Let's Talk Geography

Volcanoes – The Science And Secrets Of The Mountains Of Fire

Explore the explosive science behind volcanoes, uncovering their secrets and the powerful forces that create these fiery mountains. dive into the fascinating world of volcanic activity..

  • Volcanic Formation: Understand how volcanoes are formed by the movement of tectonic plates and the accumulation of magma in the Earth’s crust.
  • Types of Volcanoes: Explore the different types of volcanoes—shield, composite, and cinder cone—and their unique characteristics and eruption styles.
  • Eruption Mechanics: Delve into the mechanics of a volcanic eruption, including the role of pressure, temperature, and gas content in driving these powerful natural events.
  • Volcanic Benefits: Learn about the ecological benefits of volcanoes, such as creating fertile lands and new habitats, and their role in the Earth's carbon cycle.
  • Monitoring and Prediction: Highlight the latest advancements in volcanic monitoring and prediction technologies that help safeguard communities living near volcanoes.


Volcanoes, magnificent and awe-inspiring, are among Earth’s most fascinating natural phenomena. They are not just mere mountains; they are windows into the inner workings of our planet. These fiery giants hold the power to both create and destroy, playing a pivotal role in Earth’s geological and ecological dynamics. From the fiery eruptions that light up the sky to the fertile soils they leave in their wake, volcanoes are a testament to the ever-changing nature of our planet.

Group of Volcanoes

Volcanoes stand as some of the most compelling symbols of Earth’s dynamic nature. These formidable structures are not just mountains spewing lava but are profound evidence of the planet’s ongoing geological evolution. Our journey through the world of volcanoes is a journey into the heart of Earth’s inner workings, revealing the intricate balance between the forces that build our world and those that tear it apart.


A volcano is a geological formation that occurs when magma, which is molten rock from beneath the Earth’s crust, rises to the surface. Once it reaches the surface, the magma is referred to as lava. Volcanoes typically take the form of a mountain or hill with a crater or vent through which the lava, volcanic ash, and gases are expelled.

Volcanoes are often found at the junction of tectonic plates, where Earth’s crustal plates move and interact, although they can also form over hotspots, areas where the mantle is particularly hot.

What Is Volcanology?

Volcanology is the scientific study of volcanoes and volcanic phenomena. Volcanologists are the scientists who specialize in volcanology. Volcanology encompasses the investigation and analysis of –

◆ Volcanic Eruptions:

Understanding the causes and mechanisms of volcanic eruptions, including the study of magma (molten rock) composition and dynamics, and the processes that lead to the eruption of lava, ash, and gases.

Volcanic Eruptions - Gas, Smoke, Ash

◆ Volcano Formation:

To research how volcanoes are formed, including the geological processes that lead to the development of volcanic structures on Earth’s surface.

◆ Volcanic Features and Landforms:

Studying the various forms and structures associated with volcanoes, such as calderas, volcanic cones, and lava flows.

◆ Volcanic Hazards and Risks:

Assessing the potential dangers volcanoes pose to human populations and the environment, including lava flows, ashfall, pyroclastic flows, volcanic gases, and tsunamis generated by volcanic activity.

◆ Prediction and Monitoring:

Develop methods to predict volcanic eruptions and monitor volcanic activity using seismology, satellite imagery, gas sampling, and other geophysical and geochemical techniques.

◆ Volcanic Impact on Climate and Environment:

Analyzing how volcanic eruptions impact the Earth’s climate and environment, including the effect of volcanic gases and ash on the atmosphere and climate systems.

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Formation of Volcanoes:

The formation of it begins deep within the Earth. It starts with the melting of rock in the mantle (a layer beneath the Earth’s crust) due to high pressure and temperature. This melted rock, or magma, is less dense than the surrounding solid rock, causing it to rise towards the Earth’s surface. When this magma finds its way to the surface through cracks in the Earth’s crust, a volcano is born.

Volcanoes are formed through a series of geological processes that involve the movement of magma (molten rock) within the Earth and its eventual eruption onto the surface. The formation of a volcano typically follows these steps:

1. Magma Generation:

Volcanoes begin with the creation of magma. This occurs in the Earth’s mantle, the layer beneath the crust, due to various processes such as the melting of rock under high pressure and temperature conditions. This melting can happen in different ways:

  • At divergent plate boundaries , where tectonic plates move apart, the pressure is reduced on the underlying rocks, leading to partial melting.
  • At convergent plate boundaries , where one plate is forced below another into the mantle (a process known as subduction), the descending plate releases water, lowering the melting point of the overlying mantle and creating magma.
  • In ‘hotspots’ , which are plumes of hot material that rise from deep within the mantle, the heat can partially melt the crust, forming magma.
  • Magma Ascent: Once formed, magma rises towards the Earth’s surface because it is less dense than the surrounding solid rock. The magma moves through cracks and fissures in the Earth’s crust. This movement can be facilitated by the buildup of pressure and the presence of volatile gases within the magma.

2. Volcano Formation:

As magma reaches closer to the Earth’s surface, it begins to form a pool in a magma chamber. Over time, with repeated magma injections, this chamber grows, and the pressure of the magma can cause the overlying rock to crack and fracture. This creates a conduit for the magma to travel through.

3. Volcanic Eruption:

When the pressure from the gases within the magma becomes too great, an eruption can occur. Magma is expelled onto the Earth’s surface, now called lava. Along with lava, volcanoes also emit gases and ash. The nature of the eruption (explosive or effusive) depends on factors like magma composition, temperature, and gas content.

Volcanic Eruption

3. Volcano Growth:

With each eruption, material accumulates around the vent. Over time, this accumulation can grow into a mountain or hill, forming the recognizable shape of a volcano. The shape and size of the it depend on the type of lava and eruption style – whether it’s fluid lava that spreads out over a wide area or more viscous lava that piles up around the vent.

3. Continuous Activity and Dormancy:

Volcanoes can go through periods of activity (eruptions) and dormancy (inactivity). Over geologic time, they can become extinct if there’s no longer a source of magma feeding them.

Causes of Volcanism:

The causes of volcanism are rooted in geological processes deep within the Earth. These can be summarized pointwise as follows:

1. Tectonic Plate Movements:

Divergent Plate Boundaries: At places where tectonic plates are moving apart, such as at mid-ocean ridges, the decrease in pressure allows the mantle to melt, producing magma.

Volcanoes - Divergent plate boundary with explanation

Convergent Plate Boundaries: Where one tectonic plate subducts beneath another, the descending plate releases water into the overlying mantle, lowering the melting point and generating magma. This is common along continental and oceanic collision zones.

Transform Plate Boundaries: Although less common, volcanism can also occur along transform boundaries due to the fracturing of the crust, which can allow magma to reach the surface.

2. Hotspots:

These are areas where plumes of hot mantle material rise towards the Earth’s surface independently of tectonic plate boundaries. The heat from these plumes can partially melt the overlying mantle and crust, creating magma. The Hawaiian Islands are a classic example of hotspot volcanism.

3. Mantle Plumes:

Similar to hotspots, mantle plumes are upwellings of abnormally hot rock within the Earth’s mantle. As the plume head ascends, it melts due to the decrease in pressure, forming magma.

Volcanoes: Diagram of volcano erupts on white background

4. Crustal Extension:

In areas where the Earth’s crust is being pulled apart, such as in rift valleys, the thinning of the crust can allow decompression melting of the mantle, leading to magma formation.

5. Subduction-Related Processes:

Beyond water release, subducting plates can also contribute to magma formation through the introduction of subducted materials like sediments into the mantle, which can lower the melting point.

6. Volatiles in Magma:

The presence of volatiles (like water, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide) in magma can significantly lower its melting point, facilitating the generation of magma.

7. Lithospheric Pressure Changes:

Changes in pressure within the Earth’s lithosphere, due to factors like tectonic uplift or erosion, can affect the melting point of the mantle and crust, leading to magma formation.

8. Intraplate Stresses:

Even away from plate boundaries, stresses within a tectonic plate can cause fracturing and melting in the crust and upper mantle, leading to volcanic activity.

9. Continental Collision Zones:

In some cases, when continents collide, the crust can thicken and eventually melt due to the high temperatures in the lower crust, creating magma.

These geological processes illustrate the dynamic nature of the Earth’s interior and its surface, leading to the varied and often spectacular phenomenon of volcanism.

Anatomy of a Volcano:

The anatomy of a volcano involves several key structures, each playing a specific role in its formation and eruption.

1. Magma Chamber:

Located beneath the surface, this is the reservoir of molten rock (magma) that feeds a volcano.

The vent is a channel through which magma travels from the magma chamber to the Earth’s surface.

Typically found at the summit of the volcano, the crater is a bowl-shaped depression formed by the eruptions.

4. Lava Flows:

When magma reaches the surface, it becomes lava. Lava flows are streams of this molten rock that spill out of the vent and move away from the volcano.

5. Volcanic Cone:

This is the mound that builds up around the vent due to the accumulation of volcanic material, like lava, ash, and rock fragments.

Volcanoes: Isometric of volcano vector infographic

6. Ash Cloud:

Composed of fine volcanic particles, ash clouds can be ejected high into the atmosphere during an eruption.

7. Pyroclastic Flow:

These are fast-moving currents of hot gas and volcanic material (like ash and pumice) that can flow down the sides of a volcano during explosive eruptions.

8. Secondary Vents and Cones:

Some volcanoes have additional openings from which lava and ash are expelled.

9. Sill and Dike:

These are formations of hardened magma. A sill is a sheet of magma that has intruded between older layers of rock, while a dike is a similar formation that cuts across older rock formations.

10. Fumaroles:

These are openings near a volcano’s surface from which volcanic gases are emitted.

11. Caldera:

Larger than craters, calderas are massive depressions formed when a magma chamber empties and the volcano’s summit collapses into it.

World Distribution of Volcanoes:

Volcanoes are distributed globally, with significant concentrations in specific regions due to various geological processes. The most notable region is the “Ring of Fire” in the Pacific Ocean, but volcanic activity is by no means limited to this area. Here’s an elaboration, with examples, on where volcanoes are predominantly found:

1. Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean:

The “Ring of Fire” is a horseshoe-shaped belt running around the edge of the Pacific Ocean, characterized by a high level of seismic and volcanic activity. This area is home to over 75% of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes

Volcanoes: Pacific Ring of Fire

The “Ring of Fire” is primarily the result of the movement and interactions of several major tectonic plates, including the Pacific Plate, the North American Plate, the Eurasian Plate, and others.

Many of these volcanoes are formed at convergent plate boundaries where oceanic plates subduct beneath continental plates, leading to magma generation and volcanic activity.

Examples:  Mount St. Helens in the USA, Mount Fuji in Japan, and Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.

2. Submarine Volcanoes:

A significant number of volcanoes exist beneath the oceans, known as submarine volcanoes.

These volcanoes often form along mid-ocean ridges, which are divergent plate boundaries where new oceanic crust is formed as tectonic plates pull apart.

Submarine volcanoes can also occur over hotspots, producing seamounts and island chains such as the Hawaiian Islands.

Example: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where Iceland is a surface expression of such volcanism.

3. Hotspots:

Occur away from plate boundaries, where plumes of hot mantle material rise toward the surface.

These hotspots remain stationary while tectonic plates move over them, creating chains of volcanoes.

Examples: the Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii’s Mauna Loa and Kilauea) and the Yellowstone Caldera in the USA.

4. Divergent Plate Boundaries:

Apart from mid-ocean ridges, divergent boundaries on continents can also form volcanic zones.

Volcanoes: Subduction Zones

These areas see the formation of rift valleys and volcanism due to thinning and fracturing of the crust.

Example: The East African Rift system, featuring volcanoes like Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Nyiragongo.

5. Convergent Plate Boundaries:

Where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental or another oceanic plate, creating volcanic arcs.

These areas are prone to explosive volcanic eruptions due to the water-rich magma.

Example: The Andes mountain range in South America with volcanoes like Cotopaxi and Mount Villarrica.

6. Submarine Volcanoes:

These are under-ocean volcanoes, many of which are located along mid-ocean ridges.

Some can form islands when their tops breach the ocean surface.

Example: Loihi Seamount, an underwater volcano near the Hawaiian Islands.

7. Polar Regions:

Volcanic activity is not limited to tropical or temperate zones; it also occurs in polar regions.

These volcanoes can impact ice sheets and contribute to glacial melting.

Mt. Erebus - Subpolar volcano

Example: Mount Erebus in Antarctica, one of the southernmost active volcanoes on Earth.

This global distribution of volcanoes highlights the dynamic nature of Earth’s geology, showcasing how plate tectonics and mantle dynamics shape our planet’s surface, even in the most remote locations.

⫸ Types of Volcanoes:

Volcanoes are classified based on size and shape, type of magma, frequency of eruption, etc.

1. Based on Shape and Size:

Volcanoes come in various types, each characterized by unique features and eruption styles. The primary types of volcanoes are:

a. Shield Volcanoes:

These are large, broad volcanoes with gently sloping sides.

Formed primarily by the eruption of low-viscosity lava that can flow long distances.

Eruptions are typically less explosive and more effusive, producing large volumes of lava.

Examples:  Mauna Loa and Kilauea in Hawaii.

Shield Volcano

b. Stratovolcanoes (Composite Volcanoes):

Stratovolcanoes are characterized by their steep, conical shape with a crater at the summit.

Composed of many layers of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash.

These volcanoes often have explosive eruptions due to the high viscosity of their magma.

Examples:  Mount St. Helens in the USA and Mount Fuji in Japan

c. Cinder Cone Volcanoes:

Smaller than other types, cinder cones are steep, conical hills made up of volcanic debris known as cinders.

They result from eruptions where lava is thrown into the air and breaks into small fragments that fall around the vent.

Eruptions tend to be short-lived and not as large or violent as those from stratovolcanoes.

Example: Parícutin in Mexico.

d. Lava Dome Volcanoes:

Formed by the slow eruption of highly viscous lava.

Lava domes grow over time, with lava accumulating around the vent.

They are often found within the craters or on the flanks of stratovolcanoes.

Example: The Lassen Volcanic Center in California

e. Super Volcanoes:

Supervolcanoes are a less common type, characterized by their capacity to produce extremely large and catastrophic eruptions.

They often form calderas, large depression craters, when the magma chamber below them empties and collapses.

Example: Yellowstone Caldera in the USA.

f. Submarine Volcanoes:

Located beneath the ocean’s surface, these volcanoes often form along mid-ocean ridges or over hotspots.

They can create seamounts and eventually islands if the volcanic activity is persistent and significant.

Example: The submarine volcano Loihi, near Hawaii.

g. Subglacial Volcanoes:

These volcanoes form under ice caps or glaciers.

Their interaction with ice can lead to explosive steam eruptions and the creation of unique landforms like tuyas.

Example: Katla in Iceland.

2. Based on the Type of Magma:

Volcanoes can be classified based on the type of magma that feeds their eruptions, which largely determines the nature of the eruption and the shape of the volcano. Magma types are typically characterized by their silica content and viscosity. Based on these, volcanoes can be categorized into three primary types:

a. Basaltic Volcanoes:

Magma Characteristics: Basaltic magma has a low silica content (about 50%) and low viscosity (it’s relatively fluid).

Eruption Style: These volcanoes tend to have non-explosive, effusive eruptions. The lava flows easily and can cover large areas.

Volcano Types: Shield volcanoes are typically associated with basaltic magma, exemplified by the volcanoes in Hawaii.

Example: Mauna Loa in Hawaii.

Mauna Loa eruption

b. Andesitic Volcanoes:

Magma Characteristics: Andesitic magma contains a moderate silica content (about 60%) and has a higher viscosity than basaltic magma.

Eruption Style: The higher viscosity leads to more explosive eruptions compared to basaltic volcanoes. Andesitic lava does not flow as easily, often creating steep-sided volcanoes.

Volcano Types: Most stratovolcanoes or composite volcanoes are associated with andesitic magma.

Example: Mount St. Helens in the United States and Mount Fuji in Japan.

c. Rhyolitic Volcanoes:

Magma Characteristics: Rhyolitic magma has a high silica content (over 70%) and is very viscous.

Eruption Style: These volcanoes are prone to extremely explosive eruptions due to the high gas content and the magma’s inability to flow easily.

Volcano Types: Rhyolitic volcanoes often form lava domes; however, they can also result in the formation of calderas due to massive eruptions.

Example: Yellowstone Caldera in the United States.

The type of magma not only influences the style of volcanic eruptions but also significantly impacts the resultant landforms and the potential hazards associated with these volcanoes. For instance, the more explosive andesitic and rhyolitic volcanoes pose greater risks to nearby populations due to their explosive nature and the pyroclastic materials they can eject.

3. Based on the Frequency of Eruptions:

Volcanoes can be classified based on the frequency of their eruptions, which indicates their current activity status. This classification helps in understanding and monitoring volcanic hazards. The categories are –

a. Active Volcanoes:

These are volcanoes that have erupted recently and have a significant likelihood of erupting again.

Mt. Bromo volcano - active volcano

The term “recently” in a geological sense can vary, but it usually means they have erupted within historical times (the past few thousand years).

Examples: Mount Etna in Italy and Kīlauea in Hawaii.

b. Dormant Volcanoes:

Dormant volcanoes are those that have not erupted in recent history but are not extinct.

They show signs of potential activity, like seismic activity or gas emissions, indicating they could erupt again.

A famous example is Mount Rainier in the United States, which has not erupted for over a century but is considered potentially active

c. Extinct Volcanoes:

Extinct volcanoes are those that geologists believe will not erupt again.

This assessment is based on factors like the lack of recent activity, no recorded eruptions in historical times, and tectonic changes that would prevent the rise of magma.

Example: Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

⫸ Tools Used to Monitor Volcanism:

Various types of equipment and instruments are used by volcanologists to measure and monitor volcanic activity. These tools help in predicting eruptions and understanding the complex processes of volcanism:

a. Seismometers:

Detect and record seismic waves generated by earthquakes and tremors, which often precede and accompany volcanic eruptions.


Changes in seismic activity can indicate the movement of magma within a volcano.

b. Gas Spectrometers:

Measure the types and amounts of gases (like sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor) emitted by a volcano.

Changes in gas composition can signal a change in volcanic activity.

c. Thermal Imaging Cameras:

Detect and measure heat emitted from a volcano.

Useful in monitoring changes in the temperature of a volcano’s surface, which can indicate rising magma.

d. Tiltmeters and GPS Devices:

Measure very slight changes in the slope or deformation of a volcano’s surface.

Ground deformation is a key indicator of magma accumulation beneath a volcano.

e. Infrasound Sensors

Detect low-frequency sound waves produced by volcanic eruptions.

These sensors can pick up explosive eruptions even at great distances.

f. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR):

Used in satellites to detect ground deformation from space.

SAR can provide comprehensive coverage of a volcano’s surface, which is especially useful for remote or inaccessible volcanoes.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

g. Photogrammetry:

Uses photographs from ground-based or aerial sources to create 3D models of a volcano’s surface.

Can track changes in the volcano’s shape and growth over time.

h. Lahar and Pyroclastic Flow Sensors:

Detect and monitor the flow of lahars (volcanic mudflows) and pyroclastic flows.

Often placed along potential flow paths to provide early warning.

i. Hydrologic Instruments:

Monitor changes in water chemistry and temperature in streams and lakes around volcanoes.

Changes can indicate volcanic activity affecting groundwater.

j. Volcanic Ash Sampling:

Collecting and analyzing volcanic ash can provide information on the composition of the erupted material and the nature of the eruption.

⫸ Associated Landforms of Volcanism:

Volcanism creates a variety of distinctive and often dramatic landforms. These landforms are not only important geological features but also contribute significantly to the landscape’s diversity. Some of the key landforms formed by volcanic activity include:

1. Volcanic Cones:

A. cinder cones:.

Small, steep-sided cones formed from the accumulation of volcanic debris (cinders) ejected during explosive eruptions. They usually have a crater at the summit.

b. Composite Cones (Stratovolcanoes):

Large, symmetrical cones with steep sides, composed of alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, and other volcanic debris. They often have explosive eruptions.

2. Shield Volcanoes:

These are large, broad volcanoes with gentle slopes, formed by the eruption of low-viscosity lava that can flow long distances. The shape resembles a warrior’s shield, hence the name.

3. Lava Domes:

Formed by the slow eruption of viscous lava, lava domes are bulbous and often steep-sided. They can be found within the craters or on the flanks of larger volcanoes.

4. Calderas:

Large, basin-like depressions formed by the collapse of a volcano. This can occur after a massive eruption empties the magma chamber below the volcano, causing the overlying land to collapse into the void. Calderas can be tens of kilometers in diameter.


5. Lava Flows and Lava Fields:

When lava pours out of a volcano and travels over the ground, it forms lava flows. Once solidified, these flows can create extensive lava fields, shaping the surrounding landscape.

6. Volcanic Plateaus:

Formed by successive outpourings of lava over large areas, these flat-topped plateaus are built up over time by layers of lava accumulating on top of each other.

7. Fumaroles and Geothermal Areas:

Fumaroles are vents where volcanic gases are released. These areas are often associated with geothermal activity, like hot springs and geysers, resulting from heated groundwater.

8. Tuff Rings and Maar Volcanoes:

These are shallow, broad craters often filled with water, formed by phreatomagmatic eruptions (interactions between magma and water). The surrounding ring of debris (tuff) is ejected during the eruption.

9. Volcanic Necks or Plugs:

Formed when magma solidifies within the vent of an active volcano. Over time, erosion removes the surrounding rock, leaving the harder, resistant volcanic neck exposed.

10. Pyroclastic Flows and Deposits:

Pyroclastic flows are fast-moving currents of hot gas and volcanic materials (like ash and pumice) that flow down the sides of a volcano during explosive eruptions. The deposits from these flows can form significant landforms.

⫸ Effects of Volcanism:

Volcanism has a range of effects on the environment, climate, and human societies. These effects can be both positive and negative:

◆ Positive Effects:

A. fertile soils:.

Volcanic materials, particularly ash, can break down to form highly fertile soils, which are excellent for agriculture. Regions around volcanoes often support thriving agricultural communities due to this fertility.

b. Mineral Resources:

Many minerals, including copper, gold, silver, and diamond, are associated with volcanic processes. Geothermal energy, a renewable resource, is also harnessed in volcanic areas.

c. Land Formation:

Volcanoes play a crucial role in shaping landscapes. They create islands, mountains, and other landforms, contributing to geographical diversity.


d. Tourism:

Many volcanic landscapes become tourist destinations due to their spectacular scenery and unique geological features. This can significantly boost local economies.

e. Scientific Research:

Studying volcanoes and volcanic activity provides valuable insights into Earth’s geology, helping us understand past climate changes and predict future volcanic activity.

f. Atmospheric Effects:

Volcanic eruptions can impact global climate. For instance, sulfur dioxide released during eruptions can form sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere, which reflect solar radiation and can lead to temporary global cooling.

g. Underwater Volcanism and its Hydrothermal Activity:

Hydrothermal activity of underwater volcanoes plays a very important role in marine biogeochemical cycles.

◆ Negative Effects:

A. eruptions and lava flows:.

Volcanic eruptions can be devastating, destroying property, infrastructure, and landscapes. Lava flows can engulf entire communities.

Negatve Effect of Volcanism

b. Ash Fall:

Volcanic ash can blanket areas, disrupting agriculture, damaging machinery, collapsing buildings, and causing respiratory health problems.

c. Pyroclastic Flows

These fast-moving currents of hot gas and volcanic material can be extremely destructive and deadly, obliterating everything in their path.

Volcanic mudflows (lahars) can occur when volcanic ash and debris mix with water, devastating valleys and communities downstream.

e. Tsunamis:

Volcanic eruptions can trigger tsunamis, especially when a volcano explosively erupts or collapses into the sea.

f. Air Travel Disruption:

Ash clouds from volcanic eruptions can disrupt air travel over large areas, as ash can damage jet engines and reduce visibility.

g. Climate Impact:

Large-scale eruptions can inject significant amounts of ash and gases into the atmosphere, affecting weather patterns and potentially leading to short-term climate changes.

h. Health Risks:

Volcanic gases like sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide can pose serious health risks to humans and animals, particularly for people living near active volcanoes.

i. Habitat Loss:

Eruptions can lead to the loss of wildlife habitats, affecting the region’s biodiversity.

j. Economic Costs:

The economic impact of volcanic eruptions can be substantial, including the costs of evacuation, rebuilding, and lost revenue from agriculture and tourism.

⫸ Recent Discoveries about Volcanoes:

1. discovery of a massive ancient eruption in the aegean sea:.

An international team of scientists led by Dr. Steffen Kutterolf and Dr. Timothy Druitt discovered evidence of a colossal submarine eruption around Santorini, dating back approximately 520,000 years. This eruption was significantly larger than previously known eruptions in the area, including Santorini’s Late Bronze Age eruption.

The team used various methods, including micropalaeontology and electron microprobe analysis, to study the volcanic deposits and understand the magnitude of this ancient eruption.

2. Following the eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano on January 15, 2022:

A study from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the University of Maryland, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), revealed that there was a considerable depletion of the ozone layer, with losses of up to 7% over extensive areas of the Southern Hemisphere.

3. A recent study featured in the journal Geophysical Research Letters has unveiled a remarkable aspect of the 2022 Hunga Volcano eruption. The research findings indicate that the volcanic plume produced during this event generated the highest rates of lightning flashes ever recorded.

4. As of December 15, 2023, there were 47 volcanoes worldwide classified as being in a state of ongoing eruption. It’s important to note that being in a “continuing” eruption status doesn’t necessarily imply constant, daily activity. Rather, it refers to volcanoes that have shown at least some intermittent eruptive events without pausing for three months or longer.

5. Recent research has shed light on the possibility of volcanic activity on Mars, particularly in an area known as Elizabeth Planitia. Scientists have estimated that this region might have experienced volcanic activity as late as within the past 120 million years.

⫸ Conclusion:

In conclusion, the study of volcanoes, or volcanology, reveals a complex and dynamic aspect of Earth’s geology. This ongoing activity underlines the importance of continuous monitoring and research to better understand and predict volcanic behavior, which is crucial for mitigating risks to human populations and the environment.

Overall, the field of volcanology not only unravels the mysteries of Earth’s interior but also plays a pivotal role in addressing some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. The ongoing research and discoveries continue to expand our knowledge and offer new solutions, demonstrating the ever-evolving and fascinating nature of volcanology.

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Chapter: 7 principal conclusions and recommendations, 7 principal conclusions and recommendations.

This chapter summarizes the principal conclusions and recommendations developed elsewhere in this report. Major conclusions are printed in italics and recommendations in bold.

The VHP is comprised of a dedicated scientific and technical staff that has a wealth of practical experience, coupled with good theoretical understanding of underlying volcanic and hydrologic processes. To help society prepare for and deal with the effects of volcanic eruptions, the VHP uses five interrelated approaches: (1) long-term hazard assessment, (2) monitoring baseline measurements that allow premonitory changes to be recognized, (3) crisis response when a volcano is erupting, (4) topical studies of geologic processes that allow for better understanding of the causes and consequences of volcanic hazards, and (5) communicating with civil authorities and the surrounding communities about the results of their studies. These five approaches all aim to help society respond to the dangers posed by volcanoes. Another way to view these activities is to consider a continuum of three overlapping types of societal response to eruptions: research (knowledge acquisition), operations (knowledge application), and outreach (knowledge translation). Research provides the basic information and concepts that underlie the various methods of volcano data collection and interpretation.

The committee was asked to address two questions: (1) Do the activities, priorities, and expertise of the VHP meet appropriate scientific goals? (2) Are the scientific investigations and research results throughout the program effectively integrated and applied to achieve hazard mitigation? The committee’s views with respect to these questions are summarized below and at the end of Chapters 2 , 3 , and 4 .

Basic research in the VHP, although reasonably well integrated, is being threatened by budgetary and personnel constraints, which may diminish the program’s ability to meet appropriate scientific goals. If

these problems are not solved, the program will likely be forced to reduce levels of in-house basic research and/or to increase collaboration with non-USGS scientists. Hazard assessment, while traditionally strong in geologic mapping, radiometric age dating, and related activities, has to be strengthened in modeling and probabilistic approaches if the program is to continue to meet appropriate scientific goals. Existing hazard assessment activities at individual volcano observatories are effectively integrated and applied to hazard mitigation issues. The one-volcano, one-scientist projects under way at some volcanoes, although scientifically appropriate, may not be effectively integrated with each other or with the VHP as a whole.

Continuing budgetary pressures place four types of constraints on the VHP’s ability to monitor volcanoes. (1) Aging equipment is not replaced soon enough (or at all), increasing the chances of failure during a crisis. (2) The VHP’s traditional role as the developer and tester of new monitoring equipment and techniques is jeopardized. (3) The number and extent of regular instrumented surveys, which are crucial for the success of any monitoring program, are restricted. (4) Personnel familiar with new techniques are not hired. If the current situation is not reversed, the VHP may not be able to field the best instruments or to maintain its traditional high standards for monitoring. These issues apply to varying degrees to all of the monitoring methods used by the VHP, and if they are not addressed in the near future, the program runs the risk of not being able to meet appropriate scientific goals. On the other hand, the monitoring methods currently employed in the VHP seem to be well integrated and applied to achieve hazards mitigation.

Crisis response procedures at VHP observatories are well integrated and applied to hazards mitigation. The VDAP, while evoking strong praise from the committee, has to be strengthened, in both personnel and budget. The committee urges wider involvement of VHP personnel in VDAP activities, which—besides providing depth to the VDAP—would permit a wider circle of scientists to gain firsthand experience with volcanoes in crisis. Data gathered during international volcano crises must be better archived and, where appropriate, published. The committee realizes that data acquisition and use can be a sensitive issue with foreign governments and organizations but urges that protocols be explored to improve the ways in which data from one overseas crisis might be better integrated and applied to the next crisis. Existing outreach products of the VHP were judged by the committee to be of

high quality and effective in mitigating volcano hazards. This effectiveness can be increased by developing ways for the VHP to retain proceeds from the sale of its products and by removing impediments that limit the involvement of midcareer VHP personnel in their preparation and dissemination.

It is difficult to separate the contributions to basic volcanological knowledge made by VHP scientists from those made by their colleagues in other parts of the USGS, other government agencies, universities, other countries, and the private sector. Nonetheless, throughout much of the second half of the twentieth Century, members of the present-day USGS Volcano Hazards Program were national if not global leaders in the formulation of ideas about how volcanoes work.

The committee did not review individual VHP research projects, nor did it conduct an in-depth assessment of the research component of the program. However, the committee feels strongly that USGS management must ensure that most, if not all, basic research projects are directed toward program goals. Such assurance can come from internal USGS programmatic oversight and from careful structuring and enforcement of the annual performance plans of individual research scientists.

Basic research in the VHP is being threatened by budgetary and personnel constraints, which may diminish the program’s ability to meet appropriate scientific goals. One of the most important long-range issues that the VHP must face is deciding how central in-house basic research will be to its mission in the future. Such research is also being done at universities, government labs, and non-U.S. institutions. Thus, one might argue that the VHP could forgo its basic research activities without this having a major impact on the state of knowledge of volcanic processes. On the other hand, eliminating this program element altogether would likely damage the intellectual vitality of the VHP and make it more difficult (if not impossible) for the program to hire topflight young scientists. The committee believes that if the VHP is faced with continuing budget shortfalls, it could elect to reduce fundamental research activities and redirect scarce resources to monitoring and crisis response functions, which it is uniquely positioned to do (see Chapters 2 and 3 ). However, these savings would come at a high cost. The ability of

the VHP to respond to volcanic crises would be compromised by a lack of expertise in hazard assessment or volcano process studies.

One possible solution would be for VHP members to collaborate more on research projects with scientists outside the USGS, particularly those from universities and from laboratories of other government agencies. More active collaborations, coupled with an extramural grant program for academic researchers overseen partly or completely by the VHP, would help ensure that more investigations that are directly relevant to the program’s mission would be carried out.


Volcano hazard assessment aims to determine where and when future volcano hazards will occur and their potential severity. This kind of appraisal provides a long-term view of the locations and probabilities of large-scale eruptions and related phenomena, such as volcanic debris avalanches and tsunamis. The extensive range of hazards that must be evaluated requires the combined knowledge of a broad array of scientists, including geologists, hydrologists, geotechnical engineers, atmospheric physicists, and statisticians. Because assessment is inherently interdisciplinary, the VHP needs access to a very diverse set of expertise, either within its own ranks or through collaborations with outside groups.

Geologic mapping, stratigraphy, geochronology, and physical volcanology provide the backbone of volcanic hazard assessments by revealing past trends in eruption timing, volume, and explosivity. Historically the USGS has done an excellent job of incorporating geologic data into its assessments. The committee commends VHP efforts to integrate findings of geologic studies into volcanic hazard assessments. An ongoing challenge is to more effectively quantify geologic data in ways that optimize their use in such assessments.

Although mapping and dating of volcanic deposits can provide a good framework for hazard assessment, mechanical models of physical, chemical, and hydrologic processes help refine forecasts of the types and magnitudes of future eruptions. Both numerical models and laboratory simulations can relate the boundary conditions on a volcano to the likely consequences of any incipient eruptive activity. Although there has been some VHP participation in the development of these models, especially those related to hydrologic and sedimentologic phenomena, most have

been created by non-USGS scientists. The committee encourages the VHP to include more theoretical modeling of volcanic phenomena in its hazard assessments.

Because it is impossible to predict eruptive behavior with certainty, particularly for dormant volcanoes, most hazard assessments are inherently probabilistic in nature. Use of three approaches to hazard assessment—mapping and dating, theoretical modeling, and probability calculations—by the VHP reflects the training of its participants. Probabilistic approaches are relatively recent additions to the VHP assessment repertoire, but they have received more attention lately because of their obvious utility in communicating with civil defense authorities and the general public. The committee strongly encourages the VHP to develop a balanced assessment program that takes advantage of the full range of techniques available to volcanologists today.

Assessment priorities vary from observatory to observatory, reflecting local differences in the nature of the volcanic hazard and the expertise of the resident scientists and technicians. Volcanic ash interaction with jet aircraft poses the greatest danger from Alaskan volcanoes, because ingestion of ash can result in engine damage or failure. Although responsibilities for monitoring and crisis response in Alaska are shared among the VHP, the NWS, and the FAA, only AVO is capable of (1) establishing the historical context of future explosive eruptive activity, (2) providing advance warning of an impending eruption, and (3) conducting ground monitoring that can confirm an eruption is actually in progress. Because of the nature of these dangers, AVO has placed greater emphasis on monitoring and crisis response than on long-term hazard assessment. Only a few of the Alaskan volcanoes have even rudimentary hazard maps. The expense and logistical difficulties associated with access in Alaska preclude the kind of comprehensive mapping strategy carried out by CVO and HVO. Recent AVO-coordinated mapping campaigns at selected Alaskan volcanoes carried out by teams of USGS, other government, and university geoscientists have expanded the coverage of hazard assessment products. The committee concludes that basic yet rapid assessment of the eruptive histories of as many of the Aleutian volcanoes as possible is necessary to guide prioritization of the placement of instruments used to provide warnings to pilots and other nearby infrastructure.

If faced with a continued flat budget, the VHP must find ways to carry out its mission more efficiently. The committee recommends that

the VHP initiate a form of collaborative prioritization with respect to hazard assessment. This might include a broader application of the team approach now being used at AVO and CVO. In addition to prioritization, volcano hazard assessment within the VHP would be improved by greater consistency of data collection, storage, presentation, and interpretation.

To be effective, monitoring must be done before, during, and after eruptions and must be integrated with carefully designed communication schemes. It requires the type of long-term commitment of time and resources that academic and industry scientists generally cannot make. Furthermore, the quality of monitoring depends on the amount of experience of the participating scientists. For these reasons, the VHP is uniquely qualified within the United States to carry out volcano monitoring.

The combined seismic-deformation approach, which has traditionally been the core of VHP monitoring, tracks phenomena to provide ample warnings of impending eruptions on most volcanoes. The report Priorities for the Volcano Hazards Program 1999–2003 (USGS, 1999) argues for an expansion of some existing networks and upgrading of overall instrument capability. The committee endorses these plans because they are directly applicable to the scientific goals of the VHP and will help to achieve hazard mitigation.

Although there are pros and cons for making data available on a real-time or near real-time basis, the committee believes that the advantages of public access outweigh the disadvantages. The committee therefore recommends that VHP observatories take measures to make their data available on a near real-time basis.

The committee was favorably impressed by AVO’s attempts to install seismic networks (either large or small) on as many Aleutian volcanoes as possible. The committee believes that a team approach for monitoring and studying Aleutian volcanoes from various perspectives should be expanded in the near future so that AVO can provide airlines and other constituents with adequate advance warning of impending eruptions.

The collection of volcanic gas data is another essential monitoring tool that complements seismic and geodetic information. The committee was disturbed to learn of the paucity of gas geochemical expertise and utilization within the VHP. The program should reestablish in-house capacity to use and develop both conventional and novel methods for measuring and interpreting volcanic gases. New ground-based instruments for remote sensing of CO 2 and other gases are currently being developed outside the USGS. These instruments have major technical advantages over existing approaches used by the VHP. The committee believes that VHP scientists should be in the forefront of such efforts, either by obtaining this equipment themselves or by actively collaborating with groups who are developing these tools.

Although less prominent in the public’s awareness than lava flows or pyroclastic phenomena, mixtures of volcanic debris and water are among the most deadly products of volcanoes. Detection of volcanic debris flows (lahars) close to their sources can provide timely warnings to people in downstream areas. Over the next five years, the VHP plans to improve and field-test remote eruption detection stations for possible deployment in the western Aleutians and the Cascades. The committee supports this goal because it is relevant to the VHP mission to mitigate volcano hazards. The VHP should also explore ways to better monitor groundwater flow and pore pressures within volcanic edifices. This type of information could help establish the potential for phreatic and phreatomagmatic activity, sector collapse, and internal pressure buildups capable of generating explosive blasts. Such hydrologic monitoring warrants greater attention by the VHP. The incorporation of glacier budget studies as part of VHP monitoring on ice-clad volcanoes would also contribute to this goal.

Another VHP goal that the committee fully supports is the continued development of near real-time remote sensing of volcanoes and their associated ash clouds in areas that are difficult to access. Most of the VHP’s remote sensing work is centered at AVO, where satellite data are used to identify thermal anomalies and track eruption plumes and where inclement weather makes traditional observations of volcanoes more difficult. Remote sensing data are becoming integrated only slowly into the monitoring strategies of the other VHP observatories.

A new generation of EOS instruments is now providing potentially useful information for volcano monitoring (e.g., data on thermal regimes, SO 2 gas emissions, deformation, and digital topography). The committee

believes strongly that the VHP should take advantage of this opportunity to the fullest extent possible. In addition, the committee urges the USGS to work with NASA to argue in support of an InSAR satellite specifically designed for natural hazards monitoring .

The committee also considered the potential value to volcano monitoring of two existing remote sensing programs based outside the VHP, the Hazard Support System and the Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information. The classified nature of the data and the fact that military priorities control which observations are made mean that VHP personnel have limited access and must work through the DOD. This adds an extra bureaucratic layer of communication and interpretation, slowing responsiveness and potentially reducing the effectiveness of the monitoring effort. Second, these programs are very expensive. Thus, the CINDI and HSS initiatives run the risk of draining sparse resources away from the VHP for questionable returns. For these reasons, the committee cautions against greater involvement with CINDI and HSS unless and until better assurances can be obtained about data access and cost containment. A potentially less problematic alternative would be to establish closer ties with the nonclassified EOS program run by NASA.

Many volcanoes in the Cascades and several in Alaska lie within wilderness areas and other lands managed by the U.S. National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service. This situation creates a conflict between the need for effective monitoring in order to serve public interests and the desire to minimize mechanized access to the areas in question. High-level administrators within the USGS and other organizations must actively campaign to gain recognition that monitoring efforts require special attention and priority.


The transition from monitored volcanic activity to a volcanic crisis has as much to do with potential societal impact as with the nature of the eruptive phenomena. Within the United States, the USGS is expressly and uniquely empowered by the Stafford Act (Public Law 93–288) to issue timely warning of potential volcanic disasters to affected communities and civil authorities. Although not an explicitly mandated part of

its mission, the VHP has also developed an international crisis response capability, the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program.

Often, the most valuable asset for a scientist responding to a crisis is relevant prior experience. Because its members are exposed to a wide variety of eruption styles and settings, VDAP offers the most effective way to prepare VHP staff for future domestic crises. The present system for selecting non-VDAP members of the VHP to join foreign deployments appears too haphazard. The VHP should implement a more formal mechanism for participation in VDAP to see that as many people as possible are exposed to this type of training.

Another missed opportunity for expanding the training potential of foreign volcanic crisis responses comes from the inability of VDAP members to archive their observations. The success of VDAP should be measured not only in terms of mitigation of eruption impact, but also in terms of how well information and knowledge are disseminated in anticipation of future crises. This change of strategy might ensure greater access to data that could be used to prepare future crisis teams.

A related programmatic issue is how staff members balance their responsibilities. Even if assistance were provided for archiving and distributing data from volcanic crises, individual scientists still have to incorporate their experiences into the published scientific literature. The stated VHP goal of carefully documenting actual volcanic crises and responses is extremely important if the maximum information is to be obtained from any given eruption and is strongly endorsed by the committee. This issue demands close monitoring, coordination, and allocation of staff time by the relevant scientists in charge to ensure that such information is forthcoming.

In addition to the valuable staff training opportunities provided by VDAP missions, foreign responses also allow new hardware and software to be evaluated under crisis conditions. The technical development of new instrumentation requires field tests for accurate calibration. A consequence of continuing tight VHP budgets has been the growing obsolescence of much of the equipment used in crisis response. One way in which the VHP can extend its equipment budget is to partner with manufacturers and other government agencies that design new instruments. The committee encourages the VHP and VDAP to work more closely with NASA, DOE, DOD, and NOAA, as well as with NSF-funded consortia such as UNAVCO and IRIS, in the development of new in -

strumentation and approaches suitable for detecting the conditions within erupting volcanoes.

The current level of VDAP funding allows a maximum of one deployment at a time, leading to occasional difficult decisions about priorities when multiple crises occur almost simultaneously. The committee unconditionally supports the stated VHP desire to expand the size of the VDAP.


Currently the VHP has a large number of capable scientists. However, the almost total failure of the program to hire more than a token number of new personnel over the past 15 years has created a crisis of continuity in which much of the VHP’s accumulated knowledge is in danger of being lost because of upcoming retirements. Overlap of new staff with existing staff is essential for orderly transition of duties and transfer of knowledge, not only of volcanology and associated hydrology, but also of procedures for communicating with users of information. With the loss of personnel and no replacements, the domestic response capability is likely to collapse and programs such as VDAP could disappear. The committee believes that if the VHP does not begin to hire new staff immediately, the program will not be able to maintain response readiness. The committee suggests that the VHP begin planning for rejuvenation of its work force. This exercise should build upon the program’s strategic plan and should take into account the new areas of expertise that will be needed in the future.

The importance of technicians to the VHP in many ways equals that of scientists. These individuals have highly eclectic backgrounds and in many cases have participated in several decades’ worth of crisis response, especially as VDAP has expanded. The lack of hiring in this area seriously threatens the well-being of the program. Even if the number of VHP employees increases over the next few years, it will probably be insufficient to keep up with new techniques and with the increased flow of scientific knowledge that threatens to overwhelm the already overworked VHP staff. The resulting shortage means that the program will have to either reduce the scope of its mission or increase the pool of workers who can help them accomplish their goals. Because of this situation, the committee concludes that the VHP can no longer

accomplish all of its goals through in-house activities. The committee recommends that to accomplish its goals, the VHP increase its coordination and collaboration with researchers from other parts of the USGS, other federal agencies, academic institutions, and industry. The committee concludes that there is insufficient integration and communication between the VHP and other government entities involved in volcano hazards. The VHP should take steps to ensure that USGS management realizes that the overall scientific goals of the program would be enhanced by such interactions. The committee recommends that the VHP improve outside communication and better integrate its programs with those of other relevant organizations and government agencies. One place where this coordination appears to be working well is in the separation between the assessment of volcanic hazards carried out by the VHP and the development of responses to those hazards conducted by local civil defense officials.

The VHP’s Five-Year Science Plan for 1999 to 2003 outlines a wide array of program activities, ranging from volcano monitoring and crisis response to scientific outreach and information dissemination. If the VHP continues to be faced with flat budgets and limited staff growth, it must prioritize more clearly among these activities and see that they are consistent with stated program goals. The committee urges the VHP to put in place a more formal mechanism for prioritizing its activities and seeing that they are consistent with stated program goals.

Because most staff members of the VHP report to one of the scientists in charge of the four volcano observatories, these four individuals have special responsibilities for setting, assessing, enforcing, and coordinating prioritization across the program. In the observatory environment, volcano monitoring, hazard assessment, and communication with civil authorities may be most important, but during periods of volcano unrest and newly evolving activity, volcano crisis response assumes special priority.

A major issue that underlies any discussion of VHP priority setting and accountability is the lack of a clear and consistent management structure. Depending on his or her location and their inclination, an individual VHP scientist or technician might report to one of the four observatory scientists in charge, to the head of the Western Region in Menlo Park, to the local branch chief in Flagstaff, to the VHP coordinator in Reston, or to one of various administrators within the

Water Resources Division. The main drawback of the current complex structure is that it creates an institutional barrier to the emergence of strong leaders. This lack, in turn, makes individual staff members unsure about who sets their priorities and makes the VHP as a whole less influential within the prioritization and budget-setting processes of the USGS and the Department of the Interior.

An important aspect of priority setting relates to the timeliness of scientific publication. Scientific publication is an important end product of VHP research, not only for the needs of civil authorities but also for other scientists (both USGS and non-USGS) who benefit from additions to the literature on volcanoes and volcano products. The problem is particularly acute when unpublished studies involve volcano hazard assessments that could have a direct bearing on the safety of people and property. The committee urges that high priority be given to the timeliness of scientific publication.

From the late 1960s until Mount St. Helens erupted in May 1980, the GD administrated the VHP and carried out all programmatic investigations. Soon after the Mount St. Helens event, the VHP funded a number of WRD projects, and the two divisions worked together as a single team. In the 1980s, disagreements between the two divisions prompted the USGS director to partition the VHP into two parts. This division in effect created two programs, each staffed and operated separately, based on different floors of the same building. It is questionable whether the scientific investigations and results throughout the program are integrated as effectively as they could be. The VHP is a USGS program and should be operated in ways that foster seamless relationships among staff within the GD, and WRD. The committee recommends that USGS management integrate the GD and WRD parts of the VHP.

Standardization of data management protocols and formats across observatories and VDAP deployments is essential to improve access for the scientific community and others. The committee believes that the potential benefits of public access outweigh the possible drawbacks of data misuse. The committee recommends that the VHP set standards for documentation, archiving, and access policies, including the length of the proprietary period.

The United States has more than 65 active or potentially active volcanoes, more than those of all other countries except Indonesia and Japan. During the twentieth century, volcanic eruptions in Alaska, California, Hawaii, and Washington devastated thousands of square kilometers of land, caused substantial economic and societal disruption and, in some instances, loss of life. More than 50 U.S. volcanoes have erupted one or more times in the past 200 years. Recently, there have been major advances in our understanding of how volcanoes work. This is partly because of detailed studies of eruptions and partly because of advances in global communications, remote sensing, and interdisciplinary cooperation.

The mission of the Volcano Hazards Program (VHP) is to "lessen the harmful impacts of volcanic activity by monitoring active and potentially active volcanoes, assessing their hazards, responding to volcanic crises, and conducting research on how volcanoes work." To provide a fresh perspective and guidance to the VHP about the future of the program, the Geologic and Water Resources Divisions of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) requested that the National Research Council conduct an independent and comprehensive review.

Review of the U. S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program is organized around the three components of hazards mitigation. Chapter 2 deals with research and hazard assessment. Chapter 3 covers monitoring and Chapter 4 discusses crisis response and other forms of outreach conducted by the VHP. Chapter 5 describes various cross-cutting programmatic issues such as staffing levels, data formats, and partnerships. Chapter 6 offers a vision for the future of the Volcano Hazards Program, and Chapter 7 summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the preceding chapters. Throughout the report, major conclusions are printed in italics and recommendations in bold type.

The committee has written this report for several different audiences. The main audience is upper management within the USGS and the VHP. However, the committee believes that scientists within the VHP will also find the report valuable. The report is written in such a manner as to be useful to congressional staff as well.


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A volcano is an opening in a planet or moon’s crust through which molten rock and gases trapped under the surface erupt, often forming a hill or mountain.

Volcanic eruption

Volcanic eruptions can create colorful and dramatic displays, such as this eruption of this volcano in the Virunga Moutains of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Photograph by Chris Johns

Volcanic eruptions can create colorful and dramatic displays, such as this eruption of this volcano in the Virunga Moutains of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

A volcano is an opening in a planet or moon’s crust through which molten rock, hot gases, and other materials erupt . Volcanoes often form a hill or mountain as layers of rock and ash build up from repeated eruptions .

Volcanoes are classified as active, dormant, or extinct. Active volcanoes have a recent history of eruptions ; they are likely to erupt again. Dormant volcanoes have not erupted for a very long time but may erupt at a future time. Extinct volcanoes are not expected to erupt in the future.

Inside an active volcano is a chamber in which molten rock, called magma , collects. Pressure builds up inside the magma chamber, causing the magma to move through channels in the rock and escape onto the planet’s surface. Once it flows onto the surface the magma is known as lava .

Some volcanic eruptions are explosive, while others occur as a slow lava flow. Eruptions can occur through a main opening at the top of the volcano or through vents that form on the sides. The rate and intensity of eruptions, as well as the composition of the magma, determine the shape of the volcano.

Volcanoes are found on both land and the ocean floor. When volcanoes erupt on the ocean floor, they often create underwater mountains and mountain ranges as the released lava cools and hardens. Volcanoes on the ocean floor become islands when the mountains become so large they rise above the surface of the ocean.

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The Environmental Effects of Volcanoes: a Comprehensive Analysis

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Published: Mar 6, 2024

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Table of contents

Air pollution and climate change, positive effects of volcanic activity, mitigating the environmental impacts of volcanoes.

  • The release of gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere
  • Global cooling caused by volcanic ash blocking out sunlight
  • Contribution to air pollution and respiratory problems
  • Impact on climate change through the release of carbon dioxide
  • Creation of new landmasses supporting new ecosystems
  • Increased biodiversity on newly formed landmasses
  • Contribution to the formation of mineral deposits
  • Use of volcanic ash and rocks for various purposes
  • Close monitoring of volcanic activity to predict eruptions
  • Development of effective mitigation strategies
  • Reducing reliance on fossil fuels and supporting renewable energy sources
  • Protection of vulnerable ecosystems and biodiversity

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  • Four of the worst eruptions in history
  • Volcano forecasting and warning
  • Stratovolcanoes
  • Shield volcanoes
  • Submarine volcanoes
  • Complex volcanoes
  • Pyroclastic cones
  • Volcanic fields
  • Fissure vents
  • Other volcanic structures and features
  • Determinants of size and shape
  • Hot springs and geysers
  • Subduction volcanoes
  • Rift volcanoes
  • Intraplate volcanism
  • Volcanoes and geothermal energy
  • List of the world’s major volcanoes

Mount St. Helens volcano

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volcano , vent in the crust of Earth or another planet or satellite , from which issue eruptions of molten rock , hot rock fragments, and hot gases . A volcanic eruption is an awesome display of Earth’s power. Yet , while eruptions are spectacular to watch, they can cause disastrous loss of life and property, especially in densely populated regions of the world. Sometimes beginning with an accumulation of gas -rich magma (molten underground rock) in reservoirs near Earth’s surface, they can be preceded by emissions of steam and gas from small vents in the ground. Swarms of small earthquakes , which may be caused by a rising plug of dense, viscous magma oscillating against a sheath of more-permeable magma, may also signal volcanic eruptions, especially explosive ones. In some cases, magma rises in conduits to the surface as a thin and fluid lava , either flowing out continuously or shooting straight up in glowing fountains or curtains. In other cases, entrapped gases tear the magma into shreds and hurl viscous clots of lava into the air. In more violent eruptions, the magma conduit is cored out by an explosive blast, and solid fragments are ejected in a great cloud of ash-laden gas that rises tens of thousands of metres into the air. One feared phenomenon accompanying some explosive eruptions is the nuée ardente , or pyroclastic flow , a fluidized mixture of hot gas and incandescent particles that sweeps down a volcano’s flanks, incinerating everything in its path. Great destruction also can result when ash collects on a high snowfield or glacier , melting large quantities of ice into a flood that can rush down a volcano’s slopes as an unstoppable mudflow . ( See the table of the world’s major volcanoes by region.)

How volcanoes work, explained by a volcanologist

Strictly speaking, the term volcano means the vent from which magma and other substances erupt to the surface, but it can also refer to the landform created by the accumulation of solidified lava and volcanic debris near the vent. One can say, for example, that large lava flows erupt from Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii , referring here to the vent; but one can also say that Mauna Loa is a gently sloping volcano of great size, the reference in this case being to the landform. Volcanic landforms have evolved over time as a result of repeated volcanic activity. Mauna Loa typifies a shield volcano, which is a huge, gently sloping landform built up of many eruptions of fluid lava. Mount Fuji in Japan is an entirely different formation. With its striking steep slopes built up of layers of ash and lava, Mount Fuji is a classic stratovolcano . Iceland provides fine examples of volcanic plateaus , while the seafloor around Iceland provides excellent examples of submarine volcanic structures.

what is a good conclusion for volcanoes

Volcanoes figure prominently in the mythology of many peoples who have learned to live with eruptions, but science was late in recognizing the important role of volcanism in the evolution of Earth . As late as 1768, the first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica gave voice to a common misconception by defining volcanoes as “burning mountains, which probably are made up of sulphur and some other matter proper to ferment with it, and take fire.” Today geologists agree that volcanism is a profound process resulting from the thermal evolution of planetary bodies. Heat does not easily escape from large bodies such as Earth by the processes of conduction or radiation . Instead, heat is transferred from Earth’s interior largely by convection —that is, the partial melting of Earth’s crust and mantle and the buoyant rise of magma to the surface. Volcanoes are the surface sign of this thermal process. Their roots reach deep inside Earth, and their fruits are hurled high into the atmosphere .

what is a good conclusion for volcanoes

Volcanoes are closely associated with plate tectonic activity. Most volcanoes, such as those of Japan and Iceland, occur on the margins of the enormous solid rocky plates that make up Earth’s surface. Other volcanoes, such as those of the Hawaiian Islands, occur in the middle of a plate, providing important evidence as to the direction and rate of plate motion.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India. UNESCO World Heritage Site (minarets; Muslim, architecture; Islamic architecture; marble; mausoleum)

The study of volcanoes and their products is known as volcanology , but these phenomena are not the realm of any single scientific discipline . Rather, they are studied by many scientists from several specialties: geophysicists and geochemists , who probe the deep roots of volcanoes and monitor signs of future eruptions; geologists, who decipher prehistoric volcanic activity and infer the likely nature of future eruptions; biologists, who learn how plants and animals colonize recently erupted volcanic rocks; and meteorologists, who determine the effects of volcanic dust and gases on the atmosphere, weather , and climate .

what is a good conclusion for volcanoes

Clearly the destructive potential of volcanoes is tremendous. But the risk to people living nearby can be reduced significantly by assessing volcanic hazards, monitoring volcanic activity and forecasting eruptions, and instituting procedures for evacuating populations. In addition, volcanism affects humankind in beneficial ways. Volcanism provides beautiful scenery, fertile soils , valuable mineral deposits, and geothermal energy . Over geologic time , volcanoes recycle Earth’s hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Volcanic eruptions

Tungurahua Volcano Exploding.

Volcanoes, explained

These fiery peaks have belched up molten rock, hot ash, and gas since Earth formed billions of years ago.

Volcanoes are Earth's geologic architects. They've created more than 80 percent of our planet's surface, laying the foundation that has allowed life to thrive. Their explosive force crafts mountains as well as craters. Lava rivers spread into bleak landscapes. But as time ticks by, the elements break down these volcanic rocks, liberating nutrients from their stony prisons and creating remarkably fertile soils that have allowed civilizations to flourish.

There are volcanoes on every continent, even Antarctica. Some 1,500 volcanoes are still considered potentially active around the world today; 161 of those—over 10 percent—sit within the boundaries of the United States .

But each volcano is different. Some burst to life in explosive eruptions, like the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo , and others burp rivers of lava in what's known as an effusive eruption, like the 2018 activity of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano. These differences are all thanks to the chemistry driving the molten activity. Effusive eruptions are more common when the magma is less viscous, or runny, which allows gas to escape and the magma to flow down the volcano's slopes. Explosive eruptions, however, happen when viscous molten rock traps the gasses, building pressure until it violently breaks free.

How do volcanoes form?

The majority of volcanoes in the world form along the boundaries of Earth's tectonic plates—massive expanses of our planet's lithosphere that continually shift, bumping into one another. When tectonic plates collide, one often plunges deep below the other in what's known as a subduction zone .

As the descending landmass sinks deep into the Earth, temperatures and pressures climb, releasing water from the rocks. The water slightly reduces the melting point of the overlying rock, forming magma that can work its way to the surface—the spark of life to reawaken a slumbering volcano.

Not all volcanoes are related to subduction, however. Another way volcanoes can form is what's known as hotspot volcanism. In this situation, a zone of magmatic activity —or a hotspot—in the middle of a tectonic plate can push up through the crust to form a volcano. Although the hotspot itself is thought to be largely stationary, the tectonic plates continue their slow march, building a line of volcanoes or islands on the surface. This mechanism is thought to be behind the Hawaii volcanic chain .

Where are all these volcanoes?

Some 75 percent of the world's active volcanoes are positioned around the ring of fire , a 25,000-mile long, horseshoe-shaped zone that stretches from the southern tip of South America across the West Coast of North America, through the Bering Sea to Japan, and on to New Zealand.

This region is where the edges of the Pacific and Nazca plates butt up against an array of other tectonic plates. Importantly, however, the volcanoes of the ring aren't geologically connected . In other words, a volcanic eruption in Indonesia is not related to one in Alaska, and it could not stir the infamous Yellowstone supervolcano .

What are some of the dangers from a volcano?

Volcanic eruptions pose many dangers aside from lava flows. It's important to heed local authorities' advice during active eruptions and evacuate regions when necessary.

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One particular danger is pyroclastic flows, avalanches of hot rocks, ash, and toxic gas that race down slopes at speeds as high as 450 miles an hour . Such an event was responsible for wiping out the people of Pompeii and Herculaneum after Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79 .

Similarly, volcanic mudflows called lahars can be very destructive. These fast-flowing waves of mud and debris can race down a volcano's flanks, burying entire towns.

Ash is another volcanic danger. Unlike the soft, fluffy bits of charred wood left after a campfire, volcanic ash is made of sharp fragments of rocks and volcanic glass each less than two millimeters across. The ash forms as the gasses within rising magma expand, shattering the cooling rocks as they burst from the volcano's mouth. It's not only dangerous to inhale , it's heavy and builds up quickly. Volcanic ash can collapse weak structures, cause power outages, and is a challenge to shovel away post-eruption.

Can we predict volcanic eruptions?

Volcanoes give some warning of pending eruption, making it vital for scientists to closely monitor any volcanoes near large population centers. Warning signs include small earthquakes, swelling or bulging of the volcano's sides, and increased emission of gasses from its vents. None of those signs necessarily mean an eruption is imminent, but they can help scientists evaluate the state of the volcano when magma is building.

However, it's impossible to say exactly when, or even if, any given volcano will erupt. Volcanoes don't run on a timetable like a train. This means it's impossible for one to be “overdue” for eruption —no matter what news headlines say.

What is the largest eruption in history?

The deadliest eruption in recorded history was the 1815 explosion of Mount Tabora in Indonesia. The blast was one of the most powerful ever documented and created a caldera —essentially a crater—4 miles across and more than 3,600 feet deep. A superheated plume of hot ash and gas shot 28 miles into the sky, producing numerous pyroclastic flows when it collapsed.

The eruption and its immediate dangers killed around 10,000 people. But that wasn't its only impact. The volcanic ash and gas injected into the atmosphere obscured the sun and increased the reflectivity of Earth, cooling its surface and causing what's known as the year without a summer. Starvation and disease during this time killed some 82,000 more people, and the gloomy conditions are often credited as the inspiration for gothic horror tales, such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein .

Although there have been several big eruptions in recorded history, volcanic eruptions today are no more frequent than there were a decade or even a century ago. At least a dozen volcanoes erupt on any given day. As monitoring capacity for—and interest in—volcanic eruptions increases, coverage of the activity more frequently appears in the news and on social media. As Erik Klemetti, associate professor of geosciences at Denison University, writes in The Washington Post : “The world is not more volcanically active, we’re just more volcanically aware.”

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What are some benefits of volcanic eruptions?

Over geologic time, volcanic eruptions and related processes have directly and indirectly benefited mankind:

  • Volcanic materials ultimately break down and weather to form some of the most fertile soils on Earth, cultivation of which has produced abundant food and fostered civilizations.
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Science Projects on Hypothesis for Volcanoes

Volcanoes are popular science projects.

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Volcanoes have captured the imaginations of science-fair participants for generations. The fun of simulating oozing lava and creating volcanic-like explosions is undeniable. Volcanoes play an important role in the topographical and meteorological patterns of Earth’s past, present and future. The complex science of volcanoes lends itself to a variety of science-project hypotheses.

Amateur Volcanologist

Volcanologists study both active and dormant volcanoes, how they formed, and their current and historic activity. According to the University of Oregon, most of the work of the volcanologist happens in the laboratory, not at the edge of a red-hot volcano writhing with molten lava. In fact, investigating data and coming up with hypotheses is one of the most important jobs of a volcanologist.

Hazardous Volcanoes

Volcanic eruptions have many hazards, from lava flows to spewing ash. Determining where the most hazardous volcanoes are located in the world is a good project hypothesis. First, students would need to determine the main hazards of a volcano and consider factors such as human life, plant and animal life, air quality and damage to property. Data would need to be collected on volcanoes in different parts of the world and students would need to form conclusions based on the same criteria for each volcano.

Effects on Earth System

Throughout history, volcanoes have had a profound effect on Earth’s systems. Volcanoes have changed the topography of the world and even destroyed civilizations. The effects on Earth’s systems by volcanoes that are currently active are more subtle, but they can still have an impact. Choosing an active volcano and hypothesizing about its impact on the environment around it would make an interesting project. Students can consider the impact to air quality, plant life and even the weather.

Chemistry and Volcanoes

A visually pleasing volcano project involves simulating an eruption. The intensity of volcanic eruptions varies widely and students can hypothesize which type of chemical reactions could cause the biggest eruptions. For example, a project could hypothesize that yeast combined with hydrogen peroxide would create a bigger explosion than vinegar combined with baking soda. Students, with adult supervision, can mix different components to demonstrate the power of volcanic eruptions.

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About the Author

Beth Griesmer’s writing career started at a small weekly newspaper in Georgetown, Texas, in 1990. Her work has appeared in the “Austin-American Statesman,” “Inkwell” literary magazine and on numerous websites. Griesmer teaches middle school language arts and science in Austin, Texas.

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Volcanoes: Types, Importance, Pros and Cons

  • by Ahsen Soomro

Pros and Cons of Volcanoes

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Cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, facts about volcanoes, advantages of volcanoes, disadvantages of volcanoes, importance of volcanoes, what is a safe distance from volcanoes.

A volcano is a natural event that occurs when crust of a mass (planetary) object ruptures. In this case, Earth. This phenomenon allows escape of gases, volcanic ash, and hot lava from a magma chamber below the surface of the earth.

The earth’s crust is broken into 7 major tectonic plates that float on a hotter, softer layer in its mantle. Volcanoes are mostly found where convergence and divergence of tectonic plates occurs.

Volcanoes pose numerous hazards once erupted. The ash of the volcano may glue itself to flying aircraft, disrupting the operations of the turbine.  Historically , volcanoes have been associated with causing large-scale famines. An example of would be the violent eruption of Tambora Volcano in 1815 which killed around 100,000 people immediately after eruption.

Here we will look at some of the types of Volcanoes, a few facts, their importance and then we will be moving on to Advantages and Disadvantages of Volcanoes.

Types of Volcanoes

There are principally 4 Major kinds of Volcanoes

These are the simplest type of volcanoes, built from particles and blobs of lava ejected from a single vent (outlet). The gas-charged lava is blown violently into the atmosphere and breaks into small fragments that cool down in the air, solidify and fall as cinders around the vent; forming a circular or oval cone. The crater of these cinder cones is bow-shaped.

A volcanic crater is the dip formed in the ground after an eruption. This is usually where the vents are.

what is a good conclusion for volcanoes

The grandest mountains of the earth are composite volcanoes. Composite volcanoes are sometimes also referred to as strato-volcanoes. Composite volcanoes are typically steep-sided, symmetrical cones of large dimensions.

They consist of alternative layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and bombs rising up to 8000 feet above the base.

They are relatively small, bulbous (fat and round) masses of lava with high viscosity preventing it from flowing greater distances. Hence, upon release, the lava piles over and around the vent. The dome largely grows by expansion from within .

This pushes the outer surface to expand, cool, harden and eventually shatter. This shattering causes spillage of loose fragments down the sides of the volcano.

Shield volcanoes are built entirely from fluid lava flows. The flow after flow pours out in all directions from a main central summit vent or group of vents. They build up through collection of thousands of highly fluid lava flows called basaltic lave that helps it spread over great distances.

It then cools gently, forming sheets. Lava may also erupt from rift zones (fractures) that develop on flanks of the cone. Some of the largest volcanoes on our planets are shield cones.

  • Volcanoes are considered to be architects of the Earth
  • Volcanoes have created more than 80% of our planet’s surface, they have helped to lay the foundation that has allowed for human existence.
  • The volcanic rocks are broken down by elements, liberating nutrients that help in creating fertile soils on which cultivation can occur
  • Volcanoes are found on every continent including Antarctica
  • There are about 1,500 volcanoes that are still said to be active
  • 10% of the currently active volcanoes  are found in the United States
  • The volcanic ash is very harmful and exposure to it can lead to various respiratory diseases
  • The most common volcanic gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
  • The most common cause of death from volcanic eruption is suffocation
  • All volcanoes are unique. This is largely due to their chemistry translates to molten lava activity.

Volcanoes are a great part of nature that can destroy anything and everything once it erupts. However, it still has its advantages and residential areas can be established away (more than 10km) from active volcanoes to avoid human threats.

Improve Land Fertility

Volcanoes help to create fertile land for us. The volcanic soil is highly fertile and productive for plants. This is because the lava and ash of volcanoes are enriched with minerals. Once released, they are taken up by the soil helping in plant growth. Volcanic soil has greater water retention compared to normal soil and contains high level of phosphorous which is vital in plant growth.

what is a good conclusion for volcanoes

Collectively these factors make the volcanic soil more fertile, requiring less fertilizer and producing a higher yield.

Living near volcanoes safer than thought to be

Volcanoes are not always a threat to the people, if they’re living in the ‘low risk zone’ about 10km from it. Countries such as Japan, Italy, Philippines, and Indonesia have people living in close proximity to volcanoes. However, they use this to their advantage as the soil there is enriched with nutrients and minerals.

A glaring example of a town in ‘low risk zone’ from a volcano would be the city of Seattle.

Refuge for Plants and Animals

Volcanoes can provide a refuge for plants and animals due to their steep inclination. This helps in plants to find refuge in areas where humans have developed land nearby volcanoes. It is now thought that volcanoes may have provided refuge for plants and animals after the Ice Age as well.

New layers of land

The lava from volcanoes is constantly a source of providing and adding new land. Currently, active volcanoes around the world include Mount Unzen in Japan, Etna Volcano in Italy, Maunaloa and Kilauea in Hawaii.

Carbon Cycle Regulation

Before humans started burning massive amounts of fossil fuels and were exceeding the planet’s carbon limits, volcanoes played a pivotal role in contributing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is one of the major reactants required by plants to carry out photosynthesis.

Volcanoes can be a source of providing carbon balance to our planet. They may also help in keeping our planet warm and preventing it from freezing.

Provide Water to the Atmosphere

Volcanoes help in providing the planet with water, one of the major resources that are required by our planet which is rapidly deteriorating. In fact, about 75-95% of gases emitted upon eruption of a volcano are water vapor.

Provides Sulfur

Volcanoes contribute a large amount of sulfur dioxide levels to the earth. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the human body. It helps to build proteins in humans as well as various other organisms.

Sulfur dioxide emitted from the volcanoes are preventing global temperatures from rising too high, slowing down 25% global warming potential of greenhouse gases from 2000-2010.

Large-scale destruction

Volcanoes are associated with wide-scale destruction if large volcanic eruptions take place. The lava from these eruptions may flow into the city causing massive infrastructure damage and deaths. Many people have even suffered deaths due to volcanic blasts. This may lead to people being homeless, requiring aid and assistance for their survival.

Fear of Eruption

People may choose not to live near volcanoes as there is a constant fear of volcanoes erupting anytime. Therefore the area around the volcano may be devoid of humans, even if it is highly fertile and people want to develop it.

Harmful Gases

Volcanoes produce various gases. These gases are quite harmful if inhaled by humans, leading to various respiratory diseases of the lungs such as asthma. These gases, even at low levels, may cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat and at higher levels can cause tachypnea, dizziness, swelling, headache as well as suffocation.

Volcanic ash is also associated with various respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD and emphysema. Silica, a part of the volcanic ash, causes silicosis if there is prolonged exposure.

Carbon Dioxide – Global Warming

Although volcanoes act as carbon cycle regulators, the carbon dioxide gas is a major cause of the greenhouse effect which aggravates global warming. This has led to various changes in the weather patterns around the region of volcanoes.

Habitat loss and Destruction

Wildlife has been affected as well. Volcanoes have caused habitat loss of various animals, causing them to look for new habitats in order to survive. However, some may become fragmented due to difficulty in finding new habitats and eventually get endangered. Just like humans, animals also fall victim to volcanic lava and blasts directly, leading to their death.

what is a good conclusion for volcanoes

It’s true that usual perception of people about volcanoes revolves around it being a natural disaster. But that’s like saying ‘sugar causes diabetes’ without ever looking at its benefits. Just like sugar is an important part of our diet, Volcanoes also positively contribute to the health of our planet and very significant.

The ashes of the volcanoes are natural fertilizers for our plants and soil as they contain various beneficial minerals. They create air spaces inside the soil, helping to insulate plants and reduce extreme temperature changes.

Even though the slopes of the volcanoes are considered to be inaccessible and dangerous due to them being steep, they still allow for fruitful plant growth and habitation for animals in locations uninterrupted by human intervention.

Volcanoes are a source of geothermal energy which is one of the renewable energy resources becoming increasingly popular nowadays. This is due to the internal heat generated by volcanoes can be utilized to produce electricity. The environment of volcanoes having a hydrothermal component allows them to be a valuable source of geothermal energy.

However, much of the thermal energy associated with volcanoes radiates from magma which cannot be exploited as of now unfortunately. This is due to the fact that it would involve drilling and various other processes to provide a minimal amount of energy in return.

Early volcanic emissions have contributed to formation of the aerobic atmosphere by release of carbon dioxide and water vapor. The water vapor then comes back to ground in the form of rain, and is believed to be a major source of water for the formation of our oceans.

Additionally, volcanoes help to keep the planet’s temperature warm enough so that life can be suitable without extracting heat from its interior.

A safe distance from active volcanoes is 5km and greater. Beyond 5kms, the major threats are volcanic ash and harmful gases. Breathing in just a few particles once or twice will cause irritation or trigger allergies but will not be very harmful.

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Ahsen Soomro

My love for nature is not newfound. I have lived on the countryside for over a decade of my life where I realized how human activities impacted the environment. Later during my stint in medical school, I realized that many of our health concerns originate from neglecting our environmental responsibilities and this was just not sustainable in the long run. Raising awareness, not locally but globally, was the mission. This led to the foundation of EnvironmentBuddy!

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Essay On The Volcano – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On The Volcano For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the volcano for kids, a paragraph on the volcano for children, short essay on volcano in 200 words for kids, long essay on volcano for children, interesting facts about volcanoes for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

A volcano is a mountain formed through an opening on the Earth’s surface and pushes out lava and rock fragments through that. It is a conical mass that grows large and is found in different sizes. Volcanoes in Hawaiian islands are more than 4000 meters above sea level, and sometimes the total height of a volcano may exceed 9000 meters, depending on the region it is found. Here you will know and learn how to write an essay on a volcano for classes 1, 2 & 3 kids. We will cover writing tips for your essay on a volcano in English and some fun facts about volcanoes in general.

Volcanoes are formed as a result of natural phenomena on the Earth’s surface. There are several types of volcanoes, and each may emit multiple gases. Below are some key points to remember when writing an essay on a volcano:

  • Start with an introduction about how volcanoes are formed. How they impact the Earth, what they produce, and things to watch out for.
  • Discuss the different types of volcanoes and talk about the differences between them.
  • Cover the consequences when volcanoes erupt and the extent of the damage on Earth.
  • Write a conclusion paragraph for your essay and summarise it. 

When writing a few lines on a volcano, it’s crucial to state interesting facts that children will remember. Below are 10 lines on volcanoes for an essay for classes 1 & 2 kids.

  • Some volcanoes erupt in explosions, and then some release magma quietly.
  • Lava is hot and molten red in colour and cools down to become black in colour. 
  • Hot gases trapped inside the Earth are released when a volcano erupts.
  • A circle of volcanoes is referred to as the ‘Ring of Fire.’
  • Volcano formations are known as seismic activities.
  • Active volcanoes are spread all across the earth. 
  • Volcanoes can remain inactive for thousands of years and suddenly erupt.
  • Most volcanic eruptions occur underwater and result from plates diverging from the margins.
  • Volcanic hazards happen in the form of ashes, lava flows, ballistics, etc.
  • Volcanic regions have turned into tourist attractions such as the ones in Hawaii.

Volcanoes can be spotted at the meeting points of tectonic plates. Like this, there are tons of interesting facts your kids can learn about volcanoes. Here is a short paragraph on a volcano for children:

A volcano can be defined as an opening in a planet through which lava, gases, and molten rock come out. Earthquake activity around a volcano can give plenty of insight into when it will erupt. The liquid inside a volcano is called magma (lava), which can harden. The Roman word for the volcano is ‘vulcan,’ which means God of Fire. Earth is not the only planet in the solar system with volcanoes; there is one on Mars called the Olympus Mons. There are mainly three types of volcanoes: active, dormant, and extinct. Some eruptions are explosive, and some happen as slow-flowing lava.

Small changes occur in volcanoes, determining if the magma is rising or not flowing enough. One of the common ways to forecast eruptions is by analysing the summit and slopes of these formations. Below is a short essay for classes 1, 2, & 3:

As a student, I have always been curious about volcanoes, and I recently studied a lot about them. Do you know? Krakatoa is a volcano that made an enormous sound when it exploded. Maleo birds seek refuge in the soil found near volcanoes, and they also bury their eggs in these lands as it keeps the eggs warm. Lava salt is a popular condiment used for cooking and extracted from volcanic rocks. And it is famous for its health benefits and is considered superior to other forms of rock or sea salts. Changes in natural gas composition in volcanoes can predict how explosive an eruption can be. A volcano is labelled active if it constantly generates seismic activity and releases magma, and it is considered dormant if it has not exploded for a long time. Gas bubbles can form inside volcanoes and blow up to 1000 times their original size!

Volcanic eruptions can happen through small cracks on the Earth’s surface, fissures, and new landforms. Poisonous gases and debris get mixed with the lava released during these explosions. Here is a long essay for class 3 kids on volcanoes:

Lava can come in different forms, and this is what makes volcanoes unique. Volcanic eruptions can be dangerous and may lead to loss of life, damaging the environment. Lava ejected from a volcano can be fluid, viscous, and may take up different shapes. 

When pressure builds up below the Earth’s crust due to natural gases accumulating, that’s when a volcanic explosion happens. Lava and rocks are shot out from the surface to make room on the seafloor. Volcanic eruptions can lead to landslides, ash formations, and lava flows, called natural disasters. Active volcanoes frequently erupt, while the dormant ones are unpredictable. Thousands of years can pass until dormant volcanoes erupt, making their eruption unpredictable. Extinct volcanoes are those that have never erupted in history.

The Earth is not the only planet in the solar system with volcanoes. Many volcanoes exist on several other planets, such as Mars, Venus, etc. Venus is the one planet with the most volcanoes in our solar system. Extremely high temperatures and pressure cause rocks in the volcano to melt and become liquid. This is referred to as magma, and when magma reaches the Earth’s surface, it gets called lava. On Earth, seafloors and common mountains were born from volcanic eruptions in the past.

What Is A Volcano And How Is It Formed?

A volcano is an opening on the Earth’s crust from where molten lava, rocks, and natural gases come out. It is formed when tectonic plates shift or when the ocean plate sinks. Volcano shapes are formed when molten rock, ash, and lava are released from the Earth’s surface and solidify.

Types Of Volcanoes

Given below various types of volcanoes –

1. Shield Volcano

It has gentle sliding slopes and ejects basaltic lava. These are created by the low-viscosity lava eruption that can reach a great distance from a vent.

2. Composite Volcano (Strato)

A composite volcano can stand thousands of meters tall and feature mudflow and pyroclastic deposits.

3. Caldera Volcano

When a volcano explodes and collapses, a large depression is formed, which is called the Caldera.

4. Cinder Cone Volcano

It’s a steep conical hill formed from hardened lava, tephra, and ash deposits.

Causes Of Volcano Eruptions

Following are the most common causes of volcano eruptions:

1. Shifting Of Tectonic Plates

When tectonic plates slide below one another, water is trapped, and pressure builds up by squeezing the plates. This produces enough heat, and gases rise in the chambers, leading to an explosion from underwater to the surface.

2. Environmental Conditions

Sometimes drastic changes in natural environments can lead to volcanoes becoming active again.

3. Natural Phenomena

We all understand that the Earth’s mantle is very hot. So, the rock present in it melts due to high temperature. This thin lava travels to the crust as it can float easily. As the area’s density is compromised, the magma gets to the surface and explodes.

How Does Volcano Affect Human Life?

Active volcanoes threaten human life since they often erupt and affect the environment. It forces people to migrate far away as the amount of heat and poisonous gases it emits cannot be tolerated by humans.

Here are some interesting facts:

  • The lava is extremely hot!
  • The liquid inside a volcano is known as magma. The liquid outside is called it is lava.
  • The largest volcano in the solar system is found on Mars.
  • Mauna Loa in Hawaii is the largest volcano on Earth.
  • Volcanoes are found where tectonic plates meet and move.

Your child will learn a lot about how Earth works and why volcanoes are classified as natural disasters, what are their types and how they are formed.

Now that you know enough about volcanoes, you can start writing the essay. For more information on volcanoes, be sure to read and explore more.

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Attitudes and Persuasion Lab

What Happened to Nuance in Political Debates?

One-sided political opinions can be more popular than more balanced views...

Posted June 27, 2024 | Reviewed by Hara Estroff Marano

  • Ambivalent political opinions are unpopular with those on the same side of the issue.
  • Meanwhile, people on the opposite side are often relatively indifferent.
  • The two responses act as a disincentivie to expressing nuanced political views.


By Joseph J. Siev, Aviva Philipp-Muller, Geoffrey Durso, and Duane T. Wegener

Surveys show that tens of millions of Americans have nuanced opinions on political issues. Yet, political discourse remains more polarized than ever. How can this be?

Part of the explanation is news coverage and social media algorithms that promote extreme content, making it seem like more people hold extreme views than actually do .

But media biases are not entirely to blame. In new research published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , we explored another possible reason nuanced opinions are underrepresented in political debates: Nuance is disincentivized because it can ultimately reduce a person’s popularity.

Our research focused on perceptions of people who express ambivalent political opinions, acknowledging good points on both sides of the issue, while still taking an overall position.

We thought ambivalent people might pay a price in terms of popularity. In other words, when people express ambivalent opinions, others might like and respect them less than they like those with one-sided opinions.

This could help explain the “ death of nuance ” in political discourse. It might also help revive it.

Endorsing Both Sides, Pleasing Neither

Participants began our studies by filling out a survey about COVID-19 mask mandates, immigration to the U.S., or capital punishment . The survey measured agreement with different reasons to take one side versus the other. This told us which side participants were on—for example, supporting versus opposing mask mandates—and whether they held their views with more or less ambivalence.

We then showed them another person’s responses to the same survey. Crucially, we randomly determined what that person’s responses were. Each participant rated one of four types of people:

  • Type #1: Took the same side as participants and were not ambivalent; all their responses agreed with the participant’s overall position.
  • Type #2: Took the same side as participants overall but were ambivalent; they agreed somewhat with the opposing side’s arguments, despite coming to the same conclusion participants did.
  • Type #3: Took the opposing side from participants, without expressing any ambivalence.
  • Type #4: Took the opposing side and were ambivalent, agreeing somewhat with arguments on participants’ side despite coming to the opposite conclusion.

We then assessed how much participants liked the other person, how trustworthy and intelligent they seemed, and how interested they would be in meeting them.

We found that people rated the ambivalent (vs. not ambivalent) types less positively. Overall, expressing ambivalence had social costs—not benefits.

This is troubling because it suggests there is a social disincentive against expressing nuanced opinions on political issues.

Still, there are nuances to the story.

Not Polarized Enough

Not everyone liked ambivalent types less than non-ambivalent types. It was mainly political in-group members—people who agreed with the target’s overall position on the issue (#2).

This could be for a few reasons. For example, people might think ambivalent in-group members are not committed to the group’s position. Or, they might suspect ambivalent in-group members are trying to “play both sides” or are otherwise confused or ignorant.

We see these kinds of dynamics in the real world when progressives accuse journalists of “both-sides-ing” and when Trump-supporters accuse moderate Republicans of being “ RINOs .”

Taking nuanced stances on political issues is not the easiest path to popularity.

If You're Wrong, You're Wrong

We thought there might be benefits to expressing ambivalence when it comes to political out-group members, though, because ambivalence creates some common ground between people on opposite sides of the issue. This could balance things out for ambivalent people. Even if ambivalence creates some tension with in-group members, expressing ambivalence might help people reach across the political aisle.

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But in our research, there was little evidence to support this possibility. When the participants in our studies took positions on the opposite side of the issue, whether they were ambivalent did not affect how much people liked them.

So, there was not much benefit for out-group members to offset the costs for in-group members.


The unpopularity of ambivalent opinions is not a law of nature. Our participants were American, but people from different cultural backgrounds might view ambivalence differently. Ambivalence might also be more popular when it is quite common or expected , which might be true for certain political topics. And, how people express their ambivalence could matter, such as whether it makes them passive or drives them to be politically engaged .

Some research suggests that one case where expressing ambivalence can be positive is when attempting to persuade people who are opposed to one’s view but have strong attitudes (e.g., are highly certain of their position, strongly identified with it).

On the other hand, our findings likely apply to a range of situations—perhaps even beyond politics. Ambivalence about sports rivals like the Bears and Packers might not go over well with die-hard Bears and Packers fans. Similarly for consumers loyal to products like iOS and Android. So, the results also seem relevant to marketing and consumer behavior .

Ultimately, by understanding the social incentives for and against expressing ambivalent opinions, we can find ways to foster more nuanced and constructive political discourse.

Siev, Joseph J., Aviva Philipp-Muller, Geoffrey R. O. Durso, and Duane T. Wegener (2024), Endorsing both sides, pleasing neither: Ambivalent individuals face unexpected social costs in political conflicts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 114 , 104631. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2024.104631

Attitudes and Persuasion Lab

The Attitudes and Persuasion Lab at The Ohio State University, directed by Richard Petty and Duane Wegener, focuses on the factors responsible for changes in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

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Extreme heat waves aren't 'just summer': How climate change is heating up the weather, and what we can do about it

by Mathew Barlow and Jeffrey Basara, The Conversation

Extreme heat waves aren't 'just summer': How climate change is heating up the weather, and what we can do about it

The heat wave that left more than 100 million people sweating across the eastern U.S. in June 2024 hit so fast and was so extreme that forecasters warned a flash drought could follow across wide parts of the region.

Prolonged high temperatures can quickly dry soils, triggering a rapid onset drought that can affect agriculture, water resources and energy supplies. Many regions under the June heat dome quickly developed abnormally dry conditions .

The human impacts of the heat wave have also been widespread. In Ohio and Pennsylvania, emergency room visits for heat-related illnesses surged. Several Massachusetts schools without air conditioning closed to protect kids and teachers. In New York and New Jersey, electric wires sagged in the heat , shutting down trains into and out of New York City and leaving commuters stranded.

We study weather patterns involving heat . The June 2024 heat wave was unusually early and long-lasting compared with typical patterns for the Northeast U.S.

It was caused by a large high-pressure system called a heat dome that extended from the ground more than 10 miles up through the atmosphere. A heat dome is both a cause and an effect of extreme heat . Very large and strong heat domes, like the Northeast event—which reached higher into the atmosphere than any previous June event—have a greater potential for higher temperatures impacting more people.

It was also part of a global outbreak of early season heat that put lives at risk in many countries around the world.

Extreme heat waves aren't 'just summer': How climate change is heating up the weather, and what we can do about it

Heat is becoming a global problem

Record heat has hit several countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia in 2024. In Mexico and Central America, weeks of persistent heat, with temperatures as high as 125°F (51.8°C), combined with prolonged drought have led to severe water shortages and dozens of deaths .

Extreme heat turned into tragedy in Saudi Arabia as over 1,000 people on the Hajj , a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, collapsed and died. Temperatures reached 125°F (51.8°C) at the Grand Mosque in Mecca on June 17.

In Greece, where temperatures were over 100°F (38°C) for several straight days in June, at least several tourists died or were feared dead after going hiking in dangerous heat and humidity.

India also faced temperatures around 120°F (49°C) for days in April and May that affected millions of people, many of them without air conditioning.

The climate connection: This isn't normal

Although heat waves are a natural part of the climate, the severity and extent of the heat waves so far this year are not "just summer."

A scientific assessment of the U.S. heat wave estimates that heat this severe and long-lasting was two to four times more likely to occur today because of human-caused climate change than it would have been without it. This conclusion is consistent with the rapid increase over the past several decades in the number of U.S. heat waves and their occurrence outside the peak of summer.

These record heat waves are happening in a climate that's globally about 2.2°F (1.2°C) warmer than it was before the industrial revolution, when humans began releasing large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions that warm the climate.

Extreme heat waves aren't 'just summer': How climate change is heating up the weather, and what we can do about it

While a temperature difference of a degree or two when you walk into a different room might not even be noticeable, even fractions of a degree make a large difference in the global climate.

At the peak of the last ice age, some 20,000 years ago, when the Northeast U.S. was under thousands of feet of ice, the globally averaged temperature was only 10.8°F (6°C) cooler than now. So, it is not surprising that 2.2°F (1.2°C) of warming so far is already rapidly changing the climate.

Countries promised in 2015 as part of the Paris Agreement to keep warming well under 2°C, but current government policies around the world won't meet those goals . Temperatures are on pace to continue rising, with the increase likely to more than double again by the end of the century.

If you thought this was hot

While this summer is likely be one of the hottest on record, it is important to realize that it may also be one of the coldest summers of the future.

For populations that are especially vulnerable to heat, including young children, older adults and outdoor workers, the risks are even higher. People in lower-income neighborhoods where air conditioning may be unaffordable and renters who often don't have the same protections for cooling as heating will face increasingly dangerous conditions.

Extreme heat waves aren't 'just summer': How climate change is heating up the weather, and what we can do about it

Extreme heat can also affect economies. It can buckle railroad tracks and cause wires to sag, leading to transit delays and disruptions . It can also overload electric systems with high demand and lead to blackouts just when people have the greatest need for cooling.

The good news: There are solutions

Yes, the future in a warming world is daunting. However, countries have made significant progress. In the U.S., the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act has the potential to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by nearly half by 2035 .

Switching air conditioners to heat pumps and network geothermal systems can not only reduce fossil fuel emissions but also provide cooling at a lower cost. The cost of renewable energy continues to plummet, and many countries are increasing policy support and incentives .

There is much that humanity can do to limit future warming if countries, companies and people everywhere act with urgency . Rapidly reducing fossil fuel emissions can help avoid a warmer future with even worse heat waves and droughts, while also providing other benefits, including improving public health, creating jobs and reducing risks to ecosystems.

Provided by The Conversation

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How To Make A Volcano

A volcano is one of the most unique natural occurrences of the planet earth. Further, the entire phenomenon is a dangerously beautiful sight that has been one of the most researched topics for climatologists and scientists worldwide. Moreover, some of the most iconic mountain peaks strewn all over the world are home to volcanoes that caused incidences of great historical and geographical importance since Planet Earth came into existence. Thus, we will learn how to make a volcano in this article.

how to make a volcano

Introduction to How to Make a Volcano

To understand the chemistry behind a Volcanic eruption, one needs to first understand how the eruption occurs. Thus, to make the process of Volcanic eruption easy to understand, one can conduct a very easy experiment using simple products readily available at home.

What Do you Need for the Experiment?

The experiment consists of two components:

  • The apparatus for the experiment
  • The compounds for the Volcanic eruption

Apparatus required –

  • 1-litre plastic bottle
  • Strips of newspapers
  • Mixing Bowl to mix glue and paper mache for the conical peak

Volcanic compounds –

  • Bicarbonate Soda
  • Food colour (orange and yellow)

how to make a volcano

Experimental Procedure of How to Make a Volcano

The apparatus.

The plastic bottle is precisely cut along the middle and shaped into a conical form like a volcanic peak. Secure the cone in place with the cello tape firmly. For a better and more homogeneous look, glue the paper strips to the bottle design. Finally, it gets a proper conical shape like a mountain peak.

It is double ensured that the base of the conical-shaped bottle is well secured. Seal it by using tapes for extra protection. Now, wait for the glued papers are dry and the bottle to be stable enough to not wobble on a flat surface when you place it. Finally, it is time to create lava.

To add a bit of a more realistic appeal to the experiment, one can give a nice rough shape and appearance to the conical peak. Thus, take paper mache and glue mix and also colour the peak well. Black and brown are the perfect colour backdrop for a lava flow to look prominent.

The Lava compound

Approximately 4 to 5 tablespoons of Bicarbonate soda is ideal for the experiment. First, mix the food colour with vinegar and keep it aside.

The Process

Using a funnel drop the bicarbonate soda evenly at the bottom of the container. Once they are evenly distributed it’s time for the most crucial segment. The main catalyst of the volcanic reaction i.e the Vinegar.

Using the same funnel quickly pour the dyed vinegar into the bottle and remove the funnel as soon as possible.

The Observation

Within a few seconds of interaction between the bicarbonate powder and the vinegar solution, there is a massive effervescence that causes the excessive coloured foam to erupt out and flow alongside the conical body of the mountain lookalike bottle.

The Conclusion of the Experiment on How to Make a Volcano

Even though the experiment doe not reenacts the exact volcanic reaction that occurs naturally. However, it gives a basic idea about what Lava looks like when it erupts.

Facts about Volcanoes

Volcanic eruptions can occur both on land and water. Moreover, the pacific ring of fire is a famous geological hotspot. It consists of volcanic locations both on the surface as well as underwater.

Magma is the actual compound that is present deep inside the earth’s surface which on eruption is called Lava.

There are over 1500 volcanoes all around the world. While some are dormant, there are many that are active and are in a constant state of eruption.

Magma reaches the surface and erupts into hot liquid lava through the lava tubes that run from the Earth’s magma to the surface.

Causes of Volcanic Eruption

A volcanic eruption can occur due to many reasons. Some of the primary reasons for volcanic eruptions include

  • Tectonic plate shift
  • Increased liquefied gaseous remnants in the magma
  • Excessive rise in the temperature melts the rocks causing overflowing into the lava tubes.

FAQ on How to Make a Volcano

Question 1: What are the effects of Volcanic Eruption?

Answer 1: In addition to excessive spewing of poisonous gases and substances on the surface, Volcanic eruption can cause massive destruction in form of lives as well as infrastructure.

Question 2: Is volcanic eruption harmful?

Answer 2: Volcanic eruption brings numerous harmful gaseous compounds to the surface along with hot bubbling chemicals. Moreover, the lava has a drastically high melting temperature that can cause severe damage. In addition, the lighter solid particles can flow for hundreds of miles and cause breathing and skin problems in humans and wildlife alike.

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Blast Blockchain: What It Is and Why It’s on the Rise

Fast transactions, low fees, and native yield: Find out what’s behind Blast’s meteoric rise to Layer-2 with the second highest TVL.

2024 06 28 What Is Blast Kv

Key Takeaways

  • By leveraging optimistic rollup technology, Blast offers fast and cheap transactions while maintaining the security of the Ethereum mainnet.
  • Blast’s native token BLAST airdropped on 26 June 2024.
  • With over $1.65 billion in TVL, Blast now ranks as the sixth-largest blockchain globally, and the second largest Layer-2.
  • Blast Blockchain comes with a native yield offering, providing passive income to holders of ETH and stablecoins without the need for traditional staking.


The Blast Blockchain, an Ethereum Layer-2 ( L2 ) scaling solution, has recently captured significant attention, as it became the L2 with the second-highest total value locked (TVL) . Below, we explore what makes the Blast Blockchain stand out and its future prospects.

What Is the Blast Blockchain?

Designed to enhance scalability and efficiency, the Blast Blockchain is an Ethereum Virtual Machine ( EVM )-compatible optimistic rollup solution built on Ethereum . Launched in November 2023 by the team behind Blur, a leading NFT marketplace, Blast has quickly gained traction due to its innovative approach to native yield generation on the Layer-2 (L2). 

Blast currently is the fastest growing chain of all time. Within 6 months of launch, over 200 dapps were launched on Blast, with $2B in dapp TVL. This makes Blast the 6 th largest onchain economy. According to their Q2 report , the chain had 1.5 million users in Q2 2024. Blast is the only blockchain to come with its own native stablecoin, USDB . The coin is yield-bearing – we will get into the details of earning yield on Blast below. First, let’s understand why Blast transactions are faster and cheaper than on the Etherum main chain.

Optimistic Rollup Technology

As an optimistic rollup, Blast executes transactions off-chain and bundles them in large batches before posting transaction data on Ethereum. Optimistic rollups assume these transactions are valid unless proven otherwise through a fraud-proof mechanism. 

This allows for faster and cheaper transactions while leveraging the Ethereum blockchain for security. Optimistic rollups are one of the most promising solutions for scaling Ethereum, and Blast leverages this technology to enhance user experience and network efficiency.

Learn more about Ethereum L2s and optimistic rollups.

Why Is Blast So Successful?

Fast transactions.

Blast achieves Enhanced Transaction Speed by batching transactions, enabling it to process thousands of transactions per second ( TPS ), a substantial enhancement compared to the Ethereum mainnet’s capacity of around 15 TPS. This increased speed significantly reduces transaction confirmation times, resulting in a smoother and more responsive user experience. 

Additionally, Blast offers drastically reduced transaction fees, as the efficiency gains from optimistic rollups lead to lower transaction fees. Users can expect to pay a fraction of the fees incurred on the Ethereum mainnet, making Blast a more cost-effective option for everyday transactions.

Native Yield Feature

One of the standout features of Blast is its native yield offering. Unlike traditional staking mechanisms that require users to lock their assets in specific protocols, Blast provides passive income directly to holders of ETH and stablecoins. This feature is expected to set Blast apart from other L2 solutions by offering a more seamless and user-friendly way to earn returns on assets.

Blast also offers an auto rebasing mechanism for the native yield feature. With auto rebasing, a user’s native ETH and USDB balances are adjusted directly on Blast to reflect the yield generated from staking ETH on Layer-1 (L1) and MakerDAO ‘s T-Bills (for USDB). In other words, there’s no need for users to actively stake or participate in consensus mechanisms for rewards.

High Total Value Locked (TVL)

Blast’s rapid rise in TVL is a testament to its popularity and trust within the decentralised finance ( DeFi ) community. As of Q2 2024, Blast surpassed $1.65 billion in TVL , making it the second-largest L2 blockchain by this metric. This growth is driven primarily by users locking their assets in anticipation of future rewards and airdrops, like the initial token airdrop that happened on June 26 2024.

How to Earn Yield on Blast

Blast aims to provide a passive income stream to its users through yield generation to incentivise users for holding and using digital assets on its platform. 

Blast offers an interest rate of 4% on ETH, and 5% on stablecoins like USDC , USDT , and DAI . These aren’t the highest yields on the market, but it’s important to note that users don’t need to stake anything. People earn interest simply by having these assets in their wallet.

Blast’s Yield Generation Mechanism

Blast distinguishes itself with the introduction of native yield for Ether ( ETH ) and various stablecoins like USDC , USDT , and DAI . This feature is designed to enable these assets to automatically generate yield once they are transferred, or ‘ bridged ’, to the Blast ecosystem. 

The mechanism behind this yield generation involves two primary components:

  • ETH Staking: Ethereum holders can lock up their ETH to support the network’s operation and security. In return, they receive rewards in the form of additional ETH. In Blast’s framework, this staking yield is directly passed back to the users.
  • On-Chain Treasury Bill (T-Bill) Protocols: When stablecoins are bridged to Blast, users receive USDB, Blast’s stablecoin. The yield for USDB comes from MakerDAO’s on-chain T-Bill protocols. The protocol works similarly to traditional treasury bills, offering a return over a set period. The yield generated is then distributed to the users.

The BLAST Token Airdrop

Blast, ticker symbol BLAST, has a total token supply of 100 billion. Of this, 25.5% will go to core contributors to the network, 16.5% to network’s investors, 8% to the Blast Foundation, while 50% have been set aside for community initiatives—including its initial airdrop. The Blast Foundation dispersed 17 billion BLAST tokens in its ‘Phase 1’ airdrop on 26 June 2024. Individual user airdrop allocations have been pre-determined by the number of Blast Points they have earned. Of the 17 billion, 7 billion went to Blast Points holders, another 7 billion to those with Blast Gold, while the remaining 3 billion were allotted to the Blur Foundation. The airdrop introduced the BLAST token is part of a larger reward system:

  • Blast Points: Users participate in this airdrop by bridging assets to Blast and inviting new members, thereby earning points. These points are a measure of their contribution to the platform and determine the amount of BLAST tokens they got airdropped.
  • Blast Gold: While users receive Blast tokens, developers receive Blast Gold, a separate point system. This is to incentivise developers to build and innovate within the Blast environment. Since January 2024, the Blast incentives committee distributes Gold on a two-to-three-week cadence and announces publicly when Gold has been distributed. Gold is meant to be used as incentives for dapp growth, meaning that dapps should directly pass on 100% of any Gold they receive to their users. Additionally, they must integrate with the Blast Points API to do so.

How to Buy the BLAST

Crypto.com offers a user-friendly platform to buy BLAST tokens and engage with the Blast Blockchain.

Follow these steps to buy BLAST on Crypto.com:

  • Download the Crypto.com App and create an account.
  • Complete the necessary verification process to unlock full access to the platform.
  • Deposit funds into the Crypto.com account; users can utilise fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies to fund their accounts.
  • Navigate to the ‘Buy’ section of the App and search for the BLAST token.
  • Specify the amount of BLAST tokens to acquire and review the transaction details.
  • Confirm the transaction and wait for the order to be executed.
  • Monitor the BLAST token holdings in the Crypto.com App, which doubles as a wallet .

Crypto.com provides a secure and reliable trading environment, ensuring that users can trade BLAST tokens with confidence. Take advantage of the platform’s intuitive interface, advanced trading features, and competitive fees to make the most of your trading experience.

Challenges of the Blast Blockchain

Centralisation concerns.

Security and decentralisation remain a crucial concern for any blockchain project, and Blast is no exception. The platform uses a multi-signature (multisig) wallet for asset custody, requiring three out of five signatures to authorise withdrawals. While this adds a layer of security, the anonymity of the signatories has raised questions about centralisation. 

Security concerns revolving around the Blast chain primarily stem from the use of Layer-2 scaling solutions and off-chain transaction processing. While these technologies enhance speed and efficiency, they introduce potential vulnerabilities that could impact the overall security of the blockchain. Specifically, the reliance on optimistic rollup technology and off-chain processing may introduce new attack vectors or require robust security measures to safeguard against potential risks such as data availability challenges and invalid state transitions. 

Additionally, the integration of L2 solutions with the Ethereum mainnet introduces complexities in ensuring the interoperability and security of cross-chain transactions. As Blast focuses on speed and scalability, maintaining a robust security posture becomes paramount to mitigate potential threats and ensure the trustworthiness of the platform for users and developers alike.

The Blast Blockchain’s rise to the sixth-highest TVL highlights its potential to become a major player in the DeFi space. With its innovative features, such as the native yield offering and optimistic rollup technology, Blast is well-positioned to attract more users and developers. 

However, the project must address security and transparency concerns to maintain trust and ensure long-term success.

Due Diligence and Do Your Own Research

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    The Conclusion of the Experiment on How to Make a Volcano. Even though the experiment doe not reenacts the exact volcanic reaction that occurs naturally. However, it gives a basic idea about what Lava looks like when it erupts. Facts about Volcanoes. Volcanic eruptions can occur both on land and water.

  28. Blast Blockchain: What It Is and Why It's on the Rise

    Conclusion. The Blast Blockchain's rise to the sixth-highest TVL highlights its potential to become a major player in the DeFi space. With its innovative features, such as the native yield offering and optimistic rollup technology, Blast is well-positioned to attract more users and developers.

  29. Conclusion of volcano project

    Conclusion of volcano project. We need to understand about volcanoes, structure of volcanoes, types of volcanoes to reduce the negative impact of volcano eruptions and take advantage of its benefits on people and environment. From the pictures of Pompeii and Hawaii we get to know the damages that can be caused by volocano eruptions.