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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Verfassen mathematischer Arbeiten mit LaTeX

Seit dem Wintersemester 2008/09 bieten wir – finanziert aus Mitteln der Studienbeiträge – einen Anlaufpunkt für Fragen zu und Problemen mit dem Textsatz-System LaTeX an.

Arbeiten, die mathematische Formeln enthalten, werden weltweit fast ausschließlich mit LaTeX erzeugt. Auch für studentische Zwecke – etwa Folien für Seminarvorträge oder Ihre Bachelorarbeit – ist es zu empfehlen. Und es ist auch nicht schwer!

Sie können ohne große Vorkenntnisse loslegen – die Informationen auf dieser Seite helfen Ihnen dabei.


Prinzipiell benötigen Sie nur einen Text-Editor Ihrer Wahl, in dem Sie Ihren LaTeX-Quelltext schreiben, und einen LaTeX-Compiler. Es existieren bereits eine Reihe von Editoren, die speziell für das Arbeiten mit LaTeX entwickelt wurden. Dort haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihren Quelltext mit einem Klick zu kompilieren und gleich die Ausgabedatei anzusehen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch unter LaTeX project: Obtaining LaTeX .

  • LaTeX-Distribution: MikTeX  
  • Installation einiger weiterer Tools erforderlich (z.B. Viewer, um die Ausgabe-Dateien im .dvi oder .ps oder .pdf-Format ansehen zu können):  proTeXt   hilft Ihnen dabei.
  • Als Editor ist u.a. WinShell   zu empfehlen.



  • in der Regel schon enthalten
  • diverse Editoren (z.B. gedit) unterstützen Syntax Highlighting für LaTeX

Nützliche Links

Hier finden Sie Wissenswertes rund um LaTeX:

  • CTAN   – The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network:  Getting started
  • The LaTeX Project
  • The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)
  • Deutsche Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. (DAnTe)
  • TeX Users Group (TUG)

Beispiele und Vorlagen

  • LaTeX-Vorlage: Abschlussarbeit
  • LaTeX-Vorlage: Beispiel Anwendung
  • LaTeX-Vorlage: Selbsterklärendes Beispiel
  • LaTeX-Vorlage Seminarvortrag
  • pdflatex (deutsch)
  • pdflatex (englisch)
  • latex (deutsch)
  • latex (englisch)

The (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e  liefert Ihnen alle Informationen, um LaTeX von Grund auf zu lernen:  Introduction to Latex

Thesis Guideline

Thesis Guideline

Phase 0: finding a topic and application.

  • Topic selection
  • Look at our available topics for Bachelor’s Thesis, Master’s Thesis, Project Studies, or IDP at the Chair for Strategy and Organization
  • Choose your own topic

In case you want to apply with your own topic, directly proceed to the application. However, make sure that the topic is aligned with our research.

  • Application
  • Application for a topic offered by the CSO

Please send your complete application as described on the respective offer page to the contact person stated. Usually, this includes your CV and a current transcript of records . If required, also include a tentative research idea (exposé) including the research question, hypotheses, data, methods, and possible outcomes with a tentative outline.

  • Application with your own topic

Please send the application to a supervisor that fits your research idea. Include your CV and a current transcript of records as well as an exposé with the tentative research idea, including the research question, hypotheses, data, methods, possible outcomes, and a tentative outline. Please note that your proposed topic should be in line with one of the research topics of the CSO. Inform yourself and integrate a clear argument on why your topic fits with the CSO in your exposé.

Further information can be found in the guidelines on how to write a research proposal:

  • Acceptance / Rejection

We will usually come back to you within 2 weeks. If you do not hear anything, please kindly remind us of your outstanding application by email.

Phase 1: Registration

  • Once your application is approved, your supervisor will send you the link to the application form. We will then register you in the online portal of the TUM School of Management. By filling out the application form, you accept the ❗ Non-Disclosure Agreement .
  • The official thesis registration  is approved by grade management  - not by our chair - it will take up to four weeks. If you have not received a confirmation after two months, please briefly contact Mrs. Eva Pongracz ( [email protected] ). However, you can already start working on it!

Phase 2: Writing the thesis

Thesis seminar.

It is compulsory for all students to study the materials in the thesis seminar of our chair when writing your thesis here. If you have questions beyond the provided material, you can attend the monthly Q&A sessions.

No registration is necessary for the thesis seminar as you will not receive extra ECTS credits Furthermore, no attendance is required for the Q&A sessions and you do not need to present your thesis.

You can find all information about the thesis seminar here:

Regular updates to your supervisor

In our team and in collaborations, we highly value conscientiousness, autonomy, and proactivity. Please send regular (about once per month) updates per email which concisely and shortly summarize the following points:

  • what are you working on right now
  • are you within your predefined timeline
  • what challenges do you face at the moment
  • what will you be working on until the next update
  • questions that only your supervisor can answer

As a format we suggest attaching a PowerPoint presentation or Notion page so that we can effectively make comments.

Important milestones for updates are typically the following:

  • Topic definition (if not specified through predefined topics)
  • After you have read and know the literature:
  • summary of what we already know about this topic
  • what we don’t know about this topic and why it would be important to know
  • your research question
  • Your research model and empirical approach (that is: how do you want to answer your research question) . If you work (quantitative) empirical, your research model, hypotheses, and empirical approach.
  • Your results and conclusions

For all other questions, please ask them in the Q&A sessions of our  thesis seminar .

Formatting guidelines

Being able to format your thesis according to the given specifications is an important skill. Therefore, we will not provide you with a word template or similar. Here are our guidelines:

For everything not specified, please refer to the APA Manual:

The cover page should look like this:

Template for declaration of authorship:

Optionally, a template for LaTeX incorporating the guidelines of our chair is available here: Thesis Template Chair for Strategy and Organization (APA7). To create a project, you have to log in with your TUM-ID (e.g. "ab12asdf") and your password. Documentation is available under .

Thesis Template Chair for Strategy and Organization (APA7) - LaTeX Template

An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

latex template thesis tum

Thesis Template Chair for Strategy and Organization (APA7) - LaTeX Template

Phase 3: Submission

The faculty has allowed solely digital submissions!

On the day of the submission deadline , send your thesis to [email protected] by 23:59 pm at the latest (and CC your supervisor). Of course, you are allowed to submit your thesis before the deadline. If the submission date falls on a public holiday or a weekend, you may submit your thesis on the next working day.

The following documents should be added to the submission:

  • Signature to the page Declaration of Authorship
  • Filled form Permission to View My Final Thesis

The subject of the email should be Thesis Submission Name/Matriculation Number: xxxxxx . You may choose the file names for the thesis and all the other documents.

You can find more information in the information sheet in the download center on the website of TUM School of Management ( ).

All other supplementary files (codes, excel lists, power point slides, etc.) should be sent directly to the supervisor : Discuss with your supervisor how these files should be submitted.

Here is a list of all documents required to submit for your thesis:

  • Final Thesis : Thesis (as word and pdf)
  • All data, articles/chapters, statistics, literature, etc. – thus the whole input and all sources and references you used
  • References of scientific literature compiled in an Excel-File
  • Your project file from the literature management software, such as Citavi, Endnote, Mendeley, etc.
  • Executive summary * : a short summary of your thesis (3-5 pages) (as word and pdf)

Optional: Prepare your executive summary as an article on medium ( , or any other free publication medium) and include a word document with the link to the article in the shared folder.

  • Presentation on your thesis topic  (as ppt)
  • Infographic on your thesis topic* (as ppt and PDF/JPEG)
  • Notion page on your thesis topic* (should also contain your infographic and a link to the article if available)

For more details about submissions 2 to 5, please refer to the  thesis seminar.

Designation of documents:

  • All non-literature documents (Word, Excel, PPT, etc): YYYYMMDD_name (e.g. 20200301_Mustermann_Report.ppt)
  • Literature: Author(s)_(Year)_ Journal abbreviation_Title keyword (more than 2 Authors: 1. Author and et al.: e.g. Mustermann et al. .pdf)

In case some files are too large, you can send them via Dropbox, LRZ Sync&Share, Wetransfer or similar. Submit the files marked with a star (*) in addition  to this form:

Please make sure to adhere to the formatting guidelines.

Phase 4: Assessment and next steps

Once you have submitted your thesis, we will grade it as soon as possible. The supervisor / examiner has 2 months to grade your thesis. We will enter your grade in the online portal of the TUM School of Management. Once your examiner has confirmed the grade in the portal, you are informed of the grade by the portal. After that, grade management will be publish you grade in TUMonline within 3-5 working days. The grade management will contact you regarding all further actions.


What’s next?

If you wrote an excellent thesis, please consider publishing your thesis in Junior Management Science   in consultation with your supervisor . You can find more information at .

Please also consider the following resources that reward prices for excellent theses:

  • GfHf-Nachwuchspreis  (Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung)
  • Preise der GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik), z.B.  der Fachgruppe Bildungstechnologien
  • Nachwuchspreis GP  (Gesellschaft für Prozessmanagement)
  • Diploma Thesis Award der SERES Unit  (Area: Enterprise Systems)
  • Stiftung Industrieforschung  (Scholarship for theses)
  • Schmalenbach Gesellschaft
  • Global Student Innovation Challenge  by PDMA
  • MLP Nachwuchspreis VHB  (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft)
  • Additional  TUM Information on prices and awards

You can download a suggested cover page and the Declaration of Authorship form from our website on

If the title of your thesis changes significantly while you are writing it, agree with you supervisor on a new title and get his/her agreement to the change. Once you got your supervisor’s agreement, write an e-mail to Grade Management (CCing you supervisor) where you inform them about the change of the title. If the change in title is only minor, you do not have to write to the Grade Management. Remember that the title of your thesis as per your original registration document will otherwise be printed on your final certificate.

  • Fill in the registration form (Anmeldung_Fakultät_Formular.pdf)
  • Send the registration form for final approval to your adviser at the Chair for

Strategy and Organization

  • Hand in the signed registration form to the office management the Chair for

Strategy and Organization.

  • After the successful registration you receive a registration mail by the TUM

School of Management (this process may take up to 4 weeks).

Yes. The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (NDA_Formular.pdf) should be read carefully, signed, and brought to the first or second meeting at the latest. Note that signing the NDA is required for a collaboration with our chair.

Our chair’s general rule is that it is not forbidden to use AI within your thesis – but: AI is an aid you are using and therefore you have to label for what you used AI. Please cite the AI in your text and clarify in the Appendix of your work, how you got that result from the AI (e.g., by sharing the link to your chat with ChatGPT or by sharing the prompts you used and the outcome the AI generated). But when you plan to use AI, please talk to your supervisor, if he/she allows that and if he/she wants a different documentation of your AI usage than stated here - your supervisors specifications are deciding if and how you can use AI.

Formal Requirements :

We would like to point out that in the background of the general internationalization of science and the economy, we highly recommend you write your thesis in English. Check with your supervisor if a German thesis is possible in your case.

  • Most important information regarding the format and layout is included in the official guidelines of our chair and the thesis guidelines.
  • Use the font style Times New Roman (font size 12) for the text. Write with a line spacing of 2.0. All margins should be 1 inch.

You should use the citation guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) in your thesis. You can access the APA Publication Manual in the library.

  • Bachelor thesis 30 (+/- 10%) pages of written text (not including tables, cover sheet, references, graphs, pictures, and appendix).
  • Master thesis 50 (+/- 10%) pages of written text (not including tables, cover sheet, references, graphs, pictures, and appendix).

Following APA, a table of content is not necessary. However, we ask you to include a table of contents in your final thesis.

The thesis begins with a cover sheet, followed by an abstract, which is followed by your actual text. After the text follow the references, figures and tables and then possibly the appendix. At the very end you should attach your declaration of authorship. Current samples for the cover page and declaration of authorship can be found in the download

area of the faculty homepage (Guidelines_ScientificManuscripts.pdf).

Submission :

You can submit your thesis digitally to the Grade Management Team. A printed version is not required.

No. A scanned signature is not valid.

Yes, you are allowed to submit your thesis before the deadline.

If the submission date falls on a public holiday or a weekend, you may submit your thesis on the next working day (Monday to Friday) at the latest.

  • Please check the respective mail address of the Grades and Examinations Office
  • Printed copies may be handed in: At the Service Point of the TUM School of Management (room 1554). Mon - Fri from 9 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 – 4 pm. On no account should you hand your thesis in to your supervisor, office management or the Examination Office. The Grade Management Team will pass on copies to your supervisor.

Please put it in a suitable envelope and hand it in at the main gate on Arcisstrasse 21, Munich. Use the address label which you can obtain on request from the Service Point or via mail from the relevant person in the Grade Management Team. In advance, get a “Permission to view this thesis" declaration form from the relevant person at the Service Point or in the Grades and Examinations Office, fill it in, and put it in the envelope together with your thesis.

Yes. A special authorization is not required.

Yes, but we advise you to hand it in digitally. If you do submit by post, you should send your thesis to the following address:

Technische Universität MünchenTUM School of Management Grade Management Bachelor or Master Arcisstrasse 2180333 Munich

Further FAQs from the TUM and the faculty:

Formales - TUM

latex template thesis tum


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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Media Technology
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


  • Powerpoint Template
  • LaTeX Beamer Template
  • LaTeX Template

Seminar Papers


  • Cisco`s Powerpoint Symbols

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Technical University of Munich

  • Information Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Where Can I Find Templates for the TUM Corporate Design?

At you can find for download

  • the  print styleguide
  • the  web styleguide ,
  • templates for presentations, print matters, ... .

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A Latex template for the TUM graduate program Computational Science and Engineering (CSE).


Folders and files, repository files navigation, cse thesis template.

This template is built upon one provided by the CSE chair @TUM in 2016. Though I am not familiar with the original owner, I owe them much of the credit for this work. The original publisher of this document for CSE was Yoshiyuki Sakai.


  • install LaTeX
  • install Pygments for minted

Note: if you prefer not to use minted (due to usability or preference), the package can of course be removed by commenting these lines of code with a % symbol and removing the minted example here . The listings package can be used by uncommenting here .

Creating a PDF

To create your thesis pdf, run:

Your compiled document will be found in the base project directory under main.pdf.

Note for IDE: If you are using an IDE, you may be able to specify the -shell-escape flag in its settings or to specify an option specific to your builder in the main.tex file. For example, this is known to work for the latex-tools package for Atom and Sublime:

% !TEX option = -shell-escape

Compatibility with other TeX systems

Currently, this template compiles successfully with:

  • LaTeX (pdflatex)

In case you want to mix more than one languages (e.g. english and german), using XeLaTeX (instead of LaTeX + Babel) is highly recommended.

Getting Started with LaTeX

A great resource for learning LaTeX can be found here and is a great starting point for beginners.

Contribution guide

The idea of this project is to help all students of the TUM during the challenging time of their master's thesis. To this end please give back to the project by contributing features and changes you think can help others. To do so simply open a merge request.

Contributors 4

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Technische Universität München

  • Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Geschäftsprozessmanagement
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Theses at the Chair of Prof. Rinderle-Ma

  • All theses have to be written in English (at our chair).
  • All theses have to be written in LaTeX (use Template for import in ShareLatex/Overleaf or local writing).
  • All prototypes created as part of theses are to be hosted on our servers, thus Linux/backend and programming knowledge is mandatory.

We highly recommend to attend the (Master-)Seminar - Scientific Methods in Information Systems in advance.

Please send all applications with a CV, Grade Report (Leistungsnachweis), and an Application Form (including a detailed motivation). Contract work for companies is not a thesis. Please note that every thesis must make a separate, independent scientific contribution. External topics can be supervised only when there is a close link to the research topics and areas of competence of this research group.

Please always contact us with your tum/cit.tum e-mail adress (emails from other addresses will not be answered).

Contact: [email protected] , [email protected]

Bachelor Thesis Topics

The topics listed below are examples, concrete topics will be discussed in the regular meetings, to which you are invited after sending all necessary application documents.

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik (IN0021) and one of the Practical Courses / Seminars of the Chair.

  • Robot Palletizing
  • Robot Movement to Process Model
  • Process Tree Difference Calculation and Visualization  
  • Process Data Flow Visualization (SVG)
  • Process Resource Visualization (SVG)
  • Process Model Generator for CPN IDE

Master Thesis Topics

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Business Process Technologies and Management (IN2105) or one of the Advanced Practical Courses of the Chair.

  • Process Engine Based Edge Nodes for High Performance Sensor Data Collection
  • Conformance Checking in Processes Choreographies
  • Privacy and Confidentiality Mechanisms for Process Mining
  • Equivalences and Properties of Petri Nets vs. Block-structured Business Process Modeling Languages
  • Master Thesis: Overcoming Challenges in Integrating Process Engines in Engineering Processes

Theses at the KrcmarLab

Please note that since Prof. Krcmar retired in October 2020, he only supervises selected topics. You can find topics offered by his research group in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the KrcmarLab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and give us your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  • Application form  (max. three topics): application form
  • Current grades ("Notenauszug") from TUMonline

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the KrcmarLab:

  • Theses can be written in German or in English
  • Theses can be written using Word or LaTeX
  • Guidelines for student theses and projects at Krcmar Lab: Deutsch | English
  • Reader for scientific writing: Deutsch | English
  • Example of thesis formatting: Template


  • Competing in the Age of Algorithms: Rethinking Business Models for the AI Economy (in cooperation with QUT, Brisbane) (MA)
  • Digital Health Interventions & Applied AI in Healthcare: Predicting Overcrowding in the Emergency Department (MA)

*BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project, GR = Guided Research

Theses at the Wittges Lab

You can find topics offered by Wittges research group / SAP UCC in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the Wittges Lab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and do not forget to include your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the Wittges Lab:

  • Please note that Bachelor's theses are oriented around the Information Systems degree programme and have a duration of 5 months. Therefore students of Information Systems are prioritised when assigning topics
  • Synthetic Test Data Generation for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Experiments (MA)

BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project

Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department.

This version of the template is provided by Vel at , and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing immediately.

Checkout this short video to see how to easily create and edit new chapters as your thesis develops.

Please read the unofficial quick guide to the template; it contains some tips and suggestions on how to modify certain things.

(Updated 27/08/17)

Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

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  1. TUM Thesis Template

    latex template thesis tum

  2. LaTeX Templates

    latex template thesis tum

  3. LaTeX Master Thesis Template

    latex template thesis tum

  4. GitHub

    latex template thesis tum

  5. LaTeX Templates

    latex template thesis tum

  6. Thesis In Latex Template

    latex template thesis tum


  1. Latex Template for Thesis

  2. How to write thesis in LaTeX P1

  3. Learn LaTeX 008

  4. L06: Using the Stellenbosch thesis LaTeX template in Overleaf

  5. Latex Thesis Report Template (BracU)

  6. Menulis buku berbasis latex dengan menggunakan template elegantBook


  1. TUM Thesis for Informatics Template

    This is a template for the Bachelor and Master theses in the Department of Informatics for students at the Technical University of Munich. This template has ... An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use.

  2. Thesis Informatics

    LaTeX template. There is a (non-official) LaTeX template, but the previously mentioned formatting instructions should be checked. ... Let's talk about Final Thesis @in.tum Information event for Bachelor's and Master's students who want to write their final thesis in the next semester.

  3. A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses.

    Download and extract the template, or upload it to an online editor such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX.If you prefer to use Git, just clone/fork the repository. If your editor provides support for compiling LaTeX, set it up to use pdflatex and biber.Set the master document to main.tex.Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile to generate a PDF in the build directory (requires latexmk).

  4. Thesis Mathematics

    Please submit the thesis as a PDF file to bachelor(at) or master(at) within the deadline. If you have to hand in code or other files, please e-mail all files collected in a zip folder. ... Thesis Templates for LaTeX. LaTeX-Template Bachelor / Master. Literature. The TUM Library does not only offer outstanding access to a wide ...

  5. TUM dissertation/PhD thesis LaTeX template

    An unofficial Latex template for a TUM dissertation/PhD thesis that aims to satisfy the new 2016 corporate design guidelines of the TUM regarding titlepage header and color usage. Made by Andre Richter with help from his colleagues .

  6. Thesis, Presentation & Templates

    Thesis, Presentation & Templates - Chair of Communication Networks. Home. Student Thesis. Thesis, Presentation & Templates. FAQ & Templates. On the following pages you can information about writing your thesis, giving a talk and important template files for download: Writing your thesis.

  7. Writing Your Thesis

    Layout Please use the LMT LaTeX template for your thesis.A description of LaTeX is available at the computer center LRZ.Alternatively, you may want to use the graphical editor lyx for editing, which allows export in LaTeX. The copies of your thesis should be perfect-bound ("Klebebindung"): Use a transparent front cover so the title page can be easily read; and if possible a blue paper for the ...

  8. christian-hiebl/tum-thesis-latex-template

    Download and extract the template, or upload it to an online editor such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX. If you prefer to use Git, just clone/fork the repository. If your editor provides support for compiling LaTeX, set it up to use pdflatex and biber. Set the master document to main.tex. Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile to generate ...

  9. LaTeX

    Arbeiten, die mathematische Formeln enthalten, werden weltweit fast ausschließlich mit LaTeX erzeugt. Auch für studentische Zwecke - etwa Folien für Seminarvorträge oder Ihre Bachelorarbeit - ist es zu empfehlen. Und es ist auch nicht schwer! Sie können ohne große Vorkenntnisse loslegen - die Informationen auf dieser Seite helfen ...

  10. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name

    This template is no longer maintained. Use TUM-Dev/tum-thesis-latex instead. \n LaTeX template for TUM theses \n. This is a LaTeX template created according to the guidelines for TUM informatics theses in SS 2013. Always check the current formatting guidelines before you hand in. See build/main.pdf for an example PDF created with this template. \n

  11. Thesis Guideline

    Optionally, a template for LaTeX incorporating the guidelines of our chair is available here: Thesis Template Chair for Strategy and Organization (APA7). To create a project, you have to log in with your TUM-ID (e.g. "ab12asdf") and your password. Documentation is available under

  12. Templates

    Chair of Media Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckehard Steinbach. Arcisstr. 21 80333 München Visitor Address: Building 9, 1.floor Tel: +49 89 289-23503

  13. Thesis Template TUM Economics of Innovation

    Thesis Template TUM Economics of Innovation. This is the template for your Bachelor or Master Thesis. General note: - "Red" marked parts in the pdf need to be adjusted in the source code and you need to remove the \textcolor {} {} command. - Comments and instructions in the source files refer to the changes you may/can do to the code or are ...

  14. Vorlagen

    An unofficial thesis LaTeX template for students at the Technical University of Munich. It is designed for physics master's students but can be adopted to other scenarios too. Sirui Lu. Thesis Template TUM Economics of Innovation. This is the template for your Bachelor or Master Thesis.

  15. Gallery

    An unofficial thesis LaTeX template for students at the Technical University of Munich. It is designed for physics master's students but can be adopted to other scenarios too. Sirui Lu. Thesis Template TUM Economics of Innovation. This is the template for your Bachelor or Master Thesis.

  16. tum-dissertation-latex/dissertation.tex at master

    600. 601. 602. Latex template for a TUM dissertation/PhD thesis. Contribute to TUM-LIS/tum-dissertation-latex development by creating an account on GitHub.

  17. Where Can I Find Templates for the TUM Corporate Design?

    Information Technology Technical University of Munich Arcisstr. 21 80333 München Tel. + [email protected]

  18. GitHub

    Your compiled document will be found in the base project directory under main.pdf. Note for IDE: If you are using an IDE, you may be able to specify the -shell-escape flag in its settings or to specify an option specific to your builder in the main.tex file. For example, this is known to work for the latex-tools package for Atom and Sublime:

  19. Gallery

    Additionally, you can easily modify the chapters and manage your images by uploading them to the designated images folder, keeping your work organized and saving you valuable time. Happy writing and Jai Hind! Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  20. Theses at the KrcmarLab

    Theses at the Wittges Lab. You can find topics offered by Wittges research group / SAP UCC in the list below. If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the Wittges Lab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and do not forget to include your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  21. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing ...