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📍PIN-SLAM: LiDAR SLAM Using a Point-Based Implicit Neural Representation for Achieving Global Map Consistency


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Yue Pan · Xingguang Zhong · Louis Wiesmann . Thorbjörn Posewsky . Jens Behley · Cyrill Stachniss

University of Bonn

Preprint | Video

TL;DR: PIN-SLAM is a full-fledged implicit neural LiDAR SLAM system including odometry, loop closure detection, and globally consistent mapping


Globally consistent point-based implicit neural (PIN) map built with PIN-SLAM in Bonn. The high-fidelity mesh can be reconstructed from the neural point map.


Comparison of (a) the inconsistent mesh with duplicated structures reconstructed by PIN LiDAR odometry, and (b) the globally consistent mesh reconstructed by PIN-SLAM.


  • How to run PIN-SLAM
  • Visualizer instructions
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Platform requirement

Ubuntu OS (tested on 20.04)

With GPU (recommended) or CPU only (run much slower)

GPU memory requirement (> 6 GB recommended)

Windows/MacOS with CPU-only mode

1. Set up conda environment

2. install the key requirement pytorch.

The commands depend on your CUDA version. You may check the instructions here .

3. Install other dependency

Note that rospkg is optional. You can install it if you would like to use PIN-SLAM with ROS.


Clone the repository, sanity test.

For a sanity test, do the following to download an example part (first 100 frames) of the KITTI dataset (seq 00):

And then run:

Use run_demo_no_vis.yaml if you are running on a server without an X service. Use run_demo_sem.yaml if you want to conduct metric-semantic SLAM using semantic segmentation labels.

You can visualize the SLAM process in PIN-SLAM visualizer and check the results in the ./experiments folder.

Run on your datasets

For an arbitrary data sequence, you can run:

Generally speaking, you only need to edit in the config file the pc_path , which is the path to the folder containing the point cloud ( .bin , .ply , .pcd or .las format) for each frame. For ROS bag, you can use ./scripts/ to extract the point cloud in .ply format.

For pose estimation evaluation, you may also provide the path pose_path to the reference pose file and optionally the path calib_path to the extrinsic calibration file. Note the pose file should be in the KITTI format or TUM format.

For some popular datasets, you can run:

The SLAM results and logs will be output in the output_root folder specified in the config file.

You may check here for the results that can be obtained with this repository on a couple of popular datasets.

The training logs can be monitored via Weights & Bias online if you turn on the wandb_vis_on option in the config file. If it's your first time using Weights & Bias, you will be requested to register and log in to your wandb account.

ROS 1 Support

If you are not using PIN-SLAM as a part of a ROS package, you can avoid the catkin stuff and simply run:

For example:

After playing the ROS bag or launching the sensor you can then visualize the results in Rviz by:

You may use the ROS service save_results and save_mesh to save the results and mesh in the output_root folder.

The process will stop and the results and logs will be saved in the output_root folder if no new messages are received for more than 30 seconds.

If you are running without a powerful GPU, PIN-SLAM may not run at the sensor frame rate. You need to play the rosbag with a lower rate to run PIN-SLAM properly.

You can also put into a ROS package for rosrun or roslaunch .

Inspect the results after SLAM

After the SLAM process, you can reconstruct mesh from the PIN map within an arbitrary bounding box with an arbitrary resolution by running:

The bounding box of (cropped)_map_file.ply will be used for the bounding box for mesh reconstruction. mesh_min_nn controls the trade-off between completeness and accuracy. The smaller number (for example 6 ) will lead to a more complete mesh with more guessed artifacts. The larger number (for example 15 ) will lead to a less complete but more accurate mesh.

For example, for the case of the sanity test, run:

Visualizer Instructions

We provide a PIN-SLAM visualizer based on lidar-visualizer to monitor the SLAM process.

The keyboard callbacks are listed below.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Related Projects

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Xi Visits Europe, Seeking Strategic Opportunity

The Chinese leader has carefully chosen three countries — France, Serbia and Hungary — that to varying degrees embrace Beijing’s push for a new global order.

President Xi Jinping of China and his wife, Peng Liyuan, on the tarmac in front of steps leading up to their plane.

By Roger Cohen and Chris Buckley

Reporting from Paris and Taipei, Taiwan

On his first visit to Europe in five years, the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, appears intent on seizing opportunities to loosen the continent’s bonds with the United States and forge a world freed of American dominance.

The Chinese leader has chosen three countries to visit — France, Serbia and Hungary — that all, to a greater or lesser degree, look askance at America’s postwar ordering of the world, see China as a necessary counterweight and are eager to bolster economic ties.

At a time of tensions with much of Europe — over China’s “no limits” embrace of Russia despite the war in Ukraine, its surveillance state and its apparent espionage activities that led to the recent arrest in Germany of four people — Mr. Xi, who arrived in France on Sunday, wants to demonstrate China’s growing influence on the continent and pursue a pragmatic rapprochement.

For Europe, the visit will test its delicate balancing act between China and the United States and will no doubt be seen in Washington as a none-too-subtle effort by Mr. Xi to divide Western allies. Chinese-French relations “have established a model for the international community of peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation between countries with different social systems,” Mr. Xi said in a statement issued soon after he arrived in Paris.

He has timed his arrival at his second stop, Serbia, to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the deadly NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade during the Kosovo war. That mistaken strike on May 7, 1999, for which the White House apologized, killed three Chinese journalists and ignited furious protests around the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

“For Xi, being in Belgrade is a very economical way to ask if the United States is really serious about international law,” said Janka Oertel, the director of the Asia program at the European Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin, “and to say, how about NATO overreach as a problem for other countries?”

The Chinese government has continued to commemorate the Belgrade bombing, using it as an occasion to denounce what it sees as Western hypocrisy and bullying.

“The United States always views itself as the leader — or hegemon — of the world, so China is a competitor or adversary that is challenging its hegemony,” said Tu Xinquan, the dean of a trade institute at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. “The European Union does not have a hegemonic mind-set.”

The official doctrine of the 27-member European Union defines China as “a partner for cooperation, an economic competitor and a systemic rival.” If that seems a mouthful, and a perhaps contradictory one, it is because the continent is torn between how to balance economic opportunity in China with national security risk, cybersecurity risk and economic risk to various industries.

In March, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, told reporters that Europe’s formula was unworkable. “It’s like driving to a crossing and finding the red, yellow and green lights all on at the same time,” he said. “How can one drive on?”

Now, Mr. Xi would like to ease the lights toward green.

To that end, Mr. Xi’s first and most important stop will be in France, whose president, Emmanuel Macron, has often made the Gaullist point that Europe “must never be a vassal of the United States,” as he did last month at a speech at the Sorbonne . The French leader insists that the survival of the European Union depends on “strategic autonomy” and developing the military resilience to become a “Europe power.” He rejects the notion of “equidistance” between China and the United States — France is one of America’s oldest allies — but wants to keep his options open.

All of this is music to Mr. Xi’s ears.

“Macron is trying to bring a third way in the current global chaos,” said Philippe Le Corre, a prominent French expert on relations with China. “He is trying to walk a fine line between the two main superpowers.”

Just over a year ago, Mr. Macron was lavishly entertained during a visit to China that ended with a Sino-French declaration of a “global strategic partnership.” The French leader echoed the Chinese lexicon of a “multipolar” world, freed of “blocs” and the “Cold War mentality.”

Now, in anticipation of Mr. Xi’s visit, China has praised France as a great power and expressed hopes that their ties “will always be at the forefront of China’s relations with Western countries,” in the words of Lu Shaye , China’s ambassador to France, in People’s Daily.

Mr. Macron, who recently warned that “our Europe is mortal” and will be saved only if it can become “sovereign,” will host a state dinner for Mr. Xi on Monday in Paris before, in a personal touch, ushering him to a favorite childhood haunt in the Pyrenees.

The chemistry between the two men appears to lie essentially in a shared view that the postwar order is moribund and must be replaced by a new architecture that takes account of shifting power. That Mr. Xi is almost certainly the most repressive and authoritarian leader in recent Chinese history, and that China’s military threats to Taiwan have intensified, has not come between the two leaders.

In the past six months, Mr. Macron has visited both India and Brazil in a push to place France at a fulcrum between the BRICS group of developing countries, which includes China, and Western powers. At a time of growing tension between the “Global South” and Western powers, he sees France as a bridge.

From France, Mr. Xi will move on to the warm embrace of Serbia, where China is the second largest trading partner, and Hungary, where its prime minister, Viktor Orban, has backed enormous Chinese investment and used his country’s position as a European Union member to dilute criticism of China. Both countries bridle at American power.

Beyond these two friends of China, there are, however, serious European differences with Beijing, whose economy was roughly the same size, measured in dollars, as the European Union’s when Mr. Xi last visited in 2019. China’s economy is now some 15 percent bigger.

Last fall, the European Union opened an investigation into whether electric vehicles made in China benefited from unfair subsidies, with a decision expected by this summer. That has caused tensions with Beijing and with Germany, whose presence in the Chinese auto market dwarfs that of other European countries. China accounts for at least half of Volkswagen’s annual profits.

German manufacturers, with plants in China, fear that any imposition of European tariffs could affect its own exports from China, as well as cause tit-for-tat retaliation.

The European Union Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, will join the talks in Paris with Mr. Xi. Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany, whose relations with Mr. Macron have been strained, dined with the French president in Paris this past week. All of this is clearly part of an attempt to forge a united European front.

That, however, is always elusive.

Anger toward Russia in Europe runs highest in frontline states with Russia, like Poland and the Baltic States. They are perhaps the most fiercely attached to the alliance with the United States that Mr. Macron wants to offset by building a sovereign Europe. They are also the most wary of China, which has never condemned Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Mr. Macron, like Mr. Scholz during a visit to China last month, believes that Chinese leverage in bringing an end to the war in Ukraine is critical. Only Beijing, in the French analysis, can bring real pressure to bear on President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who will be sworn in for a fifth term during Mr. Xi’s European visit.

The issue, as it was last year during Mr. Macron’s visit to Beijing, is that China has shown little or no inclination to do so. Indeed, Mr. Xi is scheduled to host Mr. Putin in China later this month.

“It’s hard to imagine another discussion on Ukraine,” François Godement, a special adviser and resident senior fellow at the Institut Montaigne in Paris, said of the talks between Mr. Macron and Mr. Xi. “Those dice have been rolled.”

Still, there is little doubt that Mr. Macron will try again to enlist Mr. Xi’s support ahead of a Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland in mid-June.

At a deeper level, Mr. Macron appears certain to try to use Mr. Xi’s visit to advance an agenda that guarantees Europe’s relevance in the coming decades. He is wary of a United States that may re-elect former President Donald J. Trump in November, with unpredictable consequences.

Mr. Wang, the Chinese foreign minister, has said , “As long as China and Europe join hands, bloc confrontation will not occur, the world will not fall apart, and a new Cold War will not take place.”

For all of the fundamental differences in governance between China’s one-party state and Western liberal democracy, the leaders of the three European countries Mr. Xi has chosen to visit appear to embrace that Chinese statement.

Reporting was contributed by Olivia Wang from Hong Kong, Keith Bradsher from Beijing, Christopher F. Schuetze and Melissa Eddy from Berlin and Ségolène Le Stradic from Paris.

An earlier version of a picture caption with this article misstated the year of the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. It was 1999, not 1993.

How we handle corrections

Roger Cohen is the Paris Bureau chief for The Times, covering France and beyond. He has reported on wars in Lebanon, Bosnia and Ukraine, and between Israel and Gaza, in more than four decades as a journalist. At The Times, he has been a correspondent, foreign editor and columnist. More about Roger Cohen

Chris Buckley , the chief China correspondent for The Times, reports on China and Taiwan from Taipei, focused on politics, social change and security and military issues. More about Chris Buckley


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Buildings account for a third of total final energy consumption globally and are responsible for 40% of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  Addressing the issue of building emissions is front and center in the fight against climate change. But developing countries lack the knowledge on how to leverage legal and institutional frameworks to battle climate change, especially by mandating minimum energy efficiency performance standards in new and existing buildings. 

The World Bank’s new Global Dataset on Building Energy Efficiency Codes and Standards addresses this important knowledge gap.

This launch event will present the findings of the new global dataset and explore policy challenges and opportunities for policy makers to bridge the gap in regulatory environment and enforcement in building energy efficiency. Building energy codes must be strengthened to enhance efficiency, and despite economic hurdles, investment in building decarbonization should increase. Policies should also aim to reduce embodied carbon through sustainable practices and materials and promote retrofitting to significantly reduce energy consumption.

The global dataset will be available at  on May 20, 2024.


World bank hq staff can join this event in-person in mc c2-125. , event agenda.


  • Norman Loayza Director, Global Indicators Group, World Bank Norman Loayza
  • Jayashree Srinivasan Regulatory Specialist, Global Indicators Group, World Bank Jayashree Srinivasan
  • Jasneet Singh Lead Energy Specialist, Energy and Extractives Global Knowledge, World Bank Jasneet Singh
  • Stephane Hallegatte Senior Climate Change Advisor, Sustainable Development Practice Group, World Bank Stephane Hallegatte
  • Anil Sawhney Director, Infrastructure Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Anil Sawhney
  • Ana Campos Garcia Lead Disaster Risk Management Specialist Urban, Disaster Risk Management Unit, World Bank Ana Campos Garcia

Organized by the Global Indicators Group (DECIG) of the World Bank

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Switzerland’s Nemo Wins the Eurovision Song Contest, Breaks Trophy (and Thumb)

By K.J. Yossman

K.J. Yossman

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MALMO, SWEDEN - MAY 11: Nemo from Switzerland performs on stage during The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 Grand Final at Malmö Arena on May 11, 2024 in Malmo, Sweden.

Switzerland has won the Eurovision Song Contest .

Swiss entry Nemo stormed the contest with the song “The Code,” walking away with 591 points — a combination of a jury vote and public vote.

But during Nemo’s victory performance at the end of the four-hour show the singer accidentally dropped the microphone-shaped glass trophy, injuring their thumb in the process.

“I didn’t just break ‘The Code’ I also broke the trophy,” said Nemo during the press conference after the show, where their hand was wrapped in a bandage. “I broke my thumb as well. But I got a new [trophy] so I technically have two now.”

Popular on Variety

Croatian entry Baby Lasagna came in second with 547 points during the 2024 contest followed by Ukraine’s Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil with 453, France’s Slimane with 445 and Israel’s Eden Golan with 375.

The U.K., represented by singer and “It’s a Sin” actor Olly Alexander, finished in 18th place, receiving 46 points from the judges and zero points from the public.

Croatia won the most public votes — receiving 337 points from viewers at home — followed by Israel, who were awarded 323 and Ukraine, who garnered 307.

This year’s contest took place in Malmo, Sweden, hosted by Swedish comedian Petra Mede and actor Malin Akerman.

25 countries performed during the grand final. Originally there were set to be 26 competitors but the Dutch entry, Joost Klein, was disqualified at the last minute after a Swedish crew member complained about his behavior backstage. The Swedish police are reportedly investigating.

Other historic Swedish acts who did make a live appearance were Björn Skifs singing his big hit “Hooked on a Feeling” — which hit No. 1 in the U.S. 50 years ago before getting a second lease of life in 2016’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” — and Alcazar, who have competed a number of times to be Sweden’s Eurovision entry over the past decades but never made it through. Sweden’s 2023 winner Loreen also returned to perform. Meanwhile Victoria, the Crown Princess of Sweden, opened the show with a pre-recorded VT filmed at her royal residence.

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