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Opposite Words in English -

200+ Opposite Words in English

Opposite words in english.

Imagine the world without oppositions: hot and cold, day and night, big and small – everything blending into a monotonous blur. Thankfully, language thrives on contrasts, and opposite words (antonyms) play a crucial role in adding spice and precision to our communication. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or simply want to elevate your vocabulary, mastering opposite words is a surefire way to unlock new levels of expression.

Here are 200+ pairs of opposite words in English:

  • up – down
  • hot – cold
  • good – bad
  • light – dark
  • big – small
  • happy – sad
  • high – low
  • fast – slow
  • long – short
  • old – young
  • hard – soft
  • clean – dirty
  • easy – difficult
  • far – near
  • full – empty
  • loud – quiet
  • strong – weak
  • thick – thin
  • wide – narrow
  • rich – poor
  • deep – shallow
  • sharp – blunt
  • sweet – sour
  • wet – dry
  • rough – smooth
  • open – closed
  • asleep – awake
  • front – back
  • left – right
  • in – out
  • top – bottom
  • on – off
  • true – false
  • north – south
  • east – west
  • day – night
  • male – female
  • start – finish
  • friend – enemy
  • inside – outside
  • positive – negative
  • joy – sorrow
  • success – failure
  • build – destroy
  • buy – sell
  • win – lose
  • give – take
  • include – exclude
  • accept – reject
  • create – destroy
  • arrive – depart
  • connect – disconnect
  • credit – debit
  • dawn – dusk
  • arrival – departure
  • find – lose
  • friend – foe
  • gain – loss
  • lend – borrow
  • near – far
  • old – new
  • open – shut
  • past – future
  • push – pull
  • reject – accept
  • rise – fall
  • same – different
  • start – end
  • sunny – cloudy
  • soft – hard
  • together – apart
  • yin – yang
  • bitter – sweet
  • bright – dull
  • calm – frantic
  • cruel – kind
  • danger – safety
  • even – odd
  • fake – genuine
  • feeble – strong
  • generous – stingy
  • gentle – rough
  • genuine – fake
  • good – evil
  • graceful – clumsy
  • guilty – innocent
  • happy – miserable
  • harmony – discord
  • healthy – sick
  • heaven – hell
  • heroic – cowardly
  • hopeful – hopeless
  • honest – dishonest
  • humble – arrogant
  • hungry – full
  • illuminate – darken
  • immerse – emerge
  • import – export
  • improve – worsen
  • increase – decrease
  • independent – dependent
  • individual – collective
  • inflate – deflate
  • innocent – guilty
  • interesting – boring
  • join – separate
  • keep – discard
  • knowledgeable – ignorant
  • known – unknown
  • laugh – cry
  • lead – follow
  • less – more
  • liberty – slavery
  • light – heavy
  • likely – unlikely
  • limited – unlimited
  • liquid – solid
  • little – much
  • live – die
  • lock – unlock
  • lonely – crowded
  • lose – find
  • love – hate
  • low – high
  • loyal – disloyal
  • magnificent – ordinary
  • major – minor
  • many – few
  • master – servant
  • maximum – minimum
  • melody – cacophony
  • mercy – cruelty
  • merge – separate
  • minority – majority
  • modern – ancient
  • modest – arrogant
  • more – less
  • narrow – wide
  • natural – artificial
  • neat – messy
  • new – old
  • nice – mean
  • night – day
  • noisy – quiet
  • numerous – rare
  • obey – disobey
  • odd – even
  • offensive – defensive
  • order – chaos
  • out – in
  • over – under
  • pain – pleasure
  • part – whole
  • patient – impatient
  • peace – war
  • permanent – temporary
  • pleasure – pain
  • plenty – scarcity
  • polite – rude
  • poor – rich
  • possible – impossible
  • powerful – weak
  • praise – blame
  • present – absent
  • prevent – allow
  • primitive – civilized
  • private – public
  • problem – solution
  • progress – regress
  • proud – ashamed
  • qualified – unqualified
  • question – answer
  • quick – slow
  • quiet – loud
  • raise – lower
  • rare – common
  • real – fake
  • reality – fantasy
  • receive – send
  • remember – forget
  • remove – insert
  • repair – damage
  • respect – disrespect
  • right – wrong
  • safe – dangerous

Why are Opposite Words Important?

  • Clarifying Meaning:  Precise use of opposite words removes ambiguity and ensures your message is crystal clear. “I prefer tea, not coffee” leaves no room for misinterpretation, unlike “I don’t like coffee.”
  • Enhancing Expression:  Antonyms add depth and nuance to your writing and speech. Instead of saying “It’s good,” describe something as “excellent” or “outstanding” for greater impact.
  • Creative Exploration:  Opposite words fuel imaginative writing, allowing you to paint vivid contrasts and explore diverse perspectives. Imagine a story where the hero embraces weakness instead of strength, or where darkness brings light instead of fear.

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Antonyms: Useful List of 60+ Common Opposite Words You Should Know

Opposite words, also known as antonyms, are an essential part of the English language. They are used to express contrast or opposition between two words, and are often used to describe the relationship between two ideas. For example, the opposite of hot is cold, the opposite of fast is slow, and the opposite of big is small.

Whether you are a student, a professional writer, or simply someone who enjoys reading and communicating in English, understanding antonyms is an essential skill. In this article, we will explore the world of opposite words, and provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to use them effectively in your writing and communication.

What Are Opposite Words?

Antonyms are words that express opposite or contrasting meanings. They are often used to provide clarity and precision in communication. For example, the antonym of the word “hot” is “cold”, and the antonym of “good” is “bad”. Antonyms can be found in various parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

Opposite Words

Antonyms are important in language because they help us to communicate more effectively. By using antonyms, we can convey the exact opposite of what we mean, which can be useful in many situations. For example, if we want to say that something is not good, we can use the antonym “bad” instead of using a phrase like “not good”. This makes our language more concise and precise.

Antonyms are essential in many areas of language, including writing, speaking, and comprehension. They help us to express ourselves more accurately and effectively, and they make our language more interesting and varied. Antonyms also help us to understand the nuances of language and to appreciate the complexity of words and their meanings.

In addition, antonyms can be useful in developing vocabulary and improving language skills. By learning antonyms, we can expand our knowledge of language and deepen our understanding of words and their meanings. This can be particularly helpful for students who are learning a new language or who are trying to improve their language skills.

Opposite Words

List of opposite words, antonyms with examples.

Abandon – Keep

  • We decided to  abandon  the first draft of the report and start over.
  • It is necessary to  keep  these two issues distinct.

Able — Incapable

  • We were  able  to watch the lions in complete safety.
  • The injured man was  incapable  of walking, so he had to be carried.

Abundant — Insufficient

  • Mosquitoes are extremely  abundant  in this dark wet place.
  • He decided there was  insufficient  evidence to justify criminal proceedings.

Active — Idle

  • You’ve got to try to keep active  as you grow older.
  • Many people were  idle  during the depression.

Adequate — Insufficient

  • The trains were not considered  adequate  for use on the modern railways.
  • His salary is  insufficient  to meet his needs.

Full — Empty

  • This suitcase won’t lock because it is too  full .
  • The house stands desolate and  empty .

Future — Past

  • I am on my way to the future , where you are there.
  • I’m trying not to be sentimental about the  past .

Gallant — Ungentlemanly

  • She made a  gallant  attempt to hide her tears.
  • I am surprised at your  ungentlemanly behavior.

Gaunt — Overweight

  • He was  gaunt  and hollow-eyed; his voice trembled.
  • She said insensitive things to the  overweight  woman.

Gentle — Rough

  • She gave him a  gentle  push towards the door.
  • He saw it as  rough  justice when he got food poisoning from the stolen meat.

Intelligent — Ignorant

  • Jack is an  intelligent  pupil, but he lacks motivation.
  • He’s completely  ignorant  about modern technology.

Insane — Sane

  • The prisoners were slowly going  insane .
  • He seems perfectly  sane  to me.

Imperative — Unnecessary

  • It is  imperative that every one of us remolds his world outlook.
  • She often pothers herself over  unnecessary  details.
  • A  good  book is a light to the soul.
  • A  bad  beginning makes a bad ending.

Fresh — Old

  • We’ll have a  fresh  start for the year ahead.
  • Old  soldiers never die, they just fade away.

Follow — Precede

  • She used to  follow  after him wherever he went.
  • We make sure our horizontal strokes  precede  our perpendicular .

Migrant  — Stationary

  • A lot of factory work is done by  migrant  workers.
  • The bus crashed into a  stationary  vehicle.

Offend — Please

  • She didn’t mean to  offend  you; she was overwrought.
  • Your sister is trying to read; please  be quiet for her sake.

Numerous — Few

  • The book contains  numerous  plagiarized passages.
  • He hastily stuffed a  few  clothes into a bag.

Negligent — Conscientious

  • She was  negligent  in her work.
  • He is very  conscientious  in the performance of his duties.

Mobile – Immobile

  • The old lady sits on a  mobile  chair every morning.
  • She sat  immobile , wondering what to do next.

Mourn — Rejoice

  • I really  mourn  the loss of that gold watch.
  • I  rejoice  that you have recovered so quickly.

Naughty – Good

  • The  naughty  children chucked snowballs at passing cars.
  • We know not what is  good  until we have lost it.

Oblivious – Mindful

  • The couple seemed  oblivious  to what was going on around them.
  • We must be  mindful  of the consequences of selfishness.

Observe – Ignore

  • I want you to  observe  all the details.
  • I made a suggestion but they chose to  ignore  it.

Join – Separate

  • She left her husband to  join  a women’s commune.
  • The women are kept  separate  from the men.

Lure — Repel

  • It’s very difficult to  lure  talent away from Silicon Valley.
  • The army was ready to  repel  an attack.

Magnify — Reduce

  • He tried to  magnify  the part he acted in the play.
  • The aim is to  reduce  traffic at peak periods.

Laugh – Cry

  • You never  laugh  at my jokes!
  • The strong woman is will cry , but never admit defeat.
  • We rescued the  boy  who fell into the river.
  • The  girl  bought a nice handbag.

Total — Partial

  • The  total  bill comes to £80, so our share is £20.
  • Our holiday was only a  partial  success.

Melt – Freeze

  • If you warm ice, it will  melt  into water.
  • When the thermometer is below zero water will  freeze .

Amateur — Professional

  • Acting with an  amateur  theatrical group can be fun.
  • She wants to become a  professional  cook.

Types of Antonyms

When it comes to antonyms, there are three main types: gradable, complementary, and relational antonyms. Each type has its own unique characteristics and uses.

Gradable Antonyms

Gradable antonyms are words that are on opposite ends of a spectrum or scale. They are often used to compare two things or concepts. For example, “hot” and “cold” are gradable antonyms because they represent two extremes on the temperature scale.

These antonyms can be further divided into two subcategories: scalar and polar. Scalar antonyms have multiple degrees of comparison between them, while polar antonyms only have two extremes.

Complementary Antonyms

Complementary antonyms are words that are complete opposites and cannot coexist. They are often used to describe binary concepts, such as “dead” and “alive” or “on” and “off.”

These antonyms are often used in logic and philosophy to describe mutually exclusive concepts. They are also commonly used in everyday language to describe opposing ideas.

Relational Antonyms

Relational antonyms are words that are opposite in terms of their relationship to another word. For example, “parent” and “child” are relational antonyms because they are opposite in terms of their relationship to each other.

These antonyms are often used in pairs and are dependent on each other. They are commonly used in language to describe relationships between people, objects, and concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common antonyms in the English language?

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Some common antonyms in the English language include hot and cold, good and bad, up and down, left and right, and happy and sad.

What is the opposite meaning of the word ‘happy’?

The opposite of the word ‘happy’ is ‘sad’.

What are some easy opposite words in English?

Some easy opposite words in English include big and small, fast and slow, light and dark, and old and young.

What are 20 frequently used opposite words?

  • Left – Right
  • Happy – Sad
  • Young – Old
  • Fast – Slow
  • Light – Dark
  • Big – Small
  • Easy – Difficult
  • Empty – Full
  • Heavy – Light
  • Love – Hate
  • Loud – Quiet
  • Rich – Poor
  • Thick – Thin

What is another term for ‘opposite’?

Another term for ‘opposite’ is ‘antonym’.

What are 10 examples of synonyms and their corresponding antonyms?

Last Updated on November 25, 2023

Negative Words

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Antonyms Generator - Antonyms Finder - QuillTools

Find the perfect words to express your thoughts using our Antonyms Generator! This powerful tool taps into a vast dictionary of over 50,000 words, providing antonyms for your chosen words. Whether you're a writer, student, or anyone seeking precision in language, our generator enhances your English vocabulary. Say goodbye to word ambiguity and find the right word to convey your message.

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Simply enter your word, and our generator will supply antonyms, along with example sentences. It's an indispensable resource for painting vivid imagery and boosting the impact of your writing. Explore the beauty of language with synonyms and antonyms. Upgrade your language skills today!

Antonyms meaning and examples

Antonyms are words that hold a special place in our language, offering a stark contrast to their synonyms. Essentially, they convey the opposite meaning of a given word. This dynamic interplay between antonyms and synonyms is an integral part of languages across the world. In linguistic terms, antonyms provide a way to enrich our vocabulary and express nuanced thoughts and ideas. They help us communicate more effectively by offering alternatives that stand in opposition to familiar words. For example, "hot" and "cold" are antonyms, and their juxtaposition allows us to describe temperature variations with precision.

Antonyms are not only linguistic tools but also valuable in conveying shades of meaning. Privacy policy terms, often laden with legal jargon, may use antonyms to clarify conditions. Synonyms and antonyms are two sides of the same linguistic coin, enhancing our ability to choose the right words for any situation. Consider the phrase "word means opposite." Here, "means" and "opposite" are antonyms, exemplifying how antonyms play a pivotal role in our daily communication. 

From word choices in poetry to making persuasive arguments in essays, antonyms offer a wealth of possibilities for expression. In essence, antonyms are creating a harmonious balance in language, where words can either align or oppose one another to convey precise meanings and foster effective communication.

What is the importance of antonyms?

Antonyms, words that express opposite meanings, play a vital role in language and communication. They contribute to the richness and precision of expression in both spoken and written language. 

Understanding antonyms is essential for several reasons. Firstly, antonyms provide clarity in communication. They help convey the exact opposite of a word's meaning, allowing speakers and writers to express nuances and contrasts effectively. For instance, knowing the antonym "hot" for "cold" allows us to describe temperature variations accurately. Secondly, antonyms enhance comprehension. When antonyms are used, listeners and readers can better grasp the intended message, especially in contexts where subtlety is essential, like public speaking or creative writing. 

The ability to choose the right antonym can elevate the quality of expression. Additionally, antonyms are valuable for language learners. They aid in expanding vocabulary and improving language skills. Learning synonyms and antonyms together reinforces word meanings and usage, promoting a deeper understanding of the language. This is why antonyms are indispensable tools in the English language, enabling precise communication, enhancing comprehension, and aiding language learners. Their role in conveying opposite meanings contributes to effective expression and meaningful communication.

How can antonyms enhance your writing?

Antonyms inclusion can greatly enhance your writing in those ways:

  • provide depth and nuance to your text
  • allow you to convey different shades of meaning
  • contribute to creating engaging content
  • aid in precision and avoid ambiguity
  • promote a better understanding

Antonyms provide depth and nuance to your text. They allow you to convey shades of meaning that would be impossible with synonyms alone. For instance, using "hot" and "cold" in contrast can vividly describe temperature variations, painting a clearer picture for your readers. 

Antonyms also contribute to creating engaging content. They create tension and intrigue, especially in narratives or persuasive pieces. By skillfully employing antonyms, you can build suspense or highlight conflicting ideas, making your writing more captivating. 

Furthermore, antonyms aid in precision. In technical or academic writing, where accuracy is paramount, they help avoid ambiguity. For instance, using "borrowed" and "original" in an essay distinguishes between cited content and original ideas. 

Lastly, antonyms are indispensable for language learners. They promote a better understanding of word meanings, usage, and contextual appropriateness. Exploring antonyms alongside synonyms broadens vocabulary and improves language skills. In conclusion, antonyms play a crucial role in elevating your writing. They provide depth, engagement, precision, and facilitate language learning. By harnessing the power of antonyms like "hot" and "cold," you can create more impactful and expressive content.

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Is there a word without antonym?

In the vast landscape of the English language, it's very rare to encounter a word that doesn't have at least a vague antonym. Antonyms, like "hot" and "cold," "happy" and "sad," or "love" and "hate," are fundamental to the richness and complexity of language. They provide us with the means to express contrasting ideas and convey precise meanings. Even when dealing with abstract or complex concepts, such as "justice" or "equality," we can find antonyms like "injustice" or "inequality" to counterbalance the discussion. 

Antonyms, in many cases, are indispensable for maintaining clarity, especially in academic, legal, or philosophical discourse. However, there are instances where the absence of an antonym can highlight the uniqueness of a word. Consider terms like "unique" or "irreplaceable." While they lack direct opposites, this absence accentuates their singularity and distinctiveness. 

In essence, antonyms are an integral part of the English language, enriching our ability to communicate nuanced ideas. While exceedingly rare, the absence of an antonym can underscore a word's exceptional nature. Thus, the interplay of synonyms and antonyms enhances our linguistic toolkit, enabling more precise and comprehensive expression.

Is there some ways to remember antonyms?

Remembering antonyms can be a challenging task, but there are effective ways to make it easier. One of the most useful techniques is to create associations and mental images. Here's how you can enhance your antonym recall by using Word Pairs: Pair antonyms together in your mind. For example, associate "hot" with "cold" or "happy" with "sad." Visualize these pairs to reinforce the connection.

Another way is to use antonyms in sentences: Create sentences that include both the target word and its antonym. This context will help you remember their relationship. For instance, "The weather was scorching hot, but now it's icy cold." 

You may also want to use flashcards in a game context for instance: Create flashcards with the word on one side and its antonym on the other. Regularly review these flashcards to reinforce your memory. 

Another efficient way is using Mnemonic Devices: Create mnemonic sentences or phrases that help you remember antonyms. For example, for "big" and "small," you can use "Elephants are big, while ants are small." 

You can visualize antonyms to remember them: Imagine vivid images related to the words. For "light" and "dark," picture a bright sun rising (light) and a moon in the night sky (dark). Word Games: Play word games that involve antonyms. 

Finally, you want to challenge yourself and practice regularly. By using these techniques, you can improve your ability to recall antonyms, which will enhance your writing and communication skills. 

How to enhance a sentence using antonyms?

Enhancing a sentence with antonyms can elevate your writing by adding depth and contrast. Here are some techniques to achieve this:

  • Integrate contrast in ideas by using antonyms to create striking contrasts within your sentence. For example, "Her smile was as bright as the sun, but her mood was as cold as ice."
  • Describe with richness to vividly depict scenes. "The landscape transformed from a scorching desert to a freezing tundra."
  • Express balance in persuasive writing, where antonyms can demonstrate a balanced perspective. "The argument presented both pros and cons, highlighting the need for a well-rounded solution."
  • Add complexity to your sentences by introducing multiple layers of meaning. "Her words were both sweet and bitter, leaving a lingering taste of contradiction."
  • Highlight difference when comparing two subjects. "In a room filled with chaos, her composure stood out like a beacon of tranquility."
  • Create rhythm patterns in your writing. "The ebb and flow of the ocean mirrored the hot and cold rhythms of their relationship."
  • Emphasize emotions when describing emotions or feelings, antonyms can help convey the intensity. "His joy knew no bounds, but her sadness was equally profound."

By skillfully incorporating antonyms, you can enhance the beauty and impact of your sentences, making your writing more engaging and memorable across various styles and genres.

How to use our antonyms generator?

Our Antonyms Generator simplifies the process of finding antonyms for any word. It's an accessible and efficient tool that can elevate your language skills and enhance your writing. To get started, visit our user-friendly website and locate the "Generate Antonym" button.

When you find the generator, enter the word for which you want antonyms. This word could be anything from common nouns to specialized terms. Click "Generate Antonym," and within seconds, you'll receive a list of antonyms. 

These antonyms can be used to improve your sentences, express nuances, and clarify meanings. Accompanying example sentences demonstrate how to use the antonyms effectively. Our Antonyms Generator is not only a useful resource for immediate writing needs but also a valuable educational tool. It allows you to expand your vocabulary, learn new words and their antonyms, and share this resource with others to help them improve their language skills. 

Whether you're a writer, student, or professional, this tool empowers you to find the perfect words to convey your ideas accurately and eloquently. Use it as often as needed, and unlock the potential to enhance your language and communication skills effortlessly.

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Opposites in English – Word list – A – F

Here you will find a table of words and their opposites. Opposites formed by prefixes (dis-, ex-, im-, in-, irr-, un- etc.) are not listed here.

Technical and geographical words are listed only in a very small amount because of clarity.

  • A – F
  • G – L
  • M – R
  • S – Z

Thanks to Alina, Elisabeth and Friedrich.

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Antonym Finder Tool

Enhance your vocabulary by mastering the use of our antonym finder tool! Need to find an opposite word for gracious ? We've got you sorted! Enter any word above!

In the vast expanse of language and communication, antonyms play a pivotal role, introducing contrast and clarity in expression. An antonym finder tool, an invaluable resource for writers, educators, students, and language enthusiasts, is specifically designed to simplify the process of finding words that convey the opposite meaning of a particular word. Understanding how to use this tool effectively can significantly enhance writing skills, aid in project creation, and expand vocabulary. Here's how to make the most of our antonym finder tool.

Step-by-step Guide:

  • Enter any word: Enter any word you would in the search box to find opposite words. For example: entering " HAPPY " will return " UNHAPPY ", " SAD " etc.
  • Browse the results: After clicking search, you will see a list of direct antonyms for your chosen word, as well as further synonyms for the top 5 antonyms. 
  • Filter your results: You can filter the "Top 10" results table by number of top results, word game, maximum letters and more. If you'd like to browse all results, just scroll down to find all the words separated by length, these can also be ordered alphabetically or by various other metrics.
  • Get more info: Not sure about a particular word or the meaning? Click on the word to show more details.

Understanding the Basics: What is an Antonym Finder Tool?

An antonym finder is a digital tool or resource that allows users to find words of opposite meanings, commonly known as antonyms. This could be an online platform, software, or a feature within digital dictionaries and language applications. When you input a word, the antonym finder quickly searches its database and provides a list of words or phrases that bear the opposite meaning.

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List of 200+ Antonyms From A to Z in English

Posted on Last updated: July 17, 2019

List of 200+ Antonyms From A to Z in English

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Different from synonyms , antonyms are words which have almost opposite meanings. Most words can have one or more antonyms. Each time you learn a new English word, try to find out its antonyms. This is a good way to improve your vocabulary. Following is an antonyms list (or opposites list) from A to Z to help you expand vocabulary.

Table of Contents

Learn antonyms list in English:

List of Antonyms (A-H)

  • Above – Below
  • Absent – Present
  • Achieve – Fail
  • Add – Subtract
  • Afraid – Confident
  • After – Before
  • Amateur – Professional
  • Ancient – Modern
  • Argue – Agree
  • Arrive – Depart
  • Arrogant – Humble
  • Ascend – Descend
  • Attack – Defend
  • Awake – Asleep
  • Bad – Good
  • Beautiful – Ugly
  • Before – After
  • Better – Worse
  • Big – Little
  • Birth – Death
  • Black – White
  • Blunt – Sharp
  • Bold – Timid
  • Brave – Cowardly
  • Brief – Long
  • Bright – Dull
  • Busy – Idle
  • Buy – Sell
  • Cautious – Careless
  • Cheap – Expensive
  • Clean – Dirty
  • Close – Open
  • Cold – Hot
  • Complex – Simple
  • Compliment – Insult
  • Cool – Warm
  • Crazy – Sane
  • Crooked – Straight
  • Cruel – Kind
  • Dark – Light
  • Day – Night
  • Deep – Shallow
  • Decrease – Increase
  • Demand – Supply
  • Destroy – Create
  • Divide – Unite
  • Down – Up
  • Drunk – Sober
  • East – West
  • Easy – Difficult
  • End – Begin
  • Even – Odd
  • Evening – Morning
  • Expand – Contract
  • Fail – Pass
  • False – True
  • Fat – Skinny
  • Fiction – Fact
  • Float – Sink
  • Follow – Lead
  • Foolish – Wise
  • Forgive – Blame
  • Freeze – Boil
  • Full – Empty
  • Generous – Stingy
  • Gentle – Rough
  • Giant – Dwarf
  • Give – Receive
  • Gloomy – Cheerful
  • Grief – Joy
  • Guilty – Innocent
  • Happy – Sad
  • Hard – Soft
  • Heaven – Hell
  • Heavy – Light
  • High – Low
  • Hire – Fire
  • Huge – Tiny
  • Hungry – Full

List of Antonyms (H-P)

  • Idle – Active
  • In – Out
  • Include – Exclude
  • Individual – Group
  • Innocent – Guilty
  • Inside – Outside
  • Joy – Sadness
  • Kind – Cruel
  • Knowledge – Ignorance
  • Last – First
  • Laugh – Cry
  • Less – More
  • Lie – Truth
  • Like – Dislike
  • Likely – Unlikely
  • Liquid – Solid
  • Lonely – Crowded
  • Long – Short
  • Loose – Tight
  • Lost – Found
  • Love – Hate
  • Major – Minor
  • Man – Woman
  • Marvelous – Terrible
  • Mature – Immature
  • Maximum – Minimum
  • Mix – Separate
  • Moist – Dry
  • More – Less
  • Most – Least
  • Move – Stay
  • Near – Far
  • Never – Always
  • New – Old
  • Noisy – Quiet
  • None – All
  • North – South
  • Nothing – Something
  • Now – Then
  • Obvious – Hidden
  • Odd – Even
  • Often – Seldom
  • Old – Young
  • On – Off
  • Optimist – Pessimist
  • Ordinary – Extraordinary
  • Over – Under
  • Pain – Pleasure
  • Panic – Calm
  • Partial – Complete
  • Passive – Active
  • Peace – War
  • Permanent – Unstable
  • Play – Work
  • Plentiful – Sparse
  • Polite – Rude
  • Poor – Rich
  • Positive – Negative
  • Powerful – Weak
  • Praise – Criticism
  • Pride – Modesty
  • Private – Public
  • Problem – Solution
  • Profit – Loss

List of Antonyms (Q-Y)

  • Quality – Inferiority
  • Quick – Slow
  • Raise – Lower
  • Random – Specific
  • Rare – Common
  • Raw – Cooked
  • Regret – Rejoice
  • Remember – Forget
  • Right – Wrong
  • Rigid – Flexible
  • Rise – Sink
  • Rough – Smooth
  • Rude – Polite
  • Same – Different
  • Segregate – Integrate
  • Seldom – Often
  • Sell – Buy
  • Send – Receive
  • Shame – Honor
  • Short – Long
  • Show – Hide
  • Simple – Complicated
  • Single – Married
  • Sour – Sweet
  • Spend – Earn
  • Start – Stop
  • Started – Finished
  • Stay – Leave
  • Stiff – Flexible
  • Stop – Go
  • Strength – Weakness
  • Strong – Weak
  • Student – Teacher
  • Sturdy – Weak
  • Sunny – Cloudy
  • Superb – Inferior
  • Tame – Wild
  • Teach – Learn
  • Temporary – Permanent
  • Thin – Wide
  • Tidy – Messy
  • Timid – Bold
  • Together – Apart
  • Top – Bottom
  • Toward – Away
  • Tragic – Comic
  • Transparent – Opaque
  • Triumph – Defeat
  • True – False
  • Union – Separation
  • Unique – Common
  • Upset – Stabilize
  • Urge – Deter
  • Vacant – Occupied
  • Vague – Definite
  • Vertical – Horizontal
  • Victory – Defeat
  • Villain – Hero
  • Visible – Invisible
  • Wax – Wane
  • Wealth – Poverty
  • Well – Sick
  • Wet – Dry
  • White – Black
  • Wild – Tame
  • Win – Lose
  • With – Without
  • Worthy – Worthless
  • Young – Old

Antonyms List | Infographic

Antonyms | Infographic 1


Antonyms | Infographic 2


D.J. Khaled

Thursday 21st of September 2023

this list is just so 🔥🔥🥵🥵

Tuesday 9th of May 2023

Thank you you will improve our vocabularies, thanks for

Alliyah Orozc

Saturday 1st of October 2022


Monday 6th of February 2023

Any antonyms for fun

Monday 23rd of May 2022

Any Antonyms for fun? 

Im Phillip, an I'm in fourth grade. How are you?


Opposite Words: Expand Your Vocabulary with These Simple English Antonyms

By: Author ESLBUZZ

Posted on Last updated: November 6, 2023

Sharing is caring!

Opposite words, also known as antonyms, are an essential part of the English language. They are words that have opposite meanings, and learning them can help improve your vocabulary and writing skills. In this article, we will explore the world of opposite words, their importance in learning English, and how to use them effectively in writing.

Within this text, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to opposite words. We will start by defining what opposite words are and why they are important. Then, we will give you a list of common opposite words and their meanings. We will also provide you with examples of how to use opposite words in sentences and paragraphs. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of opposite words and how to use them effectively in your writing.

Opposite Words

Opposite Words: Expand Your Vocabulary with These Simple English Antonyms

Understanding Opposite Words

Opposite words are pairs of words that have opposite meanings. They are also known as antonyms. Understanding opposite words is essential for learning English vocabulary and improving writing skills. In this section, we will cover the basics of opposite words, including their definition, examples, and how to use them in sentences.

Definition of Opposite Words

Opposite words are words that express a meaning as opposed to another word. For example, good and bad are opposite words because they have opposite meanings. Similarly, open and close, bright and dim, and many other words are opposite words. Opposite words are an important part of the English language, and learning them can help you improve your vocabulary.

Examples of Opposite Words

Here are some examples of opposite words:

How to Use Opposite Words in Sentences

Using opposite words in sentences is a great way to improve your writing skills. Here are some examples:

  • The weather is hot today, but it was cold yesterday.
  • My sister is tall, but my brother is short.
  • The restaurant is busy, but the park is quiet.
  • The book is interesting, but the movie is boring.
  • The music is loud, but the library is quiet.

Using opposite words in sentences can make your writing more interesting and engaging. It can also help you express yourself more clearly and effectively.

Different Types of Opposite Words

There are different types of opposite words. Here are some examples:

  • Absolute Opposites: These are words that have completely opposite meanings, such as good and bad.
  • Gradable Opposites: These are words that have opposite meanings but can be compared, such as hot and cold.
  • Complementary Opposites: These are words that are opposite but are used together, such as male and female.

Importance of Opposite Words in English

Opposite words are an essential part of the English language. They help learners to understand the meaning of words better and enrich their vocabulary. In this section, we will discuss the importance of opposite words in English.

Enhances Vocabulary

Opposite words help learners to expand their vocabulary by providing them with words that have opposite meanings. For example, if a learner knows the opposite of the word “good,” which is “bad,” they can use both words in their writing and speaking, making their language more diverse and interesting.

Improves Comprehension

Opposite words help learners to understand the meaning of words better. For instance, if a learner knows the opposite of the word “happy,” which is “sad,” they can easily comprehend the meaning of both words and use them in their writing and speaking.

Boosts Writing Skills

Opposite words are useful in writing as they help learners to express themselves better and make their writing more engaging. For example, using the opposite words “hot” and “cold” in a descriptive paragraph about the weather can make the writing more interesting and descriptive.

Facilitates Learning

Opposite words make learning easier as they provide learners with a way to categorize words based on their meanings. For example, a learner can group words like “light” and “dark” together as they have opposite meanings.

Common Opposite Words

Learning the opposite words is a crucial step in expanding your vocabulary and improving your fluency in English. In this section, we will cover the most common opposite words that you can use in everyday life, nature, and emotions.

Opposites in Everyday Life

Opposites in everyday life are words we use to describe things that are different from each other. Here are some of the most common opposite words in everyday life:

Example sentences:

  • The cat is in the box. The dog is out of the box.
  • The light is on. The TV is off.
  • The bird is flying up. The worm is moving down.
  • Turn left at the intersection. Turn right at the next street.
  • I love to work during the day. I like to sleep at night.

Opposites in Nature

Opposites in nature are words we use to describe things that are different from each other in nature. Here are some of the most common opposite words in nature:

  • The coffee is too hot. The ice cream is too cold.
  • The sun is shining. The sky is dark.
  • The towel is wet. The shirt is dry.

Opposites in Emotions

Opposites in emotions are words we use to describe different feelings. Here are some of the most common opposite words in emotions:

  • She is happy when she is with her friends. She is sad when she is alone.
  • I love pizza. I hate broccoli.
  • He always laughs at my jokes. He is serious when he talks about work.
  • She is sick. She needs to see a doctor.
  • He is rich. He can afford to buy anything he wants.

Learning opposite words is an essential part of improving your English vocabulary. By mastering these words, you can express yourself more precisely and communicate more effectively.

Opposite Words for Kids

Learning opposite words is an essential skill for kids to develop their vocabulary and language skills. In this section, we will explore easy opposite words for kids and fun opposite word games to make learning more enjoyable.

Easy Opposite Words

Here are some simple opposite words for kids to learn:

Using these words in sentences can help kids understand their meanings better. For example, “The balloon is big, but the marble is small.”

Opposite Words Games

Games can make learning fun and engaging for kids. Here are some opposite word games that you can play with your child:

  • Opposite Word Memory Game: Create a set of cards with opposite words on them. Shuffle the cards and place them face down on a table. Take turns flipping over two cards at a time to find a matching pair of opposite words.
  • Opposite Word Charades: Write down opposite words on small pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Take turns drawing a word and acting out the opposite word for others to guess.
  • Opposite Word Bingo: Create bingo cards with opposite words on them. Call out the opposite words, and the first person to get a line of opposite words on their card wins.

By incorporating these games into your child’s learning routine, they can have fun while also improving their language skills.

Opposite words are an essential part of English vocabulary. They are words that have opposite meanings and are used to express contrast or opposition between two things. Using opposite words in sentences can make the writing more interesting and engaging. Here are some tips on how to use opposite words in sentences:

Use Opposite Words to Create Contrast

Using opposite words in sentences can help create contrast and make the writing more interesting. For example, “The room was dark, but the sun was shining outside.” In this sentence, “dark” and “sun shining” are opposite words that create contrast and make the sentence more engaging.

Ask Questions Using Opposite Words

Asking questions using opposite words can help to clarify the meaning of a sentence. For example, “Do you want to give or take?” In this sentence, “give” and “take” are opposite words that help to clarify the question.

Use Opposite Words to Follow Instructions

Opposite words can also be used to follow instructions. For example, “Add salt and pepper to taste.” In this sentence, “salt” and “pepper” are opposite words that are used to follow the instruction.

Give Examples Using Opposite Words

Giving examples using opposite words can help to clarify the meaning of a sentence. For example, “The cat is black, but the dog is white.” In this sentence, “black” and “white” are opposite words that help to clarify the example.

Opposite Words in Writing

Opposite words, also known as antonyms, are words that have opposite meanings. Knowing opposite words can help you enrich your vocabulary and improve your writing skills. In this section, we will explore how opposite words can be used in writing, including at the start, end, open, close, begin, and exit of a piece of writing.

Opposite Words at the Start of Writing

When starting a piece of writing, it is important to grab the reader’s attention. Using opposite words can be an effective way to do this. For example:

  • “The day was bright and sunny, but my mood was dark and gloomy.”
  • “The room was quiet, except for the sound of my heart pounding.”

Here are some more examples of opposite words that can be used at the start of writing:

Opposite Words at the End of Writing

Opposite words can also be used at the end of writing to leave a lasting impression on the reader. For example:

  • “The journey was long and tiring, but the destination was worth it.”
  • “The story ended happily, but the characters had to overcome many obstacles to get there.”

Here are some more examples of opposite words that can be used at the end of writing:

Opposite Words in the Middle of Writing

Opposite words can also be used in the middle of writing to create contrast and add depth to your writing. For example:

  • “The sun was shining, but the wind was cold.”
  • “She was beautiful, but her personality was ugly.”

Here are some more examples of opposite words that can be used in the middle of writing:

Using Opposite Words in Writing

Using opposite words in your writing can help you create a more engaging and memorable piece of work. However, it is important to use them correctly and in the right context. Here are some tips for using opposite words in your writing:

  • Use opposite words to create contrast and add depth to your writing.
  • Use opposite words sparingly, as using them too often can make your writing sound contrived.
  • Make sure the opposite words you use are appropriate for the context of your writing.
  • Use opposite words to create a sense of balance and symmetry in your writing.

In conclusion, opposite words can be a powerful tool for writers. By using them effectively, you can create more engaging and memorable writing that will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

List of Opposite Words

Here is a list of opposite words for your reference:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common opposite words in English?

Opposite words, also known as antonyms, are pairs of words that have opposite meanings. Here are some common opposite words in English:

What are some activities or exercises for learning opposite words?

There are many activities and exercises that can help you learn opposite words. Here are a few ideas:

  • Matching games: Create flashcards with pairs of opposite words and have students match them up.
  • Fill in the blank: Provide a sentence with a missing word and have students fill in the blank with the opposite word.
  • Opposite word hunt: Have students search for opposite words in a book or article and write them down.
  • Opposite word charades: Have students act out the opposite of a word and have their classmates guess what the word is.

How can I improve my vocabulary with opposite words?

To improve your vocabulary with opposite words, try the following:

  • Read: Read books, articles, and other materials that use a variety of vocabulary words, including opposite words.
  • Practice: Use opposite words in your writing and speaking to help cement them in your memory.
  • Study: Make flashcards or use an app to study opposite words and their meanings.
  • Play games: Play games that involve opposite words, such as Scrabble or Boggle.

Can you give me some examples of opposite words?

Sure, here are some examples of opposite words:

  • Hot and cold
  • Up and down
  • Good and bad
  • Happy and sad
  • Inside and outside
  • Left and right
  • Open and close
  • Young and old
  • Light and dark

Are there any tricks for remembering opposite words?

One trick for remembering opposite words is to create a mental image of the two words together. For example, picture a hot cup of coffee and a cold glass of water side by side. Another trick is to use them in context. For example, if you know that the opposite of “happy” is “sad,” use them together in a sentence like “I was happy yesterday, but today I’m feeling sad.”

What are some common antonyms in English?

Here are some common antonyms in English:

  • Above and below
  • Accept and reject
  • Active and passive
  • Add and subtract
  • Alive and dead
  • Always and never
  • Arrival and departure
  • Awake and asleep
  • Back and front
  • Beautiful and ugly

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some activities or exercises for learning opposite words?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I improve my vocabulary with opposite words?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you give me some examples of opposite words?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are there any tricks for remembering opposite words?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

One trick for remembering opposite words is to create a mental image of the two words together. For example, picture a hot cup of coffee and a cold glass of water side by side. Another trick is to use them in context. For example, if you know that the opposite of \"happy\" is \"sad,\" use them together in a sentence like \"I was happy yesterday, but today I'm feeling sad.\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some common antonyms in English?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

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write a opposite word

Opposite Words in English, 1000+ Antonyms Words List

Opposite words in english, 1000+ opposite/ antonyms words, basic opposite words, opposite words in the english language, opposite words exercise for ssc and upsc exams.

Table of Contents

An opposite word can be defined as a word that expresses a meaning as opposed to the meaning of a particular word . In this case, the two words are called antonyms of each other. ‘Opposite words’ is an important topic in English Grammar, especially at the school level and students must learn as many as antonyms/opposite words as this would be a great booster for improving their vocabulary and improving their command of the English language. 

Let’s understand the concept of Opposite words with the help of some examples-

  • 'Beautiful' is the opposite word of 'Ugly.'
  • 'Happiness' is the opposite word of 'Sadness.'
  • 'Fast' is the opposite word of 'Slow.'
  • 'Clean' is the opposite word of 'Dirty.' and so on.

The topic “Opposite Words” is vast and impossible for a person to learn the antonyms of all words in the English dictionary. However, there are numerous opposite words that we often use in our daily life but some of us may don’t know the opposite of many other words. For your reference, we have tabulated 1000+ opposite words in this article, read and try to grasp some new words with their opposite meanings. Through this article, you will be able you learn numerous opposite words used in English Grammar and this will definitely enhance your vocabulary especially when you are preparing for Bank Exams, SSC Exams, UPSC, and other competitive exams where you have to prepare for English subject.  

Help your kid learn opposite words in a fun way from this article as we have separately listed opposite meanings of words alphabetically. The list of basic opposite words is quite important for the students of Classes 5th, 6th, and 7th as this is the time where they have to build a strong base of their vocabulary. 

A list of simple and basic opposite words in English is given below. Use them to improve your English vocabulary. If you are a kid and want to build your vocabulary strong you can read the following simple opposite words.

An extensive list of opposite words/ antonyms of the most commonly used English words is given below. Let's have a look at important Opposite Words alphabetically from letters A to Z.

Opposite Words Starting with the Letter ‘A’

Opposite words starting with the letter ‘b’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘c’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘d’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘e’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘f’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘g’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘h’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘i’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘j’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘k’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘l’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘m’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘n’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘o’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘p’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘q’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘r’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘s’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘t’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘u’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘v’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘w’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘x’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘y’, opposite words starting with the letter ‘z’.

The aspirants appearing for government examinations frequently face questions related to antonyms/opposite words in the English language section of various exams such as SSC (SSC CGL, CHSL, JE etc.), UPSC (NDA, CDS etc), Banking and more. Opposite Words are asked in the vocabulary section which won’t be as simple as the basic opposite words listed above. Practice for opposite words with a few important questions enlisted below from the perspective of competitive examinations.

Directions: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 

Q1. MELODIOUS   (a) Harmonious  (b) Tuneless  (c) Odious  (d) Mellifluous 

Ans. (c)  Sol. Melodious: pleasant to listen to, Odious: extremely unpleasant, horrible. Mellifluous: pleasingly smooth and musical to hear. Hence Melodious and Odious are antonyms to each other. 

Q2. FIENDISH   (a) Diabolical  (b) Devilish  (c) Reimbursement  (d) Friendly 

Ans. (d)  Sol. Fiendish: cruel and unpleasant: extremely clever and complicated. Friendly: Behaving in a kind and pleasant way showing kindness. Reimbursement: a sum paid to cover the money that has been spent or lost. Hence Fiendish and Friendly are antonyms to each other. 

Q3. SUBSEQUENT  (a) Eventual  (b) Succeeding  (c) Prior  (d) Comparative 

Ans. (c)  Sol. Subsequent: Happening or coming after something else. Prior: Happening or existing before something else. Hence Subsequent and Prior are antonyms to each other.

Q4. SOBRIETY  (a) Modernization  (b) Drunkenness  (c) Despicable  (d) Stupidity 

Ans. (b)  Sol. Sobriety: the state of being sober not being drunk; the fact of being sensible and serious. Despicable: deserving hatred and contempt. Drunkenness: the state of being drunk; intoxication. Hence Sobriety and Drunkenness are antonyms to each other. 

Q5. NEFARIOUS  (a) Slapdash  (b) Perfect  (c) Unblemished  (d) Righteous 

Ans. (d)  Sol. Nefarious: (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal. Righteous: morally right or justifiable. Slapdash: done too hurriedly and carelessly. Hence Nefarious and Righteous are antonyms to each other. 

Q6. RECUPERATE  (a) Relapse  (b) Rude  (c) Rush  (d) Sparse 

Ans. (a)  Sol. Recuperate: recover from illness or exertion. Relapse: a deterioration in someone's state of health after a temporary improvement. Sparse: scanty; in short supply. Hence Recuperate and Relapse is antonyms to each other. 


(a) Healthy  (b) Steady  (c) Obese  (d) Young 

Ans. (b)  Sol. Tremulous: shaking or quivering slightly. Steady: firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving. Obese: grossly fat or overweight. Hence Tremulous and Steady are antonyms to each other.

Q8. ELUDE  (a) Dodge  (b) Support  (c) Thwart  (d) Flee 

Ans. (b)  Sol. Elude: evade or escape from (a danger, enemy or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way. Dodge: avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement. Thwart: prevent (someone) from accomplishing something. Hence Elude and Support are antonyms to each other. 

Q9. CONTEMPTUOUS  (a) Respected  (b) Derisive (c)  Haughty  (d) Expedite 

Ans. (a) Sol. Contemptuous: showing contempt; scornful. Derisive: expressing contempt or ridicule. Expedite: make (an action or process) happen sooner. Hence Contemptuous and Respected are antonyms to each other. 

Q10. RELISH  (a) Zest  (b) Apathy  (c) Corporal  (d) Prototype 

Ans. (b) Sol. Relish: Great Enjoyment. Apathy: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Hence Relish and Apathy are antonyms to each other.

Q. What are opposite words?

Q. What is the opposite of beautiful word?

Q. What is the opposite word of wise?

Q. What is the opposite word of kind?

Q What is the opposite of I Love You?

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English Study Online

Opposite Words | List of 100+ Helpful Opposite Words in English

By: Author English Study Online

Posted on Last updated: October 4, 2023

Sharing is caring!

Opposite Words in English! An opposite word is a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. In this article, you will find the list of opposite words in English.

Helpful Opposite Words in English

Opposite Words

Table of Contents

Common Opposite Words

Here is the list of most common opposite words in English.


  • She made a valiant attempt to  laugh .
  • He tried to  cry  off after swearing he would do it!


  • The fruit does not fall  far  from the tree.
  • The best fish swim  near  the bottom.


  • If you’re multiplying by an even  number, you know the answer can’t be an odd number.
  • The houses on this side of the street all have odd  numbers.

Give………….Take (Receive)

  • It is better to  give  than to receive.
  • If I  take  care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.


  • It was a sheer luxury to step into a hot  bath.
  • It’s so  cold  the snow doesn’t get a chance to thaw.


  • The meeting extended late into the  night .
  • The morning sun never lasts a  day .


  • The office was  light  and airy.
  • The night deep  dark  blue eyes.


  • The country has to  import  most of its raw materials.
  • The islands  export  sugar and fruit.


  • The post office is  opposite  the station.
  • The two houses were built after the  same  model.


  • A faithful friend is  hard  to find.
  • It is  easy  to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.


  • It is too  late  to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.
  • You promised me you’d be home  early  tonight.


  • It’s  normal  to feel tired after such a long trip.
  • The radio is giving out a  strange  signal.


  • Her headaches are becoming  less  frequent.
  • The  more  women look in their glass, the less they look to their house.


  • A  little child is a sweetest and purest thing in the world.
  • Too  much  pudding will choke a dog.


  • Male workers were made permanently sterile by this pesticide.
  • The contract gives a  female  executive maternity leave rights.


  • Come on, we’re late – get in the car.
  • It’s bitterly cold  out , today.


  • Our children have brought us so much happiness .
  • Her sadness at her grandfather’s death was obvious.


  • Computers are getting faster all the time.
  • She’s a very slow  eater.


  • I like chocolates with soft  centres.
  • There was a heavy frost last night and the ground is still hard .


  • This is a battered  old  car.
  • His girlfriend’s very young .


  • I couldn’t stop  laughing.
  • We’re moving  to Paris.


  • You’ve been a very naughty  boy !
  • There was a little  girl  sitting next to him.


  • I need to fuel up before I  begin  the trip.
  • I’ll call you when I’ve finished my homework.


  • Is this lift going up ?
  • Is this lift going down ?


  • The house is clearly  visible from the beach.
  • She was  invisible  in the dusk of the room.


  • The  left  brain controls the right-hand side of the body.
  • Most people write with their  right  hand.


  • She does not know if he is  alive  or dead.


  • The region is rich  in minerals and coal deposits.
  • He came from a poor  immigrant family.


  • The wind shifted to the  north .
  • The south of the country enjoys an equable climate.


  • I’m sure he loves his kids.
  • Kelly hates her teacher.


  • Sam is very clever at physics.
  • She was really stupid to quit her job like that.


  • The door bolts on the inside .
  • It was a sunny day  outside .


  • She’s always up before  dawn.
  • Let’s go for a walk  after  breakfast.


  • He is a bad man.
  • I’ve just had some very good  news.


  • Honey is  sweet , but the bee stings.
  • The fruit was too sour  to eat.


  • Her  short  hairstyle is very becoming.
  • He was  tall  and quite good-looking.


  • Our main aim is to  increase  sales in Europe.
  • The aim is to  reduce  traffic at peak periods.


  • Close your eyes and imagine you are in a forest.
  • The museum is  open  to the public.


  • The  child is learning to write.
  • Children quickly get bored by  adult  conversation.


  • He was a quiet, shy  man .
  • There is little of a  woman  in her.


  • This is a  brief  outline of the events.
  • Passengers could face  long  delays.


  • It was  difficult  to tell his exact age.
  • The system is relatively  easy  to use.


  • I ripped my jeans  on the fence.
  • Don’t put  off  till tomorrow what should be done today.


  • The room was  full  of people.
  • The house stands desolate and  empty .


  • She is an  amateur  in dancing.
  • The best  professional  musicians start young.


  • He stepped aside to  let  her pass.
  • His parents  forbid  him wine.


  • The  liquid  is found in a highly concentrated form.
  • The clothes froze  solid  on the washing-line.


  • The light is too dim  for me to read.
  • I’ve got two  bright  students, but the rest are average.


  • I’ve arranged that we can  borrow  their car.
  • Can you  lend  me your car this evening?


  • The ice will  melt  when the sun shines on it.
  • Freeze  it only until firm but not rock solid.


  • She felt she needed an  ally  so badly.
  • We attacked the  enemy  from the rear.


  • The restaurant has a large  regular  clientele.
  • She touched its tough  irregular  surface.


  • What time do the fireworks  start ?
  • He is anxious to  finish  the job.


  • Kind  words are the music of the world.
  • Sometimes you have to be  cruel to be kind.


  • His speech was a  powerful  spur to action.
  • John is good at French but  weak  at history.


  • I was wide  awake  all night.
  • He lay down and was  asleep  immediately.


  • My hair soon grew back to its  natural colour.
  • This  artificial  fabric has the texture of silk.


  • Hydrogen and oxygen  combine  to form water.
  • A brief summary is given on a  separate  sheet.


  • The ground was  thick  with dead leaves.
  • She’s only wearing a  thin summer jacket.


  • He built the house low and  wide .
  • They rode along  narrow  country lanes.


  • We have got  wet  patches on the wall.
  • Go and rub your hands  dry .


  • Gosh, the rain is so  heavy !
  • Here, take this bag – it’s quite light.


  • She had just woken from a  deep  sleep.
  • Put the milk in a  shallow dish.


  • The court case will do serious  harm to my business.
  • The show was very  funny  – they were sending up sports commentators.


  • The boats in the harbor were  safe  during the storm.
  • It’s a  dangerous  stretch of road.


  • I wear blue-tinted glasses on  sunny  days.
  • Cloudy  sky drove the bathers off the beach.


  • He is a firm believer in  total  quality management.
  • I could give it only  partial  support.


  • I got a  cheap  flight at the last minute.
  • She was wearing an  expensive  new outfit.


  • Children  here  walk several miles to school.
  • Altogether  there  were 38 people in the bus.


  • It is  interesting  to compare their situation and ours.
  • I hate this stinking  boring  job!


  • I’ve  never  been very good at arithmetic.
  • He is  always  polite to everyone.


  • The room still has  many  of its original features.
  • Very  few  students learn Latin now.


  • We’re working to a  tight schedule.
  • One of the screws is  loose .


  • It can be  useful  to write a short summary of your argument first.
  • Don’t expend all your time on such a  useless  job.


  • He arrived breathless at the  top  of the stairs.
  • The  bottom  line is that recycling isn’t profitable.


  • Your room’s  huge  compared to mine.
  • The baby gripped my finger with her  tiny  hand.


  • To be strong, a country must have unity .
  • There was a  division  of opinion on the matter.


  • You are a frequent  visitor  at my house.
  • Our  host  greeted us at the door.


  • He’s been single for so long now, I don’t think he’ll ever marry.
  •  I thought he would change after we got  married .


  • I share a bedroom with my  sister .
  • My  brother  is in his thirties.


  • She had thick black hair and  smooth dark skin.
  • The  rough  cloth prickled my skin.


  • The students  sit  in a circle on the floor.
  • We had to  stand  in the snow every morning for roll call.


  • I have cooked a  special  meal in honor of our visitors.
  • He had clearly plumbed the  general  sense of the message.


  • The town is a residential  suburb .
  • We live ten minutes from the city  centre  by bus.


  • The color of leaves is green in  summer .
  • We go skiing most weekends in  winter .


  • You couldn’t get a  supporter  for love or money.
  • In debate he was a formidable  opponent .


  • She offered to  teach  me to crochet.
  • You must  learn  to control your temper.


  • There is a  major  problem with parking in London.
  • This is a very  minor  operation and there is very little risk involved.


  • The  maximum  load for this truck is ten ton.
  • The act lays down a  minimum  standard for air quality.


  • He made a frightful  mess  in the kitchen.
  • The children lined up in  order  of age/height.


  • I have to say I don’t much care for  modern  music.
  • Marriage became an institution in  ancient  societies.


  • She grows her own  broad  beans.


  • We are averse to such  noisy  surroundings.
  • He was a  quiet , shy man.

Not yet………….Ready

  • This new drug’s potency is  not yet  known.
  • Come on, wake up – breakfast is  ready .


  • I couldn’t concentrate on my work – my mind was on other things.


  • She was longing for some peace  and privacy.
  • His business suffered greatly during the  war .


  • He is always  polite  to everyone.
  • He is so  rude  that nobody can bear him.


  • She has lived in  poverty  all her life.
  • His  wealth  is estimated at fifty million dollars.


  • That’s a  pretty  hat you’re wearing.
  • I like her in a kind, but she is  ugly .


  • The museum is open to the  public .
  • The interviewer probed deep into her  private  life.


  • She gave him a gentle  push  towards the door.
  • Don’t  pull  so hard or the handle will come off.


  • I  regret  to say that we can’t stay here any longer.
  • He smiled in  satisfaction  when he won the race.


  • You must  ask  permission if you want to leave early.
  • He was too racked by sobs to  reply .


  • I can still vividly  remember  my grandfather teaching me to play cards.
  • I tend to  forget  things unless I mark them down.


My kite flies  high  in the sky.

He built the house  low  and wide.

Humid ………….Dry

  • It’s too  humid  today; it’s hard to breathe!
  • I need to change into some  dry clothes.


  • My hobbies  include  reading and painting.
  • She gets very upset if I  exclude  her from anything.


  • He is  junior  to me by a year.
  • He passed himself off as a  senior  psychologist.

Antonyms Word List | Infographic

Opposite Words

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Home » 500 Common Opposite Words List in English

500 Common Opposite Words List in English

500 Antonyms Words List

An opposite word expresses a meaning as opposed to the meaning of a particular word . In this case, the two words are called antonyms of each other. Here I have provided around  Opposite Words list for every English learner to improve their vocabulary and improve their command of the English language.

  • Valley– Mountain
  • Destroy– Build
  • Desperate– Hopeful
  • Ancient– Modern
  • Probably– certainly
  • About – Exactly
  • Abundance – Lack
  • Better – Worse
  • Changeable – Constant
  • Comedy – Drama
  • Alike– Different
  • Heat– C Build– Destroy
  • Here– There
  • Death– Birth
  • Interesting– Boring
  • Courageous– Cowardly
  • Lead– Follow
  • Sour– Sweet
  • After– Before
  • Child– Adult
  • Empty– Full
  • Answer– Ask
  • Constant– Changeable
  • Exclude– Include
  • Solid– Liquid
  • Different– Alike
  • Miss– Catch
  • Quick– Slow
  • Separate– Connect
  • Wealthy– Poor
  • Bore– Amuse
  • Strong– Weak
  • Broad– Narrow
  • Divorce– Marriage
  • Wedding– Divorce
  • Always– Never
  • Nice– Awful
  • Argue– Agree
  • Correct– Wrong
  • Courage– Fear
  • Immigration– Emigration
  • Nasty– Nice
  • Advanced– Elementary
  • Serious– Funny
  • Dark– Light
  • Inside– Outside
  • Ordinary– Special
  • Shelter– Exposure
  • Before– After
  • Bad Luck – Good Luck
  • Gentleman– Lady
  • Liquid– Solid
  • Occupied– Vacant
  • Satisfaction– Regret
  • Annoy– Satisfy
  • Repair– Damage
  • Forbid– Allow
  • Kind– Cruel
  • Noisy– Quiet
  • Sunny– Cloudy
  • Below– Above
  • Departure– Arrival
  • Beauty– Ugliness
  • Defense– Attack
  • Forget– Remember
  • Hell– Heaven
  • Answer– Question
  • Exit– Entrance
  • Human– Animal
  • Marry– Divorce
  • Present– Past
  • Entrance– Exit
  • Maximum– Minimum
  • Deep– Shallow
  • Professional– Amateur
  • Rural-Urban
  • Useless– Useful
  • Awful– Nice
  • Cloudy– Clear
  • Private– Public
  • Special– General
  • Finish– Start
  • Intelligent– Silly
  • In front Of – Back
  • Front– Rear
  • Lend– Borrow
  • Old Angel– Devil
  • Compulsory– Voluntary
  • Exactly– Approximately– Modern
  • Health– Disease
  • Male– Female
  • Polite– Rude
  • Horizontal– Vertical
  • Minimum– Maximum
  • Pupil-Teacher
  • Complicated– Simple
  • Everything– Nothing
  • Much– Little
  • Regret– Satisfaction
  • Summer– Winter
  • Hopeful– Desperate
  • Clever– Stupid
  • Moderate– Extreme
  • Quiet– Loud
  • Student– Teacher
  • Strange– Normal
  • Birth– Death
  • Destruction– Construction
  • Natural– Artificial
  • Reply– Question
  • Trust– Suspect
  • Seldom– Often
  • Waste– Save
  • Asleep– Awake
  • Difficult– Easy
  • Fail– Succeed
  • Morning– Evening
  • Devil– Angel
  • Frequently– Occasionally
  • Learn– Teach
  • Reduce– Increase
  • Subtract– Add
  • Water– Land
  • Amuse– Bore
  • Delicious– Awful
  • Foreground– Background
  • Lady– Gentleman
  • Mess– Order
  • Public– Private
  • Stop– Start
  • None Of – A Lot Of
  • Safety– Danger
  • Victory– Defeat
  • Heavy– Light
  • Daughter– Son
  • Finish– Begin
  • Insult– Compliment
  • Ill– Healthy
  • Blunt– Sharp
  • Servant– Master
  • Awake– Asleep
  • Wealth– Poverty
  • Boring– Exciting
  • Dirty– Clean
  • Married– Divorced
  • Presence– Absence
  • Attic– Cellar
  • Dangerous– Safe
  • Final– First
  • Ending– Beginning
  • Heaven– Hell
  • Marriage– Divorce
  • Innocent– Guilty
  • Nephew– Niece
  • Damage– Repair
  • Female– Male
  • Include– Exclude
  • Under– Over
  • Black– White
  • Dictatorship– Republic
  • Antonym– Synonym
  • Construction– Destruction
  • Expensive– Cheap
  • Fresh– Old/Stale
  • Leave– Arrive
  • Floor– Ceiling
  • Interrupt– Continue
  • Melt– Freeze
  • Raise– Lower
  • Ascent– Descent
  • Cruel– Human
  • Weak– Powerful
  • Brave– Cowardly
  • Intentional– Accidental
  • Niece– Nephew
  • Rough– Gentle
  • Division– Unity
  • Generous– Mean
  • Light– Heavy
  • Certainly– Probably
  • Elementary– Advanced
  • Defend– Attack
  • For– Against
  • Lack– Abundance
  • Amateur– Professional
  • Comedy– Drama
  • Everybody– Nobody
  • Noon-Midnight
  • Safe– Dangerous
  • Vertical– Horizontal
  • Start– Finish
  • Admit– Deny
  • Stupid– Clever
  • Back– In Front Of
  • Send– Receive
  • Close– Open
  • Enjoy– Hate
  • Cellar– Attic
  • Free– Arrest
  • Occasionally– Frequently
  • Security– Danger
  • Part– Whole
  • Simple– Complicated
  • Behind– In Front Of
  • Depart– Arrive
  • Foreigner– Native
  • Violent– Gentle
  • Arrive– Depart
  • Left– Right
  • Often– Seldom
  • Senior– Junior
  • Alive– Dead
  • Clear– Cloudy
  • Full– Empty
  • Let– Forbid
  • Open– Closed
  • Powerful– Weak
  • Son– Daughter
  • Near– Distant
  • Ugliness– Beauty
  • New– Ancient
  • Unity– Division
  • Agree– Refuse
  • Humane– Cruel
  • Modern– Ancient
  • Upstairs– Downstairs
  • Affirmative– Negative
  • Changeable– Constant
  • Emigrate– Immigrate
  • Autumn– Spring
  • Never– Always
  • Right– Left
  • Freeze– Melt
  • Visitor– Host
  • Allow– Forbid
  • Harvest– Plant
  • Plenty– Lack
  • Bitter– Sweet
  • Same– Different
  • Smooth– Rough
  • Unite– Divide
  • Set Free – Arrest
  • Plant– Harvest
  • Shout– Whisper
  • Wide– Narrow
  • Accept– Refuse
  • Danger– Security
  • Increase– Reduce
  • Careful– Careless
  • Grown-Up– Child
  • Ancestor– Descendant
  • Funny– Serious
  • Afraid– Brave
  • Mend– Break
  • Protection– Attack
  • Goodluck – Bad Luck
  • Borrow– Lend
  • Disease– Health
  • Calm– Excited
  • Courage – Fear
  • Dawn – Dusk
  • Delicious – Awful
  • Emigration – Immigration
  • Gentleman – Lady
  • Giant – Tiny
  • Land – Take Off
  • Protect– Attack
  • Start– Stop
  • Drama– Comedy
  • Land– Water
  • Evening– Morning
  • Hilly– Flat
  • North– South
  • Cowardly– Brave
  • False– True
  • Emigration– Immigration
  • Hate– Enjoy
  • Major– Minor
  • Suburb– Center
  • Late– Early
  • Negative– Affirmative
  • Ugly– Beautiful
  • Exposure– Shelter
  • Hungry– Thirsty
  • Pleasant– Awful
  • Brother– Sister
  • Giant– Tiny
  • Continue– Interrupt
  • Export-Import
  • Little– Big
  • Outside– Inside
  • Better– Worse
  • Fortune– Bad Luck
  • Already– Not Yet
  • Closed– Open
  • Enter– Leave
  • Vowel– Consonant
  • About– Exactly
  • Beginning– End
  • Deny– Admit
  • Import– Export
  • Native– Foreigner
  • Foreign– Domestic
  • Land– Take Off
  • Normal– Strange
  • Exciting– Boring
  • Salt– Sugar
  • Village– Town
  • Accidental– Intentional
  • Careless– Careful
  • Dull– Interesting
  • Loser– Winner
  • Partial– Total
  • Background– Foreground
  • Be Interested In – Bore
  • Dead– Alive
  • Above– Below
  • Over– Under
  • Silent– Noisy
  • Gentle– Violent
  • Other– Same
  • Divide– Unite
  • General– Particular
  • Equal– Different
  • Mean– Generous
  • Voluntary– Compulsory
  • Bottom– Top
  • Distant– Near
  • Against– For
  • Children– Parents
  • Order– Mess
  • Sharp– Blunt
  • Whisper– Scream
  • Urban-Rural
  • Cry– Whisper
  • True– False
  • Useful– Useless
  • Absence– Presence
  • Receive– Send
  • Parents– Children
  • Short– Long
  • Approximately– Exactly
  • Rear– Front
  • Rough– Smooth
  • Succeed– Fail
  • Apart– Together
  • Sometimes– Often
  • Animal-Human
  • Connect– Separate
  • Happiness– Sadness
  • Monarchy– Republic
  • Guest– Host
  • Loud– Quiet
  • Particular– General
  • Strict– Gentle
  • Attack– Defense
  • Silly– Intelligent
  • Last– First
  • Future– Past
  • Life– Death
  • Active– Lazy
  • Large– Small
  • Not Yet – Already
  • Fear– Courage
  • Sadness– Happiness
  • Catch– Miss
  • Success– Failure
  • Adult– Child
  • Lower– Raise
  • Permit– Forbid
  • Best– Worst
  • Descendant– Ancestor
  • Spring– Autumn
  • Compliment– Insult
  • Opponent– Supporter
  • Shallow– Deep
  • Hopeless– Hopeful
  • Midnight– Noon
  • Poverty– Wealth
  • Lovely– Terrible
  • Past– Future
  • Excited– Calm
  • Artificial– Natural
  • Create– Destroy
  • Refuse– Agree
  • Sugar– Salt
  • Follow– Lead
  • Narrow– Broad
  • Remember– Forget
  • Ignore– Notice
  • Mountain– Valley
  • Junior– Senior
  • Failure– Success
  • Ceiling– Floor
  • Early– Late
  • Rude– Polite
  • Downstairs– Upstairs
  • Master-Servant
  • Pretty– Ugly
  • Little– Much
  • Outskirts– Center
  • Ask– Answer
  • South– North
  • Add– Subtract
  • Long– Short
  • Forward– Backward
  • Form– Destroy
  • Guilty– Innocent
  • Rainy– Sunny
  • Notice– Ignore
  • Save– Spend
  • Domestic– Foreign
  • Question– Answer

500 Opposite Words A To Z

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English Grammar Here

1000 opposite words list.

English 1000 Opposite Words, Antonym Words List;

1000 Opposite / Antonym Words List in English

  • about – exactly
  • above – below
  • absence – presence
  • abundance – lack
  • accept – refuse
  • accidental – intentional
  • active – lazy
  • add – subtract
  • admit – deny
  • adult – child
  • advanced – elementary
  • affirmative – negative
  • afraid – brave
  • after – before
  • against – for
  • alike – different
  • alive – dead
  • allow – forbid
  • already – not yet
  • always – never
  • ancient – modern
  • ancestor – descendant
  • agree – refuse
  • amateur – professional
  • amuse – bore
  • angel – devil
  • animal – human
  • annoy – satisfy
  • answer – ask
  • answer – question
  • antonym – synonym
  • apart – together
  • approximately – exactly
  • argue – agree
  • arrival – departure
  • arrive – depart
  • artificial – natural
  • ascent – descent
  • ask – answer
  • asleep – awake
  • attack – defend
  • attack – defense
  • attic – cellar
  • autumn – spring
  • awake – asleep
  • awful – nice
  • back – in front of
  • background – foreground
  • backward – forward
  • bad luck – fortune
  • beauty – ugliness
  • before – after
  • begin – end
  • beginning – end
  • behind – in front of
  • below – above
  • best – worst
  • better – worse
  • beautiful – ugly
  • big – small
  • birth – death
  • bitter – sweet
  • black – white
  • blunt – sharp
  • body – soul
  • bore – amuse
  • boring – exciting
  • borrow – lend
  • bottom – top
  • brave – cowardly
  • break – fix
  • broad – narrow
  • brother – sister
  • build – destroy
  • busy – lazy
  • calm – excited
  • careful – careless
  • careless – careful
  • catch – miss
  • ceiling – floor
  • cellar – attic
  • centre – outskirts
  • certainly – probably
  • changeable – constant
  • cheap – expensive
  • child – adult
  • children – parents
  • clean – dirty
  • clear – cloudy
  • clever – stupid
  • close – open
  • closed – open
  • cloudy – clear
  • cold – heat
  • comedy – drama
  • complicated – simple
  • compliment – insult
  • compulsory – voluntary
  • connect – separate
  • consonant – vowel
  • constant – changeable

1000 Opposite / Antonym Words List in English

  • construction – destruction
  • continue – interrupt
  • cool – warm
  • correct – wrong
  • courage – fear
  • courageous – cowardly
  • cowardly – brave
  • create – destroy
  • cruel – human
  • cry – whisper
  • cry – laugh
  • damage – repair
  • danger – security
  • dangerous – safe
  • dark – light
  • daughter – son
  • dawn – dusk
  • day – night
  • dead – alive
  • death – birth
  • deep – shallow
  • defeat – victory
  • defence – attack
  • defend – attack
  • delicious – awful
  • deny – admit
  • depart – arrive
  • departure – arrival
  • descendant – ancestor
  • descent – ascent
  • desperate – hopeful
  • destroy – build
  • destruction – construction
  • devil – angel
  • dictatorship – republic
  • different – alike
  • difficult – easy
  • dirty – clean
  • disease – health
  • distant – near
  • divide – unite
  • division – unity
  • divorce – marry
  • divorce – marriage
  • divorced – married
  • domestic – foreign
  • downstairs – upstairs
  • drama – comedy
  • dry – humid
  • dull – interesting
  • dusk – dawn
  • early – late
  • east – west
  • easy – difficult
  • elementary – advanced
  • emigrate – immigrate
  • emigration – immigration
  • empty – full
  • end – begin
  • end – beginning
  • ending – beginning
  • enemy – friend
  • enjoy – hate
  • enter – leave
  • entrance – exit
  • equal – different
  • evening – morning
  • everybody – nobody
  • everything – nothing
  • exactly – approximately
  • excited – calm
  • exciting – boring
  • exclude – include
  • exit – entrance
  • expensive – cheap
  • export – import
  • exposure – shelter
  • extreme – moderate
  • fail – succeed
  • failure – success
  • false – true
  • fast – slow
  • fear – courage
  • female – male
  • final – first
  • find – lose
  • finish – begin
  • finish – start
  • first – final
  • fix – break
  • flat – hilly
  • floor – ceiling
  • follow – lead
  • forbid – allow
  • for – against
  • foreground – background
  • foreign – domestic
  • foreigner – native
  • forget – remember
  • form – destroy
  • fortune – bad luck
  • forward – backward

1000 Opposite / Antonym Words List in English

  • free – arrest
  • freeze – melt
  • frequently – occasionally
  • fresh – old/stale
  • friend – enemy
  • front – rear
  • in front of – back
  • full – empty
  • funny – serious
  • future – past
  • general – particular
  • generous – mean
  • gentle – violent
  • gentleman – lady
  • giant – tiny
  • give – take
  • grown-up – child
  • guest – host
  • guilty – innocent
  • happiness – sadness
  • happy – sad
  • handsome – ugly
  • hard – easy
  • harvest – plant
  • hate – enjoy
  • health – disease
  • healthy – ill
  • heat – cold
  • heaven – hell
  • heavy – light
  • hell – heaven
  • here – there
  • high – deep
  • hilly – flat
  • hopeful – desperate
  • hopeless – hopeful
  • horizontal – vertical
  • host – guest
  • huge – tiny
  • human – animal
  • humane – cruel
  • humid – dry
  • hungry – thirsty
  • husband – wife
  • ignore – notice
  • ill – healty
  • immigrate – emigrate
  • immigration – emigration
  • import – export
  • include – exclude
  • increase – reduce
  • innocent – guilty
  • inside – outside
  • insult – compliment
  • intelligent – silly
  • intentional – accidental
  • be interested in – bore
  • interesting – boring
  • interrupt – continue
  • junior – senior
  • kind – cruel
  • lack – abundance
  • lady – gentleman
  • land – take off
  • land – water
  • large – small
  • last – first
  • late – early
  • laugh – cry
  • lazy – active
  • lead – follow
  • learn – teach
  • leave – arrive
  • left – right
  • lend – borrow
  • less – more
  • let – forbid
  • lie – stand
  • life – death
  • light – dark
  • light – heavy
  • like – hate
  • liquid – solid
  • little – big
  • little – much
  • long – short
  • loser – winner
  • loud – quiet
  • love – hate
  • lovely – terrible
  • lower – raise
  • bad luck – good luck
  • good luck – bad luck
  • major – minor
  • male – female
  • man – woman

1000 Opposite / Antonym Words List in English

  • marriage – divorce
  • married – divorced
  • marry – divorce
  • master – servant
  • maximum – minimum
  • mean – generous
  • melt – freeze
  • men – women
  • mend – break
  • mess – order
  • midnight – noon
  • minimum – maximum
  • minor – major
  • miss – catch
  • moderate – extreme
  • modern – ancient
  • monarchy – republic
  • more – less
  • morning – evening
  • mountain – valley
  • much – little
  • narrow – broad
  • nasty – nice
  • native – foreigner
  • natural – artificial
  • near – distant
  • negative – affirmative
  • nephew – niece
  • never – always
  • new – ancient
  • nice – awful
  • niece – nephew
  • night – day
  • nobody – everybody
  • noisy – quiet
  • noon – midnight
  • none of – al lot of
  • normal – strange
  • north – south
  • not yet – already
  • nothing – everything
  • notice – ignore
  • occasionally – frequently
  • occupied – vacant
  • often – seldom
  • old – modern
  • open – closed
  • opponent – supporter
  • order – mess
  • ordinary – special
  • other – same
  • outside – inside
  • outskirts – centre
  • over – under
  • parents – children
  • part – whole
  • partial – total
  • particular – general
  • pass – fail
  • past – future
  • peace – war
  • permit – forbid
  • plant – harvest
  • plenty – lack
  • pleasant – awful
  • polite – rude
  • poor – rich
  • poverty – wealth
  • powerful – weak
  • presence – absence
  • present – past
  • pretty – ugly
  • private – public
  • probably – certainly
  • professional – amateur
  • protect – attack
  • protection – attack
  • public – private
  • pull – push
  • pupil – teacher
  • push – pull
  • question – answer
  • quick – slow
  • quiet – loud
  • raise – lower
  • rainy – sunny
  • rear – front
  • receive – send
  • reduce – increase
  • refuse – agree
  • regret – satisfaction
  • remember – forget
  • repair – damage
  • reply – ask
  • reply – question
  • republic – dictatorship
  • rest – work
  • rich – poor
  • right – left

1000 Opposite / Antonym Words List in English

  • right – wrong
  • rise – sink
  • rough – gentle
  • rough – smooth
  • rude – polite
  • rural – urban
  • sad – happy
  • sadness – happiness
  • safe – dangerous
  • safety – danger
  • salt – sugar
  • same – different
  • satisfaction – regret
  • satisfy – annoy
  • save – spend
  • scream – whisper
  • security – danger
  • seldom – often
  • send – receive
  • senior – junior
  • separate – connect
  • serious – funny
  • servant – master
  • set free – arrest
  • shallow – deep
  • sharp – blunt
  • shelter – exposure
  • short – long
  • shout – whisper
  • shut – open
  • sick – healthy
  • silent – noisy
  • silly – intelligent
  • simple – complicated
  • sink – rise
  • single – married
  • sister – brother
  • sit – stand
  • slow – fast
  • small – big
  • smooth – rough
  • soft – hard
  • solid – liquid
  • some – many
  • sometimes – often
  • son – daughter
  • soul – body
  • sour – sweet
  • south – north
  • special – general
  • spring – autumn
  • stand – sit
  • start – stop
  • start – finish
  • stop – start
  • stand – lie
  • strange – normal
  • stranger – native
  • strict – gentle
  • strong – weak
  • student – teacher
  • stupid – clever
  • suburb – centre
  • succeed – fail
  • success – failure
  • subtract – add
  • sugar – salt
  • summer – winter
  • sunny – cloudy
  • true – false
  • trust – suspect
  • ugliness – beauty
  • ugly – beautiful
  • under – over
  • unite – divide
  • unity – division
  • upstairs – downstairs
  • urban – rural
  • useful – useless
  • useless – useful
  • vacant – occupied
  • valley – mountain
  • vertical – horizontal
  • victory – defeat
  • village – town
  • violent – gentle
  • visitor – host
  • voluntary – compulsory
  • vowel – consonant
  • war – peace
  • warm – cool
  • waste – save
  • water – land
  • weak – powerful
  • wealth – poverty
  • wealthy – poor
  • wedding – divorce
  • west – east
  • whisper – scream
  • white – black
  • whole – part
  • wide – narrow

1000 Opposite Words List

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My dying high school writing teacher has one more lesson. Don't wait to say thank you.

I wasn’t planning on writing about this – it was personal. But in the weeks that followed, it stuck with me, and I came to think what I learned from Mr. Lukacs should be shared.

write a opposite word

The last words I spoke to George Lukacs were sincere but woefully delayed: “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Mr. Lukacs was my high school English teacher in the 1980s. He is, in many ways, the reason I write for a living.

In late March, I learned via a social media post that he’s dying, and realized I had never – not in the 30-plus years since graduating – told him what a profound impact he had on my life. I had never thanked him.

So I rushed to track him down, and he graciously carved out time for a call. We caught up recently, we laughed and chatted, condensed decades into minutes, and I told him the things I should have said long ago. In that conversation, there was, appropriately, a final lesson.

Too often we forget to thank those who've helped us along the way

It’s simple, really: Don’t wait. Don’t wait to thank those who have changed you. Don’t wait to let the teachers, mentors or counselors, the ones who once helped you take the next step, know they made your life better than it would have been without them.

A teacher who changed the way I think

When I entered Mr. Lukacs’ English class in high school, I already had the fundamentals of good writing stamped into my brain. I had learned the form and structure that undergird a strong essay, but it had often felt like someone was teaching me with one hand holding a lid tight on my imagination.

Mr. Lukacs lifted that lid. He was an advocate for young writers letting their freak flags fly. He delighted in creativity and busting some of the previously sacrosanct rules that restrained our inventiveness.

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He sarcastically awarded a gold-painted shovel – the Golden Shovel – to the students who most gloriously and effectively B.S.’d, as in "shoveled the bull----," their way through essays.

Other teachers had kept us grounded because we needed to be. Mr. Lukacs let us soar because we were ready.

High school comes and goes, and we move on

I remember him from high school as a character – affable and kind. His trademark laugh often echoed off the buildings, sounding – and I say this with great reverence – like someone had stepped on a dolphin’s tail.

As high school students often do, I moved on from the foundational teachers who molded and shaped my mind. I grew up, found a career, formed a family and lived. All things good teachers want for their charges. A good life.

And as that good life unfolds, we forget to look back. 

A sad announcement that landed like a gut punch

In March, a friend shared a video Mr. Lukacs had posted. It was titled “ A Farewell Wave ,” words that punched.

I sat on my couch and watched as the now-gray-haired, bespectacled man looked into a camera and said: “Now an endgame has begun. I don’t know how much time I have, but it won’t likely be long.”

He was diagnosed with liposarcoma in 2001. Surgeries and treatment kept him alive, but his students, past and present, kept him going.

"The joy that I derived from interacting with all of you gave me a reason to be alive,” he said in the video.

He continued: “Thank you for making nearly every day of my life a joy. I hope that your lives have been magical. Even more, I hope that you recognize how magical they have been.”

A scramble for a chance to say thanks

I reached out to another past teacher to get Mr. Lukacs' email, then reached out to him asking to speak by phone, writing, “You have, lo these many years, remained a voice in the back of my head as I write.”

We had the chance to talk. I had the chance to tell him how much I owe him for teaching me to love writing and for showing me that I don't need to write like everyone else to be a writer – I just need to be myself and let the writing follow.

When I decided to share this story, I emailed him for permission. He responded, “I’m frankly surprised to be still here.” And he ended with “please write something powerful!”

No pressure.

We can all learn from Mr. Lukacs' final lesson

It’s my hope Mr. Lukacs will be able to read this before he ascends to the great classroom in the sky. (Don’t worry, I think he’d like that joke.)

But more so, I hope others read this and think about reaching back into their past and finding that person they should’ve thanked ages ago. That person who made a difference. That person who mattered.

Remember Jim Valvano: I inherited a cancer gene from my dad. He also left me a game plan to live.

A farewell, a poem and gratitude immeasurable

Mr. Lukacs ended his farewell video quoting the poet Walt Whitman: “And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.”

That’s from Whitman’s epic “ Song of Myself .” As much as I will miss Mr. Lukacs, and as much as I appreciate him, I will never forgive him for forcing me to read a 52-part poem.

But I did (sort of … OK, I skimmed part of it), and what struck me was the line preceding the one he quoted: “All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses.”

Onward, Mr. Lukacs. Thank you for the final lesson. (Though I could’ve done without the poetry, if I’m being honest.)

Your student, always,

Follow USA TODAY columnist Rex Huppke on X, formerly Twitter,  @RexHuppke  and Facebook

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How to Write a Cover Letter When You’re Changing Careers (Sample + Tips)

As a career changer, you need to help recruiters understand why you’re moving away from your former line of work and what you want to achieve in your new career path..

[Featured Image] A man in a blue button-up is sitting down in a conference room holding pieces of paper.

You will inevitably change jobs throughout your career as you seek more responsibility, growth, or even a higher salary. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average employee stays at each job for around four years [ 1 ]. However, for career changers—or those interested in exploring an entirely new path or industry—making that switch can sometimes involve unique challenges. 

Even so, making a career change has become an increasingly popular move. More than half of workers in the United States anticipated looking for a new opportunity in 2022 [ 2 ]. Changing careers can allow you to find more meaningful work, better align your career path with your larger goals, and move into a more energizing role.  

When you draft your cover letter to apply for a job in a new line of work, you must take time to explain your larger objectives. In this article, we’ll review specific information you can feature in your cover letter to help recruiters understand your goals and reasons for changing careers. 

Learn more: How to Plan for a Career Change: Step-by-Step Guide

How to write a career change cover letter

A cover letter is a chance to expand upon the bullet points outlined in your resume . It’s a space where you can explain your interest in the role and company, highlight your experience and skills, and sell a recruiter on the overall fit you’d make. 

But a career changer needs to do all of that and more. You also need to help recruiters and hiring managers understand why you’re moving away from your former line of work, what you want to achieve in your new career path, and any transferable skills that will help make your transition smooth. 

Let’s review four key pieces of information you can weave into your career change cover letter.  

1. Clarify your career change context

Explaining why you’re interested in changing careers and how the role you’re applying to fits within your larger career aspirations can preemptively contextualize your story. Plan to include a career change objective somewhere in your cover letter, much like you would a resume objective to provide a summary of a person’s experience and goals. Don’t be afraid to build a sense of personality so recruiters can better connect you with your objective.  

What this looks like: I’ve spent the last six years translating complex topics for various users as a technical writer. But in that time, I’ve realized that what drives me is the user’s experience. It’s the lightbulb moment behind my career change to UX design . I believe I’ll make a strong addition to your team because my work has largely put the user front and center, and now I’m interested in focusing on a different facet of that goal. 

2. Specify the value of your certificates, courses, or trainings

It costs over $4,000 to hire an employee, according to the Society for Human Resources Management [ 3 ]. That’s all the more reason why recruiters and hiring managers want to find the right candidate. It can be costly otherwise. Help explain what you’ve done to prepare for your career change by highlighting any professional certificates or trainings you’ve completed to prepare you for your new line of work. 

What this looks like: In order to familiarize myself with the tools and processes used in data analysis, I completed the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate , which taught me SQL and R, and trained me to clean and visualize data. Thanks to this preparation, I feel confident that I will make a strong addition to your team from the very start.  

3. Bring attention to your transferable skills 

Transferable skills are “portable,” in that you take them from job to job. They include problem-solving, critical thinking, attention to detail, and more. Show recruiters that you have important skills to help you do the job so they can understand the unique value you’d bring to their company.  

It can also help to find out the key technical skills the job requires and spend time learning what you can, especially when it comes to important software or tools. 

What this looks like: As a software developer, I regularly relied on my problem-solving skills to think through complex issues. I’ll bring that same skill, as well as my attention to detail, listening, and decision-making, to ABC High School as the new algebra teacher. 

4. Highlight your past achievements 

Any time you can highlight what you’ve managed to accomplish in your past roles, you help a recruiter see your potential in a new role. Where possible, summarize any moments that showcase your strengths and illustrate your work ethic or character. 

What this looks like: I pride myself on being a team player and a problem-solver. As a social media manager at Company X, I identified a better program to help my team schedule content. Using that tool improved my team’s efficacy, leading to our most successful quarter. 

Why is a cover letter important when changing careers?

The idea of a career path can sometimes be rigid, suggesting that people only follow one specific track. Although that perspective is starting to shift, it’s still prevalent. You can help recruiters and hiring managers understand more about your interest in a role by explaining why you’re changing careers and what you’ve done to streamline your transition. 

It helps to align your cover letter with a resume objective, which can be especially useful for career changers. An objective on your resume is a place where you can contextualize your larger career aims, quickly summarizing what you’re hoping to achieve in your next role. Repeat that same information in your cover letter and expand on it slightly to give your application materials more cohesiveness.  

Read more: How to Use Resume Sections to Shape Your Professional Story

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Career change cover letter sample

It's common practice nowadays to submit your cover letter digitally. In that case, include some of your contact information in the top left corner so recruiters can easily see how to get in touch.

Thomas Bennett

Nashville, TN

(555) 555-1234

[email protected]

Dear Ms. Tufte,

I’m writing to apply for the project manager role at Company X. I initially began my career as a marketing coordinator and eventually moved into email marketing , where I was responsible for strategizing and developing new campaigns. But in that time, I realized how much I thrived when managing our quarterly campaigns from start to finish. That’s why I’m interested in segueing into project management. 

Knowing that, despite my experience, I still needed to learn more specifically about project management, I completed the Google Project Management Professional Certificate . Over six months, I’ve learned Agile project management as well as how to create product documentation, among other key skills. I believe this training, along with my previous experience, will help me transition to a project management role at Company X and make a big impact.   

I’m an organized problem-solver with a sharp eye for detail, all important project management skills. I believe my previous work in email marketing provided hands-on training in managing projects, albeit without the official title. I identified new tools to help my team create more effective quarterly campaigns. As a result, we increased our click-through rate (one of our key metrics) to 1.87 percent, bringing it closer to the industry standard—an immense achievement. 

I’m proud of the foundation I gained through marketing, but in realizing where my true passion lies, I’m keen to transition into a project management role with more growth opportunities. I appreciate your consideration. 

Tips for strengthening your cover letter 

Much like you would for a standard cover letter, you can strengthen your cover letter as a career changer using the following tips: 

Tailor your letter for each role.

You should tailor your resume for each role you apply to, and the same goes for your cover letter. Research the company, find out about aspects of their work that interest you, and insert those details into your cover letter. You should also tailor your experience and skills, highlighting each job's most relevant skills and accomplishments. 

Get specific.

Your cover letter should expand upon your resume rather than repeating the same information. One way to do this is by giving details about your past achievements. When possible, quantify your impact with numbers and explain how these accomplishments make you uniquely qualified for this new role.

Use action words. 

Build action words into your resume and your cover letter. Rather than more staid words that don’t capture your unique story or responsibilities, action verbs can liven up your cover letter and make it more enticing to read. Find verbs that succinctly and accurately depict your previous experience.

Start advancing your skills today

Brush up on your cover letter writing skills by taking the University of Maryland’s free course, Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters . Or develop important skills for an in-demand career with a Professional Certificate from industry leaders like Google, Meta, and IBM. Most certificate programs take less than seven months to complete, and you can start for free with a seven-day, all-access trial.

Article sources

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “ Employee Tenure in 2020 ,” Accessed April 26, 2024.

CNBC. “ The Great Resignation is Likely to Continue ,” Accessed April 26, 2024.

ADP. “ Calculating the True Cost to Hire Employees ,” Accessed April 26, 2024.

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110 Best "Happy Anniversary" Wishes and Messages for Couples

Whether you're celebrating your own big day or another duo you love, here's what to write in your card.

preview for 5 Types of Romantic Relationships

For husbands

For partner, for parents.

When it comes to extending these warm and well wishes, whether it's for your wife or husband or another duo you love, you go wrong with any of these thoughtful wedding anniversary wishes for couples that will pull at their heartstrings (and yours).

If you’re the one writing inside an anniversary card for your partner, include love quotes for her or heartwarming messages for him — or get personal and add inside jokes and references that only the two of you would know. Including personal tidbits makes the message even more impactful. When it comes to other couples, of couse, you don't have to wish anyone a happy anniversary, but when it's a particuarly big year, it's definitely nice to acklowledge it. You can use one of these in a card if they are close friends or family. Or, drop them in the comment's section on Instagram or send as a text after they share a photo of their day together.

For couples

  • There’s nothing better than watching your love for each other flourish and grow each year. Happy anniversary to a wonderful couple.
  • You two are made for each other and it shows! Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples.
  • Wishing you both all the love and happiness today and forever. Happy anniversary!
  • No other couple complements each other the way that you do. Happy anniversary to the beautiful pair who makes marriage look so easy!
  • The way you look at each other shows everyone around you just how much you respect and love each other. Keep being a shining example of what real love looks like. Happy anniversary.
  • May God continue to cover and bless you in your union.
  • Who said that marriage was hard? Not you guys because you make it seem absolutely effortless. Happy anniversary
  • What a beautiful and loving couple. Wishing you a lifetime of love. Happy anniversary!
  • No marriage is perfect, but you guys come really close. Happy anniversary!
  • Wow, another year in the books! You guys are the perfect match. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to the couple who demonstrates unconditional love.
  • It’s a privilege and honor to watch your love continue to blossom. Happy anniversary!
  • May you be blessed with many more! Happy anniversary.
  • You two are the most adorable love birds I’ve ever known. Wishing you a lifetime of love.
  • Your love is so inspiring. You’re the perfect example of real love. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the couple whose love lights up every room.
  • Family gatherings wouldn’t be the same without you guys. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples.
  • I marvel at the wonderful life you’ve built together. You guys could teach a class on how to do marriage right. Congratulations!
  • You two are a true inspiration! Cheers to making marriage look easy.
  • A marriage anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, and partnership. You exemplify all of those qualities beautifully.
  • Wishing you an eternity of holy matrimony. Happy anniversary.
  • May your love continue to burn. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples.
  • Spending time with you guys is one of my favorite pastimes. You make life more enjoyable. Happy anniversary!
  • Another year married, another year to celebrate! Happy anniversary.
  • Congratulations on another year together as a healthy and happy couple.

smiling family enjoying drinks at birthday party

  • Marrying you was the best decision I’ve ever made. Happy anniversary, baby. I love you with all my heart.
  • Thank you for being my husband, protector, and best friend. Happy anniversary!
  • There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t thank God that you’re my person. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Happy anniversary, babe!
  • Spending my life with you is the greatest blessing I could’ve ever received. Cheers to another year together in love. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the man who will always have my heart. I love you!
  • You light up my life in ways that you can’t even begin to imagine. Saying “I do” have been the two most important words I’ve ever uttered.
  • Cheers to us! We’ve made it another year as one. I love you! Happy anniversary.
  • Wishing us a lifetime together. Happy anniversary, honey.
  • I’m the luckiest person on earth to have a husband as loving and kind as you! Happy anniversary.
  • Every day my love for you grows deeper. I can’t imagine my life without you. Happy anniversary.
  • Here’s to another year around the sun being great together!
  • You’re the cherry on top of life. You make everything better. Happy anniversary!
  • I’ve loved you since the first day our eyes locked. Nothing has changed. Happy anniversary to my better half.
  • I love doing life with you! You’re the greatest and I’m forever grateful. Happy anniversary.
  • Loving you is so easy. You’re truly the best husband any person could ever hope for! Happy anniversary.
  • I’m so proud to call you my husband. Cheers to another year in love. Happy anniversary.
  • I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Happy anniversary to the person who brightens every day.
  • I can’t believe I get to call you mine. Happy anniversary to my forever knight in shining armor.
  • Some things are just meant to be. We’re one of them. Thank you for loving me another year. Happy anniversary!
  • As long as I have breath in my body, you’ll always be the love of my life. Happy anniversary!
  • Cheers to another fantastic year together. I look forward to many more. Happy anniversary, babe!
  • When I saw you walk down the aisle all those years ago, I knew that we’d be together forever. Your beauty is unmatched. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • I’m the luckiest person on the planet because I get to wake up to you every day. Here’s to another year of seeing beauty up close and personal. Happy anniversary.
  • I’ll never stop loving you. Here’s to a lifetime together. Happy anniversary.
  • So many years ago you made me the happiest person on earth. That feeling hasn’t changed. Happy anniversary!
  • Your smile could light the darkest room. I plan to keep you smiling! Happy anniversary, sunshine.
  • You make me better. Thank you for loving me after all these years. Happy anniversary!
  • Wishing us the happiest anniversary. Our marriage is one of the things I’m most proud of.
  • Having you as my life partner is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. Wishing us a lifetime of happiness. Happy anniversary!
  • Our love grows stronger every year and for that I’m forever grateful. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • Doing life with you is one of my greatest joys. I’m blessed beyond measure. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the woman responsible for making me the happiest person to ever walk the earth.
  • 365 down, a lifetime to go! Happy anniversary.
  • I look forward to growing old with you. You are my favorite person and I’m the luckiest. Happy anniversary.
  • I couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect wife. You are everything and then some. Happy anniversary to the love of my life.
  • Happy anniversary! I’m so glad I got to marry my best friend.
  • Like anything, marriage has its ups and downs. Thank you for always sticking by my side through the good times and bad. I love you to infinity and beyond. Happy anniversary!
  • You are my soulmate and I can’t imagine a second without you in my life. Happy anniversary.
  • My love for you deepens with each breath. You are my favorite human.

happy senior woman getting bouquet from her husband outdoors in garden

  • I can’t believe we’ve been together for so long, but I guess time flies when you’re having fun! Happy anniversary.
  • You make me smile every day of the year and today is no exception. Happy anniversary to the love of my life.
  • I love you more with each passing day. I love watching you blossom in all areas of your life. Happy anniversary!
  • Through thick and thin, I will always love you. Happy anniversary!
  • You’ll always be my rock! Thanks for rocking with me another year. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • It’s such an amazing feeling to be loved by you. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.
  • You bring so much joy to my life! I can’t imagine a day without you. Happy anniversary, honey.
  • You are the yin to my yang. Happy anniversary to my lover and best friend.
  • Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Happy anniversary, my love.
  • Happy anniversary to the strongest, most thoughtful and caring person I know. Happy anniversary, baby.
  • Life with you is like heaven on earth. I love you so much! Happy anniversary.
  • You guys, I literally wouldn’t be here without you! So thank you for being the most amazing parents on the planet. Happy anniversary!
  • I’ve grown up watching what it meant to be a loving and caring couple. Thank you for being the blueprint for a healthy marriage. Happy anniversary!
  • Wishing my favorite couple a happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to you two crazy kids!
  • I’ve learned from the best when it comes to what a happy marriage should be. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example. Happy anniversary!
  • You two were made for each other and meant to be. I’m living proof! Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to the most loving love birds I’ve even known.
  • Your love for one another is so admirable. I’m lucky to have witnessed it on a daily basis. Happy anniversary to my all-time favorite couple.
  • Happy anniversary to the best parents anyone could ever have! Wishing you a day filled with food, love, and laughter!
  • Watching you look into each other’s eyes is something that will never get old. Happy anniversary, love birds!
  • After so many years together, you’re starting to look alike! Just kidding. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary, mom and dad! I’m so grateful to have the both of you as parents. Keep being the wonderful couple that I’ll always look up to.
  • I know that you’ll keep enjoying each other’s company for years to come. Here’s to a lifetime of bliss.
  • You two make marriage look easy. I hope that one day I can find someone who I can live happily ever after with — just like you guys! Happy anniversary.
  • It’s hard to believe that you two have been together for half a century. But hey, who’s counting? Happy anniversary!
  • You’ve both set a high standard on what it means to be happily committed. Thank you for being the best parents. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary, mom and dad. I’m so glad you guys found each other because if you didn’t, where would I be?
  • You two have a love that seems to get stronger each year. I love and respect you for always putting our family first. Happy anniversary!
  • I hope you both continue to love and cherish each other for the rest of your lives. Happy anniversary!
  • No other couple could ever compare to you two. Happy anniversary to the best to ever say “I do!”
  • If marriage is anything like you’ve demonstrated, I can’t wait for my wedding day. Thank you for being a shining example in so many ways. Happy anniversary!
  • I don’t know where I’d be without the two of you! Thank you for coming together to create such a magnificent human being: me! Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary! I’m so honored that I get the chance to celebrate your love.
  • Decades of love, support and kindness. Your relationship is what I aspire to have one day. Happy anniversary.
  • Best wishes and blessings as you continue walking life’s path united in love. Happy anniversary!
  • Congratulations on another year of love and togetherness. Wishing you a fantastic anniversary!
  • Here’s to another year of creating beautiful memories together. Happy anniversary!
  • Celebrating your love today and always. Happy anniversary to a fantastic couple!
  • Congratulations on another year of love and companionship. May your bond continue to strengthen with each passing year. Happy anniversary!
  • Everyday we see how happy you make each other. That’s what they call true love!
  • Wishing you both a lifetime of love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Happy anniversary!
  • Here’s to the love that grows stronger with each passing year. Happy anniversary and cheers to many more years of happiness together.
  • Happy anniversary to two incredible people who deserve all the happiness in the world. Cheers to your love!
  • Congratulations on [insert number] years together — here’s to many more.
  • Enjoy your anniversary and the many more to come!

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I prompted AI to summarize Google's 45-page book about how to write the best AI prompts. Here are the key takeaways.

  • Google  handed out free guides on how to write successful AI prompts for Gemini at Google I/O.
  • The booklet covers best practices for Google Workspace and gives examples for various professions.
  • Some tips include drafting 21-word prompts that include persona, task, context, and format.

Insider Today

Google handed out booklets about how to write successful AI prompts at its big summer developer conference, Google I / O .

But you're still in luck even if you weren't one of the developers or press in attendance — Google has a free PDF version available for download on its website.

The guide breaks down how to best write AI prompts for Gemini for the company's Google Workspace apps, which include Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Meet, and Google Slides.

But there are some great takeaways in general for writing AI prompts.

It lists some helpful tips, like how the most successful AI prompts average around 21 words, and users should refrain from making them too long or too short. The guide also went over the four key points to hit in every prompt to receive the most useful responses.

The guide showcases how different roles can use Gemini to improve productivity. For example, an HR manager might use Gemini to create a script for an onboarding presentation, while a sales representative may use it to create an elevator pitch for a client.

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While the digital version is only 45 pages long, we uploaded the booklet to Google's Gemini to see the biggest takeaways (yes, we prompted AI to summarize a book about AI prompts).

Here's what it said in response.

Gemini for Google Workspace: A Guide for Busy Professionals

This guide is a comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to learn more about using Gemini for Google Workspace to improve their productivity and creativity. It covers a variety of use cases for different roles (Recruiter, HR Manager, Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Sales Manager) and provides specific prompts and examples to help them leverage Gemini's capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Gemini for Google Workspace integrates with various Google Workspace apps (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet) to assist with tasks like writing, organizing, summarizing information, creating visuals, and more.
  • Effective prompts for Gemini should include Persona (who you are), Task (what you want to achieve), Context (background information), and Format (desired output style).
  • Gemini can be used across various departments to improve productivity and streamline workflows.

Additional Tips

  • Level Up Your Prompt Writing: The guide offers additional tips to help you improve your prompt writing skills. These include breaking down complex tasks into smaller prompts, using constraints to generate specific results, and tailoring your prompts to the desired tone and audience.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: The guide recommends checking and for the latest information on Gemini for Google Workspace.

Overall, this guide is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about using Gemini for Google Workspace to enhance their work within the Google ecosystem.

On February 28, Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, joined 31 other media groups and filed a $2.3 billion suit against Google in Dutch court, alleging losses suffered due to the company's advertising practices.

Watch: AI expert explains how to incorporate generative AI into your business strategy

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This One Word Is a Giveaway That You Used ChatGPT to Write an Email, According to an Expert "Delve" has increased its presence in written work since ChatGPT entered the scene.

By Emily Rella Apr 11, 2024

As AI infuses its way into the mainstream, people who write a lot (emails, pitches, papers) are trying out chatbots like ChatGPT to assist.

But although the technology has advanced, it still has a long way to go — and sometimes, certain words and sentence structures just don't feel quite right.

And according to an AI expert , there's one word that's a dead giveaway your email was written by ChatGPT.

Related: ChatGPT: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Paul Graham, the co-founder of startup accelerator company Y Combinator, posted on X this week that using the word "delve" is a red flag that the work was most likely written by ChatGPT.

My point here is not that I dislike "delve," though I do, but that it's a sign that text was written by ChatGPT. — Paul Graham (@paulg) April 7, 2024

He referenced a chart by researcher Philip Shapira, which shows the usage of the word "delve" from 1990 to 2024 in published papers and articles jumps to nearly 18,000 instances in the last four years.

Another data tool, AI Phrase Finder, put "delve" as the No. 9 (out of 10) most common word used by ChatGPT.

"If you make demands for a piece of text to be comprehensive in coverage, then you can't exactly blame ChatGPT for using a word like 'delve,' which carries connotations of pulling your sleeves up and digging into the depths of a subject matter," AI Phrase Finder said. "Still, it's undoubtedly a word that's overused by AI."

Related: The 7-Step ChatGPT Formula for Peak Productivity and Profit

According to Merriam-Webster, delve is a verb that means "to make a careful or detailed search for information" and "to dig or labor with."

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Anthony Edwards Had Great Three-Word Message for Charles Barkley After Game 7 Win

Tim capurso | 23 hours ago.

write a opposite word

  • Minnesota Timberwolves
  • Denver Nuggets

One can imagine that it will be great to be in Minnesota when the Timberwolves return home after Sunday night's 98-90 win over the Denver Nuggets in Game 7 of the West semifinals at Ball Arena in Denver, Co.

Charles Barkley, the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame member and outspoken analyst on TNT's Inside the NBA show, wouldn't know this—and it led to an amusing moment with Timberwolves star Anthony Edwards.

Barkley, during Inside the NBA's postgame interview with Edwards, admitted that he hasn't been to Minnesota "in probably 20 years."

That's when Edwards, not missing a beat, told Barkley to "bring ya a**."

Chuck: "I have not been to Minnesota in probably 20 years." Ant: "Bring ya ass!" 😂 — NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) May 20, 2024

Barkley then asked Edwards to provide him with a list of "good restaurants" in Minnesota, which the Timberwolves star said he would do.

This lighthearted moment is part of what makes Inside the NBA , in danger of being off the air as rival network NBC prepares to make a bid to swipe NBA media rights from TNT, such a beloved show.

Here's hoping we continue to get updates on Edwards's quest to educate Barkley on Minnesota's fine dining.

Game 1 of the Western Conference finals between the Timberwolves and Dallas Mavericks tips off on Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. ET at the Target Center in Minneapolis.

Tim Capurso


Survey Results: How Much Should I Pay a Freelance Writer? [Infographic]

  • Written By Allie Freeland
  • Updated: November 9, 2023

At ClearVoice, we probably get asked this question more than any other: “How much should I pay for a freelance writer?” As creating content for marketing becomes more popular, everyone wants to know what the going freelance pay rates are for well-written blog posts, email newsletters, social media content, and ebooks.

On the flip side, we know freelancers are curious about how they stack up to others in terms of pay. Let’s face it, it’s a seldom-spoken topic. If you do a quick search on pay for freelance writers, you’ll see that many other publications begin to answer this question, but most fail to actually list any rates. That’s because the answer depends on many factors, but it’d still be nice to see some actual numbers.

How much should you pay a freelance writer for your marketing content?

How much should you pay a freelance writer for your marketing content?

This FAQ doesn’t have a simple answer. Most intermediate to advanced freelance writers charge between $0.10 and $1 per word, depending on the amount of work they will have to put into the project. But, the way they bill that average range will vary. Some freelance writers bill at a flat rate, per hour, or per monthly retainer for frequent work (in this case, a volume-based discount should apply), rather than per word. Typically, freelance writers who use one of those last three billing methods will include services beyond just the content.

In addition, rates change per industry, company, writer, location, and project ( and many other variables ), which is probably why this question often goes unanswered on the Interwebs. But, that’s not helpful for anyone.

Freelance writing rates explained

So we decided the best way to give you a useful answer on freelance writing rates was to ask freelance writers themselves what they charge:

Methodology of our freelance writer payment survey

We addressed a big question in content marketing: How much should you pay freelance writers? Or, if you are a freelance writer, how much should you charge? It’s kind of hard to know unless someone tells you, right?

The best way to get an answer to “how much to pay a freelance writer” was to take it to the streets. We polled 500+ freelance writers from around the country to see what they charge, how they charge, what type of content they produce, the corresponding level of experience, and even gender to see if a gap exists like in so many other industries.

Questions we asked in our survey on freelance writing rates:

1. how many years of experience do you have as a professional freelance writer.

  • Beginner — 0–3 years’ experience
  • Intermediate — 3–7 years’ experience
  • Professional — 7–15 years’ experience
  • Expert — 15+ years’ experience

2. How do you charge?

  • Retainer/ project fee
  • A mix — depends on the client

3. What do you charge per hour? (Approximate if N/A)

4. what do you charge per word (approximate if n/a).

  • $0.11–$0.25
  • $0.26–$0.50
  • $0.51–$0.75
  • $0.76–$1.00
  • $1.00 and above

5. What tasks do you complete for clients?

  • Blog posts/articles
  • Email newsletters
  • Social media content
  • Print collateral
  • Ebooks/white papers
  • Research papers
  • Other [Specify]

6. What is your gender?

  • Prefer not to answer

2018 How Much Should Freelancers Charge For Work?

Key findings around freelance writer pay, experience, and gender

After months of collecting data from freelancers near and far, we were able to see some pretty cool trends on freelancer pay rates. Some were expected and obvious. Others were a bit surprising.

There were several common themes:

1.  You get what you pay for: Rates and level of experience are correlated.

When asked the question, “What do you charge per hour?” rates were cut pretty evenly, aside from the $1 to $20 range.

Here is the breakdown per hour and per word:

  • $21–$40: 19%
  • $41–$60: 18%
  • $61–$80: 14%
  • $81–$100: 19%
  • $0.01 –$0.10: 14%
  • $0.11–$0.25: 18%
  • $0.26–$0.50: 18%
  • $0.51–$0.75: 13%
  • $0.76–$1.00: 25%
  • 12% did not answer because they did not charge per word.

As we suspected, rates and level of experience are connected. Of the writers who charged the lowest rate, 25% were beginner freelancers, while only 1.5% of expert-level writers charged within that range. In fact, of the writers who charged the highest rate – $100+ per hour – most were experts (41%).

The findings were the same for per-word rates. Of the freelancers who charged between $0.01 and $0.10 per word, 32% were beginner writers, while only 0.8% were experts. And of the writers who charged more than a dollar per word, 54% were experts, while only 5% were beginners.

More on pay rates and quality

Interested in learning more about pay rates, experience, and quality? We previously reported on the correlation between pay rates and quality in our pay rate study for the travel industry and subsequent study for the  tech industry . It was no surprise to find that writers with more experience, who charged more, were overwhelmingly better than more affordable, less experienced writers.

2. We found a gender pay gap in our sample that was the opposite of most industries.

Interestingly enough, we didn’t find the traditional gender pay gap in freelance writing, at least in our survey pool. Women, on average, charged more than men except in one category, which was at the intermediate level. When we scale-adjusted the pay ranges to the percentages within each group, it came out to…

Average of all pay levels:

  • Women charged an average of 11.7% more per word.
  • Women charged an average of 8.3% more per hour.

At the beginner level:

  • Women charged an average 25.4% more per word and 37.8% more per hour than men.

At the intermediate level:

  • Men charged an average of 5.4% more per word and 6.3% more per hour than women. *It was the only level where men charged more than women.*

At the professional level:

  • Women charged an average 20.5% more per word and 11.1% more per hour than men.

At the expert level:

  • Women charged an average 11.3% more per word and 5.7% more per hour than men.

Note: Only eight respondents in the survey selected “Prefer not to answer” on the gender question. In future studies, we will add a “non-binary” selection.

3. Most freelance writers are flexible in how they charge.

When asked the question “How do you charge?” freelancers overwhelmingly responded that “it’s a mix – it depends on the client.” In fact, nearly 60% of respondents vary their rates based on different clients, while 12% charge per hour, another 12% by word, and nearly 16% charge by retainer (or per project). This is good news for brands, as budgets and payment terms vary from business to business.

One data point that stuck out was that men were about twice as likely to charge per word than women.

4. No surprise, but articles and blogs are the most common type of content produced.

Overwhelmingly, blogs and articles are the most common type of content produced by freelance writers. In fact, 90% of respondents produce articles and blogs, a rate that was consistent across all experience levels. Here is a breakdown of all the content types in our survey:

  • 90% produce blog posts and articles
  • 52% produce email newsletters
  • 56% produce social media content
  • 30% produce “other” types of content
  • 26% produce print collateral
  • 25% produce ebooks and white papers
  • 14% produce research papers
  • 13% produce books
  • 10% produce website copy

For the most part, men and women produced content types at about the same rate, with one exception: 41% of men reported producing ebooks and white papers while only 25% of women reported the same — the biggest gap for any content type.

5. Counter to popular opinion, older and more experienced freelancers were far more likely to do social media content.

While 80% of experts (those freelance writers with 15+ years of experience) reported doing social media content for clients, substantially fewer beginners, only 47%, reported the same. We found this point to be most surprising, as it counters the notion that social media is dominated by those who are younger. Perhaps putting your brand’s reputation in the hands of a freelancer requires the assurance they are more experienced?

Translating pay rates into the cost of content types

Translating pay rates into the cost of content types

Although charging per word might not be the ultimate method of calculating pay with your freelancers, knowing the approximate word count for the content types you need can help you estimate initial cost figures to work from.

What type of content do you want to produce?

  • Quality posts should be 800–2,200 words, depending on strategy
  • Typically 5–150 words per post.
  • Usually billed monthly or per project for bulk work.
  • Intermediate to expert freelancers should include some strategy and research.
  • Typically 100–800 words.
  • Usually billed at a flat rate per email.
  • Rate could be higher if research, media, distribution, or cross-publishing is required.
  • Design is not included in the content rate.
  • Typical ebooks range from 1,500–5,000+ words, while case studies often range from 300–900 words (usually translating into 1–3 pages for print collateral).
  • Ebook writers are often more experienced freelancers  (and quite possibly subject matter experts).
  • Should always include research, sources, and media.

Parting Words

Sending a special thanks to the hundreds of freelance writers out there who took time out of their day to participate in this study. After viewing the study, we hope freelancers have a better pulse on what others charge. And same goes for brands! Now you should have a better idea of reasonable rates based on levels of experience.

Related articles to help you determine pay and hire quality freelancers

Related articles to help you determine pay and hire quality freelancers:

  • 5 Great Reasons to Hire Freelance Writers : Whether you don’t have the time yourself or your team is already overloaded, learn the big benefits of hiring freelance writers.
  • The Power of Pay: Are Freelance Rates and Quality Correlated? [TRAVEL STUDY] : We assigned one travel article to seven writers and had 30 editorial pros rate the quality of the submissions. Did vetted experts outperform less experienced writers?
  • Survey Results: Factors in Determining Freelance Rates for Different Assignments : Different assignments, different rates, but same freelancer. Do really value and understand your freelancers’ time? If you need more editorial insight on gauging the work that goes into assignments, Jenna Rose Robbins captures many points marketers and newbie publishers need to know from the freelancer’s perspective.
  • 15 Scenarios When You Should Pay Freelance Writers More : Developing a solid working relationship with freelancers is no less important than fostering respect with your fellow FTEs. Educate yourself on the most common contingencies and special circumstances that warrant you paying a freelancer above and beyond their normal rate.

And related articles for freelance writers trying to boost their income:

  • How to Make $100k or More as a Freelance Writer: Successful Women Share Their Advice : Get ready to make more than ever before after hearing how these freelancers hit the $100k mark—and beyond.
  • How to Address Clients When Rates Are Higher Than They Expect : Hear directly from successful freelancers on how they proved their worth to clients and got the rates they deserve.
  • How to Grow Your Freelance Writing Rates (and When It’s Time to Ask for More) : When you become your own boss: How do you know when you’re due for more money? Learn when to ask clients for more.

Looking to outsource your content? Connect with a content strategist today and discuss your content needs, goals, and budget.

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    100 examples of antonyms: part 2. Here is the second set. Read and repeat them all! We will cover some challenging vocabulary here, such as optimist, compliment, and prosperous. So read on to find the opposites to these and more! Antonym Example. Opposite. Compliment.

  12. Antonyms Generator

    Find the perfect words to express your thoughts using our Antonyms Generator! This powerful tool taps into a vast dictionary of over 50,000 words, providing antonyms for your chosen words. Whether you're a writer, student, or anyone seeking precision in language, our generator enhances your English vocabulary. Say goodbye to word ambiguity and find the right word to convey your message.

  13. Opposites in English

    Here you will find a table of words and their opposites. Opposites formed by prefixes (dis-, ex-, im-, in-, irr-, un- etc.) are not listed here. Technical and geographical words are listed only in a very small amount because of clarity. A - F; G - L; M - R; S - Z

  14. Antonym Finder Tool

    An antonym finder is a digital tool or resource that allows users to find words of opposite meanings, commonly known as antonyms. This could be an online platform, software, or a feature within digital dictionaries and language applications. When you input a word, the antonym finder quickly searches its database and provides a list of words or ...

  15. Finding the Opposite of Words

    Finding the opposite of words, or antonyms, isn't so tough with a dictionary of opposite words, or sometimes simply by adding a prefix to a word. ... Many times, we want to express contrasting or contradictory ideas when we're writing, not necessarily the direct opposite. So, for example, you may be drafting the phrase, "They were no longer ...

  16. List of 200+ Antonyms From A to Z in English

    Different from synonyms, antonyms are words which have almost opposite meanings. Most words can have one or more antonyms. Each time you learn a new English word, try to find out its antonyms. This is a good way to improve your vocabulary. Following is an antonyms list (or opposites list) from A to Z to help you expand vocabulary.

  17. Opposite Words: Expand Your Vocabulary with These Simple ...

    Opposite Word Charades: Write down opposite words on small pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Take turns drawing a word and acting out the opposite word for others to guess. Opposite Word Bingo: Create bingo cards with opposite words on them. Call out the opposite words, and the first person to get a line of opposite words on their card wins.

  18. OPPOSITES for KIDS! (Opposite Words Vocabulary Builder ...

    Learn opposites for kids with this opposite words vocabulary builder! Learn the opposite words in a simple to understand format. Our opposite words in Englis...

  19. Opposite Words in English, 1000+ Antonyms Words List

    An opposite word can be defined as a word that expresses a meaning as opposed to the meaning of a particular word. In this case, the two words are called antonyms of each other. 'Opposite words' is an important topic in English Grammar, especially at the school level and students must learn as many as antonyms/opposite words as this would ...

  20. Opposite Words

    An opposite word is a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. In this article, you will find the list of opposite words in English. ... It can be useful to write a short summary of your argument first. Don't expend all your time on such a useless job. Top ...

  21. 500 Common Opposite Words List in English

    Here I have provided around Opposite Words list for every English learner to improve their vocabulary and improve their command of the English language. Valley- Mountain. Big- Small. Destroy- Build. Desperate- Hopeful. Ancient- Modern. Probably- certainly. About - Exactly. Abundance - Lack.

  22. 1000 Opposite Words List

    English 1000 Opposite Words, Antonym Words List; about - exactly above - below absence - presence abundance - lack accept - refuse accidental - intentional active - lazy add - subtract admit - deny adult - child advanced - elementary affirmative - negative afraid - brave after - before against - for alike - different alive - dead all - none allow - forbid ...

  23. Kid Rock Uses N-Word, Waves Gun Around During Rolling Stone Interview

    Peisner says Rock — whose bi-racial son was born from a high school relationship with a Black woman — liberally uses the n-word throughout the interview, in which he speculates that a decade ...

  24. Dying teacher is a reminder to never wait to share your gratitude

    Mr. Lukacs was my high school English teacher in the 1980s. He is, in many ways, the reason I write for a living. In late March, I learned via a social media post that he's dying, and realized I ...

  25. How to Write a Cover Letter When You're Changing Careers (Sample + Tips)

    Let's review four key pieces of information you can weave into your career change cover letter. 1. Clarify your career change context. Explaining why you're interested in changing careers and how the role you're applying to fits within your larger career aspirations can preemptively contextualize your story.

  26. 110 Best "Happy Anniversary" Wishes to Write in a Card

    What a beautiful and loving couple. Wishing you a lifetime of love. Happy anniversary! No marriage is perfect, but you guys come really close. Happy anniversary! Wow, another year in the books ...

  27. I Asked AI to Sum up Google's Guide to Writing the Best AI Prompts

    I prompted AI to summarize Google's 45-page book about how to write the best AI prompts. Here are the key takeaways. The booklet covers best practices for Google Workspace and gives examples for ...

  28. This One Word Is a Giveaway That You Used ChatGPT to Write an Email

    Paul Graham, the co-founder of startup accelerator company Y Combinator, posted on X this week that using the word "delve" is a red flag that the work was most likely written by ChatGPT. My point ...

  29. Anthony Edwards Had Great Three-Word Message for Charles Barkley After

    Anthony Edwards had an amusing response when TNT's Inside the NBA personality Charles Barkley told him he hadn't been to Minnesota in 20 years after the Timberwolves' 98—90 win over the Denver ...

  30. Freelance Writing Rates: How Much Should I Pay? [Infographic]

    The findings were the same for per-word rates. Of the freelancers who charged between $0.01 and $0.10 per word, 32% were beginner writers, while only 0.8% were experts. And of the writers who charged more than a dollar per word, 54% were experts, while only 5% were beginners. More on pay rates and quality.