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Lyrics submitted by Matt , edited by RidwanRais , sokorny

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in the end and doesn even matter

This song taps into a universal concern: hyper-awareness of time and the inculcated need to do something 'constructive' with it. Most of us spend most of our lives in a dilemma just trying to decide what course of action to take from the debilitating infinity of possibilities supposedly within our grasp. Remember that time didn't exist for most people even 100 years ago, at least not in terms of the seconds ticking by with the 'pendulum swinging'. Time is a modern invention, and along with the atomisation of human 'society' and the dehumanising effects of technology, accounts for the anxiety of the post-war generations. If you do the maths, the population has expanded massively while opportunities have only increased slightly, despite the big lie that there are opportunities for all if you just try hard enough. This song is about the realisation of this lie, and the unquenchable anger that is directed towards the self in this individualistic age. This is the greatest achievement of the neo-liberal capitalist democracy - we are supposedly free and unbounded so when we fail we beat ourselves up instead of having social revolutions. For me, this song is the greatest emotional evocation of this dire mental situation, and is best served up with a dose of early Manic Street Preachers for the intellectual and political side of things.

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Profound, sir.

Just a small comment, Time as we know it is older then a 100 years ago,<br /> The first sundial was made in 3500 BC The first mechanical clock in 1092 AD, the first modern clock in 1368, and the first watch in 1510.<br /> It was around the 1540's (when Big Ben was made) that people truly begin to become slaves to time. I still agree with your point I was just sayo g.

@Liminal2 <br /> You sure think you're smart, don't you. At least you knew what it was you were saying. However, bringing in unrelated topics like the effects of technology was amateurish. Trying to craft this musical masterpiece into a dissertation of society's perception of the concept of time is absurd. It utterly ignores the blatant interpersonal descriptions concerning the soured relationship the second verse deals with. The song is not a repetition of the first verse, the first verse merely sets the stage for the story Mike is telling, as it should. Clearly many were fooled into trusting your formidable vocabulary, but I am afraid that spouting educated interpretations with no basis in reality will only win over the undiscerning.

@Shadowtalons17 , yes you're right there is a whole interpersonal relationship angle in the second verse - I read it as a son rejecting a father's controlling influence. The father acts like the son is 'part of his property' and an extension of his own ego. But the great thing about this song is that the personal level (father putting pressure on son to conform and achieve) is intertwined with the wider societal pressure I talked about in my first comment (pressure to achieve with the clock ticking away your youth, and the internalisation of failure). So the bridge lyrics 'I put my trust in you' could mean trusting the father's egocentric plans for him, or it could mean 'you' the societal system which he rebels against by joining a metal band. It's like when Rage Against the Machine say 'fuck you I won't do what you tell me' - is 'you' a person, or an entire system of control and conformism? Complex ideas need complex words and sentence structures, and I think it's rather patronizing to say that everyone who voted my original comment up was just blinded by vocabulary. Perhaps they found it refreshing to read a comment on here that doesn't just say 'it's about a relationship'?

@Liminal2 it is not fcking love song ffs wtf

@Liminal2 <br /> Read the uni bomber manifesto, (hint: Its not about bombing people). What you say is correct, what shadowtalons17 says disregards our current world. In all of world history never has there been a time like the last 150 years (since the industrial revolution). Time is a valuable thing, these days, for survival

@Liminal2 I have just joined with this site to decipher the meaning of this song especially as it plays in the background of my dreams and what you have said is everything I agree with

@Liminal2 A very erudite and thoughtful critique,nice job....and thanks for using the term MATHS-the Correct way to use it,you must be here in the UK....Well done.

@Liminal2 Friendly reminded that communism doesn't work and never will

Easy to Interpret: The guy is talking about how much time he has wasted on some girl he was probably with.

And he mentions that he remembers all the times she fought with him and treated him as if he were her property.

He even mentions that he put his trust in her and pushed too far into the relationship and in the end it didn't even matter because she walked off from his life.

He then mentions that she wouldn't recognize him anymore after all the years they haven't seen each other.

He even says: Not that you knew me back then, but it all comes back to me in the end.

Meaning: that the girl he was with barely knew him, even if they were together. and he's starting to remember it all.

The point of this song: Don't waste your time on someone you think you love, who doesn't even care about you, you're wasting too much time. And in the end, you will regret it.

That's pretty much what I got from it.

I can relate to this song 'cause I went through this years ago.

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Me too Jet. When I went through what you obviously did, it meant only that to me. Heartbreak ridden. Thankfully, I left her (after trying every angle I could think of), life got much better. Still love the song, but it's nice to listen to it w/o getting a lump in my throat. That's not to say there can't be other interpretations I imagine; that's the nice thing about most music....if it moves you, it moves you.

@JetStorm17277 You nailed it

@JetStorm17277 got it on the spot. I can relate to your explanation so mucn

can every1 stop saying they like the song or why they like it and talk about the lyrics meaning please

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I like this band

@billythepub , I'm not gonna go off on some stupid ass rant, but I am going to tell u that people are entitled to their opinions, so don't tell them not to express it if they like the song. peace out, god bless.

@billythepub @if ur 555 im 6(sic)6 No one's denying that, it just seems bizarre for them to go onto a website called "songmeanings" just to tell everyone how much they love a song without discussing its meaning. <br /> <br /> They're entitled to their opinions and other people are entitled to find those opinions unnecessary and irrelevant to the point of the website they're being posted on.

@billythepub yeah what is the meaning of this song anyway?

The nice thing about lyrics is their ability to mean something different to everyone. Most people have said they relate to this song in terms of boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Why not? The lyrics can certainly be seen that way. He is singing to someone... that is obvious. Likewise the interpretation that he is singing about life and death, and how the things we do in life don't matter in the end is also a very valid interpretation. The song being about Chester's addiction to coke is also a possibility. The point of this website, I I expect, is to raise awareness about the different aspects of this song. Not to diss it, or to compare it with Nsyncs bubblegum "hip pop". The point is to tell people what you hear of yourself in this song... it has the ability to affect someone deeply at the very roots of their emotional stability. With respect to the interpretations of others (you can agree with me or not) I see the song like this: The singer is angry. Hurt and pain radiates from his voice, and it is emphasized by the heavy drumbeats and guitar strains. It doesn't matter, he says. In the end it doesn't even matter. Haven't we all felt that way? At least once in our lives haven't we felt that someone is "mocking" us, "acting like I was part of your property" and people who you fought with (your parents? Boyfriend, girlfriend? Teachers? Friends?)"I've put my trust in you..." we all trust someone, even if it's only ourselves. We always get let down, by ourselves or by others (perhaps you expected a better grade than you got... or perhaps your parents got divorced, or your significant other left you) at some point because it's a part of being human. "Time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum swings..." As humans, we are fleeting creatures. We have less than a century to accomplish something worthwhile. That accomplishment could be in a medicinal cure, leading a country-- or even loving someone, raising a child to be better off than you were. We only have so long to do these things, and always we see the prospect of death looming ahead. And it's when we fail that songs like this come into play... I could've done better, I tried so hard to make it work, to do things right... now I failed, I'm out of time, it doesn't even matter... The first half of the song is in reference to the permanent time frame which we have in life to accomplish something. The seconf half refers to the specific event itself... which will mean different things to everyone. Agree with me or not, this is my opinion.

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I thought this was a site where one writes their interpretation of the lyrics of a song, not where you simply say thst you are so cool because you listened to the band before everyone else. Or that you don't like the band......if this is the case go visit a site with a band you do like and make a posative intellectual comment.

yeah i don't think people got it it say's song meanings and "this song rocks" isn't the meaning of the song.

yeah i know right how can people hate this song

OMG! THANK YOU! I'm here scrolling down looking for a "meaning" and people are like... "OMG, this band rocks!" Ugh! continues to scroll down

@missheidijo lmao u literally wasted a comment by complaining about people not sharing their interpretation . Least u coulda done is OFFER AN INTERPRETATION IN YOUR POST AS WELL.

what I thought this song meant is that no matter what you do in your life or who you attempt to impress, when it comes down to it, it was all for all that effort and time was wasted on something that never really mattered

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i don't think they are saying everything you try and do is worthless,he's more singing about a certain incident/few incidents that went wrong and now he's heartbroken

"I Tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter" -me after I get my test grades back

@RejectedBaller same here bro

Hi, I'm David, aka Liminal2. I wrote the top voted comment back in 2011 when I was having a really tough time. Like you, I am heartbroken losing Chester just two months after Chris Cornell. Keep your heads down and your eyes on the road my friends, these are difficult times. If you feel you can't take it any more, before you do anything drastic please message me on here and I will reply. We must help each other through these dark times. Peace, love and unity :)

@Liminal2 Thank you for sharing all those years ago. One of the best comments of any song. Comments that I had read recently, due to me listening to Linkin Park lately.<br /> <br /> The End has always been one of those songs I listen to when I feel that what I am doing is for nothing.<br /> The song One More Light off the new album, is like In the End Part 2 (lyrically)<br /> <br /> Take care David and Thank you!

I've decided that this song will be my anthem this summer while I'm rebuilding from falling short in my wrestling season. Damn right I fell apart, and I lost everything I worked for, leaving all my blood sweat and tears to waste. Linkin Park is probably one of, if not the best, at being real with their music. I love how they don't worry about being rich, they don't worry about being famous. They worry about spreading the message of just fighting through the rough times, and earning every second of success.

This song is about a guy who was in a relationship with a girl who wasn't really interested in him. by the time she's gone he realizes that all his hard work trying to rebuild what they had was all for nothing, that he has nothing to show for it, and that in the end none of it mattered. At least that's my interpretation.

Of course this could be applied to anything that a person has worked so hard to accomplish but in the end when he fails doesn't matter.

@wbninjakiwi42 agreed. (Y)

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The Story Behind The Song: In The End by Linkin Park

Linkin Park were already on the way to becoming nu metal’s biggest band. But Hybrid Theory‘s epic final single sent them spinning into the stratosphere

Linkin Park

“ At the time of you asked somebody what they were listening to they’d say, ‘Rock. I listen to hip hop. I listen to jazz’. It wasn’t until five years later they’d say, ‘Everything’.

Mike Shinoda is considering the legacy of Linkin Park ’s  debut album, Hybrid Theory . “It did some of that work,” says the band’s rapper and songwriter proudly of that 20-million selling juggernaut. “It was part of the progression towards breaking down boundaries between styles of music.”

These days, genre-hopping is standard practice for the average band. But when Linkin Park dropped the album on 24 October 2000, their sound was genuinely fresh and innovative, blending neck snapping metal, sharp rap, electronics and bouncing pop choruses into an unabashed commercial proposition that captured both the zeitgeist and the future. “We chose [Good Charlotte producer] Don Gilmore to produce because he had proven through his recent releases in the last couple of years at that time that he could make a really polished-sounding alternative record,” says Mike.

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You don’t have to look far to see that influence alive and kicking in the music of some of our scene’s biggest bands, from Bring Me The Horizon to Architects. Linkin Park’s take on metal and melody is still being used as a baseline today and there’s no song in the band’s back catalogue that does a better job of ticking all those boxes than Hybrid Theory’s anthemic fourth single, In The End.

According to Mike, the song was written in a “really horrible rehearsal space in West Hollywood” that the band had rented out on the junction of Hollywood and Vine. “Today there’s fancy restaurants there, but back then it was prostitutes and drug dealers,” he says. Having hit a groove one day, Mike decided to lock himself in the windowless room alone overnight and continue writing. By the following morning, he’d come out with In The End and when he played it for the rest of the band, they were blown away. “From the moment that demo arrived, everyone knew it was special,” he says.

Linkin Park

The song was a far cry from the rest of nu metal ’s fratboy posturing. In sharp contrast the likes of Limp Bizkit – who lived out every hedonistic heavy metal cliché, including a release party for their third album Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavoured Water at the Playboy mansion – Linkin Park sang about anger, anxiety and depression. Vocalist Chester Bennington , who had joined the band in 1999 after auditioning via demo tape, was blessed with the kind of voice that could segue from angelic cleans to glass-gargled scream in the blink of an eye, but he also brought with him a childhood of trauma, having experienced abuse and bullying in his youth. The band channelled that pain and buckets of teenage angst into their songwriting.

“We didn’t want to write about, ‘Punch you in the face and I’m so mad’,” says Mike. “A lot of that stuff was in the ether, but we counterbalanced it with introspection and other stuff about ourselves.”

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By the time the band released the single at the tail end of December 2001, Hybrid Theory had already sold five million copies and Linkin Park were one of the biggest bands in the world. Their previous singles, One Step Closer, Crawling and Europe-only single Papercut, had proved instant hits with angsty teenagers who were being turned onto heavy music, but In The End, was the gamechanger that would make the band truly omnipresent.

Starting with a sparse and sombre piano riff, Mike’s rapped verses were born from a frustration and self-loathing (“ One thing I don’t know why/ it doesn’t even matter how hard you try”), but it was Chester’s soaring chorus, a sucker punch of cathartic futility, that tapped into the emotional confusion of youth and connected music fans across the board. “I tried so hard and got so far / But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.”

"There’s a weird battle with hopelessness and the ephemeral nature of time and our lives that the song is really about,” Mike told Rock Sound in 2020. “What’s so odd about the song is its almost talking about these things and saying ‘I don’t have any answers’. Because usually a song isn’t about having no answers right? It just kind of runs itself around in a circle lyrically. And especially as a young person that’s just how I felt, that’s how we all felt, we just didn’t know what to make of things. In a sense that’s still what goes on today, it’s a timeless and universal thing."

They knew they had a hit on their hands, but at the same time, the band worried that the track was too much of a departure from their heavier material, leaving it out of their earlier live sets for fear it was too accessible. In particular, Chester publicly voiced his misgivings.

“He was such an entertainer, in an interview he might say something that he felt would get a good reaction out of you,” laughs Mike. “You’ll hear him say everything from, ‘I like the song but I never wanted it to be a single’, to ‘I hated the song’. He’s on record with all those different things. Everyone liked the song but he had reservations about it being a single because it was softer.”

The rest of the band and their label, Warner Music, were more confident. “We moved about singles to converge,” explains Mike. “We did One Step Closer and Crawling worldwide, then we added Papercut just in Europe, so we could time it out and we could do In The End as one push at the end of the record.”

“When we’d play In The End live, when we got to the bridge, it was always so loud that you couldn’t hear the band play,” guitarist Brad Delson told Kerrang! in 2020. “Naturally, at some point, we just stopped playing at that moment. Chester and Mike would just hold out the microphones and turn the lights on.”

Even now, In The End continues to resonate. In July this year, it passed one billion streams on YouTube, the band’s second track to do so following, Numb, and is now quite rightly viewed as a classic. Even Chester grew to appreciate the song, commenting to Australian website, Vmusic in 2013, “I don't really participate in picking singles. I learnt that after making  Hybrid Theory . I was never a fan of In The End , and I didn't even want it to be on the record, honestly. How wrong could I have possibly been?”

Dannii Leivers

Danniii Leivers writes for Classic Rock, Metal Hammer, Prog, The Guardian, NME, Alternative Press, Rock Sound, The Line Of Best Fit and more. She loves the 90s, and is happy where the sea is bluest.

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in the end and doesn even matter

"In The End" lyrics

  • Linkin Park Lyrics

Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory album cover


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Linkin Park

in the end and doesn even matter

About In the End

"In the End" is a song by American rock band Linkin Park. It is the eighth track on their debut album Hybrid Theory (2000) and was released as the album's final single. "In the End" is one of Linkin Park's most recognizable and signature songs. It is the most played song in all of the band's live performances, with "One Step Closer" coming in close second."In the End" received positive reviews by music critics, with most reviewers complimenting the song's signature piano riff, as well as noting rapper Mike Shinoda's vocal prominence in the song. "In the End" also achieved mainstream popularity, and was a commercial success upon release. The song reached the top ten on numerous worldwide music charts and reached number two on the US Billboard Hot 100, the band's highest peak on the chart, as well as their first song that peaked within the top 40. It also reached number one on the Z100 top 100 songs of 2002 countdown. This song also ranked at number 121 in Blender magazine's The 500 Greatest Songs Since You Were Born. The song is Billboard's second most played rock song of the decade. It was also remixed on Reanimation as "Enth E ND". The music video of the song, directed by Nathan Cox and the band's turntablist Joe Hahn, featured the band in a fantasy setting.   more »

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in the end and doesn even matter

Linkin Park is an American rock band from Agoura Hills, California. Formed in 1996, the band rose to international fame with their debut album Hybrid Theory, which was certified Diamond by the RIAA in 2005 and multi-platinum in several other countries. Their following studio album Meteora, continued the band's success, topping the Billboard 200 album chart in 2003, and was followed by extensive touring and charity work around the world. In 2003, MTV2 named Linkin Park the sixth-greatest band of the music video era and the third-best of the new millennium.Billboard ranked Linkin Park No. 19 on the Best Artists of the Decade chart. The band was recently voted as the greatest band of 2000's in a the Bracket Madness poll on VH1. more »

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Written by: Brad Delson, Chester Charles Bennington, Joseph Hahn, Mike Shinoda, Robert G. Bourdon

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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in the end and doesn even matter

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  • #57 Show You Love
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  • #90 Hey Jude
  • #92 I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
  • #93 Love Is All Around
  • #94 My Culture
  • #98 Santa Cruz (You're Not That Far)


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In The End by Linkin Park

in the end and doesn even matter


  • The lyrics are based on the struggles lead singer Chester Bennington went through growing up. He was often picked on.
  • This video was shot on a Los Angeles sound stage. The statue's head, where the band is performing, was built there, but the rest was CGI. The areas where Mike is standing "in the desert" are real - he was sitting on real grass and he was walking on real stones, but they were about 10 feet by 5 feet. The rest was, you guessed it, CGI. Halfway through filming, directors Joe Hahn and Nathan Cox decided to set water pipes off above the band, so they all got completely soaked. Nathan could see how irritated the band were by this, so he invited his friend (who's in a Bluegrass band) over and he performed some Linkin Park songs, including an hilarious version of "Crawling." In the video, if you look very closely, you can see Joe's belt buckle, which says "MR HAHN." The song is about feeling like there's no point in living, and was originally seen as being very negative, so the video was very positive. It's like a cycle of life (the song starts and ends with the piano) - the desert is very dead, but the rain comes and at the end, there's flowers and rivers and butterflies. >> Suggestion credit : Abbey - Essex, England
  • In March 2001, 15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams shot and killed two of his classmates at his high school in Santee, California. He left a note for his father with the lyrics to this as an attempt to explain his feelings. The key lines were, "I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't really matter."
  • The video was shot in a California desert while the band was between stops on the 2001 Ozzfest tour.
  • Although Hybrid Theory was the best-selling album in America in 2001 with nearly 5 million copies sold (14 million worldwide), the number could have been much higher. Unfortunately, the band's rise to fame coincided with the boom of music piracy on the internet via file-swapping sites like Kazaa and Napster. In April 2002, The Guardian reported that Hybrid Theory was the #1 most-pirated album on the internet, with 5.3 million downloads. Because of this, their next album, Meteora , was shrouded in secrecy. Instead of receiving advanced copies of the album for review, journalists were invited to a listening event and frisked for recording devices upon entry.
  • This was the third single from Linkin Park's first album. Their first two singles were " One Step Closer " and " Crawling ." All three songs explore the dark side of growing up.
  • "Hybrid Theory" is the original name of the band. They decided to use it as the album title.
  • This was released as a single about nine months after the album. It took a while for the album to catch on, but it eventually sold very well.
  • On their 2002 album, Reanimation , this was remixed by Kutmasta Kurt with vocals by Motion Man. The title was changed to "Enth E Nd," and it was given a hip-hop sound.
  • At the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards, this won for Best Rock Video. Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth, who were touring together at the time, presented the award. Before announcing the winner, Roth asked Hagar what his favorite Linkin Park song was, and Hagar said he didn't know any Linkin Park songs.
  • Mike Shinoda: "I remember putting this together in our rehearsal studio on Hollywood and Vine, working overnight in a room with no windows. I had no idea what time of day it was; I just slept when I was tired, and worked on this song until it took shape. The first guy to hear it was Rob, who told me (I'm paraphrasing) that this was 'exactly the kind of song he wanted us to write." >> Suggestion credit : Bertrand - Paris, France
  • This was used on the animated TV series American Dad! in the 2018 episode "Paranoid Frandroid."
  • Shinoda thought this was the most important song for the band to release at the time because it contrasted with the more aggressive tunes in their catalog and introduced their range of skills. "It showcased kind of the breadth of things that we can do: melody and rapping and beats and rock stuff and screaming and whatever," he recalled in a 2020 interview with SiriusXM. "It was kind of the song that brought all of the stuff we did at the time together into one song."
  • Unlike the rest of the band, Bennington wasn't a fan of the song at first and didn't even want it on the album, let alone as a single. When it ended up being a hit, he realized choosing singles wasn't his strong suit. "I basically decided at that point I don't know what the f--k I'm talking about, so I leave that to other people who are actually talented at somehow picking songs that people are going to like the most," he explained in a 2014 interview. "It also gave me a good lesson, as an artist, that I don't necessarily have to only make music, in my band, that I want to listen to. More often than not, something that I like, very few other people like, and something that those people like is something that I kind of like, or don't like at all. And that's cool, it gives me a new appreciation for the songs. But, you know, now I love 'In The End' and I think it's such a great song."
  • In July 2020 the music video surpassed 1 billion views on YouTube.
  • Upon the album's 20th anniversary, Shinoda spoke with Rock Sound about the timeless nature of the song's lyrics. "There's a weird battle with hopelessness and the ephemeral nature of time and our lives that the song is really about," he said. "What's so odd about the song is its almost talking about these things and saying 'I don't have any answers.' Because usually a song isn't about having no answers right? It just kind of runs itself around in a circle lyrically. And especially as a young person that's just how I felt, that's how we all felt, we just didn't know what to make of things. In a sense that's still what goes on today, it's a timeless and universal thing."
  • Shinoda doesn't feel overly sentimental about the band's classic songs. He told Forbes in 2020: "I don't get a visceral, emotional reaction from Hybrid Theory . It's got its own ubiquitous identity at this point. When you've heard 'In The End' in a Starbucks bathroom it's hard to get emotional about the song anymore."
  • The band spoke out against President Trump using the song in a video for his re-election campaign in 2020 and successfully had the clip taken down from Twitter. Fans also rallied around the band and dug up Chester Bennington's 2017 tweet that warned Trump was "a greater threat to the USA than terrorism."
  • More songs from Linkin Park
  • More songs that won MTV Video Music Awards
  • More songs that people claimed compelled them to kill
  • More songs about being young and confused
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  • Lyrics to In The End
  • Linkin Park Artistfacts

Comments: 106

  • Sean Ozz from Miami Fl This song to me it fits poor parenting that keeps a kid down, or a spouse that you could never please no matter how hard you tried . I never felt this song was a discussion between a person and God..
  • Moosehead from Sc awake, now we are in year 3...holy moly, how much more of this guy can the world take. inflation, immigration, war in europe. centuries old enemies now are allies against the U.S. fjb
  • Gracie from Hotel I Miss Chester so much that I cant sleep and keep crying so much and I miss him so much.
  • Ilovejordancarver from Louisiana I love this song! If anyone agrees, type "aye".
  • Awake from Uk Got to love that comment about Trump being a bigger threat to America than Terrorism. Just look where we are now and this is only a year in.
  • Anonymous In March 2001, 15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams shot and killed two of his classmates at his high school in Santee, California. He left a note for his father with the lyrics to this as an attempt to explain his feelings. The key lines were, "I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't really matter."
  • Alexia In March 2001, 15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams shot and killed two of his classmates at his high school in Santee, California. He left a note for his father with the lyrics to this as an attempt to explain his feelings. The key lines were, "I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't really matter."
  • Mixed Sky from Texas I sent this song to a “friend” that I held hope or thought would become more after 7 years. I was hesitant at first but put my trust in him. He (I see it now) kept me close but I started losing hope Cuz it was going no where. I attempted to leave after giving my all, trust, loyalty, name it. More than I had ever done with anyone else in my life. I thought it would matter. I put my heart in it. One day he tells me his with his Ex after I spoke my frustrations about us one day. He might as well as just shot me. Damn. Just like that. I felt like a fool and all I did to be a good friend/more. He tried to keep me near while being with someone else. I attempted to cut us off 3/4 times before that but he’d come back. There was never physical stuff Cuz I kept it that way. He knew he screwed up with me and now (you wouldn’t even recognize me anymore) I’ll never let him in like I did. Now that relationship didn’t even work out like he thought it would, he wants me back in his life. But I don’t see it as what I want now anymore. Me, the Runner up?! No thanks. 7 years later....i tried so hard n got so the doesnt even matter. Now it’s just a memory of a time yea you get it. I also had hard youth so this song has relevance to me in more than one area of my life. But I will encourage those who feel me to wipe off the dust n don’t let it destroy you. Cuz then they succeed. Lessons learned. So keep movin and do your thing. :)
  • Ashley from Simi Valley Ca Sad to hear Chester Bennington had such issues.
  • Mohamed from Morocco @Jarrett - Stratford, Ct Take some time to know God and Jesus (Peace be upon him) in Islam
  • Jarrett from Stratford, Ct From my last comment: I left the second verse alone on accident and its not so straightforward but it all makes sense to me. It's a personification of God.
  • Jarrett from Stratford, Ct @ Emma, Bailey, CO I can see how many interpret the song as nihilistic. To me it is but in a completely different way. When you say others see it as nihilistic it's referring to the overall negative plot in the song and that one can infer the song rejects religion. To me it goes deeper than this. I think this song actually has a strong religious meaning behind it. It isn't nihilistic because of unbelief in God but because the main vocalist is angry with God. I think the song is sort of like an argument/discussion between God and someone who believes but fails to uphold Gods word and thus would have hell to pay( quite literally). In the song God would obviously be the one who raps the first and second verse. "One thing I don't know why It doesn’t even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time (All I KNOW). God knows we are a flawed creation. This part is showing that he himself doesn't understand why we must stray away from him, why his creation is unable to uphold his teachings and acknowledges that he himself doesn't understand how to make thinks better than they all ready are. but he assures that everything he knows will be revealed in due time. " this rhyme" is life. The rest of the verse talks about the importance of our time on earth and how we allow his gift of life slip away at our own expense. Towards the end of the verse the song is building in intensity and reveals anger in the singers voice, but if interpreted in this way( god is the signer) the lyrics at this point are pretty straightforward. When the chorus starts the singer switches over to to a person who is or was religious. This person tried to follow God but in the end fails and is aware of their impending fate, eternal fire. They allowed themselves to loose everything and fell(symbolically of course) they tried to follow god and put their trust in God that everything will work out. In the end none of that matters if God's plan prevents them from being able to avoid damnation thus the reason they are angry with God. Of course the song could be a break up song or a song about life in general but this is what it means to me. The lyrics seem to fit pretty well and without going into imagery and symbolism The video shows that it isn't a girlfriend/boyfriend thing and it could even back up my stance but I g2g so I'm leaving it at that. Overall its very moving the way the song personifies God.
  • Phil from Sierra Vista, Az This song makes me think of how I used to have bad personal property coverage.
  • Emma from Bailey, Co @ Aaron, St. Louis, MO I wouldn't say that I dislike your opinion on these lyrics but I would argue that it is an incomplete perception of this song. Many people on this discussion seemed to have taken a more nihilistic viewpoint in the interpretation of this song and If you look solely at the lyrics it can be quite easy to do so. But I have found that this song has a more uplifting message than I originally anticipated. I am not alone in this viewpoint as Sara (Alexandria, VA) has shared that she wants to walk down the isle to this song on her wedding day. You may be wondering how I came to believe that this song was "happy" tune, this came from a lot of research and time spent watching the music video. The first aspect that I decided to look into was the band itself. Linkin Park is often recognized because they approach Rock Music in an alternative way. The reason they do this is because they want to make songs that "hit hard" and effect people strongly. They approach this established purpose through the use of "less obvious" choices, especially in the area of their visual presentation. This forces all of us to dig deeply into the imagery in order to gain a complete understanding of the meaning for each of their songs. Rob Bourdon, Linkin Park's percussionist, mentioned this aspect of their music in a 2011 interview: "It's tough to make a heavy song or something that hits really hard without using the most obvious choices to accomplish that. And we like to do that, and we've done that throughout all records that we've made, and that's what we want to continue to do." (Rob Bourdon, 2011). We can compare Linkin Park's music to an onion, while they may be a lot of good things on the top layer, we need to strip away every layer of the onion in order to fully appreciate it. At first glance, the lyrics seem to indicate that this song is referring to a relationship that the main character had with a woman. In this man's perspective, both he and this woman failed to communicate their feelings, they held their emotions inside which caused the relationship between the two of them to crumble. It is obvious in the lyrics that the main character tried to repair things but his efforts were fruitless. He still wants to be with this woman and at the end of the song indicates that he has placed his trust in her. Clearly, this trust is extremely misplaced but this man feels that life is too short and that he must cling to the hope that someday their situation may change. The music video seems to visually support the concept that the main character is placing his trust in the wrong woman but there isn't enough evidence to assume that this is the main plot of the video either. The woman that the song seems to address isn't actually shown, but the band does play their song atop a giant female statue. Also at the climax of the song, several female statues start moving around, however, these shots are a relatively small aspect of the video . When the song mentions that the man has chosen to trust this woman, a series of negative events happen, indicating that this trust may be misplaced. The ledge that the men are playing on begins to crumble, demonstrating that this trust is "shaky". The skies grow dark and it begins to rain, something that is often associated with a negative event. And lastly, a large amount of bats suddenly take flight, this is usually an analogy of a spooky or sinister event. While all of this is great support for the trust issues that are proposed in the lyrics, there is a great deal more footage in this music video that seems completely unrelated to both this theme and the general theme of nihilism, the presence of this extra footage implores us to concede that there is far more going on in this song then can be immediately deduced. One of these aspects can be seen in all of the extremes and sudden changes that take place in this music video. It shows a man in the middle of a wasteland at the beginning of the video but after another extreme event, the heavy rainfall seen at the climax, this wasteland has been transformed into a luscious valley with lots of plants and green grass. In the midst of the video, several other abrupt changes take place, that men suddenly begin to be filmed in slow motion, sprouts suddenly and inexplicably start to shoot out of the ground and then dissipate just as suddenly into dust. The rain appears to be coming down quite heavily but then vanishes without explanation. Perhaps these changes can reflect all of the sudden and abrupt changes that we all must adjust to in our daily lives, these changes also emphasize how short are lives really are. I think that one of the most uplifting underlying themes is that beauty and health can form out of hardship and pain. One of the lines in the song reads: "I had to fall, to lose it all" (In the End, chorus, line 3) the central character seems convinced that this falling had to occur, the fact that this man could put it so succinctly implies that he has taken solace in the idea that there is an overarching purpose for his suffering. I believe that the concept of positive results through negative events is illustrated vividly in the video. We can see that a beautifully fertile valley is formed from a wasteland after an intense and terrifying rainstorm waters the ground. The plant growth is seen spawning throughout the saga of the video. At first it undergoes this process with a great deal of difficulty, crumbling into dust as it attempts to flourish in the hostile soil. Still, as the video goes on, progress is made; implying that perhaps time is capable of transforming a negative event into a chance for growth. In spite of these spectacular instances of pain being transformed to beauty, the man in this video seems to be completely oblivious. There is hope, but like many of us in our darkest hours, he simply cannot see it. There are plants that form all around him, originating from the spot that he is standing in. Near the beginning of the video, some long, sickly plants seem to be grasping for him, in a futile attempt to catch his attention. But he is too absorbed in what he is doing, he walks through them and they crumble to dust. A whale-like creature soars directly over his head and still he remains oblivious. Near the end he is shown kneeling in the grass but he doesn't seem to be as excited by it as one would expect him to be under such amazing circumstances. I think that this part illustrates that the reason it takes so long to see the value in our suffering is that we refuse to see it, we refuse to believe that anything. even remotely profound can happen as a result of our pain. The climax of this song occurs when the main character chooses to trust. He doesn't say to whom he is placing his trust, only referring to the individual as "you". The logical progression of the lyrics would suggest that he is referring to the same individual that he has been addressing for the entire song but this would not produce the uplifting theme that I'm referring to. I believe that it is possible that he is choosing to place his trust in a different person entirely or perhaps this trust is being placed in a deity, giving this song religious implications. We should also consider what Shaun (Shelbyville, KY) said on this discussion board a while ago: It is a distinct possibility that Linkin Park left this part open to interpretation in order to allow people to ascribe their own unique meaning to this concept, and therefore arrive at their own conclusions about the overall purpose of this song. The negative events that I mentioned in an earlier paragraph could imply that he is putting this trust in the wrong place but it is equally likely that these events were illustrating how difficult it can be to truly trust in something or someone. In either case, this trust is valuable because it produces that lovely landscape seen at the end of the video. It has become increasingly clear to me in the process of writing this response that "In the End" really does have an inspiring meaning but the full meaning of this song can only become evident through a detailed inspection. This song has far more meaning than a simple ballad of a clingy man who was unable to communicate his emotions to his equally uncommunicative ex-girlfriend. This song isn't about the pointlessness of life or of our effort; rather, this song illustrates how short life is and how much can change in a relatively small period of time, our lives have the capacity for so much change, whether good or bad. Even if we end up with unfortunate events in our lives, this music video implies that there is a wider reach to suffering that has positive aspects for us, pain can foster growth and that the old expression "No pain, no gain" may actually be true. This video shows us that for whatever reason, we tend to be completely oblivious to the positive reach that our pain can actually have. That we tend to lurk in self-pity and fail to notice the profound circumstances that exist around us. Even when they are blatantly obvious, such as a flying whale. Lastly, the song covered the fact that it can be difficult and potentially dangerous to trust someone and that this trust can cause a great deal of hardship at times. However, in the end, this trust is always worthwhile. This song isn't saying that nothing in life matters, rather this song is pointing out that we should focus on what really matters in our lives: how we use the short amount of time that we have on this planet and who we choose to place our trust in. I know that I've said a mouthful, but I just wanted to share some of the exciting things that I have learned about "In the End". You are fully entitled to your opinion on this song, I just thought that you might appreciate a slightly different perspective about this
  • Shadow from Depression, Va Another me song, this is my 3rd fav song by them and the song that 1st made me fall in love with them. The music video is amazing. I love it! XD 5/5
  • Udhy from Jakarta, Indonesia from the millions of bands in the world only the best linkin park
  • Matthew from West Hampton, United Kingdom Hannah sorry for your lost i fell the same way that happend to me but im a boy reply
  • Jenn from Norwalk, Ct This song describes my old job so well it's scary. In spite of the way you were mocking me/acting like I was part of your property/remembering all the times you fought with me/ I'm surprised it got so far/ things aren't the way they were before/ you wouldn't even recognize me anymore/ not that you knew me back then. It's almost freeing.
  • Hannah from Gustavus, Oh I can completely relate to this song right now; I just asked out this really cute guy and he told my friend he was "considering it," then today I find out he went back to the same girl who broke his heart and was mean to him instead of me. I finally got up the guts to ask someone I actually liked instead of what I could settle for (let's face it, I'm a dork) - I got that far, and it never mattered.
  • Technopj from I Kno Ver I\\\'m K, India hey guys LINKIN PARK one of the best band i've ever herd to... those lines they write are mainly related to youths.... and if u guys doesn't like em them i don't think u have done your teenage
  • Ivy from Springfield, Ne this is a good song to listen to when you're reading six billion secrets. 8/10
  • Ivy from Springfield, Ne @ Tina - Wow the only worse wedding song I can think of than this is every step you take, every move you make, i'll be watching you
  • Aaron from St. Louis, Mo This song reminds me of my last relationship. Met someone, got as far as marriage, but no matter what I did or how hard I tried to work on things, it meant nothing in the end. Now, we are no longer together and my life seems brighter. My take is that this song is about how there are times in your life where you push yourself so far on things but it doesn't mean squat to anyone, sometimes even the person your doing it for. Just my opinion. Don't like it? TOO BAD
  • Charlie from Las Vegas, Nv something about the verse "i put my trust/in you/pushed as far as i can go/for all this/ there's only one thing you should know" kind of makes me think of how back when i was living in CA the only people i could ever really trust were my parents and my friend Angel. Like, literally.
  • Joanna from Scotland, United Kingdom This song reminds me of my younger years a bit. This is going to sound horrible but it's actually quite nice to know that even famous people had struggles growing up. It makes you feel 'not alone', in a way. I know how awful that sounds...
  • Azalea from Hot Springs, Ar TO John of Galway, Ireland & Adam of Plainville, IL: An opinion is an opinion, a fact is a fact. The opinions here is that Linkin Park is an awesome band, or a horrible band. The fact here is that the lyrics are meaningful and most teens can relate to the songs on Hybrid Theory. Stop arguing on whos right about Linkin Park. And if you dont like Linkin Park, dont waste your time with commenting on their songs.
  • Azalea from Hot Springs, Ar I really like this song, I can relate this and most of the cd Hybrid Theory. My perception of the song is having to deal with the fact that no matter how hard you try to do something right, you fall, and no one care because to them it doesnt matter.
  • Bitsis from La Vernia, Tx i relate to chester i am always picked on and tired of it
  • Valerie from Vancouver, Bc i actually really like Linkin Park , this sons is probably one of my favs by them :)
  • Brian from Concord, Nh Everybody has there feelings about this tune,for me,at the time it came out,my Dad passed away and all he went thru , WWII and all that happened after he got out alive,all he worked for throut his life ,all the great things he did for his family and friends , He got Cancer ! how is that fair for a nice person,it also made me think of what we go thru in life,school,work,and then coming to the end of your life! What people said,did,and what they were about!In the End does it really matter ! I have found! It doesn't matter. Cause in the End ! Thats it ! It's The End ! So live life for all its worth ! Don't pay any attention to what people think or say ! Because ! ITEIDM!!
  • Debarati from Jsr, India This is just an amazing song.......with meaningful lyrics....rokin tune.......what else does a song need.....LIKIN PARK ROKS......and all those who thinks it doesnt........u have no sense of gud Three Cheers To IN THE END and LINKIN PARK
  • Theresa from Murfreesboro, Tn The ultimate revenge song.
  • Hope from Naperville, Il haha i love this song. maybe i'm wrong but i see this as a good message... one of my friends says its about a video game, which i could definetly see in the lyrics but do you see linkin park writing about a video game? there's a little more depth to them than that.
  • Tina from Cape Cod, Ma This song is the theme to my first marriage it tells exactly how I felt during my time with him
  • Leonard from Baltimore, Md This song is okay the band is okay but Justine you MUST be insane to think they are the best listen to some Led Zepplin snd Black Sabbath then reflect on your decision.
  • P@ from Pascagoula, Ms This song was told to be about Chesters battle with drugs and his message to himself about family and friends
  • John from St. Louis, Mo Man, I love this song. The lyrics are perfect in describing my life. I would do something to the best of my abilities, yet it would not matter when it was over. Linkin Park rules.
  • Sara from Alexandria, Va Oh and you wanna what I think is the most amazing thing about it.. is that they made like a reflection of this song in their reanimation remix, where it's like the same person is talking but from a more experienced perspective.. realizing that the end is not all that important.. it's the journey and the experience itself :)
  • Sara from Alexandria, Va This is song is one of my all-time favs. I'm gonna have the intro-music played when I walk down the isle (if and when I get married :P) The way I see it, the song speaks about putting so much into something and working your ass off for it, and then realizing that it's not what's important. Basically, being mislead in your life about truth and investing so much in something you believe in, then just deviating from it after a sudden realization.. and that decision comes with massive disapproval and mockery from other who are where you were.. just my opinion!
  • Echo from St. Louis, Mo It's interesting to see what other people think this song is about. To me, this song is about how sometimes, you give everything u can give and put everything out on the line and it doesnt even matter (in a relationship, life, etc...). I am a HUGE Linkin Park fan and this is one of my favorite songs by them. Which is saying a lot because their songs are all amazing. They are such a talented band with many different things that other bands don't always offer. There are 2 lead singers which add different sounds to each song. One singer is more of a screamo singer (Chester) but can also go mellow, but always has a rock edge. The other lead singer is more of a rapper but can also do other songs like "In Between". Their song "Cure for the Itch" represents their talent to mix and create an awesome sound with many different elements. And what i love about Linkin Park is that they mix elements that other bands are afraid to try but they end up sounding AWESOME!!! Thanks LP for all your support for me in hard times :) ---Kristin---13
  • Michelle from None-of-your-business, Ma I can completely relate to this song. It has a lot of emotion hidden in the lyrics. I love Linkin Park so much!
  • Bailey Wilson from Tazewell, Tn ha i'd say so damn the people who picked on him DAMN THEM!
  • Blake from Chico, Ca This song is great. It conveys the desperation of: what if everything I've done goes to waste? Have all my efforts been in vain? I like to listen to this song because it makes me feel like someone's there, telling me how to avoid the fate they suffered.
  • Alyssa from Forney, Tx This is a very good song =]
  • Ebony from Adelaide, Australia This song is one of the best songs I have heard. I agree with Matt though. I definitely think that Linkin Park is a great band, but the best? No. Its perfectly Ok if some people think that Linkin Park is the best, but that?s their opinion and its ok for them to share it, but when they try to push it on others, that?s when it goes too far. Anyways.. This song is awesome and I love it. Peace Out B*tches
  • Matt from Nowhere, In I realize everyone got off this topic, but I think that "Greatest Band Ever" is a matter of opinion and I KNOW that a person's favorite band is their opinion so if someone wants to say Linkin Park is the Greatest Band Ever, then let them. Personally I think they're all right and this song is good. But (I realize what HORRIBLE reprisals to come) I don't like the "classics" like say AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, etc., but you know what, that's no one's concern but my own and if you try to tell anyone who they should consider that greatest band ever, well then you're just an a**hole trying to force your opinion on other people.
  • Ebony from Adelaide, Australia What the hell is all yours problems who hate this song? THIS IS AN EFFING AWESOME SONG... and if your just gonna diss it then fu*k off...
  • John from Galway, Ireland Adam shut up you dont know what your talking about, it sulks.... forEVER!!
  • Adam from Plainfield, Il This song does not suck and its the best band EVER!
  • John from Galway, Ireland I dont care what this waste of time song is about, Its the worst song and there the worst band to set foot on this earth!!!!!
  • The Man Of Steele from Houston, Tx LINKIN PARK RULES
  • Katherine from Akron, Oh This song has a lot of meaning and is my favorite from LP
  • Mikkho from Malabon City, Other My favorite Linkin Park song. I can't wait to their new album. It's not going down!
  • Samantha from Norwich, Ct I love this song!!!!! It is the best ever, hands down. I really began to "listen" to this song in 2000, after my brother passed away, and it just made a lot more sense than it ever did. Linkin Park is just the best, thats all I gotta say.
  • Justin from Sierra Vista, Az To me, it sounds something like a sport being played, like he's running a race and he tried so hard and got all prepared, but in the end he loses and none of the hard work mattered. I'm not saying its about playing a sport, but a metaphore about something else, like he tried so hard to get this girl or something, but after the relationship has ended, all his hard work and stuff didn't really was all just a waste of time. It could also be like their saying not to get all hyped up about something, because after its all over it wont matter and something else will get you feeling the same way you felt before.
  • Mikey from Galesburg, Il This song explains all the pain I have went through. My parents (in particular) never understood what I was trying to say, what I wanted, or what I was trying to imply. Linkin Park is pretty much telling all of our stories about what happened to all of us with our parents not even understanding what we were trying to say. They punkish us for no reason, they think they're the best parents in the world... NOT TRUE! "LP tells all of our stories!!!"
  • Will from Sydney, Australia i am metaphorically in the middle of this song, i just hope it doesnt jinx me and i find my freedom.
  • J from Norfolk, Va if i had a theme song this would be it!
  • Laine from Detroit, Mi This song got me to like Linkin Park back when I was let's say, a lot younger. It's good to identify with if someone has broken your trust and thrown you around and hurt you.
  • Ariana from Lima, Peru i feel so identified with this song..particulary the line 'i've put my trust in u ..pushed as far as i can go..n for all this..' well, not always identified but it certainly is one of the songs i like to listen at when i'm down..(masochism, i guess)
  • Iara from Santiago, Chile They are for 11-year-old PSP kids.They're just a mainstream band,they came from Mcdonalds.I'm so glad that The Strokes came out the next year.
  • Charlie from Bethersden, England I completely agree with Tom from Trowbridge but Linkin Park are one of my favourite bands of all time and I pick so many holes in music it's untrue. Austin, they are not posers, all of their songs are so real to life it's untrue. If you hate them then why are you looking them up?!
  • Roxii from Birmingahm, England Chester writes nearly all of his songs on how angry he felt with his childhood life now i feel really sorry for him.
  • Mikey from Galesburg, Il This is the first song that I heard and I heard it when My girlfriend broke up with me. I listened to this song ever since and became a big fan of Linkin Park's material. I'm just wonderin' how do they always come up with all this material that just reaches out to teens?
  • Ashley from Moncton, Canada This has to be one of my 15 all-time favourite songs, from one of my all-time favourite bands. Does the end piano remind anyone else of the end of Ozzy's Killer Of Giants?
  • Kelly from Hybridgirl_kelly, La This video was not filmed in a desert. It was filmed on a green screen which Mr. Hahn and Nathan "Karma" Cox later edited.
  • Zhaoy from Sydney, Australia This is the greatest song full stop.....
  • Jeremy from Sawyer, Mi When i first heard linkin park i didnt really like at first but now they are one of my favorit bands in the world my friend got me hooked on to this song and instantly i loved it and it will remain the greatest song ever but in the end it dosnt even matter
  • Jack from Faraham, England its actually a really well written song whether you like them or not
  • Steven from Harrison, Oh I love this song, but I hate the video (as with most their videos). What the heck was with the giant whale things??
  • Kayla from Rancho Cucamonga, Ca i like the demo if this song too ryan. but all i can say about this song is that i love it and the lines "i put my trust in you, pushed as far as i can go" reminds me of a personal battle with loved ones that ive had and i was in awe at how raw and true those lyrics were to my life.
  • Ryan from Pembroke Pines, Fl you guys have to hear the in the end demo "The Untitled"
  • Matt from Millbrae, Ca Tom from Towbridge, I could not agree more if you paid me to. Linkin Park is nowhere near the stature of bands from the past. They are at the top when it comes to today's bands (which I have to admit isn't saying much), but they cannot compare with the bands that tom listed.
  • Sara from Anoka, Mn this song makes me cry everytime i hear it. it was my cousins favorite song and she was listening to it the moment she died, and the line that was playing when she died is so ironic its scary. "Wasted it all just to watch you go ". which she did. i love this song, i had no idea who "these linkin park ppl" were until the day my cousin died. now they are my favorite band ever.
  • Ryan from Nowhere, Ca I think that this is an amazing song but, alot of the vocals is not chester. It is alot more mike if anything and out of the two mike is the better vocals in my opinion. Chris, midland, TX
  • Rynn from Rogers, Ar I agree with Scott, LP aren't posers not only wouold they not be in a band they wouldn't want ppl like you hating them. So get a life LOSER! Froot Loops Cereal
  • Alexandria from Phoenix, Az I think Linkin Park is a great band. This songs shows that sometime in life things aren't always gonna be great.So are the other songs, too. Their music helped me deal with things. lexi
  • Melita from Wilts, England This is the only Linkin Park song I like, I think the lyrics are really true. And like other people have said "In the end it doesn't even matter"
  • Annabeth from Kutztown, Pa There's a theory out there that it's actually about Mario Cart Racing.
  • Rob from Castaic, Ca haha yeah... I like LP a lot, but to say a band with only 2 studio albums (thats about 25 songs that hadnt been remixed) is the greatest ever... Pshh. They're one of my favorites but I dare not say that they are as great as say, Nirvana or Zeppelin.
  • Dude from Tx, Tx Nevermind, I missed Rush.
  • Dude from Tx, Tx Don't forget Rush. The entire video wasn't Computer-Generated. Besides the band scene, the scenes of Mike over the cracked rocky ground was partially real. The sky around him was CG, and the ground was probably extended. They mix real and fake all the time in movies.
  • Tom from Trowbridge, England Justine, are you serious? I've got nothing against you saying Linkin Park are your favourite band but you can't honestly be suggesting that they are better than The Beatles, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, The Clash, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Rush, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Metallica, Iron Maiden, The Who, The Ramones, oh i can go on forever. The point is, you clearly possess little knowledge of rock music. I'm 17 and am a Linkin Park fan but I am not that dillusional as to believe that they are better than all the aforementioned bands. If you like Linkin Park, then check out Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine and Depeche Mode because LP would not exist without them.
  • Dylan from St. Charles, Mo It's an awesome song and will remain so.
  • Justine from Fredericton, Ca THIS is the BEST song EVER.... and LP is the best band known to mand kind, and if any 1 says anything diff like they suck or somethin than they ar ass holes cause LINKIN PARK is the best and there music is soooo touching and it ROCKS too at least they sing about what they feel right lol....
  • Tom from Trowbridge, England I'm not the biggest Linkin Park fan but this song is very good.
  • Sara from Killeen, Tx This song is one of the best, it talks universally about what people feel on the inside at one point or another in their lives. We all want to let go sometimes, just because we feel overwhelmed, but this song is telling us to hold on, even if it doesn't matter. In the end, it doesn't matter, but at least it happened...Amazing song...amazing band, they know what they are doing! LOVE YOU GUYS! LP ROX!
  • Gabe from Utica, Ny This song makes you wonder what can you do in life that will really matter in the end. I love the synthesizer and learned to play it on the piano. is such a cool place. I love the way they divided the timing for singing between Mike and Chester. The music video is awesome!
  • The Jorge from Hell, Other I like Linkin Park as much as the next guy, but I don't think they're lyrics are very credible, when Chester sings then yes, you can tell he means it, but not as much when Mike.
  • Scott Baldwin from Edmonton, Canada Austin,Linkin Park are not posers.If they were,they would not be a band.
  • Rabi from Zionsville, In I agree with Sarah, how could you think the video was shot on a real background. I love this song because it gives equal mic time to Chester and Mike, and shows how their voices complement each other. I also agree with Shaun, that LP writes music that can touch ppl in a variety of situations.
  • Mandy from N/a, Ma I always felt this song was about being taken advantage of in a relationship--but with taking a closer look I can also see the struggles of a child searching for acceptance
  • Tiffany from Covington, Ga I used to hate Linkin Park when they first came out, but I never knew that their lyrics had so much meaning in my situations that I get into. This is one of the main songs that used to get to me when my b/f dumped me a while ago. I agree with Shaun about the meanings and all.
  • A Dbz Fan from Jackson, Mi I think this is on of the best songs they made. It reminds me of guy fighting in a battle and falls and loses everything.
  • Shaun from Shelbyville, Ky I feel that it really doesn't matter too much what the song was written about, I feel many of Linkin Park's songs are written to be interpretted by the person listening. So many people out there can find lots of LP songs that they feel describes how they feel so well, I think that's the beauty of their music is it so well fits into what you feel and describes you. All their songs people can relate with.
  • Cassandra from Melbourne, Australia IT ROX, it's as simple as that
  • Daisy from Ikast, Denmark I can really relate to this song with what I've been through. I must say way before it was released as a single I told my bro that it was gonna be a huge hit, and I was right...
  • Chronometer from Somerset West, South Africa The song is really the writer saying that he took his chances, he had his share of pain and suffering. He too didn't see certain things coming, but in the end nothing matters. The hurt or the happiness. In the end it amounts to nothing, so it's not gonna help beating yourself up about things.
  • Nick from Edmonds, Wa Actually, the song seems like it's about a breakup...the lines "I put my trust, in you" and "What it meant to be, will eventually be, a memory" signify that there was a relationship involved. So I don't think it was supposed to be about him getting picked on; it was about him breaking up with his girlfriend.
  • Andy from Halifax, England Although this song is very 'dark', it is also a great 'feel-good' song in an odd way. I feel i can relate to every word in the song and "it all comes down to me in the end". i found iut hard to say what i mean in this post, i hope that other people know what im talkin about.
  • Austin from Orem, Ut They Are Posers!
  • Jared from Norwalk, Oh I haven't been a big fan of Linkin Park but when I stumbled upon this song one time I was surprised. I loved this song and I downloaded the video to this song, the video is a great video. I say that "In The End" has to be one of my favorite songs of all times!
  • Justin Gregg from Harrah, Ok I'm not a Linkin Park fan by any means, in fact, I hate their other music. But this song was very appealing to me, especially in light of my recent nihilistic-type views, for in the end, it doesn't matter.
  • Sarah from Morganville, Nj Few artists and songs have a deep impact on me, but Linkin Park and this song do. I just wanted to clear up a couple of mistakes here, though: The video was *not* shot in a California desert. It's computer-generated. DJ Joe Hahn came up with the concept and he co-directed the video with Nathan "Karma" Cox.
  • Karly from Denver, Co This song is amazing and really makes you think. It has meant so much to me this past year and kind of explained what I was going through. Linkin Park is great!!!
  • Omar from Santa Clara, Ca This song not only represents the dark side of growing up, but for some people very specific times in there life. From friends to family to life it's self, this song is a great expression. Lodi, California, USA.

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Linkin Park - In The End Lyrics

Artist: Linkin Park

Album: Hybrid Theory

Genre: Rock

in the end and doesn even matter

It starts with One thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme To explain in due time All I know Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away It's so unreal Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on, but didn't even know Or wasted it all just to watch you go I kept everything inside And even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be A memory of a time when I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised It got so far Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me in the end You kept everything inside And even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be A memory of a time when I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go And for all this There's only one thing you should know I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go And for all this There's only one thing you should know I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter

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in the end and doesn even matter

Song Meanings and Facts

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  • Linkin Park

Linkin Park’s “In the End” Lyrics Meaning

by SMF · October 28, 2019

Linkin Park’s “In The End” is very-philosophical in its approach. And there are two popular schools of thought concerning its meaning. One is that it is based on the main vocalist, Chester Bennington’s childhood. More specifically it is being relayed from the perspective of someone who is being bullied, thus the reference to being ‘mocked’ in the second verse. And if such is the case, the way the song reads is such that he has since moved on from his relationship with the person who was mistreating him.

The other, perhaps more-popular understanding is that “In the End” is centered on a doomed romantic relationship. Or more specifically, the singer is engaged in the pursuit of a certain lady. But he eventually comes to realize that he isn’t making any headway and is committing valuable time to a wasted effort.

Why Multiple Interpretations?

The reason that such varying interpretations can come from the same song is due to the lyrical content of “In the End” being very ambiguous. Indeed they can be interpreted as pointing to something as dreadful as possibly the singer taking his own life, for the dominant sentiment is one of resolve. In other words, the singer has worked hard towards a specific goal, whether it be getting a certain lady, making peace with his frenemies or what you have.  And he has made perceivable progress. But despite this, “in the end it doesn’t even matter”. 

That’s another way of saying that, in the grand scheme of things, he accomplished nothing. Indeed he goes on to insinuate that ultimately whether he succeeds or fails, is inconsequential.

Social Element to “In the End”

But that being said, there is definitely a social element to this song. So when he makes this assertion, he is doing so within the context of an actual relationship he is engaged in. But the nature of this association isn’t specified. And in the end, it doesn’t even matter, for the point he is really trying to put forth is that his attempts to make this relationship work have failed. And the subliminal implication is that this is due to personality flaws which the other person (i.e. the addressee) possesses.

Music Video

The music video to “In the End”, which relied heavily on CGI special effects, was directed by the Linkin Park’s DJ, Joe Hahn, along with Nathan Cox. It was filmed partially during the 2001 Ozzfest tour, which the band was a part of.

A Great Linkin Park Tune

In terms of critical reception, this is one of Linkin Park’s most-celebrated songs. “In the End” charted in almost 20 countries and topped the charts in Brazil, Poland and on a couple of Billboard’s lists, the Mainstream Top 40 and Alternative Songs charts. It also marks the highest Linkin Park has ever reached on the Hot 100 itself, peaking at number 2.

Moreover “In the End” has been certified multi-Platinum in Italy and the United States.

Release Date of “In the End”

This song was released by Warner Bros. on 9 October 2001. It served as  the fourth single  issued from Linkin Park’s debut album, entitled “Hybrid Theory”. This album happened to be the best-selling record of the year, due largely to this tune.

Bennington wasn’t a fun of “In the End”

Something interesting to note is that Linkin Park’s lead singer Chester Bennington (1976-2017) disliked “In the End”. He actually disliked it so much that he didn’t want it to be included on the album. But after the track blew up, he realized that he was “wrong” in his assessment.

Mass Shooter’s Inspiration

On a completely different note, a teenage mass shooter named Charles Andrew Williams, who murdered two of his schoolmates in 2001 in the state of Maryland, was a big fan of Linkin Park.  This becomes significant because in the note he had written to his dad rationalizing his actions, he actually quoted a couple of lines from the chorus of this song. Linkin Park  promptly offered their condolences  to the victims of the shooting. And in the end, Williams himself is serving a prison sentence of 50 years to life.

Who wrote “In the End”?

The members of Linkin Park are credited as the writers of “In the End”.  They are M. Shinoda,  J. Hahn, C. Bennington, B. Delson and R. Bourdon.

And the track was produced by Don Gilmore, who has worked on a number of their tunes.

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16 Responses

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Linkin Park is A great band

I believe it’s about what ever ur going through, whether a relationship, work, $$ problems, Losing Everything and being at the bottom thinking that there’s no way I can get out of this situation and finally u get to start climbing thr whatever it is ur going through & something else just hits ur gut again, So in the end it doesn’t matter.. BC everyone goes through ups & downs, In the End it doesn’t matter matter anymore bc people can just say I’m done & leave, or someone dies , ect…ect,. Things change, Period, .. Awesome Song,. Surely should make u think

Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the LIFE ! NO One come to the Father Except thru Jesus !

shush about Jesus go to your christian form

We live in usa we all have a voice.what a terrible thing to say

I don’t think you understand the spiritual nature of all music. Satan was THE musical angel. For instance, aliester crowley was quoted of saying “ this is the most satanic song I’ve ever heard in reference to “ I did it my way”, a classic from Frank Sinatra

Not about bullying gimme a break. It is ambiguous like most poetically written lyrics but this is obviously about a person. This is a relationship song through and through. “Watch you goooooooo” …. Way to throw in the Suicide comment. I don’t believe he truly killed himself. And if he did, that comment is disrespectful.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the LIFE !

bro this is not the place for spreading Christianity

shut the f–k up

Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the LIFE ! also trans rights

Your gods are fairy tales, and people who mutilate themselves (trans) are living a fantasy. In the end, what you believe doesn’t even matter

The first and original Americans were Christians and based our laws and regulations and that the God of the Bible is whom we owe of our freedom.

Look at what it says on our currency, “In God We Trust.”

The reason we have so many blessings and ingenuity is because of our forefathers belief in Jesus.

If you’re an American and you DON’T believe in Jesus, you’re not as American as someone who is American that does believe and trust in Jesus.

Anything great that has ever happened in this country, the victories we’ve had, the innovation and influence, it’s because America was founded upon Jesus.

Holy jesus christ!! A simple forum turns into a god worshipping forum.

Yes, it’s about his childhood, and specifically trying to please his father, who could never be satisfied.

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Tags: Chester Bennington Hybrid Theory In the End Mike Shinoda

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Linkin Park : In The End Meaning

Album cover for In The End album cover

Song Released: 2001

In the end lyrics, 1 top rated.

I think the meaning of this song is kind of obvious. In the end it doesn't really matter, meaning no matter who u are, rich or poor, famous or a nobody. in the end it doesn't really matter.


I can relate to this song and it's meaning seems very clear to me. I feel that this is a song about a futile effort to seek love from an abusive relationship. The beginning references to time are about how it was pointless and a waste of time putting effort into this failed relationship and the focus on this effort took him away from other efforts in his life, it's like time stands still. Then when he talks about keeping everything inside, it's about how hard he tried to please her and relate to her in the way she needed. He was trying to get love from her but she wasn't really giving him any recognition. In the end refers to a feeling of giving up and feeling that his efforts were pointless and a waste of time, that it was an impossible relationship. I can also see it as an ironic statement that no matter how hard he tried, his efforts were futile. I think it could be about a romantic relationship or a parent, but I don't see that in the end refers to suicide, though the situation was probably quite stressful and depressing. He really did everything he could for the relationship but a supreme effort wasn't enough to save it. What it meant to me will eventually... means he's not quite over it yet, this song seems part of the process of dealing with it. I also find that a few other songs on that album seem to refer to an abusive relationship.


This song is about not wasting your time by the clock or anyone or anything and start living in this moment....which is the only thing that matters(portrayed by almost every religion). "I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter" what he means by that is what matters most is the journey, not the destination. But this moment right now, right here is what matters because that's where everything is taking place and that's all that exsists. And it is what's creating the journey. So no matter how hard you try even when you're an Olympian and win a gold medal after those moments of you obtaining the medal it doesn't even matter....this moment is what always matters and we obtain happiness from the journey not the destination. Watch the movie Peaceful Warrior everybody please. Thank you.

I Think That This Song is about no matter what you do or no matter how much you try it does not matter. And it is also about trusting someone that you are really close to and you trust them with something very deep and you told them and trusted them because you thought that they would not tell anyone but yet they must've told the world. I would Like To Add Another thing to This Recount an that is that i relate a lot to this and these are the parts i relate the most to "I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter" Thank You From Someone

There are many interpretations, each depends on the listener. My opinion is that it reflects the person's realization of the futility of life. This more of a personal view, a "this is where I've been and what I've come to accept. It's similar to other interpretations of life. King Solomon wrote "it is like chasing the wind" (the Bible's Book of Proverbs). The band Kansas sings "don't hang on nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky" (Dust in the Wind).

This song,I know,have some interpretations.I think is a suicide note,because there aren’t lyrics who talk a “relationship/toxic relationship”.I hate EVERYONE thinks EVERY SONG have A MEANING ABOUT LOVE.(>insert the guy who say “Time to STOP” Bye,I know is so poor,but is a the probably the song mean. (Ah,there seems to many interpretetion about love.I gonna suicide like the guy lol *goes away with forever alone face*) (I’m sarcastic) (Don’t kill me)

Just like any song, this song can mean multiple meanings depending on the person listening to it and depending on how you view it while listening to it. To me, it sounds like building trust in a relationship of some sort(which takes some time) and them backstabbing you or betraying you in some way, thus, "in the end" it doesn't even matter because you got f*cked. The lyrics definitely point to this.

My interpretation is this. i think it tells a story of a backsliden christian who lose his hope in Christ and loses his faith so he thinks that in the end it doesn't even matter and i think he is focusing on faith but this is wrong because in the end the only thing that matters is our in the Lord Jesus by accepting him as ersonal Lord and Savior we can have salvation.. Godbless Everyone

I can relate this lyrics to singer's own life on how he grew up how his past was real horrible and so much effort he put on his music and also got the positive result out of it. But then still somewhere in his eyes, in his own thought, he wasn't satisfied. Maybe he didn't even wanted fame and just wanted to live peaceful and happily in his but the struggle and depression still chased him that in the end he just gave up his life. Also he knew that whatever he is gaining now won't be with him after his death. After all Alexander the great gained so much in life but at the end he died and nothing even mattered. It's a sad truth of life, whatever we gain it won't be matter after our death so whatever we are doing right now, do it peacefully and happily because you only live once. RIP Chester you will be remembered till the end of everyone's life

I think its about a lost war expecially the axis loss in russia Its about one of germanys allies who has fallen and now talks to german fuhrer (not gonna mention the name)

What's so good about this song is that it can have multiple meanings. It could be about suicide, (Looks like a suicide note) a dysfunctional relationship between two lovers, or between a parent and child, or it could be the singer just saying no matter how much (or how little) you've accomplished in life none of it will matter in the end. (once you're dead.)

Whatever we do in life doesn't matter because in the end we all die.

RIP Chester, you will be sincerely missed by so many people, and I hope that in due time the rest of the Linkin Park members will keep moving on and creating amazing music. I understand he's not here, but just always keep him in your mind when you make music and sing these songs. This song is amazing, and it's helped to get me through some very tough times.

I think it's about 1 talking to himself, He is trying to so hard to improve himself and get the best of himself but it's not working and giving results. So he is at the edge of giving up and letting it go. Trying to convince himself that in the end it doesn't even matter.

This is about Chester's frustrations that he went through in life.

I don't see how it's a suicide note I think it is aboitnit doesn't matter how wealthy you are in life because when your dead it won't matter chester killed himself now I am am crying

I think it's all about wasting your time on video games, because you try so hard and get so far but then you die on the last level at the very end. Then, you've wasted your day, or possibly your entire life. And you look around you, and the house is a mess, your loved ones have given up on you, and you have nothing to show for all the effort you've put into your video games but they have stolen your time, and stolen your life.

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in the end and doesn even matter

Linkin Park

(It starts with one)

One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time (all I know)

Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away, it's so unreal (it's so unreal)

You didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on, to didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch you go (watch you go)

I kept everything inside And even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end, it doesn't even matter

One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard (I tried so hard)

In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised it got so far (got so far)

Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me (in the end)

You kept everything inside And even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when

I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know

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Las mĂĄs escuchadas de Linkin Park

  • One More Light
  • What I've Done
  • Somewhere I Belong
  • A Place For My Head
  • Leave Out All The Rest
  • Breaking The Habit
  • Burn It Down
  • Castle Of Glass
  • Bleed It Out
  • One Step Closer
  • Waiting For The End
  • Roads Untraveled

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Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly Keep Overly Elaborate Sci-Fi Thriller ‘Dark Matter’ From Collapsing in on Itself: TV Review

By Aramide Tinubu

Aramide Tinubu

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  • Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly Keep Overly Elaborate Sci-Fi Thriller ‘Dark Matter’ From Collapsing in on Itself: TV Review 1 week ago
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Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly as Jason Dessen and Daniela Dessen in "Dark Matter"

The phrase “we’re our own worst enemies” takes on a literal meaning in Apple TV+ ‘s “ Dark Matter ,” based on Blake Crouch’s 2016 novel of the same name, and adapted by the author for television. A massive and intricate puzzle, the series is shocking and unsettling, but doesn’t quite satisfy in the end. 

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Unfortunately, as fascinating as the character studies within “Dark Matter” are, the scientific aspects – especially regarding Jason2’s magical multiverse traveling machine, The Box, take away from the story’s core. Since sci-fi and physics jargon aren’t exactly digestible for the average viewer, the audience is repeatedly shown the inner workings of The Box, which involves an injectable drug called ampoules, a terrifying and twisted corridor and the would-be multiverse-traveler trying to have total control over his subconscious. As a result, some chapters feel sluggish, overlooking big themes and leaving other characters in the show, including Blair (​​Amanda Brugel), Daniela’s best friend, to languish under half-baked arcs. As a first-time showrunner and the show’s creator, it appears Crouch was reluctant to leave any stone unturned. 

Across nine episodes, both Jasons confront their choices and regrets. However, Episode 6, “Superposition” is a standout. As Jason2 begins to see the imperfections in OG Jason’s “idyllic” life, the original Jason and Amanda explore a universe that provides them some semblance of peace and a new beginning. Even with The Box and the science of it all hanging in the background, the episode finally gives the actors their due. Because “Dark Matter” is violent, bleak and a bit repetitious, “Superposition” offers viewers a much-needed reprieve. 

As intriguing as “Dark Matter” is, the stories and timelines become more convoluted as the show presses on. While the viewers and Jason2 are several paces ahead of OG Jason for much of the series, things slide off the rails by Episode 8, “Jupiter,” as viewers realize things aren’t exactly as they appear. Consequently, what could have been a welcomed twist feels like a letdown. 

When Crouch published his novel nearly a decade ago, fewer movies and TV projects centering multiverses existed. Since then, films like “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” the Marvel Cinematic Universe and shows like Starz’s “Counterpart” have made these concepts more commonplace. Though “Dark Matter” is fine, it could have been genuinely thrilling if Crouch had trusted his audience without an extensive roadmap, letting his material and the stellar performances from the actors speak for themselves.

The first two episodes of “Dark Matter” premiere May 8 on Apple TV+ with new episodes dropping weekly on Wednesdays.

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in the end and doesn even matter

Star witness Michael Cohen says Trump was intimately involved in all aspects of hush money scheme

N EW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump was intimately involved with all aspects of a scheme to stifle stories about sex that threatened to torpedo his 2016 campaign, his former lawyer said Monday in matter-of-fact testimony that went to the heart of the former president’s hush money trial .

“Everything required Mr. Trump’s sign-off,” said Michael Cohen, Trump's fixer-turned-foe and the prosecution's star witness in a case now entering its final, pivotal stretch.

In hours of highly anticipated testimony, Cohen placed Trump at the center of the hush money plot, saying the then-candidate had promised to reimburse the lawyer for the money he fronted and was constantly updated about behind-the-scenes efforts to bury stories feared to be harmful to the campaign.

“We need to stop this from getting out,” Cohen quoted Trump as telling him in reference to porn actor Stormy Daniels' account of a sexual encounter with Trump a decade earlier. The then-candidate was especially anxious about how the story would affect his standing with female voters.

A similar episode occurred when Cohen alerted Trump that a Playboy model was alleging that she and Trump had an extramarital affair. “Make sure it doesn’t get released,” was Cohen's message to Trump, the lawyer said. The woman, Karen McDougal, was paid $150,000 in an arrangement that was made after Trump received a “complete and total update on everything that transpired.”

“What I was doing, I was doing at the direction of and benefit of Mr. Trump,” Cohen testified.

Trump has pleaded not guilty and denied having sexual encounters with the two women.

Cohen is by far the prosecution's most important witness, and though his testimony lacked the electricity that defined Daniels' turn on the stand last week, he nonetheless linked Trump directly to the payments and helped illuminate some of the drier evidence such as text messages and phone logs that jurors had previously seen.

The testimony of a witness with such intimate knowledge of Trump’s activities could heighten the legal exposure of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee if jurors deem him sufficiently credible. But prosecutors’ reliance on a witness with such a checkered past — Cohen pleaded guilty to federal charges related to the payments — also carries sizable risks with a jury and could be a boon to Trump politically as he fundraises off his legal woes and paints the case as the product of a tainted criminal justice system.

The men, once so close that Cohen boasted that he would “take a bullet” for Trump, had no visible interaction inside the courtroom. The sedate atmosphere was a marked contrast from their last courtroom faceoff, when Trump walked out of the courtroom in October after his lawyer finished questioning Cohen during his civil fraud trial.

This time around, Trump sat at the defense table with his eyes closed for long stretches of testimony as Cohen recounted his decade-long career as a senior Trump Organization executive, doing work that by his own admission sometimes involved lying and bullying others on his boss's behalf.

Jurors had previously heard from others about the tabloid industry practice of “catch-and-kill,” in which rights to a story are purchased so that it can then be quashed. But Cohen's testimony, which continues Tuesday, is crucial to prosecutors because of his direct communication with the then-candidate about embarrassing stories he was scrambling to suppress.

Cohen also matters because the reimbursements he received from a $130,000 hush money payment to Daniels, which prosecutors say was meant to buy her silence in advance of the election, form the basis of 34 felony counts charging Trump with falsifying business records. Prosecutors say the reimbursements were logged, falsely, as legal expenses to conceal the payments’ true purpose. Defense lawyers say the payments to Cohen were properly categorized as legal expenses.

Under questioning from a prosecutor, Cohen detailed the steps he took to mask the payments. When he opened a bank account to pay Daniels, an action he said he told Trump he was taking, he told the bank it was for a new limited liability corporation but withheld the actual purpose.

“I’m not sure they would’ve opened it,” he said, if they knew it was ”to pay off an adult film star for a nondisclosure agreement.”

To establish Trump's familiarity with the payments, Cohen told the jury that Trump had promised to reimburse him. The two men even discussed with Allen Weisselberg, a former Trump Organization chief financial officer , how the reimbursements would be paid as legal services over monthly installments, Cohen testified.

And though Trump's lawyers have said he acted to protect his family from salacious stories, Cohen described Trump as preoccupied instead by the impact they would have on the campaign.

He said Trump even sought to delay finalizing the Daniels transaction until after Election Day so he wouldn’t have to pay her.

“Because," Cohen testified, “after the election it wouldn’t matter” to Trump.

Cohen also gave jurors an insider account of his negotiations with David Pecker , the then-publisher of the National Enquirer, who was such a close Trump ally that Pecker told Cohen his publication maintained a “file drawer or a locked drawer" where files related to Trump were kept.

That effort took on added urgency following the October 2016 disclosure of an “Access Hollywood” recording in which Trump was heard boasting about grabbing women sexually.

The Daniels payment was finalized several weeks after that revelation, but Monday's testimony also centered on a deal earlier that fall with McDougal.

Cohen testified that he went to Trump immediately after the National Enquirer alerted him to a story about the alleged McDougal affair. “Make sure it doesn’t get released," he said Trump told him.

Trump checked in with Pecker about the matter, asking him how “things were going” with it, Cohen said. Pecker responded, 'We have this under control, and we’ll take care of this," Cohen testified.

Cohen also said he was with Trump as Trump spoke to Pecker on a speakerphone in his Trump Tower office.

“David had stated that it's going to cost them $150,000 to control the story,” Cohen said. He quoted Trump as saying: “No problem, I will take care of it," which Cohen interpreted to mean that the payment would be reimbursed.

To lay the foundation that the deals were done with Trump's endorsement, prosecutors elicited testimony from Cohen designed to show Trump as a hands-on manager. Acting on Trump's behalf, Cohen said, he sometimes lied and bullied others, including reporters.

“When he would task you with something, he would then say, ‘Keep me informed. Let me know what’s going on,’” Cohen testified. He said that was especially true “if there was a matter that was troubling to him.”

Defense lawyers have teed up a bruising cross-examination of Cohen, telling jurors during opening statements that he's an “admitted liar” with an “obsession to get President Trump.”

Prosecutors aim to blunt those attacks by acknowledging Cohen's past crimes to jurors and by relying on other witnesses whose accounts, they hope, will buttress Cohen's testimony. They include a lawyer who negotiated the hush money payments on behalf of Daniels and McDougal, as well as Pecker and Daniels.

After Cohen’s home and office were raided by the FBI in 2018, Trump showered him with affection on social media and predicted that Cohen would not “flip.” Months later, Cohen did exactly that, pleading guilty to federal campaign-finance charges.

Besides pleading guilty to the hush money payments, Cohen later admitted lying to Congress about a Moscow real estate project that he had pursued on Trump's behalf during the heat of the 2016 campaign. He was sentenced to three years in prison, but spent much of it in home confinement.

Assistant district attorney Susan Hoffinger, center, questions witness Michael Cohen, far right, as Donald Trump, far left, looks on in Manhattan criminal court, Monday, May 13, 2024, in New York. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)

Screen Rant

8 things that happen after leave the world behind's ending that the movie doesn't tell you.


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9 Biggest Changes Netflix's Leave The World Behind Makes To The Book

12 biggest unanswered questions after leave the world behind's ambiguous ending, all 6 real-life disasters referenced in leave the world behind, explained.

WARNING! This article contains spoilers for Leave the World Behind!

  • The film adaptation of Leave the World Behind made creative adjustments to the ending, including omissions of what happens in the future.
  • The book provided details about the aftermath of the main narrative and what was happening outside the trapped town, but the movie excluded these details, leaving audiences in the same darkness as the characters.
  • The next generation of deer turned unicorn white, numerous people died, the Thorne family matriarch died in San Diego, and other towns in the country were oblivious to the disaster for some time.

The end of Netflix's 2023 movie Leave the World Behind left out some crucial details from the book about what happens to the world in the future. Leave the World Behind is an adaptation of the 2020 best-selling novel of the same name by Rumaan Alam, which paints a picture of how the world would end. The film's ending left plenty of questions unanswered that the book cleared up , including what caused Archie's illness , where the glass-shattering sound came from, who was behind the attacks, and why they were happening — thus inspiring numerous theories from audiences.

While it makes sense considering the movie lacks narration or future insight by the characters, Netflix's Leave the World Behind does omit some answers to big questions that were included in the book. The book frequently featured explanations of what happened after the events of the main narrative, as well as what was occurring outside the town in which the families were trapped. By not including these book details, audiences are kept guessing and just as much in the dark as Leave the World Behind 's characters .

In making the leap from page to screen, Sam Esmail implements some big changes, rendering Netflix's Leave the World Behind different from the book.

8 A Huge Number Of People Died

People died in gruesome ways.

The specific cause of the apocalypse in Leave the World Behind is deliberately left ambiguous, though it's clear it's one that left an incredible amount of destruction and suffering in its wake. Leave the World Behind 's ending did not show the number of people who died. While the Scotts and the Sandfords were safe in their vacation home, other people were not so lucky. The book reveals that some people died by suicide, whereas others died while driving into New York City, which had many unclaimed corpses rotting in the streets.

When the hospitals lost power, all the babies in the neonatal care unit died hours after the blackout. Shockingly, a mother in Maryland did the unimaginable and killed her two daughters to save them from whatever was out there that was causing the end of the world as they knew it. It's entirely possible that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people were killed during the events of the movie.

7 Deer Turned Unicorn White

Deer from the next generation became white because of intergenerational trauma.

Leave the World Behind manages to stand out from other movies about the end of the world due to some incredibly unique visual moments, though some of these also create questions for the audience despite how memorable they are. One of the biggest mysteries in Leave the World Behind is the creepy deer . In Leave the World Behind , the appearance of the deer is a warning sign from nature that the world is about to change.

The uncharacteristic appearance of so many deer resulted from a cyberattack that changed their migration patterns.

The movie doesn't fully explain why the deer turn white in Leave the World Behind, but the book provides some answers. The uncharacteristic appearance of so many deer resulted from a cyberattack that changed their migration patterns. The book reveals that years after Rose's family dies, the next generation of deer is born as white as unicorns. A geneticist would discover that the deer turned white because of intergenerational trauma that came from them losing their home.

The ending of Leave the World Behind leaves several big questions unanswered, which contributes to the overall themes of the dystopian film.

6 Nadine Thorne Dies In A Military Camp

The thornes couldn't get back home.

The ending of the Leave the World Behind book was notably bleaker than the movie, and traded the ambiguity the film rested on for harrowing and upsetting revelations about what happens to the characters — and Nadine's eventual fate is tragic. While Rose concluded Leave the World Behind by watching Friends at the Thornes' house, she had no idea that the family was at a San Diego airport trying to find their way back home.

Since there was a nationwide emergency that meant that no domestic flights were operating, the Thornes would never see their home on Long Island again. Nadine, the matriarch of the Thorne family, would get cancer and subsequently die at the tent camp the army had built. Her body, like so many others, would be burned, before the bodies started outnumbering the people who had to burn them.

5 Incarcerated Men Were Left To Die

Prisoners in waycross, georgia died in the correctional facility.

The tragic story of Leave the World Behind is essential to today's world because it paints the story of how humanity would react when faced with impending doom. The less fortunate people in society are usually the ones who suffer the most. While this was of course implied in the movie, the book went into greater detail about some of the distressing fates that befell some of them, including prisoners who remained locked in their cells during Armageddon.

After Leave the World Behind 's story, the wind and rain eventually killed the prisoners

In Waycross, Georgia at a correctional facility, the 40 people who were part of the staff of the prison left 1500 men to face the elements alone . After Leave the World Behind 's story, the wind and rain eventually killed the prisoners, and the staff justified their death by claiming that the prisoners were bad people, so their deaths were not something to mourn over.

4 Even More Deer Appeared After Leave The World Behind

Herds of deer began migrating to a safer place.

The deer were one of the most unique aspects of Leave the World Behind, and in the book they feature much more prominently than the movie. In Leave the World Behind , Rose had only seen a few deer before their herd grew to an astonishing number. A few miles from the Scotts' house, more herds of deer joined each other and began migrating to a place where their animal instincts told them they would be safe.

No one knew why there was such a large number of deer or where they were going, but with everything that was happening, the deer migration was not surprising. Seeing as the deer survived, and their next generation turned white, it's safe to say that they knew what they were doing since, unlike most humans, they managed to survive the end of the world.

3 Other Towns In The Country Had No Idea What Was Happening

People in new mexico and idaho did not know the danger they were in.

One of the most chilling aspects of the story of Leave the World Behind is that, without the use of electronic communication, an apocalypse could slowly creep across a vulnerable world that would otherwise have had plenty of time to prepare. Leave the World Behind mostly focused on New York, because it seemed like it was the most affected part of the country. While there was a blackout in the city and corpses started piling up, towns in more remote states like Idaho and New Mexico remained ignorant of what was happening in other parts of the country .

Eventually, however, the whole country would be affected, and they would know why the governors had declared a state of emergency.

People in these towns continued living their lives as though nothing was amiss, as they had far less reliance on mass communication and transportation. They went to work and attended to their businesses even though they did not fully understand why the satellites were down. Eventually, however, the whole country would be affected, and they would know why the governors had declared a state of emergency.

Sam Esmail's Leave the World Behind paints a realistic depiction of an imminent & coordinated societal collapse, sourced by a few real-life disasters.

2 The President Was Safe

The president of the free world was in his bunker.

Since there was a blackout and all satellite communication was cut down, the people in the country had no idea what was going on. No one knew if it was a terrorist attack or something much worse because there was no one to tell them. While all this was happening, a state of emergency was declared and the president of the free world was hidden away in a bunker beneath the White House for his safety.

With former U.S. President Barack Obama producing Leave the World Behind and assisting with the script, his insight into how the government would react makes the movie simultaneously more realistic and terrifying. Seeing as the world was ending in Leave the World Behind , no one outside the White House gave the president a second thought because everyone was too busy trying to stay alive and keep their families safe. The movie doesn't even reveal the president's identity within its fictional world, and the only direct mention of a president by the characters is by Rose, when she describes a scene from The West Wing series.

1 Rose Went Back To Her Family

Rose gathered supplies for her family from the thorne house.

One of the most touching moments in Leave the World Behind was mysteriously absent from the movie. While many of the characters had tragic fates (even after the events of the story), there was at least some happiness for Amanda and Rose. When Archie got sick , Rose left the Scotts' house to look for supplies in neighboring houses because, unlike her family, she understood the signs that the world was ending and took heed.

Amanda, who thought she would never see her daughter again, cries with joy when they are reunited.

In the movie adaptation of Leave the World Behind , Rose, who is obsessed with Friends , is shown in the Thornes' house watching the final episode of the show. However, the movie leaves out that Rose goes back to her family after ransacking the house and taking medication, batteries, and band-aids. In the book, Amanda, who thought she would never see her daughter again, cries with joy when they are reunited.

Leave the World Behind

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A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices, and two strangers appear at their door.

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How do you stop Bonmati? It doesn’t matter – it won’t stop Spain


If you were wondering how much players truly cared about the inaugural Women’s Nations League, the scenes at full time left you in little doubt.

Spain celebrated their 2-0 final victory over France like it was a genuinely big deal — and this is a side who won the biggest prize in world football six months ago.


Substituted players and unused backups sprinted off the bench to join their team-mates on the pitch, jumping up and down in a circle and breaking into a familiar round of ‘Campeonas’.

Two Spain players were not part of those immediate celebrations, however, instead going around their defeated opponents and making a point of shaking hands — Aitana Bonmati and Mariona Caldentey.

They were, coincidentally, the two goalscorers and the game’s best two players. They, more than anyone else on the pitch, summarise what Spanish football is all about and why they are so difficult to defeat.


Since Spain’s World Cup victory, the discussion about facing them has been centred around one question: ‘How do you stop Bonmati?’ The question is a little reductive and probably misses the point.

In the World Cup, Bonmati was overrun in midfield when Spain lost 4-0 to Japan in the group stage, marked out of the quarter-final against the Netherlands by the excellent Jackie Groenen, not particularly prominent in the semi-final against Sweden, and then good, but not decisive, in the final against England.

But it didn’t matter. Spain had other playmakers. Bonmati won the award for the tournament’s best player — and she is surely the world’s best player — but teams often had stopped her. They still couldn’t stop Spain.

This victory over France last night showed that there are two problems. First, stopping Bonmati has become harder, even compared to six months ago. Second, others can be equally dangerous.

Bonmati was the best player on show, and better than in any game she played at the World Cup. The close attention she has faced, especially now Spain have become increasingly accustomed to playing without Alexia Putellas, previously considered the main danger, has improved her game.


Aitana Bonmati exclusive interview: 'There's no hiding. It's what comes naturally to me'

Once she was always looking to collect the ball in similar zones, those inside-right positions between the lines. Now she drops deeper than before, and suddenly sprints in behind the opposition. On other occasions, she is found hugging the right touchline, and then a minute later makes diagonal runs across to the left channel. Close marking forces players to vary their position, and that skill remains useful even when facing teams, such as France here, who do not assign a particular player to track her.

“Aitana is just so hard to stop because of her positioning,” Sweden defender Magdalena Eriksson wrote in a Guardian column last week. “Unless you decide to dedicate a player to mark her, it is really hard to decide who is going to stick on her as she is always in the spaces in between.”

Her opening goal was a perfect demonstration. In the build-up, France’s central midfielder Amandine Henry was watching Bonmati. Then she pointed for left-midfielder Selma Bacha to pick her up.

in the end and doesn even matter

The next thing she knew, Bonmati was sprinting into the space between the centre-backs, and now it was the turn of left-back Sakina Karchaoui to frantically point at a team-mate to mark her.

in the end and doesn even matter

In fairness, Henry anticipated what would happen. She tracked the run but couldn’t get there fast enough. Bonmati has mastered the art of ‘llegada’, as they say in Spain — essentially, ‘arriving at the right time’. Olga Carmona’s cross was turned home.

in the end and doesn even matter

It was almost identical to Bonmati’s goal on the stroke of half-time in the semi-final against the Netherlands.

in the end and doesn even matter

This is a side that, in what has become the Spanish tradition, sometimes lacks a proper penalty box threat. Salma Paralluelo is a runner into the channels rather than a target for crosses. Right-sided Athenea del Castillo is more of a winger than the player who often played there in the World Cup, Alba Redondo, who makes more runs into the box. Bonmati used to shape games; now she decides them.

The second goal came from Caldentey. She is the most underrated player in this Spain side, drifting inside from the left into the middle to overload the centre, in much the way Andres Iniesta did a decade ago for the men’s side. At times, she completely vacates her flank and becomes a fourth central midfielder, which is partly why Carmona has proved so effective on the overlap.

Here, her positioning proved crucial for the second goal, typically moving inside from the left, anticipating Del Castillo’s cutback and sweeping the ball efficiently into the far corner.

in the end and doesn even matter

Caldentey has been excellent throughout this Nations League campaign, scoring three goals across the entertaining, and crucial, 3-2 and 5-3 victories over Sweden in the group stage. She is occasionally overlooked as others have shone. Here, she had her moment.

Spain are now unquestionably the best side in the world, although it is arguable whether they have progressed sufficiently in a wider sense.

“Unfortunately, I can’t say that much has changed,” Bonmati said this week when asked about the impact of the World Cup win.

“We have the example of the English: when they won the Euros, we saw a big change after the success at the national level. There were knock-on effects. Investment in the domestic league, full stadiums when England play. It makes me want it, because I can’t say that it is the same here. There is still so much left to do here and I feel like the World Cup was for nothing.”

But as well as Spain’s unprecedented off-field turmoil, the difference was surely that England won their tournament on home soil. Similarly, and contrary to popular belief, “It’s Coming Home” was not a prediction about England winning Euro ’96, but a song celebrating the fact they were hosting it.

The Nations League does not mean anywhere near as much as a European Championship , and certainly not the World Cup. But the importance of Spain winning a trophy in Seville, rather than in Sydney, should not be underestimated.

(Top photo: Jesus Ruiz/Quality Sport Images/Getty Images)

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Michael Cox

Michael Cox concentrates on tactical analysis. He is the author of two books - The Mixer, about the tactical evolution of the Premier League, and Zonal Marking, about footballing philosophies across Europe. Follow Michael on Twitter @ Zonal_Marking


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    But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter [Mike Shinoda:] One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard [Chester Bennington:] I tried so hard [Mike Shinoda:] In spite of the way you ...

  7. Linkin Park

    Linkin Park - In the End (Lyrics)Get it here: Linkin Park: http://lprk.c...

  8. Lyrics for In The End by Linkin Park

    But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try, Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme, To remind myself of a time when I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property

  9. In The End (Official Lyric Video)

    Lyric video for Linkin Park's "In The End" off of the album HYBRID THEORY.-----Papercuts - Singles Collection (2000-2023) | Available Now | https://lprk...

  10. Linkin Park

    And even though I tried, it all fell apart. What it meant to me will eventually be. A memory of a time when. I tried so hard and got so far. But in the end it doesn't even matter. I had to fall to lose it all. But in the end it doesn't even matter. I've put my trust in you. Pushed as far as I can go.

  11. In the End

    "In the End" is a song by American rock band Linkin Park. It is the eighth track on their debut album, Hybrid Theory (2000), and was released as the album's fourth and final single. "In the End" received positive reviews by music critics, with most reviewers complimenting the song's signature piano riff, as well as noting rapper Mike Shinoda's vocal prominence in the song.

  12. In The End by Linkin Park

    It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time (All I KNOW). God knows we are a flawed creation. This part is showing that he himself doesn't understand why we must stray away from him, why his creation is unable to uphold his teachings and acknowledges that he himself doesn't ...


    But in the end it doesn't even matter. I had to fall to lose it all. But in the end it doesn't even matter. One thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how hard you try. Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme. To remind myself how. I tried so hard. In spite of the way you were mocking me.

  14. Linkin Park

    What it meant to me will eventually. Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard. [Chorus: Chester Bennington] I tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. I had to fall ...

  15. Linkin Park's "In the End" Lyrics Meaning

    In the end, what you believe doesn't even matter. Reply. Anonymous says: May 5, 2023 at 2:14 pm. Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the LIFE ! Reply. Dustin says: May 22, 2023 at 1:15 am. The first and original Americans were Christians and based our laws and regulations and that the God of the Bible is whom we owe of our freedom.

  16. Linkin Park

    "I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter" what he means by that is what matters most is the journey, not the destination. But this moment right now, right here is what matters because that's where everything is taking place and that's all that exsists. And it is what's creating the journey.

  17. In The End Linkin Park (with Lyrics)

    In the end [Mike Shinoda:] You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard [Chester Bennington:] I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter I've put my ...

  18. IN THE END CHORDS by Linkin Park @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    In The End Linkin Park Tune down a half-step! Chords are relative to standard tuning (will sound 1/2-step lower) [Verse 1] Em It starts with One thing I don't know why D It doesn't even matter how hard you try C Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme D To explain in due time Em All I know Time is a valuable thing D Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings C Watch it count down to the end of the ...

  19. Linkin Park

    In the darkness, but I know that I've tried so hard. [Chorus: Chester Bennington] I tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. I had to fall to lose it all. But in the ...

  20. IN THE END

    But it all comes back to me (in the end) You kept everything inside. And even though I tried, it all fell apart. What it meant to me will eventually. Be a memory of a time when. I tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. I had to fall to lose it all. But in the end, it doesn't even matter.


    75 Likes, TikTok video from RTW 🌏 (@rockinthewrld): "IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY 🗣 || Linkin Park - In The End || #linkinpark #intheend #rock #fyp #spotify #lyrics #song #music #rockinthewrld". in the end linkin park -

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  24. Linkin Park

    Follow Our Official Spotify Playlist: TikTok Spotify Playlist: Park - In the End (Lyrics)L...

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