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2122 King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize (Round 1)

Congratulations to the first round of winners of the 2122 King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize!

A limited number of awards are given across the year to celebrate truly outstanding research and theses completed by King’s doctoral students. The prizes are nominated by the external examiners and are judged by a panel consisting of the College’s Director of Research Talent and the Chair of the Research Degrees Examinations Board.  

Take a look at some reflections from the 2122 winners:

Dr Rana Alkattan, Dental Materials for Operative and Restorative Dentistry

king's college thesis

Dr Olakunle Oginni, Behavioural Genetics

king's college thesis

I really enjoyed learning about twin models and applying this knowledge to understand the health disparities among lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals compared to those who are heterosexual. I am very grateful to my supervisors – Prof. Frühling Rijsdijk (who was the overall winner of the 2020/21 Supervisory Excellence Award ) and Dr. Patrick Jern (of the Abo Akademi University, Finland); the SGDP community, my family and friends, and the UK Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. Since completing my PhD, I have continued work as a lecturer and honorary consultant psychiatrist at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria; and I am a part-time postdoctoral research associate at Prof. Thalia Eley’s EDIT Lab at the SGDP Centre.

Dr Julia Burrill, Molecular Biology

king's college thesis

I’m very grateful to receive this award and must, of course, thank my supervisors, Dr. Nunzianda Frascione and Dr. Barbara Daniel. Doing a PhD can be a real roller coaster and I’m so glad the rest of the gang in King’s Forensics was along for the ride. For those of you en route to submission, keep it up! Everyone thinks of chucking it in at some point, but it helped me to keep reminding myself of why I was passionate about the work in the first place. And remember to take breaks, whether it is going for a run or to the pub. My passion for the topic has now led me back to the U.S. to do a postdoc in Forensic Science Communication in the Courtroom at Stony Brook University, but I will always remember my time in London and at King’s with great fondness.

Dr Giles Masters, Musicology

king's college thesis

It was a lovely surprise to be awarded this prize! I am, of course, very delighted and honoured. There are so many people I could thank, but I’ll just mention two. First, I’m very grateful to everyone at the Music Department at KCL – a truly vibrant community of intellectual and artistic endeavour – and especially my dedicated and brilliant supervisor Heather Wiebe. Second, I’d like to express my love and appreciation for my wonderful friend Clara Benjamin, who died last year.

Dr Laura Knopfel, Law

king's college thesis

It is an honour to win this outstanding thesis prize in law for a socio-legal project. I thus read the award as an appreciation and encouragement for interdisciplinary and empirical research in legal scholarship. My thanks go to my supervisors Prof. Peer Zumbansen and Prof. Davina Cooper as well as the Law Department, in particular Dr. Eva Pils, the department’s former Director of Doctoral Studies, who gave me the freedom and possibility to pursue my research and supported me throughout the PhD journey at KCL.

Dr Harriet Cook, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

king's college thesis

Dr Sophie Carruthers, Psychology

king's college thesis

Dr Ana Caetano, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

king's college thesis

Dr Sarah McAllister, Health Services Research

king's college thesis

Full list of winners from the first round of the 2122 King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize:

To see the list of previous winners, please visit our website .

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Student theses

  • 1 - 50 out of 293 results
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“soja come, soja go”: military withdrawal from government in nigeria (1999).

Supervisor: Mitton, K. (Supervisor) & Hiribarren, V. (Supervisor)

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy

“Partners, Not Allies”: Understanding Alignment in China’s New Era of International Relations

Supervisor: Leveringhaus, N. A. (Supervisor) & Brown, K. (Supervisor)

“Determined to Fight Determined to Win”: The combat experience of the People’s Army of Vietnam at Điện Biên Phủ

Supervisor: Busch, P. (Supervisor)

‘Whatever it Takes’: How American Popular Culture Moderates and Diminishes Torture and its Consequences

Supervisor: Gow, J. (Supervisor) & Birchall, C. (Supervisor)

‘The Paradox Of U.S. Security In The 1990s: Trans-Border Challenges From Mexico In The Context Of Nafta’

Supervisor: Dandeker, C. (Supervisor), Hills, A. (Supervisor) & Philpott, W. J. (Supervisor)

‘Silence is like our mother tongue’: An ethnography of distress and care amongst Eritrean diasporic women in the UK

Supervisor: Kelly, A. (Supervisor) & Ansems De Vries, L. (Supervisor)

‘Scientifics’ and ‘Wycombites’: a study of the Quartermaster General’s Department of the British Army, 1799-1814

Supervisor: Davies, H. (Supervisor) & Lambert, A. (Supervisor)

‘More Bang for the Buck’: Examining the Determinants of Terrorist Adoption of New Weapons Technologies

Supervisor: Neumann, P. R. (Supervisor) & Bowen, W. Q. (Supervisor)

‘Listen to our thoughts’: counter-conduct, genealogy and the politics of democratic dissent

Supervisor: Bolt, N. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. (Supervisor)

Worlds of Military Targeting : Martial Epistemologies, Technologies and the Production of the Enemy

Supervisor: Hirst, A. (Supervisor) & Aradau, C. (Supervisor)

Women in UK and US Naval Communications and Intelligence during the Second World War: WRNS and WAVES and the Emergence of Modern Warfare

Supervisor: Maiolo, J. (Supervisor) & Easter, D. (Supervisor)

Who was Leading Whom?: Assessing the Organizational and Strategic Dynamics Between Al Qaeda Central and its Affiliates, 2004 - 2014

Supervisor: Gearson, J. (Supervisor) & Rainsborough, M. L. R. S. (Supervisor)

Who Are Anonymous? : A Study Of Online Activism

Supervisor: Rid, T. (Supervisor), Bolt, N. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. J. (Supervisor)

Where economy and security meet: How Chinese Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) have become a security threat in Europe (2016-2020)

Supervisor: Leveringhaus, N. A. (Supervisor) & Knoerich, J. M. (Supervisor)

When Rambo Meets the Red Cross: Exploring the civil-military relationship in fragile and low-intensity conflict affected areas

Supervisor: Betz, D. (Supervisor) & Chisholm, A. (Supervisor)

What impact did US Ballistic Missile Defence have on post-Cold War US-Russian Relations?

Supervisor: Deyermond, R. M. (Supervisor) & Bowen, W. Q. (Supervisor)

What Good are Alliances in Great Power Relations?: Explaining the Transformative Nature of Alliance Politics

Supervisor: Ladwig III, W. (Supervisor) & Patalano, A. (Supervisor)

What determines resilience in military Class 8B logistic systems, and knowing these determinants, how can we enhance Estonian military Class 8B logistic system resilience?

Supervisor: Murphy, D. (External person) (Supervisor)

Student thesis : Master's Thesis › Master of Philosophy

WE SELF-CATEGORISE, THEREFORE WE THINK: The Chinese Government and IR Scholars’ Ways of Thinking concerning the Post-Cold War Japan-U.S. Alliance (1992-2012)

Supervisor: Pacheco Pardo, R. (Supervisor) & Patalano, A. (Supervisor)

Wearing the Red Cross: The relationship between military and civilian healthcare workers across aid, development and peacebuilding.

Supervisor: Sullivan, R. (Supervisor), Bricknell, M. (Supervisor) & Sullivan, R. (Supervisor)

Was the Dhofar War of 1965-1975 a British victory?

Supervisor: Ladwig III, W. (Supervisor) & Anglim, S. (Supervisor)

Wartime tactical adaptation and operational success: British and Japanese armies in Burma and India, 1941–45

Supervisor: Philpott, W. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. (Supervisor)

Warrior-Maverick Culture: The Evolution of Adaptability in the U.S. Marine Corps

Supervisor: Farrell, T. G. (Supervisor) & Stone, J. G. (Supervisor)

War on its Head: An Oral History of the Helmandi Conflict 1978-2012

Supervisor: Farrell, T. G. (Supervisor)

Wargaming in Military Education for Army Officers and Officer Cadets

Supervisor: Chin, W. A. (Supervisor) & Sabin, P. A. G. (Supervisor)

War at Home: Strategic Narratives of the War on Terrorism

Supervisor: Busch, P. E. (Supervisor) & Betz, D. J. (Supervisor)

Victory and Strategic Culture: The Marines, the Army and Vietnam; First Corps Tactical Zone 1965-1971

Supervisor: Holden Reid, B. T. (Supervisor) & Sabin, P. A. G. (Supervisor)

Variations in Organisational and Employee Responses to High-Impact, Low-Probability Events

Supervisor: Rogers, M. B. (Supervisor)

Understanding the impact of emotional stress on crisis decision making

Supervisor: Lebow, N. (Supervisor) & Dylan, H. (Supervisor)

Understanding Prejudice: Stigma, Self-Esteem and the Dynamics of Antisemitism & Islamophobia 

Supervisor: Lebow, N. (Supervisor) & Chaudhuri, R. (Supervisor)

Underlying dynamics of regional (dis-)integration in post-Soviet Central Asia

Supervisor: Kuhrt, N. C. (Supervisor) & Pacheco Pardo, R. (Supervisor)

Two Sides of the Same COIN? Compare and Contrast British Political Warfare in Southern Arabia from 1959 to 1977

Supervisor: Goodman, M. (Supervisor) & Easter, D. (Supervisor)

Trust and the Politics of Security Risk Management: The European Union’s Engagement of China in Africa

Supervisor: Patalano, A. (Supervisor) & Gower, J. (Supervisor)

Transnational Legal Feminism – Beyond Western Hegemonies in Crossborder Feminist Research and Practice in International Law

Supervisor: Zumbansen, P. (Supervisor) & Friedman, R. (Supervisor)


Supervisor: Stone, J. G. (Supervisor) & Hobbs, C. L. (Supervisor)

Too Baroque to Fix: The US Army's Future Combat Systems

Supervisor: Stone, J. G. (Supervisor) & Leenders, R. (Supervisor)

Three Generations of Leftist Political Parties in Iran: A History of Repression, Foreign Imperialism, and Khomeinist Manipulation

Supervisor: Kerr, M. (Supervisor)

The “lesser evil”: the evolution of Jabhat al-Nusra’s governance strategy in Syria

Supervisor: Maher, S. (Supervisor) & Neumann, P. (Supervisor)

The “Belt and Road Initiative” and China’s grand strategy making: how China transforms itself into the "Center of Production and Trade" and a "Norm-Maker"

Supervisor: Kuhrt, N. (Supervisor) & Bew, J. (Supervisor)

The Westminster Model Navy: Defining the Royal Navy, 1660-1749

Supervisor: James, A. M. (Supervisor) & Lambert, A. D. (Supervisor)

The Utility of Unmanned Combat Air Systems Gaining Control of the Air by 2040

Supervisor: Goulter, C. J. M. (Supervisor) & Sabin, P. A. G. (Supervisor)

The Use and Utility of Ultimata

Supervisor: Deyermond, R. (Supervisor) & Honig, J. (Supervisor)

The United States, Britain and Japan in the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1967-1974: the competing claims of the Cold War and oil

Supervisor: Kandiah, M. (Supervisor) & Patalano, A. (Supervisor)

The Transition from the Military to Civilian Life: Becoming a Private Security Contractor after Military Service for US and UK Service leavers

Supervisor: Kinsey, C. P. (Supervisor) & Dandeker, C. (Supervisor)

The terrorist image: a mixed-methods exploration of Islamic State photo-propaganda

Supervisor: Neumann, P. (Supervisor) & Bolt, N. (Supervisor)

The Taliban’s emirate: negotiations, norms and state-building

Supervisor: Lieven, A. (Supervisor) & Bew, J. (Supervisor)

The Stem from which Flowers Bloom: Motivations and Constraints shaping the Reforger Exercises, 1969-1992

Supervisor: Ladwig III, W. (Supervisor)

The Soviet Security Service and its Treatment of Novelists During the 1930s

Supervisor: Goodman, M. (Supervisor)

The socio-political factor in great power politics: analysis of the Weimar Republic and post-Soviet Russia's political discourse towards the Baltic states

Supervisor: Kuhrt, N. (Supervisor) & Greene, S. (Supervisor)

The Sino-Indian relationship in a regional context: the ‘China factor’ in India’s ‘Look East’ policy

Supervisor: Patalano, A. (Supervisor)

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The English Department here at King’s, one of the largest and oldest in the UK, was ranked 8th in the UK for the quality and quantity of its research in the most recent Research Excellence Framework.   

The Department of English is home to a large and diverse body of postgraduate researchers. Students are fully integrated into the intellectual and social life of the Department as researchers and teachers. Many of our students study part-time, commute or have caring responsibilities and the programmes allow flexibility.

Our expertise is split across research clusters , covering the full chronological range of literary periods. Current and recent research projects include: Indian writing of WW2; the bedchamber in late medieval literature; African migrant literature and US politics, and telegraphy and Victorian culture.

In second year (or part-time equivalent) students have the opportunity to work as Graduate Teaching Assistants and are supported in this through a full programme of training and mentoring events.

Students can undertake joint PhD programmes with King's and our partners in  Humboldt Universität in Berlin and the National University of Singapore , spending time in each location to work with supervisors and to access the resources and expertise of both institutions. On completion, students receive a qualification awarded by both universities.

We offer a staged and comprehensive programme of training from the initial Research Workshops, through our ‘Skills Lunches’ and then final year professionalization workshops on applying for jobs or further funding. Doctoral students play a full role in organising the postgraduate seminar, ‘The Abstract’, and an annual postgraduate conference. The PhD in Creative Writing also places emphasis on professionalisation through guest lectures, a 'Thesis Workshop' and the 'Agents and Editors in Residence' scheme.

Our graduates have gone on to academic positions (recently at the University of Birmingham, the Universität Bonn and UCL) and careers in media, creative arts, teaching and publishing.

We are part of the London Arts and Humanities Partnership which offers scholarships as well as training.

Please browse our webpages, identify a potential supervisor(s) and get in touch with an initial query. Alternatively, send an inquiry to the PGR Lead via the Department office ( [email protected] ).

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    King's College London. Postal address Show on map. Strand, Strand - Main Building. London. United Kingdom. Overview; Fingerprint; Network; Profiles (9625) Research output (196878) ... Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy. File 'Seize turtles deep down in the Five Seas': history of marine science in Qingdao in Mao Era ...

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    figshare. credit for all your research.share. credit for all your research.

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  5. 2122 King's Outstanding Thesis Prize (Round 1)

    Full list of winners from the first round of the 2122 King's Outstanding Thesis Prize: Dr Giles Masters. Musicology, A&H. Dr Harriet Cook. Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, A&H. Dr Rafael Lubner. English Literature, A&H. Dr Rana Alkattan. Dental Materials for Operative and Restorative Dentistry, FoDOC.

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  7. PhD Thesis Template for King's College London

    This is an unofficial LaTeX template for King's College London PhD Thesis submissions which is modified from the template for CUED to meet the current requirements of King's. Please check them at https: ...

  8. KCL Thesis Template

    Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for KCL Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in King's College London author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 983 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal. SciSpace is a very innovative solution to ...

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    Take our new PhD in creative writing in Department of English at King's College London. ... Scott Preston's novel The Borrowed Hills, published in April 2024, formed the main part of his Creative Writing PhD thesis. As the first graduate of the programme, Scott left with an impressive portfolio of creative and scholarly work, as well as ...