In the following, we describe what to expect when writing your thesis in our group.

For general information, please also check out the general thesis guidelines by the study center for computer science.

  • Find a thesis topic and an advisor
  • Write a proposal
  • Present your proposal to the group
  • Officially register your thesis with the central examination office
  • Continue your research
  • Write your thesis (be aware of the official deadline)
  • Present your thesis to the group

Finding a topic (and an advisor)

There are multiple ways to find a topic and an advisor:

  • Check the list of open topics whether there is any topic that sounds interesting to you
  • If there is no suitable topic on the list, contact [email protected] and ask for any open topics.
  • If you already know someone in the group (e.g., because you are a student assistant), ask them whether they have any topic that is not advertised.

In all cases, please provide a short CV and an academic transcript and mention any relevant courses you have taken, in particular courses offered by us. This helps us to understand what kinds of topics may be suitable for you. If you have a particular topic in mind, please also briefly describe your idea. You can also check out our publications to get an understanding of the topics that we are working on.


  • We usually expect that you are familiar with the basics of our research, i.e., you should have taken at least one of our or related courses.
  • We expect that you dedicate enough time to your thesis. Writing a thesis is usually a full-time job for 4 months (Bachelor’s) or 6 months (Master’s) and preparing the proposal requires some additional time. Please plan accordingly. If you have other obligations, mention them when you contact us.

The proposal should focus on the following aspects:

  • What is the problem you want to investigate?
  • What is the state of the art, i.e., what other methods exist that solve similar problems?
  • What is the core idea of your approach?

While working on the proposal, you should get familiar with the research problem at hand and develop ideas on how to solve it. Usually, this happens in a dialog with your advisor, i.e., you should meet them frequently to discuss your ideas. Depending on the topic, the focus of your thesis may slightly shift or you may even decide to pursue the problem from an entirely different angle. Once you have finished the proposal, it should be clear what exactly you are going to work on.

The proposal should be no longer than 10 pages for Bachelor’s theses and 15 pages for Master’s theses. We provide a LaTeX template .

Once you and your advisor are happy with your proposal, send it to Hector.

Proposal Talk

The goals of the proposal talk are:

  • informing the rest of the group of ongoing research, and
  • getting additional input on your research problem and approach.

Therefore, focus on the problem at hand and the core ideas of your approach, but also discuss relevant related work if that helps understanding your approach.

The proposal talk should be (excluding time for questions)

  • 15 minutes for Bachelor’s theses,
  • 20 minutes for Master’s theses.

Please bring the prepared thesis registration form to your proposal talk so we can directly register your thesis afterwards.

Do your research

After you registered the thesis, continue working on your topic, while keeping your advisor in the loop. How this exactly looks like highly depends on you, your topic, and your advisor.

Plan enough time before the deadline for writing the thesis.

Final Thesis

When writing up your research results, make sure that you describe

  • your research problem,
  • the state of the art for your problem and related work,
  • the main findings of your research.

Usually, your advisor will give you more detailed help with what to write and they will also give you feedback on your thesis draft. You may reuse material from your thesis proposal for the final thesis.

Formal requirements for the thesis follow your respective examination regulations. We provide a LaTeX template .

Make sure to submit the thesis in time to the central examination office (see general thesis guidelines ).

Final Presentation

After you have submitted your thesis, schedule a final presentation with the help of your advisor. Note that this does not need to be before the official thesis deadline. The final presentation should be:

  • 25 minutes for Bachelor’s thesis (+ 10 minutes for questions),
  • 35 minutes for Master’s thesis (+ 10 minutes for questions).

In the final presentation, you should again

  • describe the research problem you have investigated,
  • the main conceptual ideas of your approach,
  • positive and negative results.

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Sub-navigation, master thesis.

Students can commence with their Master thesis when the admission requirements of the respective Examination Regulations have been fulfilled. The form required for registering the Master thesis is available from the Central Examination Office (ZPA), which will also check fulfillment of the admission requirements. Only in exceptional cases will the ZPA grant admission before fulfillment of the admission requirements, e.g. when only one mandatory module still has to be completed. In such cases, a written application must be made to the Examination Board. The application must have been approved beforehand by the academic member of staff who provided the topic for the Master thesis

The required form for registering the Master thesis needs to be signed by the student, the professor, the chairperson of the Examination Board, and the Central Examination Office (ZPA). Due to this procedure, approximately 2 weeks will elapse before the registration process is complete.

The completed Master thesis must be submitted threefold:

  • two (paper-based) copies including a digital version for both of the assessors
  • one digital version (preferably a CD) for the archives

The three versions are submitted to the Central Examination Office, which will check that the submission deadline has been complied with

Please use the following Form for the digital CD version

last updated: 27/04/2022

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Services for Scientific Publishing

Publishing your dissertation is a requirement at RWTH Aachen University. The number of copies you need to submit will depend upon the doctoral degree regulations and the form of publication. You can publish your dissertation online or in printed form, both of which can also be published by a publishing house. Once your dissertation has been submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt, which you will need to hand in at the Office for Doctoral Studies.

rwth master thesis guidelines

If you wish a personal consultation, please book an appointment via our Appointment Tool (de).

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Chair of Geotechnical Engineering and Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology

Faculties and institutions.

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Student bachelor and master thesis projects, sub-navigation.

  • List of completed research papers and theses
  • Degree Programs

Guide to the preparation of scientific papers

Guidelines for writing scientific papers at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of RWTH Aachen University

Topics for Bachelor Theses at the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering

If you are interested, please contact the respective employee.

Hydrophobic barriers in geotechnical engineering – dream or reality?

theoretical / analytical


Frozen soils laboratory tests

experimental / analytical


When soils behave like fluids.

experimental / analytical


Comparison of analytical models for near-surface geothermal systems with a focus on groundwater



Machine Learning for designing geothermal systems

Experimental investigation of the triaxial mechanical behavior in frozen-thawed soils



Quadrupedal Locomotion on Deformable Terrain: Classification and Parameter Estimation (English)

theoretical / numerical


Topics for Master Theses at the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering

If you are interested, please contact the respective employee directly.

/ RWE power AG

Influence of the rate of changes in the water level on the stability of slopes on multi layered cut slopes

theoretical / analytical



Seismic performance of tunnels: Shaking Tunnel Vision

theoretical / analytical


Deep excavations in overconsolidated clays. Suction: the elephant in the room

theoretical / analytical


Design of Einstein Telescope tunnel infrastructure: extreme rock mechanics

theoretical / analytical


/ /

Physics-informed neural networks applied to groundwater flow problems (English)

theoretical / analytical


Application of the Resistive Force Theory to geotechnical engineering: Black magic in action

theoretical / analytical



Effects of salts concentration on permafrost / frozen soils (English)

theoretical / analytical



Interaction between debris flows and obstacles for risk management

theoretical / numerical


Multi-body dynamics and discrete element modelling of horizontal penetration in granular materials (English)

theoretical / numerical



Discrete element modelling of interaction between debris flows and obstacles

theoretical / numerical

October 2021

A new revolutionary granular foundation system

exp./ theor./ numer..



Granular column collapse modelling using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics

theoretical / numerical


Quadrupedal Locomotion on Deformable Terrain: Classification and Parameter Estimation (English)

theoretical / numerical


Machine-Learning for the design of geothermal systems

analytical /ML


Implementation of a finite-line source model for geothermal heat collectors



Resistive Force Theory: A Case Study on the application of Semi-Empirical Models for Soil Resistance to geotechnical engineering and tunnelling (Python)

theoretical / analytical



Heating sand – thermal response



Physics informed neural networks to capture the freezing/thawing front of soil. (Stefan problem) (English, Python)

Theoretical / numerical / ML


/ External

Investigations on the construction of deep pits over existing tunnels

Theoretical / numerical


/ External

Investigations into inner-city cavern construction using micro-tunnelling pipe archs

Theoretical / numerical


last updated: 28/06/2024

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Division of Earth Sciences and Geography

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The fourth term consists of a Master project. Different Master thesis topics will be announced at the beginning of the Aachen winter term and will also be presented during the presentation day. Topics are offered by TU Delft, ETH Zurich, and RWTH Aachen University, as well as external projects by companies and research facilities with a collaboration with one of the corresponding universities. The student has to choose one topic offered by each university or the company a corresponding university is collaborating with and set their preferences on a scale of one to three.

General Proceedings

RWTH Aachen University utilises an online tool for Master’s thesis proposals. The student gets access to the tool and the offered Master’s thesis projects at the end of September/beginning of October. To give the student the opportunity to get more insights in the projects and get into contact to the supervisors, the projects are presented at the master’s thesis presentation day at end of October/beginning of November. Afterwards, the students have to set their three most favoured master’s thesis projects in the online tool. The choice is changeable until the deadline. One of the three projects must be supervised by TU Delft, one by ETH Zurich and one by RWTH Aachen University. After the students set their choice, the Joint Examination Board assigns the master’s thesis projects to the students based on their choice.

External Projects

If you are interested in a thesis offered by an external company or research facility, you have to apply for interviews which will usually take place at the Master’s thesis presentation day. Therefore, you have to send your applications via email to the corresponding supervisor with [email protected] in cc before the deadline. Unless stated otherwise, your application should contain:

  • abrief motivation letter;
  • a list of your current grades (optional)

For Master’s thesis projects offered by the three partner universities, no application is required.

Self-Arranged Thesis Project

You have also the opportunity to arrange your Master’s thesis project yourself (e.g. arranged during a previous internship). As such, you have to

  • find a principal supervisor at one of the three partner universities (additionally to your local supervisor in the company/research facility) and
  • propose your Master’s thesis project to the Joint Examination Board (send the master’s thesis proposal to [email protected] ). The Joint Examination Board will decide if the proposal is accepted.

Note that the proposal has to have a clear link to geophysics.

Please be aware that this procedure takes some time, so please send your proposal in due time before the Master’s thesis presentation day.

Writing the Thesis

You may only begin your Master's thesis project once you have obtained at least 80 ECTS and the research project has been approved by the Joint Examination Board.

Furthermore you need to fulfil the criterion of "Scientific Integrity" . Note that this last criterion is only required for master students writing their master thesis at RWTH Aachen.

Should there be cogent grounds for a student not obtaining the required 80 ECTS, the Joint Examination Board may allow the Master's thesis project to begin earlier.

The Master's Project has to be finished within 20 weeks. A deadline extension can be granted if there are compelling arguments. All extensions for submitting master theses need to be approved by the IDEA League academic committee (i.e. the Joint Examination Board). If the submission of the thesis needs to be delayed by more than a few days, the main supervisor must also write a request to the Joint Examination Board which will then evaluate the case. The form of making the thesis available is governed by local regulations. However, the exact form of thesis submission at due date can vary according to the preference of the principal supervisor and academic co-examiner from one of the partner universities. The co-examiner for each Master's Project will be assigned during the Master's thesis period.

Each Master's thesis is assessed by an ad hoc thesis committee which normally consists of two scientists, one of whom is the principal supervisor and one from a partner university. The ad hoc thesis committee might be extended to additional members (e.g. the external supervisors from external Master's thesis projects) without voting right. The ad hoc thesis committee makes recommendations concerning the grades (A to F) to be given to the thesis and the defence (totalling 30 ECTS). The final decision concerning the grades is the responsibility of two committee members with voting right.

last updated: 04/01/2021

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Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components

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Refine list, type of paper, your paper in the area of electric mobility.


Our institute offers students the opportunity to write their final paper in the dynamic area of electric vehicle production. Students in the fields of mechanical engineering or electrical engineering as well as the corresponding industrial engineering studies may write their theses at our chair.

Besides applications for our offered postings (see below) , unsolicited applications are very welcome. As a source of information and to get ideas for your paper, take a look at the introduction of our research groups. Please always attach an excerpt of your academic performance from Campus Office or equivalent certificates as well as a short CV to your application and send it to the respective group leader.


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Logo of Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University

Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University

Faculties and institutions.

You Are Here: Research Papers and Theses

Faculties and Institutes

  • Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Faculty 1
  • Architecture Faculty 2
  • Civil Engineering Faculty 3
  • Mechanical Engineering Faculty 4
  • Georesources and Materials Engineering Faculty 5
  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Faculty 6
  • Arts and Humanities Faculty 7
  • Business and Economics Faculty 8
  • Medicine Faculty 10

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Research Papers and Theses

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Research Environment

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  • Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production
  • Research Projects at WZL
  • Production Engineering Cluster
  • Funding bodies

Intelligence in Quality Sensing

  • Information Management
  • Sensing & Robotics
  • Sustainable Quality

Production Engineering

  • Factory Planning
  • Innovation Management
  • Production Management
  • Corporate Development

Machine Tools

  • Automation and Control
  • Machine Data Analytics and NC-Technology
  • Machine Technology
  • Gear Technology
  • Cooperation with Industry
  • Consulting Services

Practical Projects

  • Working Groups
  • Consortium Benchmarks
  • CNC Competence Center
  • EDIH Rheinland
  • Career Pool WZL Aachen PS GmbH

Further Education and Events

  • WZL - Modern Production Technology based on Practical Research
  • History of the WZL
  • WZL Machinery
  • WZL Machine Hall

Press and Media

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  • Press Contact
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  • Vocational education at WZL
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Information on external student theses or research papers

In case you are interested in writing your student paper or thesis in cooperation with an external company or university please contact the course guidance or Professor. The approval of the course guidance advisor and the consent of a member of academic staff to suvervise your external work are mandatory before you may settle an arrangement with any company or institution.

An external student thesis or research paper has to include a final presentation and a final follow-up meeting with your external supervisor at the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) in Aachen.

In case of an external student thesis or research paper the faculty has determined that no external company or institution may request the student or university to sign a non-disclosure agreement. If this is the case, the student has to discuss this matter and any possibilities for exceptions with his supervisor at ika before accepting the contract. In case of an exception, the non-disclosure agreement issued by RWTH Aachen University is mandatory.

Please also notice the required faculty forms . The appropriate form has to be signed by your external supervisor and yourself in order to be approved by the faculty.

If you have any further questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

  • Cooperations
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Aldenhoven Testing Center (ATC)
  • Future Mobility Center
  • innocam.NRW

Institute for Automotive Engineering RWTH Aachen University Steinbachstraße 7 52074 Aachen · Germany

[email protected] +49 241 80 25600

  • Course guidance
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Semester Barbecue
  • Semester mulled wine drink
  • Mechanical Engineering B.Sc.
  • Mechanical Engineering M.Sc.
  • Business Administration and Engineering: Mechanical Engineering B.Sc.
  • Business Administration and Engineering: Mechanical Engineering M.Sc.
  • Automotive Engineering and Transport M.Sc.
  • Automotive Engineering M.Sc.
  • Current topics
  • Speculative application
  • Automotive design
  • Vehicle Concepts & HMI
  • Vehicle Structures
  • Vehicle Dynamics & Acoustics
  • Energy Management & Drivetrains
  • Vehicle Intelligence & Automated Driving
  • Traffic Psychology & Acceptance
  • Automated Driving
  • Driver behaviour
  • Energy- and drivetrain management
  • Light weight design and body structures
  • Vehicle concepts and design
  • Vehicle dynamics
  • Test benches
  • Simulator Center
  • Research vehicles
  • Infrastructure
  • Dissertations
  • Presentations and articles
  • ika Academy
  • Verkehrspsychologie & Akzeptanz
  • Administration
  • Scientific staff
  • Technics & Administration
  • Student assistants
  • Vocational training
  • Internships
  • Pupil University
  • Pimp my Pocket Bike
  • upcoming events
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  • Mobility Meetup

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculties and institutions.

  • You Are Here: Application Forms

Faculties and Institutes

  • Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Faculty 1
  • Architecture Faculty 2
  • Civil Engineering Faculty 3
  • Mechanical Engineering Faculty 4
  • Georesources and Materials Engineering Faculty 5
  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Faculty 6
  • Arts and Humanities Faculty 7
  • Business and Economics Faculty 8
  • Medicine Faculty 10

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  • Taking Up Studies at RWTH Aachen
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  • Bachelor Degree Programs
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  • Internship Office
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  • Study Abroad Counseling
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Institutes and Chairs of the Faculty
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  • Excellence Cluster
  • Fraunhofer Institutes
  • Graduate Research Training Groups

Research Associations and Groups

  • DFG - Research Units
  • DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials
  • I³ - Interdisciplinary Integrated Institutes
  • Interdisciplinary Research Partnerships
  • Sponsoring and Fundraising
  • Starting out on Career
  • Sustainability
  • Gender Equality
  • Dean's Office
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  • Assistants to the Dean and Employees
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  • Professorships
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  • apl Professors

Boards and Committees

  • Study Advisory Council
  • Student Learning Assessment Committee
  • Budget Committee
  • Faculty Council
  • Structural Committee

For Chairs and Institutes

  • apl/Honorary Professorship
  • Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification
  • Honorary Doctorate
  • Committee meeting dates

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Application forms, sub-navigation.

  • Examination Regulations, Decisions
  • Curriculum Plans
  • Information Lectures

We recommend using the latest Adobe Reader to view and edit our forms. It is NOT possible to edit the forms in a web browser due to the interactive form sections!


Antrag an den Prüfungsausschuss (DE)

Antrag auf eine interne Studienplanänderung (DE)

Antrag auf eine externe Studienplanänderung (DE)

Handreichung zum Antrag auf Studienplanänderung (DE)

Formblatt zum Einreichen des Transcripts (DE)

Antrag auf Anerkennung von Studienleistungen (DE)

Antrag auf Einstufung (DE)

Documentation Sheet: Bachelor/Master Thesis

If you send the record sheet for your Bachelor thesis by post, it will be sent back to you by post to the address specified on the record sheet. If you wish the form to be forwarded directly to Examination Office (ZPA) for registration, please let us know in the form of an accompanying letter.

For questions regarding medical certificates please follow the official regulations in the handout about medical certificates: Guidelines on the topic of: Inability to Take an Examination due to Illness

Leitfaden zur Anmeldung von Zusatzfächern und Prüfungen im Rahmen einer Zweithörerschaft (DE)

Inclusion of Additional Exams on Transcript of Records (RWTH-internal Modules)

Antrag auf Wechsel der Prüfungsordnung (DE)

Antrag auf Übertragung von Mastervorzugsmodulen in neue Prüfungsordnung (DE)

Antrag auf Anerkennung einer wiss. (Abschluss-) Arbeit (DE)

Orientierungsliste zur Anerkennung von extern erbrachten Prüfungsleistungen (DE)


General Mechanical Engineering

Genehmigung des individuellen Studienplans mit PAnter (Allgem. Maschinenbau) (DE)

Anerkennung von Exkursions - CPs (Allgem. Maschinenbau) (DE)

Automation Engineering

Studienplanformular "Automatisierungstechnik 2013" (DE)

Studienplanformular "Automatisierungstechnik 2023" (DE)

Automation Engineering and Transport

Study plan for the Master's degree program "Automotive Engineering and Transport VT Automotive Engineering with a stay abroad"

Computational Engineering Science

Form Study Plan "Computational Engineering Science" (DE)

Simulation Sciences

Form Study Plan „Simulation Sciences"Form Study Plan „Simulation Sciences" (DE)

Human-Technology Interaction and Communication

Studienplanformular „Mensch-Technik-Interaktion und -Kommunikation / 2. Fach „Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus (DE)

Business Administration and Engineering

Liste mit möglichen Vorzugsmodulen "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen FR Maschinenbau" (DE)

Studienplanformular "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen FR Maschinenbau – Vertiefungsrichtung Kunststoff- und Textiltechnik – Vertiefung Textiltechnik" (DE)

Automotive Engineering / PSE (only for Tsinghua students), CAME

Documentation Sheet Mini Thesis

Masterstudiengang Textile Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University

Documentation Research Project

Masterstudiengang Robotic Systems Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University

last updated: 05/06/2024

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Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Faculties and institutions.

  • You Are Here: Projects, Bachelor & Master Theses

Faculties and Institutes

  • Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Faculty 1
  • Architecture Faculty 2
  • Civil Engineering Faculty 3
  • Mechanical Engineering Faculty 4
  • Georesources and Materials Engineering Faculty 5
  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Faculty 6
  • Arts and Humanities Faculty 7
  • Business and Economics Faculty 8
  • Medicine Faculty 10

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  • Master of Science Degree Programs
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  • Office for Industrial Internships
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  • Outgoing Students: Double Degree Programs
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  • Admission Requirements
  • Downloads & Information
  • International cooperation for doctoral studies
  • News & Events
  • *** Meldungen ***

Chairs and Institutes

  • Energy and Environment
  • Information, Communications and Electronics
  • Information Systems Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Micro- and Nano Electronics

Interdisciplinary Institutions

  • Institutions, Organisations, Projects
  • GWSH - Joint Workshop Walter-Schottky-Haus
  • Information on doctoral studies

Awards & Prizes

  • *** Aktuelle Auszeichnungen ***
  • Recruiting Event: Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Consulting and Services
  • Contact the Faculty
  • Reputation and Rankings
  • Facts and Figures
  • Gender and Diversity
  • Dean's Office
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  • Contact Persons in the Dean's Office
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  • Faculty Contact Information
  • Maps and Directions
  • Research Collaboration Opportunities
  • Jobs Database
  • Advanced Training Programs
  • Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2024
  • Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2023
  • Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2022
  • RWTH Aachen MATLAB Day 2024
  • Professor Moser takes office as the new Dean

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Projects, bachelor & master theses, sub-navigation.

  • Degree Programs
  • Course and Examination Registration and Transcrip of Records
  • Industrial Internship - ERASMUS+ Placement

Regular students or exchange students who are interested in a project work or who want to do a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, should directly contact our chairs and institutes .

Exchange students who intend to write their Master's thesis at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology need to have found a supervisor before sending their application to the International Office of RWTH Aachen University

Setting the requirements for your Master thesis and formalities like grading is all done between you and the respective institute or chair. Nevertheless, you are required to register your thesis at our faculty‘s database:

Once you have finished your thesis, you will have to fill in the form „Ergebnisdarstellung für Projektarbeiten“ („Results of Project Work“), which you find in the download section of our website, and have it signed by the supervising institute or chair. Please submit the signed form to the faculty‘s Student Exchange/ ERASMUS Office for issuing your official transcript of records.

last updated: 15/09/2021

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  1. Thesis

    rwth master thesis guidelines

  2. Guidelines for the Master thesis

    rwth master thesis guidelines

  3. Master Thesis Guidelines Cbs

    rwth master thesis guidelines

  4. Guidelines for Master Thesis

    rwth master thesis guidelines

  5. GitHub

    rwth master thesis guidelines

  6. Master Thesis Guidelines

    rwth master thesis guidelines


  1. Master Thesis CSDG NTNU 2024, case study 1, Automation in building design

  2. Master Thesis CSDG NTNU 2024, case study 2, Automation in building design

  3. Thesis submission guidelines: How to prepare a fool proof plan before submission

  4. DPSRU Student Guidelines for uploading Thesis/Dissertation

  5. MBS Thesis

  6. Insights into student life at RWTH Aachen University: Q&A with Silu Che


  1. Registering and Submitting Your Thesis

    If you would like to use an RWTH logo for your cover page, the corporate design regulations still apply, and you must upload an application for logo use. For more information and the application, please visit the Logo Usage webpage. ... the "Scientific Integrity" module is a prerequisite for admission to the Master's thesis for all ...

  2. Guideline of Academic Student Thesis

    Guideline of Academic Student Thesis. On the initiative of the student council, a guideline has been developed which contains information and guidelines for the preparation of student scientific papers at the Faculty of Civil Engineering; it is intended to serve as a uniform template for the students of the Faculty. At the same time, the chairs ...

  3. Final Theses

    At the end of your studies you will generally have to write your final thesis. You can find important information about this topic on the following pages: Registering and Submitting Your Thesis. Using Logo s. Extensions and Changing Your Title. Postings for Term Papers and Final Theses. last updated: 30/09/2022. top.

  4. Guidelines for the preparation of final theses at the Chair of Applied

    1. Formal structure of the thesis 1. Cover sheet a. Indication of the type of thesis: Master's thesis or Bachelor's thesis b. Title of the thesis c. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Almut Balleer d. If appl.: Supervision Assistant: Name of the supervising assistant e. Submitted to RWTH Aachen University by name, address, matriculation number f. Due date 2.

  5. Thesis Guidelines

    Theses at KBSG. The Knowledge-Based Systems Group constantly has offers for diploma, bachelor, and master theses on topics in all our research areas and projects. When specifying the particular thesis' topic the advising research assistant and Prof. Lakemeyer of course try to account for the student's personal interests and background.

  6. Guidelines for Academic Writing

    pages the thesis should comprise. This number of pages is to be understood using the usual formatting (e.g. Arial font, font size 12, single line spacing), whereby illustrations and tables may be included in the text to a limited extent. As an indication of the time required, the number of CPs (credit points) allocated for the

  7. Chair of Machine Learning and Reasoning (i6)

    Guidelines. In the following, we describe what to expect when writing your thesis in our group. ... If there is no suitable topic on the list, contact [email protected] and ask for any open topics. If you already know someone in the group (e.g., because you are a student assistant), ask them whether they have any topic that is not ...

  8. Research Papers and Theses

    The Master's thesis can be completed externally. The supervising professor can be a member of Faculty 1,4,5,6 and/or 10. Automation Engineering. Master thesis (Automation Engineering M. Sc.) Processing time 18 to 22 weeks. The assignment of the Master's thesis can only be issued when 60 CP have been achieved.

  9. Master Thesis

    The completed Master thesis must be submitted threefold: two (paper-based) copies including a digital version for both of the assessors. one digital version (preferably a CD) for the archives. The three versions are submitted to the Central Examination Office, which will check that the submission deadline has been complied with.

  10. Procedure for Bachelor and Master Thesis Projects

    10 weeks after the start. For master theses only: You give your intermediate talk and receive feedback from us. The intermediate talk should cover the results you have obtained so far and what work remains to be done. 1 month before the deadline. You should focus on writing and finalizing your thesis report. at latest at the day of the deadline.

  11. Dissertations

    Contact. Services for Scientific Publishing. +49 241 80 90197. E-Mail. Send Email. Publishing your dissertation is a requirement at RWTH Aachen University. The number of copies you need to submit will depend upon the doctoral degree regulations and the form of publication. You can publish your dissertation online or in printed form, both of ...

  12. Postings for Term Papers and Theses

    Contact: Herr Alexander Schürmann M. Sc. Term Paper Bachelor Thesis Master Thesis. F1, F1.1, F4. [418710] Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) - Modellgestützte Analyse der Auswirkung der Degradation amin-funktionalisierter Sorbenzien auf die Performance eines DACCS-Prozesses [33970] Contact: Frau Alexandra Snackers. Master Thesis.

  13. Master Theses

    DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-2024-05418. Master Thesis 2024 2024-05-23 13:52: Gamebook-based onboarding: introducing new students to university = Gamebook-basiertes Onboarding: Einführung neuer Studenten an der Universität. Hasan ... Master Thesis 2024 2024-05-21 09:54:

  14. Student Bachelor and Master thesis projects

    Topics for Master Theses at the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering. If you are interested, please contact the respective employee directly. Supervisor. Topic. Type. As of. Fuentes, Raul / RWE power AG. Influence of the rate of changes in the water level on the stability of slopes on multi layered cut slopes.

  15. Master Thesis Projects

    RWTH Aachen University utilises an online tool for Master's thesis proposals. The student gets access to the tool and the offered Master's thesis projects at the end of September/beginning of October. To give the student the opportunity to get more insights in the projects and get into contact to the supervisors, the projects are presented ...

  16. Theses

    Theses. Focus on. Bachelor Theses (652) Course works (83) Diploma Theses (218) Magisterarbeiten (17) Master Theses (634) Ph.D. Theses (43,483)

  17. Theses

    Bachelor Thesis Master Thesis. F6. [420910] Batterierecyclingnetzwerk in Deutschland: Standortanalyse und Identifikation von Sammelkonzepte. Contact: Frau Natalia Soldan. Bachelor Thesis Master Thesis. F4. [420910] Optimization of the thermal management system in fuel cell trucks through AI-enhanced model predictive control.

  18. Research Papers and Theses

    Master Thesis. F4. [417200] Evaluation of Medium Access Control Methods for Ultra-Wideband-Powered Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems [32977] Contact: Herr Heiko Johannsen. Term Paper Bachelor Thesis Diploma Thesis Master Thesis Project Work State Examination Thesis Magister Thesis Research Lab.

  19. Information on external student theses or research papers

    An external student thesis or research paper has to include a final presentation and a final follow-up meeting with your external supervisor at the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) in Aachen. ... RWTH Aachen University Steinbachstraße 7 52074 Aachen · Germany [email protected] +49 241 80 25600.

  20. Bachelor Thesis / Master Thesis

    RWTH Aachen University We are the Teaching and Research Area Mech-atronics in Mobile Propulsion (MMP). Our heart beats for the technology of tomorrow's mobility. Around the interdisciplinary topics of mechan-ics, electrical engineering and information tech-nology, we research sustainable and demand-oriented drive and vehicle concepts. We bring

  21. Application Forms

    Documentation Sheet: Bachelor/Master Thesis. If you send the record sheet for your Bachelor thesis by post, it will be sent back to you by post to the address specified on the record sheet. If you wish the form to be forwarded directly to Examination Office (ZPA) for registration, please let us know in the form of an accompanying letter.

  22. Projects, Bachelor & Master Theses

    Projects, Bachelor & Master Theses. Regular students or exchange students who are interested in a project work or who want to do a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, should directly contact our chairs and institutes. Exchange students who intend to write their Master's thesis at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology need ...

  23. Master Thesis

    Within the thesis, following aspects should be included: Literature review and evaluation of current best practices in industrial water management (including its digital parts) Review and summary of EU legislations related to the topic: (Digital) Water Governance. Indication of possible rooms for integration of further (digital) water ...