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Adapted from American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed).  https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000


  • Italicize the title
  • Identify whether source is doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis in parentheses after the title

See Ch. 10 pp. 313-352 of APA Manual for more examples and formatting rules

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Home / Guides / Citation Guides / APA Format / How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in APA

How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in APA

In this citation guide, you will learn how to reference and cite an undergraduate thesis, master’s thesis, or doctoral dissertation. This guide will also review the differences between a thesis or dissertation that is published and one that has remained unpublished. The guidelines below come from the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020a), pages 333 and 334. Please note that the association is not affiliated with this guide.

Alternatively, you can visit EasyBib.com for helpful citation tools to cite your thesis or dissertation .

Guide Overview

Citing an unpublished thesis or dissertation, citing a published dissertation or thesis from a database, citing a thesis or dissertation published online but not from a database, citing a thesis or dissertation: reference overview, what you need.

Since unpublished theses can usually only be sourced in print form from a university library, the correct citation structure includes the university name where the publisher element usually goes.

Author’s last name, F. M. (Year published). Title in sentence case [Unpublished degree type thesis or dissertation]. Name of institution.

Ames, J. H., & Doughty, L. H. (1911). The proposed plans for the Iowa State College athletic field including the design of a reinforced concrete grandstand and wall [Unpublished bachelor’s thesis]. Iowa State University.

In-text citation example:

  • Parenthetical :  (Ames & Doughty, 1911)
  • Narrative :  Ames & Doughty (1911)

If a thesis or dissertation has been published and is found on a database, then follow the structure below. It’s similar to the format for an unpublished dissertation/thesis, but with a few differences:

  • The institution is presented in brackets after the title
  • The archive or database name is included

Author’s last name, F. M. (Year published). Title in sentence case (Publication or Document No.) [Degree type thesis or dissertation, Name of institution]. Database name.

Examples 1:

Knight, K. A. (2011). Media epidemics: Viral structures in literature and new media (Accession No. 2013420395) [Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Example dissertation-thesis

Trotman, J.B. (2018). New insights into the biochemistry and cell biology of RNA recapping (Document No. osu1523896565730483) [Doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center.

In the example given above, the dissertation is presented with a Document Number (Document No.). Sometimes called a database number or publication number, this is the identifier that is used by the database’s indexing system. If the database you are using provides you with such a number, then include it directly after the work’s title in parentheses.

If you are interested in learning more about how to handle works that were accessed via academic research databases, see Section 9.3 of the Publication Manual.

In-text citation examples :

  • Parenthetical citation : (Trotman, 2018)
  • Narrative citation : Trotman (2018)

Author’s last name, F. M. (Year Published). Title in sentence case [Degree type thesis or dissertation, Name of institution]. Name of archive or collection. URL

Kim, O. (2019). Soviet tableau: cinema and history under late socialism [Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh]. Institutional Repository at the University of Pittsburgh. https://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/37669/7/Olga%20Kim%20Final%20ETD.pdf

Stiles, T. W. (2001). Doing science: Teachers’ authentic experiences at the Lone Star Dinosaur Field Institute [Master’s thesis, Texas A&M University]. OAKTrust. https://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2001-THESIS-S745

It is important to note that not every thesis or dissertation published online will be associated with a specific archive or collection. If the work is published on a private website, provide only the URL as the source element.

In-text citation examples:

  • Parenthetical citation : (Kim, 2019)
  • Narrative citation : Kim (2019)
  • Parenthetical citation : (Stiles, 2001)
  • Narrative citation : Stiles (2001)

dissertation and thesis Citations for APA 7

We hope that the information provided here will serve as an effective guide for your research. If you’re looking for even more citation info, visit EasyBib.com for a comprehensive collection of educational materials covering multiple source types.

If you’re citing a variety of different sources, consider taking the EasyBib citation generator for a spin. It can help you cite easily and offers citation forms for several different kinds of sources.

To start things off, let’s take a look at the different types of literature that are classified under Chapter 10.6 of the Publication Manual :

  • Undergraduate thesis
  • Master’s thesis
  • Doctoral dissertation

You will need to know which type you are citing. You’ll also need to know if it is published or unpublished .

When you decide to cite a dissertation or thesis, you’ll need to look for the following information to use in your citation:

  • Author’s last name, and first and middle initials
  • Year published
  • Title of thesis or dissertation
  • If it is unpublished
  • Publication or document number (if applicable; for published work)
  • Degree type (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral)
  • Thesis or dissertation
  • Name of institution awarding degree
  • DOI (https://doi.org/xxxxx) or URL (if applicable)

Since theses and dissertations are directly linked to educational degrees, it is necessary to list the name of the associated institution; i.e., the college, university, or school that is awarding the associated degree.

To get an idea of the proper form, take a look at the examples below. There are three outlined scenarios:

  • Unpublished thesis or dissertation
  • Published thesis or dissertation from a database
  • Thesis or dissertation published online but not from a database

American Psychological Association. (2020a). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

American Psychological Association. (2020b). Style-Grammar-Guidelines. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/basic-principles/parenthetical-versus-narrative

Published August 10, 2012. Updated March 24, 2020.

Written and edited by Michele Kirschenbaum and Elise Barbeau. Michele Kirschenbaum is a school library media specialist and the in-house librarian at EasyBib.com. Elise Barbeau is the Citation Specialist at Chegg. She has worked in digital marketing, libraries, and publishing.

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To cite a published thesis in APA style, it is important that you know some basic information such as the author, publication year, title of the thesis, institute name, archive name, and URL (uniform resource locator). The templates for an in-text citation and reference list entry of a thesis, along with examples, are given below:

In-text citation template and example:

Use the author surname and the publication year in the in-text citation.

Author Surname (Publication Year)

Cartmel (2007)


(Author Surname, Publication Year)

(Cartmel, 2007)

Reference list entry template and example:

The title of the thesis is set in sentence case and italicized. Enclose the thesis and the institute awarding the degree inside brackets following the publication year. Then add the name of the database followed by the URL.

Author Surname, F. M. (Publication Year). Title of the thesis [Master’s thesis, Institute Name]. Name of the Database. URL

Cartmel, J. (2007). Outside school hours care and schools [Master’s thesis, Queensland University of Technology]. EPrints. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/17810/1/Jennifer_Cartmel_Thesis.pdf

To cite an unpublished dissertation in APA style, it is important that you know some basic information such as the author, year, title of the dissertation, and institute name. The templates for in-text citation and reference list entry of an online thesis, along with examples, are given below:

Author Surname (Year)

Averill (2009)

(Author Surname, Year)

(Averill, 2009)

The title of the dissertation is set in sentence case and italicized. Enclose “Unpublished doctoral dissertation” inside brackets following the year. Then add the name of the institution awarding the degree.

Author Surname, F. M. (Publication Year). Title of the dissertation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Name of the Institute.

Averill, R. (2009). Teacher–student relationships in diverse New Zealand year 10 mathematics classrooms: Teacher care [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Victoria University of Wellington.

APA Citation Examples

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APA Citation Style

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Scrivner, E. M. (1996). Role of police psychology in controlling excessive force in 50 large cities in the United States, 1992 [Data file and codebook]. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR06402.v1

Doctoral Dissertations

Lastname, F. M. (year). Title of doctoral dissertation (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Name of Database. (Accession or Order No.)

Boucher, H. C. (2005). Culture and implicit self-concept inconsistency (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database. (UMI No. 3210518). 

The order number is listed under "Dissertation/thesis number" in ProQuest Dissertations . If you found the dissertation elsewhere online, for example an institutional web site, you can use the URL instead of an order number.

Unpublished interviews are considered personal communication and are cited in text only, not in the reference list. The in-text citation should include the interviewee's initials, surname, and exact date of interview, e.g. (C. M. Murray, personal communication, March 2, 2016), unless the interview was part of your qualitative data collection, in which case the identity of the interviewee should not be disclosed. If the interview has been archived, either as a recording or a transcript, cite it as archival material, as in the citation below.

Trafton, B. M. (1999). Trafton, Barbara McKnight oral history interview.  (M. Richard., Interviewer). Retrieved from Bates College, Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Collection website: http://scarab.bates.edu/muskie_oh/388

Lecture notes are considered personal communication  unless they have been publicly posted online (Lyceum doesn't count); personal communications are not recoverable by other researchers and should cited in text only, not in the reference list.

Ben-Shahar. T. Lecture 10: Mindfulness [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Harvard University website: http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic134046.files/1504-10-mindfulness.ppt

Measurement instrument

Bavolek, S. J. (1983). Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory [Measurement instrument]. Unpublished instrument. Retrieved from http://chipts.ucla.edu/resources/?did=159.

Do not italicize the titles of software, programs, or languages. See also the APA Style Blog: How to Cite a Psychological Test in APA Style

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Reference Page Examples - Dissertations or Theses

  • Published Dissertation or Thesis
  • Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis

 A dissertation or thesis is considered published when it is available from a database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

If the database or archive requires users to log in before they can view the dissertation or thesis, meaning the url will not work for readers, end the reference with the database name., author, a. a. (year).  title of dissertation  (publication no. xxxxxxxxx). [doctoral dissertation or masters thesis, name of, institution that awarded the degree]. name of source i.e. proquest dissertations and theses global. url for, the dissertation or thesis., d'arcangelis, g. s. (2009).  the bio scare: anthrax, smallpox, sars, flu and post-9/11 u.s. empire  (order no.,            3388146). [doctoral dissertation, university of california los angeles]. proquest dissertations and theses,            global. , * ** remember: each source listed on the reference page must correspond to at least one in-text citation in the body of the paper; each in-text citation must correspond to a source listed on the reference page., when a dissertation or thesis is unpublished, include the description “[unpublished doctoral dissertation]” or “[unpublished master’s thesis]” in square brackets after the dissertation or thesis title., in the source element of the reference, provide the name of the institution that awarded the degree., author, a. a. (year).  title of dissertation  [unpublished doctoral dissertation or unpublished, masters thesis], name of institution that awarded the degree. , johnson, b. (2005). balanced scorecard applications  [unpublished master's thesis]. worthington university..

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APA 7th Referencing Style Guide

  • Theses and dissertations
  • Referencing & APA style
  • In-text citation
  • Elements of a reference
  • Format & examples of a reference list
  • Conferences
  • Reports & grey literature
  • Figures (graphs and images)

Terminology - Thesis, dissertation or exegesis?

Published theses and dissertations, unpublished theses and dissertations.

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Thesis and dissertation can mean different things depending on where the degree is awarded. Always check the title page, or subsequent pages, to determine exactly what the work is and use the information for your reference. ​

Auckland University of Technology (and other NZ universities)

  • Thesis is either for a doctoral or a master's degree.
  • Dissertation is either for a master's or a bachelor's degree with honours.
  • Exegesis is the written component of a practice-based thesis where the major output is a creative work;  e.g., a film, artwork, novel.

Other parts of the world

  • In North America and some other countries, dissertation is used for a doctoral degree and thesis for a master's degree.

Theses available in a database, a university archive or from a personal website.

Reference format

Theses published online (e.g. in institutional repositories), theses from proquest dissertations and theses global.

Find how to cite in text on the  In-text citation  page.

 Unpublished thesis or dissertations are usually sourced directly from the university in print form.

 Reference format

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APA 7th Referencing

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  • Film/Movie, TV, radio and podcasts
  • Print books
  • Book chapters
  • Edited books
  • Conference papers and webinars
  • Dictionaries and encyclopedias
  • First Nations resources and knowledges
  • Images, artworks, and screenshots
  • Journal articles
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Lecture/Class materials, MOOCs/learning modules and personal communications
  • Legal cases
  • Legislation, bills and regulations
  • Conventions and treaties
  • Taxation rulings
  • Medical databases
  • Plant labels and profiles
  • Standards, building codes and patents
  • Graphs (figures)

Theses and dissertations overview

  • Theses/Dissertations format
  • Translated and foreign works
  • Websites and webpages
  • Online documents (e.g. white paper, brochure, fact sheet, ppt slides etc.)
  • Social media, apps, games and AI
  • APA 7th quiz

A thesis or dissertation will either be unpublished - available only in print at the awarding institution; or published - either on a website, or in a theses database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. The principles when referencing a thesis are similar to those used when referencing a book.

  • Unpublished (print)
  • Online from a database
  • Online from a website/archive

Thesis/Dissertation printed and paper bound

Reference elements.

annotated example of a thesis reference

In-text citation

Thesis/dissertation from online database.

annotated example of a thesis reference from a database

Thesis/Dissertation from online website/archive

annotated example of a thesis reference from a website

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APA Referencing - Education & CCSC students: Unpublished or informally published work

  • Abbreviations
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  • Quotes & citations
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  • Self-referencing
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  • Figures & tables

Unpublished or informally published work

How to reference an unpublished or informally published work.

As with all referencing in academic writing, referencing is a matter of establishing the authority of the source or information you are relying upon as evidence to support the claims you make in your writing. This is the reason for peer review as it is a process that establishes the authority of a work through expert checking. Peer-reviewed published works are accepted as having greater authority than works that are not peer reviewed. Sometimes, however, the most useful research article might not be available as a peer-reviewed published article but it is available to us in an unpublished form. Use other peer-reviewed articles if possible but if there is a lack of published research reports and, for example, a pre-press version is available directly from the author, you may use it. Check whether the article has been published before submitting your final assignment or thesis and, if it has, reference the final version, taking into account any changes that the editors may have required in the peer-review process.

Unpublished and informally published works include:

  • work in progress
  • work submitted for publication
  • work prepared for publication but not submitted

a university website

An electronic archive such as academia.edu or researchgate.

  • the author's personal website

In-text citation

Reference list

Author, A. A. (Year).  Title of manuscript.  Unpublished manuscript [or "manuscript submitted for publication," or "Manuscript in preparation"].

If the unpublished manuscript is from a university, give this information at the end.

If you locate the work on an electronic archive, give this information at the end.

If a URL is available, give it at the end. 

If you use a pre-print version of an article that is later published, reference the published version.

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Guide to Sources for Finding Unpublished Research

Unpublished research.

  • Research Networks
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Clinical Research in Progress
  • Grey Literature
  • Institutional Repositories
  • Preprint Servers
  • Finding Theses

This guide takes you through the tools and resources for finding research in progress and unpublished research in Paramedicine. 

What do we mean by unpublished?  

Typically we mean anything that is publicly available on the internet that isn't published formally in a journal article or conference proceedings.  By their nature these  unpublications  are varied but might include things like: 

  • Preprints, work in progress or an early version of an article intended for publication that is made available for comment by interested researchers, 
  • Presentations, posters, conference papers  published on personal websites or research networks like  ResearchGate  or  Mendeley ,
  • Theses and dissertations  published on the web or through repositories.

Unpublished research can be harder to find a number of reasons.  There is no one place to look. You have to dig a little deeper.  The tools you can use o do this are covered in this  Guide . Also, there isn't that much of it.  There are a number of reasons for this. Paramedic researchers are relatively few and widely dispersed geographically and across different organizations (academic and EMS/Ambulance Services).  Compared to similar areas Paramedic research is in the early stages of development.  To use an analogy, Paramedic research is till taxing up the runway while other areas are already up and flying. It's not impossible; it's just harder than in more established research areas.

Why would you want to look?

If you are wondering why you would want to search for  unpublished  material, there could be a number of reasons: 

  • Completeness,   if you need to cover a complete topic including work in progress and projects and ideas that haven't made it to formal publication,
  • Real- world  examples and case studies , not every project or every implementation will make it to formal publication but may be reported informally as a presentation, theses or dissertation,
  • Currency,   the lengthy publication process encourages researchers to find alternative routes to promote research in progress to share ideas and inform current practice. Typically this would be preprints but there are other informal methods such as copies of posters and presentations. 
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In-text citation

Reference list.

  • Artificial intelligence
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  • Conferences
  • Course materials
  • Government and business reports
  • Medicine and health sources
  • Music scores
  • Tables and figures

Theses and dissertations

  • Web and social media
  • Other sources
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  • Referencing home

(Author's surname, Year)

This was seen in an Australian study (Couch, 2017). 

Couch (2017) suggests that…

  • Go to  Getting started >  In-text citation  to view other examples such as multiple authors.

Published thesis

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of thesis [Type of thesis, Name of institution awarding degree]. Name of archive or site. https://xxxxxx

Stored in a database

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of thesis (Database Publication number, if assigned) [Type of thesis, Name of institution awarding degree]. Database Name.

Taffe, S. (2017).  The Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders: The politics of inter-racial coalition in Australia, 1958–1973  [Doctoral thesis, Monash University]. Bridges.  https://doi.org/10.4225/03/59d4482289ea4

Bozeman, A. Jr. (2007).  Age of onset as predictor of cognitive performance in children with seizure disorders  (Publication No. 3259752) [Doctoral dissertation, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Unpublished thesis

Author, A. A. (Year).  Title of thesis or dissertation  [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation or Master's thesis]. Name of Institution.

Imber, A. (2003).  Applicant reactions to graduate recruitment and selection  [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation]. Monash University. 

For further guidance, see the APA Style website- Published Dissertation or Thesis , Unpublished Dissertation or Theses .

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  • Last Updated: May 7, 2024 1:39 PM
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APA 7th Edition Style Guide: Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal Publications (i.e. course packets and dissertations)

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  • Book with Organization as Author
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Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal Publications (i.e. course packets and dissertations)

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  • Headings in APA
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Formatting your References

Once you type your references on the reference page, you will need to put in a hanging indent and double-space the entire reference list. In Microsoft Word, highlight the references from A to Z, then find the paragraph function in the Word ribbon. Select Hanging under Indentation and Double under spacing. See the Formatting your References tab for instructions on doing this on a Mac or in Google Docs.

Abbas, D. D. F. (2020). Manipulating of audio-visual aids in the educational processes in Al-Hilla University College. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (3), 1248-1263. https://doi.org.db12.linccweb.org/10.37200/ijpr/v24i3/pr200875

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what is the unpublished thesis

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Theses & Dissertations

Citing a published thesis, citing an unpublished thesis, citing a thesis in online database or repository.

  • CMS 14.224: Theses and dissertations

Titles of unpublished works appear in "quotation marks"—not in italics . This treatment extends to theses and dissertations, which are otherwise cited like books.

The kind of thesis, the academic institution, and the date follow the title. Like the publication data of a book, these are enclosed in parentheses in a note but not in a bibliography.

If the document was consulted online, include a URL or, for documents retrieved from a commercial database, give the name of the database and, in parentheses, any identification number supplied or recommended by the database.

For dissertations issued on microfilm, see 14.120 . For published abstracts of dissertations, see 14.197 .


First-name Last-name, "Title of Thesis: Subtitle," (Publisher, Year).

      Mihwa Choi, “Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty,” PhD diss., (University of Chicago, 2008).

Short Note:

Last-name, "Title of Thesis."

Choi. “Contesting Imaginaires ."

Bibliography Entry:

Last-name, First-name. "Title of Thesis: Subtitle." Year.

Choi, Mihwa. “Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty.” PhD diss. University      of Chicago, 2008.


Text Citation:

(Last-name Year)

(Mihwa 2008)

Reference Entry:

Last-name, First-name. Year. "Title of Thesis: Subtitle."

Choi, Mihwa. 2008. “Contesting  Imaginaires  in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty.”  PhD diss.       University of Chicago.

Note -Bibliography

Note #. First-name Last-name, "Title of Thesis: Subtitle," Unpublished thesis type, University. Year.

Barry C. Hosking, "The Control of Gastro-intestinal Nematodes in Sheep with the Amino-acetonitrile Derivative, Monepantel with a Particular Focus on Australia and New Zealand," PhD diss., (Ghent University, 2010).

Note #. Last-name,"Title of Thesis."

Barry C. Hosking, "The Control of Gastro-intestinal Nematodes."


Last-name, First-name. "Title of Thesis: Subtitle." Unpublished thesis type. University. Year.

Hosking, Barry C. "The Control of Gastro-intestinal Nematodes in Sheep with the Amino-acetonitrile Derivative, Monepantel with a Particular Focus on Australia and New Zealand." PhD diss., Ghent University, 2010.

(Hosking 2010)

Last-name, First-name.  Year.  "Title of Thesis: Subtitle." Unpublished thesis type. University.

Hosking, Barry C.    2010.  "The Control of Gastro-intestinal Nematodes in Sheep with the Amino-acetonitrile Derivative, Monepantel with a Particular Focus on Australia and New Zealand." PhD diss., Ghent University.

Note #. First-name Last-name, "Title of Thesis: Subtitle," Database Name (Identifier if given), Year, Internet address.

      12. Meredith Stewart, "An Investigation into Aspects of the Replication of Jembrana Disease Virus, " Australasian Digital Theses Program (WMU2005.1222), 2005, http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/adt/browse/view/adt-MU20051222.104106.

Note #. Last-name, "Title of Thesis."

21. Stewart, "An Investigation into Aspects."

Last-name, First-name. "Title of Thesis: Subtitle." Database Name (Identifier if given), Year. Internet address.

Stewart, Meredith. "An Investigation into Aspects of the Replication of Jembrana Disease Virus ." Australasian Digital Theses Program (WMU2005.1222),  2005. http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/adt/browse/view/adt-MU20051222.104106.

(Stewart 2005)

Last-name, First-name. Year. "Title of Thesis: Subtitle."  Database Name  (Identifier if given), Internet address.

Stewart, Meredith. 2005. "An Investigation into Aspects of the Replication of Jembrana Disease Virus ." Australasian Digital Theses Program  (WMU2005.1222),    http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/adt/browse/view/adt-MU20051222.104106.

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How to Cite an Unpublished Paper or Manuscript in APA Referencing

3-minute read

  • 23rd June 2020

Did you know that you can cite unpublished works, such as in-progress research papers or manuscripts, in an essay? Well, you can! The key is citing them correctly. And in this post, we will look at how to cite an unpublished paper or manuscript in APA referencing .

How to Cite an Unpublished Paper in APA referencing

In APA referencing, you can cite an unpublished work in the same way as you would a published one. This means giving an author’s name and a date in brackets . The only difference is that you give a year of production (i.e., when the paper was written) rather than a year of publication:

Few fully understand the publication process (Clarke, 2020).

Like other sources, if you name the author in the text, you do not need to repeat it in the brackets. And if you quote an unpublished paper, you should give page numbers. For example:

According to Clarke (2020), publication “is a complex process” (p. 20).

When a paper has been accepted for publication but not yet published, however, you should use the term “in press” in place of a year in citations:

Few fully understand the publication process (Clarke, in press).

How to Reference an Unpublished Work in APA Referencing

When adding an unpublished paper to an APA reference list , the correct format will depend on where it is in the publication process. But let’s start with works that will not be published at all (e.g., a paper that the author never submitted or that the publisher rejected).

In this case, the correct format is:

Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year of Production). Title of manuscript [Unpublished manuscript]. Department, University Name.

So, in practice, we could cite an unpublished paper like this:

Clarke, J. (2020). The publication process explained [Unpublished manuscript]. School of Journalism, Media and Performance, University of Central Lancashire.

Referencing a Work Submitted for Publication

If a paper has been submitted for publication but not yet accepted, the reference should state “manuscript submitted for publication.” However, you should not include any other information about the submission, such as where it was submitted, as this information could go out of date quickly.

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The correct format in this case is therefore:

Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year of Production). Title of manuscript [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department, University Name.

For example, we would list the paper above as follows:

Clarke, J. (2020). The publication process explained [Manuscript submitted for publication]. School of Journalism, Media and Performance, University of Central Lancashire.

Referencing a Paper in Press

If a paper has been accepted for publication, use the following format:

Author Surname, Initial(s). (in press). Title. Periodical or Journal Title .

As you can see, we now include both:

  • The phrase “in press” to show that the paper has been accepted by the journal and is now awaiting publication.
  • The title of the journal that accepted it (note, too, that we only use italics for the journal title here, not the title of the paper itself).

In practice, then, we would reference a paper awaiting publication like this:

Clarke, J. (in press). The publication process explained, Publishing Research Quarterly .

It is always worth checking the status of submitted papers before finalizing your reference list, too, as they can go from “submitted for publication” to “in press” quite suddenly, leaving your reference out of date.

Hopefully, you will now be able to cite an unpublished paper or manuscript correctly. But if you would like any further help with your writing, why not submit a document for proofreading ?

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How do I cite a dissertation in MLA style?

Note: This post relates to content in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook . For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook .

A dissertation is a unique type of source. It is a finished, stand-alone work written under the auspices of an institution. In a change from the previous edition of the MLA Handbook ,    we do not distinguish between published and unpublished dissertations. To cite a dissertation, include in the entry the author, title, and date of publication as core elements. As an optional element, list the institution granting the degree and a description of the work.

Njus, Jesse. Performing the Passion: A Study on the Nature of Medieval Acting . 2010. Northwestern U, PhD dissertation.

If you accessed the dissertation through an online repository, include this fact as the title of the second container:

Njus, Jesse. Performing the Passion: A Study on the Nature of Medieval Acting . 2010. Northwestern U, PhD dissertation.  ProQuest , search.proquest.com/docview/305212264?accountid=7432.


APA Style Guide, 7th Edition: Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal Publications (i.e. course packets and dissertations)

  • Updated About In-text Citations
  • Updated In-Text Examples
  • What to Include
  • Volume/Issue
  • Bracketed Descriptions
  • URLs and DOIs
  • Book with Editor(s)
  • Book with No Author
  • Book with Organization as Author
  • Book with Personal Author(s)
  • Chapters and Parts of Books
  • Classical Works
  • Journal Article
  • Magazine Article
  • Multi-Volume Works
  • Newspaper Article
  • Patents & Laws
  • Personal Communication
  • Physicians' Desk Reference
  • Social Media
  • Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal Publications (i.e. course packets and dissertations)
  • Formatting Your Paper
  • Formatting Your References
  • Headings in APA
  • Annotated Bibliography

Formatting your References

Once you type your references on the reference page, you will need to put in a hanging indent and double-space the entire reference list. In Microsoft Word, highlight the references from A to Z, then find the paragraph function in the Word ribbon. Select Hanging under Indentation and Double under spacing. See the Formatting your References tab for instructions on doing this on a Mac or in Google Docs.

Abbas, D. D. F. (2020). Manipulating of audio-visual aids in the educational processes in Al-Hilla University College. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (3), 1248-1263. https://doi.org.db12.linccweb.org/10.37200/ijpr/v24i3/pr200875

The citation above may not indicate a hanging indent depending on the device you are using to view it.  The second and all subsequent lines of APA formatted references use a hanging indent.

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The historical resources in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary have been under study and investigation by many experts, which has led to a growing body of knowledge. The following sources provided the information presented on this website about Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary's historical resources.

To access unpublished works on file at Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, contact sanctuary archaeologist, Matthew Lawrence .

Casserley, T. (2002). Islamorada Shipwreck Project ( Queen of Nassau , former CGS Canada ). [Unpublished work on file with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary]. Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, Newport News, VA.

Corbin, A., Corscadden, A., & Hall, A. (2007). Preliminary Site Report on the Shipwreck Tonawanda. [Unpublished work on file with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary].The PAST Foundation.

Corscadden, A., Bossie, C., Ching, E., Harwood, R., Morgan, K., Schubert, K., Tucker, S., Foster, K., & Hall, A. (2010). Menemon Sandford Archaeological Project: 2008 . [Unpublished work on file with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary]. The PAST Foundation.

Echegoyen, F. & Garcia, J. (2020). Regreso Al Valbanera: Historia Visual de un Naufragio Espanol . El Gran Libro Del Centenario Del Valbanera.

Hunter, J. W. & Schmidt, J. S. (2005). Archaeological Remote-Sensing and Ground-Truthing Survey for the Remains of the United States Navy Schooner Alligator. [Unpublished work on file with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary]. U.S. Naval Historical Center, Underwater Archaeology Branch.

McClarnon, D. P., Smith, R., Shefi, D., & Broadwater, J. (2007). Archaeological and Biological Examination of the Rib Wreck (8MO1880) off Vaca Key, Monroe County, Florida . Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Division of Historical Resource, Florida Department of State. https://dos.myflorida.com/media/30889/rib_wreck_final_report.pdf

Peterson, M. (1955). The Last Cruise of H.M.S. "Loo". Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections , 131(2). https://repository.si.edu/bitstream/handle/10088/22929/SMC_131_Peterson_1955_2_1-55.pdf

Price, F. H., Smith, R. C., McClarnon, D., & Altmeier, B. (2009). Archaeological and Biological Examination of the Marker 39 Wreck (8MO1931) off Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida . Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Division of Historical Resource, Florida Department of State. https://dos.myflorida.com/media/30886/marker39_wreck_report.pdf

Qualls, C. (2019). Reexamining Underwater Cultural Heritage at Molasses Reef . [Unpublished manuscript on file with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary]. Thesis submitted to the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.

Rodriguez, E. (2012). Profitability and Production of 19th Century Composite Ships: The Case Study of the Austrian Vessel, The Slobodna. [Unpublished manuscript on file with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary]. Thesis submitted to the University of Pittsburgh, Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.

Shefi, D., Smith, R. C., McClarnon, D. P., & Altmeier, B.S. (2009). Archaeological and Biological Examination of the Bronze Pin Wreck (8MO1879) off Grassy Key, Monroe County, Florida: an Interim Report . Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Division of Historical Resource, Florida Department of State. https://dos.myflorida.com/media/30888/bronze_pin_interim_report.pdf

Smith, R. C., Scott-Ireton, D., McKinnon, J., Beckwith, S., Altmeier, B., & MacLaughlin, L. (2006a). Archaeological and Biological Examination of "The Mystery Wreck" (8MO143) off Vaca Key, Monroe County, Florida . Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Division of Historical Resource, Florida Department of State. https://dos.myflorida.com/media/30887/mystery_wreck_final_report.pdf

Smith, R. C., Moates, J. T., Shefi, D. G., Adams, B. J., Altmeier, B. S., Newsom, L. A., & Reese, C.L. (2006b). Archaeological and Biological Examination of the Brick Wreck (8MO1881) off Vaca Key, Monroe County, Florida . Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Division of Historical Resource, Florida Department of State. https://dos.myflorida.com/media/30885/brick_wreck_final_report.pdf


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  4. APA Citations for a Thesis or Dissertation

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  6. 😍 Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Referencing a Dissertation in APA

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  2. Footnotes| footnoting| citation, part 3

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  4. PAANO i-CITE ang mga Unpublished at Published thesis na nakuha niyo at gawing references sa study

  5. Footnotes

  6. Unpublished Manuscript


  1. The Difference Between a Published & Unpublished Dissertation

    The difference between this article and an unpublished dissertation is clear: The article is present in a journal that is printed in thousands of copies and distributed to influential academics around the world. In most cases, the editors of the journal will want the form of the dissertation chapter reworked to some extent to make it more ...

  2. Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis References

    When a dissertation or thesis is unpublished, include the description " [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]" or " [Unpublished master's thesis]" in square brackets after the dissertation or thesis title. In the source element of the reference, provide the name of the institution that awarded the degree. The same format can be adapted ...

  3. Thesis/Dissertation

    Unpublished master's thesis. Curry, J. (2016). A guide to educating single mothers about early gang intervention and prevention (Unpublished master's thesis). Pacific Oaks College. See Ch. 10 pp. 313-352 of APA Manual for more examples and formatting rules << Previous: Articles;

  4. How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in APA

    Citing a published dissertation or thesis from a database. If a thesis or dissertation has been published and is found on a database, then follow the structure below. It's similar to the format for an unpublished dissertation/thesis, but with a few differences: Structure: Author's last name, F. M. (Year published).

  5. How to Cite a Dissertation in APA Style

    To cite an unpublished dissertation (one you got directly from the author or university in print form), add "Unpublished" to the bracketed description, and list the university at the end of the reference, outside the square brackets. APA format. Author last name, Initials. ( Year ).

  6. APA Citations for a Thesis or Dissertation

    Difference Between a Published and Unpublished Dissertation. Knowing whether a dissertation or thesis is published or unpublished is a bit ticky. However, an unpublished dissertation or thesis is typically only available in your school library. In comparison, published dissertations offer more venues for access like databases and archives.

  7. Unpublished Sources

    The order number is listed under "Dissertation/thesis number" in ProQuest Dissertations. If you found the dissertation elsewhere online, for example an institutional web site, you can use the URL instead of an order number. Interviews. Unpublished interviews are considered personal communication and are cited in text only, not in the reference ...

  8. Dissertations or Theses

    When a dissertation or thesis is unpublished, include the description "[Unpublished doctoral dissertation]" or "[Unpublished master's thesis]" in square brackets after the dissertation or thesis title. In the source element of the reference, provide the name of the institution that awarded the degree. Pattern: Author, A. A. (year).

  9. Theses and dissertations

    Thesis is either for a doctoral or a master's degree. Dissertation is either for a master's or a bachelor's degree with honours. Exegesis is the written component of a practice-based thesis where the major output is a creative work; e.g., a film, artwork, novel. Other parts of the world

  10. LibGuides: APA 7th Referencing: Theses and dissertations

    A thesis or dissertation will either be unpublished - available only in print at the awarding institution; or published - either on a website, or in a theses database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. The principles when referencing a thesis are similar to those used when referencing a book. Unpublished (print)

  11. Unpublished or informally published work

    Check whether the article has been published before submitting your final assignment or thesis and, if it has, reference the final version, taking into account any changes that the editors may have required in the peer-review process. Unpublished and informally published works include: work in progress; work submitted for publication;

  12. Unpublished Research

    Theses and dissertations published on the web or through repositories. Unpublished research can be harder to find a number of reasons. There is no one place to look. You have to dig a little deeper. The tools you can use o do this are covered in this Guide. Also, there isn't that much of it. There are a number of reasons for this.

  13. Subject guides: APA 7th: Theses and dissertations

    Title of thesis or dissertation [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation or Master's thesis]. Name of Institution. Example. Imber, A. (2003). Applicant reactions to graduate recruitment and selection [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation]. Monash University. For further guidance, see the ...

  14. APA 7th Edition Style Guide: Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal

    These may be published in a database or freely available online or they may be unpublished. Cite unpublished dissertation or thesis (Skidmore, 2017). Skidmore, K. L. (2017). The effects of postpartum depression among young mothers who give children up for adoption (Unpublished master's thesis). Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

  15. Dissertations & Theses

    Theses & Dissertations. CMS 14.224: Theses and dissertations. Titles of unpublished works appear in "quotation marks"—not in italics. This treatment extends to theses and dissertations, which are otherwise cited like books. The kind of thesis, the academic institution, and the date follow the title. Like the publication data of a book, these ...

  16. How to Cite an Unpublished Paper or Manuscript in APA Referencing

    In this case, the correct format is: Author Surname, Initial (s). (Year of Production). Title of manuscript [Unpublished manuscript]. Department, University Name. So, in practice, we could cite an unpublished paper like this: Clarke, J. (2020). The publication process explained [Unpublished manuscript].

  17. Published and unpublished dissertation; DOI assignment

    As I understand the terminology in the area, dissertation or thesis, submitted to ProQuest (or another scholarly database, for that matter) is referred to as published. On the other hand, the same document, submitted to university's e-repository or similar archive, is referred to as unpublished. Also, while I expect the ProQuest to assign a DOI ...

  18. How do I cite a dissertation in MLA style?

    A dissertation is a unique type of source. It is a finished, stand-alone work written under the auspices of an institution. In a change from the previous edition of the MLA Handbook, we do not distinguish between published and unpublished dissertations. To cite a dissertation, include in the entry the author, title, and date of publication as core …

  19. Published Dissertation or Thesis References

    A dissertation or thesis is considered published when it is available from a database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global or PDQT Open, an institutional repository, or an archive. If the database assigns publication numbers to dissertations and theses, include the publication number in parentheses after the title of the ...

  20. APA Style Guide, 7th Edition: Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal

    These may be published in a database or freely available online or they may be unpublished. Cite unpublished dissertation or thesis (Skidmore, 2017). Skidmore, K. L. (2017). The effects of postpartum depression among young mothers who give children up for adoption (Unpublished master's thesis). Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

  21. publications

    In academia, published typically means included in conference proceedings or a journal by a publisher in some format (typically a printed book) that has an ISBN. A thesis is not published, under that definition. Nonetheless, an unpublished thesis needn't be private, e.g., it may appear online and it may be available in university library.

  22. Q: What are the rules for citing my unpublished dissertation?

    Answer: According to the APA style manual, here's how you should cite an unpublished thesis or dissertation. To quote: Reference format for unpublished thesis/dissertation: Author, A. A. (date). TItle of doctoral dissertation or master's thesis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master's thesis). Name of Institution, Location.

  23. publications

    This thesis is only available at the author's blog, though it is indeed a formal Master thesis. If I can cite it, how may I fill in all the blanks? ... Citing unpublished theses/dissertations is quite common. It is vital that you include the university to which the thesis was submitted, since that will be the place to look for obtaining a copy.

  24. Guidelines: Thesis Style Sheet

    Thesis Due Date: April 16, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. EST ... All material which is quoted directly from or paraphrased from any external source, whether published or unpublished, must be precisely credited and documented. General indebtedness to an idea, a line of argument, an image, particularly compelling wording, and so forth must be noted. ...

  25. Bibliography

    Thesis submitted to the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami. Rodriguez, E. (2012). Profitability and Production of 19th Century Composite Ships: The Case Study of the Austrian Vessel, The Slobodna. [Unpublished manuscript on file with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary].