essay about help ever hurt never

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We must realize the truth that God has given us this body for serving others and thus help others. There is nothing greater than service to humanity. Service to man is service to God. All great men have sanctified their life only by serving humanity. Therefore, you start serving humanity at least from now onwards. Service is more important than bhajan and all other sadhanas (spiritual disciplines).

Divine Discourse, January 1, 2004 

Help Ever, Hurt Never (Service)  

Short story:.

“The feeling behind the act”

Abdullah was sleeping in a corner of a mosque in Mecca, when he was awakened by the conversation of two angels above his head. They were preparing a list of the blessed ones. One angel was telling the other that a certain Mahbub of Sikandar city deserved to be ranked first, even though he had not come on pilgrimage to the Holy city. Hearing this Abdullah went to Sikandar City and found that he was a cobbler, repairing the shoes of people. He was famished and poor. His earnings barely sufficed to keep flesh and bone together. He had, by severe sacrifice, piled up a few coppers during the course of years. One day, he spent the entire treasure to prepare a special dish which he proposed to place before his wife as a surprise gift. When he was proceeding home with the gift, he heard the cry of a starving beggar who seemed to be in the throes of extreme hunger. Mahbub could not proceed any further. He gave the pot containing the costly delicacy to the man and sat by his side, enjoying the blossoming of satisfaction on his haggard face. That act gave him a place of honor in the register of the blessed, a place which pilgrims to Mecca who had spent millions of dinars in charity could not secure.  The Lord cares for the feeling behind the act, not the fanfare and the fuss.                                      


Excerpts from Baba’s Discourses:

What, according to you, is service? You consider helping people in difficulties is service. No. It is not as simple as that. Your body should be constantly engaged in serving others. The human body consists of several limbs. All these limbs are meant to be engaged in serving the fellowmen and not for other activities. Unfortunately, we are forgetting this basic fact. Every limb in the human body has been granted by God for karmopasana (worshipping God through service). Karmopasana is the only means by which the human life can be sanctified. We are building several temples. We are undertaking various sadhanas. But, all these sadhanas can give us only temporary satisfaction, not eternal joy. Our ancient rishis (sages) have been able to achieve eternal joy through a conscious effort. Therefore, you must develop firm faith in the truth that nothing can provide eternal joy except service to humanity. Undertake service to the suffering humanity. Service is not merely confined to health services. Service encompasses every possible help to the fellow human beings. 

God is not interested in worship and other sadhanas (spiritual disciplines). He is interested only in service. Hence, undertake service and more and more service. The best way to love God is to Love all and Serve all. God is interested only in love and service. If you can recognize the importance of these two sadhanas and conduct yourself accordingly, there can be no greater sadhana. 

You need not have to spend a lot of money in service. Sanctify your life by undertaking loving service. Today, the old students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning have brought a cheque for Rs. 48 lakhs to present to Swami as a token of their love and service. This amount has been saved by them from their salaries, by undergoing lot of difficulties. But to whom should the amount belong, really? This amount is meant to be utilized for service in the villages. It is for serving the poorest of the poor. Therefore, I told them, "My dear ones! You deposit the money in the bank and undertake the service activities with the interest accrued on the amount." Money is of no help in developing good qualities. Sacrifice alone can develop noble qualities. It is only in sacrifice, there is real yoga. That is why it is said thyagenaike amrutatthwamanasu (it is only by sacrifice that man can attain immortality). Today, however, people want bhoga (enjoy material comforts). By such bhoga, only roga (disease) will be contracted. They cannot attain yoga (union with God).  Hence, you try to attain yoga by thyaga (sacrifice). Only then can you attain eternal joy.

- Divine Discourse, January 1, 2004 

Questions for Reflection:

  • How can Service be greater than all other spiritual disciplines? 
  • What qualities and components are required for our Service to qualify for Swami’s standards? 
  • Can you relate of examples in your own life whereby the “Hurt Never” principle was helpful? 

essay about help ever hurt never

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Youth Should Transform the World

One who practises and propagates ideals such as goodness, morality and truth is a youth in the strict sense of the term. In fact, only such people are your best friends and My best friends too.

E mbodiments of Love! Goodness means good behaviour, good conduct, good discipline and good character. Truth, righteousness, peace, love and nonviolence are verily the five life principles (pancha pranas) of man.

Human life is a journey from “I” to “We”. This journey is subtle and the goal is very near, but man takes many births to reach the destination. Why should he take such a long time, undergoing hardships to attain the goal, which is so near?

Modern youth are making every effort to know all that is happening in the world but are not making any effort to understand the fundamental truth of human life. No benefit accrues from acquiring such information, which does not lead you to the goal of life. There are thousands of intellectuals, scholars and eminent educationists in the world today. But all the worldly knowledge and skills will be a mere waste if one does not know oneself. The primary duty of man is to understand who he really is.

In this world, if money is lost, One need not be worried about it, for one can earn it again. If a friend is lost, one can have another. If one’s wife is lost, one may get married again. If one loses one’s piece of land, one can purchase another. All these can be acquired again. But the body once lost is lost forever.

Faith in God Is Very Essential for Man

Man has achieved everything in life but has lost human values, which amounts to losing his five life principles. As a result, he has become a living corpse. Faith in God is very essential for man. You may question who God is and where God is. Truth is God. Truth is one and the same for everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, language, nationality and ideology.

Sathyannasti paro dharma (There is no greater dharma than adherence to truth). This fundamental truth is God. Likewise, love is God. So, live in love. True love is related to the heart, not to the body. Divine love is “heart to heart, not body to body.” Body is like a water bubble; mind is like a mad monkey. Don’t follow the body and don’t follow the mind. Follow the conscience. Only then can you experience the truth.

Service Will Lead You to Devotion

You men and women! Your life is a long journey and your desires are the luggage. “Less luggage, more comfort makes travel a pleasure.” So, reduce your desires. Human birth is gifted to serve others, not just to eat, drink, sleep and make merry. The best way to love God is to love all and serve all. Man’s foremost duty is to serve his fellow men and make them happy. Your life will be redeemed only when you involve yourself in the service of society. The highest sadhana (spiritual practice) is to transform love into service. Service will lead you to devotion.

The Kerala boy who spoke earlier mentioned various diseases that affect the body. There are many instances in history wherein even mighty kings had to leave their mortal coil in spite of having access to the best medical facilities and the best doctors. Doctors by themselves cannot cure diseases. Divine grace is essential. There is no point in safeguarding your body if you do not uphold morality. For this, lead a life of truth and love. Modern youth do have love but their love is artificial. It is limited to saying “Hello, hello,” and is in fact hollow within. So, their life has become artificial like a drama.

Man can rise to the level of the Divine only through the path of service. When man is not able to understand humanness, how can he understand Divinity? First, know thyself. Human life is noble, since it is essentially Divine. In fact, man and God are not two different entities; they are one and the same. “Ekam sath viprah bahudha vadanti (Truth is one, but scholars refer to it by many names).” Your life will be redeemed once you understand this truth.

The Divine power latent in man is not found in any other being. Since man is unable to understand his own Divine nature, he is undertaking various spiritual practices such as penance, meditation and yoga . Spiritual practices bereft of love are a mere waste of time. Love is most important in life. Whatever you may say with love, it is bound to be true. Any work you undertake with love is dharma . So, in the first instance, develop love.

Lust, greed, hatred, jealousy, anger and pride are animal qualities. These qualities are the result of the impurities in the food man partakes of. These are of man’s own making. Man is forgetting his Divine nature due to the effect of these evil qualities.

The Words Seva and Prema Possess Infinite Power

Man should make proper use of his mathi (mind), gathi (destination), stithi (situation) and sampathi (wealth). Wealth here does not mean worldly treasures. It refers to the power of the senses. This power should be utilised for service to society.

Neither by penance nor by undertaking pilgrimages nor by going through sacred texts nor by japa can one cross the ocean of samsara. Only through service of the noble can one redeem oneself.

The words seva and prema may be very small, consisting of only two syllables, but they possess infinite power.

Embodiments of Love! Inquire and understand who you really are. Know yourself, and you will know all. Since many of you are newcomers, you have to understand simple things to begin with. When you say, “This is my handkerchief,” it means the handkerchief is different from you. Similarly, when you say, “This is my body, my mind and my intellect,” it means you are different from all these. Then the question naturally arises, “Who are you?” Inquire into this. Body, mind and intellect are mere instruments. Identifying yourself with these instruments is absurd. You are the master. Master the mind and be a mastermind. Never be a slave to your body, mind and senses. In fact, they should be under your control; they should not control you.

One of the speakers quoted Swami, “My life is My message.” She also referred to the statement, “Your life is My message.” You should understand the meaning of these statements clearly. Saying that your life is Swami’s message and indulging in wicked activities and unrighteous deeds is treacherous. That constitutes “your” message, not My message. You can declare that your life is Swami’s message only when you take to the path of truth and righteousness, install peace and love in your heart, and uphold non-violence.

No One Has the Right to Judge Others

All that you see outside is a reflection of the inner being. Good and bad do not exist outside; they are mere reflections of what is within you. No one has the right to judge others. Give up all that is bad in you and you will find goodness all around. As the colour of the glasses you put on, so is the colour of the world you visualise. The defect lies in your vision, not in the creation.

The heart is the dwelling place of God. So only noble feelings should emerge out of it. If there are any evil qualities like lust, greed and anger in it, then it ceases to be a human heart. It is verily the heart of an animal. If your conduct is devoid of humanness, then you are not a human being. Act in a manner that befits your human birth. When you are angry, remind yourself, “I am not a dog, I am man.” When your mind wavers, tell yourself repeatedly, “I am not a monkey, I am man.” Patiently think about your real nature.

Never act in haste. Haste makes waste; waste makes worry. So do not be in a hurry. Take time and think calmly. All these evil qualities can be eliminated by developing good thoughts and feelings. The remedy for all your mental ailments lies within you.

Undertake Service with Love

Only young men and women are capable of eradicating the evils prevailing in society. If we have virtuous youth, all ills of society can be removed. Today the whole world is embroiled in wicked thoughts, wicked company and evil acts. Excessive desires are the main cause for the suffering of man. Keep a check on your desires. As a student, discharge your duties diligently. Study well and obtain good marks. Respect your parents and serve them. Keep in mind the welfare of the society and nation at large. Earn a good name in society.

Do not feel proud of your education. Your education is a mere waste if it is not utilised for the welfare of society. The education you have received from society must be dedicated to it by way of service. The essence of education does not lie in merely acquiring degrees, securing good jobs and amassing wealth. Service is the hallmark of the educated one. Morality is most essential for human life. No doubt money is essential but it should be under certain limits. Excessive money makes many wrongs. Money comes and goes, morality comes and grows.

Students! Young men and women! First and foremost, make an effort to understand your true nature. The difference between God and man is very subtle. As long as you do not understand the truth, you remain a human being. Once you recognise it, you are God. Service is the best way to understand your innate Divinity.

Service should be for self-satisfaction, not for name and fame. Experience the bliss that you derive from selfless service. Share it with others. Before serving others, serve yourself by making your mind broad and pure. Get rid of the narrow feeling of “I” and “mine,” and extend your love to one and all. Love is the binding force that brings together the entire world as one family. I wish that you develop love and live like brothers and sisters.

This body has been engaged in service right from birth. You should also spend your life in serving others. This is My message. I practise whatever I preach. I love all and serve all, and exhort you to do the same. You are not able to understand My love as your feelings are narrow. That is your mistake, not Mine. Today, conflicts are on the rise as there is no proper understanding and adjustment among people. Adjustment will be possible only when there is proper understanding.

Develop Love and Uphold Truth

Embodiments of Love! Only love has been constantly with you right from birth. It is love that remains with you all the time, not your relatives or friends. This love is God. Enjoy the bliss of love and share it with others. Absence of love is the root cause for all the unrest in the world.

Develop love and uphold truth. Truth does not mean describing what you have seen, heard or done as it is. Truth is that which is changeless in all the three periods of time. The Vedas call this permanent truth rutham . Just as you change your dress, you have to change your body one day or the other. That is why it is said, “Death is the dress of life.” Therefore you should have no fear of death.

Life is not permanent. It is like a passing cloud. As long as there is life in the body, use it for the service of others. Engage yourself in service till your last breath. Service to man is service to God. Have control over your senses, because loss of sense control engenders demonic qualities in man. Service without sense control is an exercise in futility.

Cultivate Noble Thoughts

All of you have gathered here without being extended any invitation. It is your love for Bhagawan and Bhagawan’s love for you that has brought you here. If there is love in your heart, you will never be put to any hardship whatsoever. Your love should be extended to one and all; it should not be limited to your family and friends alone.

Today, we do not have ideal parents. There are no ideal teachers either. We do not have ideal friends and relatives too. Then how can we find fault with the youth? First of all, the parents should be good. The teachers should also do their job of teaching earnestly. Good company is very important. Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are. As is your company, so you become. How can one be good if one is always in the company of bad people?

Embodiments of Love! You are all virtuous and noble. Make every effort to enhance this goodness. Make the best use of your stay here. Run away from bad company and bad feelings. Cultivate noble thoughts and noble qualities. Develop the Atmic relationship with all, since all are your brothers and sisters. Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, “Mamaivamso Jeevaloke Jeevabhuta Sanathana” (The eternal Atma in all beings is a part of My Being). The sun is one but it has many reflections. All that you find in this world is the reflection, reaction and resound. Do not get carried away by them. Aspire to attain the reality. In order to experience the reality, give up body attachment and try to understand the Divinity within.

Help Ever, Hurt Never

Divinity is latent in everyone but you are not making any effort to realise it because you are deeply engrossed in worldly matters. You are the embodiment of pure, unsullied, true and eternal Atma . Experience this reality. Discharge your duties keeping this truth in view. Help ever, hurt never. This is the essence of the Vedas and sacred texts such as the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran. All these holy texts speak of the same fundamental truth.

It is a mistake to entertain differences based on religion. There is only one religion, the religion of love. There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. There is only one language, the language of the heart. Travel from “I” to “We” through the path of service. I will tell you how to go about doing it in due course of time.

There are millions of people in this world but only you, the fortunate few, have the golden opportunity of coming here. Make the best use of this opportunity and share this joy with everybody. Serve the whole world. Understand the truth that you are born to serve society.

Do not lead a selfish life amassing wealth. Do not be satisfied by filling your own belly; understand that there are millions in the world who are hungry and suffering. Your life will be sanctified only when you help the poor, the sick and the downtrodden. That is true spirituality.

Spirituality is a way of life. It is not something separate from life. That should be your way of life. In order to acquire a worldly degree, you need to study various subjects. But in spirituality there is only one subject, and that is love. Undertake service activities in a spirit of love.

Being young, you may have a few doubts. I will clarify all of them. Do not give scope for hatred, jealousy and ostentation. Be a humble devotee and render humble service. That is the true human quality.

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Slogan: “Aid Ever, Hurt Never”

Slogan: “Aid Ever, Hurt Never”

Every educated individual should prosecute himself or herself in selfless service to society with humbleness and a pure bosom. All academic differentiations or even observation of religious patterns are of no usage if there is no love in the bosom. Love and compassion are built-in in every individual. Each has to portion this love with others. Failure to portion one’s love is gross ungratefulness to society. to which one owes everything. One should give one’s love freely to others and have love in return. This is the deep significance of human life.

To sublimate the head. one should foster baronial and sacred ideas of service to others. One who does non ache anybody and has feelings of love and compassion to fellow existences is the greatest of work forces. That is why sage Vyasa gave the kernel of the 18 Puranas ( Bibles ) in the apothegm: Aid Ever. Hurt Never.

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Aid rendered. nevertheless little. if it comes from the deeper impulses of service welling in the bosom is every bit good as the offer of life itself. Look about for opportunities to alleviate. deliverance or resuscitate. Train yourselves that you may render aid rapidly and good. Seva is the most paying signifier of asceticism. the most hearty and the most enjoyable. It springs out of Love and spreads Love in profuseness. To assist the helpless is the lone manner to delight Him. to follow and make Him.

Serve people with no idea of high or low ; no Seva is high. no Seva is low. each act of Seva is equal in the oculus of the Lord. It is the preparedness. the joy. the efficiency. the accomplishment with which you rush to make it that affairs. Train yourselves to function God by functioning adult male. in whom there is God installed in the bosom. Convert yourself that the seva of adult male is worship of God.

Attempts to function must jump from torment at the agony of others and the service must be echt attempt to acquire rid of that torment. Make non worry about the consequence. Help every bit much as you can. every bit expeditiously as you can. every bit mutely as you can. every bit fondly as you can. go forth the remainder to God. who gave you the opportunity to server.

You should do every attempt to avoid harming others in any circumstance. You are merely aching yourself when you hurt others. You should non utilize rough words. When you develop human values. you can be free from diseases and even bask good wellness with God’s Grace.

Ahimsa. the virtuousness of non-violence involves much more than abstinence from wounding living existences. One should abstain from doing hurting to any populating being non merely by his workss but even by his words and even in his ideas. One should non entertain any thought of aching or mortifying another.

Service to adult male will assist your deity to bloom. for it will joy your bosom and do you experience that life has been worthwhile. Service to adult male is service to God. For He is in every adult male and every life being and in every rock and stump. Offer your endowments at the Feet of God ; allow every act be a flower. free from crawling worms of enviousness and egoism and full of aroma of love and forfeit. If you have the endowment. utilize it for the glory of God and make it by elating adult male. A manishi ( ordinary adult male ) gets transformed into Maharishi ( sage ) by prosecuting in altruistic service.

You have to transform your life through service. You should give no room for haughtiness or opportunism to the slightest extent in your service activities. Install in your bosom the feeling that the service you render to anyone is service to God. Merely so does service to adult male go service to Madhava.

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‘Babes’ Review: Adulting, With Babies

Ilana Glazer and Michelle Buteau star in Pamela Adlon’s pregnancy comedy, but it never quite lands.

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Two women stand outside a movie theater, talking. One of the women is pregnant, holding her belly.

By Alissa Wilkinson

Among life’s biggest disappointments is a movie you wanted to love and didn’t. Alas: That’s what happened with “Babes.” The elements that promised joy were all there, starting with two very funny comic talents in Ilana Glazer and Michelle Buteau. There’s a screenplay by Glazer and Josh Rabinowitz, who was a producer on “Broad City,” the kooky, beloved show in which Glazer co-starred. And perhaps most of all, it’s directed by Pamela Adlon, whose chops for this kind of material — a buddy comedy about pregnancy, parenthood and grown-up life — were perfectly honed by her show “Better Things,” which I staunchly believe is among the best TV ever made.

But sometimes a pile of good ingredients doesn’t make something delicious, and I guess that’s what happened here. The marketing for “Babes” suggests something akin to “Bridesmaids,” the runaway 2011 hit that reminded Hollywood that raunchy comedies starring women can be hilarious and profitable. “Bridesmaids” owes some of its punch to its rapid-fire rhythm, the pileup of relentless jokes both verbal and physical.

“Babes” has plenty of raunch, but it’s otherwise very different. The setup is fairly modest: Eden (Glazer) and Dawn (Buteau) have been best friends since they were kids, and they’re still each other’s person, even though Dawn and her husband, Marty (Hasan Minhaj), moved to the Upper West Side and have a kid just barely out of diapers. Meanwhile, over in Astoria, Eden is free-spirited and single. Dawn and Marty’s second baby is born on Thanksgiving Day, and on the way home from the hospital Eden meets Claude (Stephan James) on the subway. Instant sparks fly, and their connection is undeniable, but Claude goes AWOL after their night together.

And then, about a month later, Eden realizes she’s pregnant. When Dawn promises to be there for her, she decides to have the baby. But in friendship, as in all kinds of love, the course never does run smooth.

“Babes” is, obviously, about pregnancy, which gives plenty of opportunity for body humor involving fluids and openings and other matters. But it’s just as much about friendship, and about the struggle to maintain connections when life circumstances change. It’s also about how frustrating young parenthood can be, even if you have the ability to pay for help and don’t worry about the roof over your head. In sum, you can almost hear the movie saying, adult life is a land of contrasts, and you’d better just hang on for the bumpy ride.

All of which is funny. Pregnancy is still relatively uncharted territory in mainstream comedy, probably because it’s hard to write jokes about it if you haven’t gone through it, and a sizable chunk of comedy writers hasn’t. Friendship is more commonly plumbed for comedic material, but “Babes” is somewhat rare for focusing mostly on the everyday bits of friendship — babysitting your friend’s kid, going to the movies, wanting to just drop by unannounced — that tend to play better in a hangout sitcom, with plenty of character development, than in a feature-length film. There are a bunch of funny gags, too, the best of which involves the ever-evolving hairstyles of Eden’s long-suffering obstetrician (John Carroll Lynch).

But there’s a looseness to the delivery and the rhythm of the performances that doesn’t match the ping-ponginess of the script. It’s less about any element being wrong on its own and more of a mismatch, at least in the scenes where Glazer and Buteau’s characters are meant to be riffing on a long, intimate friendship. Sometimes it feels like the jokes are funnier to the characters than to us, which leaves us feeling as though we’re being excluded. Nobody likes that.

Adlon’s style has always struck me as drawn out of the 1970s, a little meandering, some time to think and look at the screen, and that’s shown off to good effect in the film’s more contemplative scenes. But that same calmness means Eden, by contrast, starts to be grating. Glazer’s energy is generally chaotic, and I mean that in a good way — but stuck in the middle of this less chaotic film, she seems to embody the kind of woman who used to be quirky and cute in her 20s and is now just exhausting to be around. Eden knows she’s “a lot,” as she tells Dawn, but after a while you get the sneaking suspicion that she’s being cute on purpose, and it feels like compensating for something. Whatever it is, it starts to be hard to be around her.

Watching “Babes,” I found myself thinking of movies like Nicole Holofcener’s “Walking and Talking” and “You Hurt My Feelings,” both comedies about relatively privileged New Yorkers that deal with the mundane intricacies of intimate relationships. What makes those movies work — especially since most of the characters are a little grating — is their intense self-awareness. Being a friend or a sister or a parent is a lifelong process, and it’s really hard, and you’re always going to fail.

By contrast, while Eden and Dawn both evolve a little, the direction of their development is oddly unclear. At the end of the day, that renders “Babes” unsatisfying. There’s substance here, and talent in spades, but it needed a little more time to gestate.

Babes Rated R for talk about every kind of bodily fluid and function, as well as for some drug usage, innuendo and other raunch-com standards. Running time: 1 hour 49 minutes. In theaters.

Alissa Wilkinson is a Times movie critic. She’s been writing about movies since 2005. More about Alissa Wilkinson

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