1. LUP Student Papers

    LUP Student Papers. Lund University Publications Student Papers (LUP-SP) is the institutional repository for master theses and student papers from Lund University. The repository contains bibliographic information on over 86,000 publications. The full texts of the documents are made freely available when possible. Register your publications.

  2. Search for specific materials and data

    Search for publications from other swedish universities in the national database SwePub. Dissertations. More than 20 dissertations are published every year at LUSEM. They are collected in our Book Collection. You can search for dissertations, written at LUSEM and at Lund University, in the library catalogue LUBcat, LUBsearch or in the Research ...

  3. Research publications and student papers

    Uppsök. You will find degree and student papers from other Swedish universities in Uppsök. The majority of higher education institutions are included in the national search service. Search Uppsök (in Swedish) Page manager: [email protected] | 20 Jun 2024. You will find doctoral theses submitted at Lund University in the library catalogue and the ...

  4. LUBsearch

    Lund University. LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries' joint resources. Through a single search field, you can find articles, journals, doctoral theses and books. If you are outside the University campus, log in with your student or Lucat account to access the full texts.You will find our subject-specific databases via Databases A-Z. Through ePublications you get a ...

  5. Lund University Publications

    Advanced. Lund University Publications (LUP) is the institutional repository for scholarly publications from Lund University. The repository contains bibliographic information on over 229,000 publications. The full texts of the documents are made freely available when possible. The LUP search interface was updated on September 29th 2021, with ...

  6. Databases A-Z

    Lund University. Via Databases A-Z, which is a part of LUBsearch, you can find databases, platforms and other online services. If you are outside the University campus, log in using your student or Lucat account.To read more about how to search for and find databases, consult the page on Databases A-Z in our LibGuide: LibGuide LUBsearch and electronic resourcesDirect link to Databases A-Z

  7. Search and find at LUSEM Library

    LUSEM Library and Lund University offer access to a wide range of services and databases. Search for articles and books in the Library's own search tools, financial databases or company data. ... SSCEN Sustainability Prize for Master's Theses 2024 ... Do you need help or support to search in a specific database? Need to make sure that you ...

  8. Doctoral theses

    Lund University. Doctoral theses from Lund University Doctoral theses, and other research output by people associated with Lund University can be accessed through the Lund University research portal. In addition to theses, you will also find articles in journals, conference papers, reports, and more. In many cases, the material is freely available to download in full text. Search and find in ...

  9. Databases

    Lund University. For material on a particular subject it is often best to search and retrieve in one of the many subject specific databases. By searching a database you can access a curated range of documents, and often the full source texts. Unlike Google, the databases select data by quality and subject, making it easier for you to find relevant information. In a database, you also have ...

  10. Register and publish in full text

    Registration in LUCRIS and adding a full text. På svenska. As a doctoral student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your degree project and the thesis. The registration makes the thesis visible in LU's Research Portal and on the university's calendar for upcoming defenses. Also, make the theses freely available whenever possible.

  11. Lund University

    Welcome to the Lund University Research Portal! Lund University conducts world-leading research to influence society and improve our world. In this Research Portal you can browse the entire width of our research across disciplines. You can search and find information about all active researchers, units, outputs (publications), projects ...

  12. Doctoral theses

    Lund University. Theses written at Lund University require ISBN number. Depending on which faculty and institution you belong to, you may order ISBN either from your faculty or from the University Library. The University Library can provide you with ISBN for your printed and electronic doctoral thesis. The thesis must also be registered in LUCRIS to be visible both in the Research Portal and ...

  13. Publishing your Thesis

    The student uploads the thesis in LUP. NOTE: You have to register the first time you use LUP. Use your STiL-ID to login. Make sure you mark if you want to make it public by Open Access, otherwise it will not be seen outside Lund University! 3. The teacher approves the thesis in the database. 4. The librarian makes the thesis public. <<

  14. Search and find

    Lund University. LUBcat library catalogue LUBcat is the Lund University Libraries catalogue of books and ebooks, journals and ejournals, theses, and required reading lists. It is also where library users can manage their library borrowing and orders. The library catalogue LUBcat LUBsearch search tool LUBsearch is the Lund University Libraries search tool for ejournals, databases, reference ...

  15. Library

    Opening hours in the library. Monday-Friday: 8-20. Saturday-Sunday: 9-17. The library is closed for renovation of the bookshelves 3 June - 18 August.

  16. Lund University libraries

    Doctoral theses Submenu for Doctoral theses. FAQ about the registration procedure Publishing a doctoral thesis in full text Research publications ... Open Journals Lund University (OJLU) Submenu for Open Journals Lund University (OJLU) DOI - Digital Object Identifier Good publishing practice ...

  17. Master's Thesis

    The master's thesis course starts on your fourth term at Graduate School, always around January 15-20. By course start you will know the name of the supervisor. Most departments and supervisors require that students are present in Lund during the master's thesis course. Some departments arrange peer review seminars and other activities ...

  18. Essays and degree projects

    Lund University. Assistance in essay writingCourses in academic writingLund University offers two open online courses in academic writing, also known as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The course 'Writing in English at University' is intended for those who wish to improve their academic writing in English. There is also a Swedish equivalent, 'Akademiskt skrivande'.You can decide to sign ...

  19. Lund Thesis Database

    Lund Thesis Database - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  20. Database Project

    Thesis & Dissertation Office; Database Project Project Announcements. April 23, 2024. March 26, 2024. Project Milestones. GradDB Replacement Sprints ... September 2024. October 2024. Grad School Database Discovery. June 2024. July 2024. Grad School Replacement Sprints. August 2024. December 2024. Grad School Conversion. January 2025. February ...

  21. Doctoral theses

    Lund University. We recommend that you make your doctoral thesis freely available online when you register it. If you or the University owns the rights to your doctoral thesis, you decide whether or not you want your doctoral thesis to be made available electronically. Naturally, if your doctoral thesis, or parts of it, is published by external publishers, this must be taken into consideration ...

  22. Publishing a doctoral thesis in full text

    Lund University. Visibility of the doctoral thesis If you publish your doctoral thesis electronically, it will not only be indexed and made searchable in Google. It will also be listed in the European doctoral theses database DART-Europe and in the international database for freely available academic material - BASE. It will also be linked to your full text from the Swedish research database ...

  23. Lund University PHD Thesis Database

    Lund University Phd Thesis Database - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis, including extensive research, analysis, and writing skills required. It then introduces as a service that provides expert assistance to students struggling with their thesis by developing customized support ...

  24. Startpage

    Doctoral theses Standards and patents Maps Archives Loans Interlibrary loans ... Register your research in the LUCRIS research database Research data management ... Borrow a book or article that is not available at Lund University libraries. Please note! The interlibrary loan service is closed between 1-31/7.

  25. Revisiting the Cambrian explosion's spark

    New research provides the clearest evidence to date that a rapid burst of evolution 540 million years ago could have been caused by a small increase in oxygen in Earth's atmosphere and shallow ...