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Emerging Public: The Public Library's Role in Building Community



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  • Shodhbhagirathi @ IITR
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: A library is a collection of information, thoughts and wisdom expressed in written or audio or video forms. It is a space to advance knowledge, foster creativity, encourage exchange of ideas and enhance quality of life. Library is one of the world's greatest social and intellectual spaces which influence the generations. Sustainably designed libraries would be built to last, to flexibly respond to changing functional demands, to provide an environment that is inspiring and safe, to perform efficiently by providing great financial value to the community that support its creation. It is interesting to observe transformation of the library through digital age. Though the primary function of the library as knowledge temple has remained same, the processes involved at delivery have revolutionized especially at the end of the last millennium. The Thesis aims to understand the critical issues regarding library: obsolescence crisis of traditional libraries, the paradigm shift in designing library building at digital age, spatial requirements for planning, environment responsive approaches and advanced building services. The research will culminate towards development of guidelines for user friendly modern library building. Obsolescence crisis of traditional libraries: Physical libraries are in crisis due to changes in culture of teaching and learning. Providing access to information is prime function of any library traditionally; only change is that the print media is not the most sought after source to get information for younger generation. The very traditional instruction-cantered models of pedagogy where good teaching is conceptualized as the passing on of sound academic, practical, or vocational knowledge are being replaced with learner-cantered approaches. This shift to a `learning paradigm' has changed the role of different learning environments in a place to share information, exchange ideas, and participate in the experience of learning. Traditional appreciation of grand reading rooms with high windows, light-filled space, walls lined with number of books, book cataloguing system, are aspects of appreciation till date. But in future, interior of library will house fewer books and quiet reading rooms; and will see increase in space for people and teams, more desktop terminals, digitized cataloguing systems, plasma screens to facilitate collaborative activities among small groups. Principle component of learning has not changed much, but the expectations among students to receive the same have undergone a sea-change. So basically the traditional concept of library design is in crisis. At the same time, some principal design elements like the grand central reading hall, naturally-lit spaces, user friendliness, comfort, flexibility, will continue to be there for quite some time. The internet is being predicted as the future library; some also opined that physical library is in a way of obsolescence. Traditionally library building houses valuable collection for learners. Library needs to find spaces for learners of every age using books and digital media as catalysts. With advent of digital technology, the young users are habituated to use computers; laptops have provided them wider freedom to get information anytime anywhere. Declining number of visitors to library establishes a desperate need to revisit library design. The Internet has tended to isolate people from real world. But library with the advantage of its physical entity is in better situation to fulfil the expectations of students, teachers and society. Connecting to both real and virtual world in right proportion would be the serious duty of today's libraries to dispense. Changing patterns of student learning is the main reason of crisis in traditional library. The footfall of students will swell as availability of technology and resources provides new and friendly options of library services. In the past, expanding collections of books and other hard copies reduced user space for reading. On the contrary, modern library is placing reduced demand on physical space requirement due to digital technology. If the library has to overcome its static character, the space must flexibly accommodate evolving technologies. Beyond general changes to the spatial design of the library in the regime of paradigm shift, there is a need for change in the traditionally understood role of the same. The role of the library is to create an environment that inspires creativity in learners and to reinforce their sense of participation. Users need sources of inspiration. That inspiration comes from casual or formal conversations which help to make connections. Emerging need for collaborative study space is basically against the traditional library design concept. Paradigm Shift: Paradigms are shifting due to changing perceptions and preferences of new generations. Evolving concepts like collaborative and interactive learning environment, use of digital technology as catalyst for change and environment-responsive open-book building command appreciation. To attract young people to the library in digital age, integration of digital technology with high-end equipment and services have important role for success. Collaborative and Interactive Learning Environment is one emerging requirement for successful modern library. The library has moved ahead of the existing model that optimizes individual learning environment to one that allows group-study or work. This has brought major shift from independent study mode to more collaborative and interactive learning. Young generations' preference for learning space's mix with academic and social functions is influencing addition of spaces for group study reinforcing multi-disciplinary studies together. In this interactive learning environment, it is important to design space supporting collaboration, sharing and experiments. Digital technology as catalyst brings access to wider variety of resources enhancing communication and interaction. This reduces barriers of place and time for users. Rapid changes in IT are reflected in the library's collection, services and spatial arrangements. In the digital age, speed of access and quantity of online information stored on a particular site is the benchmark. Young generations are dependent on and also importantly comfortable with digital tools provided by the library for convenience and to easily connect with others. Environment responsive library building itself can act as an educator. The building should have the qualities of imparting lesser impact to natural and man-made environment. There is a strong need to create comfortable and healthy conditions for its occupants and society. Elimination of negative environmental impact through skilful, sensitive design is an important consideration. Mix of appropriate passive and active strategies, for optimum use of natural resource can create users' comfort. This dissertation regarding "Design Guidelines for Modern Library Building" has been structured on six chapters like introduction, literature review, case studies, analysis & synthesis, design guidelines and conclusions and recommendations. The study focuses on the changing perception and need identification for modem library design as well as spatial requirements for environment responsive, user friendly modem library design. Enabling Digital Environment for 21st century library is a major consideration of this study. Integration of Passive planning strategies and advanced building services are also within the scope of work. Due to time constraint detailed spatial design and economic viability of proposed strategies for designing modem library building falls outside the scope of this study. First chapter introduces the overview of the problem, the issues regarding library at the present scenario and the need for the study when prediction is that the traditional library would become obsolete at digital age. Formations of aim and to achieve aim, the some [iv] objectives have been identified in first chapter. Defining the scopes and limitations has been covered in the introductory part of the dissertation. Methodology adopted for the research and organization of the thesis discussed here. Second chapter concentrates on literature review related to present scenario of library. For that data collection on library design issues from secondary sources like books, research paper, internet etc. have made. The literature review brought a clear understanding on importance of design in modern library building to accommodate paradigm shift, integration of environment responsive design issues and advanced building services. Case studies have been referred in third chapter to strengthen the understanding of the change required and ways to accommodate the same. Case studies selected from secondary sources are environment responsive modern library buildings from abroad: Philological Library from Berlin, National Library Building of Singapore and Frederic Lanchester Library from UK. Libraries visited by the present researcher from Indian campuses are: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad and Teri University. Environment responsive strategies of Aquamall, Dehradun- a factory building has helped a lot to develop a firsthand understanding of how-to-do-it issue. These cases have helped a lot to learn from practical issues and experience. Structured model has been developed to analyze future-proof library design in the fourth chapter. This analysis model, LIB-ED is the basic structure covering multi-design criteria of modern library design to address new paradigm, like environment responsive built form planning issues, enabling digital environment and advanced building services. This is followed by 3 flowcharts, namely: "The planning process", "Digital technology as catalyst" and "Environment responsive strategies". The guidelines for modern library building have been introduced in the fifth chapter. Need for considerations of different climatic regions are highlighted. Economic viability is not the part of these proposed guidelines for the time constraint. Literature study regarding 21St century libraries, obsolescence crisis, the shifting paradigm of library design and inferences from case studies help to understand the present scenario of successful library designing and to identify needs. It is identified that the library, which is still a combination of the past (print collections) and the present (new information technologies), must be viewed with a new perspective. Some requirements for library design are constant forever which can be called continued need and some requires modification that can be called modified need. [vi For an example grand civic space with emphasis on the sitting, orientation, design, and decoration of the library are continued needs. And integration of collaborative interactive learning space, integration of digital technology etc are modified needs for designing modem library. One another important consideration in 21S` century is the building itself should stand as environment responsive building which can increase the awareness of people. The analysis model, LIB-ED and this is followed by 3 flowcharts, namely: "The planning process", "Digital technology as catalyst" and "Environment responsive strategies". helps to evolve design guidelines. These guidelines have been evolved following Indian standards and norms (ECBC 2007,NBC 2005,SP-41,other bureau of Indian standards, and green building rating system- LEED,GRIHA) and other primary and secondary sources. The design guidelines deals with main four issues like physical planning process of library designing, enabling digital technology, environment responsive passive planning strategies and active strategies & advanced building services. It has guiding principles regarding site level and building level built-form design issues and passive planning strategies. Five types of user activity for which space would need to be designed in a new library: information seeking, reader's space, connection & services, contemplation and recreation. Qualitative and quantitative data regarding library space designing has been covered here. Guidelines for Spatial qualities like thermal quality, day lighting, acoustical quality, indoor environmental quality has been discussed here. Guidelines related to passive planning strategies like land cover transformation, landscaping, orientation, different passive propositions, building envelope designing are discussed here. Guidelines regarding Futuristic approaches like hybrid digital library, the solution for modem library digitization process is proposed here. Some issues like Digital information Storage, digital technology preservation, accessibility problems and solutions, physical characteristics of server room are discussed here. Guidelines regarding advanced building services like access control system, elevator &, stairway control, plumbing system, HVAC system, lighting system, fire safety systems, power and video monitoring systems, are proposed here. The final chapter deals with conclusions and recommendations of this research study. The design guidelines are recommended for every types of library like academic, public or private libraries. Recommendations for future libraries are like improving spaces for study, enabling collaboration and connections across different disciplines, making the discovery process more powerful. The future research implications also have been discussed in this [Vi] chapter. Evolving some mechanism for inspiration among the library users group, can be developed in future. Future-proof Library design: The most important purpose of any spatial planning is effective response of the facility provided to cater the needs of its service population like students for a library building. For a library building, traditional design issues are collection and storage of resources in book form, ergonomic space and furniture design, efficient connectivity, advanced building services, and universal accessibility. Library planning historically has involved organization of storage, display and reading spaces to allow easy access for users and maintain serviceability by staff. Library must be user friendly. In the pre-digital age, emphasis had been given on the sitting, orientation, design, and decoration of library. In this age of cyberspace, real space or the physical library building made of bricks and mortar, still matters. Planning for libraries today should be premised on 24-hour access, with critical services and technology provided and located when and where they are needed. Functions of libraries are very important consideration of physical planning stage. Access to information, Supporting the creation and dissemination of scholarly work, Supporting collaboration and sharing, Discovery and serendipity, Library transparency, Library should space for inspiration, findability, these are the main functions of all library. Though basic function of library building will remain primarily unaltered, some modifications will be required to make it future-proof. Since the planning or designing stage itself, user friendliness should get its due priority. Built environment of future library should be comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, as well as an example for environment responsiveness. They should be model for green buildings using green technologies in facility design. Spatial quality or the quality of space is typically considered from two perspectives: comfort and flexibility. Zoning of library in future have a significant role. Students may have different perception and preference about ideal workspace. The designer needs to serve to these disparate requirements by establishing different zones. Interactive floors at libraries may create a new attraction in the physical library by creating a place where people may playfully meet and interact with digital materials. Future Collections of resources in Libraries require inventing new ways to make it wide as well as varied, accessible, both through print and non-print media. One important design issue is spatial need to sore and display collection of resources in book and CD form. Discovery process is one of the important traditional activities of research libraries. Expert and thoughtful cataloguing of collections like books, journals, and archives for disciplinary and interdisciplinary research is essential. The library should create . ways to facilitate increased personal control, fluidity, convenience and transparency to create more efficient and interesting discovery process. Flexibility is an important consideration of library design. The library functions being planned for today will need to be reconfigured in the future. The design can accommodate a wide range of individual preferences and abilities in future. Several principal design elements like articulation of the perimeter wall, the introduction of natural light, and placement of core areas for stairs, toilets, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning will remain relatively constant. The majority of space should offer flexibility, re-constructability for future expansion. May be large, open spaces can offer easy re-constructability, so that they could be reconfigured to meet future needs. Its space requires accommodation of evolving information technologies or change of learning culture like collaborative interactive learning flexibly enough. While the exact future of learning remains unknown, changing technology is inciting a distinct transformation. Libraries are already experimenting with ways to put these improvements in technology to use and should continue with these efforts of innovation. Tomorrows' library need to qualify as a space which is collaborative, digitech, user- friendly, contemplative, flexible, environment responsive, fitted with state-of-the art services, and finally aesthetically creating a landmark impression. The library of tomorrow would be an inspiring experience for learners barring age, creed and abilities.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Mukherjee, Mahua
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
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  • DOI: 10.4324/9780203584033
  • Corpus ID: 106688670

Contemporary Library Architecture: A Planning and Design Guide

  • Published 29 May 2013

18 Citations

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library design thesis pdf

B.Arch Thesis – A Public Library: An Approach To Regeneration, At Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharshtra, India, by Ishita Parmar

  • July 11, 2017

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ABSTRACT : In today’s time with the emergence of the internet and digitalization of the books and information, this has enormously influenced the manner in which we consume information. With the developments of new methods and types of media, the traditional role of a public library is to question. The significance of the physical collection within a certain environment versus a quick internet search at any given point of time within any environment, questions the sustainability of a public library and the resources it offers.

Library needs to be transformed as an active social space. A public library is just not a space to access physical and digital data but also create an environment to initiate interaction of people and exchange of ideas takes place amoung all people of diverse backgrounds and age groups visiting the library.

Public library; the most democratic and one of the few spaces under the public realm of the city have tremendous potentials to transform into value-addition as community information, knowledge, resource and service centers.

What is a Library?

The public library, the local gateway to knowledge , provides a basic condition for a lifelong learning, independent decision making and cultural development of the individual and social groups. – UNESCO Manifesto, 1994

Changing concepts of a Public library

Traditional libraries have quickly redefined themselves as hybrid libraries which are a combination of a conventional library and a new electronic network library.

The rise of the internet and digitalized content makes the policy makers librarians and public believe that the public library is losing its relevance. This conviction is reflected in the way a lot of libraries are transforming. The most clear and observant shift is that libraries are no longer describing their primary role as being a provider of information. The evolution of the role of library in society over the centuries from private resource to civic monuments to a functional building to living room of the city is today in flux. In this multiplicity of roles of the library extends itself further in service of a multi-faceted society, challenging conjectures of its impending obsolescence.

Libraries are civic spaces where knowledge is circulated in all media. The systematic arrangement of the data, the reading spaces and the interaction with the librarian, derived from a user pattern enhance the user experience. There will be spaces where these functions overlap like the reception spaces, the large atriums and the reading halls where there is visual and physical connection with the other spaces providing a multi-generational experience. The play of natural light and the expansive reading hall, the connection of the inside to the outside, formal and informal reading spaces, data collection (physical entities such as books, newspapers, magazines, is to computer rooms), provide a sense of volume to which the user relate, giving a dual experience to all kinds of people entering the library. Libraries also play a major role in providing literacy to the homeless, giving rise to knowledge societies.

  • Low literacy rates
  • Limited access to technology
  • Limited availability of linguistically relevant reading material
  • Lack of national policies for promotion of ICT as a tool for development, political and administrative matters.

The Need for Regeneration:

The reason that libraries continue to exist is their ability to adapt. Libraries adopt to the changing priorities and the changing economic status of their service areas. Libraries being most democratic and community centric points are perceived to be under threat from a shrinking public realm one side and digitalization on the other hand. Today with social media libraries serve many customers who never even come to the library, but yet libraries must continue to build flexible spaces to accommodate new uses and new technologies. While libraries may need to house fewer physical materials, they need space for their members to generate their own materials and space for the community to come together and share ideas. Regeneration would allow public library to behave as community information, knowledge, resource and information center.


  • To understand reasons for unequal distribution of knowledge. Studying the various formal and Informal mediums of Education.
  • To study the changing trends of mediums of information and knowledge resources in terms of suiting the user requirement.
  • To understand the role of a public library not only as a storage of books but also in terms of individual development.
  • To study the variety of users/readers coming to a public library in terms of the age, background etc.
  • To understand allied functions of public library as a cultural hub.
  • To understand social role and social relevance of a public library.
  • To formulate a design solution or regeneration of a public library such that it provides basic literacy and social development goals and at the same time become a center of exploration and innovation for the people of the community.


Provide access to knowledge in printed and other formats to support formal and informal education. To actively support literacy campaigns as literacy is the key to education and knowledge.

Play a key role in collecting, organizing and exploiting information as well as providing access to a wide range of information sources. To bridge the gap by providing public access to the internet as well as providing information in traditional formats.

Provide access to major collections of the world’s literature and knowledge, including the community’s own literature. Make fundamental contribution to daily survival and social and economic development by being directly involved in providing information to people of developing countries. To provide basic user education.

To meet the needs of the children and young people.

An important role of the public library is providing a focus for cultural and artistic development in the community helping to shape and support the cultural identity of the community. This can be achieved by working in partnerships with the appropriate local and regional organizations. The public library has an important role as a public and meeting space. This is particularly important in communities where there are few places people meet, sometimes addressed as “the drawing room of the community.”


The library building situated in Kharghar will be a cohesive set of strategies for spaces, function , structure, climate sensitivity, vertical circulation wind and ventilation, biodiversity, urban ecology and iconicity.

Navi Mumbai acting as twin city to the city of Mumbai, is set to become a smart city. Kharghar, out of the 14 nodes of Navi Mumbai is identified as a “smart city” “brownfield project”, by CIDCO , to be developed having the state of the art amenities and plans for improving social and civic amenities. Kharghar as mentioned earlier is primarily a residential and institutional town, the home of major schools, colleges and educational institutions will be a booster for the viability and sustenance of the public library.

The idea is to understand and establish relationship with the components being:


of the public library building generating the institution to behave as an open public forum and as a urban catalyst to keep stimulating the process of creating intellectual communities.

The spaces will be planned on the principle of flexibility and adaptability to cater to the current needs of user population, library staff, and library media along with the changing face of the public library as a social and cultural space.

B.Arch Thesis - A Public Library: An Approach To Regeneration, At Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharshtra, India, by Ishita Parmar 1


The derivation of the program based on the categories and the site lead to an instant reaction of the floor plates to be stacked. This process lead to an understanding of two major components of the design that is the floor plates and building floor plates since it is a singular block building.

The Vertical Zoning: The stacking arrangement of floor plates is based on the idea of compartmentalized flexibility where each floor plate is self-contained with a specific activity and the services required for its efficient functioning but still inter-related through the interplay of floor plates and a set of external stairs behaving as social spots.

The Façade: The façade grid has its origin back to the smallest component of a public library being “the book” which led to the development of a bookshelf. The façade/skin of the building is essentially consisting of 3

FRAMES each performing a specific function: FRAME 1: active frame consisting of the bookshelf FRAME 2: curtain glazing: weather responsive FRAME 3: Skeleton or the interface of the building and the surrounding and vice versa.

The three frames form an integral part of the design as they also facilitate an alternative route of exploring the building with the external stairs allowing the users/readers to come across various activities at different levels.

Ishita Parmar Thesis -PANEL 1

Ishita Parmar

  • Architecture education , B.Arch Thesis , mumbai

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Hey, I’m an architecture student and was willing to take public library as my thesis topic. Could you pls tell that is this the proposed site or a hypothetical one?

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Osuocha I. L., (2013), "National Library Complex, Umuahia (A Study on Wayfinding in Public Libraries)", M.Sc thesis submitted to the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus, March 2013.

Profile image of ike chukwu

ABSTRACT Recent studies on environmental design, spatial relationships and space configuration indicate a growing interest in user wayfinding and orientation in both familiar and unfamiliar public built environments. These human wayfinding studies have revealed the need for an integrated design system with wayfinding design as a critical component of the architectural design of the public realm, particularly as regards information seeking facilities like the public library. Researching case studies on the subject, however, the study exposed the absence of an articulate wayfinding design system in the planning and management of public libraries in Nigeria, contrary to what is obtainable in their numerous contemporaries, globally. Thus, using the National Library Umuahia as a conceptual model, the project showcases the potentials for developing good wayfinding systems in Nigerian public libraries –and other built spaces within the public realm.

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Asia-Pacific Social Science Review

Roana Flores , Marita Valerio

Academic library spaces are a crucial element in library management that should be taken zealously because it serves as the frontispiece of the entire educational institution. It is more than sketching a floor plan; it transcends beyond the physical layout of the library. It must be able to provide new opportunities for collaboration, focus highly on diversity and personal adaptability, and customization (Neal, 2010). Gone are the days where libraries are considered as a "single-purpose building," completely stacked up with shelves of voluminous collections (Choy & Go, 2016). Contemporary libraries must be "multifunctional, flexible, user-centered, and supportive of an array of scholarly activities" (O'Kelly et al., 2017, p. 843). Cunningham and Tabur (2012) asserted that libraries have always been more than a "warehouse for recorded knowledge" because they can provide a venue for introspection, assimilation, and construction of novel ideas. Koen and Lesneski (2019) quoted Holmgren and Spencer's (2014) conclusion that by 2024, a multitude of libraries will be transformed into academic commons whose paramount purpose is to hold academic support services while sustaining a space for the library's physical collections. This means that academic libraries are striving to achieve more in the upcoming years. The trend in library space design for the past decades up to the present exhibited a global transformational shift activated by academic librarians in collaboration with various building 2 This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by the Asia-Pacific Social Science Review on June 14, 2021, available online: http://apssr.com/volume-21-no-2/libraryspace-design-framework-a-conceptual-analysis/ professionals, that is, architects, engineers, and interior designers. An explicit example is the rising trend of the creation of a one-stop facility by integrating non-traditional units in the library such as cafés, galleries, and museums (Cunningham & Tabur, 2012). These trends provide prospects for intentional learning, and the design may possibly be propelled by various learner-centered concerns (Bennett, 2009). The change is triggered primarily by the present pedagogy with emphasis on collaborative work (Cunningham & Tabur, 2012), today's students' learning preference styles (Oliveira, 2018), fluctuating user preferences and behaviors, diversity of personal and professional needs of the academic community, and the changing roles of libraries due to technological advancements. The academic community members are the central reason why libraries exist. Without them, the library will cease to exist. After all, the prime goal of effective library space and design is to respond to the needs of its service people (Lin et al., 2010; Whole Building Design Guide, 2017). Woodward (2010) also pointed out that libraries must reflect what their clientele wants them to be. The varying needs of the library clientele posed a great challenge in designing library spaces because the library must be able to respond to those needs to maintain equilibrium in the academic ecosystem. Adjusting to the changing conditions and the capability to offer various services right away to users is indisputably needed to stay in demand (Zverevich, 2012). Designing a library space is a crucial process that needs deliberate planning before construction and implementation could be done to prevent the possible misuse of available resources, that is, budget. Library space and design arrangement, whether it is a renovation or new construction, is not an easy thing (Zverevich, 2012). It is also one of the costly managerial activities that library managers may deal with (Nitecki, 2011). In planning for library space, there are many factors to be considered-time investment, financial resources, political capital (Nitecki, 2011), workforce, existential standards and guidelines, local and international directives, policies, among others.

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  18. Dissertations and Theses

    Online availability of earlier dissertations and theses include a majority of works completed prior to 1923 as well as works made available by individual alumni. Earlier dissertations and theses may be accessed onsite in paper form, or through interlibrary loan, or through the online Digital Dissertations database.

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    Home; Find; Theses and Dissertations; Theses and Dissertations. Print, microfilm, and digital theses and dissertations in our collections can be discovered in the main library catalog.To find digital full-text thesis and dissertations from U of I and around the world, use ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses Global database. All U of I ETD since 2015 are also available in our open access U of I ...

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  22. Templates

    UCI Libraries maintains the following templates to assist in formatting your graduate manuscript. If you are formatting your manuscript in Microsoft Word, feel free to download and use the template. If you would like to see what your manuscript should look like, PDFs have been provided.

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