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Change in Study Mode

Application may be made once throughout the period of study and made in writing to the Director four (4) weeks from the date the semester begins.

Change of Registration Type

Application to change the type of registration from full time to part time or vice versa may be made once throughout the period of study and made in writing to the Director four (4) weeks from the date the semester begins. This application may only be made by Malaysian candidates.

Change of Programme

Application may be made once throughout the period of study and made in writing to the Director/Dean of both faculties/institutes two (2) semesters from the date of admission to the University.

All application for the above should be made using the Change Type of Registration / Program / Mode Application form (UKM / PPPS / C / PO3 / AK08 / 01).

Requirement of Bahasa Melayu

Before 2019/2020 Session

All international students are required to complete and passed two (2) courses of English organized by the University. • LMCM1013 Malay Language as a Foreign Language I • LMCM1023 Malay Language as a Foreign Language II

Starting from Semester I 2019/2020 Session

All international students are required to complete and passed one (1) course of Bahasa Melayu organised by the University.

• LMCM1083 Malay Language International Communication

Exemptions may be granted to students who have attended and passed an equivalent Malay Language course organized by other parties approved by the Senate. All application for course exemption should be made using the Course Exemption Application form (UKM/PPPS/C/PO3/AK07/01).

All students are required to register every semester for the duration of his/her study. Students are required to pay tuition fees before being allowed to register. Students who are sponsored, please submit a copy of the sponsorship letter to the Student Finance Section, Bursary UKM.

New Students

Registration shall be made within the specified date and time.

Students may ask for delay or postponement of registration based on reasonable grounds. Written application must be sent to the Centre for Academic Management (PPA) within the period of the first four (4) weeks of each semester.

For students who fail to register during the offered semester/session without written approval from the Director of the Institute to postpone the registration, the offer of admission will be revoked.

Returning Students

All students are required to register their courses/thesis online at SMPWEB (http://www.ukm.my/smpweb) at least one (1) week before the semester begins with the condition that the study fee has been paid (current and outstanding fee).

Failure to register before the semester/session begins will result in the student getting the “Late Registration” status and a penalty of RM50 will be imposed and charged directly to the student’s account.

Students who fail to register within four (4) weeks after the semester/session begins without written approval from the Director of the Institute to postpone his study will be given a status of “Dismissed Due to Failure to Register”.

Students who have been “Dismissed Due to Failure to Register” may appeal in writing to the Director to continue their study within a period of not more than two (2) consecutive semesters with the imposition of application processing and late registration fine as prescribed by the University.

Students who have submitted their thesis for examination are required to register to maintain their status as postgraduate students until the thesis examination is completed.

Students who have exceeded the maximum duration of studies and have not submitted their thesis/project report are required to apply for an extension of the duration of their studies from the Institute at least four (4) weeks from the registration date.

All applications for extension of study should be made using the Application for Study Extension form (UKM/PPPS/C/PO3/AK06/02).

Students who have health or other problems may apply for deferment of study from the Institute at least four (4) weeks from the registration date. All applications for deferment should be made using the Study Deferment Application Form (UKM/PPPS/C/PO3/AK06/01).

Students may ask for a delay or postponement of registration based on reasonable grounds. Written application must be sent to the Centre for Academic Management (PPA) within the period of the first four (4) weeks of each semester.

Research Mode

Student assessments under research mode are through candidate progress report, evaluation of presentation of research proposals, evaluation of monitoring seminars and oral examinations.

The candidate progress report needs to be submitted by the supervisor at the end of each semester. A student may be given a “Failed and Dismissed due to Academic Performance” status if the candidate obtains a progress report as follows:

a total of four (4) “with Reminder” throughout the period of study; or

a total of two (2) “with Warning” throughout the period of study; or

a combination of two (2) “with Reminder” and one (1) “with Warning” throughout the period of study; or

a “Failed and Dismissed” in any semester.

Students need to produce a thesis that will be assessed by the External Examiner and Internal Examiner. The student then needs to present and defend the thesis before the Oral Examination Committee.

Research Methodology

All students under research mode are required to attend and pass the Research Methodology course for graduation. Students are required to register the course by the end of the first year of their study. The purpose of the course is to provide new postgraduate.

Students Progress Monitoring

An effective monitoring process is essential to ensure students can complete their studies within the stipulated time and in compliance with all the conditions specified. Student progress can be monitored through several methods as follows:

(a) Preparation of Candidates Progress Report

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Graduate Studies) Regulations 2015 stipulate that a Main Supervisor or the Chair of the Supervisory Committee should produce a report on candidate’s progress to the Secretariat/Graduate Studies Committee every semester throughout the period of study.

(b) Supervisor-Student Meeting

Supervisor-student meetings should be conducted as follows: at least four (4) times a month or as designated by the Graduate Studies Committee; at least four (4) times per semester for part-time students; at least once (1) per semester with the Supervisory Committee for the students who are supervised by a Supervisory Committee at least once (1) per semester for students in the Industrial Doctoral route.

(c) Research Proposal Presentation Seminar

The seminar is organized at the end of the Research Methodology course where students who registered for the course are requested to present their research proposal. Two (2) evaluators in the related field will be appointed to assess students’ research proposal.

(d) Postgraduate Progress Presentation and Monitoring Seminar

The seminar is organized in each semester for students to present their research progress. Presentation will be conducted by Master students who are in their third semester of study and PhD students in their third and fifth semesters of study. Two (2) evaluators in the related field will be appointed to assess the students’ research progress.

(e) Research Final Presentation

The research final presentation should be made prior to submission of thesis/dissertation for examination. The final presentation must be approved by a supervisor.

(f) Usage of Log Book

Log book can be used to document student progress. The log book needs to be constantly updated with notes about matters discussed during the supervisor-student meeting. The information in this book can be used as a reference for supervisors to prepare the Candidate Progress Report. Faculty should provide every student with the log book. Both supervisor and student must sign the log book during each meeting.

Thesis Writing

All students shall write their thesis in Bahasa Melayu Students may apply to write thesis / dissertation in English with the approval of the Director. Application must be made in writing at the latest in the second semester (2) for Master candidates for the Master program and fourth semester (4) for candidates for the PhD program

Thesis writing must follow the UKM Thesis Writing Guidelines according to GAYA UKM. Templates can be downloaded from the Graduate Centre website through the following link:


Maximum threshold for Master’s thesis should not exceed 60,000 words while thesis of doctorate program should not exceed 100,000 words.

Publication Requirement

Each student has to fulfil the publication requirements of the Faculty for graduation as stated in Offer Letter.

Graduate on Time (GOT)

Graduate on Time or GOT is a recognition given to PhD students who graduated within 7 semesters of 42 weeks from the date of registration.

Seven (7) semesters or 42 months are counted from the date of registration until the date of graduation approved by the Senate. For candidates who convert from Master to PhD, the study period is calculated from the From the Master’s date of registration and not after the conversion.

Research misconduct is an act that violates research ethics such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in producing the writing of a thesis/dissertation, report, paperwork, assignment, and research findings. With reference to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Graduate Studies) 2015, the following are types of research misconduct:

Fabrication: Creating data, recording, or reporting data/results that do not exist

Falsification: Manipulating the results of research or the process or changing or removing results data so that the research result does not reflect the actual result.

Plagiarism: Taking ideas, processes, findings writings, pictures, or diagrams without referring to the original source of reference and recognizing it as a result of their own work.

Regulation 30 (3) of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Graduate Studies) Regulations 2015 requires a plagiarism-free check of the thesis/dissertation submitted for examination using Turnitin software.

1. Please update the Faculty of any changes in correspondence address, telephone no., and email address.

2. Each student who registered to start from the 2016/2017 session will be given an official UKM email account [email protected] (for example [email protected]). All official announcements/information regarding your study in UKM will be sent to the official UKM email. You can activate this email account at https://www.ukm.my/speep/

3. The step-by-step on how to activate your siswa email address can be accessed through the following link: https://appsmu.ukm.my/speep/usermanual.pdf

4. Check the Postgraduate Notice Boards and the Graduate Center website ( https://www.ukm.my/pusatsiswazah/) regularly.

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Thesis Template-UKM style

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Integration of Distributed Generation (DG) generates problems for the protection of Distribution Networks (DNs) in power systems. When DG is integrated into a power distribution system (DS), the radial nature of the network is altered and the power starts to flow in a reverse direction. In addition to the reverse flow of power, the DG upsurges the fault current level and affects the existing time intermission coordination of the protective overcurrent relay. This study proposes a reverse power relay (RPR) and Fault Current Limiter (FCL) to mitigate the fault current level and reverse power flow in a Distribution Network (DN) by the use of DG. The FCL works only as a unidirectional fault current limiter (UFCL) by restricting the flow of fault current that occurs in the main grid (MG) of the DG. However, FCLs can protect the flow of fault currents from the MG by affecting the operational flexibility and reliability of the DG. To overcome the flow of fault current of the DG, this study proposes RPR to monitor the power flow to the DG. Collectively the study focuses on the protection of radial DS by using RPR and UFCL. The analysis and the modeling were conducted on the 15KV DN of the radial feeder in Debre Markos DN. The 3Φ fault analysis (which is more severe than others) was performed to validate the protection capability of the mitigation techniques which were proposed in this study.

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OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,241,108 theses and dissertations.

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  • MyUniNet Portal

'A small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged thesis project'

Valerie Hu: Biology & Society

A&S Communications

Biology & Society Sunnyvale, Calif.

What is your main extracurricular activity and why is it important to you? 

person smiling

When I came to Cornell, I knew I wanted to get involved in initiatives that aligned with my personal values of justice and mercy and served a community beyond the one on campus. I joined the Parole Preparation Project (now Cornell University Parole Initiative) and began working with an incarcerated person in preparation for a Parole Board hearing that determines whether he can be released on parole. Along with two other student volunteers, I liaised with community partners to establish a plan for re-entry, gathered various legal and medical documents for the parole packet, and met regularly with the parole applicant in a maximum-security correctional facility to practice for his hearing. Three and a half years later, I now consider the incarcerated applicant I work with not only a teammate and coworker, but also a friend. Through working together, we have found common ground in the pursuit of justice, the importance of family and the role of faith and prayer in guiding our lives. This year, I became a teaching assistant for the Cornell Prison Education Program, going to Auburn Correctional Facility once a week to teach incarcerated students within a French club and an anthropology course, which has allowed me to explore my interests in the intersection of education and incarceration. Due to Cornell’s resources and investment in community engagement, I had the unique opportunity to work within facilities that reveal the immense inequalities in America’s criminal legal system and to play a role in working toward a more equitable world.

What Cornell memory do you treasure the most?         

The Cornell memories I treasure the most are the evenings I’ve hosted potlucks or dinners with large groups of people at my apartment because they embody the best parts of my time at Cornell: community and bringing people together. I’ve invited close friends and acquaintances from my classes, faith community, work and clubs, many of whom do not know each other and otherwise wouldn’t cross paths, and new friendships have been formed. On these evenings, my kitchen and living room are full of conversations and laughter, and the area sometimes gets so warm because of the number of people that we have to open a window even in the winter, while we share food and discover unlikely common ground.

people around a table eating

What are the most valuable skills you gained from your Arts & Sciences education?     

I learned how to critically examine the things I see and learn, rather than take them at face value and accept the status quo. I came into college accustomed to the type of learning that consisted of knowing facts and successfully regurgitating them on a test or essay. My eyes were opened to the beauty of academic discourse and debate in one of my first classes at Cornell. For each class topic, we read multiple scientific articles that built upon each other or disagreed with one another. As we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each scientist’s research findings, I developed critical thinking and analysis skills. I learned not to take at face value every piece of information I am given within the context of a classroom, but gained the courage and confidence to challenge and critique other viewpoints while developing my own.    

What have you accomplished as a Cornell student that you are most proud of?

person grilling

While working as an investigator at the public defender’s office in D.C., I wondered about a paradoxical observation I made: that people who have had negative experiences with the police seem to call the police a lot. At the beginning of my junior year, I had the opportunity to turn that curiosity into a semester-long research paper for Professor Joseph Margulies’ Crime and Punishment class. I began interviewing young people who have had negative encounters with law enforcement about times they have called the police. The class project evolved beyond the semester into an independent study, and eventually into my senior honors thesis. I’m most proud of my research because I learned that a small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged thesis project. Through my thesis, I’ve been able to combine my interests in social justice with academic pursuits, and I learned how to conduct research that has implications for public policy and social change.

Who or what influenced your Cornell education the most?     

Cru has undoubtedly influenced my Cornell education more than anything else. I came into college with an abundance of questions about meaning and purpose, both generally and personally. Through the Cru community, I have become close friends with people from so many more backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences than I thought possible. Together, we have wrestled with difficult and existential questions. The diverse set of friends offering input and encouragement has been invaluable to my growth, as I figure out who I am and why I’m here. We have also supported each other through some of the most challenging times of sorrow and loss that tested the strength and genuineness of our beliefs. The Cru community has taught me to be resilient in the face of difficulties and to find hope in something bigger than myself. I learned how to allow my personal values to fuel every pursuit —academic, extracurricular, spiritual and personal — and every moment of my life, from the biggest highlights to the utterly mundane.

Every year, our faculty nominate graduating Arts & Sciences students to be featured as part of our Extraordinary Journeys series.  Read more about the Class of 202 4.

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Dorothy Jean Tillman II spoke at her commencement this month at Arizona State University. She successfully defended her dissertation to earn a doctorate in integrated behavioral health last December.

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    Open Access Thesis. 1. EBSCO Open Dissertations (Thesis & Dissertations) 2. MALCat (Malaysian Academic Library Union Catalog) 3. ... Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia +603-89213446 - Consultation Services 019-2045652 - Telegram/Whatsapp

  2. UKM Learning and Research Repository: Home

    Welcome to UKM Learning and Research Repository. This repository provides access to digital library materials such as full text content of theses, past year exam papers, selected government publications, law documents (act, bill, enactment), newspaper articles, conference papers, special collection (manuscript, classic and rare book), UKM ...


    Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 UKM, Bangi Selangor, MALAYSIA Tel : +6 03 8921 6089 / 6090 / 6177 Fax : +6 03 89216094 / 89256732 Close. UKM | FTSM | Contact Us | Admin; e-THESIS; Home ... P45081 | MOHAMMED YAHYA ALI ALBARED THESIS. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazlia Omar: CAIT: PhD: 5.

  4. UKM Learning and Research Repository: PHD Thesis / Tesis PHD

    PHD Thesis / Tesis PHD : [5056] Community home page. Recent Submissions ... Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia +603-89213446 - Perkhidmatan Perundingan 019-2045652 - Telegram/Whatsapp 603-89256067 (FAKS) Email: [email protected]

  5. UKM Learning and Research Repository: Master Thesis / Tesis Master

    Master Thesis / Tesis Master : [7692] Community home page. Recent Submissions ... Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia +603-89213446 - Perkhidmatan Perundingan 019-2045652 - Telegram/Whatsapp 603-89256067 (FAKS) Email: [email protected]

  6. UKM Thesis / Tesis UKM

    UKM Thesis / Tesis UKM. General Collections (1402) Law / Undang-Undang (15359) List / Senarai (506) News Archives / Arkib Berita (54523) Special Collections / Koleksi Khas (1929) UKM Contents and Publications (52483) UKM Thesis / Tesis UKM.


    THESIS AND DISSERTATION GUIDELINES. THESIS AND DISSERTATION GUIDELINES. Templat Gaya UKM. ABOUT US. The Faculty of Medicine UKM was established in 1974 and commenced with 44 students for the 1973/74 admissions session. ... Faculty of Medicine UKM. Step 5. Candidate enrolled and report to the Course Director. Step 6.

  8. PDF The UKM Thesis Writing Guideline According to GAYA UKM

    The UKM Thesis Writing Style Guidelines or Gaya UKM are based on the original UKM Thesis Writing Style which was first formulated by committees in 1988 (see Appendix U1) and in 2005 (see Appendix U2). This set of guidelines has been in use since then and has been refined to update the content.

  9. UKM Learning and Research Repository: Unpacking the souvenirs in

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia: Issue Date: 29-Aug-2022: Abstract: This thesis examines Muhammad Haji Salleh's collection of travel poems and his position as a flâneur in establishing the relationship between the self and the place. Using psychogeography, a theory proposed by Guy Debord ...

  10. Thesis Templates & Guidelines

    Thesis Templates & Guidelines. ... Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600, UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia T : +6 03 8921 6354/ 6355 F : +6 03 892 53217. Facebook-f Instagram Youtube. Quick Links. Home; About Us; ... Target 8.5 Full employment and decent work with equal pay. Target 8.6 Promote youth employment, education and training. ...

  11. PDF Writing Thesis According to Gaya Ukm: List of Common Mistakes

    All thesis must be written according to UKM thesis style of writing [Rules 29: UKM Regulation (Graduate Studies) 2015]. ... Authors name (all), full-stop. Year of publication, full-stop. Title of book (in italics), full-stop. Editor, Compiler, Translator (if indicated), full-stop. Name of series and

  12. Part 1: Structure of a Master or PhD Thesis in UKM

    Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL icon to receive notifications of all upcoming videos: https://bit.ly/iamharoon☞ Gaya UKM Tutorial Series by Dr. H...

  13. PDF Panduan Penulisan Tesis GAYA UKM

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia . Panduan Penulisan Tesis Gaya UKM • v KANDUNGAN Halaman ALUAN PENGARAH PUSAT SISWAZAH iii PRAKATA PENGERUSI JAWATANKUASA PANDUAN PENULISAN TESIS GAYA UKM iv KANDUNGAN v BAB I BENTUK 1.1 Kertas 1 1.1.1 Saiz 1 1.1.2 Jenis 1 1.2 Penaipan 1

  14. Current Students

    Research misconduct is an act that violates research ethics such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in producing the writing of a thesis/dissertation, report, paperwork, assignment, and research findings. With reference to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Graduate Studies) 2015, the following are types of research misconduct: Fabrication:

  15. (PDF) Thesis Template-UKM style

    To overcome the flow of fault current of the DG, this study proposes RPR to monitor the power flow to the DG. Collectively the study focuses on the protection of radial DS by using RPR and UFCL. The analysis and the modeling were conducted on the 15KV DN of the radial feeder in Debre Markos DN.

  16. IDFR-UKM Master Theses

    IDFR-UKM Master Theses. MA Thesis 2014. MA Thesis 2013. MA Thesis 2012. MA Thesis 2011. MA Thesis 2010. MA Thesis 2009. MA Thesis 2008. MA Thesis 2007.

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  18. OATD

    You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses: Google Scholar; NDLTD, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not. Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published ...

  19. faculty of islamic studies

    Present Full Thesis that does not exceed 100,000 words through oral examination 4. Publish 2 articles in indexed journal Scopus/Wos or; at least 1 articles in journal Scopus/WoS and 1 from any of the categories below: a. Journal by UKM Press or any Faculty/Institute or; b. Chapters in book published by renowned publishers in WoS or UKM Press or ...

  20. Phd entry requirement

    3. A candidate who is currently attending a full time Masters programme under paragraph 6(1) (a) in the University and is certified by the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee/Centre for Graduate Management to convert his status to a Doctorate programme with the approval of Dean of the Faculty/Director of the Institute; or. 4.

  21. Malaysian Theses Online: Search Home

    Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400,UPM Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan Phone: +603-97694701 Email : [email protected]

  22. Template for preparing manuscript

    Use a First paragraph to create a three four heading. Run text on after a full stop. Including tables and figures in manuscript. [Use Times New Roman font size 7 for - TABLE 1, FIGURE 1. Use Times New Roman font size 9 for labels - Simple example of a table] TABLE 1. Simple Example of a Table. Heading.

  23. 'A small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged

    The class project evolved beyond the semester into an independent study, and eventually into my senior honors thesis. I'm most proud of my research because I learned that a small seed of curiosity can grow and mature into a full-fledged thesis project. Through my thesis, I've been able to combine my interests in social justice with academic ...

  24. Chicago teen earns doctorate at 17 years old from Arizona State

    Dorothy Jean Tillman II spoke at her commencement this month at Arizona State University. She successfully defended her dissertation to earn a doctorate in integrated behavioral health last December.