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113 Motivation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Motivation is the driving force behind our actions, thoughts, and behaviors. It is what pushes us to achieve our goals, overcome obstacles, and persevere through challenges. Writing an essay on motivation can be a great way to explore the topic and gain a deeper understanding of what motivates us as individuals.

To help you get started, here are 113 motivation essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your own writing:

  • The importance of setting goals and staying motivated
  • How to find motivation in times of adversity
  • The role of motivation in achieving success
  • The impact of motivation on mental health and well-being
  • Motivation and its connection to self-esteem and confidence
  • The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • How to stay motivated when facing setbacks and failures
  • The relationship between motivation and procrastination
  • The role of motivation in education and learning
  • Motivation and its influence on job satisfaction and performance
  • The power of positive thinking and motivation
  • The impact of motivation on physical health and fitness
  • How to cultivate motivation in yourself and others
  • The role of motivation in leadership and management
  • Motivation and its effect on creativity and innovation
  • The connection between motivation and goal-setting
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making
  • The relationship between motivation and self-discipline
  • Motivation and its impact on relationships and communication
  • The role of motivation in overcoming fears and insecurities
  • How to maintain motivation over the long term
  • The impact of motivation on personal growth and development
  • Motivation and its connection to happiness and fulfillment
  • The role of motivation in achieving work-life balance
  • Motivation and its effect on mental toughness and resilience
  • How to use motivation to overcome challenges and obstacles
  • The relationship between motivation and perseverance
  • Motivation and its influence on creativity and problem-solving
  • The role of motivation in building resilience and coping with stress
  • Motivation and its impact on decision-making and risk-taking
  • How to motivate others to achieve their goals
  • The connection between motivation and self-awareness
  • Motivation and its influence on emotional intelligence
  • The role of motivation in building a growth mindset
  • Motivation and its impact on self-care and self-love
  • How to use motivation to overcome self-doubt and insecurity
  • The relationship between motivation and passion
  • Motivation and its connection to purpose and meaning
  • The role of motivation in building confidence and self-esteem
  • Motivation and its influence on resilience and adaptability
  • How to cultivate motivation through mindfulness and meditation
  • The impact of motivation on creativity and innovation
  • Motivation and its connection to curiosity and exploration
  • The role of motivation in building relationships and community
  • Motivation and its influence on leadership and teamwork
  • How to use motivation to overcome fear of failure
  • The relationship between motivation and self-compassion
  • Motivation and its impact on mental health and well-being
  • Motivation and its influence on personal growth and development
  • How to maintain motivation during challenging times
  • The connection between motivation and resilience
  • Motivation and its connection to goal-setting and achievement
  • The role of motivation in building self-discipline and willpower
  • Motivation and its impact on decision-making and problem-solving
  • How to use motivation to overcome procrastination
  • The relationship between motivation and creativity
  • Motivation and its influence on emotional intelligence and self-awareness
  • Motivation and its connection to passion and purpose
  • How to cultivate motivation through positive thinking and affirmations
  • The impact of motivation on personal and professional success
  • The role of motivation in building healthy habits and routines
  • Motivation and its connection to self-care and self-love
  • How to maintain motivation during times of uncertainty
  • The connection between motivation and perseverance
  • Motivation and its connection to self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making and risk-taking
  • How to use motivation to overcome fears and insecurities
  • Motivation and its impact on personal and professional success
  • How to cultivate motivation through gratitude and appreciation
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making and problem-solving

In conclusion, motivation is a powerful force that drives us to achieve our goals and overcome obstacles. By exploring the topic of motivation through essays, we can gain a deeper understanding of what motivates us as individuals and how we can cultivate motivation in ourselves and others. Whether you choose to write about the importance of setting goals, the role of motivation in achieving success, or the impact of motivation on mental health and well-being, there are endless possibilities for exploring this fascinating topic in your writing. So go ahead and choose a topic from the list above, or come up with your own idea, and start writing your motivation essay today!

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How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay—With Examples

The MBA essay is critical to your business school application. Read our guide to writing the perfect MBA essay, with successful admit examples.

Posted April 4, 2024

motivation essay business

Featuring Melanie E.

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Table of Contents

What is the mba essay.

The MBA admissions essay.

Those words alone are enough to make most MBA candidates run screaming. Writing in general is hard enough. Writing about why you want an MBA? Your short-term goals and career aspirations? What matters to you most, and why? Forget it.

Of course, you still have to write these essays.

The MBA essay is perhaps  the most important part of the business school application. (It's also getting more and more important by the day, with some business schools moving away from traditional, quantitative measuring sticks, like the GMAT and the GRE.) Every other part of the application — your GPA, your test scores, your letters of recommendation — are quantified, cut and dried, or out of your control. The essay is your chance to show up as a fully realized MBA candidate, with hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities. Admissions committees are not simply assessing your candidacy as a future leader — they're looking to admit human beings. That's where the MBA applicant essays come in.

That being the case, rather than being intimidated by it, treat the essay like the opportunity that it is — the chance for you to highlight your unique, iridescent self; the only moment in the MBA admissions process (prior to the interview) when you can speak directly to the admissions officers; the time when you'll show them who you really are. It's not easy to write something that will do that, of course, but with the tips and tricks in this guide, and some help from one of Leland's vetted, world-class admissions coaches, we know you can do it. Give the essay the time, attention, and respect it deserves, and you'll be on your way to an offer of admission at your dream school.

Without further ado, let's dive in!

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Ultimate MBA Essay Guide

See the MBA essay prompts, top tips from experts, and real examples from admits with this comprehensive guide.

How Long Will My MBA Essay Take?

First thing's first: let's talk about timing.

The MBA application is a behemoth; between exams, resumes, gathering your official transcripts, letters of recommendation, and the applications themselves, there's a lot to juggle. That being the case, we suggest you give yourself ample time to draft, write, and revise your essays. The last thing you want is to be rushed to the finish line.

So, give yourself  at least three months to write your MBA essays. That should allow you ample time to draft, write, and edit. For more information on timing your entire b-school application, click here for  A Comprehensive MBA Application Timeline--With Chart .

Now, on to the critical question:

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What Makes a Great MBA Essay?

At the highest level, the answer is the one that is truest to you. The whole point of these essays is to shine through as an authentic, vibrant human being, so the best essays are the ones that cut through the clutter, and allow you do to that.

Which begs the question — how  do you cut through the clutter and shine through as a vibrant human being? Here are four critical tips to follow as you begin thinking about your essays.

1. Answer the Question

This one sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many applicants launch into their story, get carried away, and forget to answer the question. Follow the prompt, and answer the question the admissions committee has asked you. Those prompts can actually be very useful when writing your essays — it's a great deal harder to write when you have no guidance or guardrails. With the MBA essays, you have a very specific question you need to answer. So answer it!

2. Be Specific

Another mistake some MBA applicants make is to stay at a high level in their essays, keeping their writing abstract and therefore inaccessible to the admissions committee. If at any point, an admissions officer could replace your name with the name of another applicant, then your essay isn't getting deep enough. It's not enough, for instance, to say that you suffered adversity in high school, or that you really, really want a Wharton MBA. You need to explain, in detail, the adversity you faced, and give concrete and unique reasons why you think Wharton is the right program for you. The best essays offer hyper-specific examples and anecdotes, with details and anecdotes that no other candidate could bring to the table. To get those anecdotes, we recommend using the STAR template, as explained below:

  • Situation : What was the situation you were facing? Where were you? How old were you? If you were in a professional role during this anecdote, what was the role, and how long had you been in it? If you were volunteering, at what organization? How long had you been volunteering there? Why did you start? Offer all the relevant information that the admissions readers will need to understand your story.
  • Task : What was the task at hand? What went wrong? In your professional role, what was the challenge you faced? In that volunteering experience, what were the hurdles you had to overcome? You can't have a good story without conflict or tension, so after you set up the anecdote, explain what that conflict or tension was (and remember, be specific!).
  • Action : What was the action you took to resolve the problem? What did you have to do to fix that issue at work? How did you clear that hurdle in your volunteer experience? Again, be specific about how you came through on the other side of that conflict/tension — and while you're doing it, highlight your leadership capabilities as much as possible! Remember that top MBA programs are looking for future leaders who can assess a situation and decisively take action. (We'll say a bit more about this below, in the Personal Statement section.
  • Result : What was the result of your action? If you were facing a growth problem at work, were you able to increase sales? If so, by what percentage? If you were advocating for diversity and inclusion at your local charity, what new programs did you implement to help with that effort, and what was the enrollment like in those new programs? Detail what happened in your anecdote with as much specificity as possible — and quantify, quantify, quantify!

3. Get Vulnerable

Most MBA admissions essay prompts are written with the goal of getting to know as much about you as possible in the shortest number of words. To do that, you're going to have to share real things from your life — to get personal, intimate, and vulnerable. Do not shy away from this. If you're starting to get emotional during the reflection, drafting, and writing process, good — that means you're on the right track. Keep going. Pro tip: If it’s making you cry, it will make them cry. Another good rule of thumb is to put something real and true on the table. Admissions officers have to read literally thousands of applications from thoroughly qualified individuals, some of whom might come from similar roles to yours, with letters of recommendation from equally impressive supervisors. In order to cut through that noise, you'll have to share something honest. If you're doing it right, this can feel risky. At some point, you’ll likely think to yourself: “Can I say that?” The answer is: “Yes.” Of course, there is a line, you don’t want to be crass or offensive but err on the side of being open and authentic. The very worst thing you can do is be overly cautious, and write something you think will please the admissions committee. These poor people have to read thousands of essays. If yours is just like everyone else’s, they’ll fall asleep. Don’t let that happen. Wake them up by putting yourself —your true, bright, vibrant, quirky self—on the page.

4. Don't Exaggerate

Finally, do not exaggerate, over-inflate, or lie. This goes without saying, but admissions committees are looking for honest candidates. The surest way to get rejected is to lie about something. (Business schools do a background check on you before you're properly admitted, so they will find out.) Don't be the person who over-inflates on their essays, then has their offer letter rescinded.

The Types of MBA Essays

All right — since we've covered high-level approaches to the MBA essays, it's time to dig into the various types.

There are three general categories of MBA essays you'll see across the board.

1. Personal Statement

These questions ask you to offer up something sincere about yourself. They'll often touch on such things as your values and your character. In these, you'll want to be as authentic as possible, while also highlighting attributes like leadership, intellectual vitality, and teamwork, that business schools are looking for. Here are a few examples of personal statement essays:

  • As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (HBS)
  • What matters most to you, and why? (Stanford GSB)

2. Why an MBA/Why This School

The next category of essays is the "Why an MBA" / "Why This School" set.

In these, schools first want to hear about how an MBA will fit into your career, both short and long term. Top MBA programs are looking for candidates who will: first of all, be gainfully employed upon graduating, second of all, have an illustrious career that will make their institution look good and encourage future generations of applicants to apply, and third, be consistent and generous donors. That being the case, they want to know about your career trajectory, and how an MBA will fit into it.

Pro tip: Here, you want to be ambitious and inspiring in laying out your future career, but not naïve. Walk the line between shooting for the stars and sounding dreamlike and uninformed.

In this set of questions, you'll also encounter questions geared at figuring out why you would want to attend a specific school. MBA programs want to know that you're serious about attending their school — yield, or the percentage of admitted candidates who accept their offers of admission, is an important metric for them — but they also want to envision how you'll contribute to their admitted class. What will you uniquely bring to the table, the things that you'll do that the other candidates wouldn’t be able to offer?

We've heard former deans of business schools say that, in choosing a class, they're curating a world-class dinner party, and that each person invited to the dinner party has to bring something different. What will you bring to the dinner party?

Pro tip: To demonstrate that you've done your research, and to help the admissions committee envision you in their program, indicate which classes you might take when earning your MBA and why, which professors you might hope to study with, and in which clubs you might participate.

Here are a few examples of "why MBA / why this school" essays:

  • How is a Columbia MBA going to help you? (Columbia)
  • What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Wharton)
  • Why Stanford? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. (Stanford GSB)

3. Behavioral/Other

Finally, most other essays will either be behavioral, asking you about experiences, traits, strengths, weaknesses, and achievements. There's a wide variety of topics here, but all the guidelines from above apply, with the final note to always prioritize authenticity (as mentioned in the Personal Statement section) and leadership ability (remember, business schools are choosing future leaders). Here are a few examples of behavioral/other essays:

  • Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (Yale SOM)
  • Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you. (Columbia)
  • Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? (Stanford GSB)

Top MBA Program Essay Prompts (Updated 2022)

To help you get started, we've compiled the required prompts from a few top MBA programs below:

1. Harvard Business School (HBS)

As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (900 words)

For more information, visit A Guide to the HBS Essay .

2. Stanford Graduate School of Business

What matters to you most, and why? (650 words)

Why Stanford? (400 words)

Read What Matters Most When Writing the GSB Essays.

How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

For Wharton-specific advice, visit A Guide to the Wharton Essays .

4. Columbia Business School

Essay 1: Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2: The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a new co-curricular program designed to ensure that every CBS student develops the skills to become an ethical and inclusive leader. Through PPIL, students attend programming focused on five essential diversity, equity, and inclusion skills: Creating an Inclusive Environment, Mitigating Bias, Communicating Across Identities, Addressing Systemic Inequity, and Managing Difficult Conversations. Tell us about a time you were challenged around one of these five skills. Describe the situation, the actions you took, and the outcome. (250 words)

Essay 3: We believe Columbia Business School is a special place. CBS proudly fosters a collaborative learning environment through curricular experiences like our clusters and learning teams , an extremely active co-curricular and student life environment, and career mentorship opportunities like our Executives-in-Residence program .Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you academically, culturally, and professionally? Please be specific. (250 words)

5. Chicago Booth

How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250-word minimum)

An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of your career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are… (250-word minimum)

Read more at A Guide to the Booth Essays .

6. Kellogg Northwestern

Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)

Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

Read How to Nail Your Kellogg MBA Application Essays

7. MIT Sloan

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity, respect, and passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Admissions Committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation)

Applicants are required to upload a 1 minute (60 seconds) video as part of their application. In your video, you should introduce yourself to your future classmates, tell us about your past experiences, and touch on why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your degree.

How to Start Your MBA Essay

So you've read about the types of essays, and seen some of the prompts from top MBA programs. Now it's time to actually start diving into the essay.

The very first thing to do, before putting pen to paper, is to look inward.

Why do  you want an MBA? What role will this degree play in your professional growth? How do you imagine it will shape your life? What do you want out of your career? What is the most important thing in the world to you?

Yes, these are life’s deep-end questions, but you’ll need to tackle them in these essays, so before you start writing, take the time to think through them. Go for a run, swim some laps, bake a cake—however you get into the flow — and start a dialogue with yourself. Put down your work, turn your phone off, and give your mind permission to go to the places it usually avoids. That’s a good place to start. That’s where the answers are.

Pro tip: The first sentence is the hardest one to write. When you're starting out if it can intimidating and anxiety-producing. The trick is to simply put  anything  down — and don't look back. Keep putting one sentence after the other. You can edit later: let whatever comes to you out onto the page. If you’re struggling with self-critique, dim your computer screen until you can’t even see the words you’re typing. Then keep going.

Additional Tips & Tricks

Once you've started your essay, it's a matter of persistence: keep writing, then keep drafting and editing until you have something you're really proud of.

To help you with that process, here are a few more tips and tricks:

  • Take Breaks

When you hit the wall — you will hit the wall — stop. This is your brain telling you it needs to do something else. Walk your dog. Take a lap around your room. Eat some cheese. Your body needs sleep every night to function; your mind is the same way. That next leap of inspiration will come exactly at the moment when you’re least expecting it.

  • Read it Out Loud

When you finally have a draft, print it and read it out loud to yourself. Your ear will catch things your eyes miss. Reading out loud is the best way to pick up on spelling errors, clunky transitions, and paragraphs that still need ironing out. It’s also a good way to envision how the admissions committee will experience your essay.

Don’t be precious with your essay. Send it to anyone willing to read it. Solicit as much feedback as you can. If you don’t like what people have to say, you don’t have to incorporate it, but you need an impartial third party to give notes on what they’re seeing, thinking, and feeling. (You’re too close to things to do it for yourself.) This is where a Leland coach comes very much in handy!

  • Complete Everything Early

This is more of a timing consideration, but you do not want to trip at the finish line because your internet went down the night before the deadline, or your credit card was denied when paying your application fee (it's happened before). Don't let that be you!

Here is another article to get you started, written by an expert essays coach: 7 MBA Essay Tips to Make You Stand Out in 2022 .

Example MBA Essays

Finally, here are two essays to help inspire you. The first, a personal statement essay, was submitted by an admit to Berkeley Haas' Executive MBA program; the second, a career goals / why MBA essay, was submitted by an admit to Chicago Booth's deferred MBA program.

Haas Admit:

A person’s identity is shaped by many different aspects, including family, culture, personal interests, and surrounding environments. Please share a facet of your identity or story that is essential to who you are. (300 words) My upbringing in India, filled with countless myths and legends, had a profound influence on me. The most formative tale was about a sage who prays for years to the goddess of knowledge, but in vain. In the end, the goddess didn’t appear for the sage because he was turning his prayer beads the wrong way! As a child, this story upset me: the sage worked so hard and had the right intentions. As an adult, though, I’ve come to realize that the goddess of knowledge was right: you can’t succeed unless you do things the right way. Seven years ago, two friends and I started a company, XXXX: a digital health platform that would allow patients to store medical records online and consult doctors remotely. We had early success—we brought on 2,000 patients at XXXX, a gynecology clinic in XXXX—but ultimately we didn’t have the resources to properly scale, and had to shut the company down. Among the many lessons I learned, the most valuable was that ideas and hard work are common; businesses succeed or fail based on execution—on doing things the right way. Two years ago, I relearned this lesson in the most painful way possible: when my marriage ended. My wife and I loved each other, but we weren’t there for each other when it mattered most. Our feelings weren’t enough—we had to back them up with the right actions. It’s disheartening when you have good intentions but still fall short. When this happens, though, you have to keep trying—because eventually you will do things the right way. I carry the story of the sage with me always, not as a harsh lesson, but as a motivating goal: one that keeps me striving towards doing things the right way.

Booth Admit:

How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250 word minimum)
I want to start a geothermal company that will help lead the energy transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy—by targeting existing oil wells as sites for geothermal plants. Oil fields are close to electric grids and have high nearby subsurface temperatures, making them ideal sites for geothermal plants. By building geothermal infrastructure nearby, my company will produce cleaner, cheaper energy, making it more profitable for operators to switch from oil to geothermal. As oil companies decommission their wells, I’ll negotiate for their land rights, so I can use their existing wells for new geothermal vents. I want my company to prove the case for economically viable, carbon neutral energy production. After getting an MBA I want to start a geothermal company which will help me lead the energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. I plan to target developed oil fields in Texas, where, in many places, producing wells are flowing enough hot fluid to generate clean energy. Using this geothermal heat, the carbon footprint of oil and gas extraction will decrease as fewer fossil fuels are utilized to power surrounding infrastructure. As the wells approach their economic life, I will negotiate the lease from various operators, saving them millions in plug and abandonment costs, and retrofit the wells for direct geothermal energy production via closed loop binary fluid systems, bringing emissions to zero. To accomplish this goal, I need to shore up my knowledge of energy economics and entrepreneurial finance, develop a strong sense of leadership, and build a network of like minded individuals that will help me lead the transition and I believe I can get those things at Chicago Booth. My immediate career goal is to develop my first co-production site in Shelby County, Texas at the Blanton well site, which produces abnormally heated fluid from the flanks of an active salt dome. Before investing in capital expenditures, developing a strong sense of energy economics and broader markets is necessary to verify financial feasibility. University of Chicago, through the Graduate-Student-At-Large: Business program, is already allowing me to accomplish this goal with my enrollment in “Microeconomics” with Professor Andrew McClellan. His instruction helped me understand the impact taxes and subsidies have on market equilibrium, an important aspect of renewable energy as green energy tax incentives continue to change on a yearly basis. As my company continues to grow, having a strong finance and accounting foundation is imperative to building and sustaining a healthy company. Electives such as “Accounting for Entrepreneurship: From Start-Up through IPO” will provide the skills I need to be successful by following the life-cycle of a business that originates as a start-up, and covers topics such as building an initial accounting infrastructure. I understand that execution of the business is as important as developing the idea and proof of concept, and Booth is the best place for me to develop financial fluency. Leading the energy transition will require a strong sense of leadership. Not only will I need to lead those I get to work with over my career, but to lead the energy transition, and reverse the impact fossil fuels have had thus far, I must have the emotional intelligence to inspire others to join me in my journey. The “Interpersonal Dynamics” course at Booth will allow me to develop my communication skills and better understand the emotions and perceptions of my colleagues. These skills, synthesized with leadership development acquired in “Leadership Practicum” will prepare me to act as a relational leader, who understands the needs of others. As a relational leader I hope to foster an environment which promotes happiness, and maximizes efficiency, not only to make our efforts in changing the world more successful, but to excite other people to join our cause.
To find the greatest chance of success in leading the energy transition, I will need a network of like-minded individuals who can provide a diversity of thought. Chicago Booth provides the opportunity to develop that network through different community experiences. The Energy Club’s “Energy Forward” conference, which designates time to topics in oil and gas and renewable energy will allow me to hear from industry leaders, build meaningful relationships with peers and contribute my sector experience to the public forum as I learn from those around me. Opportunities through the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Group such as “SeedCon” will help me connect with successful entrepreneurs and early-stage investors whose ideas and funding might change the course of my venture’s trajectory. Even in the GSALB program I have had the opportunity to connect with other students in various sectors, including the energy industry. I hope to continue to strengthen those connections and continue building new ones with matriculation into the full time program.

Here are several other articles that you may find helpful as you put together your MBA application:

  • The Most Frequently Asked Questions on MBA Applications
  • How to Answer the "Why an MBA?" Essay Question
  • My Top Piece of Advice for MBA Applicants
  • How I Nailed My MBA Interview and Gained Admission to Top 10 Business Schools
  • 4 Expert Tips on Paying for Business School

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24 Entrepreneurs Explain Their Motivation for Running a Business

24 Entrepreneurs Explain Their Motivation for Running a Business

Being an entrepreneur or business owner has its share of ups and downs. While the downs can be pretty low the ups always seem to triumph for a true entrepreneur at heart. Milestones are what entrepreneurs and business owners work towards. Once you finally reach a certain point then reflection can truly begin. Finding the motivation in running your business keeps it from becoming stale in the long run. No matter which part you loves most, loving them all is equally as important.

We asked entrepreneurs and business owners what motivates them about running a business and below are their replies.

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#1- seeing the impact of my work.

My motivation to keep going is seeing how our food helps our clients' dogs. When delivering, I can see how their skin is softer and less red, they have slimmed down, their aching joints are little more nimble – these physical changes are so impactful to me that they can get me over the hump. And dog kisses and hugs always put a smile on my face!

Thanks to Lisa Hennessy, Your Pet Chef, LLC. !

#2- Always having to try to figure things out

For instance, one big mistake we made when starting our new business is their failure to understand our value proposition. What is it about our product , service and offer that compels people to say yes? Until we knew this, any marketing efforts or spend in any channels will be like pouring gasoline on wet leaves. For instance, when we first launched, we thought people would like our service because its a cheaper way to get their grass cut. What we found through copy testing in different channels such as ad-words and FB is that the customers' ability to get same day service is a much more effective and compelling subset of our value prop that drives more visitors and more conversions on our landing pages. Nailing your value prop first is crucial.

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Thanks to Zach Hendrix, GreenPal !

#3- Networking and connecting

I've always been extremely social and a huge networker– It's been my most fruitful tool in building Cheekd. I'm constantly making connections for those around me and in return, I feel like if I don't know the person I'm looking for someone I know will. And now I’m even giving people all over the world a tool to help them find the most incredible connection that exists- love. My idea has become more than just a business over the years… It’s become my mission.

Thanks to Lori Cheek, Cheekd !

#4- Seeing positive and appreciative reactions

Running your own business means that you can give customers what you believe to be the best products and services. Seeing positive and appreciative reactions from your customers based on what you provide them can be incredibly motivating especially if you are tired or not having the best day.

Thanks to Natalie Athanasiadis,  DVG Melbourne !

#5- Helping other people

My motivation is to help others develop a healthy self-image and impactful career. The mission of PurposeRedeemed is to: Inspire a countercultural view of work that affirms the dignity of every individual and drives sustainable community impact. We believe that work should neither be just a paycheck nor what determines our self-worth. In a culture that measures people by their status and finances, we’re here to show a better way—equipping individuals to identify and pursue their passions; developing leaders with a healthy perspective on identity; and building communities that elevate the conversation on work.

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Thanks to Christopher K. Lee, PurposeRedeemed !

#6- My Daughters

The biggest reason is my daughters. I grew up during a time when it wasn't very typical for women to run their own businesses (my own mother was a stay-at-home-mom) and I think it's important to normalize that experience for my girls. Women can be great wives and mothers and also incredibly talented, savvy business owners! I also am constantly motivated by ambition and a sheer refusal to quit. When I face challenges in my business, like losing a client or working with contract employees who are unreliable, I simply see it as a way for me to get more creative to figure out how to move beyond the obstacle. I never shy away from a challenge–it keeps me on my toes and ends up strengthening my business in the long run.

Thanks to Hilary Young, Hilary Young Creative !

#7- Making forex trading simple to women

My motivation in running my business is hearing the joy in a woman's voice who realizes trading Forex was not as difficult as she thought. Empowering women with a skill most never dreamed they could master is a great feeling. Watching women have options to supplement their income without having to leave the comfort of their own home gives us a reason to go through the struggles of running a new business.

Thanks to Robyn Mancell,  Girls Gone Forex !

Most people are afraid to say that as to not sound materialistic. But when you realize that the money you make is already labeled and it has a purpose, you can say it with all confidence. I look at it as M.O.E Money. It's no longer about private jets, yachts or the latest designer handbag. My money is designated to make *M*oments, *O*pportunities and *E*xperiences for those I love and those who are less fortunate. Giving money a purpose, in turn, gives meaning to my business and the work I do. My biggest thrill isn't more stuff. It's seeking ways to use resources to create life-changing possibilities for others. When times get hard, I think about my children and grandchildren and the exposure and experiences I want them to have. It is all the motivation I need to put my nose down and keep hustling.

Thanks to Camille D. Jamerson, CDJ & Associates !

#9-Positive impact and empowerment

I help clients invest their money in alignment with their values, finding innovative, solution-focused companies that matter. Being a woman in finance is never easy, though helping people connect the dots between their assets and their visions for the world in which they want to live is what keeps me energized and excited to grow the field of impact investing.

Thanks to Kristin Hull, Nia Global Solutions !

#10- Missionary zeal and joy of learning

My startup specializes in selling exhibition catalogs – books which I believe are truly inspirational but are not reaching the audience they deserve. That missionary zeal together with the joy of learning as I navigate new challenges and opportunities keeps me going through the long hours. Coffee is a help too!

Thanks to Caroline Keppel-Palmer, Museum Bookstore !

#11- Sticking to our mission despite the challenges

One of my company's missions is to introduce people to the wilderness and inspire them to protect it. The current political climate prioritizes the decommissioning public lands with the goal of selling them to the highest bidder, so our mission is of ever-increasing vital importance. This is what keeps me motivated when other pressing challenges arise.

Thanks to Steve Silberberg, Fitpacking Weight Loss Backpacking Adventures !

#12- Flexibility

As the owner of a company, I get to choose the roles within it that are not only the most interesting to me, but also the most flexible. As a mom of three boys, it’s always been incredibly important to me that I “be there” for them. This meant, when they were younger, I ran and built the business at times when they did not need me (mostly in the evenings after they went to bed). And now that they’re in school and I work mostly during the day, I have the flexibility to volunteer in their classrooms and be home with them when they’re sick. Juggling this schedule for the past 19 years of also raising my boys has taught me that there is plenty of time in the 168 hours each week, to do both.

Thanks to PaigeNeJame, CertaPro Painters of the South Shore and Boston !

#13- Investing in others

Most of the things that are read online about blogging are about ditching the 9-5 and making a ton of money as your own boss on your own time. This is not my motivation however! I have a traditional career as a district manager for a major retailer, overseeing 22 stores across three states…and I happen to love it! The reason that I am turning this blog of mine into a business is because it gives me the opportunity to teach a wider audience a wider set of skills. Investing in others is what I have a passion for, and it’s what gets me to my computer at 5:00am everyday to work on growing Origin Leadership before I get to work driving sales as a District Manager.

Thanks to Nick Glassett, Originleadership.com !

#14- My team and the work itself

My motivation has always stemmed from my team. When I started, that was the most rewarding aspect of my business: having the privilege of working with first-rate individuals who are passionate, intellectual, creative and devoted to our mission. As I get older and establish a better work/life balance, my team is still the reason I am drawn to my work. As their CEO, it's a big job to fulfill my obligations to them (of aggressively growing and leading the company,)…and I don't always succeed at meeting every challenge along the way. But when I do, there is almost no better feeling than feeling the gratitude and respect coming from my ambitious team. And, throughout our journey, the shared responsibility everyone on my team expresses –genuinely treating our company as if it is their own– is an indescribable thing to witness, and incredibly gratifying.

Thanks to Megan Cunningham, Magnet Media, Inc !

#15- My clients

I can easily state that my motivation for my business is *my clients*. I lead small group tours all over the world, mostly in Europe. Although my job cannot be classified as easy, the one thing that keeps me going is the thought of the look on my clients' faces when they travel with me. Many times the impetus for a trip with us is that they have experienced a significant life milestone, They have retired or they are empty nesters and in some cases it is more that a milestone, they have lost a spouse. They see traveling as a way to re-affirm their lives. They are out in the world. They are seeing things that are on their ‘bucket lists'. And the smiles, and sometimes tears, of appreciation for my work makes all the hard parts of my job, worth getting through.

Thanks to Patricia Hajifotiou, The Olive Odysseys !

#16- Lifestyle

What keeps me motivated to run my business is the lifestyle I enjoy because of it. I don't have to wait for a long weekend to go biking, hiking, or play golf. I don't have to schedule my family time around my business. Sure, there are days when I get frustrated but most days, I actually enjoy running my business. And when I look at everything that I have gained because of it, it just makes me value my business even more.

Thanks to John Jonas, Onlinejobs.ph !

#17- Customers Feedback

As an entrepreneur and creator of several twin products, I find that I am motivated by pictures and responses from customers stating that the products have made an actual difference in their lives. Recently I was contacted by a mom of twins who was having the hardest the time leaving the home alone with her baby twins. Her therapist has suggested that she find a way to leave the home with them and get some fresh air. She wrote to us telling us how one of our products (the Twingaroo twin carrier) allowed her to do so. Not only that, when she was out and about she found that people would approach her to ask her about it and compliment her for being able to juggle the twins on her own. We get countless pictures of parents of multiples using our products and that just solidifies why I do what I do- to help other parents of multiples tackle their daily challenges!

Thanks to Julixa Newman,  Stuff 4 Multiples !

#18- The Journey

As an entrepreneur I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to turn my passions into profits, while still helping people. It’s not always been easy, but I’ve learned to look at my setbacks as setups for greater success. It’s the journey, not each step, that has truly been most fulfilling. The freedom to pursue my dreams and make a difference has made the juice well worth the squeeze.

Thanks to Katrina McGhee, LovingonMe !

#19- Work/Life Balance

When the work gets tough, I have a motto that I believe in and live by, as it motivates me when the work gets difficult. The one question I always ask myself is: What is the worst that can happen? Every day, I also always tell myself: If you do things for the right reasons, only the right thing can happen. Do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. I also try my best to maintain a positive attitude, because that is essential for success. Energy is the fuel that feeds our attitude and it needs to be replenished on a daily basis. Having a positive attitude is a conscious choice, so when negative thoughts creep in, I stop them in their tracks and replace them with positive self-talk. I repeat words or phrases that focus on affirming truths about me. I also surround myself with like-minded women who are an inspiration and who will provide encouragement. Positivity allows you to see the potential that lies within you and gives you the faith to step outside of the box to achieve your dreams.

Thanks to Grainne Kelly, BubbleBum !

#20- Helping people gain confidence

The main motivation for running my business is knowing that I’m helping people gain confidence through sport. Swimming helped me gain confidence in life and I want everyone to feel this confidence in their lives too. Not only does swimming lessons teach confidence, it is also a life skill that prevents accidents. I’m passionate about this and also enjoy swimming as a part of my daily life, which makes running my business a breeze.

Thanks to Diana Goodwin, AquaMobile Inc. !

#21- Responsibility

Being responsible for the income of my employees and their families is my biggest motivator for ensuring the business is thriving. It's stressful at times but drives me to seek as many opportunities to grow and ensure the company is thriving. It's also quite rewarding knowing I'm able to help support these families and it makes me want to grow my business that much more to hire more employees and help provide for as many people as I can.

Thanks to Brian Gow, Scheel Window & Door !

#22- Survival mode

Despite huge ups and huge downs, I always continue as it would end very shortly. It's my survival mode instinct that keeps me going. It's the accountability toward our mission of defending people's privacy as well as the passionate team working every day for the good.

Thanks to Olivier Plante, Fleksy !

#23- A number of things

There are always ups and downs, and what keeps me going strong is the certainty that I'm doing meaningful work that helps people expand their mind and reach their goals. Another thing that pushes me forward is the promise that I will do my best to create a great today and an even better tomorrow for all the people that surround me. And I also find motivation in what I refer to as the five freedoms: Financial Freedom (for now and for the future). Location Freedom (live and work from wherever I want and is best for me). Time Freedom (flexibility with my schedule). Freedom of Association (focus on the clients I want to work with). Freedom of Purpose (do the work I love and that I'm good at).

Thanks to Helena Escalante,  Entregurus.com !

#24- Helping difficulties

There’s a lot more that motivates me to run my business than just the money. Obviously, making more money means I’m able to provide even more for my loved ones, which is very important to me, but there are also other responsibilities that drive me when running a business. Getting the right  insurance policy can be a stressful process for a lot of people, and Cuuver eases that process by allowing people to compare the wide range of policies that are available to them in a simple and easy way. Knowing that my business helps people deal with something they are finding difficult motivates me to make the business as effective and successful as possible. There is also the matter of ensuring that all of my employees are happy and that my business is helping them to look after their own loved ones. I want to make sure that everyone involved with Cuuver benefits from my business in some way, whether it be a customer or an employee.

Thanks to Steve Pritchard, Cuuver !

What is your motivation for running a business? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our  #IamCEO Community

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Business Essay Examples

Cathy A.

13 Business Essay Examples for Students

14 min read

Published on: May 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

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Are you struggling to figure out the structure, research, or data required to make your essay stand out? Or frustrated by the lack of inspiration and ideas for your essay?

But don't give up yet! We have a powerful solution that will make your essay writing a breeze. Our list of business essay examples is here to help! 

We have compiled expertly written business essay examples that will illustrate how to write a striking business essay.

With our examples, you'll be able to see how to structure your essay and generate creative ideas for your topic. And our tips will help you make the most of these examples.

So, let's dive in and get ready to learn!

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What is a Business Essay?

A business essay is a type of academic writing that focuses on business-related topics and issues. These essays can cover a wide range of topics such as marketing, finance, management, entrepreneurship, and more.

The importance of business essay lies in presenting a well-researched and informed analysis. To do this effectively, writers need to conduct extensive research and analysis on the topic at hand.

Referring to examples of business essays can help you gain insight into the structure, tone, and content of a well-written essay.

Business Essay Examples For Students

Here is a list of business writing examples

Business Essay Examples Pdf

Business Essay Example Grade 10

Business Essay Example Grade 11

A Level Business Essay Examples

University Business Essay Examples

International Business Essay Examples

Short Essay About Business

College Essay About Starting A Business

Types of Business Essay with Examples

When it comes to business essay writing, there are several different types that you might encounter. 

Here's a brief overview of each type, including their characteristics and an example of each.

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Case Studies

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a specific business situation or problem. It involves extensive research and data analysis to provide recommendations.

Case studies often showcase the application of theory to real-world business scenarios.

Research Papers

Research papers involve a more academic approach to business writing. They typically require an extensive literature review, data analysis, and original research. 

Business research papers aim to contribute new knowledge to the field of business. These often involve a hypothesis or research question.

Argumentative Essays

Argumentative business essays aim to persuade the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. They present an argument and use evidence and logic to support their claims. 

Argumentative essays can address various business topics such as management practices, ethical issues, or market trends.

White Papers

A white paper is a document that provides a detailed explanation of a particular issue or problem, often with recommendations or solutions. 

White papers are typically used to educate stakeholders about a specific topic. These are often used in the business-to-business (B2B) context.

Comparative Essays 

Comparative business essays compare and contrast two or more topics or ideas. They typically analyze the similarities and differences between the topics to evaluate their pros and cons. 

Comparative essays can focus on various aspects such as products, companies, markets, or strategies.

How to Structure Your Business Essays

As you begin writing your business essay, it's important to structure it in a clear and organized way. 

Here's a step-by-step guide with business essay samples to help you do just that:

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a brief overview of your entire essay. It should summarize your main points and highlight your recommendations. 

This section should be written after completing the essay, as it gives a clear picture of what the essay covers. 

Here is how you start a business essay sample:


The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay. It should introduce the topic, provide background information, and explain the purpose of the essay. 

Here is a business essay introduction example:

Industry Analysis

In this section, you'll conduct a thorough analysis of the industry in which the business operates. You should examine factors such as competition, market trends, and customer behavior. 

Here is a sample industry analysis

Key Issues or Problems

This section should identify the main issues or problems faced by the business. You should provide evidence to support your claims and analyze the impact of these issues. 

Here is an example paragraph:

Solutions or Recommendation

Here, you'll provide solutions or recommendations to address the issues identified in the previous section. Your solutions should be well-supported and feasible. 

For instance:

Implementation Plan

For this part, you'll outline a plan for implementing the solutions or recommendations you've proposed. This is sort of a description of the business model you suggest. 

This section should be detailed and include specific action steps. 

For example:

Finally, you'll wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and reiterating your recommendations. 

This section should be clear, concise, and impactful. 

By following this structure, your business essay will be well-organized, coherent, and easy to follow for your readers.

Tips for Using Business Essay Examples Effectively

Now that you have quite a few business essay examples at hand, you should know how to use them effectively:

  • Use them as a guide, not a template : While it's great to learn from examples, you should never copy them outright. Instead, use them as a starting point for your own research and writing.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the essay : Take note of what works well in the example essay, as well as any areas that could be improved. This will help you understand how to make your own essay even better.
  • Use them to inform your own research and writing : Pay attention to the research methods, sources, and evidence used in the example essay. This can give you ideas for your own research and help you strengthen your arguments.
  • Avoid plagiarism and ensure proper citation: Whenever you use ideas or information from an example, make sure to cite your sources. This will help you avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

You now have a plenty of business essay examples on different topics to help you get started!

By following our tips and studying the sample essays, you can confidently write your own essays that are clear, concise, and impactful. 

However, if you still find yourself struggling with your business essays, just reach out to our professional business essay writing service . 

We have the best online essay writing service and are ready to provide you a high-quality business. Our writing service has subject specialist writers who can tackle any business essay topic.  

So why wait? Contact us today and let our AI essay writer take your business essays to the next level!

Cathy A. (Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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How to Stay Motivated to Start a Business

What's your motivation for starting a business? Here's how to find and sustain your drive for business ownership.

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At the base of every business is the ardor and dedication of an entrepreneur with a goal. Working for yourself is an incredible feat that can be extremely challenging. Many resolutions rest on your shoulders, like the structure of your business, company culture and even whether your company continues to run. It’s a lot for one person to carry, and sometimes running a business feels overwhelming.

It’s not always disorganization or a lack of cash flow that brings a company to its knees. Enthusiasm can be short-lived, and a negative attitude is a silent killer. As our emotions shift, it can be hard to keep that passion for your business steady, especially when new challenges come along. Fortunately, there are many ways to manage and sustain your motivation so you don’t burn out.

Why is motivation important for an entrepreneur?

graphic of a person flying on top of a large lightbulb

Motivation is important for an entrepreneur for the same reason fuel is important for a plane: Nothing gets off the ground without it. A business isn’t always booming with profit or celebrating achievements. Completing mundane or difficult tasks is a daily necessity, and it’s your ambition that will push you through it to keep striving for your goals.

“Motivation can boost an entrepreneur’s confidence to match their goals,” Shagun Chauhan, business development manager at Brightness Group BV, told business.com. “Recognition, esteem and self-actualization fulfill you. Motivated thoughts allow you to think more productively and experiment with new ideas.”

Your drive is also tied to your dopamine reward pathways, which make you want to keep going or do something again, said Dr. Teralyn Sell, licensed psychotherapist, brain health specialist, and owner of Inner Strength Counseling and Recovery. “Motivation is the workhorse behind your ideas.”

How do I sustain my motivation when starting a business?

There are several ways entrepreneurs can sustain motivation when starting a business. Follow this expert advice to find the best tips that work for you.

1. Be in the right headspace.

Being in the right headspace is important. To stay motivated, you can’t allow fear of failure or bumps in the road to knock you off your path. When you focus on your strengths, the future of your company becomes clearer. Your general mindset is a crucial factor in sustaining your positive energy.

“Think of the Little Engine That Could,” Sell said. “He knew he wanted to get over the mountain to bring the toys to all of the boys and girls on the other side. And when self-doubt began to creep in, the little engine repeated over and over to himself, ‘I think I can, I think I can.’ As new business owners, it’s imperative you do the same.”

Starting a business can be challenging , and it can be difficult to stay motivated when you hit a roadblock. When those issues arise, so does fear, which is why protecting your headspace is key to overcoming them. [Read related: How to Learn from Your Failures: 4 Valuable Lessons ]

2. Use meditation to reflect.

graphic of a person meditating

Chauhan recommends breaking down your process to understand exactly what is needed to complete your workload. He also recommends meditation to help you clear out your thoughts and focus on the progress you’ve made. This reflection strengthens your fortitude against stress or disappointment and pushes you to learn from your past mistakes.

“Practice daily mindset shifts,” Sell said. “Put out positive energy and create some new neurological pathways to keep you going. It’s easy to slip down in the dumps when things get tough, but mental toughness is key to your success.”

3. Surround yourself with motivational people.

Aside from a good attitude, it’s important to surround yourself with like-minded people who share your goals. Not only will this give you a support system, but being around other motivated individuals who encourage you and hold you accountable makes it harder to quit. A good group of successful people can inspire you and keep you on the right path.

4. Create a strong mission statement.

Don’t underestimate the importance of your mission statement either. A strong mission statement that you and your employees understand and believe in can help you set company goals, avoid missteps and stay motivated when you face rough patches.

5. Focus on your mental health.

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If you find that your determination ebbs and flows, this fluctuation might be due to your mental health, explained Sell. When you have an imbalance of neurotransmitters like dopamine or serotonin, your enthusiasm is more apt to burn out.

“You might start off with a dopamine push like, ‘What a great idea!'” Sell said. “But [when you] lack drive or reward, you fizzle out. If you are stressed out, your cortisol might be impacted, and you may feel fatigued or depressed. If this sounds like you, then get those levels checked out before your big idea gets off the ground.”

6. Focus on your physical health.

Starting a business is a big venture that requires a lot of time and energy. Many aspiring entrepreneurs pay so much attention to their new business that they forget to focus on themselves. It may not seem important, but your physical health can play a major role in your motivation to keep going. Drinking a lot of water, eating balanced meals and getting enough physical exercise will help keep your body running efficiently so you can focus on creating a successful business .

Additionally, one of the biggest mistakes a new entrepreneur can make is burning the candle at both ends. Getting enough sleep each night is imperative to maintaining long-term motivation. There is often no task so important that it can’t be left until morning – and with a well-rested mind, it may be easier to accomplish the next day anyway.

7. Plan ahead.

Planning ahead and setting reminders can help you stay on track throughout the day. Create a schedule of the things you want to accomplish each day, week, month, etc. Set alarms daily to remind yourself when it’s time to focus on specific tasks and when it’s time to take breaks. There are productivity apps that can help with this as well.

8. Set a realistic schedule for yourself.

graphic of a person sitting at a computer near a clock

One way to achieve goals and stay motivated is by understanding your working habits and creating a realistic process that coincides with them. For example, if you are not a morning person, setting the goal of waking up at 4:30 a.m. every day might result in you accidentally over-sleeping, derailing your daily schedule and ultimately giving up. Instead, shift your working hours later in the day (or whatever schedule works best) to create a realistic workday that you are likely to adhere to. 

9. Incentivize yourself.

Everyone loves a reward. When you’re starting a business, it can be easy to get so focused on “what’s next” that you forget to celebrate the little victories. Keep track of your milestones – big and small – and reward yourself when you reach them. Recognizing each challenge and achievement is a great way to remind yourself how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished.

10. Create a routine.

The best way to motivate yourself long-term is to create a routine. The British Journal of Health Psychology said it takes the average person two to three months to form a new habit, and 59 days for a new behavior to become automatic; although this can be more or less, depending on the individual and habit type. Create a routine to stay you on track – if you stick with it long enough, you may just be automatically motivated to work without having to think twice.

What are the types of entrepreneur motivations?

Contrary to popular belief, money isn’t the only motivator. Entrepreneurial motivations include flexibility, control and legacy, said Jacent Wamala, licensed therapist and owner of Wamala Wellness.

Each motivation falls under one of two categories – intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the internal form of motivation that comes from a personal desire to fulfill your goals and achieve individual ambitions and personal satisfaction. Extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards like money, praise and fame.

  • Flexibility is a valuable benefit of entrepreneurship. Working for a company or someone else might require long hours that leave you feeling overworked, overextended or bored. When you work for yourself, you may still put in long hours – maybe even more than you would working for someone else – but you have the freedom to structure those hours how you want.
  • Control is similar to flexibility in terms of power over your own goals and productivity. More importantly, you have direct control over your success and livelihood. While calling the shots is freeing, it does require you to be reliable and efficient.
  • Legacy in business is the desire to create something long-lasting that can produce generational wealth, with value or an impact to a wide group of people that lasts lifetimes. A successful business can span multiple generations.

Understanding your motivation and what drives you will help you focus on your goals. When your underlying purpose is clear, you won’t feel as overwhelmed or discouraged when things change or you encounter obstacles.

“Having a solid understanding of why you are starting a business will remind you of the necessity to continue in the face of adversity,” Wamala said. “Write down your lessons and wins regularly. Create boundaries to avoid burnout. Seek peer support or mentorship to have a community that you feel understands you. A great entrepreneur is flexible and a lifelong learner.”

Skye Schooley contributed to the writing and reporting in this article. Source interviews were conducted for a previous version of this article.


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Essays About Motivation Leads to Success: Top 5 Examples

If you’re writing an essays about motivation leads to success; you will be inspired by our guide’s essay examples and prompts. 

Motivation is the ultimate key to success. The journey toward any goal is always fraught with hardships that tempt you to quit. But with the right motivation, you can keep sight of your goals and make it to your finish line. The search to find the source of people’s motivation and how to sustain its momentum has been a favorite subject among psychologists and management experts. This interest has engendered several motivation theories applied across society, whether at home, school, or work.

Read on for great essays and prompts on motivation leading to success, and find yourself filled with the motivation to get your essay done.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. the power of positive self-talk by teri karjala, 2. the goldilocks rule: how to stay motivated in life and business by james clear, 3. caffeine, exercise and the brain: how ‘doping’ with psychoactive drugs can boost motivation by ian mcmahan, 4. how to motivate your problem people by nigel nicholson, 5. how to overcome self-doubt and a lack of motivation by leo babauta, 9 helpful writing prompts on essays about motivation leads to success, 1. what motivates you, 2. rewards as tools for motivation, 3. how to develop self-motivation, 4. maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 5. motivating children to succeed, 6. using motivation to succeed in fitness, 7. creating a motivationing atmosphere at home, 8. rejection as a powerful driver for motivation, 9. motivating team members.

“Powerful and positive self-talk can change your entire mindset, which can affect your actions. That, in turn, can have a massive impact on how successful you are on any journey you take or any obstacle you face.”

Practicing positive self-talk can help turn self-doubt into concrete positive actions toward your goals. There are several ways to establish a habit of positive self-talk that will fuel our motivation. Such habits include steps as simple as changing how we address ourselves and physical activities, such as exercising and volunteering for social activities. 

“It is hard to imagine a situation that would strike fear into the hearts of more people than performing alone on stage and failing to get a single laugh. And yet Steve Martin faced this fear every week for eighteen years.”

The essay chronicles the success of American comedian Steve Martin, offering an excellent example of someone who has applied the so-called Goldilock’s Rule. Goldilock’s Rule states that people’s motivation is at its peak when they face manageable challenges. Psychologists also add that immediately receiving positive feedback will also motivate people to work their way to success with more determination than ever.

“When motivation is low and perceived effort high, the couch wins. So if a cup of tea or coffee can get you out and exercising, Marcora’s research suggests it’s worth a try.”

This article describes how your fitness and body toning goals would have been easier by keeping motivated. It also describes the quick fix that could eradicate psychological barriers to exercise: the mildly stimulating “drug” called caffeine.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about personal growth .

“Everyone knows that good managers motivate with the power of their vision, the passion of their delivery, and the compelling logic of their reasoning. Add in the proper incentives, and people will enthusiastically march off in the right direction.”

By coaxing problem employees to do better, managers are not only demotivating them further but are stoking the fire in an already dysfunctional relationship. This is the last thing managers would like to do if they still want to unlock employees’ intrinsic motivation and channel it toward the company’s goals. Before seeing problem employees as the main cause of the problem, managers must look inward and be more flexible in setting goals.

“It can be hard to get moving when you are stuck. This is how I felt in 2005 when I couldn’t change any of my habits. It was really hard to motivate myself when I didn’t think I would succeed, when I felt horrible about myself. But I took one small step, and it felt good.”

We all have that day when a lack of motivation strikes us. This article reassures us that experiencing sluggishness and self-doubt is okay. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, we can still make that bad day count by taking a small step and changing our perception of ourselves and the world around us.

What motivates you to wake up early to get to school, do your homework, or study intently for an exam? In this essay, write about the factors that figure in your motivation equation. Next, enumerate your techniques or attempts to build motivation for your goals. How do you deal with a low motivation level on a bad day? Do you take some rest or force your effort? Finally, share with your readers how much you have progressed in building motivation and what more you want to achieve.

Several studies have uncovered the enormous benefits of rewards in motivating people. First, delve into these studies and discover the scientific explanation behind the effects of rewards on people’s motivation and success. Then, write about the kinds of rewards that have proven effective. Finally, write about rewards you have received that fuelled you to improve yourself and your outlook to add a personal touch.

Self-motivation is a strong sense of motivation that comes from within a person rather than from external factors. This essay focuses on activities and habits that can empower your readers to be self-motivated. For example, it is proven that a deep and daily reflection of goals keeps one focused on following a routine built for that goal, regardless of the difficulties.

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory is the most popular motivation theory. So, elaborate Maslow’s theory, which proposes that a person has to fulfill five basic needs to keep motivated — physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Also discuss the motivation theories derived from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, such as Alderfer’s ERG Theory, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, and McLelland’s Acquired Needs Theory, among others. Explore how they relate with each other or even pick out which improvised theory best captures and works with your situation at school or work.

Essays About Motivation Leads to Success: Motivating children to succeed

Adults at home and school have a big role in instilling in children the importance of motivation as the key to success. For this essay, share the motivational methods your parents and teachers employ to help you keep motivated. Then, assess how these methods effectively or ineffectively build your inner sense of motivation. 

Many of us might have added fitness goals into our New Year’s resolution. And most might have deferred it or abandoned it altogether. Provide your readers with tips on how they can conquer laziness and hit the gym. Of course, the most challenging part is staying motivated in this routine. So compile tried and tested techniques from wellness and fitness experts, and encourage your readers to chronicle their fitness journey so they can appreciate their progress over time. 

This may be a challenge for parents who are working from home. Once parents feel the weight of the responsibilities at home, their motivation for work tends to slip away. So, provide recommendations on how working parents can set healthy boundaries between housework and professional work to deliver on their priority tasks. 

Now, if you want your essay to cater to students, you could also write your experience in distance learning – if any – during the pandemic. Talk about your challenges, strategies for overcoming them, and recommendations to enhance students’ motivation in distance learning. 

Several success stories are made possible because of rejection. For your essay, learn how popular figures embraced rejection. How did they harness it to generate the energy they need to reach their dreams? Finally, offer your readers, particularly those who may be experiencing rejection, some encouraging words to help them get through such trying times. 

How do you deal with uncooperative team members? Unfortunately, some team leaders just allow such instances to pass. But for leaders determined to uplift their team members’ motivation, what can they do? For your essay, offer proven practical approaches to help members align with team goals. Use case studies from the experiences of long-time leaders and managers.

For more writing tips, learn about persuasive writing . Also, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers to ensure your piece is error-free.

motivation essay business

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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MBA Motivation Letter: How to Write One

Includes mba motivation letters sample.

Featured Expert: Aali Malik, MBA

MBA Motivation Letter

Looking at an MBA motivation letter sample is a great start to being drafting your own motivation letter for your MBA application. The term MBA motivation letter is often considered interchangeable with MBA cover letter, and both of these are sometimes confused with the MBA personal statement, statement of purpose or letter of intent. But a well-written MBA motivation letter can be a focused and effective short letter that will strengthen your MBA application, especially if you want to convey your enthusiasm for getting your MBA or share with the admissions committee what is driving you to future success. For extra help in writing and refining your MBA motivation letter, you can get professional feedback from an MBA admission consulting service or MBA essay consultant. In this blog, we’ll explore what an MBA motivation letter is and how to write one. We’ve also provided some sample MBA motivation letters to guide you.

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What is an mba motivation letter.

An MBA motivation letter is one of many different types of written documents an MBA applicant might include in their application to an MBA graduate program. MBA motivation letters are similar to a personal statement or MBA letter of intent , but there are some key differences. A good MBA motivation letter is designed to share with the reader what your future aspirations are, why you want to pursue an MBA at that school and why you are a top-choice applicant.

An MBA motivation letter is not the same as a personal statement, statement of purpose or letter of intent. It serves a similar function in an MBA application, but its content and structure are closer to than of a cover letter you might write for a job application. Your MBA application might also ask for an MBA cover letter sample , but this is a different document than a motivation letter. Motivation letters are typically written for graduate and undergraduate study programs, or unpaid job positions, for example volunteer work or internships. Motivation letters focus on what you can contribute and what your future career goals in business are. Your MBA cover letter serves as a sort of introduction to your entire application and lays out why you are a good fit for an MBA program or addresses any weaknesses in your application such as low GMAT scores.

An MBA motivation letter has a similar structure and format to a cover letter you might write for a job interview. It should be no longer than one page long, or around 400 words. It also needs to adhere to a formal letter format, which means it has to include your full name and contact information, the addressee’s name, title and contact information, and the date.

A formal letter uses a professional, straightforward tone and uses formal greetings and sign offs. You should also include a sincere thank you at the end of your letter to the person who will read it. As with cover letters, your MBA motivation letter will also include a brief introduction of yourself, 2 to 3 body paragraphs outlining your main points, and a closing paragraph before your thank you and sign off. So, a basic template of an MBA motivation letter would look just like an MBA cover letter.

Here we’ve included a few MBA motivation letter samples to guide you on how to write your own! For the purposes of these samples, we’ve left out contact information, names and dates you would include at the top of your letter.

MBA motivation letter sample #1

Dear Dr. Wexton,

I am taking this opportunity to write to you as part of my application to the [Business School] MBA program. I am recently graduated from [Undergraduate Program] and have decided to continue my education in graduate school. After careful thought, I have decided an MBA will best suit my career goals.

I was fortunate to not need to work during my undergraduate years, so I have not gained a great deal of work experience. I have worked several part-time positions and I am proud to be a dedicated volunteer for a number of university clubs and community programs. These experiences you can find in my resume and extracurriculars, which are included in my application package. Through these experiences, I have discovered where I would want to focus my work as a future businessperson.

Teamwork is an essential part of volunteering, and indeed in working with any team. I have been fortunate to work with many different teams, both large and small, and the interpersonal dynamics at play, the way a group of people can come together to create an effective whole, has always fascinated me. I feel my own traits of being detail-oriented, compassionate and open-minded have also helped me positively contribute to the teams I’ve been a part of. This has fostered an interest in working in a business consulting environment, specifically with a focus on team management and employee relationships. To show my commitment to this goal, I have also pursued a Scrum Master certification to add to my professional experience, as I do not have a long CV.

An MBA from your school will teach me to become the best team management specialist I can be, and I truly believe it will allow me to find the job positions and experience I need to further develop myself professionally. Thank you for your time and consideration of my application to this MBA program. I hope to hear back from the admissions committee soon.

Stacey Steadman

MBA motivation letter sample #2

Dear Professor Alvaro,

I am writing this letter today to express my interest in the MBA program at [Business School]. As part of my application, I wanted to write this motivation letter to explain my decision to pursue an MBA as a non-traditional applicant.

This year, I turned 43, and I truly hadn’t thought I would make the decision to go back to school and continue my education. My background is in the Arts, where I have worked for the past 15 years as a volunteer, a professional artist and the co-chair of the [Arts Foundation] in my city. I have enjoyed my time with the Arts immensely, and all of the positions I have held have been incredibly rewarding experiences. However, I have recently been offered an opportunity to launch an arts-related organization of my own, and I have found my knowledge of the business side of running things to be insufficient. After researching my options, I decided it was time to return to school to earn my MBA so I could provide myself the best tools and know-how for the job of running a large arts organization.

My dedication to the arts and my professional development makes this the clear next step for me. In researching MBA programs, I specifically chose your program for three reasons. The first is that [Business School] values creativity, sustainability and collaboration, all important values to both the arts community and myself, personally. The second reason I chose to apply to this program is that two of your instructors have backgrounds in the Arts as well, which tells me your program is diverse and well-rounded. The final reason I made the decision to apply for this MBA program is the curriculum focuses on a broad, solid understanding of business while recognizing the importance of maintaining relationships. I believe enrolling in this program will be an excellent decision for myself, my peers in the arts community and my team members who count on me.

Thank you very much for reading my letter and considering my candidacy as a non-traditional applicant to your MBA program. I truly believe a collaboration between us would be fruitful. I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

Susan Kloepki

MBA motivation letter sample #3

Dear Mr. Roberts,

I am interested in attending [Business School] to earn my Master’s in Business Administration. My motivation for pursuing a graduate degree and my interest in studying business come from my background as the oldest son of a single mother.

As the older brother of 3 siblings, I learned very early in life the importance of setting an example, collaboration and conflict management. Alongside my mother, I worked to help bring in income and care for my younger siblings. As a working high school student, I started to give greater thought to my future. I made the decision to apply to university and cultivate bigger career dreams. Despite any initial self-doubt, I was accepted to [University] and completed my degree in political science with honors. Coming from a family with a disadvantaged background, this was a proud accomplishment for me. It was also a valuable lesson in self-discipline and leadership, as I encountered the new challenges of being away from my family and committing myself to study. I continued to work part-time while earning my degree, and my interest in starting my own business was fostered.

After graduating, my decision to continue my education and pursue my MBA was cemented. I realized if I wanted to run my own business, I would need to learn the hard skills necessary to be a success. I feel I have a foundation already in the other integral skills such as leadership and collaboration. The MBA program at [Business School] I know values leadership, integrity and vision, and this is the reason I chose this program. I know my goals are ambitious and my vision is grand, but I have already proven to myself that I can rise to meet the challenge. I feel I am prepared to take on the next, and I am excited at the prospect of further developing as a leader, student of business, individual and older brother.

I am grateful to you for reading my letter and considering me for acceptance to the [Business School] MBA program. I hope to hear back soon from the admissions committee, and I look forward to enrolling in the fall.

An MBA motivation letter is a part of the MBA application, sometimes required and sometimes optional. It is a short, formal letter outlining why a candidate is applying to an MBA program and what skills they will bring to the program.

MBA motivation letters begin with a short introduction of who you are and why you are writing. This is to give the reader a snapshot of who you are as a person and why you are applying for an MBA program.

MBA motivation letters should include information on your career goals, why you are the best fit for an MBA program and any experiences you have which demonstrate your skills and strengths you can bring to the program. You can also mention how earning an MBA from a particular school will help you achieve your goals.

A motivation letter is typically no longer than one page, or around 400 words. 

Not always. Some MBA programs may ask for other written components as part of the application, or they may offer students the option of writing a motivation letter if they wish.

Although similar in length and structure, a cover letter is typically written as part of a job application, and a motivation letter is written for a school application or an unpaid position, such as an internship or volunteer work. An MBA motivation letter is written for a graduate MBA program. 

To write a good MBA motivation letter, keep your letter concise, formal and to the point. Eliminate unnecessary details or flowery language. Focus on one to three main points you want to make and try to stay within one page of writing. 

In general, an MBA motivation letter focuses on your big picture goals and future career aspirations. It may also discuss how your chosen MBA program will help you achieve these goals and why you are a good fit. Your MBA personal statement will share your past experiences and influences and how they have shaped your decision to apply to an MBA program. 

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Motivation in Business Management


Successful business plans frequently begin by establishing an efficient and productive workforce, and the method in which work at a firm can be maximized to ascertain workers fulfill their assigned duties. As such, in every organization, worker motivation is an essential aspect of personnel management (Mishra, 2017). In that case, it increases morale and assists employees in advancing their abilities and boosting their spirits and self-confidence so that they can participate more successfully in the establishment’s targets. As a workforce development strategy, motivation transforms people into fixed assets and inspires them to do their best work. Therefore, regular employee motivation prepares people for unexpected shifts in the actual and hard world. Generally, an organization’s chief key to success is the motivation factor within its culture, and a deficit within its facet will ultimately lead to undesirable outcomes in management.

Summary of Motivation

In management, motivation relates to enthusiasm, drive, and optimism, and it reflects the desire to perform responsibilities in pursuit of corporate goals. It is basically an energizing force that encourages individuals to do their best. As such, Paais and Pattiruhu (2020) emphasized that leaders with strong motivating abilities inspire and persuade followers to pursue a certain path of action in order to accomplish targeted goals and objectives. Developing an inspiring strategy to inspire team members to pursue shared goals is required to motivate personnel. A motivated workforce is advantageous to any firm due to the fact that it increases the likelihood of accomplishing operational, financial, and strategic objectives seamlessly. At the same time, highly motivated personnel are essential to the success of a firm since they provide enormous benefits to businesses in selling the image of the organization positively. As an impact, this ultimately results in increased sales, increased revenue creation, and enhanced profitability. Therefore, to encourage workers, it is prudent for management to staff members the chance to fulfill their demands. In this situation, motivation is a potent instrument that encourages people to act and operate in the desired way in order to satisfy their requirements and accomplish company goals.

The Nature of Motivation

Motivation may be described as the psychological factors that govern an individual’s conduct in a company, amount of endeavor, and tenacity in the face of adversity. Moreover, it is essential to management since it describes why individuals act as they do in companies. Further, motivation may originate from either intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Thus, intrinsically motivated action is a procedure that is done for its own sake; the motivational source is the exact act of executing the conduct, and motivation is derived from the process of completing the task (Jones & George, 2016). Most administrators are intrinsically driven; they obtain a feeling of satisfaction from assisting the firm in achieving its objectives and gaining a competitive edge (Jones & George, 2016). This applies in management in that those who are fascinating and difficult are much more inclined to stimulate intrinsic motivation than monotonous tasks or do not utilize a person’s abilities and skills. Henceforth, motivation is derived from executing duties with the maximum passion for achieving goals.

On the same note, the motivation source for extrinsically inspired activity is the outcomes of conduct, not the behavior itself. In management, for example, a salesman is motivated by collecting a commission on every vehicle sold. Consequently, this salesman motivation stems from the repercussions people experience due to their job activities. People may be either intrinsically or extrinsically driven, or both. Thence, prominent management should obtain a feeling of satisfaction and performance from management. Those who seek to meet year-end goals to earn a substantial bonus are internally and extrinsically driven (Jones & George, 2016). Nonetheless, such drives rely on a range of variables such as character, nature of their jobs, and organizational culture that impact them to be productive.

Theories of Motivation in Management

There are several motivation theories in management that provide clarity into what drives an employee at work. This is because staff motivation is essential to the success of any organization. However, humans are inherently distinct, and not everyone reacts the same way to a given circumstance or environment. It is essential for firms to understand not just the many features of their personnel but also what motivates these personalities through motivation theories. In this way, some fundamental ideas of motivation are the theories of Expectancy, Equity, and Need theory (Maslow’s).

Expectancy Theory

A person’s assessment of the amount to which exertion results in a specific degree of accomplishment is their expectation. The extent of an individual’s expectations influences whether or not they feel that a significant amount of effort will lead to greater achievement. People are only driven to exert great effort in their tasks if they believe that doing so will result in a good performance or if they have high expectations (Jones & George, 2016). In this sense, members of an organization are only motivated to exert great effort if they believe that performing so will result in a competitive advantage. In other words, for individuals to be highly motivated, they must have high expectations. In order to affect motivation, managers must ensure that their employees think they can succeed if they exert sufficient effort. Managers may increase employees’ expectations by exhibiting confidence in their subordinates’ talents.

Need theory (Maslow’s Hierarchy)

Prior to attempting to meet higher-level wants, such as self-esteem requirements, Maslow claimed that people’s most fundamental needs must be satisfied first. Hence, the pyramid’s lowest level of unfulfilled requirements is the primary driver of conduct; after this level is fulfilled, activity is motivated by the needs at the second level in the hierarchy. However, Maslow’s theory underscored that to have motivated personnel; administrators must establish which needs workers are attempting to fulfill within their businesses (Jones & George, 2016). Thence, ensuring that people obtain rewards that meet those needs when they exceed expectations and boost the performance of the firm. In this way, managers link the needs of individual members with the company’s core objectives. By acting in the organization’s best interests, workers achieve results that meet their requirements.

Equity Theory

Equity theory is a concept of motivation that focuses on people’s judgments of the justice or proportionality of their job outputs in relation to their inputs. According to Jones and George (2016), it supports the expectation. It needs theories to concentrate on how individuals see the link between the results they get from their work and companies and the contributions they make. Equity theory emphasizes that comparative instead of overall results a person obtains and contributions are crucial in influencing motivation. Comparing one’s outcome–input ratio to that of a reference has a direct impact on motivation. The referent might be a group or another person considered to be comparable to oneself, or it could be oneself in former employment or one’s expectations about what outcome–input ratio would be achieved.

Objectives of Motivation in Management

Effective communication.

Communication via dialogue may be a really effective method for inspiring employees, in my view. The strategy may function well by scheduled training seminars, roundtable discussions, and conferences that develop the staff’s abilities and understanding. These well-planned communications acquaint employees with the goals, plans, and initiatives crucial to the sustainability of the firm (Islami et al., 2018). Through these meetings and talks, they also get an understanding of the importance of delivering quality outcomes or output, and their relationships with one another and the workforce strengthen.

Accountability and Teamwork

The distribution of tasks plays a crucial function in motivating employees; for instance, some staff regard the additional responsibilities supplied by managers as a means of enhancing their character and work-related perspectives. In addition, they become driven to be responsible for their groups, and each staff member pursues an extra challenge to enhance their effectiveness (Islami et al., 2018). Once employees have shown proficiency in a certain field, assigning them specific responsibilities will inspire and push them to work much harder. Similarly, cooperation may be an important part of worker motivation. It might be a fundamental strategy to boost an employee’s competency. Due to the fact that people have diverse areas of expertise, collecting information and experience from one another may be a powerful motivational driver.

Enhancing Job Satisfaction

Workers who have recourse to motivating drivers from their supervisors have an advantage over those in other businesses who strive out stressful working environments that lack motivational drivers. A company’s advancement plan for its employees demonstrates to them that they are valued in the workplace. In light of this, the supplied incentives are crucial in creating a conducive work environment where employees have access to motivation and individual desires that they would not realize (Islami et al., 2018). Consequently, those who feel valued and are given incentive opportunities may enjoy greater job contentment.

Imparts Competency in Workers

Employees with higher levels of motivation have higher levels of performance. This is because their level of efficiency increases as a result of their motivation, which means that they begin performing their jobs to the peak of their abilities while limiting time and resources as much as possible (Islami et al., 2018). This is because happy staff often innovate ideas to generate the most of the resources at their disposal. The capacity to work combined with a desire always results in increased productivity, but motivation may further bridge the gap between the two.

Overall, managers in businesses should consider creating better methods for motivating employees instead of only being harsh in their execution of roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, being rude to employees may lead to allegations from others who do not value motivation. As a consequence, there would be a set of greater negligent condemnation. In this sense, all participants in the workforce should be fully instructed on how to stimulate one another and given recommendations for forming a harmonious setting. Similarly, no employee should relinquish the role of stimulating one another without a manager’s knowledge, and this may be achieved via cooperation. Finally, the management can only achieve the profitability of labor if the employees have the mindset and morale to carry out their tasks and responsibilities; thus, both the organization and the workforce benefit from applying incentives.

Islami, X., Mulolli, E., & Mustafa, N. (2018). Using management by objectives as a performance appraisal tool for employee satisfaction . Future Business Journal , 4 (1), 94-108. Web.

Jones, G. R., & George. J. M. (2016) Essentials of contemporary management (9 th ed.) McGraw Hill Education

Mishra, P. (2017). Green human resource management: A framework for sustainable organizational development in an emerging economy . International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25 (5), 762-788. Web.

Paais, M., & Pattiruhu, J. R. (2020). Effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational culture on satisfaction and employee performance . The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business , 7 (8), 577–588. Web.

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Why I Want to Study Business: Essays

Studying business has advantages. here are 14 essays on the theme of why i want to study business ..

Business studies student

Andrew Lancaster


Founder and Director of Unicurve.com

We'll let fourteen university students explain for themselves why they chose to study business. Here are some of the best essays into an essay competition on study motivation. Each business essay is from an American student who wants to complete a degree in business, business management, business administration or similar.

But first let me outline why I think business is an excellent choice for university study. These observations are based on my own Australian experiences in studying business and economics, from having recruited many business graduates into the public service, and with the knowledge gained from running a company.

Why Studying Business is a Good Idea

Business is a really solid study area. By doing choosing a business major, you'll develop skills that are relevant for almost any kind of work. And you gain a qualification that has value in the job market.

Do something useful while you figure out your career

Many business students begin their studies without really knowing where it will lead. The advantage of a business degree is that you build skills that are useful in any professional field, such as competencies in analysis, finance, planning and strategy. You also develop the ability to present different kinds of information clearly and logically.

The stats on business graduates are encouraging. Employment and early-career salaries for business graduates are competitive with vocational fields such as engineering, teaching and nursing. And business studies is a much surer bet than an arts degree for those who start university not knowing what they eventually want to do.

Be a professional or do your own thing

You can see from the Why I Want to Study Business essays that, for many, the motivation to study business is a dream to be self-employed at some stage in the future. Business students often have the ambition to be an entrepreneur or at least run their own small business.

Business can be the logical path to a range of other careers as well. You can major in a certain area within business if you want to be, for example, an accountant, banker, business manager, economist, marketing executive or stock market trader.

Become a leader eventually

At a postgraduate level, business management is the most popular area of study. In many different career streams, you eventually reach a point where further progress requires you to learn how to manage people and resources.

Dreaming of a Better Sleep

I wake up groggily and glance at the clock. I'm taken aback upon noticing the time is 8:38 PM. I'd gotten home from school and hadn't done anything other than sleep! So, I sat in bed, contemplating what to do. I could do homework or go back to sleep. (Which sounds better?!). Alas, my to-do list had just one thing: "work on my startup."

I'm 17 and trying to start my own business. The enterprise will create motorized mattress overlays to help patients in hospitals avoid health issues. I got started on it through one of my school classes and am graded on what I do, so I already had a small drive to do well.

However, my purpose behind this business is to help people. My dream to help millions of people around the world is what pushes me to work hard in every aspect of my life.

It motivates me to study, even when I can barely pull myself out of bed. My ultimate goal of helping people feel better is what drives me to sit down and get to work. I know that every class taken and every skill learned will better enable me to achieve my dream.

So, I study, even when I would rather sleep. I just think back to my purpose and realize that this dream that I have to change the world is the motivation behind every minute of studying that I do.

Liza Tarakanova Business, Mercy College

Math and Accounting

When I first started college, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I didn't have a clear plan and thought I wanted to pursue nursing. But when I took the basics, I realized it wasn't for me.

I felt lost and didn't have any hope for the future. I even considered dropping out of college and getting a job instead.

My lack of focus in school reflected in my grades. Despite my doubts, my family encouraged me to continue with my education.

Taking a semester off due to financial constraints gave me time to reflect on my goals and aspirations. I got a job and worked hard, but found myself missing the academic environment.

I realized that I enjoyed learning and had a passion for math. This made me realize that I needed to go back to school and complete my education.

It took me some time, but I finally found the motivation, drive, and determination to pursue what I truly wanted. I am now excited to pursue a career in accounting. However, I also want to remember that one's job does not define them, and I hope to travel and inspire others to continue their education and not lose hope.

Jacqueline Murillo Business, University of Houston-Downtown

Small Business Customers

Walking around my home town, you're bound to see a bunch of small businesses. These small businesses have one thing in common; they are trying to become successful.

The beginning of their success starts off with their customers. As I walk into one of these little businesses, you are greeted by the employees and immediately feel as if you are apart of their family. I see how great they interact with their customers. That is when I realize what I want to do.

I want to own a local business and have that strong relationship with my customers. That is my dream and my motivation to continue study to get my degree in business so I can be one step to making my dreams a reality.

My other motivation is my family. I want to make my parents proud since I'm going to be the first in my family to go to college. Not only would I make my parents proud but I would also be a good role model for my younger brother to continue his studies.

Diana Gonzalez Business, New Jersey City University

Working for the Right Reason

I dream to work for a company that I can help grow and improve. Being a leader is really my strongest trait and I dream that one day I can use it to work for a beneficial company. A beneficial company to me is defined as a company that is improving the world with products or services, like creating biodegradable packaging.

My ultimate goal that keeps me going when times are difficult is that one day I can make enough to create my own scholarship or give money to a hopeful student that cannot afford college on their own. I truly value my education and it would mean the world to me if I could give this gift to someone else in the future.

Like I mentioned briefly, there is more to my education than just getting by. I want to achieve, and achieve highly, so that I can give back in the future. I am not only working toward a better future of my own, but the future of other potential students.

Eleanor Bernero Business Management and Communication, Carthage College

Motivated by Environmental Success

There are roughly 7.5 billion people in the world today and so far I haven’t felt any different than the next person, average. That being said, my greatest fear is settling for average.

As for my dream, it’s to run my own company one day and then use my influence and resources to change the world’s perspective about how we treat the environment. We mistreat the only home that we’ve ever known. My dream is to change that view, and that’s what motivates me to pursue my studies and apply myself every day.

I have already begun working towards my dream. As evident through the topic of my self-selected senior project; The Economic and Environmental Advantages of Switching Branford High School Completely to Solar Energy. As I become older and more educated on the subject, I would like to start an eco-friendly company that provides environmentally responsible products.

My inspiration stems from my idol, Elon Musk. He has made such an enormous impact through his innovative mindset and technologies. In order to be able to achieve my dream, I need to pursue my studies vigorously and come out at the top of my class; only the most intelligent and dedicated individuals place themselves in a position to exact change in the world.

I will excel in my studies throughout my college education to ensure the fulfillment of my dream to be a leader in the industry of eco-friendly products and goods.

Trey Duval Business, Indiana University - Bloomington

A future without a headset

My dream no longer includes working in a call center every holiday and weekend with escalated customers. You see that’s what it use to be back when I wasn’t motivated or cared to be successful, back when I was content with just doing the bare minimum and being average. I don’t think one should even call that a dream but rather, just getting by which was okay with me.

It took me awhile to realize that I could do and be more, that life was full of opportunities and that if I really wanted it, it could be mine. I have dreams now and it took me a lot of realization to start working towards them.

My dream is to get my degree in Business in science. I see myself working at Sandia Labs here in my hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I see myself at the labs working in a leadership position overseeing highly classified projects and groups. My goal is to be successful and I am extremely motivated on making this a reality and everyday that goes by is one step closer.

I know that a good education and degree will land me a good job in the field of my choice, doing what I am passionate and excited about along with keeping me financial stable. I find motivation and comfort that one day all this hard work will be worth it and that I will make my family really proud of me. That the struggles we are going through now are just temporary and that things will be better soon. That thought keeps me going because I can’t let them or myself down.

Johanna Business in science, University of Phoenix

Desserts and Cupcakes

I have a dream of one day owning and operating my own business. My passion lies in the food industry and I've always been drawn to the idea of running a chain of restaurants, similar to Applebee's.

To make this dream a reality, I've decided to start small and build my way up. My first step is to open a make-your-own dessert place and then franchise it. From there, I hope to expand and open multiple restaurants. Eventually, when I reach retirement age, I envision having a small cupcake shop.

I'm driven to work hard and study by the thought of decorating cupcakes in my own little shop at the age of 70. I imagine a beautiful home filled with memories and friends from work. I also think about the potential for my business to be passed down to my children or to leave a legacy for my family through its sale.

I'm determined to make my dream come true. I know that all the hard work will pay off in the end, not just for me, but for my family as well.

Brigit Blanchard Business Administration, Youngstown State University

Restaurant Takeover

When my dad was in high school, my grandparents open a restaurant right across the old Sonic that we had in our little town. When my dad left to be in the army, my grandparents still had the restaurant running. A couple of years goes by and my dad came back to his home town but he didn't come alone. I was with him!

So when I turn 9, I started to work at the restaurant on weekends when I didn't have school and I would work during summers too. Ever since I was that age I knew that I wanted to take over the restaurant not because it was force upon me it's that I wanted to do it. I wanted to do for my grandparents.

My grandparents are my inspiration for everything. They are the reason why I am going to finish school and go to college. So that's why I want to go to college for business management so I'll know what the business needs. I know I'll go through difficult time but my grandparents well get me through those times by being there for me. So this is my essay!

Jazmin Mendoza Business Management, Western Texas College

Communism to Capitalism

My motivation in life to succeed is my parents' story about how they moved here from the Soviet Union with nothing. They came here from Yerevan, Armenia in 1992, and now do what they need to in order to support us. My parents inspire me to do well in school so I can have a life that's better than the one they have, and allow my family to have the privileges that we never had.

The ultimate goal is to do well in my life, and I want to be able to provide my parents with whatever they need after they retire. My parents came and did everything that was needed in order to graduate. Now my mother has her bachelor degree in business and my father manages a fairly decent company. I plan to do more than I need and go even further than my parents did.

I want to own my own company and enjoy life to the fullest. I want to always be there for others if they need me. Even if my parents never had the greatest financial status, they were able to always help the people that needed it. I was raised to not be a selfish person and I intend to continue to be like that. Whether it's for my future children, or my friend, I want to be able to help that person. That is my drive.

Haik Kolsuzyan Business Management, California State University Northridge

Building Success

Large. It must be huge! Influential, astounding, connects human beings. My business can not be ordinary. It must be relatable, but also innovative.

How will I achieve such a feat with so many adjectives attached? I must be able to provide both goods and services, I can not be just another money machine. I must understand the concepts of business from the inside-out, not just so that I can create a successful business but so I can introduce new ideas into the management of a business.

If I can learn what most businesses do and how they are successful, I can build off of that to create a business truly unique in its style and class. My goal of studying the innards of business and its practice is not merely to get a good grade in the course or to impress future employers, but it is to breed my inner inventiveness in a way that will allow me to separate myself from the pack.

I do not want to be ordinary, I want to stand out. I want to force others to be intrigued by my style of going about things, and I want my style to reek of success. This is why I will study hard and why I will persevere when the going gets tough. I want to be original.

Justin Boldoser Business Management, Ohio University

The Economics of Happiness

Self-interest determines human behavior. This mantra is repeated over and over by economists, but what if self-interest was no longer equated – as it so often is – with selfishness? What if self-centered aspirations could be replaced with a yearning to help those in need?

While living abroad for several years, I saw first-hand the tragic consequences of authority corrupted by greed.

When those who lead consistently act to secure their own self-interests, a culture of egocentrism and distrust begins to be instilled in society. The sad result, which I saw far too often, was a people vainly striving for happiness from within that could only truly come from looking outside themselves.

As I observed these things, a dream began to form. A dream to change the stereotypes of greed and ambition that surround the world of business, which I wish to enter.

My dream is to become the type of leader in business who cultivates an atmosphere of giving instead of taking, of helping rather than hindering. If the activities from which individuals receive the most satisfaction could be those of altruism, suddenly self-interest, which seems to guide human behavior, becomes synonymous not with selfishness, but selflessness.

As I struggle to grasp basic economic principles and decipher graphs of supply vs. demand, I am driven by this idea of changing people’s very disposition — helping them find happiness, while also being a force for good in a world that so desperately needs it.

Joshua Mortensen Economics, Brigham Young University - Provo

A Simpler Life

Three years ago, two hours before the new year was brought in, my friend and I formed our dream job. We wanted to open a bookstore cafe.

The following year, I researched bookstore cafes and my friend drifted from the dream. Surprisingly, I held on.

Normally, I would flit from the idea of one occupation to another; however, after this idea was formed, I could not let go. I made plans as to what kind of ambiance my bookstore cafe would hold to what kind of foods and beverages would be sold, even to what would happen with leftover food.

Eventually, I put the dream on hold to try and find a prestigious occupation that would make everybody around me happy. No matter what, though, I always come back to the idea of owning a bookstore cafe. Owning a bookstore cafe combines my passions of business, helping others, and books.

During that year of research I did, I realized just how much people can be helped with such a simple business. The unsold leftover food would not be thrown away and wasted; I would instead take the leftover food to the homeless. I could hold poetry and music nights to help those who dream of being writers and musicians. I could steer a person toward a life-changing book.

There is so much potential behind owning a bookstore cafe, and I know that no matter what, this will always be my ultimate motivator in my studies.

Catherine Kamerick Business, Undecided

Entrepreneurship Is My Dream

I am excited about the next phase of my life. However, others who have graduated before me have shared that college can be difficult at times. I know I am going to have to work extremely hard over these next four years if I plan to accomplish my professional dream.

I have been raised in a home where my father owns his own business. As I prepare for college, it is vital that I keep my eye on the prize.

I want to own and operate a Chick-fil-A restaurant. During high school, I have been fortunate enough to work for this impressive company. It is a company that is respected in the community and emphasizes philanthropy.

I have dreamt of owning my own store as it is a company that strives for excellence. It excites me to think I will be a part of a company that offers an outstanding product.

I view my future career as an important aspect of my life. I want to work in a place where I know I will thrive. Keeping my eye on this goal will help me overcome the difficult times I will face while in college. Each day I will give my all to my academics knowing that my goal is something I can and will accomplish.

Carson Jacob Borders Business Administration, Lee University

Marketing Exec and More

When someone is in high school, they learn many things. If there is one thing that I learned, it is that grades and meeting one's goals comes at a certain price. Sometimes, that price is missing out on things that others get to do. Studies, meaning grades and achievements, do not come at an easy price.

In order to achieve your goals, you need determination. So one may ask, "what is your goal?" I would tell them, "my goal is to become a marketing executive, wife, and mother." My dream is to be in the board rooms, making decisions, all the while having a successful family, and a husband who supports me in all that I do.

When I think back on my life, in 50 years, I am not going to be thinking and wishing I had done more. Because, I will have accomplished my dreams, and have my grandchildren running around in my living room while I think of how I accomplished my dreams.

Now, I know that doing these things may seem as though they are easy to do, however, I know that they will take determination in order to succeeded. Success is not an easy accomplishment. However, my dreams are my dreams, and I will reach them, no matter the cost.

Leah Carothers Managerial Marketing, Kent State University

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Motivation essay.

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Motivation is generally defined as the processes that account  for an individual’s intensity,  direction,  and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. The three core concepts when explaining motivation—intensity, direction, and persistence—refer to how hard an individual tries, where the effort is channeled,  and how long the effort is maintained. Motivation explains why an individual behaves in certain  ways; management can use this concept to guide the practice of encouraging or discouraging certain behaviors of employees and thus improve performance.

What motivates an individual? In general, researchers and managers identified two kinds of motivators: intrinsic  and extrinsic.  Intrinsic  motivators  refer to an individual’s internal  desire to do something,  due to  such  things  as interest,  challenge, and  personal satisfaction. Extrinsic motivators are those that come from outside  the person,  such as pay, bonuses, and other  tangible rewards. According  to the  Cognitive Evaluation theory, when management  gives extrinsic rewards for behavior that had been previously intrinsically rewarded, this can result in a decrease in the overall  level of motivation,  because  the  individual experiences a loss of control over his/her own behavior when it is rewarded by external sources.

There  are  many  theories  explaining  motivation. For example, D. McGregor proposed  “Theory X and Theory Y.” Theory X assumes that employees dislike work, will attempt  to avoid it, and must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with punishment if they are to  perform.  Theory Y assumes  that  employees  like work, are creative, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-direction and self-control. Managers who believe Theory X will design policies for tight control and  coercion,  which might  cause employee  resentment,   withdrawal,  indolence,   lack  of  interest,   or other negative behaviors. Employees’ negative behaviors will reinforce belief in Theory X, thus forming a vicious cycle. Although McGregor’s theory has been challenged by more recent studies, its basic argument remains valid and central to motivational research.

Motivation  theories can be roughly classified into two  categories: needs-based  theories  and  process based theories. Needs-based theories generally argue that  individuals  have needs  that,  when  unsatisfied, will result in motivation. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs,

Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland’s theory of needs, and Herzberg’s two-factor  theory are representative of this type of theory. For example, McClelland argues that people vary in the types of needs they have. Their motivation  and  how  well they  perform  in  a work situation are related to whether they have a need for achievement, affiliation, or power. Needs-based theories are challenged by later researchers regarding the completeness  of their  categorization  schemes  (i.e., how many needs  are there  and which list of needs should we use) and the validity of their explanation (attributing  a concrete behavior to a category).

Process-based theories of motivation  are inherent in Lewinian intellectual tradition. Lewin believed that specific behaviors (regions of activity) are perceived as paths to a goal and the level of motivation  corresponds with resultant  psychological force toward the goal. For example, if a goal is important for an individual, the valence of the goal increases the total psychological forces toward the goal. Expectancy theory, Equity theory, and Goal Setting theory are examples of process-based  theories of motivation. Specifically, Expectancy theory  proposes  that  Effort (or motivation)  = E x I x V. In this equation,  E (Expectancy) is the belief that  effort could lead to performance;  I (Instrumentality) is the belief that performance could lead to reward/outcome; and V (Valence) is the subjective importance/value of reward.

Managers  can manipulate  employees’ motivation by adjusting  Expectancies  (ability/skill  level; training; build  self-efficacy, clarify appropriate   actions), Instrumentality (measurement of performance,  variable rewards for variable performance), and Valences (“Cafeteria style” benefit plans, etc.).

Goal Setting theory proposes that achieving a goal is motivating, and goals clarify expected behavior/performance.  When  management  defines performance goals for employees, they should  follow the general principles: specific goals increase performance  more than  the generalized goal of “do your best”; difficult but attainable  goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals; and feedback on goal attainment leads to  higher  performance  than  does no feedback.

Each of the  process-based  theories  has  its  own issues, but  the  general  principles  inherent  in these theories have fundamental influences on current management   practices.  The  concept  of motivation provides  a useful language for understanding what makes people become more productive at work. From the pioneer  of management  through  to the work of contemporary researchers,  motivation  has and  will continue  to guide the way we manage people in an organization for productivity and self-actualization.


  • Alderfer, “An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs,” Organizational Behavior and Human  Performance (v.4, 1996);
  • Frederick Herzberg, One More Time: How Do You Motivate  Employees? (Harvard Business Press, 2008);
  • Herzberg, Work and the Nature of Man (World Publishing, 1966);
  • Ruth Kanfer, Gilad Chen, and Robert D. Pritchard, Work Motivation: Past, Present, and Future (Routledge, 2008);
  • Alfie Kohn, “By All Available Means: Cameron and Pierce’s Defense of Extrinsic Motivators,” Review of Educational Research (v.66/1, 1996);
  • Maslow, Motivation and Personality (Harper & Row, 1954);
  • C. McClelland, Power: The Inner Experience (Irvington, 1975);
  • McGregor,  Proceedings of the Fifth Anniversary Convocation of the School of Industrial  Management,  The Human Side of Enterprise (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1957);
  • Nitin Nohria, Boris Groysberg, and LindaEling Lee, “Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model,” Harvard Business Review (v.86/7–8, 2008);
  • Porter  and E. Lawler, Managerial Attitudes  and Performance (Dorsey Press, 1968);
  • Vroom, Work and Motivation (John Wiley & Sons, 1966).

This example Motivation Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. EssayEmpire.com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in.

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Essays on Motivation

🌟 the importance of writing a motivation essay 📝.

Motivation is like that extra sprinkle of magic dust that gives us the boost we need to achieve our goals and dreams ✨✨. It's the driving force behind our actions and the fuel that keeps us going when things get tough. Writing an essay about motivation allows us to delve deeper into this fascinating topic and explore its various aspects. So, why not grab your pen (or keyboard) and let's dive into the world of motivation! 💪📚

🔍 Choosing the Perfect Motivation Essay Topic 🤔

When it comes to choosing a topic for your motivation essay, there are a few things to consider. First, think about what aspect of motivation you find most intriguing. Is it personal motivation, motivation in the workplace, or maybe the psychology behind motivation? Once you have a general idea, narrow it down further to a specific angle that interests you the most.

💡 Motivation Argumentative Essay 💪📝

An argumentative essay on motivation requires you to take a stance and provide evidence to support your viewpoint. Here are ten exciting topics to get those creative juices flowing:

  • The role of intrinsic motivation in academic success
  • The impact of extrinsic rewards on employee motivation
  • Does social media affect motivation levels in teenagers?
  • The connection between motivation and self-esteem
  • How does motivation differ between genders?
  • The influence of music on motivation levels
  • Does money truly motivate people in the workplace?
  • The effects of positive reinforcement on motivation
  • The link between motivation and mental health
  • How does goal-setting impact motivation?

🌪️ Motivation Cause and Effect Essay 📝

In a cause and effect essay, you explore the reasons behind certain motivations and their outcomes. Here are ten thought-provoking topics to consider:

  • The causes and effects of procrastination on motivation
  • How does a lack of motivation impact academic performance?
  • The relationship between motivation and success in sports
  • The effects of parental motivation on children's achievements
  • How does motivation affect mental well-being?
  • The causes and effects of burnout on motivation levels
  • The impact of motivation on work-life balance
  • How does motivation affect creativity and innovation?
  • The causes and effects of peer pressure on motivation
  • The relationship between motivation and goal attainment

💬 Motivation Opinion Essay 💭📝

In an opinion essay, you express your personal thoughts and beliefs about motivation. Here are ten intriguing topics to spark your imagination:

  • Is self-motivation more effective than external motivation?
  • Are rewards a necessary form of motivation?
  • Should schools focus more on intrinsic motivation?
  • The role of motivation in achieving work-life balance
  • Is motivation a learned behavior or innate?
  • The impact of motivation on personal growth and development
  • Does motivation play a significant role in overcoming obstacles?
  • Is fear an effective motivator?
  • The role of motivation in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Can motivation be sustained in the long term?

📚 Motivation Informative Essay 🧠📝

An informative essay on motivation aims to educate and provide valuable insights. Here are ten fascinating topics to explore:

  • The psychology behind motivation and its theories
  • How to stay motivated in challenging times
  • The impact of motivation on personal and professional success
  • Motivation techniques for achieving fitness goals
  • The role of motivation in leadership and management
  • Motivation in the context of mental health and well-being
  • The history of motivation research and key figures
  • Motivation strategies for students and educators
  • Motivation and its connection to creativity and innovation
  • Motivation in different cultural and societal contexts

📜 Thesis Statement Examples 📜

Here are a few thesis statement examples to inspire your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, plays a pivotal role in driving individuals towards achieving their goals and aspirations."
  • 2. "This essay explores the multifaceted nature of motivation, examining its psychological underpinnings, societal influences, and practical applications."
  • 3. "In a world filled with challenges and opportunities, understanding the mechanisms of motivation empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and reach new heights of success."

📝 Introduction Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some introduction paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation is the driving force behind human actions, the invisible hand that propels us toward our goals. It is the spark that ignites the fire of determination within us, pushing us to overcome obstacles and realize our dreams."
  • 2. "In a world where challenges often outnumber opportunities, motivation serves as the compass guiding us through life's intricate maze. It is the unwavering belief in our abilities and the fuel that keeps our ambitions burning bright."
  • 3. "Picture a world without motivation—a world where dreams remain unfulfilled, talents remain hidden, and aspirations remain dormant. Fortunately, we do not live in such a world, and this essay delves into the profound impact of motivation on human lives."

🔚 Conclusion Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some conclusion paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "As we conclude this journey through the realm of motivation, let us remember that it is the driving force behind our accomplishments, the cornerstone of our achievements. With unwavering motivation, we can surmount any obstacle and turn our aspirations into reality."
  • 2. "In the grand tapestry of human existence, motivation weaves the threads of determination, perseverance, and success. This essay's culmination serves as a testament to the enduring power of motivation and its ability to shape our destinies."
  • 3. "As we bid farewell to this exploration of motivation, let us carry forward the knowledge that motivation is not just a concept but a potent force that propels us toward greatness. With motivation as our guide, we can continue to chase our dreams and conquer new horizons."

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Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection 

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Motivation is what explains why people or animals initiate, continue or terminate a certain behavior at a particular time. Motivational states are commonly understood as forces acting within the agent that create a disposition to engage in goal-directed behavior.

There are four main tyoes of motivation: Intrinsic, extrinsic, unconscious, and conscious.

Theories articulating the content of motivation: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory, Alderfer's ERG theory, Self-Determination Theory, Drive theory.

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Selection quotas

All applications that fulfil the entry requirements go on to the selection process

If you fulfil all the  entry requirements  for the programme(s) applied for and have complied with the  rules and deadlines  for admission, your application will move on to the next phase in the admissions round: the selection process. The selection process sorts applications into a ranking list. Study places are then filled up from the top down of this list until all the places are filled.

We handle all qualified applications in one or two of the following selection quotas:

Quota 1: Your GPA determines whether or not you can be accepted

Selection Quota 1 is for applicants with an eligible GPA

  • You have an eligible GPA if you have a Danish GPA or an international GPA that can be converted to the Danish grading system. See if your international GPA can be converted under International Applicants < Table of Comparisions.
  • All applicants with an eligible GPA are handled in Quota 1 (even those also handled in Quota 2)
  • This quota uses the GPA only as selection criteria for qualified applicants

Application Deadlines for Quota 1:

  • Applicants with a  non-Danish upper secondary school exam  that can be converted must apply by  15 March, 12 noon Danish time
  • Applicants with a Danish upper secondary school exam must apply by  5 July, 12 noon Danish time

Further information concerning application and documentation deadlines can be found in Deadlines. You can find Deadlines here .

How to apply in Quota 1: There is no special way to indicate in your application at  Optagelse.dk  that you wish to apply in Quota 1. All qualified applicants who apply within the given deadlines above will be automatically assessed in Quota 1.

As there are a limited number of study spots for each of the programmes at CBS, all qualified applicants in Quota 1 are ranked according to their GPA and in accordance with their application priorities if applying for more than one programme. The study spots allocated in Quota 1 are then filled according to this ranking.

We do not know the minimum GPA required to guarantee a spot through Quota 1 until the end of July. By checking statistics from previous years, it is possible to see trends and get an idea but remember that this process is determined by the GPA’s of the qualified applicants.

If you do not have one of the international exams mentioned in the  table of comparisons , your GPA cannot be converted into the Danish grading system and you will not be assessed in Quota 1.

It is not possible to improve a GPA. Once an upper secondary exam has been completed and a GPA has been calculated, it is fixed with regards to the admission process to CBS. If you have completed two upper secondary exams or re-taken your upper secondary exam to improve your grades, the GPA dated first will be used (if you have completed an upper secondary education, which GPA can be converted into a Danish GPA, then that will be used) .

Quota 2: We make an overall assessment of your application

Selection Quota 2 is for applicants with post-upper secondary experience or without an eligible GPA

  • Applicants with an eligible GPA who have completed any of the activities listed further down after graduation from upper secondary school (you will also be assessed in Quota 1)
  • Applicants with an upper secondary exam that cannot be directly converted to the Danish grading system (for example, those from outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland) and who do not need a student residence permit for Denmark
  • Applicants who do not have a formal upper secondary exam but instead have 6 subjects at A, B or C level (for example, dispensees)
  • This quota uses an overall assessment as selection criteria for qualified applicants

Quota 2 is for those who want to be assessed on the basis of an overall assessment.  It is important that you always meet the specific entry requirements. O nly  extra-curricular activities undertaken after the upper secondary school exam has been completed can be used.  However max. 12 months total activities. An overall Quota 2 assessment includes:

  • Exam results for each specific entry requirement fulfilled
  • Extra-curricular activities such as employment, extended periods abroad, residential periods at a Folk High School etc. 
  • Motivational essay for certain programmes and applicants. 

As this is an overall assessment, it is impossible to put precise figures on the concrete assessment, instead an overall picture of the application, and therefore the applicant's background, is built up on the documentation provided. However, we can say that in the programmes where a motivational essay  is included, it weighs high in the selection. There is no difference between, for example, whether you have work experience or further education. Below we have described all the criteria and activities that can be included in the overall assessment of your application. 

At most programmes a motivational essay is part of the overall assessment in Quota 2.

Programmes with a motivational essay

  • BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management
  • BSc in Business Administration and Service Management 
  • BSc in Business Administration and Sociology
  • BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture – International Business in Asia
  • BSc in Business, Language and Culture
  • BSc in International Business
  • BSc in International Business and Politics
  • BSc in International Shipping and Trade 
  • HA i europæisk business 
  • HA i markeds- og kulturanalyse
  • HA i projektledelse 
  • HA(fil.) – Erhvervsøkonomi – filosofi
  • HA(it.) – Erhvervsøkonomi – informationsteknologi
  • HA(kom.) – Erhvervsøkonomi – virksomhedskommunikation 
  • HA(psyk.) – Erhvervsøkonomi – psykologi

Please note that the motivational essay is not included as part of the overall assessment of applications to any bachelor programmes not mentioned on the list above. Should you upload a motivational essay at other programes than the ones mentioned above, it will not be included in the overall assessment of your application.

Deadline for the motivational essay

Your motivational essay(s) must be uploaded to your application in Optagelse.dk by the application deadline of  15 March 12 noon (CET) . Motivational essays uploaded after the deadline will not be included in the overall assessment.

Requirements and recommendations for the motivational essay

Naming your essay It is a requirement that the name of the file that you upload to www.optagelse.dk containing your motivational essay includes the following terms:  ' Motivational Essay '  OR  ' Motiveret Ansøgning '. If you give the file containing the motivational essay any other name, it will be excluded from the assessment of your application.  You are welcome to include eg. the name of the progamme that you are applying for in the file name, eg. 'Motivational Essay - BSc Service Management' as long as you make sure that 'Motivational Essay' is part of the file name.

  • If you are applying for a programme taught in Danish, your motivational essay  must  be written in Danish, Swedish or Norwegian.
  • If you are applying for a programme taught in English, your motivational essay  must  be written in English.

Number of motivational essays You are to write a motivational essay for each programme you are applying for. You cannot upload one motivational essay covering all the programmes. 

Writer You are required to write your own motivational essay(s). 

Format You are to upload the motivational essay as a PDF file to Optagelse.dk. This means that you will need to save your motivational essay as PDF file before uploading it. If you are unsure about how to convert a file to PDF, you can read   Microsoft's guide on how to convert a file to PDF .

Recommended length of the essay We recommend that the motivational essay should take up approximately 2 A4 pages. 


Recommended form We recommend that you write your motivational essay in a continuous form, i.e. you shouldn't split up your essay into sections according to the questions and examples. We also recommend that you try to cover all the examples. 

Recommended information As we strive to have an admission proces that minimises potential bias, we recommend that you do not upload pictures of yourself or any unnecessary personal information. 

Content of the motivational essay

You must write your motivational essay(s) yourself. Doing this will give you the opportunity to get to know more about the programme and find out what catches your interest and if the programme is indeed something for you. 

Remember to be concrete and specific when you write your motivational essay; it is not about showing a mask or flashing a CV. Be personal and show us who you are - and who you are together with other people. 

We want to admit students who come from various backgrounds, with different interests and dreams, and therefore we would like to know more about you:

What do you find exciting about the programme? It could be specific subject areas, combinations of subjects or methods of working during the programme, or perhaps how it will help you build upon your own background. 

What does community mean to you in your studies? It could involve academic collaboration with other students, a safe and inspiring study environment, the ability to be yourself, or something else that is important to you. 

  • Work experience is only included if it is a minimum of 1 month block (it must be ONE employment) 
  • Maximum of 12 month blocks is  included in the overall assessment (if you have worked more than 12 months, it is only the 12 months that will be included in the overall assessment)
  • A month block is achieved only for working minimum 30 hours per week for 30 consecutive days or minimum 120 hours per month.

No differentiation is made between different types of work experience. Voluntary work, military service and maternity / paternity leave are also included under the category of work experience.

You must document your work experience We accept the following documentation:

PDF icon

  • Wage slips are also accepted as a form of documentation for employment. We need to be able to see the hours worked per week clearly in your wage slip and the dates of the duration of your work from start to finish

An employment contract is NOT valid documentation

Self-employment  To document self-employment we need the following:

  • Annual report/statement of accounts, and
  • Business plan,  and
  • Solemn declaration of your working hours (min. 30 weekly hours/ 120 hours per month with start- and end date for the period in question) and that you did not receive any transfer income in the period in question,  and
  • Documentation from the municipal authorities if you received public funding for your company, such as enterprise allowance, etc.

Work in EU less developed/ transition regions

  • If you have worked in a EU 'less developed region' or a 'transition region', it carries extra weight in the overall assessment.  

Click here to see a map of the regions to determine if the region you have worked in is part of the above: Map of regions

EU decision regarding the regions: Document  

It is your responsibility to point out that you have worked in a EU 'less developed region' or a 'transition region'. 

Travel abroad is counted when:

  • You must stay in another country for a minimum of one coherent month (one month is counted as 30 days). You can be in different countries in that month
  • Maximum of 6 months can be considered
  • It cannot be the country that you took your upper secondary exam in

You must document your travels abroad   We accept the following documentation:

  • Passport stamps or
  • Boarding cards or
  • Documentation for activity abroad, such as employer's declaration, grade transcript etc.  

Travel plans/bookings and bank statements are NOT accepted as proof of travel abroad.

NB! From the admission year 2025 you must stay in another country for a minimum of two coherent months (one month is counted as 30 days). You  must  stay in the same country for a min. of two months. This means that you can stay in a max. of 3 different countries during the 6 months that can be considered.

  • Further education is defined as continuation from upper secondary school level and is thus at a higher. We do not use any form of education that is at a lower level than this.
  • In blocks of 5 ECTS-points (equal to 1 month of full-time education). If your grade transcript uses a different system of credits other than ECTS-points, we will calculate the conversion for you.
  • A maximum of 60 ECTS-points (equating to 12 month blocks).

You must document further education We accept the following documentation:

An official grade transcript showing the total number of ECTS taken (or credits, teaching hours etc.) and showing that you have passed the exam. The transcript must be verified with stamp and/ or signature.

  • You must have resided at the folk high school.
  • A  minimum of 2 months in length (1 month equals 30 days).
  • A maximum of 6 months in total. 
  • The folk high school is listed on the following website:  https://www.hojskolerne.dk/

You must document your residence at a folk high school

We accept the following documentation:

  • Diploma for completed stay and the period.
  • Documentation that you are attending at the moment with start date, end date and dated.

Double activities is a combination of the following:

  • Travel abroad and w ork experience 
  • Travel abroad and further education 
  • Travel abroad and  residency at a folk high school *

These blocks can only be doubled up with travel abroad if both activities have been done at the same time. You can double up for a minimum one month and a maximum of 6 months.

* Please note that folk high school must be a min. of 2 months.

NB! Double activities will not be part of the Quota 2 assessment from the admission year 2025. Therefore no double activity will be taken into account (regardless of when the activity took place) for the quota 2 assessment for the admission round 2025 and onwards.   

Activities done before completing your qualifying exam (upper secondary education) will not be taken into consideration during the assessment of your application(s). Unless you have completed your qualifying exam the year you turned 23 years of age (or more).  If that is the case please contact [email protected]

Motivation Theories Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Theories of motivation – elton mayo, abraham maslow, theories’ application in creative technology, motivation theory in marketing, motivation tools and techniques, references list.

Motivation is the force that drives people into action and encourages them into exerting more effort towards carrying out something. Motivated employees feel more comfortable and will have feelings of happiness and fulfillment. Besides, motivated workers tend to produce quality results, and are more productive than their counterparts are.

Different factors exist that can determine how an individual is motivated; for instance, everyone has basic needs like; food and shelter which can be catered for by pay. However, other diverse motivators exist that stimulate people into action. A creative environment can encourage motivation especially in design where a high level of creativity is critical.

Some workers will do well given the problem solving nature of their jobs and support initiative against challenges. Besides, creative staff will find the diverse nature of their occupation encouraging because they have the opportunity to try special responsibilities.

According to Elton Mayo, employees are not only motivated by pay, but could also be highly motivated if their social needs are fulfillment especially when they are at the workplace (Sheldrake, 2003). Mayo introduced a new way of looking at employees and argued that managers and supervisors need to have an interest in employees. This involves valuing their opinions and treating them in a worthwhile manner by recognizing that they take pride in inter-personal interactions.

While coming up with the theory, Mayo experimented at the Western Electric Hawthorne factory in Chicago. He separated two groups of women employees and viewed the outcome to productivity intensity in varying environments like working conditions and lighting. Contrary to his expectations, he was surprised to note the productivity of the employees improved or remained constant even with varying lighting and other working conditions. He then concluded that employees are highly motivated by various factors.

Among his top picks are better communication between employees and their managers. When employees feel there exists consultation on their roles and responsibilities with the managers, they tend to perform better also if given the chance to give feedback.

The second factor he discovered was the fact that employees responded very well to increased manager participation in their working lives. Besides the two, Mayo also identified teamwork as a motivator in working environments. He stated that corporate and businesses should reorganize to encourage teamwork, which is a theory that closely links to paternalistic management style.

In the 1950’s, Abraham Maslow with Frederick Herzberg came up with the neo-human relations school. According to Montana and Charnov (2008), “The school focused on employees’ psychological needs” (p. 408). In his theory, Maslow illustrates five stages in human needs that workers need to fulfill at the workplace.

Maslow then structured the needs into a hierarchy. When a lower need is fulfilled that an employee will be motivated to the next stage or need. For instance, a person threatened by hunger will have a great motivation to achieve a basic wage to satisfy the need to eat by buying food. in this sense, the person will have less motivation towards getting a formal or secure employment.

At the bottom, of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, physiological needs are the lowest and the most basic; this involves the basic needs of humans, which he argued must be satisfied to sustain life. After the physiological needs are satisfied, attention now shifts towards safety.

In a job environment, this could mean the workers are motivated to such things like living in a safe area, secure job and medical insurance as well as saving for the future. Mackay (2007) noted that “If employees feel there is not enough security provided by their jobs, higher needs will remain unattended” (p.281). Social needs are third in the hierarchy.

Maslow’s theory explains that once the lower levels are satisfied, social needs become a motivator as people have other needs for friends or the need to belong. Esteem needs come after employees feeling the need to be recognized and build their reputation. At the peak of the hierarchy, Maslow describes that this is where people pursue the need to self -actualize.

However, Montana and Charnov (2008) state that “Maslow’s theory stipulates that need to self- actualize is not fully realized as people are constantly pursuing changing endeavors” (p.191). The needs here are mostly related to truth, justice and meaning.

In creative businesses, such as website design, businesses should strive towards giving incentives that meet the needs of the staff to motivate them to progress up the hierarchy.

Furthermore, Maslow’s theory dictates that, it is essential for managers to realize that workers respond differently to different incentives to increase output. Besides, all workers progress up the hierarchy at different paces. According to Mayo’s theory, creative employees should be encouraged to work in teams. Sheldrake (2003) found out that “creativity seems to be strengthened by teamwork” (p.122).

When applying motivation theories in marketing, few changes are necessary. As explained by O’Neil and Drillings (1994) “different employees in different departments will be motivated by different incentives” (p.233). In the marketing of merchandise, high levels of motivation are required from the staff.

A good salary package and attractive benefits attracted from the sales will be necessary in ensuring maximum productivity is reached. On the contrary, employees in creative fields require a serene working environment among other incentives to maximize on productivity.

Pleasure technique is one of the oldest. The tool ensures a pleasurable reward for productivity and in turn creates motivation in employees to become more productive, besides when employees feel that their efforts are being rewarded they will tend to produce more and more.

According to Daft and Lane (2007) “performance incentives play a key role in ensuring high levels of motivation” (p. 102). It works best by creating an appeal to people’s selfishness, and by giving employees an opportunity to earn more, you as an employer will earn more.

In addition, setting deadlines will help achieve more as workers will tend to realize more productivity and are able to concentrate more when nearing a deadline. This can be achieved by creation of smaller deadlines that lead to a bigger result. It is important for managers to encourage team spirit and create an environment of teamwork.

Mackay (2007) noted that “when people work in a team they tend to be more effective” (p. 253) and besides, they don’t want to pull others down by not putting enough effort. Encouraging creativity is very essential, as employees feel more comfortable within an optimistic environment. The last tool for effective motivation is communication. Managers should uphold open channels of communication. This enables one to fix the problems as soon as they arise and it creates a better working environment.

It is important for every business to take note of the theory to implement. Depending on its line of trade, various incentives may be given to employees to maximize production.

Daft, R. L., & Lane, P. G. (2007). The leadership experience . Florence, KY: Cengage Learning

Mackay, A. (2007). Motivation, Ability and Confidence Building in People . London: Taylor & Francis

Montana, P. J., &Charnov, B. H. (2008). Management. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Series

O’Neil, H. F., Drillings, M. (1994). Motivation: Theory and Research. New York, NY: Routledge

Sheldrake, J. (2003). Management theory . Florence, KY: Cengage Learning

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 1). Motivation Theories. https://ivypanda.com/essays/motivation-theories/

"Motivation Theories." IvyPanda , 1 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/motivation-theories/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Motivation Theories'. 1 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Motivation Theories." June 1, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/motivation-theories/.

1. IvyPanda . "Motivation Theories." June 1, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/motivation-theories/.


IvyPanda . "Motivation Theories." June 1, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/motivation-theories/.

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Essay Samples on Motivation

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5. My Ambition Far Exceeded My Talents

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9. The Promising Advantages of Honor Codes for the Student’s Future

10. How My Favorite Author’s Work Has Changed Me

11. How Motivation and Dedication Helped Me to Find My Goal in Life

12. How to Succed in College and Avoid Dropping Out

13. Finding the Motivation to Focus on One Objective

14. Selfishness as an Integral Part of Human Nature

15. Who Moved My Cheese: Overcoming the Obstacles

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Motivation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on motivation.

Everyone suggests other than the person lack motivation, or directly suggests the person remain motivated. But, no one ever tells what is the motivation of how one can stay motivated. Motivation means to face the obstacle and find an inspiration that helps you to go through tough times. In addition, it helps you to move further in life.

Motivation Essay

Meaning of Motivation

Motivation is something that cannot be understood with words but with practice. It means to be moved by something so strongly that it becomes an inspiration for you. Furthermore, it is a discipline that helps you to achieve your life goals and also helps to be successful in life .

Besides, it the most common practice that everyone does whether it is your boss in office or a school teacher or a university professor everyone motivates others in a way or other.

Role of Motivation

It is a strong tool that helps to get ahead in life. For being motivated we need a driving tool or goal that keeps us motivated and moves forward. Also, it helps in being progressive both physically and mentally.

Moreover, your goal does not be to big and long term they can be small and empowering. Furthermore, you need the right mindset to be motivated.

Besides, you need to push your self towards your goal no one other than you can push your limit. Also, you should be willing to leave your comfort zone because your true potential is going to revel when you leave your comfort zone.

Types of Motivation

Although there are various types of motivation according to me there are generally two types of motivation that are self- motivation and motivation by others.

Self-motivation- It refers to the power of someone to stay motivated without the influence of other situations and people. Furthermore, self-motivated people always find a way to reason and strength to complete a task. Also, they do not need other people to encourage them to perform a challenging task.

Motivation by others- This motivation requires help from others as the person is not able to maintain a self-motivated state. In this, a person requires encouragement from others. Also, he needs to listen to motivational speeches, a strong goal and most importantly and inspiration.

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Importance of Motivation

Motivation is very important for the overall development of the personality and mind of the people. It also puts a person in action and in a competitive state. Furthermore, it improves efficiency and desire to achieve the goal. It leads to stability and improvement in work.

Above all, it satisfies a person’s needs and to achieve his/her goal. It helps the person to fight his negative attitude. The person also tries to come out of his/her comfort zone so that she/ he can achieve the goal.

To conclude, motivation is one of the key elements that help a person to be successful. A motivated person tries to push his limits and always tries to improve his performance day by day. Also, the person always gives her/his best no matter what the task is. Besides, the person always tries to remain progressive and dedicated to her/his goals.

FAQs about Motivation Essay

Q.1 Define what is motivation fit. A.1 This refers to a psychological phenomenon in which a person assumes or expects something from the job or life but gets different results other than his expectations. In a profession, it is a primary criterion for determining if the person will stay or leave the job.

Q.2 List some best motivators. A.2 some of the best motivators are:

  • Inspiration
  • Fear of failure
  • Power of Rejection
  • Don’t pity your self
  • Be assertive
  • Stay among positive and motivated people
  • Be calm and visionary

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Debunking 12 Myths About Trump’s Conviction

D epending on your perspective, the conviction of Donald Trump on 34 counts in a Manhattan courtroom was either a refreshing affirmation of the rule of law or a miscarriage of justice in a politically motivated prosecution. A jury returned a verdict finding that Trump had caused the falsification of checks, invoices, and ledgers to conceal the payment of $130,000 to adult film actress Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election, with intent to conceal the violation of campaign finance and tax laws.

We are all entitled to our own views of the case, of course, but opinion should also be based on facts. Certain myths are creeping into the conversation and distorting the truth about Trump’s conviction. And it’s worth examining some of these myths in order to dispel them.

Myth: No one knows what Trump was charged with.

Response: Trump was charged in a 15-page indictment, handed up by a grand jury, with 34 counts of violating New York Penal Law 175-10 in the first degree, which is a felony.  A violation in the first degree occurs when a person falsifies business records with an intent to defraud that includes an intent to commit, aid, or conceal another crime. In addition to the indictment, the Manhattan District Attorney filed a 13-page statement of facts detailing the allegations.

Myth: Prosecutors stretched the law to convert a misdemeanor into a felony.

Response: Under New York law , a simple falsification of business records without any intent to commit or conceal another crime is a violation of the statute in the second degree, punishable as a misdemeanor.

An intent to conceal another crime is an aggravating factor that brings enhanced penalties, such as a felony. This law containing degrees of severity was enacted by the New York legislature, and it is a common way of structuring laws with escalating penalties for more egregious violations. (For example, penalties for federal drug offenses range from misdemeanors for simple possession to lengthy terms of imprisonment for aggravating factors based on quantity or intent to distribute.) The grand jury found probable cause of 34 violations in the first degree, and the trial jury found proof of these crimes beyond a reasonable doubt.

Myth: The prosecution didn’t tell Trump what he was charged with until closing argument, a violation of due process.

Response: While the indictment specified each of the checks, invoices, and ledger entries alleged to have been falsified, it did not specify which crime Trump allegedly concealed.  A  defendant is entitled to fair notice of the crime with which he is charged so that he can effectively defend himself at trial, but New York law does not require this level of specificity in the charging document. New York case law requires that the indictment allege only a general intent to conceal a crime, not an intent to conceal a specific crime.

Nonetheless, prosecutors provided this specificity in a prosecution filing in November 2023 , five months before his trial began. In that filing, prosecutors disclosed that the crimes they alleged Trump intended to conceal were violating state and federal campaign finance laws and violating state tax laws. The court rejected an additional basis offered by the prosecution, falsifying business records outside the Trump organization.

Myth: It was improper for a state prosecutor to charge a federal offense.

Response: The parties litigated this issue months before the trial and the court found that statutes outside of the laws of New York were proper bases to be considered “other crimes.” For example, case law has held that an offense under the New York statute prohibiting possession of a concealed weapon by a person who has been “previously convicted of any crime” may be proved by showing that the person was convicted of a crime in another state.

New York courts have also upheld the use of federal offenses as the predicate crimes in other cases involving the falsification of business records in the first degree, the very crime charged in Trump’s case.

Myth: Trump would not have been charged for a mere bookkeeping error if his name were anything other than Donald J. Trump.

Response: The Manhattan DA’s office has filed charges for falsification of business records 9,794 times since 2015. When announcing the charges, Bragg emphasized the importance of the integrity of business records in Manhattan, the “home to the country’s most significant business market.” He explained: “We cannot allow New York businesses to manipulate their records to cover up criminal conduct.” At the time of Trump’ s indictment, Bragg, had already filed 120 cases alleging violations of 175-10, all of them in the first degree based on the concealment or commission of another crime.

Myth: There is nothing illegal about paying hush money, and famous people do it all the time.

Response: Paying hush money itself is not a crime, but it is a crime to falsify business records. And it is a more serious crime to falsify business records with, as in this case, intent to conceal other crimes. These include violations of campaign finance laws, by accepting donations over the legal limit, and violations of tax laws, by inaccurately characterizing the payments as income.

Myth: The charges were filed after lengthy delay to interfere with Trump’s campaign for president.

Response: While prosecutors have discretion as to whether and when charges should be filed, there is no evidence that this case was brought to interfere with an election. In fact, the trial court found that the reason for the delay in bringing charges was partly Trump’s own doing.

In 2018, the case was being investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, which convicted Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, for the same conduct, and referred to Trump in the charging document as “ Individual-1 .” For reasons unknown, federal prosecutors during the Trump Administration did not bring charges against Trump. Once federal prosecutors closed their investigation, Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance, Jr., started this investigation, but was delayed by Trump’s prolonged challenges to grand jury subpoenas for his financial records, taking his objections all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court .

When Vance retired and Bragg was elected, Bragg insisted on reviewing the evidence before deciding whether to continue with the case. Ultimately, he decided to go forward. All of these factors contributed to the delay.

Myth: Justice Juan Merchan was biased because of his $35 financial contribution to Joe Biden and because of his daughter’s work as a democratic political consultant.

Response: Justice Merchan sought an opinion from the New York Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics , regarding both of these issues, and received an opinion that he need not recuse himself from the case. The finding of Trump’s guilt was made by a jury that Trump’s lawyers helped select.

Myth: Juan Merchan is a judge on the New York County Supreme Court.

Response: Merchan’s correct title is “justice,” even though he presides in one of New York’s trial courts, which are called the Supreme Court of each county. The state’s highest court is called, oddly enough, the New York Court of Appeals.

Myth: Justice Juan Merchan violated Trump’s rights to defend himself by refusing to permit him to call an expert witness.

Response: In Trump’s defense, he wanted to call Brad Smith, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, as an expert witness on federal election law. Expert witnesses are permitted to testify in trials to assist the jury in understanding facts about matters beyond ordinary understanding. Matters of law, in contrast, are for the judge to provide.

Justice Merchan did not prohibit Smith from testifying, but when he ruled that he could testify only about facts, and not law , Trump’s team decided not to call him as a witness. Contrary to this myth, Justice Merchan would have erred if he had permitted Trump to call an expert witness to testify about the law.

Myth: Justice Merchan violated Trump’s First Amendment rights to free speech and to testify in his own defense by imposing a gag order in the case.

Response: The gag order entered by Justice Merchan and upheld by the five-judge appeals division did not prevent Trump from testifying in his own defense, a right Merchan expressly explained to Trump in open court during the trial. Trump had every right to do so, and chose to instead exercise his right to remain silent at trial.

The gag order restricted the defense from making statements outside of court that targeted witnesses, jurors, staff and family members of the court and prosecution team, though not Justice Merchan or Bragg himself. The court of appeals found that the order properly protected witnesses and the fair administration of justice.  

Myth: The U.S. Supreme Court may intervene and overturn Trump’s conviction before the his sentencing on July 11, which is four days before the GOP convention.

Response: Trump may appeal his conviction after he is sentenced on July 11. The case could not go before the U.S. Supreme Court until he exhausts all of his appeals in the New York state court system, which likely will take more than a year. Then, Trump could ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review his case, but only for alleged errors applied to federal statutes or the U.S. Constitution, such as the due process clauses of the 5 th and 14 th Amendments.

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What was Trump found guilty of? See the 34 business records the jury decided he falsified

motivation essay business

Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records after prosecutors successfully convinced a jury he disguised hush money reimbursement as legal expenses. He is the first former president to be convicted of a crime.

Each count is tied to a different business record that prosecutors demonstrated Trump is responsible for changing to conceal or commit another crime .

Those records include 11 checks paid to former lawyer Michael Cohen , 11 invoices from Michael Cohen and 12 entries in Trump's ledgers.

The jury found that Trump authorized a plan to reimburse Cohen for the $130,000 hush money payment issued to Stormy Daniels and spread the payments across 12 months disguised as legal expenses.

Live updates: Former President Donald Trump found guilty on all counts in hush money case

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Breakdown of 34 counts of falsifying business records

Here are the 34 business records Trump was found guilty of falsifying, as described in Judge Juan Merchan 's jury instructions :

  • Count 1: Michael Cohen's invoice dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 2: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 3: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 4: A Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account check and check stub dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 5: Michael Cohen's invoice dated March 16, 2017
  • Count 6: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated March 17, 2017
  • Count 7: A Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account check and check stub dated March 17, 2017
  • Count 8: Michael Cohen's invoice dated April 13, 2017
  • Count 9: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 10: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 11: Michael Cohen's invoice dated May 22, 2017
  • Count 12: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated May 22, 2017
  • Count 13: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub May 23, 2017
  • Count 14: Michael Cohen's invoice dated June 16, 2017
  • Count 15: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 16: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 17: Michael Cohen's invoice dated July 11, 2017
  • Count 18: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated July 11, 2017
  • Count 19: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated July 11, 2017
  • Count 20: Michael Cohen's invoice dated Aug. 1, 2017
  • Count 21: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Aug. 1, 2017
  • Count 22: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Aug. 1, 2017
  • Count 23: Michael Cohen's invoice dated Sept. 11, 2017
  • Count 24: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Sept. 11, 2017
  • Count 25: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Sept. 12, 2017
  • Count 26: Michael Cohen's invoice dated Oct. 18, 2017
  • Count 27: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Oct. 18, 2017
  • Count 28: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Oct. 18, 2017
  • Count 29: Michael Cohen's invoice dated Nov. 20, 2017
  • Count 30: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Nov. 20, 2017
  • Count 31: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Nov. 21, 2017
  • Count 32: Michael Cohen's invoice dated Dec. 1, 2017
  • Count 33: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Dec. 1, 2017
  • Count 34: A check and check stub dated Dec. 5 2017

Jurors saw copies of these records entered as evidence. Evidence from the entire trial is available on the New York Courts website .

Contributing: Aysha Bagchi

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Retired Navy Admiral and Business Executives Arrested in Connection with Alleged Bribery Scheme

             WASHINGTON – Robert Burke, 62, of Coconut Creek, Florida, a retired Navy Admiral, and two business executives – Yongchul “Charlie” Kim, 50, and Meghan Messenger, 47, both of New York, – were arrested this morning on charges related to their alleged roles in a bribery scheme that involved a U.S. government contract. The charges are contained in a five-count indictment, unsealed today, and relate to an alleged scheme in which the Admiral accepted future employment at the executives’ company in exchange for awarding them a government contract.   

             The indictment was announced by U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Deputy Director of Investigative Operations Grant A. Fleming of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS), Special Agent in Charge Stanley A. Newell of the DCIS Transnational Operations Field Office, Special Agent in Charge Greg Gross of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Economic Crimes Field Office, and Assistant Director Michael D. Nordwall of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division made the announcement.  

              From 2020 to 2022, Robert Burke was a four-star Admiral who oversaw Naval operations in Europe, Russia, and most of Africa, and commanded thousands of civilian and military personnel. Yongchul “Charlie” Kim and Meghan Messenger were the co-CEOs of a company (“Company A”) that provided a workforce training pilot program to a small component of the Navy from August 2018 through July 2019. The Navy terminated a contract with Company A in late 2019 and directed Company A not to contact Burke.

            Despite the Navy’s instructions, Kim and Messenger then allegedly met with Burke in Washington, D.C., in July 2021, in an effort to reestablish Company A’s business relationship with the Navy. At the meeting, the charged defendants allegedly agreed that Burke would use his position as a Navy Admiral to steer a sole-source contract to Company A in exchange for future employment at the company. They allegedly further agreed that Burke would use his official position to influence other Navy officers to award another contract to Company A to train a large portion of the Navy with a value Kim allegedly estimated to be “triple digit millions.” 

            In furtherance of the conspiracy, in December 2021, Burke allegedly ordered his staff to award a $355,000 contract to Company A to train personnel under Burke’s command in Italy and Spain. Company A performed the training in January 2022. Thereafter, Burke allegedly promoted Company A in a failed effort to convince a senior Navy Admiral to award another contract to Company A. To conceal the scheme, Burke allegedly made several false and misleading statements to the Navy, including by creating the false appearance that Burke played no role in issuing the contract and falsely implying that Company A’s employment discussions with Burke only began months after the contract was awarded. 

            In October 2022, Burke began working at Company A at a yearly starting salary of $500,000 and a grant of 100,000 stock options. 

            “As alleged in the indictment, Admiral Burke used his public office and his four-star status for his private gain,” said U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves. “The law does not make exceptions for admirals or CEOs.  Those who pay and receive bribes must be held accountable.  The urgency is at its greatest when, as here, senior government officials and senior executives are allegedly involved in the corruption.” 

            “Today’s indictment exemplifies our unwavering commitment to eradicating fraud within the DoD,” said Deputy Director, Grant A. Fleming, Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General’s, Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS). “Together with our federal partners, DCIS will persist in dismantling attempts to defraud the U.S. Government.”

            “NCIS takes every allegation of corruption within the Department of the Navy seriously, regardless of rank or position,” said Special Agent in Charge Greg Gross of the NCIS Economic Crimes Field Office. “NCIS and our partners remain committed to rooting out criminality that degrades public trust in the Department of the Navy.”

            “Burke allegedly steered a lucrative contract to Kim and Messenger's company in exchange for the promise of future employment and then lied to try to conceal the scheme,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge David J. Scott. “As a four-star admiral, Burke not only cheated U.S. taxpayers but also did a disservice to military personnel under his command. As this indictment demonstrates, the FBI and our partners remain committed to investigating and prosecuting corrupt officials regardless of their rank or title.”

            Burke, Kim, and Messenger are each charged with conspiracy to commit bribery and bribery. Burke is also charged with performing acts affecting a personal financial interest and concealing material facts from the United States. If convicted, Burke faces a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison, and Kim and Messenger each face a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

            This case is being investigated by the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

            It is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Trevor Wilmot and Kathryn E. Fifield of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Joshua Rothstein for the District of Columbia are prosecuting the case.

            An indictment is merely an allegation and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

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Google’s A.I. Search Leaves Publishers Scrambling

Since Google overhauled its search engine, publishers have tried to assess the danger to their brittle business models while calling for government intervention.

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Sundar Pichai, wearing jeans and a sweater, stands on a colorful stage with the word “Gemini” displayed behind him.

By Nico Grant and Katie Robertson

Nico Grant reports on Google from San Francisco and Katie Robertson reports on media from New York.

When Frank Pine searched Google for a link to a news article two months ago, he encountered paragraphs generated by artificial intelligence about the topic at the top of his results. To see what he wanted, he had to scroll past them.

That experience annoyed Mr. Pine, the executive editor of Media News Group and Tribune Publishing, which own 68 daily newspapers across the country. Now, those paragraphs scare him.

In May, Google announced that the A.I.-generated summaries, which compile content from news sites and blogs on the topic being searched, would be made available to everyone in the United States. And that change has Mr. Pine and many other publishing executives worried that the paragraphs pose a big danger to their brittle business model, by sharply reducing the amount of traffic to their sites from Google.

“It potentially chokes off the original creators of the content,” Mr. Pine said. The feature, AI Overviews, felt like another step toward generative A.I. replacing “the publications that they have cannibalized,” he added.

Media executives said in interviews that Google had left them in a vexing position. They want their sites listed in Google’s search results, which for some outlets can generate more than half of their traffic. But doing that means Google can use their content in AI Overviews summaries.

Publishers could also try to protect their content from Google by forbidding its web crawler from sharing any content snippets from their sites. But then their links would show up without any description, making people less likely to click.

Another alternative — refusing to be indexed by Google, and not appearing on its search engine at all — could be fatal to their business, they said.

“We can’t do that, at least for now,” said Renn Turiano, the head of product at Gannett, the country’s largest newspaper publisher.

Yet AI Overviews, he said, “is greatly detrimental to everyone apart from Google, but especially to consumers, smaller publishers and businesses large and small that use search results.”

Google said its search engine continued to send billions of visits to websites, providing value to publishers. The company has also said it has not showcased its A.I. summaries when it was clear that users were looking for news on current events.

Liz Reid, Google’s vice president of search, said in an interview before the introduction of AI Overviews that there were hopeful signs for publishers during testing.

“We do continue to see that people often do click on the links in AI Overviews and explore,” she said. “A website that appears in the AI Overview actually gets more traffic” than one with just a traditional blue link.

On Thursday afternoon, Ms. Reid wrote in a blog post that Google would limit AI Overviews to a smaller set of search results after it produced some high-profile errors , but added that the company was still committed to improving the system.

The A.I.-generated summaries are the latest area of tension between tech companies and publishers. The use of articles from news sites has also set off a legal fight over whether companies like OpenAI and Google violated copyright law by taking the content without permission to build their A.I. models.

The New York Times sued OpenAI and its partner, Microsoft, in December, claiming copyright infringement of news content related to the training and servicing of A.I. systems. Seven newspapers owned by Media News Group and Tribune Publishing, including The Chicago Tribune, brought a similar suit against the same tech companies. OpenAI and Microsoft have denied any wrongdoing.

AI Overviews is Google’s latest attempt to catch up to rivals Microsoft and OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, in the A.I. race.

More than a year ago, Microsoft put generative A.I. at the heart of its search engine, Bing. Google, afraid to mess with its cash cow, initially took a more cautious approach. But the company announced an aggressive rollout for the A.I. feature at its annual developer conference in mid-May: By the end of the year, more than a billion people would have access to the technology.

AI Overviews combine statements generated from A.I. models with snippets of content from live links across the web. The summaries often contain excerpts from multiple websites while citing sources, giving comprehensive answers without the user ever having to click to another page.

Since its debut, the tool has not always been able to differentiate between accurate articles and satirical posts. When it recommended that users put glue on pizza or eat rocks for a balanced diet, it caused a furor online.

Publishers said in interviews that it was too early to see a difference in traffic from Google since AI Overviews arrived. But the News/Media Alliance, a trade group of 2,000 newspapers, has sent a letter to the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission urging the agencies to investigate Google’s “misappropriation” of news content and stop the company from rolling out AI Overviews.

Many publishers said the rollout underscored the need to develop direct relationships with readers, including getting more people to sign up for digital subscriptions and visit their sites and apps directly, and be less reliant on search engines.

Nicholas Thompson, the chief executive of The Atlantic, said his magazine was investing more in all the areas where it had a direct relationship to readers, such as email newsletters.

Newspapers such as The Washington Post and The Texas Tribune have turned to a marketing start-up, Subtext, that helps companies connect with subscribers and audiences through text messaging.

Mike Donoghue, Subtext’s chief executive, said media companies were no longer chasing the largest audiences, but were trying to keep their biggest fans engaged. The New York Post, one of his customers, lets readers exchange text messages with sports reporters on staff as an exclusive subscriber benefit.

Then there’s the dispute over copyright. It took an unexpected turn when OpenAI, which scraped news sites to build ChatGPT, started cutting deals with publishers. It said it would pay companies, including The Associated Press, The Atlantic and News Corp., which owns The Wall Street Journal, to access their content. But Google, whose ad technology helps publishers make money, has not yet signed similar deals. The internet giant has long resisted calls to compensate media companies for their content, arguing that such payments would undermine the nature of the open web.

“You can’t opt out of the future, and this is the future,” said Roger Lynch, the chief executive of Condé Nast, whose magazines include The New Yorker and Vogue. “I’m not disputing whether it will happen or whether it should happen, only that it should happen on terms that will protect creators.”

He said search remained “the lifeblood and majority of traffic” for publishers and suggested that the solution to their woes could come from Congress. He has asked lawmakers in Washington to clarify that the use of content for training A.I. is not “fair use” under existing copyright law and requires a licensing fee.

Mr. Thompson of The Atlantic, whose publication announced a deal with OpenAI on Wednesday, still wishes Google would pay publishers as well. While waiting, he said before the rollout of AI Overviews that despite industry concerns, The Atlantic wanted to be part of Google’s summaries “as much as possible.”

“We know traffic will go down as Google makes this transition,” he said, “but I think that being part of the new product will help us minimize how much it goes down.”

David McCabe contributed reporting.

Nico Grant is a technology reporter covering Google from San Francisco. Previously, he spent five years at Bloomberg News, where he focused on Google and cloud computing. More about Nico Grant

Katie Robertson covers the media industry for The Times. Email:  [email protected]   More about Katie Robertson

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

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OpenAI said that it has begun training a new flagship A.I. model  that would succeed the GPT-4 technology that drives its popular online chatbot, ChatGPT.

Elon Musk’s A.I. company, xAI, said that it had raised $6 billion , helping to close the funding gap with OpenAI, Anthropic and other rivals.

The Age of A.I.

After some trying years during which Mark Zuckerberg could do little right, many developers and technologists have embraced the Meta chief  as their champion of “open-source” A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.


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