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Write an academic CV

This section outlines key points to remember when preparing a CV and covering letter and highlights how to present your education and experience for academic jobs in teaching and research.

When you write your CV and cover letter you will face lots of choices about what material to include and how to present it. You need to use your judgement to make decisions which will demonstrate your experience most effectively. 

Academic CVs

An academic CV can be longer than the two pages which is standard in other sectors but it should still contain the most important information at the start. 

If the application is for a research only position then you should emphasise your research experience, publications, contributions at conferences, research funding you have won and any relevant technical skills. 

If it is for a research and teaching position (lectureship) then you should also give details of any teaching and tutoring experience. 

Example CV for academic role (CAHSS) (UoE login required)

Example CV for academic role (CSE) (UoE login required)

The headings below describe the typical content of an academic CV.  


your PhD, first degree and Masters, if you have one  

probably no need to list school qualifications, but if you do, put those that counted for entry to higher education only 

for your PhD you should summarise your research to date, include the names of your supervisor(s) and details of any funding obtained. If you have a viva date or target submission date note that

title, grade achieved, and dissertation title is usually enough for Masters and first degrees

give more detail about courses you have taken if they demonstrate a wider subject knowledge that could be of use if applying for a teaching post

Experience (Research)  

if you are including this section you can choose to give full details of your PhD research here, and only dates, title and supervisors under the education section

include any research experience in addition to your PhD, such as research assistant or technician roles 

give details of the subject area if relevant, and your methodology and technical skills  

mention any funding obtained, and your supervisor or research leader

Experience (Teaching) 

provide details of any tutoring, demonstrating or lecturing

mention courses taught and level, e.g. Sociology 1 or Cell Biology 2

show involvement with developing courses, marking and assessment  

for a teaching application, you could include your teaching methods and philosophy, and any feedback received   

invited or guest lectures could be included  

Additional experience  

The focus should be on your research and / or teaching experience but you can also include briefly other work that can: 

demonstrate the skills being sought for the job

show you can successfully manage work and study 

fill any chronological gaps in your history

Experience (administration)  

demonstrate that you will be a supportive colleague, willing to make a contribution to the administrative work of the department

list any administrative experience you have such as helping to organise a seminar programme or conference or committee membership

Publications and presentations 

Published, peer-reviewed publications or monographs will often hold the most weight but early on in your career you will mention other things to illustrate your research activity and impact.  

peer-reviewed publications

contributions to books

book reviews

can include those accepted for publication but not yet published

if this section is a bit slim you could include submitted articles to show your intention to publish

inclusion in conference proceedings

presentations or posters at conferences -mention if these have been invited presentations

Interests / other activities  

This section is not essential in an academic CV but could be used to include: 

positions of responsibility that demonstrate some of the skills the employer is looking for that have not been covered elsewhere 

hobbies and interests that say a bit about you, but only very brief details


when applying for advertised jobs, you will usually be expected to provide full contact details (name, relationship to you, address, e-mail and telephone) for 2 - 3 referees at least one of whom will be your PhD supervisor

think carefully about who you ask to act as a referee. It can be useful to have someone who is well-known in your academic field but only if they know you well and can comment positively on your abilities

make sure you brief your referees well on what you are applying for and give them an up-to-date copy of your CV to ensure they are aware of all the contributions you have made to your department / research area

Watch our Quick Guide to academic CVs which covers the basics of what to include in an academic CV: 

Narrative CVs

In recent years, some research-funding applications have required submission of a CV in the narrative format. Read more in the Narrative CVs for research and innovation blog from our Research Office, which includes a link to the Resume for Researchers template developed by the Royal Society. Also, the Institute for Academic Development offers helpful information on narrative CVs and what steps to take to create your own.

Narrative CVs for research and innovation 

Narrative CVs - Institute of Academic Development

The covering or supporting letter

This is your opportunity to show your motivation for the position and demonstrate that you meet the person specification for the job. For academic jobs a covering letter may be longer than one page and should if at all possible be addressed to a named person rather than ‘Dear sir or madam’. You should use your covering letter to address:  

why you are interested in this institution and department or research group - they want to know that you are genuinely interested in working for them and are knowledgeable about the teaching (if relevant) and research interests of staff within the department 

why you are interested in this position and how it fits in with your career plans 

what you have to offer in terms of research and / or teaching experience, qualifications and skills - use good examples to back this up

your ideas for the future in terms of research direction, and your potential to attract funding and publish - particularly important for research-only jobs or teaching jobs at research-intensive universities

You don’t need to repeat your CV, but you should draw attention to key points to encourage the employer to read it. 

Using generative AI to create your CV or cover letter

Technologies such as ChatGPT can provide a reasonable basic structure for you to build upon, but what they give you is unlikely to be tailored convincingly and will be bland and generic, and unlikely to impress employers. Use them as a support and starting point if you like - but edit their product to make the end result your own.  

Remember these points:

  • adapt the content generated, to make it more closely related to you -otherwise it will lack impact
  • be cautious about submitting any personal data, as whatever you put in could be in the public domain 
  • you may be risking plagiarism, as these systems incorporate, in their output, content produced by other people without acknowledging or referencing them 

The Bayes Centre at the University has produced general guidance on the use of AI .

AI guidance for staff and students - Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh 

  • Undergraduate Students
  • Masters Students
  • PhD/Doctoral Students
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Families & Supporters
  • Prospective Students
  • Explore Your Interests / Self-Assessment
  • Build your Network / LinkedIn
  • Search for a Job / Internship
  • Create a Resume / Cover Letter
  • Prepare for an Interview
  • Negotiate an Offer
  • Prepare for Graduate School
  • Find Funding Opportunities
  • Prepare for the Academic Job Market
  • Search for a Job or Internship
  • Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations
  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Consulting & Financial Services
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Government, Law & Policy
  • Hospitality
  • Management & Human Resources
  • Non-Profit, Social Justice & Education
  • Retail & Consumer Services
  • BIPOC Students & Scholars
  • Current & Former Foster Youth
  • Disabled Students & Scholars
  • First-Generation Students & Scholars
  • Formerly Incarcerated Students & Scholars
  • International Students & Scholars
  • LGBTQ+ Students & Scholars
  • Students & Scholars with Dependents
  • Transfer Students
  • Undocumented Students & Scholars
  • Women-Identifying Students & Scholars

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Template for Doctoral Students Academic Job Search

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/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="academic cv phd student"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

Resumes and cvs.

Depending on the type of job, you will need to create a curriculum vitae (CV) or a resume. Both documents put your qualification in writing, but they are used for different audiences and use a different format.

When to use a Resume

In the United States, most employers use resumes for non-academic positions, which are one or two page summaries of your experience, education, and skills.  Employers rarely spend more than a few minutes reviewing a resume, and successful resumes are concise with enough white space on the page to make it easy to scan. 

For more information on developing your resume, please visit Cornell Career Services’ Career Development Toolkit . Students often find it helpful to review resumes from graduate students who got their first job outside of academe.

When to use a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A CV is a longer synopsis of your educational and academic background as well as teaching and research experience, publications, awards, presentations, honors, and additional details. CVs are used when applying for academic, scientific, or research positions. International employers often use CVs as well.

A CV is a comprehensive statement emphasizing:

  • professional qualifications
  • accomplishments
  • special qualifications

A CV can vary from two pages to several pages. Professionals seeking academic positions and non-academic positions in science, higher education, research, and health care typically use a CV. It is also used to seek a fellowship or grant and is expected for some positions overseas. Consult with faculty members in your field to determine what is expected and appropriate for your field.

Guidelines for Preparing a CV

  • The order of topics in a CV format is flexible.
  • Arrange sections to highlight strengths for the position you are seeking.
  • Elaborate on accomplishments and skills within categories.
  • List items within each category chronologically, the most recent appearing first.
  • Include additional headings when appropriate to reflect certifications/licensures, workshops/training, languages, book reviews, etc.
  • Present information in an easily accessible and attractive style.
  • Faculty advisors are the most knowledgeable resource for determining what constitutes effective content in your discipline.
  • For formatting assistance and to see more examples of  CVs, visit the Cornell Career Services Library in 103 Barnes Hall. The following books also may help:  How to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae  and  The Curriculum Vitae Handbook .
  • Non-academic samples from the University of California, San Francisco
  • Academic samples from the University of California, San Francisco
  • Samples from Columbia University
  • Samples from University of Pennsylvania
  • Chronicle of Higher Education’s CV Doctor

Electronic Version of CV

When sending electronic versions, attach a file or cut and paste the CV into the text of the email message. State your objectives and career interests in the first few lines since they may be the only items seen on a screen. Other tips:

  • Use language and acronyms recognized in your field.
  • Avoid using bold, italics, underlining, lines, or graphics. Use all caps for emphasis.
  • Put your name at the top followed by address and each phone number on a separate line.

Many employers use websites for applicants to apply for positions. Although each form may be different, some elements may be similar. Save parts of your CV in a format that can be cut and pasted for each individual web-based form, such as saving a bulleted list of work experience.

Transforming Your CV into a Resume

You may need both a CV and a resume for your job search. Sending the appropriate document (CV or resume) tells employers that you can distinguish the differences between the academic and non-academic environments and that you can adapt your skills to either environment. Most employers in industry prefer a resume. When rearranging your CV to make it a resume:

  • Do not exceed two pages.
  • Re-evaluate your experience. Think creatively about how your academic experience can be translated into the necessary skills for a non-academic environment. Consider skills of project management, leadership, teamwork, effective communication, and meeting deadlines. 
  • Choose action verbs to describe your experience.
  • Put your strengths first. List your professional experience or your degree first, depending on which is most important for a specific position.  
  • Include a well-written job objective; state the type of position and work setting you are seeking, skills or abilities you possess, and long-term goals. Be sure that your resume supports your job objective.
  • Emphasize skills and accomplishments.
  • List relevant presentations, publications, and papers, but not all. 
  • Have someone proofread it.

academic cv phd student

  • How to write an Academic CV for a PhD Application
  • Applying to a PhD
  • The purpose of an academic CV for a PhD application is to provide a summary of your educational background and demonstrate the research skills and relevant experience you have that make you capable of undertaking a PhD.
  • It should be divided into nine sections : (1) contact information, (2) research interests, (3) education, (4) research and work experience, (5) teaching experience, (6) relevant skills and experience, (7) publications and conferences, (8) professional memberships, (9) referees.
  • It should ideally be up to two pages for a new research student, but can extend up to four pages if required.
  • The smaller details matter more than you think – write concisely, use consistent formatting, avoid jargons and general statements, check spelling and grammar, and have at least one academic to proofread it for you, ideally in the same area you are applying to.


So you are nearing the end of your current degree or making a return to education, and you’ve decided to make your next step a PhD. While the road ahead will be filled with much excitement, you’ll need to secure your position first. This will all begin with a strong PhD application and an equally impressive academic CV and personal statement or cover letter.

Together with your personal statement or cover letter, your CV will show who you are as an individual and what you have to offer. It needs to be concise, correctly formatted and well written to convince your preferred university and supervisor that you are the right student for the project.

This step-by-step guide will get you on your way to creating an outstanding academic CV for your next PhD application. We’ll discuss the sections your CV should be structured into, what each of these sections should include, and how it should be written. We’ll also give you valuable tips that are sure to get your readers’ attention.

What Is an Academic CV?

When applying for a PhD position, it’s common for the university to request a curriculum vitae (CV) from you to accompany your application.

An academic CV may appear similar to a standard CV used for job applications, but they are two relatively unique documents.

Where a standard CV focuses mostly on what your previous responsibilities have been and what you have accomplished to date, an academic CV concentrates on your academic background, achievements and experiences . Your academic CV will be used by a PhD supervisor to determine whether you can meet the challenges associated with undertaking a demanding PhD research project, as not everyone can.

How to Write an Academic CV for A PhD Application

A good academic CV should be broken into nine section headings:

  • Contact Information
  • Research Interests / Personal Profile
  • Research and Work Experience
  • Teaching Experience
  • Relevant Skills and Experience
  • Publications and Conferences
  • Professional Memberships
  • Referees / References

Below, we discuss what each of these sections should contain and how they should be written.

1. Contact Information

Start your CV by providing your contact details. All of the following should be included:

  • Full name  – Your name should be your document title, formatted in bold and centralised text.
  • Email address and contact number
  • Location  – Your town/city and country, e.g. ‘Birmingham, UK’, will be sufficient; it’s not necessary to provide your full home address.
  • Profiles  – Include a link to any professional profiles you may have, such as LinkedIn or ResearchGate.

NOTE:  Some individuals include a profile photo but be careful before doing so. While this would be expected in some countries such as those in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, this would not be the case in other countries such as the UK and US. This is because it can lead to complications with labour and anti-discrimination laws and potentially cost you your application. We therefore strongly advise you to look into the norms and regulations of the host country before deciding to do so.

2. Research Interests / Personal Profile

For an academic CV written for a PhD position, your ‘research interests’ section will double as you ‘personal profile’. As a brief introduction to yourself, this will be an important section as it sets the first impression of you for the reader.

Use bullet points or a brief paragraph to summarise who you are, your relevant qualifications, your research interests and your relevant skills and experience. When writing this section, your focus should be on two aspects: demonstrating your  ability to conduct a PhD  and your  enthusiasm for the project .

To create an impactful research interests’ section, adhere to the following:

  • Tailor to each research project you apply for:  One of the easiest ways to do this is to read the project description attached to the PhD advert, identify two to three of the most prominent keywords, and incorporate them into your writeup.
  • Keep it short:  This section is only an introduction, so keep it concise and punchy over long and detailed; 50 – 60 words is a good target.
  • Make every word count:  As 50 – 60 words isn’t much, be as specific as you can. Avoid clichés such as “I am committed to research and have a high attention to detail” at all costs; not only are they generic and overused, they also don’t provide the reader with any useful insights into you.

3. Education

A PhD CV is all about academic achievements and qualifications, so your education section should be given high importance and form the bulk of your CV, especially as it will be used to determine if have the core skills required for the position.

Working in reverse chronological order, provide a breakdown of your current academic qualifications. For most of you, this will be an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree and a postgraduate Master’s degree.

When listing your qualifications, provide the full name of the degree, the degree type, and the duration in terms of its start and end year. You do not need to limit this to your past qualifications; if you’re currently studying or taking an external course, include them as well, but state that they are ongoing and provide an expected grade if you have one.

If your degree is relevant to the PhD project you are applying to, include a list of the modules you completed and your corresponding marks; the same applies to your final year dissertation project.

Note:  If you list your relevant modules, streamline their names by removing any course codes. For example, “FN01 Fluid Dynamics” should become “Fluid Dynamics”. Course codes are only used for internal purposes, and each university will have its own system, so remove them to avoid any possible confusion.

Feel free to also list your GCSEs, A-Levels or other relevant academic qualifications if applicable to the field you are applying to, however, this isn’t necessary, and most supervisors will not ask for them. The exception to this is if your university degree is not directly related to the project you are applying for, but your previous qualifications are. In these cases, include them to help demonstrate the suitability of your academic background.

Finally, list any honours, awards and prizes that you have won or any other notable academic achievements that will help to strengthen your application.

4. Research and Work Experience

Your research and relevant work experience is just as, if not more, important than your educational background. This is because most applicants applying for the position will have similar qualifications, so your research experience can often be the deciding factor when all other things are considered equal.

Your research experience may include both paid and voluntary, full-time and part-time work, as well as university project work. However, in all cases, the experience you mention should be relevant to the project you are applying for or have helped you develop skills that make you a more capable researcher. For example, it’s not necessary to mention your time in retail, but any previous time as a laboratory or teaching assistant or teaching support absolutely will be.

If you any discuss research that you have done as part of your studies, present them as individual project listed in reverse chronological order, as before. You can also include research projects you are currently working on, regardless of how developed they are.

When discussing any projects, include the following:

  • What the project was about,
  • What research methods you used,
  • The skills you gained,
  • Any notable achievements or outcomes.

5. Teaching Experience

Since one of the main career paths after a PhD is an academic career, teaching experience can significantly strengthen your academic CV. However, it is generally accepted that not all applicants will have teaching experience, but if you do, include it here.

When discussing your teaching experience, state what level it was at, e.g. undergraduate or postgraduate, and what it involved, i.e. marking, teaching, supervising or organising.

6. Relevant Skills and Experience

This section should describe all other skills and experiences that will help strengthen your application.

They should be specific to the PhD project or demonstrate your potential to become a competent researcher. This includes:

  • Technical skills and experience, e.g. the use of computer software packages or research equipment common to the project you’re applying for.
  • Non-project specific courses you’ve sat, e.g. an academic writing and communication course.
  • Languages you know with their proficiencies noted.

7. Publications and Conferences

Most students won’t have academic publications, but if you do, list them here. Formal publications can include anything from journal articles, which is most likely to an adaptation of your final year dissertation project if you do have one, and published reports. If you have these, list them in reverse chronological order using the reference system adopted by the university you are applying to, as this is what the PhD supervisor will most likely be used to.

If you aren’t a published author or co-author, you can still include other text publications that you may have been involved in, such as online articles, magazines, newsletters and blogs. The topics of these publications should relate to your field or academia in general and be written in a formal tone that showcases your critical thinking and writing skills.

If you’ve ever given a conference presentation, include it here with details of the name, date and location of the conference, the title of your presentation and a summary of what it was about.

Even if you haven’t presented in conferences, you should still list any you have attended, including any seminars or talks. This is a useful way to illustrate your interest in the subject and your commitment to gaining new knowledge within your field.

TIP:  If you haven’t attended many conferences or seminars, consider attending several upcoming ones relevant to the research area you’re interested in. Not only is this a great way to learn more about the field in terms of its latest developments and gaps, but it can also be an effective way to make your academic CV more relevant if it’s currently light on research experience.

8. Professional Memberships

Being affiliated with an academic group, society or professional body demonstrates your enthusiasm for your field and for connecting with other like-minded individuals within the community.

When listing these, include the name of the group, the associated membership dates and the position you have held within it.

9. Referees / References

Your references will form the last section of your academic CV.

Your PhD application should specify the number of referees you should include, but if it does not, try to include at least two, but ideally three.

Two of the referees should be academic, with most students choosing their personal tutor and their final year’s dissertation project supervisor. It can be other staff members, but the essential requirement is that it is someone who knows you well enough to be able to substantiate your abilities and character.

If you don’t have two academic referees, you can use a professional referee as long as they are still relevant to the project you are applying for. This will most likely be the case for those who have worked in industry for some time before deciding to return to education.

When creating your reference list, list your referees in order of relevance and how well they know you, not in alphabetical order. This is so if only the first referee is called upon, it will be the individual who can provide you the most useful reference. The following information should be provided:

  • Professional title,
  • Name of current university,
  • Phone number and email address.

It’s imperative that you first seek permission from the individuals before listing them as a referee. It would also be beneficial to send them a copy of your CV, cover letter and application form so they can familiarise themselves with the broader details in case they are called upon.

Tips for Creating a Standout Academic CV

Research CV for PhD Application - Tips

No matter how impressive your academic achievements are or how much experience you have accumulated in your field, the PhD supervisor may never find out if your CV is too difficult to read. With this in mind, here are a few tips for achieving a high degree of clarity:

Formatting for Clarity

  • Highlight key information through the use of bolding, italics and underlining, but be careful not to overdo it so that it loses its purpose.
  • Keep your formatting consistent throughout, such as indentations, font type and font size, vertical spacing and margins.
  • Insert page numbers on each page.
  • Avoid jargon and abbreviations to maximise clarity.
  • Avoid splitting sections across two pages.

Keep It Concise

  • Try to limit your CV to two pages and not more than four. If you need to go over two pages, make sure the most important information is on the first two pages.
  • Avoid dense paragraphs, overly long sentences and generic statements. The aim is to pass on essential information in a way that doesn’t require the reader to have to extract it themselves. This leads to the next tip,
  • Use bullet points whenever possible, they’re easier to digest than paragraphs.

NOTE:  Remember that you will also submit a cover letter or personal statement alongside your CV, so don’t feel the need to cover everything to a high level of detail here as you will have the opportunity to do so elsewhere.

Check and Revise

  • As a rule of thumb, the academic CV you submit as part of your PhD application should be the third or fourth version you produce. Try to keep a day or two between each version so that you always approach it with a fresh perspective.
  • Proofread for any spelling and grammar mistakes. Although this will seem like we’re stating the obvious, a small mistake can be enough to jeopardise your chances considering that there will be many other high-profile candidates for the supervisor to choose from.
  • Have your document checked, first by an academic such as your tutor, and second by a professional proofreader or by an advisor from your university’s careers team. The former will check for technical issues, the latter for common curriculum vitae formatting, spelling and grammar mistakes.

Save in PDF Format

If the submission method allows for it, convert your CV to PDF format. This significantly reduces the likelihood of compatibility and reformatting issues when opened by the supervisor.

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CV for PhD Application: How to Write One Like a True Scholar (+CV Example)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated March 13, 2024 11 min read

A PhD is the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve. To secure your position, however, you first need an impressive CV for your PhD application.

Earning a PhD degree requires you to produce extensive research in a narrowly defined subject within a certain discipline and to make a considerable original contribution to your field.

Hence why PhD programs are always very selective. The admission rates hover around 10% and only about half of the admitted candidates actually finish the degree, according to a recent psychology research .

As a result, less than 1% of the population attains a PhD.

So, how do you become a part of the 1%?

The process of attaining a PhD starts with a strong application which includes an impressive academic CV .

A CV for PhD application needs to be carefully crafted, well formatted, and contain specific sections.

We'll show you how to craft a stellar PhD application CV, and a sample academic CV from a real person admitted to a PhD program in France.

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

What is an academic CV?

What to include in an academic cv for phd application.

  • How to write an academic CV for a PhD application?

Tips on how to write a CV for PhD application

How to tailor your cv for different phd programs, phd cv example.

First, there are two types of career documents job seekers widely use. A resume and a Curriculum Vitae (CV).

These two documents are similar but not identical.

So, let's have a look at the key differences between a CV vs a resume :

  • A resume is used when applying for a position in industry, non-profits, or the public sector. It should focus on skills and past experience while being tailored to a specific job position. The length of the document shouldn't be more than 1 or 2 pages.
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) is used when applying for positions in academia, science, or medicine. It focuses on education, research background and scholarly accomplishments. Finally, its length depends on the number of references, publications, etc.

There are even more types of CVs. A general CV, an industry (professional) CV, or an academic (research) CV — which is exactly the one you'll need.

In a nutshell, an academic CV is a career document that provides extensive information about your educational and research background. Scholars and researchers use this document when applying for jobs in academia — such as a PhD application.

Lastly, an academic resume is a term you can often come across, too. To avoid any confusion, it's the same as an academic CV. A more appropriate term is, however, the latter.

Rules are important in academia. That's why all academic CVs usually follow pretty strict structures regarding their content and formatting.

First, let's have a look at the resume sections you should include in a CV for PhD application:

  • Contact information. Include your full name, email, phone number, and location.
  • (Research) objective. A concise, brief paragraph outlining your research plans and strategies.
  • Education. It should form the bulk of your CV and detail you educational background.
  • (Research) experience. Your research experience can often set you apart from other candidates.
  • Publications. Include anything from journal articles, published reports, to your research dissertation.
  • Awards. Mention all awards and accomplishments you’ve received in reverse chronological order.
  • Skills. These should be relevant to the PhD project or show that you have what it takes to succeed as a researcher.
  • References. Finally, try to include at least two references, such as your dissertation supervisor and one other member of staff.

Let's have a closer look at each of the 8 CV sections in the next chapter.

How to write an academic CV for a PhD application ?

Applying for a PhD will be a lot less stressful if you follow this quick guide on how to write a CV for a PhD application:

You should always start your CV or your resume by providing your contact details to form the CV header . Include your full name, your professional email address, and your mobile number. Additionally, you can include your location. However, we don't advise including your full home address for privacy reasons. Entering the country and city you reside in is usually enough. Since a CV is a bit different than a resume, we don't recommend including links to your social media .

Research objective is basically a brief paragraph at the beginning of your CV outlining your research plans, interests, and strategies. It paints a picture of you as a person and will guarantee that the admissions committee will be interested in reading and learning more about your professional background. Your research plans and strategies should align with the PhD project you're applying for. Hence, read the project description carefully and make sure to tailor your objective accordingly. Ideally, without making stuff up.

The education section should form the bulk of an academic CV. No one expects a potential PhD candidate to have 10 years of experience in the field. But what's expected is an appropriate educational background. A common practice is to list your education in a reverse chronological order. This means listing your Master's degree first and then a Bachelor's degree. For each degree, provide the full name of the degree, the type, its duration, the relevant courses and modules, the corresponding (or expected) marks, GPA , and any relevant projects or presentations. Also, include the name and the description of your final year dissertation project.

In this section, introduce all of the research projects you worked on, whether they were a part of your undergraduate degree, your master's degree, or you have undertaken this project elsewhere. You can include any voluntary , part-time , or full-time work experience you deem relevant for the PhD project of your choice. For instance, skip the part-time bartending job and rather include a teaching experience or a voluntary project you undertook.

Of course, it's okay if you don't have any publications yet. If that's the case, simply skip this section. However, if you do have any work published at this stage, list it in this section. The publications can include anything from journal articles, published reports, contributions to peer-reviewed journals, or an adaptation of your dissertation project. Make sure to check the citation style your institution or field prefers and use it consistently in your publications section. The most common ones are APA, MLA, and Chicago.

In this CV section, list relevant honors, achievements, or awards you earned for going beyond average — again in reversed chronological order. It includes scholarships, university fellowships, competitions, work-related awards, or academic awards . For instance, you can mention a very high GPA, subject-specific awards, or any grants you received. However, keep in mind that mentioning how much money was involved is only common in scientific fields.

The skills you mention in your academic CV should be relevant to the PhD project you're applying for or show that you have what it takes to succeed as a researcher. Between the two types of skills , hard and soft, hard skills are more appropriate to include in your CV for PhD application. Examples of hard skills include Python, data analysis, polymer synthesis, C++, Chem Draw, Ahrefs , languages, or other computer skills . However, completing a PhD degree usually also involves demonstrating your teaching abilities. For this reason, listing soft skills such as a good oral communication and presenting is also a good idea.

While a references section in a regular resume is pretty much redundant, in a CV for PhD application it's a must-have . Why? Well, having a person attest to your skills and achievements is a great way to leverage your professional experience. The person you ask should be articulate and in a reputable position. Your best bet is to ask your dissertation supervisor, a professor you had a good relationship with, or one who taught the subject most relevant for the desired PhD program. Finally, don't forget that your references have to agree with having their contact information shared, first. Read our quick guide on how do you ask someone to be your reference .

Apart from making sure the content of your CV is spot on, you should also follow some well-established formatting tips.

A clear layout and composition ensure your CV is professional and easy to read.

Here are a few tips to help you achieve that:

  • Keep the formatting consistent. If you choose a certain font type and size, stick to it. The same goes for margins, spacing, and capitalization.
  • Less is often more. It might be tempting to use bolding, italics, or underlining in order to make the document "easy" to read. However, an excessive use of these features actually has the exact opposite effect.
  • Avoid long paragraphs. A CV is all about providing objective facts regarding your professional background. Hence, no need to provide generic statements or go into too much detail. And if you happen to write more text, you can always divide it using bullet points.
  • Use professional language. It goes without saying, but don't use slang. Similarly, use professional jargon and abbreviations within reasonable limits.
  • Don't limit yourself to one or two pages. The length of your academic CV depends on the number of publications, awards, references, and experiences. Unlike a resume, a CV is a complete summary of your academic and professional background.
  • Convert your CV to PDF. Doing this considerably reduces the risk of compatibility and formatting issues. A PDF file keeps your formatting intact across various devices.

Too much to keep in mind? Kickresume's CV & resume builder can save you the headache and provides useful templates with appropriate formatting designed by career professionals.

When applying for different PhD programs, it's crucial to tailor your academic CV to suit each specific program. 

This doesn't just improve your chances of catching the eye of admissions committees ; it demonstrates your genuine interest and alignment with their goals. 

To effectively tailor your CV for different PhD programs, follow these three tips:

#1 Understand program requirements and values

How do you do that? Start with in-depth research about the PhD program:

  • Visit the program's website
  • Look at the curriculum
  • Attend open days
  • If possible, reach out to alumni 

Once you have a clear picture of the program's values and requirements, you can begin to customize your CV. 

For example: If a program emphasizes community outreach, you might highlight your involvement in science education for underprivileged youths or your participation in community-based research projects. 

This demonstrates not only your alignment with their values but also your active contribution to areas they care about.

#2 Emphasize transferable skills for PhD programs

This applies to people switching fields or applying to a program that isn't a direct continuation of your undergraduate degree. 

Let's say you're moving from a background in chemistry to a PhD in molecular biology. 

It's crucial to highlight how your analytical skills, understanding of chemical processes, and any lab work or research experience directly apply to molecular biology. 

For instance: Discuss your experience with techniques that are common in both fields, like chromatography or spectrometry, and how they've prepared you for the research you aim to conduct in molecular biology. 

Tailoring your CV in this manner demonstrates your ability to bridge different disciplines and apply your skills in new contexts.

#3 Adapt your CV for international PhD programs

Adapting your CV for international programs involves more than just translating it into another language. 

Start by researching the academic culture and CV formats preferred in the country you're applying to. This might include:

  • the preferred length
  • whether to include personal information such as a photo
  • emphasis on certain types of experience or qualifications

For instance: in some countries, a detailed list of courses and grades might be important, while in others, a focus on research experience and publications is key. 

Websites of the target universities, country-specific academic career resources, advice from current international students, or even online forums like Reddit are invaluable for this purpose.

Finally, to help you tie everything we talked about together, we thought one picture is worth a thousand words.

Here's a CV sample from a person who managed to get accepted into a PhD program at the university of Lyon in France.

There are several things Herrera included to ensure her CV was successful:

  • A complete professional and academic background. We can see that this section forms the bulk of the resume. As it should.
  • Plenty of hard skills. Herrera included 7 hard technical skills and multiple languages. All of these skills are very valuable in academia.
  • A succinct description of all projects. She includes the full name of the projects, their duration, and theme.
  • References, publications, and certifications. All of these sections are included in the full version of this resume and can be found by clicking the button below the sample CV.

Lyon University PhD Student Resume Sample

This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Academic CV (Curriculum Vitae) for Research: CV Examples

academic cv phd student

What is an academic CV (or research CV)?

An academic CV or “curriculum vitae” is a full synopsis (usually around two to three pages) of your educational and academic background. In addition to college and university transcripts, the personal statement or statement of purpose , and the cover letter, postgraduate candidates need to submit an academic CV when applying for research, teaching, and other faculty positions at universities and research institutions. 

Writing an academic CV (also referred to as a “research CV” or “academic resume”) is a bit different than writing a professional resume. It focuses on your academic experience and qualifications for the position—although relevant work experience can still be included if the position calls for it. 

What’s the difference between a CV and a resume?

While both CVs and resumes summarize your major activities and achievements, a resume is more heavily focused on professional achievements and work history. An academic CV, on the other hand, highlights academic accomplishments and summarizes your educational experience, academic background and related information.

Think of a CV as basically a longer and more academic version of a resume. It details your academic history, research interests, relevant work experience, publications, honors/awards, accomplishments, etc. For grad schools, the CV is a quick indicator of how extensive your background is in the field and how much academic potential you have. Ultimately, grad schools use your academic resume to gauge how successful you’re likely to be as a grad student.

Do I need an academic CV for graduate school?

Like personal statements, CVs are a common grad school application document (though not all programs require them). An academic CV serves the same basic purpose as a regular CV: to secure you the job you want—in this case, the position of “grad student.” Essentially, the CV is a sales pitch to grad schools, and you’re selling yourself !

In addition to your college transcripts, GRE scores, and personal statement or statement of purpose , graduate schools often require applicants submit an academic CV. The rules for composing a CV for a Master’s or doctoral application are slightly different than those for a standard job application. Let’s take a closer look.

Academic CV Format Guidelines

No matter how compelling the content of your CV might be, it must still be clear and easy for graduate admissions committee members to understand. Keep these formatting and organization tips in mind when composing and revising your CV:

  • Whatever formatting choices you make (e.g., indentation, font and text size, spacing, grammar), keep it consistent throughout the document.
  • Use bolding, italics, underlining, and capitalized words to highlight key information.
  • Use reverse chronological order to list your experiences within the sections.
  • Include the most important information to the top and left of each entry and place associated dates to the right.
  • Include page numbers on each page followed by your last name as a header or footer.
  • Use academic verbs and terms in bulleted lists; vary your language and do not repeat the same terms. (See our list of best verbs for CVs and resumes )

How long should a CV be?

While resumes should be concise and are usually limited to one or two pages, an academic CV isn’t restricted by word count or number of pages. Because academic CVs are submitted for careers in research and academia, they have all of the sections and content of a professional CV, but they also require additional information about publications, grants, teaching positions, research, conferences, etc. 

It is difficult to shorten the length without shortening the number of CV sections you include. Because the scope and depth of candidates’ academic careers vary greatly, academic CVs that are as short as two pages or as long as five pages will likely not surprise graduate admissions faculty.

How to Write an Academic CV

Before we look at academic CV examples, let’s discuss the main sections of the CV and how you can go about writing your CV from scratch. Take a look at the sections of the academic CV and read about which information to include and where to put each CV section. For academic CV examples, see the section that follows this one.

Academic CV Sections to Include (with Examples)

A strong academic CV should include the following sections, starting from the top of the list and moving through the bottom. This is the basic Academic CV structure, but some of the subsections (such as research publications and academic awards) can be rearranged to highlight your specific strengths and achievements. 

  • Contact Information
  • Research Objective or Personal Profile
  • Education Section
  • Professional Appointments
  • Research Publications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Grants and Fellowships
  • Conferences Attended
  • Teaching Experience
  • Research Experience
  • Additional Activities
  • Languages and Skills

Now let’s go through each section of your academic CV to see what information to include in detail. 

1. Contact Information

Your academic curriculum vitae must include your full contact information, including the following: 

  • Professional title and affiliation (if applicable)
  • Institutional address (if you are currently registered as a student)
  • Your home address
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile or other professional profile links (if applicable)

In more business-related fields or industries, adding your LinkedIn profile in your contact information section is recommended to give reviewers a more holistic understanding of your academic and professional profile.

Check out our article on how to use your LinkedIn profile to attract employers .

2. Research Objective or Personal Profile

A research objective for an academic CV is a concise paragraph (or long sentence) detailing your specific research plans and goals.

A personal profile gives summarizes your academic background and crowning achievements.

Should you choose a research objective or a personal profile?

If you are writing a research CV, include a research objective. For example, indicate that you are applying to graduate research programs or seeking research grants for your project or study

A research objective will catch the graduate admission committee’s attention and make them want to take a closer look at you as a candidate.

Academic CV research objective example for PhD application  

MA student in Sociology and Gender Studies at North American University who made the President’s List for for six consecutive semesters seeking to use a semester-long research internship to enter into postgraduate research on the Impetus for Religious In-groups in Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century.

Note that the candidate includes details about their academic field, their specific scholastic achievements (including an internship), and a specific topic of study. This level of detail shows graduate committees that you are a candidate who is fully prepared for the rigors of grad school life. 

While an academic CV research objective encapsulates your research objective, a CV personal profile should summarize your personal statement or grad school statement of purpose . 

Academic CV personal profile example for a post-doctoral university position

Proven excellence in the development of a strong rapport with undergraduate students, colleagues, and administrators as a lecturer at a major research university. Exhibits expertise in the creation and implementation of lifelong learning programs and the personalized development of strategies and activities to propel learning in Higher Education, specifically in the field of Education. Experienced lecturer, inspirational tutor, and focused researcher with a knack for recognizing and encouraging growth in individuals. Has completed a Master’s and PhD in Sociology and Education with a BA in Educational Administration.

What makes this CV personal profile example so compelling? Again, the details included about the applicant’s academic history and achievements make the reader take note and provide concrete examples of success, proving the candidate’s academic acumen and verifiable achievements.

3. Education Section

If you are applying to an academic position, the Education section is the most essential part of your academic CV.

List your postsecondary degrees in reverse chronological order . Begin with your most recent education (whether or not you have received a degree at the time of application), follow it with your previous education/degree, and then list the ones before these.

Include the following educational details:

  • Year of completion or expected completion (do not include starting dates)
  • Type of Degree
  • Any minor degrees (if applicable)
  • Your department and institution
  • Your honors and awards
  • Dissertation/Thesis Title and Advisor (if applicable)

Because this is arguably the most important academic CV section, make sure that all of the information is completely accurate and that you have not left out any details that highlight your skills as a student. 

4. Professional Appointments

Following the education section, list your employment/professional positions on your academic CV. These should be positions related to academia rather than previous jobs or positions you held in the private section (whether it be a chef or a CEO). These appointments are typically tenure-track positions, not ad hoc and adjunct professor gigs, nor TA (teacher assistant) experience. You should instead label this kind of experience under “Teaching Experience,” which we discuss further down the list.

List the following information for each entry in your “Professional Appointments” section:

  • Institution (university/college name)
  • Department 
  • Your professional title
  • Dates employed (include beginning and end dates)
  • Duties in this position

5. Research Publications

Divide your publications into two distinct sections: peer-reviewed publications and other publications. List peer-reviewed publications first, as these tend to carry more weight in academia. Use a subheading to distinguish these sections for the reader and make your CV details easier to understand.

Within each subsection, further divide your publications in the following order:

  • Book chapters
  • Peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Contributions to edited volumes equivalent to peer-reviewed journals

All of your other research publications should be put into a subcategory titled “Other Publications.” This includes all documents published by a third party that did not receive peer review, whether it is an academic journal, a science magazine, a website, or any other publishing platform. 

Tip: When listing your publications, choose one academic formatting style ( MLA style , Chicago style , APA style , etc.) and apply it throughout your academic CV. Unsure which formatting style to use? Check the website of the school you are applying to and see what citation style they use.

6. Awards and Honors

This section allows you to show off how your skills and achievements were officially acknowledged. List all academic honors and awards you have received in reverse chronological order, just like the education and professional appointments sections. Include the name of the award, which year you received it, and the institution that awarded it to you.

Should you include how much money you were awarded? While this is not recommended for most academic fields (including humanities and social sciences), it is more common for business or STEM fields.

7. Fellowships and Grants

It is important to include fellowships and grants you received because it evidences that your research has been novel and valuable enough to attract funding from institutions or third parties.

Just like with awards and honors, list your grants and fellowships in reverse chronological order. Enter the years your fellowship or grant spanned and the name of the institution or entity providing the funding. Whether you disclose the specific dollar amount of funding you received depends on your field of study, just as with awards and honors.

8. Conferences Attended

Involvement in academic conferences shows admissions committees that you are already an active member of the research community. List the academic conferences in which you took part and divide this section into three subsections:

  • Invited talks —conferences you presented at other institutions to which you received an invitation
  • Campus talks —lectures you gave on your own institution’s campus
  • Conference participation —conferences you participated in (attended) but gave no lecture

9. Teaching Experience

The “Teaching Experience” section is distinct from the “Professional Appointments” section discussed above.  In the Teaching Experience CV section, list any courses you taught as a TA (teacher’s assistant) you have taught. If you taught fewer than ten courses, list all of them out. Included the name of the institution, your department, your specific teaching role, and the dates you taught in this position. 

If you have a long tenure as an academic scholar and your academic CV Appointments section strongly highlights your strengths and achievements, in the Teaching Experience sections you could list only the institutions at which you were a TA. Since it is likely that you will be teaching, lecturing, or mentoring undergraduates and other research students in your postgraduate role, this section is helpful in making you stand out from other graduate, doctoral, or postdoctoral candidates.

10. Research Experience

In the “Research Experience” section of your CV, list all of the academic research posts at which you served. As with the other CV sections, enter these positions in reverse chronological order.

If you have significant experience (and your academic CV is filling up), you might want to limit research and lab positions to only the most pertinent to the research position to which you are applying. Include the following research positions:

  • Full-time Researcher
  • Research Associate
  • Research Assistant

For an academic or research CV, if you do not have much research experience, include all research projects in which you participated–even the research projects with the smallest roles, budget, length, or scope. 

11. Additional Activities

If you have any other activities, distinctions, positions, etc. that do not fit into the above academic CV sections, include them here.

The following items might fit in the “Additional Activities” section:

  • Extracurriculars (clubs, societies, sports teams, etc.)
  • Jobs unrelated to your academic career
  • Service to profession
  • Media coverage
  • Volunteer work

12. Languages and Skills

Many non-academic professional job positions require unique skillsets to succeed. The same can be true with academic and research positions at universities, especially when you speak a language that might come in handy with the specific area of study or with the other researchers you are likely to be working alongside.

Include all the languages in which you are proficient enough to read and understand academic texts. Qualify your proficiency level with the following terms and phrases:

  • IntermediateNative/bilingual in Language
  • Can read Language with a dictionary
  • Advanced use of Language
  • Fully proficient in Language
  • Native fluency in Language
  • Native/Bilingual Language speaker

If you only have a basic comprehension of a language (or if you simply minored in it a decade ago but never really used it), omit these from this section. 

Including skills on an academic CV is optional and MIGHT appear somewhat amateur if it is not a skill that is difficult and would likely contribute to your competency in your research position. In general, include a skill only if you are in a scientific or technical field (STEM fields) and if they realistically make you a better candidate.

13. References 

The final section of your academic CV is the “References” section. Only include references from individuals who know you well and have first-hand experience working with you, either in the capacity of a manager, instructor, or professor, or as a colleague who can attest to your character and how well you worked in that position. Avoid using personal references and never use family members or acquaintances–unless they can somehow attest to your strength as an academic.

List your references in the order of their importance or ability to back up your candidacy. In other words, list the referrers you would want the admissions faculty to contact first and who would give you a shining review. 

Include the following in this order:

  • Full name and academic title
  • Physical mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

Academic CV Examples by Section 

Now that you have a template for what to include in your academic CV sections, let’s look at some examples of academic CV sections with actual applicant information included. Remember that the best CVs are those that clearly state the applicant’s qualifications, skills, and achievements. Let’s go through the CV section-by-section to see how best to highlight these elements of your academic profile. Note that although this example CV does not include EVERY section detailed above, this doesn’t mean that YOU shouldn’t include any of those sections if you have the experiences to fill them in.

academic cv sample

CV Example: Personal Details (Basic)

Write your full name, home address, phone number, and email address. Include this information at the top of the first page, either in the center of the page or aligned left.

  • Tip: Use a larger font size and put the text in bold to make this info stand out.

academic cv contact information

CV Example: Profile Summary (Optional)

This applicant uses an academic research profile summary that outlines their personal details and describes core qualifications and interests in a specific research topic. Remember that the aim of this section is to entice admissions officials into reading through your entire CV.

  • Tip: Include only skills, experience, and what most drives you in your academic and career goals.

academic cv phd student

CV Example: Education Section (Basic)

This applicant’s academic degrees are listed in reverse chronological order, starting with those that are currently in progress and recently completed and moving backward in time to their undergraduate degrees and institutions.

  • Include the name of the institution; city, state, and country (if different from the institution to which you are applying); degree type and major; and month/year the degree was or will be awarded.
  • Provide details such as the title of your thesis/dissertation and your advisor, if applicable.
  • Tip: Provide more details about more recent degrees and fewer details for older degrees.

academic cv education section example

CV Example: Relevant Experience (Basic)

List professional positions that highlight your skills and qualifications. When including details about non-academic jobs you have held, be sure that they relate to your academic career in some way. Group experiences into relevant categories if you have multiple elements to include in one category (e.g., “Research,” “Teaching,” and “Managerial”). For each position, be sure to:

  • Include position title; the name of organization or company; city, state, and country (if different from the institution to which you are applying); and dates you held the position
  • Use bullet points for each relevant duty/activity and accomplishment
  • Tip: For bulleted content, use strong CV words , vary your vocabulary, and write in the active voice; lead with the verbs and write in phrases rather than in complete sentences.

academic cv teaching experience example

CV Example: Special Qualifications or Skills (Optional)

Summarize skills and strengths relevant to the position and/or area of study if they are relevant and important to your academic discipline. Remember that you should not include any skills that are not central to the competencies of the position, as these can make you appear unprofessional.

CV Example: Publications (Basic)

Include a chronological (not alphabetical) list of any books, journal articles, chapters, research reports, pamphlets, or any other publication you have authored or co-authored. This sample CV does not segment the publications by “peer-reviewed” and “non-peer-reviewed,” but this could simply be because they do not have many publications to list. Keep in mind that your CV format and overall design and readability are also important factors in creating a strong curriculum vitae, so you might opt for a more streamlined layout if needed.

  • Use bibliographic citations for each work in the format appropriate for your particular field of study.
  • Tip: If you have not officially authored or co-authored any text publications, include studies you assisted in or any online articles you have written or contributed to that are related to your discipline or that are academic in nature. Including any relevant work in this section shows the faculty members that you are interested in your field of study, even if you haven’t had an opportunity to publish work yet.

academic cv publication section example

CV Example: Conferences Attended (Basic)

Include any presentations you have been involved in, whether you were the presenter or contributed to the visual work (such as posters and slides), or simply attended as an invitee. See the CV template guide in the first section of this article for how to list conference participation for more seasoned researchers.

  • Give the title of the presentation, the name of the conference or event, and the location and date.
  • Briefly describe the content of your presentation.
  • Tip: Use style formatting appropriate to your field of study to cite the conference (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)

academic cv conferences section example

CV Example: Honors and Awards (Basic)

Honors and awards can include anything from university scholarships and grants, to teaching assistantships and fellowships, to inclusion on the Dean’s list for having a stellar GPA. As with other sections, use your discretion and choose the achievements that best highlight you as a candidate for the academic position.

  • Include the names of the honors and official recognition and the date that you received them.
  • Tip: Place these in order of importance, not necessarily in chronological order.

academic cv honors and awards section example

CV Example: Professional/Institutional Service (Optional)

List the professional and institutional offices you have held, student groups you have led or managed, committees you have been involved with, or extra academic projects you have participated in.

  • Tip: Showing your involvement in campus life, however minor, can greatly strengthen your CV. It shows the graduate faculty that you not only contribute to the academic integrity of the institution but that you also enrich the life of the campus and community.

academic cv professional service section example

CV Example: Certifications and Professional Associations (Optional)

Include any membership in professional organizations (national, state, or local). This can include nominal participation as a student, not only as a professional member.

academic cv professional memberships section example

CV Example: Community Involvement and Volunteer Work (Optional)

Include any volunteer work or outreach to community organizations, including work with churches, schools, shelters, non-profits, and other service organizations. As with institutional service, showing community involvement demonstrates your integrity and willingness to go the extra mile—a very important quality in a postgraduate student or faculty member. 

While the CV template guide above suggests including these activities in a section titled “Additional Activities,” if you have several instances of volunteer work or other community involvement, creating a separate heading will help catch the eye of the admissions reviewer.

CV Example: References Section (Basic)

References are usually listed in the final section of an academic CV. Include 3-5 professional or academic references who can vouch for your ability and qualifications and provide evidence of these characteristics.

  • Write the name of the reference, professional title, affiliation, and contact information (phone and email are sufficient). You do not need to write these in alphabetical order. Consider listing your references in order of relevance and impact.

academic cv references section example

CV Editing for Research Positions

After you finish drafting and revising your academic CV, you still need to ensure that your language is clear, compelling, and accurate and that it doesn’t have any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. 

A good academic CV typically goes through at least three or four rounds of revision before it is ready to send out to university department faculty. Be sure to have a peer or CV editing service check your CV or academic resume, and get cover letter editing and application essay editing for your longer admissions documents to ensure that there are no glaring errors or major room for improvement.

For professional editing services that are among the highest quality in the industry, send your CV and other application documents to Wordvice’s admissions editing services . Our professional proofreaders and editors will ensure that your hard work is reflected in your CV and help make your postgrad goals a reality.

Check out our full suite of professional proofreading and English editing services on the Wordvice homepage.

StandOut CV

  • PhD Graduate CV examples

Andrew Fennell photo

With a PhD behind you, you’re in prime position to secure a great job and begin your career from an advanced starting point.

But PhD graduate roles are competitive in nature, so you need to stand out in the application process.

Your CV needs showcase the plethora of skills you’ve gained alongside your academic achievements and soft skills.

Our PhD graduate CV examples and writing guide will help you to do this, and get hired.

Guide contents

  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your PhD Graduate CV

CV templates 

PhD Graduate CV example 1

PhD Graduate CV 1 - page 1

PhD Graduate CV example 2

PhD Graduate CV 2 - page 1

Before you start writing your own CV, take a look at the example PhD Graduate CV above to give yourself a basic understanding of the style and format that recruiters and hiring managers prefer to see.

Also, take note of the type of content that is included to impress recruiters, and how the most relevant information is made prominent.

PhD Graduate CV structure and format

If you focus on the written content of your CV but ignore how it actually looks, your efforts could end up wasted.

No matter how suitable you are for the role, no recruiter wants to spend time squinting and trying to navigate a badly designed and disorganised CV.

Instead, make sure to organise your content into a simple structure and spend some time formatting it for ease of reading – it’ll get you in recruiter’s good books from the get-go!

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: Think that submitting a five page CV will impress recruiters? You’re wrong! Even if you’ve got tons of experience to brag about, recruiters don’t have time to read through overly detailed CVs. Keep it short, concise and relevant – a CV length of 2 sides of A4 pages or less is perfect.
  • Readability : Columns, lists, bullet points, bold text and subtle colour can all help to aid the readability of your CV. Your overarching goal should be to make the content as easy to read and navigate as possible, whilst also aiming to make your key skills and achievements stand out.
  • Design: Your CV needs to look professional, sleek and easy to read. A subtle colour palette, clear font and simple design are generally best for this, as fancy designs are often harder to navigate.
  • Avoid photos: Logos, profile photos or other images aren’t necessary and rarely add any value – save the space for written content, instead!

Structuring your CV

When writing your own CV , break up your CV content into the following key sections:

  • Name and contact details – Place them at the top of your CV, so that employers can easily get in touch.
  • CV profile – A punchy sales pitch of your key experience, skills and achievements to reel readers in.
  • Core skills section – A bullet-pointed snapshot of your abilities.
  • Work experience – A well-structured list of your relevant work experience.
  • Education – An overview of any relevant qualifications or professional training you have.
  • Hobbies and interests – A short description of any relevant hobbies or interests (optional).

Now I’ll guide you through exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Tuck your contact details into the corner of your CV, so that they don’t take up too much space. Stick to the basic details, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, such as your full name.
  • Location -Just write your rough location, rather than your full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – If you include these, ensure they’re sleek, professional and up-to-date.

PhD Graduate CV Profile

Grab the reader’s attention by kick-starting your CV with a powerful profile (or personal statement , if you’re a junior applicant).

This is a short introduction paragraph which summarises your skills, knowledge and experience.

It should paint you as the perfect match for the job description and entice recruiters to read through the rest of your CV.

CV profile

Tips for creating an impactful CV profile:

  • Keep it brief: Recruiters are busy, so to ensure your profile is actually read, it’s best to keep it short and snappy. 3-5 punchy lines makes for the perfect profile.
  • Tailor it: If recruiters don’t see your suitability within a few seconds, they may close your CV straight away. Your CV profile should closely match the essential requirements listed in the job ad, so make sure to review them before you write it.
  • Don’t add an objective: If you want to discuss your career objectives, save them for your cover letter , rather than wasting valuable CV profile space.
  • Avoid cliches: Clichés like “ blue-sky thinker with a go-getter attitude” might sound impressive to you, but they don’t actually tell the recruiter much about you. Concentrate on highlighting hard facts and skills, as recruiters are more likely to take these on board.

What to include in your PhD Graduate CV profile?

  • Summary of experience: Demonstrate your suitability for your target jobs by giving a high level summary of your previous work experience, including the industries you have worked in, types of employer, and the type of roles you have previous experience of.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant to PhD Graduate jobs, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Essential qualifications: If you have any qualifications which are highly relevant to PhD Graduate jobs, then highlight them in your profile so that employers do not miss them.

Quick tip: Your CV is your first impression on recruiters, so it’s vital to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes if you want to appear professional. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to add pre-written content that has been crafted by recruitment experts.

Core skills section

Next, you should create a bullet pointed list of your core skills , formatted into 2-3 columns.

Here, you should focus on including the most important skills or knowledge listed in the job advertisement.

This will instantly prove that you’re an ideal candidate, even if a recruiter only has time to briefly scan your CV.

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Next up is your work experience section, which is normally the longest part of your CV.

Start with your current (or most recent) job and work your way backwards through your experience.

Can’t fit all your roles? Allow more space for your recent career history and shorten down descriptions for your older roles.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

Whilst writing your CV, it’s essential to look at it from the eyes of a recruiter.

If they’re met with giant blocks of text which are impossible to navigate, they might get frustrated and skip onto the next CV.

Instead, make use of the 3-step structure shown below, to give them a pleasant reading experience.

Role descriptions

Start with a 1-2 sentence summary of your role as a whole, detailing what the goal of your position was, who you reported to or managed, and the type of organisation you worked for.

Key responsibilities

Next up, you should write a short list of your day-to-day duties within the job.

Recruiters are most interested in your sector-specific skills and knowledge, so highlight these wherever possible.

Key achievements

Lastly, add impact by highlight 1-3 key achievements  that you made within the role.

Struggling to think of an achievement? If it had a positive impact on your company, it counts.

For example, you might increased company profits, improved processes, or something simpler, such as going above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.

At the bottom of your CV is your full education section. You can list your formal academic qualifications, such as:

  • GCSE’s

As well as any specific PhD Graduate qualifications that are essential to the jobs you are applying for. Note down the name of the qualification, the organisation at which you studied, and the date of completion.

Interests and hobbies

The hobbies and interests CV section isn’t mandatory, so don’t worry if you’re out of room by this point.

However, if you have an interesting hobby , or an interest that could make you seem more suitable for the role, then certainly think about adding.

Be careful what you include though… Only consider hobbies that exhibit skills that are required for roles as a PhD Graduate, or transferable workplace skills. There is never any need to tell employers that you like to watch TV and eat out.

Essential skills for your PhD Graduate CV

Tailoring your CV to the roles you are applying for is key to success, so make sure to read through the job descriptions and tailor your skills accordingly.

However, commonly desired  PhD Graduate  skills include:

  • Analysis – Showcase your skill with analysis of data, using mathematical and modelling concepts.
  • Leadership – Your CV needs to specify how you have developed interpersonal and leadership skills, and the potential you have for the future.
  • Project management – Employers are looking for evidence of your successful and organised project management skills.
  • Research – Your CV is an opportunity to display your tenacity for research and the ability to apply research in practical ways.
  • Self-management – Demonstrate your work ethic, ability to problem solve and take initiative, and how you also allow room for collaboration and team work.

Writing your PhD Graduate CV

Creating a strong PhD Graduate CV requires a blend of punchy content, considered structure and format, and heavy tailoring.

By creating a punchy profile and core skills list, you’ll be able to hook recruiter’s attention and ensure your CV gets read.

Remember that research and relevance is the key to a good CV, so research your target roles before you start writing and pack your CV with relevant skills.

Best of luck with your next application!

The Savvy Scientist

The Savvy Scientist

Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

Academic CV Examples From Active Researchers

Polishing up your CV? Whether you’re applying for a Masters, PhD, Post-Doc, Fellowship or even Lecturer role, it’s always useful to have some academic CV examples to follow.

Sure, you can search for CV templates but the completely fictitious “Jane Doe” examples can be pretty useless, especially in an academic setting. Nothing beats seeing proper CVs by actual researchers. But many of us may not have friends or colleagues who happen to be willing to share a copy of their own academic CV.

I’ve scoured the internet in search of academic CV examples from active researchers and now want to share the collection with all of you! Hopefully you’ll find it a helpful reference for the next time you’re putting together an application.

If you’re a PhD student you may also want to check out my post on how to write an academic CV for PhD applications, which is available here:

  • Writing an Academic CV for PhD Applications (with template!)

Have fun reading through the academic CV examples below and if you’re wondering how I’ve come to build this collection read on to the very bottom of the post!

The Academic CV Repository

How to use the repository.

  • I’ve split it into three sections: PhDs, postdocs and tenured staff.
  • Each entry includes the broad field that the person works in, you may find it easiest to Ctrl+F and search for all CVs in the same field as yourself.
  • This list includes some incredibly successful and highflying individuals. Try not to feel inferior as I do every time I add new CVs. All we can each do is become better versions of ourselves.
  • The list will be updated every time I find a new academic CV, so you may find it useful to bookmark the page !

I do try to keep the list up to date but if you notice any URLs not working please do let me know.

PhD Student Example Academic CVs

Marina Vabistsevits – Data mining – University of Bristol PhD Student – direct link to Marina’s data mining academic CV

Reza Karimi – Computer Science – Emory University PhD Student – direct link to Reza’s computer science academic CV

Sevan Esaian – Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology – University of California, Santa Barbara PhD Student – direct link to Sevan’s ecology academic CV

Hannah Zlotnick – Biomaterials – UPenn PhD Student – direct link to Hannah’s biomaterials academic CV

Jose Javier Gonzalez Ortiz – Machine Learning – MIT PhD Student – direct link to Jose’s machine learning academic CV

Laura Biester – Computer Science – University of Michigan PhD Student – direct link to Laura’s computer science academic CV

Daisy Shearer – Physics – University of Surrey PhD Student – direct like to Daisy’s physics academic CV . Bonus: Daisy has shared her PhD story as part of my PhD Profiles series .

An Bui – Community Ecology – UC Santa Barbara PhD Student – direct link to An’s community ecology academic CV

Jon Gjengset – Computer Science – MIT PhD Student / Amazon software engineer – direct link to Jon’s computer science academic CV

Aniruddh Raghu – Computer Science – MIT PhD Student – direct link to Aniruddh’s computer science academic CV

Anna Potapenko – Computer Science (machine learning) – National Research University, Russia PhD Student, direct link to Anna’s computer science academic CV

Postdoctoral Research Associate Example Academic CVs

Hollie Marshall – Epigenetics / Biology – Edinburgh Postdoc – direct link to Hollie’s biology academic CV . Bonus: Hollie kindly shares all her grant applications !

Kevin Moerman – Computational Mechanics – MIT Postdoc & NUI Galway Lecturer – direct link to Kevin’s computational mechanics academic CV

Solomon Dadia – Surgery – Imperial Honorary Research Associate – direct link to Solomon’s surgery academic CV

Michele Scipioni – Biomedical Engineer – Harvard Postdoctoral Research Fellow – direct link to Michele’s biomedical engineer academic CV

Academic Staff (Lecturer-Professor) Example Academic CVs

Sorelle Friedler – Computer science – Haverford College Associate Professor – direct link to Sorelle’s computer science academic CV .

Ben Glocker – Machine learning for imaging – Imperial Full Professor – direct link to Ben’s machine learning academic CV .

Sara Beery – AI for conservation – MIT Assistant Professor – direct link to Sara’s AI for conservation academic CV .

Jonathan Wilson – Environmental Studies – Haverford College Associate Professor – direct link to Jonathan’s environmental studies academic CV .

Lauren Williams – Mathematics – Harvard Full Professor – direct link to Lauren’s mathematics academic CV . Short version also available here .

Michael Osborne – Machine Learning – Oxford Full Professor – direct link to Michael’s machine learning academic CV

Thomas Ouldridge – Bioengineering – Imperial College London Senior Lecturer / Associate Prof – direct link to Thomas’ bioengineering academic CV

Ekaterina Kochmar – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof – direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

Adrian Vasile Dalca – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist – direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

Shelly Peyton – Biomaterials – University of Massachusetts Associate Professor – direct link to Shelly’s biomaterials academic CV

Holly Moeller – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor – direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Eric Yeatman – Electrical Engineer – Imperial Professor (and Head of Department) – direct link to Eric’s electrical engineering academic CV

Noah Glaser – Instructional Design – Old Dominion University Assistant Professor – direct link to Noah’s design academic CV

Eric Yeatman – Electronics – Imperial Professor and Head of Department – direct link to Eric’s electronics academic CV

Tomer Ullman – Psychology & Physics – Harvard Assistant Professor – direct link to Tomer’s psychology & physics academic CV

Alejo E. Rodriguez-Fraticelli – Cell Biologist – IRB Barcelona Group Leader – direct link to Alejo’s biologist academic CV

Anna Ploszajski – Materials Science – Imperial Science Writer – direct link to Anna’s materials science and science communication CV

Oded Rechavi – Evolutionary Biology – Tel Aviv University Professor – direct link to Oded’s biology academic CV

Lena Maier-Hein – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of Department – direct link to Lena’s medical imaging CV

Mary L Bouxsein – Surgery – Harvard Professor – direct link to Mary’s surgery academic CV

Thrishantha Nanayakkara – Design Engineering – Imperial Reader – direct link to Thrish’s design engineering academic CV

Paul Jager – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group – direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

Emile Greenhalgh – Aeronautics – Imperial Professor – direct link to Emile’s aeronautics academic CV

Dennis E. Anderson – Surgery – Harvard Assistant Prof – direct link to Dennis’ surgery academic CV

Patrick Prendergast – President & Provost – Trinity College Dublin – direct link to Patrick’s academic CV

Ainara Aguadero – Materials Science – Imperial Reader – direct link to Ainara’s materials science academic CV

Etienne Burdet – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor – direct link to Etienne’s bioengineering academic CV

Inna Vishik – Physics – UC Davis Assistant Professor – direct link to Inna’s physics academic CV

Guy-Bart Stan – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor – direct link to Guy-Bart’s bioengineering academic CV

Johannes Haushofer – Economics – Stockholm University Assistant Professor – direct link to Johannes’ economics academic CV BONUS: Johannes’ CV of failures !

Roger Kamm – Bioengineering – MIT Professor – direct link to Roger’s bioengineering academic CV

Maithra Raghu – Computer Science – Google Brain Senior Research Scientist – direct link to Maithra’s computer science academic CV

Peter Reich – Ecology – University of Minnesota Professor – direct link to Peter’s ecology academic CV

Esla Angelini – Medicine – Imperial Senior Data Scientist – direct link to Elsa’s medicine academic CV

Peter Haynes – Materials – Imperial Professor – direct link to Peter’s materials science academic CV

Andrew Tolley – Theoretical Physics – Imperial Professor – direct link to Andrew’s theoretical physics academic CV

Online CV Sleuthing

I’ll let you in on a secret: I’m a bit nosy. When I’m reading a paper or piece of science communication I’ll often find myself looking academics up online. Quite often I’ll end up on their departmental webpage or personal website and often they’ll include a link to an up to date copy of their CV. My first instinct is to immediately save their CV to my Google Drive.

But why do I collect these academic CVs?

Well whenever I’ve come to update my CV, such as recently when I was applying for my first postdoc position, I’ve found it invaluable to have a range of CVs from actual researchers to draw on to decide how to structure my own academic CV. It has helped me a lot for deciding both what to include and how to phrase achievements, and I want you to be able to benefit from this resource too.

Rather than risking upsetting anyone who has since taken down their CV, I’ve put together the following list of links which take you to the researcher’s current webpage and the direct link to their CV as hosted by them.

A few notes about the academic CV repository:

  • It is quite professor-heavy and I’d love to feature more PhD students and junior researchers. It is generally much easier to find CVs from experienced academics who have their own departmental webpages or websites. I’m always on the hunt for CVs from more junior researchers too and will be adding them as and when I find them.
  • Warning – Many of the people on this list are very high achievers, I know I certainly felt a bit inadequate reading through some of them! This list isn’t representative of all researchers so please don’t let it dissuade you.
  • I’d love for this list to be as diverse and useful as possible. If you find an academic CV you like (or have one of your own online), please feel free to share it!

I’ll keep updating this page as I find more academic CV examples, so please do bookmark it if you find it useful!

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4 Comments on “Academic CV Examples From Active Researchers”

Thanks for including my CV on the list. I remember first reading your blog as I was contemplating applying for a PhD. What an honour to be mentioned here now 🙂

That’s great to hear! Thanks Marina. Best wishes, Jeff

your blogs related ‘how to get full funded phd scholarship’ helps me lot. Now i have a way to start work on it.Thanks.

Brilliant, I’m so glad to hear this. Thanks for taking the time to leave this comment, Muhammad. Best wishes, Jeff.

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Academic CV Example for a PhD Graduate

3 questions your academic CV should answer 1

Please see below an example of an academic CV for a PhD graduate. If you would like more information, please take a look at our Academic CV guidelines and download the Academic CV template here .


14 Kitts Way, Little Heath, Birmingham B55 7QZ

Tel: 01217 430987 Email: [email protected]

A postgraduate researcher with experience of teaching and supervising PhD students. Aspires to work as a post-doctoral researcher on the “Marriage in Victorian England” project in the School of Humanities.

Demonstrates strong organisational skills and the ability to meet set deadlines. Displays a positive outlook to all challenges and able to work independently.


West Birmingham University, School of Humanities                                                   2016 – 2019

PhD in History (Funded by AHRC)

Thesis Title: Marriage Breakdown in the late 19 th Century and its Effect on Women

Supervisor: Professor J M Smithson

Brief Synopsis:          xxx

Somerset College, Cambridge                                                                                         2015 – 2016

MPhil in Victorian Social History (Funded by AHRC)

Dissertation Title: Middle Class Marriage in the Late Victorian Period

First Class (Distinction) 75%

Blackwell University                                                                                                        2013 – 2015

BA History & English – First Class Honours

Cambridge Science School

Four ‘A’ levels English (A), History (A), French (A), and Psychology (A)                     2006 – 2013


My main interest remains in the field of women in marriage in late 19th century England but also how their changing roles developed into the 20th century.  My future research is to build on the foundations of my PhD and to investigate and compare the roles of English women with their counterparts across Europe, particularly in France and Spain.


  • Second year History module “Feminism in 20 th Century Britain”
  • One seminar per week with 10 students for ten weeks
  • Planned, wrote and led seminars
  • Marked coursework and organised field trip to conference on “The Woman Question” at Wolverhampton West University in May 2009


  • Assisted in examining, talking to students and parents at Open Days and invigilating examinations
  • Responsibility for leading a team of students in planning and organising a university conference
  • Experienced in report writing and writing up research work


  • Participated in academic and policy dissemination activities and workshops
  • Supported students’ research activities
  • Undertook administrative tasks relating to student induction programme
  • Assisted in coordinating day-to-day running of residential Vitae programme


2009                The Woman Question –Wolverhampton West University

2009                The Challenge of Big Data – The British Library

2008                20 th Century Opportunities for and Expectations of Women in Work


Professor J M Smithson                                      John Engelhard, Tutor  

West Birmingham University                            West Birmingham University

School of Humanities                                          School of Humanities

The Ringway                                                          The Ringway

Birmingham                                                          Birmingham

B9 7QZ                                                                    B9 7QZ

Email: [email protected]                     Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0121 5722099                                                Tel: 0121 5722097

Professor Philippa Miles

Somerset College

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01223 337324

For CV top tips:

  • How To Write A Good CV
  • Preparing to Change Jobs? Make sure your CV is ready too!
  • ATS systems and your CV: 5 things you need to know
  • The Key To The Perfect CV

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Henrietta Nagy

Henrietta Nagy is a seasoned portfolio worker with over 10 years’ experience in the UK education sector. Henrietta writes educational content, designs academic courses, delivers university lectures, mentors entrepreneurs, and provides career development coaching. One of Henrietta's recent organisational clients is the Oxford University where she has facilitated over 100 hours of learning events. With 9 years of higher education studies internationally (including an MBA), she has worked with CEOs, academics, scholars, managers, women entrepreneurs, academic administrators and other consultants.

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15th April 2020 at 1:02 pm

Some say we write in the present form, others say we write in the source form, which is better in an academic CV?

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PhD Student CV Examples

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PHD Student CV

Education professional with a strong belief in life-long training and smart university practices. Committed to developing new initiatives to take advantage of innovative technologies for the betterment of humanity. I work easily and effectively with international as well as regional strategic partners. Pivotal in site methodologies in compliance with safety, quality & cost control standards. Possess competent cross-functional skills and ensure on-time deliverable within pre-set cost parameters.

  • PHD Doctorate in Structural Engineering

Michigan State University

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering.
  • Dissertation: "Probabilistically- Based Models to Represent Loads due to Shipping Activities".

M.Sc in Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering

Stanford university.

  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering.
  • Thesis: "Design and Reliability of Pre-stressed Columns".

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

  • Structures Emphasis.
  • Work Experience

PhD Researcher

Bamboo creative.

  • Develop probabilistic models to represent loads due to human activities.
  • Work on random vibration theory and reliability principles that are used to develop load models to represent human loads on structures.
  • Collect data from a force platform and a floor system.
  • Suggest design criteria for assembly structures.
  • Develop software to facilitate the calculation of individual and group human loading for predefined motions.

Research Engineer

  • Prepared and presented a synthesis of the best knowledge available on different bridge elements, summarized various practices, and provided recommendations that relate to each bridge element.
  • Provided an abstract of all research projects related to bridge engineering and/or maintenance for the last 30 years in the State of Michigan.
  • Developed a report on the probabilistic characterization of ground anchors in the reliability of navigation systems.
  • Reviewed, evaluated, and characterized the reliability of ground anchors and suggested the statistical parameters to describe the behavior of anchors over a structure's lifetime.
  • Developed dynamic loads produced by occupants of public assembly structures.
  • Responsibilities included gathering a large sample of forces due to human movements.
  • Trained undergraduate assistants to maintain data acquisition system used to measure human loads.
  • Developed code to convert measured deflection to force-time histories.
  • Prepared a final report to the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the status of the research project.

Project Engineer, and Design Engineer

Penguin random house.

  • Prepared and gathered site survey data.
  • Managed the construction of 1000 housing units @ $14,000,000; responsibilities included construction management, preparations of reports and contract documents, planning and coordination of detailed phases of the project, and preparing the engineering documents needed to finance the project.
  • Tasked with construction and finishing of several multiple family rental projects; responsibilities included civil drafting, site work, foundation, and superstructure.
  • Designed multiple-family units, mosques, and the completed structural design of 35 10-story residential buildings.
  • Developed a computer program to facilitate the design of reinforced concrete.
  • Wrote construction progress reports.
  • Supervised and ensured the quality of concrete mix produced on the site.

Academic & Business Development

  • Team leadership
  • Research & analysis
  • Smart university initiatives
  • New academic business development

Strategic Planning

  • Change management
  • Capacity building
  • Operational excellence
  • Strategic planning & analysis

Presenting & Writing

  • Proposal writing
  • Author of 6 books
  • Keynote speaking
  • Awareness building
  • Expanding knowledge and utilization of all matters related to the business of organizations/corporations/universities to identify new opportunities/prospects, and driving business growth and requirements.
  • Developing strategies for future planning of strong/smart education and training programs.
  • New initiatives for academia, vocational training, and corporate world and developing world.
  • Increasing awareness on the use of technology-enhanced education and training to empower change, reform, and advancement of emerging economies.
  • Initiating elaborate business development plans, designing, and implementing processes to support business growth, through stakeholders and market definition.

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Graduate profiles

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Isabella Madrigal stands outside

Isabella Madrigal

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Read more about Isabella

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Dora will next pursue a Ph.D. at MIT in algebraic combinatorics, a branch of mathematics that applies methods found in abstract algebra to discrete counting problems.

Aaron Shirley

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Jude Terna Ayua

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Vivien Kocsis

For her Master of Liberal Arts in Data Science capstone project, Vivien had a very specific sponsor in mind: NASA.

Brian Mazmanian

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For the first time, I truly felt like I was doing work that was very in touch with what GSD wants people to do, which is working with communities.” Priyanka Pillai Master in Design Engineering A joint Graduate School of Design and John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences program Learn more about Priyanka’s work

Harvard Graduate School of Education

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Kavya Krishna

Kavya was recently named among Forbes’ “30 Under 30” for her dedication to empowering girls with the digital literacy skills necessary to excel in a technology-driven society.

Alria and Vyankatesh Kharage

Alria and Vyankatesh met as undergraduates, fell in love, and began building a life together when their shared passion for education brought them to Harvard.

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During his internship at SpaceX, Ben talked to experts to help him finalize his design for a robotic hand to help astronauts perform tasks remotely without the fatigue imposed by a suit glove.

Maria Emilia Mazzolenis

While pursuing a master’s degree in data science, Maria always kept her focus on the responsibility and impact that technology can have on society.

Lachlain McGranahan

Whether on the Charles River as a skipper on the Harvard Crimson sailing team or on the ocean helping to decipher sperm whale communications, Lachlain was never too far from his love for water and engineering.

Harvard Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

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Thomas found a way to identify otherwise unrecorded 20th-century hurricanes, laying the foundation for a new field of historical environmental seismology.

Dylan Renaud

Dylan’s Harvard Horizons project combines research in the emerging field of nanoscale photonics—how light interacts with very small objects—with practical computing applications to create novel devices that move information via light.

Juhee Kang, who studied history and East Asian languages and civilizations, explored how psychological testing and mass data collection evolved in 20th-century Japan, where they became central across society.

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Ananya Chhaochharia

While pursuing a Master in Public Policy, Ananya learned how to turn a political campaign into an art form.

Adebayo Alonge

After founding a platform that provides safe pharmaceuticals in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda, Adebayo decided to pursue a mid-career master’s degree to help him understand how to expand to even more countries.

For her capstone research project, Maya sought to understand and find solutions for the inequality in Boston’s core city services, which aren’t equitably distributed across its diverse neighborhoods and communities.

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What is a CV?

A career advisor holding a student’s resume, listening to the student talk about what she wants to include in a cover letter.

Job searching and submitting online applications can feel like a never-ending performance featuring your professional skills and knowledge. If you're starting to identify more as a member of the chorus than the lead character, make sure you’re referencing the proper script.

A career-seeking superstar should understand the difference between a CV and a resume.

So, what is a CV?

Like a resume, a CV is a document outlining your professional experience. In contrast, a CV provides substantial detail where a resume may not and can be more relevant to specific career sectors and geographic location. Think of a CV like a feature-length documentary while a resume is more of a commercial preview .  Certain opportunities you seek may require the CV for a more expansive exploration of your education, professional experience, achievements, interests and skills.

What Does CV Stand For?

To discover what CV stands for, open the binding of your Latin reference guide. The unabbreviated version is “Curriculum Vitae” which translates to “Course of Life.”

If you do not already diligently document your accomplishments, consider drafting a CV for yourself. This can be a living and breathing list of what you have done and currently do as you progress through the years. The list should relate to your passions, interests and every step forward leading you to the future you deserve.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you completed a new academic credential?
  • Have you had a job or internship relevant to your passions and interests?
  • Do you possess specific skills gained throughout your educational and professional experience?
  • Did you publicly publish an article, research paper or other professional media?
  • Did you serve as a contributor on a research project or industry presentation?
  • Have you won an award, formal recognition or a merit scholarship?
  • Are you affiliated as a dedicated volunteer with a nonprofit organization?

Keep your list updated and continue to add to it as each achievement materializes. This is your course of life. Your CV is a professional celebration of you. Toot that horn!

If at some point you need to submit your CV for a career-related opportunity, you will not mistakenly forget and forgo any of the impressive details along the way.

How Do You Write a Simple CV?

As you draft or update your list of accomplishments for a CV, imagine yourself receiving a V ery I mportant P rofessional award. The award presenter lists achievements throughout your life thus far and plans to leave no relevant stone unturned. To deliver a clear message, your gathered CV content should follow an easy-to-understand format.

Grace Dugan with the text Grace Dugan

Dugan said most of her work related to CV advising is with graduate students or professionals in the nonprofit space, seeking a career in academia or research sectors. Other instances occur when her advisees are considering international employment where use of the CV is more commonplace. Be aware that the term CV could also be interchangeably referenced with the term resume outside of the United States. So, it’s important to clarify with the recruiter or relevant hiring contact about which document is preferred prior to submitting your application.

In her CV template used to support SNHU students and alumni, Dugan suggests the following outline to organize academic and occupational accolades:

Contact Information

Include your full name, general location information, and the methods to reach you within the first block of text in your document. If the hiring team would like to speak with you, the information will be easily accessible and clear:

FIRST & LAST NAME City, State Zip PHONE (555) 123-4567 • [email protected]

Tip: Make sure your provided email address is professional – [email protected] may be cute, but likely will not leave the most effective impression when applying for an established career opportunity.

Desired Job Title

Professional profile.

This section serves as your elevator pitch  to set the stage for what is to come in the remainder of the CV document:

An enthusiastic adult teaching professional with a superb record of student support and student focus. A real passion for explaining curriculum requirements and working with a diverse student population. Committed to supporting and retaining students, adhering to institution’s mission and values, and capable of effectively collaborating with students, faculty, and administration.

Plan to include the two most recently completed educational credentials, plus any that are specifically related to the desired role:

Master of Arts in English , July 2023 Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH GPA 3.7, President’s List

Bachelor of Arts in English, Professional Writing , May 2010 Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH

Tip: Academic history should be listed in reverse-chronological order. If you’ve completed a bachelor’s degree or higher, the mention of obtaining your high school diploma or equivalent is unnecessary.


Create concise bullets to share an overview of your acquired skills as they relate to the available opportunity:

  • Excellent written/verbal communication skills
  • Ability to evaluate student performance, support students at varied levels in on-site or online settings
  • Familiar with the facilitation of lectures and discussions in an online academic arena
  • Knowledge in developing course material to ensure success in English Composition classes
  • Knowledge of MLA, APA, and Chicago Manual of Style

Teaching Experience

If you possess specific professional experience closely related to the desired job title, include the details in a separate section to call out those skills:

English Language Instructor (ESL) , 2014-Present The Genesis Center, Providence, RI

  • Designed ESL onsite/online curriculum to accommodate adult students with varying levels of experience
  • Successfully encouraged students to actively participate by creating a nurturing classroom environment

Tip: Highlight the subjects, topics and demographics or populations influenced by your knowledge and skills when seeking careers in academia or related grant-funded research applications.

Relevant Experience

Pull from other professional roles where your practical experience might be appropriate for the desired job title, creatively addressing soft skills like public speaking, mentorship or teamwork:

Office Manager , 2008-2014 The Home Group, Manchester, NH

  • Effectively instructed new employees on safety standards and operating procedures
  • Developed training manuals, presentations, and employee assessments for diverse audiences
  • Identified barriers to employee success and used various strategies to overcome obstacles
  • Collaborated with management to determine training needs

Tip: Follow a reverse-chronological format and try to use measurable details whenever possible as you bullet your relevant experience. You can mention dollar amounts or percentages, number of direct reports, grant funds awarded, etc. Make your past and possible impact crystal and quantifiably clear.

Honors and Awards

This section houses the list for any formal recognition received from industries or organizations where you’ve made an impressionable impact:

New England Most Innovative Instructor, 2021

Literacy in Action Grant, 2017

Teach for America IGNITE Fellowship, 2012

Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year, 2009

Publications and Presentations

Contributions to the field in the form of published work, research or presentations should be included to showcase the expertise and passion you possess for related topics and themes:

Freelance Writer , 2009-2013

  • Multiple articles published. Able to proofread, research, blog, and use social media marketing skills
  • Able to manage grammar, typographical, compositional errors, and multi-task to meet deadlines

OR cite each publication, project or presentation in an accepted citation format (i.e. MLA or APA):

Smith, Jane. Engaging English Speakers in Education . ABC Publishing, (forthcoming).

Smith, Jane. “Evolution of the English Language.” International Journal of LMNOP Writing , vol. 2, no. 4, June 2020, pp. 40-45.

Smith, Jane. “Making an Impact in Adult Education through Volunteering.” Civic Innovations, Literacy in Action Conference, 15 February 2016, InterContinental Hotel, Boston, MA. Conference Presentation.

Affiliations and Memberships

Include any honor societies, professional associations in which you are a member, and other related volunteer work that highlight your interests and extracurricular activities:

Tutor and Teaching Assistant , 2007-Present Adult Education and Literacy Coalition Volunteer, Boston, MA

  • Assist teachers in a community-based environment helping adults earn their general equivalency diplomas

Scholarship Fund Committee Member , 2006 – Present Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Volunteer, Boston, MA

  • Review applicant essay submissions to select an annual award recipient of $2,000 scholarship toward professional development in the teaching profession

Technical Skills

Finally, note the hard skills such as software or languages collected within your toolbox of knowledge:

MS Office, Moodle, Blackboard, Adobe Connect, Basic Course Design Concepts, Google Drive, and other Scholarly Databases / Library Resources

What is the Correct CV Format?

While the above-mentioned sections are helpful for writing a simple CV, be sure to do your research. When reviewing opportunities that request a CV, investigate whether the institution or organization provides a template for you to follow in the application overview or careers page on their website.

Dale Jacobs with the text Dale Jacobs

You can also review the types of research the academic team has been involved with before and during their tenure. These could serve as inspiration for examples of accolades and research interests you may want to expand upon moving forward in your own career path.

Tip: Check out some of the SNHU faculty leadership team’s academic and research interests  and compare them with your own achievements and interests as you consider your professional goals.

For other opportunities in academia or research that may require a CV, stop by LinkedIn as well to seek out professionals who have worked or are working at organizations of interest – you may be able to find their CV uploaded and available for public review.

Test Your CV Knowledge

As you start to be able to answer the question of “What is a CV,” review the knowledge check below to test your newfound CV expertise:

Q: What does CV stand for?

A: Curriculum Vitae, or “Course of Life” in Latin

Q: If I’m applying for an office job abroad, should I have a CV or a resume?

A: CV and resume are sometimes used as interchangeable terms in countries other than the United States. Especially for an international corporate-related position, if you’re asked for a CV, check if it actually refers to the one-to-two-page resume snapshot or in fact requires a full CV document.

Q: Should I include certifications and awards on my CV?

A: Yes! If you were recognized professionally and it is relevant to your experience, you should absolutely include that on a CV. Your CV is a reflection of all that you’ve accomplished in your academic and career experience, so don’t be afraid to brag.

Q: What if I don’t have enough experience to fill in a whole CV?

A: Every CV is unique to the candidate’s specific experience. As you tally your achievements thus far with the outline provided and realize it only populates one page, that is still a great start. Although CVs are typically two-to-three or more pages in length, dig deep and remember what you can to get the document going. Create that simple outline and fill in more as you go along. Soon enough, your CV will be chock-full with your impressive repertoire.

Q: Should I start to use a CV instead of a resume to apply to jobs?

A: Although both documents provide a professional overview of your experience, let the job description and application requirements guide you. Typically, if a job application asks for a resume, then you should submit a resume document. The CV is more geared toward certain career sectors like academia and research and is rarely requested in the United States for most professional roles. Learn how to write an effective resume .

Final Thoughts

A second definition of CV should be Confidence Vault. Keep it close to you and always keep it updated. As you list your ongoing achievements, be proud of everything you can and will bring to this world. Each little step is a rung on the ladder of your future. Shine bright and look forward to the featured presentation of your professional premiere.

Online. On campus. Choose your program  from 200+ SNHU degrees that can take you where you want to go.

Dana McGrath

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RIT graduate pursues Ph.D. across time zones

Nastaran Nagshineh is shown with other faculty in a small room where she defended her thesis.

Nastaran Nagshineh, center, defended her Ph.D. thesis at RIT in April. Faculty from RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses served on her thesis committee and include, from left to right, Kathleen Lamkin-Kennard, Steven Weinstein, Nathaniel Barlow, and David Kofke (a professor at the University at Buffalo). Mohamed Samaha participated remotely and appears on the video screen behind the group and alongside Nagshineh’s picture.

Nastaran Nagshineh is one of the first Ph.D. candidates to bridge RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses. Her accomplishment creates a path for future students at the university’s international campuses.

Nagshineh completed her Ph.D. in mathematical modeling while working full time as a mathematics lecturer at RIT Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, teaching as many as five classes a semester. She described her Ph.D. journey as “an exercise in perseverance” due to competing demands and long days. Rochester is eight hours behind Dubai, and the time difference meant many late-night classes and meetings.

“I saw this collaboration as an opportunity, rather than as a challenge, because my primary adviser, Dr. Steven Weinstein (RIT professor of chemical engineering), and my co-adviser, Dr. Mohamed Samaha (RIT Dubai associate professor of mechanical engineering), both have the same area of research interest,” she said. “They both worked toward my success.”

Nagshineh is one of 67 RIT Ph.D. students who defended their thesis this academic year and who will earn their doctorate. RIT awarded 63 Ph.D. degrees in 2023.

In 2020-2021, RIT’s Graduate School met and surpassed the university’s goal of conferring 50 Ph.D. degrees during an academic year. That number will continue to grow as students cycle through the seven new Ph.D. programs that RIT has added since 2017, said Diane Slusarski , dean of RIT’s Graduate School.

Meeting these goals puts RIT on a path toward achieving an “R1,” or research-intensive designation, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Learning. RIT is currently ranked as an R2 institution . Many factors go into changing a university’s status, including research investment and maintaining a three-year average of 70 Ph.D. degrees awarded per year, according to Slusarski.

“We have met the goals of the strategic plan, and now we look forward to contributing to the research innovation in the future,” Slusarski said. “We want to help the new programs thrive and win national research awards.”

RIT’s emphasis on high-level research is seen in Nagshineh’s Ph.D. work. She applies mathematical modeling to the field of fluid dynamics. Her research has been published in top-tier journals and has gained notice, said Weinstein, her thesis adviser.

Weinstein describes Nagshineh’s accomplishments as “a testament to a fantastic work ethic and commitment” and is inspirational to younger students at Rochester and Dubai.

“The collaboration between RIT Dubai/Rochester has continued,” he said. “Another paper was submitted a few weeks ago with Mohamed Samaha and Nate Barlow (RIT associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics) as co-authors, as well as Cade Reinberger, a younger Ph.D. student in my research group.”

Mathematical modeling is one of RIT’s newer Ph.D. degree programs, and Nagshineh is among its earliest graduates. The program has doubled in size since it began accepting students in 2017, Slusarski said. This past fall, the mathematical modeling program had 35 students, with two graduating this year.

Altogether, RIT has 13 Ph.D. degree programs currently enrolling 438 students, with computing and information sciences accounting for the largest with 117 students. RIT’s other Ph.D. programs include astrophysical sciences and technology , biomedical and chemical engineering , business administration , color science , electrical and computer engineering, imaging science , mechanical and industrial engineering , microsystems engineering , and sustainability .

New programs in cognitive science and physics will launch in the fall.

The growth in RIT graduate education—with more than 3,000 master’s and doctoral students—reflects a demographic change in the student population, Slusarski said. “We have a higher percentage of women in the graduate programs than we have for RIT undergraduate programs.”

RIT’s graduate programs enroll 42 percent women, according to Christie Leone , assistant dean for the Graduate School.

Nagshineh, who also holds an MS in electrical engineering from RIT Dubai, welcomes her role as a mentor to other women students on both campuses.

“As a young woman in an Arabic country, the power of women is often underestimated and undervalued, and I hope to serve as a role model to female students, especially those that question their path,” Nagshineh said.

She plans to continue in her career as a professor and a researcher. “I would like to pursue a research program where I can advise my own students and teach them more deeply.”

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Graduate Studies

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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Spencer Engineering Building, Room 3005 Western University Tel: 519-661-2139

Research program inquiries (MESc/PhD): [email protected] Professional program inquiries (MEng): [email protected]

Undergraduate Inquiries:  [email protected]  

The Faculty of Engineering is aware of the  recent announcement from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada  related to an intake cap on international student permit applications. We would like to assure applicants to our Master of Engineering (MEng) programs that this does not apply to the MEng program, and that those pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees are not included in the cap. We encourage applicants to regularly consult the IRCC website for updates.

All applications to the MEng program must be completed through Western's electronic graduate admissions application .

To be considered for admission, all MEng applications must include the following information:

  • A completed online application form
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Academic transcript(s) for all post‐secondary schools you have attended

Statement of Purpose/Letter of Intent

  • Proof of English Language Proficiency (if applicable)
  • Graduate application fee of $150.00 CAD - this fee is paid at the time of application and no fee waivers are granted

Please visit the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' website for detailed information on how to complete your electronic application.

For more information about the supporting documentation that must be   digitally submitted along with an electronic application, please see below. The following documents should be submitted prior to our application deadlines, which are also listed below. Documents must be uploaded as a .pdf file with a file size of less than 3 MB.

Electronic Documents Required

  • Two reference letters are required for applications to the MEng program. At least one of your reference letters should be from an academic referee.
  • The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will automatically send requests for recommendation letters to the referees that you name in your electronic application. Your referees will be able to submit their reference letters electronically. 


  • Unofficial transcripts must be provided for each higher educational institution (post-secondary institution) attended.
  • Western makes it possible for an applicant to submit documentation in digital format (gray scale or black & white work best). Uploaded documents should be in .pdf format in a size less than 3 MB.
  • Non-legible scans cannot be accepted.
  • If you are offered admission to the MEng program, you will be required to provide original and official transcript and degree documentation (including translations) to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. An official transcript is a transcript in an unopened envelope with the institution's stamp on the seal.
  • Notarized documents cannot be accepted as valid official documentation.
  • All documents and transcripts submitted to Western University become the property of the university and will not be returned.

Proof of English Language Proficiency

  • Applicants are only exempt from providing proof of English Language Proficiency if they have at least two full-time years of post-secondary education in an academic degree program, in an English speaking institution which is located in a country whose primary language is English.
  • For more information about our English Language Proficiency requirements and the assessments that we accept, please see our English Language Proficiency webpage .
  • Your statement of purpose/letter of intent should be no longer than 500 words.
  • CV/Resume, listing academic and employment background, publications, awards and other accomplishments .

Proof of Permanent Residency (if applicable)

  • One copy of your permanent residency card, if you are a permanent resident.

Study Permit (if applicable)

  • One copy of your study permit, if you are already in possession of on e.

Name Change (if applicable)

  • Official government documentation verifying a name change, if supporting documentation is in a different name. Example of valid proof is a passport, marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.

Application Deadlines

The following are recommended timelines by which to submit your application to allow for processing time for your intended term of admission.

The deadlines for international applications are set to allow enough time for the assessment procedure and visa/study permit processing. If an application is not complete by our stated deadline, we cannot guarantee that it will be considered for the chosen admission term.

Apply Now

If you are experiencing difficulty with the electronic application, please email   [email protected]

or contact the dedicated phone line 519-850-2341

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Spencer Engineering Building, Western University London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B9 Tel: 519-661-2139 Privacy | Web Standards | Terms of Use | Accessibility

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    Curriculum Vitae . Tips and Samples . THE BASICS . The curriculum vitae, also known as a CV or vita, is a comprehensive statement of your ... Led group discussion for first-year students on academic topics. Teaching Assistant 20xx-20xx . ... staff scientists, and fellow graduate students across departments. 20XX - Present Undergraduate ...

  21. PhD Student CV Examples & Templates

    PhD Student CV Examples. Start creating your CV in minutes by using our 21 customizable templates or view one of our handpicked PhD Student examples. Join over 260,000 professionals using our PhD Student examples with VisualCV. Sign up to choose your template, import example content, and customize your content to stand out in your next job search.

  22. PhD candidate CV examples, tips & templates

    Secure your dream position with an amazing PhD candidate CV. This CV sample for PhD students aims to offer key insights into the CV writing and job application process. For more insight, feel free to browse our other academic CV examples. Or get started with a pre-made CV template in our online builder. Choose a design that's perfect for PhD ...

  23. The Class of 2024 graduate profiles

    Explore our student profiles and learn about the dedicated scholarship and ambitious plans of graduates from all of Harvard's degree-granting Schools. ... Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Harvard Graduate School of Design ... both personal and academic, has been beyond anything I expected." ...

  24. What Does CV Stand For?

    Dugan said most of her work related to CV advising is with graduate students or professionals in the nonprofit space, seeking a career in academia or research sectors. Other instances occur when her advisees are considering international employment where use of the CV is more commonplace. ... Tip: Academic history should be listed in reverse ...

  25. Navigating Life After College

    Tackle Your Student Loans . After graduation, you'll need to select a student loan repayment plan if you took out any federal students to pay for college. Begin by understanding all of the available repayment options. Once you have selected a repayment plan, create a budget that includes your student loan payments.

  26. RIT graduate pursues Ph.D. across time zones

    In 2020-2021, RIT's Graduate School met and surpassed the university's goal of conferring 50 Ph.D. degrees during an academic year. That number will continue to grow as students cycle through the seven new Ph.D. programs that RIT has added since 2017, said Diane Slusarski, dean of RIT's Graduate School.

  27. Application Process and Required Documents

    Application Process and Required Documents. The Faculty of Engineering is aware of the recent announcement from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada related to an intake cap on international student permit applications. We would like to assure applicants to our Master of Engineering (MEng) programs that this does not apply to the MEng program, and that those pursuing master's and ...

  28. Graduate work must focus on both the academic and the applied (opinion)

    Indeed, what universities seem to have forgotten is that they have more than a bit of a say in how these forces play out. There is a vibrant and prosperous future for M.A. and Ph.D. education not in radical transformation but in reconciliation—reconciliation between academic and applied domains of knowledge production, and in enabling lives as researchers and scholars both within the academy ...

  29. events

    Student Success & Support; Academic Resource Center (ARC) Events; events ; Share. Print Facebook Pineterest. Events ... May 14, 2024 1:00 — 2:00 PM Graduate Student Resume Drop-In Sessions. Graduate College Main Office, Room 301 -Main Building Main Building 3141 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States ...