Doctoral degree and PhD

The University offers research training of a high international standard, with a broad range of subject areas and strong research environments. A doctorate from the University of Oslo qualifies candidates for an academic career as well as other professions requiring a high level of competence.

Before applying

To be eligible for admission to a PhD programme, certain educational and financial requirements must be met. If you have not applied to a PhD programme before, we recommend that you read this before you proceed to the programme pages.

Facts about the PhD programmes

  • Requires a completed Master’s degree.
  • Stipulated length of three years’ full-time studies.
  • 2.5 years of independent research work.
  • Educational component worth 30 credits.
  • In 2018, 468 PhD candidates successfully defended their theses at the University of Oslo.

PhD programmes

Each faculty has its own PhD programme. The programme pages give details on how to apply, the programme structure, thesis and public defence.

PhD in the Humanities

PhD at The Faculty of Law

PhD in medicine and health sciences

PhD at The Faculty of Dentistry

PhD at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

PhD in Social Science

PhD at The Faculty of Theology

PhD at the Faculty of Educational Sciences

Courses and seminars

Find information on courses and seminars offered at PhD level.

Doctoral conferment

When your doctoral examination is approved by the faculty, you will be invited to a conferral ceremony in the University’s ceremonial hall, the Aula.

Public defences

Dr.philos. – another route to a doctoral degree.

The Dr.Philos. degree (Doctor Philosophiae) is awarded to academics who have qualified for a doctoral degree on their own, without formal supervision. They have no affiliation to the university as a doctoral candidate until their application for the doctoral examination has been approved.

Contact information

Questions about PhD and doctoral degrees?


The research training is governed by the Act relating to universities and university colleges and local regulations.

Jobs at UiO

Browse through available doctoral research fellowships , read more about working as a researcher at UiO, and find the support site for international researchers.

  • PhD Programme in Engineering Science

Duration : 3 years

Duration: 3 År

  • Study catalogue

The Ph.D. program in Engineering Science covers fields of study at all institutes within the faculty.

Our researchers and research groups collaborate directly with industry and other research environments.

We integrate sustainable principles in the development and improvement of technologies and solutions, including, but not limited to; energy and efficiency, building and infrastructure, production and logistics, product design, geometric analysis and computations.


Aleksander Pedersen

Associate Professor

Svein-Erik Sveen

Anne Gjerløw

Anne Gjerløw


The study program is structured to consist of two parts: instruction component and doctoral thesis work.

Instruction component. The instruction component consists of courses on doctorate level with the purpose of complementing the master’s degree for the PhD student with the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits of mind that are required for the training in the scientific method, and for the work on the doctoral thesis to achieve its goals. The instruction component consists of 30 ECTS. Courses that are included in the instruction component should be taken in a composition and in a time that is suitable for the doctoral thesis work and that gives an opportunity for mobility within the project. An individual plan for the instruction component is adopted on the admission to the study program.

Doctoral thesis component. The work on the doctoral thesis consists of research work in engineering science with the purpose of leading to a doctoral thesis in which the results of the research work are documented in agreement with international standards. The doctoral thesis component consists of 150 ECTS. The work on the doctoral thesis should be planned with mobility. An individual plan for the work on the doctoral thesis is adopted on the admission to the study program. A component that helps the PhD student and the faculty to follow up the progress in the project is the midway evaluation. The midway evaluation should be carried out before two years of the study has passed and should be carried out by the end of the second year. The midway evaluation is followed by annual progress reporting.

The study program in engineering science is developed in accordance with the Norwegian national qualification framework, which describes the total learning outcome in terms of knowledge, skills and habits of mind (also called general competence in English in Norway). After completion of the program, the candidate shall have research competence within the candidate’s branch of engineering science, with the following total learning outcome:

K1. The candidate is in the forefront of knowledge within the candidate’s branch of engineering science, and master the field’s scientific theory and related problems.

K2. The candidate understands the methods and principles of the field, ensuring that research and results within the field are in accordance with ethical principles and scientific methods.

K3. The candidate knows and can evaluate the expediency and application of advanced methods and processes within the candidate’s core topic in research and development, specifically within the candidate’s branch of engineering science.

K4. The candidate can contribute to the development of new knowledge, new theories, methods, interpretations and forms of documentation within the candidate’s branch of engineering science.

F1. The candidate can formulate problems, plan, and carry out research and scholarly development work.

F2. The candidate can carry out research and scholarly research work of a high international standard, through understanding, interpreting and analyzing concrete problems, and describe and analyze these problems using advanced mathematical or computational methods related to engineering science.

F3. The candidate can handle complex academic issues and challenge established knowledge and practice in the candidate’s field.

F4. The candidate can disseminate research through oral presentations at scientific conferences, seminars and workshops.

Habits of mind (general competence):

G1. The candidate can identify new problems arising based on new knowledge within engineering science, and can evaluate the problem’s impact on society.

G2. The candidate can perform research in a scientifically and ethically sound way, and with professional integrity.

G3. The candidate can manage complex interdisciplinary assignments and projects.

G4. The candidate can communicate research and development work through recognized Norwegian and international channels.

G5. The candidate can participate in debates in the candidate’s branch of engineering science in international forums.

G6. The candidate can assess the need for, initiate and practice innovation related to his/her branch of engineering science.

The following learning outcome from the study has been evaluated to be relevant for future careers within and outside of academia.

Engineering science. Engineering science plays an essential role in today’s society, in Norway, in Europe, and globally. This is evident in the current agendas for RCN, ERC, and in the OECD reports with suggested focus areas for the development of Europe. The research training in engineering science is therefore relevant to meet the need for a workforce with knowledge, skills, and habits of mind within engineering science.

The scientific method. A successful PhD student in engineering science has gone through 3 years of training in the scientific method. The scientific method is relevant for careers within and outside of academia, within and outside of Norway, in today’s society.

Academic experience within engineering science. A successful PhD student has at least two and a half years of experience of research work in a discipline within engineering science. The experience is of relevance for the candidate’s future career within engineering, both in academia and in the rest of society. The doctoral degree serves as a qualification to academic positions such as lecturer and professor in Norway, and is frequently asked for in research positions outside of academia. The qualification requirement is also practiced internationally. The successful PhD student understands the organization of academic research projects in today’s society, and this could be considered important knowledge in the bridging between academia and other parts of society.

Project management. A successful PhD student has been project manager (under supervision) for a research project under a period of three years and has by this been trained and gained experience in project methodology, implementation of projects, and reporting respecting international standards.

International experience. A successful PhD student has gained experience and obtained competence in both oral and written communication of research results and problems in an international environment. A successful PhD student could be expected to have worked in periods outside of Norway at a university, a research institute, or a company.

International network. A successful PhD student has through three years built an international network within academia within the student’s branch of engineering science. This network provides access to the forefront of knowledge within a broad area within engineering science.

See study plan for a more detailed description.

In order to gain admission to the programme, applicants with a background from a Norwegian institution should have a minimum grade of C on their master thesis and a weighted grade average of minimum C (3.0) for the last two years of their master programme. The faculty has a separate form for calculation of average grades, based on a weighted arithmetic mean.

In cases where the candidate has received the degree from a foreign institution, admission may be

granted after individual assessment. GPA (grade point average) and translation rules for the European Standardized Character System must follow the application.

Applicants with a Master’s degree that does not include a Master’s thesis do not qualify for admission to the PhD programme.

Applicants must document proficiency in English that satisfies the Norwegian Higher Education Entrance Qualification.

Individual study plan, trial lecture and dissertation.

Research, pedagogical training, leadership training.

International mobility.

Continuous stays longer than two weeks at a university, a research institute, or a company, in a country other than Norway, where parts of the instruction component or research work is carried out, are counted as international mobility in the PhD study. By internationalization in the PhD study, international collaboration in courses and research are intended.

Mobility within the PhD study should be planned for a period such that it does not interfere with either of the instruction component or the doctoral thesis work such that the project run the risk of being delayed, and not to interfere with institutional responsibilities of the PhD student such as teaching.

Structure for internationalization.

The faculty provides financing for mobility within the PhD study for students financed by sources that do not provide financing for mobility in the form of an annual call for international mobility scholarship.

The faculty provides annual budget for the PhD students employed with PhD scholarship at the faculty, that permits visits to one to two international conferences per year through the study.

The faculty’s project support and the director of study assist the PhD students with application for mobility to other funding schemes than those available at the university.

The faculty’s research groups assist the research environment with financing and regular invitation of guest researchers. The research groups assist the members, among them the PhD students, in career development and to finance participation in international conferences with relevance for the doctoral theses work and the research group activities.

The university board decides on the university’s participation in international study and network centers. The current participation in international networks, and international study and network centers are described below.

Networks for internationalization.

The university participates in international study and network centers and international networks. One of the tasks for the centers and the networks is to bridge Norwegian and international research and education. The international network centers and networks have a potential to work as effective learning arenas for habits of mind and transferable skills within internationalization. One of the target groups for the center and the networks is the PhD students.

  • English Norsk

Offshore Technology, Mechanical and Structural Engineering - PhD

Offshore Technology, Mechanical and Structural Engineering is a subfield within the doctoral programme in Science and Technology at UiS.

mechanical engineering phd in norway

About the subfield

The subfield has specialisations in civil and offshore structural engineering, mechanical engineering and materials science, marine and subsea technology, and industrial asset management. The doctoral programme is linked to the research within each of these specialisations.

Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science .

Target audience

This program is well suited for those who are interested in a technical education program that combines engineering disciplines with important marine, offshore, subsea, mechanical and structural engineering topics. The education provides important core competence and forms the basis for a challenging and competitive career in both the public and private sectors.

Study courses

  • MSK900 Advanced Mechanical Design and Simulation (10 credits)
  • MSK910 Advanced Topics in Computational Methods (10 credits)
  • OFF900 Environmental Loads on Structures (10 credits)
  • OFF910 Selected Topics in Industrial Asset Management (10 credits)
  • BYG910 Selected Topics in Civil and Structural Engineering (10 credits)

Students select one of these topics depending on their chosen specialisation. Study courses from other universities can also be selected as long as the course covers the learning outcomes for the programme.

Project courses

Project courses are supervisor-led and tailored according to the needs of the PhD project. The following project courses are offered:

  • OFF905 PhD Project Course in Civil and Offshore Structural Engineering (10 credits)
  • OFF915 PhD Project Course in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (10 credits)
  • OFF920 PhD Project Course in Industrial Asset Management (10 credits)
  • OFF925 PhD Project Course in Marine and Subsea Technology (10 credits)

Learning outcomes will also be covered through completion of research documented by the doctoral thesis, disputation, participation in conferences with presentations, research/study abroad and preparation of scientific papers.

Employee profile for Mona Wetrhus Minde

About the PhD programme in Science and Technology

The main page for the PhD Education

The main page for the PhD Education

17 Best universities for Mechanical Engineering in Norway

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Norway ranked based on their research performance in Mechanical Engineering. A graph of 652K citations received by 32.2K academic papers made by 17 universities in Norway was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology

For Mechanical Engineering

Norwegian University of Science and Technology logo

2. University of Oslo

University of Oslo logo

3. University of Bergen

University of Bergen logo

4. University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger logo

5. UiT The Arctic University of Norway

UiT The Arctic University of Norway logo

6. University of Agder

University of Agder logo

7. Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Norwegian University of Life Sciences logo

8. BI Norwegian Business School

BI Norwegian Business School logo

9. Norwegian School of Economics

Norwegian School of Economics logo

10. University College of Southeast Norway

University College of Southeast Norway logo

11. Norwegian School of Sport Sciences

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences logo

12. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences logo

13. Molde University College

Molde University College logo

14. Ostfold University College

Ostfold University College logo

15. Nord University

Nord University logo

16. Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Oslo School of Architecture and Design logo

17. Kristiania University College

Kristiania University College logo

The best cities to study Mechanical Engineering in Norway based on the number of universities and their ranks are Trondheim , Oslo , Bergen , and Stavanger .

Engineering subfields in Norway

50 PhD-mechanical-engineer research jobs in Norway

Filtered by.

  • Research Job
  • PhD-mechanical-engineer

Refine Your Search

  • Last-24-hours 1
  • Last-30-days 17
  • Fellowship 39
  • Postdoctoral 6
  • University of Oslo 25
  • University of Bergen 6
  • NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology 4
  • University of Agder 3
  • University of Agder (UiA) 3
  • NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2
  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 1
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway 1
  • Computer Science 6
  • Materials Science 4
  • Medical Sciences 4
  • Engineering 3
  • Mathematics 3
  • Electrical Engineering 2
  • Psychology 2
  • Chemistry 1
  • Economics 1

PhD Research Fellow in fluid mechanics /soft matter physics

mechanics , complex fluids, physics and biophysics and sustainability thinking. Follow our PhD program that include an educational component. Knowledge development in a changing world - Science and technology

JavaScript for all functions to work properly. Please turn on JavaScript in your browser and try again. 11th June 2024 Languages English English English PhD Research Fellow in fluid mechanics /soft matter

PhD Research Fellow in “Health aware operation of offshore wind farms”

available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a PhD Research Fellow in “Health aware operation of offshore wind farms”, affiliated to the Department of Engineering Sciences

PhD Research Fellow in Seismogenic faults in CO2 storage

14th June 2024 Languages English English English PhD Research Fellow in Seismogenic faults in CO2 storage Apply for this job See advertisement About the position Position as PhD Research Fellow in

Postdoctoral Fellow in Geomechanics

 selection criteria You must have completed a Norwegian doctoral degree or corresponding foreign doctoral degree recognized as equivalent to a Norwegian PhD in Geoscience or Engineering . If you can document

world - Science and technology towards 2030. ... (Video unable to load from YouTube. Accept cookie and refresh page to watch video, or click here to open video) Job description A PhD Research Fellow

Postdoctoral Fellow in Geomechanics - IV-80/24

You must have completed a Norwegian doctoral degree or corresponding foreign doctoral degree recognized as equivalent to a Norwegian PhD in Geoscience or Engineering . If you can document that the PhD

PhD Research Fellow in Ultrasound Acoustics

26 Apr 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company University of Bergen Department Department of Physics and Technology Research Field Physics Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1) Country

PhD Research Fellow in Psychology-Inspired Computing for Robot Assistants

for more than one PhD Research Fellowship period at the University of Oslo. Knowledge development in a changing world - Science and technology towards 2030 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ... (Video

PhD Research Fellow in Data-Driven Computational Mechanics for Offshore Wind Energy

9 Apr 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company University of Bergen Department Geophysical Institute Research Field Computer science » Informatics Mathematics Physics Engineering Researcher Profile

Searches related to PhD mechanical engineer

  • engineering
  • phd mechanical engineering
  • phd engineering
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Best Global Universities for Mechanical Engineering in Norway

These are the top universities in Norway for mechanical engineering, based on their reputation and research in the field. Read the methodology »

To unlock more data and access tools to help you get into your dream school, sign up for the  U.S. News College Compass !

Here are the best global universities for mechanical engineering in Norway

Norwegian university of science & technology (ntnu).

See the full rankings

  • Clear Filters
  • # 44 in Best Universities for Mechanical Engineering
  • # 267 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Master's programmes in English
  • For exchange students
  • PhD opportunities
  • All programmes of study
  • Language requirements
  • Application process
  • Academic calendar
  • NTNU research
  • Research excellence
  • Strategic research areas
  • Innovation resources
  • Student in Trondheim
  • Student in Gjøvik
  • Student in Ålesund
  • For researchers
  • Life and housing
  • Faculties and departments
  • International researcher support


Phd programme in civil and environmental engineering.

Photo. Two PhDs working together in lab. Text on picture says "Take a PhD with us"

Text Phd main page

Phd program in civil and environmental engineering.

A PhD degree is the highest level of formalized education in Norway. Our goal is to make you an expert in your field.

Our PhDs provides the public sector and industry with the knowledge and competence to ensure the development of a sustainable and competitive construction industry.

At our department you work in established research teams, and in a strong social and scientific environment of approximately 80 PhD candidates.

In addition to a Master's degree or equivalent and a strong academic record, financing is an absolute requirement for admission to a PhD-program .

Funding can be both through NTNU and other sources.

Available PhD-positions at NTNU are continuously posted online.

Please see the doctoral programmes offered by the Faculty of engineering.

PhD Coursework

PhD courses

Search all NTNUs PhD courses


General phd enquiries.

Maren Berg Grimstad

PhD Funding enquiries

Kordula Valerie Anne Schwarzwälder

Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical engineering

Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical engineering offers bachelor's and master's studies in engineering, and has research and development activities.

  • Study programmes
  • Research and development

2023 (Database for Statistics on Higher Education)

FTEs in 2023 (Database for Statistics on Higher Education)

in engineering, and a complementary engineering and technology education

in Applied Computer and Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering


Department management.

Pilestredet 35 (P35) in Oslo.

Telephone, postal address and invoice address.

External collaboration

In our external collaborations, we focus on establishing partnerships with businesses and public institutions, with a specific emphasis on bachelor's and master's projects.

As part of our commitment to staying updated with industry demands, we organize “relevance seminars” where industry leaders and institutions provide their insights, ensuring that our educational programs will be in line with the ever-evolving needs of the workforce.

For further information and inquiries regarding collaboration, please feel free to contact the head of department, Astrid Oust Janbu .

Bachelor's and master's projects

Our tasks are designed to tackle realistic academic challenges and provide students with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from their studies in a practical manner.

The university offers comprehensive guidance and ensures that the academic content is well-maintained.

Students gain valuable industry contacts and improved job opportunities, while the educational programs become more relevant through practical assignments.

If you are interested in collaboration related to bachelor's or master's projects, please contact the head of department, Astrid Oust Janbu .

OsloMet launches a Master of Science programme in mechanical engineering in 2024. The new master has a particular focus on sustainable technology.

Image of a hand touching equipment in the machine laboratory at OsloMe

The master`s programme Applied Computer and Information Technology (ACIT) with the specialisation Robotics and Control gathered bachelor students at OceanLab for inspiration and grilling in the sun.

En gruppe studenter foran inngangen til Ocean Lab. Foran med ryggen til i rød jakke står lærer Tiina og tar i mot.

The challenge was to locate bottlenecks caused by heavy rain and reduce spilling of untreated water to the Oslo Fjord.

Picture of the winning students

Diabetic patients should be able to monitor blood sugar levels without pricking fingers. The students are trying to find a solution.

Underwater robot in black and yellow formed like a long tube with fins.

  • Information systems and technology

Underwater robots, which consumes little energy, can collect environmental data over a long period of time, and could therefore be a much cheaper and safer alternative for detecting pollution at sea.

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  • Work for us

mechanical engineering phd in norway

Department of Mechanical engineering and Maritime studies

The departement has approximately 855 students and 73 full-time employees.

Our department is located in Bergen and Haugesund .

We educate the engineers of the future and have maritime education at bachelor's, master's and PhD level.

Jorunn Steensnæs

Head of Department

Nils Ottar Antonsen

Assistant Head of Department

Hassan Momeni

mechanical engineering phd in norway

Centre for safety at sea

The Centre contributes to the regional development of Western Norway through the development of maritime knowledge, and work to ensure that HVL is an attractive and preferred partner. It develops projects and create meeting places between HVL and the maritime industry.

Studenter på MarinLab

MarinLab is a towing tank test facility situated on the Bergen campus. The state-of-the-art laboratory is used for teaching purposes, student projects and industry-led research.

PhD Candidate in Norwegian nuclear energy – Are we prepared from a safety point of view?

NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Job Information

Offer description, this is ntnu.

NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.

At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.

You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process  here.

About the job

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.

We are looking for a PhD Candidate that wants to explore how prepared Norway is to operate nuclear reactors from a safety point of view. 

The dramatic climatic changes force the world to make a shift towards energy sources with low greenhouse gas emission. The Norwegian government has recently announced that a public exposition will be launched to support the Norwegian strategy towards nuclear energy.

Your research will be part of the research within Team Nuclear Energy at NTNU where various aspects of nuclear energy is explored. A key question from a safety point of view is how prepared we are for nuclear power production in Norway. The Norwegian oil and gas industry as well as actors in the transportation sector have over the years established a very strong safety culture and the collaboration between the industry and the national safety authorities is very good. Therefore it is expected that Norway can build on this to rather fast establish good safety standards also for a nuclear strategy.

Your will work on reviewing safety principles for nuclear energy production, relevant risk analysis methods, safety standards and the role of regulatory bodies to ensure high safety. Important topics are:

  • Safety principles for nuclear energy production
  • State of the art of nuclear risk analysis methodology and a comparison with state of the art in the Norwegian oil & gas industry
  • Bridging current process industry practices on functional safety from IEC 61508/IEC 61511 with the corresponding nuclear standard IEC 61513
  • Opportunities for improved safety with support of AI 
  • What is the role of the Norwegian tripartite cooperation (trepartssamarbeid) in Norwegian industry as such, and how does it affect safety?
  • What is required to pursue the tripartite collaboration to a Norwegian nuclear strategy?
  • Available nuclear safety competence in Norway

The main supervisor of the research is Professor Jørn Vatn.

Duties of the position

  • take part in the mandatory Ph.D. research education program
  • conduct independent research and publish the results in recognized scientific journals and conferences
  • participate actively in RAMS PhD seminars at the department

Required selection criteria

  • you must have a professionally relevant background in RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety)
  • your education must correspond to a five-year Norwegian degree program, where 120 credits are obtained at master's level
  • you must have a strong academic background from your previous studies and an average grade from the master's degree program, or equivalent education, which is equal to B or better compared with NTNU's grading scale. If you do not have letter grades from previous studies, you must have an equally good academic basis. If you have a weaker grade background, you may be assessed if you can document that you are particularly suitable for a PhD education.
  • you must meet the requirements for admission to  the faculty's doctoral program
  • excellent English writing and oral skills

The appointment is to be made in accordance with  Regulations on terms of employment for positions such as postdoctoral fellow, Phd candidate, research assistant and specialist candidate  and  Regulations concerning the degrees of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) and Philosodophiae Doctor (PhD) in artistic research national guidelines for appointment as PhD, post doctor and research assistant 

Preferred selection criteria

  • experience in writing scientific papers
  • knowledge about energy production and nuclear energy in particular
  • experience in seeking relevant information from Norwegian regulatory bodies 
  • experience in seeking information regarding the  Halden Reactor Project
  • documented knowledge regarding basic risk analysis methods like FTA, ETA, Markov and HRA

Personal characteristics

  • team oriented – able to work with others
  • curious – eager and able to learn new things
  • creative – able to generate more ways to solve problems
  • critical – able to question and reflect on own and others’ work

Emphasis will be placed on personal and interpersonal qualities.

  • exciting and stimulating tasks in a strong international academic environment
  • an open and  inclusive work environment  with dedicated colleagues
  • favourable terms in the  Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • employee benefits

Salary and conditions

As a PhD candidate (code 1017) you are normally paid from gross NOK 532 200 per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. From the salary, 2% is deducted as a contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

The period of employment is 3 years. Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to  the PhD programme in Engineering  within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized PhD programme during the employment period.


The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning  State Employees and Civil Servants , and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to NTNU. After the appointment you must assume that there may be changes in the area of work.

It is a prerequisite you can be present at and accessible to the institution daily.

About the application

The application and supporting documentation to be used as the basis for the assessment must be in English.

Publications and other scientific work must be attached to the application. Please note that your application will be considered based solely on information submitted by the application deadline. You must therefore ensure that your application clearly demonstrates how your skills and experience fulfil the criteria specified above.

The application must include: 

  • CV and certificates
  • transcripts and diplomas for bachelor's and master's degrees. If you have not completed the master's degree, you must submit a confirmation that the master's thesis has been submitted.
  • a copy of the master's thesis. If you recently have submitted your master's thesis, you can attach a draft of the thesis. Documentation of a completed master's degree must be presented before taking up the position.
  • name and contact information of three referees
  • application letter 
  • research statement (max 3 pages) identifying initial research direction among the proposed research topics
  • previous publications or other relevant research work or experience

If all, or parts, of your education has been taken abroad, we also ask you to attach documentation of the scope and quality of your entire education, both bachelor's and master's education, in addition to other higher education. Description of the documentation required can be found  here . If you already have a statement from NOKUT, please attach this as well.

We will take joint work into account. If it is difficult to identify your efforts in the joint work, you must enclose a short description of your participation.

In the evaluation of which candidate is best qualified, emphasis will be placed on education, experience and personal and interpersonal qualities. Motivation, ambitions, and potential will also count in the assessment of the candidates. 

NTNU is committed to following evaluation criteria for research quality according to  The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment - DORA.

General information

Working at NTNU

NTNU believes that inclusion and diversity is our strength. We want to recruit people with different competencies, educational backgrounds, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to solving our social responsibilities within education and research. We will facilitate for our employees’ needs.

NTNU is working actively to increase the number of women employed in scientific positions and has a number of resources to  promote equality.


The city of Trondheim  is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. Trondheim is the innovation capital of Norway with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.


As an employee at NTNU, you must at all times adhere to the changes that the development in the subject entails and the organizational changes that are adopted.

A public list of applicants with name, age, job title and municipality of residence is prepared after the application deadline. If you want to reserve yourself from entry on the public applicant list, this must be justified. Assessment will be made in accordance with  current legislation . You will be notified if the reservation is not accepted.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Professor Jørn Vatn, e-mail:  [email protected] . If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR Consultant Hedda Winnberg, e-mail: [email protected] .

If you think this looks interesting and in line with your qualifications, please submit your application electronically via with your CV, diplomas and certificates attached. Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered. Upon request, you must be able to obtain certified copies of your documentation.  

Application deadline: 20.06.2024

NTNU - knowledge for a better world

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) creates knowledge for a better world and solutions that can change everyday life.

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

We educate graduates who can create new products, operate and maintain products, and manage projects. The Department has a variety of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. We conduct wide-ranging research in fields such as technology, energy, product quality and development, and productivity.  The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering  is one of eight departments in  the Faculty of Engineering.


Additional information, work location(s), where to apply.

Young Bai Moon, Chair, 263 Link Hall, 315-443-2341; fax: 315-443-9099,  [email protected]

Shalabh C. Maroo, MAE Graduate Program Director, 251 Link Hall, 315-443-2107, [email protected]

Jeongmin Ahn, Benjamin Akih-Kumgeh, Jackie Anderson, Michelle Blum, Edward A. Bogucz Jr., John F. Dannenhoffer III, Alexander Deyhim, Bing Dong, Victor Duenas, Matthew Erdman, Zhenyu Gan, Kasey Laurent, Xiyuan Liu, Aoyi Luo, Shalabh C. Maroo, Young Bai Moon, Anupam Pandey, Quinn Qiao, Utpal Roy, Amit Sanyal, Mehmet Sarimurat, Roger Schmidt, Wanliang Shan, Ian Shapiro, Yiyang Sun, Yeqing Wang, Jianshun S. Zhang, Teng Zhang, Fernando 

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering offers graduate programs leading to the following degrees:

  • Master of Science (M.S.) in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

It also participates in a college-wide master program leading to the degree:

  • Master of Science (M.S.) in Engineering Management

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Ph.D. program will be considered if three conditions are met. First, a sufficient level of academic and professional achievement must be documented by transcripts of the student’s prior academic performance (a GPA of 3.33/4.0 or better is expected), GRE Quantitative score of 700+ (155+ on the new scale) and an acceptable GRE verbal score, and letters of recommendation and other supporting information. Second, the focusing of the student’s efforts in one area of specialization should be clear from the student’s transcript and statement of purpose. Third, a faculty adviser must be willing to supervise research in the student’s area of specialization. Prior completion of a M.S. degree and/or an M.S. thesis may be required by individual faculty advisers.

Application Procedure

Online application is the preferred method of applying to graduate programs at Syracuse University. Applications submitted online can be processed faster and more efficiently than those filed on paper. Access the online application.

You will receive an e-mail or postcard from Syracuse University when your application has been received and processed. Find out more information on the application process.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • An ability to define the goals of scholarly work clearly
  • An ability to conduct independent scholarly work
  • An ability to select methods appropriate to the goals and apply these methods effectively
  • An ability to achieve the goals independently and contribute substantially to the fields of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • An ability to communicate scholarly work effectively

A program of study is individually designed by each student in consultation with his or her adviser. A student entering the Ph.D. program with a master’s degree or an equivalent degree (approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee) is expected to complete 18 credits of 600 or above level of course work and a Ph.D. dissertation (of 0 credits), depending on how many credits can be transferred over from the Master’s degree. All students must petition to transfer their Master’s degree to the PhD program during their first semester of their doctoral studies. Students wishing to proceed directly to the Ph.D. degree from a bachelor’s degree must complete a program of 48-credit course work (with no more than 9 credits of courses at 500 level 1 and a Ph.D. dissertation (of 0 credits) depending on how many credits can be transferred over from the Master’s degree. All students must petition to transfer their Master’s degree to the PhD program during their first semester of their doctoral studies. Of the 18 credits of course work beyond the MS degree, 3 credits can be MAE 990 Independent Study. Under special circumstances, a student may petition for an additional 3 credits of MAE 990 Independent Study. Students interested in MAE 990    Independent Study must work with the Faculty Sponsor to fill out form “Proposal for Independent Study Course”, and this form must be approved by the Department Chair. A GPA of 3.33 or higher is expected for a Ph.D. student. Full-time Ph.D. students must also attend the MAE graduate seminars every semester ( MAE 995   : 0 credits; graded as A-F, based on attendance). Graduate courses can be found in the Course Catalog ( ), using the search engine.

1 Of the 48-credit course work, 30 credits should be equivalent to the M.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering degree requirements.

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination

The MAE Department requires that each Ph.D. student pass a qualifying examination. The qualifying examination will have both written and oral components. The objective of the qualifying examination is to test the student’s knowledge of fundamentals and preparedness to conduct dissertation research. Students who enter the MAE graduate program with a B.S. degree must take the written component of the qualifying examination at or before the completion of the fourth semester of their graduate study. Students who enter the Ph.D. program with an M.S. degree (or an equivalent degree) must take the written component of the qualifying examination at or before the completion of two semesters of their first registration in the program. The oral component of the qualifying examination must be taken no later than one year after passing the written examination. As a pre-requisite to the oral component of the qualifying examination, students who enter the MAE graduate program with a B.S. degree must complete a minimum of 30 credits after B.S. at the time of taking the oral component of the qualifying exam.

The written component of the qualifying examination will test the student’s fundamental knowledge needed for doctoral study, in any two of the following nine topics: Mathematics, Controls, Dynamics and Vibration, Fluid Dynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer, Manufacturing, Material Science, Solid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics.

The written part of the Ph.D. qualifying examination will be given twice a year: one at the end of the fall semester and the other at the end of the spring semester. In consultation with the adviser, an eligible Ph.D. student must formally apply to take the qualifying examination by notifying the chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee on or before September 30 if the student wishes to take the written examination in the Fall Semester of the same year, and on or before January 31 if the student wishes to take the written examination in the Spring Semester of the same year. In the notification letter, the student should specify his/her field of study/interest, the two topics in which s/he wishes to be examined, and include a copy of his/her transcript showing the current GPA. The notification letter must be approved by the adviser.

The Graduate Affairs Committee informs the student after the qualifying examination has been completed whether s/he has passed. In the event of failure, the student must petition the Graduate Affairs Committee within two weeks of failure notification to retake the written examinations once more in the following semester. If approved, the student can retake the failed topics in the second attempt, but is not allowed to change her/his topics from the first attempt. No student will be allowed to retake the written and oral components of the qualifying examination more than once. Failure to pass the examination in a timely fashion will result in dismissal from the Ph.D. program.

The student’s adviser in consultation with the student will suggest a committee of oral examination for the Graduate Affairs Committee’s approval. The oral examination committee should consist of 3 to 5 members with a majority of its members from the MAE Department, including the adviser. The student must provide a proposal for dissertation research to the members of the oral examination committee at least two weeks before the scheduled date of examination. The examination will typically take 2 hours to complete, in which the student will first make a 35-minute presentation of the research proposal followed by questions from each individual members of the committee. Based on the quality of dissertation proposal, presentation, and answers to the questions, the committee will deliberate and inform the student of the outcome of the examination, and report the outcome to the MAE Graduate Affairs Committee in writing.

* The current rule approved by the MAE Faculty on April 18, 2014, applies to students who enter the Ph.D. program in Fall 2014 and after.

Residency Requirement

The residence requirement is set by Academic Rules and Regulations of the Graduate School.


Each student is required to prepare a dissertation of high quality in terms of substance, originality and relevance, on a topic chosen in consultation with the dissertation adviser. The dissertation defense shall be conducted according to the rules of the Graduate School. For the oral dissertation defense examination, a minimum of two committee members must be from the MAE Department. In preparing the dissertation, the student should comply with accepted standards of style and format. The examination committee may refuse to hold the examination until such standards are met.

Evaluation Of Ph.D. Student’s Progress

In the spring semester, the status of every Ph.D. student will be reviewed by the MAE faculty. The review will include a brief summary by the adviser of the progress made by the student and any current or potential problems. If the progress is unsatisfactory, the student will be given six months to address issues of concern. If the situation has not improved, the student will not be allowed to continue in the program and will be so informed in writing.

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B.S. in Mechanical Engineering/M.S. in Industrial Engineering

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The College of Engineering offers a dual-degree program that culminates with students receiving a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering concurrently. The program is intended for exceptional students who are admitted to the graduate program in their junior year. Students applying for this program must have a grade point average of at least 3.0. The two degrees are awarded simultaneously when the combined requirements have been met for both degrees.

  • Juniors who have maintained at least a 3.0 GPA have the option to apply for admission to the 5-year BS ME-MS IE program.
  • Those who are accepted into this accelerated program must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and a minimum of a 3.0 GPA for the final 30 credit hours.
  • Up to 6 credit hours of Technical electives earned during the fourth year can be counted toward the 30 credit hours required for the MS degree. 
  • Students must be registered for a minimum of 12 undergraduate credit hours per semester in their fourth year.
  • Students can register for a maximum of 6 graduate credit hours in each semester of their fourth year.
  • If a student needs to withdraw from the BS ME/MS IE program then all the requirements for the specific BS Concentration must be completed for graduation with the BS degree.

Admission Requirements

Juniors in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department of the University of Miami who have maintained at least a 3.0 GPA may apply to the dual degree program.  Qualified students are strongly advised to apply to the dual degree program as early as possible in their junior year to facilitate academic advising and course selection in the second semester of their junior year.  Students opting for an M.S. degree in a discipline different from their B.S. degree may need to take some prerequisite coursework. Before submitting an application, students should discuss the program and possibility of entering with an academic adviser.  

Curriculum Requirements

Plan of study.

You must complete a minimum of 1 PS cognate and 1 HA cognate to be selected from the list of available cognates. Each cognate should be a minimum of three courses (9 credit hours).

Technical Electives are advanced courses in mathematics, science or engineering, approved by the Faculty Advisor, as appropriate for individual objectives.

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Service to a nation

Alum Kenneth Bible

Alum Kenneth Bible concludes a 40-year career in public service

Mechanical Engineering (master’s) alum Kenneth Bible has witnessed plenty of changes during his career. For example, when he started his professional career as a nuclear engineer at the former Charleston Naval Shipyard in 1985, the average starting salary for an entry level engineer was just over $27,400. Bible also had his own career transitions, which took him in some unexpected directions.

This past April, Bible retired from a nearly 40-year career. While he started in nuclear and mechanical engineering, he later made significant impacts on the nation’s information technology (IT) and cybersecurity.

Bible spent eight years at the Charleston Naval Shipyard before plans were announced to close the facility in 1993. Employees were offered opportunities to seek retraining, which included the University of South Carolina’s APOGEE, a distance education program designed to meet the needs of employed professionals.

Bible was hesitant about returning to school while working full time, but after successfully completing his first few classes, he applied and was accepted to the College of Engineering and Computing’s mechanical engineering master’s program. Each week he watched VHS tapes that were shipped to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston and attended one live session via closed-circuit television. He graduated from the program in 1996.

“In the mid-1990s, this was pretty cutting edge. Going back after 10 years was a little intimidating, but the counselors and faculty in the program were very encouraging,” Bible says.

Mingling mechanical engineering with information technology

Bible’s graduate education was influential in his transition to the IT world. In 1994, he relocated to the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic (SPAWAR) in Charleston, now known as the Naval Information Warfare Center . While expected to work as a project engineer, his department heads wanted to utilize his knowledge in geospatial information systems (GIS), a technology he learned at the shipyard by mapping radioactive waste sites. But to work in GIS, he had to justify his master’s degree in mechanical engineering to his new supervisors.

“Because I got pulled into GIS technology that SPAWAR was building, I had to take a different look at my degree. My boss wanted to know how mechanical engineering would relate,” Bible says. “My advisor and the faculty at USC helped me figure out how to put these technologies together.”

Bible’s professors helped him develop an independent study surrounding the cause of premature clotting of dialysis bypass grafts. To tie this problem to mechanical engineering, Bible applied the university’s finite element analysis supercomputing system to analyze possible causes. He connected this to his work at SPAWAR by addressing the networking challenges in running these advanced computing technologies remotely between Columbia and Charleston.

“The university was flexible with my coursework and fostered curiosity and study across disciplines to learn how mechanical engineering applies when solving a medical problem,” Bible says.

Bible worked at SPAWAR for 16 years, which included a supervisory position in networking and communications and division head for the network engineering division. When the Navy began updating to a global network, Bible was asked to be the technology director for the system program office and later chief engineer, a role that took him from Charleston to the SPAWAR headquarters in Washington, D.C.

In the early part of my career, I aways looked for opportunities to have an impact and ensure our national institutions were performing the services the country needed.  - Kenneth Bible

Bible became the Marine Corps’ chief technology advisor at the Pentagon in 2013. Two years later, he was promoted to deputy chief information officer, where he developed broad policy guidance for IT, cybersecurity and communications infrastructure. In 2021, after 36 years of service to the Navy and Marine Corps, Bible craved a view of government from the civilian side. He accepted an opportunity at the Department of Homeland Security as chief information security officer, the final post of his career with the U.S. government.

Celebrating decades of service to a nation

In honor of his contributions to the nation, President Joe Biden awarded him Distinguished Rank in 2023. One of Bible’s most influential contributions was as chief engineer for the Navy’s Environmental Information Management System, a GIS-based program that supports environmental planning, natural resources management and encroachment issues. Bible built the program in 2000 alongside a team of ship drivers, lawyers, environmental groups, IT personnel and biologists in response to dolphins stranded in the Bahamas.

“The Navy is a huge steward of sea and ocean research, and this triggered an enormous environmental push,” he says. “A tremendous team came together that I was fortunate to lead, creating a system that has lasted 24 years.”

Bible was also instrumental in the response to the Solar Winds incident in 2020, one of the largest incursions into the U.S. government’s IT infrastructure. After Russian hackers breached SolarWinds software by injecting malware and affecting thousands of customers, including the U.S. government, Bible was involved in the Department of Homeland Security’s response. This experience formed much of his strategy for the department’s risk management and cybersecurity. Bible also developed technological changes to the national defense strategy, such as Advana, the Department of Defense’s authoritative source for audit and business data analytics, and guided the production of the first fully accredited secure software development pipelines.

“In the early part of my career, I aways looked for opportunities to have an impact and ensure our national institutions were performing the services the country needed. It was a blessing to have that many chances to make a mark,” Bible says.

Looking to the future

Bible continues to make an impact even in his retirement. He is a panelist for the Walker Institute of International and Area Studies, USC's center for global research and outreach.

“Ken is one of the most well-versed people in the cyber and AI arena in the nation. He is always in demand, but he has never said no to helping me,” says Jodi Salter, program manager for the Walker Institute.

Salter is also founding board chair for South Carolina Women in Technology and director of SC Cyber. Bible mentors’ students and assists these organizations in achieving their missions.

“Ken is the biggest champion of growing the number of women in the cyber area,” Salter says. “He has developed a relationship with every student I’ve connected him with. He’s a giver, a civil servant at heart and always will be.”

Bible admits that mechanical engineering has evolved and become more specialized. While technological advances are undoubtedly advantageous, he cautions students against specializing too early in their education. Instead, he recommends a broad engineering degree focusing on large categories of study that can be applied to any problem.

“Be aware that the job you will ultimately end up in hasn’t been invented yet,” Bible says. “An engineering education at the undergraduate level is about understanding methods and learning how to break large problems into smaller things you can solve. Build curiosity and be willing to research something you don’t know. You may be surprised where that leads.”

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.


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    We are looking for a PhD Candidate that wants to explore how prepared Norway is to operate nuclear reactors from a safety point of view. ... Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to the PhD programme in Engineering within three months of ... Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. We educate graduates who can ...

  23. Program: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, PhD

    Shalabh C. Maroo, MAE Graduate Program Director, 251 Link Hall, 315-443-2107, ... The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering offers graduate programs leading to the following degrees: Master of Science (M.S.) in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ...

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    Find the list of all universities for PHD in Engineering Mechanical in Norway with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  25. Program: Mechanical Engineering Major, PhD

    A minimum of 21 credit hours of graduate coursework in mechanical engineering (ME) or other courses offered in MABE numbered 500 and above. The department may approve other departmental courses to meet this requirement. A minimum of 6 credit hours of graduate coursework is required at the 600-level, exclusive of ME 600 and ME 601.

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    Median Annual Salary: $99,510. Minimum Required Education: Bachelor's degree. Job Overview: Mechanical engineers research, design and build mechanical and thermal devices, such as sensors ...

  27. B.S. in Mechanical Engineering/M.S. in Industrial Engineering

    The College of Engineering offers a dual-degree program that culminates with students receiving a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering concurrently. The program is intended for exceptional students who are admitted to the graduate program in their junior year.

  28. Program: Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Graduate

    Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Graduate Certificate, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering Concentration. Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) ... IE 522 - Optimization Methods in Industrial Engineering; ME 534 - Mechanical Vibrations; NE 575 - Equipment and Systems Prognostics;

  29. StudyQA

    Best Universities with Mechanical Engineering in Norway. Atilim University Aalborg University Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Sheffield Hallam University University of Glasgow Technical University of Munich University of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Francois Rabelais University of Tours Coventry University. Show all Universities.

  30. Service to a nation

    Alum Kenneth Bible concludes a 40-year career in public service. Mechanical Engineering (master's) alum Kenneth Bible has witnessed plenty of changes during his career. For example, when he started his professional career as a nuclear engineer at the former Charleston Naval Shipyard in 1985, the average starting salary for an entry level engineer was just over $27,400.