10 Best Online Doctoral Programs in Georgia

Higher education is gaining ground in growing Georgia, and according to 2015 statistics the unemployment rate for workers without any college was 6.9% compared to 3.1% to those with a degree in higher education. In addition, by 2020, research suggest that 65% of Georgia’s jobs will require some level of postsecondary education. With improvements being made to educational systems across the state there is today an increase in need for leaders with PhDs in Education especially. Additionally students are attending universities in Georgia to obtain their online doctoral degrees in areas such as nursing, law, technology, and business.

Featured Online Programs

1. university of west georgia.

online doctoral programs; three through the College of Education and one Doctor of Nursing Education degree. The fully online education degrees offered are: Higher Education Administration Ed.D., Professional Counseling and Supervision Ed.D., School Improvement Ed.D. All programs are fully accredited and offer flexible access to lectures and coursework plus extensive research opportunities. The cost of attendance for a fully online program is the same for in state and out of state attendees.

2. Emory University

Located in Atlanta, Georgia, Emory University is a top-rank private university, globally recognized for its liberal arts colleges and professional schools, and is one of the worlds leading healthcare systems. Students can earn degrees from the baccalaureate to doctoral levels. Four online doctoral programs  can be obtained online at Emory. The Doctor of Nursing Practice is offered through the acclaimed  Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing  and two tracks are offered, the post BSN or post MSN track. The Health Care or Business Law degrees are hybrid degrees with 10 7-week asynchronous online courses and 3 three-day residencies. The Doctor of Ministry degree is set up to serve experienced ministers with at least three years experience in the field plus their completed MDiv degree. Two tracks are offered: Church Leadership and Community Witness or Biblical Interpretation and Proclamation.

3. Kennesaw State University

online PhD programs offered online. Both are EdDs offered through the school of education. The Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology is for educators who seek to pursue a career in technology in a leadership position at the local, district or state level. The Doctor of Education in Teacher Leadership prepares students for administrative careers in leadership positions.

4. Georgia Southern University

Founded in 1906 Georgia Southern University is Georgia’s most comprehensive institution south of Atlanta, offering over 140 degree programs from the bachelor to doctoral levels. Additionally, the school has been designated a Carnegie Doctoral and Research university and serves students from all fifty states both on campus and online. The online school at Georgia Southern University  offer flexible programs in business, healthcare, and education taught by the same respected faculty that teaches on campus. Online programs cater to students who have other commitments keeping them busy such as their advancing careers or family. The online  Doctor in Nursing Practice  trains students in areas such as management of care for individuals and populations, administration of nursing systems, the development and implementation of health policy, or direct care of individual patients. The program takes eight semesters to complete and is fully online minus one week-long on campus intensive that occurs each summer.

5. Georgia College & State University

fully online doctoral program in Nursing Practice with the twenty-one total fully and hybrid online master degree offerings. The unique thirty-seven credit doctorate program prepares students for leadership positions in healthcare where they can influence policy at the highest organizational level. The curriculum builds to an intense capstone that is defined by each students individual interests and practice. The program can be completed in five semesters of full time study, or split over a period of part time attendance.

6. Columbus State University

Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Leadership, with a Higher Education Track, is a sixty-three credit program intended for educators, administrators, and district personnel who plan to fulfill careers in leadership roles. The curriculum and institutional practices are supported by strong research and the university has a proven track record of producing leaders in the field of education. The fully accredited program is delivered in a hybrid fashion with some course completed online and some on campus.

7. University of Georgia

Specialist of Education in Educational Psychology, Gifted and Creative Education is based on a research based philosophy that creativity and giftedness are expressed in a multitude of ways among diverse people. For this reason the program is tailored for each student to meet the students’ individual needs. The program requires a minimum of thirty-one credits and a final written comprehensive examination. The online EdS program is one of the top in the nation and students from across the states attend online annually.

8. University of North Georgia

Educational Psychology, Gifted and Creative Education. The program is offered through the University of Georgia as an alternative for students wishing to graduate from the North Georgia campus.

9. Luther Rice College & Seminary

Doctor of Ministry degree.

10. Augusta University

Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) concentration! The program prepares students for careers aiding in advanced patient-family centered care in situations where acute and/or chronically ill patients are served. The program can be completed full- or part-time.

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Graduate Education

Office of graduate and postdoctoral education, doctoral degrees.

Earning a doctoral degree at Georgia Tech opens many doors for our students. There are several reasons to continue your education to this level: a deep interest in the subject of your program; a desire to pursue an academic career as a researcher and/or educator; or to continue to sharpen your skills in order to work in a particular industry. Completing a doctoral degree can provide you with technical tools and the confidence to use them to create innovative solutions.

The Office of Graduate Education has prepared an admissions checklist to help you navigate through the admissions process.

phd online georgia

Earn your degree without sacrificing what’s most important.

What students are saying.

In each case, the mentors challenged me, forced me to ask questions about my writing that I haven’t thought about, and offered a different perspective based on life experience, based on background, based on their own paths as a writer.

Matt Pearl, Chief of Storytelling and Development at WXIA-TV/Atlanta MFA, In Narrative Media ’19

My program felt like a family, and I’m very grateful for that. It was a really great experience!

Claire Simless, Grant Writer at Latin America Youth Center M.Ed. TESOL, ’18

Most of the professors work in the industry and have current experience in the industry. They always have real world experience to share.

Charnell Thomas, Pharmaceutical RA, Kimberly-Clark Master of Pharmacy, Biopharma RA

Personally, I would recommend anyone interested in becoming a better teacher take the classes in the dyslexia certificate. The online delivery makes it incredibly convenient, the coursework is intriguing and interesting, and the faculty does a great job of presenting the most current and relevant research on dyslexia and reading disabilities.

Haley Faulkner, Learning Specialist, UGA Athletics Dyslexia Graduate Certificate, ’20

Choosing an online program allowed me to both have a family and get real-life work experience while obtaining a degree in my field. … I could not think of a better place I could have completed my undergraduate education.

Danielle Smith, Teacher Online B.S. Ed. in Special Education, ’17

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Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Machine Learning

The Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Machine Learning program has the following principal objectives, each of which supports an aspect of the Institute’s mission:

  • Create students that are able to advance the state of knowledge and practice in machine learning through innovative research contributions.
  • Create students who are able to integrate and apply principles from computing, statistics, optimization, engineering, mathematics and science to innovate, and create machine learning models and apply them to solve important real-world data intensive problems.
  • Create students who are able to participate in multidisciplinary teams that include individuals whose primary background is in statistics, optimization, engineering, mathematics and science.
  • Provide a high quality education that prepares individuals for careers in industry, government (e.g., national laboratories), and academia, both in terms of knowledge, computational (e.g., software development) skills, and mathematical modeling skills.
  • Foster multidisciplinary collaboration among researchers and educators in areas such as computer science, statistics, optimization, engineering, social science, and computational biology.
  • Foster economic development in the state of Georgia.
  • Advance Georgia Tech’s position of academic leadership by attracting high quality students who would not otherwise apply to Tech for graduate study.

All PhD programs must incorporate a standard set of Requirements for the Doctoral Degree .

The central goal of the PhD program is to train students to perform original, independent research.  The most important part of the curriculum is the successful defense of a PhD Dissertation, which demonstrates this research ability.  The academic requirements are designed in service of this goal.

The curriculum for the PhD in Machine Learning is truly multidisciplinary, containing courses taught in nine schools across three colleges at Georgia Tech: the Schools of Computational Science and Engineering, Computer Science, and Interactive Computing in the College of Computing; the Schools of Aerospace Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering; and the School of Mathematics in the College of Science.

Summary of General Requirements for a PhD in Machine Learning

  • Core curriculum (4 courses, 12 hours). Machine Learning PhD students will be required to complete courses in four different areas: Mathematical Foundations, Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning, ML Theory and Methods, and Optimization.   
  • Area electives (5 courses, 15 hours).
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) (1 course, 1 hour, pass/fail).  Georgia Tech requires that all PhD students complete an RCR requirement that consists of an online component and in-person training. The online component is completed during the student’s first semester enrolled at Georgia Tech.  The in-person training is satisfied by taking PHIL 6000 or their associated academic program’s in-house RCR course.
  • Qualifying examination (1 course, 3 hours). This consists of a one-semester independent literature review followed by an oral examination.
  • Doctoral minor (2 courses, 6 hours).
  • Research Proposal.  The purpose of the proposal is to give the faculty an opportunity to give feedback on the student’s research direction, and to make sure they are developing into able communicators.
  • PhD Dissertation.

Almost all of the courses in both the core and elective categories are already taught regularly at Georgia Tech.  However, two core courses (designated in the next section) are being developed specifically for this program.  The proposed outlines for these courses can be found in the Appendix. Students who complete these required courses as part of a master’s program will not need to repeat the courses if they are admitted to the ML PhD program.

Core Courses

Machine Learning PhD students will be required to complete courses in four different areas. With the exception of the Foundations course, each of these area requirements can be satisfied using existing courses from the College of Computing or Schools of ECE, ISyE, and Mathematics.

Machine Learning core:

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning. This required course is the gateway into the program, and covers the key subjects from applied mathematics needed for a rigorous graduate program in ML. Particular emphasis will be put on advanced concepts in linear algebra and probabilistic modeling. This course is cross-listed between CS, CSE, ECE, and ISyE.

ECE 7750 / ISYE 7750 / CS 7750 / CSE 7750 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning

  • ISYE 6412 , Theoretical Statistics
  • ECE 7751 / ISYE 7751 / CS 7751 / CSE 7751 Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • MATH 7251 High Dimension Probability
  • MATH 7252 High Dimension Statistics

Machine Learning: Theory and Methods.   This course serves as an introduction to the foundational problems, algorithms, and modeling techniques in machine learning.  Each of the courses listed below treats roughly the same material using a mix of applied mathematics and computer science, and each has a different balance between the two. 

  • CS 7545 Machine Learning Theory and Methods
  • CS 7616 , Pattern Recognition
  • CSE 6740 / ISYE 6740 , Computational Data Analysis
  • ECE 6254 , Statistical Machine Learning
  • ECE 6273 , Methods of Pattern Recognition with Applications to Voice

Optimization.   Optimization plays a crucial role in both developing new machine learning algorithms and analyzing their performance.  The three courses below all provide a rigorous introduction to this topic; each emphasizes different material and provides a unique balance of mathematics and algorithms.

  • ECE 8823 , Convex Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
  • ISYE 6661 , Linear Optimization
  • ISYE 6663 , Nonlinear Optimization
  • ISYE 7683 , Advanced Nonlinear Programming

After core requirements are satisfied, all courses listed in the core not already taken can be used as (appropriately classified) electives.

In addition to meeting the core area requirements, each student is required to complete five elective courses. These courses are required for getting a complete breadth in ML. These courses must be chosen from at least two of the five subject areas listed below. In addition, students can use up to six special problems research hours to satisfy this requirement. 

i. Statistics and Applied Probability : To build breadth and depth in the areas of statistics and probability as applied to ML.

  • AE 6505 , Kalman Filtering
  • AE 8803 Gaussian Processes
  • BMED 6700 , Biostatistics
  • ECE 6558 , Stochastic Systems
  • ECE 6601 , Random Processes
  • ECE 6605 , Information Theory
  • ISYE 6402 , Time Series Analysis
  • ISYE 6404 , Nonparametric Data Analysis
  • ISYE 6413 , Design and Analysis of Experiments
  • ISYE 6414 , Regression Analysis
  • ISYE 6416 , Computational Statistics
  • ISYE 6420 , Bayesian Statistics
  • ISYE 6761 , Stochastic Processes I
  • ISYE 6762 , Stochastic Processes II
  • ISYE 7400 , Adv Design-Experiments
  • ISYE 7401 , Adv Statistical Modeling
  • ISYE 7405 , Multivariate Data Analysis
  • ISYE 8803 , Statistical and Probabilistic Methods for Data Science
  • ISYE 8813 , Special Topics in Data Science
  • MATH 6221 , Probability Theory for Scientists and Engineers
  • MATH 6266 , Statistical Linear Modeling
  • MATH 6267 , Multivariate Statistical Analysis
  • MATH 7244 , Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus I
  • MATH 7245 , Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus II

ii. Advanced Theory: To build a deeper understanding of foundations of ML.

  • AE 8803 , Optimal Transport Theory and Applications
  • CS 7280 , Network Science
  • CS 7510 , Graph Algorithms
  • CS 7520 , Approximation Algorithms
  • CS 7530 , Randomized Algorithms
  • CS 7535 , Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms
  • CS 7540 , Spectral Algorithms
  • CS 8803 , Continuous Algorithms
  • ECE 6283 , Harmonic Analysis and Signal Processing
  • ECE 6555 , Linear Estimation
  • ISYE 7682 , Convexity
  • MATH 6112 , Advanced Linear Algebra
  • MATH 6241 , Probability I
  • MATH 6262 , Advanced Statistical Inference
  • MATH 6263 , Testing Statistical Hypotheses
  • MATH 6580 , Introduction to Hilbert Space
  • MATH 7338 , Functional Analysis
  • MATH 7586 , Tensor Analysis
  • MATH 88XX, Special Topics: High Dimensional Probability and Statistics

iii. Applications: To develop a breadth and depth in variety of applications domains impacted by/with ML.

  • AE 6373 , Advanced Design Methods
  • AE 8803 , Machine Learning for Control Systems
  • AE 8803 , Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control
  • BMED 6780 , Medical Image Processing
  • BMED 6790 / ECE 6790 , Information Processing Models in Neural Systems
  • BMED 7610 , Quantitative Neuroscience
  • BMED 8813 BHI, Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • BMED 8813 MHI, mHealth Informatics
  • BMED 8813 MLB, Machine Learning in Biomedicine
  • BMED 8823 ALG, OMICS Data and Bioinformatics Algorithms
  • CHBE 6745 , Data Analytics for Chemical Engineers
  • CHBE 6746 , Data-Driven Process Engineering
  • CS 6440 , Introduction to Health Informatics
  • CS 6465 , Computational Journalism
  • CS 6471 , Computational Social Science
  • CS 6474 , Social Computing
  • CS 6475 , Computational Photography
  • CS 6476 , Computer Vision
  • CS 6601 , Artificial Intelligence
  • CS 7450 , Information Visualization
  • CS 7476 , Advanced Computer Vision
  • CS 7630 , Autonomous Robots
  • CS 7632 , Game AI
  • CS 7636 , Computational Perception
  • CS 7643 , Deep Learning
  • CS 7646 , Machine Learning for Trading
  • CS 7647 , Machine Learning with Limited Supervision
  • CS 7650 , Natural Language Processing
  • CSE 6141 , Massive Graph Analysis
  • CSE 6240 , Web Search and Text Mining
  • CSE 6242 , Data and Visual Analytics
  • CSE 6301 , Algorithms in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • ECE 4580 , Computational Computer Vision
  • ECE 6255 , Digital Processing of Speech Signals
  • ECE 6258 , Digital Image Processing
  • ECE 6260 , Data Compression and Modeling
  • ECE 6273 , Methods of Pattern Recognition with Application to Voice
  • ECE 6550 , Linear Systems and Controls
  • ECE 8813 , Network Security
  • ISYE 6421 , Biostatistics
  • ISYE 6810 , Systems Monitoring and Prognosis
  • ISYE 7201 , Production Systems
  • ISYE 7204 , Info Prod & Ser Sys
  • ISYE 7203 , Logistics Systems
  • ISYE 8813 , Supply Chain Inventory Theory
  • HS 6000 , Healthcare Delivery
  • MATH 6759 , Stochastic Processes in Finance
  • MATH 6783 , Financial Data Analysis

iv. Computing and Optimization: To provide more breadth and foundation in areas of math, optimization and computation for ML.

  • AE 6513 , Mathematical Planning and Decision-Making for Autonomy
  • AE 8803 , Optimization-Based Learning Control and Games
  • CS 6515 , Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
  • CS 6550 , Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSE 6140 , Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms
  • CSE 6643 , Numerical Linear Algebra
  • CSE 6644 , Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations
  • CSE 6710 , Numerical Methods I
  • CSE 6711 , Numerical Methods II
  • ECE 6553 , Optimal Control and Optimization
  • ISYE 6644 , Simulation
  • ISYE 6645 , Monte Carlo Methods
  • ISYE 6662 , Discrete Optimization
  • ISYE 6664 , Stochastic Optimization
  • ISYE 6679 , Computational methods for optimization
  • ISYE 7686 , Advanced Combinatorial Optimization
  • ISYE 7687 , Advanced Integer Programming

v. Platforms : To provide breadth and depth in computing platforms that support ML and Computation.

  • CS 6421 , Temporal, Spatial, and Active Databases
  • CS 6430 , Parallel and Distributed Databases
  • CS 6290 , High-Performance Computer Architecture
  • CSE 6220 , High Performance Computing
  • CSE 6230 , High Performance Parallel Computing

Qualifying Examination

The purpose of the Qualifying Examination is to judge the candidate’s potential as an independent researcher.

The Ph.D. qualifying exam consists of a focused literature review that will take place over the course of one semester.  At the beginning of the second semester of their second year, a qualifying committee consisting of three members of the ML faculty will assign, in consultation with the student and the student’s advisor, a course of study consisting of influential papers, books, or other intellectual artifacts relevant to the student’s research interests.  The student’s focus area and current research efforts (and related portfolio) will be considered in defining the course of study.

At the end of the semester, the student will submit a written summary of each artifact which highlights their understanding of the importance (and weaknesses) of the work in question and the relationship of this work to their current research.  Subsequently, the student will have a closed oral exam with the three members of the committee.  The exam will be interactive, with the student and the committee discussing and criticizing each work and posing questions related the students current research to determine the breadth of student’s knowledge in that specific area.  

The success of the examination will be determined by the committee’s qualitative assessment of the student’s understanding of the theory, methods, and ultimate impact of the assigned syllabus.

The student will be given a passing grade for meeting the requirements of the committee in both the written and the oral part. Unsatisfactory performance on either part will require the student to redo the entire qualifying exam in the following semester year. Each student will be allowed only two attempts at the exam.

Students are expected to perform the review by the end of their second year in the program.

Doctoral Dissertation

The primary requirement of the PhD student is to do original and substantial research.  This research is reported for review in the PhD dissertation, and presented at the final defense.  As the first step towards completing a dissertation, the student must prepare and defend a Research Proposal.  The proposal is a document of no more than 20 pages in length that carefully describes the topic of the dissertation, including references to prior work, and any preliminary results to date.  The written proposal is submitted to a committee of three faculty members from the ML PhD program, and is presented in a public seminar shortly thereafter.  The committee members provide feedback on the proposed research directions, comments on the strength of writing and oral presentation skills, and might suggest further courses to solidify the student’s background.  Approval of the Research Proposal by the committee is required at least six months prior to the scheduling of the PhD defense. It is expected that the student complete this proposal requirement no later than their fourth year in the program. The PhD thesis committee consists of five faculty members: the student’s advisor, three additional members from the ML PhD program, and one faculty member external to the ML program.  The committee is charged with approving the written dissertation and administering the final defense.  The defense consists of a public seminar followed by oral examination from the thesis committee.

Doctoral minor (2 courses, 6 hours): 

The minor follows the standard Georgia Tech requirement: 6 hours, preferably outside the student’s home unit, with a GPA in those graduate-level courses of at least 3.0.  The courses for the minor should form a cohesive program of study outside the area of Machine Learning; no ML core or elective courses may be used to fulfill this requirement and must be approved by your thesis advisor and ML Academic Advisor.  Typical programs will consist of three courses two courses from the same school (any school at the Institute) or two courses from the same area of study. 

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Top 10 Best PhD Programs in Georgia [2024]

Lisa Marlin

Georgia is home to several prestigious universities and learning centers. Atlanta, the capital and state’s most populous city, boasts the world’s busiest airport, where international students arrive every year to study at the city’s renowned universities.

Additionally, Atlanta boasts one of the country’s prestigious technological institutions, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the famous Emory University. The latter has a teaching hospital renowned for its work in specializations like cancer, neurology, heart surgery, and many other medical specialties.

Georgia’s universities are well-equipped across diverse disciplines, from business administration  and information technology to agricultural economics, criminal justice, and epidemiology. You can even find an online PhD in Georgia in all these fields.

Ready to obtain your PhD in Georgia? Here are the top PhD programs in Georgia in some of today’s most in-demand disciplines.

Table of Contents

Top PhD Programs in Georgia

Georgia institute of technology.

Bioengineering, PhD

Georgia Tech logo

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), is the state’s leading technology institution and home to some of the country’s top industrial programs. This Bioengineering PhD is among the most innovative and integrative doctoral programs in Georgia, ranked #2  in the USA. A highly interdisciplinary program, it offers students the flexibility to learn with faculty from various departments, including engineering, architecture , and computing, and Emory University’s School of Medicine.

  • Courses : Engineering fundamentals, bioengineering & tech elective, and biological sciences.
  • Credits : 33 hours
  • Duration : 5 years
  • Delivery : On-campus
  • Tuition : $756 per hour
  • Financial aid : Fellowships, loans, and federal work-study.
  • Acceptance rate:  21%
  • Location : Atlanta, Georgia

The University of West Georgia, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration

University of West Georgia logo

The University of West Georgia is one of the country’s 25 most affordable  institutions for online doctorates. It offers one of the most affordable education doctorate programs in Georgia.

This PhD in Education focuses on higher education challenges and solutions. It helps students gain advanced knowledge of administration, financial management, and leadership in colleges and universities . This is a top, fully online PhD program Georgia offers, which is ideal for busy working professionals.

  • Courses : History of higher education, governance in higher education, and institutional assessment & program effectiveness.
  • Credits : 60
  • Delivery : Online
  • Tuition : $241 per credit
  • Financial aid : Grants, scholarships, federal work-study, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate : 78%
  • Location : Carrollton, Georgia

Kennesaw State University, Coles College of Business

PhD in Business Administration

Kennesaw State University logo

Kennesaw State University is the third-largest university in the state and has two campuses in metro Atlanta. It has global connections and an entrepreneurial spirit that attracts students from worldwide. This program allows students to complete their studies in as little as three years. This Business Administration program offers four concentrations: accounting, management, information systems , and marketing.

  • Courses : Research methods & basic data analysis, analysis of variance designs, and theory & current issues in marketing.
  • Credits : 48 credit hours
  • Duration : 3 years +
  • Tuition + deposit :  $96,500
  • Financial aid : Grants, scholarships, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate : 83%
  • Location : Marietta, Georgia

Middle Georgia State University, School of Computing

Doctor of Science in Information Technology (DScIT)

Middle Georgia State University logo

Middle Georgia State University is a central Georgia institution that produces many IT professionals, positively impacting the region’s economy. This DScIT program is one of the most job-promising online PhD programs Georgia offers, and complements the university’s undergraduate and master’s IT programs.

  • Courses : Information technology strategic planning, data science & analytics strategy, and qualitative analysis for decision making.
  • Credits : 54 hours
  • Duration : 2 years +
  • Delivery : Online mostly
  • Tuition : $255 per credit hour
  • Financial aid : Grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study.
  • Acceptance rate:  99%
  • Location: Macon, Georgia

Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health

Ph.D. in Epidemiology

Emory University logo

Emory University is one of the leaders in epidemiology study. It’s famous for its role in discovering solutions and treatments for diseases of global concern, including HIV, hemophilia, cancer, and COVID-19. As part of this program, students must participate in the TATTO (Teaching Assistant Training and Teaching Opportunities) scheme, which involves an orientation in teaching skills in the field. Students also receive ethics training through the Jones Program in Ethics.

  • Courses : Epidemiologic methods, analytical foundations of epidemiology, and public health research .
  • Credits : 45
  • Tuition : $22,900 per semester
  • Financial aid : Scholarships, fellowships, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate : 19%

Augusta University, The College of Allied Health Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Health Sciences

Augusta University logo

Augusta University’s different campuses are spread over various parts of Augusta, the second-largest and second-oldest city in Georgia. The institution comprises ten schools and colleges and houses the Medical College of Georgia. This Ph.D. program in Allied Health Sciences offers a choice between three concentrations: rehabilitation science, health outcomes science, and diagnostic science.

  • Courses : Learning theories in health professions education, investigation of a problem, and biostatistics.
  • Credits : 72 hours
  • Tuition : $391 (up to 11 hours)
  • Financial aid : Scholarships, loans, grants, work-study
  • Acceptance rate:  83%
  • Location : Augusta, Georgia

The University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics

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The University of Georgia is one of the nation’s top public universities and the oldest higher education institution in Georgia. The university offers various agriculture and environment-related programs, with this PhD being one of the best. In addition, it has five research specializations, including agricultural marketing & consumer demand, production economics, and international trade & development.

  • Courses : Natural resource economics, food policy, and consumer demand theory.
  • Credits : 63 hours
  • Tuition : $8,698 per year
  • Financial aid : Fellowships, assistantships, grants, scholarships, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate : 48%
  • Location : Athens, Georgia

Georgia Southern University

Clinical Psychology, PsyD

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Georgia Southern University is recognized as a military-friendly school committed to providing education to mature-aged students and working professionals returning to study. This PsyD program in Clinical Psychology emphasizes psychotherapy, clinical consultation, and assessment. You can study either full- or part-time.

  • Courses : Psychotherapy skills, psychopharmacology, and ethics & professional issues.
  • Credits : 114-124 credit hours
  • Tuition : $277 per hour
  • Financial aid : Grants, scholarships, student employment, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate:  91%
  • Location : Statesboro, Georgia

Georgia State University, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Programs

PhD Criminal Justice & Criminology

Georgia State University logo

Georgia State University is one of the country’s most innovative universities. This PhD program focuses on Criminal Justice and Criminology, and aims to produce professionals with in-depth knowledge in one of the two specializations. Bachelor’s degree holders are eligible to apply, but must complete 72 credit hours compared to 54 credit hours for master’s degree holders.

  • Courses : Contemporary criminal justice policy, independent study in criminal justice, and juvenile justice issues.
  • Credits : 54 credit hours
  • Tuition : $4,776 per semester
  • Financial aid : Graduate assistantships, fellowships, scholarships, stipend, and full tuition waiver.
  • Acceptance rate : 82%

Columbus State University

Curriculum and Leadership (EdD) – Curriculum Track

Columbus State University logo

Columbus State University is one of the nation’s most affordable higher education institutions. This education program offers three specialization tracks: curriculum, higher education administration, and educational leadership. It is ideal for professional educators, education district personnel, and educational administrators looking to further their curriculum and instruction expertise.

  • Courses : Mixed methods research in education, professional development & learning, and trends & issues in curriculum studies.
  • Credits : 63
  • Delivery : Hybrid
  • Tuition : $210 per credit hour
  • Financial aid : Scholarships, grants, loans, work-study, military aid, and international study aid.
  • Location : Columbus, Georgia

Key Takeaways

Georgia is a popular educational destination for in-state, out-of-state, and international students around the world. Apart from offering excellence in education, many of the state’s universities also strongly promote diversity and anti-discrimination.

You’ll find a range of solid PhD programs in Georgia across various disciplines and with various delivery modes. If you’re a busy working professional, opt for one of the online PhD programs in Georgia or a hybrid format with a mix of online instruction and face-to-face classes.

For more study inspiration, check out our guides to the cheapest online master’s degrees , top online PhD programs , and highest paying PhDs .

Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

  • Lisa Marlin https://blog.thegradcafe.com/author/lisa-marlin/ 12 Best Laptops for Computer Science Students
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  • Lisa Marlin https://blog.thegradcafe.com/author/lisa-marlin/ BA vs BS: What You Need to Know [2024 Guide]
  • Lisa Marlin https://blog.thegradcafe.com/author/lisa-marlin/ The 19 Best MBA Scholarships to Apply for [2024-2025]

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College of Computing

Ph.d. in machine learning, about the curriculum.

The central goal of the Ph.D. program is to train students to perform original, independent research. The most important part of the curriculum is the successful defense of a Ph.D. dissertation, which demonstrates this research ability.

The curriculum is designed with the following principal educational goals:

•    Students will develop a solid understanding of fundamental principles across a range of core areas in the machine learning discipline. •    Students will develop a deep understanding and set of skills and expertise in a specific theoretical aspect or application area of the machine learning discipline. •    The students will be able to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills they have developed and demonstrate their expertise and proficiency in an application area of practical importance. •    Students will be able to engage in multidisciplinary activities by being able to communicate complex ideas in their area of expertise to individuals in other fields, be able to understand complex ideas and concepts from other disciplines, and be able to incorporate these concepts into their own work. The curriculum for the Ph.D. in Machine Learning is truly multidisciplinary, containing courses taught in eight schools across three colleges at Georgia Tech:  •    Computer Science (Computing) •    Computational Science and Engineering (Computing) •    Interactive Computing (Computing) – see Computer Science •     Aerospace Engineering (Engineering) •     Biomedical Engineering (Engineering) •     Electrical and Computer Engineering (Engineering) •     Industrial Systems Engineering (Engineering) •     Mathematics (Sciences) Students must complete four core courses, five electives, a qualifying exam, and a doctoral dissertation defense. All doctorate students are advised by ML Ph.D. Program Faculty . All coursework must be completed before the Ph.D. proposal. An overall GPA of 3.0 is required for the Ph.D. coursework.

Research Opportunities

Our faculty comes from all six colleges across Georgia Tech’s campus, creating many interdisciplinary research opportunities for our students. Our labs focus on research areas such as artificial intelligence, data science, computer vision, natural language processing, optimization, machine learning theory, forecasting, robotics, computational biology, fintech, and more.

External applications are only accepted for the Fall semester each year. The application deadline varies by home school. 

The Machine Learning Ph.D. admissions process works bottom-up through the home schools. Admissions decisions are made by the home school, and then submitted to the Machine Learning Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) for final approval. Support for incoming students (including guarantees of teaching assistantships and/or fellowships) is determined by the home schools. 

After the admissions have been approved by the FAC, the home school will communicate the acceptance to the prospective student. The home school will also communicate all rejections.

Get to Know Current ML@GT Students

Learn more about our current students, their interests inside and outside of the lab, favorite study spots, and more.

Career Outlook

The machine learning doctorate degree prepares students for a variety of positions in industry, government, and academia. These positions include research, development, product managers, and entrepreneurs. 

Graduates are well prepared for position in industry in areas such as internet companies, robotic and manufacturing companies and financial engineering, to mention a few. Positions in government and with government contractors in software and systems are also possible career paths for program graduates. Graduates are also well-suited for positions in academia involving research and education in departments concerned with the development and application of data-driven models in engineering, the sciences, and computing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional questions regarding the ML Ph.D. program, please take a look at our frequently asked questions.

You can also view the ML Handbook which has detailed information on the program and requirements.

From the Catalog:

Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies

Educational Leadership, Ed.D. (Online)

About the program.

Format : Online Credit Hours : 36 – 69 Entry Term : Fall

The Doctor of Education Degree program in Educational Leadership is designed to enhance the experienced school administrator’s leadership skills through: (1) advanced preparation that strengthens decision-making, problem-solving, and leadership skills essential to the management of increasingly complex educational organizations, and (2) engagement in guided field research that develops the inquiry skills necessary for effective leadership and management practice.

The program uses an inquiry approach that employs problem-solving and research skills applicable to multiple problems and issues. The purpose is to generate an inquiry orientation so that participants will learn to solve problems from broad perspectives. Participants identify, diagnose, and define problems, analyze their component parts contextually and systematically, and develop solutions that are immediately applicable and that deal with underlying issues. Experiences over the course of the doctoral program in Educational Leadership become candidate-led, field-based investigations of educational problems and potential solutions.

The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership provides two concentration options: P-12 Educational Leadership Higher Education Leadership

Ready to Apply?

Request information, visit campus, or, you can :, admission requirements.

  • Select a concentration : Higher Education Leadership or P-12 Educational Leadership
  • For admission to Stage I, candidates must possess a master’s degree. For admission to Stage II, candidates must possess a terminal degree in a related field.
  • There is no admission into Stage I. For admission to Stage II, candidates must possess an Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership or another related field and certification in Educational Leadership – Tier II. 
  • Present a minimum grade point average of 3.25 (4.0 scale) in previous graduate work.
  • Submit a current resume or CV that highlights the personal and professional achievements of the applicant.
  • Submit a personal statement of purpose, not to exceed 1000 words, that identifies the applicant’s reasons for pursuing graduate study and how admission into the program relates to the applicant’s professional aspirations.
  • Submit a completed “Disclosure and Affirmation Form” that addresses misconduct disclosure, the Code of Ethics for Educators, and tort liability insurance.
  • Complete a writing sample if requested.
  • Complete an interview if requested.

*International transcripts must be evaluated by a NACES accredited evaluation service  and must be a course by course evaluation and include a GPA. ( naces.or g )

NOTE: Meeting admission or qualification criteria does not guarantee admissions.

Final: March 15

Does not admit

*The application and all ​​required documents listed on the “admissions requirements” tab​ for the program must be received by the deadline.  If all required documents are not received by the deadline your application will not be considered for admission.

Program Contact Information

Graduate Academic Services Center [email protected] 912-478-1447

Last updated: 5/15/2024

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Contact Information

Office of Graduate Admissions Physical Address: 261 Forest Drive PO Box 8113 Statesboro, GA 30460 Georgia Southern University Phone: 912-478-5384 Fax: 912-478-0740 gradadmissions @georgiasouthern.edu

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Georgia Southern University College of Graduate Studies

Office of Graduate Admissions • P.O. Box 8113 Statesboro, GA 30460 • 912-478-5384 • [email protected]

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Administration & Policy

The PhD program in public administration and policy at the University of Georgia is designed to prepare students for leading careers in teaching, research, and public service. The program has a strong research orientation and maintains high standards in the admission and evaluation of students.

Graduates of the program have received numerous national dissertation awards in public administration and public policy. They are placed in Research I institutions throughout the United States and in leading institutions of higher learning around the globe where they contribute to the expansion of knowledge in the fields of public management and policy analysis.

The Georgia Advantage

Our PhD students work closely with an award-winning, highly productive, and internationally recognized research faculty. The aim of the program is to educate professionals who can generate, share, and consume knowledge effectively in academic settings, and the curriculum is crafted with those objectives in mind. First, it provides an appreciation for the broad range of issues — economic, institutional, normative, and political — that surround public administration and public policy in the contemporary state. Second, it equips students with the research skills that are needed to conduct original investigations of questions central to these fields. Finally, it immerses students in the core issues, research traditions, and applied skills of a management or policy specialization of their choice.

Admission Requirements & Deadlines

To be considered for admission to the PhD program, students must hold a baccalaureate and masters degrees from accredited college or university programs and must demonstrate potential for excellence in the study of public administration and public policy.

Doctoral applications are considered for fall semester admission only and must be received in time for thorough consideration by the Department of Public Administration and Policy and the Graduate School.  Applicants from countries where English is not the native language must submit official TOEFL or IELTS scores with their application materials.  Please request that official scores be sent to UGA.  Photocopies of will not be accepted.  Any application originating from outside the United States must be received at least twelve weeks before the beginning of the fall semester.

Doctoral applicants are admitted only if the department can offer them financial assistance in the form of a research or teaching assistantship as noted above. All doctoral applicants must submit all application materials before February 1 deadline to ensure full consideration.

How To Apply

  • 1. Online  Graduate School Application  and fee ($75 domestic / $100 international).
  • One unofficial transcript from each institution of higher education attended, except the University of Georgia (University of Georgia transcripts are on file). You may upload transcripts through the application portal or mail them directly to the UGA Graduate School.
  • Official GRE test score report. The UGA institutional code for ETS reporting is 5813.  No departmental code is required.
  • You will be prompted to upload a resume and statement of purpose.  The statement of purpose is your opportunity to communicate to us how this program fits with your future plans. You should use this document to convey why this area of study and specifically this program are a good fit with your career and educational goals. You should also highlight your relevant experience and preparation for this program.
  • You will be asked to enter the email addresses of three recommenders. If you would rather submit paper letters to the department, list your name and e-mail in the boxes on the online application that ask for your recommenders. That way, only you will receive the electronic letter of recommendation requests, which you may delete.
  • International applicants please see  additional requirements .

If you have problems uploading documents to your application or any other application issues, please contact Kristin Lawrence at (706) 542-3510 or [email protected] .

Mail materials to:

University of Georgia Graduate School Admissions Brooks Hall 310 Herty Drive Athens, GA 30602

Curriculum Overview

PhD students must prepare for comprehensive examinations in three substantive fields of study. In consultation with the PhD Program Director, each student will select a minimum of three courses from each of the fields listed below.


This required field involves intensive coursework in issues of and approaches to the general field of Public Administration, as well as coverage of major subfields, such as public personnel administration, public financial administration, and organization theory. All students are required to complete PADP 8710.

  • PADP 6490 Administrative Law
  • PADP 6910 Public Administration and Democracy
  • PADP 6920 Public Personnel Administration
  • PADP 6930 Public Financial Administration
  • PADP 6960 Organizational Theory
  • PADP 8710 Ideas and Issues in Public Administration
  • PADP 8730 Doctoral Research Seminar in Public Administration


This required field involves intensive course work in issues of and approaches to the study of public policy generally, as well as in substantive policy areas that are of interest to the student (e.g., educational policy and public welfare). All students are required to complete PADP 8670.

  • 6940 Economic Foundations of Policy Analysis
  • PADP 7520 Urban Policy
  • PADP 8620 Policy Process
  • PADP 8630 Policy Implementation
  • PADP 8640 Program Evaluation
  • PADP 8670 Policy Analysis I
  • PADP 8680 Policy Analysis II
  • PADP 8650 Public Policy Seminar
  • PADP 8850 Quantitative Analysis for Public Decision-Making


As a third field of study, each PhD student will develop a specialization in an area of public management or public policy.  This specialization will involve intensive course work in the area selected such as public budgeting and finance, public organization theory and behavior, public personnel administration, nonprofit administration, health policy or social insurance policy  Other specializations are possible with the approval of the PhD Program Director.

For illustrative purposes, the following is a list of fields and courses from which a Ph.D. student, in consultation with the Ph.D. program director, may build a management specialization. The list is not intended to be exhaustive but only illustrative of the options available to Ph.D. students in Public Administration.


  • PADP 7500 Local Government Management
  • PADP 7930 Human Services Administration
  • PADP 8560 Special Topics in Urban Administration: Poverty
  • PADP 8840 Metropolitan Fiscal Problems
  • PADP 9200 Intergovernmental Relations
  • PADP 9200 Economic Development Policy and Financing
  • PADP 9200 State and Local Taxation
  • PADP 6370 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • PADP 8630 Seminar in Urban Geography


  • PADP 7840 Budget Practicum
  • PADP 8430 Public Financial Management
  • PADP 8830 Seminar in Public Budgeting
  • PADP 9200 State and Local Taxation
  • ACCT 6000 Financial Accounting


  • PADP 6960 Organization Theory
  • PADP 7360 Managing Government Performance
  • PADP 8420 Leadership in Public Service
  • PADP 8460 Organizational Behavior
  • PADP 8740 Frontiers of Public Management Research
  • PADP 8960 Organizational Development and Change
  • MGMT 9020 Concepts of Organizations


  • PADP 6920 Public Personnel Administration
  • PADP 7900 Managing Volunteers in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors
  • PADP 7920 EEO and Diversity
  • PADP 8720 Seminar in Selected Problems in Public Personnel Administration
  • MGMT 7010 Developing Leadership Skills
  • MGMT 9810 Seminar in Human Resource Management
  • PSYC 6140 Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology


  • PADP 7210 Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector
  • PADP 7220 Nonprofit Governance and Management
  • PADP 7900 Managing Volunteers in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors
  • PADP 8210 Civil Society, Nonprofits, and Government
  • PADP 8220 Special Topics in Nonprofit Management: Social Entrepreneurship
  • PADP 8220 Selected Topics in Nonprofit Management: Grant Writing
  • PADP 8220 Selected Topics in Nonprofit Management: NGOs
  • MNPO 7060 Fundraising and Development for Nonprofit Organizations
  • MNPO 7123 Theory and Management of Nonprofit Organizations
  • MNPO 7423 Innovation and Change in Nonprofit Organizations


  • PADP 8610 Economics of Health Policy
  • EHSC 7010 Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science
  • HPAM 7010 Introduction to Health Policy and Management
  • HPAM 7700 Public Health and Health Care Ethics
  • HPAM 8400 Advanced Policy Analysis in Public Health
  • HPAM 8700 Management of Public Health Organizations
  • HPAM 8800 Leadership in Public Health
  • HPAM 8810 Health Policy Planning and Evaluation
  • HPAM 8900 Special Topics in Health Administration
  • HPRM 7070 Program Planning in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
  • HPRB 7270 Resource Development and Implementation in Health Promotion
  • HPRB 7470 Program Evaluation in Health Promotion and Health Education
  • HPRB 7500 Community Health Promotion


In addition to the above requirements, Ph.D. students must take four research methods courses. These courses should be taken as early as possible in the program of study and may be selected from the following list:

  • PADP 8110 Logic of Social Inquiry
  • PADP 8120 Data Analysis and Statistical Inference
  • PADP 8130 Linear Models
  • PADP 8140 Advanced Topics in Statistical Modeling

Degree Requirements

Completion of the PhD program normally requires two years of course work and two years of work on the dissertation. Comprehensive examinations are taken at the beginning of the third year of the program, and the remainder of the third year should be devoted to the dissertation prospectus and dissertation research. Completion of the PhD degree may require more time for students who enter without significant previous graduate work in public administration and public policy or who fail to complete degree requirements in a timely fashion. The course requirements are further outlined in the PhD Program Guide .


As a requirement for admission to doctoral candidacy, all PhD students must pass written and oral comprehensive examinations on their three substantive fields of study: public administration and management, policy process and analysis, and a field of specialization intended to direct the student’s development towards preparation for a specific, substantive dissertation topic.

The written examinations are administered in a take-home format during three consecutive weeks early in the fall semester each year.  The exams have a 5,000-word limit, and students have 12 hours to complete them.  Exam questions are drafted to emphasize theory as well as research design and analysis.  The public administration and management and the policy process and analysis exams will be written and evaluated by departmental committees consisting of the PhD Program Director and two other members of the faculty appointed by the PhD Program Director.  The examination in the field of specialization will be written and evaluated by a committee selected by the student.  All exams will consist of 3 sets of questions with 2 questions in each set.  Students are expected to answer 1 question from each set.  Committee members will read and provide written comments on the exams, and will assign grades of: (1) high pass, (2) pass, or (3) fail.

Students who fail one of the three written exams will be given one opportunity to retake that exam at the beginning of the following spring semester.  Any student who fails two or more of the exams must retake all three exams and will be given one opportunity to do so at the beginning of the following spring semester.

The oral examination will be administered by the specialization examination committee selected by the student once all written exams are passed.  The oral exam may address any issues from the student’s three written field exams, but the focus of the exam will be on the student’s presentation of a sole-authored research paper suitable for submission to an academic journal or presentation at an academic conference.  The paper is due no later than two weeks after the third written exam.  The intent of the paper is to allow the student to explore a topic that will be related to their dissertation.  As such, the paper is expected to reflect, largely, the student’s own thought, analysis, and writing.  If faculty assistance was given prior to submitting the paper, the student must detail the nature of that assistance so that the committee can determine the extent to which the paper represents requisite independent scholarly thought.

Following passage of the oral exam, the student will be admitted into Doctoral Candidacy. Students who fail the oral exam will have one more opportunity to stand for the oral exam no sooner than the following non-summer term, and no later than one year after failing the exam.

Failure to pass the written or oral exams after the previously described opportunities to retake them will result in the termination of a student’s matriculation in the program.

Before the comprehensive examinations are taken, the student must have completed all required course work with at least a grade of “B.”  All incomplete grades must be resolved prior to the comprehensive examinations.

The department maintains a file of previous examination questions for students to consult in preparation for the written field examinations.

Sample Comprehensive Exams

  • Public Policy
  • Public Administration
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2022
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2022
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2021
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2021
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2020
  • Policy Process and Analysis , Fall 2020
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2019
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2019
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2018
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2018
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2017
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2017
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2016
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2016
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2015
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2015
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2013
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2013
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2012
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2012
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2011
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2011
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2010
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2010
  • Policy Process and Analysis, Fall 2009
  • Public Administration and Management, Fall 2009


After a student is admitted to Doctoral Candidacy, the final requirement for the degree is completion of a dissertation.  The dissertation must be based on an original research project that makes a substantial contribution to scholarship in the fields of public administration or public policy.  The first step in this process requires that the student choose a major professor from the Department of Public Administration and Policy and two additional dissertation committee members—one of whom may be from outside of the department—that are members of UGA’s Graduate faculty.  The major professor will chair the committee. Additional voting members, with proper rank, may be appointed to the committee, including no more than one non-UGA faculty, who must hold the terminal degree in their field of study. If there are more than three members, more than 50% must be members of the UGA Graduate Faculty. The student will work closely with the major professor on all aspects of the dissertation but may also seek advice from other committee members.  The committee may be comprised of the same individuals who served on the committee for the specialized field examination.  Ultimately, the dissertation committee must formally approve the dissertation.

Once the committee is in place, the student must prepare a dissertation proposal or prospectus.  The prospectus identifies a problem to be explored, draws on relevant literature to show the significance of the problem for public administration or public policy, sets forth a line of argumentation to be pursued or hypotheses to be tested, and describes the approach or methods and the data that will be employed in conducting the research.  The prospectus must be written in consultation with the student’s major professor, and the student must defend the prospectus to his/her full dissertation committee.  To remain in good standing in the PhD program, a student must have an approved dissertation prospectus by the end of the third year of full-time study.  Work on the dissertation cannot proceed until the prospectus is approved.

After the dissertation has been completed and approved for defense by the dissertation committee, a final oral examination is scheduled for defense of the dissertation.  The student must receive a majority of positive votes from the members of the dissertation committee to pass the defense.  Once the dissertation is approved, defended, corrected, and edited as necessary, approval forms are signed by the major professor, other committee members, and the student, and the dissertation is submitted by the student to the Graduate School.  Students must be careful to prepare the dissertation in conformity to all Graduate School specifications.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Information on the cost of attendance can be found on the Office of Student Financial Aid’s website .  However, the Department of Public Administration and Policy places all PhD students on teaching or research assistantships that provide tuition waivers and stipends ranging from approximately $19,000 to $22,000 for a nine-month academic year.  Assistantships also require at least a 17 hour per-week work commitment and are renewable for up to four years depending upon satisfactory academic success. To achieve renewal for years two and three, you must maintain a 3.7 GPA and avoid grades of Incomplete except in cases of documented medical hardship. In order to continue funding in year four, you must have passed all comprehensive exams and successfully defended your dissertation prospectus before the completion of the third year.

See “How to Apply” for more information.

PhD students may utilize numerous campus resources while pursuing their programs of study. The University’s library system includes the UGA Main Library, Law Library, and Science Library. The system contains vast holdings of periodicals and reference materials, is a government depository, and ranks among the leading research libraries in the country. Our department also provides a small specialized library and state-of-the art computer technology centers to assist students in their studies.

Travel Documents

Travel Support Policy

Student Travel Request

Download the Ph.D Program Guide

Degree Program Guide

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  • 4Redirect: Department of Public Administration and Policy
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Katherine Willoughby

Katherine Willoughby

Margaret Hughes and Robert T. Golembiewski Professor of Public Administration Professor of Public Administration and Policy PhD Program Director, Department of Public Administration & Policy

201B Baldwin Hall [email protected]

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PhD in Educational Psychology (Applied Cognition and Development)

phd online georgia

Become a researcher at the highest level through our personalized program, which offers four areas of emphasis.

Our graduate students are known across the country for their cutting-edge research. Study in the fields of assessment and quantitative methodology, or take advantage of our partnership with the Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, a leader in creative education. Become a scholar of the cognitive process within learning environments as you connect research to real-world issues in education, or you may choose to become a skilled psychologist at all levels of child development.

As a student, you will have many opportunities for research, both with an experienced faculty member and on your own projects. Our graduate students present their findings at conferences across the country and internationally, and each year top lists for awards and accolades recognizing their work.

Explore the effect of cognitive and developmental processes on education, and determine how that knowledge can be applied to teaching and learning.

Our program will prepare you to improve education through research, to implement projects in schools, and apply research and methods to a variety of settings. We encourage you to work with advisors and other faculty on research projects and in diverse environments.

  • Learn with an emphasis on research
  • Many graduates are employed in higher education
  • Our students have many opportunities to present research and publish

Your coursework in cognition and development is complemented by doctoral-level seminars and specialized studies. The program also includes instruction in statistics, research methodology, and measurement.

Faculty have expertise in an fields such as reading development and vocabulary, mathematics strategies, cultural influences on achievement, early intervention and technology-enhanced learning. Our faculty are active in national organizations and have served in a number of positions, including dean of the college of education, editor of the Journal of Research in Childhood Education , and president of the American Psychological Association Division 15 (Educational Psychology).

This degree program does not meet the GaPSC requirements for a certification upgrade for public school teachers.

Part 1: Apply to the University of Georgia

The Graduate School handles admission for all graduate programs at the University of Georgia, including those in the College of Education. The Graduate School website contains important details about the application process, orientation, and many other useful links to guide you through the process of attending UGA at the graduate level.

Start A Graduate School Application

Part 2: Apply to the Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (Applied Cognition and Development)

All specializations for the Ph.D. in Educational Psychology require GRE scores (and TOEFL/IELTS for international applicants). While completing your Graduate School application, please include the following documents where appropriate:

  • Current resume/CV
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Unofficial transcripts from all institutions attended
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation.

Your 3 letters of recommendation should be from individuals who can evaluate your scholarly ability and potential for success in a graduate program. Preferably, at least 2 of the 3 letters will be from faculty who have instructed the applicant in a previous program of study.

Admission to any specialization depends on factors including research interests, test scores and availability of an appropriate advisor.

Deadline To Apply

Applications for this program are due December 1 for admission the following Fall semester.

This program only admits for the Fall Semester.

Log Into Existing Application

Additional Resources

Please use our online form if you have any questions for the department. Please be as specific as possible so that we may quickly assist you.

The College’s programs are taught by dedicated faculty who are experts in a range of areas and are passionate about helping students succeed both in their programs and professionally.

Meet the Faculty

Most graduate students at UGA are not assigned to a faculty advisor until after admittance. A close working relationship with your advisor is paramount to progressing through your program of study.

Almost all in-state students begin their studies at UGA paying limited tuition or fees. Please note that these amounts are subject to change and are meant to give prospective students an idea of the costs associated with a degree at the University of Georgia College of Education.

Students may qualify for a variety of assistantships, scholarships, and other financial awards to help offset the cost of tuition, housing, and other expenses.

Tuition Rates   Browse Financial Aid

You are welcome to participate in the Graduate Researchers in Educational Psychology student association. But students can find specialized experiences related to their area of emphasis. Eligible students may be elected to the Beta Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi international honor society.

Our students also benefit from a low student-to-faculty ratio. For example, in the applied cognition and development program, faculty advise no more than five graduate students.

See for yourself how much UGA College of Education has to offer! Schedule a tour of campus to learn more about the UGA student experience.

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PhD Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering contributes to the advances in a variety of technical areas including biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cells and regenerative medicine, cell and gene therapy, medical devices, bioinstrumentation, systems physiology etc. The  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics  projects 5% growth in biomedical engineering jobs over the next 10 years, which is higher than the 4% growth projected for all engineering jobs and faster than the average for all occupations. There are many engineering grand challenges that rely on biomedical engineering such as engineering better medicines, reverse-engineering the brain, and advancing health informatics.

To learn more about the innovative and translational research being conducted, click  here . Contact the  graduate coordinator  for additional details.

Exceptional and highly motivated students with a B.S. degree who have not completed an M.S. degree may apply for direct admission to a Ph.D. program provided they have demonstrated research experience. The student’s desire and suitability to enter a Ph.D. program should be clearly articulated in their statement of purpose and in accompanying letters of recommendation.


Program of Study

Minimum requirement – 72 credit hours (minimum of 28 credit hours course work; minimum of 45 credit hours research and dissertation)

A thesis master’s degree from an accredited university may be accepted for up to 30 credit hours, in which case a minimum of 42 credit hours of approved course work, research and dissertation beyond the M.S. degree would be required

General Requirements

In addition to  Graduate School requirements  and  College of Engineering requirements , the School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering has the following doctoral program requirements:

  • Ph.D. students must form their Graduate Advisory Committee within 18 months of starting their Ph.D. program. The committee must be comprised of 5 members, all of whom must be members of the graduate faculty and at least one, but no more than two faculty members on the Advisory Committee must have an appointment exclusively outside the College of Engineering.
  • A student must pass written qualifying and oral comprehensive exams before completing and orally defending a dissertation. The written qualifying exam will be administered by the school. The oral comprehensive exam will follow the  Graduate School Requirements .
  • Ph.D. students are expected to be admitted to candidacy within 24 months of starting their Ph.D. program.
  • Student must make two oral presentations in the School Seminar Series advertised to the UGA scientific and engineering community.
  • The student’s dissertation research is expected to generate significant scholarship (such as publications, patents, conference presentations).

A complete list of PhD program milestones is available  here .

* Only 3 hours of Bioengineering Seminar may apply on the Program of Study. Individual Programs or Schools may require students to enroll for additional semesters. Students are strongly encouraged to continue regular attendance of speaker series presentations even if not formally registered in the seminar.

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Unique Program Offers Campus Research Opportunities for Online Students

Apr 29, 2024 —.

A variety of brightly colored Lake Malawi cichlids share a freshwater aquarium.

An Adobe Stock image of a variety of brightly colored Lake Malawi cichlids sharing a freshwater aquarium.

From her home more than 800 miles away, Georgia Tech online master's student  Jasmine Tata  is monitoring fish in aquariums at Georgia Tech.

Tata is a New York-based QA analyst and project manager. She started the  Online Master of Science in Computer Science (OMSCS)  program in Fall 2022 and joined FishStalkers last year.

The student-led research program is part of the  School of Biological Sciences'   McGrath Lab . Its researchers use machine learning, computer vision, and other technologies to better understand the evolution of animal behaviors.

One of the lab's research projects studies Lake Malawi cichlids to explore connections between observed behavior and brain function.

The FishStalkers are vital to the project. They collect video, depth, and other data from individual fish using Raspberry Pi single-board computers. This information, coupled with open-source code they developed, allows the group to track, monitor, and classify the behaviors of a fish as it builds and maintains its bower, which is a sand structure these cichlids use to attract mates.

Along with monitoring the research tanks, Tata's contributions include improving the automated collection and analysis of data streaming from the Pis. She's also helping to adapt the data pipeline to work with yellow-head, orange-cap, and other cichlid species.

[RELATED: Georgia Tech's OMSCS Program Celebrates 10th Anniversary]

"I've enjoyed learning more about new problems in a relatively unfamiliar field. In a pure computer science-focused lab, I never would experience the frustrations of data collection that come with biological subjects," said Tata.

"The fish builds bowers on its own schedule, and data collection must accurately capture this, regardless of weekends or holidays."

Tata says her experience with FishStalkers has given her new ideas about presenting data to non-technical team members. The team uses a spreadsheet integrated with data collection scripts running on the Raspberry Pis. The spreadsheet allows someone without technical knowledge to pause, upload data, or start new trials simply by toggling a dropdown.

"This has given me a lot of ideas about how to meet people where they are in terms of technical skills when it comes to user interface design and has encouraged me to learn more about  human-computer interaction ," said Tata.

Tata learned about the  FishStalkers research group  when its founder,  Breanna Shi , reached out through the OMSCS Slack study channel. Shi developed the group through Georgia Tech's Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program as a mentorship program.

"Given their real-world computer science experience, I wanted to see if there were OMSCS students interested in collaborating on FishStalkers projects and assisting in the mentorship of undergraduate researchers," said Shi. 

Shi is a third-year Ph.D. student studying bioinformatics with minors in machine learning and higher education. She created FishStalkers as a mentorship program because she recognized that undergraduate and masters-level students could feel less valued or isolated in research environments.

"The FishStalkers model empowers all its researchers with the respect and responsibility as a full team member. Whether it's your first week as a FishStalker or your last, you will complete tasks that benefit the research team and yourself," said Shi.

[RELATED: Women-Centered Mentorship Provides Empowerment to Conquer Ph.D.]

Tata's experience in the business world made her a good fit for the FishStalkers program. Shi says Tata contributes valuable insight to the group as a mentor because most students approach the program from a purely academic viewpoint.

"Jasmine, like other OMSCS students, works full-time and attends the OMSCS program part-time. Her roles as a project manager and a software QA analyst allow her to contribute a unique perspective to the FishStalkers group," said Shi.

In addition to sharing her experience mentoring two OMSCS students this semester, Tata has helped Shi overcome some of the inherent challenges of long-distance collaboration. These include creating a sense of interpersonal connection among in-person and remote research team members.

Group meetings host a virtual link to enhance the online research experience. Every member provides progress updates during the sessions. The researchers also virtually check in and out of their research hours in a shared group chat and describe the work completed during their check-out.

"FishStalkers also runs a monthly lab-buddy program where a researcher is paired with a new buddy each month to schedule a 30-minute meeting to chat and learn about each other's work," said Shi.

"These strategies benefit OMSCS students in our group and provide a positive research environment for junior researchers. We seek to incorporate innovative strategies to create an accessible research environment for all students interested in participating in our research," said Shi.

FishStalkers has been such a success that Shi is expanding the model. This fall, Shi will work with OMSCS Executive Director  David Joyner  and OMSCS Associate Director of Research  Nick Lytle  to connect OMSCS students with interdisciplinary research projects in labs across campus.

"My role will be to establish relationships between data collectors and data analyzers to provide a service to non-technical labs across campus and a valuable research experience for OMSCS students," said Shi.

"We will be building from my existing work in image processing in the McGrath Lab and expanding to other labs with data analysis needs. I am very excited to have the experience of growing as a collaborator."

Georgia Tech OMSCS student Jasmine Tata volunteers with the campus research group FishStalkers

Georgia Tech OMSCS student Jasmine Tata volunteers with the campus research group FishStalkers

Georgia Tech Ph.D. student Breanna Shi founded the FishStalkers research and mentorship program

Georgia Tech Ph.D. student Breanna Shi founded the FishStalkers research and mentorship program

Ben Snedeker, Communications Manager Georgia Tech College of Computing

[email protected]


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College of sciences announces new minors, ph.d. program and curriculum additions.

This fall, the College of Sciences will debut three new minors, a new Ph.D. program, and a new “4+1” B.S./M.S. degree program. 

The announcement follows curriculum updates for the 2023-24 academic year, including the launch of the Minor in the Science of Mental Health and Well-Being in the School of Psychology and the creation of three new bachelor of science degrees in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. 

“We are excited to announce these additions to the College’s portfolio of academic opportunities for our students,” says David M. Collard , senior associate dean in the College of Sciences and professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry . “The updates reflect our College’s growth and respond to our students’ interest in pursuing advanced study.”

The additions for the 2024-2025 academic year include: 

“4+1” B.S./M.S. Degree Program

The College offers several options for undergraduate students to earn both a bachelor of science degree and a master of science degree as a part of a “4+1” program. Students may apply to the B.S./M.S Degree Program after being at Georgia Tech for about one year. This allows them to tailor their undergraduate and graduate academic requirements to complete both degrees in a timely manner. 

Computation and Cognition Minor 

The Minor in Computation and Cognition is a highly interdisciplinary program that combines advanced computational training with the study of human cognition. Students will learn about the computational mechanisms underlying human cognition and use computational methods to better understand human cognition. Established by the School of Psychology in collaboration with the College of Computing and with support from the Schools of Physics and Mathematics , the minor is open to all students starting this fall.

There are several new courses in the School of Psychology supporting this minor, including PSYC 4690 (Sensation and Perception: A Computational Perspective) and PSYC/PHYS 4745 (Physics of Cognition). These two classes are offered as special topics this fall but will have permanent course numbers in Spring 2025. More new courses in computation and cognition are planned for the next year and beyond.  

Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Ph.D. Program, Neuroscience Minor

The new Ph.D. and minor offerings build on the recently launched Neuro Next Initiative in Research and the Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience , respectively. 

The new Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Ph.D. Program is a joint effort across the Colleges of Science, Computing and Engineering. It is focused on educating students to advance the field of neuroscience through an interdisciplinary approach, with scientists and engineers of diverse backgrounds — ultimately integrating neuroscience research and technological development to study all levels of nervous system function. The program expects to enroll its first graduate students in Fall 2025.

Approved by the Board of Regents in 2017, the interdisciplinary B.S. in Neuroscience degree enrolled more than 400 undergraduate students in 2022, and has been the fastest growing undergraduate major at Georgia Tech. The Minor in Neuroscience is set to become available during the 2024-25 academic year.  

Quantum Sciences and Technology Minor

In response to the explosion of research, development, investment, and hiring in quantum information science taking place across academia, national labs, and private industry, the School of Physics is now hosting a new Minor in Quantum Sciences and Technology . 

Available starting this fall, the program is open to all students, regardless of major, who are interested in learning more about quantum information theory, applications of quantum information to measurement, quantum materials, quantum computation, quantum algorithms, quantum communication, or any other quantum science related topics. The coursework includes basic training in quantum mechanics and quantum information, and a choice of quantum-related electives in physics, math, chemistry, computer science, and electrical engineering. 

The minor was established by the School of Physics in partnership with the School of Mathematics and the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry in addition to the Colleges of Computing and Engineering.

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A view of Tech Tower from Crosland Tower. Photo: Georgia Tech

A view of Tech Tower from Crosland Tower. Photo: Georgia Tech

For More Information Contact

Writer: Lindsay C. Vidal

Related Links

  • Georgia Tech to Offer Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, New Minor
  • School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences to Offer Three New Undergraduate Degrees — Including Interdisciplinary Environmental Science Major
  • New Minor in the Science of Mental Health and Well-Being Launches in the School of Psychology

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Eligibility is determined by a prospective learner’s email address, ending in .org, .gov, .mil, or .edu. Interested learners can apply below for the discount and, if eligible, will receive a promo code to enter when completing payment information to enroll in a Harvard Online program. Click here to apply for these discounts.

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Learner Testimonials

On Data Privacy and Technology

"The course was informative on both current and future data privacy and technological innovation trends—the need for data privacy without inhibiting innovation. The team and instructors prompt critical thinking while broadening the understanding of data privacy beyond the frontiers. At the end of the course, I concluded that there was a need for a mass cultural shift towards ethical use of technology."

Joanita Nagaba Co-founder, ANJ Data Management Solutions Africa Ltd.

On Health Care Economics

“This is an amazing course. The professor did a fantastic job dissecting the complexities of healthcare into chewable chunks." 

Howard H. Dinh, MD, FACC Medical Director, Cardiac Services, Greater Sacramento The Permanente Medical Group and Chief, Cardiology Kaiser Permanente, South Sacramento

"I love the way the course is structured with real-world examples and the critical thinking sessions. It forces us to reflect upon what is happening around us. People who have an interest in cybersecurity, as well as those that would like to gain more general knowledge, would greatly benefit from this course."

Anand Narayan Account Executive, Lenovo Canada

On Data Science Principles

"This is a topic that people in any industry should have at least basic knowledge of in order to create more efficient and competitive businesses, tools, and resources."

Carlos E. Sapene Chief Executive Officer

On Data Science For Business

"This course had an amazing instructor, amazing examples, and an amazing user interface that made it easy for me to grasp the material and learn simultaneously with others around the world."

Shawn Carrington, Jr. Senior Executive Officer Perspecta, Inc.


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PHD, Counseling Psychology

The University of Georgia’s Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology program provides doctoral-level training and education to prepare our graduates for a career as health service psychologists.

Degree Type: Doctoral

Degree Program Code: PHD_CPSY

Degree Program Summary:

The program’s training mission reflects our commitment to multiculturalism and social justice training excellence that prepares health service psychologists to deliver state-of-the-science and culturally-contextualized services in a variety of research and practice settings to meet the needs of diverse cultural and linguistic communities in Georgia and across the nation.

Our program follows a scientist-practitioner model of training that emphasizes important tenets of Counseling Psychology:

  • A focus on identifying and building from a strengths perspective in working with all individuals
  • An assessment of the person-environment fit and the interaction between the two
  • An emphasis on prevention and brief interventions using a developmental perspective (career and human development)
  • The integration of theory, research, and practice
  • A focus on and respect for individual and cultural diversity, with an emphasis on social justice

We are committed to training and preparing students to assume emerging diverse roles and responsibilities that will advance a multicultural/social justice agenda in health care. The program prepares students for entry positions in a variety of settings including academia, medical schools, and community mental health clinics. The program also prepares students for licensure through rigorous didactic and experiential training. The Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Georgia is fully accredited by the  American Psychological Association  . Upon graduation, you will be license-eligible as a psychologist in all states.

  • Leads to license eligibility as a psychologist in all states
  • Innovative training in Health Psychology, Supervision, and Advanced Assessment
  • Participate in our Preparing Future Faculty program
  • Continuously APA accredited since 1984
  • Faculty are national leaders in the field

Locations Offered:

Athens (Main Campus)

College / School:

Mary Frances Early College of Education

110 Carlton Street Athens, GA 30602



Counseling and Human Development Services

Graduate Coordinator(s):

Alan Stewart

Phone Number:


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Chemistry (Ph.D.)

Focus: advancing knowledge and multidisciplinary research in areas such as biomolecular structure, molecular biophysics, computational and theoretical chemistry, materials chemistry, nanochemistry, bio-organic chemistry, photochemistry and photobiology, polymer chemistry, sensors, and environmental chemistry.

Georgia Southwestern State University addresses teacher shortage by adding new graduate programs

AMERICUS, Ga. (WALB) - Georgia Southwestern State University is seeing success in its new graduate program for those pursuing a career in Education.

According to the Georgia Department of Education, there has been a slight increase in teachers over the last few years. However, this still doesn’t address the number of vacant positions in the subjects of math, science, special Education, and other subjects.

Georgia Southwestern State University is expanding its graduate programs to those students looking to pursue a career in education.

“We also offer graduate programs. So, we have master’s programs in elementary and middle grades and Special Education. And then we also offer education specialist degrees in elementary and middle grades and teacher leadership,” said Dr. Rachel Abbott, Dean of the College of Education at GSW.

WALB spoke with one of those students pursuing a degree in Education. She says the rigorous material is setting her on the right path for her future.

“One thing we do a lot is lesson plans that every teacher uses. And the amount of lesson plans I’ve had to write being in this program is so helpful because it gives me a foundation for when I begin teaching,” said Jensen Mitchell, GSW Student.

The school now has 300 total students specializing in secondary degrees.

The College of Education just graduated its first cohort of 25 students in the online program for elementary Education for paraprofessionals.

“So we have seen a very high employment rate. Most of our students who graduate from GSW go and get a job. Most often, they like to return home,” said Dr. Rachel Abbott, Dean of the College of Education at GSW.

For more information on these new graduate programs, click here.

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To stay up to date on all the latest news as it develops, follow WALB on Facebook and X (Twitter) . For more South Georgia news, download the WALB News app from the Apple Store or Google Play .

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Chiefs' Harrison Butker blasted for commencement speech encouraging women to be homemakers

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker has aggravated one of the internet's biggest culture wars by telling a class of college graduates that one of the “most important” titles a woman can hold is homemaker.

During a commencement speech last weekend at Benedictine College, a Catholic liberal arts school in Atchison, Kansas, the NFL player railed against abortion, Pride month and Covid-19 lockdown measures.

Drawing the most viral backlash this week, however, was a section of his speech in which he addressed the female graduates specifically — telling them that it’s women who have had “the most diabolical lies” told to them.

“How many of you are sitting here now, about to cross this stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world,” Butker said. “But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”

The criticisms that followed took aim at Butker as well as the NFL.

Harrison Butker.

"Hey @NFL — If you want to continue to grow your female fan base and any other marginalized group (straight white men are already watching your product), come get your boy," wrote Lisa Guerrero, a former NFL sideline reporter and now an investigative journalist for "Inside Edition."

He went on to tell the graduates that his wife would agree that her life “truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.” It is her embrace of this role, he said, that made his own professional success possible.

Butker’s comments share similarities with some of the more extreme ideas around gender roles that have gained traction in communities that promote “ tradwife ” lifestyles or other relationship dynamics that center on traditional gender roles .

“Listen, there’s nothing wrong with his wife being a homemaker. Homemakers are wonderful, that’s not the point,” filmmaker Michael McWhorter, known by his more than 6 million TikTok followers as TizzyEnt, said in a video response. “The point is he seemed to be acting as if you should be ashamed if you don’t want to be a homemaker, or, ‘I know what you really want to do is just stay home and have babies.’"

The speech was the latest incident to add fuel to the flames of this increasingly vocal cultural battle, much of which is playing out online. While many prominent right-wing men have voiced such beliefs before, they’re usually confined to internet forums, podcasts and other online communities where these ideologies thrive.

A spokesperson for Butker did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Benedictine College and the Kansas City Chiefs did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A spokesperson for the NFL told People Magazine that Butker "gave a speech in his personal capacity" and his "views are not those of the NFL as an organization."

"The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger," a spokesperson told the publication.

Butker, who is teammates with Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, further drew surprise and criticism when he quoted Kelce’s girlfriend, Taylor Swift, whose monumental career success as a global pop star has inspired college courses .

“As my teammate’s girlfriend says, ‘familiarity breeds contempt,’” he said, drawing murmurs from the crowd as he used the “Bejeweled” lyric as an analogy for why Catholic priests should not become “overly familiar” with their parishioners.

In the days since his speech, a Change.org petition for the Chiefs to dismiss Butker for “discriminatory remarks” has garnered nearly 19,000 signatures.

“These comments reinforce harmful stereotypes that threaten social progress,” the petition stated. “They create a toxic environment that hinders our collective efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusion in society. It is unacceptable for such a public figure to use their platform to foster harm rather than unity.”

Those who criticized Butker’s speech online include actor Bradley Whitford as well as DJ and rapper (and self-proclaimed Swiftie ) Flavor Flav .

But his speech was also lauded by some on the religious right, including conservative sports media personalities such as Clay Travis and Jason Whitlock , who defended Butker’s statements toward women.

“Not a word Harrison Butker says here should be remotely controversial. He’s 100% correct,” former NFL wide receiver T.J. Moe posted on X . “Those trying to convince women that being assistant VP of lending & intentionally childless at age 40 is more fulfilling than making a family and home are evil.”

Sports and culture commentator Jon Root also posted that Butker “exposed the lies that the world has been telling women.” Women, he wrote, are wrongly encouraged to climb the corporate ladder, view children as a “burden” and see marriage as “not worth pursuing.”

Still, a deluge of viewers online took issue with his attitude toward women and the LGBTQ community. Many women also rejected the premise that they would be happier staying at home in lieu of paid work, even if they do have a husband and children.

“I am moved. I actually had no idea that my life began when I met my husband,” neurosurgeon Betsy Grunch, known as Ladyspinedoc on TikTok, said sarcastically in a TikTok video . “It did not begin when I graduated magna cum laude from the University of Georgia with honors. It certainly did not begin when I graduated with a 4.0 GPA, Alpha Omega Alpha, from medical school. And I had no idea that it did not begin when I completed my residency in neurosurgery.”

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Angela Yang is a culture and trends reporter for NBC News.


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