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Critical Analysis – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

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Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis


Critical analysis is a process of examining a piece of work or an idea in a systematic, objective, and analytical way. It involves breaking down complex ideas, concepts, or arguments into smaller, more manageable parts to understand them better.

Types of Critical Analysis

Types of Critical Analysis are as follows:

Literary Analysis

This type of analysis focuses on analyzing and interpreting works of literature , such as novels, poetry, plays, etc. The analysis involves examining the literary devices used in the work, such as symbolism, imagery, and metaphor, and how they contribute to the overall meaning of the work.

Film Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting films, including their themes, cinematography, editing, and sound. Film analysis can also include evaluating the director’s style and how it contributes to the overall message of the film.

Art Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting works of art , such as paintings, sculptures, and installations. The analysis involves examining the elements of the artwork, such as color, composition, and technique, and how they contribute to the overall meaning of the work.

Cultural Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting cultural artifacts , such as advertisements, popular music, and social media posts. The analysis involves examining the cultural context of the artifact and how it reflects and shapes cultural values, beliefs, and norms.

Historical Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting historical documents , such as diaries, letters, and government records. The analysis involves examining the historical context of the document and how it reflects the social, political, and cultural attitudes of the time.

Philosophical Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting philosophical texts and ideas, such as the works of philosophers and their arguments. The analysis involves evaluating the logical consistency of the arguments and assessing the validity and soundness of the conclusions.

Scientific Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting scientific research studies and their findings. The analysis involves evaluating the methods used in the study, the data collected, and the conclusions drawn, and assessing their reliability and validity.

Critical Discourse Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting language use in social and political contexts. The analysis involves evaluating the power dynamics and social relationships conveyed through language use and how they shape discourse and social reality.

Comparative Analysis

This type of analysis involves examining and interpreting multiple texts or works of art and comparing them to each other. The analysis involves evaluating the similarities and differences between the texts and how they contribute to understanding the themes and meanings conveyed.

Critical Analysis Format

Critical Analysis Format is as follows:

I. Introduction

  • Provide a brief overview of the text, object, or event being analyzed
  • Explain the purpose of the analysis and its significance
  • Provide background information on the context and relevant historical or cultural factors

II. Description

  • Provide a detailed description of the text, object, or event being analyzed
  • Identify key themes, ideas, and arguments presented
  • Describe the author or creator’s style, tone, and use of language or visual elements

III. Analysis

  • Analyze the text, object, or event using critical thinking skills
  • Identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the argument or presentation
  • Evaluate the reliability and validity of the evidence presented
  • Assess any assumptions or biases that may be present in the text, object, or event
  • Consider the implications of the argument or presentation for different audiences and contexts

IV. Evaluation

  • Provide an overall evaluation of the text, object, or event based on the analysis
  • Assess the effectiveness of the argument or presentation in achieving its intended purpose
  • Identify any limitations or gaps in the argument or presentation
  • Consider any alternative viewpoints or interpretations that could be presented
  • Summarize the main points of the analysis and evaluation
  • Reiterate the significance of the text, object, or event and its relevance to broader issues or debates
  • Provide any recommendations for further research or future developments in the field.

VI. Example

  • Provide an example or two to support your analysis and evaluation
  • Use quotes or specific details from the text, object, or event to support your claims
  • Analyze the example(s) using critical thinking skills and explain how they relate to your overall argument

VII. Conclusion

  • Reiterate your thesis statement and summarize your main points
  • Provide a final evaluation of the text, object, or event based on your analysis
  • Offer recommendations for future research or further developments in the field
  • End with a thought-provoking statement or question that encourages the reader to think more deeply about the topic

How to Write Critical Analysis

Writing a critical analysis involves evaluating and interpreting a text, such as a book, article, or film, and expressing your opinion about its quality and significance. Here are some steps you can follow to write a critical analysis:

  • Read and re-read the text: Before you begin writing, make sure you have a good understanding of the text. Read it several times and take notes on the key points, themes, and arguments.
  • Identify the author’s purpose and audience: Consider why the author wrote the text and who the intended audience is. This can help you evaluate whether the author achieved their goals and whether the text is effective in reaching its audience.
  • Analyze the structure and style: Look at the organization of the text and the author’s writing style. Consider how these elements contribute to the overall meaning of the text.
  • Evaluate the content : Analyze the author’s arguments, evidence, and conclusions. Consider whether they are logical, convincing, and supported by the evidence presented in the text.
  • Consider the context: Think about the historical, cultural, and social context in which the text was written. This can help you understand the author’s perspective and the significance of the text.
  • Develop your thesis statement : Based on your analysis, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that summarizes your overall evaluation of the text.
  • Support your thesis: Use evidence from the text to support your thesis statement. This can include direct quotes, paraphrases, and examples from the text.
  • Write the introduction, body, and conclusion : Organize your analysis into an introduction that provides context and presents your thesis, a body that presents your evidence and analysis, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis.
  • Revise and edit: After you have written your analysis, revise and edit it to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and well-organized. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that your analysis is logically sound and supported by evidence.

When to Write Critical Analysis

You may want to write a critical analysis in the following situations:

  • Academic Assignments: If you are a student, you may be assigned to write a critical analysis as a part of your coursework. This could include analyzing a piece of literature, a historical event, or a scientific paper.
  • Journalism and Media: As a journalist or media person, you may need to write a critical analysis of current events, political speeches, or media coverage.
  • Personal Interest: If you are interested in a particular topic, you may want to write a critical analysis to gain a deeper understanding of it. For example, you may want to analyze the themes and motifs in a novel or film that you enjoyed.
  • Professional Development : Professionals such as writers, scholars, and researchers often write critical analyses to gain insights into their field of study or work.

Critical Analysis Example

An Example of Critical Analysis Could be as follow:

Research Topic:

The Impact of Online Learning on Student Performance


The introduction of the research topic is clear and provides an overview of the issue. However, it could benefit from providing more background information on the prevalence of online learning and its potential impact on student performance.

Literature Review:

The literature review is comprehensive and well-structured. It covers a broad range of studies that have examined the relationship between online learning and student performance. However, it could benefit from including more recent studies and providing a more critical analysis of the existing literature.

Research Methods:

The research methods are clearly described and appropriate for the research question. The study uses a quasi-experimental design to compare the performance of students who took an online course with those who took the same course in a traditional classroom setting. However, the study may benefit from using a randomized controlled trial design to reduce potential confounding factors.

The results are presented in a clear and concise manner. The study finds that students who took the online course performed similarly to those who took the traditional course. However, the study only measures performance on one course and may not be generalizable to other courses or contexts.

Discussion :

The discussion section provides a thorough analysis of the study’s findings. The authors acknowledge the limitations of the study and provide suggestions for future research. However, they could benefit from discussing potential mechanisms underlying the relationship between online learning and student performance.

Conclusion :

The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the study and provides some implications for future research and practice. However, it could benefit from providing more specific recommendations for implementing online learning programs in educational settings.

Purpose of Critical Analysis

There are several purposes of critical analysis, including:

  • To identify and evaluate arguments : Critical analysis helps to identify the main arguments in a piece of writing or speech and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. This enables the reader to form their own opinion and make informed decisions.
  • To assess evidence : Critical analysis involves examining the evidence presented in a text or speech and evaluating its quality and relevance to the argument. This helps to determine the credibility of the claims being made.
  • To recognize biases and assumptions : Critical analysis helps to identify any biases or assumptions that may be present in the argument, and evaluate how these affect the credibility of the argument.
  • To develop critical thinking skills: Critical analysis helps to develop the ability to think critically, evaluate information objectively, and make reasoned judgments based on evidence.
  • To improve communication skills: Critical analysis involves carefully reading and listening to information, evaluating it, and expressing one’s own opinion in a clear and concise manner. This helps to improve communication skills and the ability to express ideas effectively.

Importance of Critical Analysis

Here are some specific reasons why critical analysis is important:

  • Helps to identify biases: Critical analysis helps individuals to recognize their own biases and assumptions, as well as the biases of others. By being aware of biases, individuals can better evaluate the credibility and reliability of information.
  • Enhances problem-solving skills : Critical analysis encourages individuals to question assumptions and consider multiple perspectives, which can lead to creative problem-solving and innovation.
  • Promotes better decision-making: By carefully evaluating evidence and arguments, critical analysis can help individuals make more informed and effective decisions.
  • Facilitates understanding: Critical analysis helps individuals to understand complex issues and ideas by breaking them down into smaller parts and evaluating them separately.
  • Fosters intellectual growth : Engaging in critical analysis challenges individuals to think deeply and critically, which can lead to intellectual growth and development.

Advantages of Critical Analysis

Some advantages of critical analysis include:

  • Improved decision-making: Critical analysis helps individuals make informed decisions by evaluating all available information and considering various perspectives.
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills : Critical analysis requires individuals to identify and analyze the root cause of a problem, which can help develop effective solutions.
  • Increased creativity : Critical analysis encourages individuals to think outside the box and consider alternative solutions to problems, which can lead to more creative and innovative ideas.
  • Improved communication : Critical analysis helps individuals communicate their ideas and opinions more effectively by providing logical and coherent arguments.
  • Reduced bias: Critical analysis requires individuals to evaluate information objectively, which can help reduce personal biases and subjective opinions.
  • Better understanding of complex issues : Critical analysis helps individuals to understand complex issues by breaking them down into smaller parts, examining each part and understanding how they fit together.
  • Greater self-awareness: Critical analysis helps individuals to recognize their own biases, assumptions, and limitations, which can lead to personal growth and development.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Writing a Critical Analysis

What is in this guide, definitions, putting it together, tips and examples of critques.

  • Background Information
  • Cite Sources

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This guide is meant to help you understand the basics of writing a critical analysis. A critical analysis is an argument about a particular piece of media. There are typically two parts: (1) identify and explain the argument the author is making, and (2), provide your own argument about that argument. Your instructor may have very specific requirements on how you are to write your critical analysis, so make sure you read your assignment carefully.

critical analysis key words

Critical Analysis

A deep approach to your understanding of a piece of media by relating new knowledge to what you already know.

Part 1: Introduction

  • Identify the work being criticized.
  • Present thesis - argument about the work.
  • Preview your argument - what are the steps you will take to prove your argument.

Part 2: Summarize

  • Provide a short summary of the work.
  • Present only what is needed to know to understand your argument.

Part 3: Your Argument

  • This is the bulk of your paper.
  • Provide "sub-arguments" to prove your main argument.
  • Use scholarly articles to back up your argument(s).

Part 4: Conclusion

  • Reflect on  how  you have proven your argument.
  • Point out the  importance  of your argument.
  • Comment on the potential for further research or analysis.
  • Cornell University Library Tips for writing a critical appraisal and analysis of a scholarly article.
  • Queen's University Library How to Critique an Article (Psychology)
  • University of Illinois, Springfield An example of a summary and an evaluation of a research article. This extended example shows the different ways a student can critique and write about an article
  • Next: Background Information >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 27, 2024 8:26 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.pittcc.edu/critical_analysis

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How to write a critical analysis

How to write a critical analysis paper

Unlike the name implies a critical analysis does not necessarily mean that you are only exploring what is wrong with a piece of work. Instead, the purpose of this type of essay is to interact with and understand a text. Here’s what you need to know to create a well-written critical analysis essay.

What is a critical analysis?

A critical analysis examines and evaluates someone else’s work, such as a book, an essay, or an article. It requires two steps: a careful reading of the work and thoughtful analysis of the information presented in the work.

Although this may sound complicated, all you are doing in a critical essay is closely reading an author’s work and providing your opinion on how well the author accomplished their purpose.

Critical analyses are most frequently done in academic settings (such as a class assignment). Writing a critical analysis demonstrates that you are able to read a text and think deeply about it. However, critical thinking skills are vital outside of an educational context as well. You just don’t always have to demonstrate them in essay form.

How to outline and write a critical analysis essay

Writing a critical analysis essay involves two main chunks of work: reading the text you are going to write about and writing an analysis of that text. Both are equally important when writing a critical analysis essay.

Step one: Reading critically

The first step in writing a critical analysis is to carefully study the source you plan to analyze.

If you are writing for a class assignment, your professor may have already given you the topic to analyze in an article, short story, book, or other work. If so, you can focus your note-taking on that topic while reading.

Other times, you may have to develop your own topic to analyze within a piece of work. In this case, you should focus on a few key areas as you read:

  • What is the author’s intended purpose for the work?
  • What techniques and language does the author use to achieve this purpose?
  • How does the author support the thesis?
  • Who is the author writing for?
  • Is the author effective at achieving the intended purpose?

Once you have carefully examined the source material, then you are ready to begin planning your critical analysis essay.

Step two: Writing the critical analysis essay

Taking time to organize your ideas before you begin writing can shorten the amount of time that you spend working on your critical analysis essay. As an added bonus, the quality of your essay will likely be higher if you have a plan before writing.

Here’s a rough outline of what should be in your essay. Of course, if your instructor gives you a sample essay or outline, refer to the sample first.

  • Background Information

Critical Analysis

Here is some additional information on what needs to go into each section:

Background information

In the first paragraph of your essay, include background information on the material that you are critiquing. Include context that helps the reader understand the piece you are analyzing. Be sure to include the title of the piece, the author’s name, and information about when and where it was published.

“Success is counted sweetest” is a poem by Emily Dickinson published in 1864. Dickinson was not widely known as a poet during her lifetime, and this poem is one of the first published while she was alive.

After you have provided background information, state your thesis. The thesis should be your reaction to the work. It also lets your reader know what to expect from the rest of your essay. The points you make in the critical analysis should support the thesis.

Dickinson’s use of metaphor in the poem is unexpected but works well to convey the paradoxical theme that success is most valued by those who never experience success.

The next section should include a summary of the work that you are analyzing. Do not assume that the reader is familiar with the source material. Your summary should show that you understood the text, but it should not include the arguments that you will discuss later in the essay.

Dickinson introduces the theme of success in the first line of the poem. She begins by comparing success to nectar. Then, she uses the extended metaphor of a battle in order to demonstrate that the winner has less understanding of success than the loser.

The next paragraphs will contain your critical analysis. Use as many paragraphs as necessary to support your thesis.

Discuss the areas that you took notes on as you were reading. While a critical analysis should include your opinion, it needs to have evidence from the source material in order to be credible to readers. Be sure to use textual evidence to support your claims, and remember to explain your reasoning.

Dickinson’s comparison of success to nectar seems strange at first. However the first line “success is counted sweetest” brings to mind that this nectar could be bees searching for nectar to make honey. In this first stanza, Dickinson seems to imply that success requires work because bees are usually considered to be hard-working and industrious.

In the next two stanzas, Dickinson expands on the meaning of success. This time she uses the image of a victorious army and a dying man on the vanquished side. Now the idea of success is more than something you value because you have worked hard for it. Dickinson states that the dying man values success even more than the victors because he has given everything and still has not achieved success.

This last section is where you remind the readers of your thesis and make closing remarks to wrap up your essay. Avoid summarizing the main points of your critical analysis unless your essay is so long that readers might have forgotten parts of it.

In “Success is counted sweetest” Dickinson cleverly upends the reader’s usual thoughts about success through her unexpected use of metaphors. The poem may be short, but Dickinson conveys a serious theme in just a few carefully chosen words.

What type of language should be used in a critical analysis essay?

Because critical analysis papers are written in an academic setting, you should use formal language, which means:

  • No contractions
  • Avoid first-person pronouns (I, we, me)

Do not include phrases such as “in my opinion” or “I think”. In a critical analysis, the reader already assumes that the claims are your opinions.

Your instructor may have specific guidelines for the writing style to use. If the instructor assigns a style guide for the class, be sure to use the guidelines in the style manual in your writing.

Additional t ips for writing a critical analysis essay

To conclude this article, here are some additional tips for writing a critical analysis essay:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to read the source material. If you have time, read through the text once to get the gist and a second time to take notes.
  • Outlining your essay can help you save time. You don’t have to stick exactly to the outline though. You can change it as needed once you start writing.
  • Spend the bulk of your writing time working on your thesis and critical analysis. The introduction and conclusion are important, but these sections cannot make up for a weak thesis or critical analysis.
  • Give yourself time between your first draft and your second draft. A day or two away from your essay can make it easier to see what you need to improve.

Frequently Asked Questions about critical analyses

In the introduction of a critical analysis essay, you should give background information on the source that you are analyzing. Be sure to include the author’s name and the title of the work. Your thesis normally goes in the introduction as well.

A critical analysis has four main parts.

  • Introduction

The focus of a critical analysis should be on the work being analyzed rather than on you. This means that you should avoid using first person unless your instructor tells you to do otherwise. Most formal academic writing is written in third person.

How many paragraphs your critical analysis should have depends on the assignment and will most likely be determined by your instructor. However, in general, your critical analysis paper should have three to six paragraphs, unless otherwise stated.

Your critical analysis ends with your conclusion. You should restate the thesis and make closing remarks, but avoid summarizing the main points of your critical analysis unless your essay is so long that readers might have forgotten parts of it.

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Academic writing: Writing critically

Learn how to show critical analysis in academic writing and write critically.

Critical analysis

Writing critically, writing a critique (or critical review).

What does the term “critical analysis” mean in the context of academic writing? Showing critical analysis in academic writing could mean:

  • Demonstrating your understanding of reading/evidence (“this appears to demonstrate that…”; “this implies…”; “this could result in…”).
  • Showing reasoning and conclusions from your reading/reflections (“therefore…”; “as such…”).
  • Considering questions such as “why”, “what if” and “so what”.
  • Showing you understand how different ideas/evidence/perspectives relate to each other (“this is linked to Smith's concept of X…”; Building on Jones (2012), Green (2016) suggests…”).
  • Demonstrating an understanding of how theories or research apply in your practice/context.
  • Identifying possible limitations of research/theory and how these relate to your own arguments or own context (“in the context of international development…”; “in terms of learning in the Science classroom…”).
  • Identifying how something could be interpreted or done differently (in relation to your reading and/or practice).

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If you have been told your writing is not critical enough, it probably means that your writing treats the knowledge claims as if they are true, well-supported, and applicable in the context you are writing about. This may not always be the case.

In these two examples, the extracts refer to the same section of text. In each example, the section that refers to a source has been highlighted in bold. The note below the example then explains how the writer has used the source material. 

Example a: " There is a strong positive effect on students, both educationally and emotionally, when the instructors try to learn to say students' names without making pronunciation errors (Kiang, 2004)". This is a simple paraphrase with no critical comment. It looks like the writer agrees with Kiang. This is not a good example of critical writing, as the writer has not made any critical comment.

Example b: "Kiang (2004) gives various examples to support his claim that 'the positive emotional and educational impact on students is clear' (p.210) when instructors try to pronounce students' names in the correct way. He quotes one student, Nguyet, as saying that he 'felt surprised and happy' (p.211) when the tutor said his name clearly . The emotional effect claimed by Kiang is illustrated in quotes such as these, although the educational impact is supported more indirectly through the chapter. Overall, he provides more examples of students being negatively affected by incorrect pronunciation, and it is difficult to find examples within the text of a positive educational impact as such". The writer describes Kiang's (2004) claim and the examples which he uses to try to support it. The writer then comments that the examples do not seem balanced and may not be enough to support the claims fully. This is a better example of writing which expresses criticality.

A critique (or critical review) is not to be mistaken for a literature review. A “critical review”, or “critique”, is a complete type of text (or genre), discussing one particular article or book in detail. In some instances, you may be asked to write a critique of two or three articles (e.g. a comparative critical review). In contrast, a “literature review”, which also needs to be “critical”, is a part of a larger type of text, such as a chapter of your dissertation. Most importantly: read your article/book as many times as possible, as this will make the critical review much easier.

Read and take notes

To improve your reading confidence and efficiency, visit our pages on reading. After you are familiar with the text, make notes on some of the following questions.

Choose the questions which seem suitable:

  • What kind of article is it (for example does it present data or does it present purely theoretical arguments)?
  • What is the main area under discussion?
  • What are the main findings?
  • What are the stated limitations?
  • Where does the author's data and evidence come from? Are they appropriate/sufficient?
  • What are the main issues raised by the author?
  • What questions are raised?
  • How well are these questions addressed?
  • What are the major points/interpretations made by the author in terms of the issues raised?
  • Is the text balanced? Is it fair/biased?
  • Does the author contradict herself?
  • How does all this relate to other literature on this topic?
  • How does all this relate to your own experience, ideas and views?
  • What else has this author written? Do these build/complement this text?
  • (Optional) Has anyone else reviewed this article? What did they say? Do I agree with them?

Organise your writing

You first need to summarise the text that you have read. One reason to summarise the text is that the reader may not have read the text. 

In your summary, you will:

  • Focus on points within the article that you think are interesting.
  • Summarise the author(s) main ideas or argument.
  • Explain how these ideas/argument have been constructed. For example, is the author basing her arguments on data that they have collected? Are the main ideas/argument purely theoretical?

In your summary you might answer the following questions:

  • Why is this topic important?
  • Where can this text be located? For example, does it address policy studies?
  • What other prominent authors also write about this?

Evaluation is the most important part in a critical review. Use the literature to support your views. You may also use your knowledge of conducting research, and your own experience. Evaluation can be explicit or implicit.

Explicit evaluation

Explicit evaluation involves stating directly (explicitly) how you intend to evaluate the text, e.g. "I will review this article by focusing on the following questions. First, I will examine the extent to which the authors contribute to current thought on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) pedagogy. After that, I will analyse whether the authors' propositions are feasible within overseas SLA classrooms."

Implicit evaluation

Implicit evaluation is less direct. The following section on Linguistic features of writing a critical review contains language that evaluates the text. A difficult part of the evaluation of a published text (and a professional author) is how to do this as a student. There is nothing wrong with making your position as a student explicit and incorporating it into your evaluation. Examples of how you might do this can be found in the section on Linguistic features of writing a critical review. You need to remember to locate and analyse the author's argument when you are writing your critical review. For example, you need to locate the authors' view of classroom pedagogy as presented in the book/article and not present a critique of views of classroom pedagogy in general.

Linguistic features of a critical review

The following examples come from published critical reviews. Some of them have been adapted for student use.

  • This article/book is divided into two/three parts. First...
  • While the title might suggest...
  • The tone appears to be...
  • [Title] is the first/second volume in the series [Title], edited by... The books/articles in this series address...
  • The second/third claim is based on...
  • The author challenges the notion that...
  • The author tries to find a more middle ground/make more modest claims...
  • The article/book begins with a short historical overview of...
  • Numerous authors have recently suggested that... (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]). [Author] would also be one such author. With his/her argument that...
  • To refer to [Title] as a... is not to say that it is...
  • This book/article is aimed at... This intended readership...
  • The author's book/article examines the... To do this, the author first...
  • The author develops/suggests a theoretical/pedagogical model to…
  • This book/article positions itself firmly within the field of...
  • The author in a series of subtle arguments, indicates that he/she...
  • The argument is therefore...
  • The author asks "..."
  • With a purely critical/postmodern take on...
  • [Topic], as the author points out, can be viewed as...
  • In this recent contribution to the field of... this British author...
  • As a leading author in the field of...
  • This book/article nicely contributes to the field of... and complements other work by this author...
  • The second/third part of... provides/questions/asks the reader...
  • [Title] is intended to encourage students/researchers to...
  • The approach taken by the author provides the opportunity to examine... in a qualitative/quantitative research framework that nicely complements...
  • The author notes/claims that state support/a focus on pedagogy/the adoption of...remains vital if...
  • According to [Author, Year] teaching towards examinations is not as effective as it is in other areas of the curriculum. This is because, as [Author, Year] claims that examinations have undue status within the curriculum.
  • According to [Author, Year]… is not as effective in some areas of the curriculum/syllabus as others. Therefore, the author believes that this is a reason for some schools…
  • This argument is not entirely convincing, as...furthermore it commodifies/rationalises the...
  • Over the last five/10 years the view of... has increasingly been viewed as “complicated” (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]).
  • However, through trying to integrate... with... the author...
  • There are difficulties with such a position.
  • Inevitably, several crucial questions are left unanswered/glossed over by this insightful/timely/interesting/stimulating book/article. Why should...
  • It might have been more relevant for the author to have written this book/article as...
  • This article/book is not without disappointment from those who would view... as...
  • This chosen framework enlightens/clouds...
  • This analysis intends to be... but falls a little short as...
  • The authors rightly conclude that if...
  • A detailed, well-written and rigorous account of...
  • As a Korean student I feel that this article/book very clearly illustrates...
  • The beginning of... provides an informative overview of...
  • The tables/figures do little to help/greatly help the reader...
  • The reaction by scholars who take a... approach might not be so favourable (e.g. Author, Year).
  • This explanation has a few weaknesses that other researchers have pointed out (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]). The first is...
  • On the other hand, the author wisely suggests/proposes that... By combining these two dimensions...
  • The author's brief introduction to... may leave the intended reader confused as it fails to properly...
  • Despite my inability to... I was greatly interested in...
  • Even where this reader/I disagree(s), the author's effort to...
  • The author thus combines... with... to argue... which seems quite improbable for a number of reasons. First...
  • Perhaps this aversion to... would explain the author's reluctance to...
  • As a second language student from ... I find it slightly ironic that such an Anglo-centric view is...
  • The reader is rewarded with...
  • Less convincing is the broad-sweeping generalisation that...
  • There is no denying the author's subject knowledge nor his/her...
  • The author's prose is dense and littered with unnecessary jargon...
  • The author's critique of...might seem harsh but is well supported within the literature (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]). Aligning herself with the author, [Author, Year] states that...
  • As it stands, the central focus of [Title] is well/poorly supported by its empirical findings...
  • Given the hesitation to generalise to... the limitation of... does not seem problematic...
  • For instance, the term... is never properly defined and the reader is left to guess as to whether...
  • Furthermore, to label... as... inadvertently misguides...
  • In addition, this research proves to be timely/especially significant to... as recent government policy/proposals has/have been enacted to...
  • On this well-researched/documented basis the author emphasises/proposes that...
  • Nonetheless, other research/scholarship/data tend to counter/contradict this possible trend/assumption... (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]).
  • Without entering into details of the..., it should be stated that [Title] should be read by... others will see little value in...
  • As experimental conditions were not used in the study the word “significant” misleads the reader.
  • The article/book becomes repetitious in its assertion that...
  • The thread of the author's argument becomes lost in an overuse of empirical data...
  • Almost every argument presented in the final section is largely derivative, providing little to say about...
  • She/he does not seem to take into consideration; however, that there are fundamental differences in the conditions of…
  • As [Author, Year] points out, however, it seems to be necessary to look at…
  • This suggests that having low… does not necessarily indicate that… is ineffective.
  • Therefore, the suggestion made by [Author, Year]… is difficult to support.
  • When considering all the data presented… it is not clear that the low scores of some students, indeed, reflect…
  • Overall, this article/book is an analytical look at... which within the field of... is often overlooked.
  • Despite its problems, [Title] offers valuable theoretical insights/interesting examples/a contribution to pedagogy and a starting point for students/researchers of... with an interest in...
  • This detailed and rigorously argued...
  • This first/second volume/book/article by... with an interest in... is highly informative...

An important note

We recommend that you do not search for other university guidelines on critical reviews. This is because the expectations may be different at other institutions. Ask your tutor for more guidance or examples if you have further questions.


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Critical analysis is a formal evaluation of someone else’s work. In academia, this work is most often a book, article, poem, play or piece of visual art. However, in business, you might need to carry out a critical analysis of a proposal for a project or grant, a policy or white paper, an industry handbook or even a research study. Broadly speaking, critical analysis involves examining the work to see how well the author has carried out their purpose, or how well the project or policy will or does carry out its purpose.

Critical analysis is therefore an extension of both critical thinking and critical reading . Critical thinking is the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking about the information that you encounter. Critical reading is engaging with what you read by asking yourself questions about the author’s intention and your reaction to that. Critical analysis is the formalisation of both these processes, coupled with a written analysis for others.

There are therefore two elements to critical analysis. The first is carrying out the analysis itself: deciding what you think. The second is writing up your findings and judgement for others.

Steps in a Critical Analysis

There are several steps that you need to take to carry out a critical analysis. These include:

1. Critical reading of your text or examination of your piece.

This is a matter of carefully reading your text, possibly several times.

As you do so, consider (and note down) what you think is important and relevant. It will also be helpful to note any controversial points, or areas where you disagree.

There is more about this process in our page on Critical Reading .

During this process, you should aim to identify the main thesis, point or purpose, and then sub-themes or issues.

In a piece of business writing or an essay, the purpose or thesis is usually set out early on, often in the introduction. In a piece of fiction writing, it may be necessary to read the text fully to identify themes and then highlight the most important theme.>

It is also worth taking note of any evidence that supports the themes and purpose.

Finally, it is worth writing yourself a one-paragraph summary of the text. This is likely to be a good starting point for your analysis, because your readers may not have read the text themselves.

2. Analysing the text or piece

The purpose of your analysis is to make an overall judgement about how well the text has met its objectives, based on the evidence available to you.

There are five useful aspects to consider in analysing the text or piece:

Your reaction to the text . This has two purposes. First, it affects how you approach the analysis. For example, if the ideas in the text make you angry, you will find it harder to see their benefits. Second, writers often want to evoke certain emotions in their audience. This is part of the purpose of the piece—and therefore assessing this issue is an important part of judging whether it has met its objectives.

The background to the text . It is worth considering the backdrop against which the text was written. For a policy paper, for example, what has gone before? How urgent is the need to address the situation? For a piece of creative writing, when was it written and what was happening in the world at the time? How might this have affected the way that the author was writing, or what they wanted to achieve?

The author’s background and the possible implications of this . The author’s background is likely to have informed their opinions and views—and therefore what they have written. It is worth considering the text in this light. This is part of the background, but specific enough to consider as a separate category.

The definitions and concepts in the text . Consider how well the author has defined concepts and ideas. It is much easier to assess ideas if they are clearly defined and described in simple language. Similarly, poor definitions may mean that the author is not clear about their own meaning, or that your understanding is different from theirs.

The use of evidence . You should consider the evidence presented in the text in two senses. First, examine its general validity and reliability. For example, in a proposal or paper, are the ideas supported by peer reviewed studies published in reputable journals? Second, you should consider how well the evidence supports the author’s points. It is also worth considering what evidence is NOT cited, but which might support or undermine the author’s points. It follows that you should also have evidence to support your own arguments in your analysis.

3. Writing up your analysis

The final stage of a critical analysis is to write up your analysis to present it to others.

The precise form that you use is likely to depend both on your preferences, and on any guidelines provided by your organisation or institution (see box).

TOP TIP! Check your guidelines

Your organisation or institution may have guidelines for carrying out a critical analysis. Check them carefully for the structure that you are expected to use, or any essential sections that must be included. For example, some organisations require a summary paragraph upfront (like an executive summary).

You are likely to need to include:

A brief summary of the text or proposal.

A brief summary of your assessment of the text . This should usually be structured around a main point or thesis against which you will consider various aspects of the text.

  • For example, if you are analysing a business proposal, you might be concerned that the concepts are not defined very clearly, and that this may demonstrate that the author has not clearly understood the issues. Your main thesis is therefore this lack of clarity.

A more expanded version of  your analysis, with the evidence for each of your points . Again, this should be structured around your main thesis. It should also set your analysis in the wider context, including what else is known about the subject.

  • The example from the previous bullet described concerns about the lack of clarity of definitions and therefore ambiguity. In this example, your expanded analysis would focus on areas that are not clear, and the problems that might arise from the ambiguity.

A conclusion that sums up your argument and reiterates your judgement on the text.

TOP TIP! You don’t have to write it in order—just sort it afterwards

It is often easier to prepare your introduction and conclusion once you have finished your analysis, and you are absolutely clear on the points you want to highlight.

It is also a good idea to use headings to show divisions between sections.

Summing Up Critical Analysis

Ultimately, critical analysis is about asking questions—and then setting the answers into context.

The most important questions are What, How, Why and So what? The answers will provide a clear and succinct critique of a text, project or idea, and allow you to form a judgement about the text.

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For further queries or assistance in writing a critical analysis email Bill Wrigley .

What do you critically analyse?

In a critical analysis you do not express your own opinion or views on the topic. You need to develop your thesis, position or stance on the topic from the views and research of others . In academic writing you critically analyse other researchers’:

  • concepts, terms
  • viewpoints, arguments, positions
  • methodologies, approaches
  • research results and conclusions

This means weighing up the strength of the arguments or research support on the topic, and deciding who or what has the more or stronger weight of evidence or support.

Therefore, your thesis argues, with evidence, why a particular theory, concept, viewpoint, methodology, or research result(s) is/are stronger, more sound, or more advantageous than others.

What does ‘analysis’ mean?

A critical analysis means analysing or breaking down the parts of the literature and grouping these into themes, patterns or trends.

In an analysis you need to:

1. Identify and separate out the parts of the topic by grouping the various key theories, main concepts, the main arguments or ideas, and the key research results and conclusions on the topic into themes, patterns or trends of agreement , dispute and omission .

2. Discuss each of these parts by explaining:

i. the areas of agreement/consensus, or similarity

ii. the issues or controversies: in dispute or debate, areas of difference

ii. the omissions, gaps, or areas that are under-researched

3. Discuss the relationship between these parts

4. Examine how each contributes to the whole topic

5. Make conclusions about their significance or importance in the topic

What does ‘critical’ mean?

A critical analysis does not mean writing angry, rude or disrespectful comments, or  expressing your views in judgmental terms of black and white, good and bad, or right and wrong.

To be critical, or to critique, means to evaluate . Therefore, to write critically in an academic analysis means to:

  • judge the quality, significance or worth of the theories, concepts, viewpoints, methodologies, and research results
  • evaluate in a fair and balanced manner
  • avoid extreme or emotional language

strengths and weaknesses computer keys showing performance or an

  • strengths, advantages, benefits, gains, or improvements
  • disadvantages, weaknesses, shortcomings, limitations, or drawbacks

How to critically analyse a theory, model or framework

The evaluative words used most often to refer to theory, model or framework are a sound theory or a strong theory.

The table below summarizes the criteria for judging the strengths and weaknesses of a theory:

  • comprehensive
  • empirically supported
  • parsimonious

Evaluating a Theory, Model or Framework

The table below lists the criteria for the strengths and their corresponding weaknesses that are usually considered in a theory.

Comprehensively accounts for main phenomenaoverlooks or omits important features or concepts
Clear, detailedvague, unexplained, ill-defined, misconceived
Main tenets or concepts are logical and consistentconcepts or tenets are inconsistent or contradictory
Practical, usefulimpractical, unuseful
Applicable across a range of settings, contexts, groups and conditionslimited or narrow applicability
Empirically supported by a large body of evidence

propositions and predictions are supported by evidence
supported by small or no body of evidence

insufficient empirical support for the propositions and predictions
Up-to-date, accounts for new developmentsoutdated
Parsimonius (not excessive): simple, clear, with few variablesexcessive, overly complex or complicated

Critical analysis examples of theories

The following sentences are examples of the phrases used to explain strengths and weaknesses.

Smith’s (2005) theory appears up to date, practical and applicable across many divergent settings.

Brown’s (2010) theory, although parsimonious and logical, lacks a sufficient body of evidence to support its propositions and predictions

Little scientific evidence has been presented to support the premises of this theory.

One of the limitations with this theory is that it does not explain why…

A significant strength of this model is that it takes into account …

The propositions of this model appear unambiguous and logical.

A key problem with this framework is the conceptual inconsistency between ….

How to critically analyse a concept

The table below summarizes the criteria for judging the strengths and weaknesses of a concept:

  • key variables identified
  • clear and well-defined

Evaluating Concepts

Key variables or constructs identifiedkey variables or constructs omitted or missed
Clear, well-defined, specific, preciseambiguous, vague, ill-defined, overly general, imprecise, not sufficiently distinctive

overinclusive, too broad, or narrowly defined
Meaningful, usefulconceptually flawed
Relevantquestionable relevance
Up-to-dateout of date

Critical analysis examples of concepts

Many researchers have used the concept of control in different ways.

There is little consensus about what constitutes automaticity.

Putting forth a very general definition of motivation means that it is possible that any behaviour could be included.

The concept of global education lacks clarity, is imprecisely defined and is overly complex.

Some have questioned the usefulness of resilience as a concept because it has been used so often and in so many contexts.

Research suggests that the concept of preoperative fasting is an outdated clinical approach.

How to critically analyse arguments, viewpoints or ideas

The table below summarizes the criteria for judging the strengths and weaknesses of an argument, viewpoint or idea:

  • reasons support the argument
  • argument is substantiated by evidence
  • evidence for the argument is relevant
  • evidence for the argument is unbiased, sufficient and important
  • evidence is reputable

Evaluating Arguments, Views or Ideas

Reasons and evidence provided support the argumentthe reasons or evidence do not support the argument - overgeneralization
Substantiated (supported) by factual evidenceinsufficient substantiation (support)
Evidence is relevant and believableBased on peripheral or irrelevant evidence
Unbiased: sufficient or important evidence or ideas included and considered.biased: overlooks, omits, disregards, or is selective with important or relevant evidence or ideas.
Evidence from reputable or authoritative sourcesevidence relies on non reputable or unrecognized sources
Balanced: considers opposing viewsunbalanced: does not consider opposing views
Clear, not confused, unambiguousconfused, ambiguous
Logical, consistentthe reasons do not follow logically from and support the arguments; arguments or ideas are inconsistent

Critical analysis examples of arguments, viewpoints or ideas

The validity of this argument is questionable as there is insufficient evidence to support it.

Many writers have challenged Jones’ claim on the grounds that …….

This argument fails to draw on the evidence of others in the field.

This explanation is incomplete because it does not explain why…

The key problem with this explanation is that ……

The existing accounts fail to resolve the contradiction between …

However, there is an inconsistency with this argument. The inconsistency lies in…

Although this argument has been proposed by some, it lacks justification.

However, the body of evidence showing that… contradicts this argument.

How to critically analyse a methodology

The table below provides the criteria for judging the strengths and weaknesses of methodology.

An evaluation of a methodology usually involves a critical analysis of its main sections:

design; sampling (participants); measurement tools and materials; procedure

  • design tests the hypotheses or research questions
  • method valid and reliable
  • potential bias or measurement error, and confounding variables addressed
  • method allows results to be generalized
  • representative sampling of cohort and phenomena; sufficient response rate
  • valid and reliable measurement tools
  • valid and reliable procedure
  • method clear and detailed to allow replication

Evaluating a Methodology

Research design tests the hypotheses or research questions research design is inappropriate for the hypotheses or research questions
Valid and reliable method dubious, questionable validity
The method addresses potential sources of bias or measurement error.
confounding variables were identified
insufficiently rigorous
measurement error produces questionable or unreliable

confounding variables not identified or addressed
The method (sample, measurement tools, procedure) allows results to be generalized or transferred.

Sampling was representative to enable generalization
generalizability of the results is limited due to an unrepresentative sample:

small sample size or limited sample range
Sampling of cohort was representative to enable generalization

sampling of phenomena under investigation sufficiently wide and representative

sampling response rate was sufficiently high
limited generalizability of results due to unrepresentative sample:

small sample size or limited sample range of cohort or phenomena under investigation

sampling response rate was too low
Measurement tool(s) / instrument(s), appropriate, reliable and valid

measurements were accurate
inappropriate measurement tools; incomplete or ambiguous scale items

inaccurate measurement

reliability statistics from previous research for measurement tool not reported

measurement instrument items are ambiguous, unclear, contradictory
Procedure reliable and validMeasurement error from administration of the measurement tool(s)
Method was clearly explained and sufficiently detailed to allow replicationExplanation of the methodology (or parts of it, for example the Procedure) is unclear, confused, imprecise, ambiguous, inconsistent or contradictory

Critical analysis examples of a methodology

The unrepresentativeness of the sample makes these results misleading.

The presence of unmeasured variables in this study limits the interpretation of the results.

Other, unmeasured confounding variables may be influencing this association.

The interpretation of the data requires caution because the effect of confounding variables was not taken into account.

The insufficient control of several response biases in this study means the results are likely to be unreliable.

Although this correlational study shows association between the variables, it does not establish a causal relationship.

Taken together, the methodological shortcomings of this study suggest the need for serious caution in the meaningful interpretation of the study’s results.

How to critically analyse research results and conclusions

The table below provides the criteria for judging the strengths and weaknesses of research results and conclusions:

  • appropriate choice and use of statistics
  • correct interpretation of results
  • all results explained
  • alternative explanations considered
  • significance of all results discussed
  • consistency of results with previous research discussed
  • results add to existing understanding or knowledge
  • limitations discussed
  • results clearly explained
  • conclusions consistent with results

Evaluating the Results and Conclusions

Chose and used appropriate statisticsinappropriate choice or use of statistics
Results interpreted correctly or accuratelyincorrect interpretation of results
the results have been over-interpreted
For example: correlation measures have been incorrectly interpreted to suggest causation rather than association
All results were explained, including inconsistent or misleading resultsinconsistent or misleading results not explained
Alternative explanations for results were consideredunbalanced explanations: alternative explanations for results not explored
Significance of all results were consideredincomplete consideration of results
Results considered according to consistency with other research or viewpoints

Results are conclusive because they have been replicated by other studies
consistency of results with other research not considered
results are suggestive rather than conclusive because they have not been replicated by other studies
Results add significantly to existing understanding or knowledgeresults do not significantly add to existing understanding knowledge
Limitations of the research design or method are acknowledgedlimitations of the research design or method not considered
Results were clearly explained, sufficiently detailed, consistent results were unclear, insufficiently detailed, inconsistent, confusing, ambiguous, contradictory
Conclusions were consistent with and supported by the resultsconclusions were not consistent with or not supported by the results

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Critical Analysis

A critical analysis involves analysis and judgment. like a film review, that both deconstructs a film and tells us whether we should see it., what is critical analysis.

Critical analysis is a type of analysis. An important distinction between a typical analysis and a critical analysis is that critical analysis requires you to take a stance on the thing you're analyzing—you present an argument, backed by the analysis you’ve done, to judge (or recommend, or critique) the work.

Diagram for critical analysis: cartoon thumbs up and down next to the word "critique", underneath is a plus sign leading to the word "analysis", with a diagram for analysis underneath with a cartoon cookie with arrows leading out to different ingredients, such as flour, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and flour.

For example, if you're analyzing a film's theme, you might examine certain scenes and snippets of dialogue to explain how they further the film's message.

A critical analysis goes one step further—you'll also makes a judgement about that them, about whether it's "good" or "ethical," "well-developed" or "effective." You might say something about the impact it should have or whether audiences should see the film or skip it.

  • Analysis = Examine a "thing" to understand how it functions.
  • Critical Analysis = Examine a thing to understand how it functions and make a judgement about its impact or value.

So Where Do I Start?

One common place to start is to examine your subject closely—say, a book, an artwork, or a play—and decide what effect it has on you or on other people who experience it.

  • Does it give you a certain feeling?
  • Does it offer you information?
  • Does it send a message?
  • Does it try to persuade you to do something?
  • Is it moral?
  • Is it unethical?
  • Is it beautiful and well-constructed?
  • Is it worthwhile?
  • What consequence might it have on its peers? On consumers? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Any one of these questions can help you formulate your critical claim, the thesis you'll ultimately try to argue.

  • Example: "Schindler's List is a good film because it offers a profound and terrifying reminder of the dangers of complacency and racism."

Reminder: criticism can be subjective, especially when it involves your perception and interpretation. Not everyone agrees with every film critic, and that's okay. A critical analysis gives us a window into how you consume, experience, perceive, and value whatever it is you're analyzing, which then, hopefully, elevates our appreciation and understanding of the thing itself.

Reminder about Analysis

Since any critical analysis is an argument, it’s important to explain how and why you got to your conclusions. This is where analysis comes in.

Analysis is the process of breaking something into its parts and examining them to understand their function. For instance, for the thesis of a critical analysis on a film, you might say, “this film effectively portrayed the boredom of office life with its use of bleak gray colors, droning soundtrack, and dryly funny dialogue.”

Here, the colors, soundtrack, and dialogue are all parts of the film, and you’re making a claim about the effect they have. In the rest of the paper you’ll describe and explain this effect, using evidence from the film to make your connections. This requires you to clearly explain how and why bleak colors or a droning soundtrack actually do, in fact, portray the boredom of office life. If not, you're simply making claims and hoping your audience trusts you. Without analysis, you have no evidence.

To recap, critically analyzing something means identifying its value or impact, then breaking down its components to explain how and why those components contribute to value or impact you identified.

Doing so will allow you to better understand that specific thing, and allow you to contribute meaningfully to the conversation surrounding the thing itself.

Professional Example:

Barbie: critical analysis.

critical analysis key words

Click here for article!

Short Review on Analysis

Longer Dive into Analysis

Are you ready to chat with us about critical analysis? Consider these questions to help you in your consultation:

  • Have I clearly identified a “whole”?
  • Have I clearly outlined the “parts” that make up the whole?
  • Have I clearly explained how each part “functions” in connection to the whole? Does my writing clearly show why that part matters, and

Check out these additional Resources!

  • This YouTube video on critical analysis assignments


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This LibGuide introduces you to critical analysis, one of the most important aspects of studying at university, but also one of the most difficult to understand. This guide is designed to provide a conceptual overview of critical analysis, along with related concepts like evaluation, and then to give more practical guidance on how to introduce more critical thinking into your studies. 

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  • Last Updated: Jun 21, 2024 10:30 AM
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How to write a critical analysis essay

Published September 27, 2020. Updated May 30, 2022.

Critical Analysis Essay Definition

A critical analysis essay is an in-depth analysis of a book, poem, painting, film, or any other work.

Overview of Critical Analysis Essay

A critical analysis is different from other essays because it evaluates the effectiveness of the work. While writing this essay, you must try to persuade your readers that your analysis of the work is valid and supported. A critical analysis essay is an important exercise because it allows you to refine your critical thinking skills. In order to analyze the work at hand, you must first read it carefully. For a film or painting, enough time should be taken to absorb the subject at hand for all it’s worth. After critically examining the work, an outline should be written for the critical analysis essay. Once the outline is written, take a step back and analyze the subject before beginning the actual essay.

Once you have determined the effectiveness of the author, create a list of reasons why you think the author’s methods were effective, or why you think they were not. Test your reasoning before moving on to the next step. Once you have finalized your list of reasons, turn each one into a separate paragraph. Each of these paragraphs will explore that specific aspect of your argument in detail. You need to provide evidence for your reasoning. You can do this by referring to the text with quotes, paraphrased summaries, or any other type of evidence you think is necessary. Sum up the main points of your analysis and provide your final judgment on the author’s effectiveness. The conclusion is also an ideal place to discuss any potential implications of your argument.

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How is a critical analysis essay different compared to other essays?

A critical analysis is distinct from other essays because it evaluates the effectiveness of the work. While writing this essay, you must try to persuade your readers that your analysis of the work is valid and supported. You will do this by basing your argument on facts, evidence, and logical reasoning. A critical analysis is certainly not a simple summary.

Why is a critical analysis essay important?

A critical analysis essay is an important exercise because it allows you to hone your critical thinking skills. As you write this essay, you must evaluate the subject on a deep level. You need to really think about what the subject of your analysis is trying to argue or achieve.

Students who write critical analysis essays are required to put forth a point of view and support their arguments with evidence. Teachers assign these essays to test their pupils’ critical analysis abilities.

Planning Out Your Critical Analysis Essay

Study the topic of your analysis.

In order to analyze the work at hand, you must first read it carefully. The same logic applies to a film or painting — take the time to absorb the subject at hand for all it’s worth. Consider visual and other works the same way that you would a written text.

Take detailed notes — keeping track of your ideas is absolutely critical at this stage. Keep an eye out for any controversial ideas or strong opinions put forth by the author, and jot down your thoughts on a notepad or laptop.

As you read the work and take notes, start to think about:

  • What the author is trying to achieve or argue. This is the author’s thesis statement.
  • What is their writing or other work attempting to say about a particular issue?

Depending on the type of work or the overall approach of the author, their thesis statement may be easier or harder to determine. For example, it’s easier for some students to find a thesis statement in an academic piece of writing compared to a movie, poem, or literary work of fiction.

Once you have determined the thesis:

  • Identify the author’s main ideas.
  • Search for ideas that support their thesis statement.
  • Look for the strategies and methods the author uses to make their point.

Write an outline

Once you have finished critically examining the work, it’s time to write an outline for your critical analysis essay. Creating an outline will help you keep your writing organized. The general structure of your critical analysis essay should look like this:


Think about the text before writing.

Once you’ve written your outline, take a step back and analyze the subject before beginning the actual essay.

Reflect on the analysis topic and thesis. Think about:

  • What does the author’s thesis mean to you?
  • How does their argument affect you?
  • What kinds of thoughts or feelings does it evoke in you?
  • Are the concepts well defined?
  • What evidence is used, if any?
  • Does the work argue something?

In addition, take the time to think about the author (or artist, filmmaker, etc.) and ask these questions:

  • Could the author’s background have impacted their opinion/thesis?
  • Do they have an inherent bias?
  • Is their argument “fair” based on the support they provide?

Remember, you’re writing a critical analysis — so don’t be afraid to critique the work! The “critical” in this essay does not have a negative connotation — it does not always mean “to criticize” like you would someone for doing something wrong. The meaning in the context of this essay is more closely related to critical thinking.

Writing your critical analysis essay

The introduction is a brief overview of what you’ll be analyzing in your critical analysis essay. In order to cover all of the necessary information in your introduction, make sure to mention the following:

  • Publication information
  • Topic and purpose
  • Thesis statement
  • How you reacted to the work

Generally speaking, you should end your introduction with your thesis statement. Spend the first portion of the introduction describing the author’s argument. Then spend the latter portion explaining whether or not you think the author succeeded in proving their point. Mentioning your thesis statement at the end of the introduction sets the stage for your analysis and critique.

The next section you’ll need to write is the summary. This is a very quick, surface-level overview of the work, so don’t get too carried away. Try to stick to one paragraph.

Remember, the purpose of this essay is to analyze the author’s argument, not to summarize every little aspect of the work. The summary is the only place in the essay where you’re allowed to sum up the work, as the rest of the essay should be purely devoted to your analysis.

The analysis section represents the main body of your critical analysis essay. Thanks to your earlier research and analysis, you should have a number of points to support your thesis. Refer back to your notes for more insights and ideas.

The thesis itself is pretty straightforward: You’re either arguing that the author made an effective argument, or you’re arguing that they failed to make an effective argument.

On the other hand, the process of actually determining the effectiveness of the author’s argument is complex. In order to determine whether or not the author’s work was effective, you must first clearly define and determine its purpose.

There are three main purposes:

  • To persuade
  • To entertain

If the purpose was to inform:

  • Was the message communicated in a clear and concise manner?
  • Did you feel educated?
  • Was the information relevant, accurate, and well organized?
  • Why or why not? (For all the questions)

If the purpose of the work was to persuade the reader:

  • Did the author succeed in changing your point of view?
  • What tactics did the author use to accomplish this?
  • Did they focus on using reason/logic as a means of persuasion?
  • Did they support their argument with facts?
  • Were these tactics effective?

If the purpose was to entertain:

  • Did the author succeed in their aim? Why or why not?
  • How did they use emotions to provoke a response in the reader?
  • Were their methods complex, nuanced, and satisfying to the reader?
  • How were you affected?
  • What kind of emotional response did you have?

The purpose of the work is not the same as the author’s thesis. They may have succeeded in entertaining the reader while still failing to effectively make their argument. To determine whether or not the author achieved their purpose, consider the following:

  • The author’s organizational skills
  • The intended audience
  • The writer’s assumptions about the audience
  • Use of language
  • Use of imagery

Once you have determined the effectiveness of the author (depending on the purpose of their work), it’s time to defend your stance. This is when you need to use your critical analysis skills.

First, create a list of reasons why you think the author’s methods were effective, or why you think they were not. Test your reasoning before moving on to the next step. Do these reasons actually stand up to scrutiny?

Once you’ve finalized your list of reasons, turn each one into a separate paragraph. Each of these paragraphs will explore that specific aspect of your argument in detail.

Remember, you can’t simply state your opinions. You need to provide evidence for your reasoning. You can do this by referring to the text with quotes, paraphrased summaries, or any other type of evidence you think is necessary.

If you’re having trouble coming up with a list of points to cover, you can refer to this relatively “standard” outline of an analysis section. Each of these topics represents a different body paragraph:

  • Organization
  • Effectiveness
  • Fairness/bias
  • Appeal to a specific audience
  • How the topic was treated

Within each of these sections, discuss whether the author succeeded or failed in supporting their thesis in the context of that specific subject. For example, did the author’s poor organizational skills hinder their ability to persuade the reader? Did the author succeed in reaching out to a specific audience in order to entertain them based on their unique qualities and predispositions?

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

Sum up the main points of your analysis and provide your final judgment on the author’s effectiveness. Don’t repeat yourself. If you must, reword previous arguments made in the analysis section. The conclusion is also an ideal place to discuss any potential implications of your argument.

Here’s a general outline of how you should structure your conclusion:

  • Explain whether or not the author was effective in a few short points
  • Explain why the author was or wasn’t effective in 2-3 sentences

Example critical analysis essay

Additional tips for writing a critical analysis essay.

  • Don’t say “I think” or “in my opinion.” Place the emphasis on the subject, not yourself
  • Remember to back up your points with evidence (quotes from the text)
  • Don’t assume that your opinion is inherently factual
  • Use formal yet persuasive writing
  • Don’t be afraid to express a strong opinion
  • Don’t include a lengthy summary
  • Mention the topic’s relevance in the modern world if possible
  • Mention opposing opinions and counter them
  • If you have a mostly negative view of the author’s effectiveness, start with your positive points
  • If you have a mostly positive view of the author’s effectiveness, start with your negative points
  • Carefully revise and edit your essay — ideally with a second set of eyes

Published August 19, 2020.

By Andy Block. Andy received his B.A. in English from the University of South Carolina and his M.A. in comparative literature from the University of New Mexico. After teaching ESL in Asia and Europe as well as public school in New York City, Andy taught writing at a community college for more than a decade before transitioning to a new career in EdTech. He is currently hard at work on a creative non-fiction book and enjoys freelance writing.

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Being critical.

  • Being cautious
  • Classifying and listing
  • Compare and contrast
  • Defining terms
  • Describing trends
  • Describing quantities
  • Explaining causality
  • Giving examples
  • Signalling transition
  • Writing about the past

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As an academic writer, you are expected to be critical of the sources that you use. This essentially means questioning what you read and not necessarily agreeing with it just because the information has been published. Being critical can also mean looking for reasons why we should not just accept something as being correct or true. This can require you to identify problems with a writer’s arguments or methods, or perhaps to refer to other people’s criticisms of these. Constructive criticism goes beyond this by suggesting ways in which a piece of research or writing could be improved. … being against is not enough. We also need to develop habits of constructive thinking. Edward de Bono

Highlighting inadequacies of previous studies

Previous studies of X have not dealt with … Researchers have not treated X in much detail. Such expositions are unsatisfactory because they … Most studies in the field of X have only focused on … Such approaches, however, have failed to address … Previous published studies are limited to local surveys. Half of the studies evaluated failed to specify whether … The research to date has tended to focus on X rather than published studies on the effect of X are not consistent. Smith’s analysis does not take account of …, nor does she examine …

The existing accounts fail to resolve the contradiction between X and Y. Most studies of X have only been carried out in a small number of areas. However, much of the research up to now has been descriptive in nature … The generalisability of much published research on this issue is problematic. Research on the subject has been mostly restricted to limited comparisons of … However, few writers have been able to draw on any systematic research into … Short-term studies such as these do not necessarily show subtle changes over time … Although extensive research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which … However, these results were based upon data from over 30 years ago and it is unclear if … The experimental data are rather controversial, and there is no general agreement about …

Identifying a weakness in a single study or paper

(However,) Smith fails to fully define what …
Jones fails to acknowledge the significance of …
the author overlooks the fact that X contributes to Y.
what Smith fails to do is to draw a distinction between …
the paper would appear to be over-ambitious in its claims.
another weakness is that we are given no explanation of how …
no attempt was made to quantify the association between X and Y.
the main weakness of the study is the failure to address how …
the study fails to consider the differing categories of damage that …
the research does not take into account pre-existing … such as …
the author offers no explanation for the distinction between X and Y.
Smith makes no attempt to differentiate between different types of X.
The paper
The book
fails to
does not
makes no attempt to
specify …
quantify …
compare …
separate …
account for …
suggest why …
analyse how …
ascertain whether …
distinguish between …
explain the meaning of …
provide information on …
address the question of …
assess the effectiveness of …
use a standardised method of …
give sufficient consideration to …
consider the long term impact of …
offer an adequate explanation for …
engage with current discourses on …
determine the underlying causes of …
systematically review all the relevant literature.

Offering constructive suggestions

The study would have been more interesting if it had included … These studies would have been more useful if they had focused on … The study would have been more relevant if the researchers had asked … The questionnaire would have been more useful if it had asked participants about … The research would have been more relevant if a wider range of X had been explored

The study
The findings
Smith’s paper
Her conclusions
would have been
might have been
far more
much more
if he/she had
if the author had
used …
adopted …
assessed …
included …
addressed …
considered …

Introducing problems and limitations: theory or argument

Smith’s argument relies too heavily on … The main weakness with this theory is that … The key problem with this explanation is that … However, this theory does not fully explain why … One criticism of much of the literature on X is that … Critics question the ability of the X theory to provide … However, there is an inconsistency with this argument.

A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that … However, such explanations tend to overlook the fact that … One of the main difficulties with this line of reasoning is that … Smith’s interpretation overlooks much of the historical research … Many writers have challenged Smith’s claim on the grounds that … The X theory has been criticised for being based on weak evidence. A final criticism of the theory of X is that it struggles to explain some aspects of …

The theory is unable to predict …
explain why …
fully account for …
adequately explain the …
explain what happens when …
make any useful prediction about …
explain the differences observed when …
provide a comprehensive explanation for …

Introducing problems and limitations: method or practice

The limitation of this approach is that … A major problem with the X method is that … One major drawback of this approach is that … A criticism of this experimental design is that … The main limitation of this technique, however, is … Selection bias is another potential concern because …

Perhaps the most serious disadvantage of this method is that … In recent years, however, this approach has been challenged by … Non-government agencies are also very critical of the new policies. All the studies reviewed so far, however, suffer from the fact that … Critics of laboratory-based experiments contend that such studies … There are certain problems with the use of focus groups. One of these is that there is less …

However, this method of analysis has a number of limitations.
this method does involve potential measurement error.
there are limits to how far the idea of/concept of X can be taken.
one of the problems with the instrument used to measure X was …
approaches of this kind carry with them various well known limitations.
However, all the previously mentioned methods suffer from some serious drawbacks.

Using evaluative adjectives to comment on research

In her

In their

In this

study (of X),
survey (of X),
analysis (of X),
examination (of X),
investigation (into X),
Smith (2012) showed that …

Jones (2013) concluded that …

Introducing general criticism

Critics question the ability of poststructuralist theory to provide … Non-government agencies are also very critical of the new policies. Smith’s meta-analysis has been subjected to considerable criticism. The most important of these criticisms is that Smith failed to note that … The X theory has been vigorously challenged in recent years by a number of writers. These claims have been strongly contested in recent years by a number of writers. More recent arguments against X have been summarised by Smith and Jones (1982): Critics have also argued that not only do surveys provide an inaccurate measure of X, but the … Many analysts now argue that the strategy of X has not been successful. Jones (2003), for example, argues that …

Introducing the critical stance of particular writers

Smith (2014) disputes this account of … Jones (2003) has also questioned why … However, Jones (2015) points out that … The author challenges the widely held view that … Smith (1999) takes issue with the contention that … The idea that … was first challenged by Smith (1992). Smith is critical of the tendency to compartmentalise X. However, Smith (1967) questioned this hypothesis and …

Jones (2003) has challenged some of Smith’s conclusions, arguing that … Another major criticism of Smith’s study, made by Jones (2003), is that … Jones (2003) is probably the best-known critic of the X theory. He argues that … In her discussion of X, Smith further criticises the ways in which some authors … Smith’s decision to reject the classical explanation of X merits some discussion … In a recent article in Academic Journal, Smith (2014) questions the extent to which … The latter point has been devastatingly critiqued by Jones (2003), who argues that … A recently published article by Smith et al. (2011) casts doubt on Jones’ assumption that … Other authors (see Smith, 2012; Jones, 2014) question the usefulness of such an approach.

Smith (2020) criticises …
questions …
challenges …
is critical of …
casts doubt on …
points out that …
takes issue with…
raises a number of questions about …

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What Is a Critical Analysis Essay: Definition

critical analysis key words

Have you ever had to read a book or watch a movie for school and then write an essay about it? Well, a critical analysis essay is a type of essay where you do just that! So, when wondering what is a critical analysis essay, know that it's a fancy way of saying that you're going to take a closer look at something and analyze it.

So, let's say you're assigned to read a novel for your literature class. A critical analysis essay would require you to examine the characters, plot, themes, and writing style of the book. You would need to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses and provide your own thoughts and opinions on the text.

Similarly, if you're tasked with writing a critical analysis essay on a scientific article, you would need to analyze the methodology, results, and conclusions presented in the article and evaluate its significance and potential impact on the field.

The key to a successful critical analysis essay is to approach the subject matter with an open mind and a willingness to engage with it on a deeper level. By doing so, you can gain a greater appreciation and understanding of the subject matter and develop your own informed opinions and perspectives. Considering this, we bet you want to learn how to write critical analysis essay easily and efficiently, so keep on reading to find out more!

Meanwhile, if you'd rather have your own sample critical analysis essay crafted by professionals from our custom writings , contact us to buy essays online .

How to Write a Critical Analysis

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Critical Analysis Essay Topics by Category

If you're looking for an interesting and thought-provoking topic for your critical analysis essay, you've come to the right place! Critical analysis essays can cover many subjects and topics, with endless possibilities. To help you get started, we've compiled a list of critical analysis essay topics by category. We've got you covered whether you're interested in literature, science, social issues, or something else. So, grab a notebook and pen, and get ready to dive deep into your chosen topic. In the following sections, we will provide you with various good critical analysis paper topics to choose from, each with its unique angle and approach.

Critical Analysis Essay Topics on Mass Media

From television and radio to social media and advertising, mass media is everywhere, shaping our perceptions of the world around us. As a result, it's no surprise that critical analysis essays on mass media are a popular choice for students and scholars alike. To help you get started, here are ten critical essay example topics on mass media:

  • The Influence of Viral Memes on Pop Culture: An In-Depth Analysis.
  • The Portrayal of Mental Health in Television: Examining Stigmatization and Advocacy.
  • The Power of Satirical News Shows: Analyzing the Impact of Political Commentary.
  • Mass Media and Consumer Behavior: Investigating Advertising and Persuasion Techniques.
  • The Ethics of Deepfake Technology: Implications for Trust and Authenticity in Media.
  • Media Framing and Public Perception: A Critical Analysis of News Coverage.
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Political Discourse and Activism.
  • Fake News in the Digital Age: Identifying Disinformation and Its Effects.
  • The Representation of Gender and Diversity in Hollywood Films: A Critical Examination.
  • Media Ownership and Its Impact on Journalism and News Reporting: A Comprehensive Study.

Critical Analysis Essay Topics on Sports

Sports are a ubiquitous aspect of our culture, and they have the power to unite and inspire people from all walks of life. Whether you're an athlete, a fan, or just someone who appreciates the beauty of competition, there's no denying the significance of sports in our society. If you're looking for an engaging and thought-provoking topic for your critical analysis essay, sports offer a wealth of possibilities:

  • The Role of Sports in Diplomacy: Examining International Relations Through Athletic Events.
  • Sports and Identity: How Athletic Success Shapes National and Cultural Pride.
  • The Business of Sports: Analyzing the Economics and Commercialization of Athletics.
  • Athlete Activism: Exploring the Impact of Athletes' Social and Political Engagement.
  • Sports Fandom and Online Communities: The Impact of Social Media on Fan Engagement.
  • The Representation of Athletes in the Media: Gender, Race, and Stereotypes.
  • The Psychology of Sports: Exploring Mental Toughness, Motivation, and Peak Performance.
  • The Evolution of Sports Equipment and Technology: From Innovation to Regulation.
  • The Legacy of Sports Legends: Analyzing Their Impact Beyond Athletic Achievement.
  • Sports and Social Change: How Athletic Movements Shape Societal Attitudes and Policies.

Critical Analysis Essay Topics on Literature and Arts

Literature and arts can inspire, challenge, and transform our perceptions of the world around us. From classic novels to contemporary art, the realm of literature and arts offers many possibilities for critical analysis essays. Here are ten original critic essay example topics on literature and arts:

  • The Use of Symbolism in Contemporary Poetry: Analyzing Hidden Meanings and Significance.
  • The Intersection of Art and Identity: How Self-Expression Shapes Artists' Works.
  • The Role of Nonlinear Narrative in Postmodern Novels: Techniques and Interpretation.
  • The Influence of Jazz on African American Literature: A Comparative Study.
  • The Complexity of Visual Storytelling: Graphic Novels and Their Narrative Power.
  • The Art of Literary Translation: Challenges, Impact, and Interpretation.
  • The Evolution of Music Videos: From Promotional Tools to a Unique Art Form.
  • The Literary Techniques of Magical Realism: Exploring Reality and Fantasy.
  • The Impact of Visual Arts in Advertising: Analyzing the Connection Between Art and Commerce.
  • Art in Times of Crisis: How Artists Respond to Societal and Political Challenges.

Critical Analysis Essay Topics on Culture

Culture is a dynamic and multifaceted aspect of our society, encompassing everything from language and religion to art and music. As a result, there are countless possibilities for critical analysis essays on culture. Whether you're interested in exploring the complexities of globalization or delving into the nuances of cultural identity, there's a wealth of topics to choose from:

  • The Influence of K-Pop on Global Youth Culture: A Comparative Study.
  • Cultural Significance of Street Art in Urban Spaces: Beyond Vandalism.
  • The Role of Mythology in Shaping Indigenous Cultures and Belief Systems.
  • Nollywood: Analyzing the Cultural Impact of Nigerian Cinema on the African Diaspora.
  • The Language of Hip-Hop Lyrics: A Semiotic Analysis of Cultural Expression.
  • Digital Nomads and Cultural Adaptation: Examining the Subculture of Remote Work.
  • The Cultural Significance of Tattooing Among Indigenous Tribes in Oceania.
  • The Art of Culinary Fusion: Analyzing Cross-Cultural Food Trends and Innovation.
  • The Impact of Cultural Festivals on Local Identity and Economy.
  • The Influence of Internet Memes on Language and Cultural Evolution.

How to Write a Critical Analysis: Easy Steps

When wondering how to write a critical analysis essay, remember that it can be a challenging but rewarding process. Crafting a critical analysis example requires a careful and thoughtful examination of a text or artwork to assess its strengths and weaknesses and broader implications. The key to success is to approach the task in a systematic and organized manner, breaking it down into two distinct steps: critical reading and critical writing. Here are some tips for each step of the process to help you write a critical essay.

Step 1: Critical Reading

Here are some tips for critical reading that can help you with your critical analysis paper:

  • Read actively : Don't just read the text passively, but actively engage with it by highlighting or underlining important points, taking notes, and asking questions.
  • Identify the author's main argument: Figure out what the author is trying to say and what evidence they use to support their argument.
  • Evaluate the evidence: Determine whether the evidence is reliable, relevant, and sufficient to support the author's argument.
  • Analyze the author's tone and style: Consider the author's tone and style and how it affects the reader's interpretation of the text.
  • Identify assumptions: Identify any underlying assumptions the author makes and consider whether they are valid or questionable.
  • Consider alternative perspectives: Consider alternative perspectives or interpretations of the text and consider how they might affect the author's argument.
  • Assess the author's credibility : Evaluate the author's credibility by considering their expertise, biases, and motivations.
  • Consider the context: Consider the historical, social, cultural, and political context in which the text was written and how it affects its meaning.
  • Pay attention to language: Pay attention to the author's language, including metaphors, symbolism, and other literary devices.
  • Synthesize your analysis: Use your analysis of the text to develop a well-supported argument in your critical analysis essay.

Step 2: Critical Analysis Writing

Here are some tips for critical analysis writing, with examples:

How to Write a Critical Analysis

  • Start with a strong thesis statement: A strong critical analysis thesis is the foundation of any critical analysis essay. It should clearly state your argument or interpretation of the text. You can also consult us on how to write a thesis statement . Meanwhile, here is a clear example:
  • Weak thesis statement: 'The author of this article is wrong.'
  • Strong thesis statement: 'In this article, the author's argument fails to consider the socio-economic factors that contributed to the issue, rendering their analysis incomplete.'
  • Use evidence to support your argument: Use evidence from the text to support your thesis statement, and make sure to explain how the evidence supports your argument. For example:
  • Weak argument: 'The author of this article is biased.'
  • Strong argument: 'The author's use of emotional language and selective evidence suggests a bias towards one particular viewpoint, as they fail to consider counterarguments and present a balanced analysis.'
  • Analyze the evidence : Analyze the evidence you use by considering its relevance, reliability, and sufficiency. For example:
  • Weak analysis: 'The author mentions statistics in their argument.'
  • Strong analysis: 'The author uses statistics to support their argument, but it is important to note that these statistics are outdated and do not take into account recent developments in the field.'
  • Use quotes and paraphrases effectively: Use quotes and paraphrases to support your argument and properly cite your sources. For example:
  • Weak use of quotes: 'The author said, 'This is important.'
  • Strong use of quotes: 'As the author points out, 'This issue is of utmost importance in shaping our understanding of the problem' (p. 25).'
  • Use clear and concise language: Use clear and concise language to make your argument easy to understand, and avoid jargon or overly complicated language. For example:
  • Weak language: 'The author's rhetorical devices obfuscate the issue.'
  • Strong language: 'The author's use of rhetorical devices such as metaphor and hyperbole obscures the key issues at play.'
  • Address counterarguments: Address potential counterarguments to your argument and explain why your interpretation is more convincing. For example:
  • Weak argument: 'The author is wrong because they did not consider X.'
  • Strong argument: 'While the author's analysis is thorough, it overlooks the role of X in shaping the issue. However, by considering this factor, a more nuanced understanding of the problem emerges.'
  • Consider the audience: Consider your audience during your writing process. Your language and tone should be appropriate for your audience and should reflect the level of knowledge they have about the topic. For example:
  • Weak language: 'As any knowledgeable reader can see, the author's argument is flawed.'
  • Strong language: 'Through a critical analysis of the author's argument, it becomes clear that there are gaps in their analysis that require further consideration.'

Master the art of critical analysis with EssayPro . Our team is ready to guide you in dissecting texts, theories, or artworks with depth and sophistication. Let us help you deliver a critical analysis essay that showcases your analytical prowess.

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Creating a Detailed Critical Analysis Essay Outline

Creating a detailed outline is essential when writing a critical analysis essay. It helps you organize your thoughts and arguments, ensuring your essay flows logically and coherently. Here is a detailed critical analysis outline from our dissertation writers :

I. Introduction

A. Background information about the text and its author

B. Brief summary of the text

C. Thesis statement that clearly states your argument

II. Analysis of the Text

A. Overview of the text's main themes and ideas

B. Examination of the author's writing style and techniques

C. Analysis of the text's structure and organization

III. Evaluation of the Text

A. Evaluation of the author's argument and evidence

B. Analysis of the author's use of language and rhetorical strategies

C. Assessment of the text's effectiveness and relevance to the topic

IV. Discussion of the Context

A. Exploration of the historical, cultural, and social context of the text

B. Examination of the text's influence on its audience and society

C. Analysis of the text's significance and relevance to the present day

V. Counter Arguments and Responses

A. Identification of potential counterarguments to your argument

B. Refutation of counterarguments and defense of your position

C. Acknowledgement of the limitations and weaknesses of your argument

VI. Conclusion

A. Recap of your argument and main points

B. Evaluation of the text's significance and relevance

C. Final thoughts and recommendations for further research or analysis.

This outline can be adjusted to fit the specific requirements of your essay. Still, it should give you a solid foundation for creating a detailed and well-organized critical analysis essay.

Useful Techniques Used in Literary Criticism

There are several techniques used in literary criticism to analyze and evaluate a work of literature. Here are some of the most common techniques:

How to Write a Critical Analysis

  • Close reading: This technique involves carefully analyzing a text to identify its literary devices, themes, and meanings.
  • Historical and cultural context: This technique involves examining the historical and cultural context of a work of literature to understand the social, political, and cultural influences that shaped it.
  • Structural analysis: This technique involves analyzing the structure of a text, including its plot, characters, and narrative techniques, to identify patterns and themes.
  • Formalism: This technique focuses on the literary elements of a text, such as its language, imagery, and symbolism, to analyze its meaning and significance.
  • Psychological analysis: This technique examines the psychological and emotional aspects of a text, including the motivations and desires of its characters, to understand the deeper meanings and themes.
  • Feminist and gender analysis: This technique focuses on the representation of gender and sexuality in a text, including how gender roles and stereotypes are reinforced or challenged.
  • Marxist and social analysis: This technique examines the social and economic structures portrayed in a text, including issues of class, power, and inequality.

By using these and other techniques, literary critics can offer insightful and nuanced analyses of works of literature, helping readers to understand and appreciate the complexity and richness of the texts.

Sample Critical Analysis Essay

Now that you know how to write a critical analysis, take a look at the critical analysis essay sample provided by our research paper writers and better understand this kind of paper!

Final Words

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write a Critical Analysis in Five Steps: A Guide with Tips and Examples

A critical analysis is a type of academic writing that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a text, idea, or argument. It is not just a summary or a personal opinion, but a systematic and objective assessment of the quality and validity of the author’s claims and arguments. A critical analysis can be applied to any type of text, such as a book, an article, a movie, a website, or a speech.

The purpose of a critical analysis is to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and to develop your own perspective and argument. A critical analysis can help you improve your critical thinking and writing skills, as well as your ability to communicate effectively and persuasively.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing a critical analysis in five steps, and provide you with some tips and examples along the way.

Step 1: Identify the main thesis and purpose of the text

The first step of writing a critical analysis is to identify the main thesis and purpose of the text you are analyzing. The thesis is the central claim or argument that the author is trying to convey to the audience. The purpose is the reason why the author wrote the text, such as to inform, persuade, entertain, or educate.

To identify the main thesis and purpose of the text, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the topic or subject of the text?
  • What is the author’s main point or message?
  • What is the author’s goal or intention?
  • Who is the intended audience of the text?
  • How does the author support his or her thesis with evidence and reasoning?

You can usually find the main thesis and purpose of the text in the introduction, the conclusion, or the title of the text. However, sometimes the thesis and purpose may not be explicitly stated, and you may have to infer them from the context and the tone of the text.

For example, if you are analyzing a website, you can look at the domain name, the layout, the navigation, the content, the images, the links, and the keywords to determine the main thesis and purpose of the site.

Step 2: Summarize the main points and arguments of the text

The second step of writing a critical analysis is to summarize the main points and arguments of the text you are analyzing. A summary is a brief and concise overview of the text that highlights the key ideas and information. A summary is not a detailed description or a paraphrase of the text, but a synthesis of the main points and arguments.

To summarize the main points and arguments of the text, you can use the following strategies:

  • Read the text carefully and identify the main ideas and supporting details.
  • Use your own words and avoid copying the exact words of the author.
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists to organize the main points and arguments.
  • Use transition words and phrases to connect the main points and arguments.
  • Use direct quotes sparingly and only when they are relevant and important.
  • Cite the source of the text and use quotation marks or brackets to indicate the quotes.

For example, if you are analyzing a website, you can summarize the main points and arguments of the site by looking at the headings, subheadings, paragraphs, lists, tables, charts, graphs, and other elements that convey the information and the logic of the site.

Step 3: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the text

The third step of writing a critical analysis is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the text you are analyzing. This is the core of your analysis, where you present your own judgment and opinion of the text. You need to assess how well the author achieved his or her purpose, how convincing and credible his or her arguments are, and how effective and appropriate his or her style and tone are.

To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the text, you can use the following criteria:

  • Relevance: How relevant is the text to your topic and research question? Does it address the main issues and aspects of your topic? Does it provide sufficient and pertinent information and evidence?
  • Accuracy: How accurate is the text in terms of facts, data, statistics, and sources? Does it contain any errors, inconsistencies, or contradictions? Does it acknowledge and address the limitations and counterarguments?
  • Clarity: How clear is the text in terms of language, structure, and organization? Does it use simple and precise words, sentences, and paragraphs? Does it have a logical and coherent flow of ideas and information? Does it use appropriate headings, subheadings, and transitions?
  • Objectivity: How objective is the text in terms of perspective, bias, and tone? Does it present a balanced and fair view of the topic? Does it avoid any emotional, subjective, or personal expressions? Does it acknowledge and respect the diversity of opinions and viewpoints?
  • Originality: How original is the text in terms of content, argument, and contribution? Does it offer any new, innovative, or creative insights or solutions to the topic? Does it demonstrate critical thinking and analysis skills? Does it cite and reference the sources properly and avoid plagiarism?

For example, if you are analyzing a website, you can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the site by looking at the quality, relevance, and authority of the content, the design, the usability, the accessibility, and the security of the site.

Step 4: Compare and contrast the text with other texts on the same topic

The fourth step of writing a critical analysis is to compare and contrast the text you are analyzing with other texts on the same topic. This can help you to identify the similarities and differences between the texts, as well as to place the text in a broader context and perspective. You can also use this step to support or challenge the text’s thesis and arguments, and to show your own position and understanding of the topic.

To compare and contrast the text with other texts on the same topic, you can use the following methods:

  • Compare: To compare means to examine how the texts are similar or alike in terms of content, argument, style, or purpose. You can use words and phrases such as “similarly”, “likewise”, “in the same way”, “both”, “also”, or “as well as” to show the comparison.
  • Contrast: To contrast means to examine how the texts are different or opposite in terms of content, argument, style, or purpose. You can use words and phrases such as “however”, “on the other hand”, “in contrast”, “unlike”, “whereas”, or “but” to show the contrast.
  • Synthesize: To synthesize means to combine the similarities and differences of the texts into a coherent and meaningful whole. You can use words and phrases such as “therefore”, “thus”, “hence”, “consequently”, “as a result”, or “in conclusion” to show the synthesis.

For example, if you are analyzing a website, you can compare and contrast the site with other websites on the same topic by looking at the content, the design, the features, the functionality, and the performance of the sites.

Step 5: Write the introduction, the conclusion, and the references of your critical analysis

The fifth and final step of writing a critical analysis is to write the introduction, the conclusion, and the references of your critical analysis. These are the parts that frame your analysis and provide the necessary background and context for your reader.

To write the introduction, the conclusion, and the references of your critical analysis, you can follow these guidelines :

  • Introduction: The introduction is the first paragraph of your critical analysis that introduces the text, the author, the main thesis and purpose, and your own thesis and purpose. The introduction should be brief, engaging, and informative. It should also provide some background information and context for your topic and your analysis.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is the last paragraph of your critical analysis that summarizes the main points and arguments, evaluates the strengths and weaknesses, and states your final judgment and opinion of the text. The conclusion should be concise, clear, and convincing. It should also restate your thesis and purpose, and provide some implications and recommendations for your topic and your analysis.
  • References: The references are the list of sources that you used and cited in your critical analysis. The references should be formatted according to the citation style that you are required or preferred to use, such as APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard. The references should be accurate, complete, and consistent. They should also be arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

For example, if you are analyzing a website, you can write the introduction, the conclusion, and the references of your critical analysis by following the guidelines above and using the citation style that suits your purpose and audience.

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Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson is a career development expert with a passion for helping individuals achieve their professional goals. With over a decade of experience in the field, Sarah specializes in providing practical advice and guidance on job search strategies, cover letters, resumes, and interview techniques. She believes in empowering job seekers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the competitive job market successfully.

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  • Subject Guides

Being critical: a practical guide

  • Critical writing
  • Being critical
  • Critical thinking
  • Evaluating information
  • Reading academic articles
  • Critical reading

This guide contains key resources to introduce you to the features of critical writing.

For more in-depth advice and guidance on critical writing , visit our specialist academic writing guides:

Practical Guide

What is critical writing?

Academic writing requires criticality; it's not enough to just describe or summarise evidence, you also need to analyse and evaluate information and use it to build your own arguments. This is where you show your own thoughts based on the evidence available, so critical writing is really important for higher grades.

Explore the key features of critical writing and see it in practice in some examples:

Introduction to critical writing [Google Slides]

While we need criticality in our writing, it's definitely possible to go further than needed. We’re aiming for that Goldilocks ‘just right’ point between not critical enough and too critical. Find out more:

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Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising

Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising are different ways that you can use evidence from sources in your writing. As you move from one method to the next, you integrate the evidence further into your argument, showing increasing critical analysis.

Here's a quick introduction to the three methods and how to use them:

Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising: an introduction [YouTube video]  |  Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising [Google Doc]

Want to know more? Check out these resources for more examples of paraphrasing and using notes to synthesise information:

Google Doc

Using evidence to build critical arguments

Academic writing integrates evidence from sources to create your own critical arguments.

We're not looking for a list of summaries of individual sources; ideally, the important evidence should be integrated into a cohesive whole. What does the evidence mean altogether?  Of course, a critical argument also needs some critical analysis of this evidence. What does it all mean in terms of your argument?

These resources will help you explore ways to integrate evidence and build critical arguments:

Building a critical argument [YouTube] |  Building a critical argument [Google Doc]

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How to nail your critical analysis

While a critical analysis can seem like an intimidating form of writing, once you understand what is required and how to put it all together, you should nail it!

2 years ago   •   4 min read

You’ve flipped the exam page to the essay question: you’re asked to critically analyse your prescribed text. What on earth does this mean? While a critical analysis can seem like an intimidating form of writing, once you understand what is required and how to put it all together, you should be able to nail it! We will explore those two things, including the key considerations when asked to critically analyse and how you might structure a critical analysis essay response.

What actually is ‘critical analysis’?

A critical analysis involves the combination of three key skills: critical reading, critical thinking and critical writing. As Browne and Keeley described, critical analysis involves deconstructing what you read, write and listen to in a rational and logical manner (2012).

We can start by asking what is required of a traditional ‘analysis’. NESA’s trusty glossary of key words sheds some light on this:

  • Analyse : Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications.

This is definitely a good start, but it seems the ‘critical’ component would demand something more… If we think about what the word ‘critical’ means we can implicate the requirement to criticise or offer our own critique . In this sense, you can think of a critical analysis as a form of evaluation. Once again if we look to NESA’ definition:

  • Evaluate : Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of.’

NESA puts the cherry on top and provides us with the following definition:

  • Critically (analyse/evaluate): Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to (analyse/evaluate)

From this, it is clear that a critical analysis demands higher order thinking - it goes beyond a mere description and requires a deeper, nuanced and personal understanding. Traditionally, it will involve evaluating or analysing someone else’s work. This means that you will have to offer your own reading or interpretation. As I identified earlier, the critical nature of the response implies a critique however your response must be supported by primary evidence (and often extended reading that considers the critiques of others).

Key considerations:

When you are reading and examining your text/ body of work, consider the following:

  • What are the key concepts and ideas that the author raises or implies?
  • What are the implications of these ideas?
  • How does the comparison of issues and perspectives challenge your understanding?
  • Does the author make assumptions or generalisations? How is this related to context?
  • How do your own biases or context influence what you see, read, hear and think?
  • How can you link different subjects to synthesise your own informed ideas and form a unique perspective?

Putting it all together

You will often be required to present your critical analysis in the form of an essay. Our guide on ‘ how to write the perfect essay’ provides a solid framework. It is important that you present your critical analysis in a clear, concise and logical manner. It’s easy to fall into the trap of over-complicating it all… but as we always say: ‘KEEP IT SIMPLE.’ The following framework should help make this easier:

Critical reading

Critical reading is paramount to ensure you can form your own deep understanding of the subject.

Read carefully and consider how the author uses certain techniques to convey their ideas/ perspective.

Identify the author’s thesis, purpose, rhetorical devices and how their context affects biases and assumptions. When noting these things, you should have the following in mind:

  • Audience : who does the author have in mind?
  • Language and rhetoric : what language features does the author use to persuade the audience?
  • Form : how does the author’s form (i.e. feature article, novel, poem) influence how certain concepts are portrayed?

Make notes as you go and consider extending your reading to other critical perspectives to inform your own opinion.

Critical writing

This is where you have to consider your view. The purpose here is to provide an analysis of someone else’s work, not a recount of what they said but rather what you make of it. This is subjective, but you still need evidence to support what you are saying.

Unless you are advised otherwise, you should write in third-person and adopt a more formal tone. This gives your work a sense of authority and legitimacy -  the reader believes your work is fact, rather than simply your opinion.

Start by making an essay outline or plan, considering what your thesis and argument will be.


Summarise the author’s purpose/ aim, main ideas and how this is conveyed through certain techniques (style, language, form etc).

Signpost your structure and arguments to support your own thesis.

The body of your essay consists of paragraphs, each a building block in the construction of your argument. You want to use the body of your essay to answer the question through added detail and sophisticated reasoning of related evidence.

Use targeted topic sentences that argue your thesis with evidence to support. The evidence is form the bulk of your critical analysis. I strongly recommend that you put together a bank of active analysis verbs that will bolster your analysis and ensure you are not just describing a text or recounting the plot. Here are a few to get you started: strengthen, assert, elicit, characterise, imply, validate, underline, allude, emphasise.

Always remember link that evidence back to your point, your thesis and finally the question!

You’ve said a lot, now is your opportunity to bring it all together. Be clear and concise. Your conclusion should not just be a repeat of the introduction. You should also avoid introducing new content, ideas or evidence although you might want to make your essay more thought-provoking by offering some food for thought for the reader (of course, related to what you have already said).

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Critical Analysis in Composition

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

In composition , critical analysis is a careful examination and evaluation of a text , image, or other work or performance.

Performing a critical analysis does not necessarily involve finding fault with a work. On the contrary, a thoughtful critical analysis may help us understand the interaction of the particular elements that contribute to a work's power and effectiveness. For this reason, critical analysis is a central component of academic training; the skill of critical analysis is most often thought of in the context of analyzing a work of art or literature, but the same techniques are useful to build an understanding of texts and resources in any discipline.

In this context, the word "critical" carries a different connotation than in vernacular, everyday speech. "Critical" here does not simply mean pointing out a work's flaws or arguing why it is objectionable by some standard. Instead, it points towards a close reading of that work to gather meaning, as well as to evaluate its merits. The evaluation is not the sole point of critical analysis, which is where it differs from the colloquial meaning of "criticize."

Examples of Critical Essays

  • "Jack and Gill: A Mock Criticism" by Joseph Dennie
  • "Miss Brill's Fragile Fantasy": A Critical Essay About Katherine Mansfield's Short Story "Miss Brill" and "Poor, Pitiful Miss Brill"
  • "On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth " by Thomas De Quincey
  • A Rhetorical Analysis of Claude McKay's "Africa"
  • A Rhetorical Analysis of E B. White's Essay "The Ring of Time"
  • A Rhetorical Analysis of U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
  • "Saloonio: A Study in Shakespearean Criticism" by Stephen Leacock
  • Writing About Fiction: A Critical Essay on Hemingway's Novel The Sun Also Rises

Quotes About Critical Analysis

  • " [C]ritical analysis involves breaking down an idea or a statement, such as a claim , and subjecting it to critical thinking in order to test its validity." (Eric Henderson, The Active Reader: Strategies for Academic Reading and Writing . Oxford University Press, 2007)​
  • "To write an effective critical analysis, you need to understand the difference between analysis and summary . . . . [A] critical analysis looks beyond the surface of a text—it does far more than summarize a work. A critical analysis isn't simply dashing off a few words about the work in general." ( Why Write?: A Guide to BYU Honors Intensive Writing . Brigham Young University, 2006)
  • "Although the main purpose of a critical analysis is not to persuade , you do have the responsibility of organizing a discussion that convinces readers that your analysis is astute." (Robert Frew et al., Survival: A Sequential Program for College Writing . Peek, 1985)

Critical Thinking and Research

"[I]n response to the challenge that a lack of time precludes good, critical analysis , we say that good, critical analysis saves time. How? By helping you be more efficient in terms of the information you gather. Starting from the premise that no practitioner can claim to collect all the available information, there must always be a degree of selection that takes place. By thinking analytically from the outset, you will be in a better position to 'know' which information to collect, which information is likely to be more or less significant and to be clearer about what questions you are seeking to answer." (David Wilkins and Godfred Boahen, Critical Analysis Skills For Social Workers . McGraw-Hill, 2013)

How to Read Text Critically

 "Being critical in academic enquiry means: - adopting an attitude of skepticism or reasoned doubt towards your own and others' knowledge in the field of enquiry . . . - habitually questioning the quality of your own and others' specific claims to knowledge about the field and the means by which these claims were generated; - scrutinizing claims to see how far they are convincing . . .; - respecting others as people at all times. Challenging others' work is acceptable, but challenging their worth as people is not; - being open-minded , willing to be convinced if scrutiny removes your doubts, or to remain unconvinced if it does not; - being constructive by putting your attitude of skepticism and your open-mindedness to work in attempting to achieve a worthwhile goal." (Mike Wallace and Louise Poulson, "Becoming a Critical Consumer of the Literature." Learning to Read Critically in Teaching and Learning , ed. by Louise Poulson and Mike Wallace. SAGE, 2004)

Critically Analyzing Persuasive Ads

"[I]n my first-year composition class, I teach a four-week advertisement analysis project as a way to not only heighten students' awareness of the advertisements they encounter and create on a daily basis but also to encourage students to actively engage in a discussion about critical analysis by examining rhetorical appeals in persuasive contexts. In other words, I ask students to pay closer attention to a part of the pop culture in which they live. " . . . Taken as a whole, my ad analysis project calls for several writing opportunities in which students write essays , responses, reflections, and peer assessments . In the four weeks, we spend a great deal of time discussing the images and texts that make up advertisements, and through writing about them, students are able to heighten their awareness of the cultural 'norms' and stereotypes which are represented and reproduced in this type of communication ." (Allison Smith, Trixie Smith, and Rebecca Bobbitt, Teaching in the Pop Culture Zone: Using Popular Culture in the Composition Classroom . Wadsworth Cengage, 2009)

Critically Analyzing Video Games

 "When dealing with a game's significance, one could analyze the themes of the game be they social, cultural, or even political messages. Most current reviews seem to focus on a game's success: why it is successful, how successful it will be, etc. Although this is an important aspect of what defines the game, it is not critical analysis . Furthermore, the reviewer should dedicate some to time to speaking about what the game has to contribute to its genre (Is it doing something new? Does it present the player with unusual choices? Can it set a new standard for what games of this type should include?)." (Mark Mullen, "On Second Thought . . ." Rhetoric/Composition/Play Through Video Games: Reshaping Theory and Practice , ed. by Richard Colby, Matthew S.S. Johnson, and Rebekah Shultz Colby. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

Critical Thinking and Visuals

 "The current critical turn in rhetoric and composition studies underscores the role of the visual, especially the image artifact, in agency. For instance, in Just Advocacy? a collection of essays focusing on the representation of women and children in international advocacy efforts, coeditors Wendy S. Hesford and Wendy Kozol open their introduction with a critical analysis of a documentary based on a picture: the photograph of an unknown Afghan girl taken by Steve McCurry and gracing the cover of National Geographic in 1985. Through an examination of the ideology of the photo's appeal as well as the 'politics of pity' circulating through the documentary, Hesford and Kozol emphasize the power of individual images to shape perceptions, beliefs, actions, and agency." (Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Vision, Rhetoric, and Social Action in the Composition Classroom . Southern Illinois University Press, 2010)

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  • Book Report
  • Close Reading
  • Critical Thinking
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Evaluation Essay
  • Explication
  • Problem-Solution
  • Rhetorical Analysis
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  • Definition and Examples of Explication (Analysis)
  • Rhetorical Analysis Definition and Examples
  • Quotes About Close Reading
  • How to Write a Critical Essay
  • What Is a Critique in Composition?
  • Definition and Examples of Evaluation Essays
  • Definition and Examples of Analysis in Composition
  • Understanding the Use of Language Through Discourse Analysis
  • What Is a Written Summary?
  • Critical Thinking in Reading and Composition
  • Miss Brill's Fragile Fantasy
  • 6 Skills Students Need to Succeed in Social Studies Classes
  • Informal Logic
  • Stylistics and Elements of Style in Literature
  • Rhetorical Move

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Chapter 6: Thinking and Analyzing Rhetorically

6.8 What is Critical Analysis

Julie A. Townsend

What is critical analysis?

Critical analysis is a term that students may hear often, especially as they progress through university courses and move into the twenty-first century workforce. Teachers and future employers want to see critical analysis applied in a variety of ways. Every context will have different ways that are standard for critical analysis of situations, data, and problems. Broadly, critical thinking is a way of looking at a situation that goes beyond first impressions and cliches. This section will describe specific techniques for critical analysis that can be used across different situations, especially for discovering more about writing and topics relevant to writing studies.

How can I do critical analysis?

William Thelin in Writing Without Formulas offers eight concrete ways to perform critical analysis: “interrogating the obvious,” “seeing patterns,” “finding what’s not there,” looking at “race, class, and gender,” “twisting the cliché,” “unearthing agendas,” and asking, “who profits?” (28—47). The following sections are originally derived from Thelin’s categories but are modified to better study writing in context, since many first-year writing classes at CSU following the “writing-about-writing” theme (as described by Downs and Wardle in “Teaching about writing, righting misconceptions”).

This chapter will work from an example scenario in which the writer aims to detail and understand the reading, writing, communication, and education that is taking place in one online asynchronous course. The writer’s originating research question is: What kinds of reading, writing, communication, and education takes place in this one asynchronous course? After the writer has written down their initial thoughts on the course and how communication works in the specific situation, they can use the following guidelines to write more and dig deeper into the context they are studying.

Detailing the Basics

Before the writer can use critical analysis, they need to clearly identify and describe details in the context. Details can help the writer more clearly understand the situation they are studying. Details are also necessary for readers to follow along with the critical analysis that the writer is performing.

Questions to help the writer detail the basics for studying communication in one asynchronous online course

  • What did the instructor write?
  • What are the students expected to write?
  • Where, how, and why are they expected to write?
  • How does communication between students occur?
  • What about communication with the teacher?
  • How is the course organized?
  • What kinds of resources are used in the course?
  • Are students expected to read every word on the course page? What words are they required to read?
  • What kinds of external documents does the teacher expect students to use?

When the writer begins critical analysis with details of the basic situation, nothing is too mundane or obvious to skip over in the writing process. Specific details help the context come to life for both the writer and the readers. Writers should aim to draw a living picture of the situation. Then, from that living picture, the writer can work to analyze the situation in a more complete manner using the following suggestions.

Look for clusters, patterns, and coordination

After the writer has a drawn a clear picture for themselves and for the reader of what kinds of reading, writing, and communication are going on in the context they are describing, they can look for connections and links among these texts, resources, and people.

  • A cluster includes technologies, people, texts, or ideas that exist near one another in a situation.
  • o Clusters and patterns can help writers see the relationships between different elements and can help the writer see and understand a situation differently.
  • o Coordination can help the writer see how separate acts of reading, writing, and communication work together to complete larger tasks.

Questions to help the writer find clusters, patterns, and coordination while studying communication in one asynchronous online course

  • How does the student in the course group together texts to perform a task?
  • Has the instructor supplied readings that the students need to write about?
  • How does the student use assigned texts (possibly with other texts or technologies) in their writing process?
  • What about external texts that the student needs to gather? How do those texts work into their writing process?
  • Are certain texts often grouped together in the instruction or writing process?
  • What kinds of resources do students tie together to complete assignments?
  •  How do technologies outside of the course (like using social media or messaging classmates) work in conjunction with other texts and resources when the student is completing course work?

A deeper look at coordination

In writing studies, researchers can look for how texts are used in coordination with one another to learn more about the writing process and to describe how exactly people write and get work done. The concept of textual coordination (Slattery, “Technical writing as textual coordination”; Pigg, “Coordinating constant invention”) helps researchers to better understand how writers use resources (from computer programs to emails to syllabi to dictionaries) to write.

For research writing especially, writers tend to have multiple tabs or windows open on their computers with articles, websites, and the word processor they are using. The tying together of these resources by the writer is textual coordination. According to Shaun Slattery in “Undistributing Work through Writing”, the study of textual coordination emerged from researchers looking into how distributed work takes place in environments that are often mediated by computers (313). Many twenty-first century knowledge-working careers use a model of distributed work and rely on “the ability to identify, rearrange, circulate, abstract, and broker information” (Johnson-Eilola qtd. on Slattery 312). While most first-year writers may not have much career experience in knowledge working, they do have experience tying together resources and technologies. For example: reading a homework assignment and taking notes in a separate document and then using those texts in an essay is an example of textual coordination.

Looking through the lens of intersectionality

This section is borrowed (using Creative Commons Licensing) from “Unit I: An Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies” in the open-education resource textbook An Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies . “Within intersectional frameworks, race, class, gender, sexuality, age, ability, and other aspects of identity are considered mutually constitutive; that is, people experience these multiple aspects of identity simultaneously and the meanings of different aspects of identity are shaped by one another. In other words, notions of gender and the way a person’s gender is interpreted by others are always impacted by notions of race and the way that person’s race is interpreted. For example, a person is never received as just a woman, but how that person is racialized impacts how the person is received as a woman. So, notions of blackness, brownness, and whiteness always influence gendered experience, and there is no experience of gender that is outside of an experience of race. In addition to race, gendered experience is also shaped by age, sexuality, class, and ability; likewise, the experience of race is impacted by gender, age, class, sexuality, and ability.” For more information on intersectionality, read more in their chapter and textbook .

By asking questions about race, class, gender, ability, sexuality, and the intersections between these categories, writers can perform more critical analysis.

Questions to help the writer perform analysis with intersectional lenses while studying communication in one asynchronous online course

  • What is the race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability of the authors of the readings we are assigned? How do these categories intersect in the lives of the authors?
  • Do the statistics of the authors assigned for students to read match with the demographics of experts in the field?
  • How are race, class, gender, ability, and sexuality distributed in the field overall?
  • If there are inequalities in the demographics of professionals in the field, are there initiatives that work towards inviting more diversity into the field?
  • What kinds of reading, writing, and communication are missing or different from similar contexts?
  • Could resources be added to enhance communication, representation, understanding, or ease of access? What would those resources be?

What could be added?

In this stage of analysis, the writer should take a few steps back from the details of the context they are studying so that they might be able to see what could be added to the environment they are studying . The writer could compare the context they are studying to other contexts to help see what might be missing.

Questions to help the writer perform analysis on what could be added?

If the writer is performing critical analysis in a context where the previously discussed categories might not apply, “What is Critical Analysis?” by The University of Bradford offers a broad framework for critical analysis that can be applied beyond topics relevant to writing, reading, and communication. The University of Bradford describes critical analysis as part of the process that includes: “description,” “analysis,” and “evaluation” (2). For description, it suggests that writers focus on answering questions starting with “what”, “where”, “who”, and “when” (2). For the analysis stage, it suggests answering “how”, “why”, and “what if?” (2). Evaluation includes “so what?” and “what next?” Writers can use the categories outlined here to perform critical analysis that adds depth, texture, and details to thoughts and observations.

Works Cited

Downs, Douglas, and Elizabeth Wardle. “Teaching about writing, righting misconceptions:(Re)envisioning” first-year composition” as” Introduction to Writing Studies”.”  College composition and communication  (2007): 552-584.

Kang, Miliann, Donovan Lessard, Laura Heston, and Sonny Nordmarken. Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies . UMassAmherst Libraries, Pressbooks.

Pigg, Stacey. “Coordinating constant invention: Social media’s role in distributed work.” Technical Communication Quarterly 23.2 (2014): 69-87.

Slattery, Shaun. “Technical writing as textual coordination: An argument for the value of writers’ skill with information technology.” Technical Communication 52.3 (2005): 353.

Slattery, Shaun. “Undistributing work through writing: How technical writers manage texts in complex information environments.” Technical Communication Quarterly 16.3 (2007):    311-325.

Thelin, William. Writing Without Formulas. Second edition. Cengage, 2009. “What is Critical Analysis?” Academic Skills Advice. The University of Bradford. Accessed 17 October 2019.

A Guide to Rhetoric, Genre, and Success in First-Year Writing by Julie A. Townsend is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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Top 94 Analytical Words & Phrases to Use in Your Research Paper

When you work on your analytical paper, you need proper academic language, right?

You are at the right place.

The following ready to use analytical phrases will help you a lot. You’re welcome to use this academic phrase bank by filling in the gaps or for inspiration.

Let’s not lose any minute!

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  • ❗ The Importance of the Topic

🔤 Words to Use in Analytical Paragraph

  • 📚 Literature References
  • 🗣️ How to Refer to the Author
  • 🔍 Contradicting Evidence
  • 🕳️ A gap in Knowledge
  • 📊 Data from Tables/ Charts
  • 📈 Describe Trends
  • 📜 Classifications and Listings
  • ↔️ Cause and Effect
  • ↪️ Writing Conclusion

❗ Analytical Words about the Importance of the Topic

Any paper requires justification of why your topic is relevant. Here are analytical words and phrases for this purpose.

  • X has been studied in the recent several decades because
  • One of the most significant current discussions is
  • In the past years, X has attracted much attention as
  • Much attention has been drawn to
  • Recently there has been an increasing interest in
  • In the recent decades, X has been one of the major interesting research questions due to
  • Discussions about X have dominated the research community in recent years/ decades/ months
  • X has significantly influenced academic discussion on Y

An analytical paragraph is a paragraph that gives an in-depth analysis of a certain topic. It helps readers make sense of a complex issue and can be written on any subject, including films , music, historical events, philosophy, etc. The peculiarity of an analytical paragraph is that it not only presents information but also analyzes it, that is, explains its components, evaluates its significance, and draws conclusions using specific words and phrases.

Generally, an analytical paragraph contains four sections: a topic sentence, evidence, analysis, and a closing sentence. Below, we’ve listed phrases you can use in each part.

Topic sentenceThis sentence comes at the beginning of an analytical paragraph. It contains one main idea of the whole paragraph and ties it to the thesis statement. In this part, you may use the following phrases:
EvidenceAfter a topic sentence, you should provide evidence to support your point of view. Here are some phrases you can use to introduce evidence:
AnalysisAfter introducing your evidence, you should analyze it. In other words, you should evaluate its significance, identify patterns in the data, and connect it to your main argument. Here are some phrases you can use in this part:
In the last part of your analytical paragraph, you must briefly highlight the key idea the reader should take away after reading it. In addition, add a transition if the analysis extends into the following paragraph. Here is a list of phrases that can be helpful:

📚 Literature References with Analytical Words

What are the most successful words to use in analytical paragraph about literature ? Let’s see 👇

  • There is a consensus between scholars that
  • The relationship between X and Y has been widely investigated by
  • A number of studies have concluded that
  • Previous research has confirmed that
  • Several studies agree that
  • Previous studies indicate/ demonstrate/ suggest that
  • Prior research has documented/ has shown/ has proffered
  • The latest studies have found evidence that
  • In recent years studies contend about

🗣️ How to Refer to the Author in Analytical Phrases

While writing a literature review, you probably will have several authors you want to pay special attention to. These are the ways to do it succinctly:

  • X highlights the need to
  • X has pointed out the challenges and strategies for
  • X raised several concerns about
  • X indicated that
  • X has demonstrated that
  • X argues/ claims/ suggests/ maintains/ concludes/ offers/ proposes
  • In their review/ major study/ analysis/ introduction to/ classic critique, X identify
  • X draws on an extensive range of sources to assess
  • X highlights the need to break the link between A and B
  • X questions whether X is the best Y for

🔍 Analytical Phrases for Contradicting Evidence

Sometimes, you can face a piece of conflicting information. There are multiple ways to place such elements into text.

  • Despite prior evidence
  • In contrast, the study conducted by X concluded that
  • However, this is contrary to a study conducted by X
  • However, X has later shown that
  • To date, there has been no agreement on
  • In the literature on X, the role of Y is debated.
  • X has already drawn attention to the paradox in
  • Debate continues about
  • Several studies have recently challenged this concept, demonstrating
  • X found out differences suggesting that

🕳️ A gap in Knowledge Analytical Phrases

Wondering how to introduce a gap in knowledge about your topic? Here are linking words for such situations.

  • There has been little discussion about
  • Few studies have been carried out on
  • Little attention has been paid to
  • It is still not known whether
  • […] much less is known about X
  • Research to date has not yet identified/ determined/ found out
  • The impact of X on Y is not clear yet
  • Causal factors leading to X remain debatable/ unreliable/ speculative
  • This claims about a need to understand the various existing angles of X
  • The problem of X has not been investigated/ considered in any of the reviewed resources
  • Prior studies have failed to evaluate/ identify/ reveal/ state

📊 Analytical Words for Data from Tables/Charts

Now let’s see how to use analytical words and phrases to describe data from tables and charts .

  • As shown in Table 1
  • Figure 1 clearly shows/ extrapolate/ presents
  • Figure A illustrates/ compares/ evidences
  • Figure A exhibits an overview of
  • Table A provides the experimental data on X
  • In this table, you can see the summary statistics for
  • This diagram demonstrated the results obtained from the preliminary analysis of X
  • The results of correlational/ comparative/ descriptive analysis are presented in Table A

📈 Analytical Words and Phrases to Describe Trends

For a more in-depth analysis of the data from your visualization, try using these academic phrases.

  • The graph shows that there has been a gradual increase in
  • The number of Xs is likely to grow after steadily
  • X peaked (reached a low) in 1993
  • The amount of X is expected to remain steady
  • The graph shows that there has been a slight/ sharp/ gradual/ steady decline/ drop/ rise/ increase in
  • What stands out/ is striking/ can be clearly seen in this table is
  • The rate of X will probably/ is likely to decline steadily

📜 Analytical Words and Phrases for Classifications and Listings

You may use classifications and listings in your text for different purposes. These are some options to include listings in the paper.

  • X may be divided into three main categories
  • This system of classification needs a revision
  • There are three main approaches currently being used in investigating X
  • The critical aspects of X can be listed as follows: A, B, and C
  • There are three reasons why the X has become so important. These are:
  • The section has been included for several reasons: it is …; it illustrates …; and it describes…
  • To better understand X’s mechanisms, the author classified it into three distinct types, based on
  • X is generally classified into two main types

↔️ Cause & Effect Analysis Words for Essays

If you are writing a cause-effect essay, this part is for you. However, not only cause-effect papers discuss causal relations.

👉 Xmay cause
can lead to
can give rise tocan result in
affects/ shapes
predicts/ determines
increases/ influences
X is 👈stemming from
caused by
a result of
resulting from
a problem caused by
associated with
linked to

Don’t miss our amazing Cause-Effect Essay Topics Compilation !

↪️ Concluding Words to Use in Analytical Essays

And finally, it’s time to write a good conclusion . Look at these phrases to use in your work.

  • This study set out to/ has argued that/ discussed the reasons for
  • In this paper, the aim/ goal was to assess/ to examine/ to determine
  • This study identified/ showed that
  • Another major finding was
  • These experiments confirmed that
  • A, B, and C emerged as reliable factors of
  • The findings reported in this work shed new light on
  • The study contributes to our understanding of X in multiple ways
  • This project can be seen as the first comprehensive investigation of X
  • The empirical findings in this study provide a new understanding of

Use this collection as a starting point or inspiration for your work.

Needless to say, the English language is richer and more flexible than this list. Try to find new word combinations and uncommon usages. However, don’t overplay – it’s still academic writing that requires certain formalities.

That’s all!

Check more useful resources for academic phrases below in the list of references.

Good luck 😊

🔗 References

  • Academic Phrasebank, The University of Manchester
  • Verbs in Academic Writing; The Writing Centre – University of Toronto
  • Vocabulary for Essays; The Learning Centre – The University of Sydney
  • Glossary of Research Terms; University of Southern California
  • Using Appropriate Words in an Academic Essay

Research Paper Analysis: How to Analyze a Research Article + Example

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critical analysis key words

17 academic words and phrases to use in your essay

(Last updated: 20 October 2022)

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For the vast majority of students, essay writing doesn't always come easily. Writing at academic level is an acquired skill that can literally take years to master – indeed, many students find they only start to feel really confident writing essays just as their undergraduate course comes to an end!

If this is you, and you've come here looking for words and phrases to use in your essay, you're in the right place. We’ve pulled together a list of essential academic words you can use in the introduction, body, and conclusion of your essays .

Whilst your ideas and arguments should always be your own, borrowing some of the words and phrases listed below is a great way to articulate your ideas more effectively, and ensure that you keep your reader’s attention from start to finish.

It goes without saying (but we'll say it anyway) that there's a certain formality that comes with academic writing. Casual and conversational phrases have no place. Obviously, there are no LOLs, LMFAOs, and OMGs. But formal academic writing can be much more subtle than this, and as we've mentioned above, requires great skill.

So, to get you started on polishing your own essay writing ability, try using the words in this list as an inspirational starting point.

Words to use in your introduction

The trickiest part of academic writing often comes right at the start, with your introduction. Of course, once you’ve done your plan and have your arguments laid out, you need to actually put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and begin your essay.

You need to consider that your reader doesn’t have a clue about your topic or arguments, so your first sentence must summarise these. Explain what your essay is going to talk about as though you were explaining it to a five year old – without losing the formality of your academic writing, of course! To do this, use any of the below words or phrases to help keep you on track.

1. Firstly, secondly, thirdly

Even though it sounds obvious, your argument will be clearer if you deliver the ideas in the right order. These words can help you to offer clarity and structure to the way you expose your ideas. This is an extremely effective method of presenting the facts clearly. Don’t be too rigid and feel you have to number each point, but using this system can be a good way to get an argument off the ground, and link arguments together.

2. In view of; in light of; considering

These essay phrases are useful to begin your essay. They help you pose your argument based on what other authors have said or a general concern about your research. They can also both be used when a piece of evidence sheds new light on an argument. Here’s an example: The result of the American invasion has severely impaired American interests in the Middle East, exponentially increasing popular hostility to the United States throughout the region, a factor which has proved to be a powerful recruitment tool for extremist terrorist groups (Isakhan, 2015). Considering [or In light of / In view of] the perceived resulting threat to American interests, it could be argued that the Bush administration failed to fully consider the impact of their actions before pushing forward with the war.

3. According to X; X stated that; referring to the views of X

Introducing the views of an author who has a comprehensive knowledge of your particular area of study is a crucial part of essay writing. Including a quote that fits naturally into your work can be a bit of a struggle, but these academic phrases provide a great way in.

Even though it’s fine to reference a quote in your introduction, we don’t recommend you start your essay with a direct quote. Use your own words to sum up the views you’re mentioning, for example:

As Einstein often reiterated, experiments can prove theories, but experiments don’t give birth to theories.

Rather than:

“A theory can be proved by experiment, but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory.” {Albert Einstein, 1954, Einstein: A Biography}.

See the difference?

And be sure to reference correctly too, when using quotes or paraphrasing someone else's words.

critical analysis key words

Adding information and flow

The flow of your essay is extremely important. You don’t want your reader to be confused by the rhythm of your writing and get distracted away from your argument, do you? No! So, we recommend using some of the following ‘flow’ words, which are guaranteed to help you articulate your ideas and arguments in a chronological and structured order.

4. Moreover; furthermore; in addition; what’s more

These types of academic phrases are perfect for expanding or adding to a point you’ve already made without interrupting the flow altogether. “Moreover”, “furthermore” and “in addition” are also great linking phrases to begin a new paragraph.

Here are some examples: The dissociation of tau protein from microtubules destabilises the latter resulting in changes to cell structure, and neuronal transport. Moreover, mitochondrial dysfunction leads to further oxidative stress causing increased levels of nitrous oxide, hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidases.

On the data of this trial, no treatment recommendations should be made. The patients are suspected, but not confirmed, to suffer from pneumonia. Furthermore, five days is too short a follow up time to confirm clinical cure.

5. In order to; to that end; to this end

These are helpful academic phrases to introduce an explanation or state your aim. Oftentimes your essay will have to prove how you intend to achieve your goals. By using these sentences you can easily expand on points that will add clarity to the reader.

For example: My research entailed hours of listening and recording the sound of whales in order to understand how they communicate.

Dutch tech companies offer support in the fight against the virus. To this end, an online meeting took place on Wednesday...

Even though we recommend the use of these phrases, DO NOT use them too often. You may think you sound like a real academic but it can be a sign of overwriting!

6. In other words; to put it another way; that is; to put it more simply

Complement complex ideas with simple descriptions by using these sentences. These are excellent academic phrases to improve the continuity of your essay writing. They should be used to explain a point you’ve already made in a slightly different way. Don’t use them to repeat yourself, but rather to elaborate on a certain point that needs further explanation. Or, to succinctly round up what just came before.

For example: A null hypothesis is a statement that there is no relationship between phenomena. In other words, there is no treatment effect.

Nothing could come to be in this pre-world time, “because no part of such a time possesses, as compared with any other, a distinguishing condition of existence rather than non-existence.” That is, nothing exists in this pre-world time, and so there can be nothing that causes the world to come into existence.

7. Similarly; likewise; another key fact to remember; as well as; an equally significant aspect of

These essay words are a good choice to add a piece of information that agrees with an argument or fact you just mentioned. In academic writing, it is very relevant to include points of view that concur with your opinion. This will help you to situate your research within a research context.

Also , academic words and phrases like the above are also especially useful so as not to repeat the word ‘also’ too many times. (We did that on purpose to prove our point!) Your reader will be put off by the repetitive use of simple conjunctions. The quality of your essay will drastically improve just by using academic phrases and words such as ‘similarly’, ‘as well as’, etc. Here, let us show you what we mean:

In 1996, then-transport minister Steve Norris enthused about quadrupling cycling trips by 2012. Similarly, former prime minister David Cameron promised a “cycling revolution” in 2013…

Or Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) aims to bridge the gap of access to electricity across the continent (...). Another key fact to remember is that it must expand cost-efficient access to electricity to nearly 1 billion people.

The wording “not only… but also” is a useful way to elaborate on a similarity in your arguments but in a more striking way.

critical analysis key words

Comparing and contrasting information

Academic essays often include opposite opinions or information in order to prove a point. It is important to show all the aspects that are relevant to your research. Include facts and researchers’ views that disagree with a point of your essay to show your knowledge of your particular field of study. Below are a few words and ways of introducing alternative arguments.

8. Conversely; however; alternatively; on the contrary; on the other hand; whereas

Finding a seamless method to present an alternative perspective or theory can be hard work, but these terms and phrases can help you introduce the other side of the argument. Let's look at some examples:

89% of respondents living in joint families reported feeling financially secure. Conversely, only 64% of those who lived in nuclear families said they felt financially secure.

The first protagonist has a social role to fill in being a father to those around him, whereas the second protagonist relies on the security and knowledge offered to him by Chaplin.

“On the other hand” can also be used to make comparisons when worded together with “on the one hand.”

9. By contrast; in comparison; then again; that said; yet

These essay phrases show contrast, compare facts, and present uncertainty regarding a point in your research. “That said” and “yet” in particular will demonstrate your expertise on a topic by showing the conditions or limitations of your research area. For example:

All the tests were positive. That said, we must also consider the fact that some of them had inconclusive results.

10. Despite this; provided that; nonetheless

Use these phrases and essay words to demonstrate a positive aspect of your subject-matter regardless of lack of evidence, logic, coherence, or criticism. Again, this kind of information adds clarity and expertise to your academic writing.

A good example is:

Despite the criticism received by X, the popularity of X remains undiminished.

11. Importantly; significantly; notably; another key point

Another way to add contrast is by highlighting the relevance of a fact or opinion in the context of your research. These academic words help to introduce a sentence or paragraph that contains a very meaningful point in your essay.

Giving examples

A good piece of academic writing will always include examples. Illustrating your essay with examples will make your arguments stronger. Most of the time, examples are a way to clarify an explanation; they usually offer an image that the reader can recognise. The most common way to introduce an illustration is “for example.” However, in order not to repeat yourself here are a few other options.

12. For instance; to give an illustration of; to exemplify; to demonstrate; as evidence; to elucidate

The academic essays that are receiving top marks are the ones that back up every single point made. These academic phrases are a useful way to introduce an example. If you have a lot of examples, avoid repeating the same phrase to facilitate the readability of your essay.

Here’s an example:

‘High involvement shopping’, an experiential process described by Wu et al. (2015, p. 299) relies upon the development of an identity-based alliance between the customer and the brand. Celebrity status at Prada, for example, has created an alliance between the brand and a new generation of millennial customers.

critical analysis key words

Concluding your essay

Concluding words for essays are necessary to wrap up your argument. Your conclusion must include a brief summary of the ideas that you just exposed without being redundant. The way these ideas are expressed should lead to the final statement and core point you have arrived at in your present research.

13. In conclusion; to conclude; to summarise; in sum; in the final analysis; on close analysis

These are phrases for essays that will introduce your concluding paragraph. You can use them at the beginning of a sentence. They will show the reader that your essay is coming to an end:

On close analysis and appraisal, we see that the study by Cortis lacks essential features of the highest quality quantitative research.

14. Persuasive; compelling

Essay words like these ones can help you emphasize the most relevant arguments of your paper. Both are used in the same way: “the most persuasive/compelling argument is…”.

15. Therefore; this suggests that; it can be seen that; the consequence is

When you’re explaining the significance of the results of a piece of research, these phrases provide the perfect lead up to your explanation.

16. Above all; chiefly; especially; most significantly; it should be noted

Your summary should include the most relevant information or research factor that guided you to your conclusion. Contrary to words such as “persuasive” or “compelling”, these essay words are helpful to draw attention to an important point. For example:

The feasibility and effectiveness of my research has been proven chiefly in the last round of laboratory tests.

Film noir is, and will continue to be, highly debatable, controversial, and unmarketable – but above all, for audience members past, present and to come, extremely enjoyable as a form of screen media entertainment.

17. All things considered

This essay phrase is meant to articulate how you give reasons to your conclusions. It means that after you considered all the aspects related to your study, you have arrived to the conclusion you are demonstrating.

After mastering the use of these academic words and phrases, we guarantee you will see an immediate change in the quality of your essays. The structure will be easier to follow, and the reader’s experience will improve. You’ll also feel more confident articulating your ideas and using facts and examples. So jot them all down, and watch your essays go from ‘good’ to ‘great’!

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Main article content.

The objective of this paper is to investigate and summarize the primary and most influential methods used in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The paper provides an overview of CDA and its core principles then delves into the three major approaches devised by the three prominent practitioners in the field: Fairclough, Wodak, and Van Dijk. The critical approach by Fairclough, the discourse-historical approach by Wodak, and the socio-cognitive approach by Van Dijk are discussed in a sequential manner. The study also explores the strengths and limitations of each approach and proposes the contexts in which their methodologies might be applied. In conclusion, the paper suggests that a combination of these three approaches is valuable for conducting critical analysis of texts.

Article Details

Critical discourse analysis, Socio-cognitive approach, Discourse-historical approach, language and power, power and ideology

From Jan. 6 to golf: Key moments and arguments from the first presidential debate

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off in the first of two presidential debates in Atlanta Thursday. 

CNN moderators  Jake Tapper  and  Dana Bash asked the presidential frontrunners about a wide range of issues including inflation, foreign policy and democracy. The candidates discussed policy but also didn’t shy away from attacking one another during the 90-minute debate.

From gaffes to insults, here is a look at the key moments and visuals from debate night: 

Skipping a handshake

Biden entered the debate stage first waving and saying, “Hi folks, how are ya?” Trump walked out second with a frown. Both immediately approached their podiums, foregoing a handshake, a departure from debate tradition. 

A handshake between candidates was the norm for presidential debates before Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton abstained from one during the 2016 election cycle. 

Biden freezing during a healthcare discussion

Biden froze while discussing healthcare , prompting a smile from Trump. Biden stumbled over his words saying, “making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID, excuse me, dealing with everything we have to do with, look, if we finally beat Medicare.” 

Trump jumped on the gaffe saying Biden did beat Medicare. 

“He beat it to death,” Trump said. “He will wipe out Medicare, so he was right in the way he finished that sentence.”

'You're the sucker. You're the loser.'

The most heated exchange of the night came when Biden brought up reports that Trump described U.S. veterans as “suckers” and “losers.” Biden invoked the military history of his son Beau Biden, who served in Iraq.

“My son was not a loser. He's not a sucker,” Biden said. “ You're the sucker. You're the loser.” 

Trump denied making such comments and demanded an apology from Biden, who replied, “not a chance.” 

More: Presidential debate fact check: What Trump, Biden got right (and wrong)

Fighting over who is to blame for Jan. 6

Trump refused to take accountability for the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 , instead attempting to shift blame to former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.  He appeared to imply those who stormed the U.S. Capitol were innocent, telling Biden, “you ought to be ashamed of yourself” because some are facing prison time.

Biden criticized Trump's behavior that day, saying he encouraged the rioters to go to the Capitol.

“If they’re convicted, he says he wants to commute their sentences,” Biden said. “These people should be in jail. They should be the ones held accountable.”

Sparring over convictions

Trump and Biden also sparred over Trump's recent criminal conviction in his hush money case in New York. Eyeing Trump’s side of the stage, Biden said, “The only person on this stage who is a convicted felon is the man I'm looking at right now.” 

Trump took jabs at Hunter Biden’s conviction in federal court and repeated claims that his own criminal cases are part of a “witch hunt.” 

“I did nothing wrong,” Trump said. “We have a system that’s rigged and disgusting.” 

A presidential golf match?

A conversation about the presidential frontrunners' health and cognitive ability spiraled into a tangent about golf .

"I'm in very good health. I just won two club championships," Trump said. "To do that, you have to be quite smart, and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way. He doesn't do it. He can't hit a ball 50 yards."

"I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap when I was vice president down to a six," Biden replied. "I'd be happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?"

The argument about golf scores ended with Trump saying, "let's not act like children."

Rachel Barber is a 2024 election fellow at USA TODAY, focusing on politics and education. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter, as @rachelbarber_

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Immunoregulation of Glia after spinal cord injury: a bibliometric analysis


  • 1 Key Laboratory of Acupuncture and Neurology of Zhejiang Province, The Third School of Clinical Medicine (School of Rehabilitation Medicine), Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, China.
  • 2 Department of Acupuncture, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, China.
  • PMID: 38938572
  • PMCID: PMC11208308
  • DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1402349

Objective: Immunoregulation is a complex and critical process in the pathological process of spinal cord injury (SCI), which is regulated by various factors and plays an important role in the functional repair of SCI. This study aimed to explore the research hotspots and trends of glial cell immunoregulation after SCI from a bibliometric perspective.

Methods: Data on publications related to glial cell immunoregulation after SCI, published from 2004 to 2023, were obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection. Countries, institutions, authors, journals, and keywords in the topic were quantitatively analyzed using the R package "bibliometrix", VOSviewer, Citespace, and the Bibliometrics Online Analysis Platform.

Results: A total of 613 papers were included, with an average annual growth rate of 9.39%. The papers came from 36 countries, with the United States having the highest output, initiating collaborations with 27 countries. Nantong University was the most influential institution. We identified 3,177 authors, of whom Schwartz, m, of the Weizmann Institute of Science, was ranked first regarding both field-specific H-index (18) and average number of citations per document (151.44). Glia ranked first among journals with 2,574 total citations. The keywords "microglia," "activation," "macrophages," "astrocytes," and "neuroinflammation" represented recent hot topics and are expected to remain a focus of future research.

Conclusion: These findings strongly suggest that the immunomodulatory effects of microglia, astrocytes, and glial cell interactions may be critical in promoting nerve regeneration and repair after SCI. Research on the immunoregulation of glial cells after SCI is emerging, and there should be greater cooperation and communication between countries and institutions to promote the development of this field and benefit more SCI patients.

Keywords: bibliometrics; glial cells; global trends; immunoregulation; spinal cord injury.

Copyright © 2024 Huang, Hu, Wu, He and Ma.

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The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Network-Based Analysis Identifies Targetable Pathways in Comorbid Type II Diabetes and Neuropsychiatric Disorders

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Comorbid diseases complicate patient outcomes and escalate healthcare costs, necessitating a deeper mechanistic understanding. Neuropsychiatric disorders (NPDs) such as Neurotic Disorder, Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, and Schizophrenia significantly exacerbate Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2), often leading to suboptimal treatment outcomes. The neurobiological underpinnings of this comorbidity remain poorly understood. To address this, we developed a novel pathway-based network computational framework that identifies critical common disease mechanisms between DM2 and the five prevalent NPDs. Our approach involves reconstructing an integrated DM2-NPDs KEGG pathway-pathway network and applying two complementary analytical methods, including the "minimum path to comorbidity" method to identify the shortest pathways fostering comorbid development. This analysis uncovered shared pathways like the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway and highlighted key nodes such as calcium signaling, MAPK, estrogen signaling, and apoptosis pathways. The dysregulation of these pathways likely contributes to the development of DM2-NPDs comorbidity. Our model not only elucidates the intricate molecular interactions driving this comorbidity but also identifies promising therapeutic targets, paving the way for innovative treatment strategies. This framework can be adapted to study other complex comorbid conditions, offering broad implications for improving patient care.

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