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Thesis Statements

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  • 1. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What is a thesis statement? A general idea of what the essay is about A summary of the main idea A statement that explains the main idea of an essay A suggestion that you should read the essay
  • 2. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt True or False: The thesis statement should express a main idea that links to supporting points in the body paragraphs. True False
  • 3. Multiple Choice Edit 1 minute 1 pt Where should a thesis statement appear? first paragraph anywhere in the essay last paragraph the first sentence of every paragraph
  • 4. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt How long is a thesis statement? 1-2 sentences 1-2 paragraphs 1-2 words 1-2 pages
  • 5. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt How many parts should there be in a thesis statement? Four Three Two  One
  • 6. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What three parts make up a thesis statement? identification of topic/focus, the purpose/claim, and at least 3 subtopics/supporting points topic sentence, introduction, and conclusion introduction, a quote or paraphrase, and conclusion why I chose the topic, why it is a great topic, my personal connection to the topic
  • 7. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt When creating a thesis statement, it is important to think about your... topic purpose audience all of the above
  • 8. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt A formal style and an objective tone will... show a respectful and professional attitude toward your readers help readers focus on your ideas ensure readers take your ideas seriously all of the above
  • 9. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt True or False: It is best to use a quote in your thesis statement to support your point of view. True False
  • 10. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt True or False: The best thesis statements are formed into a question. True False
  • 11. Multiple Choice Edit 20 seconds 1 pt True or False: There is a difference between the thesis statement and the topic sentence. True False
  • 12. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Which of the following is not a function of a thesis statement? To announce the topic of your paper to your reader To reflect a perspective on a topic To leave a final impression on your reader To provide a blueprint of your essay to the reader
  • 13. Multiple Choice Edit 1 minute 1 pt Which of the following is a strong thesis statement? Violent video games are harmful for young people to play. Violent video games are harmful to young people, and it should be stopped. Violent video games are harmful for young people to play because  it promotes a sedentary lifestyle, encourages violence, and can cause children to become desensitized to death. Violent video games are harmful for young people because they should be reading a book.
  • 14. Multiple Choice Edit 45 seconds 1 pt Which of the following is a strong thesis statement?  I would like to become a chef when I finish school because I like to cook.  Although both chefs and cooks can prepare fine meals, chefs differ from cooks in   education, professional commitment, and artistry. Both chefs and cooks prepare meals but are different in several ways. A career in the culinary arts is a good choice for many reasons.
  • 15. Multiple Choice Edit 45 seconds 1 pt Which topic sentence DOES NOT belong with the thesis below? Although there are those who claim otherwise, sports are not overrated because they keep people active, provide entertainment, and instill valuable life lessons in those that play them. To begin with, sports can be an important part of an active lifestyle. Next, sports teams help build a sense of community and pride in a school. Moreover, even if you aren't playing a sport, it is relatively cheap entertainment to watch. Finally, the learning that occurs on the field is as important as that which occurs in the classroom.
  • 16. Multiple Choice Edit 45 seconds 1 pt Which topic sentence DOES NOT belong with the thesis below? Schools should start later in the day because it would allow for more sleep, aid efforts at better nutrition, and be more convenient for both students and parents. To begin, if school started later, it would also get out later. Also, teens would be able to sleep in longer and feel more rested for the start of the day. Furthermore, it will be easier to eat a healthy breakfast if there is more time to do so. Most importantly, a later start time would be easier for parents and students to plan around.

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 28, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/thesis-statement/

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Shona McCombes

Shona McCombes

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9.1 Developing a Strong, Clear Thesis Statement

Learning objectives.

  • Develop a strong, clear thesis statement with the proper elements.
  • Revise your thesis statement.

Have you ever known a person who was not very good at telling stories? You probably had trouble following his train of thought as he jumped around from point to point, either being too brief in places that needed further explanation or providing too many details on a meaningless element. Maybe he told the end of the story first, then moved to the beginning and later added details to the middle. His ideas were probably scattered, and the story did not flow very well. When the story was over, you probably had many questions.

Just as a personal anecdote can be a disorganized mess, an essay can fall into the same trap of being out of order and confusing. That is why writers need a thesis statement to provide a specific focus for their essay and to organize what they are about to discuss in the body.

Just like a topic sentence summarizes a single paragraph, the thesis statement summarizes an entire essay. It tells the reader the point you want to make in your essay, while the essay itself supports that point. It is like a signpost that signals the essay’s destination. You should form your thesis before you begin to organize an essay, but you may find that it needs revision as the essay develops.

Elements of a Thesis Statement

For every essay you write, you must focus on a central idea. This idea stems from a topic you have chosen or been assigned or from a question your teacher has asked. It is not enough merely to discuss a general topic or simply answer a question with a yes or no. You have to form a specific opinion, and then articulate that into a controlling idea —the main idea upon which you build your thesis.

Remember that a thesis is not the topic itself, but rather your interpretation of the question or subject. For whatever topic your professor gives you, you must ask yourself, “What do I want to say about it?” Asking and then answering this question is vital to forming a thesis that is precise, forceful and confident.

A thesis is one sentence long and appears toward the end of your introduction. It is specific and focuses on one to three points of a single idea—points that are able to be demonstrated in the body. It forecasts the content of the essay and suggests how you will organize your information. Remember that a thesis statement does not summarize an issue but rather dissects it.

A Strong Thesis Statement

A strong thesis statement contains the following qualities.

Specificity. A thesis statement must concentrate on a specific area of a general topic. As you may recall, the creation of a thesis statement begins when you choose a broad subject and then narrow down its parts until you pinpoint a specific aspect of that topic. For example, health care is a broad topic, but a proper thesis statement would focus on a specific area of that topic, such as options for individuals without health care coverage.

Precision. A strong thesis statement must be precise enough to allow for a coherent argument and to remain focused on the topic. If the specific topic is options for individuals without health care coverage, then your precise thesis statement must make an exact claim about it, such as that limited options exist for those who are uninsured by their employers. You must further pinpoint what you are going to discuss regarding these limited effects, such as whom they affect and what the cause is.

Ability to be argued. A thesis statement must present a relevant and specific argument. A factual statement often is not considered arguable. Be sure your thesis statement contains a point of view that can be supported with evidence.

Ability to be demonstrated. For any claim you make in your thesis, you must be able to provide reasons and examples for your opinion. You can rely on personal observations in order to do this, or you can consult outside sources to demonstrate that what you assert is valid. A worthy argument is backed by examples and details.

Forcefulness. A thesis statement that is forceful shows readers that you are, in fact, making an argument. The tone is assertive and takes a stance that others might oppose.

Confidence. In addition to using force in your thesis statement, you must also use confidence in your claim. Phrases such as I feel or I believe actually weaken the readers’ sense of your confidence because these phrases imply that you are the only person who feels the way you do. In other words, your stance has insufficient backing. Taking an authoritative stance on the matter persuades your readers to have faith in your argument and open their minds to what you have to say.

Even in a personal essay that allows the use of first person, your thesis should not contain phrases such as in my opinion or I believe . These statements reduce your credibility and weaken your argument. Your opinion is more convincing when you use a firm attitude.

On a separate sheet of paper, write a thesis statement for each of the following topics. Remember to make each statement specific, precise, demonstrable, forceful and confident.

  • Texting while driving
  • The legal drinking age in the United States
  • Steroid use among professional athletes

Examples of Appropriate Thesis Statements

Each of the following thesis statements meets several of the following requirements:

  • Specificity
  • Ability to be argued
  • Ability to be demonstrated
  • Forcefulness
  • The societal and personal struggles of Troy Maxon in the play Fences symbolize the challenge of black males who lived through segregation and integration in the United States.
  • Closing all American borders for a period of five years is one solution that will tackle illegal immigration.
  • Shakespeare’s use of dramatic irony in Romeo and Juliet spoils the outcome for the audience and weakens the plot.
  • J. D. Salinger’s character in Catcher in the Rye , Holden Caulfield, is a confused rebel who voices his disgust with phonies, yet in an effort to protect himself, he acts like a phony on many occasions.
  • Compared to an absolute divorce, no-fault divorce is less expensive, promotes fairer settlements, and reflects a more realistic view of the causes for marital breakdown.
  • Exposing children from an early age to the dangers of drug abuse is a sure method of preventing future drug addicts.
  • In today’s crumbling job market, a high school diploma is not significant enough education to land a stable, lucrative job.

You can find thesis statements in many places, such as in the news; in the opinions of friends, coworkers or teachers; and even in songs you hear on the radio. Become aware of thesis statements in everyday life by paying attention to people’s opinions and their reasons for those opinions. Pay attention to your own everyday thesis statements as well, as these can become material for future essays.

Now that you have read about the contents of a good thesis statement and have seen examples, take a look at the pitfalls to avoid when composing your own thesis:

A thesis is weak when it is simply a declaration of your subject or a description of what you will discuss in your essay.

Weak thesis statement: My paper will explain why imagination is more important than knowledge.

A thesis is weak when it makes an unreasonable or outrageous claim or insults the opposing side.

Weak thesis statement: Religious radicals across America are trying to legislate their Puritanical beliefs by banning required high school books.

A thesis is weak when it contains an obvious fact or something that no one can disagree with or provides a dead end.

Weak thesis statement: Advertising companies use sex to sell their products.

A thesis is weak when the statement is too broad.

Weak thesis statement: The life of Abraham Lincoln was long and challenging.

Read the following thesis statements. On a separate piece of paper, identify each as weak or strong. For those that are weak, list the reasons why. Then revise the weak statements so that they conform to the requirements of a strong thesis.

  • The subject of this paper is my experience with ferrets as pets.
  • The government must expand its funding for research on renewable energy resources in order to prepare for the impending end of oil.
  • Edgar Allan Poe was a poet who lived in Baltimore during the nineteenth century.
  • In this essay, I will give you lots of reasons why slot machines should not be legalized in Baltimore.
  • Despite his promises during his campaign, President Kennedy took few executive measures to support civil rights legislation.
  • Because many children’s toys have potential safety hazards that could lead to injury, it is clear that not all children’s toys are safe.
  • My experience with young children has taught me that I want to be a disciplinary parent because I believe that a child without discipline can be a parent’s worst nightmare.

Writing at Work

Often in your career, you will need to ask your boss for something through an e-mail. Just as a thesis statement organizes an essay, it can also organize your e-mail request. While your e-mail will be shorter than an essay, using a thesis statement in your first paragraph quickly lets your boss know what you are asking for, why it is necessary, and what the benefits are. In short body paragraphs, you can provide the essential information needed to expand upon your request.

Thesis Statement Revision

Your thesis will probably change as you write, so you will need to modify it to reflect exactly what you have discussed in your essay. Remember from Chapter 8 “The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?” that your thesis statement begins as a working thesis statement , an indefinite statement that you make about your topic early in the writing process for the purpose of planning and guiding your writing.

Working thesis statements often become stronger as you gather information and form new opinions and reasons for those opinions. Revision helps you strengthen your thesis so that it matches what you have expressed in the body of the paper.

The best way to revise your thesis statement is to ask questions about it and then examine the answers to those questions. By challenging your own ideas and forming definite reasons for those ideas, you grow closer to a more precise point of view, which you can then incorporate into your thesis statement.

Ways to Revise Your Thesis

You can cut down on irrelevant aspects and revise your thesis by taking the following steps:

1. Pinpoint and replace all nonspecific words, such as people , everything , society , or life , with more precise words in order to reduce any vagueness.

Working thesis: Young people have to work hard to succeed in life.

Revised thesis: Recent college graduates must have discipline and persistence in order to find and maintain a stable job in which they can use and be appreciated for their talents.

The revised thesis makes a more specific statement about success and what it means to work hard. The original includes too broad a range of people and does not define exactly what success entails. By replacing those general words like people and work hard , the writer can better focus his or her research and gain more direction in his or her writing.

2. Clarify ideas that need explanation by asking yourself questions that narrow your thesis.

Working thesis: The welfare system is a joke.

Revised thesis: The welfare system keeps a socioeconomic class from gaining employment by alluring members of that class with unearned income, instead of programs to improve their education and skill sets.

A joke means many things to many people. Readers bring all sorts of backgrounds and perspectives to the reading process and would need clarification for a word so vague. This expression may also be too informal for the selected audience. By asking questions, the writer can devise a more precise and appropriate explanation for joke . The writer should ask himself or herself questions similar to the 5WH questions. (See Chapter 8 “The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?” for more information on the 5WH questions.) By incorporating the answers to these questions into a thesis statement, the writer more accurately defines his or her stance, which will better guide the writing of the essay.

3. Replace any linking verbs with action verbs. Linking verbs are forms of the verb to be , a verb that simply states that a situation exists.

Working thesis: Kansas City schoolteachers are not paid enough.

Revised thesis: The Kansas City legislature cannot afford to pay its educators, resulting in job cuts and resignations in a district that sorely needs highly qualified and dedicated teachers.

The linking verb in this working thesis statement is the word are . Linking verbs often make thesis statements weak because they do not express action. Rather, they connect words and phrases to the second half of the sentence. Readers might wonder, “Why are they not paid enough?” But this statement does not compel them to ask many more questions. The writer should ask himself or herself questions in order to replace the linking verb with an action verb, thus forming a stronger thesis statement, one that takes a more definitive stance on the issue:

  • Who is not paying the teachers enough?
  • What is considered “enough”?
  • What is the problem?
  • What are the results

4. Omit any general claims that are hard to support.

Working thesis: Today’s teenage girls are too sexualized.

Revised thesis: Teenage girls who are captivated by the sexual images on MTV are conditioned to believe that a woman’s worth depends on her sensuality, a feeling that harms their self-esteem and behavior.

It is true that some young women in today’s society are more sexualized than in the past, but that is not true for all girls. Many girls have strict parents, dress appropriately, and do not engage in sexual activity while in middle school and high school. The writer of this thesis should ask the following questions:

  • Which teenage girls?
  • What constitutes “too” sexualized?
  • Why are they behaving that way?
  • Where does this behavior show up?
  • What are the repercussions?

In the first section of Chapter 8 “The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?” , you determined your purpose for writing and your audience. You then completed a freewriting exercise about an event you recently experienced and chose a general topic to write about. Using that general topic, you then narrowed it down by answering the 5WH questions. After you answered these questions, you chose one of the three methods of prewriting and gathered possible supporting points for your working thesis statement.

Now, on a separate sheet of paper, write down your working thesis statement. Identify any weaknesses in this sentence and revise the statement to reflect the elements of a strong thesis statement. Make sure it is specific, precise, arguable, demonstrable, forceful, and confident.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.

In your career you may have to write a project proposal that focuses on a particular problem in your company, such as reinforcing the tardiness policy. The proposal would aim to fix the problem; using a thesis statement would clearly state the boundaries of the problem and tell the goals of the project. After writing the proposal, you may find that the thesis needs revision to reflect exactly what is expressed in the body. Using the techniques from this chapter would apply to revising that thesis.

Key Takeaways

  • Proper essays require a thesis statement to provide a specific focus and suggest how the essay will be organized.
  • A thesis statement is your interpretation of the subject, not the topic itself.
  • A strong thesis is specific, precise, forceful, confident, and is able to be demonstrated.
  • A strong thesis challenges readers with a point of view that can be debated and can be supported with evidence.
  • A weak thesis is simply a declaration of your topic or contains an obvious fact that cannot be argued.
  • Depending on your topic, it may or may not be appropriate to use first person point of view.
  • Revise your thesis by ensuring all words are specific, all ideas are exact, and all verbs express action.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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  • Q 1 / 8 Score 0 What is the sentence used in an essay that serves as the guide for the essay and directly answer the question or tasked of you? 29 Main Idea Thesis Statement Topic Sentence Counterargument

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  • Q 1 What is the sentence used in an essay that serves as the guide for the essay and directly answer the question or tasked of you? Main Idea Thesis Statement Topic Sentence Counterargument 30 s CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6
  • Q 2 What are the characteristics of the thesis statement? Makes a claim Presents an arument factual statement counterclaim can be found in body of the essay Address the essay prompt 30 s CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6
  • Q 3 Is it a good thesis statement: Social networking sites such as Facebook can cause problems? Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral 30 s CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6

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  • Q 7 Essay Prompt: Discuss the economic, political and social effects of World War II on the United States. Arrange the following phrases to form a good thesis statement: Users re-arrange answers into correct order Jumble 60 s CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6
  • Q 8 True or false: A good thesis statement is a broad generalization about your topic. false true True or False 30 s CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6

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  1. Thesis Statements

    A general idea of what the essay is about. A summary of the main idea. A statement that explains the main idea of an essay. A suggestion that you should read the essay. 2. Multiple Choice. 20 seconds. 1 pt. True or False: The thesis statement should express a main idea that links to supporting points in the body paragraphs.

  2. Thesis Statement

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  3. Thesis Statements

    1 pt. A thesis statement is... Something your teacher makes you write. Your opinion about the topic in the prompt. A sentence that you're supposed to have in your introduction. A sentence. 2. Multiple Choice.

  4. Thesis Statement Flashcards

    a sentence at the end of the introduction paragraph that summarizes what you will be writing about in your essay. true or false: a thesis statement is not detailed at all. false. true or false: A thesis statement is 1-2 sentences long. true. true or false: A thesis statement should include the main points that you will express in your essay.

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    A strong thesis must _. be something a smart person could disagree with. What immediately follows a thesis in an essay? paragraphs with evidence to support the thesis. A thesis needs to be _. an argument. Which should be the strongest thesis? the novel charlotte's web by E.B. white teaches valuable lessons about life and death. Which would be ...

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    The Thesis Statement... a direct statement that tells in one sentence what the essay is going to be about and what the writer intends to prove. Supporting Details are NOT INCLUDED in the thesis statement. They are detailed in the Body Paragraphs. Thesis statements are opinions, not facts. They are to be supported, are proved in the essay.

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    What three parts make up a thesis statement? introduction, a quote or paraphrase, and conclusion. identification of topic/focus, the purpose/claim, and at least 3 subtopics/supporting points. why I chose the topic, why it is a great topic, my personal connection to the topic. 30 s.

  8. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

  9. Thesis Statements

    A summary of the main idea. A statement that explains the main idea of an essay. A suggestion that you should read the essay. 2. Multiple Choice. 20 seconds. 13 pts. True or False: The thesis statement should express a main idea that links to supporting points in the body paragraphs. True.

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    Whether you are writing a short essay or a doctoral dissertation, your thesis statement will arguably be the most difficult sentence to formulate. An effective thesis statement states the purpose of the paper and, therefore, functions to control, assert and structure your entire argument. Without a sound thesis, your argument may sound weak, lacking in direction, and uninteresting

  11. 9.1 Developing a Strong, Clear Thesis Statement

    You can cut down on irrelevant aspects and revise your thesis by taking the following steps: 1. Pinpoint and replace all nonspecific words, such as people, everything, society, or life, with more precise words in order to reduce any vagueness. Working thesis: Young people have to work hard to succeed in life.

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    Journalism and reporting also rely on explicit thesis statements that appear very early in the piece-the first paragraph or even the first sentence. Works of literature, on the other hand, usually do not contain a specific sentence that sums up the core concept of the writing. However, readers should finish the piece with a good understanding ...

  15. Thesis Statement

    Play this game to review Literature. The thesis statement should include your opinion on the on the points your are analyzing.

  16. Thesis Statement

    11 questions. Show answers. Q1. A thesis statement communicates the main point of an essay and expresses the writer's position. For many academic essays, a thesis statement should be one sentence long. You'll usually place your thesis at the end of your first paragraph, which will be your introductory paragraph.

  17. Thesis Statement & Topic Sentence Flashcards

    what should a thesis avoid? slang, contraction, unclear or vague wording, uncertainty, broadness, wordiness, only stating a fact, including absolutes, personal pronouns, refer to authors by 1st name, ride the fence

  18. Thesis Statement Quiz

    45 s. CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6. Q7. Essay Prompt: Discuss the economic, political and social effects of World War II on the United States. Arrange the following phrases to form a good thesis statement: Users re-arrange answers into correct order. Jumble. 60 s. CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6.

  19. Thesis Statements

    Preview this quiz on Quizizz. What three parts make up a thesis statement? Thesis Statements DRAFT. 9th - 10th grade. 76 times. English. 65% average accuracy. 6 months ago. mberta_80189. 0. Save. Edit. Edit. Thesis Statements DRAFT. 6 months ago. by mberta_80189. Played 76 times. 0. 9th - 10th grade .

  20. (PDF) The Use of Quizizz as an Online Teaching and ...

    PDF | On Mar 20, 2022, Madaline Yai Wen Niek and others published The Use of Quizizz as an Online Teaching and Learning Assessment tool in an ESL Classroom: A Systematic Literature Review | Find ...

  21. Thesis Statements

    Preview this quiz on Quizizz. The thesis statement should include your opinion on the on the points your are analyzing. Thesis Statements. DRAFT. K - University grade. 0 times. English. 0% average accuracy. 3 minutes ago. rothl_71839. 0. Save. Edit. Edit. Thesis Statements DRAFT. 3 minutes ago. by rothl_71839. Played 0 times. 0. K - University ...

  22. Five Paragraph Essay BrainPOP Flashcards

    10 answers! Five paragraph essay brainPOP answers. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What do strong expository, descriptive and persuasive essays all have in common?, The main purpose of an essay's hook is to:, In a five paragraph essay, where does the thesis statement appear? and more.