Rubrics for Dissertations


Rubrics used to evaluate research-based dissertation most often rate each section or chapter as well as the overall document. The section ratings may be holistic or broken down into components. There are examples of rubrics for the proposal and the final dissertation, as well as for the oral defense. These rubrics focus on many of the same dimensions used to rate papers (e.g., organization, thoroughness, mechanics, format). ​​​​​​​Rubrics for Written Assignments

Lovitts (2005) argued that faculty have implicit standards for evaluating dissertations and that making them explicit in a rubric makes evaluation of dissertations more valid, reliable, and consistent. In a study of faculty members in a sample of universities and disciplines, she asked participants to characterize dissertations and their components (i.e., problem statement, literature review, theory, methods, analysis, and discussion) at four levels of quality (i.e., Outstanding, Very Good, Acceptable, and Unacceptable).

Based on her data, she developed a table of the characteristics of dissertations of differing quality. For example,  outstanding  dissertations were described as

  • Original, significant, compelling, creative, engaging, interesting, and thoughtful
  • Very well written and organized
  • Synthesizing information and connecting components seamlessly
  • Exhibiting mature, independent thinking
  • Having a point of view and authoritative voice
  • Asking a new question or addressing an important problem
  • Displaying deep understanding of massive amount of complicated literature
  • Making focused, logical, rigorous, and sustained argument
  • Theoretically sophisticated
  • Using or developing new tools, methods, approaches, or types of analyses
  • Having rich data
  • Using analysis that is comprehensive, complete, and convincing
  • Showing significant results
  • Creating a conclusion that ties the whole thing together
  • Of interest to a larger community ​​​​​​​

On the other hand,  unacceptable  dissertations were described as

  • Poorly written, having grammatical and spelling errors,
  • Having a sloppy presentation
  • Plagiarized or deliberately misread or misused sources
  • Lacking in understanding of basic concepts, processes, or conventions of discipline
  • Lacking careful thought
  • Looking at a problem that is trivial, weak, unoriginal, or already solved
  • Misunderstanding or missing relevant literature
  • Making a weak, inconsistent, self-contradictory, unconvincing, or invalid argument
  • Not handling theory well, neglecting theory, or missing theory
  • Relying on inappropriate of incorrect methods
  • Presenting data that are flawed, wrong, false, or misrepresented
  • Using wrong, inappropriate, incoherent, or confused analysis
  • Including results that are obvious, already known, unexplained, or misinterpreted
  • Having unsupported or exaggerated interpretation
  • Failing to make a contribution

These descriptions could be used as a basis for a rubric to rate dissertations. Lovitts concluded that such a rubric could be used as a teaching tool during the dissertation process. Distributing it to students would set clear expectations at the outset and filling it out periodically would allow the advisor and student to evaluate progress and areas for improvement. Thus, the rubric can be a tool for faculty to provide feedback and establish benchmarks against which students can subsequently evaluate their own work. It can also be used in peer review, with students evaluating the work of their peers to provide an additional source of feedback. How to Grade a Dissertation

These are example of dissertation-related rubrics developed by Alliant schools and programs.

ELM and Ed Psych CSOE dissertation

LA Clinical PsyD proposal

LA Clinical PsyD dissertation and defense

CSPP Organizational Psychology dissertation

Examples of Rubrics for Rating Dissertation Proposals

Rubrics for Assessing Dissertations Texas A&M/Commerce Thesis and Dissertation Services

Dissertation Proposal Rubric Syracuse University Graduate School of Education

Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Rubric Fresno State Academics

Examples of Rubrics for Rating Dissertations

Rubric for Evaluating Dissertations The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Dissertation Rubric California State University/Northridge Michael D. Eisner School of Education

Dissertation Manuscript Evaluation Rubric Northcentral University Dissertation Center

Rubrics for evaluation proposal and final orals focus not only on the research itself, but also on the presentation, including how clear and organized the presentation is, how knowledgeable the student is, and how well the student answered questions.

Examples of Rubrics for Rating Oral Defense

Dissertation Defense Oral University of Mississippi Medical Center

Dissertation Defense Rubric Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine

University of Rhode Island Graduate Council ​​​​​​​ Thesis/Dissertation Defense Evaluation

Inclusive Education Framework: Standardised rubrics for fairer marking

  • Introduction
  • What is inclusive education?
  • The Framework
  • Structures and Processes
  • Assessment and Feedback
  • Community and Belonging
  • Pathways to Success
  • List of Case Studies
  • Video Case Studies
  • Active Bystander Training
  • AD(H)D support
  • Building an online community of foundation year students
  • Demystifying assessment and community building in Chemistry
  • Diversifying the Business Studies and Marketing curriculum
  • Embedding Inclusivity into Curriculum Transformation
  • Gender identity inclusive Statistics teaching
  • Inclusion in the Library
  • LGBT Inclusive Teaching within Law
  • Overcoming implicit bias through explicit representations of diversity
  • Peer Assisted Study Support
  • Personal supervision embedded into taught programmes
  • Standardised rubrics for fairer marking
  • Tackling Awarding Gaps across an Institution
  • Video Assessment Instructions
  • Framework PDFs to download
  • Inclusive Education Checklist
  • Infographic: Inclusive Assessment
  • Infographic: Simple Steps for more Inclusive Education
  • How does the framework help students?
  • Links to other inclusive education resources
  • Project Information Documentation for Ethics
  • Awarding Gaps: Definitions and Targets
  • Awarding Gaps: Frequently Asked Questions
  • Awarding Gaps: Audit tool for programme teams
  • Awarding Gaps: What can I do?
  • Awarding Gaps: External Resources
  • Awarding Gaps: Internal Reports and Analysis

dissertation marking rubric

Standardised Assessment Rubrics for Fairer Marking

Contact details.

Paula Gawthorpe Profile Picture

Paula Gawthorpe

Adult Nursing

[email protected]


I lead the final year nursing 40 credit dissertation module which comprises of three separate components, each weighted independently. Given the large cohort size (>250 students), assessment and moderation are shared between a module team of over 20 academic colleagues. The pre-existing level 6 FHS rubric contained generic descriptors such as ‘good’; ‘exemplary’, and ‘outstanding’. Use of such terminology was open to individual interpretation and lacked clarity of meaning for students in relation to academic expectations.  

It was acknowledged that this subsequently led to a lack of consistency of grading across markers, and it was also highlighted via student feedback and evaluation that there was frustration at perceived disparities between grades awarded.  


In an attempt to ensure equity across the wide group of markers, I developed a separate rubric for each component of the three-part dissertation (see example below). The rubrics contain specific and detailed content which directly related to completion of each part of the dissertation. As an example, the literature review element sections include aspects such as background, question formation, search strategy, and critical appraisal. Each section then clearly specifies, using understandable student-friendly language, what would be expected for inclusion at each grade boundary.  

All rubrics were reviewed by module team members, a BJL Skills Team member, and also student representatives from four separate nursing fields. Prior to being incorporated for use in the 18/19 academic year each rubric was ‘tested’ against exemplars from two previous assessment years to ensure that grades were consistent with those awarded previously. Each year following assessment period feedback is sought from the module team to ensure quality assurance, and amendments made if indicated.  

Marks are transparently allocated depending on level achieved, and an overall grade is generated. once all sections are selected by the marker as deemed appropriate. Students can use the rubric to guide their writing and can work towards achieving their desired grade / classification, with the reassurance that work submitted will be consistently graded independent of assessor.  

  • Example Rubric used in Nursing


Following the introduction of specific detailed rubrics and associated guidance documents including Frequently Asked Questions, and completion Step by Step guide, the overall number of students achieving either a 2i or first classification has demonstrated a steady increase. This can be viewed in the table below: 

Colleague feedback: 

  • I found the rubric useful, as with any tool such as this it comes down to academic judgement when applying the tool, therefore there will still be some subjective element to grading. For students this does support them to see more clearly what is expected of their work and that can only be of benefit. 
  • this is a great tool to support academics and students and offers a degree of transparency for how grades are awarded, which we have not previously had. 

Student feedback: 

  • I think the rubric is extremely helpful, especially for those who want to map their grades. The information is concise and easy to understand and it serves as a good reminder of the bits we should be including. I, and my group of friends have no issues with the rubric at all. One friend commented on how readable the rubric is, and found it easy to follow. Thank you for providing it for us. It's a really helpful tool. 
  • The marking grids have been made clear on CANVAS and in lectures. These have helped along with the feedback on my drafts to improve my dissertation.  
  • << Previous: Personal supervision embedded into taught programmes
  • Next: Tackling Awarding Gaps across an Institution >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 7, 2023 9:25 AM
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