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Mechanical Engineering

Thesis or Project?

ME students have the option to complete a total of six (6) units of graduate Thesis, Plan A (ME 299, 3 units each semester) or graduate Project, Plan B (ME 295A and ME 295B) towards their MSME degree. Students are expected to approach a full-time faculty (preferably related to their area of specialization) to solicit thesis or project ideas or discuss their own ideas (personal interest or work related). When the idea is approved as a possible thesis or project topic, the student is expected to prepare a comprehensive proposal.

Project Option (ME 295A and ME295B)

The project option typically involves a topic less theoretical and more directly applied in nature than that of the thesis option. Projects frequently involve design or improvement of existing hardware used in an experiment and/or software development. Completion of a project demonstrates the ability to apply theoretical concepts to a real-world problem. The project option may also be used for a research topic, leading to a conference presentation or published journal article. Schedules & Deadlines

Thesis Option (ME 299)

Pursuing the thesis option requires preparation of a formal thesis, which becomes a published document. The thesis option is well suited for analytical, numerical, and experimental research topics of a more original and fundamental nature. Completion of a thesis may also aid in successfully applying for admission to Ph.D. programs. Schedules & Deadlines

Specific format requirements must be followed for the thesis option.

In obtaining thesis approval from GAPE, the student must defend his/her thesis. This is accomplished by a successful oral presentation of the thesis work to the student’s official committee. The oral defense is scheduled by the department. Make sure that all the committee members have a copy of the final report in advance of the oral presentation. Note that a final copy of the thesis must be given to the advisor (the original must be turned into GAPE office) and the department (through the Graduate Coordinator). While not required, it is also customary to offer committee members copies as well.

See the GAPE web site for the Thesis Review deadlines .

See also the University Thesis Guidelines .

The final report for a project is generally like a thesis report. A final printed copy must be given to your committee chair, and if requested, to the committee members. Similar to the thesis option, the student is expected to make a formal oral presentation to his/her committee. A rough draft of the project report must also be provided to each committee member two weeks in advance of the presentation date. The final bound copies with approved signatures are due to the course instructor/coordinator and Committee Chair within one week after the semester ends.

Basic Requirements for Project and Thesis

Both, thesis and project are 6-unit courses: ME 295A/ME 295B and ME 299, respectively. These courses are designed to be completed in two separate semesters. The first semester project entails the design phase, followed by the design-verification phase during the second semester. The phases of the project require a final report and oral presentation.

Whether you select a thesis option or the project option, there are three basic requirements for the contents of a project: (a) The project should involve higher math and physics, (b) application of advanced mechanical engineering concepts, and (c) A comprehensive final report that satisfies the Culminating Experience requirement as stipulated by the GAPE.

The thesis is research-oriented work and requires completion of an original research on a mechanical engineering topic. The final report must satisfy the guidelines stipulated by the university, and must be submitted in a timely manner by the deadlines set by the university for review.

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Choosing Between a Thesis or Non-thesis Master's Degree

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  •       Resources       Choosing Between a Thesis or Non-thesis Master's Degree

As of 2015, approximately 25.4 million Americans held advanced degrees , with more citizens joining these ranks each year. As studies continue to show the career advancement and salary benefits of completing a master's degree, more and more students elect to pursue advanced educations. When considering their options, many question whether to enroll in a master's requiring a thesis or not. The following guide examines some of the reasons degree seekers may want to write a thesis while also highlighting why they might not. Students on the fence about this important decision can find expert advice, actionable tips, and relevant guidance to help them make an informed choice in the guide that follows.

Understanding the Master's Thesis

What is the difference between a thesis & non-thesis master's program, the decision not to do a thesis.

As students research various master's programs in their chosen discipline, it's common to find that many degrees require a thesis – especially if they want to enter a research-heavy field. While this word gets thrown around a lot in academia, some learners may want more information regarding what it entails in order to make an informed decision.

What is a Master's Thesis?

The master's thesis is an original piece of scholarship allowing the student to dig into a topic and produce an expanded document that demonstrates how their knowledge has grown throughout the degree program. These documents require significant independent research of primary and secondary sources and, depending on the subject, may require interviews and/or surveys to support the overarching argument.

Individual schools and departments dictate the length of these documents, but they typically range between 60 and 100 pages – or approximately 20,000 to 40,000 words. While tackling a document of such heft may seem overwhelming at first, learners need not fret. Each master's candidate receives a faculty advisor early in their tenure to provide support, feedback, and guidance throughout the process. Because the final thesis is expected to be of a publishable quality, learners seeking the highest marks typically send their supervisor excerpts of the document as they write to ensure they are on the right track.

When picking a thesis topic, no magical formula exists. Students should consider their interests and read extensively on that topic to get a better sense of existing scholarship. They should also speak to other academics working in that sphere to familiarize themselves with ongoing projects. Only after they feel reasonably well-read should they begin looking for uncovered angles or interesting ways of using emerging methodologies to bring new light to the topic.

When considering formatting, degree seekers should check with their specific schools and departments, as they may have unique requirements. To get a general understanding of what to expect, learners can review Simon Fraser University's guidelines on thesis formatting. After completing the thesis, some programs require an oral defense before a committee while others read the document and provide a grade. Check with your prospective schools to get a better sense of procedure.

Format & Components of a Master's Thesis

While this guide attempts to provide helpful and actionable information about the process of deciding whether to follow a thesis or non-thesis track in a master's program, readers should remember that specific components and requirements of a thesis vary according to discipline, university, and department. That being said, some commonalities exist across all these – especially when it comes to what students must include in their final drafts.

As the first section a reader encounters after moving through the table of contents and other anterior text, the introductory allows the writer to firmly establish what they want to accomplish. Sometimes also called the "research question" section, the introductory must clearly state the goals of the paper and the overarching hypothesis guiding the argument. This should be written in a professional yet accessible tone that allows individuals without specializations in the field to understand the text.

This section allows learners to demonstrate their deep knowledge of the field by providing context to existing texts within their chosen discipline Learners review the main bodies of work, highlighting any issues they find within each. Constructive criticism often centers around shortcomings, blind spots, or outdated hypotheses.

Students use this section to explain how they went about their work. While scientists may point to a specific method used to reach conclusions, historians may reference the use of an emerging framework for understanding history to bring new light to a topic. The point of this section is to demonstrate the thought processes that led to your findings.

This section allows for learners to show what they learned during the research process in a non-biased way. Students should simply state what information they gathered by utilizing a specific framework or methodology and arrange those findings, without interpretation, in an easy-to-read fashion.

After providing readers with all the necessary information, the discussion section exists for candidates to interpret the raw data and demonstrate how their research led to a new understanding or contributed a unique perspective to the field. This section should directly connect to the introduction by reinforcing the hypothesis and showing how you answered the questions posed.

Even though the previous sections give prospective degree seekers a better sense of what to expect if they decide to write a thesis during their master's program, they don't necessarily help learners decide whether to pursue a thesis or non-thesis track. The following section highlights some of the reasons students frequently choose to complete a thesis or bypass the process altogether by providing a pros and cons list.

Why a Thesis Program

  • Especially when entering a research-heavy discipline, completing a thesis shows prospective schools and employers that you possess the skills needed for researching and writing long-form reports.
  • Students hoping to pursue a Ph.D. stand in better stead with admissions panels if they wrote a thesis during a master's program.
  • Individuals hoping to enter a field that values syntax and grammar often better their writing skills by completing a thesis.
  • Students who write a thesis can submit the final product to various academic journals, increasing their chances of getting published.
  • Theses expand students' understanding of what they're capable of, deepen their ability to carry out an argument, and develop their skills in making connections between ideas.

Why a Non-thesis Program

  • Because they don't require a significant written product, non-thesis master's tend to take less time to complete.
  • Often mirrors a bachelor's program in terms of structure, allowing learners to complete classes and take exams without a great deal of research or writing.
  • Students who excel in project-based assignments can continue building skills in this arena rather than focusing on skills they don't plan to use (e.g. research)
  • Provides learners the opportunity to work more closely and more frequently with faculty on real-world projects since they don't spend hundreds of hours researching/writing.
  • Allows learners to take more classes and gain hands-on skills to fill the time they would have spent researching and writing a thesis.

How to Choose a Master's Program: FAQs

Within some academic disciplines and professional fields, research and writing plays a key role in work done on a daily basis. Because of this, master's programs in these fields require learners to complete theses to compete against peers and be seen as competent in their work. Other disciplines, conversely, rely on other tools to accomplish work and progress ideas – making theses less important.

Yes. Master's programs focused more on application than research typically don't require a thesis – although they may still give students the option. Examples of common non-thesis master's programs include nursing, business, and education.

Even though non-thesis students won't be writing a 100-page paper, that doesn't mean they avoid completing a significant project. In place of a thesis, most applied master's programs require students to take part in at least one internship or complete a culminating project. These projects typically ask learners to take what they learned throughout coursework and create an expansive final project – examples include case studies, creative works, or portfolios.

While students who followed a non-thesis path routinely receive acceptance to Ph.D. programs, those with theses often find the process easier. Even if a learner pursues a Ph.D. in a discipline that isn't research-heavy, admissions panels still want to get a sense of your academic interests and ability to engage in independent, nuanced thought. Students with theses can provide solid proof of these skills, while those without may struggle to demonstrate preparedness as thoroughly.

The answer to this question depends on many factors, but typically it is okay not to do a thesis if you plan to enter a field that doesn't depend heavily on research or writing, or if you don't plan to complete a Ph.D.

Students wanting to work in academic, research, or writing should always opt for the thesis track. They should also follow this path if they have any doctoral degree aspirations.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to complete a thesis rests with the individual student. Figuring out how to proceed on this front requires lots of careful consideration, and learners should ensure they consider various aspects before coming to a final decision. The following section helps students consider how they should and should not come to a conclusion.

Dos and Don'ts of Choosing a Thesis or Non-thesis Program

  • Consider the longevity of your decision: will you feel the same in 5-10 years or are you making a decision based on current desires?
  • Talk to others who with experience in this area. Ask them questions about their decision-making process and if they regret their choice.
  • Research potential thesis topics before starting a program. Going in with a game plan can help you feel more confident and settled about the process than if you're scrambling for a topic while in school.
  • Reach out to prospective schools to speak with faculty and/or current students following both tracks. This will provide knowledge specific to the school while also expanding your network if you choose to attend there.
  • Research Ph.D. entrance requirements to ascertain if the majority expect learners to possess a thesis when applying. This will give you a sense of whether you may experience issues later on if you do not complete one.
  • Decide not to complete a thesis simply because you have never taken on such a task and feel overwhelmed or fearful that you will fail.
  • Complete a thesis simply because you think it will look good on your resume. Theses require intense devotion over an extended amount of time; learners who complete them without conviction often find the process miserable.
  • Forget to research alternatives to writing a thesis. Just because you don't complete a research paper doesn't mean a non-thesis track lacks rigor or challenging coursework.
  • Forget to read examples of theses by previous students. If you feel overwhelmed by the task, reading work other people have done can often make the task at hand feel less scary.
  • Let yourself off easy by taking the non-thesis path. If you find you have extra time in the program, talk to your advisor about taking more classes, develop meaningful projects for yourself, or see about presenting at an academic conference.

From the Expert

Sudiksha Joshi

Sudiksha Joshi, Ph.D. is a learning advocate. Her mission is to empower our youth to think bigger, bolder thoughts and forge a career path that will change the world. She taps into her natural curiosity and ability to identify strengths to help students and those in transition find their path from feeling lost in the traditional ways of achieving success to charting their own path. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Medium and LinkedIn.

Why might a student decide to follow a thesis track? Why might they follow a non-thesis track?

A student might decide to take a thesis track if she/he wants to pursue a Ph.D. Also, if the students want to focus on careers where research and writing have a strong focus, the students opt for the thesis option. Research assistantships at the graduate level are also more often available to students who opt for the thesis option.

A student who might feel that writing is not one of their strengths might choose to go the non-thesis track. Likewise, a student who has other work commitments may find a non-thesis option more convenient.

Do you have any tips for deciding on a program?

I chose a thesis option because being able to conduct independent research was a big reason to go to graduate school. Also, showing the ability that I could do research was what afforded me research assistantships which meant that my tuition was paid for and I got a stipend that paid for expenses while I was in graduate school. This also allowed me the opportunity to work closely with the faculty mentor that provided me with the support and the accountability I wanted.

I would not recommend taking a non-thesis option if all the degree requires is for you to take courses. You have little to show in terms of your learning other than your grades unless you are already working on something on the side that does that for you and all you need is a certificate.

Opt for a non-thesis option if you can still work closely with a professor or on a project and if you'd rather be involved in multiple projects rather than focus on a single project. If you already have a good (informed) reason for choosing one over the other, go for it.

What's the most important thing to consider when choosing a program?

The most important thing to consider when choosing a program is getting excited about the projects that at least one of the faculty members are involved in. Do some research and see why you are excited about a particular work that at least one of the faculty members have been involved in.

Who should students talk to when considering options?

Students should talk to other students and also reach out directly to the graduate coordinator and even individual faculty members. This means that students should have done prior homework and have some good questions ready. Asking good questions will get you at least halfway through to make the right decision.

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Mechanical Engineering Masters Theses Collection

Theses from 2024 2024.


Heat Transfer Enhacement of Latent Heat Thermal Enery Storage , Joe Hatem T. Saba, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2023 2023

Device Design for Inducing Aneurysm-Susceptible Flow Conditions Onto Endothelial Cells , hans f. foelsche, Mechanical Engineering

Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Interlayer-Bonded Graphene Bilayers , Afnan Mostafa, Mechanical Engineering

Wind-Wave Misalignment Effects on Multiline Anchor Systems for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines , Doron T. Rose, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2022 2022

A Simplified Fluid Dynamics Model of Ultrafiltration , Christopher Cardimino, Mechanical Engineering

Local Nanomechanical Variations of Cold-sprayed Tantalum Coatings , Dhrubajyoti Chowdhury, Mechanical Engineering

Aerodynamically Augmented Air-Hockey Pucks , Madhukar Prasad, Mechanical Engineering

Analysis of Low-Induction Rotors for Increased Power Production , Jack E. Rees, Mechanical Engineering

Application of the New IEC International Design Standard for Offshore Wind Turbines to a Reference Site in the Massachusetts Offshore Wind Energy Area , Samuel C. Roach, Mechanical Engineering

Applications of Thermal Energy Storage with Electrified Heating and Cooling , Erich Ryan, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2021 2021

Design and Testing of a Foundation Raised Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter , Jacob R. Davis, Mechanical Engineering

Wind Turbine Power Production Estimation for Better Financial Agreements , Shanon Fan, Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis of Impact and Cohesion of Cold Sprayed Particles onto Non-Planar Surfaces , Zhongkui Liu, Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Design and Analysis: High-Precision Microcontact Printhead for Roll-to-Roll Printing of Flexible Electronics , Mehdi Riza, Mechanical Engineering

Jet Breakup Dynamics of Inkjet Printing Fluids , Kashyap Sundara Rajan, Mechanical Engineering

Ground Source Heat Pumps: Considerations for Large Facilities in Massachusetts , Eric Wagner, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2020 2020

Modeling of Electrical Grid Systems to Evaluate Sustainable Electricity Generation in Pakistan , Muhammad Mustafa Amjad, Mechanical Engineering

A Study on Latent Thermal Energy Storage (LTES) using Phase Change Materials (PCMs) 2020 , Ritvij Dixit, Mechanical Engineering

SunDown: Model-driven Per-Panel Solar Anomaly Detection for Residential Arrays , Menghong Feng, Mechanical Engineering

Nozzle Clogging Prevention and Analysis in Cold Spray , Alden Foelsche, Mechanical Engineering

Short Term Energy Forecasting for a Microgird Load using LSTM RNN , Akhil Soman, Mechanical Engineering

Optimization of Thermal Energy Storage Sizing Using Thermodynamic Analysis , Andrew Villanueva, Mechanical Engineering

Fabrication of Binder-Free Electrodes Based on Graphene Oxide with CNT for Decrease of Resistance , Di Zhang, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2019 2019

Computational Fluid Dynamics Models of Electromagnetic Levitation Experiments in Reduced Gravity , Gwendolyn Bracker, Mechanical Engineering

Forecasting the Cost of Electricity Generated by Offshore Wind Turbines , Timothy Costa, Mechanical Engineering

Optical-Fiber-Based Laser-Induced Cavitation for Dynamic Mechanical Characterization of Soft Materials , Qian Feng, Mechanical Engineering

On the Fuel Spray Applications of Multi-Phase Eulerian CFD Techniques , Gabriel Lev Jacobsohn, Mechanical Engineering

Topology Network Optimization of Facility Planning and Design Problems , Ravi Ratan Raj Monga, Mechanical Engineering

The Promise of VR Headsets: Validation of a Virtual Reality Headset-Based Driving Simulator for Measuring Drivers’ Hazard Anticipation Performance , Ganesh Pai Mangalore, Mechanical Engineering

Ammonia Production from a Non-Grid Connected Floating Offshore Wind-Farm: A System-Level Techno-Economic Review , Vismay V. Parmar, Mechanical Engineering

Calculation of Scalar Isosurface Area and Applications , Kedar Prashant Shete, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2018 2018

Electroplating of Copper on Tungsten Powder , Richard Berdos, Mechanical Engineering


Streamwise Flow-Induced Oscillations of Bluff Bodies - The Influence of Symmetry Breaking , Tyler Gurian, Mechanical Engineering

Thermal Radiation Measurement and Development of Tunable Plasmonic Thermal Emitter Using Strain-induced Buckling in Metallic Layers , Amir Kazemi-Moridani, Mechanical Engineering

Restructuring Controllers to Accommodate Plant Nonlinearities , Kushal Sahare, Mechanical Engineering

Application and Evaluation of Lighthouse Technology for Precision Motion Capture , Soumitra Sitole, Mechanical Engineering

High Strain Rate Dynamic Response of Aluminum 6061 Micro Particles at Elevated Temperatures and Varying Oxide Thicknesses of Substrate Surface , Carmine Taglienti, Mechanical Engineering

The Effects of Mechanical Loading and Tumor Factors on Osteocyte Dendrite Formation , Wenbo Wang, Mechanical Engineering

Microenvironment Regulates Fusion of Breast Cancer Cells , Peiran Zhu, Mechanical Engineering

Design for Sustainability through a Life Cycle Assessment Conceptual Framework Integrated within Product Lifecycle Management , Renpeng Zou, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2017 2017

Improving the Efficiency of Wind Farm Turbines using External Airfoils , Shujaut Bader, Mechanical Engineering

Evaluation Of Impedance Control On A Powered Hip Exoskeleton , Punith condoor, Mechanical Engineering

Experimental Study on Viscoelastic Fluid-Structure Interactions , Anita Anup Dey, Mechanical Engineering

BMI, Tumor Lesion and Probability of Femur Fracture: a Probabilistic Biomechanics Approach , Zhi Gao, Mechanical Engineering

A Magnetic Resonance Compatible Knee Extension Ergometer , Youssef Jaber, Mechanical Engineering

Non-Equispaced Fast Fourier Transforms in Turbulence Simulation , Aditya M. Kulkarni, Mechanical Engineering


Effects of Malformed or Absent Valves to Lymphatic Fluid Transport and Lymphedema in Vivo in Mice , Akshay S. Pujari, Mechanical Engineering

Electroless Deposition & Electroplating of Nickel on Chromium-Nickel Carbide Powder , Jeffrey Rigali, Mechanical Engineering

Numerical Simulation of Multi-Phase Core-Shell Molten Metal Drop Oscillations , Kaushal Sumaria, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2016 2016

Cold Gas Dynamic Spray – Characterization of Polymeric Deposition , Trenton Bush, Mechanical Engineering

Intent Recognition Of Rotation Versus Translation Movements In Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation Tasks , Vinh Q. Nguyen, Mechanical Engineering

A Soft Multiple-Degree of Freedom Load Cell Based on The Hall Effect , Qiandong Nie, Mechanical Engineering

A Haptic Surface Robot Interface for Large-Format Touchscreen Displays , Mark Price, Mechanical Engineering

Numerical Simulation of High Velocity Impact of a Single Polymer Particle during Cold Spray Deposition , Sagar P. Shah, Mechanical Engineering

Tunable Plasmonic Thermal Emitter Using Metal-Coated Elastomeric Structures , Robert Zando, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2015 2015

Thermodynamic Analysis of the Application of Thermal Energy Storage to a Combined Heat and Power Plant , Benjamin McDaniel, Mechanical Engineering

Towards a Semantic Knowledge Management Framework for Laminated Composites , Vivek Premkumar, Mechanical Engineering


Optimal Topological Arrangement of Queues in Closed Finite Queueing Networks , Lening Wang, Mechanical Engineering

Creating a New Model to Predict Cooling Tower Performance and Determining Energy Saving Opportunities through Economizer Operation , Pranav Yedatore Venkatesh, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2014 2014

New Generator Control Algorithms for Smart-Bladed Wind Turbines to Improve Power Capture in Below Rated Conditions , Bryce B. Aquino, Mechanical Engineering


Design and Control of a Two-Wheeled Robotic Walker , Airton R. da Silva Jr., Mechanical Engineering

Free Wake Potential Flow Vortex Wind Turbine Modeling: Advances in Parallel Processing and Integration of Ground Effects , Nathaniel B. Develder, Mechanical Engineering

Buckling of Particle-Laden Interfaces , Theo Dias Kassuga, Mechanical Engineering

Modeling Dynamic Stall for a Free Vortex Wake Model of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine , Evan M. Gaertner, Mechanical Engineering

An Experimental Study of the C-Start of a Mechanical Fish , Benjamin Kandaswamy Chinna Thambi, Mechanical Engineering

Measurement and Verification - Retro-Commissioning of a LEED Gold Rated Building Through Means of an Energy Model: Are Aggressive Energy Simulation Models Reliable? , Justin M. Marmaras, Mechanical Engineering

Development of a Support Structure for Multi-Rotor Wind Turbines , Gaurav Murlidhar Mate, Mechanical Engineering

Towards Accessible, Usable Knowledge Frameworks in Engineering , Jeffrey Mcpherson, Mechanical Engineering

A Consistent Algorithm for Implementing the Space Conservation Law , Venkata Pavan Pillalamarri Narasimha Rao, Mechanical Engineering

Kinetics of Aluminization and Homogenization in Wrought H-X750 Nickel-Base Superalloy , Sean Reilly, Mechanical Engineering

Single-Phase Turbulent Enthalpy Transport , Bradley J. Shields, Mechanical Engineering

CFD Simulation of the Flow around NREL Phase VI Wind Turbine , Yang Song, Mechanical Engineering

Selection of Outputs for Distributed Parameter Systems by Identifiability Analysis in the Time-scale Domain , Teergele, Mechanical Engineering

The Optimization of Offshore Wind Turbine Towers Using Passive Tuned Mass Dampers , Onur Can Yilmaz, Mechanical Engineering

Design of a Passive Exoskeleton Spine , Haohan Zhang, Mechanical Engineering


Theses from 2013 2013

Optimization of Mixing in a Simulated Biomass Bed Reactor with a Center Feeding Tube , Michael T. Blatnik, Mechanical Engineering

Continued Development of a Chilled Water System Analysis Tool for Energy Conservation Measures Evaluation , Ghanshyam Gaudani, Mechanical Engineering

Application of Finite Element Method in Protein Normal Mode Analysis , Chiung-fang Hsu, Mechanical Engineering

Asymmetric Blade Spar for Passive Aerodynamic Load Control , Charles Mcclelland, Mechanical Engineering

Background and Available Potential Energy in Numerical Simulations of a Boussinesq Fluid , Shreyas S. Panse, Mechanical Engineering

Techno-Economic Analysis of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems Used as an Electricity Storage Technology in a Wind Farm with Large Amounts of Intermittent Energy , Yash Sanghai, Mechanical Engineering

Multi Rotor Wind Turbine Design And Cost Scaling , Preeti Verma, Mechanical Engineering

Activity Intent Recognition of the Torso Based on Surface Electromyography and Inertial Measurement Units , Zhe Zhang, Mechanical Engineering

Theses from 2012 2012

Simulations of Non-Contact Creep in Regimes of Mixed Dominance , Maija Benitz, Mechanical Engineering

Techniques for Industrial Implementation of Emerging Semantic Technologies , Jay T. Breindel, Mechanical Engineering

Environmental Impacts Due to Fixed and Floating Offshore Wind Turbines , Micah K. Brewer, Mechanical Engineering

Physical Model of the Feeding Strike of the Mantis Shrimp , Suzanne M. Cox, Mechanical Engineering

Investigating the Relationship Between Material Property Axes and Strain Orientations in Cebus Apella Crania , Christine M. Dzialo, Mechanical Engineering

A Multi-Level Hierarchical Finite Element Model for Capillary Failure in Soft Tissue , Lu Huang, Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis of a Femur to Deconstruct the Design Paradox of Bone Curvature , Sameer Jade, Mechanical Engineering

Vortex-Induced Vibrations of an Inclined Cylinder in Flow , Anil B. Jain, Mechanical Engineering

Experimental Study of Stability Limits for Slender Wind Turbine Blades , Shruti Ladge, Mechanical Engineering

Semi-Active Damping for an Intelligent Adaptive Ankle Prosthesis , Andrew K. Lapre, Mechanical Engineering

A Finite Volume Approach For Cure Kinetics Simulation , Wei Ma, Mechanical Engineering

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Engineering Science

Research Thesis

All EngSci students are required to complete an independent thesis in their final year of study.

Students can work on an approved engineering-related project under the supervision of any U of T faculty member .

U of T's exceptional breadth and strength in research allow students to find projects that fit their individual interests , and work in theoretical, clinical, design or laboratory setting.

Students experience the entire research process from initial project framing and literature review, through experimental design to documentation of their work in a final research thesis and oral presentation. Support is provided throughout the course through lectures and workshops on topics like proposal writing and research documentation.

The course is excellent preparation for those intending to pursue graduate studies and provides all students with valuable experience in independent critical thinking and problem solving .

thesis student

Deb Raji (1T8 PEY Robotics)

Deb was internationally celebrated for her research into racial and gender bias in artificial intelligence algorithms.

Thesis title: Investigating the Influence of Demographic Diversity on Model Performance in Facial Recognition (Prof. Ashton Anderson, CompSci)

"My thesis supervisor and the thesis course coordinator taught me to think broadly about the impact of technology on society."

Students begin thinking about potential supervisors and topics in Year 3, with a focus in the Winter and Summer terms on firming up commitments with supervisors. By mid-October of Year 4, students are expected to write a formal thesis proposal that defines their projects, though many students have already started their research by then.

Spacecraft attitude control by magnetic actuation and double-gimbal variable-speed control moment gyroscope (Prof. Chris Damaren, UTIAS)

Aerodynamic shape optimization process for a streamlined land-based solar-powered vehicle (Prof. Amy Bilton, MIE)

Development and application of a production cost model for the Ontario electricity sector (Prof. Brian Karney, CivE)

Toward unifying deterministic and stochastic deep reinforcement learning algorithms (Prof. Jimmy Ba, CompSci)

Day trading portfolio construction using technical analysis and machine learning (Prof. Roy Kwon, MIE)

Motion planning for autonomous parking of vehicles in an urban environment (Prof. Tim Barfoot, UTIAS)

Traveling wave based protection of series-compensated transmission lines (Prof. Reza Iravani, ECE)

Development of a high-throughput platform for imaging tumour cell response to hypoxia (Prof. Alison McGuigan, ChemE/IBBME)

Nonadiabatic holonomic two-qubit gates with superconducting qubits (Prof. Aephraim Steinberg, Physics)

Material stocks and flows in Toronto's road infrastructure (Prof. Shoshanna Saxe, CivE)

Creation of an epidemiological model capable of simulating vaccine hesitancy (Prof. Jason Foster, EngSci)

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Application of optical flow for high-resolution velocity measurements in wall-bounded turbulence , asset maintenance of thick section fibre-reinforced composite structures , neural networks for channel estimation , design of new chemical sensors based on controlled morphologies of gold nanoparticles , big data analysis on long-span bridge structural health monitoring systems , investigation of a low-energy thermal energy recovery system for passive ventilation applications , nanostructured composite adsorbents and membranes for selective dye, oil and heavy metal ion separation , data-driven aerodynamic instabilities detection in centrifugal compressors , guided direct time-of-flight lidar for self-driving vehicles , properties and tunable nature of electrochemically-grown peptide-based hydrogels at single microelectrodes , thermal integration of waste to energy plants with post-combustion co₂ capture technologies , development and modelling of sustainable polymer–based membranes for gas separation and packaging , holographic single photon lidar for adaptive 3d imaging , operational data mining for offshore wind farm maintenance , dynamics of rigid and soft particles in a cross-slot flow at finite inertia , using machine learning for long-term track bed behaviour analysis and maintenance scheduling optimisation , developing a multi-scale parallelised coupled system for wave-current interactions at regional scales , uav-aided hybrid rf-optical wireless networks , turbulence in real-sea conditions and its impacts on tidal energy devices , investigating the role of mechanical and structural properties of scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering .

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Thesis Proposal Exam

The Thesis Proposal Examination consists of the preparation of a written research proposal (15 pages maximum) and an oral presentation and defense of the same before a faculty committee. The purpose of the examination is to judge the student’s apparent ability to plan and conduct high-quality, PhD-level research in chemical engineering. The topic, magnitude and significance of the proposed research should be suitable for the ensuing doctoral program.

There are no restrictions on candidate/advisor consultations, but the extent of these interactions must be disclosed to the examining committee and the graduate office.

The examination will be taken no later than May 31 in the year after passing the Doctoral Candidacy Exam (DCE). For most students, this thesis proposal exam will be taken during their second year in the graduate program. Failure to take the thesis proposal exam in a timely fashion, absent approval of a petition to the faculty for special consideration, constitutes a lack of satisfactory progress toward the PhD degree and constitutes grounds for removal from the PhD program.

The examination date must be chosen in consultation with the candidate’s advisor and the other committee members at least three (3) weeks in advance of the proposed examination date. After scheduling the exam, the candidate informs the graduate program office by completing and submitting the  Request for Thesis Proposal Examination Form (PDF).

A one-page  Project Summary  (PDF)for the written research proposal must be submitted with the Written Proposal. The Written Proposal and Project Summary must be distributed to the Graduate Program Office and the committee members at least one week in advance of the scheduled examination date.

A reminder of the various due dates will be sent to the student and committee after the examination is scheduled.

Examining Committee

The Thesis Proposal Examination Committee consists of at least three faculty members from chemical engineering (including the proposed Dissertation Committee Chair(s)) and at least one cognate faculty member from outside the Chemical Engineering Department. Most students use the Thesis Proposal Exam Committee members as their Dissertation Committee members as well.

The examination consists of the preparation of a written research proposal and an oral presentation and defense of the same before the Thesis Proposal Examination Committee. At the oral examination, the candidate will present a 20-30 minute summary of the research proposal and subsequently be asked questions on the proposal and related matters. The total time for the examination is typically 60–90 minutes. The committee may be expected to pose any question relating to the substance and background of the proposed research and the applicant’s preparation for conducting the research.

Immediately before the oral examination, the advisor shall inform the other committee members of the extent of the collaboration with the candidate and also give an impression of the candidate’s performance in research already conducted.

In evaluating the thesis proposal examination, the primary criterion will be the applicant’s apparent ability to plan and conduct high-quality, PhD-level research in chemical engineering, as measured by the scholarly and technical breadth and depth displayed in the examination.

The examining committee will rate the written proposal and oral presentation as Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair or Poor and provide a few comments to explain the basis for the rating. A rating of Good signifies a proposal and presentation that just meets minimum standards and is the lowest possible passing score. These ratings and comments will be shared with the student and given to the graduate office.

Success on the examination fulfills one of the requirements for the PhD degree. A student who does not pass the thesis proposal exam in their first attempt may take it a second time but no later than October 15. Failing twice to pass the thesis proposal examination is considered sufficient reason to terminate the applicant’s enrollment in the Department’s Doctoral Program.

Thesis Proposal Exam Results Report

Guidelines for Preparing for the Thesis Proposal Examination

  • The applicant should read the  Proposal Writer’s Guide  (Office of Research and Sponsored Projects of The University of Michigan). The discussion of the Introduction, Background and Description of Proposed Research sections will likely be the most useful.
  • The  written proposal (WP)  may be organized in any form that the applicant feels is most appropriate but should include the items listed below. Some suggestions for suitable preparation for the  oral examination (OE)  are also indicated.

Introduction  (including a statement of the problem, purpose and significance of the research).

Background  (including a literature survey and a description of research already performed by the applicant).

WP:  The literature review should be selective and critical.

OE:  The applicant is expected to be intimately familiar with the relevant literature, the opinions of previous workers in the subject, and to be critical of shortcomings in earlier work.

Description of Proposed Research  (including method or approach and expected difficulties). This must constitute about 50% of the text of the written proposal. The Project Description should provide a clear statement of the work to be undertaken and must include: objectives for the period of the proposed work and expected significance; relation to the present state of knowledge in the field and to work in progress at Michigan and elsewhere. The Project Description should outline the general plan of work, including the broad design of activities to be undertaken and, where appropriate, provide a clear description of experimental methods and procedures.

WP:  A specific research program should be put forth (e.g., identify variables to be studied and their levels); the expected research program sequence; decision points expected during the course of the research; the methods of data reduction, evaluation, interpretation and presentation, etc.

OE:  The applicant is expected to display a thorough grasp of the physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, etc., relevant to the conduct of the theoretical or experimental research program. The methods used by others or proposed to be used should be thoroughly understood.

A  timetable  for conducting and reporting the research: The timetable should be clearly based upon the scope of the work described in the description of the proposed research.

List of references . Each reference must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers and year of publication.

Curriculum Vitae .

The written research proposal must not be longer than 15 pages of text (including figures, excluding title page, list of references, and CV), of which about 50% must be the description of the proposed research.

Use one of the following typefaces: Arial, Times, Times New Roman, Palatino (if using a Mac), Courier New, Palatino Linotype, Computer Modern family of fonts at a font size of 11 points or larger. A font size of less than 11 points may be used for mathematical formulas or equations, figure, table or diagram captions and when using a Symbol font to insert Greek letters or special characters.

No more than six lines of text within a vertical space of one inch.

Margins, in all directions, must be at least an inch.

While line spacing (single-spaced, double-spaced, etc.) is at the discretion of the proposer, established page limits must be followed.

The  project summary  (pdf) is not more than one page, and it should be a self-contained description of the activity proposed. The summary should include a statement of objectives and methods to be employed. It must clearly address the intellectual merit of the proposed activity. It should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields and, insofar as possible, understandable to a scientifically or technically literate lay reader. Potential hazards and safety precautions should be identified. The members of the proposed dissertation committee should be included on the Project Summary.


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Postgraduate thesis

Science students in lab

Postgraduate students are required to complete an advanced postgraduate thesis research project. This project involves an independent investigation at an advanced level and may include research, design, feasibility or other analysis. It involves integration of knowledge and evaluation across a range of topics in the area of specialisation. For most students, this is the most significant single piece of work in their university career and should be an intellectually engaging and an enjoyable experience.

Select your school to find more information regarding your advanced thesis research project. For any further questions, please contact your  Postgraduate Thesis/Project Coordinator . 

UNSW Master of Engineering Science Thesis Requirements

Masters Thesis C is only available to high achieving students with prior written school approval. As part of the  UNSW Master of Engineering Science  program, there’s a thesis requirement that needs to be met before graduation. This includes the following courses:

  • Masters Thesis C  (12 UoC)
  • Masters Project (Half Time) BIOM9020  (6 UoC) +  Masters Project (Half Time) BIOM9021  (6uoc) completed over two terms.
  • Engineering Postgraduate Coursework Research Skills  (6 UoC).

UNSW Master of Biomedical Engineering Thesis Requirements

As part of the UNSW Master of Biomedical Engineering program completing a thesis project is optional. Students can elect to undertake Thesis C (12 UoC). There are two ways of undertaking thesis:

  • Masters Project (BIOM9914) - 12 UoC completed in one term, or
  • Masters Project (Half Time) BIOM9020 (6 UoC) + Masters Project (Half Time) BIOM9021 (6 UoC completed over two terms.

How to apply

To enrol in one of the masters project courses, you must first nominate a supervisor and project. The instructions to view the projects are as follows:

  • Go the Moodle course Selection of Biomedical Thesis Project.
  • Self-enrol as a student using the key Student50
  • The projects are listed under Thesis Database
  • Contact the supervisor directly if you have any questions
  • When you are ready to apply, follow the instructions for applying for the masters’ project.

Postgraduate students are required to complete 24 UOC of research coursework. This consists of 6 UOC of  Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills  and 18 UOC of  Advanced Research Thesis . 

Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills (GSOE9010 or GSOE9011)

You must take  Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills  before commencing Advanced Research Thesis A. You can choose either  GSOE9010  or  GSOE9011 . Both courses are worth 6 UOC. The main difference between the two courses is that GSOE9011 is offered completely online.

Advanced Research Thesis (CEIC9951/2/3)

Advanced Research Thesis  consist of three courses worth 6 UOC each –  CEIC9951  Advanced Research Thesis A,  CEIC9952  Advanced Research Thesis B &  CEIC9953  Advanced Research Thesis C. Postgraduate students may commence Advanced Research Thesis once they are in their second or later term at UNSW and have completed one of the Engineering Postgraduate Research Skills courses.

You  must  identify a supervisor and project prior to commencing CEIC4951 or CEIC9951. To find out more about Research Thesis courses, the projects available and how to find a supervisor, please join the  Research Thesis Projects  page on Moodle (enrolment key co3shyh).

  • These courses are normally taken over three consecutive terms. However, students that make excellent progress in Thesis A, may be allowed to take Thesis B and Thesis C in the same term.
  • High performing students may be permitted to take  CEIC9005  in lieu of the regular Advanced Research Thesis courses. Contact the course coordinator for more information. 

UNSW Master of Engineering Science  students who have not completed a recognised thesis in their undergraduate studies or further postgraduate studies are required to complete the following courses:

  • Masters Project A (CVEN9451)*
  • Masters Project B (CVEN9452)  
  • Masters Project C (CVEN9453)

If you’re unsure if you have completed a thesis, or if the school is not aware that you have, please  contact us   so, an assessment can be made.

UNSW Master of Engineering (8621)  students are required to complete a thesis as part of their program. You must complete one of the following options to meet this requirement:

  • Masters Practice Project A (CVEN9050)  and  Masters Practice Project B (CVEN9051)
  • (Masters Project A (CVEN9451)*  and  Masters Project B (CVEN9452)  and  Masters Project C (CVEN9453)

*Enrolment in a Master’s Project A (CVEN9451) requires finding a topic and supervisor within the school. Please refer to the  Student Intranet  for the list of topics and supervisors, as well as the Topic Nomination Form. This form will need to be submitted to the Student Intranet in order to be registered in the course.

As part of the  UNSW Master of Information Technology  requirements, eligible students may undertake a research project. Students can complete  COMP9900  or 12-18 UoC through a combination of  COMP9991  and either  COMP9992  or  COMP9993 .

This information is intended for all postgraduate students who will start Part A in the forthcoming term. Please follow the steps shown below:

Step 1 : Go to: Moodle .  Enrol yourself as a student on the EET School Thesis/Project. Use self-enrolment key: EETTPstudent

Step 2 : Login to Moodle portal : ‘EET School Thesis/Project’. The portal is set up to help students find a supervisor and a thesis/project topic to work on. You can view the research profiles of prospective supervisors and topics by clicking on the ‘Research Topics’ icon.

The topics list is only indicative and may not show all the topics available. Supervisors may have other new topics in mind, or you may want to propose your own topic that matches the supervisor’ interests and expertise. 

Once you’ve found a supervisor with a topic that suits your interests, you’re required to contact this person to discuss your intention. If you both agree to team up, ask the supervisor to email you to confirm approval of the topic title. You can then proceed to register.

Note: registration must be done as soon as approval is granted (within 1 week). Supervisors have the right to void late registrations.   

Step 3 : From the home page, click the ‘Registration’ icon and then click ‘Select Supervisor.’ Find your supervisor name and click the action box to become a member. 

Step 4 : From the home page, click the ‘Registration’ icon then click ‘Register Topic,’ ‘Add Entry’ and enter your details and topic title. 

Step 5 : You must enrol in the appropriate thesis/project course code on myUNSW. Your program determines which project code students should enrol into. 

Enrolment Guide

If you are an 8338 postgraduate student, you can take either option for Thesis. Postgraduate students in 8621 are required to take Research Thesis part of their program of study.

If taking a Practice Thesis (group project), you must enrol in  Thesis A (MMAN9001)  and  Thesis B (MMAN9002) .

If taking a Research Thesis (individual project), enrol in  Research Thesis A (MMAN9451) ,  Research Thesis B (MMAN9452)  and  Research Thesis C (MMAN9453) .

For Research thesis, you will first need to find a supervisor and get their approval. An approved application is required to undertake Research and to gain permission to enrol. The deadline to enrol in MMAN4951/MMAN9451 is Friday Week 1, but get in early to get the project and supervisor you want.

You can find more information by visiting the Mech Eng Thesis Selection page.

Research Thesis

Research Thesis is a compulsory pathway in the Mining Engineering (Hons) degree and an optional pathway for high WAM students doing Petroluem Engineering. This thesis allows a student to work closely with a particular supervisor, learn particular skills – like programming or laboratory work, conduct research and write up their findings. To take this stream, you will need to first enrol in MERE4951 Research Thesis A.

MERE4951 Research Thesis A

In this course you will be required to find a supervisor and topic to work on. You can find a list of our research strengths here:

You can also find an individual academic and ask them about topics that they work on. Academics from our school are available here:

Once you enrol, make sure you have access to the Microsoft Team (the link is on the Moodle page), which is filled with information and has active forums for asking questions:

MERE4952 & MERE9453 Research Thesis B & C

These two units (4UoC each) can be taken in the same term or separately. Thesis B involves submitting a video/audio reflection of the work so far and an interim report. Thesis C involves writing your thesis and recording and submitting a scientific presentation of your results.

All Postgrad thesis students can find a list of thesis topics will be posted on the  Thesis A Moodle site . The student key to access the site will be sent out by the thesis co-ordinator to all students who will be taking thesis the following term. You should review the list and discuss the topics with the relevant supervisor to get an idea of what it entails. Students must include in their email to the supervisor, their CV and a cover letter explaining their topic interests and relevant background.

Once both the supervisor and student have agreed on the topic, a Thesis Nomination Form should be completed. This is submitted to the Thesis Coordinator and uploaded to the SOLA9451 Moodle site prior to the student commencing work on their topic. All students must have chosen a supervisor by 9am Monday week 1 of term.

You can develop your own thesis topic, if you can find a supervisor from within the School. This will require you to attach a one page description of the thesis topic and signed by the supervisor to the Thesis Nomination Form.

The School also encourages students who wish to do an industry-led thesis topic. In this case the mentor from industry would be the student’s co-supervisor, however an academic staff member from the School must act as the supervisor of the thesis.

For an industry-led thesis, you must obtain approval from an academic of the School to supervise the topic. You should submit a signed letter from the industry representative and academic supervisor with a brief outline of the project with a Thesis Nomination Form.

All information needed for the deliverables of thesis A can be found in the course outline which is available on the SOLA9451 Moodle site.

Each supervisor has a prescribed limit for how many students they are accepting. A table will be posted noting how many students each supervisor will take and how many students they have so far. Once a supervisor reaches their limit please look for someone else. You are not guaranteed a project with a supervisor unless you have a signed form.

  • Schedule your appointment with your supervisor
  • Get your thesis nomination form signed by your supervisor 

Postgraduate thesis FAQs

Depending on the thesis course you take, your topic may be provided to you or you will need to develop one.

If you need to develop one, most schools have a website that lists available topics and the staff willing to supervise those topics. You may wish to select a topic based on areas of engineering interest, extracurricular interests (such as the  ChallENG Projects ), or preference for working with a particular academic in your field.  You can even come up with your own in consultation with your thesis supervisor. Take a look! 

The process is different for each school, so review the information above.

If you still have questions, contact your school’s  Postgraduate Thesis Coordinator.

Projects based on current employment are highly encouraged. They must meet the requirements of advanced independent study and you must arrange a UNSW academic as (co-)supervisor. Finally, work-based projects must be approved by the  Thesis Coordinator   prior to enrolment.

Most schools have a Moodle, intranet, or web page with detailed information about their thesis program. That should be your next port of call – check your school’s section above for access instructions.

Schools often run information sessions during the year. These will be advertised via email, on social media and/or during class. Keep an eye out for these events.

The  Undergraduate Thesis page  has further answers to frequently asked thesis questions.

If you have questions related to enrolment or progression, contact the Nucleus.

Finally, each school has a  Thesis Coordinator  who can answer specific questions related to your personal circumstances.

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The Future of AI Research: 20 Thesis Ideas for Undergraduate Students in Machine Learning and Deep Learning for 2023!

A comprehensive guide for crafting an original and innovative thesis in the field of ai..

By Aarafat Islam on 2023-01-11

“The beauty of machine learning is that it can be applied to any problem you want to solve, as long as you can provide the computer with enough examples.” — Andrew Ng

This article provides a list of 20 potential thesis ideas for an undergraduate program in machine learning and deep learning in 2023. Each thesis idea includes an  introduction , which presents a brief overview of the topic and the  research objectives . The ideas provided are related to different areas of machine learning and deep learning, such as computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, finance, drug discovery, and more. The article also includes explanations, examples, and conclusions for each thesis idea, which can help guide the research and provide a clear understanding of the potential contributions and outcomes of the proposed research. The article also emphasized the importance of originality and the need for proper citation in order to avoid plagiarism.

1. Investigating the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in medical imaging:  A deep learning approach to improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses.

Introduction:  Medical imaging is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions. However, accurately interpreting medical images can be challenging, especially for less experienced doctors. This thesis aims to explore the use of GANs in medical imaging, in order to improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses.

2. Exploring the use of deep learning in natural language generation (NLG): An analysis of the current state-of-the-art and future potential.

Introduction:  Natural language generation is an important field in natural language processing (NLP) that deals with creating human-like text automatically. Deep learning has shown promising results in NLP tasks such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and question-answering. This thesis aims to explore the use of deep learning in NLG and analyze the current state-of-the-art models, as well as potential future developments.

3. Development and evaluation of deep reinforcement learning (RL) for robotic navigation and control.

Introduction:  Robotic navigation and control are challenging tasks, which require a high degree of intelligence and adaptability. Deep RL has shown promising results in various robotics tasks, such as robotic arm control, autonomous navigation, and manipulation. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate a deep RL-based approach for robotic navigation and control and evaluate its performance in various environments and tasks.

4. Investigating the use of deep learning for drug discovery and development.

Introduction:  Drug discovery and development is a time-consuming and expensive process, which often involves high failure rates. Deep learning has been used to improve various tasks in bioinformatics and biotechnology, such as protein structure prediction and gene expression analysis. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for drug discovery and development and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the drug development process.

5. Comparison of deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for anomaly detection in time series data.

Introduction:  Anomaly detection in time series data is a challenging task, which is important in various fields such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Deep learning methods have been used to improve anomaly detection in time series data, while traditional machine learning methods have been widely used as well. This thesis aims to compare deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for anomaly detection in time series data and examine their respective strengths and weaknesses.

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Photo by  Joanna Kosinska  on  Unsplash

6. Use of deep transfer learning in speech recognition and synthesis.

Introduction:  Speech recognition and synthesis are areas of natural language processing that focus on converting spoken language to text and vice versa. Transfer learning has been widely used in deep learning-based speech recognition and synthesis systems to improve their performance by reusing the features learned from other tasks. This thesis aims to investigate the use of transfer learning in speech recognition and synthesis and how it improves the performance of the system in comparison to traditional methods.

7. The use of deep learning for financial prediction.

Introduction:  Financial prediction is a challenging task that requires a high degree of intelligence and adaptability, especially in the field of stock market prediction. Deep learning has shown promising results in various financial prediction tasks, such as stock price prediction and credit risk analysis. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for financial prediction and examine its potential to improve the accuracy of financial forecasting.

8. Investigating the use of deep learning for computer vision in agriculture.

Introduction:  Computer vision has the potential to revolutionize the field of agriculture by improving crop monitoring, precision farming, and yield prediction. Deep learning has been used to improve various computer vision tasks, such as object detection, semantic segmentation, and image classification. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for computer vision in agriculture and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of crop monitoring and precision farming.

9. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for generative design in engineering and architecture.

Introduction:  Generative design is a powerful tool in engineering and architecture that can help optimize designs and reduce human error. Deep learning has been used to improve various generative design tasks, such as design optimization and form generation. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for generative design in engineering and architecture and examine their potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the design process.

10. Investigating the use of deep learning for natural language understanding.

Introduction:  Natural language understanding is a complex task of natural language processing that involves extracting meaning from text. Deep learning has been used to improve various NLP tasks, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and question-answering. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for natural language understanding and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of natural language understanding systems.

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Photo by  UX Indonesia  on  Unsplash

11. Comparing deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for image compression.

Introduction:  Image compression is an important task in image processing and computer vision. It enables faster data transmission and storage of image files. Deep learning methods have been used to improve image compression, while traditional machine learning methods have been widely used as well. This thesis aims to compare deep learning and traditional machine learning methods for image compression and examine their respective strengths and weaknesses.

12. Using deep learning for sentiment analysis in social media.

Introduction:  Sentiment analysis in social media is an important task that can help businesses and organizations understand their customers’ opinions and feedback. Deep learning has been used to improve sentiment analysis in social media, by training models on large datasets of social media text. This thesis aims to use deep learning for sentiment analysis in social media, and evaluate its performance against traditional machine learning methods.

13. Investigating the use of deep learning for image generation.

Introduction:  Image generation is a task in computer vision that involves creating new images from scratch or modifying existing images. Deep learning has been used to improve various image generation tasks, such as super-resolution, style transfer, and face generation. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for image generation and examine its potential to improve the quality and diversity of generated images.

14. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for anomaly detection in cybersecurity.

Introduction:  Anomaly detection in cybersecurity is an important task that can help detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Deep learning has been used to improve various anomaly detection tasks, such as intrusion detection and malware detection. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for anomaly detection in cybersecurity and examine their potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of cybersecurity systems.

15. Investigating the use of deep learning for natural language summarization.

Introduction:  Natural language summarization is an important task in natural language processing that involves creating a condensed version of a text that preserves its main meaning. Deep learning has been used to improve various natural language summarization tasks, such as document summarization and headline generation. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for natural language summarization and examine its potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of natural language summarization systems.

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Photo by  Windows  on  Unsplash

16. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for facial expression recognition.

Introduction:  Facial expression recognition is an important task in computer vision and has many practical applications, such as human-computer interaction, emotion recognition, and psychological studies. Deep learning has been used to improve facial expression recognition, by training models on large datasets of images. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for facial expression recognition and examine their performance against traditional machine learning methods.

17. Investigating the use of deep learning for generative models in music and audio.

Introduction:  Music and audio synthesis is an important task in audio processing, which has many practical applications, such as music generation and speech synthesis. Deep learning has been used to improve generative models for music and audio, by training models on large datasets of audio data. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for generative models in music and audio and examine its potential to improve the quality and diversity of generated audio.

18. Study the comparison of deep learning models with traditional algorithms for anomaly detection in network traffic.

Introduction:  Anomaly detection in network traffic is an important task that can help detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Deep learning models have been used for this task, and traditional methods such as clustering and rule-based systems are widely used as well. This thesis aims to compare deep learning models with traditional algorithms for anomaly detection in network traffic and analyze the trade-offs between the models in terms of accuracy and scalability.

19. Investigating the use of deep learning for improving recommender systems.

Introduction:  Recommender systems are widely used in many applications such as online shopping, music streaming, and movie streaming. Deep learning has been used to improve the performance of recommender systems, by training models on large datasets of user-item interactions. This thesis aims to investigate the use of deep learning for improving recommender systems and compare its performance with traditional content-based and collaborative filtering approaches.

20. Development and evaluation of deep learning models for multi-modal data analysis.

Introduction:  Multi-modal data analysis is the task of analyzing and understanding data from multiple sources such as text, images, and audio. Deep learning has been used to improve multi-modal data analysis, by training models on large datasets of multi-modal data. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate deep learning models for multi-modal data analysis and analyze their potential to improve performance in comparison to single-modal models.

I hope that this article has provided you with a useful guide for your thesis research in machine learning and deep learning. Remember to conduct a thorough literature review and to include proper citations in your work, as well as to be original in your research to avoid plagiarism. I wish you all the best of luck with your thesis and your research endeavors!

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Engineering student in lab

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Master of Science (MSc)

Thesis-based program

Program overview.

Ambitious students can explore their interest and aptitude in performing research by taking the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MSc Thesis) degree. As a stepping stone to the PhD degree, the program allows students to investigate a new research topic in depth with a leading researcher in the mechanical engineering program. Through things such as conferences, peer-reviewed publications and technical papers, students get to disseminate knowledge. They will complete technical courses, present at a conference, and prepare and defend a thesis documenting their research over the course of their two years of full-time study. Students are typically funded through the duration of their study under various mechanisms offered by the faculty, department, and supervisor.

Completing this program

Manufacturing Engineering:  Topics may include computer integrated manufacturing, optimization methods with robotics, CAD/CAM/CAE and more.

Mechanical Engineering:  Topics may include combustion processes, mechanics of compressible flow, instrumentation, mobile robotics and more.

Research Seminar:  Students present at the annual Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Conference.

Additional Courses:  Students complete Numerical Methods for Engineers.

Thesis:  Students will be required to submit and defend an original research thesis.

Pipeline Engineering Specialization:  Students wishing to complete the Pipeline Engineering Specialization must include three courses of Pipeline Engineering approved courses with a Pipeline Engineering project.


  • Pipeline Engineering
  • Engineering, Energy and Environment (Interdisciplinary)
  • Environmental Engineering (Interdisciplinary)
  • Energy & Environmental Systems (Interdisciplinary)

Consulting, research and development, forensic engineering, management, process control.

A thesis-based master’s degree in mechanical engineering will give you the pre-requisite for a PhD.

Students are required to prepare a thesis and successfully defend in an open oral defense.

Five courses with conference presentation

Learn more about program requirements in the Academic Calendar

Classroom delivery

Time commitment.

Two years full time; four years maximum

A supervisor is required, and must agree to oversee the student's research before admission will be granted

See the Graduate Calendar for information on  fees and fee regulations,  and for information on  awards and financial assistance .

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Learn about faculty available to supervise this degree. Please note: additional supervisors may be available. Contact the program for more information.


Mahdis Bisheban

Bob Brennan

Bob Brennan

Picture of Marie Charbonneau

Marie Charbonneau

Ke Du

Philip Egberts

Leo Fang

Salvatore Federico

Peter Goldsmith

Peter Goldsmith

Schuyler Hinman Photo

Schuyler Hinman

Craig Johansen

Craig Johansen

Admission Requirements

A minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 point system, over the past two years of full-time study (a minimum of 10 full-course equivalents or 60 units) of the undergraduate degree.

Minimum education

A four year baccalaureate degree, or equivalent from a recognized institution.

Work samples

Reference letters, test scores, english language proficiency (elp).

An applicant whose primary language is not English may fulfill the English language proficiency requirement in one of the following ways:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iB T including TOEFL iBT Home Edition)  minimum score of 86 (Internet-based, with no section less than 20).
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)  score of 6.5 (with no section less than 6.0).
  • Cambridge C1 Advanced or Cambridge C2 Proficiency  minimum score of 180.
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE)   score of 59 or higher
  • Canadian Academic English Language test (CAEL)  overall score of 70 (no section less than 60).
  • Academic Communication Certificate (ACC)  minimum of B+ in each course.
  • Duolingo English Test  obtaining a minimum score of 125 (with no sub-score below 105).

*Please contact your program of interest if you have any questions about ELP requirements.

For admission on September 1:

  • Canadians and permanent residents: June 1 application deadline
  • International students:  Jan. 15 application deadline

For admission on January 1:

  • Canadians and permanent residents: Oct. 1 application deadline
  • International students:  May 1 application deadline

If you're not a Canadian or permanent resident, or if you have international credentials, make sure to learn about international requirements

Are you ready to apply?

Learn more about this program.

Schulich School of Engineering Room 505, The Mechanical Engineering Building Room, 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 403.220.4153

Contact the Graduate Program Administrator

Visit the departmental website

Canadian Natural Resources Limited Engineering Complex 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 403.220.5732

Visit the Schulich School of Engineering website

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Engineering student works to improve water infrastructure

Tolulope odunola is driven to make an impact in developing communities.

headshot of Lindsey Osterfeld

After earning her bachelor's degree in civil engineering at a premier university in Nigeria, Tolulope Odunola became fascinated by the world of hydrology and water systems and set off to continue her education in environmental engineering.

She came to the University of Cincinnati for her master's degree, and the experience left such an impact she stayed for her doctorate, working under the guidance of Patrick Ray, associate professor of environmental engineering.

Odunola was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

Why did you choose UC?

My journey to the University of Cincinnati was quite an interesting one. I grew up in Nigeria and after earning a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, I was convinced that I needed both the exposure and improved skillset that an overseas graduate education would provide. The University of Cincinnati was not on my list initially, but upon recommendation, I browsed through the school's website and faculty profiles in my program of choice. 

After I arrived at UC, I was captivated by the beautiful architecture on campus and the diversity of nationalities represented here.

Tolulope Odunola, Graduate Student Engineer of the Month

Tolulope Odunola

My quick survey of the university revealed that UC held much promise for my development academically and careerwise, so I did not delay in submitting my application for a master's degree in environmental engineering .

I applied to UC a few days before the deadline in 2019 and I am so glad I made the right choice. After I arrived, I was captivated by the beautiful architecture on campus and the diversity of nationalities represented here. 

Why did you choose your field of study?

I am pursuing my doctorate in environmental engineering after obtaining my master's degree in the same program in 2022. I have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, and the little story of how I ended up in the field of engineering begins when I was in high school. Back then, I enjoyed science and mathematics, but I also loved fine arts and technical drawing, so I wanted a discipline that combined both innovative creativity and computation prowess. I explored the field of environmental design first and considered architecture, but I eventually decided on civil engineering, in part due to the broader scope of the field. 

As an undergraduate student, I learned about the environmental aspects of civil engineering. With time, water and environmental engineering began to stand out to me amongst other areas of specialization. I observed that there was still much room to contribute to the practice of environmental engineering in Nigeria, as well as to improve the standards, management, and sustainability practices of water resources and waste management systems. By the final year of my undergraduate program, I decided I would go onto graduate school to learn more about environmental engineering and gain skills in the area. This is how I ended up at UC in the Water Systems Analysis group under the supervision of Dr. Patrick Ray. 

Briefly describe your research work. What problems do you hope to solve?

Under the guidance of Dr. Patrick Ray, Tolulope Odunola has presented her research at several conferences, including the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

My research is focused on improving the economic evaluation of water resource projects under changing climate conditions.

My goal is to make significant contributions to decision science. The design, planning and operation of water projects like irrigation dams and water supply networks is affected by climate change because the amount of water that will be available in the future for such projects is uncertain.

While climate science has advanced in recent years, there is still room for improvement to standard economic evaluation using climate vulnerability assessment methodologies.

My research aims to provide decision makers in water resources engineering with robust analysis frameworks, tools, and decision metrics for confident investment decisions under climate uncertainty. I am also exploring spatial and distributional equity considerations in economic evaluation under climate change.

Odunola is advised by Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, Patrick Ray.

Research at UC has been positively demanding and rewarding. I am thankful for my adviser, Patrick Ray , who introduced me to the world of development projects planning, climate vulnerability assessment and decision science.

I have enjoyed working on practical projects, learning new skills, and collaborating with multidisciplinary project teams. For instance, I was funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation for three years which introduced me to the work culture in a typical development agency.

I have learned to present my research to a non-technical audience and to understand and be considerate of different perspectives of water engineering systems modeling under climate change. I have had to think like an economist, an urban planner and an agronomist while building my hydrological models and approaching scenario analysis under climate change, for example.

I would say this is one of the blessings of graduate school — it eliminates myopic approaches to anything in life, research included. 

What are some of the most impactful experiences during your time at UC?

I have been privileged to attend and present at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting several times as well as the American Society of Civil Engineers' EWRI Congress. These conferences inspired and encouraged me to work harder on my research and make significant contributions to both science and industry. There was also the additional advantage of visiting and touring new cities during the conferences. 

Traveling for work and presentation sessions at the Millennium Challenge Corporation office in Washington, D.C., had a huge impact on me. I once toured D.C. with my family as a teenager. To return almost a decade later for work as a graduate student was amazing, to say the least. As you can expect, I took a selfie with a caption of my thoughts on the busy morning streets of D.C. and shared it with my family back home in Nigeria. 

What are a few of your accomplishments of which you are most proud?

Winning the Outstanding Student Presentation Award for the Hydrology Section at the AGU Fall Meeting in 2023, and the 2024 People's Choice Award at the University of Cincinnati's three-minute thesis competition are definitely at the top of my list.

I also have been a two-time recipient of the American Water Works Association Ohio Chapter Graduate Scholarship. Recently, I was awarded the Graduate Student Government Research Fellowship.

I am deeply grateful for the honor that accompanies these feats, but equally important and impactful was the process leading up to these awards during which I developed my research dissemination, writing, and presentation skills. 

When do you expect to graduate? What are your plans after earning your degree?

I aim to graduate within the next year and my plan is the same as it was in the fall of 2019 when I arrived at UC: to make an impact in human communities, one sustainable water resource project at a time. I look forward to being employed in the water industry as a water resource analyst and planner, and specifically I hope to work in an international development or foreign aid agency to provide developing countries with water infrastructure that is robust to uncertainties such as climate change. 

Do you have any other hobbies or involvements you'd like to share?

Outside of research, I enjoy reading historical fiction novels, creative writing, and exploring the beauty of nature. UC has also afforded me many leadership opportunities.

First, with the Nigerian Students' Association where I served as Secretary and three-time Electoral Committee Chairperson. Also, I have served for two tenures as the Vice President of my department's Graduate Student Association.

Plus, I had growth, leadership, and ministry opportunities by serving with Every Nation here at UC. I will always be grateful for the relationships I have made as a graduate student at UC; my church family, research group colleagues, Nigerian friends who made Cincinnati a home away from home, and several others too numerous to mention!

Featured image at top:  Tolulope Odunola is studying ways to improve the infrastructure that provides clean drinking water. He was named UC's Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Photo/Pixabay

Interested in becoming an engineering Bearcat?

Check out the graduate programs offered by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

  • Student Experience
  • College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Chemical and Environmental Engineering
  • Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management

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Eleven from MIT awarded 2024 Fulbright fellowships

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11 portrait photos arranged in two rows of four and one row of three.

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Eleven MIT undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni have won Fulbright grants to embark on projects overseas in the 2024-25 grant cycle. Two other students were offered awards but declined them to pursue other opportunities.

Funded by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers year-long opportunities for American citizen students and recent alumni to conduct independent research, pursue graduate studies, or teach English in over 140 countries.

MIT has been a Fulbright Top-Producing Institution for five years in a row. MIT students and alumni interested in applying to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program should contact Julia Mongo, MIT Fulbright program advisor, in the Office of Distinguished Fellowships in Career Advising and Professional Development.

April Cheng is a junior studying physics with a minor in mathematics and is fast-tracked to graduate this spring. They will take their Fulbright research grant to the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Germany, where they will study different statistical techniques to infer the expansion rate of the universe from gravitational waves. They first developed an interest in gravitational waves and black holes at the MIT LIGO and Caltech LIGO labs, but their research spans a wide range of topics in astrophysics, including cosmology and fast radio bursts. Cheng is passionate about physics education and is heavily involved in developing educational materials for high school Science Olympiads. At MIT, they are a member of the Physics Values Committee, the physics mentorship program, and the MIT Lion Dance team. After Fulbright, Cheng will pursue a PhD in astrophysics at Princeton University, where they have received the President’s Fellowship.

Grace McMillan is a senior majoring in literature and mechanical engineering with a concentration in Russian language. As a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Award recipient, she will teach at a university in Kazakhstan. McMillan’s interest in Central Asia was sparked by a Russian language immersion program she participated in during her sophomore summer in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, funded by MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI). She is excited to help her students learn English to foster integration into the global academic community. During her time at MIT, McMillan has conducted research with faculty in nuclear science; earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences; and the Digital Humanities Lab. Outside of academics, she has been an active member of her sorority, Sigma Kappa, and has served on the MIT Health Consumers’ Advisory Council for two years. After Fulbright, McMillan hopes to attend law school, focusing on education reform.

Ryan McTigue will graduate this spring with a BS in physics and mathematics and a concentration in Spanish. With a Fulbright award to Spain, he will do research at the University of Valencia’s Institute of Molecular Science focusing on the physics of two-dimensional multiferroic nanodevices. He is looking forward to improving his Spanish and getting the opportunity to live abroad. At MIT, McTigue became interested in condensed matter physics research with the Checkelsky group, where he focused on engineering materials with flat bands that exhibited correlated electron effects. Outside of research, McTigue has been a mentor in the physics department’s mentoring program and a member of the heavyweight men’s crew team. After his Fulbright grant, McTigue will begin a PhD in physics at Princeton University.

Keith Murray ’22 graduated from MIT with a BS in computation and cognition and linguistics and philosophy. He will receive his MEng degree in computation and cognition this spring. As a Fulbright Hungary research grantee at the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Murray will design generative AI models inspired by the primary visual cortex with the goal of making AI models more interpretable. At MIT, Murray’s research experiences spanned from training mice to perform navigation tasks in virtual reality to theorizing about how neurons might compute modular arithmetic. He was also a member of the men’s heavyweight crew team and the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. After Fulbright, Murray will pursue a PhD in neuroscience at Princeton University.

Maaya Prasad ’22 completed her undergraduate education at MIT with degrees in both electrical engineering and creative writing and will graduate this month with an MS in mechanical and ocean engineering. Her thesis research focuses on microplastic detection using optical sensing. Prasad’s Fulbright fellowship will take her to Mauritius, an East African island country located in the Indian Ocean. Here, she will continue her master’s research at the University of Mauritius and will work with local researchers to implement a microplastic survey system. While at MIT, Prasad joined the varsity sailing team with no prior experience. Her time spent on the water led her to pursue marine research at MIT Sea Grant, and she eventually earned an honorable mention to the 2023 All-American Sailing Team. After Fulbright, Prasad hopes to pursue a PhD in applied ocean engineering.

Anusha Puri is a senior majoring in biological engineering. Her Fulbright award will take her to Lausanne, Switzerland, where she will conduct cancer immunology research at the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research. At MIT, Puri’s work in the Weinberg Lab focused on understanding mechanisms that drive resistance of breast cancer to immunotherapy. On campus, she founded and serves as president of MIT’s premiere stand-up comedy group, Stand-Up CoMITy, leads MIT’s Bhangra dance team, and is the editor-in-chief of the MIT Undergraduate Research Journal . She looks forward to engaging with teaching outreach and practicing her French in Switzerland. After her Fulbright grant, she plans to pursue a PhD in biomedical science.

Olivia Rosenstein will graduate this spring with a BS in physics and a minor in French. Her Fulbright will take her to ENS Paris-Saclay in Palaiseau, France, where she’ll deepen her education in atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics. At MIT, Rosenstein has worked in Professor Mark Vogelsberger’s group researching models of galaxy formation and the early universe, and in Professor Richard Fletcher’s group on an erbium-lithium experiment to investigate quantum many-body dynamics in a degenerate mixture. In France, she will expand on the skills she developed in Fletcher’s lab by contributing to a project using optical tweezer arrays to study dipolar interactions. After Fulbright, Rosenstein plans to return to the United States to pursue a PhD in experimental AMO at Caltech.

Jennifer Schug willreceive this spring an MEng degree in the Climate, Environment, and Sustainability track within the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. During her Fulbright year in Italy, she will conduct research on carbon storage in the Venice lagoon at the University of Padua. Schug is excited to build upon her research with the Terrer Lab at MIT, where she is currently investigating the effectiveness of forestation as a carbon sequestration strategy. She also looks forward to improving her Italian language skills and learning about Italian history and culture. Before beginning Fulbright this fall, Schug will study ecological preservation in Sicily this summer through an MIT-Italy collaboration with the University of Catania. After Fulbright, she hopes to continue researching nature-based solutions as climate change mitigation strategies.

Vaibhavi Shah ’21 earned a BS in biological engineering and in science, technology, and society at MIT, where she was named a Goldwater Scholar. She is now a medical student at Stanford University. As a Fulbright-Fogarty Fellow in Public Health, Shah will use both her computational and humanities backgrounds to investigate sociocultural factors underlying traumatic surgical injuries in Nepal. While at MIT, she was on the executive board of GlobeMed and the Society of Women Engineers, and she hopes to use those experiences to amplify diverse voices in medicine while on her journey to becoming a neurosurgeon-scientist. After Fulbright, Shah will complete her final year of medical school.

Charvi Sharma is a senior studying computer science and molecular biology with a minor in theater arts. As a Fulbright English teaching assistant in Spain, she is excited to engage in cross-cultural exchange while furthering her skills as a teacher and as a leader. In addition to teaching, Sharma looks forward to immersing herself in the country’s vibrant traditions, improving her Spanish proficiency, and delving into the local arts and dance scene. At MIT, through Global Teaching Labs Spain and her roles as a dynaMIT mentor, an associate advisor, and a captain and president of her dance teams Mirchi and Nritya, Sharma has served as a teacher of both STEM and dance. Her passion for making a difference in her community is also evident through her work with Boston Medical Center’s Autism Program through the PKG Public Service Center and as an undergraduate cancer researcher in the Yaffe Lab. After Fulbright, Sharma plans to pursue an MD and, ultimately, a career as a clinician-scientist.

Isabella Witham is a senior majoring in biological engineering. As a recipient of the Fulbright U.S.-Korea Presidential STEM Initiative Award, she will conduct research at Seoul National University’s Biomimetic Materials and Stem Cell Engineering Lab. Her work will involve creating biomimetic scaffolds for pancreatic cell transplantation to treat type I diabetes. While in South Korea, Witham aims to improve her language skills and explore cultural sites and cities. At MIT, she worked in the Belcher Lab on nanoparticle formulations, was a tutor for MIT’s Women’s Technology Program, and volunteered as a Medlink. After her Fulbright fellowship, she plans to pursue a PhD in biological engineering.

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  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program

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Texas A&M Hosts Promising Young Scientists Ahead Of Prestigious Nobel Laureate Meetings

A group photos of selected participants in the Lindeau Nobel Laureate Meetings in front of the horse statue at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum.

A select group of young scientists gathered at Texas A&M University last week in preparation for the upcoming 73rd Nobel Laureate Meetings in Lindau, Germany.

The young scientists — a total of 32 students and post-doctoral researchers from across the country — will join more than 600 of their peers from around the world at this year’s meetings, set for June 30-July 5.

Seven students and one post-doctoral researcher from Texas A&M will be among the participants. The scientists were nominated to participate in the gathering by their institutions and then selected by a Lindau’s scientific review panel.

Last week’s gathering on the Texas A&M campus gave the participants an opportunity to tour the campus and research facilities, network with the group members and meet with Texas A&M faculty and administrators. With support from the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the College of Arts and Sciences , the group visited the Cyclotron Institute , Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering , and the Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics , among other sites.

Kamal Rudra, who recently completed a master’s degree at the University of Michigan, said the workshop on campus was a great opportunity to meet peers and faculty and learn about what motivated their interest in their research.

Dr. Joerg Steiner, university distinguished professor of veterinary medicine and faculty liaison for the Office of the Vice President for Research, chats with students participating in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings during a tour of the Texas A&M University campus.

“What I keep noticing in their stories is that innovative scientists often encounter initial rejection of their ideas,” Rudra said. “I am always inspired by how people persevere through those kinds of challenges. At Lindau, we’re going to get to meet people who overcame those challenges and conducted research that changed the world. What’s more inspiring than that?”

The campus visit was coordinated by the Office of the Provost, in collaboration with the Division of Research, the Graduate and Professional School, the Office for Faculty Affairs and the Hagler Institute for Advanced Study.

The two-day event represents one aspect of a larger initiative at Texas A&M.

The university has reached a four-year agreement with the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Foundation to be one of the organization’s main U.S. academic partners outside California; the University of California System has a similar agreement with Lindau to provide opportunities for young scientists from California. As part of that agreement, Texas A&M will conduct a first round of nomination reviews before forwarding selected nominees on to the Lindau scientific review panel to make final decisions and extend invites to the annual meeting. The university will then host a pre-Lindau Meeting preparatory session on campus and support the travel for a number of those invited.

This summer, Texas A&M will support 21 of the 32 students and post-docs selected to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. The other 11 will be supported by corporate partner Amgen. In addition, Texas A&M will host “International Day” at Lindau, which opens with a partner breakfast and panel discussion on the role of physics in solving the global problems of the 21st century featuring Nobel Laureate Bill Phillips and two faculty and one young scientist from Texas A&M. The day will conclude with cross-cultural sharing of food and activities.

Dr. Joerg Steiner, university distinguished professor of veterinary medicine and faculty liaison for the Office of the Vice President for Research, has spearheaded the initiative. “Texas A&M is filling an important need in the U.S.,” Steiner said. “Outside of California, there’s no U.S. academic institution doing what we’re doing.”

Dr. Alan Sams, executive vice president and provost at Texas A&M, said it was an honor to host the scholars to help them prepare for the meeting in Germany.

“Attending a Nobel Laureate Meeting is transformational for a young scientist. We’re giving the most promising students and post-docs at Texas A&M and around the country a chance at a potentially life- and career-changing experience and we’re preparing them to make the most of that experience,” Sams said. “In addition, we get an opportunity to showcase our university by bringing young scholars from around the country to our campus and showing them all our university has to offer, then sending them to Lindau as a cohort supported by Texas A&M.”

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings provide an international forum for intellectual exchange and collaboration. The event, which was established in 1951, feature lectures, discussions and workshops that cover a range of scientific disciplines, rotating annually between physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine, with a meeting dedicated to economics every three years. This year, nearly 40 Nobel Laureates in physics will be in attendance.

Hannah Dattilo, a doctoral student at Vanderbilt University, said she is most interested in the exchange of ideas with such accomplished researchers. “Events like this and Lindau,” Dattilo said, “are hallmarks of what collaboration looks like, and they contradict the stereotype of the mad scientist working alone in a lab. Working together and sharing ideas and insights is how we move science forward.”

Hanna Dattilo takes a photo during a tour of the Cyclotron Institute on the Texas A&M University campus.

Texas A&M students said they enjoyed having the workshop on campus and are proud that Texas A&M has partnered with Lindau.

“These two days have been like a crash course in cutting-edge research,” said David Thomas, a senior mechanical engineering major. “I am just trying to soak it all in, and having a small community will make it easier to interact with the larger community at Lindau. This has been a great primer.”

Alex Strasser, a Texas A&M doctoral student in materials science and engineering, said he was excited about the university’s effort through the initiative to connect students and the university with the international scientific community.

“I am interested in philosophical questions surrounding physics,” Strasser said. “I have already been blown away by the diversity of ideas on this topic just from the students and post-docs I’ve met here. I’m excited to see the perspectives from people of different cultures I’ll encounter at the meeting in Lindau.”

Sams said he was pleased that the students and post-docs were getting so much out of the workshop and were excited for their upcoming trip.

“We hope we are building lifelong relationships between our university and these future scholars. Perhaps the next time they visit Lindau, they will be faculty researchers representing Texas A&M as Nobel Laureates.”

Students and Post-Docs Selected to Attend the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Supported by Texas A&M:

  • Kevin Allen, Doctoral Student, Rice University
  • Hillary Diane Andales, Undergraduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Keyu Ding, Doctoral Student, University of South Dakota
  • Madison Edwards, Doctoral Student, Texas A&M University
  • Addy Evans, Doctoral Student, Texas A&M University
  • Pratiksha Balasaheb Gaikwad, Doctoral Student, University of Florida
  • Shachar Gottlieb, Undergraduate Student, Texas A&M University
  • Alex Hilty, Undergraduate Student, Texas A&M University
  • Gabriel Larios, Post-Doc, Texas A&M University
  • Adrià Delhom i Latorre, Doctoral Student, Louisiana State University
  • Siyang Li, Doctoral Student, Johns Hopkins University
  • Ali Binai Motlagh, Doctoral Student, Columbia University
  • Emery Nibigira, Post-Doc, University of Tennessee
  • Junellie Gonzalez Quiles, Doctoral Student, Johns Hopkins University
  • Alex Strasser, Doctoral Student, Texas A&M University
  • David Thomas, Undergraduate Student, Texas A&M University
  • Sarah Vickers, Master’s Student, University of North Carolina
  • Jiaxuan Wang, Doctoral Student, Texas A&M University
  • Ziqin Yue, Doctoral Student, Rice University
  • Barkotel Zemenu, Undergraduate Student, Yale University
  • Michael Zengel, Undergraduate Student, University of Alabama

Students and Post-Docs Attending the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and the Pre-Meeting Workshop, Supported by Amgen 

  • Jeffrey Backus, Doctoral Student, Princeton University
  • Hannah Dattilo, Doctoral Student, Vanderbilt University
  • Dipa Ghindani, Post-Doc, Harvard University
  • Miriam Hiebert, Post-Doc, University of Maryland
  • Noah Hoppis, Doctoral Student, University of Maryland
  • Pratik Prasad Joshi, Post-Doc, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Anurag Panda, Post-Doc, Harvard University
  • Kamal Rudra, Master’s Student, University of Michigan
  • Adam Shaw, Doctoral Student, California Institute of Technology
  • Ariana Shearin, Doctoral Student, University of Maryland
  • Kathryn Sturge, Doctoral Student, University of Maryland

Media contact: Rob Dixon, [email protected] , 979-458-8584

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