IELTS Preparation with Liz: Free IELTS Tips and Lessons, 2024

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IELTS Tips: Conclusion or Overview for Writing Task 1?

Writing a conclusion or an overview for IELTS writing task 1 reports is a question that many people have. Watch the video below to learn excellent tips about which paragraph to add. Knowing whether you need an overview or conclusion can make all the difference to your results.

Conclusion or Overview for IELTS Writing Task 1

The video below will explain whether you should aim for a conclusion or an overview in your IELTS writing task 1 academic paper.

Do I need a conclusion for task 1?

Well the answer is no, you don’t. In fact, it’s a bad idea to have a conclusion for task one. You have an overview for task 1 and you have a conclusion for task 2 for for your essay. Now a conclusion is a paragraph that repeats and restates the main points and of course in a short report you shouldn’t be repeating any information. So don’t have a conclusion. But you do need to have an overview. So that’s question two:

What is an overview?

Well overview is a paragraph and it contains all the key features of the chart or graph or whatever you have for your task 1. So all the key points are collected together and put in a overview paragraph.

Is the overview important?

It is so important it is critical for you IELTS writing task 1 this is for the criteria, task achievement. That’s 25% of your marks and if you don’t have an overview, it will be almost impossible to get above band score five for that criteria. So very important indeed. And number 4:

Can I write an overview and a conclusion?

Please don’t. Again the overview contains all the key features and the conclusion is a repeat. We don’t want repetitive information. Also when you have an overview and a conclusion together, it means that you are dividing your key features into two different places and this will affect the criteria of coherence and cohesion, which is all about paragraphs. So it’s very important that all your key features are collected in one paragraph, in the overview, and they’re not again repeated anywhere else in that report. So definitely you cannot have both. And the last one :

Where can i put the overview?

The overview statement usually goes after the introduction but it is possible to put it at the end of your report after the body paragraphs. Which is the best place? For me, I prefer it after the introduction. I like to read all the main points before I read the details but again that’s up to you. Both places are logical. Now if you want some more lessons here are some links to help you prepare for you IELTS test see you soon:  IELTS Writing Task 1 Structure and Paragraph Organisation

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This is sincerely appreciated

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I’m glad it was useful 🙂

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Thank you for creating a platform that promotes kindness, compassion, and personal growth.

You’re very welcome. I’m glad my website is useful for you

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Hello Liz, Thank you for all your effort in putting these lessons together. What is the recommended number of sentences for an overview? Can i write upto 3 sentences in my overview or is 2 just fine? Thank you for your anticipated quick response.

There are no set numbers. More is not always better. It will depend on how many key features you have to report. It might be one long complex sentence or two sentences. But it is not impossible to have three. Remember, you are being marked on selecting information and not getting lost in too much smaller detail.

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Dear Liz I’ve just started to prepare for writing Task 1. My teacher says that for line graphs there is a need to write conclusion, but not for others. I was wondering to know is there any new rule to write conclusion for specific chart? Sorry if my question may be repetitive, but I’ve been really confused with this point and couldn’t find similar problem in comments.

No. That rules doesn’t exist at all. All task 1 require an overview rather than conclusion. See my model answers for task 1 on this page:

Thanks a lot for your response.

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Hiiii LIZ😊 Thank you very much 😊 I have one question is it true using in introduction “a glance at the line graph provided reveals …..”

You task is to analyse the graph, not to glance at it. A glance is a quick look, not a detailed study. Try not to be too creative with your language for task 1 reports. A report is generally formulaic and uses similar language. Use the model answers given on this site to guide you.

Thank you so much Liz😊

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Hi thanks so much for your lessons. Please l learnt that, the introduction and overview should be written as one paragraph. Am a little bit confused because l just read your task 1 tips about the overview being a separate paragraph. Can you please clarify? Thanks.

There are no rules about writing it as one paragraph or not. As long as the overview is easy to find and distinguishable from the introduction, it’s fine. Go to this page: and see the range of options in model answers.

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Hi liz Mam😇 i decide that i will give test on 28th of this month but i have problem to generate the ideas so how i can improve that 🤔🤔

For writing task 2, you could consider getting my “Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics” e-book. It’s available on this page:

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Hello mam I have given my ielts test today and I forgot to write the overwiew in flow chart of recycling glass but after rephrasing the question I wrote that there are 3 stages of this process. So to how much extent it will affect my band score as I did well in task 2

The overview is the most important statement in your task 1. However, you did write that there are three stages so that counts as a basic overview. The overview is part of the marking criterion of Task Achievement which is 25% of your marks for task 1 and of course task 1 only counts for 33% of your final marks. There are many factors which influences your TA score in task 1, so you’ll have to wait and see how this all affects your final score. Good luck!

Dear liz 😇🤗 Which type of ielts exam i have to fill IDP or BC because some people advice i have to fill IDP or some prefer to me that i will fill BC exam please recommend me which is good for me because my speaking is not very well nd writing is good so according to speaking answer me quickly please 😇🤗🤓

Your sincerely With love nd best wishes

Amanpreet kaur BRAR

They are not different types of IELTS test. They are the same test in different locations. Just choose the test centre that is closer to you and you feel comfortable at.

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What’d happen if the overview section is lengthier than the reporting paragraphs? Would it affect my band score?

The overview contains key features. You are being tested on selecting the main features – not listing all of them.

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Thank you ever so much. This video, awesomely prepared, is showing trick points helping get a high score in Task-1…

Regards, Anil from Turkey

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Hey liz i am so depressed about how my test went , everything else went great but , in writing i attempted task 2 first and then did task 1 and i had just wrote abouth 80 words and i had n’t even decribe the carts with the given in formation like numbers,etc…and could reach barely upto 90 words and was out of time how much can i expect to score there any scope of scoring 6 bands in writing atleast !

You will receive a lower score in task 1. Your final score for the whole writing test will depend on how well you did in task 2. Then the average score is calculated.

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I want to show me how can l write overview in correct way and give example for lesson for line graph and write it please

Sincerely Muna

See all lessons on this page:

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Hi Liz, Thanks for your lessons on the ielts writing task 1. Please can one use another synonym for the word “overall” when writing the overview?

Why would you want to alter the most appropriate word?

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Hi Liz, I took the IELTS a couple days ago and I was very happy with both my essay and my report on task 1. However, as a conscious decision, I decided not to write a summary/overview (since I didn’t see any important trends on the data I was provided with). Since then, I’ve been reading everywhere that a summary/overview not only is necessary but (as some people say) maybe it’s the most important part of Task 1. Now I’m very worried about how not writing it will affect my grade. How bad do you think it can be? Thank you for your help.

If cause it is the most important paragraph. IELTS have released the public band descriptors which show very clearly that no clear overview is band 5 for Task Achievement, an overview is band 6 and a clear overview is band 7. Yes, it’s highly important. Why did you learn the marking system before your test? However, on a positive note, it will only affect your score the Task Achievement and not for the other three marking criteria for task 1. Also task 1 is only worth 33% of your score. So, there is a chance you will do ok depending on how you did in the other marking criteria and in task 2.

Hi again Liz, In the end I got a 7 on Writing and an overall score of 8. I’m pretty happy with my results since it was the first time I took the test and I needed 6.5, but I know I could have done better if I had included a summary (if not overall, at least on the Writing test). Thanks again for your help.

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Thanks again Liz. This video addresses my previous concern about the overview/summary.

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Hello Liz, My teacher told me it is better to write overview exactly after my intro, but he also said it is not a separate paragraph it is actually a sentences which include in introduction. IS IT TRUE ? Thank you,

IELTS do not have such rules. Your teacher should explain what is his recommendation and what is a rule. Most people do put their overview in a separate paragraph because it is the most important statement and because it is easier for the examiner to find. However, it is your choice. It can also go at the end of your task 1. There are no fixed rules. The examiner will accept all options as long as their are logical.

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I am in dilemma about where to put the overview paragraph in task 1. Someone told me that IDP and BC are now recommending to write overview after the bodyparagraphs and not after introduction.. as per changes in 2018….

Could you please confirm

Thanks and regards

The examiner does NOT have fixed rules for that. You are marked on your logical organisation of paragraphs and information. Task 1 is a report, not an essay. See my paragraph tips on this page:

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dear can you please tell me how to write body paragraph

See this page for all tips and lessons:

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Are we not supposed to again mention the key features used for the overview in any of the body paragraphs?

The overview describes the key features collecting them all in one paragraph to provide a quick understanding of the information. The body paragraph gives details (statistics) of the whole graph or chart.

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what you mean by overview pls explain me in briefly ok love you

An overview is a paragraph or statement that contains all key features of the writing task 1 (academic paper). You can see model answers on this page:

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is it compulsory to put overview for map and process diagram, Task 1

All writing task 1 for academic writing MUST have an overview. See the model answers and extra tips on this page:

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Hlo Liz can i write overall in diagram task because my teacher said we can not write overall in diagram task.

The overview is the most important paragraph in academic writing task 1 – all types have an overview. The overview is part of the marking criteria which the examiner follows.

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Hey Liz! My ielts teacher says that I can write numbers in the overview (including percentages, for example). From what I searched in the internet and other youtube teachers, they say the exact opposite. Will I lose marks if I write some numbers there?

There are no fixed rules. The overview is mostly used for presenting descriptions of the key features and the details (numbers) are given in the body paragraphs. However, tables often show totals and these are often useful to present in the overview. In the end, it comes down to your own judgement. I rarely put numbers in the overview – but occasionally I do.

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Will underlining the key points be of any use when writing Task 1 or Task 2?

The examiner can find the key points. You do not need to underline them. Examiners are trained professionals.

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Hi Miss Liz,

I just would like to ask if I can use “In general” instead of “Overall” in writing the Overview in Writing Task 1? Thank you

It is possible to use any word. There is no right or wrong – there are only recommendations. I have already given my recommendations.

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Hii Mam..actually I want to know about the overview…is it true the information?that I should not write over view in diagrams ,maps ,tables and flow charts???

All writing task 1 for the academic test require an overview. This is clearly shown in the IELTS band score descriptors.

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Hi liz, One of the ielts book called “ielts star” says for writing report introduction, overview, body paragraph and conclusion should be the sequence. Should i follow what you recommended? (Introduction, body paragraphs (2) and overview)

Who is the author or the book? Did the author complete the IELTS examiner training? Always think carefully before following advice. Always check with the IELTS band score descriptors published by IELTS that show an overview for task 1 and a conclusion for task 2.

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Hey Liz.. Your videos and explanations are really good. Thanks a lot.

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I’m just confused, in the review center I’m affiliated with, we were taught to use introduction and overview, body and conclusion for British Council ielts and use introduction, overview and body for IDP ielts, which one is correct. How do you construct a conclusion?

Definitely don’t have an overview and a conclusion. If you put your key features in different paragraphs, you will get a lower score for Coherence and Cohesion which is 25% of your marks. There is no right way or wrong way – there is only the recommended way: introduction, overview, body paragraphs (usually 2). See this page:

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why we should not mention conclusion in task 1?

kindly let me know how to write task2?

It is explained in the video above about the difference between conclusions and overviews. For writing task 2, click on the red bar at the top of the website.

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hi please help me…… my teacher ask me overall is write in after body paragraphs is it write or wrong way to write writing task 1

There are no fixed rules. It can be written after the introduction or at the end.

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I hope to pass my IELTs exam on December I always watch videos from Liz I am sure iy will help me a lot..

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Hey Liz, I am living in London. Can I attend your face-to-face training courses with you?

I don’t offer face to face training. But I do offer advanced writing task 2 lessons which I highly recommend:

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Will I get a lower band score for stating only one key feature in the Overview? Please advise. Thank you in advance.

Yes, it will affect your score if you don’t identify all the key features.

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Hi Liz I have registered for the exam in 11/11/17.would you please suggest me some topics about speaking which might has possibility to come?please

See the recent questions page.

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Hi mam liz good day. I just want to ask maam if do you have a model sample for writing task 1 academic for TABLES, DIAGRAM and mixed maam… thank you in advance

See the main page for writing task 1:

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Hello Liz, I want to ask when in Task 1 we are givn things like Gardens and Lawns, Domestic sector, Science, English, Coal, Housing, Clothing, Fish, Burgers and Chips, Rugby, Cricket and so on then while writing should we put first letter capital???

You should not use inappropriate capital letters in a sentence. All English grammar follows the same rules for using capital letters in a sentence.

Thanks a lot Liz ☺️

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Hi mam! where should I write overview.on second paragraph or at last ?plzz suggest me which one is better for good scoring.thnks

Watch this video: and then read all links on this page:

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Mam I want to get clarified one doubt that most of tutors on YouTube recommend to end task 1 with a conclusion but your suggesting to include an overview. Which one to choose?

A conclusion repeats main points. You can’t repeat anything in a short report for task 1. The examiner is looking for an overview – this has been published by IELTS in their band score descriptors.

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Hi Liz, Yesterday was my speaking exam and i got the topic regarding historical event in your country? Folowed by questions When and where it took place? Who took part in it? What were results so far?

It was on 2nd september

Thanks for sharing 🙂

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Your scripts are so useful, and i wish i could have seen them earlier. However, the videos are not available and I could not watch them. Do you have any suggestions on that? All the best wishes,

The problem is that Youtube is blocked in China. You need to find a way round it.

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Hey mam,,please tell me overall can be put in diagram or flow chat also ?

Yes. See the model answers on this page:

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Dear friends I had my ielts exam on 29 of July My Cue card was describe an occasion when u need to b on time N follow up questions was How u manage your time? Time management? How can you manage your time? Why time management is important? N questions was on time management Part one was on house

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Can I write my overview in the last Paragraph?

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Today was my speaking exam , Talk about a place where there were lots of people . Where is the place ? Why you went there ? Like & dislike of the place ?

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Thanks , very helpful

But an Examiner in British Counsil course says that you should have a conclusion in Task 1 . You will get reduced mark if you didn’t.

You can ask your friend if they mean the conclusion is the overview. Some teachers use the word “conclusion” instead of the word ” overview”. Of course you need an overview – it is stated by IELTS in their band score descriptors. Let me repeat this – IELTS have stated this very very clearly in their band scores for writing task 1.

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Dear Liz, as you stated that, overview contains all the main key features.How much bigger the overview shall be?I mean how many words shall I include to write an overview?

It is not about word count. It is about selecting the key features. Each type of task 1 is different. See my model answers:

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Hi Liz today i had so good test, the only thing in writing i mention conclusion as it suppose to be not. Any idea that will affect my score band. Thanks

I presume you are talking about writing task 1. If you had both an overview and a conclusion then you have separated your key features into two different locations and this will affect your score for CC which is 25% of your task 1 marks. However, you can still do well in the other criteria and in task 2.

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Do i really need to do planning before writing task2

Yes. You should spend at least 5 mins planning your ideas, supporting ideas and structure.

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hi Liz, first of all special thanks for your kindest to make this website, I really appreciate that, I need some one to check my writing , before I sent a msg for you ,and u sent me just the of your website but unfortunately its not clear . Regards

I do not offer essay correction services, but you can find a teacher to help you here:

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Can I write word called Conspicuous instead of OVERALL?

No. This is an academic report. The examiner is looking for an overview so the linking word “Overall” is the most logical and most appropriate.

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Hello Ma’am: may I inquire if the video regarding conclusion vs overview is updated. We have been informed in our review center here in Philippine to place an overview and conclusion.

Be careful. This is a short report, you don’t want a paragraph to report key features and another paragraph to repeat them. Always check with IELTS official band score descriptors:

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Hi Liz, I want to know about task 1 that can we start the second paragraph of task 1 with a comparisons instead of overview or highlighting feature and give the overview in the end of the task? Does this effect my band score 🤔

It’s fine to put the overview at the end.

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Hi Liz Thanks for your help. How long can be the overview? Regards

Usually it is one or two sentences long. It depends how many key features there are.

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First of all thank you for creating this website of yours. It is so helpful for us. I just want to clarify one question, because my previous instructor in IELSTS told me it is not allowed for us to use all capital letters in writing, is is true that we might penalize for doing it? Thank you Liz!! 🙂

You can write all capitals for writing if you want. You can find this information on the official IELTS website: . However, I don’t recommend it. You will be marked on your use of punctuation which is not always easy to see using capital letters.

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Hi Liz, Thank you for your advise. I want to ask that is it okay combining the introduction and overall paragraph in a one paragraph? Thank you,

It is possible but I only do it for diagrams when the intro sentence is very short. If you do put them together, make sure you use a linking word to highlight the overview statement. The intro statement and overview statement must be separate even if they are in the same paragraph.

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Many thanks for your useful website!!! Thats perfect! I would like to ask you how many paragraphs we need to have in Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2?

See the tips on this page for task 1: and this page for task 2:

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Do we also need to have an overview paragraph if the diagram we have to present is describing the different steps of a process (e.g. manufacturing yogurt)? I don’t really see the point of an overview paragraph in this case.

Thank you, Juliette

Yes, you MUST have an overview. Here’s an example: “Overall, yogurt is made after raw milk is passed through pasteurisation and various temperatures before being inoculated with starter cultures.”. So, you can see, that we are choosing the key features to put in the overview. Another possible and simpler overview is: “Overall, raw milk is passed though 5 stages before becoming yogurt.” The overview is the most important paragraph in academic writing task 1.

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Should we mention and write about all given data in two body paragraphs or it’s not necessary. Which is better way to do?

Thank you in advance.

Your task is to select information. You are being marked on your ability to highlight and report. See this page:

Thank you Liz :*

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Dear Liz, First of all, thank you for your excellent tips in the lessons: I have few questions regarding the IELTS Reading and Writing: 1. Should we use pen or pencil for the writing tasks? 2. Is lower case writing (all are written in small letters) affect the score? 3. Is few spelling mistakes (two to four words in total) in writing affect the score by too much? 4. Does IELTS center provide more answer sheets for Task 2?

Please find your answers here:

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Thank you Liz, it’s really a nice way to learn. You have a very clear voice.

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do the words enclosed inside braces count for the number of words in the writing task 1

All words and numbers are counted. See this page:

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Hello. I did IELTS before 6 months and got score band 6 in writing 5.5 I had the mistake of in conclusion in task 1 does this mistake decrease my score 1 band or more.

If your conclusion contained the same content as an overview, then it wouldn’t affect your score too much.

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Hi liz! Writing task was same for both IPD and BC same or different.pls tel me.Because i am taking ipd exam.

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All the questions are similar as BC.

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thank you liz

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Liz, you are awesome, thank you very much 🙂

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Is it OK to write “Overall as the graph shows ….” or after “overall” simply state the key information without “as the graph shows”.

It’s not going to help your score writing “as the graph shows” but it also isn’t a problem if you decide to add it.

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Hi Liz, First of all, thank you for your helpful lessons. I have a question about overview part, is it right : we must not write any number in overview part ? for example: x experienced the greatest increase by 27% while y had the least growth by 5% is it better I don’t write the numbers ?

Usually you don’t write numbers in the overview. However, for tables, you might consider adding any totals given.

thank you for your answer then I will have to repeat the key points in body paragraph and add numbers

You are presenting details in the body not highlighting.

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Hi Liz, in the official Cambridge IELTS books, the overview is always in the end (in the model answers). Then why are you preferring to put overview after introduction? Please explain.

There is no right or wrong place to put the overview. It is usually best to present the key features because writing about detail. However, it makes no difference to the score.

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Hi liz , What a wonderful and fantastic website for all ielts candidates! I feel like I have found the right medicine for my ielts test wound . Your lessons are very helpful for us . Thank you so much for your hard work and generous effort . Nay

You’re welcome 🙂

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Hi Madam, What is the different between overview & conclusion please

A conclusion summarises main points already written. An overview contains key features not previously highlighted.

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Hi Liz, So overview and summary is different from each other. If use both..will it hamper or increase my band score?

You don’t repeat information in a short report. The overview contains the key features – you don’t summarise them again later.

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I would like to ask about the summary. Is it possible to write both the (Overview) which is after the introduction and the (Summary) which is at the end of the report ?

There is no summary, only an overview.

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Hi Liz, Can you tell me the differences between an overview and body part? i don’t know how to avoid repeating the key features in the body part. And if the task have 2 pie charts that i can’t compare information between them, what should i organize my report? do i need to have an overview for both or just move directly to body parts for each chart? Thank you

Highlight key features in your overview and then report detail in the body paragraphs.

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Hi Liz! First of all, thanks for the great lessons! I got an overall 7.5 on my test. With 8.5 in speaking, 8 in Listening, 7.5 in reading, but only 6 in writing. I watched all your videos, and i followed all your steps. I cant figure out what i did wrong, other than the fact that both my essays were shorter than 150 and 250 words, and maybe some grammar mistakes. I’ll have my IELTS exam again in a few days. Any recommendations?

Writing under the word count will reduce your score. Never write under the word count. Start learning more about the band scores: and consider my advanced writing task 2 lessons:

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I wrote ielts exam in last month . I got 6.5 in listening and reading ,6 in speaking,very less score in writing;5 . In which part should I focus more to get band score of 7.In which way I have to practice ??i am not getting enough ideas to write task 2 topics.Even I don’t have much knowledge about the topic as exam date is 28th May.

Firstly, get trained in how to write an IELTS essay correctly: Secondly, develop ideas for topics. You can google ideas online or use model essays to develop ideas. Here is a list of common topics: and here are some essay questions: . Thirdly, to get band 7, you need to produce English with FEW errors. This means you aim for accuracy and avoid errors in grammar and vocab.

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i got 6 overall band but 4.5 in reading ,6 from listening and writingand 6.5 in speaking

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very useful

Really you are amazing ….I like your way to explain the steps

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Thank you so much, it is very useful. You are amazing.

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Hello Liz, I completely understand the choice of overview over a conclusion in task 1, nevertheless, I’m not sure if I should include also data in the overview paragraph or to provide it in the body paragraph? I mean to say if I should include for instance, data about years, currency etc as the case maybe?

The units and categories on the graph or chart should be put in the introduction. The selected key features should be in the overview. The only data that usually does in an overview is when you have totals, such as in a table. All the best Liz

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Hello!! I have a doubt. In task 1 when we have a map or a life cycle do we need to have an overview?? Thanks a lot.

All academic writing task 1 must have an overview. See my model answers on the main writing task 1 page.

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All of your videos and tutorial tips are very useful for preparation. Thank you very much for your Yeman service.

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How to Calculate the band score in IELTS exam. Mostly in Writing parts. I am Little bit confuse on Task 2. So can you please helping out to me. My exam on 9th Jan 2016.

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I wrote IELTS 2 times, But I couldn’t get band score more than 6 in writing both the times… In which part I have to focus to get 6.5 or 7

See my advanced writing task 2 lessons: and review my models for task 1 (focus on your overview for task 1). All the best Liz

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Hi angel,just want u to know that u r amazing and generous…i am sure universewilpay you back…bless u xx

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Thank you very much for clearing the doubt between overview and conclusion.

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You said that overview is important in Task 1. Conclusion is not a good idea for this task. But in “Road To IELTS” I have found that the sample task 1 uses conclusion. Since that free materials are suggested by British Council, I am little bit confused now. To me an overview is way better than a conclusion in task 1. Would you please tell me why sample passage in “Road To IELTS” uses conclusion?

There are many teachers and authors that tell students to write an overview. However, you will not find one ex-examiner or any person who has completed the IELTS examiner training course who will tell you to do that. However, this is your choice. The band score descriptors published by IELTS clearly show the examiner is looking for an overview in order to give any score over band 6 – you decide if you want to write one or not. All the best Liz

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Hello, Liz you are very helpful but I am kind of confused, I am taking the test in one month and I have never heard that conclusion is not needed for writing Task 1. I was watching your video about writing Task 1 and I was waiting for the conclusion all way long. Then I was readdressed here and found out that the conclusion is not necessary as I was used to believe. Moreover, I have made quite a lot of practice tests, now I am starting to watch the videos to ‘fill the gaps’ do you think that’s the advantageous approach? Thanks in advance, Giorgi

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Is there difference between overview and conclusion? Do you think when I read more half an hour each day my writing skill will improve? Is there difference between task1 & task 2?

Please read my lessons on the main writing pages for your answers. All these questions have already been answered. Liz

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Hi Liz.This is my first time to take the IELTS test. What are your advices?

Watch my IELTS preparation video on the home page and then start reading IELTS lessons. Liz

Hi Liz, Thank you for your reply. I have watched most of your videos however I’m still having a hard time to compose a sentence in writing an essay in terms of paraphrasing the introduction. The way I understood about paraphrasing the introduction is to literally paraphrased the whole sentence according to what has been written. (word for word) considering the task 1 and 2 of essay writing are very time limited. Please help. Thanks.

To rephrase something doesn’t mean writing it word for word. You paraphrase the meaning which means write it again in your own way. Liz

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hi liz. I can not write task 2 well. what should I do exactly? pls help me with this

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Hello Liz . I have a problem with the overview . In this video I know that it’s important to write a overview but when I read some exemples on Ielts Write Right book I did’t see any overview . But all of these exemples was graded over 7 band . So can you tell me why is it ?

I can’t tell you why authors write what they do. Has the author of the book completed the IELTS examiner training? Liz

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hi Liz, i really had a problem with my Writing Skill.. When it was explained, it seems very easy to me. But when i had to write on my own, i got nothing to say anymore..Can you please help me on this matter? thaNks 🙂

You need to develop ideas for topics that you can use in your essays. Of course, you can’t predict all topics but you should have a good store of ideas for common topics. Here is a link to my essay ideas: . You can also gain ideas from model essay you find online. Start making a list of ideas to use. To learn more about essay writing, you can try one of my online lessons from my writing course: All the best Liz

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Hello Liz, Here you mentioned about not writing the coclusion in short notes .However, when i was going through a book ” Cambridge ielts 8 “, I found an answer with conclusion in it ( at page 168 ) .so, I am confused what model to follow . also , do the examiner reduce the marks for handwriting and poor presentations ( like crossing the mistaken words here and there)

Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by “short notes”. There is no such type of task in writing task 1. All the best Liz

Hello Liz, sorry for not writing the question clearly , Here is what i mean. In this video ,you have mentioned about not writing the conclusion in short reports ( 1:10 secs in video ) ,as you mean to say not to write conclusion in writing task 1 . But when i was going through a page 168 of cambridge book 8, i found a answer with a conclusion . so i got confused as iam following your classes for preperation. Hope you will clear me out on this.

Regards, Kishor

The IELTS Cambridge test books are written by IELTS not by teachers. They make their models as different as possible to ensure the exam remains challenging. It is always best to follow models from teachers who have been trained as examiner by IELTS. You should also follow the band score descriptors published by IELTS which clearly show that an overview is needed for task 1 and a conclusion is needed for task 2. all the best Liz

Thank you Liz , I will Follow you.

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Hi Ms.Liz Thank you for your ielts lesson scripts and videos. They are helping me enormously a lot since I am reviewing by myself. I wish I’ve seen your site before I took my first ielts so I might not have need to retake it again to have better scores. Anyways, more powers to you. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

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Your voice is strong , clear and pleasant . Your method of teaching is very easy and new style. Please give us more and more video lesson that is most useful.

Don’t forget to check my youtube channel (IELTS Liz). Liz

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IELTS Writing Task 1: Lessons, Tips and Strategies

In the IELTS writing Task 1 for academic you have to describe some kind of graph, diagram, map or process. 

Here you will get all the tips and techniques you will need for writing about the Task 1, or to find out how to improve your score if it has been too low.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Lessons:

How to Write an Academic IELTS Task 1 This starter lessons tells you in simple steps how to structure and write a basic IELTS Graph. 

Types of Graph

Graphs Over Time This important lesson shows you what you must do to properly describe a graph or chart that has a period of time. 

IELTS Pie Chart In this lesson you'll learn how to write about a pie chart, with tips on how to best organize your answer and advice on the language to use. 

IELTS Process In this lesson you'll learn how to describe an IELTS process diagram, with information about organizing your answer and using the passive voice. 

Two graphs together Sometimes you get two graphs to describe together. This lessons shows you how to organize your answer if you do. 

IELTS Tables This lesson provides you with IELTS practice for tables. It shows you that tables are not that different from other types of graph.

Task 1 Language

Language of Change This lesson explains some useful sentence structures using some common language of change and you can practice the words with a gap fill.  

Language to Compare and Contrast Compare and contrast language is needed for most graphs and diagrams so it is important to learn and practice it. 

A Common Mistake This lesson takes you through a mistake that is common when describing graphs in Task 1. 

Using Prepositions Learn how to use the right prepositions when you are using the language of change in a graph over time.

Describing graphs in the future Sometimes you may be given a graph to describe that is predicting what will happen in the future. View some strategies on how to approach a task 1 like this. 

Tenses for graphs, processes, and maps This lesson gives you tips on the types of tenses you should know for the various types of task you could be given.

Task 1 Quizzes Try out these quizzes which give you fun practice or a chance to test your knowledge of the variety of language used for academic task 1.

Useful Language for Graphs This lesson provides you with useful language for IELTS writing task 1, focusing specifically on phrases for introducing graphs and phrases/lexis for describing change.


Organizing a Line Graph (Part 1) Find out about how there is more than one was to organize a task 1 graph, and learn how to write about a graph divided into 'age groups'.

Organising a Line Graph (Part 2) If you want to achieve a high band score for your graph you must ensure it is well-organised. This lesson tells you more about one possible way of doing this.

Overview of Academic Task 1:

Task 1 Quiz Exercises:

Check out our IELTS Quiz page for various interactive quizzes to test and teach yourself about the language for the IELTS writing task 1:

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  • IELTS Writing Task 1 Forum

These are some useful topics and questions that have already been discussed:

  • How should I paragraph in IELTS writing task 1?
  • How do I organise my graph?
  • What tenses do we use in the Task 1?
  • What happens if I didn't finish my graph?

And remember you can ask your own question if there is something in the test that you are unsure about. 

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IELTS Writing Task 1: Structure & FAQ

  • November 17, 2022

IELTS Writing Task 1: Structure & FAQ

IELTS writing takes 60 minutes and includes two writing tasks. Writing Task 2, which was covered in this blog post , tests your ability to express a subjective opinion. Writing Task 1, on the other hand, is more objective.  

There are two versions of IELTS Writing Task 1: the general version, and the academic version. If you want to use IELTS to enter a college or university, you will be writing the academic version.  

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Test Format  

Academic Writing Task 1 involves writing about a graph, chart, table, or illustrated process. Regardless of which you choose, the format is essentially the same for all writing tasks. 

Writing Task 1 should be at least 150 words and completed in 20 minutes. Many teachers advocate writing four paragraphs, but it is possible to write only three if you follow our suggested structure. 

Paragraph 1: Introduction & Overview   

Word Count: 50 Words

First Sentence (Introduction Sentence): Introduce the topic of the graph, table, etc. What is being measured? What is the unit of measurement? Are there times and dates that need to be mentioned? 

Do not interpret any of the data. Do not compare any of the data. Instead, it can be useful to complete this sentence: “This graph shows ______________.” 

Second Sentence (Main Features): Write a sentence or two that describes the main features of the graph, chart, or table. Mention the highest points and the lowest points. If there are other interesting features that you would like to explain later, mention them here too.  

Do not explain why these points are interesting. Do not explain why one point is high or one point is low. Don’t interpret the data.  

Some sample sentences that can be useful here: 

“The most interesting trend was ______________.” 

“The biggest change over the given time period was ______________.” 

Paragraph 2: Body Paragraph A 

Word Count: 50 Words  

Pick one of the main features that you mention in the first paragraph. Now, you can explain this feature in detail. You can do this in 3 – 5 sentences.  

Mention all the numbers and measurements that are relevant to this feature. This might feel like you are simply copying down the data that you see in the chart or table. That’s okay! This is exactly what you want to do in Writing Task 1. Again, this is not about forming an opinion or an argument.  

You can also compare features here. Look for opposites or contrasting data points, as they are easiest to describe.  

Paragraph 3: Body Paragraph B 

Just like in the previous paragraph, all you have to do now is describe the main feature. Follow the same method as above. When done, you do not have to write a conclusion. Simply move on to Writing Task 2. 

Need more guidance? Check out the small list of FAQ below.  

FAQ about IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 

Q: How can I improve my writing? 

A: The best advice is the simplest: read a lot and write a lot. Reading will help you develop a natural sense of how words, sentences, and paragraphs fit together. Studying grammar is helpful, but reading will improve your knowledge of collocations, something that is hard to internalize by rote memorization alone. 

Apart from that, receiving feedback from a trained IELTS instructor can help you discover what areas of your writing you need to work on. Consider working with a tutor or taking classes like those offered by The Language Gallery Canada (TLGC).   

Q: How many paragraphs should I write? 

A: As mentioned above, you can write three or four paragraphs. If you decide to do four instead of three, simply separate the first two sentences into separate paragraphs. The first sentence can be an introductory paragraph, and the second can be an overview paragraph. 

Q: Should I write a conclusion for Task 1 Academic? 

A: Unlike in Writing Task 2, a conclusion is not required. 

Q: How many words should I write? 

A: You should write at least 150 words. Many students find that this is too short and feel they need to write more. If you feel this way, aim for 200 words instead.  

However, be careful not to write too much. A longer answer means that you probably spent more time writing it. The time used for Writing Task 1 is time taken away from Writing Task 2. This is because as soon as you finish Task 1, you can begin Task 2.

You only get 60 minutes for both tasks. If you finish Task 1 in 20 minutes, you have 40 minutes for Task 2. If you finish Task 1 in 30 minutes, then you have only 30 minutes for Task 2. This is definitely not enough time for Task 2, so plan accordingly. 

To learn more about language requirements for FCT, visit this page or email [email protected]   

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Adam's English lessons

IELTS Writing Task 1 – What to write!

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Test your understanding of this English lesson


9/10… i fell for the spikes. : D. Mortal Kombat!!!… dededededede.

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Well, on the surface I would say that the IELTS writing task is not an easy one for test takers.

In my view, it takes some doing to interpret infographs since in real-world situations we’re not used to doing so.

The tips provided in this lesson are excellent guidelines to develop a report that meets the standars requested by the IELTS writing test.

You covered a considerable ground in a short talk.

Thanks for sharing this with us Mr. Benn.

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Thank you Regino :)

Actually, converting infographics to words is quite a regular task, especially for those who need to interpret polls, statistics, financial charts and so on for their clients. Quite a useful tool to have.

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Hello I think ,is a time for You lesson , but there is not …What happend ?

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Very well. Thank you for share

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Thank you for your lesson, Adam :)

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Dear Adam sir, thanks for this great lesson when are you going to make us learn phrasal vocabulary of fall please sir reply me for this precious comment ..

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Hi Sonykhan,

I’ll get on it ;)

Hi Adam , Im an English teacher , though I have watched many lessons of yours and enjoyed them aloooot , you are an excellent teacher.

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Thank you Blackmak,

I appreciate it :)

Finally logged in !!!

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Hi Adam, I’ve got a question for you! I’m going to take the CPE and your lesson about “what to write” in a REPORT (which is one of the possibility in the second part of the writing section) caught my attention.. I followed with great interest your straightforward lesson but I think that a REPORT for IELTS is quite different from a report for CPE…. Frankly speaking, this is a little bit confusing, isn’t it?

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I’m not very familiar with the CPE to be honest. I call this writing task a report so as to make sure test takers understand that it is not a personal opinion piece, but a straightforward interpretation of an infographic. You are basically required to report on what you see. Calling it a summary can be a little misleading.

Hi Adam! First of all,thank u for your necessary&helpful lessons!Very much! My name’s Anna. Would u kindly give your opinion about?… The doubt is about asking questions in informal writing.What is better to write questions in Past S.or in Pr.Perf.S.if pen-friend’s statement is in Past S? Here’s the example of task: …my parents gave a new mobile for birthday.(pen-friend’s statement!) How much was it?(student’s example)

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Hi Mr. Adam..

I’m new to Engvid and I have to tell you, that your lessons are very helpful. However, there is a confusion I got when I watched this video and Ms. Emma video. You said there should be no conclusion in Writing Task 1, but Ms. Emma said that we will be assessed, which are vocabulary, grammar, our ability to do what is asked and coherence that includes a conclusion.

Can you please make us clear on that, as I am about to take the test next month?

thank you sir

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I understand your confusion. I think what Emma meant by conclusion in task 1 is to make it clear that you have said everything you need to say. You don’t need to mention “in conclusion…” because you are not asked to reach a conclusion. Reaching a conclusion means you are drawing a lesson from the information provided in the infographic. This is not the case in task 1. I think for Emma, the idea of a conclusion is more a part of coherence.

I hope that helps a little.

I am sorry, I meant “We will be assessed in 4 major points, which are vocabulary, grammar, our ability to do what is asked and coherence.”

Thanks Adam. Results say 70% are correct answers. :) It’s not bad, one would argue. (Or, shouldn’t I conclude :) )

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Thank you, Adam. I’ll try one more time.

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thanks for this nice lesson hi everyone for those people who wanna practice their english or if you wanna exchange your language for my arabic or moroccan darija this is my skype mohssinex.mohssine add me

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Thank you very much Adam. Amazing job! There are so many flags from different countries in here. It’s really great to see the english language making this cultural union. We are all brother and sisters in this world. I hope to see these belligerent people comprehend how stupid are these conflicts, spying on communications and wars. This world needs more truth, ethic, brotherhood and understanding. I’m glad to be able to communicate myself with people of many different countries. Hello, from San Paulo in Brazil to all of my friends in the world.

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Hello Marco,

Well said! I totally agree with you :) greetings from India :)

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Hiii abhishek, I read your post on this page and i want to be your frnd but your facebook page is not found ,,,……… send me new link for connect to you,..

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Thank you Marco :)

We need to let love rule.

Marco, you are right

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Excellent Marco!

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hello everyone

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Thanks, Adam

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Thank you for all your excellent lessons. Could you please make a video about TOEFL writing task 1? Also, I was wondering if all these writing lessons are applicable to the writing part of GRE. Thanks again.

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I will definitely do a TOEFL Task 1 lesson.

Unfortunately, the GRE is a very different exam. It is not an English exam. It is a critical reasoning exam and much more difficult than TOEFL. That being said, however, good writing skills still apply.

Thanks !! all tips were great.

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9 out of 10… my english is improving fast enough. I hope to go to USA soon.

thanks a lot, Adam. Thanks EngVid!

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I support a friend from Brazil …”Make love, not war”.

Greetings to everyone from Poland Marco keep it up…

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I support Marco’s humble thought too :) greetings from India :)

Thanks Adam.You’re speaking is the most understandable in all Engvid teachers

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Listen to Benjamin, he has good pronounciation, too

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Yes I think so too.But for me Adam is the best.How old are you?

I agree with you!

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Hi, Adam! Thanks for your lesson. Writing is the most irritating part of an IELTS exam for me) Adam, how can I mention a girl, (my friend) with whom a don’t have an affair? Girlfriend always sounds as if we were an item. Just friend? Looking for your response)

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Hi Dzhemil,

When you are speaking or writing about a friend (who you’re not having an affair with), you don’t need to mention the gender :) simply say, “friend” and then you can use pronouns ( in this case, ‘she’) to clarify her gender).

Here’s a sample situation:-

Suppose you are talking to me about your friend. You would say, “I have a friend. She loves chocolates”.

See! The fact that you used the pronoun ‘she’, automatically indicates that the friend that you are talking about, is a girl.

There will be no confusion :)

hope it helps, cheers abhi

Thanks. I always used that, but in my native language we have 2 different words for friend-boy and friend-girl. That’s why I’m asking) Anyway, THanks)

Hi dzhemil,

ohh, now i understand :) well in English, there is no alternative word, that i know of :( You have only the word, ‘friend’ that you can use. regards, abhi

Hi, Abhi! I’m looking for a partner to talk to. MY skype is dzhemilamedov. Will be grateful if you add me and we might practice a little.

Some people have requested me to share my Skype, but i’m afraid i don’t have a working webcam so, i can’t use Skype. i am very sorry. You can however contact me through my Facebook. You’ll see the link in my reply to abdirashid143 if you scroll down a little. Send me a request if you want to. I’ll add you safely.

regards abhi

Abhi’s suggestion is quite good. If, however, you want to specify that your friend is a girl, you can say “my female friend”, though it sounds a bit stiff. But, then again, maybe you want it to be clear and dry. ;)

Hi, Adam! Thanks for you response. Yeah, it sounds a bit strange and unnatural “my female friend”. And one more. As far as I can consider you’ve made a spelling mistake in the description of the video. You have written “if you’re taLKing the IELTS…” instead of “if you’re taKing…”

Good eye. Scratch that L :)

Dear Adam sir, I have a doubts..which is correct..“The original records do not contain the column relating to address” or “The original records does not contain the column relating to address’ not or does not…pl reply

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Hi Rijuaikkal,

Since you are talking about more than one record, you should use ‘do not’.

Remember, when the thing that you are talking about is in the plural form (i.e. record(s) ), you use ‘do’ and when it is in the singular form (i.e. record), you use ‘does’. This doesn’t always apply, but in situations like the one that you mentioned, it holds true.

Some more examples are:- 1. cats love to play. & cat loves to play.

2. Two packets contain 10 pencils each & ‘one’ packet contains 10 pencils.

hope it helps, regards abhi

Sorry, i gave totally different examples there!

here are some similar ones:-

1. These shoes ‘do’ not fit me. 2. The shoe ‘does’ not fit me.

See, when i am talking about ‘many’ shoes, i use ‘do’. And when i am talking about ‘one’ shoe, i use ‘does’.

have a good day (y)

Thanks abhik,thanks your examples too..

Abhi is correct. :)

Just to add a note, when we speak about certain items such as records, papers, files, we rarely use them in the singular unless we are specifically pointing out a particular case. As such, we use the plural verb.

Great thanks to you Prof. Adam It’s powerful and amazing lesson.

Thanks EngVid.

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hi Adam , in 1 of ur lessons u talked about the pronunciation of ed ending in verbs, it was in 3 categories , but something is wrong , u didn’t talk about some verbs such as search , wash or breathe .please talk about them too , thanks in advance.

Good point Blackmak.

searched – |t| punched, lynched, hitched washed – |t| flashed, fished, crashed breathed – |d| bathed, writhed

Will be more careful next time ;)

Hi, Good lesson, I’m learning. Thanks

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nice lesson adam….thnks for the help..

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Thanks a lot

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Hi Adam i understood well. but there’s a problem mine for a link sentence . so how can i build to? so please i need your support Mr: Adam best regards

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I’ll try to put together a lesson about this.

thank you so much:) you are the best

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ok, we must review that

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Hi!Thank you Adam, I really needed this lesson!

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I fell out in this lesson, to me better in lesson next

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I request My best teacher Mr ADAM and all English Teachers at EngVid and Those who graduate and the the other students of this courses to help me the learning English because I have many problems of speaking English and writing paragraphs so again i request all of you to help me and I haven’t any one that I can make English conversation. please contact me my Privet Email : [email protected] and my Facebook user

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Hello Arashid,

We could practice together on Facebook. My Facebook account is

May I practise with you on facebook?

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– Can i use passive form in the first sentence- ” What am I looking at ? ” and the past tense in the taks 1 if the chart/ line/ graph has year in the past, for instance: The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in the different countries in 2002. – Do you have any rooms in order that I can post my report, essay…to you to correct for me ? – Your website is pretty helpful. My special thanks go to you for your enthusiactic work for us, English learners.

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it is not considered formal to begin a report with a question. It is better to state directly what you are looking at.

As for the tense of the report, the general tense is present simple unless you are referring to specific elements in the graph.

You can join my site and send me samples and I will correct them for everybody to see. I also have a service for correcting written work with feedback. Check the Score My Essay tab under the Services menu tab.

Beautiful lesson about important things. Thank you very much!

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Hi Adam,could you explain me the meaning of this sentense a friend of mine said to me yesterday.’you are too good to be thinking about a dumb person” I don’t understand it exactly.

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Hi fari.immy, Firstly, i think your friend didn’t literally mean the word ‘dumb’. ‘Dumb’ can also be used to describe someone who is silly or foolish by nature. Without the context, i can’t tell you what your friend exactly meant but i think he wanted to tell you not to waste your time, thinking about silly people. You are too good to waste your time on that. some other examples of the word ‘too’ are:- 1. You are too wise to be mistaken. (you are so wise that you can never make a mistake) 2. They are too dumb to answer that I.Q. question (They are so silly that they can never answer that I.Q. question) Hope it helped. regards abhi

Abhi hit the nail on the head (he answered you correctly)

Saying that also means that by wasting your time thinking about a dumb person, you are just bringing yourself down, so don’t do it. :)

thanks a lot

Hi fari.immy,

Firstly, i think your friend didn’t literally mean the word ‘dumb’. ‘Dumb’ can also be used to describe someone who is silly or foolish by nature.

Without the context, i can’t tell you what your friend exactly meant but i think he wanted to tell you not to waste your time, thinking about silly people. You are too good to waste your time on that.

some other examples of the word ‘too’ are:-

1. You are too wise to be mistaken. (you are so wise that you can never make a mistake)

2. They are too dumb to answer that I.Q. question (They are so silly that they can never answer that I.Q. question)

Hope it helped. regards abhi

Thanks Adam! :)

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thank you for your help.

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thanks adam it was really interesting

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Dear Adam, I’ve got a problem with understanding of two words on 9:18 of this video. A lifecicle of what? Could you please contact me with an answer? I’d be grateful. I’m looking forward to your reply. Thank you. Best regards. Mikhail

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Hi blinoff,

At 9:18 of this video, Adam says, “a lifecycle of an ‘ant’ or a ‘moth’ “.

hope it helped, regards abhi

Thanks, dude. I was always trying to pay attention to every little detail for better understanding. Now everything on it’s place.

Thanks again Best regards

Happy to help, blinoff :)

cheers abhi

Hi Blinoff,

Abhi beat me to it, so I thought I’d just say hi :)

Hi Adam, Anyway thanks for your lesson, it was pretty cognitive! Looking forward to more IELTS lessons of yours!

Best regards. Mikhail.

thank you ADAM! keep going )

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Thank you, Adam.

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hi Abhi,thanks a i understand.:)

I am glad i could help, fari.immi :)

once again thanks abhi for taking time to answer my question.

Hello Adam! Please, tell me which is correct: 1. Let’s get start it(it’s correct I know) 2. Let’s start it Is there any difference? Thank you.

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Hello, Katya. If I understood you correctly in the beginning of his video he says “Let’s get started”. The differences of these two expressions is in grammar construction, but the meanings are the same. You can say either this way or that way you wrote in casual conversation, it doesn’t matter.

What GET actually gives us?

In meaning of course.

Hi Katrin777

‘Get started’ is an ‘idiom’. It has a fixed meaning – ‘To begin our work’

let’s get started means ‘Let’s begin our work’ hope it helped, regards abhi

Adam, there guys just don’t correctly understand my question. I wanted to know why the GET stays for before verbs(is there any change in meaning?)

Now I began to understand that it’s my poor hearing. If am I right I think like this: Let’s get started.(Let’s start) Let’s get washed hands.(Let’s wash hands) Let’s get boiled it. (Let’s boil it) Adam, help me please.

As we already know, English can often seem like a crazy language. Sometimes we have expressions in English that are, as Abhi mentioned, “fixed”. this means that you have to learn them just as you would individual vocabulary.

Get started means start. Let’s get it done means let’s do it. get going means go let’s get happy means let’s be happy and so on.

get is not necessary in any of these expressions, but it is commonly used. It suggests that we are going to become involved in, or get into, what we are doing. It’s a bit of an emphasis marker more than anything else.It shows a bit of passion or excitement about the task or activity.

Does this help?

It really does, Adam. I didn’t know that it gives passion or accent to my speech. Thank you.

Thank you Adam for this usefull lesson.

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Hello Sir I am unable to find lecture here. Kindly tell me how can access only comments and questions are available but no lecture

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You seem to be in Pakistan. Your government or internet company might be blocking YouTube. Try using the Tor browser (and here is how to enable Youtube ).

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Thank you for everything Adam , I received my IELTS test results today – 7 overall , and that result was possible only because of your clear and to the point videos .You and Emma are the best ! Thank you again , and wish you all the best !

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Congratulations Petru :)

Congratulations dear Petru

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Thank u sir . I have done it

Dear Adam, I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?

Please reply me at your first convince. I appreciate your help

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Hi Nasresfahani,

The best thing to do is just write down the key words that will help you remember the key points you want to mention. Another thing I often suggest to students is to write your first sentence; that way you can speak right away and hopefully the momentum will keep you going.

I hope this helps a little

Thank you. Useful video

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7/10 not good, but thats ok I think. The lessons in EngVid are increasing in quality, day by day. This one, was great. Very well explained, very objective, very important lesson. The truth is, I became a fan of EngVid. Congratulations for you all.

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ADAM, You people are plainly superb… Your lessons helped me score 8 in my IELTS. :D <3 <3 <3 The lessons. Can't thank enough, esp. you,Ronie & Emma.

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Congratulations V3spertine :)

Congratulation mate! could you share with us your experience of IELTS Scoring 8. Thanks best regards Nazar

By the way :D you’re cute.

hello frnz i want somebody to help me in speaking test for ielts. my skype id diki.hyolmo05

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Good stuff everyone :)

Let’s make Marco proud and build our global village ;)

Hi Adam, Is it important how to write the alphabet or is it ok for example to write the capital A in this way? 1 (\) 2 (/) 3 (-) Instead of 1 (/) 2 (\) 3 (-) Im talking abot handwriting .if so, please teach the beginners how to write the alphabet correctly .thank you .

Hi Blackmak,

In some cultures, the way you shape the letters is important. In most Western cultures,however, the main point is the final product, not how you arrived at it. If I can read A, then it doesn’t matter how you wrote it.

I’ll see what i can do about a lesson for this though

Hi Adam, what does this sentence mean ‘She Was The First Girl To Be Born On Her Dad’s Side In 50 Years’ I rode it in an article about Jennifer Lawrence but ı couldnt understand. Thank you

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The past participle for read is “READ” pronounced as ‘red’. “I read it in an… “

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Hi cerenacar,

I’ll try my best to explain this.

The Concept:-

Every child has ‘two’ sides. The ‘Paternal’ side (father’s side) and the ‘Maternal’ side (mother’s side).

Father’s side means father’s family and mother’s side means mother’s family.

What the sentence in the article meant:-

Her paternal side has never given birth to ‘women’ in the last 50 years.

do let us know if you understood this..

Thanks a lot Abhi, I understood it now

You’re welcome cerenacar :) Just to add a little note, the past tense of ‘read’ is ‘read’. Same word but pronounced like the word ‘red’.

best wishes abhi

Thank you very much.

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Hi Adam, why I can understand a lot of yuor lessons without read subtitles while whatching a film I lose my mind to follow a talk? in films they connect and squeeze words, why don’t you do tha same?

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I understand your problem. But there are many beginners who are using this website to learn English. If Adam sir starts speaking in a natural speed, then many viewers will get confused. So, he has to speak in a way, that is comfortable for the beginners. If you want to practice listening to a more natural speed, i’d suggest you play the video at 1.25X. I suggest that BUT I don’t recommend that :)

As Abhi suggested, I don’t speak at full speed as I would with my Canadian friends, for example. I want to get the lesson across to as many people as possible.

Try There are many talks there with transcripts that you can follow as they speak. It’s really just a matter of practice and training the ear to pick apart the words.

but i have read conclusions on task 1 in books on ielts..?

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Are they reaching a conclusion or just telling the reader that they are almost finished.

If you tell me which book, I will look it up and let you know what is happening there.

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Thank you Adem,,I have a noticed that you said there is no conclusion in this task,but when I have watched Emma’s video I noticed that she said we have to write conclusion…..I got confused please help me with a write answer.

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Hi Ayoub, This was Adam sir’s reply to someone who had a similar confusion..

“I understand your confusion. I think what Emma meant by conclusion in task 1 is to make it clear that you have said everything you need to say. You don’t need to mention “in conclusion…” because you are not asked to reach a conclusion. Reaching a conclusion means you are drawing a lesson from the information provided in the infographic. This is not the case in task 1. I think for Emma, the idea of a conclusion is more a part of coherence. I hope that helps a little.”

hi adam i’m going to university 2 week later.i will take the exam. englih proficiency exam but i’can’t write essay very well.what am i soppuse to do?

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Hi Mustafa,

I hope this isn’t too late, but try my writing site : writetotop(dot)com.

I hope it can help you

Thank for your teaching Adam.

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Hello Mr Adam. I’m looking for another part of planning an essay but I can’t find it, I mean (conclusion). so may I ask you to record and upload it ? and may I ask you to record one video about ‘rhetorical’ questions and please talk about their efficiency and tell your opinion about using it in essays. I will be thankful.

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I’ll get on it :)

Hi Mr Adam.

Thanks for all this great information,and cause of

that I decided to teach you how to take the IELTS

test in Arabic.Lol

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Well done @but can you explain the (make sense) (big deal)

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To make sense means to be understandable or logical.

A bid deal means a n important thing or point.

hello my name is budy

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Just kiding my name is oscar

Hi Oscar.How are you?

I’ll take the Ielts soon nd have just discovered this site. Great lessons! thanks to you Mr.Adam:)

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Welcome to EngVid, ceylan :)

thank you Abhi:)

Thanks Adam.:)

Hi Adam your the best.

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Sir, I would request you to clear my Doubt..I am confused whether in the Task 1 we should give our ideas to support the infographs or not..I have seen in a book they explain the graphs and then they give a idea regarding why there was change or shift in the graph..

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As you knew that youtube is block in Pakistan and these videos are youtube videos then what can i do adam?

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Dear Adam I am now confused ! Emma in her lesson of ” how to get high score ” is talking about having a conclusion , while you say conclusion is not required or , it is a cause of losing score , I hope to have this elucidated , which one of you guys to follow

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You can mention “in conclusion”… but you should not reacha conclusion that is not based on the facts of the graphs. They are not asking you to analyze the material, just report it. So, for example, if you see a rise in costs of oil on the graph over the last 10 years, you CAN’T conclude that this is due to geopolitical tensions in the world if that is not specifically mentioned in the graphs. Even though you may be right, it is not what you are asked to do.

So… in conclusion basically means you are entering your final paragraph, and nothing more.

In my own writing samples, I never even use this expression.

but how much i have learned in the IELTS coaching institute, they says that you can never write ” in conclusion, to summarize, to put in a nutshell, to conclude, etc. because these words are for task 2 , where you can give your opininons” but in task 1, you have to write a ” overall” paragraph of about 1-2 sentences. and you can write ( as it can be seen, as it is observed, in brief, etc) to start your overall paragraph. for instance: if the petrol prices are steeply rising or falling down( anomoly) from the other ratios given then you should take it as a striking point and just writei t in one or two sentences in the overall. ( because it is important to have a onerall paragraph in task 1.

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:( I need help in academic writing (writing a paragraph ) I think teaching English in Arabic country not benefit actually I study English Literature but I didn’t get any advantages here :'( I’m sooo sad

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Hello, Thank you for a nice lecture, I need your help to get look to my CV and give your opinion on it. For that reason, I need you Email address, can I have it???

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What are the key points to look forward to finish task-1 in academic module? For your suggestion ,how many lines include in finish part ?.

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hello Could you please explain how to rephrase the introduction. Because it takes a much time to rephrase the introduction.

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opps i was not good in this lesson ): 6-10 very bad

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Hi, Adam your lessons are really good and very helpful. My exam is very near and i want to practice writing tasks. Is there any way to join course and get personal help. Thanks

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I`d like to say thank you so much Mr. Adam . This video was very helpful . Actually , I have two questions 1 – How can I make sure that my paragraphs are enough ? or What is the best way to number the words of my report ?

2- Would you please give some examples of full reports ?

Thank you again Faisal Saad Saudi Arabia

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Hi Dear Sir Adam, hop your doing well,

My Name is Rohullah Ayoubi i am from Afghanistan and i want to learn English writing and words and want to be strong my English i hope ur help me in this way. and i requested from all friends to help me in this filed

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Hello to my all dear friends in this group i hope your all be fine and doing well, an i requested from all yours to help me to learn English as soon as possible

thank in advance

Rohullah Ayoubi

Good morning/afternoon or evening! Adam, do u know something about maps in writting task 1? I heard that no more graphes there, could you answer me please?

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thank you Adam best regards

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hi adam,,,ur lessons are very helpful,,,thank u soo much,,, best regards,,,:)

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you thnx alot , it’s very useful for me ,

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thnx alot , it’s very useful for me.

Adam excellent lesson about report! It`s very important lesson. Tkanks!

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Thank you Adam, now I have a concept for what I should write in Writing part 1 of IELTS.

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Thankyou so much … The teachers in EngVid is really talented. you really know what and how to teach .. I respect and salute you 1 Adam sir…

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Dear Adam Sir , Your lessons are great,This lesson help me and i get a full mark in task 1 writing in my IELTS preparation course, Thank you ,Thank you ,Thanks alot. Could you make lesson about task 2 writing, plz?

Sorry, actually,It’s not full mark ,the score is 7, but deal with it as a full mark

Hello Adam, I want to know which words are counted? I usually write about 112 words for task 1 and 170 for task 2 without counting “the,a,of,in..etc”

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I really like your videos , I need help . Im going to do my IELT test next month , I’m practising a lot with my self but there is no one to correct it for me. would you be able to help me out. My email id is [email protected] , looking forward to hear from you.

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how can i know if my paragraph is good or not ???

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Hello everyone, very useful information, I am very happy to be in touch with people around the world and in a place where there is not exist differences neither discrimination due its origin country(war it is among insane governments, no among the people), this way, should be the world. If anyone wants to practice english speaking, this is my facebook link . Add Me!!!!

Thanks a lot Adam, for sharing your knowledge

Best regards and peace for everyone.

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thanks fr your lessons , but i want to know the actul writing pargrph so i can get n idea how to write .other wise your video is grt to teach.

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Thank you mr. Adam. Your lessons help me a lot to improve my English.

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Hi Adam First of all, I wanna say “THANK YOU”; IT WAS SO AWESOME!! BUT…………….. Instead of speaking too fast and telling whole things, only in 15 minutes; what if you could separate this video in two parts and give more examples for each items! thx

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Thank you so much,you gave very clear points

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Hello Adam, I am a student from Vietnam. Now i want to study hard to improve my English skill to get high score in IELTS exam next 6 months. But i still confused about where i should start to learn first, i mean listening, speaking, reading or writing? Could you please give me an advice? Thank you too much :)

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hihi,the same country :)

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Hi adam Very pleased i am that i have recently signed up in the site cause id like to get prepared to ielts exam….defently the site and your benevolent teaching will help Thanks

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Hello Adam!! You said in task 1 in writing section in part one that there is no conclusion when we write our report but Emma in her video said that we need to have a coherence and we need to write introduction, body and conclusion, please tell me I am confused about that.

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helo Adam, thank you for your lesson, it is really usefull. i am from India, and i am leaning english from last 2 months from a IELTS institute, i have my test on 21st of march 2015. . i have a question that, as you said in this video that there is no conclusion, summary or anything like that in the task one, but how much i have learned, my teachers says that there is a ” overall” except ” conclusion” , which is has to be written as a second paragraph after introduction( showing milestones of the infograph) . please tell me that what is right, because i am little confused now. hope that you will reply me regarding this confusion. :)

Hi Adam sir,thank you so much for such a interesting as well as useful videos.

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Hello sir! plz give me some essay writing skills bcz I m taking competitive exam in which essay writing is a separate subject. I asked some seniors about this but all suggested me that it needs practise. Now plz let me know how can I find my mistakes during practise bcz I m in learning process.

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That is really so useful and supportive. Such unique videos will boost my score in writing Task 1. I can say that task 1 is quite easy as you are guided by the information given in the charts or tables. But what about writing in Task 2. I am quite afraid of it as it depends on your background and lexical information. I hope you also help us with this.

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I would like to request you to assess my writing. I will be very much pleased to have you here…….

The graph shows changes in the number of elephants in different regions of Asia in 1997 and 2004. Overall, elephant population was fall in most of the countries except Cambodia. India is the country with largest number of elephant while lowest number of elephant was in China. The most striking change was observed in Malaysia and Thailand. In Thailand, The population of elephant was decreased substantially from about 3500 in 1997 to around 1100 in 2004. In contrast, percent of elephant population was dropped by 40% (From 3000 to about 1000) in Malaysia by 2004. In 1997 there were about 10000 elephants in India but this population went down dramatically to reach almost 7500 by 2004. On the other hand, in china the population of elephant was plummeted by 50% in 2004. However, In Sri Lanka and Myanmar had the similar trends of reduction in the number of elephant. In Vietnam the population of elephant was fall slowly from to nearly 1300 in 1997 and 1100 in 2004. The population of elephant was constant at approximately 1100 in Laos from 1997 to 2004. An exceptional statistics was obtained in Cambodia where the number of elephant was increased just from 1300 in 1997 to 1400 in 2004.

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Hi Mr. Adam it is very great oppurtunity taking part in this chat. Excuse me, i would like to request something, it is a essay example, because i would like to join in essay competition but i do not know how essay’s shape is it. could you?

Thank you very Much best regard Taufik Akbar

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Hey Adam! Love your classes! They’re really elucidating! I’ve started practicing for IETLS writing task 1 and I would like your opinion on sth. First time I tried to be concise and my report turned out too short. Than I gave it more detail and I don’t know if it got too long kkkk. Do you think 180 words is too much? Thanks a lot! ;*

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Hi Mr.Adam i watches the Emma”s writing task 1 video,as you mentioned in here.She says we have to give conclusion in task 1 but you said conclusion is wrong if we write in task 1.If you explain clearly to us,i will be appreciate.Thanks

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Many thanks, Mr. Adam. :)

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Thank you very much i learnt a lot. how can i find practice test in your website? adib

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where is my quiz result?

Adam u r a good techer u speak very fast and i dont anderstand u in this test i got 4 ans correct

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Dear Adam, I’ll seat for IELTS in Wings Learing Center in my country. They prefer conclusion for task 1!! (I’ve given several MOCK test there) I never scored more than 6 in this task :(, but i need 7. 1. Will u please suggest some transition words to start an overview paragraph (that i may present as conclusion) at the end of task 1 ???? please answer asap… 2. In this task they expect us top compare pain points(highs & lows). Is it normal to skip some data category? (as all categories of data don’t have highs and lows) …i write too much and include everything :( it’s my problem :'( …plz ans. i need help.

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In IELTS Writing Task 1 – What to write! video section, you said that in Task 1 there is no conclusion. Only Introduction and body should written. But Emma said in IELTS – How to get a high score on Task 1 of the IELTS video section, we should write Into, Body and conclusion. Am bit confused. Please let me know weather we should write conclusion in Task 1 or not. Thanks

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Please reply to the above question. Am waiting.

oh. it is very useful . thank you very much

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hi. i have a question. you say that we don’t need a conclusion. but some other sources advice us to use conclusion. ho to be?

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Hai sir, I have doubt about task 1 in ielts writing,you been saying there should’nt a conclusion in task 1.where i jus gone through other materials there has been a conclusion saying “Overall, the data indicates…..”.I’m confused with this plz help me out sir.

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dear adam, we went through the video IELTS Writing Task 1 – What to write! where u have suggested no write any conclusion.but Ms.Ema on her video (IELTS – How to get a high score on Task 1 of the IELTS) ask to write 3 parts-Introduction, body and conclusion which conflicts with your suggestion.will u please clarify this? Thanks Rezwan

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it was goooddd

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Hi Adam, I love your video. Very clear and simple but meaningful and with significant skills. I have a problem on MAP question of IELTS. And I wonder that how to start and what to write. Please help me out. Thanks! Besides, do you recommand any writing correction or writing marking website/resource? Thanks alot

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Thank you very much Adam.

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Hai..sir video is good but emma is saying that conclusion should be there… but you are saying there shouldn’t be conclusion… which video should i follow ?

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you are too good,., please also share tips for task 2.

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Hi Adam. i am new here ,i have many difficulty in reading tasks of IELTS . How i can improve my reading in IELTS. i also face difficulty in multiple choice of listening . give me some tips.

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Hi Adam thanks for your time to spend it for us, could you please let me know how i can grab a specific program to organise my 4 skills ,so you know there were near to 100 or more leassons somit to ielts .which part do you think participants need to start to get ready for IELTS exam . warm regards

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HI adam you rock man…! you did a splendid job for english learners i really appreciate it.. keep going

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Thanks Adam

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loved the class!!!

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You are really the best teacher. Thanks.

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Alright, you said that we should predict, but how about I we are given information from 2010 and 2040, so that is logically that we need to do some forecasts.

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Thanks so much for your instruction, it is clearly and handy for my preparation.

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I really appreciate your course. Thank very much.

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Hi Adam. Thanks a lot for your help. I have a question for you. Emma in her video says clearly that we need a conclusion for the coherence criteria. So should we or should we not include a conclusion in our essay? Moreover, I read that an overview paragraph could also be considered important. Meaning that we should have 3-4 paragraphs. Could you clear these issues up for me? Thanks again!

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Flunk :( 4/10

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tkanks. the video is extremely useful adam

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thank you for the lesson

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thank you Sir Adam.. how can i used drammatically and drastically in my IELTS writing test 1. thank you

Thank you Adam for the good lesson!

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7/10, Probably need more on vocabulary .

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Thank you sir Adam

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thanks sir ADAM

hello guys ı need to practice for ielts speaking if u need to this u can add me on skype: karainci1907

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Thanks you Sir Adam 6/10 probably need more practice. Please add me on skype: godfred.ameyaw46

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Thanks Adam. I found your lessons very useful!

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Thanks…you explain very well, but in question about ” increase ” i dont understand why further is the correct, how about spike?

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thanks alot

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hi, Adam today is my first day on this site and i really enjoyed it. Thanks

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Is it all right to describe two suggested site for installment of a shop in a city like the way below.I think otherwise as they analyse and post there opinion there. Please,clarify me-

“The map illustrates plans for two possible sites for a shopping mall in the city of Brandfield. It can be seen that the two sites under consideration are in the north and the south east of the town.

The first possible site for the shopping mall, S1, is just north of the city centre, above the railway line, which runs from the south east of the city to the north west. If it is built here, it will be next to a large housing estate, thus providing easy access for those living on the estate and in the city centre. It will also be next to the river, which runs through the town.”

The site in the south east, S2, is again just by the railway line and fairly close to the city centre, but it is near to an industrial estate rather than housing.

There is a main road that runs through the city and is close to both sites, thus providing good road access to either location. A large golf course and park in the west of the town prevents this area from being available as a site.”

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Hi Adam as I know, the conclusion is paraphrasing from the introduction, so why in the type do we not writing con.?

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thanks Adam, it’s really helpful lesson for IELTS writing task-1.

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what if they have given me 3 pie charts. is it ok that i will have 3 body paragraphs explaining each pie?

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Thank”s Adam. This free tutorial is very helpful. Practice and practice …

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Thank you for everything Adam .. but there is a very important point in emma’s video which you refrence to .. she said it must be intro then the body then conclusion and that is Different from this lecture… what should i follow

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In another material, they showed me that the period from 1960 to 1990 is a 31-year period. Which one is correct? 30 or 31? Please help me

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I have problem with the writing task is that i am not able to understand how to start and end the task

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Its great elaboration of things regarding Info-graphics. Dear Adam, I am eagerly expecting a lesson from you pertaining to Task-1 of General Training Test.

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please give a response to the report of mine, adam

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The charts demonstrates why the adults go on for the studies and how cost of studies must be shared. firstly, in the bar chart, interest in the subjects makes up the highest percentage of the total at 40% following by gaining qualifications which accounts for 38 percent of total at thirty eight percent. the third reason for which adults go for the studies is being helpful for current jobs by a percentage of 22%. some other adults keep their studies going on for the cause of improving the prospects of promotion and enjoying learning which stands for 20 percent who have chosen the both reasons. meanwhile a small percentages regarded the reasons of being able to change jobs and to meet people. the pie chart illustrates how the cost of each course should be shared. a very large percentage stands for individuals precisely 42 percent which makes the largest percentage. employers makes up the second high percentage of a total at 35 percent and finally the tax payers accounts for 25 percent of the total.

you are the best teacher ever thank you

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7/10. Could be better. :( But I learned a lot from this lesson.

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Hi Adam is there any chance to pass ILETS Writing task 1 test online…. thanks in advance

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thanks addam

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” ” Please refer to this link and tell me what band score would i get and why, if i answer that question with this :

The bar chart shows the percentage of population who owned computers, with further classification by level of education from 2002 to 2010.

Overall, the computer ownership was higher in 2010 than in 2010. the first chart illustrates that the least percentage of computer ownership was in 2002 (about 55%) as compared to 2010 that had the highest (75%).

According to the second chart, the computer ownership increased with level of education. Both in 2002 and 2010, people with no high school diploma were the least computer owner about 15 and 42% respectively, while the postgraduates were the most, 75% to 95% respectively. There was a significant increase of about 30 percentage points, for those with high school diploma and unfinished college. Bachelor’s degree holders showed an increase upto 20% in 2010 with respect to their percentage in 2002, i.e. from 70% to 90%.

Thanks a bunch Adam! for the useful course.. I got 9 out of 10 correct answers.

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Hi adam, Thanks a lot for your videos, you are of a great help! I still had one question though: would it be relevant to calculate percentages for this task (for example in case of a table), or would it be considered as adding an information that was not included in the infographic and is not needed ?

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Thank you Adam. Very helpful indeed.

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Could you please help me to find out the solution if I write the answer in a question related to ielts ? I want to check by you, what should I need to do for that ?

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Adam, thanks a lot for the lesson. You mentioned therein – Emma, a colleague of mine. I wonder what is the difference between: my friend and a friend of mine.

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Thank you Adam for this video, when I am studding English I generally take some notes and most of the time I try to write as I would getting the real test, so at this time I made a big mistake I was writing giving my own opinion about the topic. Although you were talking the opposite, WOW…I will never forget this anymore…thank you again

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Hello adam, I just saw emma`s video in the link you suggested. I’m confused because she talks about having a conclusion and you said there was never a conclusion on task One. What should I do? Thanks!

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Hello Adam, there are a lot of teachers told about having a conclusion or an overview after the introduction such as : 1- Intro. 2- Overall , ……. 3- bodies what to do ???

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dear mr. adam,

what about the tenses that i should use in this task you did not talk about this point but i think that we should use simple presents as we are talking about facts. is it right ?

*sorry for not respecting capitalization letter rule duo to my keyboard damages.

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also i love this sentence “we gonna kill two birds with one stone” ;)

Hi adam, is it necessary to write conclusion for task 1 in IELTS writing if we have overview in the second paragraph

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hi adam,your videos are perfect.however,i need some tips on letter writing as i’m taking general ielts test.can you help me with that as well?

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Hi I just want to ask you about tables in task 1 In body part we have to write two paragraphs so I should write just about 2 things in table? Like if we have countries table ( UK , USA and France) I will write in first paragraph about UK and the second paragraph about USA. If yes, I’ll not lose marks for doing skip to France? Thank you.

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Hello Sir I have a few questions. 1) Is it fine to write symbol % for percentage or the whole word needs to be written? Also & for and? 2) I tend to exceed word limit but within time and also my handwriting is big and takes more space. So, Can I add an additional paper or do I need to fit the answer in the provided space only . This is for Ielts.

Thanks in advance Regards Aarushi

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Hi Adam Thank you very much for another interesting lesson.

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Ive got one month left and I’m desperate and hopeless especially cause of witing section , but your videos always helps, thx

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We believe in you! Good luck!

Thank you teacher!

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Thank you so much

Hey! Adam you mentioned not to write any conclusion, can overviews be written?

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Thanks Mr. Adam.

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50% not an easy one.

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Thank lot for your writing lesson task 1, I got 5/10

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I scored a 100%! I am taking my exam in two days and I hope to secure Band 8.5 or – if I really can – then even a Band 9. Please cheer me on!

Also, kindly link me to more videos which can help me perform right on mark!

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7/10! This lesson is not essential for me. But these tips also useful for me.

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THX, Adam. I appreciate the video and the quiz. This is the first time I write in English online. I will keep learning the writing from the Engvid.

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I have to write about 3 decade period, 1980, 1990, and 2000. I want to use 80s and 90s for the first two, but I don’t know what to use with 2000 in this approach…… Please instruct

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Great Adam.

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Thank you so much Mr Adam for your wonderful presentation. I appreciate it.

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How to Write a Great IELTS Conclusion

Posted by David S. Wills | Aug 31, 2019 | IELTS Tips , Writing | 1

How to Write a Great IELTS Conclusion

When writing your IELTS task 2 essay, it is vital to have a good conclusion. However, many candidates don’t know how to do this. They wonder what a conclusion should include and what it shouldn’t include. The process of writing a good conclusion is, to many, a complete mystery.

In fact, the conclusion is usually the easiest part of your essay to write. There is no mystery to it, and in this article I am going to explain clearly how to do it. I will show you, step-by-step, the best way to write an effective conclusion for your IELTS task 2 essay.

What sort of essay requires a conclusion?

First of all, before we get into how to write an IELTS conclusion, I will tell you that you do not need to write a conclusion for task 1 . You only need to write a conclusion for task 2. This is because, for task 1, the information that would go in a conclusion could easily be stated within the introduction. You have to identify general trends and overall ideas about the data, and this really doesn’t need to be done in a conclusion. (Learn about task 1 structures here .)

As for task 2, it is very important. For both Task Response and Coherence and Cohesion , you would need at least some sort of conclusion in order to score highly. A conclusion functions as a way of reviewing and summarising the data included in your essay and adds to the value of the essay by formalising and improving its structure.

So, to review:

Writing a conclusion for IELTS

Every IELTS task 2 essay needs a conclusion. This should simply sum up the main idea of the essay and very briefly restate the main arguments. It can be as short as one sentence, although it may be better to write two or three .

Writing a good conclusion can seem a little difficult, and it is hard to teach because it depends on the type of question and also the content of your essay. However, some important points to consider are that it should be brief , contain no new information , and avoid repeating anything from the rest of the essay . It is also very important to make sure that your position in the conclusion is the same as in the rest of your essay.

rules for writing IELTS essay conclusions

Let’s examine an example answer to see how the conclusion matches the rest of the essay.

The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than treatment and medicine. Government funding should reflect this.

To what extent do you agree?

I am going to give you my sample answer here, and below I will format it into a table so that you are able to see an explanation for each sentence:

In many countries, government spending on healthcare is a major economic burden.  Problems like obesity and heart disease are crippling healthcare systems, and some people suggest that rather than raise taxes to pay for treatments, more money should be invested in preventing these illnesses in the first place.  This essay will argue that prevention is better than treatment.  The most obvious benefit of putting prevention before treatment is the reduction in human suffering that would inevitably result.  Some of the biggest health problems in modern societies are utterly preventable, and therefore it is reasonable to suggest that money spent this way would cause less anguish.  Government campaigns to reduce smoking would reduce cancer rates and this would increase people’s quality of life, and of course end the suffering of people who lose loved ones.  From a purely financial standpoint, it is beneficial to focus on preventing sickness rather than curing it.  The cost of treating sick people with expensive medical procedures, equipment, and medicines is vastly higher than the cost of educating people not to smoke, eat unhealthily, or otherwise lead unhealthy lifestyles.  Government campaigns have led to huge decreases in smoking in many Western countries, and it is likely that similar campaigns would yield similar results elsewhere. It would be wise for other countries around the world to implement this sort of system. In conclusion, preventing a disease makes more sense than waiting to treat it.  The benefits to average people and also to governments are significantly higher than simply investing in treatments.

annotated example of ielts essay conclusion

Here, I will put the same answer into a table. In the right-hand column, you will see an explanation of the sentence in the middle.

Further Notes on the Conclusion

Looking at this conclusion, we can see that it is short and simple, yet very effective. In just 30 words, it reflects the whole of the essay. Although it presents no specific details, it alludes to everything that can before it in quite general terms. It also presents us with a simple structure for making a good conclusion:

how to write conclusion in writing task 1

Just remember that you don’t have to say everything again! Notice that in my second sentence, I don’t completely rewrite the ideas from my body paragraphs, but instead allude to them by saying “the benefits to people and governments…” The word “people” refers to paragraph two and “government” refers to paragraph three. Without repeating myself or writing too much, I have concisely summarized my essay.

Finally, you may have noticed that in my example essays, I use “In conclusion” to start almost every conclusion. You may wonder if this is too basic or too boring. Of course, it may seem repetitive in a book with many essays, but for IELTS you are only writing one conclusion, so it doesn’t matter. Some students think that they need “more exciting” language for their essay, so they try to think of a new phrase to begin their conclusion. However, “In conclusion” is perfectly fine. It is simple yet effective. You could also use:

  • To conclude

I have seen some people write “All in all” and “In a nutshell”. These are not acceptable, as they are too informal. My advice is to use “In conclusion” because it is easy and always appropriate.

Here is my conclusion to this article on conclusions 😄:

5 Things to Remember about Conclusions

  • You should always write a conclusion at the end of an IELTS writing task 2 essay.
  • Summarize your essay without repeating.
  • Refer to your main ideas.
  • Try to write 1-3 sentences.
  • Never try to include some new ideas in your conclusion.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 & Task 2 Tips- Tricks to Write Good Essay

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is conducted to measure a candidate’s English proficiency. IELTS is one of the most preferred English proficiency tests which measures a candidate’s skills in four different sections: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. Candidates must prepare for all the sections thoroughly to secure a better band on the test.

On this page, we will be discussing IELTS Writing Tips for Task 1 and Task 2. Candidates must understand the entire exam structure and the types of questions asked on the test before beginning their exam preparation.


Table of Content

IELTS Writing Structure

10 ielts writing tips for task 1 and task 2, ielts writing tips for task 1 and task 2- faqs, how to score 8 bands in ielts writing, what is ielts writing task 1 and task 2, what are some ielts writing tips for task 1 and task 2, is ielts writing important, how to score 8 bands on ielts.

A lot of IELTS aspirants find IELTS Writing quite challenging. Surely the questions are tricky and often involve complicated language. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, any IELTS aspirant can score well on IELTS Writing. The first thing candidates have to do is understand the exam structure and the types of questions asked. In IELTS Writing, there are two categories; Academic and General Training. Both these categories include two tasks; Task 1 and Task 2. Take a look at the table below for a better understanding of the IELTS Writing section.

To score a better band on IELTS, candidates must score well on all four sections of the test. A lot of candidates consider IELTS Writing tasks quite challenging because you only get 60 minutes to complete both tasks, with specific word limits, Task 2 essay topics cover a wide range of complex issues, including social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues, and others. However, IELTS aspirants need not worry about these challenges, as are going to discuss some tips to score well in this section.

  • Read the instructions carefully for each task and make sure you understand what is expected of you.
  • Familiarize yourself with the test format and practice writing essays and task responses regularly.
  • Allocate time for planning, writing, and reviewing your response within the 60-minute timeframe.
  • Study sample essays from official sources or past test papers to understand the structure, language, and organization of high-scoring responses.
  • Organize your essays with clear introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs. In Task 1, present an overview of the main trends or features before providing specific details. In Task 2, follow a traditional essay structure with a clear thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to showcase your language proficiency.
  • To support your arguments, use relevant examples, data or personal experiences to illustrate your points effectively.
  • Ensure your writing flows logically from one paragraph to the next, with clear transitions and connections between ideas.
  • Proofread your essays carefully to eliminate spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
  • Simulate test conditions as closely as possible when practising, including timing yourself and writing your responses by hand. This will help you build confidence and familiarity with the test format.

These IELTS Writing tips will surely help you score well in both tasks. Candidates must do deliberate practice if they want to get admission to their dream university.

Also Read: IELTS Minimum Score for Top Universities in 2024 IELTS Average Score: Across Worldwide and India IELTS Exam Pattern 2024: Section-wise IELTS Exam Paper Pattern, Question Types IELTS Exam Syllabus 2024 (Section-Wise): Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking
To score 8 bands in IELTS Writing, you need to ace in both Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1 involves Report Writing for IELTS Academic and Letter Writing for IELTS General. Task 2 includes Essay Writing for both Academic and General. You must understand the structure of the test first and then begin your pratice accordingly. Allocate time for planning, writing, and reviewing your response within the 60-minute timeframe. To strengthen your preparation, try to solve IELTS official practice tests online and score well in those tests.
IELTS Writing section includes two tasks: Task 1 and 2. Candidates are given 60 minutes to complete both these tasks, which involve Report and Letter Writing and Essay Writing. Candidates must check the exam structure and format before beginning their preparation.
The first preparation tip is to understand the task requirements. Read the instructions carefully for each task and make sure you understand what is expected of you. Task response is crucial for scoring well, so ensure you address all aspects of the prompt. Familiarize yourself with the test format and practice writing essays and task responses regularly. This will help you improve your writing skills and become more comfortable with the test conditions. Allocate time for planning, writing, and reviewing your response within the 60-minute timeframe. Practice time management strategies to ensure you have enough time to complete both tasks satisfactorily. Enhance your knowledge and confidence by solving official pratice tests.
IELTS Writing section is very important as it carries a significant weight in determining your overall band score. IELTS Writing contributes equally to the overall band score as the other three sections. Therefore, you must focus on performing well in the Writing section ito achieve a high overall band score. Task 1 and Task 2 assess your ability to communicate effectively in written English, including your vocabulary, grammar, coherence, and cohesion. These skills are crucial for academic study, work, and daily communication in English-speaking environments.
Scoring 8 bands on IELTS might sound like a hard nut to crack but it is not impossible. All you require is a combination of strong language skills, effective test-taking strategies, and thorough preparation. You have to understand the exam pattern of all the four sections; Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. What is your current status and what score you have in mind will help you understand how much you have to prepare. Take a practice test to assess your current proficiency level in English and identify areas for improvement. Develop strong language skills by reading, writing, speaking and listening academic journals, newspapers, blogs and other academic related content. Use official IELTS practice materials, including sample tests and past exam papers, to familiarize yourself with the test format and types of questions.

This was all about IELTS Writing tips for Task 1 and Task 2. The above-listed tips will surely help aspirants score well in their IELTS Writing. For more such informative topics on IELTS and other standardised tests, visit GeeksforGeeks.

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How to Write Effective IELTS Conclusions

how to write conclusion in writing task 1

This post will help you write effective conclusions for IELTS writing task 2 essay questions. It is suitable for both General Training and Academic candidates.

The conclusion is the easiest paragraph to write because, in many ways, you are just using ideas you have already mentioned in your introduction and main body paragraphs . However, this is the last thing the examiner will read, and it is, therefore, crucial that you finish strongly.

You will probably not have much time remaining when you are writing your conclusion, so you must practice them and learn how to write them quickly. I will show you how below.

IELTS Conclusion Quick Tips

  • Never write any new ideas in your conclusion. A conclusion should always restate your ideas in the rest of the essay. New ideas should be in the main body and not in the conclusion.
  • Make sure you answer the question in the conclusion. The conclusion should state your thoughts about the question and clarify your feelings about the issue.
  • Vary your language. Just because you are restating your ideas in the rest of your essay doesn’t mean you use the same language. Instead, you show the examiner you have a wide vocabulary by paraphrasing .
  • Don’t try to include everything . You are not required to go into detail; you have already done that in your main body paragraphs. Instead, you will summarise your main points.
  • Always write one. It isn’t easy to get a good score in task 2 if you haven’t finished your essay with a conclusion. Even if you are running out of time, make sure you write one.

Linking Phrases

how to write conclusion in writing task 1

First, you should start with a linking phrase, but some are better than others. Here are some examples:

  • In a nutshell
  • In conclusion
  • To conclude

Finally  isn’t really suitable because it indicates that you are making a final point and therefore a new idea. Finally belongs in the main body of your essay, not the conclusion.

In a nutshell  is too informal, and we should never use it in IELTS conclusions.

In general  tells the reader you are going to talk generally about a topic. This is not what we will do in our conclusion, and we should not use it.

In conclusion and to conclude  are the only two linking phrases you should use to start your conclusion. They tell the reader exactly what the paragraph is about and are formal. You will only write one conclusion, so pick one and stick with it.

How to Write a Good Conclusion

There are two elements to a good conclusion:

  • Summarising the main points of your essay
  • Varying your vocabulary by paraphrasing

Luckily we have already stated our main points in the introduction, so all we have to do is look back at the conclusion and paraphrase this.

Let’s look at some examples:

how to write conclusion in writing task 1


It is argued that students should be taught real-life skills, like how to look after money. This essay agrees that they should be part of the curriculum because everyday competencies benefit people later in life, and not being taught how to manage money at an early age can lead to dangerous consequences in adulthood. 

I have completed an effective introduction by doing three things:

  • Paraphrasing the question
  • Stating my opinion
  • Outlining what I will talk about in the rest of the essay or in other words, the main points I’m using to support my opinion.

In conclusion, this essay supports the idea that teenagers should be taught functional subjects like financial planning because it helps them in adulthood, and a lack of education related to these topics can have serious consequences. 

So all I have done is restate my opinion and included my main supporting points. However, I have not simply copied all the words; I have used synonyms and paraphrasing to vary my language.

Note that I have repeated some words. Paraphrasing does not mean changing every single word. If you cannot think of a way to change every word, feel free to repeat that word. In general, you should try to vary your vocabulary as much as possible, but it is often impossible to change every single word. Better to repeat a word accurately than change it to something wrong.

Here are the paraphrases I used:

This essay supports- This essay agrees

should- ought to

students- teenagers

functional subjects- real-life skills

look after money- financial planning

later in life- in adulthood

Let’s look at another example :

how to write conclusion in writing task 1

Contemporary advances have a serious effect on the planet. While I appreciate that critics may hope that people will shun the latest developments, I believe that technology itself can give us an answer.  This essay will first discuss how not using electronics is unfeasible, followed by a discussion of how science is now coming up with ways to reverse global warming and pollution. 

This introduction does three basic things:

1. Paraphrases the question

2. States opinion

3. Outlines what the essay will discuss

In conclusion, this essay acknowledges that technological progress jeopardises the planet, but cutting-edge discoveries can halt and even heal this destruction. 

Again, all I have done is repeat what I said in the introduction using paraphrasing.

Adding a Prediction or Recommendation to Our Conclusion 

how to write conclusion in writing task 1

We can also add a prediction (what we think will happen) or a recommendation (what we think should happen) to our conclusion.

This is totally optional. I teach students how to write these because it allows them to write something at the end of the essay if they are worried about not making it to 250 words. Only use these if you cannot get over the word count. 

Here are my two previous conclusions with one added sentence:

In conclusion, this essay supports the idea that teenagers should be taught functional subjects like financial planning because it helps them in adulthood, and a lack of education related to these topics can have serious consequences.  It is recommended that governments make this a compulsory part of the education system. 

In conclusion, this essay acknowledges that technological progress jeopardises the planet, but cutting-edge discoveries can halt and even heal this destruction. It is predicted that climate change will be successfully tackled with such inventions. 

If you found this article useful and want more help with writing task 2, please visit our task 2 page .

how to write conclusion in writing task 1

About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

If you need my help with your IELTS preparation, you can send me an email using the contact us page.

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How to write an IELTS essay conclusion

Home  »  IELTS academic task 2 » How to write an IELTS essay conclusion

  • State your opinion in a crystal clear way. Usually, you express it in one short sentence. This way your essay will have a good finish. It becomes succinct and your thoughts are condensed. This will definitely help to get a high score for your essay.
  • Put a small prediction in your conclusion. For example: “It is predicted that the trend of global warming will continue long into the future unless governments take decisive action”. Or: “It is predicted that parents and children will continue to use electronic devices to communicate and this can only strengthen their bonds”.
  • Keep an eye on your grammar accuracy and the range of the grammar structures and vocabulary you use. These aspects also considerably increase your chances for getting a high score.

What not to include in your IELTS essay conclusion!

  • New arguments. If there are any arguments that pop up in your head while writing conclusion, ignore them. You should have control over your mind and stay focused. This is the way to a successful conclusion.
  • New evidence for the arguments. This point corresponds with the previous one.
  • Repetitions . Try to avoid saying what you’ve already mentioned. This refers to the logic used as well as evidence and arguments that were pointed out. Your range of words in the language should also help you avoid word repetitions. Also, sometimes by looking for synonyms you can make the conclusion sound over complicated and confusing to the reader. Do not try to find a synonym if it simply doesn’t exists.

- - Examples of conclusions

Let’s have a look at the following two examples of conclusions . Say, you are dealing with the essay on positive and negative aspects of globalization and you have to introduce your opinion.

You write about the positive effects of it (nowadays there are more ideas, the spread of which leads to the spread of language). You also give examples from different countries.

Possible conclusion №1.

“It is necessary to spread ideas, language as well as culture. It will also start to be more tolerated in the future as it becomes more common. In the future , I sincerely hope , the governments will take effective measures to improve the progress of globalization”.

Why does the conclusion sound a bit incohesive and unconvincing? Pay attention to the following points:

  • “ It will also start to be more tolerated in the future...” Of course, you are writing about globalization, but the pronoun “it” makes it unclear. You force the reader to make assumptions, creating a strain for a reader, since they have to determine what you’re saying.
  • There is a repetition of the phrase “in the future”.
  • The phrase “I sincerely hope...” sounds like “I think it is...”. The following is better in terms of how convinced the author is: “I strongly believe...”, “Therefore, I am convinced that globalization is a necessary form to...”.
  • There are no new arguments mentioned - it’s good.
  • Even though there are two sentences about the future, they are quite weak. The author could have made at least one of them stronger.

Possible conclusion №2.

“ In conclusion , globalization is, undoubtedly , a positive driver in disseminating ideas, language and culture. It is predicted governments will enact further measures to facilitate its progress”.

  • Actually, the conclusion is quite successful and convincing. Probably, there is no need to say “In conclusion”. The position is crystal clear since it is stated that it is “a positive driver”. There is no ambiguity that this is an opinion.
  • There is new information that was not included earlier, in the body paragraphs: “It is predicted...”.
  • There are neither new arguments nor fresh evidence in the example provided. By saying “undoubtedly”, the author pushes the ideas and what he/she was talking about before into a more positive light. It is, for sure, the position of the author.

Sometimes, the author may make use of quotations with the view of improving the quality of the essay. Personally, I think this is dangerous because the quotation can easily be reproduced incorrectly or mistakenly attributed to someone else.

If you are struggling writing your IELTS Task 2 essay do not worry you are not alone! So many students find this the most challenging part of the IELTS exam .

Where do I place my ideas?

My mind goes blank?

These are very common challenges and surprisingly simple to solve. The key is having a system to follow so you know exactly what to write when you see a Task 2 question .

When you have a system and know the steps, and the sentence structures it definitely becomes a lot easier.

Have a look at this online course which includes all the chapters you need to pass IELTS.

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how to write conclusion in writing task 1

So much is at stake in writing a conclusion. This is, after all, your last chance to persuade your readers to your point of view, to impress yourself upon them as a writer and thinker. And the impression you create in your conclusion will shape the impression that stays with your readers after they've finished the essay.

The end of an essay should therefore convey a sense of completeness and closure as well as a sense of the lingering possibilities of the topic, its larger meaning, its implications: the final paragraph should close the discussion without closing it off.

To establish a sense of closure, you might do one or more of the following:

  • Conclude by linking the last paragraph to the first, perhaps by reiterating a word or phrase you used at the beginning.
  • Conclude with a sentence composed mainly of one-syllable words. Simple language can help create an effect of understated drama.
  • Conclude with a sentence that's compound or parallel in structure; such sentences can establish a sense of balance or order that may feel just right at the end of a complex discussion.

To close the discussion without closing it off, you might do one or more of the following:

  • Conclude with a quotation from or reference to a primary or secondary source, one that amplifies your main point or puts it in a different perspective. A quotation from, say, the novel or poem you're writing about can add texture and specificity to your discussion; a critic or scholar can help confirm or complicate your final point. For example, you might conclude an essay on the idea of home in James Joyce's short story collection,  Dubliners , with information about Joyce's own complex feelings towards Dublin, his home. Or you might end with a biographer's statement about Joyce's attitude toward Dublin, which could illuminate his characters' responses to the city. Just be cautious, especially about using secondary material: make sure that you get the last word.
  • Conclude by setting your discussion into a different, perhaps larger, context. For example, you might end an essay on nineteenth-century muckraking journalism by linking it to a current news magazine program like  60 Minutes .
  • Conclude by redefining one of the key terms of your argument. For example, an essay on Marx's treatment of the conflict between wage labor and capital might begin with Marx's claim that the "capitalist economy is . . . a gigantic enterprise of dehumanization "; the essay might end by suggesting that Marxist analysis is itself dehumanizing because it construes everything in economic -- rather than moral or ethical-- terms.
  • Conclude by considering the implications of your argument (or analysis or discussion). What does your argument imply, or involve, or suggest? For example, an essay on the novel  Ambiguous Adventure , by the Senegalese writer Cheikh Hamidou Kane, might open with the idea that the protagonist's development suggests Kane's belief in the need to integrate Western materialism and Sufi spirituality in modern Senegal. The conclusion might make the new but related point that the novel on the whole suggests that such an integration is (or isn't) possible.

Finally, some advice on how not to end an essay:

  • Don't simply summarize your essay. A brief summary of your argument may be useful, especially if your essay is long--more than ten pages or so. But shorter essays tend not to require a restatement of your main ideas.
  • Avoid phrases like "in conclusion," "to conclude," "in summary," and "to sum up." These phrases can be useful--even welcome--in oral presentations. But readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the pages, when an essay is about to end. You'll irritate your audience if you belabor the obvious.
  • Resist the urge to apologize. If you've immersed yourself in your subject, you now know a good deal more about it than you can possibly include in a five- or ten- or 20-page essay. As a result, by the time you've finished writing, you may be having some doubts about what you've produced. (And if you haven't immersed yourself in your subject, you may be feeling even more doubtful about your essay as you approach the conclusion.) Repress those doubts. Don't undercut your authority by saying things like, "this is just one approach to the subject; there may be other, better approaches. . ."

Copyright 1998, Pat Bellanca, for the Writing Center at Harvard University

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how to write conclusion in writing task 1

Find out why an overview is important in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

Academic Writing Task 1 is an information-transfer task where you describe what you see in the visual. An overview must be included in your response. Read tips on what an overview is and how to write an overview in your response.

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In our previous article on how to score a band 7 and higher in Writing Task 1 , we explained the importance of writing an overview. We also explained that you will lose marks if you omit an overview, or if the overview is unclear for the reader.

A clear overview needs to be presented to reach a band 7 and higher. Let’s look again at the Task Achievement band descriptors to see how important a clear overview is in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1.

What is an overview?

In simple terms, an overview is a summary of what you see. In Academic Task 1 you will see a visual that you have to describe. There might be one visual (one graph), or you might get more than one visual (a chart and a graph).

The overview in your response should summarise what you see in the visual diagram. It should summarise the main:





Noticeable features 

If you have more than one visual, your overview needs to summarise both of them. You have to present the whole picture and not just part of it.

Remember that you are writing an overview, so you do not need to present data (E.g., numbers, statistics).

Where should the overview appear?

The overview describes the overall picture of what you see, so it often appears after the introduction.

The introduction tells the examiner what you are going to write about. It is basically the Writing question paraphrased. For example, you will say what the visual is, the data source and when the data was collected - WHAT, WHERE, WHEN 

The first sentence contains the introduction. If there are two visuals in your task, you need to introduce both. This can be done in one or two sentences.

The second sentence contains the overview. If there are two visuals in your task, your overview should summarise both if you can see a relationship between them. If you can't, simply present an overview before you describe each visual in detail.

The overview could also appear at the end of your response as the last sentence acting like a summary of what you have written. IELTS teachers will often tell you to put the overview at the end like a 'conclusion', however, an IELTS Task 1 response, does not need a conclusion.

Our expert advice to you is to write an overview in your second sentence, just to make sure if you run out of time, that your overview is included in your response.

How do I write an overview?

It's easy to write an overview if you follow these two steps:

Use linking words or phrases to introduce a summary of what you see. (E.g., Overall, To summarise, In summary, In brief, It can be clearly seen that...).

Write the main trend(s) or overall picture of what you see in the visual(s). Depending on the type of visual, ask yourself these questions:

Can you see an overall increase, decrease or fluctuation in the visual diagram?

Can you see very high or very low points?

Can you see more or less of something (E.g. more males, less females, more employed, less employed)?

Has the map or plan changed over time?

Have features been added or taken away?

What is the main relationship between the visuals?

Is there a predicted change that will happen in the future?

What do overviews look like?

Look at the following overview examples for a range of different visuals. These overviews will appear in the sentence following the introduction.

These overviews do NOT include data or figures, only a summary of what you see - the most noticeable features.

So, remember to include an overview in your IELTS Academic Writing Task 1. Make it clear to the examiner that you are describing an overall trend or an overall picture of what you see. Use a linking word or phrase to signal to the examiner that this is your overview.

This IELTS Writing tip will help you to perform at your best in the IELTS Writing test.

If you feel you are now ready to practice a Writing test, why not try an official IELTS practice test, IELTS Progress Check . If you do not include an overview, or if it is unclear, our expert IELTS markers will give you feedback on your performance.

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