whole bad-guy turned-good-guy facade came crashing down when he befriended a group of British socialites. One by one they were killed off, while Joe experienced a bout of stress-induced psychosis. The murderer was dubbed the “Eat the Rich” killer—and numerous people were accused of being said killer, before Joe realized it was himself all along. So much for trying to change! Oh, and Marienne? She was roped into the mess, too.

If that sounds like a lot to unpack, well, it was. But don’t worry, dear reader, we’ve done the hard work for you. Below is a breakdown of everything you need to know about the explosive finale of You Season Four.

Joe and Kate Move to New York

Kate, a young aristocrat, is one of the first people Joe meets in Season Four. After her boyfriend is killed, she cozies up to Joe... which is never a good idea. To make a long story short? Joe ends up killing her dad. He then tells Kate the truth about his identity, and somehow, she’s fine with it?! Then, they move from London to New York. With Kate’s father out of the picture, she inherits all his money and power, and uses it to explain Joe’s existence. Everyone in America thinks he’s dead, remember?

The new story they’re working with reframes Joe as the victim. When he left for London, The Cut ran an article claiming that his ex-wife, Love, killed him in a murder-sucide. With a little reframing, and a bit of persuasion, Kate tells the press that Joe actually survived the attack, and moved to London under a new persona where they eventually met and fell in love. It’s a sweet story! Until you remember Joe actually fled the states because he murdered Love, not the other way around. During Joe’s press tour, the new couple tells a reporter that they’re now business partners—with plans to “change the world.” We’ll see how that works out.

Marienne Escapes

During Joe’s psychosis, he kidnaps Marienne and locks her in a giant box. One of his students eventually finds Marienne—and helps her fake her own death. After Joe disposes of her body, she wakes up, and flees to Paris to find her daughter. After a brief time jump, Marienne learns that Joe has moved back to New York without anyone catching him.

In an interview with InStyle , Tati Gabrielle, the actress who plays Marienne, explained why she thinks her character has sharp survival instincts. “Something that was very important for me from the jump was that Joe’s previous obsessions were a bit more oblivious to certain things, and I wanted to make sure that Marienne being a Black woman and stepping into this world, that the traits that come innately with being a Black woman still stood true,” she said.

About Joe's Kill Count...

By the time we reach the finale, Joe has murdered seven people. Which is a lot! Even for him. Let's close this out with a quick breakdown.

Malcolm: He’s the first to go. After a boozy night out, Joe stabs Malclom in his dining room.

Simon: After Simon's art gallery opens, he’s found dead with his ear cut off. (Like Van Gogh. Get it? Even someone as crazy as Joe can be a bit poetic.

Vic: Vic was Malcolm's bodyguard. When he suspects Joe killed his client, they get into an altercation and Vic ends up dead.

Gemma: Like Vic, Gemma was killed because she came too close to proving Joe was the killer.

Rhys: In a wild twist of events, Joe kills Rhys, a famous novelist, thinking he’d been torturing him all along. As it turns out, the “Rhys” Joe was arguing with was a figment of his imagination—and the real one reaped the consequences.

Kate’s Dad: After Kate opens up about her father's manipulative ways, Joe kills him in an act of “love.” Ugh.

A Student: In order to get out of London scot-free, Joe Kills one last student—and frames another for his crimes.

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You season 4 part 2 ending explained: what happened to Joe?

You season 4 part 2 ending explained: what happened to Joe? Did he get away with his crimes?

Joe Goldberg

*Warning! Containes spoilers for You season 4 part 2*

We wish we could tell you that You season 4 part 2 ends with Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) finally getting justice for his catalog of crimes and being sent to prison for the rest of his life — but this didn't happen. 

Throughout the series, we saw Joe (sorry, Jonathan Moore) desperately trying to put his murderous past behind him as he tried to uncover the mysterious 'Eat The Rich Killer' who was stalking Joe and murdering through his friend group of rich English socialites in London. 

So when Joe discovered that the 'Eat The Rich Killer' was in fact mayoral candidate Rhys Montrose (Ed Speelers), we thought that this was nearly the end of the violent whodunnit . But once Joe became hellbent on taking Rhys down, things took a very unexpected turn.

So what happened to Joe at the end of You season 4 part 2?

  • You season 4 cast

In a major plot twist, it turned out that Rhys wasn't the killer at all and it was actually Joe himself.

While a part of us believed that Joe may have reformed his killer ways, we were exposed to the dark obsessive realities of his mind when it was revealed that Joe had been disassociating during the murders so had no memory of committing the crimes. 

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In a bombshell reveal, almost everything that had happened to Joe — including his feud with Rhys — were all a figment of his imagination.

Joe had become obsessed with Rhys as he saw him as a kindred spirit due to their similar trouble backgrounds. But in reality, Rhys was a man Joe barely knew and he became an amalgamation of all of Joe’s most violent impulses and darkest behaviors (if you think of Fight Club , Rhys is Joe’s Tyler Durden).

As Joe realized who he had become, he sought out to right his wrongdoings by freeing his ex lover Marienne Bellamy (Tati Gabrielle) from the glass cage he unknowingly put her in. However, Joe was devastated when he saw her lifeless body next to an empty pill bottle and left her on a park bench.

Marienne locked in Joe's glass cage.

Luckily, we learned that Marienne's supposed death was a plan concocted by her and Joe's student Nadia (Amy-Leigh Hickman), who became suspicious of Joe and exposed his antics. Once Joe dumped Marienne's body, Nadia saved her and gave her a drug to reverse the effects of the pills she took to wake her up. Marienne fled London to reunite with her daughter in Paris.

Joe then killed his girlfriend Kate Galvin's ( Charlotte Ritchie ) father, billionaire Tom Lockwood (Greg Kinnear) in revenge for being setup to kill Rhys and for controlling every element of Kate's life. He also killed Tom’s bodyguard Hugo and framed him for the murder, who Joe buried to make it look as if he had disappeared.

A devastating reality then dawned on Joe — that in order to end his never ending cycle of violence, he must end his life. The apparitional Rhys pleaded with Joe not to end it all as they stood on a bridge together.

As the pair had an emotional heart-to-heart, Joe unexpectedly threw Rhys over the bridge, before diving in himself.

Fortunately for Joe, he survived the ordeal after being rescued by police and woke up in hospital.

Joe Goldberg and Rhys Montrose

Meanwhile as Joe recovered in hospital, Nadia and her boyfriend Edward (Brad Alexander) tried to bring Joe to justice and search for solid evidence in his apartment. 

Kate paid Joe a visit in hospital, who revealed that she inherited her father's wealth and business empire, to which Joe then confessed everything to her, including killing Rhys. 

In a surprising turn of events, Kate didn't run at the mention of murder and instead stayed with him, telling him that he made her believe in herself and that she wasn't a bad person for her past accidents.

"In my soul, I know you are good," she reassured him, before the pair agreed to "keep each other good" and help each other through the hard times.

Kate confessed her love for him and Joe then went on to tell her everything about his turbulent past.

Kate Galvin

Elsewhere, Edward kept watch as Nadia searched through Joe's apartment and just as it looked like Joe may actually pay for his crimes, things took a turn for the worst.

As Nadia made her way to the getaway car, she noticed that Edward wasn't there and she soon realized that Joe had intercepted their mission, who had snuck up behind her.

Joe deleted pictures of the evidence she had discovered in his flat and a terrified Nadia begged him not to hurt her. And just as Joe told Nadia that he now had the chance to redeem himself and make up for what he'd done, she stumbled across Edward's dead body.

His sinister plan was then exposed as he framed Nadia for the murder of Rhys and Edward and she went to prison for the crimes.

The end of the episode saw Kate and Joe now living in New York as they were being interviewed by a journalist. Joe revealed that, thanks to Kate's security team, his past could be scrubbed out as if it never existed to make way for his new life.

Kate then shared that Joe had spontaneously bought a bookshop that was closing down. Sound familiar? Overall, the series ended where the whole series started, finishing as a full-circle moment for Joe.

You season 4 part 2 is available to watch on Netflix now.

Grace Morris

Grace is a digital writer with, where she writes series guides, recaps and features for must-watch shows and delivers all the latest soap news and reactions. She graduated from Anglia Ruskin University in 2020 with a degree in Writing and Film Studies, which only made her love for creative writing, film and TV grow stronger.

You'll usually find her watching the drama unfold in the latest reality series or much-loved UK soaps (usually with chocolate by her side!). She's an expert in EastEnders, Emmerdale, Coronation Street and everything reality-related from Selling Sunset and Married At First Sight UK to 90 Day Fiancé UK. Plus Netflix megahit Virgin River!

Grace also likes to explore new places with her friends and family and, of course, watch and read about the latest films and TV series. 

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  • Breaking Down the Ending of <i>You</i> Season 4: Part 1

Breaking Down the Ending of You Season 4: Part 1

Warning: This post contains spoilers for season 3 and part one of season 4 of You

Penn Badgley is finally back as everyone’s favorite obsessive stalker and murderer, Joe Goldberg. The last time fans saw Joe in season 3 of You , he was on the run in Europe after killing his wife, Love, and leaving his baby, Henry, at a neighbor’s house. Before she died, Love told Marienne (Joe’s latest love interest) that Joe was the one who killed her boyfriend, warning her to get away from him. The season ended with Joe in Paris, France, looking for Marienne, vowing that she really was the one for him.

The first part of the highly-anticipated fourth season of You is out Thursday on Netflix. The season—which is broken into two parts, with five episodes out now and the final five coming March 9—slightly departs from the tried-and-true formula followed by You in previous years. Typically in the romantic thriller comedy series, Joe becomes obsessed with a woman and gets rid of anyone who might threaten to harm her or their chance of being together. Invariably, the object of Joe’s affection dies (or is killed by him), and he moves on to the next one. But after Joe fakes his death and moves to Europe, he becomes friends with some of London’s elite class, and the script is flipped on its head: someone knows Joe’s secret, and, this time, he is the one being stalked by a killer.

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The first part of season four follows Joe realizing what it’s like to be stalked and trying to figure out who in his new friend group is the one sending him ominous texts. It’s You , with an Agatha Christie twist.

Here’s everything you need to know about the events of season four of You ’s fourth season—and how part one ends.

What happens in part one of You season 4?

Penn Badgley and Stephen Hagan

Joe is hiding in plain sight as a literature professor at a university in London. Now going by Jonathan, he befriends a rich and well-connected professor named Malcolm, whom he lives next door to—so close, in fact, that he can see into Malcolm’s living room in the flat that he lives in with his girlfriend, Kate, through his kitchen window. In the first episode of the season, Malcolm invites Joe to an exclusive party, where he meets all the characters who will populate his new world—one of whom is most certainly stalking him.

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There’s Lady Phoebe Borehall-Braxworth, a Paris Hilton-esque socialite, who is in a very public relationship with Adam Pratt (Lukas Gage). He is also introduced to Blessing Bosede, a Nigerian princess; Simon and Sophie Soo, a popular artist and his influencer sister; Roald Walker-Burton; Gemma Graham-Greene, Connie (they don’t say his last name); and writer Rhys Montrose. At the party, Malcolm urges Joe to let loose and try to enjoy the night. Joe ends up getting too drunk (or perhaps someone tampered with his drink) and wakes up to find Malcolm’s dead body on his kitchen table. Joe can’t remember killing Malcolm, but he does have experience in this field and decides to clean the mess up while the police question Kate across the way.

Lukas Gage and Tilly Keeper in You Season 4

Joe manages to dispose of Malcolm’s body without raising any alarms and later finds Marienne, who is understandably frightened by him, and goes back to Paris to be with her daughter. After he gets rejected by Marienne, he closes in on Kate and builds a relationship with her throughout the first part of the season, which causes more than a few complications. Joe joins this new circle of ultra-rich friends, and over the next few episodes, various members of the group end up dead, thought to be the targets of someone nicknamed the “Eat the Rich Killer.” Though they naturally suspect him, this time, the killer really isn’t Joe. The real murderer begins a series of mind games, taunting Joe through text messages that disappear after a certain amount of time. After Simon is killed during an art show that was produced by Kate, Joe returns to his flat to find the killer has stapled clippings of articles about all the other people Joe has murdered.

By the third episode of season four, Joe is back to his old habits: he fights with Adam’s bodyguard, Vic, kills him, later burying him while the police seem to be on his tail. He evades them successfully—in episode four, the police sit Joe down to tell him that a tip he gave them who the killer might be had legs, and they were pursuing it.

Joe, determined to figure out who is trying to frame him, stays embedded among his new friends. Phoebe decides the group should take a trip to her family’s Downton Abbey -esque house in Hampsbridge where everyone engages in debauchery to take their mind off the “Eat the Rich killer.” Joe uses the opportunity to snoop and see if he can figure out who the killer is, all while he and Kate deal with the tension (in all its forms) between them. Roald catches Joe looking around his room and pushes him out the second-floor window. Joe hobbles back into Kate’s room to find her staring at Gemma dead on the floor.

Part one ends on a tense note. In the fifth episode, Roald openly accuses Joe of being the killer and presents the evidence to the group while pointing a gun in his face. Joe manages to run away, but Roald catches up to him, and they fight. Out of nowhere, Rhys appears—he kidnaps them both, and chains them in a dungeon under the house.

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Who is the Eat the Rich killer?

Ed Speleers as Rhys

Rhys Montrose, one of friends among the elite group, reveals he is the killer and Joe’s stalker. Rhys tells Joe he planned to pin all the murders on Roald and kill him to make it look like a suicide so he can’t protest his innocence. While this seems like a win-win for Joe, given that Roald has a long-standing crush on Kate, whom Joe really wants to be with now. But the catch is that Rhys wants Joe to kill Roald and handle all the dirty work. Joe has some reservations about doing so and tries to get away from Rhys by breaking free of the chains. When Rhys discovers that Joe lied to him about wanting to be a part of the plan, he tips over a lantern, lighting the dungeon where Joe and Roald are trapped on fire.

Kate rescues them, and the love between her and Joe only deepens. The group returns to London, and Kate tries to ask Joe on a date. But knowing his own past, Joe holds back, so he doesn’t put her in any further danger. He is more focused on exposing Rhys as a murderer than he is on his feelings for Kate. The season ends with Rhys announcing that he plans to run for Mayor of London. Joe, the only one who knows the truth about Rhys, decides he’s the only one who can stop him.

Does anyone besides Rhys know Joe’s real identity?

From the first five episodes, it’s not clear that anyone knows that “Jonathan” is actually Joe Goldberg.

When does You Season 4 Part Two come out?

The second part of season four is going to be released on Netflix on March 9.

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Write to Moises Mendez II at [email protected]

You season 4 part 2 ending explained: Your biggest questions answered

We break down the end of You season 4 part 2

Penn Badgley in You season 4 part 2

You season 4 part 2 has finally arrived on Netflix after a month-long wait since part 1 exploded onto our screens. A lot goes down for Jonathan Moore (AKA Joe Goldberg) and co. in these five new episodes and the season finale is as dramatic as you'd expect from the twist-and-turns-packed thriller. The twist in question this season is a lot to wrap your head around, so you'd be forgiven for missing a few details here and there in the mile-a-minute concluding episodes of season 4. That's why we've gone long on the new season's ending, breaking down what happened to who and hopefully answering any lingering questions you had after the final credits had finished rolling. 

As you might expect, there are major spoilers ahead for You season 4 part 2, so turn back now if you haven't caught up with the new episodes yet and don't want to know what happens. 

Don't forget to check out our guide to You season 5 too.

You season 4 part 2 ending explained: A recap

Charlotte Ritchie and Penn Badgley in You season 4 part 2

After the reveal that Joe (Penn Badgley) has been hallucinating the murderous incarnation of Rhys (Ed Speleers), the final episode of You season 4 part 2 opens with him planning to die by suicide as he believes that's the only way to rid himself of 'Rhys' once and for all (even Joe's seen Fight Club, after all). Plus, the real Rhys' body is found after Joe murdered him at his home in episode 7.

Meanwhile, Nadia (Amy-Leigh Hickman) tells her boyfriend Eddie (Brad Alexander) about Professor Jonathan Moore's real identity and they go to see Joe's glass box where Marienne is being kept in a disused Tube tunnel. However, when they arrive, both Marienne and the box have gone.

Kate (Charlotte Ritchie), meanwhile, is upset as her father, Tom Lockwood (Greg Kinnear), has revealed that he has been controlling every aspect of her adult life. Joe wants to kill him and teams up with 'Rhys' to do so. He lures Lockwood to his workshop in a remote aircraft hangar by pretending to be Kate and drugs him and ties him up. Lockwood says he can get Joe back to his old life, but Joe refuses his offer and suffocates Lockwood with a plastic bag and some duct tape. He doctors the scene to make it look like Lockwood's bodyguard robbed and killed his employer. 

Afterward, Joe pushes 'Rhys' off a bridge into the River Thames and jumps in after him in an attempt to kill them both. Joe wakes up in hospital and tells Kate that he's killed people. She knows that he killed the real Rhys Montrose, as his DNA was found on his body, but she has used her wealth and power to cover it up. Joe tells her his real name and, presumably, all his other dirty little secrets.

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Meanwhile, it's revealed that Marienne isn't actually dead, and she and Nadia masterminded her escape from Joe's box by faking her death. Later, Nadia breaks into Joe's flat and obtains evidence that he stalked and killed Rhys. Eddie is keeping guard outside but, when she leaves the apartment, he's nowhere to be found. We learn that Joe killed Eddie after framing him for Rhys' murder, and pinned Eddie's death on Nadia. 

With Kate's help, Joe begins to rehabilitate his image – the beard has gone, as has the Jonathan Moore alias, and he's back in New York City to start a new life. A combination of bribery, hacking, and other definitely-above-board activities courtesy of his powerful and wealthy girlfriend means that Joe can live a normal life, despite everything he's done. 

Who dies in You season 4 part 2?

Lukas Gage as Adam

Rhys is the first person to die in You season 4 part 2, in episode 7. Joe tortures and kills him, believing him to be the version of Rhys that turns out to be a figment of his imagination. Adam (Lukas Gage) is the next to be killed in episode 9, but this time it's Kate's father, Tom Lockwood, who's responsible. Lockwood is murdered in episode 10, after Joe suffocates him with a plastic bag in his own workshop, and then Nadia's boyfriend Eddie also bites the dust in episode 10. 

Who was actually the Eat the Rich killer?

Ed Speleers and Penn Badgley in You season 4 part 2

It turns out Joe was actually the Eat the Rich killer the whole time. Although it was said to be Rhys at the end of part 1, it's revealed that this version of Rhys is actually a figment of Joe's imagination, and he was the one who murdered Malcolm, Simon, and Gemma in part 1. 

Who was the real Rhys Montrose?

Ed Speleers in You season 4 part 2

The real Rhys Montrose is a candidate for Mayor of London who grew up working class before becoming the poster child for social mobility after getting a place at Oxford University. He's friends with Kate, Phoebe, and co.  Joe becomes obsessed with him after reading his memoir and consequently begins to hallucinate a darker, murderous version of him. 

What was wrong with Joe?

Penn Badgley in You season 4 part 2

Joe has a psychotic break after the events of season 3. This is never fully explained, but it results in hallucinations and paranoia that result in the darkest parts of his personality manifesting as another person – in this case, Rhys Montrose. 

What happened to Marienne?

Tati Gabrielle as Marienne in You season 4

Marienne escaped from Joe's glass box with Nadia's help. The pair hatched a plan to make it look like Marienne had died – Nadia texted her pretending to be her friend who was looking after her daughter back in Paris. In the guise of the friend, Nadia said she believed Marienne had relapsed and she would lose custody of Juliette. Nadia then swapped the painkillers that Joe had given to Marienne for beta blockers. Marienne pretended to overdose, and the beta blockers slowed down her heart rate enough that it appeared she had died.

Joe then removed her body from the glass box and left her on a park bench under the cover of darkness. Nadia followed him and, after Joe had left, injected her with adrenaline to revive her. Marienne then returned home to Paris to reunite with her daughter. The season ends with her reading a news report about Joe and Kate – is she plotting to finally bring Joe to justice? 

What happened to Nadia?

Amy-Leigh Hickman in You season 4 part 2

After helping Marienne to escape from Joe's box, Nadia is determined for him to be brought to justice. Breaking into Joe's apartment, she finds a box of stuff belonging to Rhys that proves Joe has been stalking him, and she photographs the evidence. As she leaves the flat, however, Joe corners her and takes her phone, deleting the pictures, and offers her money in exchange for silence. It's later revealed that Nadia is now in jail, as Joe killed Eddie after pinning Rhys' murder on him, planting the box of evidence in his room. Joe then framed Eddie's murder on Nadia. Joe's voiceover reveals that she is still in prison and refuses to speak in her own defense. 

What happened to Phoebe, Adam, and the rest of the group?

Lukas Gage and Tilly Keeper in You season 4 part 2

Kate may be in New York with Joe helping to rehabilitate his image and running her art school foundation, but what is the rest of the group up to at the end of season 4? Well, Adam, Malcolm, Simon, and Gemma are dead. Phoebe moves to Thailand to teach English to kids, Blessing is the new owner of Adam's members' club, Sundry House, and we're told that Sophie, Roald, and Connie are still the same as they ever were.

You season 4 part 2 is out now on Netflix. For more viewing inspiration, fill out your watch list with our picks of the best new TV shows on the way in 2023 and beyond.

I’m an Entertainment Writer here at GamesRadar+, covering everything film and TV-related across the Total Film and SFX sections. I help bring you all the latest news and also the occasional feature too. I’ve previously written for publications like HuffPost and i-D after getting my NCTJ Diploma in Multimedia Journalism. 

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You season 4, part 1’s ending explained

When we left Joe Goldberg at the end of season 3 of the hit Netflix series You , he was in an explosive situation, literally. He had killed his wife, Love, set his house on fire, and cut off his own toes to suggest he had perished in the blaze. Joe was determined to turn his life around, especially after running into Marienne and seeing the terror on her face over who he was and what he had done. He then escaped to start anew in a different country.

Joe desperately tries to be good

Joe becomes the hunted, it all comes to a head at the big party, what happens at the end of you season 4, part 1.

In season 4, it’s revealed that Joe headed to Paris in search of the woman he believed he was meant to be with, Marienne. That led him to London, where he assumed the new identity of a man named Jonathan and began working as a professor teaching a literature class.

With a seemingly new lease on life and a sense of restraint, Joe might finally be reinventing himself. He decided not to kill Marienne, after all, which showed progress, right? And he stopped himself when he caught a glimpse of the stunning woman in the flat across the way. He’s not going to do that again, he told himself via his signature internal monologue.

But where Joe goes, trouble follows. A fellow scholar at the university, a pompous, entitled young man named Malcolm, consistently inserts himself into Joe’s business and insists he attend a fancy party. Joe eventually gives in and ends up, once again, commiserating with the very types of people he hates: elitist, entitled snobs with no talent nor direction, but bursting bank accounts. From princesses to painters, social media mavens to a socialite who deems herself a “lady,” Joe finds it all revolting.

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The one diamond amid the vile humans, however, is an author with political aspirations named Rhys. Rhys intrigues Joe with a similar life story of a sordid childhood and a rise from the ashes. He’s a refreshing departure from the vapid others with whom Joe was forced to converse at the soiree.

After unknowingly imbibing one too many drinks laced with drugs, Joe blacks out and awakens back at his flat with a dead Malcolm lying on his kitchen table. Quickly springing to action (Joe isn’t new to such scenes, after all), he disposes of the body while wondering if he committed the murder — he doesn’t remember.

Joe’s concerns are quickly squashed when he receives a text message taunting him. It’s the real killer and they know what he did. But seeing how Joe reacted, they’re intrigued. In an ironic twist, this killer is watching Joe’s every move.

Wanting to prevent more bloodshed, Joe enlists the help of a student named Nadia, who has  a vast knowledge for murder mysteries. She knows their tropes in and out and is happy to help him research the topic for a book he’s writing. Of course, there is no such book: Joe is hunting a real killer and wants to stay a step ahead.

Next to die is the snobby (and thieving) artist Simon, and by now, the killer is on to Joe’s true identity. They have papered his walls with old articles about the death and destruction from a man named Joe Goldberg. The killer’s playing games, and Joe doesn’t like being at the receiving end of it.

What’s more, the killer implies that his next victim is Kate, the stunning woman from across the way who Joe realizes is the only one among her friends with any empathy As he grows closer to her, despite her initially ice-cold reception to him, he’s desperate to protect her from this unseen menace.

Joe continues to be invited to the elite parties thanks to Kate’s best friend, Phoebe, who has seemingly taking a liking to him and views him as a sort of pet project. And the next big event is a soiree at her family’s massive estate in the country. Joe has to go, of course, because he must protect Kate. Plus, he strongly believes the killer is among them.

Upon arrival, Joe spends his days and nights running an internal investigation, going back and forth about each person, trying to determine who the killer might be. Every one of them has secrets, troubles, conflict, and motive. They could all get away with it, but most of them aren’t smart (or lucid) enough to actually pull off the murders.

Trouble continues to follow when he comes upon Kate, who has discovered the dead body of fellow partygoer and friend Gemma on the floor in her room. Joe agrees to help Kate get rid of the body to avoid the information getting to her abhorrent, wealthy father, revealing private details about his life in the process. He also tells her the true story about Malcolm and the killer’s messages to him.

They almost get away with hiding the body until the creepy Roald overhears parts of the conversation and holds Joe hostage in front of everyone, gun in his hand, believing Joe to be the killer. The sick, twisted man decides to make a game of his revenge, partly fueled by his own narcissism and partly because he’s drunk and high on numerous drugs. Roald then chases Joe through the woods. Joe finally manages to knock Roald out, only to look up and see someone staring down at him before he’s knocked out, too.

For some, it was a predictable end: Rhys, it turns out, never really got over his anger, jealousy, and troubled childhood. He has made a sport of ridding the world of the awful people he once called friends. With Joe and Roald chained up, he tells Joe he only intended to frame him for Malcolm’s murder, but was in for a surprise when instead, he discovered a criminal comrade.

He orders Joe to kill Roald if he wants to save himself. But when he returns and the job is not done, Rhys leaves Joe and Roald to die, knocking over a candle to set the place on fire before he walks out the door. Joe frantically manages to escape and, unlike his old self, saves Roald in the process.

Fast -orward to back home and it’s clear Joe has not reported Rhys to the authorities, nor revealed the identity of the killer to the others. He wants Rhys all to himself. Watching Rhys on the television screen declaring his run for mayor of London, the light recedes from Joe’s eyes. He’s preparing to feed the obsession that has now bubbled back to the surface in a way he never had before: to hunt for a killer and, oddly, a kindred spirit.

Joe is so fixated on this task that he rebuffs Kate’s romantic advances. The old Joe might have made Kate his next obsession. But Joe has changed. He doesn’t have time for romance or love right now. At least not while “you” are still out there.

You season 4, part 2 premieres on Netflix March 9.

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The story in season 3 picks up where season 2 ended, with Rudd’s character Ben dying on stage in front of a crowd during the opening night of Oliver’s play. Mabel, looking on from the audience, has that “oh no, not again” face. But how does it all play out? Everyone is a suspect

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The Ending of 'You' Season 3, Explained

Breaking down the many, many twists and turns.

you l to r victoria pedretti as love quinn in episode 303 of you cr john p fleenornetflix © 2021

Spoilers for  You  season 3 ahead.  There are only three guarantees in life: death, taxes, and Joe Goldberg will get away with murder. The  season 3  finale of  You  was an explosively (pun intended) wild ride, filled with countless attempts at murder, backstabbing, and one doozy of a marital disagreement. Let's break down the many twists and turns of the Netflix finale and how each resident of  Madre Linda  fared at the end.

Poor, poor, clueless Theo (Dylan Arnold). The curious college kid—who thought he had discovered proof that Joe killed his stepdad's wife, Natalie—suffers serious trauma at the hands of his married lover-slash-neighbor, Love Quinn. But in the finale, we find out Love didn't whack him hard enough. When Joe goes to clean up Love's mess, Joe discovers Theo is alive but seriously injured. He takes pity on Theo, who reveals he really loved Love, and puts Theo in a cab to the hospital.

Later, Theo's stepfather Matthew Engler (Scott Speedman) wanders over to Joe and Love's place in search of Theo. Matthew finds a drugged Joe and knows Theo is in trouble. Joe manages to signal to Matthew that Theo is in the hospital. A flash forward shows that Theo survived and was released from the hospital; the traumatic incident seemed to have healed and strengthened Theo and Matthew's relationship.

Sherry and Cary Conrad

you l to r shalita grant as sherry conrad and travis van winkle as cary conrad in episode 308 of you cr john p fleenornetflix © 2021

The insufferable couple who dabbles in swinging find themselves trapped in Love and Joe's glass cage in the later half of the season, having discovered that Love, in a jealous rage, killed neighbor Natalie and Joe helped her cover it up. In the finale, Sherry (Shalita Grant) and Cary (Travis Van Winkle)—waning and desperate, after accidentally-on-purpose shooting each other—begin to lose hope of escaping.

After a few tender moments in which the couple is able to reconnect with each other and why they fell in love in the first place, Sherry finds the inspiration to get out. She realizes that Love and Joe never really trusted each other, which means they would've each hidden a key inside the cage. She's right, and after lots of searching (and destroying of flour) she finds the key and they get out. We then see a flash forward of the happy couple—who believe Love and Joe have died—profiting off of their near-death experience. Classic Sherry and Cary! They are on the TED Talk circuit promoting their new marriage counseling method, “Caged: A Radical Couple’s Therapy Technique.” Unclear, though, if they now allow their children to eat sugar.

you l to r tati gabrielle as marienne and dallas skye as juliette in episode 310 of you cr john p fleenornetflix © 2021

Marienne (Tati Gabrielle), Joe's library crush, discovers in the finale that her terrible ex, Ryan (Scott Michael Foster) has been killed by a mugger. She and Joe decide to take their kids and run away together. But Love gets wind of their romance and once Joe's indisposed, Love texts Marienne to come to their house. Marienne quickly realizes that Love knows about her and Joe's affair and that she's in danger. Love divulges Joe's manipulative ways and even that it was Joe who  actually  killed Ryan.

Moments before Love attacks Marienne, her daughter Juliet appears at the door and Love has a sympathetic change of heart for a fellow mother. Love lets Marienne live and even warns her to "disappear" because Joe is not who he seems to be. Marienne takes the advice—even encouraging Love to also run from Joe—and leaves Madre Linda, changing her phone number.

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In an interview with  Marie Claire , Tati Gabrielle, who plays Marienne, said: "When I first I read that scene, I loved it: the idea of two women having a conversation over something that is very touchy and being able to uplift each other through that and save each other through that...At the end of the day, you can never love someone else properly until you love yourself. I feel like that's what Marienne was not only trying to stress to Love but even stress and remind herself. "


tati gabrielle by tommy g

Tati Gabrielle Answers Your Burning Questions

In a heartbreaking moment of clarity, Joe realizes that despite finally forming a meaningful connection with Henry, it's in his son's best interest (and, yes, his own best interest) to abandon his child. He leaves Henry, alongside a goodbye note, with Dante, his co-worker at the library. Dante and his partner had been struggling to adopt a child of their own. A flash forward shows that Henry is happy and thriving in his new home, with two doting (and non-homicidal) dads. Finally, a happy ending in  You !

you l to r ben mehl as dante and noel arthur as lansing in episode 310 of you cr john p fleenornetflix © 2021

We have to give Love  some  credit for trying to outsmart Joe. But ultimately Love's story is a jaw-dropping tragedy, despite her best efforts at being crafty and murderous. In the finale, Love—fresh off of trying and failing to kill her teenage lover, Theo—is blissfully looking at girl baby names. (The winner? Julia.) Another baby will definitely solve all these issues! Then Love finds the smoking gun, of sorts: Joe's bloody t-shirt in Henry's diaper pail. She realizes that it was Joe who killed Ryan because Joe is in love with Marienne.

She then cooks an elaborate dinner for Joe during which she reveals her evil master plan. Yes, she killed her ex-husband. Yes, she poisoned Joe—she just wanted him to slow down so she had time to convince him to love her again. How did Love get so much poison? She was growing it in their backyard and storing it alongside her baking supplies all along! She tries to hurt Marienne, inviting her to their house, but ultimately can't. Eventually Love realizes it isn't that she's not a "good enough" wife. It's that Joe is a terrible husband. She commits to killing him with a sharpened knife, just before Joe stabs her with a poisoned needle. Love dies, uttering the words, "We're perfect for each other."

"Love's death—I was very mind blown by that," Gabrielle told  Marie Claire . "As well as all of the times I hit a death that Love did. I was like,  What is happening? She's going off the rails.  Especially [when she hurt] Theo (Dylan Arnold). When I got to that, I was like,  No! Not the kid. He's so innocent. "

Joe Goldberg

We've saved the best (or worst?) for last. In the season 3 finale, Joe proves he's always one step ahead of the rest of murders in town, a.k.a. his wife. We first see him cleaning up after the murder of Ryan before then realizing he has to help Love hide Theo's body. After saving Theo and making plans to run away with Marienne—what he wanted all along—he pockets some of Cary's sex drugs...just in case.

you l to r victoria pedretti as love quinn and penn badgley as joe goldberg in episode 301 of you cr john p fleenornetflix © 2021

He comes home to find Love has set the table for a romantic meal of roast chicken. A fraught conversation ensues when Joe and Love admit their wrongdoings and affairs and Joe even suggests an amicable divorce (yeah, right). Love reveals she did indeed poison her ex-husband (accidentally killing him by making him ingest the poison instead of paralyzing him) and this time around she's only applied the poison to the handle of the knife she knew Joe would grab to defend himself/kill Love. (She cleverly only touched the knife while wearing an oven mitt, which Joe never realized.) Joe succumbs to the effects of the poison and watches as Love meets with Marienne.

Just as Love decides to end Joe's life and approaches him with a knife, Joe stabs Love with a needle containing the same poison she used on him. Turns out, Joe had figured out what Love had been growing in the garden all along (wolfsbane) and had kept some of it on hand. He also had researched antidotes, just in case, and discovered adrenaline—which Joe had stolen from Cary—would reverse the poison's effects. He had preemptively taken the adrenaline, knowing Love was getting closer and closer to hurting him.

Joe watches Love as she dies, and then says goodbye to Henry, leaving him with Dante. Now, time for his master plan (yes, this isn't even the end): Joe cuts off two of his toes and bakes them into a pot pie. He then carefully lays out all the evidence that could incriminate Love for Madre Linda's crimes. He pens a carefully crafted suicide note, from Love, confessing to all the killings, including Joe's, and emails it to the Madre Linda Homeowner's Association. He then turns on all the gas stoves and lights a flame—burning his and Love's wedding album—and leaves the house, which is quickly engulfed in fire.

We see a flash forward of Madre Linda as the news spreads of the event. It's being called a murder-suicide, pinning all the blame on Love. (The fire burned up just enough evidence to  fully  reconstruct what happened, but Joe's toes in the pie were enough for police to assume he was brutally killed.) The fire also likely made any type of autopsy on Love impossible, but regardless Joe has placed the needle of wolsbane in her hands so investigators would come to the conclusion she paralyzed herself to ensure her own death.

Finally, we catch up with Joe, presumed dead by everyone he knew; he has moved to Paris and is searching for Marienne. Said Gabrielle to  Marie Claire : "I don't think she would go back [to him]. I think she would be able to, at that point, have the confidence, respect of self, and foresight to be able to know [not to]. I feel she'd be like, “I love you. I wish this worked out differently. But, you are a psychopath and you are not good for me or my child or even this world.”

you l to r penn badgley as joe goldberg in episode 301 of you cr john p fleenornetflix © 2021

Everything We Know About Season 4 of 'You'

Neha Prakash is Marie Claire 's Entertainment Director, where she edits, writes, and ideates culture and current event features with a focus on elevating diverse voices and stories in film and television. She steers and books the brand's print and digital covers as well as oversees the talent and production on MC' s video franchises like "How Well Do You Know Your Co-Star?" and flagship events, including the Power Play summit. Since joining the team in early 2020, she's produced entertainment packages about buzzy television shows and films, helped oversee culture SEO content, commissioned op-eds from notable writers, and penned widely-shared celebrity profiles and interviews. She also assists with social coverage around major red carpet events, having conducted celebrity interviews at the Met Gala, Oscars, and Golden Globes. Prior to Marie Claire , she held editor roles at Brides , Glamour , Mashable , and Condé Nast, where she launched the Social News Desk. Her pop culture, breaking news, and fashion coverage has appeared on Vanity Fair , GQ , Allure , Teen Vogue , and Architectural Digest . She earned a masters degree from the Columbia School of Journalism in 2012 and a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Pennsylvania State University in 2010. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and dog, Ghost; she loves matcha lattes, Bollywood movies, and has many hot takes about TV reboots. Follow her on Instagram @nehapk.

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what is the end of you

You Season 4: Ending Explained

What does the end reveal about Joe's intentions for the future, and what can we expect to see in You season 5?

Joe Goldberg is back at it again in season 4 of Netflix's original series You . Starring Penn Badgley as our fictional serial killer, Joe crosses the ocean this time to hunt down his newest love obsession, Marienne. After finding her, Joe is desperate to prove his love to her and become someone that she could love in return. And so begins his attempt to live a quiet normal life as Jonathan Moore, a literature professor at a London university. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't take long for things to spiral out of control as he gets involved with a group of problematic wealthy social elites. Joe finds himself thrown into a classic whodunit murder mystery as a killer roams among the group, killing them off one by one. And this killer knows all of Joe's secrets.

With his identity at stake, Joe resorts to his old antics and is determined to catch the "Eat the Rich Killer" and protect his new lover Kate. We find out in part 1 of season 4 that the killer is author and aspiring politician Rhys Montrose whom Joe has befriended. However, not everything is as it seems, and we discover in part 2 that the Rhys Joe has been interacting with is, in fact, just a figment of his own imagination. Joe Goldberg is the "Eat the Rich Killer," and not only that, but he has Marienne hostage in his signature glass box. There is yet another twist in the season finale when Joe finally comes to terms with who he really is and reveals his identity to Kate. Together we'll dive into what this ending means for Joe.

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Embracing His Dark Side

Only when Joe confronts the real Rhys Montrose does he discover the person he has been talking to the whole time was his alter ego. The real Rhys doesn't know who Joe is or what he wants, and after enduring Joe's interrogation and torture, Rhys becomes yet another victim of Joe Goldberg. As Joe comes to terms with the fact that he unknowingly created a second persona, he realizes that "Rhys" has been quite busy wreaking havoc on the quiet normal life Joe was attempting to build . It turns out that through his disassociation, Joe had been stalking the real Rhys Montrose, kidnapped and held Marienne hostage, and of course, murdered Malcolm, Simon, and Gemma.

However, Joe isn't the only one who realizes something is wrong. When Nadia, Professor Moore's star student, becomes suspicious of Joe, she begins her own investigation into "Jonathan" and discovers where Marienne is being held captive. Upon finding her, the two come up with a plan to get Marienne free from Joe and back to her daughter. Meanwhile, Joe continues his internal struggle with himself, represented through the discourse between him and "Rhys." Joe momentarily accepts his help in killing Kate's dangerous father to protect her and free her from his control.

It all comes to a head in the end when Joe decides to kill himself after Marienne overdoses on drugs he left in the cage with her. And when Joe finds himself standing on a bridge, getting ready to end it all, it is there that he finally embraces "Rhys" and accepts him as a part of himself. This self-acceptance and self-love he shows himself in what he believes are his final moments make Joe whole again. He has, quite literally, embraced his dark side and accepted everything that he is and everything that he has done.

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Coming Clean to Kate

Of course, Joe doesn't die from his attempted suicide. Instead, he is rescued and taken to a nearby hospital, where he wakes to find Kate. He decides to come clean to her about who he is and everything he has done. And now that Kate has inherited her father's empire, she has the power to either end Joe Goldberg or bring him out of hiding. She chooses the latter, and together they vow to keep each other good. Although given what we know about both Kate and Joe, these aren't exactly comforting words.

The finale finally sees Joe come back to life and shed his disguise as Jonathan. But he still has one last loose end to tie up before he can move on with his life, and that is Nadia, who has discovered the truth about him. So to take care of this, he kills Nadia's boyfriend and frames her for the murder. Then he goes on to do an interview with Kate, telling his story about escaping from his violent ex-wife, Love, and leaving his son in the care of another couple to go into hiding in fear for his life. And thus, Jonathan Moore is dead, and Joe Goldberg assumes the role of Kate's supportive partner, and together the two of them have plans to change the world.

Little does he know that there is still someone out there who knows the truth. Marienne escaped by faking her own death, all according to the plan she created with Nadia's help. But the question remains if she will go further into hiding from Joe now that he has access to unlimited resources, or will she attempt to bring him down once and for all? We'll have to wait and find out in You season 5 .

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You season 4 ending explained: Here's what happens to each character

9 March 2023, 12:20

what is the end of you

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Katie Louise Smith

By Katie Louise Smith

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Does Joe Goldberg make it out of this one alive? Who dies? And what happens to the likes of Marienne, Nadia and Kate?

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As expected You season 4 part 2 includes a huge twist that flips everything from the first five episodes completely on its head. Thought you had some idea of what the hell was going on? Think again!

You season 4 sees Joe Goldberg assume a brand new identity as Jonathan Moore, but as we expected, Joe Goldberg is still very much lurking beneath the surface. In part 1, Joe is responsible for one major death , and finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery involving the Eat The Rich killer.

READ MORE: Who dies in You season 4 part 2? All the deaths explained

Not everything is as it seems, though. The final episode of You season 4 is as dramatic and intense as they come. And the final moments deliver some huge shock reveals too.

Does Joe Goldberg make it out of this one alive? Who else gets murdered? And what happens to the likes of Marienne, Nadia and Kate? Here's your complete breakdown of what happens to each character at the end of You season 4.

WARNING: Major spoilers ahead for You season 4's ending!

How does You season 4 end?

You season 4 ending explained: What happens to each character?

What happens to Joe Goldberg?

Unfortunately, Joe does not get his comeuppance at the end of season 4. In fact, he's thriving and doing better than ever... In the final episode, Joe attempts to take his own life by jumping off a bridge because he believes he'll end up killing Kate.

When he wakes up in hospital, Kate is there and he confesses that he's killed people and that his real name is actually Joe Goldberg. But Kate seems fine with it! She knows he's murdered people and she doesn't care! She loves him!

At the end of the season, Joe has moved back to New York and is now living with Kate (who is now extreeeemely rich). He's also now leaning into the fact that he's a very public figure. A new interview with The Cut is posted online, with Joe continuing his "How I escaped Love Quinn" redemption narrative.

Joe and Kate are now considered a power couple, he's hailed as a hero, and he shows absolutely zero remorse for his murders and no signs of stopping either. Joe also gets his son Henry back.

"I have so many tools now. Sure, killing's one of many but it's certainly not a one-size-fits-all solution," Joe says in a final moment of narration. "Though the killing part also much easier now, that I'm honest with myself about it."

What happens to Kate?

Kate Galvin now goes by Kate Lockwood. After her father's murder (which Joe committed), Kate inherited absolutely everything. She's now very, very rich and is able to provide all sorts of protection, security and police bribes in order for Joe's name to remain clear.

It's unclear if Kate actually knows the full extent of all of Joe's cold-blooded murders. She definitely knows about Love, and she knows about Rhys too, explaining that the DNA found on his body was covered up by her father's assistant and Joe was cleared.

Do Joe and Kate end up together at the end of You season 4?

What happens to Marienne?

The big plot twist in You season 4 arrives in episode 7 when we discover that, actually, Joe did not let Marienne escape to Paris after all. He poisoned her and had actually locked her in his glass cage.

After growing suspicious of Joe, Nadia begins to investigate and discovers Marienne in the cage. They concoct a plan to help Marienne escape, which ends up with Marienne taking beta blockers, making it look like she's overdosed on pills in order to fake her own death.

Joe believes that Marienne has taken her own life so he takes her out of the cage and leaves her on a park bench for someone else to find. Marienne wakes up with the help of Nadia and is able to then go back to Paris to be with her daughter.

The last shot we see of Marienne shows her reading Joe and Kate's article with a look of pure disgust on her face. Will she seek revenge in season 5?

What happens to Marienne in You season 4?

What happens to Nadia?

Despite managing to finally realise that Joe had been the one who killed Rhys and locked Marienne in the cage, poor old Nadia ended up being framed by Joe himself.

In the final episode, after helping Marienne escape, Nadia is caught by Joe after leaving his house in search of evidence proving he killed Rhys. He stops her in the street, deletes all the evidence from her phone and then she discovers that he has killed Eddie.

Joe then frames Nadia for Eddie's death, and frames Eddie for Rhys' death. Nadia goes to jail, and in Joe's final scene narration, it's revealed that Nadia refused to speak in her own defence, and still hasn't spoken from prison.

What happens to Nadia in You season 4?

What happened to Lady Phoebe?

After having a complete breakdown following her wedding to Adam, Lady Phoebe ended up being sectioned in a psychiatric hospital. At the end of the show, we see Lady Phoebe has now tied up everything in London and has moved to Thailand where she's happier, healthier and teaching children how to speak English.

What happened to Adam?

Well, Adam is dead. In episode 9, he was killed by Tom Lockwood who hired sex workers to murder him after Kate briefly shared her disgust that he had ended up in charge of Lady Phoebe's assets following her admission to the psychiatric hospital. Assuming that Kate wanted him gone, Tom had him killed. (Kate, in fact, did not want him dead.)

What happened to the rest of the friendship group?

Aside from Kate (who is now in New York with Joe) and Lady Phoebe (who is in Thailand), only four members of the friendship group actually survived the season. And none of them seem particularly concerned about the events that have just transpired.

Sophie saw a 50% increase in followers after the murder of her brother Simon. Blessing created a Sundry House in the Metaverse. Connie went to rehab for nine days and then gave up. And Roald went on a hunting trip to Germany, shot and killed a friend, and had his family cover it up.

what is the end of you

Penn Badgley says he gets nauseous filming You’s gory scenes

Who died in You season 4 part 2?

You season 4 part 1 saw Malcolm, Simon, Vic and Gemma all get killed by Joe. Yep, it wasn't Rhys! Joe was actually the real Eat The Rich killer all along and had killed Malcolm, Simon and Gemma during mental blackouts. He hallucinated his relationship with Rhys and convinced himself that Rhys was behind the murders.

In part 2, Joe makes a considerable addition to his over all kill count. Here's who he ends up murdering:

  • Rhys – Joe strangles Rhys to death while interrogating him over the Eat the Rich killings. Of course, Rhys never killed anyone, and he had never actually met Joe either. In episode 10, Kate reveals that the tests for DNA found on Rhys's body were "inconclusive" and Joe's involvement is covered up.
  • Tom Lockwood's bodyguard Hugo – Hugo is stabbed to death by Joe after he enters the workshop Joe has Tom in. His body is buried by Joe.
  • Tom Lockwood – Joe kills Kate's dad by cuffing him to a chair and suffocating him with a plastic bag. Joe gets away with this one, with Kate explaining that her dad was "murdered for money".
  • Edward – Nadia's boyfriend and fellow student Eddie is killed by Joe after he finds him lurking outside his house while Nadia snoops around inside. Joe frames Nadia for Eddie's murder and Eddie is framed for Rhys' murder.

As explained above, Adam is also killed. However, Joe doesn't have anything to do with this one. Tom Lockwood is technically responsible for his death.

Read more You news here:

  • Does Rhys have a twin in You season 4? The twist with Joe explained
  • Jenna Ortega was supposed to return as Ellie in You season 4
  • You fans are losing it over the hilarious Gossip Girl references in season 4
  • Is Love in You season 4 and is she really dead? Here’s what Victoria Pedretti has said
  • Penn Badgley says You can't end with Joe Goldberg being killed

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The Ending Of You Season 3 Explained

Love Quinn smiling

Hello, "You" fans. Season 3 of the Netflix psychological thriller has finally arrived, giving viewers even more suspense-fueled drama than ever. This time, the series finds Joe Goldberg ( Penn Badgley ) and his wife, Love (Victoria Pedretti), acclimating to life in the suburbs while dealing with being new parents and simultaneously trying to put their dark pasts behind them. Of course, their efforts are all for naught when Joe's obsessive nature and Love's violent impulses drive their lives into a tailspin, threatening to burn down everything they've built together. Marriage is hard work, as Joe and Love soon discover — but what's even harder is trying to hide your psychopathic tendencies from your new neighbors.

The third season of "You," like the two seasons before, is a roller coaster ride of high emotions and hair-raising tension. In true "You" fashion, the final episodes of the new season also leave viewers with a shocking conclusion that already has them begging for more.

Now, it's time to break things down and explain how the end of  "You" Season 3 changes things for the series going forward.

A crazy thing called Love

In "You" Season 2, Love Quinn is introduced as a young woman born from wealth and privilege. Her skills in the kitchen and eccentric personality are what first draw Joe to her, but in the end, she reveals herself to be just as much of a mess as Joe is, which, in a kind of sick way, makes them perfect for each other.

Fast forward six months later to the beginning of "You" Season 3, when Love and Joe are busy adjusting to their new life in Madre Linda, a cozy suburb filled with some of the most elite members of the pretentious and privileged. All Love wants to do is fit in and she tries to do just that — making friends with one of the Alpha members of the pack, a social media guru named Sherry Conrad (Shalita Grant). Meanwhile, the stepson of their neighbor — a young man named Theo (Dylan Arnold) — is drawn to Love, and gives her the attention she feels she is sorely lacking. Ultimately, Love has an affair with Theo (ew), a relationship that's just even more complicated by the fact that Love murdered his stepmother, Natalie (Michaela McManus), in a fit of jealousy after discovering that she was the newest object of Joe's obsession.

But it seems like no matter how hard she tries, Love just can't seem to hold onto Joe. When she finds out that Joe has fallen in love with his new boss, she resolves to do whatever she must to keep him from leaving her — even if it means killing him. Her plan backfires, however, when Joe sees it coming and puts his own plan in place, one that ends with Love dying instead of him.

All Love ever wanted was a loving family, yet her need to control everything around her (and her ironic lack of self-control) is what ultimately leads to her own downfall.

Joe can't seem to let go of old habits

Throughout "You" Season 3, we are shown a series of flashbacks of Joe's life as a young man, and specifically, when he spent time in a government home for boys. It was there that he dealt with loneliness, all while wondering why he was abandoned by his mother. The more we learn about Joe's childhood, the clearer it becomes what the origins of his obsessive tendencies were, as well as why he can't seem to shake them. Like Love's impulsive actions across the series' latest 10 episodes, Joe's flashbacks help foreshadow where it is that he ultimately ends up when "You" Season 3 comes to a close.

Although he tries to make his marriage work, the season sees Joe, once again, unable to curb his obsessive impulses. At the start of the season, his obsession is directed towards his neighbor, Natalie, but is later redirected towards Marienne (Tati Gabrielle), the local librarian. Joe falls hard for Marienne and immediately begins plotting about how to get out of his toxic marriage to Love. However, Joe's final actions of the season aren't completely selfish. In the end, he does what is best for Henry by leaving him with a better family.

The season then ends with Joe successfully freeing himself from the shackles of marriage and fatherhood on his quest to begin a new life with Marienne. His journey takes him to Paris, France, and as the "You" Season 3 finale's credits roll, he disappears into a crowded Parisian sidewalk while ominously promising that he will find what (and who) it is that he's looking for.

What happens when Joe does find Marienne, however, is a question that will have to remain unanswered until Season 4 of "You"  is released.

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Let’s Talk About the Ending of You ’s Season Finale

Portrait of Kathryn VanArendonk

In the last episode of You ’s first season , romantic heroine Beck finally realizes that the gorgeous, thoughtful man she’s been dating, Joe, is actually a monstrous serial killer who’s been stalking her, manipulating her, and will probably kill her. We the viewers have known this from the jump, because You puts us inside Joe’s head from the first moments of the show , but the entire first season of You is the process of watching poor hapless Beck fail to recognize the danger she’s in. Finally, she discovers his hidden box of serial-killer trophies and the inevitable happens: She’s trapped in Joe’s snazzy basement dungeon, scrambling to strategize her way out, desperate to avoid what she’s sure happened to Candace, Joe’s last girlfriend who’s been mysteriously missing for months.

Beck does not succeed. She writes a magnum opus, an essay about the falseness of romantic tropes that’s an effort to re-seduce Joe so she can escape, but her attempt fails and Joe murders her. In the end, Joe posthumously publishes Beck’s work, which has conveniently fingered Beck’s therapist as the murderer so Joe escapes suspicion. Then, in the last moments of the season finale, we watch as Joe’s internal stalker engine starts all over again. We can hear his intrigued inner monologue as he follows a faceless woman into the aisles of his bookstore, analyzing her appearance for what he imagines is her intended appeal and possible vulnerabilities. We assume that this is his next prey. Then she turns around. The woman is Joe’s ex-girlfriend Candace, the woman whom Beck assumed he’d killed, and to his astonishment (and ours!) she’s not dead. What a twist!

There are two kinds of questions to ask about this ending. The first kind: Is it well-made? Does it deliver on the story the season had been building toward? Does it feel like a fitting conclusion for the previous nine episodes, are the performances good, does the final twist make sense, is it an entertaining hour of television? Does it hint toward what’s to come in a second season? The second: Is the ending of You … good? Beyond the storytelling and structural ideas, is it good for the world and for its viewers that this is how Beck’s story ends?

Those questions are also questions about the whole series. Is it good that a show about a psychotic, narcissistic, self-absorbed killer — a show about a dude who bears a surface-level resemblance to swoon-worthy romantic Prince Charming tropes but who is actually an abusive, violent stalker — exists? Is it good that You prioritizes Joe’s point of view over everything else, putting us in the head of a man who murders people and who can only see life through the filter of his own needy obsessions? Is it good that Beck’s perspective gets only part of one episode , while Joe dominates everything else? Is it good for us, the viewers, to watch yet another story about a woman trapped in a cage begging for her life?

In her recap of the final episode , Jessica Goldstein asked exactly this question, and comes away with an unequivocal no , it is not good. “It feels like You wants to be edgy and subversive. But a story that gives a violent male character a full, complicated history (or, I should say, attempts to do that) while never revealing more about its female character beyond what said male character can discern and/or chooses to project onto her is not subversive, at all,” Goldstein writes. “Was it necessary — was it even remotely good television — for an entire episode to be devoted to Beck’s being psychologically tortured until she gets killed?”

Goldstein’s further point is that it doesn’t matter that You tried to undermine and satirize all of the romance plots that are culturally coded as sweet, but which are actually abusive, manipulative nonsense. Because in the act of satirizing them, You also straight-up replicates them. It is still giving Joe the voice and making Beck the victim. It is still centering Joe’s perspective, even as it’s trying to turn him into a monster. Badgley’s performance is as a highly charismatic, magnetic murderer, which means that while you’re watching him be a murderer, you’re also watching him be magnetic. It’s a point that’s hard to argue, especially given how much time Penn Badgley , the actor who plays Joe, has spent on Twitter trying to dissuade the show’s fans from falling in love with a psychotic, misogynistic killer.

You is a show about a dude who stalks, tortures, and kills people, in a TV landscape that is already full-up with objectified, tortured, and/or dead women . The existence of any part of the show’s audience who finds Joe attractive is pretty incontrovertible evidence that on some level, the show’s attempt to undermine Joe fails. You is a ripe target for bad fandom, for viewers who misread the show for their own ends and blithely ignore that every character is supposed to be a loathsome monster. (Yes, even Beck.)

And yet. That first question, the question about whether the finale is well-made, whether it follows on what the beginning of the season started, whether the performances are good, whether the twist makes sense, whether it sets up a second season, whether it is an entertaining hour of TV … in spite of everything, the answer to that question might still be yes . Everything that happens in the final episode is the fitting and inevitable conclusion of what You warned us would happen from the first moments of the pilot. If the show’s central engine is to demonstrate the toxicity of masculine behavior when filtered through a rom-com ideology, then Beck’s death — and just as crucially, her relative voicelessness throughout the season — is the whole point. I cannot blame the show for following through on all of the things it told us would happen from the start.

I’m also loathe to cede all of You ’s reception to the bad fans. It’s possible to misread everything that happens in the finale and insist that Joe’s still attractive, but it’s also clear that misreading is totally counter to everything the show tells us. It makes sense to see Beck as one more dead girl on TV and Joe as one more monstrous anti-hero, but that means flattening all the deliberate, skin-crawling contradictions the first season establishes, the connection we’re meant to draw between Joe’s loving words and his violence, the fact that all of this is sort of a farce, and that Candace being alive at the end is a good twist! I have no idea how You season two will play out, but a woman who knows Joe’s true nature and returns from the dead so she can confront him seems like a good start.

Even if this particular show’s goal is to satirize and puncture our collective mythologizing of the attention-worthy violent man, it makes sense to feel like TV would be better if it took a break from violent men like Joe for a bit. But that’s a broader question about the whole show, and about its cultural goodness on a scale separate from its storytelling. If the question is just about the end, and whether that ending is well-made, then the conclusion of You ’s first season is everything the show had been building toward all along. Joe kills Beck, as we always knew he would. The performances work (Hari Nef forever!), and it’s an appropriate culmination for a show that’s been telling viewers from its very first moments that its protagonist is a dangerous, untrustworthy killer.

Crucially, it’s also not really the end. You ’s final word is not that Joe succeeds, toxic masculinity is the route to romantic happiness, and Beck was too dumb to live. Its last gesture is Candace’s return, suggesting that Joe’s comeuppance is yet to come. I have to believe that the worm will turn in season two, and that Joe will finally face some consequences. His fate hovers over him like the Sword of Damocles, and if You lets him escape in its final endgame, it’ll have become a bleaker and less self-aware show than I’d hoped. For right now, though, I’m happy for the season to end with Joe thinking he’s gotten away with it all, blind to what’s to come.

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The  You   season 3 ending gave its audience a twisted new definition of "happily ever after." Based on the novels by Caroline Kepnes,  You  was initially produced for Lifetime and was later added to Netflix's lineup of programing when the studio passed on a second season. The psychological thriller has gained a massive following, mainly because of its charismatic lead Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley), who defies the conventions of a romantic hero and, instead, manipulates his way into the lives of his obsessions.

While the concept is not necessarily new in literature, the show has a disturbing take on justifying Joe’s motives for stalking and killing to manufacture an ideal romance. In the process, You deconstructs the typical behavior of male heroes by removing the rose-colored lens of romantic stories and presenting a realistic, albeit troubling, view of the boy-meets-girl storyline. The literary trope gets turned on its head again in  You  season 2 when Joe finally meets his own controlling and sadistic match in Love Quinn . All of this leads up to the  You  season 3 ending, which is explosive in its own right.

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Leading up to the You  season 3 ending, Joe’s obsessive and violent tendencies are the constant. In You season 1, he meets Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail), and what is supposedly a bookstore meet-cute rapidly escalates into a dangerous affair. Joe begins stalking his new target, both physically and through social media, before moving on to literally eliminating anything that could remotely obstruct their love. After a string of murders, Joe leaves New York and moves to Los Angeles in search of a fresh start. Armed with a new identity, he meets Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti) and instantly falls back into his old patterns. Surprisingly, Love is no manic pixie dream girl herself. In fact, she's actually on par with Joe’s manipulative tendencies  and turns out to be a formidable killer in her own right. Here's every question about the  You  season 3 ending explained. 

What Happens In You Season 3’s Ending

The  You  season 3 ending provides a huge twist, which ends with Love being dead and Joe on his way to Paris.  You  season 3 picks things up with Joe and Love as they begin to set up shop in Madre Linda, California with new baby boy Henry, enjoying their particularly bizarre (and deadly) brand of marital bliss. They live happily ever after — until they don't.  You cleverly disputes the traditional fairy tale ending by sticking to its formulaic, yet still effective, narration. In the  You  season 3 ending , Joe is set on leaving Love and running away with Marienne (Tati Gabrielle) to France, but he still needs to tie some loose ends, including getting rid of their basement prisoners. Meanwhile, Love finds Joe’s blood-stained shirt and is furious that her husband is willing to kill for Marienne. Joe asks for a divorce and grabs a carving knife, preparing for the oncoming retaliation, but is left paralyzed on the floor as Love had covered the handle in aconite — the same substance she used to kill her first husband. 

Marianne arrives at the Quinn-Goldberg residence, and Love lures her in to discuss their situation. Initially planning to kill Marienne, Love is moved by the former’s words and kindness. After discerning that Joe is ultimately the problem , Love tells her to take her child and get as far away as possible, before returning to kill her husband. Joe reveals that he took an antidote, having suspected that Love would try the same thing twice, and kills his wife. With Love out of the picture, Joe stages her suicide, but not before planting his DNA at the scene and framing her for every death and capture the couple had been responsible for throughout  You  season 3. He sets the house on fire and leaves baby Henry with Dante, escaping to Paris in search of Marienne. 

Why Joe Falls Back Into His Patterns At The End Of You Season 3

You  season 2 revealed that Joe shot and killed his mother's abuser at a very young age, and more of the character's childhood backstory is revealed through interspersed flashbacks leading up to the  You  season 3 ending. After being sent to a foster home, Joe trauma-bonds and grows close with Nurse Fiona (Sarah Jane MacKay), who also happens to be a survivor of abuse. This time, however, Joe avoids directly dealing with the situation and actively chooses  not  to push Fiona's abusive partner down the stairs when he has an opportunity, fearing a similar abandonment. When the nurse is presumably killed by her boyfriend, a damaged Joe seeks out his mother only to find out that she had started her life over with another family.

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While it may be easy to infer that Joe has “mommy issues,”  that influence the You  season 3 ending, his patterns manifest because he deems himself fit to be a white knight. He is always chasing after his next obsession: someone who has problems and would thank him for stepping in, unlike his mother, who shunned him. Carrying the weight of his failure to save Nurse Fiona, Joe is cursed with a lifetime of actively hunting such women. However, with Love and their cookie-cutter suburban life, Joe feels suffocated, restrained, and powerless. Instead of satisfying his need, he cleans up after Love and her impulsive messes. Plus, the discovery that his wife is just as disturbed and murderous as he is profoundly bothered Joe, making the promise of a "happily ever after" never tantalizing enough. So, he falls back into his patterns, one victim after the other: Beck, Love, Natalie, and now, Marienne. 

Is Love Really Dead At The End Of You Season 3

In the  You season 3 ending, the series sees Joe poison Love with a lethal dose of aconite to fake a murder-suicide before burning down their home. Given the nature of  You 's storytelling, anything is possible, but the show very explicitly gives the impression that Love has finally met her end. She would have  also  needed to digest an antidote against her own killing drug of choice, predict her husband's moves, and then somehow make it out of their burning house at the very last second.

Showrunner Sera Gamble confirmed in an interview with  Newsweek   that Love is dead, wanting to be clear about the character's ultimate outcome considering that  You  has toyed with fake deaths in the past. Additionally, investigators would have needed to find Love's remains in the aftermath of the house fire for Joe's plan to work. As the show seemingly reveals in the final moments of the season, life in Madre Linda did roll on normally after his departure. 

Is You Season 3 Based On A Book?

You  season 3 is, in fact, based on a book. Rather than being inspired by the third book of Caroline Kepnes's series,  You Love Me , it's a continuation of the  You  season 2 adaptation , Hidden Bodies . While many of the characters remain the same for both works, there are some significant deviations that the  You  season 3 ending takes in regards to the novel. One key difference is that Joe gets arrested for his connections to the murder of Peach Salinger all the way back in  You  season 1 while Love is pregnant. He's kept in jail until Love gives birth. Another significant change from the novels is that Joe and Love don't raise Henry together. After he's out of jail, the Quinn family offers him a house to leave their family alone, all to the tune of $4 million. He's never able to meet or contact his son.

Related:  You Season 3: Why Joe Forgot Ellie (It Was Never A Plot Hole)

The You  book stories also don't move Joe to Madre Linda. Instead, he escapes the wealthy suburbs to go to Washington and resides in a town called Bainbridge. In addition, his new home in the small town doesn't have his famous glass box. One of the most considerable deviations from the book that  You  seasons 2 and 3 makes is that Love isn't a murderer. Instead, Joe kills Candace and Delilah all by himself. The married librarian that Joe meets in  Hidden Bodies  is named Mary Kay, not Marienne, and she doesn't deal with addiction issues, her husband does. Finally,  You  season 3's characters Sherry and Cary aren't in the books. However, they seem to be inspired by another couple, Melanda and Seamus, although they don't last quite as long.

Where Is Joe’s New Beginning For You Season 4?

As life continues in Madre Linda, following the Sweeney Todd  Mrs. Lovett-esque fate of the Quinn-Goldbergs, Joe leaves the suburbs and heads off to Paris. This time, he is armed with yet another identity, calling himself Nick. Fittingly, as Paris is a good choice for romance aficionados, he is there to look for Marienne, promising that he will comb the entire world to find her if it comes to that. In an earlier episode, Marienne had shared with him that she was born in Paris, and her first language is French. It was her dream to run away with her daughter Juliette, so it's natural that Joe/Nick would start looking for her there. Whether or not she is actually in Paris remains to be seen, possibly setting the stage for  You  season 4 . During their conversation, Love tells Marienne to go somewhere that Joe can never find them. Hopefully, for the sake of her and her child, she listened. 

Will Joe Come Back For Henry In You Season 4

Throughout season 3, Joe’s primary motivation to be better is his son, Henry. He consciously avoids murdering people (except in one circumstance) because he does not want his son to grow up in the system and risk experiencing the same fate as him. While, at this point, Henry could not yet comprehend what was happening, Joe cannot risk bringing his son with him and letting him bear witness to his future actions. This is further proof that despite his earlier qualms from the first episode of You season 3, Joe really tries his best to be a good father, even until the You  season 3 ending . So, instead, Joe decides to leave him in the good hands of Dante and Lansing. Because they have been trying to expand their family for years now, Joe knows that his child will be safe and taken care of. But, before leaving Henry, Joe promises their separation will not last forever. This perhaps hints at him returning for Henry once he finds Marienne.

What You Season 3’s Ending Really Means

Despite the production delays brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, the  You season 3 ending does not shortchange its viewers, especially when dealing with its overarching themes. For starters, Madre Linda plays host to a group of influencers and health gurus, with its queen bee Sherry Conrad (Shalita Grant) leading the pack and maintaining a well-curated social media presence. Later on, while she is stuck in Love’s basement with her husband Cary (Travis Van Winkle), she discloses that being a “ momfluencer ” gives her the ability to control what parts of her and her family other people can see. Sherry then manipulates her followers with carefully released information, allowing her to basically run the town. The influencer phenomenon is very much alive in real life, especially as platforms like TikTok and Instagram can quickly turn anyone into a star. However, behind the glamour and fame, these influencers are just regular people with the additional burden of constantly being flawless, as Sherry shows.

Related:  You Season 2 Line Spoils Dark Season 3 Twist

On the other hand, You also touches on the concept of a successful relationship. Love’s constant complaint is that despite Penn Badgley’s Joe being attentive to her and Henry’s needs, she still feels undesired and, ultimately, unhappy. She firmly believes that Joe is her soulmate, but becomes doubtful as time passes by, and she sees no improvement in their marriage. Later on, Sherry gives her advice on how to make their relationship work by actually choosing their partner every day. After all, getting married only signals the start of the rest of their lives, which they should work for if they want to be happy. In the case of the Quinn-Goldbergs, however, that entails murders, cover-ups, and betrayal.

Within this marriage lies the seeming disparity between Joe’s and Love’s intentions for their murderous actions. Love argues earlier in You season 3 that when Joe kills the other You characters, his intentions should be deemed noble, but when she does the same act, she is seen as crazy and impulsive. While Joe’s remarks probably stem from his repulsion of Love being on the same level of disturbed as he is, that does not mean that they are valid. In fact, they are practically doing the same thing: murdering for love. It just happens that they are not doing it for each other.

Lastly, You discusses a subject not all shows have deliberately mentioned: COVID-19. The pandemic is first mentioned when Joe and Love attend a party at Sherry’s house. During a separate incident, the issue of vaccination (and anti-vaxxers) is discussed when Henry comes down sick with the measles. Although it turns out that Joe has been unvaccinated the whole time, as a result of negligent parenting, his son is put in danger by Gil (Mackenzie Astin) , who does not believe in vaccines. As expected, this enrages Love, who seeks revenge on him. While seen as minimal amidst the greater plots of love and murder, these storylines reflect how the world changes — or indeed, stays the same — in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are then necessary to spread awareness and drive the audience of Netflix's You towards real-life action.

Everything We Know About You Season 4

The  You  season 3 ending sets up the story for season 4 in several ways. First, Love is confirmed to be dead, and Henry is now living with Dante, freeing Joe up considerably. He takes his newfound freedom to Paris, where he believes Marienne and her daughter are hiding out, but what he might not understand is that they're probably hiding from him. Knowing Joe Goldberg, it's safe to say that he'll stop at nothing to find who he's looking for in You season 4  and attempt to build the love story he wants with her — no matter the bloodshed that may entail. Therefore, it's easy to guess that Joe, Marienne, and her daughter will reappear for  You  season 4. However, Joe could always go off-track, as he did with Natalie in season 3, and the new location of Paris opens up a world of possibilities for this.

Related:  You Season 3 Soundtrack Guide: Every Song

Officially,  You  season 4 is in the works, and some information has been revealed about the upcoming installment of the TV show. In an interview with  Entertainment Tonight , Penn Badgely revealed that  You  season 4 will be different from its predecessors. "The tone is similar but it’s shifting in that there is a different format. [...] It’s almost like we’re shifting the genre slightly. And I think it works."  The  You  Twitter account has also confirmed that You season 4 will be taking place in Paris, as various set photos show that location in particular (although the crew is filming in London because it's markedly cheaper). So far, the cast has been revealed to be Joe, Marienne, Kate (Charlotte Richie), Adam (Lukas Gage), Lady Phoebe (Tilly Keeper), Nadia (Amy Leigh-Hickman), and Rhys (Ed Speelers). There's neither a confirmed release date for  You  season 4 nor any indication as to who Joe will kill next. But, all in all, it looks like an exciting new season is on the horizon for the show.

Next:  You: The Biggest Problem For Season 4 Is Already Obvious

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‘You’ Season 3 recap: What to remember about the ending before Season 4 begins

The globe-trotting fourth installment of “ You” premieres on Netflix on Feb. 9, and per the trailer, opens in London .

As for what happened in Season Three to put Joe — sorry, Jonathan Moore — all the way across the Atlantic? You might be wondering, and we’re here with a season three recap covering all the essential plot points.

Some things don’t need to be explained. Just like previous seasons, these episodes are promised to be filled with Penn Badgley’s ominous, smug narration as Joe; a cast of slightly irritating side characters plus a few sympathetic ones; and lots of murder. Seriously – lots . Take a look at the death toll for Season Four for proof .

Unlike past seasons of the show, this season is split up into two parts. Part One will be released on Feb. 9, and Part Two will follow a month later, landing on Mar. 9. on Netflix.

Here’s everything to remember about Season Three of “You.” 

(R.I.P. Love.)

At the start of Season 3, Joe and Love Quinn (who are now new parents) move to a California suburb

You could title Season 3 of “You” as Joe’s suburban fantasy-turned-nightmare. No longer haunting the bookshops of New York, Joe now lives in sunny California with his wife, Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti), and their infant son Henry, who has to contend with having murderers for parents — more on that later.

From the start, Joe is uncomfortable with his new home in Madre Linda. As Joe describes in the season’s first episode, they’re “in this fake, plastic suburban hell.” 

Rounding out the season’s cast of characters are Joe and Love’s neighborhood of wealthy company founders, aspirational influencers, librarians, and a locally famous mommy blogger.

Joe finds a new obsession: His neighbor, Natalie.

Joe hates his new home, but he doesn’t mind the view. The view being his new neighbor, Natalie (Michaela McManus), who is not only attractive and interested in Joe, but (similar to Beck from season one) reads to escape. That’s enough to pull Joe — despite all his attempts to keep on the straight-narrow — into his internal pattern of fantasies and ultimately into plotting out the ending of his arrangement with Love.

However, as is usually the case, Joe’s obsession doesn’t end well for the woman he’s fixated on when Love, Joe’s wife, gets involved.

Love, of all of Joe’s romantic partners, is his best match because she’s just like him: She’s also a killer. And in season three, she kills as much as Joe does.

Love’s first victim is Natalie, whom she kills after discovering a box of Natalie’s things that Joe has collected.


Together, the couple captures Gil, a local dad and geology professor who admits his unvaccinated children gave Henry measles. Love knocks him on the head with a rolling pin; to deal with the Gil problem, they lock him in their convenient cage downstairs. Eventually, Love pays a PI and discovers a history of sexual assault in his past. Gil takes his own life, and they pin Natalie’s murder on him.

Joe spends much of the season cleaning up Love’s murders rather than his own.

A reminder here that Love entered her and Joe's relationship with a hefty body count of her own. By the time she met Joe, Love had killed her childhood nanny, who had been abusing her twin brother Forty. She also (accidentally) killed her first husband, James, who wanted to leave her after she helped him through cancer. Originally intending to paralyze him, she gave him a fatal dosage of aconite. Oh yes, and then after meeting Joe, she killed his apartment manager Delilah Alves and Joe's ex-girlfriend Candace Stone.

Eventually, she tries to kill Joe, her second husband, in the same way.

Then, Joe finds a second obsession: his boss and local librarian, Marienne 

Joe can’t go long without his connection to the book world. He takes on a volunteer job at the library. There, he meets Marienne Bellamy (Tati Gabrielle).

Their relationship starts off rocky, as Marienne assumes Joe is as privileged as the rest of his Madre Linda neighbors. They learn they actually have some things in common, with hardship in their backgrounds. Now, she’s a single mom with dreams of returning with her daughter to Paris, where she grew up, all while trying to make up for her past.

The precariousness of their relationships with their children eventually helps Joe and Marienne to find even more common ground, and the two end up kissing in the rain.

Joe gets rid of the obstacle in their way: Marienne's husband

Marienne’s ex-husband Ryan Goodwin (Scott Michael Foster) is the town’s seemingly “trusty” local reporter. Beneath his shiny white-toothed exterior, however, is a dark past rife with drug addiction and manipulation and a motivation to prevent Marienne from getting any sort of custody over their daughter.

With all of this looming large overhead, Marienne tells Joe that she won’t risk her chances of being with her daughter by pursuing a relationship with him. If Ryan found out that she was seeing a married man, he’d have another reason to keep her daughter away.

Ultimately this dynamic drives Joe to resort to what he knows best. Yep, Joe kills Ryan.

What happens to Love at the end of “You” season three?

After Ryan is out of the way, Joe tells Love he wants a divorce. 

Unsurprisingly, Love won’t let Joe go so easy.

As she did with her last husband, James, Love paralyzes Joe with the aconite, a.k.a wolf’s bane, she’s been growing in her garden. She then plans to kill Marienne, but after seeing her daughter Juliet, she changes her mind.

But Joe is one step ahead of Love and ends up killing her

Turns out Joe knew Love would try to use aconite on him — he knew she was growing in the garden and took adrenaline tablets to prevent the effects of the poison on him.

He uses Love’s poison on her, injecting her with aconite. As Love dies, she tells Joe that the two are perfect for each other.

In the end, Joe fakes his death and blames it all on Love

After Love dies, Joe fakes his death and blames it on her. He cuts off two of his toes (leaving one in a pie on the counter) and sets his house on fire before making an escape.

The end of Season 3’ of “You’s” final episode reveals that Joe has stolen away to Paris on a hunch that Marienne has moved there with her daughter.

But what happens to Love and Joe’s baby Henry in Season 3 of “You”?

Before he jets off to Europe, Joe leaves his son in the care of his colleague at the library, Dante. Dante and his husband Lansing had been trying for a child, and Joe writes them a letter saying he hopes that together they will raise Henry. Dottie, Love’s mom, wants to fight for custody of her grandchild but gives up.

Is this the last we see of Love and Joe’s son? Stay tuned.

what is the end of you

Jordan Greene is an editorial intern at She is currently studying magazine journalism, political science and religion at Syracuse University. Previously, she interned at the Forward, Punch Magazine in the San Francisco Bay Area and Minute Media. She loves adventuring to new places and watching the sunset at the beach. Follow her on Twitter here .

‘You’ Season 3 Recap: Who Dies, How It Ends & Everything Else You Need to Remember

It’s been more than a year since Season 3 debuted, so here’s the refresher you need before Season 4


Note: The following contains spoilers for the entirety of “You” Season 3.

From the haunts of New York’s literary elite to the manicured streets of suburban California, Penn Badgley’s Joe Goldberg has stalked, obsessed and murdered his way across the country in Netflix ‘s addictive thriller series “You.”

Each season introduces a new location, a (mostly) new cast and a big batch of new characters that wind up in the way of Joe’s catastrophic quest for love, so if you need a refresher on what happened in Season 3, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive recap.

What happened to Love? Who did Joe kill? How did it end? Where the heck is the baby ? Here’s everything you need to remember about Season 3.

Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg in episode 401 of "You."

Where Is Season 3 Set?

During the chaos and bloodshed of Season 2 finale, Joe comes  this close  to killing Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti) after she offs Candace (Ambyr C. Childers) and Delilah (Carmela Zumbado), but stops short when he learns she’s pregnant. Instead, they decide to start a new life together. Covering up their crimes with the Quinn family money, the pair gets hitched and relocates from Los Angeles to the Silicon Valley suburb of Madre Linda, where Season 3 is set.

Who Is the Neighbor Joe Stalks at the End of Season 2?


At the end of Season 2, we see that obsessive Joe’s cycle is starting again and he begins to fixate on a mysterious neighbor reading in her yard, dubbing her the new “You.” In Season 3, we learn that is Natalie (Michaela McManus), their new next-door neighbor in Madre Linda. Married to Matthew (Scott Speedman), Natalie becomes Joe’s new obsession. He collects her belongings and drops by for a flirtatious glass of wine, but Love discovers his wandering eye and kills Natalie with an axe before things can go any further.

Who Dies in Season 3 — and Who Kills Them?

Season 3 actually has a relatively low body count, with a total of four deaths. In order, they are as follows:

  • Natalie Engler (Killed by Love) : Joe and Love’s next-door neighbor, Natalie is murdered by Love in Episode 1, after Love discovers that Joe is becoming obsessed with her. Joe and Love dispose of the body together, setting off the events of the season as the suburban town rallies to find Natalie’s killer — none more so than Natalie’s wealthy tech husband, Matthew.
  • Gil Brigham (Attacked by Love, dies by suicide) : A local teacher, Gil (Mackenzie Astin) gets on the wrong side of Love in Episode 3, when he comes to her bakery and reveals that his anti-vax family is responsible for landing Henry in the hospital with a measles infection. In a rage, Love attacks him with a rolling pin and imprisons him in Joe’s glass cage. Trying to devise a way to keep Gil alive, Joe decides they need leverage via blackmail to ensure Gil will keep his mouth shut, but when they reveal that his son is a serial sexual abuser, Gil dies by suicide in the glass cage.
  • Ryan Goodwin (Killed by Joe) : It doesn’t take long after Natalie’s death for Joe’s eye to wander again, this time toward local librarian Marienne (Tati Gabrielle). A kind single mother with a history of substance addiction, Marienne is caught in a custody battle with her ex-husband, Ryan (Scott Michael Foster), who manipulates the courts to take back custody of their daughter, Juliette, despite his ongoing addiction. After a key custody hearing gone bad, Joe takes it upon himself to violently remove Ryan from the equation, initially staging his death as a mugging before pinning it on Love.
  • Love (Killed by Joe): Undoubtedly the most controversial death in “You” history, Love dies by her husband’s hand in the Season 3 finale — right after she tries to kill him. As she says with her dying words, they’re “perfect for each other.” When Love discovers that Joe has one again found a new object of fixation in Marrienne, she stages a sit-down chicken dinner with plans to poison Joe into submission. But he catches wise, gives himself the antidote just in time, injects Love with a lethal dose of her own poison and frames her for for all the deaths in Madre Linda — including his own.
  • Bonus: Joe Goldberg’s Identity (Killed by Joe): As a part of his exit strategy, Joe cuts off two of his toes (and bakes one into a pie, for flourish) leaving them behind as evidence that he was murdered by Love. That means we’ll be meeting Joe with an all-new identity, London professor Jonathan Moore, when we pick up with him in Season 4.

Season 3 Ending Explained: What Happened?


Joe and Love’s short-lived attempt at the suburban dream goes up in literal flames at the end of Season 3.

The dynamic between Love and Joe was permanently altered after he learned she was a murderer in Season 2, and the third season follows that disdain and disconnect all the way to its heartbreaking conclusion. Disgusted by his wife (and the reflection of himself that he sees in her), Joe continues to turn his obsessive gaze toward new opportunities to meet the love of his life, and Love, who believes she’s finally met the person who can understand her, relentlessly pursues any opportunity to win him back — up to and including poison.

In the Season 3 finale, Love deduces that Joe killed Marienne’s ex-husband, Ryan, when she discovers Joe’s bloody clothes in their son’s hamper. In one last desperate attempt to win back her husband, she prepares a roast chicken dinner (the same “perfect bite” she made him while they were falling in love in Season 2) and sits down for a candid talk.

Over dinner, Love confesses that — as Joe and her mother suspected — she killed her first husband, James. Just not on purpose. Despite the fact that she took care of him throughout his illness, James tried to leave her. To stop him, Love poisoned him with Aconite, aka Wolfsbane — which she grows in her garden. But not to kill him, just to paralyze him long enough that she could change his mind. However, she accidentally overdid the dose and he died on the spot. A mistake, she explains, she won’t make with Joe, who is poisoned and immobilized at the dinner table. Love poisoned the handle of the knife on the table, and the moment he picked it up, it started working through his system.

Once Joe is out of action, Love texts Marienne and tells her to come to their house, planning to kill Joe’s latest obsession in front of him. However, after she realizes Marienne is a mother and has a brief heart-to-heart with her would-be victim, Love decides to let her go, telling Marienne that Joe killed her ex-husband and that she needs to take her daughter and run. After their talk, Love also decides that she’s not the problem with her marriage — Joe is — and she decides to kill him once and for all, but before she can strike, Joe injects her with with a lethal dose of Wolfsbane and she dies in his arms, telling him, “We’re perfect for each other, but bad for Henry. He’ll see what you are.”

what is the end of you

Joe seems to agree with that last part, as he makes the heartbreaking decision to leave Henry behind, and uses Love’s death as an opportunity to make his grand escape from Madre Linda (and hopefully, the far reaches of Quinn family money). Joe cuts off two of his toes to leave behind as evidence, baking one into a pie, and frames Love for all the carnage. And just like he did with Beck, he once again rewrites his victim’s story, penning an eviscerating confession from Love and emailing it to the Home Owners Association before he burns their house down.

In the final moments of the Season 3 ending, we learned that Joe’s evil scheme worked — the fire destroyed enough evidence to muddy the details, but the cops found his toes and assumed he was dead. Love takes the blame for it all and “became the Mrs. Lovett of Madre Linda. Once the nausea passed, people were ravenous for her … A bit of a folk hero, more famous even than Guinevere Beck.”

Once again, Joe literally gets away with murder. And where does he go? The last we see Joe in Season 3, he’s skulking through the streets of Paris, trying to find Marienne.

Did Love Really Die?


Yes. I’m sorry, I know, it sucks. But by all accounts, Love Quinn is well and truly dead. We all know the old standby TV rule: death is never certain if it happened offscreen. Well, Love died very much on-screen; we witnessed her final moments up-close, and then we watched Joe bake a pie, pose her body and light the house on fire with her inside. Which is to say, the writing and filmmaking couldn’t be trying harder to show us that Love is  dead .

If that’s not enough for you (and hey, it’s understandable after that Season 1 Candace twist), Victoria Pedretti, Penn Badgley and showrunner Sara Gamble all confirmed that Love is dead  in an interview with Newsweek . And in her postmortem interview with TheWrap , Gamble said that Love’s death was planned from the start, explaining “We knew that the day we met Victoria for her chemistry read with Penn. We knew that this was a two-season story.”

What Happens to Baby Henry?


In one of Joe’s rare moments of self-awareness, he realizes that Love was right — at least about one thing — he would be bad for his son, Henry. Before he goes on the run, he leaves the baby with Dante (Ben Mehl) and Lansing (Noel Arthur), a Madre Linda couple Joe and Love befriended during Season 3, with a note expressing his last wish “that they protect Henry as if he were their own son.”

Last we see of him, Henry is having a happy moment in a sandbox with them. However, Joe also leaves us with a mystery in the final narration, telling the audience that the note he left for Dante and Lansing also included a message to Henry. “Someday when he’s old enough, he can read the rest of the note,” Joe says, “but that’s between him and me.”

Does Marienne Die?


Poor, lovely Marienne is barely hanging on, just trying to get her life back together when she becomes the next object of Joe’s fixation and, like Beck and Love before her, falls for the mask of the man he pretends to be. But unlike most of Joe’s obsessions, Marienne lives to see another day — for now.

A recovering drug addict, who spends the whole season fighting for a new life with her daughter, Marienne doesn’t hesitate to go on the run after her heart-to-heart with Love, during which Love reveals Joe’s true nature as a stalker-murderer. At the end of Season 3, Marienne seems to have fled the country, and Joe follows her oversees, searching for her in Paris.

What Happened to Sherry and Cary Conrad?


A-type mom-fluencer Sherry (Shalita Grant) and her alpha-male husband Cary (Travis Van Winkle) wind up trapped in Joe and Love’s glass cage in the final act of Season 3, after an attempted foursome gone hilariously — and then terrifyingly — wrong. During their would-be swinging seduction, Sherry and Cary overhear Joe and Love discussing Natalie’s murder, which prompts the killer duo to lock them up until they can figure out what to do with them. But as Joe and Love’s relationship spirals out of control, Sherry and Cary’s only grows stronger within the cage. They use their hard-won communication skills to stay alive and, eventually, they realize that since Joe and Love never trusted each other, they would have left hidden keys within the cell.

After their escape, Sherry and Cary turn their survival experience into a marketable self-help empire, capitalizing on their 15 minutes with the book “Caged: a Radical Couple’s Therapy Technique.” Last we see the indomitable duo, they’re giving a TED Talk.

what is the end of you

What Happened to Theo and Matthew Engler?


Theo (Dylan Arnold), the literal boy-next-door, bonds with his new neighbor, Love, throughout Season 3 and ultimately falls for her — before falling victim to her violent ways. Theo lives with his stepfather, Matthew Engler (Scott Speedman) and Matthew’s wife, Natalie. After Love kills Natalie, Theo’s relationship with his stepfather grows strained. Matthew becomes obsessed with finding his wife’s killer. Theo grows closer to Love, falling in love with her and sparking up an affair, unaware that she’s the murderer.

He learns the hard way at the end of Season 3, when he discovers Sherry and Cary in the cage and, in turn, Love bludgeons him with a fire hydrant. Fortunately, he survives the attack and is rescued by Joe, who takes him to the hospital. Later, Matthew — who is (correctly) convinced that Love killed his wife — breaks into Love and Joe’s home and finds Joe indisposed, paralyzed by Love’s Aconite. After he figures out that Theo is at the hospital, he leaves Joe to suffer whatever Love has planned for him, telling Joe that he “deserves what Natalie got a hundred times over.”

Fortunately, things look up for Theo and Matthew in the Season 3 ending. During the final montage, we see Matthew picking up Theo from physical therapy, discussing the great progress he’s making. As Joe says in the narration, “Without my family poisoning the well, Madre Linda began to heal.”

What Happened to Dottie?


Love and Forty’s mother, Dottie Quinn (Saffron Burrows), plays a secondary antagonist role throughout Season 2 and Season 3, during which we learn that she’s a flighty, overbearing and abusive mother to Love. After losing Forty, Dottie pours all her affection onto baby Henry (who she calls by his middle name, Forty), growing more erratic and unstable. Especially after she loses her businesses — the Quinn family store Anavrin and her newly acquired vineyard — during her divorce from Love’s father, Ray.

Drowning her sorrows in alcohol, Dottie crosses the line when she kidnaps Henry, angry that Love hired a babysitter instead of asking her to watch him, drives away with him while drunk, and sets fire to the vineyard. Furious, Love cuts off her mother and Joe drops her off at rehab, where Dottie tells him she believes that Love killed her first husband.

That’s the last we see of Dottie in Season 3, however, in the final narration we learned that she tried to gain custody of Henry after Love’s death, and it doesn’t sound like she’s doing well. As Joe explains, “After a long legal battle, Dottie, bereaved and still not sober, yielded custody to Dante and Lansing.”

When Was the Season 3 Premiere Date?

Netflix released all 10 episodes of “You” Season 3 on Friday, October 15, 2021.

Who Is in the Season 3 Cast?

  • Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg
  • Victoria Pedretti as Love Quinn
  • Tati Gabrielle as Marienne
  • Shalita Grant as Sherry Conrad
  • Travis Van Winkle as Cary Conrad
  • Saffron Burrows as Dottie Quinn
  • Dylan Arnold as Theo Engler
  • Scott Speedman as Matthew Engler
  • Michaela McManus as Natalie Engler
  • Ben Mehl as Dante
  • Noel Arthur as Lansing
  • Shannon Chan-Kent as Kiki
  • Christopher Sean as Brandon
  • Mackenzie Astin as Gil
  • Chris O’Shea as Andrew
  • Bryan Safi as Jackson
  • Ayelet Zurer as Dr. Chandra

what is the end of you

‘You’ Season 1 Recap and Ending Explained: Everything You Need to Remember Before Season 3

Don't tell us you've forgotten about the OG Guinevere Beck.

Before there was the Mystery Woman Beyond the Fence ( Michaela McManus ), there was Love Quinn ( Victoria Pedretti ). Before there was Love, there was Guinevere Beck ( Elizabeth Lail ). Technically not Joe's OG, Gwen is still our OG — the first woman we saw who was unfortunate enough to lay eyes on Joe Goldberg ( Penn Badgley ), the independent bookstore manager who would be every literary lover's dream...if he weren't also moonlighting as a psychopathic stalker/murderer.

It has been nearly two years since the second season of the psychological thriller You hit Netflix on December 26, 2019, and three years since the first season premiered on Lifetime before skyrocketing to international popularity when it moved to Netflix streaming. With Season 3 of You right around the corner, we've provided you with not only a recap of Season 2 , but also a recap of Season 1 to make sure you've refreshed your memory just in time for Season 3, set to drop on Netflix on October 15.

Body Count (5)

Time is of the essence, so let's get right to it. Here is everyone who died in Season 1 of You , and unlike Season 2, Joe killed every single one of these poor, unfortunate souls (and yes, that includes the ones we hated. Looking at you, Ron.)

  • Benjamin "Benji" J. Ashby III ( Lou Taylor Pucci ) - Ah, Benji. He had all the essentials for the privileged white boy starter pack: a #woke social media presence, an artisanal soda business funded by daddy, and the inability to please a woman. All of that being said, no one deserves to die consuming a maple latte with almond milk, two stevia, and a secret ingredient of two tablespoons of one deathly allergen, peanut oil. Joe lures Benji to the basement of his book shop on the pretense that he is interested in his craft soda business. Once he's got him where he wants him, he knocks him out and locks him in his cage, the first of Joe's victims we actually get to see. Benji first tries to offer Joe money, then offers to help him win Beck over, and finally shows him evidence of his most damning secret. Still, it is Benji's influence on Beck that seals his fate. After Benji tells him earlier in the episode that he has a peanut allergy, Joe puts peanut oil in his drink. Within seconds, Benji is convulsing on the floor before dying of anaphylactic shock.
  • Peach Salinger ( Shay Mitchell ) - The beautiful, privileged descendent of J.D. Salinger himself, Peach Salinger didn't have much in common with Joe, except for one little thing: an obsession with Guinevere Beck. Gradually it becomes clear that Peach's "mothering" of Beck is more than that of a woman simply watching out for her friend, but a woman attempting to gain control over a friend she is secretly in love with. Joe, who views ridding the world of Beck's toxic friends as a necessity meant to keep her "safe," ironically believes Peach is "a rich, unstable stalker." He first attempts to kill Peach while she is on her daily run in Central Park. He hits her over the head with a rock, knocking her unconscious and leaving her lying in a pool of her own blood. To his horror, Peach survives the attack, but she doesn't yet realize that Joe is the perpetrator. It isn't until Peach guilts Beck into staying with her at her family's vacation house in Greenwich that Joe makes a final desperate move to permanently remove Peach once and for all. He follows them to Greenwich and hides in Peach's house until Peach catches him. As Joe runs to escape, Peach manages to shoot him in the leg. He feigns unconsciousness before tripping her and killing her with her own gun. He then frames it as a suicide.

RELATED: 'You' Season 3 Trailer Reveals Joe and Love Struggling in Suburbia

  • Elijah Thornton ( Esteban Benito ) - In a flashback scene, we learn that Candace, Joe's ex-girlfriend, was cheating on him with a music producer named Elijah. When Joe confronts Elijah on the rooftop of a party, Elijah assures Joe that he didn't know Candace was in a relationship, but after Elijah drops a few unsavory remarks about Candace, Joe pushes him over the ledge.
  • Ron ( Daniel Cosgrove ) - Ron is definitely in the running for the one of the most irredeemable people in You . Joe's neighbor Claudia's abusive boyfriend, Ron enables Claudia's drug addiction and creates a devastating home life for her son Paco. In the season finale, Paco, fearful for his mom's life, hits Ron over the head with a baseball bat. Unfortunately, Ron gets back on his feet and furiously chases Paco outside where Joe shows up and stabs Ron through the throat.
  • Guinevere Beck - Sadly, we all knew this one was coming. When Beck discovers Joe's secret box in his bathroom ceiling tile, Joe knocks her unconscious and Beck is met with an actual nightmare when she wakes up in Joe's cage. She manages to trap Joe in his own cage after tricking him into letting her out by convincing him that she loves him and understands he was just trying to keep her safe. Unfortunately, Joe keeps a spare key in the event he gets locked in the cage himself. He breaks out and chases Beck up the stairs after she steals his key to the gate blocking the doorway. Before she has as chance to unlock it, Joe grabs her from behind. The next scene we see is a display in Joe's bookstore of Beck's posthumous novel.

Season 1 Ending Explained

Episode 9 left off with Beck discovering Joe's secret box full of everything you don't want to ever discover in your boyfriend's ceiling, especially a jar of teeth. Joe, horrified, knocks her unconscious before she is able to escape. She wakes up and finds that she is locked inside Joe's cage — once a safe haven for beautiful, priceless books, now a horrifying trap with no way out.

Episode 10 begins with a flashback as Mr. Mooney knocks a teenage Joe down the basement stairs before he locks him in the cage, a cruel punishment to help him "understand" who he is to Joe.

Flash forward to the present, and we are right where we left off in Episode 9. Beck, not Joe, is now the person locked inside a glass cage. She pleads with Joe to let her out, who begs her to understand that everything he has done, he did for her. He tells her that he can't let her out until he knows for sure that he can trust her. To Beck's devastation, he confirms that he killed Peach and Benji, but he is alarmingly eager to get it all out in the open and tell Beck the truth.

He returns with evidence that Benji and Peach were dangerous for her, showing her Benji's damning video and Peach's invasive photographs. Unlike them, he claims, he was just trying to keep her safe. Those things in his creepy box? Simple mementos. He pleads with her to understand that love means you would do anything for each other. To Joe's confusion, Beck is petrified by Joe's confession and terrified that she will be next.

Joe continues to try desperately to make her understand his love for her, from bringing her her favorite breakfast to bringing her a typewriter so she can have the "writer's retreat" she has always wanted. Beck quickly realizes the power of deception and feigns affection for Joe, and even convinces him to let her out of the cage just so she can use the bathroom instead of peeing in the bucket Joe has left for her. Joe, easily swayed by Beck's emotional performance, takes out the key when Beck makes a crucial mistake and glances at the staircase. With deep disappointment, Joe tells her he can't let her out. Instead, he encourages her to use her time in the cage to write. After he leaves, she paces with restlessness and panic before she sits down to write about a man masquerading as Prince Charming, sweeping her off her feet after a lifetime of disappointments. (No offense to Beck, but this might be the only time I believed that Beck was a semi-decent writer.)

Meanwhile, Joe continues to keep up the facade that Beck is on a "writer's retreat" by updating her social media status. Unfortunately for him, while he is at Beck's place making sure he hasn't left any evidence of her disappearance, the PI investigating Peach's murder is watching Beck's apartment and sees him leave. When he confronts him about it the next day, it suddenly dawns on Joe that he left his jar of urine in Peach's house in Greenwich, a rookie move for Joe. He agrees to let the PI know if he can think of anything that would help him unveil Peach's stalker. The PI, naturally, is not convinced. Back in the basement, a disgruntled Joe tells Beck that if the PI finds the jar, he will go to jail just like she wants. Beck manages to convince Joe that she is beginning to understand him and that she doesn't want him to go to jail because then Paco will have no one.

Joe goes back to his apartment to find that Paco has attempted to kill Ron with a baseball bat. He finds Paco hiding from Ron outside. Just when Ron is about to catch him, Joe stabs Ron through the throat, killing him. Joe comforts Paco and tells him how to cover up the evidence because no one will understand why they had to do what they did.

Back in the basement, Beck continues to fool Joe. She gives him a manuscript that will frame Dr. Nicky for all of Joe's actions. In a near perfect performance, Beck tells him she understands now that everything he has done for her, he has done it out of love. Now, she says, she loves him more than ever because he takes care of her like no one else has ever done before. Joe finally lets her out.

She blissfully kisses him (again, she is killing this performance so far), when Joe sees in the reflection of the glass that she has a broken key from the typewriter in her pocket. She stabs him with it before locking him in the cage. She dashes up the stairs and to her terror finds there is a locked gate blocking the doorway. Just as she is banging and rattling the gate, Paco appears. When she begs him to let her out, pleading with him that Joe is a murderer, Paco slowly backs away before running out of the shop.

Beck runs back downstairs to find the keys when she sees, to her horror, Joe had a spare key hidden in the cage and let himself out. She scrambles back up the steps with the key she stole from Joe's pocket. Before she can find the right one, Joe grabs her from behind. We don't see it, but I think we all know what happens next.

The scene immediately switches to the bookshop where it is confirmed: Beck is dead. Joe got her book framing Dr. Nicky published posthumously. Dr. Nicky is immediately arrested, the evidence "overwhelming" because of Beck's manuscript. Joe knows Beck would be so happy to see her book published, the book that he made happen. He made her famous.

The final scene of the season ends with a classic Joe voiceover. The bell chimes as a woman enters the bookstore, and Joe seems to have found his new obsession. But then, in a wild twist of events, the woman approaches him and lowers her hood, revealing someone we were certain was dead: Candace.

If you have already obsessively binged Season 2, don't forget to refresh your memory in time for Season 3.

October 15th cannot come fast enough.

KEEP READING: 'You' Season 3 Announces a Release Date and a Baby on the Way for Joe and Love

'You' season 3 is here. Here's where all of your favorite characters ended up by the end of season 2.

  • Season three of Netflix's "You" premiered on Friday, so here's a recap of the second season. 
  • As with the first season, many characters didn't live to see the season-two finale.
  • Warning: Major spoilers for season two of "You" ahead.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories .

Gabe officiates Sunrise and Lucy's romantic wedding.

what is the end of you

During the finale, long-term couple Lucy (Marielle Scott) and Sunrise (Melanie Field) had a beautiful wedding ceremony officiated by Gabe (Charlie Barnett).

This is the last time we see all three characters.

Milo gets dumped by Love.

what is the end of you

A friend of Love's (Victoria Pedretti) late husband, the Australian hunk Milo (Andrew Creer) finds himself dating Love shortly after her relationship with Joe (Penn Badgley) ends.

We last see Milo when Forty confronts him for taking advantage of his sister and punches him in the face. Joe also stands up for Forty and Love, who ultimately dumps Milo to get back with Joe. 

The real Will ends the season in Manila with his lover, Gigi.

what is the end of you

After having his identity stolen and getting locked in the vault by Joe, the real Will (Robin Lord Taylor) forms an unusual friendship with his captor.

While being locked in the cage, Will plays the game hangman with Joe and discusses Joe's desire to be a good person. 

Ultimately, Joe decides to let Will go to prove to himself that he can overcome his tendencies to murder every person he locks in the vault. He trusts in Will's promise never to tell anyone about the kidnapping. 

Will moves to Manila to be with fiancé Gigi and he stays in touch with Joe via postcards — he also gives Joe his phone number.

Later in the season, Joe calls Will for advice after he finds Delilah's dead body and is unsure if he's the one who killed her.

Will tells Joe that he believes Joe wouldn't kill someone that he wanted to keep alive, leading Joe to pursue the truth behind Delilah's death. 

Jasper is killed by Joe and his body is disposed of in the most gruesome way.

what is the end of you

After cutting off the tip of Joe's finger and keeping it as collateral for the debt the real Will owes him, Jasper is killed by Joe in the storage unit.

Jasper comes after Joe with a knife because he believes Joe is hiding money from him. Joe stops him by stabbing Jasper in the stomach. 

In a very "Dexter"-like move , Joe wraps Jasper in plastic and takes him to Anavrin to dispose of his body. He does so by cutting it up and putting the pieces through the store's meat grinder. 

Henderson is killed by Joe and his disturbing past is revealed.

what is the end of you

After being drugged and tied up by Joe, Henderson ( Chris D'Elia ) is forced to confess his evil past of sexually abusing underage girls.

Henderson tries to reason with Joe and then attempts to escape. During a fight, Joe pushes Henderson down the stairs of the basement, accidentally killing him.

Joe stages the death as a suicide, which is believed by the public and authorities only for a short time. 

Later in the season, police begin to think Henderson's death was a homicide and an investigation is launched.

Delilah is murdered while being held captive in Joe's vault.

what is the end of you

Spurred on by Detective Fincher's and Candace's suspicions that Joe isn't who he says he is, Delilah (Carmela Zumbado) enters Joe's apartment to look for evidence.

She finds keys to a storage unit and ends up discovering Joe's vault.

Joe follows Delilah to the storage unit and locks her in the vault with timed handcuffs, promising to let her go in 16 hours after he's had the chance to flee the city — he doesn't want to kill her but he doesn't want to get arrested, either. 

That night, Joe is drugged by Forty and he loses all memory of the evening. The next morning he finds Delilah murdered in the vault. 

Unsure if he's the one who killed her or not, he backtracks the night. Later he discovers that Love murdered Delilah because she believed Delilah was a threat to Love and Joe's relationship. 

Ellie leaves LA and keeps in touch with Joe for his financial support.

what is the end of you

After Joe reveals that Delilah is dead, he tells Ellie (Jenna Ortega) to leave LA so she won't be put into the custody of child services. He gives her money from the Anavrin safe and tells her to head to the train station and set up a new life somewhere else.

He promises to send her money and support her for as long as she needs and Ellie leaves after telling Joe that she hates him because he ruined her life. 

Later, Joe receives a postcard from Florida that says, "Got the $. Send more in 3 months. - E"

Candace is killed by Love.

what is the end of you

After locking Joe in the vault with Delilah's body, Candace (Ambyr Childers) texts Love to come to the storage center so she can see the truth about Joe's dark history.

Joe confesses his crimes to Love, who then runs away in shock. Candace runs after Love to console her, but instead Love whips out a broken glass bottle. Love uses the bottle to slit Candace's throat.

This is more or less the same way she'd previously killed the au pair who was hooking up with her brother, Forty, when they were kids.

Later, Love takes Candace's body to Anavrin where she presumably disposes of it. 

As he's trying to kill Joe, Forty is fatally shot by Detective Fincher.

what is the end of you

During a stand-off with Joe and Love inside Anavrin, Forty (James Scully) pulls a gun on Joe and tries to convince Love that Joe is a terrible murderer.

Forty tells Love that everything Candace said about Joe was true and he prepares to shoot Joe as Love begs him not to.  

Before Forty can shoot Joe, he is fatally shot by Detective Fincher, who had followed the group to Anavrin. 

Detective Fincher kills Forty and focuses the Henderson murder investigation on him.

what is the end of you

After killing Forty inside Anavrin, Detective Fincher (Danny Vasquez) focuses the Henderson investigation on Forty, basically naming him as a top suspect. 

Using their money and influence, the Quinn family ceases the investigation, giving Joe and Love the chance to escape with their reputations unscathed. 

Love is pregnant and plans to raise the baby with Joe in their new home.

what is the end of you

Joe and Love (Victoria Pedretti) agree to love each other regardless of the evil things they've done to others.

We also learn that Love had known the terrible truth about Joe and his crimes for a while, and she loved him even more because of it. 

During the season-two finale, we see pregnant Love ushering movers into her and Joe's new suburban home. Love's mom is also helping her move, so we can assume that they've patched up some of the holes in their relationship. 

Joe moves in with Love and he sets his sights on a new neighbor.

what is the end of you

After Forty's death, Joe and Love are seen moving to the suburbs. 

Joe decides he's going to raise their unborn daughter and give her all the things he never had during his childhood — a happy family, a loving home, and a father figure. 

During the last minutes of the season finale, Joe notices his neighbor reading in her yard and he begins watching her through a hole in the fence. 

He vows he will do whatever it takes to be with her — and thus his awful cycle of stalking begins again.

This could be setting things up for a third season of the show, although Netflix hasn't announced whether or not there will be one. 

  • 20 details in season 2 of 'You' that you may have missed
  • 20 ways the 'You' TV series is different from the book
  • 10 things you probably didn't know about Penn Badgley
  • 10 movies you should watch if you love the show 'You'
  • 8 things 'You' got wrong about bookstores, according to experts
  • All of the hidden book references on 'You'

Disclosure: Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, is a Netflix board member.

what is the end of you

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End-of-Life Stages Timeline

What to expect as someone nears death

  • 40 to 90 Days Before
  • 1 to 2 Weeks Before
  • Days to Hours Before

Frequently Asked Questions

The dying process usually begins well before death takes place. There are often signs 40 days (or more) before death where people move through end-of-life stages that follow a general timeline.

Being tuned in to the physical, mental, and emotional changes of your loved one can help you recognize the signs that they're dying. Knowing more about the end-of-life process may help you better prepare for what's to come.

This article explains a typical end-of-life timeline and what happens to someone mentally, behaviorally, and physically. While some people may follow this closely, not everyone experiences all stages and some may cycle through the stages far faster (even within days) or for months.

Signs: 40 to 90 Days Before Death

The dying process often comes into view about 40 to 90 days before death. Many of the experiences that take place at this first end-of-life stage are broadly common but the specifics can differ for each individual. A healthcare provider may be able to give you a sense of your loved one's expected timeline as they move through these stages.

Physical Changes

As the body starts to slow down, a dying person may have the following physical signs:

  • Reduced appetite
  • Reduced thirst
  • Increased sleeping
  • Weight loss
  • Mild sense of happiness and well-being ( euphoria ) due to natural changes in body chemistry

The reduced appetite and weight loss can be alarming, but it helps to know your loved one isn't suffering in any way by not eating. Their energy needs decrease when they stop regular activities and start sleeping more.

As the body slows down to prepare for death, the metabolism slows down and requires less food. The digestive tract is also less active, which means a dying person won't feel hungry or thirsty.

Mental and Behavioral Changes

Social and cultural factors help shape a person's dying experience. For example, gender roles can be a factor.

Talking Openly About Death

Research suggests men are less likely than women to talk openly about their mortality and end-of-life wishes. One reason might be that men find it more difficult to ask for help and don't want to come across as "needy."

These differences aren't necessarily unique to one gender identity, though. Plenty of women struggle to talk about their deaths and don't want anyone to feel "burdened" by caring for them.

Religious and cultural backgrounds can influence how someone feels about the dying process. Depending on their beliefs, certain practices, rituals, and customs can be steps along the end-of-life timeline.

Withdrawal and Reflection

As they start to accept their mortality and realize death is approaching , they may start to withdraw. They're beginning the process of separating from the world and the people in it.

During this stage, your loved one may say no to visits from friends, neighbors, and even family. When they do accept visitors, it might be hard for them to interact. That may make you feel rejected, which is especially hard when you know your time with the person is limited.

This stage is also one of reflection. The dying person often thinks back over their life and revisits old memories. They might also be going over the things they regret.

Signs: 1 to 2 Weeks Before Death

Verywell / Cindy Chung

The dying process starts to move faster in the last week or two of life. The acceleration can be frightening for loved ones.

As death approaches, you may want to "correct" them if they say things that don't make sense—but it's better not to. At this stage, it's better to listen to and support your loved one rather than to risk upsetting them or starting an argument.

For example, your loved one might say that they see or hear a person who died before them. In those moments, just let your loved one tell you about it.

You might feel frustrated because you can't know for sure whether they're hallucinating, having a spiritual experience, or just getting confused. The uncertainty can be unsettling, but it's part of the process.

At this point in the end-of-life timeline, a dying person's body has a hard time maintaining itself. Your loved one may need help with just about any form of activity.

For example, they may have trouble swallowing medications or refuse to take them. If they have been taking pain medications, they may need liquid morphine now to manage pain.

During this end-of-life stage, signs that death is near include:

  • Body temperature that's one or more degrees lower than normal
  • Cold hands and feet 
  • Lower blood pressure
  • An irregular pulse that may slow down or speed up
  • Increased sweating
  • Skin color changes, with lips and nail beds that are pale, bluish, or, in people of color, purplish
  • Breathing changes (e.g., a rattling sound and cough)
  • Less or no talking
  • Sudden arm or leg motions
  • Constipation
  • Incontinence

During this stage of the end-of-life timeline, people tend to:

  • Sleep most of the time
  • Become confused
  • Have altered senses
  • Experience delusions (fearing hidden enemies, feeling invincible)
  • Continue or begin having hallucinations (seeing or speaking to people who aren't present or who have died)
  • Become restless (pick at bedsheets or clothing, have aimless or senseless movements)

It can be hard for you to witness these changes, but it's important that you remain supportive.

Signs: Days to Hours Before Death

In their last days or hours, the dying person may go through several possible stages.

Surge of Energy

The last few days before death can surprise family members. At this stage, your loved one may have a sudden surge of energy. They may want to get out of bed, talk to loved ones, or eat after having no appetite for days or weeks.

You may take these actions as signs that a dying person is getting better, but the energy will soon go away. It can be hurtful to watch this happen but know that this is a common step within the end-of-life timeline. These energy bursts are a dying person's final physical acts before moving on.

The surges of activity are usually short. The previous signs of being close to death return more strongly once the energy has been spent.

Breathing Changes

At this stage, a dying person's breathing becomes slower and less regular. Rapid breaths followed by periods of no breathing at all ( Cheyne-Stokes breathing) may occur. You may also hear a " rattling " sound when they breathe.

These changes can be unpleasant to witness but you should try to remember that these are not signs your loved one is uncomfortable.

Change in Appearance

Your loved one's hands and feet may start looking blotchy, purplish, or mottled. The changes in skin appearance may slowly move up their arms and legs.

Also, their lips and nail beds may turn bluish or purple, and their lips may droop.


At this end-of-life stage, a dying person usually becomes unresponsive. They may have their eyes open but not be able to see their surroundings.

It's widely believed that hearing is the last sense to stop working. Knowing this can remind you that it's still valuable to sit with and talk to your dying loved one during this time.

Reaching the End

When your loved one stops breathing and their heart stops beating, death has occurred. Other signs of death include:

  • No muscle tension
  • Eyes remain fixed
  • Bowel or bladder releasing

Supporting a loved one at the end of their life can be difficult, but you don't have to go through it alone. Reach out to a hospice , social worker, or clergy member to help you navigate the process. They can help you recognize and understand some of the changes that are happening as your loved one moves through the process of death.

People deal with grief in different ways. After your loved one has died bereavement support groups may be useful. There are some common feelings and experiences that some people may want to share with others.

Signs can be evident one to three months before someone's death. Physical, mental, and behavioral changes are common.

In the week or two before death, the dying process speeds up. They may become more confused and periodically not make sense. Their bodily process may slow down or become erratic, but the person may also appear restless.

In the final days or hours of life, many people have a brief surge of energy and seem like they're doing better. However, once the surge passes, they may appear worse. You may notice breathing changes and skin discoloration.

Knowing these signs may help you prepare for the end of a loved one's life and bring you comfort as you face the physical and mental changes that happen along the end-of-life timeline.

The pre-active stage of dying can last around two to three weeks. That said, there are many factors that contribute to how long the entire process of dying takes for each person, such as their illness and medications.

When a person near the end of life stops eating entirely, it is a sign that death is near. It can be as quick as a few days or up to 10 days. However, some people survive for a few weeks after they stop eating.

That's not necessary and is a personal choice. A dying person will become unconscious, but that does not always mean they are completely unaware of their surroundings. It may bring you (and perhaps, them) some comfort to stay, if you'd like to.

Hospice Foundation of America. Signs of Approaching Death .

Hospice Foundation of America. A Caregiver's Guide to the Dying Process .

Skulason B, Hauksdottir A, Ahcic K, Helgason AR. Death talk: gender differences in talking about one’s own impending death .  BMC Palliative Care . 2014;13(1). doi:10.1186/1472-684x-13-8

Hartogh GD. Suffering and dying well: on the proper aim of palliative care . Med Health Care Philos . 2017;20(3):413-424. doi:10.1007/s11019-017-9764-3

Department of Health, Victoria Government. Managing Physical Symptoms During Palliative Care ,

Wholihan D. Seeing the light: End-of-life experiences-visions, energy surges, and other death bed phenomena . Nurs Clin North Am . 2016;51(3):489-500. doi:10.1016/j.cnur.2016.05.005

Marie Curie Foundation. Final Moments of Life .

Blundon EG, Gallagher RE, Ward LM. Electrophysiological evidence of preserved hearing at the end of life . Sci Rep . 2020;10(1):10336. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-67234-9

Hospice Foundation of America. Signs of approaching death .

By Angela Morrow, RN Angela Morrow, RN, BSN, CHPN, is a certified hospice and palliative care nurse.

26 Types of Punctuation Marks & Typographical Symbols

  • What Is Punctuation?
  • What Is A Typographical Symbol?
  • Punctuation Vs. Typographical Symbols
  • Types Of Punctuation And Symbols
  • Try Grammar Coach

We use words in writing. Shocking, I know! Do you know what else we use in writing? Here is a hint: they have already appeared in this paragraph. In addition to words, we use many different symbols and characters to organize our thoughts and make text easier to read. All of these symbols come in two major categories: punctuation marks and typographical symbols . These symbols have many different uses and include everything from the humble period ( . ) to the rarely used caret symbol ( ^ ). There may even be a few symbols out there that you’ve never even heard of before that leave you scratching your head when you see them on your keyboard!

What is punctuation ?

Punctuation is the act or system of using specific marks or symbols in writing to separate different elements from each other or to make writing more clear. Punctuation is used in English and the other languages that use the Latin alphabet. Many other writing systems also use punctuation, too. Thanks to punctuation, we don’t have to suffer through a block of text that looks like this:

  • My favorite color is red do you like red red is great my sister likes green she always says green is the color of champions regardless of which color is better we both agree that no one likes salmon which is a fish and not a color seriously

Punctuation examples

The following sentences give examples of the many different punctuation marks that we use:

  • My dog , Bark Scruffalo , was featured in a superhero movie . 
  • If there ’ s something strange in your neighborhood , who are you going to call ?
  • A wise man once said , “ Within the body of every person lies a skeleton .”
  • Hooray ! I found everything on the map : the lake , the mountain , and the forest . 
  • I told Ashley ( if that was her real name ) that I needed the copy lickety-split .

What is a typographical symbol ?

The term typographical symbol , or any other number of phrases, refers to a character or symbol that isn’t considered to be a punctuation mark but may still be used in writing for various purposes. Typographical symbols are generally avoided in formal writing under most circumstances. However, you may see typographic symbols used quite a bit in informal writing.

Typographical symbol examples

The following examples show some ways that a writer might use typographical symbols. Keep in mind that some of these sentences may not be considered appropriate in formal writing.

  • The frustrated actor said she was tired of her co-star’s “annoying bull **** .”
  • For questions, email us at anascabana @ bananacabanas.fake!
  • The band had five # 1 singles on the American music charts during the 1990s.
  • My internet provider is AT & T.

⚡️ Punctuation vs. typographical symbols

Punctuation marks are considered part of grammar and often have well-established rules for how to use them properly. For example, the rules of proper grammar state that a letter after a period should be capitalized and that a comma must be used before a coordinating conjunction.

Typographical symbols, on the other hand, may not have widely accepted rules for how, or even when, they should be used. Generally speaking, most grammar resources will only allow the use of typographical symbols under very specific circumstances and will otherwise advise a writer to avoid using them.

Types of punctuation and symbols

There are many different types of punctuation marks and typographical symbols. We’ll briefly touch on them now, but you can learn more about these characters by checking out the links in this list and also each section below:

  • Question mark
  • Exclamation point
  • Parentheses
  • Square brackets
  • Curly brackets
  • Angle brackets
  • Quotation marks
  • Bullet point
  • Pound symbol
  • Caret symbol
  • Pipe symbol

Period, question mark, and exclamation point

These three commonly used punctuation marks are used for the same reason: to end an independent thought.

A period is used to end a declarative sentence . A period indicates that a sentence is finished.

  • Today is Friday .

Unique to them, periods are also often used in abbreviations.

  • Prof . Dumbledore once again awarded a ludicrous amount of points to Gryffindor.

Question mark (?)

The question mark is used to end a question, also known as an interrogative sentence .

  • Do you feel lucky ?

Exclamation point (!)

The exclamation point is used at the end of exclamations and interjections .

  • Our house is haunted ! 

Comma, colon, and semicolon

Commas, colons, and semicolons can all be used to connect sentences together.

The comma is often the punctuation mark that gives writers the most problems. It has many different uses and often requires good knowledge of grammar to avoid making mistakes when using it. Some common uses of the comma include:

  • Joining clauses: Mario loves Peach , and she loves him . 
  • Nonrestrictive elements: My favorite team , the Fighting Mongooses , won the championship this year.
  • Lists: The flag was red , white , and blue.
  • Coordinate adjectives: The cute , happy puppy licked my hand.

Try out this quiz on the Oxford comma!

The colon is typically used to introduce additional information.

  • The detective had three suspects : the salesman, the gardener, and the lawyer.

Like commas, colons can also connect clauses together.

  • We forgot to ask the most important question : who was buying lunch?

Colons have a few other uses, too.

  • The meeting starts at 8:15 p.m.
  • The priest started reading from Mark 3:6 .

Semicolon (;)

Like the comma and the colon, the semicolon is used to connect sentences together. The semicolon typically indicates that the second sentence is closely related to the one before it.

  • I can’t eat peanuts ; I am highly allergic to them.
  • Lucy loves to eat all kinds of sweets ; lollipops are her favorite.

Hyphen and dashes (en dash and em dash)

All three of these punctuation marks are often referred to as “dashes.” However, they are all used for entirely different reasons.

The hyphen is used to form compound words.

  • I went to lunch with my father-in-law .
  • She was playing with a jack-in-the-box .
  • He was accused of having pro-British sympathies.

En dash (–)

The en dash is used to express ranges or is sometimes used in more complex compound words.

  • The homework exercises are on pages 20–27 .
  • The songwriter had worked on many Tony Award–winning productions.

Em dash (—)

The em dash is used to indicate a pause or interrupted speech.

  • The thief was someone nobody expected —me !
  • “Those kids will— ” was all he managed to say before he was hit by a water balloon.

Test your knowledge on the different dashes here.

Parentheses, brackets, and braces

These pairs of punctuation marks look similar, but they all have different uses. In general, the parentheses are much more commonly used than the others.

Parentheses ()

Typically, parentheses are used to add additional information.

  • I thought (for a very long time) if I should actually give an honest answer.
  • Tomorrow is Christmas (my favorite holiday) !

Parentheses have a variety of other uses, too.

  • Pollution increased significantly. (See Chart 14B)
  • He was at an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting.
  • Richard I of England (1157–1199) had the heart of a lion.

Square brackets []

Typically, square brackets  are used to clarify or add information to quotations.

  • According to an eyewitness, the chimpanzees “climbed on the roof and juggled [bananas] .”
  • The judge said that “the defense attorney [Mr. Wright] had made it clear that the case was far from closed.”

Curly brackets {}

Curly brackets , also known as braces , are rarely used punctuation marks that are used to group a set.

  • I was impressed by the many different colors {red, green, yellow, blue, purple, black, white} they selected for the flag’s design.

Angle brackets <>

Angle brackets have no usage in formal writing and are rarely ever used even in informal writing. These characters have more uses in other fields, such as math or computing.

Quotation marks and apostrophe

You’ll find these punctuation marks hanging out at the top of a line of text.

Quotation marks (“”)

The most common use of quotation marks is to contain quotations.

  • She said, “ Don’t let the dog out of the house. ”
  • Bob Ross liked to put “ happy little trees ” in many of his paintings.

Apostrophe (‘)

The apostrophe is most often used to form possessives and contractions.

  • The house ’ s back door is open.
  • My cousin ’ s birthday is next week.
  • It isn ’ t ready yet.
  • We should ’ ve stayed outside.

Slash and ellipses

These are two punctuation marks you may not see too often, but they are still useful.

The slash has several different uses. Here are some examples:

  • Relationships: The existence of boxer briefs somehow hasn’t ended the boxers/briefs debate.
  • Alternatives: They accept cash and/or credit.
  • Fractions: After an hour, 2/3 of the audience had already left.

Ellipses (…)

In formal writing, ellipses are used to indicate that words were removed from a quote.

  • The mayor said, “The damages will be … paid for by the city … as soon as possible.”

In informal writing, ellipses are often used to indicate pauses or speech that trails off.

  • He nervously stammered and said, “Look, I … You see … I wasn’t … Forget it, okay.”

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Typographical symbols

Typographical symbols rarely appear in formal writing. You are much more likely to see them used for a variety of reasons in informal writing.

Asterisk (*)

In formal writing, especially academic and scientific writing, the asterisk is used to indicate a footnote.

  • Chocolate is the preferred flavor of ice cream.* * According to survey data from the Ice Cream Data Center.

The asterisk may also be used to direct a reader toward a clarification or may be used to censor inappropriate words or phrases.

Ampersand (&)

The ampersand substitutes for the word and . Besides its use in the official names of things, the ampersand is typically avoided in formal writing.

  •  The band gave a speech at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame .

Bullet Point (•)

Bullet points are used to create lists. For example,

For this recipe you will need:

  • baking powder

Pound symbol (#)

Informally, the pound symbol is typically used to mean number or is used in social media hashtags.

  • The catchy pop song reached #1 on the charts.
  • Ready 4 Halloween 2morrow!!! #spooky #TrickorTreat

Besides being used as an accent mark in Spanish and Portuguese words, the tilde is rarely used. Informally, a person may use it to mean “about” or “approximately.”

  • We visited São Paulo during our vacation.
  • I think my dog weighs ~20 pounds.

Backslash (\)

The backslash is primarily used in computer programming and coding. It might be used online and in texting to draw emoticons , but it has no other common uses in writing. Be careful not to mix it up with the similar forward slash (/), which is a punctuation mark.

At symbol (@)

The at symbol substitutes for the word at in informal writing. In formal writing, it is used when writing email addresses.

Caret symbol (^)

The caret symbol is used in proofreading, but may be used to indicate an exponent if a writer is unable to use superscript .

  • Do you know what 3 ^ 4 (3 to the power of 4) is equal to?

Pipe symbol (|)

The pipe symbol is not used in writing. Instead, it has a variety of functions in the fields of math, physics, or computing.

How much do you know about verbs? Learn about them here.

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Ways To Say

Synonym of the day

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When does ‘bridgerton’ season 3, part 2 come out on netflix see the release schedule.

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Bridgerton. (L to R) Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington, Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton in ... [+] episode 208 of Bridgerton.

Penelope and Colin’s romance has officially made its grand debut. If you finished Part one and are wondering when part two of Bridgerton Season 3 will arrive on Netflix , read on for the full episode schedule for the beloved regal drama.

Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton reprised their roles as Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton in Season 3 of Bridgerton . This time around, Colin is helping Penelope find a suitable husband. When a wealthy lord is interested in courting Pen and marrying her for practicality rather than love, Colin realizes that he has romantic feelings for his longtime friend. Season 3 is based on the fourth book, Romancing Mister Bridgerton , in Julia Quinn’s bestselling book series.

Beloved cast members returned for new installment, including series regulars like Claudia Jessie (Eloise Bridgerton), Golda Rosheuvel (Queen Charlotte), Adjoa Andoh (Lady Danbury), Ruth Gemmell (Violet Bridgerton), Simone Ashley (Kate Sharma), Jonathan Bailey (Anthony Bridgerton), and more.

In Season 3, Hannah Dodd took over the role Francesca Bridgerton, who is on her own journey to find love this season. Other new additions include Daniel Francis as Marcus Anderson, James Phoon as Harry Dankworth, and The Crown’s Sam Phillips as Lord Debling.

If you watched the first four episodes of Bridgerton Season 3, part one, as soon as it was released and want more of Polin — you’ve come to the right place. Find out exactly when part two arrives on Netflix below.

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Apple ios 17.5 major iphone software release: should you upgrade, samsung leaks confirm galaxy z fold 6 upgrades, when does bridgerton season 3, part 2 come out on netflix.

Bridgerton. (L to R) Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton, Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in ... [+] episode 302 of Bridgerton. Cr.

The final four episodes in Bridgerton Season 3, part two, will be released on Netflix on Thursday, June 13.

What Time Does Bridgerton Season 3 Drop On Netflix?

Bridgerton. (L to R) Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington, Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton, ... [+] Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton, Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton in episode 206 of Bridgerton.

Bridgerton Season 3, part one premiered on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 3:00 a.m. ET or midnight PT.

The second four episodes in part two will also drop on Netflix at the same time — 3:00 a.m. ET or midnight PT — on June 13.

How Many Episodes Are In Bridgerton Season 3?

Bridgerton. (L to R) Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton, Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton, ... [+] Simone Ashley as Kate Sharma, Will Tilston as Gregory Bridgerton, Ruth Gemmell as Lady Violet Bridgerton, Jonathan Bailey as Anthony Bridgerton, Florence Hunt as Hyacinth Bridgerton in episode 301 of Bridgerton.

There are a total of eight episodes in Bridgerton Season 3 on Netflix.

What Is The Bridgerton Season 3 Release Schedule?

Bridgerton. (L to R) Golda Rosheuvel as Queen Charlotte, David Mumeni as Lord Samadani in episode ... [+] 303 of Bridgerton. Cr.

Netflix will release the third season of Bridgerton in two parts. The first four episodes premiered on May 16, while the remaining four will be released a month later on June 13. See the Bridgerton Season 3 release schedule with episode titles, below.

Part I - May 16, 2024 at 3:00 a.m. ET

  • Episode 1: “Out of the Shadows”
  • Episode 2: “How Bright the Moon”
  • Episode 3: “Forces of Nature”
  • Episode 4: “Old Friends”

Part II - June 13, 2024 at 3:00 a.m. ET

  • Episode 5: “Tick Tock”
  • Episode 6: “Romancing Mister Bridgerton”
  • Episode 7: “Joining of Hands”
  • Episode 8: “Into the Light”

Is There A Teaser For Bridgerton Season 3, Part 2?

Yes, there is a teaser trailer for Bridgerton Season 3, part two, that’s played at the end of episode 4 on Netflix.

Watch the official trailer for Bridgerton Season 3 below.

Monica Mercuri

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Jimmy Carter's grandson says he is 'coming to the end' after over a year in hospice care

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Jason Carter, former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson, gave an update on his grandfather’s health on Tuesday, saying that he’s “coming to the end.”

“My grandfather is doing okay. He has been in hospice, as you know, for almost a year and a half now,” Jason Carter said at the 28th Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum at the Carter Center. Jason Carter is the chair of the board of trustees for the global charity established by former president and former first lady Rosalynn Carter in 1982.

Jimmy Carter, 99,  entered hospice care in February 2023 . Though hospice care is often associated with the immediate end of a person’s life, it’s not always a short-term option. The Carter Center announced last year that the former president would not receive “additional medical intervention.” 

“He really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I’ve said before, there’s a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there’s a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end, and I think he has been there in that space,” Jason Carter said Tuesday.

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The former president’s eldest grandson also spoke about the death of his grandmother, saying that her “passing was a difficult moment for all of us – including my grandfather.”

Rosalynn Carter  died last year at age 96.  Jason Carter told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution last week that his grandfather spent hours saying goodbye to his wife at the end of her life. 

“He had this opportunity to say goodbye, and after that, he was just totally at peace with it. And it was an incredible thing  after 77 years of marriage  to watch that type of closure,” he told the “Monica Pearson Show.”

Jimmy Carter  attended Rosalynn Carter’s memorial services  last year, though he was not well enough to speak at the tributes.  

What Caddo schools will be closing at the end of the school year?

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Two Caddo Parish schools will be closing at the end of the school year.

On Friday, April 26, the Caddo Parish School Board received a letter requesting action from the Louisiana Department of Education and the Recovery School District.

Dr. Lamar Goree, Caddo Parish Schools Superintendent released a letter to parents Friday that stated, "I received a letter from the Louisiana Department of Education and the Recovery School District with a request for action that will affect several of our campuses."

The letter also stated that the school board had to approve a plan that would satisfy the Recovery School District by May 15, or the state could have assumed control of the seven campuses currently rated as academically unacceptable. This letter resulted in the closure of two campuses and conversion of another into a charter school.

These schools included Werner Park Elementary School and Sunset Acres Elementary School for closure and the conversion of Fair Park Middle School to a charter school.

A week later the school board hosted a special meeting to discuss this request with Dr. Cade Brumley, Louisiana State Superintendent in attendance.

"It's regrettable that we have to be here today," said Brumley. "I don't think that there is anyone to blame for this particular issue."

He continued by stating that Caddo Parish has lost about 19% of its student population over the last 10 years. "That is more students than any other school system in the state of Louisiana," said Brumley. "You cannot continue to operate in the manner in which you are operating in now."

A plan was proposed during this meeting which would close Werner Park Elementary School and Sunset Acres Elementary School. 400 plus students that attend those schools would be moved to a higher performing school.

Here is a summary of the full plan proposal:

  • Closure of Werner Park Elementary and Sunset Acres Elementary at the conclusion of the 2023-2024 school year.
  • Conversion of Fair Park Middle School to a charter school operated by Third Future Schools to open in the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Leadership at Atkins Elementary, Bethune-Oak Park Elementary, Broadmoor STEM Academy and Caddo Middle Career & Technology to reapply for their positions.
  • Extension of school choice application period for affected schools.
  • Differentiated compensation shall be offered at Atkins, Bethune-Oak Park, Broadmoor STEM Academy, Caddo Middle Career & Technology.
  • Partnership with Star Academy to provide a school-within-a-school model at Caddo Middle Career & Technology and Broadmoor STEM Academy.
  • Additional support of Atkins, Bethune-Oak Park, Caddo Middle Career & Technology and Broadmoor STEM Academy through a specialized track in School Support Institute receiving ongoing school improvement support from an LDOE specialist.

Community reaction

A community meeting on May 14 was sponsored by Barbara Norton and in attendance was Caddo School Board members Dr. Bonita Douzart and Dr. Terence Vinson. Caddo Parish School Superintendent Goree was invited to the community meeting but did not attend.

Douzart said, "the closing has already been voted on."

On Friday, May 3, the Caddo Parish School Board approved the proposed plan with nine in support and three in opposition.

During the community meeting citizens asked the school board members why this happened? Douzart said it was in response to dwindling population.

"One of the reasons that our numbers are going down is because there is no parent that I know that wants their child to identify with an F school," said Norton. "They move them to wherever they can move them."

More: Health Secretary Ralph Abraham says Bossier 988 Lifeline Center saves lives every day

Makenzie Boucher is a reporter with the Shreveport Times. Contact her at [email protected].

Soldiers stand outside in the snow. Tanks and other military equipment are in the background.

Putin Is Selling Victory, and Many Russians Are Buying It

Vladimir Putin’s message to his country appears to be taking hold: that Russia is fighting against the whole Western world — and winning.

Military cadets at an exhibition of equipment captured from NATO countries in front of the Victory Museum in Moscow. Credit...

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By Valerie Hopkins

Photographs by Nanna Heitmann

Reporting from Moscow

  • May 15, 2024

The word “victory” is everywhere in Moscow these days.

It is being projected from gargantuan LED screens alongside major intersections and highways and written on red flags whipping in the wind. It’s prominent at an exhibit of Western weapons destroyed on Ukrainian battlefields and lugged back to Moscow as war trophies on display in — where else? — Victory Park.

Victory is precisely the message that President Vladimir V. Putin, 71, has sought to project as he has been feted with pomp and pageantry after another electoral success, while his army sweeps through Ukrainian villages in a stunning new offensive in the northeast.

“Together, we will be victorious!” Mr. Putin said at his inauguration last week after securing a fifth term as president. Two days later, the country celebrated Victory Day, Russia’s most important public holiday, which commemorates the Soviet contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

Honor guard members walk down a red carpet in the center of a large hallway as people look on from either side.

During the first year of the invasion, many Russians were shocked and ashamed by the war; hundreds of thousands left the country. During the second year, they were concerned about a potential second wave of mobilization.

But with the war now in its third year, many Russians seem to have learned to accept it, interviews over the last week and recent polling show. And “victory” is an easy sell in Mr. Putin’s Russia.

Western sanctions have inflicted few economic hardships. The military news from Ukraine is increasingly positive. Yes, soldiers are still returning in coffins, but mostly to families in the hinterlands , not among the Moscow elite. And for many, the deaths only reinforce the idea, pushed by state news media and driven home relentlessly by Mr. Putin, that Russia is facing an existential threat from the West.

“We can feel that victory is near,” said Andrei, 43, who said he traveled to Moscow for the May 9 holiday celebrations from the Chita region, almost 3,000 miles from the capital.

Like others interviewed for this story, he declined to provide his last name, indicating apparent mistrust of Western news media.

He was among those who braved the cold and even snow to visit the collection of recently captured Western military equipment. (Ukraine also displays destroyed Russian tanks in the center of Kyiv). But the brash exhibit in Moscow, with flags on the equipment showing which countries donated them to Ukraine, fits Russia’s narrative that it is fighting against the whole developed world — and winning.

“When you see all this, and all these flags, it is clear that the whole world is supplying weapons and you know that a world war is going on,” Andrei said. “It’s Russia against the whole world, as usual.”

Ivan, another visitor to Victory Park, waited his turn to pose in front of the rusted and charred hulk of the German Leopard tank, flashing a smile and giving a thumbs up as his friend photographed him. People jostled for a spot beside a similarly destroyed American-made M1 Abrams tank.

“There has been so much talk about these Abrams, about these Leopards, and what is the result?” said Ivan, 26.

“They are all standing here, we are looking at them, we see what condition they are in. This is great!” He smiled.

The bravado exhibited by Russians like Andrei and Ivan this month mirrors the confident posture of Mr. Putin as he steers Russia past economic challenges and to greater battlefield advantage in Ukraine.

His inauguration included a church service in which he was blessed by the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill I, who expressed hope that the president would remain in power until “the end of the century.”

According to the Levada Center, an independent polling institution, about 75 percent of Russians profess support for their army’s actions in Ukraine. (About a quarter of the population is against the war, the poll and other research shows, but protests are effectively banned, and repression is so intense that many people are afraid to acknowledge or share antiwar or anti-government content online).

Thousands who fled Russia have returned. Their lives have adapted to the new normal, and have actually changed less than those in the West might expect.

“It’s what, the 13th package of sanctions they’re making?” Ivan said, laughing. “So far, we don’t feel anything.”

Robots built by Yandex, Russia’s homegrown version of Google, can be seen traversing Moscow’s sidewalks making deliveries. Inflation is under control, at least for now. According to a report last month by Forbes, the number of billionaires in Moscow — measured in U.S. dollars — increased so much that the city moved up four spots in the global rankings, behind only New York City.

“Most of the brands that allegedly left Russia have not gone anywhere,” said Andrei, adding that he and his daughter planned to have lunch at a rebranded K.F.C. What had changed, he said, was that “the consolidation of society has taken place” over the rationale for the war, as well as the conservative social values Mr. Putin is pushing.

Mr. Putin and others trumpeted that apparent cohesion when the official results of his preordained election victory in March were announced, with a record 88 percent of the vote going to the incumbent, a figure that Western democracies decried as a sham.

“Russia is such a complicated, multiethnic country that to understand it and govern it, you need more than one term,” said Oleg V. Panchurin, 32, a veteran of the war in Ukraine.

“If it’s going to be President Putin, then I would be happy if he served 10 terms,” said Mr. Panchurin, who said had been recently wounded near Zaporizhzhia by a Ukrainian drone.

Some civilians who were interviewed said they were pleased the president had taken a hard-line conservative position promoting traditional family values.

Zhenya, 36, and his girlfriend, Masha, expressed gratitude that the government had “finally handled the L.G.B.T.Q. issue” — by banning what it called the “L.G.B.T.Q. movement.” The pair were attending a 1940s-themed Victory Day celebration in a park in central Moscow where participants fox-trotted and waltzed as a live military band played.

With no one who could credibly replace him, the prospect that Mr. Putin will stay in power as long as he is alive feels increasingly possible to ordinary Russians, said Andrei Kolesnikov, a Moscow-based senior fellow at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center.

“Everyone understands that this is for a long time,” he said. “The longer he is in power, the more apprehension there is about who will be next, who will be worse.”

“We are moving closer to a scenario where we could see the effect of Stalin, when, after his death, people were crying, because people didn’t know how to live,” Mr. Kolesnikov added.

Russians who oppose the government say they increasingly fear that they will have to wait for Mr. Putin’s death for anything to change.

“I feel a very strong sense of hopelessness,” said Yulia, 48, a teacher who was visiting the grave of Aleksei A. Navalny, the opposition politician, in southeast Moscow. Mr. Navalny, who died in prison in an Arctic penal colony in February, had long been considered the only possible challenger to Mr. Putin. Yulia declined to use her last name out of fear of possible repercussions.

“I don’t see a way out of this,” she said.

Yulia’s son, Pavel, said, “We are sure that everything depends on the death of person in a certain place.” His mother shushed him, noticing the uniformed Russian National Guard forces that stood nearby; even in death, Mr. Navalny is still monitored closely by the government. Still, there was a steady stream of visitors to the grave.

On the other side of Moscow, mourners were still coming to show their respects to the 145 victims of the March 22 terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall, one of the deadliest in Europe in the past decade. Floral wreaths, plush toys and photos of the victims were placed near the destroyed concert hall.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, and American officials have blamed Islamic State Khorasan Province, or ISIS-K , a branch of the group. Even so, the Kremlin has sought to cast blame on Ukraine and the West.

One woman who declined to give her name said she was sure the West was behind it — despite the fact that the United States had warned Moscow of an imminent attack . According to the Levada Center, half of those polled believe Ukraine was behind the attack, with almost 40 percent saying Western intelligence services were involved.

Vladimir, 26, who was visiting the improvised memorial for the first time, said he didn’t blame the Kremlin for failing to heed the warnings.

“I want the terrorists to be destroyed,” said Vladimir, a supermarket employee. But the president, he said, was doing a great job. “He works so hard.”

“ May God keep him alive and healthy,” he said. “If, God forbid, Putin dies, what will happen to our country?”

Anastasia Kharchenko contributed reporting from Moscow and Alina Lobzina from London.

Valerie Hopkins covers the war in Ukraine and how the conflict is changing Russia, Ukraine, Europe and the United States. She is based in Moscow. More about Valerie Hopkins

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

The Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s talks with President Vladimir Putin of Russia were a show of solidarity  between two autocrats battling Western pressure.

Ukraine asked the Biden administration to provide more intelligence  on the position of Russian forces and military targets inside Russia.

NATO is inching closer to sending troops into Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces . The move could draw the United States and Europe more directly into the war.

Putin’s Victory Narrative: The Russian leader’s message to his country appears to be taking hold : that Russia is fighting against the whole Western world — and winning.

A Boxing Win Offers Hope: The Ukrainian boxer Oleksandr Usyk became the world’s undisputed heavyweight champion, a victory that has lifted morale  in a country struggling to contain Russian advances.

Frozen Russian Assets: As much as $300 billion in frozen Russian assets is piling up profits and interest income by the day. Now, Ukraine’s allies are considering how to use those gains to aid Kyiv .

How We Verify Our Reporting

Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .


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    When Part Two opens, Joe is still trying to connect Rhys with the murders and, in doing so, clear his own name. Rhys, however, has the upper hand: He shares that he has kidnapped Marienne. Joe ...

  3. 'You' Season 4 Ending Explained: What Happened to Joe Goldberg?

    Instead, You finds itself all set up for a renewal. By going back to the Big Apple, there is a full circle finale waiting to happen if Season 5 does end up being the series' last.

  4. You Season Four, Part Two Ending Explained

    Here's everything you need to know about the ending of Season 4, Part Two of Netflix's You.. What happened in Part One of Season 4? You. Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg in episode 407 of You.

  5. 'You' Season 4 Finale Interview: Part 2 Twist and Ending, Explained

    March 10, 2023 7:40am. The 'You' season 4 finale (Inset: Sera Gamble) Jim Spellman/Getty Images; Netflix. [The following story includes major spoilers for You season four.] You showrunner Sera ...

  6. 'You' Season 4, Part 2 Ending, Explained'

    When he left for London, The Cut ran an article claiming that his ex-wife, Love, killed him in a murder-sucide. With a little reframing, and a bit of persuasion, Kate tells the press that Joe ...

  7. You season 4 part 2 ending explained: what happened to Joe?

    Containes spoilers for You season 4 part 2*. We wish we could tell you that You season 4 part 2 ends with Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) finally getting justice for his catalog of crimes and being sent to prison for the rest of his life — but this didn't happen. Throughout the series, we saw Joe (sorry, Jonathan Moore) desperately trying to put ...

  8. You Season Four, Part 1, Ending Explained

    February 9, 2023 1:18 PM EST. Warning: This post contains spoilers for season 3 and part one of season 4 of You. Penn Badgley is finally back as everyone's favorite obsessive stalker and ...

  9. You season 4 part 2 ending explained: Your biggest ...

    You season 4 part 2 has finally arrived on Netflix after a month-long wait since part 1 exploded onto our screens. A lot goes down for Jonathan Moore (AKA Joe Goldberg) and co. in these five new ...

  10. You season 4, part 1's ending explained

    What happens at the end of You season 4, part 1? For some, it was a predictable end: Rhys, it turns out, never really got over his anger, jealousy, and troubled childhood. He has made a sport of ...

  11. That 'You' Season 3 Ending, Explained

    The Ending of 'You' Season 3, Explained. Breaking down the many, many twists and turns. Spoilers forYouseason 3 ahead. There are only three guarantees in life: death, taxes, and Joe Goldberg will ...

  12. You Season 4: Ending Explained

    From Netflix. Joe Goldberg is back at it again in season 4 of Netflix's original series You. Starring Penn Badgley as our fictional serial killer, Joe crosses the ocean this time to hunt down his ...

  13. You season 4 ending explained: What happens to each character

    You season 4 part 1 saw Malcolm, Simon, Vic and Gemma all get killed by Joe. Yep, it wasn't Rhys! Joe was actually the real Eat The Rich killer all along and had killed Malcolm, Simon and Gemma ...

  14. The Ending Of You Season 3 Explained

    The third season of "You," like the two seasons before, is a roller coaster ride of high emotions and hair-raising tension. In true "You" fashion, the final episodes of the new season also leave ...

  15. How Does 'You' on Netflix End? 'You' Ending, Explained

    Beck does not succeed. She writes a magnum opus, an essay about the falseness of romantic tropes that's an effort to re-seduce Joe so she can escape, but her attempt fails and Joe murders her ...

  16. You Season 3 Twist Ending Explained: Every Question Answered

    The You season 3 ending gave its audience a twisted new definition of "happily ever after." Based on the novels by Caroline Kepnes, You was initially produced for Lifetime and was later added to Netflix's lineup of programing when the studio passed on a second season. The psychological thriller has gained a massive following, mainly because of its charismatic lead Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley ...

  17. 'You' Season 3 Recap: What To Remember About Ending Before Season 4

    Love, of all of Joe's romantic partners, is his best match because she's just like him: She's also a killer. And in season three, she kills as much as Joe does. Love's first victim is ...

  18. You Season 3 Recap and Ending Explained: Who Dies?

    Gil Brigham (Attacked by Love, dies by suicide): A local teacher, Gil (Mackenzie Astin) gets on the wrong side of Love in Episode 3, when he comes to her bakery and reveals that his anti-vax ...

  19. You Season 2 Recap and Ending Explained: Who Died, What's ...

    Henderson, aka "Hendy". Henderson ( Chris D'Elia ), the famous "man of the people" comedian with a secret history of child molestation, is Joe's second victim in Season 2. Joe feels it is his duty ...

  20. 'You' Season 1 Recap and Ending Explained: Everything ...

    Season 1 Ending Explained. Episode 9 left off with Beck discovering Joe's secret box full of everything you don't want to ever discover in your boyfriend's ceiling, especially a jar of teeth. Joe ...

  21. Where Everyone Ends up by End of 'You' Season 2 on Netflix

    Before you watch season three, here's how the second season of the Netflix series ends for characters like Joe, Candace, and Forty. Menu icon A vertical stack of three evenly spaced horizontal lines.

  22. End-of-Life Stages and Timeline: What to Expect

    The dying process usually begins well before death takes place. There are often signs 40 days (or more) before death where people move through end-of-life stages that follow a general timeline. Being tuned in to the physical, mental, and emotional changes of your loved one can help you recognize the ...

  23. 26 Types of Punctuation Marks & Symbols

    No sentence is complete without a punctuation mark! Learn about the common types of punctuation marks & typographical symbols and how to use them.

  24. When Does 'Bridgerton' Season 3, Part 2 Come Out On ...

    Yes, there is a teaser trailer for Bridgerton Season 3, part two, that's played at the end of episode 4 on Netflix. Watch the official trailer for Bridgerton Season 3 below. Follow me on Twitter ...

  25. Jimmy Carter's grandson says former president is 'coming to the end'

    Jason Carter, former President Jimmy Carter's grandson, gave an update on his grandfather's health on Tuesday, saying that he's "coming to the end." "My grandfather is doing okay.

  26. 'Young Sheldon' finds the right equation for a heart-tugging series

    For all the tears (and you'd be hard-pressed to get through this hour without shedding a few), the episode ended on a sweetly hopeful and uplifting note, using the Dire Straits song "Walk of ...

  27. Here's what you need to know about the Caddo Parish school closures

    0:21. Two Caddo Parish schools will be closing at the end of the school year. On Friday, April 26, the Caddo Parish School Board received a letter requesting action from the Louisiana Department ...

  28. Putin Is Selling Victory, and Many Russians Are Buying It

    But with the war now in its third year, many Russians seem to have learned to accept it, interviews over the last week and recent polling show. And "victory" is an easy sell in Mr. Putin's ...

  29. Deutsche Bank lifts S&P 500 year-end target to Street-high of 5,500

    The brokerage previously expected the index to finish 2024 at 5,100 points. The new target, at the top end of its range of 5,100-5,500, is around 4% higher than the index's last close of 5,303.27.

  30. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak: Happiness matters more than ...

    A simple equation for finding happiness. Wozniak offered up a simple equation for finding happiness: "H equals S minus F," or happiness equals smiles minus frowns. In his case, smiles often ...