Mechanical Engineering Communication Lab

Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

Criteria for success.

  •   qualified for their program, and
  • a good fit for their program’s focus and goals.
  • You show a select group of skills and experiences that concisely convey your scientific accomplishments and interests.
  • Your experiences are concrete and quantitative .
  • Your personal statement is no more than 2 pages (less if you can, or if it is required by the school).

Structure Diagram

The graduate school Personal Statement (≈ Statement of Purpose ≈ Statement of Intent) is a document that complements your resume and application form, describing your profile in a narrative way and convincing the admission committee that you would be a good match for a particular department or program. Take into account that matching goes both ways: they should be interested in you, and you should be interested in them. Your personal statement should make this match clear.

Analyze Your Audience

Your personal statement will be read by a graduate committee – a handful of faculty from the program. They’re trying to determine if you will be a successful graduate student in their department and a successful scientist after you graduate. They are interested in your qualifications as a researcher, your career goals, and how your personality matches their labs and department.

The graduate committee probably reads hundreds of applications every year. To make it easy for them to figure out that you are a good fit, keep in mind the following suggestions:

  • Make direct, concrete statements about your accomplishments and qualifications.
  • Create a narrative that serves as a personal brand and helps them remember you.
  • Give them some unique examples that describe you and make you stand out, and which will make them remember you as “that candidate that was so passionate about…” or “who has a lot of experience in…”, although they might not remember your name.
  • Align your academic goals and motivations with specific research projects or research directions of the target department. 

Assessing your match to the target program

A key point on writing your Personal Statement is to demonstrate that you have done previous research about the program to which you’re applying, that you understand its characteristics and objectives, and that you are really interested in joining it and willing to do your best to be successful in it. To do this:

  • Read the program’s website. Learn about its faculty members and the projects they are working on. Check what topics and high level goals the department is committed to. Identify the main research areas. 
  • Get in contact with faculty and students in your target program. Browse recent publications and presentations but remember lab websites can be outdated and a publication may lag a few years behind the active research in a lab so pay attention to the motivation, direction, and methods of the faculty member over specific results. If you have had a positive discussion with someone at the department, you can include in your essay how those interactions confirmed that you would be a good match for the program.

Reflect before you start

To convince a graduate committee that you are ready for and excited about graduate school, first you need to be able to articulate this to yourself. Earnestly reflect on the following types of questions. A lack of authenticity is easy to detect. 

  • Why do I want to go to graduate school? 
  • How am I sure?
  • Why will I be successful in graduate school?
  • What can I do with the help of this degree that I couldn’t do before?
  • Where do I want to be in a few years?
  • How am I going to get there?

Create a personal narrative

Graduate programs invest in the professional and scientific growth of their students. Get the committee excited about investing in you by opening your essay with a brief portrait of what drives you as a scientist. What research directions are you passionate about, and why? What do you picture yourself doing in 10 years?

  • E.g. “Graduate study is the first step towards my goal: I want to improve my ability as a researcher and gain more technical depth and breadth to maximize my impact. In the long term, I hope graduate school will better position me to be a leader in shaping the conversation about what problems can be addressed by mechanical engineers.”

Close your essay with a 2-3 sentence discussion of your long-term career interests. No one will hold you to this; this just helps your committee visualize your potential trajectory.

  • E.g. “Above all else, a MIT PhD would help me achieve my long term career goal of becoming a professor, the position in which I can best see myself accomplishing my mission to show others the hidden beauty in everyday life through science.”

Connect your personal narrative to whichever degree you are applying to (be it research-based or course-work-based, or a Master of Science, Master of Engineering, or PhD). Especially in mechanical engineering, each of these degrees will enable different career trajectories and provide different educational opportunities. Articulate clearly why the degree you are applying for helps you achieve your goals. In the same vein, consider mutual benefit: what will you contribute to the academic community over your time at your target school? Remember, it all comes back to “qualified match” , no matter what level of degree you are applying for. 

Describe your experiences

Experiences are the “what” of your essay. They are the most efficient and easiest way to prove your capabilities to the admissions committee.

  • What experiences led you to develop your skill set and passions ?
  • Where have you demonstrated accomplishment, leadership, and collaboration?
  • Show your depth with a range of experiences: research, teaching, relevant extracurriculars and leadership positions.
  • State concrete achievements and outcomes like awards, discoveries, or publications, or projects completed.

Achievements need not be limited to research projects or publications. Think about all the experiences that demonstrate your ability to conduct research and succeed within the structure of your target program. (Where have you demonstrated creativity? Self sufficiency? Perseverance? What open ended problems have you tackled? What enabled you to succeed at them?)

Quantify your experiences to show concrete impact. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? How many people were in competition for an award? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students?

For each experience you include, focus on how the experience affected you. Describe your actions, and always direct the message to highlighting your performance and growth (not how important the company was or how well-known the professor you TAed for is). Remember, it is not an essay about science, it is a personal essay—about you and how you have positioned yourself to succeed in graduate school.

Explain the meaning of your experiences

Meaning of Experiences

Your goal in sharing your experiences is to demonstrate that you have the qualifications, qualities, and drive needed to succeed in graduate school. Therefore, you will need to not only choose experiences wisely but also state specifically what they mean within the context of your application.

  • Why was this experience important to your growth as a scientist?
  • What did you gain from or demonstrate during that experience?
  • How will this make you a better grad student?

Even if it feels obvious to you, you need to explicitly answer these questions to your audience. Here are some examples experiences that have been expanded to contain meaning:

Contemplate how disparate activities can be unified into a common narrative about your motivations and achievements. Articulate this clearly to make your statement cohesive.

disparate activities example

Demonstrate your match to the target program

Using the research you did to assess your chosen programs, clearly articulate why you are a match . Consider both directions of the match: not only why you want to go to the school, but also why you would fit in well and contribute to the program.

State which professors in the program you would be interested in working with. Demonstrate that you have done your homework regarding the program. Show how their research areas align with your background and your goals. If you have had conversations with students or professors in the program, be sure to include that as well. 

Common Pitfalls

Write about you , not your role models. One of the most common pitfalls we see in the Comm Lab is students writing touching Personal Statements about family members or role models who have inspired them. There is nothing wrong with including personal stories about people who have helped you understand yourself better, or positioned you to succeed in graduate school, but it is important to tread very carefully. Don’t leave the reader wondering why they are reading about someone else in a document that is meant to be about you. If you take time to talk about someone who positively affected you, make sure to be very clear about how that experience with that person molded you into a strong graduate school candidate.

Be judicious with childhood stories. A brief mention of some childhood experience that shaped your interests in STEM is probably okay, but if you talk about it at length (more than ~2 sentences), you are taking up space that should probably be used to talk about who you are today, not who you were over a decade ago.

Don’t simply restate your resume. Your Personal Statement should be a technical document (having evidence, numbers, and supporting facts) with personal outcomes (talking about your motivations, ambitions, and ability to succeed as a graduate student). Of course, you will reiterate parts of your resume in your Personal Statement , but what uniquely makes it a “Personal Statement” is the discussion of how those professional experiences affected you , as a researcher and person well-suited to the graduate program at X University.  

Insufficient quantification of your experiences. We are all scientists and engineers; our line of work is inherently quantitative. Quantification is a quick and easy way to add context, lend credence to your experiences, and impress the reader. Even little quantifications can help: “I spent two semesters working on a project about…” is much better than “I spent some time working on a project about…”. See more examples in the section on Experiences, above.

Being a great student and having an impressive resume is only half the battle when it comes to graduate school applications. You need to be able to communicate and convince the committee that your personality and particular set of skills and experiences are well-suited to the graduate program you are applying for. This extends beyond graduate school applications: as scientists and engineers, we write papers and technical reports to communicate with our peers and convince them that our work is meaningful.

By reading this article, you have recognized the value of communication and are well on your way to crafting an effective and powerful Personal Statement. This is your opportunity to make yourself shine among all the other candidates, so make it count! You can do it!

Acknowledgements : This content was adapted from the NSE and CEE Communication Labs’ CommKits for graduate applications.

Resources and Annotated Examples

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December 14, 2023

How to Write Your Master’s in Engineering Statement of Purpose

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Top engineering graduate programs expect applicants to have a high GPA, and some schools also expect an impressive GRE score , though in recent years, more schools have made GRE scores optional. However, many of the applicants you will be competing against have high scores. 

Your  statement of purpose  (SOP) is what will allow the adcom to view you as a person with unique goals, potential, interests, values, inspirations, and motivations. It helps adcoms understand what drives you, what your short- and long-term goals are, and how their school can help you realize your dreams. This is the part of the application that enables the adcom to assess whether you are a good match for their program.

Structuring an Engineering Statement of Purpose

Your SOP will ideally include the following:

  • An introductory paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the paragraphs to follow
  • A few highlights of your abilities, education, and work accomplishments 
  • Reasons for any gaps in your chronological work history or lower-than-average GRE score or GPA
  • A description of your short- and long-term goals
  • An explanation of your interest in this particular program and school, ideally including courses or professors (and their research) of interest to you and student organizations or research institutes in which you’d like to participate
  • A summary paragraph that highlights key points and ties back to the introductory paragraph

Tell a Story in Your Statement of Purpose

While it’s important to include the elements listed in the previous section,  a winning essay  is also  creative and  interesting  to the reader. It is not formulaic and shouldn’t read like a checklist.

In essence, you are telling a story – your story. An engineer recently said to me in a somewhat panicked voice, “I know how to write facts; I don’t know how to tell a story!” The typical MBA candidate loves to discuss their background and is frequently delighted to relate the many exciting adventures they’ve had. In contrast, if I say to an engineering candidate, “Tell me about yourself,” I am sometimes met with silence and a reluctance to divulge personal information.

Engineers are taught to think logically, rationally, in black-and-white facts and figures where there is a right and a wrong answer. A graduate school application expects you to explore the “gray” in your life. What made you decide on that option? What motivated you to take that action? Why is it important to you? There is no right or wrong, which can be freeing. 

Why Engineering?

Engineering schools want to know what or who inspired you to become an engineer. At what age did you first believe that this was the right career path for you, and why? You need to step away and look at your life with a level of objectivity, so that you can explain your life trajectory and the reasons you took certain turns.

Most schools have a page or word limit for their SOP, but don’t let that inhibit you when you’re first creating your story from your outline. A good engineering admissions consultant can help you  tell your story effectively  and still meet the word limit requirements. Telling that story compellingly sometimes requires multiple drafts, and some of my past clients wrote as many as 12 drafts before they were satisfied with the final product.

As with the other elements of the application, give yourself sufficient time to write your SOP. It can be the reason the adcom at the engineering graduate program you’re targeting decides in favor of your admission.

Dr. Karin Ash

With 30 years of career and admissions experience at four universities, including Cornell’s College of Engineering and Johnson Business School, Dr. Karin Ash facilitated students’ entry into the world’s best companies. As an adcom member, she also evaluated applications and therefore knows what schools and employers seek. Want Karin to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!  

Related Resources:

  • Five Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Grad School Statement of Purpose , a free guide
  • STEM Applicants: Why Your Statement of Purpose Is So Important
  • Application Advice from Accepted Data Science Clients

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How to Write a Great Engineering School Personal Statement

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You have spent months researching and identifying the best engineering schools, studying for and completing the SATs, GRE, or other standardized tests, and filling out tedious college applications. You are on the verge of burnout when it hits you: you have to write a personal statement.

How important is it to write a great personal statement? Ask the admissions committee, and they’ll tell you that writing a personal statement is like applying for a job. Stephen J Aguilar, an assistant professor of education at USC, reported in 2020 to Inside Higher Ed that a personal statement should be less revealing and more persuasive. At its core, the personal statement needs to answer these two questions:

  • Why are you applying here?
  • How do your interests and experiences align with the program or the faculty you’ve identified?

However, the importance of reading and understanding the question prompts cannot be overstated. For example, the University of Iowa College of Engineering, which places 97 percent of its undergraduates in jobs post-graduation and currently has 284 master’s and doctoral students, goes one step further to differentiate personal statements from statements of purpose .

This institution wants to know in the statement of purpose , “Why is this program a good fit for you?” By contrast, the personal statement elicits answers to the question: “Who are you?” and allows applicants to explain themselves to admissions committees regarding academic achievements and life events that have shaped them and will positively influence the campus community.

That said, a personal statement is not just an essay. It has to be intelligent, engaging, typo-free, and capable of convincing admissions reviewers that you are a better fit for their program. Fret not. With lots of research and preparation, you can submit a college essay that reflects your passion and capabilities.

Read on to learn the what, the why, and the how-to of writing great personal statements to gain admission into engineering school.

How Is a Personal Statement Evaluated?

The title "personal statement" is generally synonymous with college essays. However, some admissions professionals use it to refer more specifically to written statements that explore applicants’ program readiness and intentions if admitted. The purpose of these statements for engineering school applicants is three-fold.

First, colleges want to know that they can write well, and not just from a technical perspective. Of course, grammar matters, but perhaps more important is the ability to communicate ideas.

Second, engineering schools want to know who a student is—the nuggets that are not conveyed through a conventional application or school transcripts. This is the written equivalent of the interview question “tell us about yourself” and is the applicant’s chance to share who they are, what they want to do, and how gaining admission to this program will be mutually beneficial.

Finally, colleges want to ensure applicants are familiar with and committed to the program. The best personal statements fulfill these goals, often in 700 words or less.

Does this sound like a tall order? Here are some tips for getting it right.

Six Tips for Writing a Stellar Engineering School Personal Statement

1. Do the research

It may sound simplistic, but one of the most important (and often overlooked) steps toward getting into the right school is taking the time to research a prospective engineering program, review its admissions policies and—this cannot be overstated—read and reread its application essay prompt. Candidates who don’t sufficiently answer an institution’s question or convey some misunderstanding about the prompt or its expectations are unlikely to be admitted.

Prospective students completing the Common Application should take the time to contact each engineering school they are applying to inquire about additional admissions requirements. The Princeton Review emphasizes that a personal statement should not repeat a previously discussed part of your application, nor should its information contradict another part.

2. Go deep, not broad

Personal statement prompts tend to be targeted. Engineering schools want to know what specific qualities or experiences make each student a good fit for their programs. Common inquiries include recalling a time you solved a problem, explaining why you applied, describing your academic goals and intentions, and addressing any extenuating circumstances that might have impacted your school record. Rather than offering a broad synopsis of your life, choose the experience or intent most relevant to the question and explore it in depth.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate School offers advice for writing an in-depth personal statement for engineering schools using the “qualified match” approach. The steps include:

  • Make a statement that fits the essay prompt, like “I am a dedicated and hard-working student.”
  • Quantify your statement with specific details about your life. You might, for example, discuss how many hours per week you spend on school work and how you overcome any obstacles to committing that time.
  • Interpret how those details make you a stronger applicant. To continue with the above example, that might include writing about the knowledge you gained during your studies, your time-management skills, your passion for learning, and your commitment to succeed despite challenges.

3. Be relevant

If a personal statement has only one goal, it is to be shown to a review committee that you are the right fit for its school. That’s why applicants to Stanford University’s Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering are asked to specify their personal and professional goals in their statement of purpose, as well as discuss their developments and intentions for study and life beyond their doctoral program.

Read the mission statements of each program to get a feel for what they are looking for and keep that in mind as you write. Rather than getting carried away detailing the hours you log volunteering each week, discuss experiences and activities as they relate to your academic and career goals or scientific interests. Also, be sure not to waste valuable ink rehashing information available elsewhere on your application, such as extracurricular activities or your stellar GPA.

4. Avoid gimmicks and cliches

Did you love playing with Legos as a kid? Did those plastic bricks lay the foundation for your drive to be an engineer? If so, the College of Engineering at the University of Washington suggests you are in good company, but not in a good way. Every year, the committee reads personal essays on how Legos were the building blocks of a student's career in engineering.

To stand out, engineering school applicants should avoid using cliches in their statements. Of course, setting yourself apart from other applicants is imperative, but you must do so in a meaningful and unique way. Admissions review panels have seen it all and are unlikely to be moved by creative gimmicks and attention-grabbers that do not get to the heart of what makes you a great candidate.

5. Mind your mechanics

This tip refers more to the mechanics of writing than any scientific drive, though the latter undoubtedly has a place in an engineering school personal statement. Remember when we said one of the goals of college essays is verifying applicants can communicate effectively? Applicants should consider the following elements as they prepare their outline (more on that next):

  • Voice – Is your voice appropriate for the task? Is it too formal or casual? Are you using active language rather than passive and wishy-washy statements? Do you come across as academic?
  • Structure – Do your ideas flow logically and support one main idea? If you are unsure where to start, know that following the reliable five-paragraph essay format is perfectly acceptable: introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a tidy conclusion.
  • Length – Engineering schools usually have a good reason for requesting personal statements with a specific word count. Those that are too short have too little to say, and those that are too long are likely to repeat the same concepts.
  • Grammar – College students are expected to know and use basic grammar. Edit, edit, and then edit again.
  • Completeness – Have you addressed the admissions essay prompt in full? What about any supplemental school or department-specific requests?

6. Edit, edit, edit

Writing a personal statement may seem like a herculean task, so it is tempting to push it aside when you type that final period and not look back. This is a mistake—and perhaps the biggest one you can make. Sometimes we get so caught up in our thoughts and ideas that we miss lapses in our writing, whether grammatical or contextual. To avoid this:

  • Begin with an outline.
  • Write the first draft.
  • Write a second draft.
  • Read the essay out loud.
  • Review your essay again a day or two later.
  • Ask parents, friends, teachers, and others to read your work.

There is never any excuse for typos, and even the slightest error can turn a committee review member off. Ask a friend or family member to review your essay for grammatical mistakes when in doubt. It may be intimidating, but the process is an excellent way to identify missing words or ideas. What's more, applicants today are blessed with the power of technology. Online tools like Grammarly are free to use and quickly catch any glaring typos.

Starting Your Engineering School Admissions Essay

One of the biggest challenges to writing a stellar college essay is simply getting started in the first place. Personal statements are, by design, personal, and that can be intimidating. Applicants also put significant pressure on themselves to write the perfect essay.

Fortunately, many colleges try to ease the burden by providing tips online. Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab offers examples of successful personal statements. Some engineering schools even post examples of successful personal statements, including MIT , Johns Hopkins University , and Cornell University . While your essay should be wholly original, these resources can guide you through creating a unique and inspirational narrative to impress admissions committees.

Aimee Hosler

Aimee Hosler is a long-time journalist specializing in education and technology. She is an advocate for experiential learning among all ages and serves as the director of communications for a non-profit community makerspace. She holds a degree in journalism from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.


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Free Essay About Mechanical Engineering

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Engineering , Workplace , Manufacture , Experience , Design , Development , Skills , Profession

Words: 1800

Published: 12/03/2019


Section I. Define the selected engineering field including areas of expertise in the field and types of work done.

The field I have chosen is mechanical engineering. It is interesting for me, as it represents application of the physics and materials science principles for design, analysis, maintenance and manufacturing of mechanical systems (“Mechanical Engineering” n.d.). In this branch mechanical power and heat are produced and used for production, design and operation of tools and machines. It is also known to be among the oldest engineering disciplines with particularly broad scope of interest. Mechanical engineers design and develop everything that can be classified as a machine, which is why their profession is extremely interesting and important for the development of our society and the world science as well. Moreover, design of the other products is also influenced by them, such as production of light bulbs, shoes and doors. Due to the vast scope of work, there are different specializations engineers can choose, the most popular of them being robotics, automotive/transportation, manufacturing and air conditioning. The main areas of expertise in this field are kinematics, mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, and structural analysis (“Engineers” n.d.). The core principles are used along with special tools, such as product lifecycle management and computer-aided engineering. If they are properly applied, it become possible to analyze and design medical devices, industrial machinery and equipment, cooling and heating systems, manufacturing plants, aircraft, transport systems, robotics, watercraft, etc. The field of mechanical engineering started its development in the 18th century, when Europe was facing the industrial revolution, but the first traces of it can be found several thousand years ago all around the world. In the 19th century it emerged as a science along with the powerful developments in the field of physics. Since that time mechanical engineering has undergone numerous changes, as due to its nature it has to constantly incorporate the latest developments in technology. In the USA the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has been functioning since 1880, which makes it the third professional engineering organization after the American Institute of Mining Engineers (1871) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (1852) (“ASME History” n.d.). Mechanical engineering courses at schools were first introduced in 1817 (the US Military Academy), and since that time education in this field has had a strong science and mathematics basis. Mechanical engineering degrees are offered throughout the world and mostly they take four to five years, resulting in B.Sc, B.ScEng, B.Tech, B.Eng or B.A.Sc. In the USA the majority of programs are accredited by ABET – the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, owing to which similar course requirements are observed throughout the country. According to ABET, mechanical engineering students have to work professionally both in mechanical and thermal systems areas. The courses students have to take usually differ according to the specific program, but the fundamental subjects usually remain the same: measurement and instrumentation; dynamics and statics; electrotechnology; solid mechanics and strength of materials; mechanism design (including dynamics and kinematics); manufacturing engineering, processes or technology; automotive engines, combustion, fuels; pneumatics and hydraulics and others. Section II. List specific core (junior and/or senior) courses which are of the most interest to you and why. Also include three schools which offer the program. In order to become a successful mechanical engineer, it is necessary to become proficient in many different areas, and among them there are those that are the most important for successful professional development. In the course there are certain core subjects that I particularly enjoy and I am sure that my interest in them will make the studying path easier and more pleasant to me. As of today, one of my favorite subjects is classical physics. It is practically impossible to become a mechanical engineer without strong background in the area of physics. My interest in this subject was one of the main reasons why I have chosen mechanical engineering as the work of my life. Another subject that I particularly enjoy is mathematics. I like the fact that in this science it is very important to apply logical reasoning and every solution of problem improves my skills, which is why it is evident that what I do brings particular results. I understand that I have to work on my skills a lot to become a good engineer and I will try to do my best to succeed in this field. Also I like the courses that are directly related to the field of engineering, like engineering problem solving. When attending them and getting to know more and more about my chosen field, I see how I develop as professional and how interesting it will be for me to graduate and apply my knowledge in practice. Today there are many different schools that offer mechanical engineering programs, each of them having its own advantages and drawbacks. Among the most popular ones there are Stanford (“Stanford Mechanical Engineering” n.d.), Berkeley’s College of Engineering (“Berkeley Mechanical Engineering” n.d.) and Mechanical Engineering Department at Columbia (“Mechanical Engineering Department Overview” n.d.).

Section III. Typical salaries and three different position descriptions including education/experience requirements for selected engineering field.

In the field of mechanical engineering salaries vary on the basis of the same factors, as in the other professional area. Work experience and the size of the company influence it greatly and there are also differences between different states and cities. Average salary in the USA is $44,518-$85,045, the size of bonuses is usually between $509 and $9,854. The starting salary is $39,403-$66,195. If a person has 1 to 4 years of experience, it increases to $43,220-$72,178; between 5 and 9 years – to $50,744-$85,840; between 10 and 19 years – to $52,312-$102,451. If work experience exceeds 20 years, then the salary is between $58,527 and $127,734. Salaries are usually higher in companies with a large number of employees (if there are more than 50,000 employees, the salary is between $52,465 and $96,413, while in a small company with 10-49 employees it is $40,998-$78,834) (“Salary for Mechanical Engineer Jobs” 2011). As an example of job positions in this field, I decided to review and analyze the following ones: Design Engineer at Volkswagen of America, Mechanical Engineer at Corning and Facilities Manager at Miscrosoft. The first position at Volkswagen presupposes development of technical and design solutions that can assist drivers in convenient, safe and intelligent interaction with in-vehicle information (“Design engineer” n.d.). At Corning the position is focused on implementation of cost effective and robust automation and process machine systems at the company’s plants (“Mechanical engineer” n.d.). Facilities manager at Microsoft will be responsible for proper execution of all the activities related to maintaining and building utilities that are necessary for uninterrupted Digital services and other spheres of the company’s work (“Facilities manager job” n.d.). All the positions require profound skills that are necessary for successful work in this sphere, as well as perfect command of the modern software packages and computers on the whole. BS/MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering are also obligatory. Section IV. Answers to the following four questions from an interview (face-to-face, phone, or email) with an engineer. You must provide the contact information for this person. You may add additional questions to this list.

Interview was conducted via email with one of mechanical engineers in the Hewlett-Packard Company – Paul Hughes ().

a) What is your position title, product(s) description, and how long have you been an engineer? Hi, I have been working as a mechanical engineer at the Hewlett-Packard Company for 5 years already and I enjoy my work very much owing to a welcoming an facilitating atmosphere created in the office and interesting tasks I get every day. Before HP I worked as an engineer for 8 years and graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Texas with MS degree. At HP I am responsible for dynamic and static design and analysis of mechanical equipment, systems and packages. b) What is a typical day like? What are the four or five tasks you spend the most time on? I try to make every day of my work the most productive and interesting. Thus, I can say that the first important task that I complete on a daily basis is planning of my day. In this way I can manage my time effectively. Then, I prioritize my tasks and start competing them one by one. Also every day I try to allocate some time for developing of my skills, getting to know about the latest developments in my field of expertise. Another important activity is meeting with my supervisors who analyze my work. At the end of each day I analyze what I succeeded to do and what failed and on the basis of this analysis I draw up a rough plan for the next day. c) What are the best and worst things about your being an engineer? The best thing, to my mind, is that I enjoy what I do greatly and that I cope with what I have to do perfectly. That makes me really proud of myself. The worst thing is maybe that I will not be able to find out everything I want, as there is no time for everything – I have to follow my plan. d) Any advice for a freshman engineering student? The best advice that I have also received when I started working in this field: enjoy your life and profession and never waste your time doing unnecessary things. It is extremely important to value your time, so make sure that you learn how to plan your time and prioritize activities. IT will help you in all the spheres of life, not only in the professional area.

Works Cited

“ASME History.” ASME, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2011. “Berkeley Mechanical Engineering.” Berkeley, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2011. “Design Engineer.” Volkswagen, n.d. Web. 12 Oct 2011. “Engineers.” Bureau of Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. “Facilities Manager Job.” Miscrosoft, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. “Mechanical Engineering.” Dictionary, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. “Mechanical Engineering Department Overview.” Columbia, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2011. “Mechanical Engineer.” Corning, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. “Salary for Mechanical Engineer Jobs.” PayScale, 10 Oct. 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. “Stanford Mechanical Engineering.” Stanford, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2011.


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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Dream Career — My Career Plan: Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering: Career Goals and My Plan

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Published: Feb 8, 2022

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Why I want to be a Mechanical Engineer (essay)

Works cited.

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (n.d.). Careers in mechanical engineering. Retrieved from
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics. (n.d.). Occupational outlook handbook: Mechanical engineers. Retrieved from
  • Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (2005). Understanding student differences. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 57-72.
  • Michigan State University. (n.d.). College of Engineering.
  • National Society of Professional Engineers. (n.d.). Licensure for engineers. Retrieved from
  • Occupational Information Network. (n.d.). Mechanical engineers.
  • Pechenik, J. A. (2004). A short guide to writing about biology (5th ed.). Longman.
  • Reid, R. D., & Petocz, P. (2004). Strategic learning in first-year engineering. European Journal of Engineering Education, 29(2), 191-200.
  • Shertzer, A., Stone, S., & Lampert, C. (2018). Technical writing for success (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Psychologists.

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mechanical school essay

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Sample Personal Statement Mechanical Engineering (USC, Imperial)

mechanical school essay

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

An NYU’s senior applied to 7 top Mechanical Engineering grad programs in the US and the UK and got into all but one. He spent nearly a month writing the perfect personal statement that he used to apply to top schools. Variations of this personal statement got accepted to Stanford University, Imperial College London, University of Texas A&M and UCLA. He has graciously shared his personal statement so that prospective applicants can benefit from it.

Sample Personal Statement Mechanical Engineering

I am eager to pursue a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering to deepen my knowledge in engineering design, mechanics, and analysis. My research interests are primarily driven by my life aspirations, dynamic undergraduate experience, and professional mechanical engineering expertise. Given my credentials, I firmly believe that I resonate with core values at [Name of School] and I will make an ideal candidate for this institution.

I cannot agree more with Dorothy Parker’s quote: “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity”, as I have always been a curious soul and things that pique my interest stays with me forever. I remember the first time I watched a dense network of nuts and bolts in my dad’s car engine. I could not look away. The tiny moving objects aroused an unquenchable curiosity in me. Logically, I entered college as a major in sciences, eyes widened by the boundless world of science I had just begun to get to know. 

I did my undergraduate in mechanical engineering, where I was engaged in research about combustion, machine design, mechanics of materials and computer-aided engineering. Through this coursework, I developed a basic understanding of a breadth of theoretical areas of mechanical engineering and their socioeconomic applications. However, what I enjoyed most about being a mechanical engineer was developing my ideas through coursework and discussing them with my peers outside the classroom.

Outside the classroom, my advocacy for innovative ideas was well rewarded when the Student Section Enterprise Team (SSET) in ASME International, based in New York, elected me as the Student Regional Chair (SRC) – a prized position among mechanical engineers’ community all around the globe. So naturally, I was also the Chairperson for my own Campus’s ASME chapter, which I had laid the ground for in my sophomore year. I was elated to know that ASME International and my department showed trust in me, which I fulfilled in its true spirit. As a chairperson, I managed high-powered university-level competitions and conferences to induce collective synergies of mechanical engineers from all over the country. I also took the self-initiative of developing my juniors’ interpersonal skills and arranged several professional development competitions.

Based on my performance in class and leadership abilities as an ASME chair, I was selected by my university to work with the national defence authorities in designing a mechanically simple yet multipurpose unmanned ground vehicle for my final year project. I was mainly selected because I had a firm grip over software packages involving calibrations and simulations. 

The simple thought of working for the defence authorities excited me as it was an honour to work on such a classified project.

This assignment was my first formal parametric study in mechanical engineering, which was a thorough scientific investigation. As I became proficient in many programs and databases, notably through these packages, the calibrations I proposed for the vehicle were well received by my professors. Later, the defence authorities developed an actual model on those parameters. My final year project was the catalyst that sparked a passion for studying vehicles and vehicle designs, and I actively looked for careers in top automobile firms in my country.

I found an ideal opportunity to start my career as a management trainee in the Development and Quality Assurance Department at Tesla Inc. During my brief stint of three months at Tesla Inc., I was introduced to the vast world of manufacturing techniques employed in the automotive sector. As a trainee engineer, I optimized methods to get the least number of defective parts per million. The more I was involved in optimization, the more I developed a desire to understand design mechanics, which could be engineered to reduce energy consumption. As luck would have it, during one of the events organized by ASME, I was a keynote speaker at a panel involving energy consumption. In the same panel, the CEO of Chevron Corporation took notice of my ideas. After the event, he encouraged me to work at Chevron and work on my proposed fluid design and mechanics ideas to reduce energy consumption.

It was an honor to be offered a job at Chevron, which I duly accepted. As an associate manager for the past 18 months at Chevron, I’ve developed a dynamic skill set around supply chain, projects and maintenance departments. Through my work in these departments, I have honed my data analytics and the ability to draw meaningful inferences from raw data. I have also become adept at management related to engineering practices. I have strived to increase my knowledge base at Chevron by constantly exploring Maintenance & Operation manuals. Through these manuals, I have bolstered my knowledge of Turbo-machinery, Engineering Materials, Machine Design and Fluid Mechanics. 

Although my professional trajectory is burgeoning, while working hand to hand with the Engineering Design department, I strongly resonated with celebrated sportscaster Vin Scully when he famously said: “Good is not good enough when better is expected.” I felt that although my four-year undergraduate coursework provided a baseline theoretical knowledge, I needed to hone my learning and practical exposure to further my passion in the area.  During my work with this department, I was commissioning a new gas processing facility and felt way behind in design and problem-solving scenarios. I particularly struggled with interpreting compressor and prime mover big data. I realized that if I had a more advanced knowledge base in mechanical design and engineering information modelling, I would have been able to give better theoretically sound solutions and help with process optimization. Given these technical handicaps, I strongly feel the need to upgrade my current knowledge base through a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. 

While searching for programs that match my research interests and professional experience, the Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from [Name of School] tops my list for its numerous attractions. Firstly, the prospects of studying at [Name of School] are fascinating because of its location in California, the hub of tech-based research in the U.S., like driverless vehicles etc., and numerous opportunities for internships in world-leading firms. Secondly, [Name of School] satiates my desire to study in schools with top-notch faculty specializing in areas where I want to further my research. I am particularly excited about working with Ivan Bermejo Moreno and Julian A. Domaradzki on crucial research areas such as computational fluid mechanics and high-performance computing.

Thirdly, by taking courses related to engineering analysis and engineering design modules at [Name of School] , I am looking forward to gleaning more information on methods of Finite Element Analysis coupled with Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics. I want to learn more about mechanical system design concerning tribology. Ideally, I would like to further my current tribological research of skid vehicles by calibrating it to be adaptive to the implications of environmental, cost and safety issues. 

Lastly, having been a chairperson of an elite group of mechanical engineers, I am looking forward to enhancing my leadership capabilities. I genuinely believe that [Name of School] student-led design teams make this program stand out among other programs as they are an ideal platform where I can test and enhance the capabilities of my prototype vehicle and put it for wide-scale use. I am confident that the above-outlined graduate degree plan and vibrant opportunities at [Name of School] will accelerate my career growth after my master’s degree. 

After completing my master’s program, I want to start my career as a mechanical design engineer in a top engineering design company such as Stantec. As a design engineer, I want to work on different global projects and provide design engineering solutions to a portfolio of industries for their needs. Various projects for other industries would give me new challenges each time and thus help me gain experience to evolve my skills. Leading design firms worldwide will help me get up-to-date with the latest tools with their training programs focusing on continuous professional development. I am confident that [Name of School] brand image, dynamic coursework grounded in its state-of-the-art research facilities and renowned faculty will be an ideal conduit for achieving my career goals. I will continue to work in the field of mechanical engineering with the same curiosity that was sparked in me when I first saw the engine parts of my dad’s car.


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A simple bridge truss was the first structure I ever analyzed. The simple combination of beams that could hold cars, trains, and trucks over long spans of water fascinated me. Having the tools to analyze the loads on the truss further increased my interest in structures. I encountered the bridge in a textbook for my first engineering class.

Knowing that the professor, Mr. John Doe, was a tough teacher, I asked him for the textbook so I could study and get ready for the class over the summer. Just arrived from Belize, I was determined to succeed. In class we learned about forces on simple members and then we put the members together to form a simple truss. At this point I had almost decided that structural engineering was the career for me. From there the class just took off: We went on to frames, distributed loads, considered friction; basically we were incorporating real world considerations into structural members. I loved the practical, problem solving aspects of the field.

At UC my classes were even more advanced. In my analysis and design classes, I especially enjoyed studying steel design because we not only learned the use of the load resistance factor design but also applied that knowledge — I designed a four-story building. The professor was a practicing engineer, and he always related the subject to real life steel structures he had engineered, for example, the SB Medical Center, an all steel building with a base isolated campus. This is the kind of project on which I would like to work, designing the structure and considering how the building will respond to ground motion. After two quarters of structural analysis, I had come as close as possible to analyzing real world structures. Looking back I realize, I had learned great tools for structural analysis, but my "tool box" was still inadequate. I lacked a very important tool: finite element analysis. According to my professor, finite element analysis has revolutionized structural analysis.

Although I liked my classes, my internship experiences really confirmed my interest in structural engineering. While working at Caltrans as a student volunteer, I reviewed computer grading output for streets under construction. The computer suggested numbers for the road grading, and I had to plot the numbers and make sure there were no abrupt grade changes so the water can drain off easily to the sides of the road. It was exciting to know that I was the last checkpoint before the whole project went for approval. It was enjoyable working on something real — Main Street — but I was somewhat disappointed I did not have the chance to work on any structures.

At UC I volunteered through the Student Research Program to work in the geotechnical library. I worked directly with a doctoral student and helped him to develop a geotechnical data base for the local area. I interpreted the data Caltrans had collected and recorded it in a form accessible to the computer and easy to read. It took hours to finish the job, but I enjoyed the precision involved so I did not mind putting in the time. My supervisor liked my work so much, he hired me to continue the project during the summer. Working on this project also showed me the importance of soils in determining buildings’ responses to earthquakes and awakened my interest in the response of skyscrapers to seismic stress and movement.

At First Choice U, I plan to enroll in the structural engineering and geomechanics program. In this program I hope to draw on my structural analysis and geotechnical research background as a foundation for studying more advanced concepts. I am particularly interested in researching the ties between the structural engineering, geomechanics, and applied mechanics. I believe research is necessary to acquire data and formulate theories, but it is just as important to know how to apply those theories and use that data in the real world. I hope to be involved in some structurally related research at First Choice U. I am particularly interested in two research facilities: The Structures and Composites Laboratory and the Earthquake Engineering Center.

After completing my degree in engineering and working on engineering projects, I know I want to design structures. That is what has fascinated me since I took Mr. Doe’s class. I also know, however, that designing structures of a complexity that appeals to me requires "more tools in my toolbox." Those I can acquire only by continuing my education. To be competent and competitive I will need a masters degree. After completing my degree, I would like to work for an American engineering consulting firm and engineer complex structures and tall buildings, perhaps focusing on the problems surrounding designing for earthquakes. My long-term goals are to return to Belize and found my own engineering consulting firm there.

Structural engineering will allow me to pursue a career where I can be creatively involved in problem-solving and design functional structures, like the simple truss bridge that initially captivated me in Mr. Doe’s class. My classes, work at Caltrans, and internship in geotechnical engineering have increased my knowledge of and interest in structural engineering since I first looked at the textbook shortly after my arrival in the U.S. A masters degree will give me the up-to-date tools and knowledge to be competitive and competent.

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Essay Questions For Each Major

Provided below are the personal statement prompts used for each specific engineering major. Students are encouraged to use these prompts to begin drafting their personal statements.

Aeronautics & Astronautics

Aeronautics & astronautics question.

The personal statement (approximately one page, single-spaced) should describe your interest in Aeronautics & Astronautics. Explain why you would like to study in the department, your goals while in the undergraduate program, and some ideas of what you would like to do after graduation. Our department strives to understand prospective students in a holistic manner. Please include any experiences (e.g., work, internship, research, leadership, or extracurricular activities) that will give us a better understanding of your academic interests, professional goals, and personal experiences. If your experiences have given you a unique perspective that you believe will add to our student body you may choose to include that in your statement. Similarly, if you have encountered any unusual or extenuating circumstances that have affected your education, you may wish to include that information as well. The information you provide in your personal statement will help the A&A Undergraduate Admissions Committee learn about you. We look forward to receiving your application.

Bioengineering Question #1

Please write a brief personal statement (approximately one page, single-spaced for all prompts) addressing the following questions:

1. Tell us what aspect of bioengineering you are most interested in pursuing. How have you explored this interest, and how has this led to your decision to apply to the bioengineering major?

Bioengineering question #2, 2. tell us more about your personal and academic journey and how you have grown during your college career. describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, have contributed to the social good and a better world and/or will do so in the bioengineering program and in your career., bioengineering question #3, 3. additional materials (optional): applicants may petition the admissions committee for consideration if they are missing one or two prerequisite courses or if they plan to add bioengineering as a second degree. if you have been approved to apply with missing admission requirements or if you are interested in pursuing a double-degree, please provide additional information here., bioresource science and engineering, bioresource science & engineering question.

Personal Statement Write a brief, 1 page personal statement that will give the Bioresource Science and Engineering departmental admissions committee a better understanding of your background. Your statement must include your reasons for choosing Bioresource Science and Engineering, and your career objectives. You may also include other factors such as personal, family, economic and educational circumstances. Honors and Activities Please include a list of school, work or community honors and activities if applicable. Please indicate your most significant contribution, the organization name (if appropriate), and dates of service/award.

Chemical Engineering Question

Write a brief personal statement (approx. 1 single-spaced page). Formatting will be removed, so do not use special characters, italics, or other formatting. Proofread. Be concise.

We suggest you respond to the first question in the list, regarding your interests and goals. You can choose to address any combination of, including none or all of the additional topics in your personal statement - the admission committee uses this statement to better understand you as a person, your academic record, and your interest in chemical engineering:

  • Discuss your academic and personal interests and goals.
  • Discuss how your personal experiences prepare you to solve problems in diverse teams, and for a diverse world.
  • Discuss any activities/extracurriculars you are particularly committed to (ChemE-related or not), why you are involved in these activities, and the skills or insights you gained that you will bring into your future work.
  • Describe any challenges or hardships you have overcome in pursuing your education. For example: serious illness; disability; first generation in your family to attend college; significant financial hardship or responsibilities associated with balancing work, family, and school. Include how you persevered, and how the experience(s) impacted yourself or your education.

Additionally, please address the following if they are applicable to you:

  • If you have applied to ChemE before, please discuss what has changed or improved since your last application.
  • If you plan to complete more than one major, please provide an intellectual or career justification for the double-degree.
  • If you will take more than 4 years to graduate, please briefly explain why and discuss your plan for graduating efficiently.

Civil Engineering Question

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering The purpose of the personal statement is to give the departmental admissions committee a better understanding of your interest in this program. Write a brief statement (approximately one page, single-spaced) telling us about your motivation for majoring in Civil Engineering, the experiences (e.g. work, research, leadership, or extracurricular) that are important to you, and your future goals. If you have faced unusual or extenuating circumstances, you may wish to discuss this in your personal statement. For example, if you have had to overcome significant obstacles (medical, financial, cultural or personal) to reach where you are now, you could describe how these challenges affected your education and impacted your academic record. If you are requesting to apply conditionally with a missing application or enrollment requirement, please review the process for a Conditional Application and complete the request form at your earliest convenience. Applicants who are approved to apply conditionally must address it in their personal statement when and where the outstanding course(s) will be completed.

Environmental Engineering Question

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering The purpose of the personal statement is to give the departmental admissions committee a better understanding of your interest in this program. Write a brief statement (approximately one page, single-spaced) telling us about your motivation for majoring in Environmental Engineering, the experiences (e.g. work, research, leadership, or extracurricular) that are important to you, and your future goals. If you have faced unusual or extenuating circumstances, you may wish to discuss this in your personal statement. For example, if you have had to overcome significant obstacles (medical, financial, cultural or personal) to reach where you are now, you could describe how these challenges affected your education and impacted your academic record. If you are requesting to apply conditionally with a missing application or enrollment requirement, please review the process for a Conditional Application and complete the request form at your earliest convenience. Applicants who are approved to apply conditionally must address in the personal statement when and where the outstanding course(s) will be completed.

Computer Science & Engineering

Computer engineering question #1.

Please address all the required topics below. The response under each heading should be no more than 250 words.

  • Tell us about your college career to date, describing your performance, educational path, and academic choices.
  • Share what led you to choose to study Computer Science or Computer Engineering.
  • Explain any situations that may have had a significant positive or negative impact on your academic progress or curricular choices. What happened, and what was the impact for you?
  • Transfer applicants only: What are the specific reasons you wish to leave your most recent college/university or program?

Computer Engineering Question #2

  • Tell us about your future academic goals in college and your career and/or post-graduation plans.
  • How will the Allen School help you achieve your goals?
  • If you plan to pursue more than one major, tell us why both majors are important to you (if applicable).
  • If you will take more than 4 years to graduate, please briefly explain why and discuss your plan for graduating efficiently (if applicable).
  • Transfer applicants only: Why do you want to transfer to UW?

Computer Engineering Question #3

  • Tell us about any significant communities that you are actively involved with or have recently been a part of within the past two years, and your role in them.
  • Why are you involved in these communities?
  • How did these communities benefit from your involvement? Emphasize in particular any leadership roles or impact you have had in these communities.
  • What perspectives, skills, or insights will you bring to the Allen School community or future work as a result of your participation in these communities?

Computer Engineering Question #4

  • Tell us about how any of your identities, perspectives, or life experiences would help you contribute to the Allen School community and the computing field. This could include but is not limited to: race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ability/disability, age, socioeconomic background, academic experience, and veteran status.
  • Describe any significant responsibilities you may have in addition to being a student (e.g. parenting responsibilities, work, familial responsibilities). What impact has this had on your college experience?

Computer Science Question #1

(Same as Computer Engineering above)

Computer Science Question #2

Computer science question #3, computer science question #4, electrical & computer engineering question.

Prior to applying to the ECE major, please review the ECE Admissions page. Prospective students are also strongly encouraged to attend an information session prior to applying to the ECE major.

The personal statement (approximately one page, single-spaced) should describe your interest in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Explain why you would like to study in the department, your goals while in the undergraduate program, and some ideas of what you would like to do after graduation.

Please include any experiences (e.g., work, internship, research, leadership, extracurricular activities, community, personal, etc.) that will give us a better understanding of your academic interests, professional goals, and personal journey.

If you would like to address or clarify anything particular in your transcripts/academic record, such as challenges or hardships you have overcome that have impacted your education, you have the option to use the “Additional Comments” section to briefly explain this.

Human Centered Design & Engineering Question

Prior to applying to the HCDE major, please review the HCDE BS admission FAQs . NEW: The HCDE BS admission personal statement rubric is now available on the HCDE website. See the FAQs for Transfers and Interest Changers on our HCDE BS admission page . Prospective students are also strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment with an HCDE peer adviser prior to applying to the HCDE major.

Please provide a personal statement that will give the admissions committee an understanding of how you have explored HCDE and determined that majoring in HCDE will be the best fit for your goals. Your personal statement should include numbered responses to each of the 3 following prompts: 1. Please describe the specific activities you have engaged in to learn more about HCDE, including, but not limited to: involvement in student organizations, research, internships, projects, volunteer work, courses, or personal experiences that have helped you identify HCDE as the best fit for your interests and goals for the future. 2. Share instances from your past academic experiences that best show your ability to learn and succeed. What about these experiences contributed to your success, and how will you build on those experiences in HCDE? Please do not share information of a sensitive, traumatic, or private nature. 3. You should also discuss how your personal experiences prepare you to work successfully in diverse and interdisciplinary teams, and toward a more human-centered world. How will your identities, perspectives, and life experiences help you contribute to the HCDE community and the field?

Juniors/seniors only: Please note that the HCDE curriculum takes a minimum of 2 years to complete. If you will be applying to the HCDE major at the end of your junior year or later, please use the “Additional Comments” box in the application to briefly share why you are deciding to change your major, add another degree, or do not yet have another major in progress. Describe the reasons why you will need to extend your graduation timeline beyond 4 years/12 quarters and why this is the best path for meeting your individual academic and career goals.

Your application will be read by the HCDE B.S. admissions committee, which is composed of HCDE faculty and staff members. We suggest using specific examples in your statement and limiting it to approximately one page, single-spaced; this comes out to be roughly 750 words.

Industrial Engineering Question

Write a brief personal statement (approx. 1 page) that will give the departmental admissions committee a better understanding of your interest in this program. You may wish to describe your experiences (e.g., work, research, leadership, or extracurricular) that have been important to you. Also, you may wish to discuss any unusual circumstances that may contribute to a better understanding of your record, or any personal hardship or barriers you have faced, and explain how they affected your education.

Materials Science & Engineering Question

MSE has removed the personal statement requirement for the 2023-24 admissions cycle. Please write, "N/A" in the essay submission box and complete the rest of the application and documentation requirements.

Mechanical Engineering Question

Write a brief personal statement (approximately one page, single-spaced) that will give the departmental admissions committee a better understanding of your interest in this program. You may wish to describe your experiences (e.g. work, research, leadership, or extracurricular) that have been important to you. You may also use the personal statement to discuss any unusual or extenuating circumstances that may contribute to a better understanding of your record. For example, if you have overcome significant obstacles (medical, financial, cultural or personal) to reach where you are now, you may describe them in the essay.

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Mechanical Engineering Profession Essay (Critical Writing)

Text for the general public, text for elementary-aged children, text for graduates/professionals.

Keeping in consideration the fact that not all the people are well educated to understand the nuances of mechanical engineering, the text of this paragraph has been kept as moderate as possible. Simple language has been used, and the sentences have been kept short. The examples mentioned in the text have been taken from everyday life that people are aware of. The text is as follows:

Each one of us is probably familiar with the word ‘mechanic.’ We all know that he is the one who repairs our faulty implements, vehicles, electronic items, etc. So we know that a mechanic is a person who repairs machines. Similarly, mechanical engineering also deals with machines. But it is not only for repairing purposes. Machines are created with the help of mechanical engineering. From the smallest things (such as toys, door latches, etc.) to the biggest things (such as space ships, airplanes, trains, etc.) are all wonders of mechanical engineering.

So basically, mechanical engineering can be defined as a stream of engineering that deals with anything and everything that moves and is made by humankind. Mechanical engineering can be found in all walks of life like refrigeration, manufacturing, energy production and conversion, vehicles, aerospace, medical equipment, etc.

The history of mechanical engineering can be traced back to early Greece and Chinese civilizations. During that era, mechanical engineering was involved in numerous things such as pumps, engines, clocks, etc. But mechanical engineering became a separate field with the advent of the industrial revolution in the world.

To become a mechanical engineer, a student has to obtain a degree BSc in mechanical engineering. The usual duration of the course is four years, after which the student becomes a mechanical engineer. If it is feasible for the student, he/she can do further specialized studies in a field of his/her choice. Else, jobs are available for graduate mechanical engineers as well. Most of the companies engaged in manufacturing require mechanical engineers. So mechanical engineering is a great field to pursue.

It is commonly understood that the participation of children in commercial fairs is not much, but even though the number is less, this group of visitors is the most enthusiastic and eager to learn. After all, they are our future engineers, astronauts, doctors, etc. So keeping this into consideration, the following paragraphs have been written in a manner to enable the children to understand the concept of mechanical engineering in a playful manner.

The language has been kept very simple and the examples included in the text relate to their childhood and their fantasies. It is quite possible that they get impressed and inspired by what they see, and their future is nurtured here. Following is the text:

While at leisure, there might be several questions popping up in your minds. Why is it that only children have to go to school? Why do our parents work? If elders don’t go to school, then why do teachers come to school? Why is my father an engineer, and my friend’s father is a doctor? Well, children, the answer is very simple. There is a time for everything. Now is the time for you to study well so that when you grow up, you also become an engineer or a doctor. And as far as grownups doing different professions are concerned, it is a person’s choice of what he/she wants to become in life. He/she has to study hard to achieve that aim. Today, when you see the wonders of mechanical engineering, it is quite possible that one day you too will be successful mechanical engineers.

Mechanical engineering is a science that makes things move. Your toys, such as cars, trucks, catapults, building bots, ballistics, etc. are all wonders of mechanical engineering. Have you ever thought about how does a doll dance when you wind the key? Well, there’s a spring coil inside the doll that gets tightened when you wind the key. When you release the key, the spring starts rewinding, and since the spring is attached to the doll, it also moves in a dancing manner.

It was a small example. There are many more complicated machines (such as heavy machinery, airplanes, ships, power projects, etc.) that you can learn if you choose to become a mechanical engineer. Even the kitchen equipment, the air conditioners, the washing machines at your homes work on the principles of mechanical engineering.

Graduates and professionals who want to change their profession and want to pursue careers in mechanical engineering are encouraged to do so. Considering the level of their education, the language of the following paragraphs has been kept scientific and the examples quoted are from complicated fields. But care has been taken that it is understood by the audience of this group. The text is as follows:

Mechanical engineering is a field of engineering that deals with various principles of science to examine, plan, create, and maintain different mechanical systems. A successful mechanical engineer has to be thorough with a wide range of concepts such as technicalities, kinematics, thermodynamics, power, etc. All these principles and concepts are put to use by mechanical engineers while designing heavy equipment such as aircraft, ships, vehicles, power plants, medical equipment, etc. another important requirement for being successful in mechanical engineering is teamwork. A single mechanical engineer cannot do wonders single-handedly. He/she has to work as a team.

Since mechanical engineering principles are crucial for practically everything that is made by humankind, it is the vastest and diverse field of engineering. Moreover, with the incessant inventions around the world, the proper update is a must.

Mechanical engineering needs certain abilities and skills that cannot be nurtured at once. Such skills can be attained through proper education and guidance. Students should enroll in specific programs in their schools. They should be proficient in mathematics and science. The art of conversation and communication is also an important factor because only then he/she will be able to perform as a team. Students can augment their knowledge by attending science fairs.

The content of the mechanical engineering course might differ from university to university, but the principles are the same. Some mechanical engineers prefer specializing in some particular fields such as aeronautical engineering, automotive engineering, etc. It is a good thing because recruiters of such fields will prefer the specialists. Doing a management course in addition to mechanical engineering can prove to be a shot in the arm. Knowing design software such as CAD, CAM, FMEA proves to be an added advantage.

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IvyPanda. (2021, February 21). Mechanical Engineering Profession.

"Mechanical Engineering Profession." IvyPanda , 21 Feb. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Mechanical Engineering Profession'. 21 February.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Mechanical Engineering Profession." February 21, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Mechanical Engineering Profession." February 21, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Mechanical Engineering Profession." February 21, 2021.

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Short Answer Essays

Short essay questions are required—post your responses in the application

AI for Product Innovation

  • In what way do you think artificial intelligence is (or will be) changing your field or industry?
  • Please tell us about your motivation for applying to the AI for Product Innovation graduate program or certificate – what do you hope to get out of the experience?
  • If you could apply AI to build anything to solve a significant problem in the world, what problem would you choose to solve and what might you build?

Biomedical Engineering

  • Why are you applying for the MEng program in biomedical engineering at Duke University?
  • How will the MEng program help you to achieve the next goal?
  • Why are you selecting the Duke MEng program over the Duke MS program?

Civil Engineering

  • What is your definition of personal success? 
  • How do you think the Master’s program at Duke University will help you on the path to success as you define it?

Climate & Sustainability Engineering

Computational mechanics & scientific computing, cybersecurity.

  • What activity or experience, not in your resume/CV, sets you apart from other Cyber applicants? (Note that “good grades” typically do not set candidates apart.)
  • What was the most complicated thing you’ve ever designed/built, either physical or virtual?  Please describe it here
  • In your opinion, what do you feel is the most pressing Cyber need or opportunity?  How do you see yourself addressing this?

Design & Technology Innovation

  • Tell us about a project you worked on (professional or personal) and walk us through how you leveraged design and innovation methods during it, for success or failure. Highlight and explain some key decisions you made throughout.
  • Describe what you hope to be working on in ten years. How and why do you think the program will help you achieve that?

Please select one of these principles and explain how you hope to contribute and grow regarding that principle at Duke.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • What have you done in the past that makes you well suited to the Duke ECE MEng program?
  • What is it about Duke's ECE MEng Program that attracted your attention and got you to apply?  What do you think you will be able to do with what you learn in the Duke ECE MEng program?
  • Also, if applicable, indicate your interest in attending as a part-time student

Environmental Engineering

Financial technology.

  • FinTech is all about creating new and innovative solutions, in your opinion what is the most creative fintech solution of the past 20 years and why do you consider it the most creative?
  • Often successful FinTech solutions are new, but sometimes they are new applications of existing solutions. What was the most creative solution to a problem that you’ve ever designed/built, either physical or virtual?  Please include details.
  • The emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms in recent years could cause significant changes to traditional banking systems and financial markets. These platforms operate on a blockchain, allowing for peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries. As a prospective Fintech graduate student, you are presented with the following hypothetical scenario

•    What would it look like if you were to design a bridge between this new DeFi platform and traditional financial institutions? The bridge should prioritize seamless integration and mutual growth for both sectors."

Game Design, Development & Innovation

  • Your unique perspectives, experiences and passions will impact the Masters in Game Design, Development, and Innovation program. How will you contribute to the diversity of the cohort, enhance the overall learning experience, and help the program grow?
  • What was the most complicated project, either physical or virtual, game or other project, that you’ve ever designed/built?  Describe any challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Please describe it here and, if applicable, include a link to an online portfolio, or feel free to provide a link to other media as part of your response.
  • What new technology or games do you hope to develop? How will this program help you reach your career aspirations?

Materials Science & Engineering

  • What was the most complicated thing you’ve ever designed/built, either physical or virtual?  Please describe it here and include a link to an online portfolio of your work or a well-labeled graphic as part of the response.
  • What do you think the most important problems engineers should solve are and why? How do you find yourself contributing to big ideas?
  • How do you feel Duke will assist you on your path to personal success and how will you contribute to the success of our community? Please give specific examples from what you have learned about our school.

Mechanical Engineering

Medical technology design.

  • Why are you applying for the Master of Engineering in MedTech Design?
  • How will the MEng program in MedTech Design help you to achieve your goals?
  • Please explain any experience you’ve had in design, either through coursework and internships.

Photonics & Optical Sciences

  • Why do you want to study photonics at Duke?
  • Why is the program right for you, and why are you right for the program?
  • How will Duke help you meet your future goals?

Risk Engineering


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Sample Essay from Admitted HBS Student: The Mechanical Engineer

This sample essay is from The Harbus MBA Essay Guide Summer 2016 Edition and is reprinted with permission from Harbus.

Author’s Home Country: United States of America Author’s Previous Industry/Profession: Operations consulting, operations management Author Gender: Male

Analysis: The author focuses his essay on two themes - his professional experience as an operations consultant and an experience which motivated him to go for an MBA. Through the essay, the author is able to highlight his professional skills, achievement as well as give a clear picture of his long-term career plans and his reasons for doing an MBA.

I’m [APPLICANT’S FIRST NAME] and I have journeyed here from the hallowed grounds of [APPLICANT’S U.S. NEW ENGLAND HOMETOWN], where I spent my formative years amid wild dreams of achieving greatness by setting world records and winning the Olympics. As I’ve hung up my [OLYMPIC SPORT’S TRADITIONAL SHOES] in favor of business shoes, those dreams have evolved into a desire to achieve greatness in a different arena. Today, my dream centers on helping companies leverage technology to propel their operations into the future, providing unparalleled customer service and delivery, with an operational efficiency to match.

I graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering in [GRADUATION YEAR] and spent my first 3 years out of college working as an operations consultant. It was my job to walk into a manufacturing plant and drive significant operational change – for example, I once spent 3 months walking the sticky floors of a milk plant in [MID-SIZED U.S. SOUTHEASTERN CITY] helping plant management boost throughput by 30% in order to take on a new customer. We accomplished this goal with zero capital spend, a feat many had believed was impossible. In our projects, the biggest challenge was almost always convincing managers to reach for that extra tad of unseen opportunity hiding within the operation, because oftentimes it was very difficult to look beyond the daily struggles that plagued their operations. I worked directly with 5-8 person “rapid results teams,” coaching them on how to think about operational improvement, motivating them to sprint towards it, and leading them through the analysis required to capture it. I left those milk, water and oil sands plants with many enduring friendships and inspiring operational victories borne from our journey from ambitious goals to concrete results.

I’ve spent the past two years working in supply chain management at a private industrial goods supplier. I chose direct management because I wanted to drive these same inspirational improvements in an operation I owned. My role was to manage and improve the operation, and through my experience, I learned the nuts and bolts of the supply chain industry. However, my dream of innovating supply chain operations pushed me to consider transitioning to an organization with an ambitious, transformative purpose. In fact, last year I had a unique opportunity to reflect on what type of impact matters to me. This opportunity was my first ever trip to [NORTHWEST AFRICAN REGION], the place of my family’s origin.

On the second day of the trip, I journeyed to [LOCAL NORTHEASTERN AFRICAN TOWN], a small town nestled next an enormous active volcano that is surrounded by a wide expanse of rich volcanic soil, which is used to make wine. This wine is sipped by adventure-seeking tourists relaxing after a long day on the volcano, and thus the town’s two major industries, wine and tourism, are sustained. When we arrived at the town, I was shocked to see it buried by an avalanche of volcanic rock from an eruption [A FEW YEARS PRIOR]. As our guide lamented on the dreary prospects of the Page 2 of 2 town, I was amazed to see just how important these two industries had been to its development.

Through this real world example, I was able to clearly visualize the impact businesses can have on their broader environment, an understanding that had not been as evident to me while working in the larger, more complex American economy. For example, I had spent hours walking among the dilapidated buildings speckling the warehouse district in Cleveland, but only after my trip did I connect them to the decline of the Midwestern manufacturing industry. Upon my return, armed with this broader perspective, I decided my next step would be to attend business school. There I would gain the technical, operational and leadership skills to make my transition to an organization whose goal was to drive change in its broader industry and community, as those wine and tourism companies had done in [LOCAL NORTHEASTERN AFRICAN TOWN OF FAMILY’S ORIGIN].

So, that is how I arrived in front of you today. My goal is to humbly learn as much as I can from our section, our professors, and our experiences. I am excited to get to know you, and will always do my best to support our section intellectually and athletically (we will be the future section Olympics champions!).

How about yourself?

Word Count: 711

Author’s comments: While the initial draft of my essay did not take more than an hour or two, it was the revision process that I spent a significant amount of time on. I think the most important part of the essay writing process is to ensure that your story and personality come through - and this is perhaps the most difficult part! To help with this, I had individuals who were not as familiar with my story and why I wanted to go to business school provide me with feedback in addition to those with whom I worked closely.

Linda’s Comments:

I would hate for any of you to read this essay or any of the other essays in The   Harbus MBA Essay Guide, which I recommend, and think “This is a great template. I’m going to tell a story just like this one!” Bad idea. Wrong response.

The one take-away from this essay and the other successful essays in this book is that the reader feels a little like s/he is meeting the author – not someone else and not some masked being.  Individuality is the common thread in those essays; it isn’t brilliant prose or incredible writing. It’s authenticity and humanity. And yes, the author is accomplished too.

I chose this essay from the Harbus collection because I know there many engineers applying. Some -- both in and out of their field-- think of the profession as boring or common. But this essay is neither boring nor common. I loved it because the writer comes to life, and his passion and personality shine through. He doesn't get bogged down in technicalities, industrial jargon, or an alphabet soup of acronyms. He tells his story with energy and clarity, from his perspective, and with a focus on his impact.  Now that's an example you can follow: Tell your story with energy and clarity, from your  perspective, and with a focus on your  impact

I realize that you are responding to a different question than the author did. This year you are directly addressing the admissions committee readers . Still, the goal is the same. You want your readers to feel like that they are meeting you — not someone else, not a scripted piece of shallow spin devoid of individuality and humanity, and not some phony combo of you and the author of an essay in a guidebook or on a website. They really and truly want to meet YOU!

So think about your story and perspective. What would you like the admissions committee to know about you that they won't know from the rest of your application?

Accepted - The Premier Admissions Consultancy

Related Resources:

•  Harvard Business School 2016-17 MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines •  What is HBS Looking For? •  From Example to Exemplary: What You can Learn from Sample Essays to Make Your Essays Outstanding

This article   originally appeared on .

Applying to a top b-school? The talented folks at Accepted have helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to their dream programs. Whether you are figuring out where to apply, writing your application essays, or prepping for your interviews, we are just a call (or click) away.

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Online Application

All applications must be submitted through the Berkeley campus’  Online Application  for graduate admissions. Please take care to ensure all email addresses, as well as your own email address, are entered correctly. Applications that are incomplete by the time of review will not be competitive for admission. Making sure an application is complete is solely the responsibility of the applicant and should be done in a timely manner. The application process is ENTIRELY ONLINE. Please DO NOT mail copies of essays, transcripts, GRE AND TOEFL scores, publications, resumes or recommendation letter.

Application Requirements

Uploaded official transcript notes.

We require you to upload, in  PDF format , one (1) Unofficial Transcript and/or Academic Record from each college or university you have attended. Please note that even if you have not yet finished your coursework when you apply, we still require a current transcript from you. Document policies:

  • Only one PDF per school will be allowed to be uploaded to the site.
  • PDF files should include both the front and back side of pages. Grading legends should be included.
  • International Students must provide English Translations of their Academic Records as well as documents in their original language . For more details, please visit the  Graduate Division  website.
  • English Language Grades should appear at the beginning of the file. Translations, Legends, Degree Certificates and other material, should be towards the end of the file.
  • All Social Security numbers need to be either blacked out by pen before scanning , or redacted in Adobe before you upload the documents, to protect your privacy. Please refrain from highlighting the numbers in black or changing the font color to white, as the information would still remain in the document.
  • Unofficial transcripts from Bear Facts will be accepted (for UC Berkeley Students).
  • Once you have submitted your Online Application , you will not be able to update these materials, and unfortunately, due the number of applications we receive, we will not be able to upload them for you . Please do not email or mail us updated transcripts as they will not be reviewed. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

For more information about transcripts, please visit the  Graduate Division  website.

Major Field and Research Focus Area

As part of the online application, you will be asked to provide your Major Field and Research Focus Area. These will represent your primary areas of study and research during your graduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at Berkeley. The Research Focus Areas have been determined by the faculty as current major themes of research in the department. As these categories do not include all of our research activities, you are encouraged to examine  faculty webpages  for additional research topics. To further understand your interests, we also ask that you provide us with your preference, if any, of research method.

Your selections of major field and research focus area, along with your preference of research method, will be used during the admissions process to guide us both in determining which faculty members are best suited to review your application and in the selection processes for various kinds of financial support.

Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Notes 

The GRE is not required for Fall 2024 Admission Cycle.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Notes

  • TOEFL/IELTS Scores DEADLINE:  Monday, December 4, 2023 , 8:59 PM PST .
  • For Fall 2024, tests taken before June 1, 2022 will not be accepted.
  • For more detailed information, please see visit the  Graduate Division  website.
  • IELTS tests should be sent directly to: Graduate Admissions Office – UC Berkeley Re:  IELTS Test Score for the Department of Mechanical Engineering 318 Sproul Hall #5900 Berkeley, CA 94720-5900

Three (3) Letters of Recommendation Notes

  • Due Monday, December 4, 2023 , 8:59 PM PST .
  • Letters of Recommendations will be gathered electronically as part of the Online Application.
  • Having more than 3 letters, though we allow it, is not recommended. Due to the volume of applications we receive every year, there is no guarantee that additional letters will be read. Also, please note that we may verify the authenticity of the letters submitted for you.
  • It can be a good idea to ask your recommenders if they can write you a good, detailed letter. The best letters gauge your ability and potential for research and graduate study as well as your leadership capability, often citing examples from the recommenders own experiences with you.
  • For more advice, please visit the  Career Center  website.

Faculty Preference Notes

Applicants are required to provide at least 3 specific faculty members they have a strong preference to work with. You may list up to nine selections in rank order, with your strongest interest listed first. The page will refresh after each entry. To learn more about our department’s faculty members, please see our  Faculty list .

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Higher education has never been more confusing or expensive. Our goal is to help you navigate the very big decisions related to higher ed with objective information and expert advice. Each piece of content on the site is original, based on extensive research, and reviewed by multiple editors, including a subject matter expert. This ensures that all of our content is up-to-date, useful, accurate, and thorough.

Our reviews and recommendations are based on extensive research, testing, and feedback. We may receive commission from links on our website, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions. Our marketing partners don’t review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It’s accurate to the best of our knowledge when posted. You can find a complete list of our partners here .

Top 96 Mechanical Engineering Scholarships in May 2024

mechanical school essay

Will Geiger is the co-founder of Scholarships360 and has a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. He is a former Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at Kenyon College where he personally reviewed 10,000 admissions applications and essays. Will also managed the Kenyon College merit scholarship program and served on the financial aid appeals committee. He has also worked as an Associate Director of College Counseling at a high school in New Haven, Connecticut. Will earned his master’s in education from the University of Pennsylvania and received his undergraduate degree in history from Wake Forest University.

Learn about our editorial policies

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Gabriel Jimenez-Ekman is a content editor and writer at Scholarships360. He has managed communications and written content for a diverse array of organizations, including a farmer’s market, a concert venue, a student farm, an environmental NGO, and a PR agency. Gabriel graduated from Kenyon College with a degree in sociology.

Do you enjoy tinkering with machines and designing new technology? Mechanical engineering may be the perfect field for you! As a mechanical engineer, you’ll work on a wide range of projects, from designing and testing new devices to improving existing systems.

There are also a number of scholarships aimed at supporting the next generation of mechanical engineers. These mechanical engineering scholarships are designed to support students who are passionate about innovation and problem-solving, and who are committed to using their skills to make a positive impact on the world. So if you’re interested in pursuing a career in mechanical engineering, be sure to keep on reading to learn about the many scholarship opportunities available to you!

Why choose Scholarships360

We helped over 4 million students find scholarships in 2023

We've spent over 4,000 hours reviewing 3,000 scholarship programs

13+ years of experience helping students make smart education decisions

The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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mechanical school essay

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

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Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

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Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

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Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

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Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

mechanical school essay

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Scholarships360

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high… Show More

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high school student who hopes to go to college, a graduate student who’s in a master’s program, or an adult learner who wants to return to school, you are eligible for our no essay scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to students who get the most out of Scholarships360 scholarships and content. You will be a strong applicant if you apply to scholarships with the Scholarships360 platform. Finalists for this scholarship will be interviewed about their process for funding their education. Show Less

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for…

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for school.

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500… Show More

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500 “Tuition Solution” Scholarship is meant for high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 or 2025), as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2023-24 academic year who are looking for ways to fund their postsecondary education in STEM. In order to apply, you must write an essay about how your passion for STEM started and how the scholarship will help you fulfill your dreams. No matter which STEM field ignites your interest, we look forward to reading your essays. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Apply today - it’s time to cell-e-brate you! Show Less

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by The College Board

Create a college list with six schools you're considering - no minimum GPA or essay required!

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Offered by Breakthrough

Are you a middle or high school student with a passion for STEM? If so, consider applying for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge! Each year, the… Show More

Are you a middle or high school student with a passion for STEM? If so, consider applying for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge! Each year, the challenge awards $250,000 to a 13-18-year-old student who creatively and clearly explains a scientific or mathematical theory, concept, or principle in video form. The videos must be no longer than a minute and 30 seconds long and should be a dynamic visual medium, using diagrams, simulations, physical demonstrations, and more. The scholarship is funded by technology investors and science philanthropists Julia and Yuri Milner.  If you have a love for STEM, video making, and want to go to college debt-free, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Niche

Easy scholarship open to all high school and college students, as well as anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next year!

GeneTex Scholarship

GeneTex Scholarship

Offered by GeneTex

Are you a STEM major in college or university looking for help to pay off your degree? If so, consider applying for the GeneTex Scholarship!… Show More

Are you a STEM major in college or university looking for help to pay off your degree? If so, consider applying for the GeneTex Scholarship! The scholarship is open to all STEM majors enrolled at an accredited postsecondary institution in good academic standing, including international students. Offered by GeneTex, the scholarship supports young scientists pursuing a postsecondary education to increase scientific advancement and future discoveries. GeneTex is a Texas-based life science, biotechnology company that develops and sells research reagents in the biomedical field. The GeneTex scholarship awards one student $2,000 biannually for use toward their education or other expenses. Typically, the deadlines for each year will fall in July and December or January of each year. If you are a STEM major looking for some help with tuition and fees, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Louis T. Klauder Scholarship

Louis T. Klauder Scholarship

Offered by American Public Transportation Foundation

The Louis T. Klauder Scholarship seeks to support the aspirations of those pursuing a career in the rail transit industry as an electrical or mechanical… Show More

The Louis T. Klauder Scholarship seeks to support the aspirations of those pursuing a career in the rail transit industry as an electrical or mechanical engineer. The scholarship is open to those seeking advanced degrees who are enrolled in a fully accredited institution. Candidates must demonstrate a strong interest in entering the public transportation industry and be sponsored by a member organization of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). Two letters of recommendation are required for new scholars, while renewing scholars need only provide one. If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, we encourage you to apply! Take the first step toward a promising future in the rail transit industry. Show Less

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by

Open to high school students, college students, community college students, and graduate students.

Epic Flight Academy Aircraft Mechanic Scholarship

Epic Flight Academy Aircraft Mechanic Scholarship

Offered by Epic Flight Academy

Are you a high school senior wanting to go into aircraft mechanic training? If so, the Epic Flight Academy Aircraft Mechanic Scholarship may be a… Show More

Are you a high school senior wanting to go into aircraft mechanic training? If so, the Epic Flight Academy Aircraft Mechanic Scholarship may be a great opportunity for you! Each year, the scholarship awards $20,000 to two (2) high school seniors who are (1) willing to start aircraft mechanic training within 12 months of receiving the scholarship and (2) will be 18 years old by the time training starts. To apply, interested students must submit one short essay, two letters of recommendation, a ~2-minute-long Youtube video, and an aviation-related photo of themselves. If you're a high school senior with dreams of becoming an aircraft mechanic, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more, and keep soaring towards your dreams. Show Less

SBB Research Group STEM Scholarship

SBB Research Group STEM Scholarship

Offered by SBB Research Group

Are you a full-time student studying Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics? The SBB Research Group STEM Scholarship could be a good fit for you! The… Show More

Are you a full-time student studying Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics? The SBB Research Group STEM Scholarship could be a good fit for you! The scholarship is awarded monthly, with 12 winners being selected throughout the year. The best part about this scholarship is the work to reward ratio. By simply submitting a short 500-word essay, you could win $2,500 from the SBB Research Group. If you fit the scholarship criteria, we encourage you to submit your essay and apply today! Show Less

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by CollegeXpress

Annual $10k scholarship from CollegeXpress open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Scholarship

Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Scholarship

Offered by Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Are you a woman studying at a community college, baccalaureate, or graduate school with plans to work in engineering, engineering technology, or computer science? Consider… Show More

Are you a woman studying at a community college, baccalaureate, or graduate school with plans to work in engineering, engineering technology, or computer science? Consider applying for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Scholarship! Each year, SWE awards a number of scholarships to deserving female students in the engineering and computer technology fields. In 2021, SWE awarded over $1,220,000 in new and renewed scholarships! That’s an average of around $4,500 per scholarship.  The SWE Scholarship is an awesome opportunity to help women in engineering and computer science help offset some of the cost of their education. If you fit the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Associated General Contractors NYS Scholarship Program

Associated General Contractors NYS Scholarship Program

Offered by Associated General Contractors of New York State, LLC

The Associated General Contractors NYS Scholarship Program is seeking ambitious New York residents who (1) are pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in construction or… Show More

The Associated General Contractors NYS Scholarship Program is seeking ambitious New York residents who (1) are pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in construction or construction-related engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) and (2) will continue pursuing their degree in the upcoming academic year. Each year, the scholarship awards between $2,500 and $5,000 to multiple New York residents pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's in construction or construction-related engineering. Bear in mind that graduate students who are awarded the scholarship are not eligible to reapply for a second year, but undergraduates may reapply each year. If you're a New York resident pursuing a construction or construction-related engineering degree, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Appily

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be… Show More

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be awarded each month. Show Less

PHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship Program

PHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship Program

Offered by Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Education Foundation

The PHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship Program is open to students who are currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in: (1) a PHCC-approved plumbing or… Show More

The PHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship Program is open to students who are currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in: (1) a PHCC-approved plumbing or HVACR apprentice program, (2) a full-time certificate or degree program at an accredited institution, or (3) a full-time undergraduate degree program at an accredited four-year college or university. A maximum of four employees from any one employer may win an award in any given year. To apply, interested students must submit letter(s) of recommendation and the answers to five (5) questions about their background and interests. If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

Delta Faucet Company Scholarship Program

Delta Faucet Company Scholarship Program

The Delta Faucet Company Scholarship Program is open to students who are currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in: (1) A PHCC-approved plumbing or… Show More

The Delta Faucet Company Scholarship Program is open to students who are currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in: (1) A PHCC-approved plumbing or HVACR apprentice program, (2) A full-time certificate or degree program at an accredited institution, or (3) A full-time undergraduate degree program at an accredited four-year college or university. To apply, interested students must submit letter(s) of recommendation and the answers to five (5) questions about their background and interests. If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Christian Connector

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian…

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian university or college.

Bradford White Corporation Scholarship

Bradford White Corporation Scholarship

The Bradford White Corporation Scholarship is open to students who are currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in: (1) a PHCC-approved plumbing or HVACR… Show More

The Bradford White Corporation Scholarship is open to students who are currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in: (1) a PHCC-approved plumbing or HVACR apprentice program, (2) a full-time certificate or degree program at an accredited institution, or (3) a full-time undergraduate degree program at an accredited four-year college or university. A maximum of four employees from any one employer may win an award in any given year. To apply, interested students must submit letter(s) of recommendation and the answers to five (5) questions about their background and interests. If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

ROTC Scholarship Program

ROTC Scholarship Program This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, Educational Foundation

The ROTC Scholarship Program offers awards to Army, Navy (including Marine Corps option) or Air Force ROTC students. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a… Show More

The ROTC Scholarship Program offers awards to Army, Navy (including Marine Corps option) or Air Force ROTC students. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a degree major that is related to the mission of the AFCEA Educational Foundation. Please visit the scholarship's website for the full list of qualified majors. A minimum of two letters of recommendation and a letter of Nomination from your ROTC unit Professor of Military Science, Professor of Naval Science, Professor of Aerospace Studies or designated Commanding Officer are required. If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

Related:  Top engineering summer programs for high school students

Additional scholarship lists to explore

  • Top STEM scholarships
  • Top electrical engineering scholarships
  • Top engineering scholarships
  • Top mathematics scholarships
  • Top industrial design scholarships

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Writing a personal statement for dental schools

Is what I’m writing too personal or not personal enough? Should I be writing more about teeth?  How do I shorten my personal statement without omitting important details? Am I even answering the prompt!?

Writing a personal statement can be an intimidating step in the application process for dental school. I remember reading dozens of example essays online trying to find the “perfect one” that would inspire me and guide my writing so that I would end up with a personal statement that could sum up my entire personality and life goals in just 4,500 characters. The reality is that trying to display who you are and the experiences that make you who you are in one page can be daunting and challenging. But is not impossible! Passion is something that can be detected through writing, so make sure to write about something that you are passionate about and it will be evident to the reader. A common misconception is that your dental school personal statement should be a list of dental experiences or how much you know about dentistry. Although you should be answering the question “why dentistry," the main objective is to paint a picture of who you are and what led you to pursue this career. So, where do  you start? 

Here are 3 tips on writing a personal statement that will make you stand out:

1. always keep the prompt in mind.

The personal statement prompt for dental admission usually doesn’t change and is posted on the ADEA website as the following:

“Your personal statement is a one-page essay (not to exceed 4,500 characters, including spaces, carriages, numbers, letters, etc.) that gives dental schools a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in dentistry.”

Make sure that every sentence- every word- you write serves the purpose of answering the question above. If you find yourself writing about something that you feel doesn’t answer the prompt in one way or another, then it doesn’t belong in your PS. The allotted characters are concise and don’t allow for fluff or fillers. Once you have understood the prompt and the message you want to get across to admissions, then picking your words and what you want to share is made easier. 

2. It is okay to be vulnerable

If there is a life changing moment that you believe ties in to why you are pursuing dentistry, then don’t feel shy to write about it. We all have vulnerable moments, and you might be on the fence on whether to include those moments or not. My advice is to go for it! These moments give the reader a chance to get to know you outside of an academic context. In a pile of 1,000s of essays, you want the reader to connect with you, stories of vulnerability help make that connection.

3. If you talk about an adverse event, make sure to write an ending 

Many applicants do a great job at setting the scene to their stories but forget to write the ending! Let’s say, for example, that I write about the time I worked at a bakery (I wish!) and had many complex orders that needed to be done by the end of the day. I write about how difficult the task was and how impossible it first seemed. Then, I write that I was able to finish everything up and felt good about it. There are many things missing that highlight the significance of why I am writing this story. If you write about a certain experience in a story format, it should answer some of these questions:

  • What have I learned from this experience and how can I implement it to answering the prompt?
  • What skills (leadership) traits did I gain from this experience?
  • In adverse times, what/ who do I find myself turning to? And why?
  • What did I learn about myself through this experience?

By adding dimension and reflection to your stories, the reader will have a better understanding of who you are and how you react to difficult situations. Remember, this point circles back to tip #1: always keep the prompt in mind. By showing growth through your experiences, you demonstrate the resilience that you have that is needed to get through dental school!

mechanical school essay

Hoda is a dental student at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She previously earned a BS in Biological Sciences with minors in Chemistry and Psychology at the University of Illinois in Chicago, graduating summa cum laude.

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Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering

  • Northwestern Engineering

Photo of students

Prepare to impact areas of national priority

Our graduates go on to lead research and development in areas such as aerospace, energy, manufacturing, and semiconductors.

About the Program

At Northwestern University, our first-of-its-kind materials science department collaborates extensively with our leading mechanical engineering department, resulting in a strong history of interconnected research activities, established research centers, and close educational efforts. The close relationship between these departments is driven by a number of research areas of national priority, including advanced manufacturing, aerospace, civil infrastructure, the data revolution, energy storage, integrated computational materials engineering, and the Materials Genome Initiative.

The Joint Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering program is a unique degree opportunity offering a curriculum that combines the strengths of these two departments. This interdisciplinary program allows the most talented students to develop broad expertise in both fields, enhancing career opportunities in industry and research.

Join our renowned faculty to study and perform research in state-of-the-art labs and classrooms in a program designed to address the increasing demand for innovative problem-solvers in this cross-disciplinary space.

How To Apply

Why Northwestern?

Unique Program Features

Mark Hersam with a student in his lab

Study with our top-tier, interdisciplinary faculty

Our highly interdisciplinary faculty — one-third of whom have joint appointments with other departments — include more than two dozen members of the National Academy of Engineering, eight editors-in-chief of leading journals, and numerous highly-cited researchers, according to Clarivate. Many have also received the top teaching awards at the University.

Students collaborate in lab

Research in a highly collaborative environment

Our school has a strong history of interdisciplinary research collaboration both with most other Northwestern engineering and science departments, as well as with several Chicago area partners including: Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine , Argonne National Laboratory , Shirley Ryan AbilityLab , and the Art Institute of Chicago .

ME Students at a poster session

Join a community that goes beyond classrooms and labs

Our graduate students engage in activities and organizations across campus that promote their overall well-being through social events and mentorship programs.

  • Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students’ Society (MEGSS)
  • Materials Science Alliance for an Inclusive Community (MATSAIC)
  • Materials Science Student Association (MSSA)
  • Materials Science Umbrella Society (MSUS)

The basics at-a-glance

The Joint Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering is a non-thesis master’s degree program, which students may complete on a full-time or part-time basis. Full-time students typically complete their degree in three to four quarters of study.

12 units of study are required, including:

  • Four mechanical engineering courses
  • Four materials science and engineering courses
  • One to two units of independent study involving a research project
  • Two to three additional engineering courses, allowing students to specialize or minor in a related area

Students perform research at the forefront of the field in areas spanned by the combined faculty of the ME and MSE departments. Each student is required to take at least one 499 independent research project under the joint supervision of an ME faculty member and an MSE faculty member . A 499 project culminates in a final report submitted to the advising faculty.

Optional minors

Students may seek to complement their master’s degree with a minor in one of the following fields of study:

  • Engineering Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Scientific Computing

View Curriculum Details

Career Paths

Our graduates continue on to earn their PhDs at Northwestern or other institutions, move into industry, or join startups, in areas such as process engineering, quality control, or research and development.

Graduates often pursue careers in areas such as:



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Discover our whole-brain engineering philosophy.

We augment the analytical core of engineering with design, entrepreneurship, leadership, personal development, and unusual collaborations to imagine what's next and take the world in a whole new direction. Learn More

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After suffering mechanical issue, major freight ship for Alaska is temporarily out of commission

mechanical school essay

TOTE Maritime cargo ship the North Star departs Anchorage on April 3, 2022, with the Talkeetna Mountains visible beyond the Knik Arm. (Bill Roth / ADN)

A cargo ship that’s a workhorse in the supply chain that delivers groceries, cars and construction materials to Alaska could miss two weeks as a result of mechanical issues, a TOTE Maritime Alaska representative said Tuesday.

The repairs required for the North Star, an 840-foot ship, bring a temporary reduction to the fleet of four big cargo ships that haul supplies weekly to the Don Young Port of Alaska in Anchorage.

The ship missed its scheduled May 28 visit because of the problem. It’s expected to miss next Tuesday, then return June 11, said Art Dahlin, vice president and Alaska general manager with TOTE Maritime Alaska.

Still, consumers in Alaska should not notice fewer products on shelves, he said.

That’s because the company worked with other shipping companies to find alternative means to get the North Star freight to Alaska, such as by truck and barge, he said. TOTE worked with Matson, the port’s other key cargo shipper, to move some of the freight. It’s also filling extra space on TOTE’s Midnight Sun vessel, which is still calling on Alaska, he said.

Priority was given to critical items such as perishable groceries, including produce and milk, he said.

[Earlier coverage: How one cargo ship delay sends ripples through Alaska’s food supply chain ]

“The incident happened Saturday and the team was on the line working arrangements to be sure that all the freight would get up here as as it would in a normal schedule,” Dahlin said. “In my summation, the community won’t feel it, but this is what we plan for.”

The North Star experienced a problem with its propulsion system Saturday, not long after it had left Tacoma, Washington, bound for Anchorage, he said. It returned to Tacoma out of an abundance of caution and is undergoing repairs there, he said.

The cargo ships that call regularly on the port play a big role in Alaska. Matson also brings two ships weekly. The port is the conduit for half the freight that arrives in Alaska .

Planned shipping outages occur regularly, Dahlin said.

“The key is the freight network (to Alaska) flexes to support that,” he said. “The difference is this time it was unplanned, but the freight network still flexed to minimize the impacts to Alaska. Everyone knows that serving Alaska is priority No. 1.”

The TOTE and Matson cargo ships arrive on Sundays and Tuesdays, launching an elaborate logistical effort to resupply stores shelves and supply yards in Anchorage and elsewhere.

Alex DeMarban

Alex DeMarban is a longtime Alaska journalist who covers business, the oil and gas industries and general assignments. Reach him at 907-257-4317 or [email protected].

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Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Bruce M. Pitman Center 709 Deakin Street Rm 117  Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address: University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264 Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6326

Fax: 208-885-9119

Email: [email protected]

Web: Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Boise 322 E. Front St Boise, ID 83702

Email: [email protected]

Web: Boise Center

Coeur d'Alene

Physical Address: University of Idaho Coeur d'Alene 1031 N Academic Way Suite 242 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Web: Coeur d'Alene Center

Idaho Falls

Physical Address: University of Idaho Idaho Fall 1776 Science Center Dr. Suite 306 Idaho Falls, ID 83840

Web: Idaho Falls Center

First-Year Admission Requirements

First-Year students are those applying directly from high school or those applying with fewer than 14 semester credits of transferable college work earned after high school graduation.

Review First-Year Admission Requirements

Regionally accredited high school students.

First-year students who graduate from a regionally accredited high school must meet all admission requirements in effect for the year they graduated.

These students include:

  • Those enrolling directly from high school.
  • Those enrolling directly from high school who have completed college-level work while in high school.

Please note: Applicants with fewer than 14 transferable semester credits completed after high school graduation must also meet  transfer GPA requirements.

Early admission may be granted based on a sixth or seventh semester high school transcript if it appears that the student will meet admission requirements.

You must submit:

  • An application for admission .
  • $50 application fee (nonrefundable). No application fee required for Idaho residents.
  • ACT or SAT test scores. You may request copies of your ACT or SAT scores. If your ACT or SAT scores are on your school transcript, you do not need to have them sent separately. New first-year students entering in 2024 who do not provide test scores will automatically be considered for admission if their cumulative unweighted GPA is 2.60-4.00. Those who have cumulative GPAs of 2.30 - 2.59 will be admitted through the  Vandal Gateway Program . Students in this GPA range are also welcome to appeal through our  Admissions Committee .  Every student who has a test score is encouraged to provide it for admission as well as class placement.
  • Official high school transcript showing graduation date. If you have not yet graduated from high school, a transcript showing all completed work may be accepted for early admission.
  • Official transcripts from any colleges or universities attended.

Academic requirements:

  • Core requirements
  • Combination of cumulative  GPA and test scores
  • Applicants with fewer than 14 transferable semester credits earned after high school graduation must also meet the admission requirements for new transfers .

If you do not meet the published criteria for admission at the time of review, you may apply to the  Admissions Committee  for consideration.

GED Students

First-Year students who have completed their GED instead of graduating from an accredited high school and have earned fewer than 14 transferable semester credits since obtaining their GED will have their application for admission referred to the  Admissions Committee for a decision.

  • ACT or SAT  test scores. Please note: If you have an ACT composite of 26 or higher or an SAT Evidence Based Reading + Math score of 1260 or higher, you are not required to submit the letters of recommendation or the written statement referenced below. 
  • Official high school transcript showing the work completed. (Note: high school transcripts are required from any high school attended even though the student did not graduate.)
  • A copy of the GED test results.
  • Three signed letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to the student's academic ability.
  • A written statement from the student which includes the student's goals, educational and/or professional objectives, an explanation of past academic performance, information and/or documentation regarding any extenuating circumstances and any other information the student wishes to have considered.

Please note:   Applicants with fewer than 14 transferable semester credits completed since obtaining their GED must also meet the admission requirements for new transfers.

Home-Schooled Students

First-year students who have been home-schooled either partially or completely for grades nine through 12 and have earned fewer than 14 transferable semester credits since graduating from home-school will have their application for admission referred to the Admissions Committee  for a decision. You must submit:

  • ACT or SAT test scores. Please note: If you have an ACT composite of 26 or higher or an SAT Evidence Based Reading + Math score of 1260 or higher, you are not required to submit the letters of recommendation or the written statement referenced below. 
  • Home-school transcript or a description of your educational background including subjects studied.
  • Official transcripts from any secondary school attended prior to or in addition to home schooling.
  • A copy of the GED test results if obtained. 
  • A written statement from the student that includes the student's goals, educational and/or professional objectives, an explanation of past academic performance, information and/or documentation regarding any extenuating circumstances and anything else the committee might find useful when reviewing your file.

Please note: Applicants with fewer than 14 transferable semester credits completed since graduating from home-school must also meet the admission requirements for new transfers .

Non-Accredited High School Students

First-year students who graduate from non-accredited high schools (high schools without accreditation from a regional accrediting agency such as the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges) and have earned fewer than 14 transferable semester credits since graduating from high school will have their application for admission referred to the  Admissions Committee for a decision. You must submit:

  • ACT or SAT  test scores. Please note: If you have an ACT composite of 26 or higher or an SAT Evidence Based Reading + Math score of 1260 or higher, you are not required to submit the letters of recommendation or the written statement referenced below.
  • A copy of the GED test results if obtained.

Students with Fewer than 14 Transferable Credits

First-year students who have earned fewer than 14 transferable semester credits since high school graduation must meet both  first-year and transfer admission requirements.

  • ACT or SAT test scores. You may request copies of your ACT or SAT scores. If your ACT or SAT scores are on your school transcript, you do not need to have them sent separately. Students entering in 2024 who do not provide test scores will be considered for admission if their cumulative unweighted GPA is 2.60-4.00.  Every student who has a test score is encouraged to provide it for admission as well as class placement.
  • Official high school transcript showing graduation date.

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  22. CC

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    Communications Manager. 225-578-4840. [email protected]. May 27, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - As part of their capstone project, six LSU Mechanical Engineering seniors designed a truncated icosahedron—a sphere-like structure—for LSU's School of Theatre that will be used by students when they perform in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this summer.

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  28. First-Year Admission Requirements

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