APA Style 7th Edition: Citing Your Sources

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Author, A. A.



[Unpublished doctoral dissertation/master’s thesis].


Name of Institution Awarding the Degree


Author, A. A.



[Doctoral dissertation, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree].

  [Master’s thesis, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree].


Database Name. 

Archive Name.



Adapted from American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed).  https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000


  • Italicize the title
  • Identify whether source is doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis in parentheses after the title

Thesis, from a commercial database

(Order No. 3682837) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. 

Dissertation, from an institutional database

Andrea, H. (2014). (Doctoral dissertation). https://etd.ohiolink.edu/

Unpublished master’s thesis

Curry, J.  (2016).  (Unpublished master’s thesis).  Pacific Oaks College.

See Ch. 10 pp. 313-352 of APA Manual for more examples and formatting rules

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How to cite a PhD thesis in APA

APA PhD thesis citation

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To cite a PhD thesis in a reference entry in APA style 6th edition include the following elements:

  • Author(s) of the thesis: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J. D.) of up to seven authors with the last name preceded by an ampersand (&). For eight or more authors include the first six names followed by an ellipsis (…) and add the last author's name.
  • Year of publication: Give the year in brackets followed by a full stop.
  • Title of the PhD thesis: Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
  • URL: Give the full URL where the document can be retrieved from.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a PhD thesis in APA style 6th edition:

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis (PhD thesis). Retrieved from URL

If the thesis is available from a database, archive or any online platform use the following template:

  • Author(s) of the thesis: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J. D.) of up to 20 authors with the last name preceded by an ampersand (&). For 21 or more authors include the first 19 names followed by an ellipsis (…) and add the last author's name.
  • Publication number: Give the identification number of the thesis, if available.
  • Name of the degree awarding institution: Give the name of the institution.
  • Name of Platform: Give the name of the database, archive or any platform that holds the thesis.
  • URL: If the thesis was found on a database, omit this element.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a PhD thesis in APA style 7th edition:

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis ( Publication number ) [PhD thesis, Name of the degree awarding institution ]. Name of Platform . URL

If the thesis has not been published or is available from a database use the following template:

  • Location: Give the location of the institution. If outside the United States also include the country name.

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis (Unpublished PhD thesis). Name of the degree awarding institution , Location .

If the thesis is not published, use the following template:

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis [Unpublished PhD thesis]. Name of the degree awarding institution .

APA reference list examples

Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the APA style guidelines for a PhD thesis citation in action:

A PhD thesis found in an online platform

Confait, M. F . ( 2018 ). Maximising the contributions of PhD graduates to national development: The case of the Seychelles ( PhD thesis ). Retrieved from https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/2060
Confait, M. F . ( 2018 ). Maximising the contributions of PHD graduates to national development: The case of the Seychelles [ PhD thesis , Edith Cowan University ]. Edith Cowan Online Repository . Retrieved from https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/2060

An unpublished PhD thesis

Bowkett, D . ( 2015 ). Investigating the ligandability of plant homeodomains ( Unpublished PhD thesis ). University of Oxford , London, UK .
Bowkett, D . ( 2015 ). Investigating the ligandability of plant homeodomains [ Unpublished PhD thesis ]. University of Oxford .

apa cover page

This citation style guide is based on the official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association ( 6 th edition).

More useful guides

  • APA Referencing: Theses
  • How do I reference a PhD dissertation or MA thesis in APA style?
  • APA Citation Style: Theses and Dissertations

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Thesis - from website

Thesis - from database.

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Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initial(s). (Year). [Doctoral dissertation or Master's thesis, Institution]. Archive name. http://www.xxxxxx

In-text reference

(Axford, 2007)

Axford (2007) found that ....

Reference list

Axford, J.C. (2007).  [Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland]. UQ eSpace. http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:158747

EndNote reference type


Add Archive Name to Name of Database field.

Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initials. (Year).  (Publication No. - if available) [Doctoral dissertation or master's thesis, Institution]. Database Name. 

In-text reference

(Leigh, 2010)

Leigh (2010) reported that ....

Reference list

Leigh, J. (2010).  (Publication No. 305210119) [Doctoral dissertation, Indiana State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

EndNote reference type


Add Publication Number to Document Number field.

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What is a thesis?

What is a dissertation, getting started, staying on track.

A thesis is a long-term project that you work on over the course of a semester or a year. Theses have a very wide variety of styles and content, so we encourage you to look at prior examples and work closely with faculty to develop yours. 

Before you begin, make sure that you are familiar with the dissertation genre—what it is for and what it looks like.

Generally speaking, a dissertation’s purpose is to prove that you have the expertise necessary to fulfill your doctoral-degree requirements by showing depth of knowledge and independent thinking.

The form of a dissertation may vary by discipline. Be sure to follow the specific guidelines of your department.

  • PhD This site directs candidates to the GSAS website about dissertations , with links to checklists,  planning, formatting, acknowledgments, submission, and publishing options. There is also a link to guidelines for the prospectus . Consult with your committee chair about specific requirements and standards for your dissertation.
  • DDES This document covers planning, patent filing, submission guidelines, publishing options, formatting guidelines, sample pages, citation guidelines, and a list of common errors to avoid. There is also a link to guidelines for the prospectus .
  • Scholarly Pursuits (GSAS) This searchable booklet from Harvard GSAS is a comprehensive guide to writing dissertations, dissertation-fellowship applications, academic journal articles, and academic job documents.

Finding an original topic can be a daunting and overwhelming task. These key concepts can help you focus and save time.

Finding a topic for your thesis or dissertation should start with a research question that excites or at least interests you. A rigorous, engaging, and original project will require continuous curiosity about your topic, about your own thoughts on the topic, and about what other scholars have said on your topic. Avoid getting boxed in by thinking you know what you want to say from the beginning; let your research and your writing evolve as you explore and fine-tune your focus through constant questioning and exploration.

Get a sense of the broader picture before you narrow your focus and attempt to frame an argument. Read, skim, and otherwise familiarize yourself with what other scholars have done in areas related to your proposed topic. Briefly explore topics tangentially related to yours to broaden your perspective and increase your chance of finding a unique angle to pursue.

Critical Reading

Critical reading is the opposite of passive reading. Instead of merely reading for information to absorb, critical reading also involves careful, sustained thinking about what you are reading. This process may include analyzing the author’s motives and assumptions, asking what might be left out of the discussion, considering what you agree with or disagree with in the author’s statements and why you agree or disagree, and exploring connections or contradictions between scholarly arguments. Here is a resource to help hone your critical-reading skills:



Your thesis or dissertation will incorporate some ideas from other scholars whose work you researched. By reading critically and following your curiosity, you will develop your own ideas and claims, and these contributions are the core of your project. You will also acknowledge the work of scholars who came before you, and you must accurately and fairly attribute this work and define your place within the larger discussion. Make sure that you know how to quote, summarize, paraphrase ,  integrate , and cite secondary sources to avoid plagiarism and to show the depth and breadth of your knowledge.

A thesis is a long-term, large project that involves both research and writing; it is easy to lose focus, motivation, and momentum. Here are suggestions for achieving the result you want in the time you have.

The dissertation is probably the largest project you have undertaken, and a lot of the work is self-directed. The project can feel daunting or even overwhelming unless you break it down into manageable pieces and create a timeline for completing each smaller task. Be realistic but also challenge yourself, and be forgiving of yourself if you miss a self-imposed deadline here and there.

Your program will also have specific deadlines for different requirements, including establishing a committee, submitting a prospectus, completing the dissertation, defending the dissertation, and submitting your work. Consult your department’s website for these dates and incorporate them into the timeline for your work.


Sometimes self-imposed deadlines do not feel urgent unless there is accountability to someone beyond yourself. To increase your motivation to complete tasks on schedule, set dates with your committee chair to submit pre-determined pieces of a chapter. You can also arrange with a fellow doctoral student to check on each other’s progress. Research and writing can be lonely, so it is also nice to share that journey with someone and support each other through the process.

Common Pitfalls

The most common challenges for students writing a dissertation are writer’s block, information-overload, and the compulsion to keep researching forever.

There are many strategies for avoiding writer’s block, such as freewriting, outlining, taking a walk, starting in the middle, and creating an ideal work environment for your particular learning style. Pay attention to what helps you and try different things until you find what works.

Efficient researching techniques are essential to avoiding information-overload. Here are a couple of resources about strategies for finding sources and quickly obtaining essential information from them.



Finally, remember that there is always more to learn and your dissertation cannot incorporate everything. Follow your curiosity but also set limits on the scope of your work. It helps to create a folder entitled “future projects” for topics and sources that interest you but that do not fit neatly into the dissertation. Also remember that future scholars will build off of your work, so leave something for them to do.

Browsing through theses and dissertations of the past can help to get a sense of your options and gain inspiration but be careful to use current guidelines and refer to your committee instead of relying on these examples for form or formatting.

DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard.

HOLLIS Harvard Library’s catalog provides access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global .

MIT Architecture has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

Rhode Island School of Design has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

University of South Florida has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

Harvard GSD has a list of projects, including theses and professors’ research.

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Quoting and integrating sources into your paper

In any study of a subject, people engage in a “conversation” of sorts, where they read or listen to others’ ideas, consider them with their own viewpoints, and then develop their own stance. It is important in this “conversation” to acknowledge when we use someone else’s words or ideas. If we didn’t come up with it ourselves, we need to tell our readers who did come up with it.

It is important to draw on the work of experts to formulate your own ideas. Quoting and paraphrasing the work of authors engaged in writing about your topic adds expert support to your argument and thesis statement. You are contributing to a scholarly conversation with scholars who are experts on your topic with your writing. This is the difference between a scholarly research paper and any other paper: you must include your own voice in your analysis and ideas alongside scholars or experts.

All your sources must relate to your thesis, or central argument, whether they are in agreement or not. It is a good idea to address all sides of the argument or thesis to make your stance stronger. There are two main ways to incorporate sources into your research paper.

Quoting is when you use the exact words from a source. You will need to put quotation marks around the words that are not your own and cite where they came from. For example:

“It wasn’t really a tune, but from the first note the beast’s eyes began to droop . . . Slowly the dog’s growls ceased – it tottered on its paws and fell to its knees, then it slumped to the ground, fast asleep” (Rowling 275).

Follow these guidelines when opting to cite a passage:

  • Choose to quote passages that seem especially well phrased or are unique to the author or subject matter.
  • Be selective in your quotations. Avoid over-quoting. You also don’t have to quote an entire passage. Use ellipses (. . .) to indicate omitted words. Check with your professor for their ideal length of quotations – some professors place word limits on how much of a sentence or paragraph you should quote.
  • Before or after quoting a passage, include an explanation in which you interpret the significance of the quote for the reader. Avoid “hanging quotes” that have no context or introduction. It is better to err on the side of your reader not understanding your point until you spell it out for them, rather than assume readers will follow your thought process exactly.
  • If you are having trouble paraphrasing (putting something into your own words), that may be a sign that you should quote it.
  • Shorter quotes are generally incorporated into the flow of a sentence while longer quotes may be set off in “blocks.” Check your citation handbook for quoting guidelines.

Paraphrasing is when you state the ideas from another source in your own words . Even when you use your own words, if the ideas or facts came from another source, you need to cite where they came from. Quotation marks are not used. For example:

With the simple music of the flute, Harry lulled the dog to sleep (Rowling 275).

Follow these guidelines when opting to paraphrase a passage:

  • Don’t take a passage and change a word here or there. You must write out the idea in your own words. Simply changing a few words from the original source or restating the information exactly using different words is considered plagiarism .
  • Read the passage, reflect upon it, and restate it in a way that is meaningful to you within the context of your paper . You are using this to back up a point you are making, so your paraphrased content should be tailored to that point specifically.
  • After reading the passage that you want to paraphrase, look away from it, and imagine explaining the main point to another person.
  • After paraphrasing the passage, go back and compare it to the original. Are there any phrases that have come directly from the original source? If so, you should rephrase it or put the original in quotation marks. If you cannot state an idea in your own words, you should use the direct quotation.

A summary is similar to paraphrasing, but used in cases where you are trying to give an overview of many ideas. As in paraphrasing, quotation marks are not used, but a citation is still necessary. For example:

Through a combination of skill and their invisibility cloak, Harry, Ron, and Hermione slipped through Hogwarts to the dog’s room and down through the trapdoor within (Rowling 271-77).

Important guidelines

When integrating a source into your paper, remember to use these three important components:

  • Introductory phrase to the source material : mention the author, date, or any other relevant information when introducing a quote or paraphrase.
  • Source material : a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary with proper citation.
  • Analysis of source material : your response, interpretations, or arguments regarding the source material should introduce or follow it. When incorporating source material into your paper, relate your source and analysis back to your original thesis.

Ideally, papers will contain a good balance of direct quotations, paraphrasing and your own thoughts. Too much reliance on quotations and paraphrasing can make it seem like you are only using the work of others and have no original thoughts on the topic.

Always properly cite an author’s original idea, whether you have directly quoted or paraphrased it. If you have questions about how to cite properly in your chosen citation style, browse these citation guides . You can also review our guide to understanding plagiarism .

University Writing Center

The University of Nevada, Reno Writing Center provides helpful guidance on quoting and paraphrasing and explains how to make sure your paraphrasing does not veer into plagiarism. If you have any questions about quoting or paraphrasing, or need help at any point in the writing process, schedule an appointment with the Writing Center.

Works Cited

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  A.A. Levine Books, 1998.

American Psychological Association

Published Dissertation or Thesis References

This page contains reference examples for published dissertations or theses.

Kabir, J. M. (2016). Factors influencing customer satisfaction at a fast food hamburger chain: The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Publication No. 10169573) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Miranda, C. (2019). Exploring the lived experiences of foster youth who obtained graduate level degrees: Self-efficacy, resilience, and the impact on identity development (Publication No. 27542827) [Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University]. PQDT Open. https://pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/2309521814.html?FMT=AI

Zambrano-Vazquez, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository. https://repository.arizona.edu/handle/10150/620615

  • Parenthetical citations : (Kabir, 2016; Miranda, 2019; Zambrano-Vazquez, 2016)
  • Narrative citations : Kabir (2016), Miranda (2019), and Zambrano-Vazquez (2016)
  • A dissertation or thesis is considered published when it is available from a database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global or PDQT Open, an institutional repository, or an archive.
  • If the database assigns publication numbers to dissertations and theses, include the publication number in parentheses after the title of the dissertation or thesis without italics.
  • Include the description “Doctoral dissertation” or “Master’s thesis” followed by a comma and the name of the institution that awarded the degree. Place this information in square brackets after the dissertation or thesis title and any publication number.
  • In the source element of the reference, provide the name of the database, repository, or archive.
  • The same format can be adapted for other published theses, including undergraduate theses, by changing the wording of the bracketed description as appropriate (e.g., “Undergraduate honors thesis”).
  • Include a URL for the dissertation or thesis if the URL will resolve for readers (as shown in the Miranda and Zambrano-Vazquez examples).
  • If the database or archive requires users to log in before they can view the dissertation or thesis, meaning the URL will not work for readers, end the reference with the database name (as in the Kabir example).

Published dissertation or thesis references are covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Section 10.6 and the Concise Guide Section 10.5

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  • How to Quote | Citing Quotes in Harvard & APA

How to Quote | Citing Quotes in Harvard & APA

Published on 15 April 2022 by Shona McCombes and Jack Caulfield. Revised on 3 September 2022.

Quoting means copying a passage of someone else’s words and crediting the source. To quote a source, you must ensure:

  • The quoted text is enclosed in quotation marks (usually single quotation marks in UK English, though double is acceptable as long as you’re consistent) or formatted as a block quote
  • The original author is correctly cited
  • The text is identical to the original

The exact format of a quote depends on its length and on which citation style you are using. Quoting and citing correctly is essential to avoid plagiarism , which is easy to detect with a good plagiarism checker .

How to Quote

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Table of contents

How to cite a quote in harvard and apa style, introducing quotes, quotes within quotes, shortening or altering a quote, block quotes, when should i use quotes, frequently asked questions about quoting sources.

Every time you quote, you must cite the source correctly . This looks slightly different depending on the citation style you’re using.

Citing a quote in Harvard style

When you include a quote in Harvard style, you must add a Harvard in-text citation giving the author’s last name, the year of publication, and a page number if available. Any full stop or comma appears after the citation, not within the quotation marks.

Citations can be parenthetical or narrative. In a parenthetical citation , you place all the information in brackets after the quote. In a narrative citation , you name the author in your sentence (followed by the year), and place the page number after the quote.

  • Evolution is a gradual process that ‘can act only by very short and slow steps’ (Darwin, 1859, p. 510) . Darwin (1859) explains that evolution ‘can act only by very short and slow steps’ (p. 510) .

Complete guide to Harvard style

Citing a quote in APA Style

To cite a direct quote in APA , you must include the author’s last name, the year, and a page number, all separated by commas. If the quote appears on a single page, use ‘p.’; if it spans a page range, use ‘pp.’

An APA in-text citation can be parenthetical or narrative. In a parenthetical citation , you place all the information in parentheses after the quote. In a narrative citation , you name the author in your sentence (followed by the year), and place the page number after the quote.

Punctuation marks such as full stops and commas are placed after the citation, not within the quotation marks.

  • Evolution is a gradual process that ‘can act only by very short and slow steps’ (Darwin, 1859, p. 510) .
  • Darwin (1859) explains that evolution ‘can act only by very short and slow steps’ (p. 510) .

Complete guide to APA

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Make sure you integrate quotes properly into your text by introducing them in your own words, showing the reader why you’re including the quote and providing any context necessary to understand it.  Don’t  present quotations as stand-alone sentences.

There are three main strategies you can use to introduce quotes in a grammatically correct way:

  • Add an introductory sentence
  • Use an introductory signal phrase
  • Integrate the quote into your own sentence

The following examples use APA Style citations, but these strategies can be used in all styles.

Introductory sentence

Introduce the quote with a full sentence ending in a colon . Don’t use a colon if the text before the quote isn’t a full sentence.

If you name the author in your sentence, you may use present-tense verbs, such as “states’, ‘argues’, ‘explains’, ‘writes’, or ‘reports’, to describe the content of the quote.

  • In Denmark, a recent poll shows that: ‘A membership referendum held today would be backed by 55 percent of Danish voters’ (Levring, 2018, p. 3).
  • In Denmark, a recent poll shows that support for the EU has grown since the Brexit vote: ‘A membership referendum held today would be backed by 55 percent of Danish voters’ (Levring, 2018, p. 3).
  • Levring (2018) reports that support for the EU has grown since the Brexit vote: ‘A membership referendum held today would be backed by 55 percent of Danish voters’ (p. 3).

Introductory signal phrase

You can also use a signal phrase that mentions the author or source but doesn’t form a full sentence. In this case, you follow the phrase with a comma instead of a colon.

  • According to a recent poll, ‘A membership referendum held today would be backed by 55 percent of Danish voters’ (Levring, 2018, p. 3).
  • As Levring (2018) explains, ‘A membership referendum held today would be backed by 55 percent of Danish voters’ (p. 3).

Integrated into your own sentence

To quote a phrase that doesn’t form a full sentence, you can also integrate it as part of your sentence, without any extra punctuation.

  • A recent poll suggests that EU membership ‘would be backed by 55 percent of Danish voters’ in a referendum (Levring, 2018, p. 3).
  • Levring (2018) reports that EU membership ‘would be backed by 55 percent of Danish voters’ in a referendum (p. 3).

When you quote text that itself contains another quote, this is called a nested quotation or a quote within a quote. It may occur, for example, when quoting dialogue from a novel.

To distinguish this quote from the surrounding quote, you enclose it in double (instead of single) quotation marks (even if this involves changing the punctuation from the original text). Make sure to close both sets of quotation marks at the appropriate moments.

Note that if you only quote the nested quotation itself, and not the surrounding text, you can just use single quotation marks.

  • Carraway introduces his narrative by quoting his father: ‘ ‘ Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, ‘ he told me, ‘ just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had ‘ ‘ (Fitzgerald 1).
  • Carraway introduces his narrative by quoting his father: ‘”Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had “  (Fitzgerald 1).
  • Carraway introduces his narrative by quoting his father: ‘“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had”’ (Fitzgerald 1).
  • Carraway begins by quoting his father’s invocation to ‘remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had’ (Fitzgerald 1).

Note:  When the quoted text in the source comes from another source, it’s best to just find that original source in order to quote it directly. If you can’t find the original source, you can instead cite it indirectly .

Often, incorporating a quote smoothly into your text requires you to make some changes to the original text. It’s fine to do this, as long as you clearly mark the changes you’ve made to the quote.

Shortening a quote

If some parts of a passage are redundant or irrelevant, you can shorten the quote by removing words, phrases, or sentences and replacing them with an ellipsis (…). Put a space before and after the ellipsis.

Be careful that removing the words doesn’t change the meaning. The ellipsis indicates that some text has been removed, but the shortened quote should still accurately represent the author’s point.

Altering a quote

You can add or replace words in a quote when necessary. This might be because the original text doesn’t fit grammatically with your sentence (e.g., it’s in a different tense), or because extra information is needed to clarify the quote’s meaning.

Use brackets to distinguish words that you have added from words that were present in the original text.

The Latin term ‘ sic ‘ is used to indicate a (factual or grammatical) mistake in a quotation. It shows the reader that the mistake is from the quoted material, not a typo of your own.

In some cases, it can be useful to italicise part of a quotation to add emphasis, showing the reader that this is the key part to pay attention to. Use the phrase ’emphasis added’ to show that the italics were not part of the original text.

You usually don’t need to use brackets to indicate minor changes to punctuation or capitalisation made to ensure the quote fits the style of your text.

If you quote more than a few lines from a source, you must format it as a block quote . Instead of using quotation marks, you set the quote on a new line and indent it so that it forms a separate block of text.

Block quotes are cited just like regular quotes, except that if the quote ends with a full stop, the citation appears after the full stop.

To the end of his days Bilbo could never remember how he found himself outside, without a hat, a walking-stick or any money, or anything that he usually took when he went out; leaving his second breakfast half-finished and quite unwashed-up, pushing his keys into Gandalf’s hands, and running as fast as his furry feet could carry him down the lane, past the great Mill, across The Water, and then on for a mile or more. (16)

Avoid relying too heavily on quotes in academic writing . To integrate a source , it’s often best to paraphrase , which means putting the passage into your own words. This helps you integrate information smoothly and keeps your own voice dominant.

However, there are some situations in which quotes are more appropriate.

When focusing on language

If you want to comment on how the author uses language (for example, in literary analysis ), it’s necessary to quote so that the reader can see the exact passage you are referring to.

When giving evidence

To convince the reader of your argument, interpretation or position on a topic, it’s often helpful to include quotes that support your point. Quotes from primary sources (for example, interview transcripts or historical documents) are especially credible as evidence.

When presenting an author’s position or definition

When you’re referring to secondary sources such as scholarly books and journal articles, try to put others’ ideas in your own words when possible.

But if a passage does a great job at expressing, explaining, or defining something, and it would be very difficult to paraphrase without changing the meaning or losing the weakening the idea’s impact, it’s worth quoting directly.

A quote is an exact copy of someone else’s words, usually enclosed in quotation marks and credited to the original author or speaker.

To present information from other sources in academic writing , it’s best to paraphrase in most cases. This shows that you’ve understood the ideas you’re discussing and incorporates them into your text smoothly.

It’s appropriate to quote when:

  • Changing the phrasing would distort the meaning of the original text
  • You want to discuss the author’s language choices (e.g., in literary analysis )
  • You’re presenting a precise definition
  • You’re looking in depth at a specific claim

Every time you quote a source , you must include a correctly formatted in-text citation . This looks slightly different depending on the citation style .

For example, a direct quote in APA is cited like this: ‘This is a quote’ (Streefkerk, 2020, p. 5).

Every in-text citation should also correspond to a full reference at the end of your paper.

In scientific subjects, the information itself is more important than how it was expressed, so quoting should generally be kept to a minimum. In the arts and humanities, however, well-chosen quotes are often essential to a good paper.

In social sciences, it varies. If your research is mainly quantitative , you won’t include many quotes, but if it’s more qualitative , you may need to quote from the data you collected .

As a general guideline, quotes should take up no more than 5–10% of your paper. If in doubt, check with your instructor or supervisor how much quoting is appropriate in your field.

If you’re quoting from a text that paraphrases or summarises other sources and cites them in parentheses , APA  recommends retaining the citations as part of the quote:

  • Smith states that ‘the literature on this topic (Jones, 2015; Sill, 2019; Paulson, 2020) shows no clear consensus’ (Smith, 2019, p. 4).

Footnote or endnote numbers that appear within quoted text should be omitted.

If you want to cite an indirect source (one you’ve only seen quoted in another source), either locate the original source or use the phrase ‘as cited in’ in your citation.

A block quote is a long quote formatted as a separate ‘block’ of text. Instead of using quotation marks , you place the quote on a new line, and indent the entire quote to mark it apart from your own words.

APA uses block quotes for quotes that are 40 words or longer.

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McCombes, S. & Caulfield, J. (2022, September 03). How to Quote | Citing Quotes in Harvard & APA. Scribbr. Retrieved 2 July 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/working-sources/quoting/

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How to Cite a Thesis in APA

Last Updated: January 31, 2023

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Jennifer Mueller is a wikiHow Content Creator. She specializes in reviewing, fact-checking, and evaluating wikiHow's content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. Jennifer holds a JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. This article has been viewed 10,694 times.

When you're using a thesis as a reference for a research paper, your citation format will vary depending on where you found the thesis. With the American Psychological Association (APA) citation method, if the thesis was published, you would use the same format you would normally use for a book or journal article. However, your in-text citation and reference list entry will vary if you're referencing an unpublished thesis. [1] X Research source

Crafting an In-Text Citation

Step 1 Use the author's name and year for a parenthetical citation.

  • For example, you might write: "However, people's cupcake flavor preference is not correlated to their favorite color (Baker 2018)."

Step 2 Place the year after the author's name in your text.

  • For example, you might write: "According to Baker (2018), people whose favorite color was purple were not necessarily fond of grape-flavored cupcakes."

Step 3 Omit a parenthetical citation if you include the name and year in your text.

  • For example, you might write: "As late as 2017, scholars suspected that people's favorite foods corresponded with their favorite colors. However, in 2018, Baker's research showed that there was no correlation between people's favorite colors and their favorite cupcake flavors, indicating the correlation between foods and colors may be overstated."

Step 4 Include a page number for direct quotes.

  • The citation goes outside the closing quotation marks but inside the closing punctuation for short quotes. For block quotes, place the citation outside the closing punctuation for the quote.
  • If you included the author's name in your text, place the year immediately after the author's name. Then place a parenthetical after the quote with only the page number or range.

Parenthetical In-Text Citation Format for a Direct Quote:

(Author Year, p. #).

Including a Reference List Entry

Step 1 Start with the name of the author.

  • Example: Baker, C. F.

Step 2 Provide the year in parentheses.

  • Example: Baker, C. F. (2018).

Step 3 List the title of the thesis and description.

  • Example: Baker, C. F. (2018). Constant craving: Assessing the correlation between color and flavor based on self-professed preferences (Unpublished master's thesis).

Step 4 Close with the university and location.

  • Do not abbreviate place names. Omit the name of the city if it is included in the name of the university.
  • Example: Baker, C. F. (2018). Constant craving: Assessing the correlation between color and flavor based on self-professed preferences (Unpublished master's thesis). Candyland University, Narnia.

APA Reference List Entry — Unpublished Thesis

Author, A. A. (Year). Title in sentence case: Subtitle in sentence case (Unpublished [level] thesis). University Name, University Location.

Expert Q&A

  • This article provides guidance on how to cite an unpublished thesis in APA format. If the thesis is published, use the format that corresponds to the medium in which you found the thesis. [10] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ http://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA6th/intextcitation
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_other_print_sources.html

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Jennifer Mueller, JD

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Dissertation & Doctoral Project Formatting & Clearance: Citing In Text

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  • Formatting Manual & Forms
  • APA Style 7th Ed.
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In-Text Citation Basics

Author/Date Citation Method

APA publications use the author/date in text citation system to briefly identify sources to readers.  Each in-text citation is listed alphabetically in the reference list.  All in-text citations referenced in the body of work musr appear in the reference list and vice versa.

The author-date method includes the author's surname and the the publication year.  Do not include suffixes such as Jr., Esq., etc.

(Jones, 2009)

The author/date method is also used with direct quotes.  Another component is added in this format:

(Jones, 2009, p.19)

When multiple pages are referenced, use pp.

(Jones, 2009, pp.19-21)

Variations of author/date within a sentence

Here are some examples of how the author/date citation method are formatted within different parts of a sentence. Please note the author, publication date, and study are entirely fictional (see APA, p.174).

Beginning of a sentence:

Jones (2009) completed a study on the effects of dark chocolate on heart disease.

Middle of a sentence:

In 2009, Jones's study on the effects of dark chocolate and heart disease revealed...

End of a sentence:

The study revealed that participants who ate dark chocolate bars every day did not develop heart disease (Jones, 2009).

Citing a specific part of source (chapter, tables, figures, or equations)

When citing a particular part of a source, it is important to indicate the page, chapter, figure, table, or equation.  Remember to always give page numbers for direct quotations (see APA, section 6.19, p. 179). 

Correct abbreviations continue to be used (see APA, sections 4.22 - 4.30).

(National Chocolate Lovers Association, 2007, p.17)

(Jones, 2009, Chapter 8)


Paraphrasing is great because it allows you to use your own words and your own voice.  It demonstrates that you truly understand what the author is saying. Word of caution: Avoid changing the author's meaning and/or plagiarizing the author.  Looking up certain words within the thesaurus is not paraphrasing.  It is also important to cite the author while paraphrasing.

Here is an example of paraphrasing:

Original citation:

"With rates of childhood obesity climbing over the last decade, some parents and policy-makers have thought to consider whether the availability of endless soda and junk food in school vending machines might be contributing to the problem—and if banning those foods in schools might help solve it" (Price, 2012).


Price discusses the possibility that the availability of unhealthy, sugary snacks and drinks in school vending machines has contributed to the rising epidemic of obesity in children.  In an effort to eliminate the source of the problem, some of have proposed implementing a ban (2012).

Direct Quotes: the Short and Long

Direct quotations are sometimes necessary to truly convey the author's meaning to the reader.  When directly quoting an author(s),  (a) the quote must be relevant to your argument, (b) it needs to smoothly transition between what comes first and move to what comes later, (c), it must fit logically and make grammatical sense, and (d) it should be no longer than absolutely necessary.

When reproducing an author's word directly, it is extremely important to quote and cite.  Direct quotations with citation prevents plagiarism and gives the author credit for his/her work. The parenthetical cite should always contain the author's surname, the publication year of the work, and the page citation or paragraph number (for nonpaginated material).

Direct quotations can vary in length.  Quotes fewer than 40 words should be incorporated into the text of the paragraph.  Quotes comprised of 40 or more words, need to be formatted in block quotes.  (see APA, section 6.03, pp.170 - 173; and APA Style Blog , "How to Cite Direct Quotations" or APA Style Blog , "You Can Quote Me on This").

Short, direct quotes (less than 40 words):

Author and quote separated

Bell and Shank (2007) identify that "[a]t least one survey identified library instruction as the type of collaboration mentioned most frequently by librarians" (p.67).

Article retrieved online (see APA, section 6.05, p.171-172)

Price (2012) notes "[t]he results aren't huge, but apparently these laws have a real—and positive—effect on students' health" (para.4).

Author and quote together

"Design is designed in many ways.  By one definition it is the conscious examination of objects and processes to determine how they can be made better" (Bell & Shank, 2007, p. 23).

" The books, sold in the United States, share a piece of a foreign culture, while profits are put back into the country the story came from" (Anthony, 2012, para. 2).

Long, block quotes (40 words or more):

Formatting rules:

• Indent the block quote five spaces or half an inch. • Do not use quotation marks. • Double space the quote unless your school has a rule about single spacing block quotes. • Do not include any additional lines or spaces before or after the block quote. • Notice that in block quotes, the period goes before the parentheses, not after.

Michelli (2007) uses the coffee chain, Starbucks, as example on how to become extraordinary.  He discusses in detail various principles he discovered during his research on the renowned company.  One of the principles focuses on "making it your own."  He writes,

Like most companies, Starbucks has wrestled with ways to invite its partners to fully engage their passions and talents everyday in every interaction at wor.  Simultaneously, the leadership has to ensure that individual partners' differences are blending into a generally uniform experience for customers.  Finding a balance between these two important, yet somtimes divergent, leadership responsibilities can be awkward.  Yet through its principle of Make It Your Own, Starbucks has succeeded in creating a unique model that encourages partners at all levels to pour their creative energy and dedication into everything they do. (p. 20)

This principle does not only apply to businesses; it can be part of anyone's personal beliefs.

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Home / Guides / Citation Guides / Chicago Style / How to Cite a Thesis/Dissertation in Chicago/Turabian

How to Cite a Thesis/Dissertation in Chicago/Turabian

Academic theses and dissertations can be a good source of information when writing your own paper. They are usually accessed via a university’s database or a third party database, or found on the web. The main difference between a thesis and a dissertation is the degree type they are submitted for:

  • Thesis—A document submitted to earn a degree, such as a master’s degree, at a university.
  • Dissertation—A document submitted to earn an advanced degree, such as a doctorate, at a university.

This guide will show you how to create notes-bibliography style citations for theses and dissertations in a variety of formats using the 17th edition of the  Chicago Manual of Style.

Guide Overview

  • Citing a thesis or dissertation from a database
  • Citing a thesis or dissertation from the web
  • Citing an unpublished thesis or dissertation

Citing a Thesis or Dissertation from a Database

Citation structure.

1. First name Last name, “Title” (master’s thesis or PhD diss., University Name, year published), page number, Database (Identification Number).


Last name, First name. “Title.” Master’s thesis or PhD diss., University Name, year published. Database (Identification Number).

Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 1.23.21 PM

Citation Example

1. Kimberly Knight,  “Media Epidemics: Viral Structures in Literature and New Media” (PhD diss., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011), 17, MLA International Bibliography (2013420395).

Knight, Kimberly.  “Media Epidemics: Viral Structures in Literature and New Media.” PhD diss., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011. MLA International Bibliography (2013420395).

Citing a Thesis or Dissertation from the Web

1. First name Last name, “Title” (master’s thesis or PhD diss., University Name, year published), page number, URL.

Last name, First name. “Title.” Master’s thesis or PhD diss., University Name, year published. URL.


1. Peggy Lynn Wilson, “Pedagogical Practices in the Teaching of English Language in Secondary Public Schools in Parker County” (PhD diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2011), 25, https://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/11801/1/Wilson_umd_0117E_12354.pdf.

Wilson, Peggy Lynn. “Pedagogical Practices in the Teaching of English Language in Secondary Public Schools in Parker County.” PhD diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2011. https://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/11801/1/Wilson_umd_0117E_12354.pdf.

Citing an Unpublished Thesis or Dissertation

In rare cases, you may need to cite a thesis or dissertation that has not yet been published. This is particularly the case if you want to cite your own work or the work of a colleague.

1. First name Last name, “Title” (unpublished manuscript, Month Day, Year last modified), format.

Last name, First name. “Title.” Unpublished manuscript, last modified Month Day, Year. Format.

1. John Doe, “A Study of Generic Topic” (unpublished manuscript, June 19, 2021), Microsoft Word file.

Doe, John. “A Study of Generic Topic.” Unpublished manuscript, last modified June 19, 2021. Microsoft Word file.

Creative Commons License

Chicago Formatting Guide

Chicago Formatting

  • Book Chapter
  • Conference Paper
  • Musical Recording

Citation Examples

  • Thesis or Dissertation
  • Encyclopedia
  • Sheet Music
  • YouTube Video

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Rules for correct quotation and citation in a bachelor's, master's and PhD thesis

Correct citation in the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral thesis is the prerequisite for passing this exercise. These tips will help you to avoid mistakes from the beginning.

What function do quotations have in the thesis?

Academic texts adopt thoughts of other authors, whether literally or in spirit. These quotations must be marked to be verifiable. Such a verification is made possible by references.

How should literal quotations in the thesis appear?

Verbatim or literal quotations are taken 1 to 1 from the original text enclosed in quotation marks. Even typing errors are included. Usually, a literal quote is documented in a footnote at the end of the page. It contains the name of the author, the year of the publication, and the page number. This content provides a clear assignment to the source in the bibliography. However, the guidelines of your department must be observed.

The second option is to put the year and page number in brackets after the closing character of the quote in the running text. (American citation)

How are non-literal quotations cited in the thesis?

Indirect quotations are not placed in quotation marks. Instead, a statement from another author and quasi rewritten is accompanied by a footnote or a reference in brackets. As a rule, the procedure is the same as for direct citations. However, the abbreviation Cf. (comparisons) is placed before the source reference. Here too, the guidelines of your supervisor must be observed.

How can I cite a source with several authors in my thesis?

There are several possibilities. Either all names are listed, or only one name is mentioned with the addition et al. (et alii = and others). This citation must be clearly assigned to a source in the bibliography.

How can I quote a statement of an author found in the text of another author?

You don't! Get the primary source and quote the argument from it or find another source with the argument or leave it out.

One more tip: Review the arguments of the author. If an author is restating the statements of other authors page by page, you should instead look at the other authors. But if it provides a real in-depth overview, as is the rule in a dissertation, then you should look for other sources selectively.

Another tip: Work with real studies (paper or journal article). Then this question does not even arise. Because these quotations in books usually come from real studies anyway.

Your checklist for correct citations in the thesis:

  • Original sources consulted?
  • Quote checked?
  • Literal quotations declared?
  • Quotations taken over in the same way declared?
  • Emphasis adopted?
  • Own comments declared?
  • Omissions reasonable and technically correct?
  • Source references technically correct and uniform?
  • Page details technically correct?
  • Transfers to the directories correct?

Good luck writing your text! Silvio and the Aristolo Team

PS: Check out the Thesis-ABC and the Thesis Guide for writing a bachelor's or master's thesis in 31 days.


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How to Cite Sources | Citation Generator & Quick Guide

Citing your sources is essential in  academic writing . Whenever you quote or paraphrase a source (such as a book, article, or webpage), you have to include a  citation crediting the original author.

Failing to properly cite your sources counts as plagiarism , since you’re presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own.

The most commonly used citation styles are APA and MLA. The free Scribbr Citation Generator is the quickest way to cite sources in these styles. Simply enter the URL, DOI, or title, and we’ll generate an accurate, correctly formatted citation.

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Table of contents

When do you need to cite sources, which citation style should you use, in-text citations, reference lists and bibliographies.

Scribbr Citation Generator

Other useful citation tools

Citation examples and full guides, frequently asked questions about citing sources.

Citations are required in all types of academic texts. They are needed for several reasons:

  • To avoid plagiarism by indicating when you’re taking information from another source
  • To give proper credit to the author of that source
  • To allow the reader to consult your sources for themselves

A citation is needed whenever you integrate a source into your writing. This usually means quoting or paraphrasing:

  • To quote a source , copy a short piece of text word for word and put it inside quotation marks .
  • To paraphrase a source , put the text into your own words. It’s important that the paraphrase is not too close to the original wording. You can use the paraphrasing tool if you don’t want to do this manually.

Citations are needed whether you quote or paraphrase, and whatever type of source you use. As well as citing scholarly sources like books and journal articles, don’t forget to include citations for any other sources you use for ideas, examples, or evidence. That includes websites, YouTube videos , and lectures .

Scribbr Citation Checker New

The AI-powered Citation Checker helps you avoid common mistakes such as:

  • Missing commas and periods
  • Incorrect usage of “et al.”
  • Ampersands (&) in narrative citations
  • Missing reference entries

how to quote thesis

Usually, your institution (or the journal you’re submitting to) will require you to follow a specific citation style, so check your guidelines or ask your instructor.

In some cases, you may have to choose a citation style for yourself. Make sure to pick one style and use it consistently:

  • APA Style is widely used in the social sciences and beyond.
  • MLA style is common in the humanities.
  • Chicago notes and bibliography , common in the humanities
  • Chicago author-date , used in the (social) sciences
  • There are many other citation styles for different disciplines.

If in doubt, check with your instructor or read other papers from your field of study to see what style they follow.

In most styles, your citations consist of:

  • Brief in-text citations at the relevant points in the text
  • A reference list or bibliography containing full information on all the sources you’ve cited

In-text citations most commonly take the form of parenthetical citations featuring the last name of the source’s author and its year of publication (aka author-date citations).

An alternative to this type of in-text citation is the system used in numerical citation styles , where a number is inserted into the text, corresponding to an entry in a numbered reference list.

There are also note citation styles , where you place your citations in either footnotes or endnotes . Since they’re not embedded in the text itself, these citations can provide more detail and sometimes aren’t accompanied by a full reference list or bibliography.

(London: John Murray, 1859), 510.

A reference list (aka “Bibliography” or “Works Cited,” depending on the style) is where you provide full information on each of the sources you’ve cited in the text. It appears at the end of your paper, usually with a hanging indent applied to each entry.

The information included in reference entries is broadly similar, whatever citation style you’re using. For each source, you’ll typically include the:

  • Author name
  • Publication date
  • Container (e.g., the book an essay was published in, the journal an article appeared in)
  • Location (e.g., a URL or DOI , or sometimes a physical location)

The exact information included varies depending on the source type and the citation style. The order in which the information appears, and how you format it (e.g., capitalization, use of italics) also varies.

Most commonly, the entries in your reference list are alphabetized by author name. This allows the reader to easily find the relevant entry based on the author name in your in-text citation.


In numerical citation styles, the entries in your reference list are numbered, usually based on the order in which you cite them. The reader finds the right entry based on the number that appears in the text.

Vancouver reference list example

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Because each style has many small differences regarding things like italicization, capitalization , and punctuation , it can be difficult to get every detail right. Using a citation generator can save you a lot of time and effort.

Scribbr offers citation generators for both APA and MLA style. Both are quick, easy to use, and 100% free, with no ads and no registration required.

Just input a URL or DOI or add the source details manually, and the generator will automatically produce an in-text citation and reference entry in the correct format. You can save your reference list as you go and download it when you’re done, and even add annotations for an annotated bibliography .

Once you’ve prepared your citations, you might still be unsure if they’re correct and if you’ve used them appropriately in your text. This is where Scribbr’s other citation tools and services may come in handy:

Plagiarism Checker

Citation Checker

Citation Editing

Plagiarism means passing off someone else’s words or ideas as your own. It’s a serious offense in academia. Universities use plagiarism checking software to scan your paper and identify any similarities to other texts.

When you’re dealing with a lot of sources, it’s easy to make mistakes that could constitute accidental plagiarism. For example, you might forget to add a citation after a quote, or paraphrase a source in a way that’s too close to the original text.

Using a plagiarism checker yourself before you submit your work can help you spot these mistakes before they get you in trouble. Based on the results, you can add any missing citations and rephrase your text where necessary.

Try out the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker for free, or check out our detailed comparison of the best plagiarism checkers available online.

Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

Scribbr’s Citation Checker is a unique AI-powered tool that automatically detects stylistic errors and inconsistencies in your in-text citations. It also suggests a correction for every mistake.

Currently available for APA Style, this is the fastest and easiest way to make sure you’ve formatted your citations correctly. You can try out the tool for free below.

If you need extra help with your reference list, we also offer a more in-depth Citation Editing Service.

Our experts cross-check your in-text citations and reference entries, make sure you’ve included the correct information for each source, and improve the formatting of your reference page.

If you want to handle your citations yourself, Scribbr’s free Knowledge Base provides clear, accurate guidance on every aspect of citation. You can see citation examples for a variety of common source types below:

And you can check out our comprehensive guides to the most popular citation styles:

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The abbreviation “ et al. ” (Latin for “and others”) is used to shorten citations of sources with multiple authors.

“Et al.” is used in APA in-text citations of sources with 3+ authors, e.g. (Smith et al., 2019). It is not used in APA reference entries .

Use “et al.” for 3+ authors in MLA in-text citations and Works Cited entries.

Use “et al.” for 4+ authors in a Chicago in-text citation , and for 10+ authors in a Chicago bibliography entry.

The Scribbr Citation Generator is developed using the open-source Citation Style Language (CSL) project and Frank Bennett’s citeproc-js . It’s the same technology used by dozens of other popular citation tools, including Mendeley and Zotero.

You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github .

APA format is widely used by professionals, researchers, and students in the social and behavioral sciences, including fields like education, psychology, and business.

Be sure to check the guidelines of your university or the journal you want to be published in to double-check which style you should be using.

MLA Style  is the second most used citation style (after APA ). It is mainly used by students and researchers in humanities fields such as literature, languages, and philosophy.

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How to quote a non-English quotation in dissertation?

I am writing my math PhD in Berlin (Germany) in the English language.

I would like to cite a German quotation from a famous mathematician as a start of my first chapter.

Should I quote it in the original language and make a footnote of what it means in English, or should I freely translate it into English without a footnote? Or is there simply no standard for this kind of fancy quotations?

  • writing-style

jakebeal's user avatar

  • 4 You can also keep it in German only. It's a quote, it's probably there just for colour and it is not strictly necessary to understand the following content. Many of your readers will understand it, and the other ones can just check on Google Translate. (This assuming that the quote is an epigraph and is not part of the actual chapter text.) –  Federico Poloni Commented Mar 14, 2015 at 11:26
  • There is no standard, one can easily find instances of all three cases (original only, original and translation, and translation only) in the literature. –  fkraiem Commented Mar 14, 2015 at 11:56

The quotation is really more for fun than for substance, so you've got a lot of leeway, and even more so because this is in a Ph.D. thesis. So really, it's up to you whether you translate it at all.

That said, I would suggest approaching it based on the degree to which you like the prosody and meter of the quotation. If the sound of the words themselves is a significant part of what makes you enjoy the quote, then by all means keep it in the original language, where it will be well appreciated by some readers and challenge the rest. If the substance is more important than the sound, then it may be better to translate.

For example, I don't know much of German quotations, but if I were using a French quotation, then I would not translate "Ceci n'est pas une pipe," but I would definitely translate "Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications."

  • Je suis d'accord. If it is necessary to translate the quotation for the substance of the text, do so. But in general, translation (from Latin translatus, approx. "that which is carried across") is necessarily imprecise, and the real context of the original language is very difficult to retain in that carrying across. –  Calchas Commented Mar 15, 2015 at 0:28

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Barrick Gold and Airbus have been highlighted as Zacks Bull and Bear of the Day

For immediate release.

Chicago, IL – July 3, 2024 – Zacks Equity Research shares Barrick Gold ( GOLD Quick Quote GOLD - Free Report ) as the Bull of the Day and Airbus Group ( EADSY Quick Quote EADSY - Free Report ) as the Bear of the Day. In addition, Zacks Equity Research provides analysis on SkyWest ( SKYW Quick Quote SKYW - Free Report ) , United Airlines ( UAL Quick Quote UAL - Free Report ) and Alaska Air ( ALK Quick Quote ALK - Free Report ) .

Here is a synopsis of all five stocks:

Bull of the Day :

Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) stock Barrick Gold is a Canadian gold mining company. Barrick is among the top gold producers globally, and the company has mining projects and exploration locations across five continents.

GOLD management is focused on maximizing the benefits of rising metal prices by meeting operations and financial targets. As you might expect, the stock is highly correlated to its underlying commodity, gold. As such, I will first cover the bullish thesis behind gold.

Gold Bull Thesis

Inflation hedge.

Investors see gold as a hedge against inflation. The U.S. faces a mindboggling deficit of $34 trillion and is proliferating each day. As the 2024 election approaches, investors must accept the fact that Biden and Trump, the two overwhelming frontrunners, are not known for their fiscal conservatism.

Furthermore, even if spending tapers, the Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates by year-end, and the budget deficit will remain at nosebleed levels. Interest payments are swelling, ranking fourth in spending (only behind Social Security, Medicare, & Defense). In other words, don't expect a budget surplus any time soon – the last surplus for the federal government was in 2001!

U.S. Sanctions & BRICS Demand

BRICS is an acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies- which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, & the UAE have been added to the original BRICS recently) – known for their significant influence on regional and global affairs. BRICS was formed to promote cooperation and collaboration among its member countries, which are major emerging economies, to address common challenges, foster economic development, and enhance their collective influence on the global stage. By working together, BRICS seeks to strengthen their positions in international institutions, promote inclusive development, and contribute to global economic governance reforms.

How does the BRICS impact the price of gold? The U.S. has levied severe sanctions on BRICS members such as Russia and newcomer Iran. With Russia locked in a multi-year conflict with Ukraine (with no end in sight) and Iranian leadership funding proxy wars on U.S. troops globally, the two countries are essentially barred from using the U.S. dollar and are forced to seek alternatives.

To "de-dollarize" and provide an alternative to the U.S. dollar (which is no longer backed by gold), the BRICS countries have been dramatically increasing their purchases of gold on the international market – a trend that should last for years to come and put a floor under gold and gold proxies like the Van Eck Gold Miners ETF.

Costco Sparks Retail Gold Demand

Costco Wholesale is one of the top discount retailers in the United States and worldwide. What makes Costco so unique? The company offers dirt cheap prices to those consumers who are willing to purchase a Costco membership and buy in bulk. By moving a lot of products, COST can keep prices low on everything from gasoline to televisions to furniture. Though COST is a discount retailer, it offers high-end products to its loyal customer base, such as expensive and difficult-to-source cognac, for example.

In the second half of 2023, Costco began to offer gold bullion bars at competitive price levels. The addition of gold bars to Costco Wholesale locations has been breathtaking. Because of its solid reputation and competitive pricing, COST reportedly rakes in ~$200 million a month in revenue from gold bullion alone. With such success, it is not out of the question that other retailers follow suit and the consumer gold market snowballs, driving gold prices higher.

Barrick Bull Thesis

M&a sparks growth.

Barrick has been leveraging mergers and acquisitions to become an industry leading gold company. The company now owns five of the industry's top ten tier one gold assets. Furthermore, GOLD has the lowest total cash cost position among senior gold peers mixed with high-quality gold reserves. Barrick also has an extensive regional presence across many of the world's most prolific gold districts.

Robust EPS Estimates and the Tendency to Beat the Street

Zacks Consensus Estimates suggest that Barrick will grow EPS at a healthy double-digit rate over the next two years.

Meanwhile, the company has delivered positive EPS surprises for four straight quarters, with an average surprise of 18%.

Bullish Technical Set-Up

GOLD is forming a bullish monthly pennant. Investors should look for the stock to clear last month's doji (indecision) candle.

Bottom Line

Through its aggressive M&A strategy, Barrick Gold is well-positioned to take advantage of soaring gold demand and government spending.

Bear of the Day :

Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell) stock Airbus Group is a leading airplane manufacturer headquartered in the Netherlands. The massive multinational aerospace company focuses on designing and manufacturing commercial aircraft.

However, Airbus has smaller business divisions, which include segments such as defense, space, and a helicopter division. Airbus is the world's second largest commercial airplane manufacturer, only behind U.S. airplane manufacturing juggernaut Boeing, which Airbus enjoys a duopoly with.

Airbus Slashes Guidance

Late last month, Airbus unexpectedly cut 2024 guidance and lowered its financial targets for the year, blaming supply chain issues and increased costs. Earlier in the year, the company projected earnings before expenses like interest and taxes would be ~$7 billion. However, the company projects adjusted earnings will fall short of $6 billion, and it will deliver fewer commercial airplanes than expected.

The shot of lousy news adds to the company's already troubling earnings surprise trend. Airbus has missed Zacks Consensus Estimates for three of the past four quarters.

Faltering Despite Boeing Woes

Boeing, Airbus's largest competitor, has experienced a plethora of recent safety scares, including a tire that fell off a United Airlines plane during takeoff and two violent turbulence episodes that resulted in an unfortunate death. Nevertheless, despite a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation and a tarnished reputation, Airbus has not been able to seize on the opportunity, a troubling sign.

China Competition Heating Up

As I mentioned previously, Boeing and Airbus are the two most prominent airline manufacturers worldwide. Until recently, breaking into the airline market was too difficult and had too many barriers of entry. However, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), a state-owned aerospace manufacturer, sees the crisis in Boeing and Airbus as an opportunity.

While Boeing and Airbus face supply chain issues and continue to have massive delays in meeting their backlog demands, COMAC is looking to vie for the single-aisle segment of the commercial airplane market. Though COMAC is unlikely to upstage the big two, its near-unlimited funding makes it a formidable competitor to at least put a dent in earnings.

Relative Weakness

EADSY is severely underperforming the S&P 500 Index and is red for the year while the S&P is up 25% - a sign of relative weakness.

Airbus cannot gain traction in the airline industry even though Boeing, its main competitor, has suffered a string of safety issues and a tarnished reputation. Meanwhile, China's state-owned airplane manufacturer threatens to grab a slice of the market.

Additional content:

3 airline stocks to keep an eye on in 2h24.

Airline stocks have been flying high, primarily owing to strong passenger revenues. Air travel demand has roared back from the pandemic lows and is particularly strong on the leisure front. Demand for business travel is also bouncing back nicely. Driven by upbeat passenger volumes, stocks in the airline industry have performed well in the first half of 2024.

With passenger traffic anticipated to remain high throughout the year, airline stocks are expected to perform strongly in the latter half of 2024 as well. Passenger volumes are likely to move further northward in the ongoing summer season. Per Airlines for America, U.S. airlines are anticipated to carry 271 million passengers from Jun 1 to Aug 31, 2024.

The projection marks an all-time high. Air travel is expected to soar over the Labor Day holiday period later this year as well. It is also anticipated to be high during winter, thereby keeping airlines in good shape. Moreover, efforts to reward shareholders by the industry players indicate financial strength.

This optimism regarding air travel is not limited to the United States only. In June, the International Air Transport Association, or IATA, increased its current-year global profitability (net) forecast for the industry to $30.5 billion from $25.7 billion estimated in December last year. Net profit in 2023 was $27.4 billion. The top line in 2024 is now anticipated to be $996 billion compared with the previous estimate of $964 billion. The revised revenue forecast, a record high, indicates a 9.7% increase from the 2023 actuals driven by upbeat passenger volumes.

Given this encouraging backdrop, we have highlighted three airline stocks that investors should keep a tab on as they are anticipated to perform well going forward. Additionally, the companies have witnessed favorable earnings estimate revisions for the current year.

Our Choices

SkyWest carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) at present. The upbeat air travel demand bodes well for this St. George, UT-based regional carrier. SkyWest's fleet modernization efforts are commendable. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for SKYW's 2024 earnings has improved 6.9% over the past 90 days. You can see the complete list of today's Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) stocks here .

SKYW has an expected earnings growth rate of more than 100% for 2024. The company delivered a trailing four-quarter earnings surprise of 128.09%, on average. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for SKYW's 2025 earnings has improved 7.4% over the past 90 days.

United Airlines is based in Chicago. The gradual increase in air travel demand (particularly for leisure) is aiding UAL. However, high operating costs are hurting the bottom line.

Over the past 60 days, the stock has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2024 earnings being revised 0.2% upward. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2025 earnings has been revised 0.4% upward over the past 60 days. UAL currently carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold).

Alaska Air The company, based in Seattle, WA, is being aided by the uptick in air travel demand. The carrier's shareholder-friendly attitude also bodes well.

Over the past 60 days, the Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2024 earnings has been revised 2% upward. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2025 earnings has been revised 5.1% upward over the past 60 days. ALK currently carries a Zacks Rank #3.

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Normally $25 each - click below to receive one report free:.

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  1. How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in APA

    Citing a published dissertation or thesis from a database. If a thesis or dissertation has been published and is found on a database, then follow the structure below. It's similar to the format for an unpublished dissertation/thesis, but with a few differences: Structure: Author's last name, F. M. (Year published).

  2. How to Cite a Dissertation in APA Style

    To cite an unpublished dissertation (one you got directly from the author or university in print form), add "Unpublished" to the bracketed description, and list the university at the end of the reference, outside the square brackets. APA format. Author last name, Initials. ( Year ).

  3. How to Quote

    Citing a quote in APA Style. To cite a direct quote in APA, you must include the author's last name, the year, and a page number, all separated by commas. If the quote appears on a single page, use "p."; if it spans a page range, use "pp.". An APA in-text citation can be parenthetical or narrative.

  4. APA Citations for a Thesis or Dissertation

    How to Cite a Published Dissertation or Thesis in APA. To cite a published dissertation in APA 7th edition, you need to include: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of doctoral dissertation or master's thesis (Publication number, if available) [Doctoral dissertation or master's thesis, Institution]. Publisher.

  5. How to cite a master's thesis in APA

    Title of the Master's thesis: Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized. Publication number: Give the identification number of the thesis, if available. Name of the degree awarding institution: Give the name of the institution. Name of Platform: Give the name of the database, archive or any platform that holds the ...

  6. Thesis/Dissertation

    Thesis, from a commercial database. Lope, M. D. (2014). Perceptions of global mindedness in the international baccalaureate middle years programme: The relationship to student academic performance and teacher characteristics (Order No. 3682837) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland].ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

  7. How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in MLA

    Citing a Thesis or Dissertation. Thesis - A document submitted to earn a degree at a university.. Dissertation - A document submitted to earn an advanced degree, such as a doctorate, at a university.. The formatting for thesis and dissertation citations is largely the same. However, you should be sure to include the type of degree after the publication year as supplemental information.

  8. The Basics of In-Text Citation

    Quotes should always be cited (and indicated with quotation marks), and you should include a page number indicating where in the source the quote can be found. Example: Quote with APA Style in-text citation. Evolution is a gradual process that "can act only by very short and slow steps" (Darwin, 1859, p. 510).

  9. APA: how to cite a PhD thesis [Update 2023]

    How to cite a PhD thesis in APA. If the thesis is available from a database, archive or any online platform use the following template: Author (s) of the thesis: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J. D.) of up to 20 authors with the last name preceded by an ampersand (&). For 21 or more authors include the first 19 names followed by ...

  10. Library Guides: APA 7th referencing style: Thesis

    APA 7th referencing style. This is a guide to using the APA7 referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

  11. Quotations

    when an author has said something memorably or succinctly, or. when you want to respond to exact wording (e.g., something someone said). Instructors, programs, editors, and publishers may establish limits on the use of direct quotations. Consult your instructor or editor if you are concerned that you may have too much quoted material in your paper.

  12. Research Guides: Write and Cite: Theses and Dissertations

    A thesis is a long-term, large project that involves both research and writing; it is easy to lose focus, motivation, and momentum. Here are suggestions for achieving the result you want in the time you have. The dissertation is probably the largest project you have undertaken, and a lot of the work is self-directed.

  13. Quoting and integrating sources into your paper

    Important guidelines. When integrating a source into your paper, remember to use these three important components: Introductory phrase to the source material: mention the author, date, or any other relevant information when introducing a quote or paraphrase. Source material: a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary with proper citation.

  14. Published Dissertation or Thesis References

    The same format can be adapted for other published theses, including undergraduate theses, by changing the wording of the bracketed description as appropriate (e.g., "Undergraduate honors thesis"). Include a URL for the dissertation or thesis if the URL will resolve for readers (as shown in the Miranda and Zambrano-Vazquez examples).

  15. How to Quote

    Citing a quote in APA Style. To cite a direct quote in APA, you must include the author's last name, the year, and a page number, all separated by commas. If the quote appears on a single page, use 'p.'; if it spans a page range, use 'pp.'. An APA in-text citation can be parenthetical or narrative.

  16. How to Cite a Thesis in APA

    1. Use the author's name and year for a parenthetical citation. For a standard in-text citation, place the author's name and the year the thesis was submitted in parentheses at the end of any sentence in which you paraphrase information from it. Your citation should fall inside the closing punctuation for the sentence.

  17. Citing In Text

    Long, block quotes (40 words or more): Formatting rules: • Indent the block quote five spaces or half an inch. • Do not use quotation marks. • Double space the quote unless your school has a rule about single spacing block quotes. • Do not include any additional lines or spaces before or after the block quote.

  18. How to Cite a Thesis/Dissertation in Chicago/Turabian

    Thesis—A document submitted to earn a degree, such as a master's degree, at a university. Dissertation—A document submitted to earn an advanced degree, such as a doctorate, at a university. This guide will show you how to create notes-bibliography style citations for theses and dissertations in a variety of formats using the 17th edition ...

  19. Correct quotation and citation in a bachelor, master and PhD thesis

    How should literal quotations in the thesis appear? Verbatim or literal quotations are taken 1 to 1 from the original text enclosed in quotation marks. Even typing errors are included. Usually, a literal quote is documented in a footnote at the end of the page. It contains the name of the author, the year of the publication, and the page number.

  20. How to Cite Sources

    To quote a source, copy a short piece of text word for word and put it inside quotation marks. To paraphrase a source, put the text into your own words. It's important that the paraphrase is not too close to the original wording. You can use the paraphrasing tool if you don't want to do this manually.

  21. Correct way to cite a book in a thesis

    2. You can only put a book or paper in the bibliography if you have cited it in the text, either via a quote or by citing its argument [s], theory/ies, etc. If it's just generally deepened your understanding and you do not quote it or cite its argument [s] it cannot be included in the bibliography. That said, in such a case it can be very easy ...

  22. thesis

    6. The quotation is really more for fun than for substance, so you've got a lot of leeway, and even more so because this is in a Ph.D. thesis. So really, it's up to you whether you translate it at all. That said, I would suggest approaching it based on the degree to which you like the prosody and meter of the quotation.

  23. Barrick Gold and Airbus have been highlighted as Zacks Bull and Bear of

    For Immediate Release. Chicago, IL - July 3, 2024 - Zacks Equity Research shares Barrick Gold (GOLD Quick Quote GOLD - Free Report) as the Bull of the Day and Airbus Group (EADSY Quick Quote ...