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104 Criminal Justice Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Criminal justice is a broad and complex field that encompasses various aspects of law enforcement, corrections, and the judicial system. If you are studying criminal justice or planning to pursue a career in this field, you will likely be required to write essays on various topics related to criminal justice. To help you get started, here are 104 criminal justice essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The evolution of criminal justice systems over the years.
  • The role of technology in modern law enforcement.
  • The impact of media on public perception of criminal justice.
  • The relationship between poverty and crime rates.
  • The effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime.
  • The ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in criminal justice.
  • The use of body cameras by police officers and its impact on accountability.
  • The role of forensic science in solving crimes.
  • The challenges of investigating and prosecuting white-collar crimes.
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentencing on the criminal justice system.
  • The causes and consequences of wrongful convictions.
  • The role of rehabilitation in the criminal justice system.
  • The effectiveness of drug courts in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between mental illness and criminal behavior.
  • The ethical considerations of capital punishment.
  • The impact of racial profiling on minority communities.
  • The role of restorative justice in repairing harm caused by crime.
  • The challenges of addressing cybercrime in the digital age.
  • The impact of the war on drugs on criminal justice policies.
  • The role of victim services in the criminal justice system.
  • The effectiveness of probation and parole in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between poverty and overrepresentation in the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of the criminal justice system on marginalized communities.
  • The role of criminal profiling in solving serial crimes.
  • The challenges of addressing domestic violence within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of the "war on terror" on civil liberties.
  • The role of eyewitness testimony in criminal trials.
  • The effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution methods in reducing court congestion.
  • The relationship between drug addiction and criminal behavior.
  • The impact of mandatory reporting laws on child abuse cases.
  • The role of private prisons in the criminal justice system.
  • The challenges of addressing human trafficking within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of social media on criminal investigations.
  • The role of forensic psychology in criminal profiling.
  • The effectiveness of anti-gang initiatives in reducing gang-related crimes.
  • The relationship between gun control laws and crime rates.
  • The impact of the "three strikes" law on recidivism rates.
  • The role of community-based corrections programs in reducing incarceration rates.
  • The challenges of addressing police misconduct within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of DNA evidence on criminal investigations and convictions.
  • The relationship between immigration policies and crime rates.
  • The effectiveness of sex offender registration laws in protecting communities.
  • The role of social programs in preventing juvenile delinquency.
  • The challenges of addressing hate crimes within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of surveillance technologies on privacy rights.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing the opioid crisis.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for incarcerated individuals.
  • The relationship between mental health treatment and recidivism rates.
  • The impact of mandatory sentencing for drug offenses on minority communities.
  • The role of community-based organizations in reducing gang violence.
  • The challenges of addressing police brutality within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of globalization on transnational crimes.
  • The role of forensic anthropology in identifying human remains.
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for first-time offenders.
  • The relationship between poverty and juvenile delinquency.
  • The impact of the Fourth Amendment on law enforcement practices.
  • The role of victim impact statements in sentencing decisions.
  • The challenges of addressing elder abuse within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of technology on the privacy rights of individuals.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing human rights violations.
  • The effectiveness of drug education programs in preventing substance abuse.
  • The relationship between mental health courts and recidivism rates.
  • The impact of the "school-to-prison pipeline" on marginalized communities.
  • The role of forensic entomology in estimating time of death.
  • The challenges of addressing child exploitation within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients on poverty rates.
  • The role of community supervision in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between police presence and crime rates.
  • The effectiveness of victim-offender mediation in addressing the harm caused by crime.
  • The impact of the Fifth Amendment on interrogation practices.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing human trafficking.
  • The challenges of addressing cyberbullying within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of surveillance cameras on crime prevention.
  • The role of forensic linguistics in analyzing written evidence.
  • The effectiveness of gun buyback programs in reducing gun violence.
  • The relationship between mental health treatment and criminal behavior.
  • The impact of mandatory arrest policies on domestic violence cases.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing environmental crimes.
  • The challenges of addressing police corruption within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of eyewitness misidentification on wrongful convictions.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and child neglect.
  • The effectiveness of reentry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing hate crimes.
  • The impact of predictive policing on law enforcement practices.
  • The challenges of addressing human rights violations within the criminal justice system.
  • The role of forensic odontology in identifying human remains.
  • The effectiveness of community-based drug treatment programs.
  • The relationship between poverty and gang involvement.
  • The impact of the exclusionary rule on the criminal justice system.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing environmental justice.
  • The challenges of addressing cyberstalking within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of community surveillance programs on crime prevention.
  • The role of forensic accounting in investigating financial crimes.
  • The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing gun-related crimes.
  • The relationship between substance abuse treatment and recidivism rates.
  • The impact of mandatory reporting laws on elder abuse cases.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing animal cruelty.
  • The challenges of addressing corruption within the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of false confessions on wrongful convictions.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and intimate partner violence.
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for mentally ill offenders.
  • The role of criminal justice policies in addressing cybercrime.
  • The impact of community-based restorative justice programs on crime reduction.
  • The challenges of addressing international crimes within the criminal justice system.

These essay topics provide a starting point for your research and analysis in the field of criminal justice. Remember to choose a topic that interests you and aligns with your academic goals and career aspirations. Good luck with your essays!

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  • 155 Criminal Justice Essay Topics

Courses related to the study of criminal justice usually require students to complete an essay at some point. If you have been asked to write a criminal justice essay, there are several things that you will need to keep in mind to ensure that your essay ticks all of the right boxes.

This article will take you through some essential tips on writing a criminal justice essay and provide 155 criminal justice essay topics to get students’ creative juices flowing.

What Is Criminal Justice?

Any discussion of how to write a criminal justice essay must begin with a clear understanding of what the term ‘criminal justice’ actually refers to. In short, criminal justice can be defined as the system responsible for dealing with crime. This system includes everything from law enforcement and the courts to prisons and probation services.

When writing a criminal justice essay, students will usually be asked to focus on one particular area of the criminal justice system. For example, they may be asked to write about the police, the courts, or prisons. Be sure that your subject matter can directly be linked back to the criminal justice system in order to make the most impact on the reader.

Types of Criminal Justice Essays

There are many types of criminal justice essays, and each style will have different requirements in terms of content and structure. Here are some of the most popular types of criminal justice essays that students may be asked to write:

Criminal Justice Research Essays

Research essays will require students to conduct extensive research on a particular topic within the criminal justice system. Students will need to collect evidence from multiple reliable sources and use this evidence to support their argument.

Criminal Justice Argumentative Essays

An argumentative essay on criminal justice will ask students to take a particular stance on an issue within the criminal justice system and then defend their position using evidence. These types of essays usually require students to have a strong understanding of both sides of the argument before taking a stance.

Criminal Justice Compare and Contrast Essays

A compare and contrast essay will ask students to consider two or more topics within the criminal justice system and identify their similarities and differences. Compare and contrast essays often require students to have a strong understanding of both topics in order to make effective comparisons.

Criminal Justice Cause and Effect Essays

A cause and effect essay will look at why something happens within the criminal justice system and its effects on society or an individual. These types of essays often require students to carry out extensive research in order to identify the causes and consequences of a particular issue.

Criminal Justice Problem-Solution Essays

A problem-solution essay will ask students to identify a problem within the criminal justice system and put forward a solution for this problem. These types of essays often require students to have a strong understanding of both the problem and the potential solutions before they can offer a solution.

Criminal Justice Critical Analysis Essays

Students will be asked to conduct a critical analysis of a criminal justice system issue in a critical analysis essay. These essays often require students to have a strong understanding of the issues at hand in order to offer a well-rounded analysis.

No matter what type of criminal justice essay you are asked to write, be sure to carefully read the instructions to determine what is required of you. Once you understand the task at hand, you can begin planning and writing your essay.

General Tips for Writing a Criminal Justice Essay

When writing a criminal justice essay, there are a few general tips that you can follow to make sure that your essay is of the highest quality.

Before you start writing your essay, it is essential to take some time to plan out what you are going to say. This will help to ensure that your writing flows smoothly and that all of the critical points are covered.

If your essay requires you to carry out research, be sure to do so thoroughly. Collect evidence from several sources and make sure that this evidence is reliable. Also, make sure to cite all of your sources in the appropriate MLA, Chicago, or APA style.

Your essay should follow a logical path from beginning to end. Use headings and subheadings to help break up your writing and make it easy to read.


Once you have finished writing your essay, be sure to proofread it carefully in order to catch any mistakes. It is also good to have someone else read over your essay to give you feedback.

Make sure that you follow these tips when writing your criminal justice essay to give yourself the best chance of success.

With the guide above detailing the possible types of criminal justice essays you may be asked to write and some general tips for writing a criminal justice essay, you may now be wondering what topics you could write about. To help get you started, we have provided a list of 155 criminal justice essay topics below:

Criminal Justice Research Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on the criminal justice system
  • The use of DNA evidence in the criminal justice system
  • The role of technology in the criminal justice system
  • Racial bias in the criminal justice system
  • The death penalty in the United States
  • The juvenile justice system
  • Police brutality in the United States
  • The war on drugs in the United States
  • The prison system in the United States
  • Rehabilitation vs. punishment in the criminal justice system

Criminal Justice Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Is the death penalty an effective form of punishment?
  • Should juveniles be tried as adults?
  • Is the prison system in the United States effective?
  • Should rehabilitation be the main aim of the criminal justice system?
  • Is social media a help or a hindrance to the criminal justice system?
  • Should DNA evidence be used in all criminal cases?
  • Should police officers be armed?
  • Should the age of adulthood be lowered to 16 in criminal cases?
  • Should there be a national registry for sex offenders?
  • Is stop and search an effective police tactic?

Criminal Justice Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • How can police brutality be reduced in the United States?
  • How can the war on drugs be won?
  • How can the juvenile justice system be improved?
  • How can rehabilitation be made more effective in the criminal justice system?
  • How can the use of DNA evidence be improved in the criminal justice system?
  • How can social media be used to help solve crimes?
  • How can racism be eliminated from the criminal justice system?
  • How can the prison system be improved in the United States?
  • How can the death penalty be made more effective?
  • What can be done to reduce crime rates in the United States?

Criminal Justice Opinion Essay Topics

  • Do you believe that the death penalty is an effective form of punishment?
  • Do you believe that juveniles should be tried as adults?
  • Do you believe that the prison system in the United States is effective?
  • Are police officers more or less effective when they are armed?
  • How do you feel about stop and search police tactics?

Criminal Justice Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • The criminal justice system in the United States vs. the criminal justice system in the UK
  • The death penalty vs. life in prison
  • DNA evidence vs. eyewitness testimony
  • Police brutality in the United States vs. police brutality in other countries
  • The juvenile justice system in the United States vs. the juvenile justice system in France
  • The prison system in the United States vs. the prison system in other countries
  • Rehabilitation vs. punishment

Criminal Justice Definition Essay Topics

  • The term “social justice”
  • The term “police brutality”
  • The term “white-collar crime”
  • The term “organized crime”
  • The term “street crime”
  • The term “cybercrime”
  • The term “capital punishment”
  • The term “juvenile delinquency”
  • The term “recidivism”
  • The term “restorative justice”

Criminal Justice Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The cause of police brutality in the United States
  • The effects of the war on drugs in the United States
  • The cause of juvenile delinquency
  • The effects of the prison system in the United States
  • The cause of recidivism
  • The effects of rehabilitation in the criminal justice system
  • The cause of white-collar crime
  • The effects of capital punishment
  • The cause of cybercrime
  • The effects of social media on the criminal justice system

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Famous Cases

  • The O.J. Simpson case
  • The Trayvon Martin case
  • The Rodney King case
  • The Michael Brown case
  • The Eric Garner case
  • The Ferguson riots
  • The Baltimore riots
  • The Charleston church shooting
  • The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • The Orlando nightclub shooting
  • The Las Vegas mass shooting
  • The Parkland school shooting
  • The Waco siege
  • The Ruby Ridge standoff
  • The Oklahoma City bombing

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Legislation

  • The Patriot Act of 2001
  • The Homeland Security Act of 2002
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • The Fair Housing Act of 1968
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
  • The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
  • The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
  • The Border Patrol Act of 1925
  • The USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005
  • The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of 2006

Criminal Justice Essays About Social Issues

  • The war on drugs
  • Police brutality
  • Racial profiling
  • Mass incarceration
  • The school-to-prison pipeline
  • Private prisons
  • Capital punishment
  • Juvenile justice
  • Forensic science
  • Gun control

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Reform

  • Prison reform
  • Sentencing reform
  • Drug policy reform
  • Police reform
  • Judicial reform
  • Immigration reform
  • Electoral reform
  • Gun control reform
  • Innovations in criminal justice system reform in the United States

Criminal Justice Narrative Essay Topics

  • A day in the life of a police officer
  • A day in the life of a prison guard
  • A day in the life of a probation officer
  • A day in the life of a parole officer
  • A day in the life of a court clerk
  • A day in the life of a prosecutor
  • A day in the life of a death row inmate
  • A day in the life of a public defender
  • A day in the life of a private attorney
  • A day in the life of a jury member
  • A day in the life of a bailiff
  • A day in the life of a judge
  • A day in the life of a victims’ advocate

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Ethics

  • The ethics of the death penalty
  • The ethics of solitary confinement
  • The ethics of plea bargaining
  • The ethics of mandatory minimum sentencing
  • The ethics of asset forfeiture
  • The ethics of police brutality
  • The ethics of stop and frisk
  • The ethics of racial profiling
  • The ethics of the war on drugs
  • The ethics of mass incarceration
  • The ethics of private prisons
  • The ethics of juvenile justice
  • The ethics of the school-to-prison pipeline
  • The ethics of forensic science

Criminal Justice Essay Topics About Career Options

  • A career as a police officer
  • A career as a detective
  • A career as a crime scene investigator
  • A career as a forensic scientist
  • A career as a criminal defense attorney
  • A career as a prosecutor
  • A career as a judge
  • A career as a paralegal
  • A career as a court reporter
  • A career as a bailiff
  • A career in corrections
  • A career in probation and parole
  • A career in victim advocacy
  • A career in law enforcement administration
  • A career in private security
  • A career in intelligence and counterterrorism

Every topic in this list offers students the chance to explore an issue of importance to the criminal justice system and share their own insights and perspectives on that issue. Remember that writing a criminal justice essay can be quite challenging, especially if you have never written one before. However, with a little bit of planning and some help from online resources, it is possible to write a great criminal justice essay that will earn you a good grade.

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Group 6

281 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics

Looking for an exciting topic about crime? This article is for you! Here, you will find the most unique crime topics for your compare-and-contrast essay or problem solution paper. We’ve also included true crime research topics for you to check out!

🔝 Top 10 Crime Essay Topics for 2024

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  • The Impact of Unemployment on Crime Rates
  • South Africa: Violence and Crime
  • How Technology Advances Influences Crime Rates?
  • Biological and Psychological Theories of Crime
  • The Consequences of a Crime
  • The Impact of Crime and Violence on Tourism in Jamaica
  • Organized Crime: Russian Mafia vs. Italian Mafia
  • Concept of Juvenile Crime
  • Psychoanalytic and Social Learning Theories Explaining Crime
  • Racism: “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah
  • Crime Prevention Programs and Criminal Rehabilitation This paper will analyze the various crime prevention programs and criminal rehabilitation efforts that the criminal justice system engages in.
  • How Social Learning Theories Impact Juvenile Delinquency and Crime The current paper focuses on the investigation of the dependence of teenagers’ drug abuse as juvenile delinquency on SLTs and theoretical means to mitigate the problem.
  • Relationship Between Poverty and Crime The paper makes the case and discusses inequality rather than poverty being the prime reason for people committing crimes.
  • Youth Crime Prevention and Needs Assessment To assess needs of youth offenders, one should employ the approach of recidivism prevention and conduct assessment at any stage of the juvenile justice system.
  • Situational and Social Crime Prevention Approaches This paper aims to present a distinction between situational crime and social crime prevention. Technology made it complicated how to implement crime theories.
  • Importance of Toxicology in Crime Investigation The research paper describes toxicology as one of the leading branches in the field of forensic science and importance aspect of criminal investigation.
  • “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky: Analysis of the work “Crime and Punishment”, written by Dostoevsky, concentrates on moral issues and highlights society’s urgent problems in the nineteenth century.
  • The New York Map: A Syndicate Evaluated Crime Network in New York City This paper will largely focus on representing the New York map to show a syndicate-evaluated crime network in New York City.
  • Criminal Case Analysis: Criminal Act Synopsis, Crime Identification The case under analysis could fall under the definition of hate crimes – the man intentionally selected these women to conduct an assault and battery.
  • Theories of Crime in Forensic Psychology Forensic psychology as a discipline has become closely correlated with the broad theories of crime that aim at defining the reasons behind the offender’s decision to act.
  • How Does Poverty Affect Crime Rates? On the basis of this research question, the study could be organized and conducted to prove the following hypothesis – when poverty increases, crime rates increase as well.
  • Crime Types and Their Harm to Society This paper discusses the questions related to criminal justice issues, such as types of crimes, the concept of the Dark Figure of Crime, victimless crimes, and others.
  • Concept of Natural Legal Crime The concept of natural crime covers actions that are deemed wrong regardless of whether they are enforced by law.
  • Peru – Globalization, Environment, Crime and Disease The paper synthesizes a number of legitimate sources to focus on globalization and its effects on Peru with special relation to environmental issues, crime, and diseases.
  • Juvenile Crime: Punishment of Juvenile Crime The objective of this paper is to discuss why minors should not be treated as adults in court. They should not also receive life in prison without the possibility of parole.
  • Aspects of Crime Against Morality The paper states that crime against morality is an offense of exiting moral values, moral basis, and views shared by the majority of society.
  • Crime Statistics Sources: Strengths and Weaknesses In the justice system, there are some ways to discuss and evaluate crime, based on the different metrics for documenting it.
  • Mass Media and Its Link to Crime and the Criminal Justice System In this study, the official website America’s Most Wanted will be analyzed to get a better understanding as to why it is so successful as a TV show and as a tool to fight crime.
  • Identifying Strategic, Tactical and Administrative Crime Analysis This paper aims to reveal the concepts and features of strategic, tactical, and administrative analysis of crimes.
  • Crime Prevention Practices Overview The purpose of this paper is to discuss effective crime prevention practices and social development models to prevent crime.
  • Technology-Based Crime and Its Management In the modern world of science and technology, new developments and advancements have changed life and style of living tremendously.
  • The Role of Social Seclusion and Economic Marginalization in Crime This paper explores the role of socio-economic marginalization in crime and the effects of criminal activities on allied populations and the nation.
  • Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation Crime scene investigation is a real art that requires care and caution. Criminologists must be careful and persistent in their research.
  • Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” Literary Analysis In “Crime and Punishment”, Dostoevsky tells readers about the tragic events in the streets of St. Petersburg when a student Rodion Raskolnikov commits double murder.
  • Enron Corporation’s Scandal: White-Collar Crime An accounting scandal that shook the corporate world, Enron Corporation’s white-collar crime saw the downfall of one of the world’s most illustrious companies.
  • Organized Crime and Corporate Crime One of the vices that are prevalent in all societies in the world is crime. This vice is generally associated with negative outcomes for individuals and society at large.
  • Digital Imaging and Traditional Methods of Crime Scene Technological progress allows police to use innovations in their work routine to make crime scene reconstruction, geospatial analysis, and surveillance more efficient.
  • Shoplifting: a Crime of Convenience The purpose of the academic-based study was to observe the specific shoplifting tendencies of a broad group of individuals for reducing the number of shoplifting occurrences.
  • Crime Causation Theories While psychological and sociological factors predispose an individual to delinquency, most offenses can be attributed to biological causes.
  • Managing Crime and Deviance at Public Events and Public Venues The purpose of this article is to consider the problem of crime and deviations at public events and in public places, as well as to propose methods to combat it.
  • Crime in Society: Costs and Response This paper looks at the social and economic costs of crime, how people learn to involve themselves in crime and how communities respond to the crime in society.
  • “Crimes Against Logic” by Jamie Whyte Crimes against Logic touches the aspect of fallacies through the description of human values and behavior following major actions performed.
  • Is There Such Thing as a Victimless Crime? The problem of a victimless crime has been labeled as controversial due to the different opinions surrounding this issue.
  • Crime Rates in Urban and Suburban Areas Currently, researchers are paying more and more attention to the consideration of predicates of increased crime rates in urban areas of large cities.
  • Aspects of Crime Behavior Crime is a behavior in which moral standards that are appropriate for well-being in society are defined, and set rules are violated.
  • Full-Service Crime Laboratory: Forensic Science Forensic scientists study and analyze evidence from crime scenes and other locations to produce objective results that can aid in the investigation and prosecution of criminals.
  • Crime and Factors Influencing It Many modern theories, including biosocial criminology, are beginning to consider various processes occurring inside the body as factors contributing to the commission of crimes.
  • Fight Against Crime and Its General Characteristics Criminology studies crime prevention as a complex dynamic system. Its functioning is connected with the solution of both general tasks of social development.
  • Trends Influencing Crime Rates Crime is widely considered a failure in the social system and therefore is to be addressed from the perspective of the social construct operation and the trends existing there.
  • Different Perspectives of Viewing Crime The paper suggests that it is prudent to consider crime as a complicated process that can be understood best by examining it from different perspectives.
  • Functionalism: Crime and Deviance in Society Issues of crime and deviance directly derive from the functionalist system’s components, which are responsible for ensuring continuous functionality and well-being.
  • Victimization Prevention is an Effective Tool Against Crime Victimization prevention solutions borrowed from the crime prevention sector should militate against the practice of consultation and dispassionate inquiry.
  • The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime Systemic crime emerges from the arrangement of drug circulation. It includes conflicts over the region in rival drug traders, attacks, and executions committed in involved groups.
  • Whether Crime or Violence Are Justified in a Reaction to Past Trauma This paper presents a debate on whether or not crime or violence should be a justification due to past trauma.
  • Families, Delinquency and Crime Crime would be considered a major social problem in the United States according to opinion surveys, with the major cause being laxity and inefficiency in parenting.
  • Corporate Crime: Understanding and Explaining Corporate scandals have become the stories behind many company downfalls and corporate governance reforms throughout the world were triggered by the scandals.
  • Organized Crime: Forming of the Definition The given work seeks to investigate the process of forming the concept of ‘organized crime’ by governments and justice systems.
  • Juvenile Crime in Modern Society The current research will focus on examining the problem of juvenile crime from the social perspective rather than the governmental.
  • Deviance, Crime and Social Control The selected topic from the class text is “Deviance, Crime, and Social Control”. The term deviance “refers to the violations of established contextual, cultural, or social norms”.
  • Crime Commission: Legal and Social Perspectives Crime has various dimensions: legal and ethical. Crime commission helps to integrate all dimensions of the society in the administration of justice.
  • Criminological Theory: Crime Theories and Criminal Behavior Criminal behavior is a type of behavior of a person who commits a crime. It is interesting to know what drives people to commit crimes and how to control these intentions.
  • Cyber Crime : Issues and Threats Cyber crime involves the stealing or manipulation of information effectively distorting its values across global networks.
  • Bribery as a Crime As a rule, major bribes include payments that are higher than a certain limit which can be considered as an ordinary present.
  • “Goodfellas” Crime Drama Film by Martin Scorsese Goodfellas is an iconic crime drama film released in 1990. It was directed by Martin Scorsese, also written by him and Nicholas Pileggi.
  • Crime Causation Theories: Contrastive Analysis The purpose of this paper is to provide a contrastive analysis of the three crime causation theories in order to define the most prevalent one.
  • Banning Violent Video Games Is a Crime Against Artistic Expression This paper discusses the statement that banning violent video games is a crime against artistic expression, credible research, and the first amendment.
  • Crime against Persons With Disabilities In conclusion, it is evident that disabled populations remain extremely vulnerable to mental, physical, and sexual abuse, as well as violence.
  • Reporting Behavior Among Victims of Crime The reporting behavior among victims of crime remains relatively low. Satisfaction level in police operations is among the prominent predictors of crime.
  • Crime Scene Search and Its Importance The paper states that the inspection is the first and urgent action that the investigator performs even before the initiation of a criminal case.
  • Conformity, Deviance, and Crime Definitions of conformity and deviance depend on social context, and what is considered a norm in one community or society can be seen as deviant by those outside it.
  • Preventing Crime Victimization in International Students International students are the students who go to other countries to study and because of this, they face a lot of problems – including becoming the victim of a crime.
  • Mechanisms to Fight Serious Forms of Organized Crime in Italy The report analyzes safety in Italy organized crimes range from corporate crime, Neapolitan Camorra and mafia.
  • The Race, Crime, and Urban Inequality Theory The theory of race, crime, and urban inequality is based on the paradigm of social disorganization theory formulated by the Chicago School.
  • The Theory Deviance and Crime Scholars have developed a full-scale theory of deviance, which accounted for some people neglecting the already established behavioral patterns by direct law violation.
  • Fiction Versus Reality: Crime as a Social Phenomenon While making an analysis of various societies of the world at large, it becomes evident that no human society has ever been free from crimes, perversion and deviance at all.
  • Organized Business Crime Prosecution and Investigation Mr. Big is charged with operating a criminal enterprise that engages in illicit business activities. The memo proposes the investigative plan to obtain relevant evidence.
  • Crime and Criminals: General Characteristics For a long time, crime has been a subject of discussion among various countries across the globe, with various strategies and inventions being developed to curb the same.
  • The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation The primary objective of securing the crime scene is to preserve all the evidence that can help trace and identify the bank robbery suspect.
  • Biometrics Recognition and Crime Prevention The current business proposal suggests several recommendations on how to prevent consequent crimes and identify the perpetrators by using biometrics recognition.
  • Forensics Analysis of Terrorism Crime Scene Terrorism uses calculated violence to generate public fear and panic to establish a specific political agenda within the general population.
  • The Drug Trafficking as Organized Crime Drug trafficking is among the recently organized crimes, and it has a direct influence on the economy as it earns a lot of money.
  • Topology of Corporate Crime and White Collar Crime Corporate crime is pure form of white collar crime. Corporate abuse of power, corporate fraud has a fundamental link with the core concept of white collar crime.
  • Obsession With True Crime and the Reasons for Its Growing Popularity This paper discusses the people’s obsession with true crime and explains its current popularity by some fundamental human needs and specific current conditions.
  • The Profile of a Crime Victim The profile of a crime victim is generally regarded to be a matter of statistics, while the victims themselves are people of various origins, ages, and occupations.
  • Criminal Law – Is Graffiti a Crime or Not? Graffiti has in a key factor been associated with wrongdoings and ill-image driving purposes towards the society.
  • Crime in Texas: Security Strategies There is a need to implement serious self-defense and personal security strategies in Texas to protect its citizens and their loved ones from becoming victims of dreaded crimes.
  • Community Policing: The Alternative Solution to Youth Crime Community policing is a better alternative especially when it comes to the sensitive nature of juvenile crime.
  • The Psychological Underpinning of True Crime Obsession The proposed study examines the psychological underpinning of true crime obsession to demonstrate why this genre became popular. It presents an overview of the psychology.
  • Criminal Justice System: Drugs and Crime The main objective of the criminal justice system is ensuring delivery of justice for all. It mainly concentrates in detection of crime.
  • Crime Prevention Programme in Australia To prevent the wide spread of violence within relationships among young people in Australia, there are certain programmes, initiatives and resources that have been devised.
  • Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences. The Notion of Criminality and Crime The exploration of the notion of criminality and crime is essential for the prevention and management thereof.
  • Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Offenders This paper discusses organized crime and drug trafficking, as well as the legal rights of the convicted and the relationships between the offenses.
  • Generali Group: Developments in Financial Crime The paper has outlined recent trends associated with financial crime from a GRC practitioner’s point of view. It has methods for protecting the financial sector institutions.
  • Illegal Immigrants and Its Effects on Crime This paper set out to demonstrate that there is a relationship between the rise in crime and the increase in illegal immigration to the US. It began by highlighting the immigration problem.
  • White-Collar and Corporate Crime White-collar crimes have increased in the modern world due to improved technology. Typically, these criminal activities are financially-motivated and are nonviolent.
  • White-Collar Crime: Definition and Special Features White-collar crimes are defined as deception, concealment, or breach of trust, and the difference between it and other types of crimes boils down to a question of opportunity.
  • World War II Atrocities: Crimes Against Humanity This paper focuses on the crimes against humanity in World War II. The crimes are not on the battlefield and are unconnected with specific military activities.
  • Overcoming Juvenile Crime: Community Programs Juvenile crime is a complex issue that a single program cannot resolve. There are specialized community programs that work with juvenile criminals and prevent their future crimes.
  • Fear of Crime and Crime Rates As a social phenomenon, the fear of crime can sometimes be more dangerous than the crime itself, leading to distortion in the social order.
  • Impact of Immigration on the Economy Looking back on the United States’ history on the issue of immigration, the first immigrants came into the country starting in 1820.
  • The First Responding Officer in Crime Scene Investigation: Primary Duties Ascertaining the situation and providing the support needed to the people affected is the earliest objective of the first officer attending (FOA).
  • Comparison of Primary Crime Data Sources Used In the United States The uniform crime report and the national crime victimization survey are the two primary sources of crime data in America.
  • Murder Cases: Technology for Crime Monitoring and Control A new invention in the field of crime monitoring has greatly contributed to a decline in the number of crimes being committed.
  • Successful Ways of Preventing Crime by Blundell Successful ways of preventing crime should be based on a variety of methods. Also, crime is considered to be a social issue can say about effective programs are to be developed.
  • We Are Living in a Risk Society Governed Through Crime Society and the world at large are under siege of crime; all sorts of crime from pickpocketing to capital crimes and even treason.
  • The Role of Forensics in the War on Drugs This essay looks at chemicals that are used by forensic experts and the role forensics play in the war on drugs.
  • The Link Between Relative Deprivation and Crime In the paper, the author notes that radical theory has the potential to promote noble ideals as far as social equality and justice is concerned.
  • Is Prostitution a Victimless Crime or Not? Because victimless crimes involve two contentious issues of morality and liberty, the legalization of this category of crime is always disputed on many grounds.
  • Aetiology of Violent Crime Violent crime has become a major part of the crime world. Sexual crimes, terrorism, and hooliganism are just some of the violent crimes.
  • The England Crime Statistics by Region: Liverpool and Manchester The paper will consider such crime types as violence against personality, sexual offense, robbery, an offense against vehicles, theft, fraud, and forgery, criminal damage, etc.
  • The Crime Control Model: Due Process Values The Crime Control Model has been founded on the premise that the most important role of the criminal justice process is the repression of any form of criminal conduct.
  • Confidential Informants and Crime The use of confidential informants allows destroying organized crime syndicates or terrorist gangs, which otherwise would not be adequately addressed through the corresponding legislation.
  • Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut This article explains the purpose and duties of conscience as depicted in the Mark Twain story, The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut.
  • Juvenile and Crime: The Reasons and Today’s Situation Reserch reveals that crime activities can include violence and that the whole incidence of gang activity in schools has become quite frequent in the recent years.
  • White-Collar Crime and Negligence White-collar crime is a category of non-violent criminal activities that are motivated by financial gain. The aim of this paper is to analyze two case studies on white-collar crime and negligence.
  • Crime Scene Investigation in Media and Real Life The process of identifying and matching a piece of evidence to a particular person is a long process which requires exact sciences and methods.
  • Criminality Development in the Documentary A Life of Crime The paper introduces the conception of getting involved in criminal activities as well as criminology development in America. The analysis refers to the documentary A Life of Crime.
  • Smash-And-Grab Crime: Criminal Investigation The smash-and-grab crime under investigation is a multi-million-dollar burglary that occurred in March 2022 at a Beverly Hills jewelry store.
  • Capital Punishment Does Not End the Crime Capital punishment needs to be abolished due to the belief that it is equivalent to the crime committed, which is unjust and a form of retribution.
  • Three Items Linked to Policing That Explain Japan’s Low Crime Rate One of the most significant trends observed in Japan over the past years is the low crime rate. The positive trend has promoted peace and socioeconomic progress in the nation.
  • Dante’s View on Crime and Punishment Dante believed that the crimes most worthy of penalty were those of abuse of trust, for reasons rooted in sociopolitical factors as well as the philosophy and law of his day.
  • Budget Narrative for Markia Crime Stopper Program The following is the budget narrative to enable the Markia crime-stopper program initiative to effectively protect, respond to, and report criminal acts in the community.
  • Examination of a Mock Crime Scene The crime occurred around 9:00 PM on March 11th, 2021, and was discovered and examined approximately at 9:30 PM on the same day.
  • Network Security and Cyber Crime, Super-Highway Metaphor Some of the major practices that can be done in ensuring maximum data security and integrity is through making all the servers only accessible by the administrators of networks.
  • The Crime of Homicide: History and Laws The project describes homicide, which is the illegal killing of a human being by another. There exist state laws that define the services offered to the victims of homicide.
  • Counterfeit Products and Sociological Theories of Crime The paper will attempt to employ sociological theories such as strain theory, social learning theory, and control theory to analyze various aspects of counterfeiting.
  • Organized Crime: The Canadian Mafia The Canadian based criminal gang organization engaged in drug trafficking, smuggling, gambling and political corruption.
  • The Definition of White-Collar Crime by Sutherland Sutherland had an approach to the definition of white-collar crime that was purely rooted in a sociological approach.
  • Corporate Occupational and Avocational Crime Corporate crime is classified on the basis of activities, agents, laws broken or products under consideration; however, the most common criterion use is that of activity.
  • Crime Situation in Bankstown-Australia The paper provides the level of crime, overview of types of offences in Bankstown – Australia. It discusses general reasons of malicious damage to property commitment.
  • Biological, Biosocial and Classical Theories of Crime The association of biology and criminality based on modifications of the brain also stands as a strong influence on the behavior of an individual.
  • Internationalism: The Issue of Transitional Crime Transnational crimes affect the democracy of a nation, the economic growth and the trade of that country by draining the available assets of that country.
  • Assessing Role of Technology in Police Crime Mapping The role of technology in police operations has become pivotal because it aids our law enforcement agencies to do their tasks easier and less time-consuming.
  • How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime? The hypothesis was that “people watching more television would perceive their world in ways that reflect the recurrent messages from the media”.
  • Crime Scene Investigation Effect in Justice System Movies have been known to influence popular culture in different parts of the world. Analysts believe that the “CSI effect” is one of the fruits of popular culture.
  • Implicit Bias and the Crime Net in the Criminal Justice System An unequal distribution of cases against members of different ethnic groups characterizes the use of force by police officers against citizens in Canada.
  • Problem-Focused Policing Reducing Crime Problem-oriented policing entails the identification of factors that raise crime risk, diagnosing them, and establishing solutions to them.
  • Post-Crime Investigation Analysis Post-crime investigations are an essential process. One of the most important factors is the scene of the crime and the testimony of the victim and witnesses.
  • National Crime Prevention Council’s Media Campaign National Crime Prevention Council is among the American educational nonprofit institutions that enable the creation of safe communities by addressing issues such as drugs.
  • Crime in Falkner’s “Barn Burning” and Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado” William Faulkner’s Barn Burning and Edgar Allan Poe’s Cask of Amontillado raise the topic of crimes that go unpunished.
  • Hip-Hop and Violence: Does This Music Genre Promote Crime? It is hard to disagree that various types and directions of art are extremely powerful and can have a severe impact on the world and society.
  • Technologies to Reduce Crime and Acts of Terrorism Terrorism can be met with a nonviolent, credible, and justifiable reaction if counterterrorism actions are anchored in an accountable and productive criminal justice system.
  • Racial Discrimination Cases: Federal Hate Crime Charges in Black Jogger’s Racial discrimination happens when a person is considered unacceptable or is denied the same possibilities as others in a similar position because of their ethnicity, or birth country.
  • Asian Hate Crime: Social Limitations and Economic Impact This review focuses on Asian hate and marginalization roots, the current social limitations and economic impacts.
  • Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Impact on Justice The contemporary issue of crime and juvenile delinquency has a negative impact on the field of criminal justice since it contributes to disorganization and anomie.
  • Official Crime Data for Policy Development Using official crime data is very important, as it allows the development of policies that target the actual circumstances and avoid biases.
  • Online and Offline Museums in Correlation with Crime People may now visit the world’s best museums using standard technologies. In this paper, these three museums will be illustrated from criminology and their correlation with crime.
  • Procedures Within Crime Scene Investigation A crime scene investigation is a complex and multistage research process in which a criminology specialist uses various scientific techniques and methodologies.
  • A Legal or Ethical Obligation of Facebook to Assist a Crime Victim Platforms like Facebook should have a moral obligation to assist crime victims as soon as possible after gathering information from its members.
  • A Victim as a Dark Figure of a Crime A victim is any person who has suffered moral, physical, or property damage from a wrongful act, regardless of whether he is duly recognized as a victim of this crime or not.
  • Domestic Violence: “Crime in Alabama” by Hudnall et al. The consequences of domestic violence can be associated with deterioration in the population’s quality of life, psychological problems, or even the victim’s death.
  • The Markia Security Crime Stoppers Program The initiative program named Markia Security Crime Stoppers has the objective to reduce the rate of burglaries through a series of preventive measures.
  • Rising Crime and Ethnic Inequality in the United States The article raises the up-to-date topic of the sharp increase in the crime rate in the United States. The numbers are exceptionally high among African Americans and Latinos.
  • Autistic Disorder and Crime in the United States Prevalence and incidence rates of autistic disorders are not high in the United States. According to Schug and Fradella, the prevalence rates are 5 cases per 10,000 people.
  • Civil War Veterans and Crime in America Podcast by Handley-Cousins and Earls explores how American society and its disabled soldiers coped with the perceptions of service, disability, and government responsibility.
  • Discourse of Fear in Local Crime News Fear is used as one of the formats of the crime news discourse, and it is popular today among many newspapers and advertising companies.
  • The Influence of Police Bias on Disparity in Juvenile Crime: Methodology The issue of racial disparity in the criminal justice system remains a topical one. 64% of the charged youth are people of color.
  • Ethics and Federal Laws as to Computer Crime With today’s rapid technological advancements, we must be conscious of the potential for cybercrime to create calamity.
  • Crime Causes Among Adolescents Aged 12 to 17 Years Project proposal on the paper intended to explore the major reasons for the crime commitment among adolescents of this age group, ways to reduce crime among juveniles.
  • Investigating Crime with Age and Mental Illnesses Factors This paper describes a criminal case that implies the elements of both age and mental illness presented by the young female homicide.
  • White-Collar Crime and the Whistleblower Protection Program The paper discusses white crimes and how the whistleblower protection program can help and protect the affected employees.
  • Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh’s Crime Army soldiers performed the deadliest terrorist attack on the territory of the United States, which remained in this status until September 11, 2001.
  • Theories of Crime and Juvenile Rights The article discusses rights of minors and adults should differ due to the peculiarities of the psychological characteristics of development.
  • Hate Crime: History and Prevalence in the US The American Psychological Association defines a hate crime as a legal offense against an individual or property instigated in whole or part by the bias of the offender.
  • Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns Even though the legal reform associated with the introduction of rape shield laws work, their effectiveness is limited by inconsistent implementation across states.
  • Computer Crime Prevention Measures The following paper describes the various prevention tools and procedures that are being followed in relation to computer crime
  • Do Increases in Hate Crime Suggest That We Have Become Less Civilized and More Violent? This paper aims to discuss the history of the hate crime concept, as well as the connections between hate crimes, public awareness, and sensitisation to violence.
  • The Natural Crime Concept in the Legal System The concept of natural crime covers actions that are deemed wrong regardless of whether they are enforced by law, these crimes have an inherent sense of wrong and harm.
  • Social Change and Crime Rate Trends According to Cohen and Felson, structural changes in daily routine activities have a direct influence on the frequency of crime occurrence.
  • What Impact Has Feminism Had in the Study of Women and Crime? The most notable impact of feminism on women could be illustrated through the emerging interest of researchers to females in vulnerable communities.
  • Psychological Disorders and How They Promote Crime and Conduct Problems Psychological disorders are one of the factors that have a significant influence on crime rates. This paper analyzes psychological disorders and how they promote crime.
  • Crime Level Investigation in the United States Two mechanisms that the USA uses to trace the rate of crime in the country are the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
  • The Relationship Between Race and Crime in the United States The US media often mentions Latinos in the news when discussing drug trafficking and crimes related to crossing US borders.
  • Crime Trends in London and Manchester: 2005 to 2009 The latest annual recap by the Home Office suggests that burglaries and violence around the nation may have at least held steady against the prior 2007/08 financial year.
  • Seventh Day Adventists Fight Crime in Jamaica In this article, the author examines the problem of crime in Jamaica and also expresses an opinion on the influence Seventh Day Adventists can have on solving the problem.
  • White-Collar Crime Description White-collar crime is among the subtlest, most non-evident, and most impactful types of crime, which affects the population on a scale of millions.
  • Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence It would be prudent to differentiate between two types of drug-related crimes. There are instances of drug-related crimes and psychopharmacological crimes.
  • DNA Analysis: A Crime-Fighting Tool or Invasion of Privacy? The paper argues that DNA analysis is an important crime-fighting tool and bring great benefit despite the likelihood of an invasion of privacy.
  • The Sex Crime: Influence of Childhood Experiences Offenders may engage in sex crimes under an influence of having experienced sexual abuse themselves or other traumatic events in their childhood.
  • Crime Explanation Using Biology and Psychology A comprehensive theory of Cesare Lombroso has been discussed indicating that criminals could be picked out and determined by their physique, attributes, and appearance.
  • Status Crime: White Collar Crime in Organizations White-collar crime is characterized by inflating the asset values, overstating the reported income and cash flow, and failure to disclose the liabilities in the financial records.
  • Crime Trends: Drug Abuse in Adults and Juveniles One notes a mixed trend in the different crimes over the years. Drug abuse, for example, increased steadily from the 1970s in both the adult and juvenile populations.
  • Impact of Crime on Civil Liability and Risk: FTCA FTCA of 1946 waived the doctrine of sovereign immunity of the United States government. All federal workers lack defense of their employment and become liable for their wrongdoing.
  • White-Collar Crime: Securities and Pension Fraud The PERAC has in the recent past tried to conduct its activities in the best possible way in a bid to eradicate all forms of pension fraud.
  • Crime Rate Series. Main Cases Reporting Criminology is a complex study and care has to be taken. The reporting of the level of felony in an area can be used by a myriad of people in society to plan other activities.
  • Arms Smuggling as a Form of Transitional Organized Crime
  • Are Marxist Criminologists Right to See Crime Control as Class Control?
  • Crime, Childhood Trauma, and Health
  • Crime Intermidiate Houses and Communities
  • Predatory Crime Causation and Substance Abuse Problems
  • Drugs and Crime Description: Federal Drug Statutes
  • Hate Crime Laws are a Bad Idea
  • Violent Crime in the USA
  • Children as Perpetrators and Victims of Crime
  • Uniform Crime Reporting: Indicator of Crime in the US
  • Crime and Criminal Behavior: Assault Concept Study
  • Uniform Crime Report: Term Definition
  • Syndicated and Organized Crime and Governmental Crime
  • Russian Organized Crime: History & Personalities
  • Crime in American Society: Causes, Types, Costs, Etc.
  • Fear of Victims to Report Crime
  • Crime Rate: the Recidivism Rate
  • Racism, Crime and Justice and Growing-Up Bad
  • Various Issues Related to White-Collar Crime
  • Crime Rates: Hawaii
  • White Collar Crime – Madoff Affair
  • The Effects of Hate Crime Law on Democracy
  • Crime Theory Regarding Rape Laws
  • Crime and Class Relations Analysis
  • Property Crime Rates in Fayetteville, North Carolina
  • Uniform Crime Reports: Crime Trends and Repeat Victimization
  • Crime and Causation: Robbery
  • Crime Statistics Comparison Between Two Universities
  • Current Corrections in the Criminal Justice System and Crime Control
  • The Case of Shooting at Planned Parenthood: Understanding the Causes of the Crime
  • Media and Crime: Shaping of Public Opinion
  • The Profiling of Crime Victims
  • White Collar Crime, Corporate Crime and Substance Abuse
  • Deterring Juvenile Crime. Bullying and Delinquency
  • Crime Rates in the US and Its Link to the Juvenile Justice System
  • Property Crime and Sociological Typologies: Law Study
  • Terrorism as a Transnational Organized Crime
  • Crime Among the Juveniles: Causes
  • Homeland Security, Race and Crime in the US
  • Drugs and Society Violent Crime: Public Drunkenness
  • Should We Rely on Eye-Witness Testimonies to Identify Crime-Suspects?
  • Drug Abuse and Crime Correlation
  • Presidential Powers: Official Pardon for Crime Granting
  • Crime and Justice by Curie
  • Feasibility of Modifying Crime Map
  • Criminal Justice and Crime Control in the US
  • “White-Collar Crime” Definition and Qualification
  • Juvenile Crime Concepts Review
  • Crime Rates in the United States over 20 Years
  • Crime Theories. “Can’t Catch a Break” by Sered & Norton-Hawk
  • Sex Trafficking by Organized Crime Groups
  • The Crime of Challenging Moral Settings
  • Recidivism of Juvenile Crime
  • Capital Punishment for Crime Deterrence
  • Childhood Crime at School in the State of Texas
  • Organized and Transnational Crime in Southeast Asia
  • Crime Scene Safety and Security in the United States
  • Crime and Delinquency Theories
  • Sociological Diversity and Its Impact on Crime Rate
  • Capital Punishment as Ineffective Crime Deterrence
  • Race and Crime Among Minorities in the US
  • Repression and Crime Control
  • The Teens, Crime, and Community Project in the US
  • “Crime in Post-Katrina Houston” Study by Settles and Lindsay
  • Nortel Networks Company’s Corporate Crime
  • Nurse Robaczynski’s Case: Crime or Mercy Killing?
  • Flagami Community’s Crime and Health Situation
  • US Gun Control Measures and Crime Rates Reduction
  • Psychological Help as the Prevent From Possible Crime
  • The Racilisation of Crime and Cultural Panics
  • How Can Criminology Theories Help in Preventing or Solving Crimes?
  • Should Children Who Commit Crime Be Tried as Adults?
  • Are Crime Control and Social Welfare Becoming More Punitive?
  • How Can Social Science Theory Help Reduce Crime?
  • Can Criminological Theories Help Manage Crime in the Workplace?
  • Should Government Implement Laws for Cyber Crime?
  • Does Imprisoning Drug Offenders Reduce Crime Rates?
  • How Does the Holocaust Explodes the Concept of Mass Crime?
  • Are Hate Crime Laws Effective?
  • What Is the Link Between Drugs and Crime and What Can Be Done Towards Drug-Related Crimes?
  • How Does Criminology Help Our Understanding of Crime and Criminals?
  • Does Social Deprivation Relate to Crime?
  • What Impact Does the Changing Nature of Crime Have on Criminology?
  • Are Homeless People More Likely to Become Involved or Be Victims of Crime?
  • How Can Technology Help Police and Government Officials Solve Crime?
  • Should Crime Victims Have Rights During Criminal Investigations?
  • Can Public Works Programs Reduce Youth Crime?
  • How Were Crime and Punishment Handled in the Roman Era?
  • Are Non-custodial Sentences Soft on Crime?
  • How Do Crime Scene Investigations Aid in Prosecution?
  • Can Death Penalty Prevent the Rise in Crime Rate?
  • Does Longer Incarceration Deter or Incapacitate Crime?
  • How Does Corporate Crime Challenge Conventional Definitions of Crime?
  • Can Punitive Measures Curtail Crime?
  • How Does the Media Use an Ideal Victim in Portrayals of Crime?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 281 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/crime-essay-topics/

"281 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/crime-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '281 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "281 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/crime-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "281 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/crime-essay-topics/.

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compare and contrast essay topics on criminal justice

Criminal Justice Topics for Research Paper: 300 Ideas to Get You Started

compare and contrast essay topics on criminal justice

Hey! My name is Phill, and as I entered the vast landscape of Criminal Justice Research Topics, the sheer diversity and complexity boggled my mind. I believe the feeling is similar to the one that you have right now! But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you and explain how you can ace an assignment on this subject matter effortlessly. 

In this post, I would like to present 300 hot topics in criminal justice for research papers that promise not just a scholarly endeavor but a thrilling expedition into the heart of contemporary legal discourse. Join me as we navigate the myriad facets of law, order, and societal dynamics in pursuit of knowledge that transcends the pages of academia. That’s why I decided to draw up a list of the best, in my humble opinion, topics across criminal justice for the readers of the EssayService blog. 

What is a Criminal Justice Research Paper

A criminal justice research paper is an academic document that studies various aspects of the legislative system, criminology, and related topics. These papers typically involve in-depth analysis, critical thinking, and the presentation of well-supported arguments or findings regarding research topics in criminal justice assigned to students in college. The scope of research papers can be broad, covering areas such as law enforcement, legal systems, corrections, juvenile justice, forensic science, criminal behavior, and societal responses to crime.

The purpose of a criminal justice research paper is to contribute new knowledge, insights, or perspectives to the field. Researchers may investigate specific issues, propose solutions to problems, analyze policies, or investigate the impact of laws and regulations. The format and requirements for such papers can vary depending on the academic level, institution, and specific assignment guidelines.

Overall, writing about good criminal justice research topics plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of crime, justice systems, and related topics, and they are often an essential component of academic coursework in criminology and legislative studies.

compare and contrast essay topics on criminal justice

How to Choose a Criminology Topics For Your Research Paper

Whether tasked with conducting a literature review or critiquing the actions of law enforcement officers, it is essential to maintain a focused approach. A scattered presentation of ideas can obscure the thesis statement and dilute the overall message. The realm of criminology topics is both flexible and limited; it requires the formulation of hypotheses grounded in renowned legislative acts or case studies. To project confidence in criminal justice topics for research paper, choose a subject about which you feel sure, one that can be supported with articulate arguments or in a presentation project. A credible tone will captivate the audience's interest, ensuring continued engagement.

How to Choose a Criminology Topics

During the brainstorming phase, consider these questions to guide your selection of criminal justice research topics:

  • Is the chosen topic relevant enough in the context of research?
  • What personal significance does the research topic hold?
  • How does the idea contribute to global importance?
  • Can the written assignment be effectively translated into a speech?
  • Is it intended to be a comparison essay, a review, an analysis, or an argumentative paper?
  • What are the prevalent counter-opinions or perspectives?
  • Are there existing similar research works available for reference?
  • Does the chosen topic align with all the grading rubric points?
  • Is there a need for additional information or perspectives?

Once a suitable research topic is selected, it becomes crucial to adhere to formatting rules. This includes incorporating all necessary additional data, such as in court case studies and law memo reviews, which may require notes and appendix additions. For instance, if following the Chicago format style, it is imperative to ensure that full information is included. If you are encountering challenges in locating academic sources, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 essay writing service for assistance.

Criminal Justice Research Paper Outline

Let me provide you with a brief overview of an outline to guide you on the correct writing path when you decide on the criminal justice topics for research paper:


Following the identification of criminology research topics, the introduction takes the lead as the first section. It sets the stage by addressing the broader context of the issue, introducing the research question, outlining objectives, stating the study's aim, and presenting the thesis statement.

The body stands as the pivotal component of your paper, amalgamating critical examination and discussion on the chosen criminal justice research topics. Within the literature review section, you should succinctly summarize and elucidate the results of prior empirical research, showcasing how academic discourse surrounds and challenges the research problem. 

The methodology details the techniques employed for data collection and profiles of the participants in the research design. The findings section incorporates the results of your study, encompassing discoveries from both primary sources and the literature review. Finally, the discussion entails an analysis of the findings and examine their implications.


Accompanying the conclusion, integrate a recommendation section that revisits the study problem and the thesis statement, emphasizing the key findings before proposing the next steps. If you ask me, I suggest you pay for research paper if you encounter any difficulties with an assignment. It will be faster this way!

Criminology Disciplines 

I think it's crucial to distinguish between the theoretical aspects and practical assignments in crime research. Theoretical discussions often revolve around legislation and should abstain from incorporating practical cases or historical references. On the other hand, the analysis of case studies or court hearings necessitates a focus on specific events. 

When a university professor highlights flaws and potential changes in the justice system, you can scrutinize both chronology and renowned legal cases, as exemplified in the ideas outlined below. The objective is to analyze what should be encompassed in a legislative government template and then draw comparisons with a specific case or event.

Disciplines within Law and Crime cover a spectrum of illegal acts, ranging from internet fraud to kidnapping and scientific plagiarism. As evident, a plethora of criminal justice research topics exists, contingent upon the type of focus. The challenge for many students lies in the varying formats of legal essay types. For instance, when delving into healthcare, it is advisable to address ethical concerns. Exploring cyberstalking should involve a comparative approach by juxtaposing it with traditional stalking practices.

To streamline the selection process of criminal justice research topics for college students, avoid amalgamating several topic ideas. Instead, I recommend opting for a focused argument that not only aligns with your discipline but also imparts originality and structure to your written assignment.

Types of Criminal Justice Research Methods

Criminal justice research employs various methods to investigate and analyze crime, law enforcement, legal systems, and other good research topics for criminal justice. Here are some common types of research methods:

criminal justice topic research

Surveys and Questionnaires:

  • Description: Researchers collect data through structured surveys or questionnaires distributed to individuals or groups.
  • Application: Used to gather information on public perceptions of crime, attitudes toward law enforcement, or experiences with the legislative system.


  • Description: In-depth conversations between researchers and participants, providing qualitative data.
  • Application: Useful for exploring personal experiences, opinions, and perspectives of individuals involved in the law system.

Observational Research:

  • Description: Directly observing and recording behaviors in a natural setting without interference.
  • Application: Often applied to study law enforcement activities, court proceedings, or the behavior of individuals within the legislative system.

Content Analysis:

  • Description: Systematic analysis of written, verbal, or visual communication to identify patterns or themes.
  • Application: Applied to examine media coverage of crime, legal documents, or courtroom proceedings.

Experimental Research:

  • Description: Controlled experiments to investigate cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Application: Less common in criminal justice due to ethical considerations, but can be used to study the impact of specific interventions or policies.

Case Studies:

  • Description: In-depth analysis of a specific case or situation.
  • Application: Useful for understanding the complexities of specific criminal incidents, legal cases, or law enforcement practices.


  • Description: Systematic review and statistical analysis of existing research studies to draw overarching conclusions.
  • Application: Provides a comprehensive understanding of trends and patterns across multiple studies.

Longitudinal Studies:

  • Description: Data collected over an extended period to observe changes or trends.
  • Application: Applied to study the long-term effects of policies, interventions, or criminal behavior patterns.

Secondary Data Analysis:

  • Description: Utilizing existing datasets collected for other purposes.
  • Application: Cost-effective way to analyze pre-existing data, such as crime statistics or court records.

Action Research:

  • Description: Collaborative research involving practitioners to address real-world issues.
  • Application: Often employed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of criminal justice programs or policies.

I advise aspiring researchers to choose a combination of these methods based on their research questions, available resources, and ethical considerations. Each method brings its own strengths and limitations to the field of legislative research.

Topics for Criminal Justice Paper

Get ready for cool and compelling criminal justice topics to write about that delve into the heart of law, crime, and the intricate workings of our justice system. From thought-provoking issues to intriguing case studies, we're about to embark on an intellectual journey that presents the fascinating complexities of the law landscape. So, buckle up because we're about to swoop into a world of captivating subjects that'll leave you eager to find out more. Let's get started!

List of Criminology Research Topics

  • The impact of social media on crime reporting and public perception.
  • Juvenile delinquency: Causes, trends, and intervention strategies.
  • Racial profiling in law enforcement: Examining patterns and solutions.
  • Cybercrime: Trends, challenges, and the role of technology in criminal activities.
  • The effectiveness of community policing in crime prevention.
  • Policies and their impact on recidivism rates.
  • The psychology of white-collar crime: Motivations and prevention.
  • Gender disparities in the criminal justice system: A comprehensive analysis.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and criminal behavior.
  • Restorative justice: Assessing its efficacy in modern legal systems.
  • Policing strategies in high-crime areas: Successes and challenges.
  • The role of mental health in criminal behavior and the justice system.
  • Human trafficking: Causes, trends, and countermeasures.
  • Firearms control policies: Impact on crime rates and public safety.
  • The connection between economic inequality and crime rates.
  • Hate crimes: Understanding motivations and combating prejudice.
  • The influence of media portrayals on public perceptions of crime.
  • Technology and crime: Analyzing the role of surveillance and privacy.
  • Environmental criminology: Exploring the link between space and crime.
  • Criminal profiling: Methods, controversies, and ethical considerations.

List of Controversial Topics in Criminal Justice System

  • Capital punishment: Examining the morality and effectiveness of the death penalty.
  • Mandatory minimum sentences: Critiques and alternatives.
  • Private prisons: Profit motives and ethical concerns.
  • Police militarization: Balancing public safety and civil liberties.
  • Stop and frisk: Racial profiling or necessary policing tool?
  • Three strikes laws: Deterrence or unjust punishment?
  • Firearms control and the Second Amendment: Striking a balance.
  • Civil forfeiture: Balancing law enforcement powers and property rights.
  • Juvenile life without parole: Sentencing for young offenders.
  • The war on illegal substances: Evaluating effectiveness and social impact.
  • Plea bargaining: Efficiency or erosion of justice?
  • Racial disparities in sentencing: Systemic issues and solutions.
  • Predictive policing: Balancing crime prevention and civil liberties.
  • Use of force by law enforcement: Accountability and reform.
  • Bail reform: Addressing socioeconomic disparities.
  • The insanity defense: Assessing legal and ethical dimensions.
  • Cybersecurity and digital privacy: Balancing crime prevention and civil liberties.
  • Zero tolerance policies in schools: Discipline or discrimination?
  • Immigration detention: Human rights concerns and reform.
  • Body cameras on police officers: Transparency and accountability.

List of Sociology Research Topics on Crime

  • The social construction of crime: Examining the influence of media and public perception.
  • Social disorganization theory: Understanding neighborhoods and crime rates.
  • Social stratification and crime: Exploring the link between poverty and criminal behavior.
  • Labeling theory: Analyzing the impact of stigmatization on offenders.
  • Social control and deviance: Assessing mechanisms to regulate behavior in society.
  • Gender inequality and crime: The intersection of social roles and criminal behavior.
  • Youth subcultures and delinquency: Exploring the influence of peer groups.
  • The impact of family structure on juvenile delinquency.
  • Community policing and social capital: Building trust in neighborhoods.
  • Social bond theory: Examining the role of relationships in preventing crime.
  • Cybercrime and society: Understanding the digital landscape of criminal behavior.
  • Environmental sociology of crime: Analyzing the impact of urban design.
  • White-collar crime and corporate deviance: Unraveling power structures.
  • Hate crimes: Exploring the social dynamics of prejudice and violence.
  • Immigration and crime: Debunking stereotypes and analyzing realities.
  • Social movements and reforms: The role of activism.
  • Political economy of crime: Investigating the links between economics and criminal behavior.
  • The sociology of prisons: Examining the impact of incarceration on individuals and communities.
  • Technology and crime prevention: Social implications of surveillance and security measures.
  • Environmental justice and crime: Analyzing disparities in environmental crimes.

List of Criminal Investigation Topics

  • Strategies for solving cold cases and investigating unsolved crimes.
  • The impact of DNA technology advancements on criminal investigations.
  • Balancing effectiveness and ethical considerations in undercover operations.
  • Utilizing forensic anthropology in the analysis of crime scenes.
  • Navigating challenges in cybercrime investigations within the digital landscape.
  • Ensuring the safety of key individuals through witness protection programs.
  • Comprehensive techniques for crime scene reconstruction and analysis.
  • Adhering to legal and ethical boundaries in the use of interrogation methods.
  • Identifying causes and patterns in arson investigations.
  • Understanding criminal motives through the analysis of behavioral profiling.
  • Tracing firearms and ammunition for investigative insights through ballistics analysis.
  • Extracting evidence from electronic devices in criminal cases through digital forensics.
  • Strategies for resolution and prevention in kidnapping and ransom investigations.
  • Unrooting and dismantling intricate structures in organized crime networks.
  • Motivations, impact, and strategies for prevention in hate crimes.
  • Navigating financial complexities in cases of white-collar crime investigations.
  • Identifying, exposing, and dismantling trafficking networks in human trafficking cases.
  • Profiling and analyzing in forensic psychology for criminal investigations.
  • Strategies for interdiction and prevention in illegal substance trafficking investigations.
  • Utilizing insects to determine the time of death in investigations through forensic entomology.

List of Police Topics Research Paper

  • The impact of community policing on crime prevention and community relations.
  • Racial profiling in law enforcement: Examining patterns, consequences, and solutions.
  • The use of body-worn cameras: Accountability and transparency in policing.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of de-escalation training for police officers.
  • The relationship between police militarization and civil liberties.
  • Police use of force: Policies, accountability, and community implications.
  • The role of technology in modern policing: Opportunities and challenges.
  • Community-oriented policing: Building trust and collaboration with communities.
  • Police recruitment and diversity: Strategies for fostering an inclusive force.
  • The impact of stress and mental health on police officers: Support and intervention.
  • Policing in the age of social media: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The effectiveness of crime mapping in predictive policing.
  • The role of police unions in shaping law enforcement policies.
  • Examining the use of K-9 units in contemporary policing.
  • Police response to domestic violence: Policies and improvements.
  • The influence of public perceptions on police legitimacy.
  • The role of education in police training and professional development.
  • Police corruption: Causes, consequences, and preventive measures.
  • The implementation of restorative justice in policing.
  • The impact of firearms control policies on policing and public safety.

List of Gender and Crime Research Topics

  • Understanding the relationship between gender and juvenile delinquency.
  • The impact of gender bias in criminal sentencing.
  • Women in law enforcement: Challenges, opportunities, and experiences.
  • Gender-based violence: A critical analysis.
  • The intersectionality of race, gender, and crime.
  • The role of gender in criminal profiling and forensic psychology.
  • LGBTQ+ individuals: Challenges and disparities.
  • The portrayal of gender in crime media: Influences on public perceptions.
  • Gender-responsive approaches to rehabilitation in correctional settings.
  • The influence of gender on criminal behavior: Nature vs. nurture debate.
  • Human trafficking and gender: Examining the vulnerabilities and impact.
  • The role of masculinity in gang involvement and criminal activities.
  • The gendered nature of white-collar crime: Patterns and motivations.
  • Women and the death penalty: A comparative analysis of sentencing.
  • Gender disparities in illegal substance sentencing and rehabilitation outcomes.
  • The impact of gender on jury decision-making in criminal trials.
  • The experiences of transgender individuals.
  • Gender and cybercrime victimization: Patterns and prevention strategies.
  • The portrayal of female offenders.
  • The influence of gender on police use of force: Policies and implications.

List of Realistic Crime Research Topics

  • The impact of socioeconomic factors on street-level crime in urban environments.
  • Community-based crime prevention strategies: Evaluating effectiveness in diverse neighborhoods.
  • Patterns and trends in illegal substance trafficking within a specific geographic region.
  • The role of technology in facilitating and combating cybercrime in realistic scenarios.
  • White-collar crime in corporate settings: Analyzing motivations and consequences.
  • Human trafficking: Examining local and global dimensions and intervention strategies.
  • Police-community relations in economically disadvantaged areas: Challenges and solutions.
  • Restorative justice practices in realistic settings.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for offenders reintegrating into society.
  • Factors influencing witness cooperation in realistic criminal investigations.
  • Criminal networks in organized crime: Structure, dynamics, and intervention.
  • Firearms violence in urban areas: Causes, consequences, and preventive measures.
  • The impact of legislative policies on recidivism rates.
  • Domestic violence intervention programs: Real-world outcomes and challenges.
  • The use of forensic evidence in solving real criminal cases.
  • Public perceptions of crime and safety in different neighborhoods.
  • The role of substance abuse in realistic criminal behavior.
  • Cybersecurity measures for small businesses: Realistic strategies and challenges.
  • Community policing in rural areas: Adapting to unique challenges and opportunities.
  • The relationship between mental health and criminality in practical contexts.

List of Criminal Justice Research Topics on Racism & Discrimination

  • Racial profiling in law enforcement: Examining its prevalence, consequences, and solutions.
  • Disparities in sentencing outcomes based on race and ethnicity within the legislative system.
  • The impact of systemic racism on access to legal representation and the quality of defense.
  • Discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities in the jury selection process.
  • The role of implicit bias in police interactions and its effects on minority communities.
  • The school-to-prison pipeline: Analyzing its disproportionate impact on minority youth.
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in pretrial detention and bail outcomes.
  • Discrimination in the application of death penalty sentences based on race.
  • The impact of racial and ethnic bias in plea bargaining negotiations.
  • Disproportionate use of force against racial and ethnic minorities by law enforcement.
  • The effects of racial and ethnic bias on eyewitness identification in criminal investigations.
  • Discrimination in the probation and parole system: Assessing its consequences.
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system: Causes and consequences.
  • The influence of media portrayal on public perceptions of racialized crime.
  • The role of institutional racism in shaping legislative policies and practices.
  • Discrimination against Indigenous peoples within the legislative system.
  • Hate crimes against racial and ethnic minorities: Patterns, motivations, and prevention.
  • The impact of racial and ethnic bias on criminal record expungement processes.
  • Discrimination in the use of solitary confinement in correctional facilities.
  • The role of restorative justice in addressing racism and discrimination.

List of Criminal Law Research Topics

  • The evolving landscape of cybercrime laws: Challenges and advancements.
  • Mental incapacity as a defense in criminal law: Legal and ethical considerations.
  • The impact of forensic evidence on criminal law proceedings.
  • Criminal liability for corporate entities: Legal frameworks and challenges.
  • Plea bargaining in criminal law: Analyzing efficiency and ethical implications.
  • The role of international law in addressing transnational crimes.
  • Emerging issues in criminal law related to technology and surveillance.
  • The intersection of criminal law and mental health: Legal reforms and challenges.
  • Comparative analysis of criminal laws related to illegal substance offenses globally.
  • Restorative justice in criminal law: Implementation and effectiveness.
  • The legal implications of emerging technologies in criminal investigations.
  • Criminal law responses to human trafficking: Evaluating global approaches.
  • Legal perspectives on juvenile justice and criminal responsibility.
  • The impact of criminal law reforms on sentencing guidelines.
  • The legal treatment of hate crimes: A comparative analysis.
  • International cooperation in the prosecution of war crimes.
  • Criminal liability for environmental offenses: Legal frameworks and challenges.
  • The legal implications of artificial intelligence in criminal law enforcement.
  • Gender and criminal law: Examining legal responses to gender-based crimes.
  • Legal perspectives on the use of lethal force by law enforcement.

List of Basic Criminal Justice Topics

  • The role of law enforcement in maintaining public safety.
  • Criminal investigations: Techniques and procedures.
  • The functions of the legislative system: Courts, corrections, and law enforcement.
  • Understanding criminal behavior: Causes and theories.
  • Juvenile justice: Policies and interventions for youth offenders.
  • The impact of technology on modern policing.
  • Criminal profiling: Strategies and ethical considerations.
  • The process of arrest and the protection of individual rights.
  • The importance of evidence in criminal cases.
  • Correctional facilities and rehabilitation programs.
  • The role of forensic science in solving crimes.
  • Criminal law: Elements, statutes, and legal procedures.
  • Community policing: Building trust and collaboration.
  • The history and evolution of legislative systems.
  • Legislative ethics: Balancing justice and fairness.
  • Victimology: Understanding and supporting crime victims.
  • The impact of illegal substances and abuse on crime rates.
  • Police discretion: Powers and challenges in decision-making.
  • Domestic violence: Legal responses and prevention strategies.
  • The role of law professionals in upholding the rule of law.

List of Research in Criminal Justice System

  • Assessing the effectiveness of community policing in crime prevention.
  • Examining the impact of technology on criminal investigations within the justice system.
  • Analyzing racial and ethnic disparities in sentencing outcomes.
  • Evaluating the role of restorative justice in a legislative reform.
  • Investigating the use of body-worn cameras in law enforcement agencies.
  • Understanding the factors influencing witness cooperation in criminal cases.
  • Assessing the implementation and outcomes of substance courts in the justice system.
  • Exploring the relationship between mental health and criminal behavior.
  • Studying the effectiveness of diversion programs for juvenile offenders.
  • Examining the role of plea bargaining in case resolution and court efficiency.
  • Investigating the impact of bail reform on pretrial detention practices.
  • Analyzing the challenges and opportunities of reentry programs for ex-offenders.
  • Assessing the use of artificial intelligence in predictive policing.
  • Studying the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for incarcerated individuals.
  • Evaluating the impact of mandatory minimum sentencing on justice outcomes.
  • Exploring the use of alternative dispute resolution methods in the legislative system.
  • Investigating the role of forensic evidence in court proceedings.
  • Assessing the implications of police militarization on community relations.
  • Studying the dynamics of human trafficking and countermeasures within the justice system.
  • Examining the impact of legal reforms on addressing systemic issues in the legislative system.

List of Criminal Justice Debate Topics

  • The effectiveness and ethics of using predictive policing algorithms.
  • Debating the merits of mandatory minimum sentencing for certain crimes.
  • The role of private prisons in the legislative system.
  • Balancing individual privacy rights with the use of surveillance technologies.
  • The efficacy of the death penalty as a deterrent to violent crime.
  • Community policing: Advantages, disadvantages, and potential reforms.
  • The impact of legalizing recreational substances on crime rates.
  • The ethical implications of plea bargaining in criminal cases.
  • Reforming the juvenile justice system: Rehabilitation vs. punitive measures.
  • Debating the use of solitary confinement in correctional facilities.
  • Firearms control policies: Striking a balance between public safety and Second Amendment rights.
  • The role of mental illness in criminal culpability and sentencing.
  • Immigration and the legislative system: Addressing challenges and biases.
  • The impact of three-strikes laws on justice outcomes and prison populations.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of diversion programs for non-violent offenders.
  • The use of military equipment by law enforcement: Necessity or excess?
  • Restorative justice: Its merits and challenges in the criminal justice system.
  • Bail reform: Addressing socioeconomic disparities and promoting fairness.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation vs. punishment in reducing recidivism.
  • The role of technology in facilitating wrongful convictions and ensuring justice.

List of Criminal Justice Research Topics about Court Cases

  • Analyzing landmark Supreme Court decisions and their impact on criminal justice.
  • The role of expert witnesses in influencing court verdicts.
  • Examining the impact of televised trials on the justice system and public opinion.
  • The use of forensic evidence in high-profile court cases.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution methods in court proceedings.
  • Investigating the impact of jury selection methods on trial outcomes.
  • The role of eyewitness testimony in court cases: Reliability and challenges.
  • Analyzing the use of technology in courtrooms and its effects on trial procedures.
  • The impact of pretrial publicity on fair trial rights.
  • Evaluating the use of plea bargaining in court case resolution.
  • Examining the influence of judges' personal characteristics on sentencing decisions.
  • Analyzing the role of prosecutorial discretion in shaping court cases.
  • The use of DNA evidence in exonerating wrongfully convicted individuals.
  • Examining the intersection of mental health and court case outcomes.
  • The impact of legal precedent on shaping future court decisions.
  • Analyzing the role of public defenders in ensuring access to justice.
  • The use of social media in court cases: Opportunities and challenges.
  • Investigating the role of judicial independence in ensuring a fair trial.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of court-mandated rehabilitation programs.
  • The impact of court decisions on shaping legislative policies.

List of Criminal Justice Research Topics in Types of Crime

  • White-collar crime: Analyzing motivations, trends, and regulatory responses.
  • Cybercrime and digital forensics: Investigating emerging threats and investigative techniques.
  • Substance trafficking and organized crime: Examining global networks and countermeasures.
  • Hate crimes: Understanding motivations, reporting challenges, and prevention strategies.
  • Human trafficking: Analyzing patterns, vulnerabilities, and international responses.
  • Juvenile delinquency: Assessing risk factors, interventions, and prevention programs.
  • Domestic violence: Legal responses, victim support, and prevention initiatives.
  • Environmental crimes: Examining regulatory frameworks and enforcement challenges.
  • Terrorism and counterterrorism: Evaluating strategies, impacts, and civil liberties concerns.
  • Corruption and bribery: Analyzing the legal landscape and global initiatives.
  • Financial crimes: Investigating fraud, money laundering, and regulatory responses.
  • Passion crimes and assaults: Understanding prevalence, reporting, and victim support.
  • Gang-related violence: Assessing causes, intervention strategies, and community responses.
  • Public order offenses: Examining policies and practices in handling disorderly conduct.
  • Corporate crime: Analyzing unethical business practices and legal consequences.
  • Arson and property crimes: Investigating patterns, motivations, and prevention efforts.
  • Cybersecurity threats: Evaluating the impact on individuals and organizations.
  • Public corruption: Analyzing cases, prevention measures, and legal responses.
  • Identity theft: Understanding risks, preventive measures, and law enforcement challenges.
  • Environmental crimes: Assessing illegal activities impacting ecosystems and natural resources.

List of International Criminal Law Research Topics

  • The effectiveness of international tribunals in prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  • Analyzing the concept of universal jurisdiction in international criminal law.
  • The role of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in addressing transnational crimes.
  • Investigating challenges in extraditing individuals for international criminal offenses.
  • The impact of the Rome Statute on the development of international criminal law.
  • The prosecution of genocide: Legal frameworks and case studies.
  • Evaluating the role of non-governmental organizations in promoting international justice.
  • State responsibility for international crimes: Legal implications and enforcement mechanisms.
  • The evolution of customary international law in the context of criminal accountability.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of truth and reconciliation commissions in post-conflict societies.
  • The prosecution of terrorism as an international crime: Legal challenges and strategies.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its influence on international criminal law.
  • Examining the legal frameworks for addressing piracy and maritime crimes.
  • The intersection of international humanitarian law and criminal law in armed conflicts.
  • Corporate liability for international crimes: Legal developments and challenges.
  • The impact of technology on international criminal investigations and prosecutions.
  • The role of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) in combating transnational crime.
  • The extradition of individuals for crimes against humanity: Legal and diplomatic considerations.
  • Investigating the prosecution of environmental crimes as international offenses.
  • The role of international law in preventing and prosecuting crimes of aggression.

Let’s Sum It Up

In conclusion, I have to admit that selecting criminal justice topics for research papers is paramount. A personally intriguing subject not only fosters genuine enthusiasm but also drives a more profound exploration. I believe that choosing a theme that resonates with your interests ensures a more engaging and fulfilling research journey. 

As students, we thrive when delving into topics that captivate us, sparking curiosity and dedication. This personal connection not only enhances the learning experience but also yields more meaningful insights. 

What Is a PhD in Criminal Justice?

A Ph.D. in Criminal Justice is a doctoral-level academic degree that focuses on advanced research and expertise in various aspects of legislation, including criminology, law enforcement, corrections, and law policies. It typically involves in-depth study, original research, and the completion of a dissertation on one of the interesting criminal justice research topics, contributing to the field's theoretical and practical knowledge. Graduates with a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice often pursue careers in academia, research institutions, policy analysis, or leadership roles in legislative agencies.

What Are the Most Important Issues in Criminal Justice?

The most important issues include systemic issues such as racial and socioeconomic disparities, police-community relations, criminal sentencing reform, prison overcrowding, rehabilitation and reentry programs, and the use of technology in law enforcement. Additionally, addressing mental health in the legislative system and ensuring equal access to justice are critical concerns. This article contains such reliable criminal justice research topics for your inspiration.

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Criminal Justice - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Essay topics on criminal justice are not easy. It requires much research and knowledge of the justice system of a particular country and the law rights of residents. This topic combines much information, but you should focus on one to reveal it well in your essay. For example, you can write about the United States criminal justice system: its foundation, laws, and punishments. Along with this, you can mention certain problems that touch on criminal law or how the government should react to a range of crimes. Also, you can explain the consequences of breaking the law.

To start such an essay is always difficult. There should be precise thesis statements that will be a focus throughout the entire research paper. It is essential to highlight it in the introduction so you will hook the reader and keep them interested until the end of the essay, its conclusion. If you don’t know what to start with, we recommend you get familiar with research paper examples about criminal justice. They will surely guide you in coming up with your own thoughts and assumptions of what problem to raise. Remember to get started with an outline that is a good predecessor for your successful essay. By doing so and studying essay examples on criminal justice, you will improve your writing skills.

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In 1993 the Alaska Native Commissioned Report revealed that 32 percent of the state's incarcerated population is Alaska Native, even though Alaska Natives represent only 16 percent of the overall population. More recent reports have found that these number have not drastically changed (The Alaska State Offender Profile, 2015). In this paper I will briefly outline and address what some scholars, researchers, and reports have cited to explain why Alaska Natives are disproportionately represented in Alaska’s prison system, as well […]

U.S. Criminal Justice System Overview

Mr. President, I would like to thank you and your front office for taking the time to read about my concerns during such a busy sports season. I know you’ve grown particularly fond of basketball and football games since your presidency. I recently tried to reach out to you in my recent letter, but I have assumed it never arrived. As I have previously stated, I represent the many Americans who would like to discuss with you the current state […]

Is the Criminal Justice System Prejudicial?

At first, I thought that it is not. But after doing some research, I was convinced to believe the opposite. Prejudice can be defined as the preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Bias is the prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. To introduce why I have come to believe that the criminal justice system is prejudicial, I want to […]

Source of Information about Crime

Violent wrongdoings (otherwise called violations against people) rule the vast majority's contemplations of wrongdoing and wellbeing. Regardless of criminal justice experts explanations that an individual's probability of being victimized little depends on him avoiding certain places, for instance, street gangs and drug peddler spots (Koper, Taylor, & Woods, 2013). This accumulation characterizes brutal violations as murder, persuasive assault, burglary, and irritated assault. Property violations are wrongdoings that are arranged as offenses against property. This incorporates robbery, theft, thievery, pyromania, misappropriation, […]

The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance

The operational director for the visual security force Mr. James Dunbar has a very distinct job responsibility; some those responsibilities include dealing with prison reconstruction and decongesting those prison at large to minimize the high over population of those prison. Based on this, Mr. Dunbar has also partner with other entities to mitigate the risk of overcrowding of prison by advocating for other avenues such as private prisons and the community-based correction programs. This however, has enabled him to be […]

Criminal Justice System

Criminal justice is known to be the system exercises, and institutions of government mandated to sustain social control, discourage and lessen crime or sanction those violating the law through rehabilitation and subjecting them to criminal penalties. People who are accused of crime also have constitutional protections from abuse of prosecution and investigatory powers (Abdolsalehi, 2013). Law has the purpose of providing a set of rules which govern the conduct and order in society. The law provides the rights of the […]

Racism in Criminal Justice System

Scott Woods once said, The problem is that white people see racism as conscious hate, when racism is bigger than that. Racism is a complex system of social and political levers and pulleys set up generations ago to continue working on the behalf of whites at other people's expense, whether whites know/like it or not. Racism is an insidious cultural disease. It is so insidious that it doesn't care if you are a white person who likes black people; it's […]

“Just Mercy” is Bryan Stevenson’s Perspective on the American Criminal Justice System

Stevenson argues that the society should be aware rather than punishment. His personal stories share a representation of the criminal justice system. Stevenson is responsible for reducing the amount of wrongly accused victims. Throughout the story Just Mercy, the author, Bryan Stevenson, uses an optimistic tone. During cases, he would notice that things weren't going the way he expected. However, he still had hope in those situations. Bryan Stevenson uses real life experiences to bring awareness to incarceration. He uses […]

Care of the Mentally Ill in Prisons

A common problem facing the mentally ill inmates today is whether or not the use of restraints is safe and effective, or a deadly abuse of power. There are a plethora of articles that support either side, but in order to form an unbiased opinion, one must hear both arguments. There are several positive aspects of restraints. For example, when restraints are used inmates no longer have the ability to inflict damage upon oneself or others, additionally inmates are stabilized […]

Social Issues and Criminal Justice

The first key social issue is justice in the media. The subject of justice has become a hot topic in America this year, finding itself not only in the Criminal Justice field, but also addressed as in Social Justice, Racial Justice, and Economic Justice. In fact, Merriam Webster has chosen “justice” as its 2018 Word of the Year. It was chosen because it was searched 74% more times in 2018 than in 2017, and was the top-searched word this year […]

Racism and the U.S. Criminal Justice System

Introduction The primary purpose of this report is to explore racism issues in the United States justice system and addressing the solutions to the problem affecting the judicial society. Racism entails social practices that give merits explicitly solely to members of certain racial groups. Racism is attributed to three main aspects such as; personal predisposition, ideologies, and cultural racism, which promotes policies and practices that deepen racial discrimination. Institutional racism is also rife in the US justice system. This entails […]

Core Components of Criminal Justice System

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How to Write an Essay About Criminal Justice

Understanding the criminal justice system.

Before writing an essay about criminal justice, it's important to understand the breadth and complexity of the criminal justice system. This system encompasses several institutions and processes established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate laws. Begin your essay by explaining the main components of the criminal justice system, typically including law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections. Discuss the roles and functions of each component and how they work together to maintain law and order, protect citizens, and uphold justice. It's also important to consider various perspectives on the criminal justice system, including its effectiveness, fairness, and the challenges it faces.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on criminal justice should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about the criminal justice system. For instance, you might examine the impact of new technology on criminal investigations, analyze the challenges of prison overcrowding, or argue the need for reforms in the juvenile justice system. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your topic.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from a variety of sources, including academic research, government reports, and case studies. This might include statistical data on crime rates, research findings on criminal justice policies, or examples of criminal justice systems in different countries. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Be sure to consider different perspectives and address potential counterarguments.

Analyzing Key Issues in Criminal Justice

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing key issues within the criminal justice system. Discuss current topics such as racial disparities in sentencing, the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, or the impact of legal reforms. Consider both the theoretical aspects of these issues and their practical implications. Explore how these challenges affect not only the criminal justice system but also society as a whole.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the importance of continued study and reform in the field of criminal justice. You might also want to suggest areas for future research or action needed to address the challenges identified in your essay.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, educators, or criminal justice professionals to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on criminal justice will not only demonstrate your understanding of the system but also your ability to engage with complex legal and societal issues.

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compare and contrast essay topics on criminal justice

Criminal Justice Research Topics: 150 Ideas for Your Legal Essay

compare and contrast essay topics on criminal justice

The field of criminal justice offers a wide array of intriguing topics for legal essays, providing opportunities to delve into the complexities of law enforcement, court systems, and corrections. From exploring the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs to discussing the ethical implications of new surveillance technologies, there's no shortage of thought-provoking issues to examine. In this article, we've compiled 150 research topics to inspire and guide your exploration of these fascinating areas within criminal justice. Our expert essay writers are ready to help if you are pressed for time.

What Is Criminal Justice Research Paper

A criminal justice research paper is an academic document that explores various aspects of the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, courts, corrections, and related societal issues. These papers typically involve thorough investigation, analysis, and interpretation of relevant data, literature, and legal precedents to address specific research questions or topics within the field. 

Criminal justice research topics may examine the effectiveness of policies or programs, analyze trends in crime rates, explore the impacts of legal decisions, or propose solutions to address pressing issues within the criminal justice system. Additionally, they often contribute to broader discussions surrounding crime prevention, rehabilitation, social justice, and the protection of individual rights. Since you’ll need to rely on external sources for writing read guide of our research proposal writing service on citation format for research paper . 

Why Students Write a Criminal Justice Research Paper

Students write criminal justice research papers for several reasons, each aimed at enhancing their understanding of the field and developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Firstly, these assignments serve as a means for students to delve deeper into specific criminal justice research topic ideas within the criminal justice system, allowing them to explore areas of interest or concern in greater detail. Through research, students can understand the complexities surrounding law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections, and societal responses to crime. This exploration fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances and challenges inherent in the criminal justice field, preparing students for future careers in law enforcement, legal practice, policymaking, or academia.

Moreover, criminal justice research papers allow students to hone their research and writing abilities, essential perks for success in both academic and professional settings. Conducting research requires students to gather and critically evaluate relevant literature, data, and legal precedents, enabling them to develop well-informed arguments and conclusions. 

Through writing, students refine their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively, organize their thoughts coherently, and adhere to academic writing conventions. Furthermore, crafting research papers encourages students to engage in thoughtful analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of information, fostering their ability to think critically and creatively about issues within the criminal justice system and beyond. Do you have ideas on how to start a research paper ? If not, feel free to consult our guide.

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How to Choose a Good Research Topic Rules

Good criminal justice research topics are the driving force behind the success of your project, as they will guide your exploration and shape the direction of your study. To select an effective research topic, consider the following steps:

How to Choose a Good Research Topic Rules

  • Identify your interests

Start by reflecting on your interests and passions within criminal justice. Consider topics that intrigue you or issues you feel strongly about. Research is often more engaging and fruitful when genuinely interested in the subject.

  • Review existing literature

Conduct a preliminary review of academic literature, textbooks, journals, and reputable websites to identify current trends, debates, and gaps in knowledge within the field of criminal justice. Look for areas where ongoing discussion or emerging research piques your interest.

  • Consider relevance and significance

Choose a topic relevant to contemporary issues or debates within the criminal justice system. Consider how your research can address real-world problems, inform policy decisions, or advance theoretical understanding in the field.

  • Narrow down your focus

Once you've identified a broad area of interest, narrow your focus to a specific research question or problem. A well-defined research question will help you maintain clarity and focus throughout your study, ensuring that your research remains manageable and achievable.

  • Evaluate feasibility

Assess the feasibility of your research topic by considering factors such as access to data, resources, and expertise. Ensure that your chosen topic is feasible within the constraints of your time, budget, and available resources.

  • Seek feedback

Discuss your research topic with professors, advisors, peers, or professionals in criminal justice. Their feedback can help you refine your ideas, identify potential challenges, and ensure that your topic is well-suited to your academic goals and interests. If the feedback from your peers and teachers leaves much to be desired, use our coursework writing service to deliver a first-class paper that checks all the quality boxes.

  • Stay flexible

Remain open to revising and refining your research topic as you delve deeper into your study. Be prepared to adapt your focus based on new insights, findings, or changes in the research landscape.

Criminal Justice Research Topics: The List

Coming up with strong criminal justice research topics for college students matters because they are the foundation for meaningful inquiry, shaping the direction and scope of academic exploration within a specific field. A well-chosen topic not only captures the researcher's interest but also holds significance within the broader context of the discipline, offering opportunities for original insights, critical analysis, and scholarly contributions. Opt for a custom research paper , and our writers will select compelling and relevant topics that can engage readers, advance knowledge, and address pressing issues or gaps in understanding. 

List of Criminology Research Topics

Begin with the broad research topics in criminology that immediately captivate your reader's attention:

  • The impact of social media on crime rates.
  • Rehabilitation vs. retribution: effectiveness of different punitive measures.
  • Juvenile delinquency: causes and prevention strategies.
  • The psychology of criminal behavior.
  • Cybercrime: trends and countermeasures.
  • The role of gender in criminal justice.
  • Illegal substance trafficking and law enforcement challenges.
  • White-collar crime: Patterns and detection.
  • Community policing: Building trust and reducing crime.
  • Mental health and criminal justice system interaction.
  • Human trafficking: Modern-day slavery.
  • Restorative justice: Healing communities after crime.
  • Police brutality and accountability.
  • Environmental criminology: Understanding crime hotspots.
  • Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).
  • The economics of crime: Cost-benefit analysis.
  • Hate crimes: Motivations and impact on society.
  • Criminal profiling techniques and accuracy.
  • Witness reliability in criminal trials.
  • The influence of poverty on crime rates.
  • Rehabilitation programs for incarcerated individuals.
  • The intersection of race and criminal justice.
  • Firearms and violence: Policy implications.
  • The role of technology in crime detection and prevention.
  • Gangs and organized crime: Structure and activities.
  • Domestic violence: Causes and intervention strategies.
  • The ethics of punishment: Balancing justice and mercy.
  • Crime mapping and geographic information systems (GIS).
  • Biological explanations for criminal behavior.
  • Crime and deviance: Sociological perspectives.

List of Realistic Crime Research Topics

Continuing with our exploration of criminological research topics, here are some additional options that reflect current global issues in our society, offering a more realistic perspective for study.

  • The impact of neighborhood characteristics on crime rates.
  • Factors influencing the likelihood of reoffending among convicted criminals.
  • The effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime.
  • Patterns of illegal substance-related crimes in urban vs. rural areas.
  • The role of technology in modern crime detection and prevention.
  • Gender disparities in crime victimization and perpetration.
  • Strategies for reducing juvenile delinquency in at-risk communities.
  • The influence of socioeconomic status on involvement in white-collar crime.
  • Cybercrime trends and challenges in the digital age.
  • The relationship between mental health issues and criminal behavior.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for offenders.
  • The impact of sentencing guidelines on crime rates.
  • Trends in organized crime activity in different regions.
  • The role of peer influence in youth involvement in criminal activities.
  • Arms control policies and their effects on arms-related crimes.
  • The correlation between unemployment rates and property crime.
  • Cultural factors influencing attitudes towards crime and punishment.
  • The prevalence of hate crimes and strategies for prevention.
  • The role of media in shaping perceptions of crime and criminal justice.
  • Environmental criminology: Exploring the link between crime and urban design.
  • The impact of immigration on crime rates in host countries.
  • Psychological profiles of serial offenders.
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and criminal behavior.
  • Policing strategies for reducing gang-related crime.
  • The influence of family dynamics on youth involvement in crime.
  • Corporate crime: Investigating fraud and corruption in business.
  • The effectiveness of early intervention programs for at-risk youth.
  • The role of poverty in driving criminal behavior.
  • The ethics and implications of using predictive policing technologies.

List of Basic Criminal Justice Topics

Here is a list of fundamental topics in criminal justice. Assess the available information on each issue carefully. Ultimately, the choice of study topics in criminal justice is entirely yours.

  • Overview of the criminal justice system.
  • Importance of due process in criminal justice.
  • Key components of criminal law.
  • Role of law enforcement in society.
  • Basics of criminal investigations.
  • Types of criminal offenses.
  • Understanding criminal courts and procedures.
  • Principles of criminal sentencing.
  • Purpose and function of corrections.
  • Victim rights in the criminal justice system.
  • Evolution of criminal justice policies.
  • Ethics in criminal justice professions.
  • Impact of technology on criminal justice.
  • Challenges in administering justice fairly.
  • Role of forensic science in solving crimes.
  • Rehabilitation versus punishment debate.
  • Alternatives to incarceration.
  • Importance of community policing.
  • Mental health and the criminal justice system.
  • Restorative justice approaches.
  • Juvenile justice system basics.
  • Trends in crime rates and patterns.
  • Intersection of race and criminal justice.
  • Role of probation and parole.
  • Challenges in addressing recidivism.
  • International perspectives on criminal justice.
  • Role of private security in society.
  • Importance of evidence in criminal cases.
  • Impact of illegal substances and abuse on crime.
  • Contemporary issues in criminal justice reform.

List of Criminal Justice Topics on Racial Discrimination

Let's narrow down our focus to specific topics within the realm of criminal justice for research papers. Here, we'll categorize the prompts based on aspects of racial discrimination.

  • Racial profiling in law enforcement.
  • Disparities in arrest rates among racial groups.
  • Impact of implicit bias on criminal justice outcomes.
  • Race and sentencing disparities.
  • Effects of socioeconomic status on racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
  • Policing practices and their differential impact on racial minorities.
  • Racial disparities in juvenile justice system involvement.
  • Role of race in jury selection and trial outcomes.
  • Disproportionate representation of racial minorities in prisons and jails.
  • Effects of mandatory minimum sentencing laws on racial disparities.
  • Racial disparities in pretrial detention and bail decisions.
  • Impact of race on interactions with probation and parole officers.
  • Challenges in addressing systemic racism in the criminal justice system.
  • Role of media portrayal in perpetuating racial stereotypes in crime reporting.
  • Effects of the school-to-prison pipeline on communities of color.
  • Racial disparities in access to legal representation.
  • Intersectionality of race with other factors such as gender and socioeconomic status in criminal justice outcomes.
  • Effects of racial trauma on interactions with law enforcement.
  • Role of community activism in addressing racial discrimination in criminal justice.
  • Historical roots of racial disparities in criminal justice.
  • Impact of illegal substance policies on racial disparities in arrests and incarceration.
  • Role of implicit bias training in reducing racial discrimination in law enforcement.
  • Effects of racial segregation on policing practices and community trust.
  • Racial disparities in use of force incidents and police brutality.
  • Role of accountability measures in addressing racial discrimination in criminal justice.
  • Impact of racial diversity within law enforcement agencies on community relations.
  • Effects of racialized fear and stereotypes on criminal justice decision-making.
  • Role of sentencing reform in addressing racial disparities.
  • Racial disparities in access to diversion and rehabilitation programs.
  • Strategies for promoting racial equity and fairness in the criminal justice system.

List of Crime Research Topics (Crime Types)

Finally, examine the topics for research papers in criminal justice categorized by different types of crime.

  • Burglary patterns and prevention strategies.
  • Trends in cybercrime and cybersecurity measures.
  • Understanding the psychology of serial perpetrators.
  • Illegal substance trafficking routes and law enforcement responses.
  • White-collar crime: Fraud, embezzlement, and corporate misconduct.
  • Human trafficking: Prevalence, victims, and intervention approaches.
  • Homicide investigation techniques and case studies.
  • Identity theft: Impacts and prevention tactics.
  • Robbery dynamics and risk factors for victimization.
  • Hate crimes: Motivations, perpetrators, and legal responses.
  • Carjacking trends and prevention measures.
  • Arson investigations and forensic analysis.
  • Money laundering methods and detection strategies.
  • Gang violence: Origins, structures, and intervention efforts.
  • Stalking behaviors and legal consequences.
  • Art theft: High-profile cases and recovery efforts.
  • Wildlife poaching: Impacts, perpetrators, and conservation efforts.
  • Online scams: Common schemes and protective measures.
  • Domestic violence: Patterns, risk factors, and support services.
  • Child abuse and neglect: Identification and prevention strategies.
  • Environmental crimes: Illegal dumping, pollution, and enforcement challenges.
  • Smuggling operations: Contraband and border security.
  • Extortion tactics and responses in law enforcement.
  • Organized crime syndicates: Structures, activities, and global impact.
  • Counterfeiting: Trends in production methods and law enforcement actions.
  • Art forgery: Authentication techniques and case studies.
  • Food fraud: Adulteration, mislabeling, and consumer protection efforts.
  • Political corruption: Types, impacts, and anti-corruption measures.
  • Intellectual property theft: Piracy, counterfeiting, and legal responses.
  • Terrorism: Ideologies, tactics, and counterterrorism strategies.

Final Thoughts

In summary, writing research papers in criminal justice is incredibly important for students. It helps them learn about various aspects of the criminal justice system and develop skills like critical thinking and research. 

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Choosing the right criminal justice research topic ideas allows you to set the direction for your research and ensure that you stay engaged and interested. By picking a topic they're passionate about or relevant to current issues, students can make the most of their learning experience and even contribute new insights to the legal field. If you’re stuck on such a paper while other assignments have already started to stack up, buy essays online to manage the workload more effectively. 

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Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

compare and contrast essay topics on criminal justice

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Comparative Criminal Justice Systems by Philip Reichel LAST REVIEWED: 27 July 2016 LAST MODIFIED: 27 July 2016 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780195396607-0075

Research on comparative criminal justice systems focuses on the various ways political units attempt to maintain social order and accomplish justice. It is distinguished from comparative criminology, which focuses on crime patterns in two or more cultures and on testing—at the international level—theories about crime. It is also distinguished from comparative law, which includes private law and administrative law, as well as criminal law. When the focus is on the policies, practices, institutions, agencies, and people responsible for identifying, prosecuting, adjudicating, and punishing criminal law violators, criminal justice systems research is being done. It is comparative criminal justice systems research when two or more countries or legal systems are compared and contrasted. It is also common to consider the study of the legal system of a country other than one’s home country as being comparative criminal justice systems research. This guide to sources includes contributions helpful to research endeavors regarding the legal tradition into which particular legal systems might fall (see Comparing Legal Traditions ), research that compares features among specific countries or regions (see Comparing Countries ), or studies of specific procedures used in various countries (see Comparing Justice Procedures ).

Interest in comparative criminal justice studies has increased during the last several decades, and one result is the publishing of general texts that provide overviews of the field. Newman 1999 provides broad coverage of both comparative criminology and comparative criminal justice, whereas Dammer and Albanese 2014 and Terrill 2013 are textbooks designed to give both undergraduate and graduate students information about all aspects of the legal system in select countries. Rather than comparing specific countries, Reichel 2013 compares the key aspects of criminal justice systems (e.g., law, police, courts, corrections) by showing how each aspect operates in various countries. Internet sources are increasing popular in this area, and the Hauser Global Law School Program website is an especially good example of easy access to relevant sources with links to specific items. The increased availability of Internet sources devoted, at least in part, to comparative criminal justice is reflected in their appearance throughout this article.

Dammer, Harry R., and Jay S. Albanese. 2014. Comparative criminal justice systems . 5th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

The revision of this best-selling book presents a comprehensive analysis of how various criminal justice systems throughout the world compare. Harry Dammer has extensively revised the text to reflect the latest trends and most up-to-date information on international juvenile justice, policing, and terrorism. By using a topical approach (examining various aspects of each system, such as policing, drugs, sentencing, and juvenile justice) rather than a country-by-country approach, the book gives students a more realistic understanding of the similarities and differences of each system. The authors use six “model” countries (China, England, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and France) to provide specific examples and explore historical, political, economic, social, and cultural influences on each system.

Hauser Global Law School Program .

From this index page, find options for “Comparative Law Research” (then select “comparative criminal procedure”) and “Foreign Law Research” (with links to legal and justice system information on more than 130 countries). Other links to “International Law Research” and “Tools for Building Foreign, Comparative and International Law Collections” are also helpful.

Newman, Graeme R., ed. 1999. Global report on crime and justice . New York: Oxford Univ. Press.

This report offers a history of the collection of criminal statistics at an international level. Crime trends and the operation of criminal justice systems are provided on a comparative basis, and emerging developments in crime and justice around the world are considered.

Reichel, Philip L. 2013. Comparative criminal justice systems: A topical approach . 6th ed. Boston: Pearson.

This book examines systems of law, police, courts, and corrections by using more than thirty different countries to show the diversity in legal systems around the world. This edition features more complete coverage of the Islamic legal tradition and information on reform in Japan and makes greater use of primary sources.

Terrill, Richard J. 2013. World criminal justice systems: A survey . 8th ed. Waltham, MA: Anderson.

Provides detailed information on the government, police, judiciary, law, corrections, and juvenile justice in six of the world’s most industrialized countries: England, France, Sweden, Russia, China, and Japan. Includes a chapter on Islamic law that uses Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey as main examples.

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  • Criminal Justice Data Sources
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  • Criminal Justice

100 Criminal Justice Essay Topics for Your Inspiration

If you are dealing with a frustrating college assignment and are now searching for criminal justice essay topics, we have several ideas that could help you out! Criminology is a many-layered study area: it could be dark and complex, but it could also be fascinating and exciting to explore. Before you get to do research and learn new things, though, you need to pick a good topic. And that’s where students face a whole array of problems. How to make the correct choice? Is it possible to find a topic that would be interesting enough for readers and for the actual writer? The answer to the last question is yes: if you know where to look, you’ll succeed in writing an essay you like. The list below will take care of the first question since, with its help, you’ll see a diversity of titles to choose from.

100 Criminology Essay Topics For College Students

Inspiration is a fickle thing. What one writer enjoys in an essay might be something another one considers boring and vice versa. That’s why the more titles you see, the more chances you have at selecting the right one. We prepared 100 of them. Look through them and make your choice! Feel free to pick anything you like and develop an excellent essay.

Crime and Punishment Essay Ideas

When crime happens, the perpetrator must be punished. But how far could justice stretch? Who regulates it? The following criminal justice essay topics will help you dwell on these ideas.

  • Assess Evidence Against Ted Bundy From a Modern Perspective: Did He Get a Just Punishment?
  • Is Death Penalty a Good Punishment For Proven Crimes Including Torture?
  • Consider Prisoners’ Perspective: Is Life Sentence or Death Penalty the Worse Punishment?
  • How Homicide Gets Punished in Different Countries. Provide Comparative Analysis
  • Judging Gang Violence: Should All Members Receive Equal Punishments?
  • Chose a Serial Killer Few of Us Know About & Analyze Their Criminal Journey
  • Is Murder Worse Than Torture from Law Perspective?
  • Could Two People Involved in One Legal Conflict Be Imprisoned in the Same Jail?
  • Inspect Publicity That Charles Manson Received: Did Fame Mitigate His Punishment?
  • Imagine That You Are Dictating the Terms: How Would You Punish Vandalism?

Child Abuse Topics

Crime topics for essays related to children could be difficult to explore, but they are vital if you want to ensure justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. So, study ideas for essay below. You could find something enlightening.

  • Examine Differences in Child Abuse Laws Across Three Different States
  • Emotional & Physical Abuse: Which Has Worse Long-Term Impact on a Child?
  • Is Being a Victim as Child Worse Physically and Mentally Than When One Is an Adult?
  • Abused Children Often Choose a Criminal Path: Is There a Pattern?
  • Is Child Neglect a Form of Abuse?
  • Describe a Case Where Justice System Failed a Child: How & Why Did This Happen?
  • Could Parents Be Called Abusive If They Refuse to Let Their Child Attend School?
  • Kicking Child Out Before They Are 16: Is This Illegal & What Repercussions Does It Have?
  • Could A Child Be Justified in Killing Their Abusive Parents?
  • Analyze the Case of JonBenet Ramsey: Did Sibling-on-Sibling Abuse Take Place?

Domestic Violence Essay Topics

Sometimes violence comes from the closest people. Unfortunately, it’s a common problem, so there are plenty of good criminal justice essay topics here. Pick any of them you like best.

  • Are Males More Inclined to Abuse Their Families Than Females?
  • Why Do Some Individuals Marry Abusers? Analyze Psychology &  Circumstances
  • Victim Mindset: Why Is Abuse Not Reported in Many Cases?
  • Explain How People Could Recognize Abuse Signs From Their Loved Ones
  • Does Therapy Help Abusers Stop Their Violence?
  • Solutions for Humans Who Want to Escape Abusive Relationships: Where Could They Appeal?
  • What Is Marital Rape & What Repercussions Does It Have?
  • Explain Concept of Stockholm Syndrome: Could Men Be Its Victims?
  • Why Is Female Violence Against Men Often Dismissed as Insignificant?
  • Where Did Victim Blaming Come From & How to Achieve True Justice?

Crime Prevention for Achieving Justice Topics

People who want to stop violence from happening aren’t naïve or overly idealistic. If you study law, then you know how vital crime prevention topics for essays are. Take a chance to explore them to learn about useful methods.

  • Role Police in the US Play in Justice & Preventing Crimes
  • Should Prostitution Be Prevented or Should It Be Officially Allowed?
  • Imagine That You Were Tasked with Preventing a Bank Robbery: How Would You Achieve This Goal?
  • Is It Possible to Interfere in Organized Crime or Is It an Unstoppable Force?
  • Security in Prison: Is It Effective in Stopping Violence Among Inmates?
  • Discuss Possibility of Ending Crime for Good: Under Which Conditions Would This Be Possible?
  • How Could Online Piracy Be Stopped on a Global Level?
  • Discuss Ways of Preventing Rape by Focusing on Tested Methods
  • Could Revenge-Motivated Murders Be Stopped Through Timely Criminal Profiling?
  • What Role Do Psychologists Play in Crime Prevention?

Juvenile Delinquency and Justice-Involved Ideas

Check this list of basic criminal justice topics for college essays. Young people are the foundation of our society, but sometimes their actions poison it. It is our duty to learn why and how this happens.

  • Which Is the Most Common Crime Among Teens?
  • What Is the Chance of Sexually Abused Teen Growing to Be a Sex Offender?
  • How Bad Is State of Juvenile Delinquency in Your City?
  • Analyze Existing Techniques for Solving Issue of Teen Crime
  • The Most Horrifying Child Killer That Stayed in Your Memory
  • Which Crimes Happen in Schools & How Are They Addressed?
  • Could Young People Be Tried as Adults Under Certain Circumstances?
  • Discuss Major Reasons That Cause Juvenile Delinquency
  • How Does American Foster Care Contribute to Crimes Done by Teens?
  • Is There a Link between Violent TV & Rising Crime Rates and Addictions Among Young People?

White-Collar Crime and Justice Essay Topics

What do you think about white collar crime topics? Every country is plagued by this problem to the point where most people take this idea for granted. Investigate it and try to make a difference, even if in a small way.

  • Stealing Done on a Governmental Level: How Is This Done?
  • Discuss Procedure  of Sentencing High-End Officials to Prison & Its Commonness
  • Which Governments Are Secretly Involved in Drug Trafficking?
  • Analyze Identity Theft Organized by American Government to Hide Its Involvement in 9/11 Tragedy
  • The Most Corrupt Government in the World
  • Instance of White-Collar Crime That Was Left Unpunished
  • Analyze an Instance of Corporate Crime: How Did It Occur?
  • Does Gender Have Any Relevance in White Collar Crimes?
  • Confrontation between Classes: Compare Justice as Applied for Low & Upper Classes
  • Organized Crime as an Action Secretly Supported by Governments

Hate Crimes

Hate crime essay topics are upsetting but interesting. There is nothing more terrifying than the idea of being targeted just because of your mere existence. Tackle this fear by providing explanations and solutions in your essay.

  • What Criteria Should Be Met for an Attack to Qualify as a Hate-Crime?
  • Why Do Some People Hate Sexuality of Others Enough to Kill Because of This?
  • Crimes Fuelled by Racism: Are They Still Common?
  • Assess Statement “Religion Kills the Biggest Number of People” From a Legal Viewpoint
  • Is It Possible to Diminish the Number of Hate-Fuelled Crimes via Education?
  • Select the Most Vulnerable Population Group: Which Criminal-Related Problems Do They Face?
  • Describe the Oldest Hate-Crimes You Could Find: When and How Did They Occur?
  • How Do Media Sources Address Hate-Crimes?
  • Personalities Of People Committing Hate-Crimes: What Are They?
  • Are Most Hate-Motivated Crimes Committed by Gangs or Single Perpetrators?

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Cyber Crimes Topics

The Internet is an amazing invention, but it has also brought us lots of pain and other problems. Check these crime topics for essays. Which of the titles looks more interesting? The choice is all yours!

  • Define Concept of Cyber-Crime & Its Characteristics
  • Discuss the First Known Cyber-Crime Ever: What Were Its Circumstances?
  • Is It Possible to Commit Cyber-Crimes Without Active Internet?
  • Describe Types of Malicious Software & Their Impacts
  • Stalking People Has Become Much Easier with Social Media Platforms
  • What Is Wikipedia Vandalism & How Is It Regulated?
  • Can Telemarketing Scams Be Qualified as Cyber-Crimes?
  • Describe Process of Online Identity Theft
  • How Do Police Officers Control Cyber-Crimes?
  • Dark Net and Dangers It Hides: Could Authorities Close It Down?

Criminology and Justice Essay Ideas

Exploring more science-based topics on crime could be a great idea for an essay. So, take a look at titles below. They could give you a required inspiration boost.

  • Explain How Forensic Science Works: What Is Its Role in Crime Solving?
  • What Is Trafficking & What Could Be Trafficked?
  • Elaborate On Broken Windows Theory: What Is It & How Does It Work?
  • Is There a Point in Racial Profiling or Is It Ineffective?
  • What Pushed You Toward Studying Criminology?
  • How Could True Crime Statistics Be Obtained?
  • Define Deviant Behavior: What Is This & How Is It Classified?
  • Research Female Serial Killers: Who Are They & How Many of Them Are Known?
  • Fake Scientific Information: Is It Fraudulent to Distribute It?
  • What Causes Riots & How Does Government Deal With Them?

Criminal Behavior

What motivates criminals and why they commit crimes despite the fear of punishment? There are many different crime topics to write about in this category. Check out any of them and start research for your essay!

  • Somali Piracy: What Motivates People Involved in It?
  • Create a Criminal Profile on Al Capone
  • Could Ted Bundy Be Stopped If He Got Help Timely?
  • Describe an Instance of Personality Disorder along with Its Reasons
  • Under What Conditions Do You Think You Could Become a Criminal?
  • Discuss Stereotypes Related to Criminals: How Do People Perceive Them?
  • What Kind of People Become Terrorists?
  • How Often Do Psychopaths Become Killers?
  • Discuss Suicide by a Police Officer Phenomenon: What Stimulates It?
  • Explain Documented Cases of Murders Committed By Sleepwalkers

Choose the Best Criminal Law Essay Topics

We hope that at least one title from our criminal justice-based list helped you settle on a topic! If you pick great themes that you genuinely find interesting and engaging, you’ll be able to see writing from a whole new side. All college students know that they’ll have to write essay works on a constant basis, and the best way to deal with this is by making writing process exciting. So, don’t pick the first law enforcement essay topics you see: make an effort to look for the ones that make you eager to explore them. Everyone is going to benefit from this!

Can’t come up with a topic for you paper? We’ve prepared a collection of essay topics for you

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Criminology Essay Examples

Cathy A.

12+ Criminology Essay Examples to Inspire Your Writing

Published on: May 6, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

Criminology Essay Examples

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Many students struggle to understand the complex world of criminology and may have difficulty finding essay examples to guide their writing. Without proper guidance, students may show subpar academic performance.

But fret not! Our blog post offers 12+ diverse and unique criminology essay examples to help students expand their understanding.

So let’s dive into these examples.

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Descriptive Essays about Criminology 

Read the following examples to learn more! 

Title: The Impact of the Death Penalty on Crime Rates - Criminology Essay 

The psychological effects of Incarceration on Inmates

The history of forensic science and its impact on modern criminal investigations

Expository Essays about Criminology 

Here is a top example of an expository essay about criminology. 

Title: The Role of Social Media in the Spread of Criminal Activity

The factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency

The Impact of community policing on crime prevention

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Persuasive Essays about Criminology 

Title: The Need for Criminal Justice Reform in the United States

The ethical implications of using facial recognition technology in Law enforcement

The effectiveness of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism

Compare and Contrast Essays about Criminology 

Looking for a compare-and-contrast essay example on criminology? Read the following. 

Title: A Comparison of the Criminal Justice Systems in the United States and Europe

A comparison of the theories of crime causation of Cesare Beccaria and Emile Durkheim

A comparison of the effectiveness of prison sentences versus probation in reducing recidivism rates

Tips for Writing a Criminology Essay

Writing a criminology essay requires careful attention to detail and a clear understanding of the subject matter. Here are some tips to help you write a successful criminology essay:

  • Conduct thorough research: Before writing your essay, make sure you have a solid understanding of the topic. This requires conducting thorough research using a variety of sources, including academic journals, books, and government reports.
  • Develop a clear and concise thesis statement : Your thesis statement should clearly state the purpose of your essay and your position on the topic. Make sure your thesis statement is concise and easy to understand.
  • Use relevant and credible sources: When researching your topic, make sure you use credible sources that are relevant to the subject matter. Avoid using sources that are biased or unreliable.
  • Follow a logical structure: Your essay should have a clear structure that follows a logical sequence. Use headings and subheadings to organize your essay and make it easy for readers to follow your arguments.
  • Edit and proofread carefully: After completing your essay, make sure you edit and proofread it carefully. Check for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Make sure your essay is well-organized and flows smoothly.

In conclusion, criminology is a fascinating subject that requires in-depth research and analysis. Writing a criminology essay can be a challenging task, but it is an essential requirement for students studying in this field. 

By reviewing the examples of criminology essays provided in this blog, students can gain insights into the different approaches to writing a criminology essay and develop their skills in the subject.

However, if you are still struggling with your criminology essay or need help getting started, consider using our essay writing company . 

Our AI essay generator can help you craft a high-quality criminology essay that meets your requirements. 

Don't let the stress of writing a criminology essay overwhelm you - reach out to our criminology essay writing service today and take the first step toward academic success.

Cathy A. (Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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compare and contrast essay topics on criminal justice

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150 Criminal Justice Essay Topics  

For readers we have assembled the “150 criminal justice essay topics 2024” which can help you pick the right heading for your topic selection. 


A compare and contrast essay will ask students to consider two or more Criminal justice essay topics and identify their similarities and differences. Compare and contrast essays often require students to have a strong understanding of both topics in order to make effective comparisons.


A cause and effect essay will look at why something happens within the criminal justice system and its effects on society or an individual. These types of essays often require students to carry out extensive research in order to identify the causes and consequences of a particular issue.


A problem-solution essay will ask students to identify a problem within the criminal justice system and put forward a solution for this problem. These types of essays often require students to have a strong understanding of both the problem and the potential solutions before they can offer a solution.


Students will be asked to conduct a critical analysis of a criminal justice system issue in a critical analysis essay. These essays often require students to have a strong understanding of the issues at hand in order to offer a well-rounded analysis.

No matter what type of criminal justice essay you are asked to write, be sure to carefully read the instructions to determine what is required of you. Once you understand the task at hand, you can begin planning and writing your essay.

150 Criminal Justice Topics


When writing a criminal justice essay, there are a few general tips that you can follow to make sure that your essay is of the highest quality.

Before you start writing your essay, it is essential to take some time to plan out what you are going to say. This will help to ensure that your writing flows smoothly and that all of the critical points are covered.

If your essay requires you to carry out research, be sure to do so thoroughly. Collect evidence from several sources and make sure that this evidence is reliable. Also, make sure to cite all of your sources in the appropriate MLA, Chicago, or APA style.

Your essay should follow a logical path from beginning to end. Use headings and subheadings to help break up your writing and make it easy to read.


Once you have finished writing your essay, be sure to proofread it carefully in order to catch any mistakes. It is also good to have someone else read over your essay to give you feedback.

Make sure that you follow these tips when writing your criminal justice essay to give yourself the best chance of success.

Compare and Contrast Essays: The Great Detective Game

Imagine you’re comparing two superheroes. In a compare and contrast essay, you’ll do something similar with topics in criminal justice. Think about what makes them alike and what makes them different. It’s like playing a detective game where you spot the clues about how things are the same and how they are different.

Cause and Effect Essays: The Why-and-What-Happens Adventure

In these essays, you turn into a why-and-what-happens detective. You look at something in criminal justice and ask, “Why did this happen?” and “What happened because of it?” It’s like following a trail of breadcrumbs to see where they lead.

Problem-Solution Essays: The Superhero Solver

Here, you get to be a superhero! Find a problem in the world of criminal justice and think of a smart way to solve it. It’s like having a superhero’s gadget belt. You figure out what tool (solution) works best to fix the problem.

Critical Analysis Essays: The Thoughtful Thinker

This is where you become a thoughtful thinker. Take a topic in criminal justice and think deeply about it, like a detective pondering over a puzzle. What’s going on? Why is it important? You get to share your smart thoughts about it.

Tips for Writing Your Superhero Essay  Before you start writing, let’s go over some tips to make your essay super cool:

  • Planning:  It’s like drawing a treasure map. Plan your essay journey before you start writing.
  • Research:  Be a detective! Look for clues (information) in books or the internet to help your essay.
  • Structure:  Make your essay easy to follow, like a path through a fun park. Use headings to guide your readers.
  • Proofreading:  Check for sneaky spelling mistakes and tricky grammar. It’s like polishing your superhero badge!


To help get you started, we have provided a list of 150 criminal justice essay topics below:

Research Criminal Justice Essay Topics: Be a Detective!

  • How does social media help or confuse crime fighters?
  • Discover the magic of DNA evidence in solving crimes.
  • Explore the cool gadgets and technology used by crime fighters.
  • Understand why some people think there’s unfairness in the justice system.
  • Learn about the debate on the death penalty in the USA.
  • Dive into the world of young people in the justice system.
  • Investigate why some police officers are too rough.
  • Uncover the truth about the fight against drugs.
  • Explore life inside prisons in the USA.
  • Think about fixing problems vs. punishing in the justice system.

Argumentative Essay Topics: Pick a Side!

  • Is the death penalty a good or bad punishment?
  • Should young people be treated as adults in court?
  • Are prisons doing their job well?
  • Should fixing problems be the main goal of the justice system?
  • Is social media helpful or troublesome for crime fighters?
  • Should all crimes use DNA evidence?
  • Should police officers carry weapons?
  • At what age should someone be considered an adult in court?
  • Should we have a list for people who break certain rules?
  • Is it good for police to search people as a tactic?

Problem-Solution Essay Topics: Be a Problem Solver!

  • How can we stop police officers from being too rough?
  • What’s the best way to win the fight against drugs?
  • How can we make the system better for young people?
  • How can we make fixing problems work better in the justice system?
  • How can we use DNA evidence better?
  • How can social media help solve crimes?
  • How can we stop unfairness in the justice system?
  • How can we improve prisons?
  • What can make the death penalty better?
  • What can we do to lower crime rates?

Opinion Essay Topics: Share Your Thoughts!

  • Do you think the death penalty is a good punishment?
  • Is the prison system working well?
  • Are police officers better with or without weapons?
  • How do you feel about police searching people?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics: Spot the Differences!

  • The justice system in the USA vs. the UK.
  • Death penalty vs. life in prison.
  • DNA evidence vs. what witnesses say.
  • Police being too rough in the USA vs. other countries.
  • Young people in the justice system in the USA vs. France.
  • Prisons in the USA vs. other countries.
  • Fixing problems vs. punishing in the justice system.

Definition Essay Topics: What Does It Mean?

  • What is “social justice”?
  • What does “police brutality” mean?
  • What is “white-collar crime”?
  • What is “organized crime”?
  • What is “street crime”?
  • What is “cybercrime”?
  • What is “capital punishment”?
  • What is “juvenile delinquency”?
  • What is “recidivism”?
  • What is “restorative justice”?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics: Why and What Happens?

  • Why are some police officers too rough?
  • What happens because of the fight against drugs?
  • Why do some young people break rules?
  • What happens because of prisons?
  • Why do people break rules again?
  • What happens when we fix problems in the justice system?
  • Why do people do sneaky crimes?
  • What happens because of the death penalty?
  • Why do people commit crimes online?
  • How does social media affect the justice system?

Remember, young writers, each topic is a chance to explore and share your own thoughts on important issues in the criminal justice world. Writing a persuasive death penalty essay can be a compelling challenge, as it requires thorough research and strong arguments to support your stance. With a bit of planning and some help, you can create an amazing essay that sparks critical conversations and prompts readers to rethink their perspectives on capital punishment. Let’s start this exciting writing journey!

Rewrite in a professional and more engaging tone for the readers and please use simple English so that a 7 year old kid can understand:


  • The O.J. Simpson case
  • The Trayvon Martin case
  • The Rodney King case
  • The Michael Brown case
  • The Eric Garner case
  • The Ferguson riots
  • The Baltimore riots
  • The Charleston church shooting
  • The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • The Orlando nightclub shooting
  • The Las Vegas mass shooting
  • The Parkland school shooting
  • The Waco siege
  • The Ruby Ridge standoff
  • The Oklahoma City bombing

Criminal Justice Essay Topics Regarding Legislation

  • Examination of the USA PATRIOT Act’s Impact on Civil Liberties
  • Analyzing the Provisions and Implications of the Patriot Act of 2001
  • An In-depth Analysis of the Homeland Security Act of 2002
  • The USA FREEDOM Act: Balancing National Security and Privacy Rights
  • Historical Significance and Contemporary Relevance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • The Evolution and Influence of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Fair Housing Act of 1968
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965: A Turning Point in Immigration Policy
  • Impact and Implications of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
  • A Comprehensive Examination of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
  • Historical Context and Significance of the Border Patrol Act of 1925
  • Revisiting the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005
  • The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of 2006: Ethical and Legal Considerations

Criminal Justice Essay Topics Addressing Social Issues

  • The Ongoing Debate Surrounding the War on Drugs
  • Examining Police Brutality: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies
  • Racial Profiling: Its Prevalence and Impact on Communities
  • Mass Incarceration in America: Causes and Consequences
  • The School-to-Prison Pipeline: Identifying Key Factors and Solutions
  • Private Prisons: An Evaluation of Their Role in the Criminal Justice System
  • Capital Punishment: Ethical Dilemmas and Contemporary Debates
  • The Juvenile Justice System: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations: Advancements and Ethical Challenges
  • Gun Control Policies and Their Impact on Crime Rates

Criminal Justice Essay Topics Focused on Reform

  • The Necessity for Comprehensive Prison Reform in the United States
  • Sentencing Reform: Addressing Disparities and Effectiveness
  • Drug Policy Reform: Alternative Approaches to Substance Abuse
  • Police Reform: Strategies for Accountability and Improved Community Relations
  • Judicial Reform: Enhancing the Fairness and Efficiency of the Legal System
  • Immigration Reform: Balancing National Security and Humanitarian Concerns
  • Electoral Reform in the Criminal Justice System: Ensuring Fair Trials
  • Gun Control Reform: Evaluating Policy Proposals
  • Innovations in Criminal Justice System Reform: Recent Developments

Criminal Justice Narrative Essay Topics

  • A Day in the Life of a Police Officer: A Glimpse into Law Enforcement
  • The Duties and Challenges of a Prison Guard: A Personal Perspective
  • A Day in the Life of a Probation Officer: Balancing Rehabilitation and Supervision
  • The Role of a Parole Officer: Reintegration and Community Safety
  • Insights from a Court Clerk: Behind-the-Scenes of Legal Proceedings
  • A Prosecutor’s Daily Routine: Pursuing Justice in the Courtroom
  • Life on Death Row: Narratives from Inmates Awaiting Execution
  • A Public Defender’s Perspective: Legal Advocacy for the Indigent
  • A Private Attorney’s Journey: Navigating the Complexities of Criminal Law
  • Serving Justice as a Jury Member: A Civic Duty and Responsibility
  • A Day in the Life of a Bailiff: Maintaining Order in the Courtroom
  • The Responsibilities of a Judge: Balancing Law and Fairness
  • Supporting Victims of Crime: Insights from a Victims’ Advocate

Criminal Justice Essay Topics Examining Ethical Concerns

  • The Moral Dilemmas Surrounding the Death Penalty
  • Ethical Considerations in Solitary Confinement Practices
  • Plea Bargaining Ethics: Balancing Expediency and Fairness
  • Mandatory Minimum Sentencing: Ethical Implications and Reform Efforts
  • Asset Forfeiture: Assessing the Balance between Law Enforcement and Individual Rights
  • The Ethical Dimensions of Police Use of Force and Brutality
  • Evaluating the Ethics of Stop and Frisk Policies
  • Ethical Considerations in Racial Profiling Practices
  • The Moral Quandaries of the War on Drugs
  • The Ethics of Mass Incarceration: Human Rights and Social Justice
  • Private Prisons: Ethical Concerns in the Pursuit of Profit
  • Ethics in Juvenile Justice: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
  • Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in the School-to-Prison Pipeline
  • Ethical Challenges in Forensic Science: Ensuring Accuracy and Integrity

Criminal Justice Essay Topics Exploring Career Options

  • A Career in Law Enforcement: Roles, Responsibilities, and Challenges
  • Becoming a Detective: Solving Crimes and Seeking Justice
  • Crime Scene Investigation as a Career: Unveiling the Truth through Evidence
  • The Role of a Forensic Scientist: Scientific Expertise in Criminal Cases
  • Navigating the Legal System: A Career as a Criminal Defense Attorney
  • Pursuing Justice as a Prosecutor: Advocating for the State
  • The Judiciary: A Career as a Judge and the Pursuit of Fairness
  • Paralegals in the Legal Field: Crucial Support for Attorneys
  • Court Reporters: Documenting Legal Proceedings with Precision
  • The Role of a Bailiff in the Courtroom: Maintaining Order and Safety
  • Careers in Corrections: Rehabilitation and Security in Prisons
  • Probation and Parole Officers: Guiding Offenders towards Reintegration
  • Supporting Victims of Crime: A Career in Victim Advocacy
  • Law Enforcement Administration: Leadership Roles in Policing
  • Private Security Careers: Safeguarding Individuals and Property
  • Intelligence and Counterterrorism: Careers in National Security

Criminal Justice topics for students

Each of these criminal justics essay topics presents a valuable opportunity for students to delve into significant aspects of the criminal justice system, offering a platform to articulate their perspectives and insights. Writing a successful criminal justice essay requires careful planning and thorough research, but with dedication and access to online resources, students can craft well-informed and impactful essays that demonstrate their understanding of this vital field. For writing such topics, you can get help from writing essay help . 

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What is Criminology?

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26 Why Compare Criminal Justice?

  • Published: January 2011
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Comparative studies of criminal justice seek to describe, explain, interpret, and evaluate differences in the way offensive conduct is defined and sanctioned. We may, for example, be interested in differences in what is and is not forbidden, in the justifications of punishment or regulation, in measures used to deal with deviant conduct, in who is involved in the process (e.g,, lay people or private business), or in how crime and criminal justice are reported by the media. It is easy enough to find striking examples of contrasts in criminal justice. The United States is still sending people to their death in the electric chair but, in 2008, a fairground owner in Italy was convicted of a crime against public decency for exhibiting a pretend electric chair. But what is less clear is how these could contribute to make up a coherent subject-matter. What is the comparative analysis of criminal justice (good) for? This chapter first describes some of the theoretical and policy goals of this subject and then goes on to discuss how far this sort of work can overcome the risks of ethnocentrism and relativism.

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Home / Essay Samples / Crime / Crime Prevention / Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Essay Examples

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About Criminal Justice

Criminal justice is the system of law enforcement, involving police, lawyers, courts, and corrections, used for all stages of criminal proceedings and punishment.

The adult criminal justice system is comprised of four components; legislation, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Each of these four components is comprised of subcomponents.

Modern goals of the criminal justice system include preventing crime, protecting the public, supporting victims of crimes, holding perpetrators responsible for crimes committed, and helping offenders return to society as law-abiding citizens.

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