Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture

Open call for research proposals, yale center for natural carbon capture - call for research proposals.

The new Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture (YCNCC) is seeking proposals for research projects that will advance the center’s mission of developing innovative, nature-based solutions to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere and mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on Earth’s climate. The center supports research related to sequestration and storage by natural and managed ecosystems, geological and marine processes, and industrial analogs to natural processes. Funding is available for projects that focus primarily on physical and biological sciences and engineering; however, we welcome interdisciplinary projects that also include social science research related to the proposed climate solutions.

Funding is available for pilot grants for exploratory research (up to ~$100K), as well as larger collaborative efforts (up to ~$500,000) over a 2-year duration. All grants are intended to lay the foundation for projects and collaborations that attract significant external funding. Research can include field, lab, and/or theoretical approaches. While the project must be led by a Yale faculty member (ladder or non-ladder), collaborative proposals involving researchers from both inside and outside of Yale are welcome.

Applications for research projects will involve an initial pre-proposal due December 15, 2021. Pre-proposals should be no more than 2 pages in length (not including figures, reference list, or budget) and should include the following sections: (a) Background  - relevant background information on the topic (aimed at a general scientific audience) (b) Objectives  - explain the project goals and the key knowledge gap(s) that it will fill (c) Relevance to the YCNCC mission  - explain how the project results will directly inform and contribute to scalable natural climate solutions over relevant time scales (d) Methods  - provide a brief overview of the methods/approach to be used (e) Research team  - list all collaborators and their relevant areas of expertise (f) Estimated Budget  - an estimate of the total project budget. Allowable expenses include personnel costs (e.g. postdoc and technician salaries, graduate student stipends), equipment, materials/supplies, research-related fees, travel to field sites or to work with collaborators, travel to conferences, publication costs, etc.

Pre-proposals will be screened by a committee chaired by the YCNCC directors, to assess their relevance to the center’s mission, scientific merit, and feasibility. PIs of the top ranked projects will be invited to submit a full proposal (up to 10 pages). Decisions on pre-proposals will be announced by January 15, 2022, and full proposals will be due March 18, 2022. We anticipate funding 3-5 proposals, and potentially more, depending on total budget requests.

Preproposals should be submitted by 11:59pm (EST) on December 15, 2021, via email to  ycncc@yale.edu  as a single pdf file.

research proposal call 2021

  • Automated reasoning
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Call for proposals

Spring 2024: closed.

  • AI for Information Security Advancing possible solutions for some of the most challenging problems in information security.
  • Sustainability Addressing the challenges associated with generating consistent, transparent, and accurate carbon measurements.

Winter 2024: Closed

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Fall 2022: Closed

  • AWS AI Advancing the frontiers of machine learning.
  • Automated Reasoning Systems assurance by mathematical proof
  • Prime Video Pushing the boundaries of science and technology
  • Sustainability Welcoming proposals related to climate risk/resilience, life cycle assessment, circular strategies, and more.

Spring 2022: Closed

  • AI for Information Security Advancing cybersecurity with AI
  • Alexa: Fairness in AI Building AI for everyone
  • Amazon Science Community and Machine Learning University Making Amazon the best place in the world to do customer-obsessed science and engineering
  • Amazon Advertising Breakthroughs in online advertising
  • AWS AI: Human-in-the-loop machine learning and annotation Sharing learnings and ML capabilities as fully managed services

Winter 2022: Closed

  • Alexa Fairness in AI Building AI for everyone

Fall 2021: Closed

  • Data for Social Sustainability Advancing the use of data science for social good
  • Amazon Device Security and Privacy Enabling trustworthy compute environment from edge to cloud
  • Amazon Payments Breakthroughs in security, verification, and anomaly detection
  • AWS AI Advancing the frontiers of machine learning
  • AWS Automated Reasoning Security assurance, backed by mathematical proof
  • Prime Video - Automating Quality Analysis & Delivery Solving audio/video challenges with machine learning
  • Robotics Pursuing the future of robotics research
  • Amazon Advertising - Summer 2021 Breakthroughs in online advertising
  • Alexa Fairness in AI - Spring 2021 Building AI for everyone
  • AWS Automated Reasoning - Spring 2021 Security assurance, backed by mathematical proof
  • AI for Information Security - Fall 2020 Advancing cybersecurity with AI
  • Alexa Fairness in AI - Fall 2020 Building AI for everyone
  • Robotics - Fall 2020 Pursuing the future of robotics research
  • AWS AI - Fall 2020 Advancing the frontiers of machine learning
  • AWS Automated Reasoning - Fall 2020 Security assurance, backed by mathematical proof

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Call for Proposals: 2021 Pfizer CTI

We are pleased to announce a call for proposals for Pfizer’s Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) program for collaborative development of novel biotherapeutics.

Deadline: June 28, 2021

Areas of Interest and Targets/Pathways of Focus:

  • Oncology : Targeting tumor cells, immuno-oncology, and cancer neo-epitopes that could be leveraged in cancer vaccines 
  • Internal Medicine : Obesity/cachexia, heart failure, diabetic/chronic kidney disease, and NASG/T2D
  • Inflammation & Immunology : Cellular senescence and inflammation resolution mechanisms, tolerance induction mechanisms in autoimmunity, modulating the activity of pathogenic immune cells, and promotion of epithelial barrier repair
  • Rare disease : Cardiology, metabolic, hematology, and renal diseases

Submission Process:  Submission entails a non-confidential 2-3 page overview of the target, mechanism, evidence for disease linkage, and the proposed therapeutic drug. Pre-proposals should be reviewed by one of Pfizer’s Emerging Science Leads to determine suitability prior to submission, formal submission should be routed through business/tech-transfer offices.. For further information about submitting a pre-proposal, please contact Nevena Dimova at  [email protected] .

Request for Proposals

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STAARS Fellowship Program: 2021 Call for Research Proposals


The Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) fellowship program, a multi-institution collaboration managed by Cornell University with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), announces its annual call for research proposals. Early-career African researchers selected as STAARS fellows in 2021 advance rigorous, policy-oriented research on the causal determinants of productivity and income growth, asset accumulation, rural employment and risk management in African agriculture and rural spaces. Application deadline: January 31, 2021


The fellowship covers travel and training expenses. STAARS fellows will be paired with mentors at Cornell University with whom they will jointly author a paper on a topic of mutual interest relating to structural transformation in Africa south of the Sahara. The program aims for publication of resulting research findings in high quality journals and as working papers. In addition, PIM and Cornell will facilitate fellows’ participation in scientific and policy conferences.

The STAARS fellowship began in 2016 and to date has supported 22 fellows from diverse backgrounds. Learn about past fellows here.

From the previous STAARS Fellows: "...An exceptional opportunity to promote up-and-coming African researchers"

Scope of Research and Geographic Focus

Prospective STAARS fellows are invited to develop proposals in the following thematic areas.

  • Dynamics of agriculture input use, technological change, and productivity growth in Africa south of the Sahara.
  • Rural factor market performance, labor exits and productivity in Africa south of the Sahara.
  • Food security, nutrition and health linkages in Africa south of the Sahara.
  • Poverty dynamics and resilience against shocks in Africa south of the Sahara.

STAARS Fellows’ rigorous policy analysis should use existing data, such as the Living Standards Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS–ISA), Demographic and Health Surveys or similar high-quality datasets from Africa south of the Sahara.


The call is open for early career African researchers, either Ph.D. students in their final year prior to degree completion or those who completed their Ph.D. no earlier than 2016. Priority is given to researchers who are African nationals based and working in – or soon returning to – Africa, with proposals relating to the research themes indicated above. Qualified female researchers are particularly encouraged to apply. STAARS welcomes applications from fresh Ph.D. graduates who can benefit from mentorship and additional training to become internationally respected and recognized researchers. Fellows are expected to complete the proposed project by submitting findings as a complete working paper by December 15, 2021 and proceeding to submit the paper to a peer-reviewed journal and conferences in early 2022.

Researchers are expected to be familiar with existing data sets and have a strong working knowledge of appropriate software, typically Stata and/or R, and an interest in econometric analysis of high-quality data sets. Knowledge of Stata and/or R will be assessed at the finalist stage.

The selected applicants will receive funds to cover travel and participation in a three-week mentorship program at Cornell University. Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel may not be possible in 2021. The 2021 program will begin online and we will evaluate the feasibility of travel in mid-2021.

The proposed research and capacity development activities are expected to be undertaken as part of an ongoing effort by the scholar. No salary support is available; STAARS will not cover the scholar’s time allocated to this research. A letter of support from the candidate’s supervisor is required. The program cannot support costs for any new data collection.

Application Process

The STAARS Fellowship application process is managed by Cornell University, in collaboration with PIM. Applicants must prepare a maximum 2500-word research proposal, which motivates the selected research issues and objectives, outlines data sources and proposed methodology, and contains a convincing plan for completing the project by December 15, 2021. Projects that propose to use data that are not publicly available must provide documentation that they have access to those data. All proposals shall be prepared in English. All proposals will be peer-reviewed by experts from Cornell University and/or PIM.

The deadline to submit a research proposal is January 31, 2021.  Applicants should submit their completed proposals via email to [email protected]. Accepted applicants will be notified by early March 2021 and are expected to begin remote collaboration with their mentor immediately upon acceptance.

Research Proposal Template

  • Completed  2021 STAARS Fellowship Applicant Information Form
  • Title of the proposed research
  • Targeted country(-ies)
  • Introduction and motivation that includes clear statement of research objectives and hypotheses.
  • Description of data source(s) and any prior experience working with the proposed data.
  • Proposed Methodology
  • If applicable, summary of any preliminary results.
  • Proposed timeline for the research

In addition to the Research Proposal (not included in the 2500 words):

  • Bibliographic references
  • CV of the applicant
  • If proposing to use data that are not publicly available, a letter or other documentation from the data steward(s) indicating that the applicant will have access to the data to use in the proposed project
  • Photocopy of the passport biodata page and, if applicable, any current US visa

Shortlisted applicants will be asked to provide the following:

  • Letter of support from applicant’s supervisor, clearly indicating that the applicant will be granted time to work on this project, if selected
  • Stata/R assessment

The Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) project is a collaborative venture between the  African Development Bank (AFDB) ,  CGIAR Research Program on Policies Institutions and Markets (PIM) ,  Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) ,  African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) ,  World Bank , and  Cornell University . This project builds on the predecessor  Agriculture in Africa: Telling Myths and Facts  project led by researchers at the World Bank and relies heavily on the data provided through the  Living Standards Measurement Study Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA)  initiative.

On the photo: STAARS Fellow Mumina Shibia (left) with her mentor John McPeak, professor of public administration and international affairs at Syracuse University.

A farewell newsletter from PIM Director Frank Place as the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets comes to a close.

Although ICTs have the potential to revitalize agricultural extension in developing countries, evidence suggests that not all ICT-enabled extension approaches are equally effective in improving farmers’ technology adoption, productivity, income, or welfare outcomes.

How can we foster wider policy impacts from research on agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers? Why are partnerships with private sector important?

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Call for Research Proposals: Global Development Awards Competition 2021

research proposal call 2021

Deadline: June 9, 2021

The Global Development Network (GDN) invites researchers from low-income or middle-income countries to submit research proposals within the theme, ‘International trade and the promotion of biodiversity,’ for the Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development (ORD) .

The Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development is a competitive research grant program under the Global Development Awards Competition 2021. The Awards Competition is administered by GDN and supported by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan. This award program identifies and funds outstanding research proposals in low-income or middle-income countries with high potential for excellence in research and clear policy implications for addressing development issues.

  • The three winning projects will receive grants worth US$ 45,000.
  • Finalists will be invited to join a communications training in preparation of a pitch of their project in front of a high-level Jury, which will decide which research proposal to award.

A physical event is planned in 2021 for the presentations to the high-level Jury by the finalists, if conditions allow it, and projects are expected to start on 15 Jan 2022. In case social distancing policies do not make travelling possible, the event will be held on a virtual setting. The awards will be given to the researcher(s) whose proposals hold the greatest promise for improving our understanding of development issues and puts forth clear, articulate and well researched policy implications to address relevant developmental problems.


  • Eligible countries for the ORD competition are those classified by the World Bank as low-income or middle-income countries . The competition is open only to researchers who are citizens or permanent residents of these countries. The applicants (including team members) can be asked to submit proof of their citizenship and residency through documents with legal standing, at any point during the competition. Please note that all personal information details as provided in the application (and CV) should be factually correct, else the application will be liable for disqualification. The information on the Identity Card will remain strictly confidential with GDN.
  • The upper age limit for all applicants is 45 years as of 20 July 2021. Individuals above 45 years of age as of 20 July 2021 are not eligible to apply.
  • The proposal should not be receiving or scheduled to receive funds from other sources to be eligible for consideration for the ORD unless it is clearly explained how the additional funds provided by the ORD would reinforce the existing funds for successful completion of the research.
  • Staff members of multilateral and bilateral organizations (The World Bank, IMF, IADB, UN agencies, UKAid, etc.) are not eligible to apply.
  • Previous and current employees of GDN or its Regional Network Partners are not eligible to apply up till 5 years from the completion of their tenure. Previous GDN Board Members, project mentors and members of evaluation teams are not eligible to apply.
  • Similar proposals or papers resulting as products from full or partial GDN funded activities (Global Research Projects and other competitions not limited to Regional Research Competitions, Global Research Competitions etc.), cannot be submitted for this competition.
  • Past ORD winners and finalists are not eligible to apply with the same or similar research proposal. Additionally, winners are not eligible to apply for a period of 3 years subsequent to the end of their agreement with GDN.

Review Criteria

Throughout the review process, the proposals will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Quality of the research question formulated
  • Quality of methodology and methods chosen to answer the research question
  • Quality of literature review
  • Originality and Innovativeness
  • Link to specific development outcomes
  • Specific relevance to policy process
  • Research team
  • Impact of social distancing policies


Click here to apply .

For more information, visit Global Development Awards .

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Call for Research Proposals 2021

We are pleased to announce that in collaboration with the AUC, the ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility has launched a call for research proposals to support African–European collaborative efforts to develop innovative, open-source EO algorithms and applications adapted to African solutions to African challenges by leveraging cutting-edge cloud-based data access and computing infrastructure.

15 research proposals will be supported for one-year projects;  proposals can be submitted in English or in French with a deadline for submitting a full proposal on 31st December 2021, 12:00 CET. NOTE: The deadline has been extended to 16 January 2021, 12:00 CET.

To read more about the call and to submit your proposal, please visit https://www.eoafrica-rd.org/eo-africa-rd-research-proposals/

Funding programmes and open calls

Funding programmes that support research and innovation projects, with links to open and upcoming calls

Research and innovation programme

Horizon europe.

Horizon Europe is the EU's research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 with a budget of €95.5 billion.

It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth.

The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies.

It creates jobs, fully engages the EU’s talent pool, boosts economic growth, promotes industrial competitiveness and optimises investment impact within a strengthened European Research Area.

Open and upcoming calls for Horizon Europe

The previous programmes (Horizon 2020 and FP7)

Horizon 2020

Research and Innovation funding 2007 - 2013 (Archived site)

The EU4Health programme, implemented by HaDEA, with a budget of €5.3 billion, is the fourth and largest of the EU health programmes since their launch in 2003.

HaDEA call management

Cohesion Fund

The Cohesion Fund is aimed at EU countries whose gross national income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average. It aims to reduce economic and social disparities and to promote sustainable development.

LIFE Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

The  LIFE programme 2021-2027  is divided into four sub-programmes: “Nature and biodiversity”, “Circular economy and quality of life”, “Climate change mitigation and adaptation” and “Clean energy transition”.

LIFE Calls for proposals 2023

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

The European Regional Development Fund aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. The ERDF focuses its investments on several key priority areas, including innovation and research.

Technical Support Instrument

The Technical Support Instrument provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU countries to carry out reforms..

European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)

Over half of EU funding is channelled through the 5 European structural and investment funds (ESIF) . They are jointly managed by the European Commission and the EU countries. The purpose of all these funds is to invest in job creation and a sustainable and healthy European economy and environment. 

Open calls for proposal related to research and innovation can be found on the websites of the 5 individual funding programmes:

  • European regional development fund (ERDF)
  • European social fund (ESF)
  • Cohesion fund (CF)
  • European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD)
  • European maritime and fisheries fund (EMFF)

Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

The Research Fund for Coal and Steel supports research projects in coal and steel sectors. Every year around €55 million (€47.7 million for 2015) is made available to universities, research centres and private companies to fund projects.

Open and upcoming calls for RFCS

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Call for Fiscal Year 2021 Research Proposals

The Horticultural Research Institute is now accepting research project proposals designed to improve green industry efficiencies and profitability. Proposals for the 2021 grant cycle are due no later than June 1, 2020.

The Horticultural Research Institute’s mission is to direct, fund, promote, and communicate horticultural research. Supporting research that advances current methodologies, develops better technology, and bridges the divide between businesses and the consumer is exactly how HRI helps build prosperous businesses, advance the green industry, and fulfill its core vision.

Researchers are encouraged to submit proposals for research that addresses  HRI's four strategic areas of focus :

  • Quantifying Plant Benefits
  • Gathering Consumer Insights
  • Creating Innovative Solutions
  • Producing Practical & Actionable Solution

Applicants are further encouraged to present projects that represent collaborative research efforts. Researchers are challenged to focus their research on attainable outcomes that demonstrate a return on investment for all sectors of the horticulture industry.

Grant awards typically range from $5,000 to $35,000. The Horticultural Research Institute encourages investigators to seek out matching funds as part of the proposal application process, although matching funds are not required.

Learn more about the grant application and procedural guidelines and access the online application submission portal  here . 

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Horticultural Research Institute Invests $420,000 in 13 Innovative Projects Addressing Critical Green Industry Challenges

The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), the AmericanHort foundation, has provided more than $9.5 million in funds to research projects covering a broad range of production, environmental, and business issues important to the green industry. Nearly $18 million is committed to the endowment by individuals, corporations, and associations .

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Call for Large-Scale Research Proposals, FY2022

  • January 11, 2021 Call for proposals issued
  • February 8, 2021 Letters of intent due
  • February 24, 2021 Invitation of proposals
  • March 26, 2021 Full proposals due
  • July 31, 2021 Decision notices sent
  • October 1, 2021 Projects start

EMSL's Call for FY2022 Large-Scale EMSL Research Proposals is seeking leading-edge research activities to advance scientific understanding in each of EMSL’s science areas, as well as novel applications of EMSL capabilities. The focus topics announced below aim to advance scientific understanding in areas of interest to, or aligned with, those of the Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Program and EMSL. Accepted proposals are valid for two years provided that a summary and extension request demonstrate sufficient progress toward the stated goals for the first year. A select number of lead investigators may be invited to submit project plans to extend the work for a third year.

Access to EMSL capabilities is highly competitive, and approximately 30% of the proposals submitted will be accepted. Requirements change, so be sure to follow all guidance closely. Proposals will be evaluated according to the five review criteria listed below. Note that proposals that do not adhere to guidance will not be considered.

New this year:  A letter of intent must be submitted prior to submitting a full proposal. See the Letter of Intent Guidance for more details.

How To Submit a Proposal

  • Submit a Letter of Intent by February 8
  • Submit a full proposal by March 26, if invited following Letter of Intent review
  • Letters of Intent and Full Proposals must be submitted through the  User Portal
  • For help, contact User Services at 509-371-6003 or [email protected]

Focus Topic Areas

Environmental transformations and interactions (eti) science area.

The ETI science area focuses on the mechanistic and predictive understanding of environmental (physiochemical, hydrological, biogeochemical), microbial, plant and ecological processes in above- and below-ground ecosystems, the atmosphere, and their interfaces. EMSL provides the experimental, computational, and simulation expertise to investigate and model cycling, transformation, and transport of critical nutrients, elements, contaminants, and atmospheric aerosols. Experiment and modeling approaches will accelerate mechanistic understanding of coupled soil-microbe-plant-atmosphere molecular processes and their interdependencies, ultimately informing models of ecosystem processes and land-atmosphere interactions at larger scales. Contact Nancy Hess , ETI Science Area lead, if you have questions about the call topics or to discuss your project idea.

ETI Call Topics

  • ETI-1: Develop mechanistic understanding of the surface chemistry of mineral-organic matter interactions and their ability to stabilize or destabilize soil carbon pools, nutrients, and contaminants (e.g. via microbial respiration, nanoparticle, or colloid formation) leading to elemental or contaminant cycling, fate and transport in terrestrial and subsurface ecosystems and at their interfaces. Proposals that test and/or develop data for biogeochemical models of these processes are of particular interest.
  • ETI 2: Development of new mechanistic insights on the molecular- to fine-scale hydro-biogeochemical controls that create, sustain, and/or limit hot spot and/or hot moment phenomena associated fluxes (e.g. CO 2 , CH 4 , NH 4 , N 2,  P, S) through lab- or field-based observation, or experimental manipulations.
  • ETI 3: Develop molecular-scale, mechanistic, and kinetic understanding of the unique hydro-biogeochemical processes driving elemental and nutrient cycling dynamics, their interactions, and feedbacks that define freshwater and saltwater terrestrial-aquatic interfaces. Proposals that test and/or develop data for biogeochemical models of these processes are of particular interest.
  • ETI 4: Understand molecular and physiological mechanisms that lead to resilience of plants and their associated microbial communities in natural ecosystems and managed bioenergy cropping systems in response to perturbation by environmental stressors (e.g., drought, nutrient limitation, temperature, elevated CO 2 ). Proposals that test and/or develop data for metabolic models of these processes or biogeochemical models are of particular interest.
  • ETI 5: Determine the physical and chemical properties that make some aerosols more efficient ice-nucleating particles than others; investigate the role of primary biological particles as ice nucleating particles. Proposals that test and/or develop data for models of cloud-aerosol interactions or other models of atmospheric processes are of particular interest.
  • ETI 6: Understand the processes that result in the formation and growth of organic and biogenic aerosols and aging processes that result in changes in their chemical, physical, and optical properties. Proposals that test and/or develop data for models of cloud-aerosol interactions or other models of atmospheric processes are of particular interest.

Functional and Systems Biology (FSB) Science Area

The FSB science area focuses on elucidating and harnessing the biochemical pathways that connect gene functions to complex phenotypic responses through a deep understanding of interactions within cells, among cells in communities, and between cellular membrane surfaces and their environment for microbes and plants. This understanding encompasses experimental observations, metabolic reconstruction, and modeling, leading to improved strategies for designing plants, fungi, and microbes for biofuels and bio-based products, as well as unraveling the complexities of carbon, nutrient, and elemental cycles within cells and their immediate environments. Contact  Scott Baker , FSB Science Area lead, if you have questions about the call topics or to discuss your project idea.

FSB Call Topics

  • FSB-1: Analyze multicellular systems (e.g., microbial consortia, microbiomes, plants, plant-microbe associations) to enable predictive understanding of the regulation and interactions of various nutrient cycles (C, N, P, and S) in biological systems in the environment.
  • FSB-2: Analyze metabolic pathways to support synthetic biology approaches for the production of biofuels, bioproducts, and biomaterials, coupled with data-driven validation and product/material characterization.
  • FSB-3: Structural and computational biology studies to characterize proteins encoded by “genes of unknown function” and/or improve understanding of enzyme active-site chemistry, macromolecular assemblies, protein-protein interactions, bio-organic mineral interactions, biosynthesis of materials, enzymatic degradation, and modification of plastic waste and other biological molecular processes.
  • FSB-4: Use EMSL’s advanced multi-omic, microscopy, and structural biological analyses to characterize construction, composition, or enzymatic deconstruction of cell structural components (e.g. microbe, plant, fungal, and algal cell walls).
  • FSB-5: Systems biology studies of non-model organism systems relevant to production of biofuels, bioproducts, materials, or degradation of plastic residues.
  • FSB-6: Analysis of biological systems manipulated by use of novel genetic tools (i.e., artificial/synthetic chromosomes, CRISPR-Cas, and other high throughput genome genetic engineering methods) that advance or create improved strategies for efficient design or redesign of biological systems.

Computation, Analytics, and Modeling (CAM) Science Area

The CAM science area focuses on combining advanced data analytics and visualization and computational modeling and simulation with state-of-the-art experimental data generation to develop a predictive understanding of biological and environmental systems. Our cohesive approach to integrating experimental and computational methods advances predictive approaches to biodesign for biofuel/bioproduct production and accelerates research to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying biological and hydro-biogeochemical processes controlling the flux of materials (e.g., carbon, nutrients, and contaminants) in the environment. Contact  Lee Ann McCue , CAM Science Area Lead, if you have questions about the call topics or to discuss your project idea.

CAM Call Topics

  • CAM-1: Development of metabolic modeling approaches that support predictive simulation of biofuel, bioproduct, or biomaterial production. Development of metabolic modeling approaches that integrate mechanistic models with data-driven approaches and modeling approaches that integrate novel combinations of experimental data sources and support a MODEX approach are of particular interest.
  • CAM-2:  Development of machine learning/deep learning approaches to associate genes/genotypes or proteins/metabolites with phenotype at the organism-scale. Methods that relate model predictions to experimental imaging data, especially time-series imaging data are of particular interest.
  • CAM-3:  Development of computational models of protein structure and function for BER mission-relevant enzyme-substrate interaction, protein-protein interaction, or protein-mineral interaction, that support predictive approaches to biodesign. Approaches that encompass development of visualization and interactive visualizations, including virtual reality are of particular interest.
  • CAM-4:  Development of multi-scale models of the rhizosphere, from the molecular- to system-scale, that support predictions of resilience of the plant/microbiome system to environmental perturbation, and use methods that leverage recent advances in machine learning to identify causal interactions across scales.
  • CAM-5:  Development of software and models for hydro-biogeochemical processes, particularly elemental and nutrient cycling. Methods that integrate novel combinations of experimental and field data sources to support a MODEX approach are of particular interest.
  • CAM-6:  Development of predictive modeling approaches for organic aerosol-cloud interactions. Modeling how the optical and physiochemical properties of organic aerosols impact cloud formation are of particular interest.

Other: Novel Applications

  • OTH-1: Projects should be aimed at stretching the boundaries of scientific integration of EMSL capabilities. Outcomes should have long-term benefits to DOE/BER missions involving biofuels, biomaterials, and bioproducts production; plant-microbe interactions and nutrient exchange; ecosystem resilience or plasticity in response to environmental stress; and land-atmosphere exchanges and feedbacks. For high-risk exploratory studies aimed at assessing the general feasibility or establishing proof of principle for a proposed approach or study design, the scope should be limited to a scale required to demonstrate novel results, with the possibility of expanded support after successful completion.

Highlighted Capabilities

EMSL’s mission is to accelerate scientific discovery and pioneer new capabilities to understand biological and environmental processes across temporal and spatial scales. EMSL leads the scientific community toward a predictive understanding of complex biological and environmental systems to enable sustainable solutions to the nation’s energy and environmental challenges. While applications will be accepted that address any aspect of the  DOE mission areas , special consideration will be given to projects that address the specific areas within each Science Area, especially those in which research: (i) leads to disruptive scientific advances; (ii) couples experiments with modeling/simulation; or (iii) develops and applies new or enhanced computational capabilities to support EMSL's research objectives.

Prospective users are strongly advised to contact the staff contacts listed below, to discuss proposal ideas and possible research collaborations with EMSL staff.

Emerging capabilities.  Applicants should consider emerging cutting-edge capabilities that are available to users who coordinate their proposals with the EMSL scientists leading their development. The capabilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Stable isotope probing and analysis platform that includes labeled CO 2 plant growth facilities, NMR, IRMS, and NanoSIMS (Contact: Jim Moran , Mary Lipton , or Pubudu Handakumbura )
  • Transcriptomics and proteomics from single or a small number of cells detected and isolated by flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and/or laser capture micro-dissection and enabled by microfluidics and nanoPOTS (Contact:  Galya Orr  or  Ying Zhu )
  • New structural biology approaches combining cell-free expression and native mass spectrometry capabilities for characterization of protein complexes (Contact:  Irina Novikova  or  Mowei Zhou )
  • New Krios cryoTEM for atomic resolution structural analysis of protein complexes, organelles, whole cells and small molecule crystals. (Contact:  Trevor Moser ,  Amar Parvate , or  James Evans )
  • New Aquilos cryo-FIB/SEM for site-selective sample preparation for cryo-EM/tomography or serial section slice-and-view 3D imaging of large tissue or plant/microbe interactions. (Contact:  Trevor Moser or  James Evans )
  • Soft X-ray nanotomography system for 3D nanoscale imaging of cells and biological materials (Contact:  James Evans  or  Scott Lea )
  • High-resolution micro-X-ray computed tomography system for characterization of plant root architecture and soil pore structure (Contact:  Tamas Varga  or  Mark Bowden )
  • Noninvasive root imaging platform for monitoring and characterizing plant root systems in transparent growth medium (Contact:  Amir Ahkami  or  Thomas Wietsma )
  • Interactive data visualization tools that support exploration of complex natural organic matter or proteomics data and comparison of data across treatment groups (Contact:  Jay Bardhan )
  • Tahoma, BER’s new heterogeneous computing system for highly parallel modeling/simulation and data processing needs. Tahoma is a combination of 160 CPU nodes and 24 GPU nodes, with an estimated peak performance of 0.57 PetaFLOPs. This system will support computational research requiring significant memory (384 or 1536 GByte per node RAM) as well as processing speed to enable data mining, image processing, and multiscale modeling. (Contact:  Jay Bardhan ).

Other capabilities that offer opportunities for novel and exciting experimental data include a variety of  in-situ probes for NMR ,  advanced electron microscopy  in a specialized “quiet facility", high-resolution mass spectrometry including a  21 Tesla FTICR , and  Atom Probe Tomography . 

Review criteria

User proposals are peer reviewed against five criteria listed below. For each criterion, the reviewer rates the proposal Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Fundamentally Sound, or Questionable Impact as well as providing detailed comments on the quality of the proposal to support each rating, noting specifically the proposal's strengths and weaknesses. The reviewer also provides overall comments and recommendations to support the ratings given. These scores and comments serve as the starting point for Proposal Review Panel (PRP) discussions. The PRP is responsible for the final score and recommendation to EMSL management.  

Criterion 1: Scientific merit and quality of the proposed research (50%)

Potential Considerations:  How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields? To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore creative and original concepts? How well conceived and organized is the proposed activity?

Criterion 2: Qualifications of the proposed research team to achieve proposal goals and contribute to high-impact science (10%)

Potential Considerations:  Does the proposal team, combined with relevant EMSL staff expertise, possess the breadth of skill/knowledge to successfully perform the proposed research and drive progress in this science area? If successful, would the proposed research deliver high-impact products (for example, be publishable in high-impact journals)?

Note: Impact factors are a measure of the average number of citations per published articles. Journals with higher impact factors reflect a higher average of citations per article and are considered more influential within their scientific field.

Criterion 3: Relevance of the proposed research to EMSL's mission (10%)

EMSL’s mission is to accelerate scientific discovery and pioneer new capabilities to understand biological and environmental processes across temporal and spatial scales. EMSL leads the scientific community toward a predictive understanding of complex biological and environmental systems to enable sustainable solutions to the nation’s energy and environmental challenges.

EMSL supports the mission of the Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program in the Department of Energy to achieve a predictive understanding of complex biological, earth, and environmental systems for energy and infrastructure security, independence, and prosperity. BER seeks to understand the biological, biogeochemical, and physical processes that span from molecular and genomics-controlled scales to the regional and global scales that govern changes in watershed dynamics, climate, and the earth system.

Starting with the genetic information encoded in organisms’ genomes, BER research seeks to discover the principles that guide the translation of the genetic code into the functional proteins and the metabolic and regulatory networks underlying the systems biology of plants and microbes as they respond to and modify their environments. This predictive understanding will enable design and reengineering of microbes and plants underpinning energy independence and a broad clean energy portfolio, including improved biofuels and bioproducts, improved carbon storage capabilities, and controlled biological transformation of materials such as nutrients and contaminants in the environment.

BER research further advances the fundamental understanding of dynamic, physical, and biogeochemical processes required to systematically develop Earth System models that integrate across the atmosphere, land masses, oceans, sea ice, and subsurface. These predictive tools and approaches are needed to inform policies and plans for ensuring the security and resilience of the Nation’s critical infrastructure and natural resources.

Note: Projects with direct relevance in these areas will have the best chance for selection. Other projects of scientific significance also are welcomed, but the applicant should clearly outline how the project will further a DOE mission or other areas with economic or societal impact .

Potential Considerations:  What is the relationship of the proposed research to EMSL's mission? Does the research project significantly advance the mission goals? How well does the project plan represent a unique or innovative application or development of EMSL capabilities?

Criterion 4: Impact of the proposed research on one or more EMSL Science Areas (20%)

Potential Considerations:  Will the proposed research advance scientific and/or technological understanding of issues pertaining to one or more EMSL science areas? To what extent does the proposed research suggest and explore creative and original concepts related to one or more EMSL science areas? How strongly does it relate to the science area's focused topics as outlined in the most recent Call for Proposals? How well will it advance EMSL along the directions specifically outlined in the focused topics?

Criterion 5: Appropriateness and reasonableness of the request for EMSL resources for the proposed research (10%)

Potential Considerations:  Are EMSL capabilities and resources essential to performing this research? Are the proposed methods/approaches optimal for achieving the scientific objectives of the proposal? Are the requested resources reasonable and appropriate for the proposed research? Does the complexity and/or scope of effort justify the duration of the proposed project–including any modifications to EMSL equipment to carry out research? Is the specified work plan practical and achievable for the proposed research project? Is the amount of time requested for each piece of equipment clearly justified and appropriate?

Call for Research Proposals: Special Issue on Biodiversity and Natural Resource Finance: Call for Research Proposals

Sponsors: The University of Cambridge, the University of Texas at Austin, and the Review of Finance. Programme chairs: Elroy Dimson, Marcin Kacperczyk, and Laura Starks. Venue and date: Cambridge, U.K.: October 9, 2024. Submission Deadline: August 15, 2024

Biodiversity richness and abundance of natural resources are central to economic prosperity and to cultural and genetic heritage. Yet many of these resources are subject to extinction threats, largely emanating from human activity. It is essential for the wellbeing of both ecosystems and human societies to preserve biodiversity and natural resources. Many sectors are concerned about risks resulting from regulatory initiatives, shocks to agricultural productivity, or depletion of natural resources. Examples include food, forestry, insurance, and real estate, to name a few. To the extent that they can assess and price these exposures, capital markets can help households and institutions to mitigate such risks. They can also exert pressure to drive change in vulnerable geographic locations, economies, and industries.

Capital markets research can spur the development and analysis of novel datasets, methodologies and findings that address these important issues that affect the welfare of current and future generations. To promote research on issues that bear on the financial economics of biodiversity change, the Review of Finance , with the support of the Centre for Endowment Asset Management at the University of Cambridge and the Global Sustainability Leadership Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, is issuing a call for proposals that will culminate in two research conferences.

The conferences will be organised by Elroy Dimson of Cambridge University, Marcin Kacperczyk , Managing Editor of the Review of Finance , and Laura Starks of the University of Texas at Austin. The organisers recognise that this proposed body of research is new and there are only a few high-quality finance working papers at this point. As such, the format of the conference will follow a two-stage editorial process, similar to the previously launched initiative of the Review of Financial Studies . The process is designed to encourage researchers to engage in innovative research on the emerging topic of Biodiversity and Natural Resource Finance.

First Stage

In the first stage, there is a call for research proposals. Authors are asked to outline the questions they will address, the methodologies they will use, the model framework they will explore (in the case of theory work) or the data they will gather (in the case of empirical work). Authors are encouraged to offer as much detail as possible on the research design and analyses proposed to interpret the results. The organisers are especially interested in proposals linking scientific data on biodiversity risk to finance and economic questions. Members of a scientific committee, the programme organisers, and the sponsoring editor will evaluate the likelihood that the project will extend our understanding of Biodiversity Finance and be a good fit for publication in the Review of Finance .

Researchers of selected proposals will be invited to a workshop, to be held in Cambridge, U.K. on October 9, 2024, where they will present their proposals to peer authors as well as other invited experts for feedback. The organisers expect 8–10 successful proposals to receive invitations to the workshop.

Second Stage

This unconventional two-stage process is intended to encourage researchers interested in Biodiversity Finance to engage in innovative research, gather new data, and think of new models in this frontier topic. The evaluation of the scope and significance of the contribution will be made early in the first stage, and the final decision of acceptance in the second stage will mostly be based on successful execution. Hence, the usual uncertainty about a study’s incremental contribution or fit for a top journal is significantly reduced after the proposal stage. In addition, for empirical work, authors of the projects can undertake the risky task of data gathering without concern that their paper will be rejected simply because the data did not support their a priori hypotheses. The evaluation will be made based on the significance and scope of the proposal and its successful execution.

Accepted proposals will continue to the second stage, which will take the form of another conference for completed papers in Spring 2025. This meeting will follow the standard finance conference format. Presentations will describe the original intent and actual execution of the study approved in the first phase, along with the results and interpretation of planned and unplanned analyses. Reviewers and the editor will evaluate whether the authors have executed their planned analyses, whether these analyses conform sufficiently to the original proposal, and whether the authors’ additional analyses and their interpretations are appropriate. A positive evaluation according to these criteria will lead to publication of the final paper in the Review of Finance . The usual standards for publication of high-quality scholarship in finance apply and must be met. If a proposal does not successfully move past the first stage, it does not preclude the possibility that a completed paper based on the same idea could be submitted to the Review of Finance using the normal submission process in the future.


We welcome both empirical and theoretical research, and encourage proposals by scholars from across disciplines outside of financial economics, as well as interdisciplinary submissions. Suggestions for research topics include:

  • Survey evidence on corporate / investor attitudes to nature loss and biodiversity risks
  • Metrics and methodologies for aggregate firm/project-specific biodiversity risks
  • Interaction between biodiversity and climate risks
  • Real estate prices and flood defences
  • Use of private capital to finance conservation and restoration
  • Monetisation of biodiversity projects
  • Empirical studies of ecological disasters (oil spills, nuclear catastrophes, etc)
  • Corporate exposures to risks from natural capital degradation
  • Biodiversity, disclosure frameworks, law, and regulation
  • Global biodiversity scenarios and financial implications
  • Biodiversity, natural capital, and asset pricing
  • Biodiversity externalities of shareholder or lender activism
  • Design of TNFD compliant funds and tracking error of screened portfolios
  • Agency, governance, and incentives problems that distort risk management of natural capital
  • Modelling the financial risks of stranded assets from regulations regarding natural capital
  • Equilibrium impact of incorporating biodiversity and natural capital in portfolio construction
  • Management of natural capital portfolios (forestry, eco-resorts, etc)
  • Financial / industrial development and biodiversity

The first conference will be held in Cambridge, U.K. on October 9, 2024 at the University of Cambridge. Presenters’ travel costs (economy tickets) will be reimbursed and accommodation will be provided. The second conference will be held in 2025 at a location to be decided later.


Authors should submit their proposals via the Editorial Express system ( https://editorialexpress.com/cgi-bin/e-editor/e-submit.cgi?dbase=rof ) between May 1 and August 15, 2024 . Follow the standard submission instructions on the Review of Finance website , indicating at Step 6 of the process that this submission is a “Registered Report – Biodiversity.” Further, the upload in step 5 should indicate the authors’ names. The submission fee is €75. The organisers will not consider proposals that are under review at other conferences or at other journals which accept proposal submissions. If authors are uncertain about whether their proposal meets this requirement, it is crucial to alert the editors and inquire before submitting the proposal to the Review of Finance .

The proposal should be prepared in two files: one with a cover page including the author names, affiliations, and acknowledgements; and another as an anonymous copy, which does not contain author information and acknowledgements. It should include the following elements:

[1] Title and topic. [2] Objectives of the study. [3] Methodologies and research design. [4] If empirical: data description, proposed tests, key predictions, and ideally planned tables. [5] If theoretical: model setup, proposed analysis, and key conjectures or predictions. [6] Timeline of delivery (that fits into the two-stage process).

Preliminary results are not pre-requisites for a successful proposal, but they are very welcome and helpful for evaluation. Proposals will be reviewed and selected for presentation by the scientific committee. Authors of papers published in Review of Finance are required to disclose code and data for replication. Authors whose proposals have been accepted to the workshop will be notified by early September 2024. Questions about the submission process should be addressed to the editorial office of the Review of Finance ( [email protected] ). Questions about the first conference in Cambridge may be addressed to the Conference Manager, Merve Karakas ( [email protected] ).

Conference Organisers Elroy Dimson, University of Cambridge Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College London and Sponsoring Editor, Review of Finance Laura Starks, University of Texas at Austin

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11th Internal Research Proposal Call 2021

research proposal call 2021

Chuka University allocated funds in its 2021/2022budget to support selected high quality research projects emanating from its staff and postgraduate students (M.Sc. & Ph.D.). This 11th CALL invites preparation and submission of high quality, fundable, multi-disciplinary research proposals.

About The Call

During the Financial Y ear, the research proposals should be submitted as four (4) spiral bound copie s to the Director of Research & Extension any time they are ready . Submission by staff PI s should be through the Head of Department/ Section . Postg raduate s tudents registered in Chuka University must have completed coursework successfully. The ir research proposals should be submitted with a cover ing letter through their Supervisor and Director of G raduate S chool . Staff proposals shall be reviewed by 2 to 3 peers, specialising in the area of the research work. Successful proposals shall be competitively selected and the PI s notified by : 30 th Octo ber, 202 1 (Round 1) , and 30 th April, 20 2 2 (Round 2) . Project implementation should start immediately so as t o be completed within two years from the date of fund award

The Proposals

Each proposal should have the following parts and adhere to the following guidelines : Cover letter; Title , Author(s) contacts ; Abstract; Table of contents; Acronyms/Symbols/Abbreviations; Introd uction (Background information, Statement of the problem, Main Objectives, Specific Objectives, Hypotheses or Research questions, Significance of the study or Research Justification, Scope, Limitations up to Assumptions ( are Optional), and Expected outputs ); Brief l iterature review; Theoretical/Conceptual framework (Optional); Methodology; Data collection and analysis; Work Plan; Budget; References; and Appendices (Optional). Ceiling validated award for staff multi – disciplinary innovati ve proposal is 2 ,0 00, 000/=, staff basic/applied proposal is 1,0 00,000/=, student Ph . D. proposal is 2 5 0,000/=, and student Master’ s proposal is 1 5 0,000/= . When applying, state the category of application in the cover ing letter. Staff and students are urged to apply for research grants available from other donors /funders .

research proposal call 2021

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  • UK NSC previous annual call submissions

UK National Screening Committee

2021 annual call topic proposals

Published 20 May 2024

research proposal call 2021

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This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-nsc-previous-annual-call-submissions/2021-annual-call-topic-proposals

The  UK NSC  received 4 proposals in 2021:

1. Metachromatic leukodystrophy ( MLD )

UK NSC decision: commission more work and add MLD to list of conditions the committee regularly reviews

The  UK NSC  received a proposal for the introduction of newborn screening for  MLD  and the evaluation group agreed it fell within the  UK NSC  remit.

An evidence map was commissioned and its findings were promising. The evidence map recommended further work:

  • to evaluate all available screening strategies
  • to look in more depth at evidence related to the benefits and/or harms of treatments in presymptomatic patients with  MLD
  • on the question of cost-effectiveness

Chair’s action was taken to prevent delay to this further work and  MLD  will be added to the  UK NSC ’s recommendation list  kept under regular review.

2. Anorectal malformations

UK NSC decision: evidence map commissioned, no further work

The  UK NSC  received a proposal to add anorectal malformations ( ARMs ) to the newborn and infant physical examination screening programme.

The evaluation group agreed that the topic fell within the remit of the  UK NSC  and an evidence map was commissioned.

The evidence map found no suitable studies that reported a screening test used to triage consecutive or randomly selected populations of all newborns and/or infants for  ARMs .

Both the fetal, maternal and child health ( FMCH ) group and the  UK NSC  noted the findings of the evidence map for  ARMs  and agreed no further work should be commissioned at this time.

3. Neonatal diabetes

The  UK NSC  received a proposal to screen for neonatal diabetes (NDM) in newborns.

The evidence map concluded that the volume and type of evidence related to screening for NDM was insufficient to justify an evidence summary and no further work on screening for NDM should be commissioned at this time.

4. Craniosynostosis

The  UK NSC  received a proposal to screen for craniosynostosis as part of the Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) population screening programme.

The evidence map concluded that the volume and type of evidence related to screening for craniosynostosis was insufficient to justify an evidence summary and no further work on screening for craniosynostosis should be commissioned at this time.

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces Notice of Funding Opportunity for fiscal year 2021 Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act

decorative blue wavy line graphic

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is currently accepting project proposals to protect, restore and enhance Great Lakes fish and wildlife habitat under the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act. We request interested entities to submit restoration, research and regional project proposals for the restoration of Great Lakes fish and wildlife resources, as authorized under the act (16 USC 941c). The purpose of the act is to provide assistance to states, tribes and other interested entities to encourage cooperative conservation, restoration and management of fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the Great Lakes Basin. The deadline for proposal submission is Tuesday, February 16, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. EST.

A total of approximately $1.79 million is projected to support projects this fiscal year. Available funding and project awards are subject to final Congressional appropriations for fiscal year 2021. Project funding is available to support Great Lakes Basin restoration, research and regional projects. Tribes, states, municipalities, local watershed associations and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to apply.

The 2016 reauthorization of the Act made significant additions to allowable sources of non-federal match as it relates to time period, and land and conservation easements. See the Notice of Funding Opportunity F12AS00187 for details . All project proposals will be reviewed, scored and ranked by the Proposal Review Committee. We will make final funding decisions in early to late summer of 2021.

Read more details on the announcement and how to apply.

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Announcements, monday may 20, 2024, call for research proposals.

Photographs and documents related to artist Garland Eliason-French, part of a collection donated to the Visual AIDS Archive Project in 2019

Visual AIDS announces the third year of our research fellowship program, which supports original writing and scholarship about artists who have been lost to AIDS.

Application Deadline: June 18, 2024

Research fellows will work with Visual AIDS to develop a piece of original writing for the Visual AIDS Journal, illuminating the life and work of an artist lost to AIDS.

The Visual AIDS Research Fellowship will provide four fellows with a $1,000 research stipend and editorial support. Fellows will conduct research on artists who have been lost to AIDS, drawing on primary sources in the Visual AIDS Archive Project and other archival collections, as well as interviews with estates, families, and friends. Writing published by past fellows can be found here .

About the Visual AIDS Archive

The Visual AIDS Archive collects artwork documentation, personal papers, and records pertaining to the lives and work of artists living with HIV and AIDS, as well as those who have passed. The archive was started in 1994 by Frank Moore and David Hirsh as a response to losing not only friends in the AIDS crisis but also the loss of art and materials that often followed. The archive currently exists as 555 artist folders that are made up of artwork documentation (mainly in the form of slide photographs taken by Visual AIDS volunteers during the 1990s), personal papers such as artist statements, CVs, press clippings, exhibition announcements, correspondence with Visual AIDS, and other objects related to the lives and work of these artists. The files also contain a small number of artists' books, artworks on paper, personal photographs, and personal writing. In the spirit of community archives, our donations have come from artist members, estates, friends, and family members.

The Visual AIDS Archive is always open to researchers and the general public by appointment. For more information about our archival holdings and how to schedule a research visit, see here .

Since 2012, the archive has also existed online as the Visual AIDS Artist Registry. The online registry currently features digitized images and biographical information related to 347 artists from the physical archive, along with 418 other artists who have joined or been added digitally. The registry can be browsed at visualaids.org/artists


Research Subjects: We welcome research proposals that focus on artists lost to AIDS who are represented in the Visual AIDS Archive and Artist Registry. Priority will be given to research on artists that have been historically excluded from cultural histories and those who have received little or no scholarly attention.

We have compiled a list of potential research subjects based on our physical archival holdings:

Artists with significant research materials

List of folders in the Visual AIDS Artist Files

Recognizing the gaps in our collections, this year we will accept one proposal related to an artist who is not yet represented in our physical archive. If you are interested in researching an artist not listed in the documents above, your proposal should indicate the archival resources and primary sources your research will draw on; priority will be given to proposals that generate new archival materials for the Visual AIDS Archive, such as interview transcripts.

Applicants: Anyone conducting original, primary source-based research on a deceased HIV-positive artist is encouraged to apply. Enrollment or affiliation with a university is not required. Fellows should be comfortable communicating in English for the purposes of the fellowship and the final published text must be in English.

Travel: We will work with research fellows both in-person and remotely. Visual AIDS will work with researchers outside of New York by sharing scans of relevant materials or coordinating virtual research visits over Zoom.

How to Apply

To apply, please complete the application form and upload a writing sample here by June 18.

A competitive proposal will:

Clearly state the artist or artists you will research

Indicate the primary sources and archival resources you plan to draw on to conduct your research

Contextualize your research in relation to existing writing on the artist

Introduce yourself and any previous work around AIDS cultural histories

Key Dates: The deadline for application is June 18, 2024. Applicants will be notified by July 16, 2024. Research should be conducted from August to December 2024, with writing published from January to April 2025.

Questions: If you have any questions about the application process, contact Kyle Croft, Executive Director, at [email protected] .

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NeurIPS 2024, the Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, will be held at the Vancouver Convention Center

Monday Dec 9 through Sunday Dec 15. Monday is an industry expo.

research proposal call 2021


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  • The call for High School Projects has been released
  • The Call For Papers has been released
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The Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to foster the exchange of research advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, principally by hosting an annual interdisciplinary academic conference with the highest ethical standards for a diverse and inclusive community.

Results of the EDF 2023 Calls for Proposals

Following the third calls for proposals under the European Defence Fund (EDF),  54 collaborative defence research and development projects  with a total EU support of almost  €1,031million  are selected for funding..


Banner - EDF Calls for Proposals 2023 Results

The selected projects will support technological superiority across wide range of defence capability domains, including cyber defence, ground, air and naval combat, protection of space-based assets or Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) defence.

Edf 2023 call results - general factsheet.

EDF 2023 Call Results - General Factsheet

The Commission is intending to fund 54 additional EDF projects worth €1 billion, which will bring the total EU budgetary investments to more than €3 billion in collaborative defence R&D projects since the start of the EDF Regulation in May 2021. The selected proposals respond to the funding priorities of the 2023 EDF work programme, addressing 34 topics structured along four thematic calls for proposals, plus bottom-up calls focused on SMEs.

Selected Projects 

Explanatory Note:

  • This page contains the general overview factsheet of the results and the individual project factsheets . Please note that the individual project factsheets represent the proposals that will be invited to grant agreement preparation. These factsheets are for information purposes only and do not bind the Commission to any contractual agreement. 
  • The list of members in the project factsheets below are the beneficiaries of the projects . The overall participation statistics also include affiliated entities and named subcontractors. These are not named in the factsheet.
  • Factsheet re-use policy: Re-use of the documents contained on this page is allowed, provided appropriate credit is given and any changes are indicated (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0  International license). 

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    ForestValue Joint Call 2021 - Call Text FINAL VERSION 07/01/2021 3 (28) 1. TIMELINE OF THE CALL Tue, 19.01.2021 Call launch Tue, 13.04.2021 (13:00 CEST) Deadline for submission of proposals April - August 2021 Proposal assessment in 3 steps (1. Formal check by Call Office; 2. National eligibility check by funding organisations; 3.

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  15. PDF 2021 Phase I Call for Research Proposals Acquisition Innovation

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  22. 11th Internal Research Proposal Call 2021

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  28. Results of the EDF 2023 Calls for Proposals

    The Commission is intending to fund 54 additional EDF projects worth €1 billion, which will bring the total EU budgetary investments to more than €3 billion in collaborative defence R&D projects since the start of the EDF Regulation in May 2021. The selected proposals respond to the funding priorities of the 2023 EDF work programme ...

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