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17 Research Proposal Examples

research proposal example sections definition and purpose, explained below

A research proposal systematically and transparently outlines a proposed research project.

The purpose of a research proposal is to demonstrate a project’s viability and the researcher’s preparedness to conduct an academic study. It serves as a roadmap for the researcher.

The process holds value both externally (for accountability purposes and often as a requirement for a grant application) and intrinsic value (for helping the researcher to clarify the mechanics, purpose, and potential signficance of the study).

Key sections of a research proposal include: the title, abstract, introduction, literature review, research design and methods, timeline, budget, outcomes and implications, references, and appendix. Each is briefly explained below.

Watch my Guide: How to Write a Research Proposal

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Research Proposal Sample Structure

Title: The title should present a concise and descriptive statement that clearly conveys the core idea of the research projects. Make it as specific as possible. The reader should immediately be able to grasp the core idea of the intended research project. Often, the title is left too vague and does not help give an understanding of what exactly the study looks at.

Abstract: Abstracts are usually around 250-300 words and provide an overview of what is to follow – including the research problem , objectives, methods, expected outcomes, and significance of the study. Use it as a roadmap and ensure that, if the abstract is the only thing someone reads, they’ll get a good fly-by of what will be discussed in the peice.

Introduction: Introductions are all about contextualization. They often set the background information with a statement of the problem. At the end of the introduction, the reader should understand what the rationale for the study truly is. I like to see the research questions or hypotheses included in the introduction and I like to get a good understanding of what the significance of the research will be. It’s often easiest to write the introduction last

Literature Review: The literature review dives deep into the existing literature on the topic, demosntrating your thorough understanding of the existing literature including themes, strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the literature. It serves both to demonstrate your knowledge of the field and, to demonstrate how the proposed study will fit alongside the literature on the topic. A good literature review concludes by clearly demonstrating how your research will contribute something new and innovative to the conversation in the literature.

Research Design and Methods: This section needs to clearly demonstrate how the data will be gathered and analyzed in a systematic and academically sound manner. Here, you need to demonstrate that the conclusions of your research will be both valid and reliable. Common points discussed in the research design and methods section include highlighting the research paradigm, methodologies, intended population or sample to be studied, data collection techniques, and data analysis procedures . Toward the end of this section, you are encouraged to also address ethical considerations and limitations of the research process , but also to explain why you chose your research design and how you are mitigating the identified risks and limitations.

Timeline: Provide an outline of the anticipated timeline for the study. Break it down into its various stages (including data collection, data analysis, and report writing). The goal of this section is firstly to establish a reasonable breakdown of steps for you to follow and secondly to demonstrate to the assessors that your project is practicable and feasible.

Budget: Estimate the costs associated with the research project and include evidence for your estimations. Typical costs include staffing costs, equipment, travel, and data collection tools. When applying for a scholarship, the budget should demonstrate that you are being responsible with your expensive and that your funding application is reasonable.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: A discussion of the anticipated findings or results of the research, as well as the potential contributions to the existing knowledge, theory, or practice in the field. This section should also address the potential impact of the research on relevant stakeholders and any broader implications for policy or practice.

References: A complete list of all the sources cited in the research proposal, formatted according to the required citation style. This demonstrates the researcher’s familiarity with the relevant literature and ensures proper attribution of ideas and information.

Appendices (if applicable): Any additional materials, such as questionnaires, interview guides, or consent forms, that provide further information or support for the research proposal. These materials should be included as appendices at the end of the document.

Research Proposal Examples

Research proposals often extend anywhere between 2,000 and 15,000 words in length. The following snippets are samples designed to briefly demonstrate what might be discussed in each section.

1. Education Studies Research Proposals

See some real sample pieces:

  • Assessment of the perceptions of teachers towards a new grading system
  • Does ICT use in secondary classrooms help or hinder student learning?
  • Digital technologies in focus project
  • Urban Middle School Teachers’ Experiences of the Implementation of
  • Restorative Justice Practices
  • Experiences of students of color in service learning

Consider this hypothetical education research proposal:

The Impact of Game-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Academic Performance in Middle School Mathematics

Abstract: The proposed study will explore multiplayer game-based learning techniques in middle school mathematics curricula and their effects on student engagement. The study aims to contribute to the current literature on game-based learning by examining the effects of multiplayer gaming in learning.

Introduction: Digital game-based learning has long been shunned within mathematics education for fears that it may distract students or lower the academic integrity of the classrooms. However, there is emerging evidence that digital games in math have emerging benefits not only for engagement but also academic skill development. Contributing to this discourse, this study seeks to explore the potential benefits of multiplayer digital game-based learning by examining its impact on middle school students’ engagement and academic performance in a mathematics class.

Literature Review: The literature review has identified gaps in the current knowledge, namely, while game-based learning has been extensively explored, the role of multiplayer games in supporting learning has not been studied.

Research Design and Methods: This study will employ a mixed-methods research design based upon action research in the classroom. A quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test control group design will first be used to compare the academic performance and engagement of middle school students exposed to game-based learning techniques with those in a control group receiving instruction without the aid of technology. Students will also be observed and interviewed in regard to the effect of communication and collaboration during gameplay on their learning.

Timeline: The study will take place across the second term of the school year with a pre-test taking place on the first day of the term and the post-test taking place on Wednesday in Week 10.

Budget: The key budgetary requirements will be the technologies required, including the subscription cost for the identified games and computers.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: It is expected that the findings will contribute to the current literature on game-based learning and inform educational practices, providing educators and policymakers with insights into how to better support student achievement in mathematics.

2. Psychology Research Proposals

See some real examples:

  • A situational analysis of shared leadership in a self-managing team
  • The effect of musical preference on running performance
  • Relationship between self-esteem and disordered eating amongst adolescent females

Consider this hypothetical psychology research proposal:

The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction in College Students

Abstract: This research proposal examines the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on stress reduction among college students, using a pre-test/post-test experimental design with both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods .

Introduction: College students face heightened stress levels during exam weeks. This can affect both mental health and test performance. This study explores the potential benefits of mindfulness-based interventions such as meditation as a way to mediate stress levels in the weeks leading up to exam time.

Literature Review: Existing research on mindfulness-based meditation has shown the ability for mindfulness to increase metacognition, decrease anxiety levels, and decrease stress. Existing literature has looked at workplace, high school and general college-level applications. This study will contribute to the corpus of literature by exploring the effects of mindfulness directly in the context of exam weeks.

Research Design and Methods: Participants ( n= 234 ) will be randomly assigned to either an experimental group, receiving 5 days per week of 10-minute mindfulness-based interventions, or a control group, receiving no intervention. Data will be collected through self-report questionnaires, measuring stress levels, semi-structured interviews exploring participants’ experiences, and students’ test scores.

Timeline: The study will begin three weeks before the students’ exam week and conclude after each student’s final exam. Data collection will occur at the beginning (pre-test of self-reported stress levels) and end (post-test) of the three weeks.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: The study aims to provide evidence supporting the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing stress among college students in the lead up to exams, with potential implications for mental health support and stress management programs on college campuses.

3. Sociology Research Proposals

  • Understanding emerging social movements: A case study of ‘Jersey in Transition’
  • The interaction of health, education and employment in Western China
  • Can we preserve lower-income affordable neighbourhoods in the face of rising costs?

Consider this hypothetical sociology research proposal:

The Impact of Social Media Usage on Interpersonal Relationships among Young Adults

Abstract: This research proposal investigates the effects of social media usage on interpersonal relationships among young adults, using a longitudinal mixed-methods approach with ongoing semi-structured interviews to collect qualitative data.

Introduction: Social media platforms have become a key medium for the development of interpersonal relationships, particularly for young adults. This study examines the potential positive and negative effects of social media usage on young adults’ relationships and development over time.

Literature Review: A preliminary review of relevant literature has demonstrated that social media usage is central to development of a personal identity and relationships with others with similar subcultural interests. However, it has also been accompanied by data on mental health deline and deteriorating off-screen relationships. The literature is to-date lacking important longitudinal data on these topics.

Research Design and Methods: Participants ( n = 454 ) will be young adults aged 18-24. Ongoing self-report surveys will assess participants’ social media usage, relationship satisfaction, and communication patterns. A subset of participants will be selected for longitudinal in-depth interviews starting at age 18 and continuing for 5 years.

Timeline: The study will be conducted over a period of five years, including recruitment, data collection, analysis, and report writing.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: This study aims to provide insights into the complex relationship between social media usage and interpersonal relationships among young adults, potentially informing social policies and mental health support related to social media use.

4. Nursing Research Proposals

  • Does Orthopaedic Pre-assessment clinic prepare the patient for admission to hospital?
  • Nurses’ perceptions and experiences of providing psychological care to burns patients
  • Registered psychiatric nurse’s practice with mentally ill parents and their children

Consider this hypothetical nursing research proposal:

The Influence of Nurse-Patient Communication on Patient Satisfaction and Health Outcomes following Emergency Cesarians

Abstract: This research will examines the impact of effective nurse-patient communication on patient satisfaction and health outcomes for women following c-sections, utilizing a mixed-methods approach with patient surveys and semi-structured interviews.

Introduction: It has long been known that effective communication between nurses and patients is crucial for quality care. However, additional complications arise following emergency c-sections due to the interaction between new mother’s changing roles and recovery from surgery.

Literature Review: A review of the literature demonstrates the importance of nurse-patient communication, its impact on patient satisfaction, and potential links to health outcomes. However, communication between nurses and new mothers is less examined, and the specific experiences of those who have given birth via emergency c-section are to date unexamined.

Research Design and Methods: Participants will be patients in a hospital setting who have recently had an emergency c-section. A self-report survey will assess their satisfaction with nurse-patient communication and perceived health outcomes. A subset of participants will be selected for in-depth interviews to explore their experiences and perceptions of the communication with their nurses.

Timeline: The study will be conducted over a period of six months, including rolling recruitment, data collection, analysis, and report writing within the hospital.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: This study aims to provide evidence for the significance of nurse-patient communication in supporting new mothers who have had an emergency c-section. Recommendations will be presented for supporting nurses and midwives in improving outcomes for new mothers who had complications during birth.

5. Social Work Research Proposals

  • Experiences of negotiating employment and caring responsibilities of fathers post-divorce
  • Exploring kinship care in the north region of British Columbia

Consider this hypothetical social work research proposal:

The Role of a Family-Centered Intervention in Preventing Homelessness Among At-Risk Youthin a working-class town in Northern England

Abstract: This research proposal investigates the effectiveness of a family-centered intervention provided by a local council area in preventing homelessness among at-risk youth. This case study will use a mixed-methods approach with program evaluation data and semi-structured interviews to collect quantitative and qualitative data .

Introduction: Homelessness among youth remains a significant social issue. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of family-centered interventions in addressing this problem and identify factors that contribute to successful prevention strategies.

Literature Review: A review of the literature has demonstrated several key factors contributing to youth homelessness including lack of parental support, lack of social support, and low levels of family involvement. It also demonstrates the important role of family-centered interventions in addressing this issue. Drawing on current evidence, this study explores the effectiveness of one such intervention in preventing homelessness among at-risk youth in a working-class town in Northern England.

Research Design and Methods: The study will evaluate a new family-centered intervention program targeting at-risk youth and their families. Quantitative data on program outcomes, including housing stability and family functioning, will be collected through program records and evaluation reports. Semi-structured interviews with program staff, participants, and relevant stakeholders will provide qualitative insights into the factors contributing to program success or failure.

Timeline: The study will be conducted over a period of six months, including recruitment, data collection, analysis, and report writing.

Budget: Expenses include access to program evaluation data, interview materials, data analysis software, and any related travel costs for in-person interviews.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: This study aims to provide evidence for the effectiveness of family-centered interventions in preventing youth homelessness, potentially informing the expansion of or necessary changes to social work practices in Northern England.

Research Proposal Template

Get your Detailed Template for Writing your Research Proposal Here (With AI Prompts!)

This is a template for a 2500-word research proposal. You may find it difficult to squeeze everything into this wordcount, but it’s a common wordcount for Honors and MA-level dissertations.

Your research proposal is where you really get going with your study. I’d strongly recommend working closely with your teacher in developing a research proposal that’s consistent with the requirements and culture of your institution, as in my experience it varies considerably. The above template is from my own courses that walk students through research proposals in a British School of Education.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

  • Chris Drew (PhD) 7 Key Features of 21st Century Learning
  • Chris Drew (PhD) Sociocultural Theory of Learning in the Classroom
  • Chris Drew (PhD) The 4 Principles of Pragmatism in Education
  • Chris Drew (PhD) 17 Deep Processing Examples

8 thoughts on “17 Research Proposal Examples”

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Very excellent research proposals

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very helpful

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Very helpful

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Dear Sir, I need some help to write an educational research proposal. Thank you.

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Hi Levi, use the site search bar to ask a question and I’ll likely have a guide already written for your specific question. Thanks for reading!

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very good research proposal

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Thank you so much sir! ❤️

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Very helpful 👌

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Top 10 Student Research Proposal Examples with Templates and Samples

Top 10 Student Research Proposal Examples with Templates and Samples

Are you struggling with crafting an appealing student research proposal ? Research shows that an estimated 6 of 10 students face difficulties in writing proposals at least initially - often leading to stress (Edu Survey Insights 2022).

Innovation and research are at the core of progress; therefore, a thoughtful research proposal cannot be understated. A research proposal's quality and impact could make or break your academic journey in a highly competitive environment.

Don't fret; SlideTeam Student Research Proposal Templates, renowned for their innovation and versatility can help you outshine all your competitors. Our templates are well-crafted not only to simplify proposal-writing processes but to also increase the chances of approval.

Check out our blog on University Proposal Templates for result-driven outcomes!

Join us on our journey to transform the way research proposal presentation templates work! 

Let's dive right in!

Template 1: Cover Letter for Academic Student Research Proposal 

This PPT Slide includes essential details, including its title, student identification number, crucial university, degree program information, primary supervisor contact details, and proposal submission date. It can benefit students preparing to present their research proposal to academic committees, advisors or potential collaborators. This premium PPT Slide provides a professional yet structured introduction to the proposal, with all critical details displayed prominently.

Cover Letter for Academic Student Research Proposal


Template 2: Abstract for Academic Student Research Proposal 

Here is a professional PowerPoint Template that includes critical elements such as the subject of study, objectives of the research project, potential contributions of the thesis to society/profession/technology, anticipated outcomes/expectations, and research methods employed during the project. This Slide allows students to present an accurate and brief overview of their proposed study. Students and researchers can use this PPT Slide to convey the significance and essence of their research proposals effectively.

Abstract for Academic Student Research Proposal - 1/2

Template 3: Research Questions for Academic Student Research Proposal 

This PPT Slide encompasses key components like sample size requirements, required methodological steps to reach objectives, additional research inquiries needed to fulfil goals, primary hypothesis statement, and expected impacts of proposed research. It serves as a crucial part of research proposal presentations, enabling students to outline their research project's fundamental inquiries and goals. Students and researchers can use this slide to outline their research questions, objectives, and expected outcomes.

Research Question, Hypothesis for Academic Student Research Proposal – 1/2

Template 4: Research Method Overview for Academic Student Research Proposal 

This PPT Slide covers elements such as the logical steps that guide research area processes, strategies to address research problems, specific actions to take in response to them, methods and techniques being used, target areas of study to be studied through, execution plans as well as types of research being done. This PPT Layout is an integral component of research proposal presentations, outlining the methodology employed during research projects and explicitly designed for academic students who wish to convey the systematic approach when seeking approval or feedback from advisors or committees.

Research Method Overview for Academic Student Research Proposal

Template 5: Research Constraints for Academic Student Research Proposal

This ready to use PPT Slide includes issues like lacking prior studies in an area, restricting scope or difficulties establishing significant relationships due to small sample sizes. It is a top-notch PowerPoint Template that provides you with clarity regarding potential challenges and pitfalls related to the project. Academic students can use this slide as part of their presentation to convey challenges related to their proposed research on the target population . Download now to mitigate those constraints.

Get an insight on our Research Paper Proposal Templates blog for better growth!  

Research Constraints for Academic Student Research Proposal

Template 6: Project Context and Objectives for Academic Student Research Proposal

This PPT Slide gives a comprehensive overview of your proposed research's context and objectives such as, goals it intends to meet. This Template serves as the core element in research proposal presentations by providing clarity about its purpose and what goals will be accomplished through your proposed work. Designed specifically for use by academic students to present rationale and objectives of their proposed studies to their peers. Academic students can deploy this PowerPoint Layout to provide their audience with a concise summary of their research proposal and its goals and context.

Project Context and Objectives for Academic Student Research Proposal

Template 7: Plan of Action for Academic Student Research Proposal

This PPT Slide outlines key components of research proposals by academic students such as, selecting their topic, outlining their knowledge, background of study, significance of study, etc. It serves as an integral element for presentation purposes by academic students presenting their proposal to demonstrate readiness and comprehension of the research process. Academic students should use this Slide to clearly communicate their research plan and preparation.

Plan of Action for Academic Student Research Proposal

Template 8: Literature Review for Academic Student Research Proposal

This is a premium PowerPoint Template comprising key elements including a concise summation, about referenced materials, an account of previous work in the field, books or study materials consulted, and an overview of research study approach and analysis. It serves as an essential element in research proposal presentations designed for use by academic students so as to demonstrate their familiarity with existing literature as well as contextual knowledge relevant to their proposed research proposal presentation - perfect for research proposal presentations designed by academic students themselves!

Literature Review for Academic Student Research Proposal - 1/2

Template 9:  Data Analysis Strategies for Academic Student Research Proposal

This ready to use PPT Slide outlines the planned approaches for analyzing data in the proposed research. It encompasses qualitative data analysis methods such as, content analysis, narrative analysis, regression analysis and situational analysis. This PPT Diagram is a crucial component of the research proposal presentation, designed for use by academic students to convey their well-thought-out strategies for deriving meaningful insights from their data. Academic students can incorporate this PPT Template to showcase their proficiency in data analysis strategies.

Data Analysis Strategies for Academic Student Research Proposal

Template 10:  Research Project Time-frame for Academic Student Research Proposal

This is an actionable PPT Template that provides you with an in-depth timeline for any proposed research project. It contains milestones to mark key events during its course, weekly activities that illustrate various phases, and a map outlining all phases. It serves as an essential element in research proposal presentations by providing a clear roadmap of its timeline as well as showing its feasibility; intended to aid academic students conveying structured timelines of projects to advisors, peers or evaluators. Academic students should make use of this slide to emphasize their meticulous planning and time management abilities.

Research Project Timeframe for Academic Student Research Proposal –1/3

Reign Supreme with Us

Student research proposals are essential tools in academic and research pursuits. SlideTeam Templates can be invaluable, whether you are a student seeking guidance or a researcher looking to enhance their proposal by accessing their templates and samples to streamline research proposal creation and increase chances of academic success. Explore and get ahead.

Read on our blog on Proposal Cover Page Templates to make research more effective! 

FAQs on Student Research Proposal

What is a student research proposal.

Student research proposals are formal documents outlining a research project or study proposed by students, which serve as blueprints for their research project or study. A good proposal includes sections such as research question/hypothesis, literature review, design methods for data collection, timeline, timeline projection and timeline plan. A well-crafted student research proposal clarifies research objectives while showing knowledge and providing guidance for conducting the study. It may serve as the basis for seeking approval, funding or academic supervision of the study.

What is a sample research proposal?

Sample research proposals serve as models or templates of research proposal documents to demonstrate how to effectively structure and present research projects. They also act as guides, providing researchers with information regarding expected formats and content requirements of proposals for research projects. Sample proposals are invaluable tools that provide a clear framework for outlining research objectives, methodologies, literature reviews and timelines. Researchers can use these sample proposals as guides when crafting their proposals to ensure they adhere to established standards and best practices. Although sample research proposals must always be customized specifically for a research project's requirements, these sample research proposals serve as applicable starting points.

What are the 7 parts of the research proposal?

An effective research proposal typically comprises seven components.

  • Title: When writing the title for any research topic, its focus must be clearly communicated and capture the reader's interest quickly and succinctly.
  • Introduction: This section introduces the research problem, its context, and the significance of the study. It sets the stage for your proposal.
  • Literature Review: Existing research on the topic under consideration is reviewed and analyzed to demonstrate any gaps or knowledge deficits needed by this proposed research project.
  • Research Objectives or Questions: Your objectives or questions for the study must be clear. Outline what you want to accomplish or investigate through your investigation.
  • Methodology: Provide an in-depth and organized account of the research methods, data collection techniques, and analytic procedures you plan to employ in this section. 
  • Significance and Contributions: Detail your research's potential repercussions and contributions regarding relevance and importance to its field.
  • Referencing: Please alphabetically list all sources and references used within your proposal using an established style (APA or MLA).

Why choose student research proposal templates?

Student Research Proposal Templates provide numerous advantages for academic and research pursuits. First, they provide a structured framework that makes creating proposals faster and more straightforward - saving time and energy. Industry experts and academic requirements have developed these templates to make your proposal comply with standards and academic regulations. Furthermore, these educational resources serve as guides on best practices for writing research proposals. Customizable and versatile templates adapt well to various research domains, making them suitable for various projects. Opting for such templates provides students a valuable resource that enhances proposal quality, fosters learning experiences, and streamlines research endeavors.

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example research proposal for high school students

As a professor of education, one of my favorite courses to teach was “Introduction to Education Research.” The primary purpose of this course is to introduce students to the concepts and methods of education research. The emphasis is placed on methods most frequently encountered in social science research, especially in the field of education. Students are expected complete a research proposal during this course, and in the follow-up course, “Applications of Education Research,” they use this proposal to conduct a research study.

Why did I love teaching this course? Because education research is not an easy skill to develop, but with hard work and dedication it can be mastered. When I was able to help someone who hated statistics learn to love statistics, it gave me a sense of accomplishment. In this piece, I plan to take you through the process of developing an education research proposal that you can be proud of.

Let’s start off by discussing research problems and questions and then moving on to the four main parts of a research proposal.

Research Problem and Question(s)

A research question is the core of a research project, study, or review of the literature. It centers the study, sets the methodology, and guides all stages of inquiry, analysis, and reporting.

A research question starts with a research problem, an issue that you would like to know more about or change. Research problems can be:

  • Areas of concern
  • Conditions that need to be changed
  • Difficulties that should be erased
  • Questions that need to be answered

A research problem leads to a research question that:

  • Is worth investigating
  • Contributes knowledge & value to the field
  • Improves educational practice
  • Improves humanity

The key features of a good research question:

  • The question is viable.
  • The question has clarity.
  • The question has gravitas.
  • The question is moral.

How to Get From Research Problem to Research Questions and Purpose

The following section was originally published on a site entitled Research Rundowns :

Step 1. Draft a research question/hypothesis.

Example : What effects did 9/11/01 have on the future plans of students who were high school seniors at the time of the terrorist attacks?

Example (measurable) Questions: Did seniors consider enlisting in the military as a result of the attacks? Did seniors consider colleges closer to home as a result?

Step 2. Draft a purpose statement.

Example: The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the 9/11/01 tragedy on the future plans of high school seniors.

Step 3. Revise and rewrite the research question/hypothesis.

Example : What is the association between 9/11/01 and future plans of high school seniors?

Step 4. Revise and rewrite the research question/hypothesis.

Example : Purpose Statement (Declarative): The purpose of this study is to explore the association between 9/11/01 and future plans of high school seniors.

Note: Both are neutral; they do not presume an association, either negative or positive.

Parts of a Research Proposal

A research proposal includes four sections, and they are as follows:

Section One: Introduction

Section Two: Review of the Literature

Section Three: Research Methodology

Section Four: References

The information that follows offers step by step instructions on how to complete each section of your proposal.

Part #1: Write a paragraph that introduces your topic.   Mention your topic in the first sentence. What are you planning to study? What is the purpose of the study?

Part #2: Fully discuss your topic.   What specifically interests you? Think of a specific research question (or questions) and state it clearly and precisely.  You can also begin to formulate your ideas on how you might study your research question, though you need not be very specific in this section. For example, if you plan to study attitudes toward school vouchers, suggest what characteristics influence how individuals feel about school vouchers (e.g., income, location, etc.).

Part #3: Explain to the reader why it is important to study your topic and put it into a larger educational context. Here is where you answer the “So what?” question. That is, you plan to study XYZ. So what? Why is it important to study this topic?  What is the educational importance of this research?  Why is this study significant? This is your opportunity to be broad, general, and theoretical in your thinking.

This section should be at least 3-5 pages. Based on the outline provided above, you must utilize sub-headings within this section. You must cite articles within this section to support your topic and claim.

The purpose of this section is to find and summarize qualitative or quantitative research studies that directly relate to your research question(s).  Use library databases to start searching for articles, but employ other resources when necessary.

When looking for articles, you need to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Use scholarly journals rather than popular magazines, newspaper articles, or the internet.
  • Rely on the educational literature. If you are unsure whether an article or journal is included in the discipline, ask me.
  • In general, select recent articles (i.e., 1960 or later). However, if an article was written in 1952, for example, is extremely pertinent to your proposal, then use it.
  • Choose only research articles (qualitative or quantitative research) for the literature review. Do not include theoretical works, editorials, book reviews, program reports, etc.  If you are unsure about an article, I will gladly take a look at it. Your literature review should not be more than 15 pages.

Your task is to:

  • Briefly, restate your research topic in an opening paragraph. Provide a short introduction about what question(s) you are trying to answer, why this is educationally interesting, and why you chose it. Also, provide a brief overview of the topics you will cover in your literature review.
  • Divide the literature that you have into sections of like Then, for each section, write an essay summarizing the studies. Be sure to state the research purpose, method(s), and findings ONLY for the studies that are paramount to your study. [NOTE: Use transitions within your essay so that it flows and does not appear like disjointed blocks of information.]
  • Write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the articles. For example, how will these articles inform your research?

The purpose of this section is to allow you to explain your research methodology.  This can be the hardest part of the proposal for some students; therefore, do not wait until the last minute to write this section. Think about your design when you write your literature review.

  • In a brief introduction, restate your research problem(s)/question(s).
  • Indicate the following parts of your research methodology:
  • Describe your vehicle of observation. How do you plan to collect your data?  If you are creating a survey, what kinds of questions do you plan to ask? If you are going to do interviews, what will you ask of your interviewees?
  • What population do you plan to use? How do you plan to sample this population?
  • How will you select your sample? What kind of sampling method will you use?
  • How will you analyze your data? What kind of analysis best fits your project, and why?
  • If you plan to conduct qualitative research, discuss the following issues (be as detailed and accurate as possible):
  • Define the theoretical constructs will you be using.
  • What is the main concept you are investigating? What other concepts will be examined (note the concepts’ potential structures, processes, causes, and consequences)?
  • What type(s) of qualitative analysis will you conduct?
  • If you plan to conduct quantitative research, discuss the following issues (be as detailed and specific as possible):
  • Clearly, state your hypotheses.
  • Identify and operationalize your variables. List the independent variables and the dependent variable.
  • List the pros and cons of your methodology.
  • Write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the research design and proposal. When writing this section, imagine that have enough resources for your research design. Since you will not perform the research be creative, but appropriate, with your design.

On the last section of your proposal, include an APA-formatted bibliography of the articles, books, websites, etc. that you refer to in the text.  This page should be titled “References.” The references should be listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author. As a rule of thumb, you need an average of 4 references per page. For instance, if your proposal is ten pages, then technically need 40 references. However, this does not necessarily to have four references on each page.

Please carefully note the following issues:

The entire proposal should be no more than 40 pages excluding the title page and the “References” section. Any page(s) over the 40th page will not be read.  All of the parts must be typed, double-spaced, in a 12-point font, with 1-inch margins on all four sides of each page.

If you followed the outline and instructions that we have provided, we are confident that you have completed a top-notch research proposal.

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The Complete Guide to Independent Research Projects for High School Students


Indigo Research Team

example research proposal for high school students

If you want to get into top universities, an independent research project will give your application the competitive edge it needs.

Writing and publishing independent research during high school lets you demonstrate to top colleges and universities that you can deeply inquire into a topic, think critically, and produce original analysis. In fact, MIT features "Research" and "Maker" portfolio sections in its application, highlighting the value it places on self-driven projects.

Moreover, successfully executing high-quality research shows potential employers that you can rise to challenges, manage your time, contribute new ideas, and work independently. 

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to take on independent study ideas and succeed. You’ll learn how to develop a compelling topic, conduct rigorous research, and ultimately publish your findings.

example research proposal for high school students

What is an Independent Research Project?

An independent research project is a self-directed investigation into an academic question or topic that interests you. Unlike projects assigned by teachers in class, independent research will allow you to explore your curiosity and passions.

These types of projects can vary widely between academic disciplines and scientific fields, but what connects them is a step-by-step approach to answering a research question. Specifically, you will have to collect and analyze data and draw conclusions from your analysis.

For a high school student, carrying out quality research may still require some mentorship from a teacher or other qualified scholar. But the project research ideas should come from you, the student. The end goal is producing original research and analysis around a topic you care about.

Some key features that define an independent study project include:

● Formulating your own research question

● Designing the methodology

● Conducting a literature review of existing research

● Gathering and analyzing data, and

● Communicating your findings.

The topic and scope may be smaller than a professional college academic project, but the process and skills learned have similar benefits.

Why Should High School Students Do Independent Research?

High school students who engage in independent study projects gain valuable skills and experiences that benefit and serve them well in their college and career pursuits. Here's a breakdown of what you will typically acquire:

Develop Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Research and critical thinking are among the top 10 soft skills in demand in 2024 . They help you solve new challenges quickly and come up with alternative solutions

An independent project will give you firsthand experience with essential research skills like forming hypotheses, designing studies, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting results. These skills will serve you well in college and when employed in any industry.

Stand Out for College Applications

With many applicants having similar GPAs and test scores, an Independent research study offer a chance to stand out from the crowd. Completing a research study in high school signals colleges that you are self-motivated and capable of high-level work. Showcasing your research process, findings, and contributions in your application essays or interviews can boost your application's strengths in top-level colleges and universities.

Earn Scholarship Opportunities

Completing an independent research project makes you a more preferred candidate for merit-based scholarships, especially in STEM fields. Many scholarships reward students who show initiative by pursuing projects outside of class requirements. Your research project ideas will demonstrate your skills and motivation to impress scholarship committees. For example, the Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology rewards students with original independent research projects in STEM fields. Others include the Garcia Summer Program and the BioGENEius challenge for life sciences.

example research proposal for high school students

Gain Subject Area Knowledge

Independent projects allow you to immerse yourself in a topic you genuinely care about beyond what is covered in the classroom. It's a chance to become an expert in something you're passionate about . You will build deep knowledge in the topic area you choose to research, which can complement what you're learning in related classes. This expertise can even help inform your career interests and goals.

Develop Time Management Skills

Time Management is the skill that lets you effectively plan and prioritize tasks and avoid procrastination. With no teacher guiding you step-by-step, independent study projects require strong time management, self-discipline, and personal responsibility – skills critical in college and adulthood.

Types of Independent Research Projects for High School Students

Understanding the different types and categories can spark inspiration if you need help finding an idea for an independent study. Topics for independent research generally fall into a few main buckets:

Science Experiments

For students interested in STEM fields, designing and carrying out science experiments is a great option. Test a hypothesis, collect data, and draw conclusions. Experiments in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and psychology are common choices. Science experiment is best for self-motivated students with access to lab equipment.

Science Experiments Independent Research Projects

Social Science Surveys and Studies  

Use research methods from sociology, political science, anthropology, economics, and psychology to craft a survey study or field observation around a high school research project idea that interests you. Collect data from peers, your community, and online sources, and compile findings. Strong fit for students interested in social studies.

Literary Analysis Paper

This research category involves analyzing existing research papers, books, and articles on a specific topic. Imagine exploring the history of robots, examining the impact of social media on mental health, or comparing different interpretations of a classic novel. If you are an English enthusiast, this is an easy chance to showcase your analytical writing skills.

Programming or Engineering Project

For aspiring programmers or engineers, you can take on practical student projects that develop software programs, apps, websites, robots, electronic gadgets, or other hands-on engineering projects. This type of project will easily highlight your technical skills and interest in computer science or engineering fields in your college applications

Historical Research

History research projects will allow you to travel back and uncover the past to inform the future. This research involves analyzing historical documents, artifacts, and records to shed light on a specific event or period. For example, you can conduct independent research on the impact of a local historical figure or the evolution of fashion throughout the decades. Check to explore even more history project ideas for high school students .

Artistic and Creative Works

If you are artistic and love creating art,  you can explore ideas for independent study to produce an original film, musical composition, sculpture, painting series, fashion line, or other creative work. Alongside the tangible output, document your creative process and inspirations.

Bonus Tip: Feel free to mix different ideas for your project. For example, you could conduct a literature review on a specific historical event and follow it up with field research that interviewed people who experienced the event firsthand.

How To Conduct an Independent Research Project

Now that you have ideas for project topics that match your interests and strengths, here are the critical steps you must follow to move from mere concept to completed study.

1. Get Expert Guidance and Mentorship

As a high school student just starting out in research, it is advised to collaborate with more experienced mentors who will help you learn the ropes of research projects easily. Mentors are usually professors, post-doctoral researchers, or graduate students with significant experience in conducting independent project research and can guide you through the process. 

Specifically, your mentor will advise you on formulating research questions, designing methodologies, analyzing data, and communicating findings effectively. To quickly find mentors in your research project area of interest, enroll in an online academic research mentorship program that targets high school students. You’d be exposed to one-on-one sessions with professors and graduate students that will help you develop your research and publish your findings.

The right mentor can also help transform your independent project ideas into a study suitable for publication in relevant research journals. With their experience, mentors will guide you to follow the proper research methods and best practices. This ensures your work meets the standards required, avoiding rejection from journals. 

2. Develop a Compelling Research Question

Once you are familiar with the type of independent research best suited to your strengths and interests, as explained in the previous section, the next step is to develop a question you want to answer in that field. This is called a research question and will serve as the foundation for your entire project.

The research question will drive your entire project, so it needs to be complex enough to merit investigation but clear enough to study. Here are some ts for crafting your research question:

●  Align your research question(s) with topics you are passionate about and have some background knowledge. You will spend a significant amount of time on this question.

●  Consult with your mentor teacher or professor to get feedback and guidance on developing a feasible, meaningful question

●  Avoid overly broad questions better suited for doctoral dissertations. Narrow your focus to something manageable, but that still intrigues you.

●  Pose your research question as an actual question, like "How does social media usage affect teen mental health?" The question should lay out the key variables you'll be investigating.

●  Ensure your question and desired approach are ethically sound. You may need permission to study human subjects.

●  Conduct preliminary research to ensure your question hasn't already been answered. You want to contribute something new to your field.

With a compelling research question as your compass, you're ready to start your independent study project. Remember to stay flexible; you may need to refine the question further as your research develops.

3. Set a Timeline and Write a Proposal

After defining your research question, the next step is to map out a timeline for completing your research project. This will keep you organized and help you develop strong time management skills.

Start by creating a schedule that outlines all major milestones from start to finish. In your schedule, allow plenty of time for research, experimentation, data analysis, and compiling your report. Always remember to build in some cushion for unexpected delays.

Moreover, you can use tools like Gantt charts to design a timeline for an independent research project . Gantt charts help you visualize your research project timeline at a glance. See the video below for a tutorial on designing a Gantt chart to plan your project schedule:

[YouTube Video on How to Make a Gantt Chart: ]

Research Proposal

To have a clear direction of the step-by-step process for your independent study, write a 1-2 page research proposal to outline your question, goals, methodology, timeline, resources, and desired outcomes. Get feedback from your mentor to improve the proposal before starting your research. 

Sticking to your timeline requires self-discipline. But strive to meet your goals and deadlines; it will build invaluable real-world skills in time and project management. With a plan in place, it's time to move forward with your research.

4. Do Your Research

This is the active phase where a student is conducting a research project. The specific method you will follow varies enormously based on your project type and field. You should have your methodology outlined in your approved research proposal already. However, most independent research has a similar basic process:

  • Review existing studies : Perform a literature review to understand current knowledge on your topic and inform your own hypothesis/framework. Read relevant studies, articles, and papers.
  • Create methodology materials : Design your independent research methodology for gathering data. This may involve experiments, surveys, interviews, field observations, or analysis of existing artifacts like texts or datasets.
  • Permissions and Equipment :  Secure any necessary equipment and permissions. For example, if doing interviews, you'll need a recording device and consent from participants.
  • Collect your data : For science projects, perform experiments and record results. For surveys, recruit respondents and compile responses. Gather enough data to draw valid conclusions.
  • Analyze the data using appropriate techniques : Quantitative data may involve statistical analysis, while qualitative data requires coding for themes. Consult your mentor for direction.
  • Interpret the findings : Take care not to overstate conclusions. Look for patterns and relationships that shed light on your research question. Always maintain rigorous objectivity.

While a student's project methodology and its execution are unique, ensure you follow the standard practices in your field of interest to ensure high-quality acceptable results. You can always refer to the plan in your research proposal as you diligently carry out the steps required to execute your study. Ensure you have detailed records that document all your processes.  

example research proposal for high school students

5. Write Your Final Paper and Presentation

Once you've completed your research, it's time to summarize and share your findings with the world by writing the final paper and designing its presentation. This involves synthesizing your work into clear, compelling reporting.

Drafting the paper will likely involve extensive writing and editing. Be prepared to go through multiple revisions to get the paper polished. Follow the standard format used in academic papers in your field;  your mentor can provide you with examples of independent study related to yours. The final product should include: 

  • Abstract : A short summary of your project and conclusions.
  • Introduction : Background on your topic, goals, and research questions.
  • Literature Review : Summary of relevant existing research in your field.
  • Methods : Detailed explanation of the methodology and process of your study.
  • Results : Presentation of the data and main findings from your research. Using visual representations like charts was helpful.
  • Discussion : Objective interpretation and analysis of the results and their significance.
  • Conclusion : Summary of your research contributions, limitations, and suggestions for future work.
  • References/Bibliography : Full citations for all sources referenced.

Adhere to clear academic writing principles to keep your writing objective and straightforward. Generally, stick to a 10-15 page length limit appropriate for student work. However, you may need to write more depending on your project type.

6. Research Presentation

After writing your research project report, you should prepare a presentation to share your research orally. Moreover, a research presentation is a tangible opportunity to practice public speaking and visual communication skills. Your presentation will include slides, handouts, demonstrations, or other aids to engage your audience and highlight key points in your independent study project.

Once you have written your final paper, you will likely want to publish it in relevant journals and publications. For detailed tips see our guide on how to publish your student research paper . Some options you have to formally publish your high school-level independent research include:

  • Submitting your paper to academic journals and competitions
  • Presenting at symposiums and science fairs
  • Sharing on online research databases
  • Adding your work to college applications

Publishing your independent project allows you to share your findings with broader scholarly and student audiences. It also helps amplify the impact of all your hard work.

Independent Research Project Examples

To spark creative ideas for independent research projects, it can be helpful to read through and examine examples of successful projects completed by other high school students in recent years. Here are some inspiring examples:

●  Using machine learning to diagnose cancer based on blood markers (bioinformatics)

●  Applying feature engineering and natural language processing to analyze Twitter data (data science)

●  Investigating connections between stress levels and HIV/AIDS progression (health science)

●  The Relationship between Color and Human Experience

These published i ndependent research project examples demonstrate the impressive research high schoolers take on using the Indigo research service with mentors from different fields. Let these case studies motivate your creative investigation and analysis of the best ideas for your project.

Need Mentorship for Your Independent Research Project?

As outlined in this guide, conducting a rigorous independent research study can be challenging without proper guidance from experts, especially for high school students. This is why partnering with an experienced research mentor is so crucial if your goal is to produce publishable research work.

With Indigo's structured research programs and ongoing expert feedback, you can elevate your high school independent study to a professional level. To get matched with the perfect research mentor aligned with your academic interests and passions, apply to Indigo Research now.

Indigo Research connects high school students with PhD-level researchers and professors who provide one-on-one mentorship through the entire research process - from refining your initial topic idea all the way through analyzing data, writing up results, and finalizing your findings.

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The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project

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Research Proposal Example/Sample

Detailed Walkthrough + Free Proposal Template

If you’re getting started crafting your research proposal and are looking for a few examples of research proposals , you’ve come to the right place.

In this video, we walk you through two successful (approved) research proposals , one for a Master’s-level project, and one for a PhD-level dissertation. We also start off by unpacking our free research proposal template and discussing the four core sections of a research proposal, so that you have a clear understanding of the basics before diving into the actual proposals.

  • Research proposal example/sample – Master’s-level (PDF/Word)
  • Research proposal example/sample – PhD-level (PDF/Word)
  • Proposal template (Fully editable) 

If you’re working on a research proposal for a dissertation or thesis, you may also find the following useful:

  • Research Proposal Bootcamp : Learn how to write a research proposal as efficiently and effectively as possible
  • 1:1 Proposal Coaching : Get hands-on help with your research proposal

Free Webinar: How To Write A Research Proposal

PS – If you’re working on a dissertation, be sure to also check out our collection of dissertation and thesis examples here .

FAQ: Research Proposal Example

Research proposal example: frequently asked questions, are the sample proposals real.

Yes. The proposals are real and were approved by the respective universities.

Can I copy one of these proposals for my own research?

As we discuss in the video, every research proposal will be slightly different, depending on the university’s unique requirements, as well as the nature of the research itself. Therefore, you’ll need to tailor your research proposal to suit your specific context.

You can learn more about the basics of writing a research proposal here .

How do I get the research proposal template?

You can access our free proposal template here .

Is the proposal template really free?

Yes. There is no cost for the proposal template and you are free to use it as a foundation for your research proposal.

Where can I learn more about proposal writing?

For self-directed learners, our Research Proposal Bootcamp is a great starting point.

For students that want hands-on guidance, our private coaching service is recommended.

Literature Review Course

Psst… there’s more!

This post is an extract from our bestselling short course, Research Proposal Bootcamp . If you want to work smart, you don't want to miss this .

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Example of a literature review


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Research Paper Topics for High School Students


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Consider the Scope and Time Commitment
  • 1.2 Align the Topic with Your Interests
  • 1.3 Use Resources and Guides
  • 2.1 Education Research Topics
  • 2.2 Research Topics about World History
  • 2.3 Healthcare Research Topics
  • 2.4 Finance Research Topics
  • 2.5 Mental Health Topics
  • 2.6 Science Research Topics
  • 2.7 Music research topics
  • 2.8 Environmental
  • 2.9 Entrepreneurship
  • 3 Conclusion

Research papers are common assignments in high school systems worldwide. They serve as a method for students to convey what they have learned from in-depth analysis on a specific subject. But why are they so prevalent in high schools?

The reason is that writing a well-structured and organized research paper teaches students essential academic skills such as making critical connections, expressing understanding, summarizing complex data, and effectively communicating their findings.

The process begins with selecting from various potential research paper topics. Students must identify a topic that not only interests them but also has sufficient scope to explore in depth. Selecting a good research paper topic is key to connecting with your audience — usually, your teachers and classmates. However, choosing the best topic can be tough. This is often because there are so many options available or it’s unclear what makes a topic both doable and interesting.

To help students with this important first step in the research paper process, we’ve created this guide. It provides strategies for picking the right topics and features a diverse list of more than 50 research ideas. These suggestions aim to improve academic performance by covering a variety of subjects, giving students a strong start for their research projects.

How to Choose High School Research Paper Topics

Choosing the right research paper topic is key, especially with so many suitable options for high school. The process might seem overwhelming, but learning how to narrow down your options can make it easier to handle.

Consider the Scope and Time Commitment

The first thing to consider is the amount of time you have to complete your paper. Topics that are too broad can be exhausting and may make it difficult to finish the paper on time. It’s best to choose topics that are not too broad yet detailed enough to explore within your deadline. Well-defined topics help you stay focused and organized, making your research and writing processes more efficient.

Align the Topic with Your Interests

Motivation plays a key role in the success of your research. Select a research paper topic that aligns with your personal interests and that you find interesting. This will keep you engaged and energized throughout the writing process.

If you’re struggling or the deadline is near and your paper isn’t ready, remember there are resources to help, like buying a research paper to meet your academic needs. But ideally, with the right topic and careful planning, you should be able to finish your assignment on your own.

Use Resources and Guides

To aid in your topic selection, refer to guides and lists that offer a variety of research ideas. These resources aim to inspire and give you a good start for your research paper. They cover a wide range of topics and are designed to meet various academic needs. By picking a topic from these lists, you can boost your performance and kickstart your research project smoothly, leading to a good research paper.

Most Interesting & Easy Research Topics for High School students

We’ve sorted the all research paper ideas into categories to make your academic exploration easier. Your personal interest is crucial when choosing a topic, so we suggest exploring the category that interests you the most. If you’re short on time, remember that here at PapersOWL, we are ready to provide a custom research paper tailored to your needs.

Education Research Topics

If you are interested in education, you should consider choosing an education research topic for high school students. Below you can find ten topics you can use as inspiration.

  • Should High Schools Impose Mandatory Vaccination on Students?
  • The Benefits of Charter Schools for the Public Education System
  • Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: Which One Better Sets Students for Success?
  • Should Public Education Continue to Promote Diversity? Why?
  • The Most Beneficial Funding Programs for Students
  • The Effects of the Rising Price of College Tuitions on High School Students
  • Discuss the Most Noteworthy Advantages and Disadvantages of Standardized Testing
  • What Are the Alternatives to Standardized Testing?
  • Does a Gap Year Between High School and College Set Students for Success?
  • Identify and Discuss the Major Benefits of Group Projects for High Schoolers
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Education
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Educational Systems Worldwide
  • Addressing the Achievement Gap in Education
  • The Impact of AI on Personalized Learning
  • Online Learning: Pros and Cons in Modern Education
  • The Role of E-Learning Platforms in Modern Education
  • Strategies to Integrate AI into Classroom
  • The Ethical Implications of Using AI in Student Surveillance


Research Topics about World History

  • The Origin Of The Israel-Palestine Conflict And Possible Resolutions
  • The History Of The USA Occupation Of Iraq
  • Choose A Famous Assassinated World Leader And Discuss What Led To The Assassination
  • Discuss A Historical Invention And How It Changed The Lives Of People Worldwide
  • Has The World’s Leading Countries’ Response To Climate Change Improved Or Declined Over The Last Decade?
  • How The President Of Belarus Manages To Stay In Power For Over 25 Years
  • Which Event In World History Had The Most Impact On Your Country?
  • The Influence of Ancient Civilizations on Modern Society
  • The Role of the Silk Road in Connecting Cultures
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on World History
  • Colonialism and Its Long-Term Effects on Colonized Nations
  • The Cold War: Causes, Major Events, and Lasting Impacts
  • The Role of Women in Shaping World History
  • The Role of Women in World War I and II
  • Decolonization Movements Post-World War II
  • The Effect of Technological Advancements on Warfare Throughout History
  • Three Kingdoms Period in Chinese History
  • Albigensian Crusade and Its Impact on Medieval Europe
  • Italian Front in World War I
  • History and Influence of the Mongolian Empire
  • Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kingdoms
  • Great Game: Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Central Asia
  • Cultural and Historical Significance of the Abbasid Caliphate

Healthcare Research Topics

  • The Benefits and Risks of Telemedicine
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Healthcare Systems
  • Mental Health Awareness in High Schools
  • The Role of Vaccination in Public Health
  • Obesity and Its Impact on Health in Adolescents
  • The Future of Personalized Medicine
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering in Healthcare
  • How AI is Revolutionizing Healthcare Diagnostics
  • Access to Healthcare in Rural vs. Urban Areas
  • The Importance of Preventive Healthcare
  • Healthcare Disparities Among Different Socioeconomic Groups
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Public Health
  • The Role of Technology in Managing Chronic Diseases
  • Nutrition and Its Impact on Adolescent Health
  • The Influence of Pharmaceutical Companies on Healthcare Policies
  • The Pros and Cons of Universal Healthcare Systems
  • Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Causes and Solutions
  • The Role of Mental Health Services in Schools
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teen Health Behaviors
  • The Advancements in Cancer Treatments


Finance Research Topics

  • How Cryptocurrency is Changing the Financial Landscape
  • Impact of Globalization on Financial Markets
  • Ethical Investing: Benefits and Challenges
  • Microfinance and Its Role in Economies Development
  • Influence of Interest Rates on Economic Growth
  • The Financial Implications of Student Loan Debt
  • Sustainable Finance and Its Growing Importance
  • The Role of Central Banks in Stabilizing Economies
  • How AI is Transforming Financial Services
  • Online Banking: Security and Convenience
  • The Effects of Economic Recessions on Small Businesses
  • The Evolution of Stock Markets Over the Last Century
  • The Financial Impact of Natural Disasters
  • Personal Finance Education: Should It Be Mandatory in Schools?
  • The Future of Digital Payments
  • Challenges of Implementing Universal Basic Income
  • Impact of Tax Policies on Economic Inequality
  • Role of Hedge Funds in Financial Markets
  • The Rise of Robo-Advisors in Personal Finance Management

Mental Health Topics

Here are some relevant and significant mental health research topics for high school research papers. These topics are here to inspire and guide you in your research:

  • Discuss The Main Ways Stress Affects The Body
  • Can Daily Exercises Benefit Mental Health? How?
  • Should More Counselors Work In High Schools? Why?
  • Discuss The Major Factors That Contribute To Poor Mental And Physical Well-Being
  • In What Ways Has The Worldwide Pandemic Affected People’s Mental Health?
  • Explore The Relationship Between Social Media And Mental Health Disorders
  • How The Public School System Cares For The Mental Health Of Students
  • What Is The Most Effective Psychotherapy For High Schoolers?
  • Impact of Bullying on Mental Health
  • Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
  • Cultural Differences in Mental Health Perceptions and Treatment
  • Mindfulness Practices Effectiveness in Schools
  • Family Dynamics Influence on Adolescent Mental Health


Science Research Topics

Science is one of those fields where there is always something new you can research. If you need a science research topic for high school students, feel free to use any of the following.

  • How Can Civilization Save Coral Reefs?
  • What Are Black Holes, And What Is Their Role?
  • Explain Sugar Chemistry That Enables Us To Make Candies
  • What Are The Biggest Successes Of The Epa In The Last Decade?
  • Is There A Way To Reverse Climate Change? How?
  • What Solutions Does Science Offer To Resolve The Drinking Water Crisis In The Future?
  • Ways to Save Coral Reefs
  • Black Holes and Their Role
  • Sugar Chemistry in Candy Making
  • Biggest Successes of the EPA in the Last Decade
  • Reversing Climate Change
  • Scientific Solutions for the Drinking Water Crisis
  • The Role of CRISPR in Genetic Engineering
  • Impacts of Space Exploration on Earth Science
  • Developments in Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Effects of Microplastics on Marine Life
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine
  • Quantum Computing and Its Potential Uses
  • Studying the Human Genome Project
  • Advancements in Vaccine Development

Music research topics

Many teenagers find inspiration in music, so why not choose some music high school research paper topics.

  • In What Way Music Education Benefits High School Students?
  • How Famous Musicians Impact Pop Music
  • Classification Of Music Instruments: Discuss The Sachs-Hornbostel System
  • Did Sound Effect Technology Change The Music Industry? How?
  • How Did Online Streaming Platforms Help Music Evolve?
  • How Does Music Software Emulate Sounds Of Different Instruments?


Our environment has been a hot topic for quite some time now. There is a lot of research to back up your claims and make logical assumptions. Here are some environmental high school research topics you can choose from.

  • What Is The Impact Of Offshore Drilling On The Environment?
  • Do We Need Climate Change Legislation? Why?
  • Are Ecotourism And Tropical Fishing Viable Ways To Save And Recuperate Endangered Areas And Animals?
  • The Impact Of Disposable Products On The Environment
  • Discuss The Benefits Of Green Buildings To Our Environment
  • Find And Discuss A Large-Scale Recent Project That Helped Restore Balance In An Area


Many students struggle with having to find good entrepreneurship research paper ideas for high school. This is why we’ve developed a list of topics to inspire your research.

  • What Is Entrepreneurship?
  • Are People Born With An Entrepreneurial Spirit, Or Can You Learn It?
  • Discuss The Major Entrepreneurship Theories
  • Does Entrepreneurship Affect The Growth Of The Economy?
  • Which Character Traits Are Commonly Found In Successful Entrepreneurs?
  • The Pros And Cons Of Having A Traditional Job And Being An Entrepreneur
  • Discuss Entrepreneurship As One Of The Solutions To Unemployment
  • What Is Crowdfunding, And How It’s Related To Entrepreneurship
  • The Most Common Challenges Entrepreneurs Face
  • How Social Media Made A Lot Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Hopefully, you’ll find these high school research paper topics inspirational. The categories are there to help you choose easily. Here at PapersOwl, we know how hard it is to complete all assignments in time and ace all your grades. If you are struggling with writing, feel free to contact us about our writing services, and we’ll help you come on top of your research paper assignment no matter how complex it is.

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example research proposal for high school students

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  • High School Research Proposal
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An research proposal examples on high school is a prosaic composition of a small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

Some signs of high school research proposal:

  • the presence of a specific topic or question. A work devoted to the analysis of a wide range of problems in biology, by definition, cannot be performed in the genre of high school research proposal topic.
  • The research proposal expresses individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue, in this case, on high school and does not knowingly pretend to a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.
  • As a rule, an essay suggests a new, subjectively colored word about something, such a work may have a philosophical, historical, biographical, journalistic, literary, critical, popular scientific or purely fiction character.
  • in the content of an research proposal samples on high school , first of all, the author’s personality is assessed - his worldview, thoughts and feelings.

The goal of an research proposal in high school is to develop such skills as independent creative thinking and writing out your own thoughts.

Writing an research proposal is extremely useful, because it allows the author to learn to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts, structure information, use basic concepts, highlight causal relationships, illustrate experience with relevant examples, and substantiate his conclusions.

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  • Research Proposal

Examples List on High School Research Proposal


Nail Your Student Project Proposal With These Templates & Tips

Never scramble for a topic or miss a deadline again with our trusty student project proposal template and tips.

School projects — some of us love them, and some of us love to loathe them. If you fall firmly into the latter camp, then you'll be ecstatic to know that there are shortcuts you can take. Start with a great outline, or our solid template, and work your way through these helpful guidelines. You can nail any student project that comes your way with the right approach. 

How to Create a Student Project Proposal

Sometimes just seeing another person's example is all the help you need. Here is a student project proposal example with editable fields so you can customize it to suit your topic. Download the sample to edit, print, or save. Not sure how? Our  Adobe guide to printables can answer your questions.

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4 Ways to Use This Template 

In some cases, teachers may require you to submit a project proposal. But even if you don't need one, we find this template extremely useful when trying to stay organized and on task in a variety of different situations, like these. 

  • Organize your thoughts and ideas for a paper or presentation.
  • Propose an idea for your classroom project.
  • Apply for a grant or enter a contest. It can help organize most of the info you need to add to the applications.
  • Gather information for a college application essay. The template is super comprehensive so you can make sure you're including all the important details. 

4 Key Steps to Help You Start Your Proposal

Before writing your proposal, you can begin to identify exactly what you need to go into it so you have all your bases covered — aka fill out the meat of the project. Follow this checklist to help you get started. 

  • Choose a topic that intrigues you. It doesn't have to be one you're an expert on, just something that tickles your fancy. 
  • Once you choose your topic, think about why and how it's useful and worth presenting.
  • Begin to identify experts and sources. Think about where you'll go to get your information and facts.
  • Think about your ultimate goal. What do you hope to achieve with your project? 

Related:  150+ Community Service Project Ideas for All Ages

How to Write Your Student Proposal Step-By-Step 

If your teacher has a specified format to follow, then of course follow that first. But check it against this proposal format. The more details you know you need to collect, the easier it'll be to stay organized. Most project proposals will likely have the same elements, so it's totally alright if you start with this one and pivot to a teacher-mandated one. 

Project Title

The project title should be short, but descriptive, so the reader has an idea of what's being requested or developed. You'll want to avoid acronyms (like POTUS for "President of the United States"), unless you spell them out first or they serve a purpose specific to your project. If you aren't sure about your title, ask your teacher about it. Try your hand at three different titles and let them sink in to see what ultimately feels best.

Project Applicant

Here's where you put your name, grade, class, and other contact information for your mentor or for anyone who reads your project. 

Reasons for the Project

This is your "why" — why you want to do the project and how it's useful. Sure, it may be required work for graduation or a grade, but what intrigued you to choose this subject in particular? 

Knowledge of Subject

Describe what you already know about the subject or proposal. These questions will help you identify that.

  • Have you always been fascinated by it? Why?
  • If this topic is new to you?
  • What about it caught your imagination?
  • What do you want or expect to learn about the subject during this project?
  • Do you have a personal connection to the topic? 

Preliminary Research/Literature Search

Think about your sources, and who the experts are on the topic you're covering. These are some questions you should consider when hunting down sources. 

  • Who else is writing about this topic?
  • Is this topic interesting to a lot of people?
  • What do others say or write about the topic?
  • If there's nothing out there about this topic, why do you think this might be?
  • How many books or articles have been written about the topic? What are the titles and who are the authors?
  • Are there websites dedicated to this topic?

During your preliminary research, create a short bibliography of your sources so you can recall where you found the information. Since you'll be referencing them later, you might want to go ahead and format them according to the dictated citation style. 

Project Description

Here, you'll want to get whoever is reading your proposal excited about your topic. It should be a clear, specific, and easy-to-understand narrative of what you plan to do. It's all about the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your work.

  • Who was involved with this topic, and what is its history? Who were the first to invent, write, or do something with this topic?
  • What does this topic mean? Define it and explain what it is.
  • Where does this topic impact people or things? Where did this topic originate? 
  • When did this topic become important? Has it always been important?
  • Why do you think people should know about this topic?
  • How does this topic affect the world?

Write your narrative in the first person (I will, I plan to, etc.). Precision and clarity are your friends — try to avoid long, complex sentences here. But also, be true to yourself — use your voice and show your enthusiasm about the project. You can be brief in describing the topic, and fill in the rest with details of what you want to accomplish with your new knowledge.

Project Outcomes

This section sets up a bit of technical expectation — what exactly are you creating? Is it a paper, a book, or a poster? Is there a website component? How many words are you writing? What types of illustrations will you use? This helps your teacher visualize the final outcome, and forces you to think about the end result before diving too deep into the research. 

Timeline or Tasks

Setting goals helps keep you on task. A project timeline can be made in the form of a text reminder, a chart, or a table. Once you know your tasks (research, interviewing, writing, photography, layout, etc), you'll have a better idea of how to use your time. Create a timeline for a first, second, and final draft and you'll never miss a deadline. 

Identify who'll be mentoring or helping you, and why that mentor is the best person for the job. Is this a teacher you've worked with on earlier projects? Does this teacher or mentor know about your topic, and will they help you with your research? Will your mentor read or view your project and offer feedback? Who will you give this project to at the end, and who will assign you a grade?

Knowing all this will help you to find the right help when you need it, and keep you from missing those all-important deadlines.

Possible Problems

If there's one thing you can rely on, it's that not everything will go to plan. When you're starting a new project, you never know where it'll lead you. Sometimes you'll expect to find one thing, and you find something entirely different. Or you may discover there's too much information, and you need to narrow your topic.

Ask yourself these questions, and tell your reader how you plan to solve them should they arise.

  • Are you concerned about meeting your deadlines?
  • What will you do if you need to change your topic?
  • What will you do if you find out you have to pay for transportation or printing?
  • Will you have the money to do the activities outlined in your project proposal?

One thing to remember when writing a school project proposal is to be clear, concise, and compelling. You'll want to look at the whole of the project and troubleshoot both at the beginning and throughout. This sets you up to focus on your end goal and to stay on task.

Set Yourself Up for Success 

A student project proposal isn't just for your professors — it's the perfect tool to set yourself up for success. Following a template does half the work of creating a detailed outline of everything you've got to cover. It may seem like a pain writing it up at the start, but you'll be so glad you did when you're well ahead of schedule. 

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National Institute of Physics

National Institute of Physics

College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

High School Investigatory Projects

The National Institute of Physics (NIP) welcomes the opportunity to guide High School students in their Investigative Projects (IPs). The objective is to introduce young students to a refined view of science and provide them with meaningful experience.

For this program, Doing Science for Science Sake , is an all encompassing theme. We encourage original proposals.

Send your project proposals for evaluation and get a chance to work with NIP and its facilities. It is always an advantage to identify an NIP Professor who might be able to guide the students in the conduct of the project. Those interested in pursuing investigations with NIP are encouraged to go through the guidelines below.

  • Subject of the investigation and relevance
  • Reasons and Motivations for undertaking the investigations
  • Methods to be used and the reason for its use.
  • Duration and anticipated expenditures
  • Why the activity is required by the school and to what end the project may be carried to
  • The extent of logistic and financial support your school is willing to extend to your project
  • The extent of academic support and guidance you will receive from your school advisers
  • Its willingness to acknowledge the contribution of the NIP and willingness to share with NIP all honors, citations, etc., that may be accorded to the project.
  • Together with the students, the high school student adviser must present the project proposal to the NIP.
  • The adviser must accompany the students, at all times, during the course of their work at NIP.
  • In case your IP proposal is approved, your Parents/Guardians and school must issue a statement that the National Institute of Physics and the University of the Philippines shall not be liable for any accidents or body injuries, including death, occurring to you and for any loss of your personal property while in the premises of the University.
  • You may not be allowed to include the IP as an entry to a science contest!

You will be notified of the extent of NIP support for your project upon approval. This approval may include certain conditions that you may have to agree to or bind yourself with before you can proceed. Clearly indicate the contact details for notification of the approval.


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  16. Action- Research- Proposal

    The findings from this study have the potential to enrich the reading skills and comprehension of High School Students in Rustico Capahi Sr. Memorial National High School. II. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, praises and thanks to the Lord, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings throughout my research work to complete the research ...


    The document provides guidelines for formatting a research paper for senior high school and faculty researchers at Immaculate Conception Academy in West Campus. It outlines the required preliminary pages, formatting of the main body and sections, and presentation of tables, figures, and references. Key requirements include using Arial or Times New Roman font, double spacing the text, and ...



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    This action research proposal aims to improve students' academic performance at Villafuerte-Peña High School in Camarines Sur, Philippines through inquiry-based learning. The proposal outlines conducting a study to determine students' current performance levels and teachers' implementation of inquiry-based learning. It will then implement inquiry-based strategies, conduct training, and ...

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    The senior high school students are to choose the strands they wish to go into. In turn, these strands should enable the students to be college-ready and even job-ready. The students should be able to decide better the course they will be taking up in college (Bigcas, 2016). ... Sample- Research- Paper. Course: Senior High school (HUMSS 306 ...

  21. High School Investigatory Projects

    The National Institute of Physics (NIP) welcomes the opportunity to guide High School students in their Investigative Projects (IPs). The objective is to introduce young students to a refined view of science and provide them with meaningful experience. For this program, Doing Science for Science Sake, is an all encompassing theme.

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    The project also aims to instill to the students the importance of proper waste disposal. Also, to make Lauis National High School a garbage free school in Candelaria. Lastly, to avoid vector-borne illnesses among students through the help of proper waste management. Theoretical Framework. This research used case study analysis.

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    Build Your Resume. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. 1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your qualifications. In a brief paragraph, your profile summary should describe your top three to five qualifications for your target high school job.