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7 Depression Research Paper Topic Ideas

Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be.

Cara Lustik is a fact-checker and copywriter.

dissertation topics on depression

In psychology classes, it's common for students to write a depression research paper. Researching depression may be beneficial if you have a personal interest in this topic and want to learn more, or if you're simply passionate about this mental health issue. However, since depression is a very complex subject, it offers many possible topics to focus on, which may leave you wondering where to begin.

If this is how you feel, here are a few research titles about depression to help inspire your topic choice. You can use these suggestions as actual research titles about depression, or you can use them to lead you to other more in-depth topics that you can look into further for your depression research paper.

What Is Depression?

Everyone experiences times when they feel a little bit blue or sad. This is a normal part of being human. Depression, however, is a medical condition that is quite different from everyday moodiness.

Your depression research paper may explore the basics, or it might delve deeper into the  definition of clinical depression  or the  difference between clinical depression and sadness .

What Research Says About the Psychology of Depression

Studies suggest that there are biological, psychological, and social aspects to depression, giving you many different areas to consider for your research title about depression.

Types of Depression

There are several different types of depression  that are dependent on how an individual's depression symptoms manifest themselves. Depression symptoms may vary in severity or in what is causing them. For instance, major depressive disorder (MDD) may have no identifiable cause, while postpartum depression is typically linked to pregnancy and childbirth.

Depressive symptoms may also be part of an illness called bipolar disorder. This includes fluctuations between depressive episodes and a state of extreme elation called mania. Bipolar disorder is a topic that offers many research opportunities, from its definition and its causes to associated risks, symptoms, and treatment.

Causes of Depression

The possible causes of depression are many and not yet well understood. However, it most likely results from an interplay of genetic vulnerability  and environmental factors. Your depression research paper could explore one or more of these causes and reference the latest research on the topic.

For instance, how does an imbalance in brain chemistry or poor nutrition relate to depression? Is there a relationship between the stressful, busier lives of today's society and the rise of depression? How can grief or a major medical condition lead to overwhelming sadness and depression?

Who Is at Risk for Depression?

This is a good research question about depression as certain risk factors may make a person more prone to developing this mental health condition, such as a family history of depression, adverse childhood experiences, stress , illness, and gender . This is not a complete list of all risk factors, however, it's a good place to start.

The growing rate of depression in children, teenagers, and young adults is an interesting subtopic you can focus on as well. Whether you dive into the reasons behind the increase in rates of depression or discuss the treatment options that are safe for young people, there is a lot of research available in this area and many unanswered questions to consider.

Depression Signs and Symptoms

The signs of depression are those outward manifestations of the illness that a doctor can observe when they examine a patient. For example, a lack of emotional responsiveness is a visible sign. On the other hand, symptoms are subjective things about the illness that only the patient can observe, such as feelings of guilt or sadness.

An illness such as depression is often invisible to the outside observer. That is why it is very important for patients to make an accurate accounting of all of their symptoms so their doctor can diagnose them properly. In your depression research paper, you may explore these "invisible" symptoms of depression in adults or explore how depression symptoms can be different in children .

How Is Depression Diagnosed?

This is another good depression research topic because, in some ways, the diagnosis of depression is more of an art than a science. Doctors must generally rely upon the patient's set of symptoms and what they can observe about them during their examination to make a diagnosis. 

While there are certain  laboratory tests that can be performed to rule out other medical illnesses as a cause of depression, there is not yet a definitive test for depression itself.

If you'd like to pursue this topic, you may want to start with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The fifth edition, known as DSM-5, offers a very detailed explanation that guides doctors to a diagnosis. You can also compare the current model of diagnosing depression to historical methods of diagnosis—how have these updates improved the way depression is treated?

Treatment Options for Depression

The first choice for depression treatment is generally an antidepressant medication. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most popular choice because they can be quite effective and tend to have fewer side effects than other types of antidepressants.

Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is another effective and common choice. It is especially efficacious when combined with antidepressant therapy. Certain other treatments, such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), are most commonly used for patients who do not respond to more common forms of treatment.

Focusing on one of these treatments is an option for your depression research paper. Comparing and contrasting several different types of treatment can also make a good research title about depression.

A Word From Verywell

The topic of depression really can take you down many different roads. When making your final decision on which to pursue in your depression research paper, it's often helpful to start by listing a few areas that pique your interest.

From there, consider doing a little preliminary research. You may come across something that grabs your attention like a new study, a controversial topic you didn't know about, or something that hits a personal note. This will help you narrow your focus, giving you your final research title about depression.

Remes O, Mendes JF, Templeton P. Biological, psychological, and social determinants of depression: A review of recent literature . Brain Sci . 2021;11(12):1633. doi:10.3390/brainsci11121633

National Institute of Mental Health. Depression .

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition . American Psychiatric Association.

National Institute of Mental Health. Mental health medications .

Ferri, F. F. (2019). Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2020 E-Book: 5 Books in 1 . Netherlands: Elsevier Health Sciences.

By Nancy Schimelpfening Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be.  

Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Mental Health

100+ Mental Health Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

If you’re just starting out exploring mental health topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of mental health-related research topics and ideas.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Mental Health Topic Ideas

  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Psychotic disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance-related disorders

Research topic idea mega list

Mood Disorders

Research in mood disorders can help understand their causes and improve treatment methods. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • The impact of genetics on the susceptibility to depression
  • Efficacy of antidepressants vs. cognitive behavioural therapy
  • The role of gut microbiota in mood regulation
  • Cultural variations in the experience and diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder: Environmental factors and treatment
  • The link between depression and chronic illnesses
  • Exercise as an adjunct treatment for mood disorders
  • Hormonal changes and mood swings in postpartum women
  • Stigma around mood disorders in the workplace
  • Suicidal tendencies among patients with severe mood disorders

Anxiety Disorders

Research topics in this category can potentially explore the triggers, coping mechanisms, or treatment efficacy for anxiety disorders.

  • The relationship between social media and anxiety
  • Exposure therapy effectiveness in treating phobias
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder in children: Early signs and interventions
  • The role of mindfulness in treating anxiety
  • Genetics and heritability of anxiety disorders
  • The link between anxiety disorders and heart disease
  • Anxiety prevalence in LGBTQ+ communities
  • Caffeine consumption and its impact on anxiety levels
  • The economic cost of untreated anxiety disorders
  • Virtual Reality as a treatment method for anxiety disorders

Psychotic Disorders

Within this space, your research topic could potentially aim to investigate the underlying factors and treatment possibilities for psychotic disorders.

  • Early signs and interventions in adolescent psychosis
  • Brain imaging techniques for diagnosing psychotic disorders
  • The efficacy of antipsychotic medication
  • The role of family history in psychotic disorders
  • Misdiagnosis and delayed treatment of psychotic disorders
  • Co-morbidity of psychotic and mood disorders
  • The relationship between substance abuse and psychotic disorders
  • Art therapy as a treatment for schizophrenia
  • Public perception and stigma around psychotic disorders
  • Hospital vs. community-based care for psychotic disorders

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Personality Disorders

Research topics within in this area could delve into the identification, management, and social implications of personality disorders.

  • Long-term outcomes of borderline personality disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder and criminal behaviour
  • The role of early life experiences in developing personality disorders
  • Narcissistic personality disorder in corporate leaders
  • Gender differences in personality disorders
  • Diagnosis challenges for Cluster A personality disorders
  • Emotional intelligence and its role in treating personality disorders
  • Psychotherapy methods for treating personality disorders
  • Personality disorders in the elderly population
  • Stigma and misconceptions about personality disorders

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Within this space, research topics could focus on the causes, symptoms, or treatment of disorders like OCD and hoarding.

  • OCD and its relationship with anxiety disorders
  • Cognitive mechanisms behind hoarding behaviour
  • Deep Brain Stimulation as a treatment for severe OCD
  • The impact of OCD on academic performance in students
  • Role of family and social networks in treating OCD
  • Alternative treatments for hoarding disorder
  • Childhood onset OCD: Diagnosis and treatment
  • OCD and religious obsessions
  • The impact of OCD on family dynamics
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Causes and treatment

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Research topics in this area could explore the triggers, symptoms, and treatments for PTSD. Here are some thought starters to get you moving.

  • PTSD in military veterans: Coping mechanisms and treatment
  • Childhood trauma and adult onset PTSD
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) efficacy
  • Role of emotional support animals in treating PTSD
  • Gender differences in PTSD occurrence and treatment
  • Effectiveness of group therapy for PTSD patients
  • PTSD and substance abuse: A dual diagnosis
  • First responders and rates of PTSD
  • Domestic violence as a cause of PTSD
  • The neurobiology of PTSD

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

This category of mental health aims to better understand disorders like Autism and ADHD and their impact on day-to-day life.

  • Early diagnosis and interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ADHD medication and its impact on academic performance
  • Parental coping strategies for children with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Autism and gender: Diagnosis disparities
  • The role of diet in managing ADHD symptoms
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders in the criminal justice system
  • Genetic factors influencing Autism
  • ADHD and its relationship with sleep disorders
  • Educational adaptations for children with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders and stigma in schools

Eating Disorders

Research topics within this space can explore the psychological, social, and biological aspects of eating disorders.

  • The role of social media in promoting eating disorders
  • Family dynamics and their impact on anorexia
  • Biological basis of binge-eating disorder
  • Treatment outcomes for bulimia nervosa
  • Eating disorders in athletes
  • Media portrayal of body image and its impact
  • Eating disorders and gender: Are men underdiagnosed?
  • Cultural variations in eating disorders
  • The relationship between obesity and eating disorders
  • Eating disorders in the LGBTQ+ community

Substance-Related Disorders

Research topics in this category can focus on addiction mechanisms, treatment options, and social implications.

  • Efficacy of rehabilitation centres for alcohol addiction
  • The role of genetics in substance abuse
  • Substance abuse and its impact on family dynamics
  • Prescription drug abuse among the elderly
  • Legalisation of marijuana and its impact on substance abuse rates
  • Alcoholism and its relationship with liver diseases
  • Opioid crisis: Causes and solutions
  • Substance abuse education in schools: Is it effective?
  • Harm reduction strategies for drug abuse
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders in substance abusers

Research topic evaluator

Choosing A Research Topic

These research topic ideas we’ve covered here serve as thought starters to help you explore different areas within mental health. They are intentionally very broad and open-ended. By engaging with the currently literature in your field of interest, you’ll be able to narrow down your focus to a specific research gap .

It’s important to consider a variety of factors when choosing a topic for your dissertation or thesis . Think about the relevance of the topic, its feasibility , and the resources available to you, including time, data, and academic guidance. Also, consider your own interest and expertise in the subject, as this will sustain you through the research process.

Always consult with your academic advisor to ensure that your chosen topic aligns with academic requirements and offers a meaningful contribution to the field. If you need help choosing a topic, consider our private coaching service.

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Public health-related research topics and ideas

Good morning everyone. This are very patent topics for research in neuroscience. Thank you for guidance


What if everything is important, original and intresting? as in Neuroscience. I find myself overwhelmd with tens of relveant areas and within each area many optional topics. I ask myself if importance (for example – able to treat people suffering) is more relevant than what intrest me, and on the other hand if what advance me further in my career should not also be a consideration?


This information is really helpful and have learnt alot

Pepple Biteegeregha Godfrey

Phd research topics on implementation of mental health policy in Nigeria :the prospects, challenges and way forward.

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227 Depression Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples

If you’re looking for a good depression research title, you’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has prepared a list of titles for depression essays and research questions that you can use for your presentation, persuasive paper, and other writing assignments. Read on to find your perfect research title about depression!

🙁 TOP 7 Depression Title Ideas

🏆 best research topics on depression, ❓ depression research questions, 👍 depression research topics & essay examples, 📝 argumentative essay topics about depression, 🌶️ hot depression titles for a paper, 🔎 creative research topics about depression, 🎓 most interesting depression essay topics, 💡 good titles for depression essays.

  • Teenage Depression: Causes and Symptoms
  • Depression: Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning
  • The Concept of Postpartum Depression
  • Depression and Solutions in Psychiatry
  • Impact of Depression on a Family
  • Depression in the Contemporary Society
  • Action Research in Treating Depression With Physical Exercise
  • Does Social Media Use Contribute to Depression? Social media is a relatively new concept in a modern world. It combines technology and social tendencies to enhance interaction through Internet-based gadgets and applications.
  • Adolescent Mental Health: Depression This paper includes depression background discussion, including its signs, prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment, and a plan of treatment with three interventions to address this chronic health disease.
  • Social Media as a Cause of Anxiety and Depression Anxiety and depression are considerable problems for world society. Numerous studies have linked high social media use with high levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Evidence-Based Pharmacology: Major Depression In this paper, a certain attention to different treatment approaches that can be offered to patients with depression will be paid, including the evaluation of age implications.
  • Depression: Psychoeducational Intervention This paper considers the peculiarities of the application of psychoeducation in depression, including advantages, limitations, and ethical aspects.
  • Depression Among Rich People Analysis Among the myriad differences between rich and poor people is the manner in which they are influenced by and respond to depression.
  • Transition Phase of Depression and Its’ Challenges Providing psychoeducation to people with mild to moderate depression, strategies for recognizing and addressing conflict and reluctance are discussed in this paper
  • Theories in Depression Treatment This study analyzes the theories pertinent to depression treatment, reviews relevant evidence, defines key concepts of the project, and explains the framework chosen for it.
  • Postpartum Depression: Evidence-Based Practice Postpartum or postnatal depression refers to a mood disorder that can manifest in a large variety of symptoms and can range from one person to another.
  • Baby Blues: What We Know About Postpartum Depression The term Postpartum Depression describes a wide variety of physical and emotional adjustments experienced by a significant number of new mothers.
  • Major Types of Depression This paper will review and analyze two scholarly articles concerning depression, its sings in male and female patients, and its connection and similarity to other disorders.
  • The Causes of Depression and How to Overcome It In this self-reflection essay, the author describes the causes of his depression and the steps he is taking to overcome it.
  • Depression and Anxiety in Mental Health Nurses Depression and anxiety are the most common mental diseases in humans. Nurses who work in mental health are at significant risk of getting psychiatric illnesses.
  • Depression and Depressive Disorders Depression is one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Symptoms are feelings of sadness and guilt, changes in sleeping patterns changes in appetite, and other.
  • Depression in the Elderly Depression can be defined as a state of anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. It can affect people across all ages, who present with diverse signs and symptoms
  • Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Currently, many people experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder that affect their general health.
  • Relation Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Depression The paper is to share an insight into the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of thousands of people and provide advice on how to reduce its impact.
  • How Covid-19 Isolation Contributed to Depression and Adolescent Suicide The pandemic affected adolescents because of stringent isolation measures, which resulted in mental challenges such as depression and anxiety, hence suicidal thoughts.
  • The Rise of Depression in the Era of the Internet Understanding how the Internet affects human lives is essential in ascertaining the reasons for the growing loneliness in the intrinsically connected world.
  • Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Depression interferes with daily routine, wasting valuable time and lowering production. Persistent downs or blues, sadness, and anger may be signs of depression.
  • Geriatric Depression Scale, Clock Drawing Test and Mini-Mental Status Examination Depression is a common condition among geriatric patients. Around 5 million older adults in the US experience significant morbidity from depression.
  • Literature Evaluation on the Depression Illness The evaluation considers the articles that study such medical illness as depression from different planes of its perception.
  • Application of Analysis of Variance in the Analysis of HIV/AIDS-Related Depression Cases Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a commonly used approach in the testing of the equality of various means using variance.
  • Components of the Treatment of Depression The most effective ways of treating people with depression include pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy or a combination of both.
  • Adult Depression Treatment in the United States This study characterizes the treatment of adult depression in the US. It is prompted by the findings of earlier studies, which discover the lack of efficient depression care.
  • Homelessness and Depression Among Illiterate People There are various myths people have about homelessness and depression. For example, many people believe that only illiterate people can be homeless.
  • Depression and Workplace Violence The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis how can workplace violence and verbal aggression be reduced or dealt with by employees.
  • What Are the Characteristics and Causes of Depression?
  • Why Are Athletes Vulnerable to Depression?
  • Why and How Adolescents Are Affected by Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression?
  • Does Depression Assist Eating Disorders?
  • What Should You Know About Depression?
  • How Can Mother Nature Lower Depression and Anxiety?
  • How Can Video Games Relieve Stress and Reduce Depression?
  • When Does Teacher Support Reduce Depression in Students?
  • Why Are Teenagers Affected by Depression?
  • How Teens and Depression Today?
  • Are Mental Health Issues Like Depression Related to Race?
  • What Does Depression Mean?
  • How Did the Depression Affect France?
  • How Does Depression Stop?
  • When Postpartum Depression Leads to Psychosis?
  • How Do Medication and Therapy Combat Depression?
  • What Are the Leading Causes of Depression?
  • What About Drugs for Anxiety and Depression?
  • What’s the Big Deal About Anxiety and Depression in Students?
  • How Should Childhood Depression and Anxiety Be?
  • How Do Gender Stereotypes Warp Our View of Depression?
  • What Are the Signs of Teenage Depression?
  • Are Testosterone Levels and Depression Risk Linked Based on Partnering and Parenting?
  • How Psychology Helps People With Depression?
  • How Should Childhood Depression and Anxiety Be Treated or Dealt With?
  • Treating Mild Depression: Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy The project intends to investigate the comparative effectiveness of the treatments that are currently used for mild depression.
  • Smoking Cessation and Depression It was estimated that nicotine affects the human’s reward system. As a result, smoking cessation might lead to depression and other mental disorder.
  • Patients with Depression’ Care: Betty Case Betty, a 45 years old woman, is referred to a local clinic because of feeling depressed. She has a history of three divorces and thinks that she is tired of living the old way.
  • Depression in Hispanic Culture There are different ways in which culture or ethnicity can impact the treatment of the development of mental health disorders.
  • “Yoga for Depression” Article by The Minded Institute One can say that depression is both the biological and mental Black Death of modern humanity in terms of prevalence and negative impact on global health.
  • Mitigating Postnatal Depression in New Mothers: A Recreational Program Plan Post-natal depression is a popular form of depression in women. This paper presents an activity plan for the use of leisure as a therapeutic response to post-natal depression.
  • History and Treatment of Depression Depression is currently one of the most common medical conditions among the adult population in the US. The paper aims to investigate the history and treatment of depression.
  • Depression as It Relates to Obesity This paper will argue that there is a positive correlation between depression and obesity. The paper will make use of authoritative sources to reinforce this assertion.
  • Effects of Music Therapy on Depressed Elderly People Music therapy has been shown to have positive effects among people, and thus the aim was to assess the validity of such claims using elderly people.
  • Major Depression’ Symptoms and Treatment – Psychology A continuous sense of tiredness, unhappiness, and hopelessness are key signs of clinical or major depression. Such mood changes alter the daily life programs of an individual for sometimes.
  • Women’s Mental Health Disorder: Major Depression The mental health disorder paper aims to explore major depression, its symptoms, assessment, and intervention strategies appropriate for women.
  • Depression in Young Adults: Annotated Bibliography The purpose of this study was to discover sociodemographic and health traits related to depression sufferers’ usage of various mental health services.
  • Depression in Middle-Aged African Women The research study investigates depression in middle-aged African women because the mental health of the population is a serious concern of the modern healthcare sector.
  • Detecting Depression in Young Adults: Literature Review The paper shows a need for early identification of depression symptoms in primary care practice. PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 are useful tools for portraying symptoms.
  • Predicting Barriers to Treatment for Depression Mental health issues such as depression and drug abuse are the most frequent among teenagers and young adults. In this age range, both disorders tend to co-occur.
  • Early Diagnosis of Depression: Public Health Depression in young adults has become a significant health problem across the US. It causes persistent feelings of loss of interest in activities and sadness.
  • Depression and Social Media in Scientific vs. Popular Articles The damage can come in the form of misinformation, which can result in an unjustified and unnecessary self-restriction of social media.
  • Depression in Adolescence: Causes and Treatment Depression amongst young adults at the puberty stage comes in hand with several causes that one cannot imagine, and depression happens or is triggered by various reasons.
  • Addressing Depression Among Native Youths The current paper aims to utilize a Medicine Wheel model and a social work paradigm to manage depression among Native American Indian youths.
  • Psychological Assessments and Intervention Strategies for Depression The article presents two case studies highlighting the importance of psychological assessments and intervention strategies for individuals experiencing depression.
  • The Impact of Postpartum Maternal Depression on Postnatal Attachment This paper examines the influence of postpartum maternal depression on postnatal infant attachment, discusses the adverse effects of depression on attachment.
  • Marijuana Effects on Risk of Anxiety and Depression The current paper aims to find out whether medical cannabis can positively affect anxiety and depression and the process of their treatment.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression Cognitive behavioral therapy analyzes the unconscious processes influencing the normal functioning of the human body, causing different pathologies.
  • Hypnotherapy as an Effective Method for Treating Depression This paper explores the use of hypnotherapy as a treatment for depression and highlights the advantages of hypnosis in addressing depressive symptoms.
  • Depression and Anxiety: Mary’s Case Mary’s husband’s death precipitated her depression and anxiety diagnosis. She feels lonely and miserable as she struggles with her daily endeavors with limited emotional support.
  • Postpartum Depression in Women and Men The focus of the paper is health problems that affect women after giving birth to a child, such as depression. The author proposes that men also experience postpartum depression.
  • Repression and Depression in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman In “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the author highlighted the connection between repression and depression.
  • Men and Depression: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Depression in men and women has several incompatibilities as males suffer from health problems more often than women as they rarely express their emotions.
  • Promotion of Change Regarding Adolescent Depression In the essay, the author describes the methods to evaluate the symptoms of a patient who has been referred for counseling with depression.
  • Interventions to Cope With Depression Depression is characterized by sadness, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, and helplessness. These feelings do not necessarily relate to life events.
  • Bipolar Depression and Bipolar Mania Although all bipolar disorders are characterized by periods of extreme mood, the main difference between them is the severity of the condition itself.
  • Post-Stroke Anxiety and Depression The purpose of the given study is to ascertain how cognitive behavior therapy affects individuals with post-stroke ischemia in terms of depression reduction.
  • Depression and Anxiety Management The medical staff will investigate the treatment modalities currently being utilized for the large population of patients experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Impacts of Stress of Low Income on the Risk of Depression in Children Socioeconomic hardships lead to a decline in the quality of parenting and the development of psychological and behavioral problems in children.
  • Is depression a biological condition or a result of unrealistic expectations?
  • Should employers be legally required to provide support to workers with depression?
  • Do the media portrayals of depression accurately reflect people’s experiences?
  • Social media contributes to depression rates by eliciting the feeling of loneliness.
  • Should mental health screening be mandatory in schools?
  • Should depression be reclassified as a neurological disorder?
  • Antidepressants are an overused quick-fix solution to depression.
  • Should non-pharmacological treatments for depression be prioritized?
  • Should depression be considered a disability?
  • The use of electroconvulsive therapy for depression should be banned.
  • African American Children Suffering From Anxiety and Depression Depression and anxiety are common among African American children and adolescents, and they face significant barriers to receiving care and treatment.
  • Depression: Diagnostics and Treatment Depression, when it remains unchecked, can cause detrimental effects to individuals, such as suicide, which will eventually equate to mental disorders.
  • Psychedelics in Depression and Anxiety Treatment Mental illnesses have become an essential part of health in the last few decades, with sufficient attention being devoted to interventions that resolve them.
  • Depression and Anxiety Among African-American Children Depression and anxiety are common among African-American children and adolescents, but they face significant barriers to receiving care and treatment due to their age and race.
  • Why Are Physical Activities Treatments for Depression? In this paper, the connection between physical activities and depression will be analyzed, and the common counterargument will be discussed.
  • Depression in the Older Population The paper discusses depression is an actual clinical disorder for older people with specific reasons related to their age.
  • Nutrition and Depression: A Psychological Perspective When discussing nutrition in toddlers and certain behavioral patterns, one of the first standpoints to pay attention to is the humanistic perspective.
  • Social Media and Depression in Adolescents: The Causative Link This paper explores how social media causes depression in adolescents during the social-emotional stage of life.
  • Physical Activities as Treatment for Depression This paper will discuss what factors are improved via physical exercise and how they help with treating depression.
  • Therapeutic Interventions for the Older Adult With Depression and Dementia The paper researches the therapeutic interventions which relevant for the older people with depression and dementia nowadays.
  • Depression Among Patients With Psoriasis Considering psoriasis as the cause of the development of depressive disorders, many researchers assign a decisive role to the severe skin itching that accompanies psoriasis.
  • Qi Gong Practices’ Effects on Depression Qi Gong is a set of physical and spiritual practices aimed at the balance of mind, body, and soul and the article demonstrates whether it is good or not at treating depression.
  • The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression for Women The study analyzes the impact of forgiveness therapy on the emotional state of women who have experienced emotional abuse.
  • Post-operative Breast Cancer Patients With Depression: Annotated Bibliography This paper is an annotated bibliography about risk reduction strategies at the point of care: Post-operative breast cancer patients who are experiencing depression.
  • Depression and Anxiety in Older Generation Depression and anxiety represent severe mental disorders that require immediate and prolonged treatment for patients of different ages.
  • Coping with Depression After Loss of Loved Ones This case is about a 60-year-old man of African American origin. He suffered from depression after his wife’s death, which made him feel lonely and isolated.
  • Postpartum Depression Screening Program Evaluation In order to manage the depression of mothers who have just delivered, it is important to introduce a routine postpartum depression-screening program in all public hospitals.
  • Is Creativity A Modern Panacea From Boredom and Depression? Communication, daily life, and working patterns become nothing but fixed mechanisms that are deprived of any additional thoughts and perspectives.
  • Adolescent Males With Depression: Poly-Substance Abuse Depression is the most crucial aspect that makes young males indulge in poly-substance abuse. There are various ways in which male adolescents express their depression.
  • The Health of the Elderly: Depression and Severe Emotional Disturbance This study is intended for males and females over the age of 50 years who are likely to suffer from depression and severe emotional disturbance.
  • Suicidal Ideation & Depression in Elderly Living in Nursing Home vs. With Family This paper attempts to compare the incidence of suicidal ideation and depression among elderly individuals living in nursing homes and those living with family in the community.
  • Major Depression: Symptoms and Treatment Major depression is known as clinical depression, which is characterized by several symptoms. There are biological, psychological, social, and evolutionary causes of depression.
  • Health Disparity Advocacy: Clinical Depression in the U.S. Recent statistics show that approximately more than 10 million people suffer from severe depression each year in the U.S..
  • Serum Neurotrophic Factors in Adolescent Depression by Pallavi et al. The research hypothesis of the article is to compare the serum concentration of neurotrophic factors in depression patients and healthy control.
  • The Treatment of Anxiety and Depression The meta-analysis provides ample evidence, which indicates that CES is not only effective but also safe in the treatment of anxiety and depression.
  • Depression Intervention Among Diabetes Patients The research examines the communication patterns used by depression care specialist nurses when communicating with patients suffering from diabetes.
  • Postnatal Depression in New Mothers and Its Prevention Leisure activities keep new mothers suffering from postnatal depression busy and enable them to interact with other members of the society.
  • Treatment of Major Depression The purpose of the paper is to identify the etiology and the treatment of major depression from a psychoanalytic and cognitive perspective.
  • Edinburgh Depression Screen for Treating Depression Edinburgh Depression screen is also known as Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which is used to screen pregnant and postnatal women for emotional distress.
  • Depression Treatment Variants in the US There is a debate regarding the best formula for depression treatment whereby some argue for using drugs, whereas others are advocating for therapy.
  • Depression in the Elderly: Treatment Options Professionals may recommend various treatment options, including the use of antidepressants, psychotherapy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  • Depression Treatments and Therapeutic Strategies This article examines the effectiveness of different depression treatments and reviews the therapeutic strategies, which can be helpful if the initial treatment fails.
  • Depression and the Nervous System Depression is a broad condition that is associated with failures in many parts of the nervous system. It can be both the cause and the effect of this imbalance.
  • Depression: Types, Symptoms, Etiology & Management Depression differs from other disorders, connected with mood swings, and it may present a serious threat to the individual’s health condition.
  • Can physical exercise alone effectively treat depression?
  • Art therapy as a complementary treatment for depression.
  • Is there a link between perfectionism and depression?
  • The influence of sleep patterns on depression treatment outcomes.
  • Can exposure to nature and green spaces decrease depression rates in cities?
  • The relationship between diet and depression symptoms.
  • The potential benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapy in treating depression.
  • The role of outdoor experiences in alleviating depression symptoms.
  • The relationship between depression and physical health in older adults.
  • The role of workplace culture in preventing employee depression.
  • The Effect of Music Therapy on Depression One major finding of study is that music therapy alleviates depression among the elderly. Music therapy could alleviate depression.
  • Post-Natal Depression as an Affective Disorder Postpartum or post-natal depression (PPD) is a serious issue that can potentially be destructive to both infant and mother.
  • “Neighborhood Racial Discrimination and the Development of Major Depression” by Russell The study investigates how neighborhood racial discrimination influences this severe mental disorder among African American Women.
  • Adolescent Depression and Physical Health Depression in adolescents and young people under 24 is a factor that affects their physical health negatively and requires intervention from various stakeholders.
  • Family Support to a Veteran With Depression Even the strongest soldiers become vulnerable to multiple health risks and behavioral changes, and depression is one of the problems military families face.
  • Alcohol and Depression Article by Churchill and Farrell The selected article for this discussion is “Alcohol and Depression: Evidence From the 2014 Health Survey for England” by Sefa Awaworyi Churchill and Lisa Farrell.
  • Negative Effects of Depression in Adolescents on Their Physical Health Mental disorders affect sleep patterns, physical activity, digestive and cardiac system. The purpose of the paper to provide information about adverse impacts of depression on health.
  • Elderly Depression: Symptoms, Consequences, Behavior, and Therapy The paper aims to identify symptoms, behavioral inclinations of older adults, consequences of depression, and treatment ways.
  • Depression in Feminist Literature of the 1890s The aim of the work is to analyze the cause of female sickness, which is their inability to express themselves and the pitiful place of a female in the society of that time.
  • Major Depression Disorder: Causes and Treatment Loss in weight and appetite are some of the symptoms that a patient diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder could manifest.
  • Mood Disorders: Depression Concepts Description The essay describes the nature of depression, its causes, characteristics, consequences, and possible ways of treatment.
  • Geriatric Depression Diagnostics Study Protocol The research question is: how does the implementation of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing of depression?
  • Mental Health Association of Depression and Alzheimer’s in the Elderly Depression can be a part of Alzheimer’s disease. Elderly people may have episodes of depression, but these episodes cannot be always linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Protective Factors Against Youthful Depression Several iterations of multiple correlation, step-wise and hierarchical regression yielded inconclusive results about the antecedents of youthful depression.
  • Depression and Other Antecedents of Obesity Defeating the inertia about taking up a regular programme of sports and exercise can be a challenging goal. Hence, more advocacy campaigns focus on doing something about obesity with a more prudent diet.
  • Depression and Related Psychological Issues Depression as any mental disorder can be ascribed, regarding the use of psychoanalysis, to a person`s inability to control his destructive or sexual instincts or impulses.
  • Television Habituation and Adolescent Depression The paper investigates the theory that there is a link between heavy TV viewing and adolescent depression and assess the strength of association.
  • Physiological Psychology. Postpartum Depression Depression is a focal public health question. In the childbearing period, it is commoner in females than in males with a 2:1 ratio.
  • Adolescent Depression: Modern Issues and Resources Teenagers encounter many challenging health-related issues; mental health conditions are one of them. This paper presents the aspects of depression in adolescents.
  • Occupational Psychology: Depression Counselling The case involves a 28-year-old employee at Data Analytics Ltd. A traumatic event affected his mental health, causing depression and reduced performance.
  • Psychotherapeutic Group: Treatment of Mild-To-Moderate Depression The aim of this manual is to provide direction and employ high-quality sources dedicated to mild-to-moderate depression and group therapy to justify the choices made for the group.
  • “Depression and Ways of Coping With Stress” by Orzechowska et al. The study “Depression and Ways of Coping With Stress” by Orzechowska et al. aimed the solve an issue pertinent to nursing since depression can influence any patient.
  • Effectiveness of Telenursing in Reducing Readmission, Depression, and Anxiety The project is dedicated to testing the effectiveness of telenursing in reducing readmission, depression, and anxiety, as well as improving general health outcomes.
  • Nurses’ Interventions in Postnatal Depression Treatment This investigation evaluates the effect of nurses’ interventions on the level of women’s postnatal depression and their emotional state.
  • Postpartum Depression: Evidence-Based Care Outcomes In this evidence-based study, the instances of potassium depression should be viewed as the key dependent variable that will have to be monitored in the course of the analysis.
  • Postpartum Depression: Diagnosis and Treatment This paper aims to discuss the peculiarities of five one-hour classes on depression awareness, to implement this intervention among first-year mothers, and to evaluate its worth during the first year after giving birth.
  • Postpartum Depression In First-time Mothers The most common mental health problem associated with childbirth remains postpartum depression, which can affect both sexes, and negatively influences the newborn child.
  • The Diagnosis and Treatment of Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression has many explanations, but the usual way of referring to this disease is linked to psychological problems.
  • What Is Postpartum Depression? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment The prevalence of postpartum depression is quite high as one in seven new American mothers develops this health issue.
  • Depression in Adolescence as a Contemporary Issue Depression in adolescents is not medically different from adult depression but is caused by developmental and social challenges young people encounter.
  • Predictors of Postpartum Depression The phenomenon of postpartum depression affects the quality of women’s lives, as well as their self-esteem and relationships with their child.
  • Depression and Self-Esteem: Research Problem Apart from descriptively studying the relationship between depression and self-esteem, a more practical approach can be used to check how interventions for enhancing self-esteem might affect depression.
  • The Relationship Between Depression and Self-Esteem The topic which is proposed to be studied is the relationship between depression and self-esteem. Self-esteem can be defined as individual’s subjective evaluation of his or her worth.
  • The Impact of Depression on Motherhood This work studies the impact of depression screening on prenatal and posts natal motherhood and effects on early interventions using a literature review.
  • Self-Esteem and Depression in Quantitative Research The topic that has been proposed for quantitative research pertains to the problem of the relationship between self-esteem and depression.
  • Depression in Female Cancer Patients and Survivors Depression is often associated with fatigue and sleep disturbances that prevent females from thinking positively and focusing on the treatment and its outcomes.
  • Depression in Cardiac or Diabetic Patients The paper develops a framework through which risk factors associated with the development of MDD among adult patients with heart disease or diabetes can be easily identified.
  • The Geriatric Population’s Depression This paper discusses how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing of depression in the geriatric population.
  • Problem of Depression: Recognition and Management Depression is a major health concern, which is relatively prevalent in the modern world. Indeed, in the US, 6.7 % of adults experienced an episode of the Major Depressive Disorder in 2015.
  • Health and Care Excellence in Depression Management The introduction of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines can affect the accuracy of diagnosing and quality of managing depression.
  • Impact of COVID-19 on Depression and Suicide Rates among Adolescents and Young People The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of coronavirus on these tragic numbers.
  • Mild Depression: Psychotherapy or Pharmacotherapy The research question in this paper is: in psychiatric patients with mild depression, what is the effect of psychotherapy on health compared with pharmacotherapy?
  • Postpartum Bipolar Disorder and Depression The results of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire screening of a postpartum patient suggest a bipolar disorder caused by hormonal issues and a major depressive episode.
  • Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by unusual mood changes that shift from manic to depressive extremes. In the medical field, it`s called manic depression.
  • The Improvement of Depression Management The present paper summarizes the context analysis that was prepared for a change project aimed at the improvement of depression management.
  • Depression Management in US National Guidelines The project offers the VEGA medical center to implement the guidelines for depression management developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
  • Women’s Health and Major Depression Symptoms The client’s complaints refer to sleep problems, frequent mood swings (she gets sad a lot), and the desire to stay away from social interactions.
  • Predictors of Postpartum Depression: Who Is at Risk? The article “Predictors of Postpartum Depression” by Katon, Russo, and Gavin focuses on the identification of risk factors related to postnatal depression.
  • Depression and Its Treatment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities The racial and ethnic disparities in depression treatment can be used for the development of quality improvement initiatives aimed at the advancement of patient outcomes.
  • Lamotrigine for Bipolar Depression Management Lamotrigine sold as Lamictal is considered an effective medication helping to reduce some symptoms that significantly affect epileptic and bipolar patients’ quality of life.
  • Citalopram, Methylphenidate in Geriatric Depression Citalopram typically ranges among 10-20 antidepressants for its cost-effectiveness and positive effect on patients being even more effective than reboxetine and paroxetine.
  • Depression and Self-Esteem Relationship Self-esteem can be defined as an “individual’s subjective evaluation of his or her worth as a person”; it does not necessarily describe one’s real talents.
  • Postpartum Depression: Methods for the Prevention Postpartum depression is a pressing clinical problem that affects new mothers, infants, and other family members. The prevalence of postpartum depression ranges between 13 and 19 percent.
  • Anxiety and Depression Among Females with Cancer The study investigated the prevalence of and the potential factors of risk for anxiety and/or depression among females with early breast cancer during the first 5 years.
  • Post-Partum Depression and Perinatal Dyadic Psychotherapy Post-partum depression affects more than ten percent of young mothers, and a method Perinatal Dyadic Psychotherapy is widely used to reduce anxiety.
  • VEGA Medical Center: Detection of Depression Practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults, and they can be employed to solve the meso-level problem of the VEGA medical center and its nurses.
  • The Postnatal (Postpartum) Depression’ Concept Postnatal or postpartum depression (PPD) is a subtype of depression which is experienced by women within the first half a year after giving birth.
  • Depression in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Research This essay analyzes a clinical research article “Improving care for depression in obstetrics and gynecology: A randomized controlled trial” by Melville et al.
  • Postpartum Depression, Prevention and Treatment Postpartum depression is a common psychiatric condition in women of the childbearing age. They are most likely to develop the disease within a year after childbirth.
  • Smoking Cessation and Depression Problem The aim of the study is to scrutinize the issues inherent in the process of smoking cessation and align them with the occurrence of depression in an extensive sample of individuals.
  • The Efficacy of Medication in Depression’ Treatment This paper attempts to provide a substantial material for the participation in an argument concerning the clinical effectiveness of antidepressant medications.
  • Depression and Cognitive Psychotherapy Approaches Cognitive psychotherapy offers various techniques to cope with emotional problems. This paper discusses the most effective cognitive approaches.
  • Treatment of Depression in Lesbians The aim of this paper is to review a case study of 45 years old lesbian woman who seeks treatment for depression and to discuss the biophysical, psychological, sociocultural, health system.
  • Women’s Health: Predictors of Postpartum Depression The article written by Katon, Russo, and Gavin is focused on women’s health. It discusses predictors of postpartum depression (PPD), including sociodemographic and clinic risk factors.
  • Depression Treatment and Management Treatment could be started only after patient is checked whether he has an allergy to the prescribed pills or not. If he is not allergic, he should also maintain clinical tests for depression.
  • Depression and Thyroid Issues in Young Woman Young people are busy at studies or at work and do not pay much attention to primary symptoms unless they influence the quality of life.
  • Counseling Depression: Ethical Aspects This paper explores the ethical aspects required to work with a widower who diminished passion for food, secluding himself in the house, portraying signs of depression.
  • Postpartum Depression as Serious Mental Health Problem The research study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a two-step behavioral and educational intervention on the symptoms of postpartum depression in young mothers.
  • European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships and Depression The decades leading to World War I had unusual alignments. The European nations were still scrambling for Asia, Africa and parts of undeveloped Europe.
  • Women’s Health: Depression as a Psychological Factor Women who identify themselves as lesbian are likely to experience depression. Biophysical, psychological, sociocultural, behavioral, and health system factors should be taken into consideration.
  • Childhood Obesity and Depression Intervention The main intervention to combat depressive moods in adolescents should be linked to improving the psychological health of young people in cooperation with schools.
  • Postnatal Depression Prevalence and Effects The paper analyzes the prevalence and risk factors of Postnatal (Postpartum) Depression as well as investigates the effect on the newborns whose mothers suffer from this condition.
  • Depression in Older Adults Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. Evidence-based holistic intervention would provide more effective treatment for elderly patients with depression.
  • Placebo and Treatments for Depression Natural alternative treatments for depression actually work better than the biochemical alternatives like antidepressants.
  • Care for Depression in Obstetrics and Gynecology This work analyzes the article developed by Melville et al. in which discusses the theme of depression in obstetrics and gynecology and improving care for it.
  • Depression Screening in Primary Care Screening for depression in patients suffering from long term conditions (LTCs) or persistent health problems of the body, could largely be erroneous.
  • Clinical Depression Treatment: Issues and Solvings The paper describes and justifies the design selected for research on depression treatment. It also identifies ethical issues and proposes ways of addressing them.
  • Depression in Older Persons – Psychology This article presents the research findings of a study conducted in Iran to assess how effective integrative and instrumental therapies are in the management of depression in older persons.
  • Depression in the Elderly – Psychology This paper discusses how a person would know whether a relative had clinical depression or was sad due to specific changes or losses in life.
  • Postnatal Depression: Prevalence of Postnatal Depression in Bahrain The study was aimed at estimating the prevalence of postnatal depression among 237 Bahraini women who attended checkups in 20 clinical centres over a period of 2 months.

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  • CBE Life Sci Educ
  • v.20(3); Fall 2021

PhDepression: Examining How Graduate Research and Teaching Affect Depression in Life Sciences PhD Students

Logan e. gin.

† Research for Inclusive STEM Education Center, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281

Nicholas J. Wiesenthal

§ Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816

Katelyn M. Cooper

Graduate students are more than six times as likely to experience depression compared with the general population. However, few studies have examined how graduate school specifically affects depression. In this qualitative interview study of 50 life sciences PhD students from 28 institutions, we examined how research and teaching affect depression in PhD students and how depression in turn affects students’ experiences teaching and researching. Using inductive coding, we identified factors that either positively or negatively affected student depression. Graduate students more commonly mentioned factors related to research that negatively affected their depression and factors related to teaching that positively affected their depression. We identified four overarching aspects of graduate school that influenced student depression: the amount of structure in teaching and research, positive and negative reinforcement, success and failure, and social support and isolation. Graduate students reported that depression had an exclusively negative effect on their research, primarily hindering their motivation and self-confidence, but that it helped them to be more compassionate teachers. This work pinpoints specific aspects of graduate school that PhD programs can target to improve mental health among life sciences graduate students.


In 2018, researchers found that graduate students were more than six times as likely to report experiencing depression and anxiety compared with the general population and subsequently declared a “graduate student mental health crisis” ( Evans et al. , 2018 ; Flaherty, 2018 ). Calls to identify which factors exacerbate graduate student mental health problems followed (“The Mental Health of PhD Researchers,” 2019; Woolston, 2019a ). However, few studies have taken an inductive approach to identifying what aspects of graduate school in particular affect student mental health. More commonly, large quantitative studies propose a limited number of factors that may affect student mental health that participants select from, few of which directly relate to graduate research or teaching ( Peluso et al. , 2011 ; Levecque et al. , 2017 ; Evans et al. , 2018 ; Liu et al. , 2019 ). In this interview study, we focus on depression in life sciences PhD students and examine which specific aspects of research and teaching graduate students report as affecting their depression. We also explore how depression affects students’ experiences in graduate school.

The American Psychiatric Association defines depression as a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how one feels, the way one thinks, and how one acts ( American Psychiatric Association, 2020 ). Depression is characterized by nine symptoms: depressed mood; markedly diminished interest or pleasure in activities; reduced ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness; feelings of worthlessness, or excessive or inappropriate guilt; recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation, or suicide attempts or plans; insomnia or hypersomnia; significant change in appetite or weight; psychomotor agitation or retardation; and fatigue or loss of energy ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ; Schmidt and Tolentino, 2018 ). For depression to be diagnosed, the presence of at least five of the symptoms is required most of the day, nearly every day, for at least 2 weeks in addition to the occurrence of either depressed mood or diminished interest or pleasure ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ). In the general U.S. population, depression affects approximately 6.7% of individuals and is estimated to affect 16.6% of individuals at some point in their lifetime.

Graduate students are far more likely to report experiencing depression compared with the general population ( Evans et al. , 2018 ; Barreira et al. , 2020 ). Specifically, a recent study of master’s and PhD students in programs across the world, spanning a variety of disciplines, found that 39% of graduate students reported having moderate to severe depression ( Evans et al. , 2018 ). Similar studies have demonstrated high rates of depression in graduate students in specific disciplines such as economics ( Barreira et al. , 2020 ), biochemistry ( Helmers et al. , 1997 ), pharmacology ( Helmers et al. , 1997 ), and physiology ( Helmers et al. , 1997 ). Depression rates have surged in recent years among graduate students ( American College Health Association, 2014 , 2019 ). Talking about depression has become more socially acceptable, particularly among younger adults ( Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 2015 ; Lipson et al. , 2019 ), which may have contributed to the number of students willing to reveal that they are struggling with mental health. Additionally, depression is highly related to burnout, defined as a work-related chronic stress syndrome involving emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment ( Maslach et al. , 2001 ; Bianchi et al. , 2014 ). Graduate work environments appear to be increasingly characterized as stressful and demanding ( American College Health Association, 2014 , 2019 ; Woolston, 2017 ), which may also be contributing to the increase in graduate depression rates.

Increasingly, scientists, psychologists, and education researchers are recognizing graduate student mental health as a concern and calling for further investigation of graduate student mental health in hopes of identifying interventions to improve graduate student quality of life (“The Mental Health of PhD Researchers,” 2019; Woolston, 2019a , b ). For example, in 2019, Nature added a question to its annual survey of PhD students asking students from around the world whether they had sought help for anxiety or depression, and more than one-third (36%) confirmed they had ( Woolston, 2019b ). Additionally, notable publication outlets such as Nature (“The Mental Health of PhD Researchers,” 2019), Scientific American ( Puri, 2019 ), and Science ( Pain, 2018 ) have published blogs or editorials spotlighting the need to improve graduate student mental health.

Some recent studies have sought to uncover the factors affecting depression in graduate students. Primarily, survey studies with predetermined factors that researchers hypothesized impact student mental health have identified poor mentor–mentee relationships ( Peluso et al. , 2011 ; Evans et al. , 2018 ; Hish et al. , 2019 ; Liu et al. , 2019 ; Charles et al. , 2021 ), financial stress ( Hish et al. , 2019 ; Jones-White et al. , 2020 ; Charles et al. , 2021 ), and lack of work–life balance ( Evans et al. , 2018 ; Liu et al. , 2019 ) to be associated with depression or depressive symptoms among graduate students in various disciplines. Other variables shown to be predictive of depression include low research self-efficacy, defined as low confidence in one’s ability to do research ( Liu et al. , 2019 ), difficulty publishing papers ( Liu et al. , 2019 ), hours worked per week ( Peluso et al. , 2011 ), and perceived institutional discrimination ( Charles et al. , 2021 ). Factors that appear to be protective of depressive symptoms include social support ( Charles et al. , 2021 ), mastery, defined as the extent to which individuals perceive themselves to be in control of the forces that impact their lives ( Hish et al. , 2019 ), positive departmental social climate ( Charles et al. , 2021 ), optimism about career prospects ( Charles et al. , 2021 ), and sense of belonging to one’s graduate program ( Jones-White et al. , 2020 ). While these studies have identified some depression-related factors associated with graduate school broadly and emphasize the importance of positive mentor–mentee relationships, few studies have explored factors specifically associated with research and teaching, the two activities that graduate students engage in most frequently during their time in a program. Additionally, the extant literature has primarily focused on surface causes of graduate student depression, yet understanding the underlying causes may be key to developing meaningful interventions. For example, while it is well established that student perception of poor mentorship is related to student depression ( Evans et al. , 2018 ; Hish et al. , 2019 ; Liu et al. , 2019 ; Charles et al. , 2021 ), it is less well understood what specific behaviors mentors exhibit and how such behaviors negatively affect the cognitive and behavioral underpinnings of graduate student depression. Without this knowledge, it is difficult to develop strategies to help mentors be more inclusive of students.

Theories of depression seek to explain the causes of depression. No theoretical model is widely accepted as an overarching framework for depression within the psychological and psychiatric communities ( Mcleod, 2015 ; Ramnerö et al. , 2016 ); instead, there are a number of models addressing how different aspects of depression are associated with the disorder. Arguably, the three most prominent models are cognitive ( Beck et al. , 1979 ), behavioral ( Martell et al. , 2001 ), and psychodynamic ( Busch et al. , 2016 ). In brief, cognitive theories focus on an individual’s beliefs and propose that changes in thinking precede depressive symptoms; for example, negative views of oneself, the world, and the future are thought to be common for individuals with depression ( Beck et al. , 1979 ; Leahy, 2002 ). Behavioral theories emphasize that depression is a result of one’s interaction with the environment; depressive symptoms are thought to be the result of decreased reward, lack of positive reinforcement, encouragement of depressive or passive behaviors, and discouragement of healthy behaviors ( Lewinsohn, 1974 ; Martell et al. , 2001 ; Carvalho et al. , 2011 ). Psychodynamic theories of depression consider the role of feelings and behaviors in the etiology and persistence of depressive symptoms; these theories often focus on 1) one’s biology and temperamental vulnerabilities, 2) earliest attachment relationships, and 3) childhood experiences associated with frustration, helplessness, loss, guilty, or loneliness ( Busch et al. , 2016 ). While each group of theories has been critiqued and no one theory fully explains one’s experience with depression ( Mcleod, 2015 ; Ramnerö et al. , 2016 ), we propose that each may be helpful in understanding how aspects of graduate school may affect depression among PhD students.

The thoughts and behaviors associated with depression may in turn affect students’ experiences in graduate school, particularly their experiences with research and teaching. While no studies have examined how depression explicitly affects graduate students’ research experiences, studies have identified ways in which depression can affect students’ experiences in undergraduate research ( Cooper et al. , 2020a , b ). Undergraduate researchers report that their depression negatively affected their motivation, ability to concentrate and remember, intellectual engagement, and creativity in research ( Cooper et al. , 2020b ). Undergraduates described that their depression also caused them to be overly self-critical, less social, and ultimately negatively affected their research productivity. Additionally, undergraduates have been reluctant to share their depression with others in the lab, because they fear that they will be judged ( Cooper et al. , 2020b ). While these studies provide some insight into how depression may affect graduate students’ experience in research, there is much less information about how depression may affect graduate teaching.

In this study, we interviewed 50 PhD students in the life sciences who self-identified with having depression with the intent of answering two research questions that address gaps in the literature: 1) What specific aspects of graduate research and teaching affect PhD student depression? 2) How does PhD students’ depression affect their experience in research and teaching?

Student Interviews

This study was done under an approved Arizona State University Institutional Review Board protocol (no. 00011040).

In Fall 2019, we surveyed graduate students by sending an email out to program administrators of all life sciences graduate programs in the United States that are listed in U.S. News & World Report (2019) . Of the 259 graduate programs that we contacted, 75 (29.0%) program administrators agreed to forward our survey to students enrolled in their graduate programs. Of the 840 graduate students who participated in the survey, 459 (54.6%) self-identified as having depression based on general demographic questions on the survey. Of the 459 students who identified as having depression, 327 (71.2%) agreed to be contacted for a follow-up interview. In Summer 2020, we sent a recruitment email out to the 327 students who identified as having depression, asking to interview them about their experiences with depression in a PhD program. We specifically did not require that students be diagnosed with depression in order to participate in the interview study. We did not want to bias our sample, as mental health care is disproportionately unavailable to Black and Latinx individuals, as well as to those who come from low socioeconomic backgrounds ( Howell and McFeeters, 2008 ; Kataoka et al. , 2002 ; Santiago et al. , 2013 ). Of the students who were contacted, 50 PhD students (15.3%) enrolled across 28 life sciences PhD programs completed an interview.

The interview script was based on a previous interview script that we had developed, which successfully elicited what aspects of research affect depression in undergraduates and how depression affects their research ( Cooper et al. , 2020a ). Our previous work has shown that research experiences do not exclusively worsen depression, but that aspects of research can also help students manage their depression ( Cooper et al. , 2020a ). As such, our interview questions explored what aspects of research helped students manage their depression (positively affecting depression), and what aspects worsened students’ depression (negatively affecting depression). Additionally, we hypothesized that other prominent aspects of graduate school, such as teaching, would also affect PhD student depression and revised the interview script to include questions focused on examining the relationship between depression and teaching. We asked students what aspects of graduate research and teaching made their depression worse and what aspects helped them manage their depression. Participants were invited to come up with as many aspects as possible. We also asked how students perceived their depression affected their research and teaching. With the knowledge that we would be conducting interviews during summer of 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the pandemic had likely exacerbated graduate student depression ( Chirikov et al. , 2020 ), we directed students to not reference aspects of research and teaching that were uniquely related to the pandemic (e.g., teaching remotely or halted research) when discussing the relationship between research, teaching, and depression. We were specifically interested in aspects of teaching and research that affected student depression before the pandemic and would presumably affect student depression afterward. We conducted think-aloud interviews with four graduate students who identified as having depression to ensure that our questions would not offend anyone with depression and to establish cognitive validity of the interview script by ensuring that each student understood what each question was asking. The interview script was iteratively revised after each think-aloud interview ( Trenor et al. , 2011 ). A final copy of the interview script can be found in the Supplemental Material.

All interviews were conducted using Zoom by one of two researchers (L.E.G. or K.M.C.). The average interview time was about 45 minutes. After the interview, all participants were sent a short survey to collect their demographics and additional information about their depression (a copy of the survey can be found in the Supplemental Material). Participants were provided a small monetary gift card in exchange for their time. All interviews were deidentified and transcribed before analysis.

Interview Analysis

Three researchers (L.E.G., N.J.W., and K.M.C.) independently reviewed 12 of the same randomly selected interviews to explore each idea that a participant expressed and to identify recurring themes ( Charmaz, 2006 ). Each researcher took detailed analytic notes during the review. After, the three researchers met to discuss their notes and to identify an initial set of recurring themes that occurred throughout the interviews ( Saldaña, 2015 ). The authors created an initial codebook outlining each theme and the related description. Together, the authors then reviewed the same set of five additional interviews to validate the themes outlined in the codebook and to identify any themes that may have been missed during the initial review. The researchers used constant comparison methods to compare quotes from the interviews to each theme and to establish whether any quotes were different enough from a particular theme to warrant an additional code ( Glesne and Peshkin, 1992 ). Together, the three researchers revised the codebook until they were confident that it captured the most common themes and that no new themes were emerging. A final copy of the codebook can be found in the Supplemental Material. Two authors (L.E.G. and N.J.W.) used the final codebook to code five randomly selected interviews (10% of all interviews) and their Cohen’s κ interrater score was at an acceptable level (κ = 0.94; Landis and Koch, 1977 ). Then, one researcher (N.J.W.) coded the remaining 45 interviews. In the text, we present themes mentioned by at least 10% of interviewees and use quotes to highlight themes. Some quotes were lightly edited for clarity.

Author Positionality

Some of the authors identify as having depression and some do not. One author had completed a PhD program (K.M.C.), one author was in the process of completing a PhD program (L.E.G.), and two authors were undergraduates (N.J.W. and I.F.) at the time when the interviews and analyses took place.

Interview Participants

Fifty PhD students agreed to participate in the study. Students were primarily women (58%), white (74%), and continuing-generation college students (78%). Twelve percent of students were international students, and the average age of the participants was 28 years old. While 20% of students were unsure of their career goals, 32% of students planned to pursue a career in academia, and 24% were planning to pursue a career in industry. Students reported how severe they perceived their depression to be, on average, during the time they had spent in their PhD programs. Most students reported their depression as either moderate (50%) or severe (28%). Eighty percent of students reported being diagnosed with depression, and 74% reported receiving treatment for depression. Participants were at different stages in their PhD programs ranging from first year to sixth year or more. Three students had graduated between the time they completed the initial survey and when they participated in the interview in Summer 2020. Students self-reported their main research areas and represented a broad range, with ecology and evolutionary biology (26%), animal science (14%), molecular biology (14%), and neurobiology (10%) being the most common. Eighty-six percent of students had experience teaching undergraduates, primarily as teaching assistants (TAs), at the time of the interviews. All student demographics are summarized in Table 1 .

Participant demographics

The Effect of Research on Graduate Student Depression

Students more commonly identified ways that research negatively affected their depression than ways research positively affected their depression. Considering all factors that students listed and not just those that were most common, students on average listed two ways in which an aspect of research negatively affected their depression and one way in which an aspect of research positively affected their depression.

The most commonly reported aspect of research that worsened students’ depression was experiencing failures, obstacles, or setbacks in research. Specifically, students cited that failed experiments, failed research projects, and the rejection of manuscripts and grants was particularly difficult for their depression. Conversely, students highlighted that their depression was positively affected when they were able to make substantial progress on their research projects; for example, if they wrote part of a manuscript or if an experiment worked. Students also explained that accomplishing smaller or mundane research tasks was helpful for their depression, both because they felt as though they were checking off a box and also because it allowed them to focus on something other than the negative thoughts often associated with depression.

Students also highlighted that the unstructured nature of graduate research worsened their depression. Specifically, students described that, in graduate research, there are often no clear directions, sets of guidelines, or deadlines to help structure their day-to-day activities. Without this structure, students need to rely on their own motivation to outline goals, accomplish tasks, or seek help, which participants described can be difficult when one is experiencing a depressive episode. However, students also felt as though the unstructured nature of research benefited their depression, because it allowed for flexibility. Those who did not have frequent deadlines or strict schedules were able to not conduct research on days when they needed to recover from a depressive episode or schedule research around therapy or other activities that had a positive impact on their depression. Finally, students highlighted that their passion for their research was protective against depression. Their love for the subject of their research or thinking about how their work may have a positive impact on others could positively affect their motivation or mood.

Students described that their relationships with others in the lab also affected their depression. Specifically, if their mentors or others in their lab had unreasonable or overwhelming expectations of them, it could make them feel as though they would never be able to meet such expectations. Research also provides an environment for students to constantly compare themselves with others, both those in supervisory roles as well as peers. Notably, when students mentioned comparing themselves with others, this comparison never made them feel good about themselves, but was exclusively detrimental to their depression; they felt as though they would never be able to accomplish what others had already accomplished. Students’ relationships with their mentors also seemed to have a notable impact on their depression. Having a positive relationship with their mentors or a mentor who provided psychosocial support positively affected their depression, whereas perceiving a negative relationship with their mentors, particularly a mentor who provided consistently harsh or negative feedback, was detrimental. Students who had absent mentors or mentors who provided infrequent technical support and guidance also felt as though this situation worsened their depression, because it prevented or prolonged their success in research. Finally, students highlighted that conducting graduate research can be isolating, because you are often working on something different from those in the lab or because those outside graduate school cannot relate to the stress and struggles associated with research. However, in instances in which students were able to collaborate with others, this could be protective against depression, because it gave students a sense of comradery or validated their feelings about specific aspects of research. The most common research-related factors that students reported negatively and positively affected their depression and example student quotes of each factor are reported in Tables 2 and ​ and3, 3 , respectively.

Research-related factors that PhD students reported negatively affected their depression

Research-related factors that PhD students reported positively affected their depression

The Effect of Teaching on Graduate Student Depression

We asked all graduate students who had teaching experience ( n = 43) how teaching affected their depression. Graduate students more commonly identified ways that teaching positively affected their depression than ways teaching negatively affected their depression. On average, considering all factors that graduate students listed and not just those that were most common, participants listed two ways in which teaching positively affected their depression and one way in which teaching negatively affected their depression.

Graduate students most commonly highlighted that teaching provided positive reinforcement from undergraduates, which helped them manage their depression. This positive reinforcement came in multiple forms ranging from formal teaching evaluations to positive verbal comments from undergraduates about how good a graduate student was at teaching to watching undergraduates accomplish academic goals or grasp complex concepts. A subset of graduate students highlighted that teaching was good for their depression, because it was something they were passionate about or that they genuinely enjoyed. As such, it was a source of happiness, as was being able to collaborate and form friendships with other TAs or instructors. Some graduate students also acknowledged that they felt confident teaching, often because they had mastered content that undergraduates had not. However, this was not always the case; some graduate students highlighted that a lack of teaching training and preparation negatively affected their self-efficacy as instructors, which in turn exacerbated their depression. This was further exacerbated by the pressure that graduate students put on themselves to perform well as instructors. The potential to have a negative impact on undergraduates and their learning experiences could worsen students’ depression by increasing the stress surrounding their performance as a teacher. Additionally, some graduate students received negative reinforcement from undergraduates, in the form of negative comments on formal teaching evaluations or disrespectful behavior from undergraduates such as groans or eye rolls, which graduate students explained negatively affected their self-efficacy, further worsening their depression.

Students also highlighted that teaching could negatively affect their depression because it interfered with the time they felt they needed to be spending on research or added to the large number of responsibilities they had as graduate students. However, some students welcomed time away from research; teaching sometimes served as a distraction from research-related stressors. Students also highlighted that teaching is structured, which positively affected their depression. That is, there are concrete tasks, such as grading, that need to be accomplished or places that the graduate student needs to be during a specific time. This structure helped motivate them to accomplish teaching goals, even if they were feeling a lack of motivation because of their depression. The most common teaching-related factors that graduate students reported negatively and positively affected their depression and example student quotes for each factor are reported in Tables 4 and ​ and5, 5 , respectively.

Teaching-related factors that PhD students reported negatively affected their depression

a Forty-three out of the 50 students who participated in the study had experience teaching undergraduates either as a TA or as an instructor of record. We only considered the responses from the TAs with teaching experiences when calculating the percent of students who reported each factor.

Teaching-related factors that PhD students reported positively affected their depression

The Effect of Depression on Graduate Research

In the interviews, we asked graduate students how their depression affected their graduate research, if at all. They identified three primary ways in which depression could affect research, all of which were negative. The most common way depression affected research was interfering with students’ motivation, which in turn affected their productivity. Students described that their productivity was affected immediately, for example, struggling to execute daily tasks like collecting or analyzing data. However, graduate students described that their lack of motivation ultimately resulted in larger consequences, such as delays in getting papers submitted and published. In fact, some graduate students explicitly stated that they felt as though they would have been able to graduate earlier if they had not had depression. The second way in which depression affected graduate students’ research is that it interfered with their ability to focus or concentrate. Students primarily explained that the lack of focus did not delay their research but caused their research to be less enjoyable or made them frustrated because they had to expend additional mental energy to execute tasks. Depression also caused students to be less confident or overly critical of themselves. Specifically, if an experiment did not go right or they experienced rejection of a manuscript, they tended to internalize it and blame themselves. This lack of confidence often inhibited students’ abilities to make decisions about research or take risks in research. They described frequently second-guessing themselves, which made decisions and taking risks in research more difficult. The most common ways students reported that their depression affected their research and example student quotes are reported in Table 6 .

Self-reported ways that depression affected PhD students’ research or the student as a researcher

The Effect of Depression on Teaching

Graduate students described one positive way and two negative ways that depression affected their teaching. Students explained that, because they had experienced depression, they were more compassionate and empathetic toward the undergraduates in their courses. Specifically, they felt they could better understand some of the struggles that undergraduates experience and were sometimes more likely to be flexible or lenient about course requirements and deadlines if an undergraduate was struggling. However, graduate students reported that depression also negatively affected their teaching. Specifically, depression could cause graduate students to feel disconnected or disengaged from undergraduates. It could also cause graduate students to feel as though they had a lack of energy or felt down when teaching. The common self-reported ways that depression affected PhD students’ teaching and example quotes are reported in Table 7 .

Self-reported ways that depression affected PhD students’ teaching or the graduate student as an instructor

a Forty-three out of the 50 students who participated in the study had experience teaching undergraduates either as a TA or as an instructor of record. We only considered the responses from the TAs with teaching experiences when calculating the percent of students who reported each theme.

Despite the increasing concern about graduate student mental health among those in the scientific community ( Pain, 2018 ; “The Mental Health of PhD Researchers,” 2019; Puri, 2019 ), there is a lack of information about how specific aspects of science PhD programs affect students with depression. This is the first study to explicitly investigate which particular aspects of research and teaching affect depression among life sciences PhD students and how depression, in turn, affects graduate students’ experiences in research and teaching. Overall, graduate students highlighted factors related to teaching and research that both alleviated and exacerbated their symptoms of depression. Graduate students more commonly brought up ways that research negatively affected their depression, than ways that it positively affected their depression. Conversely, graduate students more commonly mentioned ways that teaching had a positive effect on their depression compared with a negative effect. The requirement and opportunity to teach differs among life sciences graduate programs ( Schussler et al. , 2015 ; Shortlidge and Eddy, 2018 ). As such, future research should investigate whether the amount of teaching one engages in during graduate school is related to levels of graduate student depression. Despite differences in how teaching and research affect student depression, this study unveiled factors that protect against or worsen depressive symptoms. Specifically, four overarching factors affecting graduate student depression emerged from the interviews: 1) Structure; 2) Positive and Negative Reinforcement; 3) Failure and Success; 4) Social Support and Isolation. We discuss here how each of these factors may positively and negatively affect graduate student depression.

One stark contrast between research and teaching is the amount of structure in each activity. That is, students expressed that research goals are often amorphous, that there are not concrete instructions for what needs to be accomplished, and that there is often no set schedule for when particular tasks need to be accomplished. Conversely, with teaching, graduate students often knew what the goals were (e.g., to help students learn), exactly what they needed to accomplish each week (e.g., what to grade, what to teach), and when and where they needed to show up to teach (e.g., a class meets at a particular time). Graduate students highlighted that a lack of structure, particularly in research, was detrimental for their depression. Their depression often made it difficult for them to feel motivated when there was not a concrete task to accomplish. Major depression can interfere with executive function and cognition, making goal setting and goal achievement particularly difficult ( Elliott, 1998 ; Watkins and Brown, 2002 ). In fact, research has documented that individuals with depression generate less specific goals and less specific explanations for approaching a goal than individuals who do not have depression ( Dickson and Moberly, 2013 ). As such, it may be particularly helpful for students with depression when an activity is structured, relieving the student from the need to articulate specific goals and steps to achieve goals. Students noted that the lack of structure or the flexibility in research was helpful for their depression in one way: It allowed them to better treat their depression. Specifically, students highlighted that they were able to take time to go to therapy or to not go into the lab or to avoid stressful tasks, which may be important for successful recovery from a depressive episode ( Judd et al. , 2000 ).

Compared with conducting research, many participants reported that the concrete tasks associated with teaching undergraduates were helpful for their depression. This is supported by literature that illustrates that concrete thinking, as opposed to abstract thinking, can reduce difficulty making decisions in individuals with depression ( Dey et al. , 2018 ), presuming that teaching often requires more concrete thinking compared with research, which can be more abstract. Additionally, cognitive-behavioral treatments for depression have demonstrated that developing concrete goals for completing tasks is helpful for individuals with depression ( Detweiler-Bedell and Whisman, 2005 ), which aligns with graduate students’ perceptions that having concrete goals for completing teaching tasks was particularly helpful for their depression.

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Graduate students reported that the negative reinforcement experienced in research and teaching had a significant negative effect on their depression, while the positive reinforcement students experienced only in teaching had a positive effect. Notably, students did not mention how positive reinforcement affected their depression in the context of research. Based on student interviews, we predict that this is not because they were unaffected by positive reinforcement in research, but because they experienced it so infrequently. Drawing from behavioral theories of depression, the concept of response-contingent positive reinforcement (RCPR; Lewinsohn, 1974 ; Kanter et al. , 2004 ) helps explain this finding. As summarized by Kanter and colleagues (2004) , RCPR describes someone seeking a response and being positively reinforced; for example, graduate students seeking feedback on their research are told that what they have accomplished is impressive. Infrequent RCPR may lead to cognitive symptoms of depression, such as low self-esteem or guilt, resulting in somatic symptoms of depression, such as fatigue and dysphoria ( Lewinsohn, 1974 ; Martell et al. , 2001 ; Manos et al. , 2010 ). RCPR is determined by three factors. 1) How many potential events may be positively reinforcing to an individual. For example, some people may find an undergraduate scoring highly on an exam in a class they are teaching to be reinforcing and others may find that they only feel reinforced when an undergraduate explicitly compliments their teaching. 2) The availability of reinforcing events in the environment. If graduate students’ mentors have the ability to provide them with RCPR but are never able to meet with them, these reinforcing events are unavailable to them. 3) The instrumental behavior of an individual. Does the individual exhibit the behavior required to obtain RCPR? If graduate students do not accomplish their research-related tasks on time, they may not receive RCPR from their mentor. If individuals are not positively reinforced for a particular behavior, they may stop exhibiting it, further exacerbating the depressive cycle ( Manos et al. , 2010 ). Therefore, the lack of positive reinforcement in research may be particularly damaging to graduate students, because it may discourage them from completing tasks, leading to additional depressive symptoms. Conversely, teaching presents many opportunities for positive reinforcement. Every time graduate students teach, they have the opportunity to receive positive reinforcement from their students or to witness a student’s academic accomplishment, such as an undergraduate expressing excitement when they understand a concept. As such, it is not surprising that positive reinforcement was the primary teaching-related factor that graduate students reported helped with their depression. Despite the positive reinforcement of teaching for graduate students with depression, we are not suggesting that graduate students should take on additional teaching loads or that teaching should be viewed as the sole respite for graduate students with depression. Overwhelming students with increased responsibilities may counteract any positive impact that teaching could have on students’ depression.

Failure and Success

Failure and success affected student depression, but only in the context of research; contrary to research, students rarely mentioned concrete metrics for success and failure in teaching. While graduate students highlighted receiving positive or negative reinforcement from undergraduates, they did not relate this to being a “successful” instructor. It is unsurprising that graduate students did not mention failing or succeeding at teaching, given that experts in teaching agree that it is difficult to objectively evaluate quality teaching ( d’Apollonia and Abrami, 1997 ; Kember et al. , 2002 ; Gormally et al. , 2014 ). In fact, the lack of teacher training and knowledge about how to teach effectively negatively affected student depression, because it could cause students to feel unprepared as an instructor. Integrating teacher training into graduate programs has been championed for decades ( Torvi, 1994 ; Tanner and Allen, 2006 ; Schussler et al. , 2015 ); however, the potential for such training to bolster graduate student mental health is new and should be considered in future research. With regard to graduate students’ research, the concept of success and failure was far more concrete; students mentioned failing in terms of failed experiments, research projects, and rejected manuscripts and grant proposals. Successes included accepted manuscripts, funded grant proposals, and concrete progress on significant tasks, such as writing or conducting an experiment that yielded usable data. Failure has been shown to negatively affect depression among undergraduate researchers ( Cooper et al. , 2020a ), who are hypothesized to be inadequately prepared to experience failure in science ( Henry et al. , 2019 ). However, it is less clear how well prepared graduate students are to experience failure ( Simpson and Maltese, 2017 ). Drawing from cognitive theories of depression, depression is associated with dysfunctional cognitive schemas or dysfunctional thinking that can lead individuals with depression to have negative thoughts about the world, themselves, and the future and to interpret information more negatively than is actually the case (called negative information-processing biases; Beck, 1967 ; Beck et al. , 1979 ; Gotlib and Krasnoperova, 1998 ; Maj et al. , 2020 ). Related to failure, individuals with dysfunctional cognitive schemas may harbor beliefs such as if something fails at work (or in graduate research), they are a failure as a person or that a small failure can be as detrimental as a larger failure ( Weissman, 1979 ; Miranda and Persons, 1988 ). As such, setbacks in research may be particularly difficult for PhD students with depression. Graduate students in our study also mentioned how failing in research was often out of their control, particularly failure related to experiments and research projects. The extent to which one feels they can control their environment is important for mental health, and lower estimates of control have been hypothesized to be an important factor for depression ( Grahek et al. , 2019 ). Therefore, this feeling of being unable to control success in research may further exacerbate student depression, but this would need to be tested. Importantly, these findings do not imply that individuals with depression are unable to cope with failure; they only suggest that individuals perceive that failure in science can exacerbate their depression.

Social Support and Isolation

Graduate students reported that feelings of isolation in research could worsen their depression. Specifically, they highlighted that it can be difficult for their mental health when their friends outside graduate school cannot relate to their struggles in research and when others in their research group are not working on similar projects. One study of more than 1400 graduate students at a single university found that feeling isolated from fellow graduate students and faculty positively predicted imposter phenomenon ( Cohen and McConnell, 2019 ), defined as the worry that they were fooling others about their abilities and that their fraudulence would be exposed ( Clance and Imes, 1978 ), which is positively correlated with depression among college students ( McGregor et al. , 2008 ). Developing a positive lab environment, where undergraduates, graduate students, and postgraduates develop positive relationships, has been shown to positively affect undergraduates ( Cooper et al. , 2019 ) and may also positively affect graduate students who experience such feelings of isolation. Graduate students in this study described that both teaching and research had the potential to be a source for relationship development and social support. Students who described positive collaborative relationships in research and teaching felt this had a positive impact on their depression, which aligns with a review of studies in psychiatry concluding that being connected to a large number of people and having individuals who are able to provide emotional support by listening or giving advice is protective against depression ( Santini et al. , 2015 ), as well as a study that found that social support is protective against depression, specifically among the graduate population ( Charles et al. , 2021 ).

These four factors provide clear targets for graduate programs looking to improve the experiences of students with depression. For example, increasing structure in research could be particularly helpful for graduate students with depression. Ensuring that students have concrete plans to accomplish each week may not only positively impact depression by increasing structure, but ultimately by increasing a student’s success in research. Research mentors can also emphasize the role of failure in science, helping students realize that failure is more common than they may perceive. Increasing opportunities for positive reinforcement in teaching and research may be another avenue to improving student mental health. Providing students with appropriate teacher training is a first step to enhancing their teaching skills and potential for positive reinforcement from undergraduate students ( Schussler et al. , 2015 ). Additionally, teaching evaluations, a common form of both positive and negative reinforcement, are known to be biased and disadvantage women, People of Color, and those with non–English speaking backgrounds ( Fan et al. , 2019 ; Chávez and Mitchell, 2020 ) and arguably should not be used to assess teaching. In research, mentors can make an effort to provide positive feedback or praise in meetings in addition to critiques. Finally, to provide social support to graduate students with depression, graduate programs could consider creating specific initiatives that are related to supporting the mental health of graduate students in their departments, such as a support group for students to meet and discuss their experiences in graduate school and how those experience pertain to their mental health.

Limitations and Directions for Future Research

In this study, we chose to only interview students with the identity of interest (depression), as is common with exploratory studies of individuals with underserved, underrepresented, or marginalized identities (e.g. Carlone and Johnson, 2007 ; Cooper and Brownell, 2016 ; Barnes et al. , 2017 , 2021 ; Downing et al. , 2020 ; Gin et al. , 2021 ; Pfeifer et al. , 2021 ). However, in future studies, it would be beneficial to also examine the experiences of individuals who do not have depression. This would provide information about the extent to which specific aspects of graduate research and teaching are disproportionately beneficial or challenging for students with depression. In this study, we did not explicitly examine whether there was a relationship between students’ identities and depression because of the small number of students in particular demographic groups. However, a theme that occurred rather infrequently (but is included in the Supplemental Material) is that discrimination or prejudice in the lab or academia could affect depression, which was reported exclusively by women and People of Color. As such, disaggregating whether gender and race/ethnicity predicts unique factors that exacerbate student depression is an important next step in understanding how to create more equitable and inclusive research and teaching environments for graduate students. Moreover, our sample included a significant number of students from ecology and evolutionary biology PhD programs, which may limit the generalizability of some findings. It is important to acknowledge potential subdisciplinary differences when considering how research may affect depression. Additionally, some of the factors that affect student depression, such as lack of teaching training and confidence in teaching, may be correlated with time spent in a graduate program. Future quantitative studies would benefit from examining whether the factors that affect student depression depend on the student’s subdiscipline and time spent in the graduate program. The primary focus of this study was the relationship between depression and graduate teaching/research. Many of the factors that emerged from the interviews are also associated with burnout ( Bianchi et al. , 2014 ; Maslach et al. , 2001 ). Burnout and depression are known to be highly related and often difficult to disaggregate ( Bianchi et al. , 2014 ). It was beyond the scope and design of this study to disaggregate which factors relate exclusively to the condition of burnout. Additionally, the interviews in this study were collected at a single time point. Thus, we are unable to differentiate between students who had depression before starting graduate school and students who experienced depression after starting graduate school. Future longitudinal studies could explore the effects of students’ experiences in research and teaching on their depression over time as well as on long-term outcomes such as persistence in graduate programs, length of time for degree completion, and career trajectory. This study identified a number of factors that graduate programs can address to benefit graduate student mental health, and we hope that future studies design and test interventions designed to improve the experiences of graduate students in teaching and research.

In this interview study of 50 life sciences PhD students with depression, we examined how graduate research and teaching affect students’ depressive symptoms. We also explored how depression affected graduate students’ teaching and research. We found that graduate students more commonly highlighted ways that research negatively affected their depression and ways that teaching positively affected their depression. Four overarching factors, three of which were related to both teaching and research, were commonly associated with student depression, including the amount of structure provided in research and teaching, failure and success, positive and negative reinforcement, and social connections and isolation. Additionally, graduate students identified depression as having an exclusively negative effect on their research, often hindering motivation, concentration, and self-esteem. However, they did note that depression made them more compassionate teachers, but also could cause them to have low energy or feel disconnected when teaching. This study provides concrete factors that graduate programs can target in hopes of improving the experiences of life sciences PhD students with depression.

Important Note

There are resources available if you or someone you know is experiencing depression and want help. Colleges and universities often have crisis hotlines and counseling services designed to provide students, staff, and faculty with treatment for depression. These can often be found by searching the university website. Additionally, there are free 24/7 services such as Crisis Text Line, which allows you to text a trained live crisis counselor (text “CONNECT” to 741741; Text Depression Hotline, 2019 ), and phone hotlines such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). If you would like to learn more about depression or depression help and resources near you, visit the Anxiety and Depression Association of American website: https://adaa.org ( Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 2019 ) and the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: http://dbsalliance.org ( Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, 2019 ).


We are incredibly grateful to the 50 graduate students who were willing to share their personal experiences with us. We thank Sara Brownell, Tasneem Mohammed, Carly Busch, Maddie Ostwald, Lauren Neel, and Rachel Scott for their helpful feedback on earlier drafts of this work. L.E.G. was supported by an NSF Graduate Fellowship (DGE-1311230). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

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434 Depression Essay Titles & Research Topics: Argumentative, Controversial, and More

Depression is undeniably one of the most prevalent mental health conditions globally, affecting approximately 5% of adults worldwide. It often manifests as intense feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and a loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities. Many also experience physical symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbances, and appetite changes. Recognizing and addressing this mental disorder is extremely important to save lives and treat the condition.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to write an essay about depression and introduce depression essay topics and research titles for students that may be inspirational.

  • 🔝 Top Depression Essay Titles
  • ✅ Essay Prompts
  • 💡 Research Topics
  • 🔎 Essay Titles
  • 💭 Speech Topics
  • 📝 Essay Structure

🔗 References

🔝 top 12 research titles about depression.

  • How is depression treated?
  • Depression: Risk factors.
  • The symptoms of depression.
  • What types of depression exist?
  • Depression in young people.
  • Differences between anxiety and depression.
  • The parents’ role in depression therapy.
  • Drugs as the root cause of depression.
  • Dangerous consequences of untreated depression.
  • Effect of long-term depression.
  • Different stages of depression.
  • Treatment for depression.

The picture provides a list of topics for a research paper about depression.

✅ Prompts for Essay about Depression

Struggling to find inspiration for your essay? Look no further! We’ve put together some valuable essay prompts on depression just for you!

Prompt for Personal Essay about Depression

Sharing your own experience with depression in a paper can be a good idea. Others may feel more motivated to overcome their situation after reading your story. You can also share valuable advice by discussing things or methods that have personally helped you deal with the condition.

For example, in your essay about depression, you can:

  • Tell about the time you felt anxious, hopeless, or depressed;
  • Express your opinion on depression based on the experiences from your life;
  • Suggest a way of dealing with the initial symptoms of depression ;
  • Share your ideas on how to protect mental health at a young age.

How to Overcome Depression: Essay Prompt

Sadness is a common human emotion, but depression encompasses more than just sadness. As reported by the National Institute of Mental Health, around 21 million adults in the United States, roughly 8.4% of the total adult population , faced at least one significant episode of depression in 2020. When crafting your essay about overcoming depression, consider exploring the following aspects:

  • Depression in young people and adolescents;
  • The main causes of depression;
  • The symptoms of depression;
  • Ways to treat depression;
  • Help from a psychologist (cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy ).

Postpartum Depression: Essay Prompt

The birth of a child often evokes a spectrum of powerful emotions, spanning from exhilaration and happiness to apprehension and unease. It can also trigger the onset of depression. Following childbirth, many new mothers experience postpartum “baby blues,” marked by shifts in mood, bouts of tears, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. To shed light on the subject of postpartum depression, explore the following questions:

  • What factors may increase the risk of postpartum depression?
  • Is postpartum depression predictable?
  • How to prevent postpartum depression?
  • What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?
  • What kinds of postpartum depression treatments exist?

Prompt for Essay about Teenage Depression

Teenage depression is a mental health condition characterized by sadness and diminishing interest in daily activities. It can significantly impact a teenager’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior, often requiring long-term treatment and support.

By discussing the primary symptoms of teenage depression in your paper, you can raise awareness of the issue and encourage those in need to seek assistance. You can pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Emotional changes (feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, guilt, etc.);
  • Behavioral changes (loss of energy and appetite , less attention to personal hygiene, self-harm, etc.);
  • New addictions (drugs, alcohol, computer games, etc.).

💡 Research Topics about Depression

  • The role of genetics in depression development.
  • The effectiveness of different psychotherapeutic interventions for depression.
  • Anti-depression non-pharmacological and medication treatment.
  • The impact of childhood trauma on the onset of depression later in life.
  • Exploring the efficacy of antidepressant medication in different populations.
  • The impact of exercise on depression symptoms and treatment outcomes.
  • Mild depression: pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy.
  • The relationship between sleep disturbances and depression.
  • The role of gut microbiota in depression and potential implications for treatment.
  • Investigating the impact of social media on depression rates in adolescents.
  • Depression, dementia, and delirium in older people .
  • The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy in preventing depression relapse.
  • The influence of hormonal changes on depression risk.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of self-help and digital interventions for depression.
  • Herbal and complementary therapies for depression.
  • The relationship between personality traits and vulnerability to depression.
  • Investigating the long-term consequences of untreated depression on physical health.
  • Exploring the link between chronic pain and depression.
  • Depression in the elderly male.
  • The impact of childhood experiences on depression outcomes in adulthood.
  • The use of ketamine and other novel treatments for depression.
  • The effect of stigma on depression diagnosis and treatment.
  • The conducted family assessment: cases of depression.
  • The role of social support in depression recovery.
  • The effectiveness of online support groups for individuals with depression.
  • Depression and cognitive decline in adults.
  • Depression: PICOT question component exploration .
  • Exploring the impact of nutrition and dietary patterns on depression symptoms.
  • Investigating the efficacy of art-based therapies in depression treatment.
  • The role of neuroplasticity in the development and treatment of depression.
  • Depression among HIV-positive women.
  • The influence of gender on depression prevalence and symptomatology.
  • Investigating the impact of workplace factors on depression rates and outcomes.
  • The efficacy of family-based interventions in reducing depression symptoms in teenagers.
  • Frontline nurses’ burnout, anxiety, depression, and fear statuses.
  • The role of early-life stress and adversity in depression vulnerability.
  • The impact of various environmental factors on depression rates.
  • Exploring the link between depression and cardiovascular health.
  • Depression detection in adults in nursing practice.
  • Virtual reality as a therapeutic tool for depression treatment.
  • Investigating the impact of childhood bullying on depression outcomes.
  • The benefits of animal-assisted interventions in depression management.
  • Depression and physical exercise .
  • The relationship between depression and suicidal behavior .
  • The influence of cultural factors on depression symptom expression.
  • Investigating the role of epigenetics in depression susceptibility.
  • Depression associated with cognitive dysfunction.
  • Exploring the impact of adverse trauma on the course of depression.
  • The efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy in treating depression.
  • The relationship between depression and substance use disorders .
  • Depression and anxiety among college students .
  • Investigating the effectiveness of group therapy for depression.
  • Depression and chronic medical conditions.

Psychology Research Topics on Depression

  • The influence of early attachment experiences on the development of depression.
  • The impact of negative cognitive biases on depression symptomatology.
  • Depression treatment plan for a queer patient .
  • Examining the relationship between perfectionism and depression.
  • The role of self-esteem in depression vulnerability and recovery.
  • Exploring the link between maladaptive thinking styles (e.g., rumination, catastrophizing) and depression.
  • Investigating the impact of social support on depression outcomes and resilience.
  • Identifying depression in young adults at an early stage.
  • The influence of parenting styles on the risk of depression in children and adolescents.
  • The role of self-criticism and self-compassion in depression treatment.
  • Exploring the relationship between identity development and depression in emerging adulthood.
  • The role of learned helplessness in understanding depression and its treatment.
  • Depression in the elderly .
  • Examining the connection between self-efficacy beliefs and depression symptoms.
  • The influence of social comparison processes on depression and body image dissatisfaction.
  • Exploring the impact of trauma-related disorders on depression.
  • The role of resilience factors in buffering against the development of depression.
  • Investigating the relationship between personality traits and depression.
  • Depression and workplace violence .
  • The impact of cultural factors on depression prevalence and symptom presentation.
  • Investigating the effects of chronic stress on depression risk.
  • The role of coping strategies in depression management and recovery.
  • The correlation between discrimination/prejudice and depression/anxiety .
  • Exploring the influence of gender norms and societal expectations on depression rates.
  • The impact of adverse workplace conditions on employee depression.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of narrative therapy in treating depression.
  • Cognitive behavior and depression in adolescents .
  • Childhood emotional neglect and adult depression.
  • The influence of perceived social support on treatment outcomes in depression.
  • The effects of childhood bullying on the development of depression.
  • The impact of intergenerational transmission of depression within families.
  • Depression in children: symptoms and treatments .
  • Investigating the link between body dissatisfaction and depression in adolescence.
  • The influence of adverse life events and chronic stressors on depression risk.
  • The effects of peer victimization on the development of depression in adolescence.
  • Counselling clients with depression and addiction.
  • The role of experiential avoidance in depression and its treatment.
  • The impact of social media use and online interactions on depression rates.
  • Depression management in adolescent.
  • Exploring the relationship between emotional intelligence and depression symptomatology.
  • Investigating the influence of cultural values and norms on depression stigma and help-seeking behavior.
  • The effects of childhood maltreatment on neurobiological markers of depression.
  • Psychological and emotional conditions of suicide and depression .
  • Exploring the relationship between body dissatisfaction and depression.
  • The influence of self-worth contingencies on depression vulnerability and treatment response.
  • The impact of social isolation and loneliness on depression rates.
  • Psychology of depression among college students .
  • The effects of perfectionistic self-presentation on depression in college students.
  • The role of mindfulness skills in depression prevention and relapse prevention.
  • Investigating the influence of adverse neighborhood conditions on depression risk.
  • Personality psychology and depression.
  • The impact of attachment insecurity on depression symptomatology.

Postpartum Depression Research Topics

  • Identifying risk factors for postpartum depression.
  • Exploring the role of hormonal changes in postpartum depression.
  • “Baby blues” or postpartum depression and evidence-based care .
  • The impact of social support on postpartum depression.
  • The effectiveness of screening tools for early detection of postpartum depression.
  • The relationship between postpartum depression and maternal-infant bonding .
  • Postpartum depression educational program results.
  • Identifying effective interventions for preventing and treating postpartum depression.
  • Examining the impact of cultural factors on postpartum depression rates.
  • Investigating the role of sleep disturbances in postpartum depression.
  • Depression and postpartum depression relationship .
  • Exploring the impact of a traumatic birth experience on postpartum depression.
  • Assessing the impact of breastfeeding difficulties on postpartum depression.
  • Understanding the role of genetic factors in postpartum depression.
  • Postpartum depression: consequences.
  • Investigating the impact of previous psychiatric history on postpartum depression risk.
  • The potential benefits of exercise on postpartum depression symptoms.
  • The efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions for postpartum depression.
  • Postpartum depression in the twenty-first century.
  • The influence of partner support on postpartum depression outcomes.
  • Examining the relationship between postpartum depression and maternal self-esteem.
  • The impact of postpartum depression on infant development and well-being.
  • Maternal mood symptoms in pregnancy and postpartum depression.
  • The effectiveness of group therapy for postpartum depression management.
  • Identifying the role of inflammation and immune dysregulation in postpartum depression.
  • Investigating the impact of childcare stress on postpartum depression.
  • Postpartum depression among low-income US mothers .
  • The role of postnatal anxiety symptoms in postpartum depression.
  • The impact of postpartum depression on the marital relationship.
  • The influence of postpartum depression on parenting practices and parental stress.
  • Postpartum depression: symptoms, role of cultural factors, and ways to support.
  • Investigating the efficacy of pharmacological treatments for postpartum depression.
  • The impact of postpartum depression on breastfeeding initiation and continuation.
  • The relationship between postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Postpartum depression and its identification.
  • The impact of postpartum depression on cognitive functioning and decision-making.
  • Investigating the influence of cultural norms and expectations on postpartum depression rates.
  • The impact of maternal guilt and shame on postpartum depression symptoms.
  • Beck’s postpartum depression theory: purpose, concepts, and significance .
  • Understanding the role of attachment styles in postpartum depression vulnerability.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of online support groups for women with postpartum depression.
  • The impact of socioeconomic factors on postpartum depression prevalence.
  • Perinatal depression: research study and design.
  • The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for postpartum depression.
  • Investigating the influence of birth spacing on postpartum depression risk.
  • The role of trauma history in postpartum depression development.
  • The link between the birth experience and postnatal depression .
  • How does postpartum depression affect the mother-infant interaction and bonding ?
  • The effectiveness of home visiting programs in preventing and managing postpartum depression.
  • Assessing the influence of work-related stress on postpartum depression.
  • The relationship between postpartum depression and pregnancy-related complications.
  • The role of personality traits in postpartum depression vulnerability.

🔎 Depression Essay Titles

Depression essay topics: cause & effect.

  • The effects of childhood trauma on the development of depression in adults.
  • The impact of social media usage on the prevalence of depression in adolescents.
  • “Predictors of Postpartum Depression” by Katon et al.
  • The effects of environmental factors on depression rates.
  • The relationship between academic pressure and depression among college students.
  • The relationship between financial stress and depression.
  • The best solution to predict depression because of bullying .
  • How does long-term unemployment affect mental health ?
  • The effects of unemployment on mental health, particularly the risk of depression.
  • The impact of genetics and family history of depression on an individual’s likelihood of developing depression.
  • The relationship between depression and substance abuse.
  • Child abuse and depression.
  • The role of gender in the manifestation and treatment of depression.
  • The effects of chronic stress on the development of depression.
  • The link between substance abuse and depression.
  • Depression among students at Elon University .
  • The influence of early attachment styles on an individual’s vulnerability to depression.
  • The effects of sleep disturbances on the severity of depression.
  • Chronic illness and the risk of developing depression.
  • Depression: symptoms and treatment.
  • Adverse childhood experiences and the likelihood of experiencing depression in adulthood.
  • The relationship between chronic illness and depression.
  • The role of negative thinking patterns in the development of depression.
  • Effects of depression among adolescents .
  • The effects of poor body image and low self-esteem on the prevalence of depression.
  • The influence of social support systems on preventing symptoms of depression.
  • The effects of child neglect on adult depression rates.
  • Depression caused by hormonal imbalance .
  • The link between perfectionism and the risk of developing depression.
  • The effects of a lack of sleep on depression symptoms.
  • The effects of childhood abuse and neglect on the risk of depression.
  • Social aspects of depression and anxiety .
  • The impact of bullying on the likelihood of experiencing depression.
  • The role of serotonin and neurotransmitter imbalances in the development of depression.
  • The impact of a poor diet on depression rates.
  • Depression and anxiety run in the family .
  • The effects of childhood poverty and socioeconomic status on depression rates in adults.
  • The impact of divorce on depression rates.
  • The relationship between traumatic life events and the risk of developing depression.
  • The influence of personality traits on susceptibility to depression.
  • The impact of workplace stress on depression rates.
  • Depression in older adults: causes and treatment.
  • The impact of parental depression on children’s mental health outcomes.
  • The effects of social isolation on the prevalence and severity of depression.
  • The role of cultural factors in the manifestation and treatment of depression.
  • The relationship between childhood bullying victimization and future depressive symptoms.
  • The impact of early intervention and prevention programs on reducing the risk of postpartum depression.
  • Treating mood disorders and depression .
  • How do hormonal changes during pregnancy contribute to the development of depression?
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on the onset and severity of postpartum depression.
  • The impact of social media on depression rates among teenagers.
  • The role of genetics in the development of depression.
  • The impact of bullying on adolescent depression rates.
  • Mental illness, depression, and wellness issues .
  • The effects of a sedentary lifestyle on depression symptoms.
  • The correlation between academic pressure and depression in students.
  • The relationship between perfectionism and depression.
  • The correlation between trauma and depression in military veterans.
  • Anxiety and depression during childhood and adolescence .
  • The impact of racial discrimination on depression rates among minorities.
  • The relationship between chronic pain and depression.
  • The impact of social comparison on depression rates among young adults.
  • The effects of childhood abuse on adult depression rates.

Depression Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The role of social media in contributing to depression among teenagers.
  • The effectiveness of antidepressant medication: an ongoing debate.
  • Depression treatment: therapy or medications?
  • Should depression screening be mandatory in schools and colleges?
  • Is there a genetic predisposition to depression?
  • The stigma surrounding depression: addressing misconceptions and promoting understanding.
  • Implementation of depression screening in primary care .
  • Is psychotherapy more effective than medication in treating depression?
  • Is teenage depression overdiagnosed or underdiagnosed: a critical analysis.
  • The connection between depression and substance abuse: untangling the relationship.
  • Humanistic therapy of depression .
  • Should ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) be a treatment option for severe depression?
  • Where is depression more prevalent: in urban or rural communities? Analyzing the disparities.
  • Is depression a result of chemical imbalance in the brain? Debunking the myth.
  • Depression: a serious mental and behavioral problem.
  • Should depression medication be prescribed for children and adolescents?
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in managing depression.
  • Should depression in the elderly be considered a normal part of aging?
  • Is depression hereditary? Investigating the role of genetics in depression risk.
  • Different types of training in managing the symptoms of depression .
  • The effectiveness of online therapy platforms in treating depression.
  • Should psychedelic therapy be explored as an alternative treatment for depression?
  • The connection between depression and cardiovascular health: Is there a link?
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in preventing depression relapse.
  • Depression as a bad a clinical condition.
  • Should mind-body interventions (e.g., yoga, meditation) be integrated into depression treatment?
  • Should emotional support animals be prescribed for individuals with depression?
  • The effectiveness of peer support groups in decreasing depression symptoms.
  • The use of antidepressants: are they overprescribed or necessary for treating depression?
  • Adult depression and anxiety as a complex problem .
  • The effectiveness of therapy versus medication in treating depression.
  • The stigma surrounding depression and mental illness: how can we reduce it?
  • The debate over the legalization of psychedelic drugs for treating depression.
  • The relationship between creativity and depression: does one cause the other?
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder and depression .
  • The role of childhood trauma in shaping adult depression: Is it always a causal factor?
  • The debate over the medicalization of sadness and grief as forms of depression.
  • Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or meditation, are effective in treating depression.
  • Depression as a widespread mental condition .

Controversial Topics about Depression

  • The existence of “chemical imbalance” in depression: fact or fiction?
  • The over-reliance on medication in treating depression: are alternatives neglected?
  • Is depression overdiagnosed and overmedicated in Western society?
  • Measurement of an individual’s level of depression .
  • The role of Big Pharma in shaping the narrative and treatment of depression.
  • Should antidepressant advertisements be banned?
  • The inadequacy of current diagnostic criteria for depression: rethinking the DSM-5.
  • Is depression a biological illness or a product of societal factors?
  • Literature review on depression .
  • The overemphasis on biological factors in depression treatment: ignoring environmental factors.
  • Is depression a normal reaction to an abnormal society?
  • The influence of cultural norms on the perception and treatment of depression.
  • Should children and adolescents be routinely prescribed antidepressants?
  • The role of family in depression treatment .
  • The connection between depression and creative genius: does depression enhance artistic abilities?
  • The ethics of using placebo treatment for depression studies.
  • The impact of social and economic inequalities on depression rates.
  • Is depression primarily a mental health issue or a social justice issue?
  • Depression disassembling and treating.
  • Should depression screening be mandatory in the workplace?
  • The influence of gender bias in the diagnosis and treatment of depression.
  • The controversial role of religion and spirituality in managing depression.
  • Is depression a result of individual weakness or societal factors?
  • Abnormal psychology: anxiety and depression case .
  • The link between depression and obesity: examining the bidirectional relationship.
  • The connection between depression and academic performance : causation or correlation?
  • Should depression medication be available over the counter?
  • The impact of internet and social media use on depression rates: harmful or beneficial?
  • Interacting in the workplace: depression.
  • Is depression a modern epidemic or simply better diagnosed and identified?
  • The ethical considerations of using animals in depression research.
  • The effectiveness of psychedelic therapies for treatment-resistant depression.
  • Is depression a disability? The debate on workplace accommodations.
  • Polysubstance abuse among adolescent males with depression .
  • The link between depression and intimate partner violence : exploring the relationship.
  • The controversy surrounding “happy” pills and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Is depression a choice? Examining the role of personal responsibility.

Good Titles for Depression Essays

  • The poetic depictions of depression: exploring its representation in literature.
  • The melancholic symphony: the influence of depression on classical music.
  • Moderate depression symptoms and treatment.
  • Depression in modern music: analyzing its themes and expressions.
  • Cultural perspectives on depression: a comparative analysis of attitudes in different countries.
  • Contrasting cultural views on depression in Eastern and Western societies.
  • Diagnosing depression in the older population.
  • The influence of social media on attitudes and perceptions of depression in global contexts.
  • Countries with progressive approaches to mental health awareness.
  • From taboo to acceptance: the evolution of attitudes towards depression.
  • Depression screening tool in acute settings.
  • The Bell Jar : analyzing Sylvia Plath’s iconic tale of depression .
  • The art of despair: examining Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits as a window into depression.
  • The Catcher in the Rye : Holden Caulfield’s battle with adolescent depression.
  • Music as therapy: how jazz artists turned depression into art.
  • Depression screening tool for a primary care center.
  • The Nordic paradox: high depression rates in Scandinavian countries despite high-quality healthcare.
  • The Stoic East: how Eastern philosophies approach and manage depression.
  • From solitude to solidarity: collective approaches to depression in collectivist cultures.
  • The portrayal of depression in popular culture: a critical analysis of movies and TV shows.
  • The depression screening training in primary care.
  • The impact of social media influencers on depression rates among young adults.
  • The role of music in coping with depression: can specific genres or songs help alleviate depressive symptoms?
  • The representation of depression in literature: a comparative analysis of classic and contemporary works.
  • The use of art as a form of self-expression and therapy for individuals with depression.
  • Depression management guidelines implementation.
  • The role of religion in coping with depression: Christian and Buddhist practices.
  • The representation of depression in the video game Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice .
  • The role of nature in coping with depression: can spending time outdoors help alleviate depressive symptoms?
  • The effectiveness of dance/movement therapy in treating depression among older adults.
  • The National Institute for Health: depression management.
  • The portrayal of depression in stand-up comedy: a study of comedians like Maria Bamford and Chris Gethard.
  • The role of spirituality in coping with depression: Islamic and Hindu practices .
  • The portrayal of depression in animated movies : an analysis of Inside Out and The Lion King .
  • The representation of depression by fashion designers like Alexander McQueen and Rick Owens.
  • Depression screening in primary care .
  • The portrayal of depression in documentaries: an analysis of films like The Bridge and Happy Valley .
  • The effectiveness of wilderness therapy in treating depression among adolescents.
  • The connection between creativity and depression: how art can help heal.
  • The role of Buddhist and Taoist practices in coping with depression.
  • Mild depression treatment research funding sources.
  • The portrayal of depression in podcasts: an analysis of the show The Hilarious World of Depression .
  • The effectiveness of drama therapy in treating depression among children and adolescents.
  • The representation of depression in the works of Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch.
  • Depression in young people: articles review.
  • The impact of social media on political polarization and its relationship with depression.
  • The role of humor in coping with depression: a study of comedians like Ellen DeGeneres.
  • The portrayal of depression in webcomics: an analysis of the comics Hyperbole and a Half .
  • The effect of social media on mental health stigma and its relationship with depression.
  • Depression and the impact of human services workers.
  • The masked faces: hiding depression in highly individualistic societies.

💭 Depression Speech Topics

Informative speech topics about depression.

  • Different types of depression and their symptoms.
  • The causes of depression: biological, psychological, and environmental factors.
  • How depression and physical issues are connected.
  • The prevalence of depression in different age groups and demographics.
  • The link between depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Physical health: The effects of untreated depression.
  • The role of genetics in predisposing individuals to depression.
  • What you need to know about depression .
  • How necessary is early intervention in treating depression?
  • The effectiveness of medication in treating depression.
  • The role of exercise in managing depressive symptoms.
  • Depression in later life: overview.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and depression.
  • The impact of trauma on depression rates and treatment.
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in managing depressive symptoms.
  • Enzymes conversion and metabolites in major depression.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of electroconvulsive therapy for severe depression.
  • The effect of gender and cultural norms on depression rates and treatment.
  • The effectiveness of alternative therapies for depression, such as acupuncture and herbal remedies.
  • The importance of self-care in managing depression.
  • Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and peritraumatic dissociation.
  • The role of support systems in managing depression.
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating depression.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online therapy for depression.
  • The role of spirituality in managing depression.
  • Depression among minority groups.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of residential treatment for severe depression.
  • What is the relationship between childhood trauma and adult depression?
  • How effective is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for treatment-resistant depression?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of art therapy for depression.
  • Mood disorder: depression and bipolar .
  • The impact of social media on depression rates.
  • The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in treating depression.
  • Depression in older people.
  • The impact of seasonal changes on depression rates and treatment options.
  • The impact of depression on daily life and relationships, and strategies for coping with the condition.
  • The stigma around depression and the importance of seeking help.

Persuasive Speech Topics about Depression

  • How important is it to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression ?
  • How do you support a loved one who is struggling with depression?
  • The importance of mental health education in schools to prevent and manage depression.
  • Social media: the rise of depression and anxiety .
  • Is there a need to increase funding for mental health research to develop better treatments for depression?
  • Addressing depression in minority communities: overcoming barriers and disparities.
  • The benefits of including alternative therapies, such as yoga and meditation, in depression treatment plans.
  • Challenging media portrayals of depression: promoting accurate representations.
  • Two sides of depression disease.
  • How social media affects mental health: the need for responsible use to prevent depression.
  • The importance of early intervention: addressing depression in schools and colleges.
  • The benefits of seeking professional help for depression.
  • There is a need for better access to mental health care, including therapy and medication, for those suffering from depression.
  • Depression in adolescents and suitable interventions .
  • How do you manage depression while in college or university?
  • The role of family and friends in supporting loved ones with depression and encouraging them to seek help.
  • The benefits of mindfulness and meditation for depression.
  • The link between sleep and depression, and how to improve sleep habits.
  • How do you manage depression while working a high-stress job?
  • Approaches to treating depression.
  • How do you manage depression during pregnancy and postpartum?
  • The importance of prioritizing employee mental health and providing resources for managing depression in the workplace.
  • How should you manage depression while caring for a loved one with a chronic illness?
  • How to manage depression while dealing with infertility or pregnancy loss.
  • Andrew Solomon: why we can’t talk about depression .
  • Destigmatizing depression: promoting mental health awareness and understanding.
  • Raising funds for depression research: investing in mental health advances.
  • The power of peer support: establishing peer-led programs for depression.
  • Accessible mental health services: ensuring treatment for all affected by depression.
  • Evidence-based screening for depression in acute care .
  • The benefits of journaling for mental health: putting your thoughts on paper to heal.
  • The power of positivity: changing your mindset to fight depression .
  • The healing power of gratitude in fighting depression.
  • The connection between diet and depression: eating well can improve your mood.
  • Teen depression and suicide in Soto’s The Afterlife .
  • The benefits of therapy for depression: finding professional help to heal.
  • The importance of setting realistic expectations when living with depression.

📝 How to Write about Depression: Essay Structure

We’ve prepared some tips and examples to help you structure your essay and communicate your ideas.

Essay about Depression: Introduction

An introduction is the first paragraph of an essay. It plays a crucial role in engaging the reader, offering the context, and presenting the central theme.

A good introduction typically consists of 3 components:

  • Hook. The hook captures readers’ attention and encourages them to continue reading.
  • Background information. Background information provides context for the essay.
  • Thesis statement. A thesis statement expresses the essay’s primary idea or central argument.

Hook : Depression is a widespread mental illness affecting millions worldwide.

Background information : Depression affects your emotions, thoughts, and behavior. If you suffer from depression, engaging in everyday tasks might become arduous, and life may appear devoid of purpose or joy.

Depression Essay Thesis Statement

A good thesis statement serves as an essay’s road map. It expresses the author’s point of view on the issue in 1 or 2 sentences and presents the main argument.

Thesis statement : The stigma surrounding depression and other mental health conditions can discourage people from seeking help, only worsening their symptoms.

Essays on Depression: Body Paragraphs

The main body of the essay is where you present your arguments. An essay paragraph includes the following:

  • a topic sentence,
  • evidence to back up your claim,
  • explanation of why the point is essential to the argument;
  • a link to the next paragraph.

Topic sentence : Depression is a complex disorder that requires a personalized treatment approach, comprising both medication and therapy.

Evidence : Medication can be prescribed by a healthcare provider or a psychiatrist to relieve the symptoms. Additionally, practical strategies for managing depression encompass building a support system, setting achievable goals, and practicing self-care.

Depression Essay: Conclusion

The conclusion is the last part of your essay. It helps you leave a favorable impression on the reader.

The perfect conclusion includes 3 elements:

  • Rephrased thesis statement.
  • Summary of the main points.
  • Final opinion on the topic.

Rephrased thesis: In conclusion, overcoming depression is challenging because it involves a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and environmental factors that affect an individual’s mental well-being.

Summary: Untreated depression heightens the risk of engaging in harmful behaviors such as substance abuse and can also result in negative thought patterns, diminished self-esteem, and distorted perceptions of reality.

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163 In Depth Depression Research Topics To Use

depression research topics

Your professor probably wants every student to write an amazing research paper on depression. We know; that expectations are high. If you want to get a top grade, then you need to learn how to find the best depression research topics possible. Your teacher wants to read something interesting. He wants to see that you have dedicated enough time and effort to find an original idea. Bottom line, you need to make sure your topic is unique and highly interesting. You need to write the essay perfectly as well.

Remember, a good topic can earn you some bonus points. Why would you want to miss out on these when we have a list of 163 depression research topics right here on this page? Did you know that our list of topics is free to use as you see fit? You are allowed to reword any of our topics, as long as it helps you write a great essay. Also, we will never ask a student to give us any credit for using any of our ideas. Our company is here to help as many students as possible get the best possible grades on their difficult research papers on depression.

What to Write About in Your Depression Research Papers?

So, what can you write about in your next depression research papers? We will assume you are in psychology class for this blog post, even though any student can write a research paper about depression . We all know what depression is. It’s a serious medical condition that affects the way people act, feel and even think negatively. However, you could discuss the differences between depression and sadness or even other medical conditions.

Another great idea is to talk about the different types of depression. You can compare them, of course. Postpartum depression, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and mania – are just some of the things you can talk about with depression.

Next, you can talk about the many causes of depression, as well as the important signs and symptoms of this medical problem. Another interesting idea would be to talk about people who are most at risk of depression (and discuss the risk factors that lead to depression).

Of course, you could also discuss modern methods of diagnosing depression, as well as some of the most important or prominent treatment options for this medical issue. And remember, don’t be afraid to write your depression research papers on controversial topics. We have some very interesting ideas in our list of 163 awesome depression topics. Check them out below:

Interesting Depression Research Questions

Let’s start our list with the most interesting depression research questions possible. Check out these ideas and pick one right now:

  • Discuss the effects of cognitive-behavioral group therapy on depression
  • Depression leads to low self-esteem
  • Analyze the effects of art therapy on depression
  • The effects of depression on social life
  • The link between social media and depression
  • Research the top 3 causes of depression
  • Reasons to take depression very seriously
  • Depression in veterans in the United States
  • Music therapy and its effects on depression

Research Paper About Depression For Middle School

Yes, even middle school children can write a paper about depression. Here are some ideas for a research paper about depression in middle school:

  • What is depression?
  • Compare depression with sadness
  • What causes depression?
  • Discuss the symptoms of depression
  • How can depression be diagnosed?
  • Best treatments for depression in the UK
  • What is a major depressive disorder?
  • Talk about depression in autistic children
  • Negative effects of Facebook on people suffering from depression
  • Health problems associated with depression

Teen Depression Research Paper

Want to write an awesome teen depression research paper? Check out these ideas and pick the one you like the most:

  • Analyze the causes of depression in teens in the UK
  • Methods to treat depression in teenagers
  • Effects of physical activity on depressive teens
  • Depression and anxiety in teens in the US
  • Teen depression caused by the Covid 19 pandemic
  • Symptoms of depression in young adults
  • Why are teens prone to depression?
  • Effects of depression on school activities

Psychology Research Topics

Do you want to write about depression and psychology? We have some of the best psychology research topics on the Internet right here:

  • The psychological effects of depression
  • Discuss the loss of interest in fun activities
  • Hallucinations caused by the major depressive disorder
  • Discuss the mental status examination procedure
  • The effects of alcohol abuse on depression
  • How does depression cause delusions?
  • Why is depression so widespread in Japan?
  • Analyze the monoamine theory as it relates to depression
  • Discuss the Limbic Cortical Model for diagnosing depression
  • The most effective depressive disorder diagnosis in 2022

Diagnosing Depression Topics

It’s not easy to write about diagnosing depression, but you can do it. Fortunately for you, we have some excellent diagnosing depression topics below:

  • An in-depth look at the symptoms of depression
  • A family history of depression
  • Brain imaging for diagnosing depression
  • The Beck Depression Inventory: Diagnosing Depression
  • Drug use: a factor that causes depression
  • Analyze the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
  • Keeping an eye on TSH and Thyroxine levels
  • The link between hypogonadism and depression
  • Cognitive testing for diagnosing depression
  • The differences between depression and dementia

Causes of Depression Ideas

Talking about the many causes of depression can be a very interesting endeavor. Check out the following causes of depression ideas:

  • Discuss the biopsychosocial model of depression
  • Analyze the diathesis-stress model of depression
  • The role of genetics in developing depression
  • Childhood abuse and its effect on depression
  • Genetic factors that influence the onset of depression
  • An in-depth look at the 5-HTTLPR gene
  • The link between HIV/AIDS and depression
  • Discuss the seasonal affective disorder
  • Can B2, B6, and B12 deficiency cause depression?

Most Interesting Psychology Topics

When you are looking for the most interesting psychology topics on the Web, you should visit this page directly. Here are our latest ideas:

  • Social anxiety and its effects on depression
  • Coping with depression as an autistic person
  • Emotional abuse and its effects on depression
  • Can financial problems cause depression?
  • Love problems causing depression
  • Talk about the early signs of depression in children
  • Is domestic violence a cause of depression?
  • Top 3 ways to treat the major depressive disorder
  • Bullying and cyberbullying: two of the causes of depression
  • Changes in brain activity in people suffering from depression

Drugs and Depression Ideas

Looking to write about drugs and how they relate to depression? Here are some amazing drugs and depression ideas for you:

  • The link between drugs and depression
  • Drug abuse leading to depression
  • Best 3 drugs used to treat depression
  • Using sertraline (Zoloft) to mitigate depression symptoms
  • The pros and cons of fluoxetine (Prozac or Sarafem)
  • Negative effects of citalopram (Celexa)
  • How escitalopram (Lexapro) treats the symptoms of depression
  • Prescribing paroxetine (Paxil or Brisdelle) for depression
  • Dangerous health effects of taking fluvoxamine (Luvox) for depression
  • Addiction problems with anti-depressive medication

Mental Health Research Paper Topics

Depression and mental health are closely related, so why not pick one of our awesome mental health research paper topics:

  • The brain chemistry behind depression
  • Changes in brain activity during a depressive episode
  • Sleep problems caused by depression
  • Tiredness: a feeling that never goes away
  • What causes irritability and anger in patients diagnosed with depression?
  • Headaches as a symptom of depression
  • Chronic body aches and depression
  • Is depression a mood disorder?
  • Differences between depression and bipolar disorder
  • Compare and contrast depression and the cyclothymic disorder

Topics for a Depression Presentation

Are you looking for the most interesting topics for a depression presentation? Don’t hesitate to pick any of these topics right now:

  • The 3 main causes of depression in the United States
  • Covid-19 induced depression among teenagers in the UK
  • The symptoms of the major depressive disorder
  • Physical or sexual abuse as a cause of depression
  • Is depression affected by age?
  • Medications that cause depression among the elderly
  • How genes make some people more prone to depression
  • Depression: A feeling of hopelessness that never goes away
  • Signs you may be suffering from a mild case of depression
  • The link between depression and memory loss

Depression Treatment Topics

Writing about various treatments for depression may not be an easy thing to do, but it’s certainly interesting. Here are some nice depression treatment topics:

  • Discuss three types of treatments for depression
  • Compare 4 of the most important drugs that alleviate depression symptoms
  • Antidepressants: the good, the bad, the ugly
  • Prescribing Adapin (doxepin) for depression
  • Major side effects of Anafranil (clomipramine)
  • Addiction problems with Aplenzin (bupropion)
  • Medicinal marijuana and its effects on depression
  • Physical exercise as a depression treatment
  • The best mental health apps in 2022
  • Benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • What is the role of a mental health team?

Anxiety Research Paper Topics

Looking for the best anxiety research paper topics a student could ever wish for? Check out these ideas and choose the best one for your needs:

  • The link between anxiety and depression
  • Is anxiety the same as depression?
  • What is anxiety?
  • Why is anxiety dangerous?
  • The symptoms of anxiety
  • Treating anxiety in an effective way
  • Covid-19-induced anxiety attacks
  • Is depression a side-effect of anxiety?
  • The emotions that trigger anxiety attacks
  • Analyze the 4 levels of anxiety

Depression Symptoms Research Paper Topics

Our depression symptoms research paper topics are the absolute best – and the list has been recently updated. You can find our latest ideas below:

  • Are you having a helpless outlook on your life?
  • Is hating yourself a sign of depression?
  • Symptoms of the Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Feeling tearful: is it a sign I am depressive?
  • Inappropriate guilt and worthlessness: 2 of the symptoms of depression
  • Low mood and sadness
  • The symptoms of the Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
  • Can depression lower your self-esteem?
  • Can depression make you intolerant of other people?
  • The symptoms of the major depressive syndrome

Good Research Topics for College

If you are a college student looking for the most interesting good research topics for college, you have arrived at the right place. Take a look at these awesome ideas:

  • Effects of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
  • An in-depth look at the CDI measure
  • Analyze catatonic depression
  • Psychological evaluation to detect early signs of depression
  • Alcoholism and its effects on depression
  • Depression in law enforcement officers in the United States
  • Cognitive therapy benefits

Controversial Topics on Depression

If you are looking for some controversial topics on depression, you are in luck. Our writers have just updated the list of topics, so you will surely find a unique topic below:

  • Prescribing antidepressant medication to depression patients
  • Forced treatment for people going through a major depression episode
  • Addiction caused by antidepressant medication
  • Depression on social media
  • The lack of family support

Depression Topics for High School

High school students should pick topics that are a bit easier to write about. Here is our list of depression topics for high school students:

  • The effects of social media on depression
  • Childhood depression causes
  • Write about the ways you can heal depression
  • Can family help people suffering from depression?
  • Physical activity as a cure for depression
  • Depression caused by stress in the workplace

Depression and Sociology Ideas

Searching for some exceptional depression and sociology ideas? We have plenty of them below. Simply pick the one you like and start writing your paper today:

  • Social problems caused by depression
  • Feelings of loneliness
  • Anger towards other people
  • Irritability and frustration feelings
  • The loss of interest in enjoyable activities

Coronavirus and Depression Ideas

Our writers have come up with some amazing coronavirus and depression ideas. You can check them out in the list below (and pick any of them for your next essay, of course):

  • The effects of the pandemic on depression
  • Analyze the rise in depression cases in the US
  • Analyze the rise of depression cases in the United Kingdom
  • Depression caused by the Covid 19 virus
  • Problems with the lack of human interaction

Depression Topics for a Quick Paper

If you don’t want to spend too much time working on your essay, we recommend you pick one of our depression topics for a quick paper. Here are our best ideas so far:

  • Any way to cure depression?
  • List the major depression symptoms
  • Explain how depression occurs
  • The best therapy for depressive people
  • Depression’s effect on your job
  • Discuss postpartum depression
  • Comorbid disorders associated with depression
  • Yoga to alleviate depression symptoms

Need Some Writing Help From Our Experts?

Do you want to write a successful research paper, thesis, or dissertation about depression? Now you can get exceptional assistance from a team of experienced and highly skilled academic writers. All of our writers hold Ph.D. degrees in various fields, including psychology, sociology, and mental health.

Getting a high grade has never been easier. We will help you find a great topic, do the research and then write the paper for you. You just need to send us your requirements and we will write a custom paper for you in no time – in as little as 3 hours, if necessary. Get the best writing help fast from our experts today. Get in touch with us!

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  • Ideas related to depression

18 Thought-Provoking Dissertation Topics About Depression

Writing a dissertation in psychology always implies lots of stress because you have to come up with an intriguing and up-to-date topic. As it’s the final stage to your doctoral degree after many years of studying, it should be really something noteworthy and remarkable. Moreover, you should make sure that the topic you choose isn’t too narrow or too broad. Both of these extremes are dangerous as a too broad topic won’t let your paper be specific, which is strongly required, whereas a too narrow topic will disable you from doing a deep research on the topic because it’ll just lack complexity. In addition the topic shouldn’t be too obvious either due to the fact that a too apparent theme of your work won’t allow you to build strong arguments about the main points you intend to prove. A topic you don’t admire is also far from a good idea as your attitude to your writing will be revealed throughout the work whether you want it or not.

To get an idea what to write about on depression, here is a list of relevant topics to dwell on in your pursuit of the PhD degree:

  • A research of the correlation between depression and students’ academic performance during the last academic year in college.
  • Mental operations in the compulsive eating.
  • The consequences of the depression over the physical appearance among men over 40 years old.
  • The effectiveness of the online depression psychotherapy.
  • Ways to identify and cope with the teen depression of females and males.
  • The effectiveness of the mental health counseling of the teenagers in depression.
  • The relation between eating restrictions and depression.
  • Response of adults and children to antidepressants.
  • Systematic errors in the memory and self-control when depressed.
  • The need to belong to somebody and the risk of depression.
  • Exhaustion as a sign of vulnerability to depression.
  • A too demanding attitude to males leads to depression.
  • Prolonged teen depression over the parents’ separation.
  • Inferiority complex and depression of one of the spouses: the impact on their marriage partners.
  • Depression in case of different physical disorders: clinical presentation and therapies.
  • Apathy depression: its structure and course.
  • Neurotic depressive disorders: signs and treatment methods.
  • Prozac and depression: irrelevant prescriptions.
  • Hormonal imbalance amongst women suffering from depression.

Whatever topic you choose, ensure that you address it specifically. It’s important to remember that you’ll need to carry out a thorough investigation of your own to avoid plagiarism after reading other authors.

Academic guides

  • Finding dissertation examples
  • Getting paper example
  • Writing a dissertation proposal
  • Buying your paper
  • Dissertation proposal samples
  • MLA format bibliography
  • How to find expert thesis help
  • Master's Dissertation sample
  • Paper examples on marketing
  • Writing the methods section
  • Insights for media dissertation

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230 Current Mental Health Research Topics For Top Dissertation

mental health research topics

Mental health characterizes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It involves the taking of multiple approaches to care for these different areas.

Medical news today notes that our mental health determines how we handle stress, relate to other people, and make healthy and articulate choices.

Mental health research is fast becoming one of the most researched areas in health. With this, so many research works can be chosen from this field. Therefore, as a student writing your essay on mental health, you must conduct extensive research for sufficient information.

Structure Of Mental Health Research Paper Or Essay

Students often have ample information on the chosen mental health nursing research topics, but the challenge they often encounter is properly arranging these topics to communicate knowledge effectively. We’ve prepared a mental illness research paper outline to improve your research paper.

  • Abstract. Your abstract provides a summary of the area your topic will be based on and what the aim and objectives of this topic focus are. Your abstract is like a door that leads to your research, so you need to make it interesting and informative.
  • Introduction. The introduction is the foremost part of your research paper or essay. Your introduction should always be straightforward, touching across all the relevant information that will be further pieced out subsequently.
  • Body. This is the actual content of your research paper or essay. In the body, you are expected to assemble all the various subtitles related and relevant to your topic of interest. All your opinions, findings, research methodology, and discussions will be contained in the body. To create a rich, high quality research paper or essay, the body of your writing must examine relevant data.
  • Conclusion. Your conclusion is the part where you are expected to summarise your arguments, thereby restating your thesis. By doing this, you’re bringing everything you’ve examined into consciousness again to remind your readers of the main issues and how it has been developed in the course of your writing.
  • Reference List. In the course of your essay, you must have used different sources. As you go along, you should therefore ensure that you keep notes of the books, journals, articles you have read, ensuring that the reference style goes with what your university and college recommend for your class. This way, you’ll stick with what your school dictates as the reference style and be praised by your teachers or professors at the end of the school year. Your references also have to be current.

By using this structure your thesis or dissertation will be way more clear.

Characteristics Of Mental Health Essay

How do you recognize a good essay? How do you know that everyone will welcome your contributions to the mental health essays? It would help if you considered these tips:

  • Clear Grammar. In other words, your diction must be grand yet easily understood. If it’s difficult for one to efficiently and thoroughly grasp your work, it’s not great work, and the essay’s purpose could be jeopardized. It would help if you communicated in simple language.
  • Conciseness. Conciseness is simply communicating in as few words as possible. As the soul of communication, brevity makes your words last longer in the minds of readers. To achieve this, erase superfluous or elaborative words, be pointed in your writing, and make your sentences too passive.
  • Depth and Arguments. Your arguments must be intellectually in depth and high level. With different mental health topics to write about, you need to explore a topic whose arguments you can profoundly develop. With this, you’ll be able to turn the ideas into something exciting and engaging. To create a good essay or an engaging one, this is something your readers look forward to.
  • Clear Structure. You must structure your work to relate well with your mental illness research topics. This is the only way to make your readers follow your thoughts without stress. Thus, your essay or paper must have an introduction, a body, the conclusion, and a reference list.

This brief guide should help you have an idea of what a professor is looking for. And now here is a helpful list of topics to consider when writing your bachelor thesis or about mental health in general:

Research Questions About Mental Health

Since the subject, mental health is quite vast and includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, below are some of the best mental health research questions that allow the student to focus on a particular field of research.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of delivering mental health care virtually?
  • Can mental health conditions limit how a person engages with technology?
  • How can physicians maximize the combination of existing treatment options with virtual mental health procedures?
  • Have virtual interventions been proven safe?
  • What are the measures put in place to ensure that mental health platforms are safe?
  • What different effects will the adoption of virtual meetups have on the patients’ appointment time?
  • Are virtual therapies as effective as physical therapies?
  • Can one ascertain total satisfaction from standard elements of therapy through virtual meetups?
  • Does virtual interaction create better avenues for minorities as compared to traditional interface?
  • Can the different virtual platforms be used to reach out to people with mental health problems effectively?
  • Does obesity affect mental health?
  • What are the possible symptoms of mental illness in family members?
  • At what point do people with mental illness become destructive?
  • What are the causes of anorexia?
  • Why does a person with mental illness begin to cut themselves?
  • How easily can one treat post-traumatic stress?
  • Does childbirth lead to depression?
  • Are mental illnesses more prevalent in men or women?
  • Is ADHD a mental illness?
  • What are the causes of ADHD in young adults?
  • Are mental illnesses prevalent in survivors of war?
  • Can OCD be termed a mental illness?
  • How can one tell when a person begins to develop obsessive-compulsive disorder?
  • Are movies, games, etc., some of the leading causes of depression in young adults?
  • How can one quickly ascertain if they’re mentally ill or not?
  • What are the side effects of drug abuse on mental health?
  • A study into medically proven ways of curing ADHD.
  • The impacts of ADHD on Young adults.
  • A study of the mental effects of excessive consumption of Marijuana
  • How ADHD and autism affect young people in the 21st century.
  • The mental challenges of living with learning disabilities.

Mental Health Research Paper Topics

Mental health is the psychological and emotional part of human health. Good mental health suggests good cognitive, behavioral, and emotional wellbeing. The following mental health research topics will provide multiple avenues for students to base their research topics on:

  • The relationship between depression and weight loss
  • The rise of eating disorders in teenagers and adolescents
  • The glamorization of mental illness in modern media
  • Why is it still somewhat taboo to speak openly about mental health?
  • The lasting psychological trauma of rape
  • PTSD in modern-day youth
  • How positive portrayals of mental illness in movies have helped destigmatize it
  • Violence in video games and violence in real life: is there a link between the two?
  • The effects of victim-blaming on rape victims
  • Is mental illness hereditary?
  • why mental health education is relevant in our society
  • ADHD in adults: regular, or a problem?
  • Harmful misconceptions about OCD
  • The relationship between physical health and mental wellness
  • Is postpartum depression a modern illness?
  • Why is a bipolar disorder more than a mood swing disorder
  • The relationship between childhood bullying and self-esteem issues in adults
  • Is mental illness more prevalent in men or women?
  • Advances in mental health education and research in the last decade
  • Living with mental health in the age of social media
  • Mental health and Nollywood: a study of mental illness portrayal in Nollywood
  • Mental health and social media: how social media has helped to destigmatize mental illness
  • Why schools should have functioning guidance counselors for students and teachers
  • The importance of including mental health topics in the school curriculum
  • The need to create safe spaces for people living with mental health issues.

Mental Health Topics To Write About

Your mental health deals with several health disorders, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders. In case your mental health research topics are based on the categorical aspects of mental health, the following are research topics on mental health that you can write about:

  • What is mental health?
  • Destigmatizing mental health discussions
  • Mental health education in Nigerian societies
  • Can exposure to violent games and movies cause people to become killers?
  • Are sociopaths born or made?
  • The importance of self-affirmation to goal achievement
  • Why therapy isn’t only for the mentally ill
  • Why you have to love yourself to be able to receive love from others
  • Living with social anxiety
  • Overcoming low self-esteem
  • Why OCD is not just about an obsession with keeping things clean
  • How self-loathing makes us self-destructive
  • The benefits of mental health support groups
  • How to handle bullying when your child is the aggressor
  • Why do we need time for ourselves
  • Is your friend group toxic?
  • On low self-esteem and managing relationships
  • Why it’s insensitive to refer to the mentally ill as crazy
  • Why do we sometimes feel unloved?
  • Why it is helpful to have supportive friends and family when going through a hard time
  • Medically proven ways to deal with a constant depressive episode
  • Why depression pills should be regulated
  • Why everyone needs access to pills to relax anxiety
  • The importance of antidepressants to neurotics
  • How to successfully manage the challenges of living with mental health challenges

Mental Illness Research Paper Topics

Mental illness is a range of mental conditions that affect the mind, how we think, our behaviors. If you’ve been looking for the best mental illness research paper topics, your search stops here. Find below mental illness topics to help with your research:

  • The difference between depression and sadness
  • Similarities between bipolar disorder
  • Treating mental disorders using medication: a study on the pros and cons
  • The effects of postpartum depression on family members
  • The relationship between bullying and eating disorders
  • Common misconceptions about mental illness
  • Mental illness in the media: positive influence or harmful perpetuation of stereotypes?
  • A study on serial killers: how their childhoods shaped who they became
  • Self-esteem issues as a trigger for eating disorders
  • A study on the compulsive nature of kleptomania
  • A study on how movies shape our perception of mental illness
  • Identifying signs and symptoms of sociopathy in children
  • A study on the relationship between paranoia and impulsive actions
  • The relationship between suicide and low self-esteem
  • Genetics and mental illness: a study on mental illness in three generations of family members
  • A study on how past traumatic events shape our present
  • Why eating disorders are mental disorders
  • The portrayal of mental illness in the media in the past fifty years
  • Improvements in mental illness diagnosis and treatment in the past century
  • Examining the effects of mental illness on the lives of teenagers: a qualitative study
  • Examining the impacts of antidepressants in curbing depression
  • A study into the root cause of mental health challenges in young adults
  • Investigating the causes of mental illness in 80+ adults
  • The lingering cases of mental health challenges in older people
  • The need for the free accessibility of mental health facilities by students.

Research Topics In Psychiatry

Psychiatry is a vast field of study in medicine. Any psychiatry topics must make the research journey more straightforward. That said, the following are interesting topics in psychiatry:

  • Defects of tobacco addiction on the human brain
  • Treating schizophrenia: most effective ways
  • ADHD: more prevalent in adults than children?
  • Perfectionism and OCD: Where do we draw the line?
  • Why we should look out for symptoms of depression
  • How has the raid of COVID-19 affected the mental health of people?
  • What are the factors that provoke depression?
  • Bipolar disorders as symptoms of mental illness
  • What is the potency of talk therapy in relating to suicidal patients
  • Anxiety disorder: symptoms and remedies
  • Practical measures in overcoming alcohol abuse in men
  • Depression: cyberbullying as a tool for enhancing depressive tendencies in young adults
  • The adverse effect of antidepressants on brain activities
  • Genetics: A yardstick for determining mental health illness
  • Lack of sleep as a tool for building anxiety
  • Stress as a buildup for depression
  • Side effects of psychiatric treatments on older people
  • The effects of COVID-19 on brain activity
  • Preventing the excessive usage of sedatives in young adults
  • Aging as a measure of depression
  • Treating mental illness: Applying classical soul music as a means in the 21st century
  • Child mental disorders: curbing unhealthy family relationships
  • Postpartum depression is the leading cause of mental illness amongst women
  • A study on the distinction between Bipolar I and Bipolar II
  • The need for the destigmatization of psychiatric patients

Research Topics In Mental Health Nursing

Mental health nursing is a highly essential field of study that should be considered:

  • The challenges involved in psychiatric nursing care
  • Mental health risks involved in working with psychiatric patients
  • Merits and demerits of mental health nursing careers
  • Self-discipline in psychiatry nursing fields
  • Nursing ethics: what a nurse should know
  • Approaches to nursing theories
  • Talk therapy in nursing fields
  • Dealing with exposed trauma: a typical nursing experience
  • Psychiatry nursing: a walk in the park?
  • Limitation of responsibilities by nurses on psychiatric patients
  • The essence of skilled nurses in clinical psychology
  • Effective patients’ recovery: the roles of nurses in present-day psychiatry
  • Practical application of nursing experience in psychiatry wards
  • Forbidden practices in nursing homes
  • Is psychiatry nursing predominantly a woman’s job?
  • Promoting nursing staff shortage in health sectors
  • Evaluating anti stigmatization by nurses in psychiatric wards
  • Damning effects of psychiatric nursing on nurses
  • Mental health illness: are nurses exempted?
  • Nursing practices applied in treating children and adults
  • Helpful ways mental health nurses administer care to patients
  • Ways care for mental health patients can be improved in the hospitals
  • Effective ways of caring for mental health patients
  • Why mental health nursing should be a specialized healthcare role
  • Importance of mental health nursing
  • Why mental health nursing should be prioritized as a specialist role

Critical Analysis Research Paper Topics In Mental Health

The following are some critically analyzed paper topics in mental health that will make your research more accessible and give more depth to your essay.

  • Problems related to physical and mental health issues in men and women
  • Supporting children’s mental health in the 21st century
  • Bipolar disorder problem as a mental health challenge
  • Mental health and eating disorders
  • A mental health project: a research methodology on curbing mental illnesses
  • Connecting poverty and mental health problems
  • Mental health counseling: a way in the wilderness
  • Mental health administration: a necessity in present-day lives
  • Mental health and spirituality
  • Effects of marijuana on mental health
  • The critical role of school psychology in the mental health movement
  • Code of ethics for mental health professions worldwide
  • Mental health counselors: professionalism in workplaces
  • Mental health benefits in the employee benefits packages
  • Eliminating stigmatization in mental health diagnoses
  • Community mental health as a tool for curbing disorders
  • Mental health counselor: a much-needed remedy
  • Mental health issues in the criminal justice system
  • Refugees and their mental health
  • Medical ethics in mental health care
  • Child’s mental health and depression in adulthood: a qualitative study
  • Transitions in late life: a typical study of mental health concerns
  • Mental health nursing: health and illness
  • Mental health specialist jobs and career
  • Mental health: screening and assessment of nursing personnel
  • The role of female mental health in socio-cultural conditions
  • Schizophrenia: a dominant mental health disorder
  • Mental health practice model for public institutions
  • Mental health: research methodologies issues
  • Mental health strategies at the workplace

Good Research Questions About Mental Health

Good research questions must be willing to provide concise and thorough answers. Over time, researchers have generated questions that border on mental health that have proven highly effective.

  • Should the use of antidepressants be accessible to children?
  • Why do people need access to mental health care?
  • What is the importance of prioritizing mental health care?
  • Is self-care the same as mental health care?
  • Is there a correlation between self-care and mental health care?
  • How to prioritize mental health
  • The study of the growing mental health challenge amongst young adults
  • Growth of depression in third-world countries
  • The effects of poverty on mental health
  • A study on the effects of mental health education on the treatment of the mentally ill
  • Institutionalized bullying in schools and its effects on students’ mental health
  • The importance of mother’s mental health in the aftermath of childbirth
  • Addressing mental health problems in children below the age of ten
  • The effects of sudden environmental changes on childrens’ mental health
  • The focus on mental health in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic
  • Harmful effects of social media on the mental health of Nigerian youth
  • Fostering mental health discourse among males
  • Trolling and cancel culture and their effects on the mental health of their victims
  • The benefits of mental health apps in the lives of individuals
  • Measures to promote mental health awareness in religious spheres

Mental Illness Thesis Ideas

By nature, there are several mental illness thesis ideas you can explore. The following are proven great thesis ideas that concern mental health.

  • Addressing inadequate measures to combat mental illness in Nigerian societies
  • A study on the marginalization of the mentally ill in the society
  • Mental illness stigma and seeking help: how mental health stigma affects
  • The effects of mental illness stigma in people’s seeking of treatment
  • Embracing mental illness discourse in schools and the workplace
  • Why mental illness is an illness and not a figment of the imagination
  • The relationship between mental illness and violence
  • The relationship between childhood abuse and mental illness
  • The benefits of support systems to the mentally ill
  • Mental illness and the perpetuation of gun violence among youth in the united states
  • A study of mental illness portrayals in Nigerian media
  • Mental illness portrayals in Nigerian media: harmful or beneficial?
  • A study on the harmful effects of certain medications on mental disorders
  • Tackling common misconceptions about mental disorders among members of the older generation
  • Advancements in mental illness treatment methods
  • Breakthroughs in mental illness research in the 50s and 60s
  • A study on ethically questionable mental health research experiments in the last 50 years
  • Living with mental illness in the age of toxic internet culture
  • The increase in cases of depression and anxiety in youths between the early 2000s and late 2010s
  • Mental illness and criminality: a study on the relationship between the two
  • Drug abuse: a study on how college students engage in drugs
  • A study of the nicotine content of harmful drugs
  • A critical study of the early stage of mental illness in patients.

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Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Postpartum depression among adolescent mothers: examining and treating low-income adolescents with symptoms of postpartum depression public deposited.


  • Postpartum depression (PPD) among adult women is a prevalent and impairing problem, with evidence suggesting risk of adverse consequences for mothers and their infants. Few studies have investigated the problems of PPD among adolescents; however, both the emergence during adolescence of increased risk for depression among girls compared to boys and the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy suggest that this is a topic worthy of increased attention. The present thesis examines correlates of adolescent PPD, as well as an intervention for low-income adolescent mothers with symptoms of PPD. Study 1 investigated the relationship between depressive symptom severity and potential individual vulnerability and social context factors among a sample of adolescent mothers (N=102). Results indicate that adolescent PPD symptoms are associated with the number of negative life events, perceived discrimination, deficits in social support, anxiety symptom severity, perceived stress, impaired bonding and deficits in interpersonal effectiveness and emotion regulation. The best fitting model from the stepwise regression analyses indicated that perceived stress and anxiety symptom severity were the best predictors of adolescent PPD symptom severity. Study 2 examined the feasibility and preliminary outcomes of a behavioral skills training group intervention, based on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), among adolescents with PPD (N=24) recruited from both a public health parent education program and a specialty obstetrics clinic for adolescent mothers. Findings suggest the intervention was both feasible and associated with improvement in mental health and functional domains. Together these studies indicate that a number of domains are related to adolescent PPD symptoms, particularly anxiety symptom severity and perceived stress, and a DBT skills group may be effective in reducing symptoms of PPD, as well as other areas of difficulty for adolescent mothers.
  • Kleiber, Blair Vinson
  • Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Dimidjian, Sona
  • Park, Bernadette
  • Arch, Joanna
  • Mollborn, Stefanie
  • University of Colorado Boulder
  • perceived stress
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • intervention
  • behavioral skills
  • Dissertation
  • In Copyright
  • English [eng]


  • How it works

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Psychology Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Psychology entails the study of mental processes and behaviour. Over the last several years, the demand for psychology graduates has continuously risen due to the growing number of people with psychic problems.

As a psychology student, you can explore one of the many areas of psychology as part of your dissertation project. You can specialise in industrial physiology, mental health, behavioural psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, social psychology, biological psychology, and psychosocial psychology.

While there are many topic options for psychology students, make sure that you choose one where there is a gap in the literature and more work needs to be done.

To help you get started with brainstorming for psychology topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your psychology dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Psychology Research Topics

Impact of automation in the manufacturing sector on employee distress and happiness in the uk- an exploratory study finding the psychoeconomic factors.

Research Aim: This study intends to find the impact of automation in the manufacturing sector on employee distress and happiness in the UK. It will explore the moderating Psychoeconomic (Psychological and Economic) factors affected by the increasing automation in the manufacturing industry, affecting the employees’ distress and happiness levels. Furthermore, it will examine the strategies implemented by the manufacturing companies to prevent their employees from the anxiety and unhappiness induced by automation after the technological revolution.

Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance Among Adults Working from Home during COVID-19 in the UK

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance among adults working from home during COVID-19 in the UK. It will identify how sleep deprivation during COVID-19 affected various mental abilities of employees who were forced to work from home. It will also see how these abilities affect the employees’ productivity during COVID-19. Additionally, it will show the policies adopted by the companies to prevent their employees from working overtime to have proper sleep. And how does it improve their cognitive performance and productivity?

Effects of Bad Incidents on Children’s Intelligence- A Critical Assessment through a Clinical Psychology Lens

Research Aim: This research shows the effects of bad incidents on children’s intelligence. It will use a clinical psychology lens to show how clinicians see the relationship between bad incidents in childhood and their impact on children’s intelligence in later life. And in which was these incidents shape the intelligence of children while growing up. Furthermore, it will present a wide range of clinical procedures to overcome the lingering effects of bad incidents on children’s intelligence in later life.

Impact of Marriage Satisfaction on Job Performance in High-Stress Jobs- A Case of Individuals Working in Investment Firms in the UK

Research Aim: This research analyses the impact of marriage satisfaction on job performance in high-stress jobs. It will use investment firms in the UK as a case study to analyse how marriage satisfaction affects the performance of men and women working in high-stress jobs such as trading and investments. Moreover, it will explore various psychological parts of the job affected by the problems in a marriage. Lastly, it will recommend ways to offset the bad effects of unstable marriage to improve job performance.

The Role of Educational-Psychological Counseling in Career Selection among Immigrant Children in the UK

Research Aim: This research investigates the role of educational-psychological counselling in career selection among immigrant children in the UK. It will show how educational-psychological counselling different aspects of their academic life and help them decide what to pursue in later life. It will also show how this counselling can help them believe that despite coming from outside of the UK, they still have a chance to succeed.

The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) on Reducing Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Research Aim: This study investigates the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, It focuses on exploring the comparative efficacy of different types of MBIs and their potential mechanisms of action.

Investigate the impact of introducing mindfulness programs in school curricula to enhance mental well-being among adolescents.

Research Aim: This study aims to examine the impact of integrating mindfulness programs into school curricula to enhance mental well-being among adolescents. Through empirical investigation, it seeks to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression levels, as well as promoting overall psychological resilience and positive emotional regulation. Additionally, the research aims to explore potential factors influencing program efficacy.

Exploring the Link Between Mood and Innovation in Entrepreneurship

Research Aim: This research investigates the intricate relationship between mood and innovation within the context of entrepreneurship. By exploring how varying moods influence the generation, adoption, and implementation of innovative ideas by entrepreneurs, the study seeks to uncover potential patterns and mechanisms that drive entrepreneurial creativity. The research further explores how understanding this link is crucial for informing strategies to foster innovation within entrepreneurial ventures.

An Examination of the Interplay Between Depression and Creative Writing: Case Studies in Literature

Research Aim: This research examines the complex interplay between depression and creative writing through case studies in literature. It focuses on the experiences of writers who have battled depression and analysing how their mental health condition intersects with their creative process and output, this study seeks to shed light on the relationship between mood disorders and literary creativity. 

Investigating the neurobiological basis of ADHD: brain structure, neurotransmitter function, and genetics.

Research Aim: The study explores the interplay between brain structure, neurotransmitter function, and genetic factors in individuals with ADHD. It focuses on elucidating the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the disorder.

Examine the relationship between ADHD and comorbid mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Research Aim: This study explores the complex relationship between ADHD and comorbid mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. It discusses the underlying mechanisms, common risk factors, and potential therapeutic implications for effective management and treatment strategies.

Covid-19 Psychology Research Topics

Topic 1: impacts of coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups.

Research Aim: This study will reveal the impacts of coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups

Topic 2: Mental health and psychological resilience during COVID-19

Research Aim: Social distancing has made people isolated and affected their mental health. This study will highlight various measures to overcome the stress and mental health of people during coronavirus.

Topic 3: The mental health of children and families during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the challenging situations faced by children and families during lockdown due to COVID-19. It will also discuss various ways to overcome the fear of disease and stay positive.

Topic 4: Mental wellbeing of patients during Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will focus on the measures taken by the hospital management, government, and families, to ensure the mental wellbeing of patients, especially COVID-19 patients.

Psychology Dissertation Topics in Social Sciences

Topic 1: kids and their relatives with cancer: psychological challenges.

Research Aim: In cancer diagnoses and therapies, children often don’t know what happens. Many have psychosocial problems, including rage, terror, depression, disturbing sleep, inexpiable guilt, and panic. Therefore, this study identifies and treats the child and its family members’ psychological issues.

Topic 2: Hematopoietic device reaction in ophthalmology patient’s radiation therapy

Research Aim: This research is based on the analysis of hematopoietic devices’ reactions to ophthalmology radiation.

Topic 3: Psychological effects of cyberbullying Vs. physical bullying: A counter study

Research Aim: This research will focus on the effects of cyberbullying and physical bullying and their consequences on the victim’s mental health. The most significant part is the counter effects on our society’s environment and human behaviour, particularly youth.

Topic 4: Whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness?

Research Aim: This research aims to identify whether predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness or not.

Topic 5: Importance of communication in a relationship

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of communication in relationships and the communication gap consequences.

Topic 6: Eating and personality disorders

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on eating and personality disorders

Topic 7: Analysis of teaching, assessment, and evaluation of students and learning differences

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse teaching methods, assessment, and evaluation systems of students and their learning differences

Topic 8: Social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Research Aim: This research aims to study the social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Topic 9: The role of media in provoking aggression

Research Aim: This research aims to address the role of media in provoking aggression among people

Psychology Dissertation Topics Behavioral Sciences

Topic 1: assessing the advantages and disadvantages of positive reinforcement in special education.

Research Aim: The strength and importance of praise in the workplace can have a significant impact on employees and move them from apathy to more happiness and satisfaction. Positive reinforcement motivates and encourages people for their respective tasks. This research aims to assess the advantages and disadvantages of positive reinforcement in special education.

Topic 2: Assessing the relationship between depression and anxiety from the perspective of student academic performance

Research Aim: Emotional disturbance is considered to be a psychological element that can lead to the deterioration of the daily activities of students. Since academic achievements are an integral dimension of students’ lives, depression, anxiety, and other emotional disturbance might lead to poor academic performance. Therefore, this research aims to assess the relationship between depression and anxiety on student academic performance.

Topic 3: How cognitive behaviour therapy helps in dealing with depressed adolescents

Research Aim: Cognitive behavioural theory is regarded as a well-established therapy for depression and other various mental illnesses in children and adolescents. It might be because CBT can reduce suicidal behaviour and thoughts among adolescents. The main purpose of this research is to identify how cognitive behaviour therapy can help in dealing with depressed adolescents.

Topic 4: Analysing the psychological impact of bullying on children’s personality and development

Research Aim: Any public humiliation can result in a child’s misconceptions, confusion and misunderstanding about their own personality and the surrounding world. Public humiliation can damage the psychology of children and hinder their overall physical and mental development. The key purpose of this study is to analyse the psychological impact of bullying on children’s personalities and development.

Topic 5: Assessing the impact of psychological pricing on consumer purchase intention

Research Aim: Psychological pricing, also known as charm pricing and price ending, is a market pricing strategy in which certain prices can have a psychological impact on consumers. This strategy also includes a slightly less than round number, e.g. 2.99, which could incline consumers to make purchase decisions in favour of the seller. Hence, this research aims to assess the impact of psychological pricing on consumer purchase intention.

Topic 6: Borderline Personality Disorder and Self-Cutting Behaviors – Are they Inter Related?

Research Aim: Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental health disorder that impacts the thinking process of an individual. This disorder impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others. Relationships are unstable. There are extreme emotions and distorted self-image when a person is suffering from a borderline personality disorder. This research will discuss this disorder in detail and evaluate whether self-cutting behaviours are a result of this disorder or not.

Topic 7: Depression and its risk factors – How can it be prevented?

Research Aim: Depression is a psychological issue that needs immediate attention. There are a lot of factors that lead to depression. This research will talk about the various risk factors that contribute to depression in an individual. The research will also discuss ways and strategies through which depression can be managed and eliminated in some cases. Case studies will be a part of this research.

Topic 8: Childhood trauma and its long-lasting impacts on individuals in adulthood

Research Aim: This research will talk about an important issue i.e. childhood trauma. This includes emotional and physical trauma that a child had experienced in his childhood. This research will discuss whether this trauma will impact the individual further in his life or not. If an adult’s future life is likely to be affected by childhood trauma, then in what ways will it change the individual, and how will it shape his personality? All these questions will be answered with this research.

Organisational Psychology Dissertation Topics

The role of industrial psychologists, also known as organisational psychologists, is to apply the principles of psychology to marketing, sales, management, administration, and human resources problems that organisations face.

Typical tasks that organisational psychologists perform include but are not limited to organisational development and analysis, training and development, employee evaluation and selection, policymaking, and more. The following dissertation topics are developed with respect to organisational psychology:

Topic 1: Research in industrial and organisational psychology from 1980 to 2015: Changes, choices, and trends

Research Aim: This research will compare the choices, trends, and changes in industrial and organisational psychology. The years compared will be 1990-2000, 2001-2010, and 2011-2020.

Topic 2: Computerized adaptive testing in industrial and organisational psychology

Research Aim: This research will explore advanced techniques, i.e., computerised adaptive testing, in organisational and industrial psychology.

Topic 3: Leader-member exchange as a moderating variable in the relationship between well-being and job security

Research Aim: This research will analyse the leader-member exchange as a variable that moderates the relationship between job security and well-being.

Topic 4: Intelligent leadership and leadership competencies – Developing a leadership framework for intelligent organizations

Research Aim: This research will understand leadership competencies and intelligent leadership by analysing a leadership framework for intelligent organisations.

Topic 5: Burnout amongst executive staff: What are the main predictors? A review of literature from the UK and Europe.

Research Aim: This research will talk about the most pressing issue at workplaces right now, i.e. burnout, The study will include predictors of burnout by analysing literature from Europe and the UK.

Topic 6: Interior design and Industrial psychology – Investigating the role of employees' reward and motivation in shaping up the look of the factory or office

Research Aim: This research will understand the role of employee reward and motivation in shaping workplaces with a focus on how interior design can create a working environment for employees that enhances their motivation levels.

Topic 7: Investigating the impact of strategic business partnering for business organisations – A case study of any UK based company

Research Aim: This research will talk about the impact of strategic business partnering for business organisations. You can provide us with the name of the company you would want to base your research on.

Topic 8: Social science strategies for managing diversity: Industrial and organisational opportunities to enhance inclusion

Research Aim: This research will interrogate an extremely important issue of psychology, i.e., diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The study will be conducted with respect to social science strategies.

Topic 9: Studying Influencing Factors in Effective Training Programs in Organisations

Research Aim: This research will talk about the various psychological factors that influence training programs organised by companies.

Topic 10: To understand international branding in light of the concept of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand international branding in light of the concept of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. The research will be descriptive in nature and make use of secondary data.

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Clinical Psychology Dissertation Topics

Clinical psychology can be defined as integrating clinical knowledge, theory, and science to understand and prevent psychologically based dysfunction and distress. Another aim of this branch of psychology is to promote personal development and behavioural well-being.

Clinical psychologists’ job responsibilities include conducting research, teaching, drug and alcohol treatment, assessing disorders, testifying in legal settings, and creating and managing programs to prevent and treat social problems.

A well-written dissertation in this area of psychology can help students to fetch a high academic grade. Here are some interesting topics in this area:

Topic 1: Which clinical and demographic factors predict poor insight in individuals with obsessions and compulsions?

Research Aim: This research will discuss the clinical and demographic factors that predict poor insight within individuals with compulsions and obsessions.

Topic 2: Anger beliefs and behaviour; An Investigation of associations with Hypomania in a non-clinical sample

Research Aim: This research will investigate anger, behaviour, and beliefs concerning hypomania in a non-clinical sample.

Topic 3: Clinical psychologists’ experiences of accessing personal therapy during training: A narrative analysis

Research Aim: This research will discuss clinical psychologists’ experiences of accessing personal therapy during training. This will be a narrative analysis.

Topic 4: Exploring body image and identity in people who have had a heart or lung transplant

Research Aim: This research will help explore the identity and body image of people who have had a heart or lung transplant. All related issues will be discussed in this study.

Topic 5: Psychosocial adjustment to renal failure and consequent dialysis

Research Aim: This research will explore the psychosocial adjustment required during renal failure. The study will also discuss dialysis, which will result in renal failure.

Topic 6: Experiences of psychosocial formulation within a biopsychosocial model of care for psychosis

Research Aim: This research will talk about psychosocial formulation experiences within a biopsychosocial model of care for psychosis.

Topic 7: Experiences and their association with eating behaviour in adulthood

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between individual experiences and eating behaviour in adulthood. The study will furthermore present suggestions as to how these conditions can be improved.

Topic 8: Barriers to communicating about sexual dysfunction following heart trauma

Research Aim: This research will talk about an important issue i.e. sexual dysfunction. However, the study will be conducted concerning the issue being developed due to heart trauma.

Topic 9: Validation of a new scale assessing the use of strategies to change another person’s mood or emotional state

Research Aim: This research will investigate and try to validate a new scale that will be used to assess strategies for changing another person’s emotional state or mood.

Topic 10: Examining Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) within a cognitive framework

Research Aim: This research will investigate an important psychological issue, i.e. depression. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) will be assessed with a cognitive framework.

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Cognitive Psychology Dissertation Topics

Cognitive Psychology can be defined as the study of mental processes such as thinking, creativity, problem solving, perception, memory, language use, and attention through neuropsychology, computer modeling, and experimentation.

Cognitive psychologists are primarily responsible for investigating how the human brain absorbs and interprets information at micro and macro levels. This area of psychology is broad. Therefore you will have many topic options to choose from. Please see below some titles if you are looking to base your dissertation on the field of cognitive psychology.

Topic 1: Adolescent perceptions and beliefs of proactive-reactive aggression explored through the social information processing model of aggression

Research Aim: This research will talk about various perceptions and beliefs of adolescents with respect to proactive-reactive aggression. These will be explored through the social information processing model of aggression.

Topic 2: Analysing how cognitive flexibility is influenced by emotions

Research Aim: This research will analyse how emotions influence the cognitive flexibility of individuals.

Topic 3: Tractable cognition: The role of complexity theory in cognitive psychology

Research Aim: This research will discuss tractable cognition. The study will discuss the role of complexity theory in cognitive psychology.

Topic 4: Conflict monitoring across sensory modalities

Research Aim: This research will discuss conflict monitoring during sensory modalities. The study will talk about various conflict monitoring methods.

Topic 5: Familiarity and its effect on facial expression recognition?

Research Aim: This research will discuss the concept of familiarity and its impact on facial expression recognition.

Topic 6: Investigating the relationship between cognitive vulnerability and depression

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between depression and cognitive vulnerability.

Topic 7: Effectiveness of mindfulness training on ratings of perceived stress, mindfulness, and well-being of adolescents enrolled in an international baccalaureate diploma program

Research Aim: This research will discuss the effectiveness of mindfulness training on ratings of well-being and perceived stress in adolescents. The participants of this research will be international baccalaureate diploma students.

Topic 8: Assessing the development of implicit intergroup cognition in relation to in-groups and out-groups: social learning or pre-specified?

Research Aim: This research will assess the development of implicit intergroup cognition with respect to out-groups and in-groups. The study will conclude whether this development classifies as social learning or is pre-specified.

Topic 9: Assessing the relationship between impaired social cognition, emotion, and anxiety disorders.

Research Aim: This research will discuss the relationship between emotion, anxiety disorders, and impaired social cognition.

Topic 10: Investigating the relationship between episodic memory and emotional memory

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between emotional memory and episodic memory and the underlying causes.

Also Read : Project Management Dissertation Topics

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  • Social Psychology Dissertation Topics

This branch of psychology has gained tremendous importance in the world of academia in recent times. Essentially, it deals with social interactions, including their influence on the individuals and their origin.

According to Baron, Byrne, and Sulls (1989), “the scientific field seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviour in social situations.”

Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that social psychology primarily investigates how human behaviour can influence other people and the surrounding social environment. Some relevant social psychology dissertation topics are listed below:

Topic 1: Cognitive, affective, and social psychological correlates of psychopathic personality traits in offenders and non-offenders

Research Aim: This research will address cognitive, affective, and social-psychological correlations of psychopathic personality traits in offenders and non-offenders.

Topic 2: A social-psychological exploration of word-of-mouth traveller information in the digital age

Research Aim: This research will explore the word of mouth exchange of traveller information in today’s age with a social-psychological perspective.

Topic 3: Investigating the concept of contemporary social and cultural psychology

Research Aim: This research will investigate the concept of contemporary social and cultural psychology.

Topic 4: Methods for social psychological research: fundamental qualitative and fundamental quantitative methods.

Research Aim: This will be an interesting study. The research will explore two major social psychological research methods; the fundamental qualitative method and the fundamental quantitative method.

Topic 5: The impact of gender mistakes on various individual attitudes and behaviours that contribute to gender inequality

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of gender issues on different individual attitudes and behaviours. Moreover, the study will assess their impact and contribution to increasing gender inequality.

Topic 6: Personality, passion, self-esteem and psychological well-being among junior elite athletes in the UK

Research Aim: This research will study the psychological well-being of junior athletes in the UK. This includes assessing their personality, passion, and self-esteem.

Topic 7: Mad, bad, or dangerous? Assessing changing social attitudes to mental illness through a study of magazine and TV advertising.

Research Aim: This research will assess the changing social attitudes to mental illness by studying TV and magazine advertising. The study will focus on the impact of these advertisements on the mental health of the audience.

Topic 8: Use of images of women in corporate website branding – The role of gender, marketing, and internet presence

Research Aim: This research will assess the use of women’s images in website branding. The study will evaluate and analyse the role of gender, marketing, and internet presence.

Topic 9: How the use of music can help to reduce crime rate – A quantitative study of underground tube stations in London

Research Aim: The study will focus on an ignored socio-psychological aspect i.e. music. The research will assess how music helps to reduce the crime rate. A quantitative study covering underground tube stations will be conducted.

Topic 10: The enduring legacy of cognitive dissonance

Research Aim: This research will talk about the history of cognitive dissonance. It will also discuss its enduring legacy.

Also Read: Sociology Dissertation Topics

Abnormal Psychology Dissertation Topics

The abnormal patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviour that may lead to mental disorders are studied under the abnormal psychology branch of psychology. But what is an abnormality, and who decides what abnormal behaviour is? Historically, societies have been quick to observe and tag individuals as abnormal when they encounter situations that they cannot understand.

Abnormal psychologists are responsible for identifying the human characteristics that deviate from the norm. This branch of psychology can interest students who wish to explore unusual human behaviour and unusual conditions. The following topics on abnormal psychology can help to ease the dissertation topic selection process for your thesis project:

Topic 1: Assessing and Investigating the concepts of abnormality and mental health

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basics of abnormality and mental health. The literature review will cover the various mental health conditions and what leads them to these issues.

Topic 2: A neuropsychological investigation of frontal brain asymmetry in depression with comorbid anxiety

Research Aim: This research will investigate a neuropsychological issue, i.e., frontal brain asymmetry in depression with comorbid anxiety.

Topic 3: What is the relationship between children’s home routines and treatment for ADHD? A study of the literature

Research Aim: This research will talk about a common yet ignored issue, ADHD. The study will explore the relationship between children’s home routines and treatment procedures.

Topic 4: Investigating the relationship between depression and diet – A qualitative study of how the Mediterranean diet can help to lower depression levels

Research Aim: This research will investigate an interesting relationship – between depression and diet. The study will also explore how the Mediterranean diet can help reduce levels of depression.

Topic 5: Promoting mental health and psychological wellbeing in children: A socio-cultural activity theory analysis of professional contributions and learning in a multidisciplinary team

Research Aim: This research will aim to promote mental health and psychological well-being in children. The study will be based on a socio-cultural activity theory analysis of professional contributions and learning in a multidisciplinary team.

Topic 6: A critical inquiry into the views of professionals working with families, parents, and children.

Research Aim: This research will help conduct a critical inquiry into the views of professionals working with parents, families, and children.

Topic 7: Exploring ways of managing stress and coping with poor mental health

Research Aim: This research will help to explore stress and coping issues amongst individuals with poor mental health.

Topic 8: The role of positive irrational beliefs in mental health & wellbeing

Research Aim: This research will talk about the positive role of irrational beliefs associated with mental health and wellbeing.

Topic 9: To understand and establish the relationship between social media websites and self-harm in adolescent females

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand and establish the relationship between social media websites and self-harm in adolescent females.

Topic 10: A biographical narrative study exploring mental ill-health through the life course

Research Aim: This will be a biographical narrative study that will explore the mental illness issues that may cause difficulties in the course of life.

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Developmental and Educational Psychology Dissertation Topics

According to Kendra Cherry (2001), “Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, including topics such as student outcomes, the instructional process, individual differences in learning, gifted learners and learning disabilities.” This branch of psychology considers not only the learning process but also the social and emotional aspects of development.

Developmental and educational psychologists are responsible for designing professional development programmes, evaluating programmes and interventions, designing training programmes, consulting with groups and individuals, counselling, designing effective treatment programmes, assessing developmental learning and behavioural problems among individuals, diagnosing disabilities and disorders, and identifying and clarifying problems.

Here’s a list of developmental and educational psychology dissertation topics for you to choose from:

Topic 1: Investigating parents’ concerns with a child’s development: A Case Study

Research Aim: This research will investigate the concerns of parents related to child development. A specific case will be examined in this research.

Topic 2: To examine the parent-child relationship issues

Research Aim: This research will explore the issues related to the parent-child bond. Solutions will also be provided as to how these should be tackled.

Topic 3: Managing a child’s difficult temperament or behaviour

Research Aim: This research will help parents understand how they can manage a child who has a difficult temperament.

Topic 4: How educational psychologists can assist a child with disabilities

Research Aim: This research will explore how educational psychologists help in assisting disabled children.

Topic 5: Exploring the causes of sibling rivalries in the family: Studying How These can Be Tackled.

Research Aim: This research will explore the causes behind sibling rivalries in families and will also suggest how these can be controlled.

Topic 6: Problems parents, teachers, and children may face in the transition from early childhood to school years

Research Aim: This study will explore issues and problems parents, teachers, and children face in the transition from early childhood to school years.

Topic 7: Exploring the impact of consultation on educational psychology service users, including pupils, teachers, and parents

Research Aim: This research will explore the impacts of consultation on educational psychology services which include pupils, teachers, and parents.

Topic 8: The development of the theory of mind in deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing preschool children

Research Aim: This research will talk about the developmental theory of mind in deaf people, hard of hearing, and hearing of preschool children.

Topic 9: Cultural differences and perceptions of autism among school psychologists

Research Aim: This research will talk about the cultural differences and perceptions of autism amongst school psychologists.

Topic 10: High school special education teachers’ use of positive behaviour: Effects of a behaviour prompting routine on specific praise rates

Research Aim: This research will discuss the use of positive behaviour by high school special education teachers. Furthermore, the dissertation will also study the impact of behaviour that prompts a routine for specific praise rates.

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Important Notes:

As a psychology student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing psychology theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

Psychology is vast and interrelated with so many other academic disciplines. That is why it is imperative to create a psychology dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best psychology dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample psychology dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Psychology Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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How to find psychology dissertation topics.

To discover Psychology dissertation topics:

  • Explore recent research and journals.
  • Identify emerging areas or gaps.
  • Consider personal interests or experiences.
  • Discuss with professors or experts.
  • Analyse real-world issues and applications.
  • Choose a topic that excites and challenges you.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Depression in adolescence'

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Montague, Roslyn M., and n/a. "Preventing Adolescent Depression With Sustainable Resources: Evaluation of a School-Based Universal Effectiveness Trial." Griffith University. School of Applied Psychology, 2003. http://www4.gu.edu.au:8080/adt-root/public/adt-QGU20030605.152529.

Montague, Roslyn M. "Preventing Adolescent Depression With Sustainable Resources: Evaluation of a School-Based Universal Effectiveness Trial." Thesis, Griffith University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/366883.

Kendall-Grove, Kwai. "Clinical depression and depressive features in homeless adolescents /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/9103.

Lai, Wing-yee Robby. "Perceived parental style, cognitions and adolescent anxiety and depression in Hong Kong." Click to view E-thesis via HKUTO, 2006. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B37101250.

Lai, Wing-yee Robby, and 黎詠儀. "Perceived parental style, cognitions and adolescent anxiety and depression in Hong Kong." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2006. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B37101250.

Hadjiyannakis, Katholiki Kathy. "Specific depressive symptoms as risk factors for the onset of major depressive disorder in adolescence /." view abstract or download file of text, 2003. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/uoregon/fullcit?p3080587.

Ettelson, Rebecca G. Laurent Jeff. "The treatment of adolescent depression." Normal, Ill. Illinois State University, 2002. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ilstu/fullcit?p3088020.

Muziwandile, Robert Ntuli. "A comparative study of postnatal depression amongst adolescent mothers with and without partners." Thesis, University of Zululand, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10530/1626.

Peresie, Cheryl A. "Correlates of depression following romantic breakups in adolescence." Virtual Press, 2002. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1242143.

Graff, Leanne Marie, and Karin Yakira. "Depression and diabetes in adolescents." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2003. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/2278.

Hayen, Elizabeth. "The effects of college selectivity on student depression." Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2002. http://www.tren.com.

Wang, Huan Huan. "Emotional intelligence's predictability for depression and anxiety vulnerability among Chinese." Thesis, University of Macau, 2012. http://umaclib3.umac.mo/record=b2589558.

Cao, Jasmine. "Parental Involvement and Adolescent Depression: An Application of the Social Stress Model." Bowling Green, Ohio : Bowling Green State University, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=bgsu1243879505.

Holden, Emily Ruth. "Cognitive flexibility and vulnerability to depression in early adolescence." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.408737.

Shapero, Benjamin Greenberg. "Stress Reactivity and Cognitive Vulnerability for Depression in Adolescence." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2015. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/346123.

Baker, Erika Claire. "Effortful control, repetitive negative thinking and depression in adolescence." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10871/34378.

Poppe, Robyn. "The relationship between depression and self-mutilation in adolescence." Online version, 2001. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/2001/2001popper.pdf.

Wagner, Clara Anita. "TRAIT RUMINATION, DEPRESSION, AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS IN EARLY ADOLESCENCE." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2013. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/216581.

Chesley, Kayla Lynn. "Combating Youth Depression in Primary Care." Diss., North Dakota State University, 2016. https://hdl.handle.net/10365/28254.

Cunningham, Shaylyn, and University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education. "Anxiety, depression and hopelessness in adolescents : a structural equation model." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, 2005, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10133/344.

Pakonen, Katrina L. Graybill Daniel Franklin. "Examination of irritability in depression among youth." Normal, Ill. Illinois State University, 2001. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ilstu/fullcit?p3064498.

Wong, Siu-ching Angelin. "Preventing adolescent depression in Hong Kong a school-based programme /." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2008. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B40721644.

Tuttle, Sarah Lynn. "The relationship between meaning in life and depression in young adult." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2006. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/3070.

Luebbe, Aaron M. Bell Debora. "Differentiating anxiety and depression a socioaffective tripartite model /." Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri--Columbia, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10355/6975.

Poursanidou, Konstantina. "The experience of depression in English and Greek adolescents : a comparative study." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.342502.

Georgakakou, Koutsonikou Niki. "Children's and adolescents' conceptualisations of depression." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/31057.

Wineberg, Melissa H. "The best predictors of self-reported depressed mood in adolescents /." View online, 2010. http://repository.eiu.edu/theses/docs/32211131524475.pdf.

Hoyle, Jonathan. "Stressful events, cognition, and perceived social support in the prediction of depression in adolescence /." Digital version accessible at:, 1998. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/main.

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89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best postpartum depression topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 most interesting postpartum depression topics to write about, ⭐ good research topics about postpartum depression, ❓ postpartum depression research questions.

  • Activity During Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression Studies have shown that women’s mood and cardiorespiratory fitness improve when they engage in moderate-intensity physical activity in the weeks and months after giving birth to a child.
  • Technology to Fight Postpartum Depression in African American Women I would like to introduce the app “Peanut” the social network designed to help and unite women exclusively, as a technology aimed at fighting postpartum depression in African American Women.
  • The Postpartum Depression in Afro-Americans Policy The distribution of the funds is managed and administered on the state level. Minnesota and Maryland focused on passing the legislation regulating the adoption of Medicaid in 2013.
  • Breastfeeding and Risk of Postpartum Depression The primary goal of the research conducted by Islam et al.was to analyze the correlation between exclusive breastfeeding and the risk of postpartum depression among new mothers.
  • Postpartum Depression in African American Women As far as African American women are concerned, the issue becomes even more complex due to several reasons: the stigma associated with the mental health of African American women and the mental health complications that […]
  • Postpartum Depression Among the Low-Income U.S. Mothers Mothers who take part in the programs develop skills and knowledge to use the existing social entities to ensure that they protect themselves from the undesirable consequences associated with the PPD and other related psychological […]
  • In-Vitro Fertilization and Postpartum Depression The research was conducted through based on professional information sources and statistical data collected from the research study used to further validate the evidence and outcome of this study.
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  • Postpartum Depression: Statistics and Methods of Diagnosis The incorporation of the screening tools into the existing electronic medical support system has proved to lead to positive outcomes for both mothers and children.
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  • A Review of Postpartum Depression and Continued Post Birth Support In the first chapter – the introduction – the problem statement, background, purpose, and nature of the project are mentioned. The purpose of the project is to explain the significance of managing postpartum depression by […]
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  • Postpartum Depression and Acute Depressive Symptoms It is hypothesized that the authors of the study wished to establish, with certainty, the effect of the proposed predictors for the development of PPD.
  • Postpartum Depression and Its Peculiarities The major peculiarity of PPD in terms of its adverse effects is that it is detrimental to both the mother and the newborn child.
  • Supporting the Health Needs of Patients With Parkinson’s, Preeclampsia, and Postpartum Depression The medical history of the patient will help the doctor to offer the best drug therapy. Members of the family might also be unable to cope with the disorder.
  • Postpartum Depression and Comorbid Disorders For example, at a public hospital in Sydney, Australia, the psychiatrists used a Routine Comprehensive Psychosocial Assessment tool to study the chances of ‘low risk’ women developing the postpartum symptoms.
  • Correlation Between Multiple Pregnancies and Postpartum Depression or Psychosis In recognition of the paucity of information on the relationship between multiple pregnancies and postpartum depression, the paper reviews the likely relationship by understanding the two variables, multiple pregnancies and postpartum depression, in terms of […]
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  • What Are the Causes and Consequences of Postpartum Depression?
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2023, September 20). 89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/postpartum-depression-essay-topics/

"89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 20 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/postpartum-depression-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 20 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/postpartum-depression-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/postpartum-depression-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/postpartum-depression-essay-topics/.

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Suffering in silence with high-functioning depression | The Excerpt

dissertation topics on depression

On a special episode (first released on May 16) of The Excerpt podcast: Many people have some experience with depression. Often the condition goes away, but what if it doesn't? What if it's something you just learn to live with? With a term like ‘high-functioning’ attached to it, it may, by its very nature, be difficult to diagnose. So what is high-functioning depression and what can be done for the people who are suffering with it? Vale Wright, the senior director of Health Care Innovation at the American Psychological Association, joins The Excerpt to help answer these questions.

Hit play on the player below to hear the podcast and follow along with the transcript beneath it.  This transcript was automatically generated, and then edited for clarity in its current form. There may be some differences between the audio and the text.

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Dana Taylor:

Hello and welcome to The Excerpt. I'm Dana Taylor. When a disorder or condition has a term like high functioning attached to it, that could mean it may, by its very nature, be difficult to diagnose at all. Many of us have some experience with depression, but what if it just didn't go away? And worse, no one could tell that's why we weren't acting like our regular selves. So what is high functioning depression and what can be done for the people who are suffering with it? To answer these questions, I'm joined by Vaile Wright, the Senior Director of Healthcare Innovation at the American Psychological Association. Thanks for joining us, Vaile.

Vaile Wright:

Thanks so much for having me.

First, what is high functioning depression?

High functioning depression, it's not an official clinical term. I think that's important for people to know. It really was coined and popularized on social media to represent a certain presentation of depression. And that presentation is somebody who seemingly seems like they have it all together on the outside. They can go to work, they have relationships, they look like they're really engaging in life, but internally they're suffering in a way that others really just can't see.

And how does high functioning depression differ from other kinds of depression?

It's not necessarily that it differs from other kinds of depression. I think what a potential benefit of this term is, is it helps people understand that depression is not a one size fits all. People can be presenting with depression with a variety of different mild or more moderate symptoms. Some people will experience sadness, whereas others experience no sadness at all. So there isn't a typical type, but we have a mental model about what we think depression looks like, and this kind of breaks that mental model a little bit.

What are some of the other conditions that can show up alongside high functioning depression? I want to know, in particular, is anxiety in the mix.

Absolutely. There's a lot of comorbid relationship, or what we mean by that is they go together, anxiety and depression, and they share a lot of the same symptoms. So it can be really hard to decide, which is it. You can have trouble concentrating with both anxiety or depression, difficulty sleeping, difficulty eating or maintaining your appetite. So a lot of overlap exists, but at the end of the day, individuals experiencing these symptoms, it interferes with their life and it often interferes with the lives of people in their homes and in their schools and in their workplaces. So it affects everybody.

What are some of the telltale signs that a person is struggling with this condition?

I think when somebody feels like they're not themselves over an extended period of time, so anybody can feel sadness or just like you're just not into it and you're just not excited about the things you used to be excited about, but when that persists and when it either starts to interfere in your life some way or others start to get worried about you and notice that something's not how it usually is, that's when we know that something's really going on that might need some help.

And what about masking?

I think there's so much stigma attached with mental health, less now maybe than 10 years ago. I think social media and celebrities coming out and being more open about their mental health has really helped. But there's still this sense of we all have to have it together all the time, or even worse that even if I'm feeling sad, I have it better than you do and so I'm not allowed to feel sad. I shouldn't even tell you I'm sad because I have so many other things going on in my life. And that's so isolating and that just perpetuates the problem.

Vaile, other than that, what are some of the barriers that people face in acknowledging their depression and getting help?

There's so much sense that this is just all on your head, and if you just sort of pick yourself up by your bootstraps and you just go to work or do what you like to do or just go out and have fun, that somehow it'll all get better. And that's not the reality. For a lot of people depression is mild and situational and it might go away. For others, it's a lifelong condition that may have periods of wellness and then have periods of debilitation again. And so, again, I think it's often a lack of understanding of how to access care and when you need it, as well as just clear systemic issues within our healthcare for actually getting the care that we need.

And then offering people some help. How is it currently being treated medically? And also is talk therapy an effective treatment here?

Talk therapy is an incredibly effective treatment for all types of depression, particularly mild and moderate forms of depression. Other often avenues for treatment include medication, but what we do know is that when people get treated early on in what's going on, they're more likely to get better quicker. And so that early recognition and then that sort of ability to say or find somebody to help you find the help you need is going to be what is most effective in the long run. It just depends a little bit on what people's preferences are, what their opportunities are, what kinds of depression and symptoms they're experiencing, and that's why working with a trained professional is really critical.

And are there any specific scientific advances that you're looking at right now that people should be watching out for in terms of treating depression?

Certainly there's been a lot of talk about the use of psychedelics and other types of treatments and innovations in that area. I think the research is still awfully early to know exactly what impacts it will have. There's also clearly, I think, a role for technology to be played in how we reach people where there are. How do we get people in their homes, how do we reach them on their phones, which they're off and on anyway. But by delivering actually evidence-based, clinically validated treatments to them, not just an app that you can get off the app store, which may be helpful but likely isn't going to really treat your depression. So I think there's lots of ways that we need to be thinking innovatively because we just can't hope that everyone's going to come into the clinical office and get the treatment that they need. We need to be thinking beyond that.

Okay. So what does a successful path to recovery look like here? Without sharing any identifying information? Can you share a real world example?

It's going to look different depending on what it is that your depression is being caused by, because we know there's a lot of causes. It can be psychological, it can be environmental, it could be biological. But if you are going to receive treatment from a trained behavioral health provider, it's going to start with an intake and some history taking and then a shared decision-making about what type of treatment makes the most sense for that individual. Often we're talking about kind of weekly treatments for maybe six to eight weeks. And over that period of time, you're working with your provider to monitor your symptoms and see if you're getting better. And then ideally, you would end treatment after that phase when you've hit this place of recovery, recognizing that at any point in time you might need a booster going forward, and that's perfectly normal. And that's the kind of discussion you might have with your provider.

Well, depression can be a lonely place for people. What's your recommendation for a patient who is looking for support from the people in their lives?

Well, one of the things to keep in mind is that if you're feeling depressed, you're likely not alone. We know that annually, 17 million Americans will experience a depressive episode. So I think even though there's so much stigma and this fear of reaching out, when we do it can be so incredibly validating. You can find somebody who has experienced what you've experienced and can really understand where you're coming from or have engaged in coping skills that have worked for them that they can share with you. We also know that just having that social connection is a huge buffer for stress. So even though it can be hard to do, reaching out to others, and even more importantly, if you're that friend who's noticing something about your friend that you think is off, take that time, take that onus to do the reaching out yourself because sometimes they just don't have it in them right now.

Vaile, how would you say high-functioning depression and the conversation around it is impacting our society at large?

I think it's increasing our health literacy, in particular our mental health literacy. And it's shining a light on the fact that even though we think depression looks one way typically, that it's a woman who is crying and can't get out of bed. And that is one way that depression manifests itself, it's not the only way. And that different groups may experiencing different symptoms, and again, that somebody might have it looking like they have it all put together on the outside, but internally you don't really know what's going on with them. And so I think it helps to ask the question of, am I reaching out enough? Am I asking the people in my lives how they're doing?

Then finally, what do people most need to know about those with high functioning depression and how to best support them?

I think what's most important is to make sure you're not unintentionally invalidating their experience, because when somebody has it all put together or it looks like they do on the outside, it can be easy to say really unhelpful things like, I don't know why you're depressed, you have a job, or you're married, or you have these great kids. And really that's not taking compassionate routes understanding what they're going through. And so just even asking that question, I'd love to know what you're going through. I can see that you're in pain. Please, let's have a conversation. Just opening that door. You don't have to solve their depression, but just letting them know that you're there and that you hear them and you see them, that's a critical way to validate their experience.

This is great information. Thank you so much for being on The Excerpt Vaile.

Thanks for having me.

Thanks to our senior producers, Shannon Rae Green and Bradley Glanzrock for their production assistance. Our executive producer is Laura Beatty. Let us know what you think of this episode by sending a note to [email protected]. Thanks for listening. I'm Dana Taylor. Taylor Wilson will be back tomorrow morning with another episode of The Excerpt.

Depression rates among US adults reach new high: Gallup

Nearly 30% of adults say they've been diagnosed with depression at some point.

Depression rates in the United States are skyrocketing, particularly among young adults and women, a new poll shows.

The survey , published by Gallup on Wednesday, found 29% of U.S. adults report being diagnosed with depression at some point during their lifetimes, an increase from 19.6% in 2015.

Meanwhile, 17.8% of those aged 18 and older either currently have or are currently being treated for depression, up from 10.5% in 2015.

According to Gallup, both rates are the highest ever recorded by the analytics company since it began tracking depression rates.

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"I think the results are startling," Dan Witters, research director of the Gallup National Health and Well-Being, told ABC News. "The disproportionate manner in which some groups have been affected by this makes sense to me based upon what we know about other research and those sharp increases in those depression rates among those adults under 30, women too, Blacks and Hispanics, they are really eye-popping."

Although the COVID-19 pandemic can't be blamed completely for the increasing rates, it definitely was a major factor, Witters said.

"Both of these rates had kind of been coming up over the years pre-pandemic," he said. "And you don't want to get too far out in front of your skis as far as putting all the blame on the pandemic."

He went on, "There's plenty of other big factors out there that could be relevant to these increasing rates that we've been measuring but the pandemic's a big one and indeed the rates have really come up significantly in the years since COVID hit."

PHOTO: Lifetime and Current Depression Rates

More than 5,100 adults were surveyed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia during the last week of February 2023. The results are part of the larger ongoing Gallup National Health and Well-Being Index, which seeks to track and understand factors that drive well-being.

Results showed rates are rising fastest among certain groups, particularly young adults and women.

Women's rates of depression during their lifetimes climbed from 26.2% in 2017 to 36.7% in 2023. Rates of those with current depression increased from 17.6% to 23.8% over the same period.

By comparison, men with depression during their lifetimes saw a smaller increase from 17.7% in 2017 to 20.4% in 2023. Current rates for depression rose from 9.3% to 11.3%.

Witters said women have historically had higher rates of depression than men. COVID, however, may have led to a jump in these rates due to women being disproportionately forced to leave the workforce to take care of children at home and that fact that they make up a higher percentage of frontline health care workers.

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Breakdowns by age showed one-third of younger adults between ages 18 to 29 reported being diagnosed with depression at some point in their lives, up from 20.4% in 2017. Additionally, 24.6% said they currently have depression, an increase from 13% in 2017.

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Witters pointed to other research showing a growing mental health crisis among young people in the U.S.

"Obviously social media predates 2017, but social media had the effect on a lot of kids where they feel left out, they feel compelled to look at social media, and they see people out having fun, and they're not a part of it," he said. "They can get ostracized through social media."

Adults aged 65 and older had the smallest increase for depression and were the only group that saw a decrease in rates of current depression from 2021.

When it came to breakdowns by race/ethnicity, results showed rates for Black and Hispanic adults are rising at about twice the rate of white adults.

The percentage of Black adults diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetime rose from 20.1% to 34.4% between 2017 and 2023. For Hispanic adults, the percentage jumped from 18.4% to 31.3% over the same period.

PHOTO: A person sits on the bed in a bedroom in this undated stock photo.

Comparatively, white adults saw their rates increase from 22.3% in 2017 to 29% in 2023.

"For a long time, white America and white adults were reporting a clinical diagnosis of depression at rates that exceed Black and Hispanic adults," Witters said. "These big increases ... really show the strain that Black and Hispanic Americans have been under since 2017."

Black and Hispanic Americans were more likely to lose their jobs in the early days of the pandemic, he said, and events such as the death of George Floyd in May 2020 may have also contributed to depression.

"When the pandemic first hit, across all adults, negative emotional experiences [tracked by Gallup] such as sadness and anger went up a little but didn't really change that much," Witters said. "You fast forward a couple of months and you get to kind of the latter part of May and into June, anger and sadness were up over 10 percentage points."

ABC News' Dr. Amanda Kravitz contributed to this report.

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    Here are a few ideas to get you started. The impact of genetics on the susceptibility to depression. Efficacy of antidepressants vs. cognitive behavioural therapy. The role of gut microbiota in mood regulation. Cultural variations in the experience and diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

  4. The Influences of Social Media: Depression, Anxiety, and Self-Concept


  5. 227 Depression Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples

    This essay analyzes a clinical research article "Improving care for depression in obstetrics and gynecology: A randomized controlled trial" by Melville et al. Postpartum Depression, Prevention and Treatment. Postpartum depression is a common psychiatric condition in women of the childbearing age.

  6. PhDepression: Examining How Graduate Research and Teaching Affect

    INTRODUCTION. In 2018, researchers found that graduate students were more than six times as likely to report experiencing depression and anxiety compared with the general population and subsequently declared a "graduate student mental health crisis" (Evans et al., 2018; Flaherty, 2018).Calls to identify which factors exacerbate graduate student mental health problems followed ("The ...

  7. (PDF) Depression

    Abstract. Major depression is a mood disorder characterized by a sense of inadequacy, despondency, decreased activity, pessimism, anhedonia and sadness where these symptoms severely disrupt and ...

  8. Dissertation or Thesis

    This dissertation aimed to 1) estimate the effect of baseline anticipated treatment-related stigma on the 3-month probability of depression remission and 2) estimate the association between referral to clinically appropriate problem-solving based therapy and internalized depression stigma three months later.

  9. The Effects of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on College Students

    Psychology Theses & Dissertations Psychology Fall 12-2021 The Effects of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on College ... "The Effects of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on College Students: Examining the Role of Mental Health Self-Efficacy on Willingness to Engage in Mental Health Services" (2021). Master of Science (MS), Thesis, Psychology, Old ...

  10. PDF College Student Mental Health: Current Issues, Challenges, Intervention

    assessment and treatment. This dissertation reviews current issues, needs, and challenges of mental health service in higher education. It implemented a randomized pilot trial utilizing an approach called ecological momentary assessment to unveil hidden stress, depression, and anxiety among college students via a smart phone application. In ...

  11. 434 Depression Essay Titles & Research Topics: Argumentative

    10. Our Experts. can deliver a custom essay. for a mere 11.00 9.35/page 304 qualified. specialists online Learn more. Depression is undeniably one of the most prevalent mental health conditions globally, affecting approximately 5% of adults worldwide. It often manifests as intense feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and a loss of interest in ...

  12. PDF Dissertation Community College Students' Experiences of Mental-health

    DISSERTATION COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS' EXPERIENCES OF MENTAL-HEALTH STIGMA: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY ... and media coverage of the topic raise legitimate questions about how the mental-health needs of ... 12.8% of female students reported treatment for or diagnosis of depression, compared to 7.3% of males. Finally, 9.1% of females and 4.6% ...

  13. 160+ Best Depression Research Paper Topics

    Mental Health Research Paper Topics. Depression and mental health are closely related, so why not pick one of our awesome mental health research paper topics: The brain chemistry behind depression. Changes in brain activity during a depressive episode. Sleep problems caused by depression.

  14. The Experience of Depression:

    In a recent study by Midgley and colleagues (2015), a British sample of 77 adolescents (11-17 years) who had been diagnosed with depression and were entering outpatient psychotherapy, were interviewed about the individual experience of depression as part of a large randomized controlled trial, the Improving Mood With Psychoanalytic and ...

  15. Dissertation Topics About Depression: Top 18 Great Examples

    18 Thought-Provoking Dissertation Topics About Depression. Writing a dissertation in psychology always implies lots of stress because you have to come up with an intriguing and up-to-date topic. As it's the final stage to your doctoral degree after many years of studying, it should be really something noteworthy and remarkable. ...

  16. Dissertations / Theses: 'Depression, mental'

    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Depression, mental.' Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago ...

  17. 230 Mental Health Research Topics For Academic Writing

    Good mental health suggests good cognitive, behavioral, and emotional wellbeing. The following mental health research topics will provide multiple avenues for students to base their research topics on: The relationship between depression and weight loss. The rise of eating disorders in teenagers and adolescents.

  18. Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

    Postpartum depression (PPD) among adult women is a prevalent and impairing problem, with evidence suggesting risk of adverse consequences for mothers and their infants. ... risk for depression among girls compared to boys and the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy suggest that this is a topic worthy of increased attention. The present thesis ...

  19. Psychology Dissertation Topics and Titles

    Psychology Dissertation Topics in Social Sciences. Topic 1: Kids and their relatives with cancer: psychological challenges. Topic 2: Hematopoietic device reaction in ophthalmology patient's radiation therapy. Topic 3: Psychological effects of cyberbullying Vs. physical bullying: A counter study.

  20. Mental Health Dissertation Topics

    This topic is a great topic to choose for your dissertation as there are many different avenues that could be explored! Take a look at some of our suggestions below: Example anxiety & depression dissertation topic 1: Lowered self-esteem, depression, and in need of help: An assessment of the effects upon lone carers of mentally disabled spouses

  21. Dissertations / Theses: 'Depression in adolescence'

    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Depression in adolescence.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago ...

  22. 124 Great Depression Topics to Write about & Examples

    Cause and Effects of The Great Depression. The economic devastation of the 1920s led to the Great Depression and brought a tragedy for the whole society. Crash of stock market The crash of the stock market in 1929 ushered in the Great […] The Reality of the Great Depression in Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath".

  23. 89 Postpartum Depression Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Activity During Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression. Studies have shown that women's mood and cardiorespiratory fitness improve when they engage in moderate-intensity physical activity in the weeks and months after giving birth to a child. Complementary Therapy for Postpartum Depression in Primary Care. Thus, the woman faced frustration and ...

  24. Suffering in silence with high-functioning depression

    There's a lot of comorbid relationship, or what we mean by that is they go together, anxiety and depression, and they share a lot of the same symptoms. So it can be really hard to decide, which is ...

  25. Depression rates among US adults reach new high: Gallup

    The survey, published by Gallup on Wednesday, found 29% of U.S. adults report being diagnosed with depression at some point during their lifetimes, an increase from 19.6% in 2015. Meanwhile, 17.8% ...