• Earning the MA — Thesis Option

This section applies only if you want to earn an MA by writing a master’s thesis for your first comps, rather than waiting to pass your second comps before applying for the MA degree. In most cases the master's thesis will be an empirical paper which you may use as one of your comps with the approval of your comprehensive exam committee. (A separate defense for the comps is not required.) A theoretical paper or analytic review of a literature may serve as an master's thesis with the approval of your thesis advisor. If you write a thesis you will still need to do a second comps, unless you leave the program with your MA (“terminal MA degree”).

To acquire an MA using the thesis option, you need (i) a minimum of 30 credits of coursework, including the required courses listed below, (ii) a master’s thesis and (iii) a minimum of 3 thesis credits, not the same as dissertation credits; see below.

Required Courses

Same as Earning an MA — Comps Option.

Composition of Required Credits

Same as Earning an MA — Comps Option , except :

  • At least 18 credits must be earned in courses numbered 600-800, not 12; transfer credits do not count.
  • Three (3) thesis credits. These are different from dissertation credits. You may be able to convert dissertation credits to thesis credits, though you will need to replace them with new dissertation credits towards the 18 credit requirement of the PhD. If you take the thesis credits but do not submit the thesis, you can convert them to dissertation credits.

The Master’s Thesis

In most cases your empirical comps paper can serve as your master's thesis with the approval of your committee. A theoretical paper or analytic literature review may serve as a thesis with the approval of your committee chair (advisor). Your thesis committee will consist of your advisor and two other graduate faculty members, at least one of who is in the Department of Sociology. You can ask the graduate program director (GPD) to request graduate faculty status for a visiting professor or other non-graduate faculty member but the Graduate School has to approve the graduate faculty status.

You can form a committee once you have completed (i) at least 18 of the 30 required course credits, and (ii) the required courses in theory, statistics, and research methods. Formal appointment of the committee is made by the dean of the Graduate School. You should submit an approved thesis outline, signed by all committee members and GPD or chair, to the Graduate School at least four months prior to the scheduling of the thesis defense.

Upon preliminary approval of the completed thesis by your committee, the GPD will schedule a thesis defense which will also serve as the comprehensive exam defense. This exam is public. The committee may approve the thesis and/or recommend revisions. After passing this exam you should submit the thesis to the Graduate School in proper format via ScholarWorks , as well as a paper copy to the Sociology Graduate Office.

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  • How to Apply
  • Comprehensive Exams ("Comps")
  • Prospectus and Dissertation
  • Master's Degree Information
  • Earning the MA — Comps Option
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University of Massachusetts Amherst Thompson Hall, 200 Hicks Way Amherst, MA 01003-9277 tel: (413) 545 0577 | fax: (413) 545 3204 Contact Sociology

Alice Munro, Canadian author who mastered the short story, dead at 92

Munro, who won the nobel prize in 2013, acclaimed for blending ordinary lives with extraordinary themes.

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Social Sharing

Alice Munro, a Canadian author who was revered worldwide as master of the short story and one of few women to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, has died at the age of 92.

Her publisher said she died at her home in Port Hope, Ont., on Monday evening.

"Alice Munro is a national treasure — a writer of enormous depth, empathy, and humanity whose work is read, admired, and cherished by readers throughout Canada and around the world," read a statement from Kristin Cochrane, CEO of McClelland & Stewart, which is owned by Penguin Random House Canada.

"Alice's writing inspired countless writers too, and her work leaves an indelible mark on our literary landscape."

Munro wrote more than a dozen acclaimed collections over the course of her career, seamlessly blending ordinary people with extraordinary themes — womanhood, restlessness, aging — to develop complex characters with the nuance, depth and clarity most writers can only find in the wider confines of a novel.

In honouring her with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013, the Swedish Academy hailed Munro as "master of the contemporary short story," affirming what her peers, critics and readers had proclaimed for years.

  • Canadian authors remember the late Alice Munro — and the literary legacy she leaves behind
  • Alice Munro's legacy with the New Yorker

"Alice Munro was one of the world's greatest storytellers. Her short stories about life, friendship, and human connection left an indelible mark on readers. A proud Canadian, she leaves behind a remarkable legacy," read a statement from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday.

"On behalf of the Government of Canada, I offer my condolences to Mrs. Munro's family, friends, and many fans. Her creativity, compassion, and gift for writing will remain an inspiration for generations."

Early years in small-town Ontario

Munro was born Alice Laidlaw in Wingham, Ont., on July 10, 1931. The eldest child of Robert and Anne Laidlaw, she was raised on what she described as a " collapsing enterprise of a fox and mink farm " in the throes of the Great Depression.

An avid reader by 11, Munro was drawn to the work of literary legends Lucy Maud Montgomery and Charles Dickens. She began "making up stories in her mind" after discovering the works of Alfred Tennyson, according to her official Nobel biography.

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Alice Munro on the craft of writing

As the eldest child, Munro took on most of the domestic roles in the household after her mother, who had been a schoolteacher, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Though only 12 or 13, Munro said the work gave her "a sense of responsibility, purpose, being important. It didn't bother me at all."

Despite the family challenges, she began writing short stories when she was a teenager. She graduated valedictorian of her high school class in 1949 with a two-year scholarship to the University of Western Ontario in London.

Her first published story, The Dimensions of a Shadow , appeared in Western's undergraduate creative writing magazine, Folio, in the spring of 1950 . Two more pieces followed, with all three receiving praise for their exploration of the lives of girls and women.

It was there that she met and began dating honours history student James Munro. She also noticed Gerald Fremlin, an older student and another contributor to Folio.  Laidlaw and Munro married at her parents' home in Wingham on Dec. 29, 1951. The following year, James gave his wife a typewriter as a 21st birthday present.

The Munros had three daughters — Sheila, Catherine and Jenny — in the early years of their marriage. (Catherine died the same day she was born.) Munro left university when the scholarship money ran out and the family eventually settled in West Vancouver's Dundarave neighbourhood.

  • 92 things to know about master short story writer Alice Munro
  • Alice Munro’s friend and editor on what made her ‘a world-class figure’

The monotony of the girls' early years was reflected in 1978's The Moons of Jupiter , which described "wives yawning, napping, visiting, drinking coffee, and folding diapers; husbands coming home at night from the city across the water."

"We had become a cartoon couple, more middle-aged in our twenties than we would be in middle age," she wrote.

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5 coolest things Alice Munro told CBC about her writing

Devotion to the short story.

Munro later said she devoted her career to the short story medium — regarded by many as notoriously difficult and by others as inferior to the novel — because the demands of marriage and motherhood didn't allow her the time to complete longer works.

In 1963, the Munros moved to Victoria and opened Munro's Books on Yates Street. Munro credits the bookstore, which made a "marvellous" $175 on its first day and is still flourishing, as helping her overcome the writer's block she experienced from her mid-20s to her mid-30s: "The writing ceased to be this all-important thing that I had to prove myself with. The pressure came off."

"Just as she would shape Munro's, Munro's would shape Alice," the shop wrote in a tribute to its founder. "Jim enjoyed recounting his wife's urge to write something better than the 'crappy books' that sold alongside the store's more palatable titles."

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Alice Munro remembered at the beloved Victoria book store she co-founded

Munro's first collection of stories, Dance of the Happy Shades , was published in 1968 — two years after she gave birth to her fourth daughter, Andrea. The anthology drew attention from other Canadian literary giants such as Margaret Atwood and earned her comparisons to the famed Russian short story writer Anton Chekhov.

After her marriage ended in 1972, Munro moved back to Ontario. She reconnected with Fremlin — whom she'd shared pages with in Folio back at Western — after he deduced from an interview of hers on CBC Radio in 1974 that she was back in Ontario. The pair married and moved to Clinton, Ont., not far from her hometown in Wingham.

Fremlin, a retired geographer and cartographer, was the one to use the office in the couple's home. Munro opted to write at a tiny desk facing a window overlooking the driveway from the corner of their dining room, according to a 2013 profile . 

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Alice Munro amazed by Nobel win

International recognition came after the New Yorker bought its first Munro story, Royal Beatings , in 1977. Munro nurtured a decades-long publishing relationship with the magazine, cementing the Canadian author's status with an elite group of contributors who defined the American publication's celebrated love affair with short fiction .

An unapologetic revisionist, Munro was known to keep reworking stories even after her publisher had sent them back without asking for any changes.

  • Alice Munro on writing about life, love, sex and secrets
  • Alice Munro on the craft of writing short stories

In one instance , she personally paid financial penalties in order to add an entirely new story and change the voice from first to third person after the printing deadline for Who Do You Think You Are? — a collection of short stories that went on to win Munro the Governor General's Award in 1978.

Munro won a litany of literary honours over the next decades of her career, including two more Governor General's Awards, two Giller Prizes and the Man Booker International Prize. She also received an honorary degree from her alma mater, Western University — the "only such honour" she ever accepted, the school has said .

In mid-2013, shortly after the death of her second husband, Munro told the National Post that she was content with her career and "probably not going to write anymore."

She won the Nobel Prize in Literature that October, becoming the 13th woman to receive the honour.

In an interview with CBC after her Nobel win, Munro said: "I think my stories have gotten around quite remarkably for short stories, and I would really hope that this would make people see the short story as an important art, not just something that you played around with until you'd got a novel written."

Munro's last collection of work, Dear Life , was published in 2012. She introduced the final four stories in its pages, called Finale , as "autobiographical in feeling", if only partly.

"I believe they are the first and last — and the closest — things I have to say about my own life."


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Senior Writer

Rhianna Schmunk is a senior writer for CBC News based in Vancouver. Over a decade in journalism, she has reported on subjects including criminal justice, civil litigation and climate change. You can send story tips to [email protected].

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With files from CBC Books

Related Stories

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  • audio Alice Munro’s friend and editor on what made her ‘a world-class figure’
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Chapter 2: Literature Review Begin writing here Checklist:? Begin with the first sentence of the purpose statement and problem statement that leads to a brief explanation of the o

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Begin writing here…


Begin with the first sentence of the purpose statement and problem statement that leads to a brief explanation of the organization of the literature review. Do not simply cut and paste the Purpose Statement section from Chapter 1. 

 Provide an overview of the sub-headings in the literature that will be discussed. 

At the end of this section, indicate the databases accessed and the search engines used. Discuss all the search parameters, including the search terms and their combinations (with more detailed search terms located in an appendix, if appropriate), range of years, and types of literature.

Devote approximately 30 to 60 pages to this chapter to include citations to at least 50 relevant sources .

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework 

Describe the guiding theoretical/conceptual framework of the study, including the definitions of all the concepts, an explanation of the relationships among the concepts, and a presentation of all the assumptions and propositions. 

Explain the origin and development of the framework. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of and familiarity with both the historical and the current literature on the framework. 

Identify existing research studies that used this framework in a similar way. Mention alternative frameworks, with a justification of why the selected framework was chosen. 

Describe how and why the selected framework relates to the present study and how it guided the development of the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions. 


Level 3 Heading


Level 4 Heading. Text… 

Critically analyze (i.e., note the strengths and weaknesses) and synthesize (i.e., integrate) the existing research. Rather than reporting on each study independently, describe everything known on the topic by reviewing the entire body of work. 

Present a balanced integrative critical review of the literature, ensuring all points of view are included. Cover all the important issues with a discussion of areas of convergence (i.e., agreement) and divergence (i.e., disagreement). Provide potential explanations for areas of divergence. 

Address issues of authority, audience, and/or bias/point of view in the sources used. 

Briefly restate the key points discussed in the chapter. Review the headings and/or table of contents to ensure all key points are covered. 

Highlight areas of convergence and divergence as well as gaps in the literature that support the need for the study. This discussion should logically lead to Chapter 3, where the research methodology and design will be discussed.


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